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R1. Consider the transportation analogy in Section 6.1.1. If the passenger is analogous to a
datagram, what is analogous to the link layer frame?

Answer: The transportation mode (like: limo, plane, train) is analogous to the link layer frame, when
passenger is analogous to a datagram. Because in link layer protocol, frame is the unit of
transmission which transmits datagram between nodes.

R2. If all the links in the Internet were to provide reliable delivery service, would the TCP reliable
delivery service be redundant? Why or why not? -

Answer: TCP Reliable Delivery Service is not redundant. Although each link guarantees that an IP
datagram sent over the link will be received at the other end of the link without errors, it is not
guaranteed that IP datagrams will arrive at the ultimate destination in the proper order. With IP,
datagrams in the same TCP connection can take different routes in the network, and therefore arrive
out of order. TCP is still needed to provide the receiving end of the application the byte stream in the
correct order. Also, IP can lose packets due to routing loops or equipment failures.

R3. What are some of the possible services that a link-layer protocol can offer to the network layer?
Which of these link-layer services have corresponding services in IP? In TCP?
Answer: The below are some of the possible services that a link-layer protocol that offer to the network:

• Link access
• Reliable delivery
• Framing
• Error detection and correction

The above 4 link-layer services (Link access, Reliable delivery, Framing, and Error detection and
correction) have corresponding services in TCP (Transfer control protocol). The below 3 link layer
services that have corresponding to the services of IP are as follows:
Network layer
• Link access
• Framing
• Error detection and correction
R4. Suppose two nodes start to transmit at the same time a packet of length L over a broadcast
channel of rate R. Denote the propagation delay between the two nodes as dprop. Will there be a
collision if dprop < L/R> Why or why not?
Short Answer: Simply, There will be a collision in the sense that while a node is transmitting it will start to receive a packet from the other
Answer: No collision, since the other node is able to finish transmission before new packet arrives.
Otherwise, if dprop < L/R, there will be a collision. Before one node finishes transmitting, it will start
receiving the packet from the other node.

R5. In Section 5.3, we listed four desirable characteristics of a broadcast channel. Which of these
characteristics does slotted ALOHA have? Which of these characteristics does token passing have? -

m nodes

R6. When there is more than one (M in total) node sending data, the rate for all nodes is ~R/m on
average simplicity In CSMA/CD, after the fifth collision, what is the probability that a node chooses K
= 4? The result K = 4 corresponds to a delay of how many seconds on a 10 Mbps Ethernet? -

Answer: After the 5th collision it chooses from { 0 ... ... (2^M-1)} => it chooses from {0,...,...,31} when
M = 5. And the probability it chooses 4 is 1/(2^M) => 1/32.

Delay = k*512 bits => 4*512 = 2048 bits.

2048 bits / 10Mbps = 204.8 microSecs == 204.8*10^-6 seconds
2048/10*1000*1000 = 0.0002048 seconds

R7. Describe polling and token-passing protocols using the analogy of cocktail party interactions. -

Answer: Polling Protocol:

• The polling protocol is a master node. It is used for eliminate collisions.
• It is used to surveys each of the nodes and transfer certain maximum number of data frames.
• If received message from the master node, then each node will ready to transfer data
otherwise, master node sends message asking it to send its data.
• One node completed successfully then start another transaction by using master node.
• It is a round-robin fashion technique. The master node is used to polls each node in a cyclic
when a node receives a token, it holds the token only if it has some frames to transmit,
Token Passing Protocol: otherwise it will immediately forwards the token to the next node. that's how it works ..

• The Token passing protocol is not a master node.

• It is used to transfer data in some fixed order.
• If any node have the token the send its data. If it is not received destination node then search
to go for next node and transfer it.
• The main disadvantage is, if any node fails then entire transfer data will be crashed.
if the node which holds the token fails, then the entire channel will be crashed.

R8. Why would the token-ring protocol be inefficient if a LAN had a very large perimeter?

Answer: When a node transmits a frame, the node has to wait for the frame to propagate around the
entire ring before the node can release the token. Thus, if L/R is small as compared to dprop, then the
protocol will be inefficient. Another Answer:

If LAN had very large perimeter, then the following problems are occurred as:

• The node sends the data only if receives the token in token-ring topology.
• Waiting time is high from one node to next node data transfer.

So token-ring protocol to be inefficient.


