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Identify Business Process Model for Online Agriculture Store – (Goal, Inputs,
Resources, Outputs, Activities, Value created to the end Customer)

Goal: Provide customers with convenient access to high-quality agriculture products

while supporting local farmers and distributors.


● Agriculture products from local farmers and distributors

● Website platform
● Payment processing system
● Shipping carrier services
● Customer service support


● Completed customer orders

● Processed payments and payment confirmations
● Shipped products to customers


● Agriculture products from local farmers and distributors

● Website development and hosting services
● Payment processing services
● Shipping carrier services
● Customer service support team


● Sourcing and listing agriculture products

● Developing and maintaining the website platform
● Setting up payment processing and shipping logistics
● Providing customer service support
● Monitoring sales data and customer behavior to optimize the business strategy

Value created to the end customer:

● Convenient access to high-quality agriculture products

● Easy online ordering
● Reliable shipping and delivery services
● Customer service support for questions and issues
● Opportunity to leave feedback and reviews to improve the overall customer

2. Mr Karthik is doing SWOT analysis before he accepts this project. What Aspects he
Should consider as Strengths, as Weaknesses, as Opportunity and as Threats.

As a BA, I can suggest the following aspects for Mr. Karthik to consider in his SWOT
analysis for the online agriculture product store project:

● Mr. Henry's wealth and connections can be leveraged for marketing and
● The project is a CSR initiative, which can improve the company's reputation and
public image.
● The involvement of Peter, Kevin, and Ben as stakeholders can provide valuable
insights into the needs and challenges of farmers.


● The remote location of the target users may present challenges in terms of
connectivity and logistics.
● The project has a fixed timeline of 18 months, which can put pressure on the
team to deliver within the deadline.
● The team may face challenges in integrating with different manufacturers and
suppliers of agriculture products, who may have their own proprietary systems.


● The online agriculture product store can address a significant need in the market,
and potentially capture a large user base.
● The project can open up new avenues for collaboration and partnerships with
agriculture product manufacturers and suppliers.
● The project can provide an opportunity for the team to gain expertise in the
agriculture domain, which can be leveraged for future projects.


● The project may face competition from other online agriculture product stores,
which may have established user bases and brand recognition.
● The team may face challenges in ensuring the quality and authenticity of the
products being sold on the platform, which can affect user trust.
● The project may face regulatory hurdles and compliance requirements,
particularly in terms of ensuring the safety and efficacy of the products being

3. Mr Karthik is trying to do a feasibility study on doing this project in Technology (Java),

Please help him with points (HW SW Trained Resources Budget Time frame) to
consider in the feasibility Study.

To conduct a feasibility study for the online agriculture products store project in Java,
the following points should be considered:

1. Hardware and Software Requirements:

● Identify the hardware and software requirements needed for the project such as
servers, storage, networking equipment, and development tools.
● Ensure that the infrastructure is scalable to handle the expected increase in
traffic and data storage.
● Determine if any third-party software components or APIs are required to build
the application.

2.Trained Resources:

● Evaluate the availability of trained resources with expertise in Java, web

development, database management, and networking.
● Consider the possibility of training existing resources or hiring new resources
with the required skill set.
● Ensure that there are enough resources to meet the project requirements within
the stipulated time frame.


● Determine the budget required for the project, including hardware and software
costs, salaries of resources, and other expenses such as marketing, legal, and
administrative costs.
● Ensure that the budget is feasible and that the project can be completed within
the allocated funds.

4.Time Frame:

● Determine the time frame required for the project to be completed, including
development, testing, and deployment phases.
● Ensure that the time frame is realistic and achievable within the constraints of the
available resources and budget.
Based on the information provided, the project has a duration of 18 months under the
CSR initiative. Therefore, the feasibility study should consider these timelines and
ensure that the project can be completed within this period.
Once the feasibility study is completed, it will be easier to determine if the project is
viable and if the required resources are available. Additionally, it will help in identifying
any potential risks or challenges that may arise during the development process.

4. Mr Karthik must submit Gap Analysis to Mr Henry to convince to initiate this project.
What points (compare AS-IS existing process with TO-BE future Process) to showcase
in the GAP Analysis.

As a Business Analyst, to showcase the Gap Analysis, we need to compare the AS-IS
existing process with the TO-BE future process. Here are some points to be considered:
AS-IS Process:

1. Farmers have to physically visit the market to buy agricultural products such as
fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides.
2. Farmers have to rely on intermediaries for the procurement of these products,
which results in higher prices and sometimes even low-quality products.
3. Farmers often face difficulty in finding the right products according to their
specific crop requirements.
4. The lack of communication between the farmers and the manufacturers results in
farmers not being able to procure the latest and most effective products.

TO-BE Process:

1. Farmers will be able to order the required agricultural products online, saving
their time and efforts.
2. Farmers can buy products directly from the manufacturers at affordable prices,
eliminating intermediaries.
3. The Online store will have a search functionality to filter products based on crop
types, specific requirements, and other parameters, which will help farmers to
find the right products easily.
4. Through the Online store, the manufacturers can communicate with farmers and
provide them with the latest products and technologies, resulting in higher
productivity and better crop yield.

Other points to consider:

1. The online store should be user-friendly and accessible to farmers who may not
have much technical knowledge.
2. The payment gateway should be secure and reliable to ensure smooth
3. The Online store should have an effective supply chain management system to
ensure timely delivery of products.
4. The online store should have a robust customer support system to address any
issues or queries raised by farmers.

By showcasing the above points, Mr Karthik can convince Mr Henry to initiate the
project and take the initiative forward.

5. List down different risk factors that may be involved (BA Risks And process/Project

As a Business Analyst, there are several risk factors that need to be considered during

the project planning phase. These risk factors can be categorized into BA Risks and

Project Risks. Here are some of the risk factors that can be involved in this project:

BA Risks:

1. Inadequate understanding of the agriculture industry and the specific needs of

farmers in remote areas.
2. Miscommunication with stakeholders resulting in unclear requirements.
3. Unclear project objectives and scope.
4. Insufficient knowledge of the technology required to develop the online
agriculture product store.
5. Difficulty in gathering and managing stakeholder requirements due to their
remote location.
6. Insufficient resources and budget allocated for the project.

Project Risks:

1. Inadequate IT infrastructure and internet connectivity in remote areas leading to

difficulty in accessing the online store.
2. Delay in delivery of materials due to unforeseen circumstances such as natural
disasters or logistical issues.
3. Security risks associated with online transactions and personal information of the
4. Technical risks associated with the development and implementation of the
online store such as software bugs or system crashes.
5. Resistance to change from farmers who are accustomed to traditional methods
of purchasing agricultural products.
6. Competition from established brick-and-mortar stores or other online agricultural

It is important to identify and manage these risk factors to ensure the success of the

project. As a BA, it is crucial to work closely with the project manager and other team

members to mitigate these risks and develop a contingency plan if needed.

6.Perform stakeholder analysis (RACI Matrix) to find out the key stakeholders who can
take Decisions and Who are the influencers

Stakeholder analysis helps to identify the stakeholders involved in a project and their
roles and responsibilities. RACI matrix is a useful tool for stakeholder analysis, which
defines the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in a project.
RACI Matrix:
R - Responsible
A - Accountable
C - Consulted
I - Informed
Based on the information provided, the stakeholders in this project and their roles in the
RACI Matrix are as follows:

1. Mr. Henry - Accountable - As the initiator of the project, Mr. Henry is responsible
for ensuring the success of the project and making the final decisions.
2. Mr. Pandu - Responsible - As the Financial Head, Mr. Pandu is responsible for
managing the project budget and ensuring financial compliance.
3. Mr. Dooku - Consulted - As the Project Coordinator, Mr. Dooku provides
guidance and support to the project team and consults with other stakeholders.
4. Peter, Kevin, and Ben - Consulted - As stakeholders and farmers, they provide
requirements and feedback to the project team and consult with other
5. APT IT SOLUTIONS company - Responsible - As the company executing the
project, they are responsible for delivering the project on time, within budget, and
meeting all the requirements.
6. Mr. Karthik - Responsible - As the Delivery Head of APT IT SOLUTIONS, Mr.
Karthik is responsible for managing the project delivery and ensuring that the
project meets the client's expectations.
7. Mr. Vandanam - Responsible - As the Project Manager, Mr. Vandanam is
responsible for managing the project team and ensuring that the project is
completed successfully.
8. Ms. Juhi, Mr. Teyson, Ms. Lucie, Mr. Tucker, and Mr. Bravo - Responsible - As
Java Developers, they are responsible for developing the software applications
and delivering them on time.
9. Mr. Mike - Responsible - As the Network Admin, he is responsible for setting up
the network infrastructure required for the project.
10. Mr. John - Responsible - As the DB Admin, he is responsible for managing the
project's database.
11. Mr. Jason and Ms. Alekya - Responsible - As Testers, they are responsible for
testing the software applications and ensuring that they are error-free.

