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Montgomery County, Maryland - Black Disabled Woman “Trails,

Oppression and Mistreatment”

As black woman and disabled is underrepresented in every aspect in mainstream society,
political platforms, government agencies, justice systems, public safety, prosecutors, lawyers,
doctors, etc., their voices are often suppressed. The only time the politicians know that a black
woman exist is during elections only to vote for them. Meanwhile, economic insecurity for a
disabled black woman is at higher rates due to systematic barriers such as race, gender and
disability. The impact just being a black woman, is often negatively stigmatized with “Angry
Black Woman” is often used when a black woman defend herself.
At its core, “ableism is an ideological framework through which certain bodies and minds are
valued over others based on socially constructed ideas of “normal,” with the consequence that
anyone who deviates from those norms is deprived of equitable and respectful treatment”.
“However, racism and ableism are intertwined historically, with ableism, and in particular, the
stigma around mental illness used throughout history to hide or justify racial violence”. Nick
Winges-Yanez, Ph.D., LMSW, Texas Center for Disability Studies
On January 26, 2023, A hate crime was announced by the County Executive supported by
Montgomery County Council, prosecutors, and MCPD when a Jewish man was attacked by a
black young male jailed without a bond and then $800,000 of hate crime funds announced on
behalf of this crime. Blacks are targeted and hated. According to DOJ hate crime statistics, anti-
black crimes are the highest.
For example, Donald Trump indicted over 78 times and has other criminal offenses free out on
bond however in Montgomery County, Maryland a black people are oppressed by the Justice
System, in jail with a bond doing less crime. The black youth in jail without bond is extreme but
this is Montgomery County, Maryland justice system.
January 10, 2022, a disabled black woman name Merceda Gooding attacked by a white woman
with a knife [no hate crime filed]. The white woman still allowed to live in apartment complex
for over 6 months continued to violate the restraining orders. Montgomery County police hide
the phone calls. In June 2022, the white woman and her friend attacked me at Giant stores while
I had a fracture; no hate crime filed.
The MCPD refused to release the tape and/or call logs regarding this incident. MCPD refused to
come out on calls the courts granted restraining order for my protection. I contacted the
politicians and there was no response to the actions by the police. How many women of color is
impacted by this behavior in Montgomery, Maryland? The woman who attacked me with a knife
was sent to mental health court and finally evicted after 8 months after harassing me all this time.
Why did the Judges not evict her? The landlord? If the tables were turn, I, a black woman
threaten and pull out a knife on a white woman, I would have been evicted immediately and in
jail without bond regardless if I do not have a criminal record because of the color of “my skin”,
“my disability” and “my gender” all together is guilty - in Montgomery County Maryland [or the
State of Maryland].

Blacks in Montgomery County, MD who are also disabled or in a crisis's situation murdered
unjustly, disproportionate of traffic stops, high fines against people of color by Montgomery
County courts, unfair sentences, mass incarceration, etc., no hate crime filed by County
Executive, MCPD, Judges or Montgomery County prosecutor- “see the disparity”.[ Murdering or
pulling out knives as threat is not considered a hate crime when it comes to a person of color].
There are no efforts aimed by no political platform to dismantle the structural and cultural
barriers that contribute to the inequality disabled women of color experience.

