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English 104 Technical Writing & Report

Name:__________________________________________ Year/Sec.:___________ Score:_________________

I. Encircle the letter of the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1. A wide application of technical writing is possible if it is viewed in a ___________________ .

A. formal way C. informal way
B. traditional way D. modern way
2. Technical writing has many similarities with other types of writing except in _____________________ .
A. form B. purpose
C. language D. cost
3. In technical writing, improving your communication skills means being excellent ___________________ .
A. both Reading and Writing skills C. writing alone
B. all four communications skills D. reading alone
4. Letting your readers study various graphs and illustrations in your technical report encourages reader’s to think
A. literally C. evaluation
B. critically D. interpretatively
5. To have zest in technical writing means to view things _________________ .
A. patiently C. critically
B. positively D. accurately
6. All types of written works give ___________________ .
A. knowledge C. entertainment
B. technical terms D. problematic situations
7. A technical writer is like a scientist who works systematically which means one should be __________________ .
A. artistically C. emotionally
B. methodically D. religiously
8. Any incomplete group of words punctuated as if it were a sentence is called ___________________.
A. sentence fragment C. comma splice
B. run-on sentence D. sentence
9. It is a group of words that is not properly punctuated or not correctly joined by conjunctions.
A. comma splice C. sentence
B. sentence fragment D. run-on sentence
10. It suggests failure to clear out the difference between independent clause and sentence.
A. comma splice C. sentence
B. sentence fragment D. run-on sentence

II. Box the right word from the parentheses to complete each sentence in the following paragraph.
The technical writers (respectably, respectfully) present (their, there) proposal to the (principal, principle).
They (lay, lie) this right in front of their administrative officer who is wearing a (loose, lose) garment. Reading the
abstract of the paper, the officer finds the paper (creditable, credible). However, the administrative officer suspects
that his thoughts on the proposal report may (differ from, differ with) the other officers of the company.
Nonetheless, (between, among) he and other officers, his decision always prevails without prejudice to the
(council’s, counsel’s) discussions on the proposal that the entire company has (all ready, already) been aware of.

III. In the following, write in the blank space F for sentence fragment, C for complete sentence, CS for
comma splice and RS for run-on sentence.

__________ 21. Although the lecture of Prof. Eustiquio is clear enough and the examples were realistic.
__________ 22. Examination is finally over we can enjoy the weekend now.
__________ 23. Most of the engineering students are male.
__________ 24. Anna is the secretary she prepares letters for the chairperson.
__________ 25. It is both correct to spell humour and humor.
__________ 26. Many have difficulties in giving up smoking, many died of lung cancer.
__________ 27. If you can give me wings to fly.
__________ 28. Education in our school is excellent the tuition fee is affordable.
__________ 29. Once upon a time in the history of our school.
__________ 30. Television killed children’s interest in reading, it brought new ideas unacceptable to our culture.

IV. Rephrase the following sentences by using active, non-sexist, simple and easy words.

31. Colorful drawings of the machine are displayed by the Japanese businessman.
32. A gas leakage test must be conducted by a group of electricians.
33. Three weeks was needed by the electricians to examine the device.
34. The new model of engine was invented by a Filipino mechanic.
35. The credibility of the machine was examined thoroughly by the group of businessman.

V. Answer the following questions concisely.

36. How do you know that a technical written work requires HOTS?

37. Differentiate technical writing from other types of writing.

38-39. Describe the language of technical writing.

40. Why should you avoid using long, high-sounding or complex words in technical writing?

41. Which between the two voices of verbs is better for your report? Explain the reason behind your choice.

42-46. What are the qualities of a good technical writer? Enumerate them.

47-50. Give at least (4) four characteristics or properties of technical writing.


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