From the above RACI Matrix, we can see that Mr. Henry, as the initiator of the project, is
accountable for the project's success, while the APT IT SOLUTIONS company and its
team are responsible for delivering the project. Mr. Pandu, the Financial Head, is
responsible for managing the project budget, while Mr. Dooku provides guidance and
support to the project team. Peter, Kevin, and Ben are consulted for their requirements
and feedback.
Overall, the key decision-makers in this project are Mr. Henry, APT IT SOLUTIONS
company, and Mr. Karthik. The influencers in this project are Mr. Pandu, Mr. Dooku, and
the farmers, Peter, Kevin, and Ben, as they provide requirements and feedback that can
influence the project's outcome.

7. Help Mr Karthik to prepare a business case document

Executive Summary:

The purpose of this business case is to propose the development of an Online

Agriculture Products Store to facilitate remote area farmers to buy agriculture products.

The proposed solution is a web/mobile application that allows farmers and companies

manufacturing fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides to communicate directly with each other.

The goal is to provide a platform for farmers to purchase necessary products without

facing any difficulties in procuring fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides. The project is
expected to be completed within 18 months and is being undertaken as part of the

Corporate Social Responsibility initiative.

Problem Statement:

Farmers in remote areas face difficulties in procuring fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides,

which are essential for farming. These products are not readily available in the market

and farmers often have to travel long distances to procure them. This leads to wastage

of time and money, which could have been utilized in farming activities. Therefore, there

is a need for a platform that can facilitate the purchase of these products for farmers.


The proposed solution is an Online Agriculture Products Store, a web/mobile application

that enables farmers and companies manufacturing fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides to

communicate directly with each other. The application will have the following features:

● Farmers can browse through the products and select the ones they need.
● Companies can submit their product details, which will be displayed on the
● Farmers can place an order for the products and request delivery to their
● The application will have a user-friendly interface for easy navigation.


The Online Agriculture Products Store will provide the following benefits:

● Farmers will be able to purchase necessary products without facing difficulties in

procuring them.
● Companies manufacturing fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides will have a platform
to reach out to farmers directly.
● The application will save time and money for farmers, which can be utilized in
farming activities.
● The application will promote the use of quality products, which will lead to better
● The project will be undertaken as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility
initiative, which will help in fulfilling the company's social obligations.


The estimated budget for the project is 2 crores INR. This includes the cost of

development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. The project is expected to be

completed within 18 months.

Key Stakeholders:

● Mr. Henry, who proposed the project and is a key stakeholder.

● Peter, Kevin, and Ben, who shared their requirements for the project and are
● Mr. Pandu, who is the Financial Head and a key stakeholder.
● Mr. Dooku, who is the Project Coordinator and a key stakeholder.
● Mr. Karthik, who is the Delivery Head in APT IT SOLUTIONS company and a key
● Mr. Vandanam, who is the Project Manager and a key stakeholder.
● Ms. Juhi, Mr. Teyson, Ms. Lucie, Mr. Tucker, and Mr. Bravo, who are Java
Developers and stakeholders.
● Mr. Mike, who is the Network Admin and a stakeholder.
● Mr. John, who is the DB Admin and a stakeholder.
● Mr. Jason and Ms. Alekya, who are Testers and stakeholders.
● The farmers and companies manufacturing fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides who
will use the application.


● The application may face technical issues during development and deployment.
● There may be delays in development due to unforeseen circumstances.
● The application may not be user-friendly, leading to low adoption by farmers.
● There may be issues with product quality and delivery, leading to dissatisfaction
among farmers.
● Competitors may develop similar applications, leading to a loss of market share.

The Online Agriculture Products Store

8.The Committee of Mr. Henry , Mr Pandu , and Mr Dooku and Mr Karthik are having a

discussion on Project Development Approach. Mr Karthik explained to Mr. Henry about

SDLC. And four methodologies like Sequential Iterative Evolutionary and Agile. Please

share your thoughts and clarity on Methodologies

SDLC, which stands for Software Development Life Cycle, is a process used by
software development teams to plan, design, build, test, and deploy software. SDLC
consists of several methodologies or approaches that can be used to develop software
applications. These methodologies include Sequential, Iterative, Evolutionary, and Agile.

1. Sequential: Sequential methodology, also known as the Waterfall model, is a

linear approach where each phase of the software development process must be
completed before moving on to the next phase. This methodology works well for
projects where requirements are well-defined and there is a clear understanding
of what the end product should look like. However, this approach may not be
suitable for projects where there are evolving requirements or where changes
need to be made during the development process.
2. Iterative: The iterative methodology involves multiple iterations or cycles of the
SDLC process. In this approach, the development team creates a working
prototype of the software product, tests it, and then makes changes based on
feedback before moving on to the next iteration. This methodology is useful for
projects where requirements are not well-defined or may evolve during the
development process.
3. Evolutionary: The evolutionary methodology is similar to the iterative
methodology in that it involves multiple iterations. However, in this approach, the
initial product is not fully functional but evolves over time through a series of
iterations. This methodology is best suited for projects where the requirements
are not fully defined or may change frequently.
4. Agile: The Agile methodology is an iterative and incremental approach to
software development that focuses on delivering working software in small
increments or sprints. The Agile approach emphasizes customer collaboration,
continuous feedback, and flexibility in response to changing requirements. This
methodology is ideal for projects where requirements may change frequently and
where there is a need for rapid delivery of working software.

Each methodology has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of
methodology will depend on the specific needs of the project. It is essential to consider
factors such as project requirements, project scope, team size, budget, and timeline
before choosing the methodology.

9.They discussed models in SDLC like waterfall RUP Spiral and Scrum . You put forth
your understanding on these models When the APT IT SOLUTIONS company got the
project to make this online agriculture product store, there is a difference of opinion
between a couple of SMEs and the project team regarding which methodology would be
more suitable for this project. SMEs are stressing on using the V model and the project
team is leaning more onto the side of waterfall model. As a business analyst, which
methodology do you think would be better for this project?

As a business analyst, I would consider the characteristics and requirements of the

project to determine which methodology would be better suited: the V model or the

waterfall model.

Considering the available information and the stable nature of requirements in this

project, I would lean towards recommending the waterfall model. However, it's important

to note that the final decision should be made based on a comprehensive

understanding of the project requirements, available resources, and the preferences

and expertise of the project team and SMEs involved.

10.Write down the differences between waterfall model and V model.

The V Model:

The V model is a software development methodology that emphasizes a sequential and

structured approach to development. It is characterized by a corresponding testing

phase for each development phase, forming a V-shaped structure. The requirements

are gathered and documented at the beginning, followed by design, implementation,

and testing phases. The testing phase includes both system testing and acceptance


Waterfall Model:

The waterfall model is also a sequential and linear approach to software development. It

follows a step-by-step progression through the phases of requirements gathering,

design, implementation, testing, and deployment. Each phase is completed before

moving on to the next, with little room for iteration or changes once a phase is


11.As a BA, state your reason for choosing one model for this project

As a business analyst, my recommendation would be to use the Waterfall model for this
The Waterfall model is a linear sequential approach where each phase of the software
development process is completed before moving onto the next phase. This model is
suitable for projects with clear and well-defined requirements, which is the case for the
online agriculture product store project. The project has a clear objective of developing
an e-commerce platform for farmers to buy agriculture products, and the requirements
for the project have been shared by the stakeholders.
On the other hand, the V model is an extension of the Waterfall model, and it is used for
testing and verification. It is useful when the requirements are clear and well-defined.
However, it is not an appropriate approach for software development projects as it does
not provide a framework for design and development.
Therefore, based on the project's clear requirements, I recommend the Waterfall model
for this project.