Even though I was attacked by a Jewish counselor who supposed to assist me with ticket to work
as a disabled person in 2018-19. Ever since I filed the complaint have been targeted by the
politics and the Jewish community under every aspect. Many are leaders in social programs, I
faced many obstacles to gaining access to quality healthcare, programs, etc., in the State of
Maryland. Also, I have experience, to speak on a topic at a Montgomery County government
council meeting citizens to go through the Jewish organization for social issues. I went for
assistance and there was none; Silver Spring Justice- Jewish United- no assistance at all for the
attack of the white woman. Montgomery County Chapter of NAACP for Justice/Court issues but
they only want to use me to get members for them.
My experience, blacks are oppressed in Montgomery County, Maryland [judicial, jobs,
economic, housing, etc.] and most people of color “work and receive welfare” to afford to live in
this county. There is no hate crime filed for the people of color who is targeted disproportionate
traffic stops, unjustified murders [disability crises], unequal sentences, high fines imposed
against people of color
I was stopped by the police on my birthday 12/21. I was yelled at and accused of stealing my
own car, this was my husband's car after the cop tailgated me [with lights off] for about a mile
until we reached the woods [dark] midnight [after leaving work]. The officer holding a flashlight
in my eyes, I could not see anything including him. I saw his hands which were white. The
Montgomery County Chief Marcus Jones is an aggressive, unapproachable and angry person, if a
person complains about the police, they will receive a “payback”.
Now the leaders in government funded programs and entities is targeting me for exercising my
civil rights as I speak my voice utilizing my 1st amendment rights to speak as a black and
disabled woman.
I filed my own hate crime:
Criminal Interference with Right to Fair Housing, 42 U.S.C. § 3631:This statute makes it a
crime to use or threaten to use force to interfere with housing rights because of the victim’s race,
color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin.
Conspiracy Against Rights, 18 U.S.C. § 241 This statute makes it unlawful for two or more
persons to conspire to injure, threaten, or intimidate a person in any state, territory, or district in
the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to the individual by the U.S.
Constitution or the laws of the U.S.
Violent Interference with Federally Protected Rights, 18 U.S.C. § 245 This statute makes it a
crime to use or threaten to use force to willfully interfere with a person’s participation in a

federally protected activity because of race, color, religion, or national origin. Federally
protected activities include public education, employment, jury service, travel, or the enjoyment
of public accommodations. Under this statute, it is also a crime to use or threaten to use force
against those who are assisting and supporting others in participating in these federally protected
Political and Government retaliation: It is my belief it is a deliberate action used to send a
clear message that complaining is unwelcome and risky in Maryland [and by a Democratic
majority political party]. They instill fear in me that I might consider making a complaint in the
future. As I am disabled receiving SSDI and receive benefits from federally funded programs
and engaged in federal funded entities, I receive constant threats and intimidation. Once I
complain, I am labeled “trouble­makers.” The politicians and government use potent weapons
against me to maintain the power structure within the institution and government, only to
suppress voices violating 1st Amendment rights.

Montgomery County, MD is diverse, disparity still exist according to the U.S. Census
More than 200 complaints filed against Montgomery County Maryland police department
Disparities in traffic stops in Montgomery County, Maryland:
Violence Against Women Act [VAWA] is unenforceable especially if a black woman files a
violent crime against a nonblack in Montgomery County Maryland it is not addressed
National Disability Institute: African American women with disabilities is triple jeopardy
and has lingering effects on their financial stability. Race and disability are not separate
sources of disadvantage that parallel each other. Instead, the data analysis reveals that race
and disability are identities that are both related to systemic inequality.
Harvard Business Review: Rutgers University history professor Deborah Gray White notes
that the angry Black woman image is deeply rooted in American culture and dates to
chattel slavery in the U.S. January 2022
Bleiweis, Boesch, and Cawthorne Gaines, “The Basic Facts About Women in Poverty.”

2020 FBI Hate Crimes Statistics


The association of disability with racism is what makes it harder for Black people to
identify with not only disability pride, but accessing disability related resources that would

otherwise help them. Miles, A. L. (2019). “Strong black women”: African American women
with disabilities, intersecting identities and inequality. Gender and Society 33 (1) 41-63.
Health inequities affecting African Americans have existed throughout the history of the
United States because of the impact of systemic racism and social determinants of health
(SDoH) (Buis et al., 2019; DeSantis et al., 2016; Maness et al., 2021; Pan et al., 2019; Yoon
et al., 2019)

African Americans experience more mental health issues than their white counterparts
because of various factors unique to their situation, including stigma, economic struggle,
racism, and gaps in service provision (Armstrong-Mensah et al., 2020).

U.S. Department of Labor reports that in 2020, Black women’s unemployment rate was
10.9%, compared to 7.6% for white women.

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