Lesson Plan

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Health

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the Grade 1 pupils will be able to do the following with at least 75%
a. identify proper behavior during mealtime.
b. reflect on the importance of the proper behavior during mealtime.
c. participate in class discussions and activities related to the proper behavior during
II. Content and Materials
a. Topic: Proper behavior during mealtime
b. References: Pasiliao, A. (2021). Grade 1-Health Q2 Week 1-(Identifies Proper Behavior
During Mealtime)MELC:H1PH-lla-b-1. Retrieved from https://youtu.be?kOkMt9LBvRk
c. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, television/projector laptop

III. Procedures
Strategies Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Motivation
Good day students! Good day, ma’am.

How are you? We are fine ma’am.

That’s great!

Before we formally start our

lesson, I have here some
pictures. You will identify
which picture shows the
correct and incorrect behavior
during mealtime.

Is it clear class? Yes ma’am.

1. 1. Correct behaviour
2. 2. Incorrect behaviour

3. 3. Correct behaviour

4. Correct behaviour

5. 5. Incorrect behaviour

Very Good class!

B. Presentation Now, I will read a story.

Listen carefully because
afterwards I will ask some
questions related to the story I
have read.

Is it clear class? Yes ma’am.

The Boy Lemar
By: Lilygould E. Gallardo

Lemar is six years old and

currently in first grade. When
he was little, his mother and
father taught him proper
behavior at the dinner table,
such as thanking God before
eating. He only puts food on
the food plate that he can eat
and he chews the food well in
his mouth. His grandfather
and grandmother also tell him
about the inappropriate
behaviors he does while they
are eating such as talking with
his mouth full, not covering
his mouth when burping and
many others. Everything that
was taught to him he
remembered and put into
practice. Because of this he
grew up healthy and with
proper behavior especially at
the dinner table.

Guided Questions:
1. What did lemar's mom and
dad teach him since he
was little?

2. What proper table manners

did he learn from his

3. What are the things he

should avoid doing at the
dinner table?

4. You, what do you do when

its meal time and you're at
the dining table?

Very good class!

Proper behavior during
mealtime is called table
manners. Having good table
manners is a way of showing
respect. It makes every
mealtime a happy time.

So we have 7 ways to behave

properly during mealtime.

1. Pray before meals.

2. Sit properly during
3. Get the amount of food
you can finish.
4. Chew your food quietly.
5. Asks politely if you want
to get something you can’t
6. Cover your mouth when
7. Don’t talk when your
mouth is full.

Are you doing this things (answer varies)


How about you Shane? Yes ma’am.

Very Good!

C. Performing Activity This time, we will have a

group activity. The class will
be halved into 3 groups. Each
group will be given 1 puzzle
picture to arrange. Afterwards
tell the class what proper
behavior the picture shows.

Is it clear class? Yes ma’am.

Okay, kindly count 1, 2, and 3. (the class will count and go to

All group 1 stay at the right their respective area)
side, group 2 at the middle and
group 3 at the left side. Go to
your group area and create a
circle. I will give you 5
minutes to finish the activity.

(the teacher will give the

puzzle picture to each group)

1. 1. Cover your mouth when


2. 2. Pray before meals.

3. 3. Sit properly during


D. Processing Activity Thank you, everyone! That

was a good presentation from
each group.

So, based on your activity,

why is it important to know
the proper behavior during

Yes, Marissa? For me ma’am it is important

because it serves as a way of
showing respect as well as for
the food that has been
prepared for us. They also
help to create a sense of order
and decency, allowing
everyone to enjoy their meal
without distractions or

Very good!

E. Reinforcing the Again class, What is proper

Concept behavior?

Yes, Sharmaine? Proper behavior during

mealtime is called table

What are the 7 ways to behave

properly during mealtime?

Yes, Lyra? The 7 ways to behave properly

during mealtime are:

1. Pray before meals.

2. Sit properly during
3. Get the amount of food
you can finish.
4. Chew your food quietly.
5. Asks politely if you want
to get something you can’t
6. Cover your mouth when
7. Don’t talk when your
mouth is full


Why is it important to have

good table manners?

Yes, Sofia? It is important to have good

table manners as it is a way of
showing respect. It makes
every mealtime a happy time.
Very good!
F. Summarizing the In a nutshell, knowing and
topic executing the proper behavior
during mealtime serve as a
way of showing respect to the
person as well as for the food
that has been prepared for us.
It also help to create a sense of
order and decency, allowing
everyone to enjoy their meal
without distractions or

Do you agree class? Yes ma’am.

Very good!

G. Application This time, for your individual


Direction: Complete the

statement below. Write your
answer on the space provided.

1. I’m going to _______

before meals.
2. ____ politely if you want
to get something you can’t
3. Chew your food ____.
4. ___ properly during
5. Do not ____ when your
mouth is full.

Alright, I will give you 3

minutes to finish the activity.

H. Generalization Based on the discussion we

have, we learn that proper
behavior during mealtime is
important for everyone. It
serves as a way of showing
respect to the person and to
the food. These ways also
promote good etiquette skills
that can be used for future
purposes. Thus, knowing,
understanding and executing
these prepares everyone to be
patient, confident, and capable
adult who can function in a
variety of social situations.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is wrong.
1. Pray before meals.
2. Sit properly during mealtime.
3. Get the amount of food you can finish.
4. It is good to have a leftover food on your plate.
5. Chew your food quietly.
6. Say please when you want to reach something.
7. Always say thank you.
8. Table manners are your behavior during mealtime.
9. Cover your moth when burping.
10. Thank God for the food on the table.

V. Assignment
Direction: Follow the indicated words based on your knowledge. Before I move on to the
next module, I will make sure that:
1. I understand the __________________________________________________________.
2. I will implement the learning’s like __________________________________________.
3. I will practice the tasks to __________________________________________________.
Prepared by:
Professor Group 4 BEED 3B

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