12.The Committee of Mr. Henry, Mr Pandu, and Mr Dooku discussed with Mr Karthik

and finalised on the V Model approach (RG, RA, Design, D1, T1, D2, T2, D3, T3, D4,

T4 and UAT) Mr Vandanam is mapped as a PM to this project. He studies this Project

and Prepares a Gantt chart with V Model (RG, RA, Design, D1, T1, D2, T2, D3, T3, D4,

T4 and UAT) as development process and the Resources are PM, BA, Java

Developers, testers, DB Admin, NW Admin

Based on the V Model approach (RG, RA, Design, D1, T1, D2, T2, D3, T3, D4, T4, and
UAT) as the development process and the available resources (PM, BA, Java
Developers, testers, DB Admin, NW Admin), Mr. Vandanam, the Project Manager,
prepares a Gantt chart for the project. The Gantt chart outlines the timeline for each
phase of the development process and assigns the resources accordingly.
Here is an example of a Gantt chart for the project:
Phase/Task | Start Date | End Date | Resources
Requirements Gathering (RG) | DD/MM/YYYY | DD/MM/YYYY | BA
Requirements Analysis (RA) | DD/MM/YYYY | DD/MM/YYYY | BA
Design (D1) | DD/MM/YYYY | DD/MM/YYYY | BA, Java Developers
Testing (T1) | DD/MM/YYYY | DD/MM/YYYY | Testers
Design (D2) | DD/MM/YYYY | DD/MM/YYYY | BA, Java Developers
Testing (T2) | DD/MM/YYYY | DD/MM/YYYY | Testers
Design (D3) | DD/MM/YYYY | DD/MM/YYYY | BA, Java Developers
Testing (T3) | DD/MM/YYYY | DD/MM/YYYY | Testers
Design (D4) | DD/MM/YYYY | DD/MM/YYYY | BA, Java Developers
Testing (T4) | DD/MM/YYYY | DD/MM/YYYY | Testers
User Acceptance Testing (UAT)| DD/MM/YYYY | DD/MM/YYYY | Testers
Deployment | DD/MM/YYYY | DD/MM/YYYY | PM, Java Developers, DB Admin, NW
Please note that the dates and duration for each phase/task should be determined
based on the project's specific timeline and resource availability. The Gantt chart
provides a visual representation of the project plan, ensuring that each phase is
properly scheduled, and the necessary resources are allocated for successful project

13.The Committee of Mr. Henry, Mr Pandu, and Mr Dooku are now discussing the funds

and how to release the funds for development. They were studying Fixed Bid model and

Billing Model.Share your knowledge on Fixed Bid model and Billing Model.The

Committee froze the Billing Model and agreed to release funds against the timesheets

submitted for every 2 weeks. Every Alternate Friday EOB, Mr Karthik will forward the

Development Team Timesheets and in 3 working days, The Committee will verify and

release funds. TheCommittee proposed to have a Quarterly Audit on the Project


The Fixed Bid model is a pricing model used in software development projects, where a
fixed price is agreed upon by the client and the vendor for the entire project scope. In
this model, the vendor bears the risk of delivering the project within the agreed scope
and timeline, and any deviation from the scope or timeline results in additional costs or
penalties. The Fixed Bid model provides a clear understanding of the project cost and
timeline upfront, and is suitable for well-defined projects with a clear scope and
On the other hand, the Billing Model is a pricing model based on the time and resources
spent on the project. In this model, the vendor charges the client based on the number
of hours worked and the hourly rate of each team member involved in the project. This
model provides more flexibility to the client to make changes to the project scope and
requirements, and the vendor is compensated for the time and effort spent on the
project. However, the Billing Model may result in additional costs if the project takes
longer than expected.
In this project, the Committee has chosen the Billing Model to release funds based on
the timesheets submitted by the development team every two weeks. This model
provides more flexibility to the client, as they can make changes to the project scope
and requirements as necessary. The Committee will also conduct a quarterly audit to
ensure that the project is progressing as planned and to identify any issues that need to
be addressed. This approach is suitable for an Agile development approach, where the
project scope and requirements may evolve over time.
14-20. Please share Sample Timesheets of a BA in various SDLC Stages RG, RA,
Design, D1, T1, D2,T2, D3, T3, D4, T4 and UAT, Deployment n ImplementationAs a
Business Analyst (BA) in the project, your timesheets would be related to various
activities you perform throughout the project. Here's a breakdown of the different
timesheets you would have as a BA:

1. RG Timesheet of a BA: This timesheet records the time you spend on project
initiation and requirement gathering activities. It includes activities such as
conducting meetings with stakeholders, gathering information about their needs
and pain points, and documenting initial project requirements.
2. RA Timesheet of a BA: This timesheet captures the time you spend on
requirements analysis. It involves activities such as analyzing and refining the
gathered requirements, identifying any gaps or conflicts, and documenting
detailed and clear requirements specifications.
3. Design Timesheet of a BA: This timesheet tracks the time you spend on
design-related activities. As a BA, your involvement in design may include
creating user interface mockups, defining user flows, collaborating with UX/UI
designers, and ensuring that the design aligns with the requirements.
4. Development Timesheet of a BA: This timesheet documents the time you spend
on supporting the development process. It may involve activities such as
clarifying requirements with developers, participating in discussions to address
any questions or issues, and providing clarification or additional information as
5. Testing Timesheet of a BA: This timesheet records the time you spend on testing
activities. It includes reviewing test cases, participating in test execution,
validating that the system meets the specified requirements, and documenting
any defects or issues encountered during testing.
6. UAT Timesheet of a BA: This timesheet captures the time you spend on user
acceptance testing (UAT) activities. It involves coordinating with stakeholders to
plan and execute UAT, facilitating user feedback sessions, and ensuring that the
system meets user expectations before final deployment.
7. Deployment and Implementation Timesheet of a BA: This timesheet tracks the
time you spend on activities related to the deployment and implementation of the
solution. It may include coordinating with the development and operations teams,
supporting the transition from development to production, and ensuring a smooth
rollout of the solution.

By accurately tracking your time spent on these activities, the project management team
can better understand the effort involved in each phase and make informed decisions
regarding resource allocation, project timelines, and progress tracking.
21.5 Quarterly Audits are planned Q1 , Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 for this Project. What is your
knowledge on how these Audits will happen for a BA ?

Quarterly audits in a project are conducted to assess the progress, quality, and
adherence to project objectives and processes. As a Business Analyst (BA), your
involvement in the audits would primarily focus on the documentation, requirements,
and overall project analysis. Here's how the audits typically happen for a BA:

1. Review of Documentation: The audit team will review the documentation created
by the BA throughout the project, including requirements documents, business
process flows, and functional specifications. They will assess the completeness,
clarity, and alignment of the documentation with project goals.
2. Requirements Traceability: The auditors will examine the traceability of
requirements throughout the project lifecycle. They will verify whether the
documented requirements are properly linked to the design, development, and
testing activities. This ensures that all project deliverables are aligned with the
identified requirements.
3. Compliance with Standards and Processes: The audit team will assess the BA's
adherence to established standards and processes within the organization. They
will review if the BA followed the prescribed methodologies, templates, and
guidelines for requirement gathering, analysis, and documentation.
4. Validation of Stakeholder Engagement: The auditors may evaluate the BA's
engagement and collaboration with stakeholders, including regular
communication, requirement clarification, and involvement in reviews and
feedback sessions. They will ensure that stakeholders' needs and expectations
are adequately captured and addressed in the project deliverables.
5. Quality Assurance: The audit team will verify the quality of BA's work products,
such as requirement specifications, use cases, and user stories. They will assess
if the requirements are clear, unambiguous, and testable, and if they meet the
defined quality standards.
6. Compliance with Regulations and Policies: If applicable, the audit may also
include an assessment of the BA's compliance with industry regulations, legal
requirements, and organizational policies. This ensures that the project aligns
with any necessary compliance obligations.
7. Recommendations and Improvement Opportunities: Based on the audit findings,
the auditors may provide recommendations for improving BA processes,
documentation, or stakeholder engagement. These recommendations help in
enhancing the BA's performance and ensuring continuous improvement in future
It's important for a BA to maintain proper documentation, adhere to established
processes, and actively engage with stakeholders to ensure successful audit outcomes.
The audit process helps in identifying areas for improvement and ensures that the
project stays on track to meet its objectives.

