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A problem of an ATM machine using an solving by algorithm, pseudo code and a flow chart



An algorithm need to be step by step in order to break down into smaller pieces of problem
firstly of an algorithm of an ATM Is ;

- Step 1: User inserts card and enters PIN.

- Step 2: ATM validates card and PIN.

- Step 3: ATM displays available balance.

- Step 4: User selects transaction types

- Step 5: User enters transaction details.

- Step 6: ATM validates transaction details.

- Step 7: ATM performs transaction.

- Step 8: ATM dispenses cash or prints receipt.

- Step 9: ATM returns card.

- Step 10: ATM ends session.


Here's a pseudo code representation of the basic functions of an ATM machine:

- Welcome user and prompt for PIN.

- Validate PIN and display balance if valid.

- Get user's transaction request.

- If request is valid, perform transaction and update balance.

- Print receipt and end session.

This pseudo code gives a basic idea of how an ATM machine might work, but it's not a complete
representation of the actual code.

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