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Scratch Worksheet - 1

1.____________ is a free visual programming language to create

interactive stories, games, and animations.
A. Bubbles B. Script C. Scratch
2. What do you call the characters in Scratch?
A. Script B. Sprite Scripts C. Scratch D. Sprite
3. Which animals Scratch logo contains?
A. Koala B. Cat C. Lion D. Dog
4. Which command let the sprites walk?
A. GO! B. Walk C. Move D.Run
5. Programming languages give computers instructions
A.True B. False
6. You can paint a new costume for a sprite in Scratch?
A. True B. False
7. You can click on _________ to start your main program
A. stop B. Green Flag
8. _______________ displays drop down menus that provide common
commands like file, create a new one and save
A. Blocks menu B. Menu bar C. Script
9. _____________ is a place where you make your programs in scratch
by assembling blocks there.
A. scripts area B. stage C. current script
10. __________________ is a place where you can see your stories ,
games and animations.
A. script B. sprite C. stage
11. ________________ is the area lists the ten categories of color-
coded blocks.
A. script area B. Menu bar C. Blocks Menu
12. ______________ is a collection of step- wise instructions given to
the sprite in the form of stack of blocks.
A. sprite B. script C. blocks menu
13. ___________ tool is used to make sprites bigger.
A. Duplicate B. shrink C. Grow

14. ____________ by choosing this buttons, you can create a new sprite
from library, paint a new sprite, upload a new sprite, or get a new sprite
from camera.
A. Sprite B. script C. New sprite button
15. ______________ tool is used to duplicate sprites, sounds, blocks
and scripts.
A. Grow B. shrink C. duplicate

1. Scratch
2. Sprite
3. Cat
4. Move
5. True
6. True
7. Green flag
8. Menu bar
9. Script area
10. Stage
11. Blocks menu
12. Script
13. Grow
14. New sprite button
15. Duplicate

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