22.Before the Project is going to Kick Start, The Committee asked Mr Karthik to submit

BA Approach Strategy Write BA Approach strategy (As a business analyst, what are the

steps that you would need to follow to complete a project – What Elicitation Techniques

to apply, how to do Stakeholder Analysis RACI/ILS, What Documents to Write, What

process to follow to Sign off on the Documents, How to take Approvals from the Client,

What Communication Channels to establish n implement, How to Handle Change

Requests, How to update the progress of the project to the Stakeholders, How to take

signoff on the UAT- Client Project Acceptance Form )

Your Team Project Manager - Mr Vandanam Senior Java Developer - Ms. Juhi Java

Developers - Mr Teyson, Ms Lucie, Mr Tucker, Mr Bravo Network Admin - Mr Mike DB

Admin - Mr John. Testers - Mr Jason and Ms Alekya BA - You

Technical Team have assembled to discuss on the Project approach and have finalised

to follow 3-tier architecture for this project.

BA Approach Strategy:
As a business analyst, the following steps can be followed to complete the project and
ensure effective communication and collaboration with stakeholders:

1. Elicitation Techniques: Apply various elicitation techniques such as interviews,

workshops, surveys, and observations to gather requirements from stakeholders.
This will help in understanding their needs, pain points, and expectations related
to the online agriculture product store.
2. Stakeholder Analysis: Conduct a stakeholder analysis to identify and prioritize
stakeholders based on their level of influence, interest, and involvement in the
project. This will help in determining the key stakeholders and their roles
throughout the project lifecycle.
3. RACI/ILS: Define the RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) or
ILS (Input, Legal, Support) matrix to clarify the roles and responsibilities of
stakeholders in the project. This matrix will ensure clear communication and
accountability within the team.
4. Documentation: Prepare various documents as part of the business analysis
process, including a Business Requirements Document (BRD), Functional
Requirements Document (FRD), Use Cases, User Stories, and Process Flows.
These documents will capture the requirements and serve as a reference for the
development team.
5. Document Sign-off Process: Define a sign-off process for the project documents.
This process should involve stakeholders reviewing and approving the
documents, ensuring their alignment with business needs and project objectives.
6. Client Approvals: Establish a formal process to obtain approvals from the client at
key milestones or stages of the project. This may include conducting review
meetings, walkthroughs, and obtaining written acceptance on deliverables.
7. Communication Channels: Establish effective communication channels with
stakeholders, including regular meetings, status updates, and progress reports.
Use tools such as email, project management software, and collaboration
platforms to facilitate efficient communication and information sharing.
8. Change Request Management: Develop a process to manage change requests.
This includes documenting change requests, assessing their impact on project
scope, timeline, and budget, and obtaining appropriate approvals before
implementing changes.
9. Progress Updates: Provide regular progress updates to stakeholders, including
the project manager, technical team, and committee members. This can be done
through status reports, dashboards, and meetings to ensure transparency and
keep stakeholders informed.
10. UAT - Client Project Acceptance: Define a process for User Acceptance Testing
(UAT) where the client tests the system and provides feedback. Create a UAT
plan, conduct test sessions, and obtain sign-off on the UAT results and the Client
Project Acceptance Form to ensure the project meets the client's expectations.

By following these steps and strategies, the business analyst can effectively contribute
to the success of the project and ensure that the requirements are well-documented,
communicated, and aligned with stakeholder expectations.

23.Explain and illustrate 3-tier architecture?

Three-tier architecture, also known as multi-tier architecture, is a software design
pattern that divides an application into three interconnected layers: presentation layer,
business logic layer, and data storage layer. This architecture separates the concerns of
user interface, business processing, and data management, allowing for scalability,
modularity, and maintainability of the application.

1. Presentation Layer:
2. The presentation layer is the topmost layer of the architecture and focuses on
user interaction. It handles the user interface, user input, and presentation logic.
This layer is responsible for displaying information to the user and capturing user
actions. It typically consists of web pages, user interfaces, forms, and client-side
scripts. The presentation layer communicates with the business logic layer to
retrieve or submit data for processing.
3. Business Logic Layer:
4. The business logic layer (also known as the application layer or middle tier)
contains the core functionality and business rules of the application. It
encapsulates the logic and operations necessary to process data and perform
specific business functions. This layer orchestrates the flow of data between the
presentation layer and the data storage layer. It validates and manipulates data,
performs calculations, enforces business rules, and executes complex
operations. The business logic layer is often implemented using programming
languages such as Java, C#, or Python.
5. Data Storage Layer:
6. The data storage layer, also referred to as the data access layer or persistence
layer, is responsible for managing data storage and retrieval. It deals with the
persistence and retrieval of data from databases or other data sources. This
layer interacts with the underlying data storage systems, such as relational
databases, NoSQL databases, or file systems, to store and retrieve data. It
handles tasks like data access, data manipulation, data querying, and data
integrity. The data storage layer provides an abstraction for the business logic
layer to interact with the data without having to deal with the underlying storage
details directly.

Here is a visual representation of the three-tier architecture:
| Presentation Layer |
| (User Interface)|
| Business Logic Layer |
| (Application Layer) |
| Data Storage Layer |
| (Persistence Layer) |
In this illustration, the presentation layer interacts with the user and handles the user
interface. It sends user requests and data to the business logic layer for processing.
The business logic layer performs the required operations and communicates with the
data storage layer to retrieve or store data. The data storage layer manages the
persistence and retrieval of data from the underlying storage systems.
This three-tier architecture promotes separation of concerns, flexibility, and scalability.
Each layer can be developed and maintained independently, enabling changes or
updates in one layer without affecting the others. It also allows for better distribution of
responsibilities and supports modular development, making the application more
maintainable and extensible.

24.Business Analyst should keep What points in his/her mind before he frames a
Question to ask to the Stakeholder ( 5W 1H – SMART – RACI – 3 Tier Architecture –
Use Cases, Use case Specs, Activity Diagrams, Models, Page designs)

Before framing a question to ask stakeholders as a Business Analyst, it's essential to

keep the following points in mind:

1. Purpose and Context: Understand the purpose and context of the project or
initiative. Have a clear understanding of the goals, objectives, and scope of the
project. This will help you ask relevant questions that align with the project's
2. Stakeholder Analysis: Identify the stakeholders involved in the project and
analyze their roles, interests, and influence. Consider their perspectives, needs,
and expectations. Tailor your questions based on the specific stakeholders you
are engaging with.
3. SMART Criteria: Frame questions that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Relevant, and Time-bound. SMART questions help to clarify requirements,
gather specific information, and ensure that the responses are actionable and
4. 5W 1H Framework: Use the 5W 1H framework (Who, What, When, Where, Why,
and How) to structure your questions. This framework ensures comprehensive
coverage of the information needed. Start with broader questions and then delve
into more specific details as necessary.
5. RACI Matrix: Consider the RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and
Informed) matrix to identify the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders. This will
help you determine who should be involved in decision-making, who should
provide input, and who needs to be informed about certain aspects. Tailor your
questions based on the relevant stakeholders' roles.
6. Three-Tier Architecture: Understand the three-tier architecture of the system and
its components. This will help you ask questions related to the system's
presentation layer, business logic layer, and data storage layer. Seek clarity on
how information flows between these layers and how they interact with each
7. Documentation and Models: Leverage various documentation techniques such
as use cases, use case specifications, activity diagrams, models, and page
designs to structure and communicate requirements effectively. Ask questions
that help validate and clarify these artifacts, ensuring that they accurately
represent the stakeholders' needs.

By considering these points, you can frame well-thought-out questions that elicit the
necessary information from stakeholders, leading to a clearer understanding of
requirements and project expectations.

