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Department of English

University of Central Punjab
Course Outline
Spring 2021

Course Title: Communication Skills

Course Code: ENG 2003
Course Instructor: Tayyaba Binte Mehmood, Rameesha Haris
Credit Hours: 3

Course Description
This course aims at helping students to develop a positive, constructive, and practical approach to
effective written and oral communication in academic and professional settings. Written messages,
oral presentations, interviews, meetings and conferences are an integral part of any communication
environment. Well-prepared and well-executed communication leaves an indelible impression on
readers and audience. Students will learn to use various message organization and presentation
techniques in an effective manner. Audience awareness, group dynamics, question handling,
personal presence and style, and body language are some other aspects that will also be focused.
Moreover, students will be encouraged to work on their language barriers while working on the

Course Requirements
Students are required to possess all the reading materials assigned, so that they are better able to
participate in discussions and other classroom activities. Attendance is required for all classes.
Students who chronically arrive after the session has begun will not be welcome. Arriving late is
disruptive and inconsiderate. Learners’ active participation in classroom activities will ensure
sound learning. Creativity and initiative on their part will be appreciated. In addition, students are
advised not to miss their quizzes because there will not be any retakes. Also, they are expected to
meet the deadline in submission of assignments. They should consider homework and in-class
assignments as opportunities to hone in on their writing and communication skills, which will also
be beneficial in achieving a higher grade at the end of the semester.

Course Objectives
This course familiarizes learners with:
1- the human communication process and problems involved.
2- the speech sounds of English, and stress and intonation patterns.
3- the strategies for improving listening skills and oral presentations.
4- the processes of preparing effective written messages.
5- report writing techniques and conventions.
6- preparing resume and job letters.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, students are able to
1- use English effectively and confidently in all major situations whether academic, social
or professional.
2- develop active listening skills for effective communication.
3- develop fluency and coherence in both formal and informal speech.
4- compose persuasive messages in written forms.
5- communicate with confidence in real life contexts.
6- deliver effective presentations to a variety of audience groups.

Teaching-Learning Methodology
The following techniques / procedures / resources are to be exploited:
Lectures, Reading materials, Guest Speaker(s), Skills Development Exercises, Assignments,
Quizzes, Recommended text, Supplementary Texts, Seminars, Handouts etc.

Text Book
Course Pack
Selections From:
Essentials of Business Communication Eighth Edition Reference Book
Mary Ellen Guffey Professor Emerita of Business Los Angeles Pierce College
Dana Loewy Contributing Editor Business Communication Program California State
University, Fullerton
Technical Communication Principles and Practice THIRD EDITION
Meenakshi Raman, Professor and Head Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
BITS, Pilani (K.K. Birla Goa Campus)

Sangeeta Sharma, Associate Professor

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
BITS, Pilani

Assessment and Evaluation

Exam Type Percentage (%) Consideration
Quiz 10 Take Average of All
Assignments 10 Take Average of All
Presentation 10 Take Average of All
Mid Term 20 Take Average of All
Final Term 40 Take Average of All
Class Participation 10 Take Average of All

Calendar of Activities
Week Contents Tasks /
1 Introduction: Students profile. What to teach / learn. Discussion
Definition of effective communication
Importance and Benefits of Effective Communication. (Ch#1)
 Understanding the communication process
 How culture affects communication

2 Forms of communication Lecture

 Formal communication & Discussion
 Grapevine/informal communication
 Barriers of communication
3 The 7 C’s of Effective Communication (Written+Oral) Quiz 1
 Completeness
 Conciseness
 Consideration
 Concreteness
 Clarity
 Courtesy
 Correctness

4 Types of Communication Assignment

 Verbal communication 1
 Nonverbal communication
5 Presentation Skills Presentations
 5 Ps of presentation skills 1
 Implementation of Nonverbal communication
6 The Process of Preparing Effective Messages (Ch#2)
 Planning business messages
 The writing process for business messages
 Analyzing the purpose and the audience
 Anticipating the audience
 Adapting to the task and audience
Written Communication: Composing business messages
 Collecting information to compose messages
 Organizing to show relationship
 Composing effective sentences
 Improving writing techniques
7 Electronic messages and Memos (Ch#5) Quiz 2
 Organizing email messages and memos
 Applying email and memo formats

8 Revision Discussion
9 Mid-Term Exam
10 Informal Reports (Ch#9) Assignment
 Understanding Report Basics 2
 Defining the Purpose and Gathering Data
 Choosing a Report Writing Style and Creating
11 Active Listening & Effective Speaking Quiz 3
 Reasons for poor listening
 Traits of good listener
 Types of listening
 Public speaking
12 The Job Application Process Assignment
 Resume and Cover Letter to Resume 3
 Interview Skills
13 Professionalism and business etiquettes at workplace (Ch#11) Reading
 Recognizing the Importance of Professionalism, &
 Business Etiquette, and Ethical Behavior Discussion
 Becoming a Professional Communicator in Face-to-
Face Settings
 Practicing Professional Telephone, Cell Phone
14 Role Plays on different scenarios Presentations
Face to face communication 2
15 Revision
16 Final Exams

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