Section 6.4
R9. How big is the MAC address space? The IPv4 address space? The IPv6 address space? -

Answer: 2^48 MAC addresses; 2^32 IPv4 addresses; 2^128 IPv6 addresses.

R10. Suppose nodes A, B, and C each attach to the same broadcast LAN (through their adapters). If
A sends thousands of IP datagrams to B with each encapsulating frame addressed to the MAC
address of B, will C's adapter process these frames? If so, will C's adapter pass the IP datagrams in
these frames to the network layer C? How would your answers change if A sends frames with the
MAC broadcast address? -

Answer: C's adapter will process the frames, but the adapter will not pass the datagrams up the
protocol stack. If the LAN broadcast address is used, then C's adapter will both process the frames
and pass the datagrams up the protocol stack.
R11. Why is an ARP query sent within a broadcast frame? Why is an ARP response sent within a
frame with a specific destination MAC address? -

Answer: In order for a sender to send an IP datagram the sender must know both the IP address and
the MAC address. In order to get the unknown MAC address the sender will send an ARP query as a
broadcast message across the LAN. Each node will receive this message and determine that it is a
broadcast message. That node/adapter will then send the message up to its own ARP module. Each
ARP module checks to see if that IP address matches its IP address. If it does, it will send the ARP
response back to the sender with the MAC address inside a frame of the packet.

at the bottom of the pdf

R12. For the network in Figure 6.19, the router has two ARP modules, each with its own ARP table. Is
it possible that the same MAC address appears in both tables? -

Answer: No, it is not possible. Each LAN has its own distinct set of adapters attached to it, with each
adapter having a unique LAN address.

R13. Compare the frame structures for 10BASE-T, 100BASE-T, and Gigabit Ethernet. How do they

Answer: 10BASE-T, 100BASE-T and Gigabit Ethernet have identical frame structure.

The only difference between the three technologies is speed at which they transmit the data.

The fields in the Ethernet frame structure are as follows:

• The “Data Field” is used to carry IP datagram and size is 46 to 1500 bytes.
• The “Destination Address Field” contains destination adapter’s MAC address and size is 6
• The “Source Address Field” contains adapter’s MAC address that sends the frame to LAN and
size is 6 bytes.
• The “Type2 Field” helps the Ethernet to connect with multiplex network – layer protocols and
size is 2 bytes.
• The “Cycle Redundancy Check (CRC) field”, is used to detect the errors using the CRC field
and size is 4 bytes.
• The “Preamble field” is the first field used to identify the beginning of the Ethernet frame and
size is 8 bytes.
at the bottom of the pdf

R14. Consider Figure 6.15. How many subnetworks are there, in the addressing sense of Section
4.4? -

Answer: 2 sub networks

R15. What is the maximum number of VLANs that can be configured on a switch supporting the
802.1Q protocol? Why? -

Answer: 802.1q defines a 12-bit VLAN tag. As such, you have a maximum possible of 4096 values.
The question of how many a given switch can support is a function of its hardware and software
design. It's not uncommon, for example, for some of these values to be set aside for internal
purposes - so, say, 3900-some-odd available out of 4096. It's also not uncommon that for purposes of
price/performance trade-offs that some devices might only support a few hundred total.

There are also implementations that allow more than 4096 - either by using multiple, stacked 802.1q
tags or partitioning hardware/software to concurrently support several 12-bit domains (potentially
even to the point of a unique 12-bit range per physical port on the switch).
R16. Suppose that N switches supporting K VLAN groups are to be connected via a trunking protocol. How
many ports are needed to connect the switches?
Justify your answer. -

Answer: We can string the N switches together. The first and last switch would use one port for
trunking; the middle N-2 switches would use two ports. So the total number of ports is 2+ 2(N-2) =
2N-2 ports.

Additional Questions:

1- What is framing in the link layer?

Answer: Almost all link-layer protocols encapsulate each network-layer datagram within a link-layer frame
before transmission over the link (Header + data). or : it's encapsulating datagram into frame, adding header
and trailer.

2- What is a hub used for?

Answer: It’s a physical-layer device that acts on individual bits rather than frames. When a hub receives a bit
from one of its interfaces, it sends a copy to all other interfaces.

R12. For the network in Figure Below, the router has two ARP modules, each with its own ARP table. Is
it possible that the same MAC address appears in both tables? -
Answer: No, it is not possible. Each LAN has its own distinct set of adapters attached to it, with each
adapter having a unique LAN address.

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