25.As a Business Analyst, What Elicitation Techniques you are aware of? (
As a Business Analyst, there are several elicitation techniques that can be used to
gather requirements and insights from stakeholders. Here are some commonly used
elicitation techniques:

1. Brainstorming: A group technique used to generate ideas and gather input from
stakeholders. It encourages open and creative thinking to explore potential
solutions or identify requirements.
2. Document Analysis: Reviewing existing documentation, such as business plans,
process flows, and user manuals, to extract relevant information and identify
gaps or areas for improvement.
3. Requirements Workshops: Conducting facilitated sessions with stakeholders to
gather requirements, clarify doubts, resolve conflicts, and ensure collaboration
among participants.
4. Interviews: One-on-one or group discussions with stakeholders to gather detailed
information, understand their perspectives, and uncover specific requirements.
5. Focus Groups: Gathering a selected group of stakeholders to discuss specific
topics or areas of interest. The group dynamics encourage interaction and
exchange of ideas, providing valuable insights.
6. Observation: Actively observing stakeholders' work environment, processes, and
activities to gain a deeper understanding of their needs, challenges, and
7. Prototyping: Creating a visual representation or interactive model of the proposed
solution to gather feedback, validate requirements, and facilitate stakeholder
8. Questionnaires and Surveys: Distributing structured questionnaires or surveys to
stakeholders to gather quantitative or qualitative data and opinions on specific
topics or requirements.
9. User Stories: Capturing requirements from the user's perspective in a concise
narrative format, focusing on the user's goals, actions, and expected outcomes.
10. Prototyping: Creating a visual representation or interactive model of the proposed
solution to gather feedback, validate requirements, and facilitate stakeholder
11. Use Cases: Describing interactions between actors (users) and the system to
illustrate how the system should behave and what actions it should support.

These elicitation techniques provide various approaches to engage stakeholders, gather

their insights, and understand their requirements effectively. The choice of technique(s)
depends on the project's nature, stakeholders' availability, and the information needed.
Business analysts often employ a combination of these techniques to ensure
comprehensive requirement gathering.

26.Which Elicitation Techniques can be used in this Project and Justify your selection of
Elicitation Techniques?
Use case Specs
Document Analysis

Based on the given project scenario, the following elicitation techniques can be used:

● Prototyping: Prototyping can be utilized to gather feedback and validate the

requirements for the online agriculture product store. As the application needs to
be user-friendly, creating a prototype can help visualize the user interface and
functionalities. It allows stakeholders, including Mr. Henry's friends and other
potential users, to provide feedback on the proposed solution and make
necessary refinements before development.
● Use Case Specs: Use case specifications can be employed to capture the
interactions and sequences of actions between the various actors (farmers,
manufacturers, and the online store) and the system being developed. By
documenting use cases, the project team can identify the specific functionalities
and requirements needed to facilitate the communication and transactions
between farmers and manufacturers. Use case specs provide a structured
approach to elicit, validate, and prioritize the requirements for the online store.
● Document Analysis: Document analysis can be useful to understand the existing
challenges faced by farmers and the requirements expressed by Mr. Henry's
friends. Analyzing any available documentation, such as reports on agricultural
issues, farming practices, or market research, can provide insights into the
specific problems related to procuring fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides. It helps in
identifying the key pain points and requirements that the online store needs to
● Brainstorming: Brainstorming sessions can be conducted with the stakeholders,
including Mr. Henry, Peter, Kevin, and Ben, to gather their perspectives and
insights. The session can focus on discussing the challenges faced by farmers,
potential features and functionalities of the online store, and any additional
requirements that may arise during the discussion. Brainstorming encourages
collaboration and creativity, allowing for the exploration of innovative solutions
and capturing comprehensive requirements.

Justification of the selection of these elicitation techniques:

● Prototyping: Prototyping enables visualization, feedback, and refinement of the

user interface and functionalities, ensuring a user-friendly application.
● Use Case Specs: Use case specifications help in capturing the specific
interactions and functionalities required for the online store, facilitating effective
communication and transactions between farmers and manufacturers.
● Document Analysis: Document analysis assists in understanding the existing
challenges faced by farmers and extracting requirements from the given scenario
and any available documentation related to agriculture and farming practices.
● Brainstorming: Brainstorming encourages active participation from stakeholders
and facilitates the generation of diverse ideas and requirements, ensuring
comprehensive coverage of the stakeholders' needs.

By employing these elicitation techniques, the project team can gather a range of
requirements, validate them through feedback and discussions, and ensure that the
online agriculture product store addresses the needs of the farmers effectively

27.Make suitable Assumptions and identify at least 10 Business Requirements.

Based on the information provided, here are ten business requirements for the online
agriculture products store project:
1. User Registration: Farmers and manufacturers should be able to create user
accounts using their email IDs and secure passwords.
2. User Login: Farmers should be able to log in to the platform using their registered
email ID and password to access the features and functionalities.
3. Product Catalog: The platform should have a comprehensive catalog of
fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides, including detailed information about each
product such as price, quantity, specifications, and manufacturer details.
4. Search Functionality: Farmers should be able to search for specific products
based on criteria such as product name, category, manufacturer, or any other
relevant parameters.
5. Shopping Cart: The platform should provide a shopping cart feature that allows
farmers to add products they wish to purchase and manage their selections
before proceeding to checkout.
6. Multiple Payment Options: The payment gateway should support various
payment methods, including cash-on-delivery (COD), credit/debit card payments,
and UPI (Unified Payments Interface) options to provide flexibility to farmers
during the checkout process.
7. Order Confirmation and Tracking: Users should receive email notifications
confirming their order details, including order number, products purchased, and
estimated delivery date. Additionally, a delivery tracking system should be
implemented to allow farmers to track the progress and current status of their
8. User Reviews and Ratings: Farmers should have the option to provide feedback,
reviews, and ratings for the purchased products, enabling them to share their
experiences and help other farmers make informed decisions.
9. Secure Transactions: The platform should ensure the security of farmers'
personal information, including their payment details, by implementing robust
security measures and using encryption protocols.
10. Mobile-Friendly Interface: The online store should be optimized for mobile
devices, allowing farmers to access and use the platform seamlessly on
smartphones and tablets.

It's important to note that these requirements are based on assumptions and can be
further refined

28.List your assumptions

1. The online agriculture product store will primarily cater to farmers and companies
involved in the manufacturing of fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides.
2. The store will operate as a web and mobile application to provide accessibility to
3. The project will be developed by APT IT SOLUTIONS company, which has the
necessary talent pool.
4. The project duration is 18 months, and it is being carried out as part of a
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative.
5. Mr. Karthik is the Delivery Head overseeing the project, and Mr. Vandanam is the
assigned Project Manager.
6. The development team includes Ms. Juhi as a Senior Java Developer, Mr.
Teyson, Ms. Lucie, Mr. Tucker, and Mr. Bravo as Java Developers, Mr. Mike as
the Network Admin, and Mr. John as the DB Admin. Mr. Jason and Ms. Alekya
are the assigned testers.
7. Peter, Kevin, and Ben are considered key stakeholders in the project as they
shared their requirements and are part of the committee helping Mr. Henry.
8. The store will require a user login system for manufacturers and farmers to
access different functionalities.
9. A product catalog will be available, featuring detailed information about fertilizers,
seeds, and pesticides, including pricing and manufacturer details.
10. Users will have the ability to search for specific products within the catalog.
11. Farmers will need to create an account using their email ID and password to
make purchases or add products to a buy-later list. New users can create a new
account by providing their email ID and creating a secure password.
12. The payment gateway will support multiple options, including cash-on-delivery
(COD), credit/debit card, and UPI (Unified Payments Interface), for a convenient
user experience.
13. Users will receive email confirmations regarding their order status, providing
details about their orders.
14. The platform will include a delivery tracker feature to allow users to track the
progress and location of their orders.

These assumptions provide a basis for understanding the requirements and scope of
the online agriculture product store project. It's important to validate these assumptions
through further discussions and analysis with stakeholders and the development team
to ensure accuracy and alignment with the project objectives.

