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1.Observations Cursive 1.the form of the QD 1.the form of the SD1 1.the form of the SD1 1.the form of the 1.the form of the SD1
is semi cursive, a is semi cursive, a is semi cursive, a SD1 is semi cursive, is semi cursive, a
combination of combination of combination of a combination of combination of printed
printed and cursive printed and cursive printed and cursive printed and cursive and cursive style
style style style style


2.Observations As you can see on the On the first standard On the second On the third standard On the fourth standard
foot of the line there signature the writer standard document document the document the foot in
is a shading that is has started writing in the writer is confident baseline was seems the baseline has a thick
applied. a slow manner when she wrote to be written with shading on the tip of
because of the thick because of a thick tremors because there the line.
shading in the foot of shading of the is part of the baseline
the baseline. baseline. which are wavy and
it was written in a
slow manner because
of there is a thick pen
characteristic on the

3.Observation Angles On the questioned On the first standard On the second On the third standard On the fourth standard
document the there signature the there are standard signature the signature the there signature the there are
are three angles the three angles the there are three angles are three angles the three angles the middle
middle has the middle has the the middle has the middle has the has the shortest length
shortest length and shortest length and shortest length and shortest length and and the third one is not
the third one is not as the third one is not as the third one is not as the third one is not as as pointed as the other
pointed as the other 2 pointed as the other 2 pointed as the other 2 pointed as the other 2 2

4, Observation tremors The writers hand The writers hand The writers hand The writers hand The writers hand seems
seems to tremble a seems to tremble a seems to tremble a seems to tremble a to tremble a little on his
little on his little on his little on his downward little on his downward stroke.
downward stroke downward stroke stroke downward stroke
after his whirl

5.Observation Ending stroke The ending stroke of The ending stroke of The ending stroke of The ending stroke of The ending stroke of
the letter C on the the letter C ON THE the letter C ON THE the letter C ON THE the letter C CON THE
right going to the right going to the right going to the right going to the right

6.Observation Whirl The signature below The 1st standard is the The 2nd whirl showing Has the same upward The 3rd standard shows
shows an upward as same with the QD an upward slightly whirl like the QD and upward slightly
whirl. showing an leaning to the left leaning to the right
straight upward whirl whirl whirl
7.Observation Letter space There are space between There are space There are space There are space There are space
between between between between

the presence of tremor in I also observed that is I also observed that is I also observed that is I also observed that is present in
stem of letter connected present in all the present in all the present in all the all the standards provided.
with capital letter ''C'' standards provided. standards provided. standards provided

8.Observation Eye loop there is a presence of there is a presence of there is a presence of there is a presence of there is a presence of
EYELOOP in letter EYELOOP in letter EYELOOP in letter EYELOOP in letter EYELOOP in letter

9.OBSERVATION/S The ending stroke of the The ending stroke of The ending stroke of The ending stroke of The ending stroke of the letter is
letter is going down with the letter is going the letter is going the letter is going going down with slant
slant down with slant down with slant down with slant


OBSERVATIONS The initial stroke of letter The initial stroke of The initial stroke of The initial stroke of The initial stroke of letter C in
C in the QD signature has letter C in the letter C in the letter C in the the Standard signature has a
a hook Standard signature Standard signature has Standard signature hook
has a hook a hook has a hook
The presence of garland Presence of Garland Presence of Garland Presence of Garland Presence of Garland on the
on the QD on the standard on the standard on the standard standard


Based on the examination we conducted, our findings and comparison result are there are
more similarities than dissimilarities. In our findings and comparison there is more Individual
characteristics that I found in the QUESTIONED DOCUMENT that is high and more
similarities in the STANDARDS.The QD and STANDARDS are written by one and the same

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