29.Give Priority 1 to 10 numbers ( 1 being low priority – 10 being high priority) to these

Requirements after discussions with the stakeholders

Based on the discussions with the stakeholders, the priority levels for the requirements
can be assigned as follows:
Req Req Name Req Description Priori
ID ty
1 User Login Users (manufacturers and farmers) should be able 9
System to login to access different functionalities.
2 Product Catalog A catalog of fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides 10
should be available with detailed information,
including pricing and manufacturer details.
3 Product Search Users should be able to search for specific 8
products within the catalog.
4 User Registration Farmers should be able to create an account using 7
their email ID and password. New users can create
a new account with email ID and password.
5 Purchase and Farmers should be able to buy products or add 8
Add to Buy-Later them to a buy-later list after logging in.
6 Payment The payment gateway should support multiple 10
Gateway options, including COD, credit/debit card, and UPI.
7 Order Users should receive email confirmations regarding 6
Confirmation their order status.
8 Delivery Tracker A delivery tracker should be available for users to 9
track the progress and location of their orders.
9 Web and Mobile The online store should operate as both a web and 7
Accessibility mobile application for user accessibility.
10 CSR Initiative The project duration should be 18 months as part 5
Duration of the CSR initiative.
Please note that the priority levels may vary based on the specific needs and
discussions with stakeholders. These priorities provide a general guideline for
understanding the relative importance of each requirement. As a business analyst, you
will play a crucial role in refining and documenting these requirements and converting
them into UML diagrams and screen mock-ups for effective communication with the
project team.
30.Draw use case diagram

31.Prepare use case specs for all use cases

Detailed specifications for each of the use cases identified in the use case diagram:
Use Case: Browse Products Catalog

● Description: The farmer can browse the catalog of fertilizers, seeds, and
● Actors: Farmer
● Preconditions:
● Farmer is logged in.
● Postconditions:
● The products catalog is displayed.

Use Case: Search Products

● Description: The farmer can search for specific products within the catalog.
● Actors: Farmer
● Preconditions:
● Farmer is logged in.
● The products catalog is displayed.
● Postconditions:
● Search results matching the entered query are displayed.

Use Case: User Login

● Description: The farmer or manufacturer can log in to their account.

● Actors: Farmer, Manufacturer
● Preconditions:
● None
● Postconditions:
● User is authenticated and logged in.

Use Case: User Registration

● Description: A new farmer or manufacturer can create a new account.

● Actors: Farmer, Manufacturer
● Preconditions:
● None
● Postconditions:
● New user account is created.

Use Case: Add to Buy-Later List

● Description: The farmer can add products to a buy-later list for future purchase.
● Actors: Farmer
● Preconditions:
● Farmer is logged in.
● The products catalog is displayed.
● Postconditions:
● Selected products are added to the buy-later list.

Use Case: Make Purchase

● Description: The farmer can make a purchase of selected products.

● Actors: Farmer
● Preconditions:
● Farmer is logged in.
● The products catalog is displayed.
● Postconditions:
● Purchase transaction is completed.

Use Case: Payment Process

● Description: The farmer can choose and complete the payment for the purchase.
● Actors: Farmer
● Preconditions:
● Farmer has selected products for purchase.
● Postconditions:
● Payment is processed and confirmed.

Use Case: Order Confirmation

● Description: The system sends an email confirmation to the farmer regarding the
order status.
● Actors: System
● Preconditions:
● Purchase transaction is completed.
● Postconditions:
● Email confirmation is sent.

Use Case: Delivery Tracking

● Description: The farmer can track the delivery status of their order.
● Actors: Farmer
● Preconditions:
● Farmer has made a purchase and received order confirmation.
● Postconditions:
● Delivery status is displayed.

These use case specifications provide a more detailed understanding of each use
case's purpose, actors involved, preconditions, and postconditions. They serve as a
foundation for further analysis, design, and development of the online agriculture
products store.

32.Activity diagrams
33.Identify minimum 20 functional requirements

Req Req Name Req Description Priori

ID ty
FR00 Farmer Farmers should be able to register with the 8
01 Registration application
FR00 Farmer Search for Farmers should be able to search for available 8
02 Products products in fertilizers, seeds, pesticides
FR00 Manufacturer Manufacturers should be able to register with the 7
03 Registration application
FR00 Manufacturer Manufacturers should be able to list their 8
04 Product Listing products in the catalog
FR00 Product Details The application should display detailed 9
05 Display information about each product, including
descriptions, specifications, and pricing
FR00 Add to Cart Users should be able to add products to their 8
06 shopping cart for purchase
FR00 Cart Management Users should be able to view and manage the 8
07 contents of their shopping cart, including adding
or removing products
FR00 Wishlist Users should be able to manage their wishlist or 7
08 Management buy-later list, including adding or removing
FR00 Multiple Payment The platform should integrate with multiple 9
09 Gateways payment gateways to facilitate secure and
convenient transactions
FR00 Order Placement Users should be able to place orders for 9
10 selected products, specifying quantity and
delivery address
FR00 Order Users should receive an order confirmation with 9
11 Confirmation details such as order number, products,
quantities, total amount, and estimated delivery
FR00 Order Tracking Users should be able to track the status and 9
12 location of their orders in real-time
FR00 Order History Users should be able to view their order history, 7
13 including past orders, order details, and statuses
FR00 Customer Support Users should have access to customer support, 8
14 either through live chat, email, or phone, for
assistance with their orders or inquiries
FR00 User Ratings and Users should be able to provide ratings and 7
15 Reviews reviews for products they have purchased
FR00 Product The platform should provide personalized 8
16 Recommendation product recommendations based on user
s preferences and browsing history
FR00 Social Sharing Users should have the option to share products 7
17 or their purchase experience on social media
FR00 Secure The platform should ensure secure transactions 9
18 Transactions by implementing appropriate encryption and
security measures
FR00 Product Filtering Users should be able to filter products based on 8
19 various criteria such as price range, brand, or
product type
FR00 Account Users should be able to manage their account 7
20 Management settings, including profile information, password
changes, and email preferences
These functional requirements cover various aspects of the online agriculture products
store, including user registration, product management, shopping cart functionality,
payment processing, order management, customer support, and user experience

34.Make wireframe and prototypes

35.Make a note of the Tools, which you are using for above concepts

Some commonly used tools for the concepts you mentioned:

1. Microsoft Visio: Microsoft Visio is a popular tool for creating diagrams, flowcharts,
and wireframes. It offers a wide range of templates and shapes to create visual
representations of processes and systems.
2. Balsamiq: Balsamiq is a wireframing tool that allows you to create low-fidelity
wireframes quickly. It has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy to
sketch out ideas and concepts.
3. Axure RP: Axure RP is a powerful prototyping and wireframing tool that enables
you to create interactive and dynamic prototypes. It offers advanced features for
creating complex interactions and user flows.
4. Mockups (Moqups): Mockups is a web-based design tool that provides a
comprehensive set of features for wireframing and prototyping. It allows you to
create interactive wireframes and prototypes with a user-friendly interface.

These tools can assist you in visualizing and prototyping your design concepts
effectively. It's important to explore their features and determine which tool best fits your
specific needs and preferences.
36.A business analyst’s key responsibilities are to keep track of the requirements and

make sure that no requirement is missed. Mr. Henry and peter have approached you

regarding the current status of the project. How will you tackle this situation?

Prepare RTM

To tackle the situation and provide Mr. Henry and Peter with the current status of the

project, I will prepare a Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM). The RTM helps in

tracking the requirements and their progress throughout the project. Here's an example

of an RTM:

Req ID Req Name Description Design D1 T1 T2 T3 T4 UAT

should be
FR0001 Registratio
able to

Farmer should be
FR0002 Search for able to
Products search for
Each page
NFR010 should load
1 within 2

WCAG 2.1
NFR010 must meet
2 WCAG 2.1

In the RTM, each requirement is assigned a unique ID for reference. The "Req Name"

column provides a brief description of the requirement. The "Req Description" column

further elaborates on the requirement. The subsequent columns such as "Design," "D1,"

"T1," etc., represent different stages or activities in the project, such as design,

development, testing, and UAT (User Acceptance Testing). Each cell can be marked

with an "X" to indicate the status or progress of the requirement in that specific stage.

By presenting the RTM to Mr. Henry and Peter, I can provide them with a clear overview

of the current status of the project's requirements. They will be able to see which

requirements have been designed, implemented, and tested, and which ones are yet to

be addressed. This ensures transparency and helps to ensure that no requirement is

missed during the project's execution.

37.Prepare 10 Test Case Documents

Test Case Document 1: Farmer Registration

1. Test Case ID: TC001

2. Test Case Description: Verify that a farmer can successfully register with the
application using valid credentials.
● Test Steps:
● Enter valid farmer details in the registration form.
● Click on the "Register" button.
3. Expected Result: The farmer should be successfully registered and redirected to
the login page.

Test Case Document 2: Farmer Login

1. Test Case ID: TC002

2. Test Case Description: Verify that a farmer can log in with their registered email
and password.
● Test Steps:
● Enter valid farmer email and password in the login form.
● Click on the "Login" button.
3. Expected Result: The farmer should be successfully logged in and redirected to
the home page.

Test Case Document 3: Product Search

1. Test Case ID: TC003

2. Test Case Description: Verify that a farmer can search for products in the catalog.
● Test Steps:
● Enter a product keyword in the search bar.
● Click on the search button.
3. Expected Result: The system should display relevant products matching the
search keyword.

Test Case Document 4: Add Product to Cart

1. Test Case ID: TC004

2. Test Case Description: Verify that a farmer can add a product to their cart for
● Test Steps:
● Browse through the product catalog.
● Select a product.
● Click on the "Add to Cart" button.
3. Expected Result: The product should be successfully added to the farmer's cart.

Test Case Document 5: Payment Process

1. Test Case ID: TC005

2. Test Case Description: Verify that the payment process functions correctly.
● Test Steps:
● Proceed to checkout from the cart.
● Enter payment details (e.g., credit card information, UPI, or select
cash-on-delivery option).
● Click on the "Pay Now" button.
3. Expected Result: The payment should be processed successfully, and the farmer
should receive an order confirmation.

Test Case Document 6: Order Tracking

1. Test Case ID: TC006

2. Test Case Description: Verify that a farmer can track the status of their order.
● Test Steps:
● Go to the order tracking section.
● Enter the order ID or relevant details.
● Click on the "Track Order" button.
3. Expected Result: The system should display the current status and location of
the farmer's order.

Test Case Document 7: Manufacturer Login

1. Test Case ID: TC007

2. Test Case Description: Verify that a manufacturer can log in with their registered
email and password.
● Test Steps:
● Enter valid manufacturer email and password in the login form.
● Click on the "Login" button.
3. Expected Result: The manufacturer should be successfully logged in and
redirected to their dashboard.

Test Case Document 8: Product Listing by Manufacturer

1. Test Case ID: TC008

2. Test Case Description: Verify that a manufacturer can list their products in the
● Test Steps:
● Access the product listing section in the manufacturer dashboard.
● Enter product details, pricing, and other relevant information.
● Click on the "List Product" button.
3. Expected Result: The product should be successfully listed in the catalog under
the manufacturer's name.

Test Case Document 9: Update Product Details

1. Test Case ID: TC009

2. Test Case Description: Verify that a manufacturer can update the details of their
listed products.
3. Test Steps:
● Access the product details section in the manufacturer dashboard.
● Select a product for update.
● Modify the product information.
● Click on the "Update" button.
1. Expected Result: The product details should be successfully updated and
reflected in the catalog.

Test Case Document 10: Logout

1. Test Case ID: TC010

2. Test Case Description: Verify that a user (farmer or manufacturer) can log out
from their account.
● Test Steps:
● Click on the "Logout" button or link.
3. Expected Result: The user should be successfully logged out and redirected to
the login page.

These test case documents cover various scenarios and functionalities of the online
agriculture product store, ensuring that the system is thoroughly tested for different user
interactions and expected outcomes.

38.After the requirements are thoroughly explained to the entire project team by
business analyst, the Database architects have decided to do the database design and
also to represent the in-flow and out-flow of data. Draw database schema and ER

39.What is a data flow diagram? Draw a data flow diagram to represent the in-flow and
out-flow of data when a Farmer is placing an order for the product
A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation that illustrates the flow of data
within a system. It shows how data is input, processed, stored, and outputted in a
system or process. A DFD consists of various components, including processes, data
flows, data stores, and external entities.
Here is a simplified Data Flow Diagram (DFD) representing the in-flow and out-flow of
data when a Farmer is placing an order for a product in an online agriculture product

Level 0 DFD:

| Online Agriculture Product Store |
| Farmer |
| Place Order |
| Order |

| Process Order |
| Product Catalog |
| Payment |
| Confirmation |
In this Level 0 DFD, the main components involved in the process of a Farmer placing
an order are:

● Farmer: Represents the Farmer interacting with the system.

● Place Order: The action taken by the Farmer to place an order for a product.
● Order: Represents the order details, including the product, quantity, and other
relevant information.
● Process Order: The process responsible for validating and processing the order.
● Product Catalog: Contains the information about the available products.
● Payment: Represents the payment process for the order.
● Confirmation: The confirmation message or notification sent to the Farmer after
the order is placed.

This is a simplified representation, and there may be additional processes, data flows,
and data stores involved in the actual system. It's important to analyze the specific
requirements and consult with stakeholders to create a comprehensive and accurate
Data Flow Diagram for your project.

40.Due to change in the Government Taxation structure . we should change the Tax
structure How do you handle change requests in a project?

Handling change requests in a project involves a systematic process to ensure that

changes are effectively managed while minimizing disruption to the project's scope,
timeline, and resources. Here are the steps typically followed to handle change

1. Change Request Identification: Identify and document the change request,

including the specific details of the requested change, the reason for the change,
and its potential impact on the project.
2. Change Impact Analysis: Assess the impact of the change on various aspects of
the project, such as scope, timeline, cost, resources, and risks. Evaluate the
feasibility and implications of implementing the change.
3. Change Evaluation: Review the change request with key stakeholders, including
project sponsors, clients, and relevant team members. Discuss the potential
benefits, risks, and trade-offs associated with the change. Consider the project's
objectives, constraints, and priorities in the evaluation process.
4. Change Prioritization: Prioritize the change request based on its urgency, impact,
and alignment with project goals. Determine whether the change is critical and
must be implemented immediately or can be scheduled for a future phase or
5. Change Approval: Obtain formal approval from the appropriate stakeholders,
such as project sponsors or change control boards. Ensure that all stakeholders
are in agreement regarding the change and its implications.
6. Change Implementation: Incorporate the approved change into the project plan,
including any necessary adjustments to the scope, schedule, budget, or
resources. Communicate the change to the project team and other relevant
stakeholders. Update project documentation, such as requirements, design, and
test plans, to reflect the approved change.
7. Change Communication: Communicate the approved change to all relevant
parties, including team members, clients, and other stakeholders. Clearly explain
the reasons for the change, its impact on the project, and any adjustments to
expectations or deliverables.
8. Change Tracking and Documentation: Track and document all approved
changes, including the rationale, approvals, and implemented modifications.
Maintain a change log or change register to ensure transparency and
accountability throughout the project.
9. Change Control and Monitoring: Continuously monitor the impact of implemented
changes on the project's progress, risks, and quality. Maintain open lines of
communication with stakeholders to address any concerns or issues related to
the approved changes. Monitor the project's overall alignment with the revised
scope, timeline, and objectives.

By following these steps, a project can effectively manage change requests, ensuring
that changes are evaluated, approved, and implemented in a controlled manner, while
minimizing disruptions and maintaining project success.

41.As the project is in process, Ben and Kevin have contacted you. The reason is to
inform you that they want the Farmers to sell their crop yields through this application
i.e. Farmers should be able to add their crop yields or products and display to general
public and should be able to sell them. They also want to introduce Auction system for
their Crop yields. As a BA, what will be your response? Is this a change request or an

As a business analyst, my response to Ben and Kevin's request would be to classify it

as an enhancement rather than a change request. A change request typically involves
modifications to existing functionality or requirements, while an enhancement introduces
new features or capabilities that were not initially specified.
In this case, the request to allow farmers to add their crop yields, display them to the
general public, and enable selling through the application represents an enhancement
because it introduces new functionality that goes beyond the initial scope of the project.
Additionally, the introduction of an auction system for crop yields adds another layer of
functionality to the application.
To address this enhancement request, I would follow the standard process for handling
new requirements:

1. Requirement Gathering: I would meet with Ben and Kevin to gather detailed
requirements for the new functionality. This would involve understanding the
specific features they envision, such as the process for farmers to add and
manage their crop yields, the display of products to the public, and the
implementation of the auction system.
2. Impact Analysis: I would analyze the impact of these enhancements on the
existing project scope, timeline, budget, and resources. This assessment would
help determine the feasibility and potential implications of incorporating the
requested features.
3. Stakeholder Analysis: I would identify and involve relevant stakeholders, such as
the project sponsor, development team, and other key personnel, to assess their
perspectives and gather their inputs on the potential enhancements.
4. Documentation and Communication: I would document the detailed requirements
and changes in the project scope, and communicate them to the project team,
stakeholders, and any other parties involved. This would ensure everyone is
aware of the proposed enhancements and their implications.
5. Evaluation and Prioritization: I would work with the project team and stakeholders
to evaluate the value and priority of the requested enhancements. This
evaluation would consider factors such as the potential benefits, impact on
project goals, alignment with business objectives, and available resources.
6. Planning and Execution: If the enhancements are deemed feasible and
approved, I would update the project plan, schedule, and resources accordiangly.
I would collaborate with the development team and other stakeholders to
incorporate the new features into the application, ensuring proper testing and
quality assurance.

By treating this request as an enhancement, the project can effectively manage the
additional requirements and deliver the desired functionality while considering the
impact on the ongoing project.

42.Come up with estimations – How many Manhours required

Estimating the number of man-hours required for the requested enhancements (adding
crop yields, displaying them to the public, and implementing an auction system) would
depend on various factors, including the complexity of the features, the size of the
existing system, the development team's expertise, and the development methodology
used. Without specific details about the project, it's challenging to provide an accurate
estimation. However, I can offer a general guideline based on industry standards and

1. Requirement Gathering and Analysis: 10-20 man-hours

2. This includes meetings with stakeholders, gathering detailed requirements,
analyzing the impact, and documenting the enhancements.
3. Design and Architecture: 20-40 man-hours
4. This involves designing the system components, database structure, and user
interface for the new features. It also includes identifying the necessary changes
to accommodate the enhancements.
5. Development and Coding: 40-80 man-hours
6. The actual development of the new features, including backend and frontend
coding, integration with existing modules, and implementation of the auction
7. Testing and Quality Assurance: 20-40 man-hours
8. This phase involves writing test cases, performing unit testing, integration testing,
and ensuring the proper functioning and stability of the added features.
9. Deployment and User Acceptance Testing (UAT): 10-20 man-hours
10. Deploying the updated system to a testing environment, conducting user
acceptance testing, and resolving any issues identified during UAT.
11. Documentation and Training: 10-20 man-hours
12. Documenting the new features, updating user manuals or guides, and providing
training or support materials for farmers and users.

It's important to note that these estimations are rough figures and can vary significantly
depending on the complexity and scale of the enhancements, the team's productivity,
and other project-specific factors. It's recommended to involve the development team in
the estimation process to get a more accurate assessment based on their expertise and
knowledge of the project.

43.Project has finally completed all the stages i.e., design, development, testing etc.
Now, it is the role of a business analyst to contact the client for testing of the final
product and have to successfully complete it. How are you going to handle this
situation? And once it is done, what will be the process to close the project?
Explain UAT Acceptance process

To handle the situation of testing the final product and successfully completing it, the
business analyst can follow these steps:

1. UAT Planning: Prepare a plan for User Acceptance Testing (UAT) in consultation
with the client. This plan should include the scope of testing, test scenarios, test
data, and timelines.
2. Test Environment Setup: Ensure that the required test environment is set up and
available for the client to perform testing. This may include providing access to
the testing environment, necessary test accounts, and any additional resources
needed for testing.
3. Test Execution: Coordinate with the client to execute the planned test scenarios.
Monitor the testing progress, provide support for any questions or issues that
arise, and track the test results.
4. Defect Management: If any defects are identified during UAT, work closely with
the client to understand the issues, document them, and track their resolution.
Collaborate with the development team to address the reported defects and
verify their fixes.
5. UAT Sign-off: Once the client has completed testing and is satisfied with the
product's functionality, obtain their formal sign-off or approval. This indicates that
the client has accepted the final product and is ready to move forward with its

Regarding the process to close the project, it typically involves the following steps:

1. Final Documentation: Ensure that all project-related documentation is complete,

including requirements, design documents, test cases, and user manuals.
Review and update these documents to reflect the final product.
2. Project Review: Conduct a project review meeting with key stakeholders,
including the client, to discuss the overall project performance, achievements,
and lessons learned. Gather feedback and suggestions for improvement.
3. Project Closure Report: Prepare a project closure report summarizing the
project's objectives, deliverables, timeline, budget, and overall success. Include
any important metrics or performance indicators.
4. Handover or Deployment: Coordinate with the necessary teams, such as
deployment or operations, to ensure a smooth transition of the final product to
the production environment. Provide any necessary training or documentation to
support the deployment process.
5. Post-Project Evaluation: After the product is deployed and operational, conduct a
post-project evaluation to assess its performance, gather user feedback, and
identify any areas for further improvement.
UAT Acceptance Process:
The User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Acceptance process involves the following steps:

1. Test Planning: Define the scope of UAT and identify the key features or
functionalities to be tested. Prepare test scenarios and test cases based on user
2. Test Execution: Perform the planned test scenarios, following the test cases
provided. Validate the system's behavior against the expected outcomes and
verify that it meets the user's acceptance criteria.
3. Defect Reporting: If any issues or defects are identified during UAT, document
them in a structured manner, including detailed steps to reproduce the problem.
Communicate the issues to the development team for resolution.
4. Defect Resolution: Collaborate with the development team to address the
reported defects. Verify the fixes provided by the development team and retest
the affected areas.
5. Sign-off: Once all test scenarios have been executed, defects have been
resolved, and the system meets the user's acceptance criteria, provide formal
sign-off or approval. This signifies that the client accepts the product as meeting
their requirements.
6. UAT Closure: Document the UAT results, including the test execution summary,
any outstanding issues, and the overall assessment of the product.
Communicate the closure of UAT to all stakeholders involved in the testing

The UAT Acceptance process ensures that the final product meets the client's
expectations and is ready for deployment. It serves as a final validation before the
project is considered complete and ready for closure.

44.Explain Project closure document

A project closure document is a comprehensive report that summarizes the entire
project's lifecycle, outcomes, and lessons learned. It serves as a formal record of the
project's completion and provides important information for future reference. The
document typically includes the following sections:

1. Project Overview: This section provides an overview of the project, including its
objectives, scope, and stakeholders involved. It summarizes the project's
purpose and sets the context for the closure report.
2. Project Achievements: Here, the document highlights the key achievements and
deliverables of the project. It outlines the successful completion of milestones,
tasks, and any significant accomplishments that were achieved.
3. Project Timeline and Budget: This section provides an overview of the project
timeline, highlighting the start and end dates, major phases, and milestones. It
also includes information on the project's budget, including any significant
deviations or changes.
4. Lessons Learned: The lessons learned section reflects on the project's
successes and challenges. It includes a comprehensive analysis of what worked
well and what could have been improved. It highlights valuable insights and
recommendations for future projects.
5. Stakeholder Feedback: This section gathers feedback from key stakeholders
involved in the project. It includes their opinions, suggestions, and any concerns
they may have expressed. The feedback helps in assessing the overall
satisfaction and identifying areas for improvement.
6. Risks and Issues: The closure document discusses the risks and issues
encountered throughout the project. It outlines the actions taken to mitigate these
risks and resolve any issues that arose during the project's lifecycle.
7. Project Performance: This section evaluates the project's performance against
the defined objectives and success criteria. It assesses factors such as scope
adherence, timeline adherence, budget performance, quality of deliverables, and
customer satisfaction.
8. Project Sign-off: The closure document includes formal sign-off or approval from
key stakeholders, indicating their acceptance and satisfaction with the project's
outcomes. This signifies the official closure of the project.
9. Project Documentation: This section provides an overview of the project
documentation, including the list of documents produced, their location, and
accessibility for future reference.
10. Next Steps and Recommendations: The closure document outlines any
recommended actions or next steps following the project's closure. It may include
suggestions for further improvements, additional tasks, or follow-up activities.

The project closure document serves as a final report that captures the project's
journey, outcomes, and key learnings. It provides a reference for future projects, helps
in evaluating project success, and facilitates knowledge transfer to stakeholders
involved in the project.

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