Real World Evidence A Primer.2

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Real-World Evidence: A Primer

Robert Zura, MD,a Debra E. Irwin, PhD, MSPH,b Christina D. Mack, PhD, MSPH,c
Molly L. Aldridge, MPH,d and John I. Mackowiak, PhDe
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traditional processing machines and applications.1 In medicine,

Summary: The insights that real-world data (RWD) can provide, big data often means RWD and includes information on “patient
beyond what can be learned within the traditional clinical trial health status and/or the delivery of health care routinely collected
setting, have gained enormous traction in recent years. RWD, which from a variety of sources.2 These “vast and growing volumes” of
are increasingly available and accessible, can further our under- digital health information come in many forms including elec-
standing of disease, disease progression, and safety and effectiveness tronic health records (EHRs), administrative or health claims
of treatments with the speed and accuracy required by the health care data, disease and drug monitoring registries, information from
environment and patients today. Over the decades since RWD were wearable technology, and many others.3–6
first recognized, innovation has evolved to take real-world research Another term, “real-world evidence (RWE),” describes
beyond finding ways to identify, store, and analyze large volumes of “clinical evidence about the usage and potential benefits or risks
data. The research community has developed strong methods to of a medical product derived from analysis of RWD.”2 A 2018
address challenges of using RWD and as a result has increased the benchmark study conducted by the Tufts Center for the Study of
acceptance of RWD in research, practice, and policy. Historic Drug Development found that of 30 pharmaceutical companies
concerns about RWD relate to data quality, privacy, and trans- surveyed, 29 had an RWE function, most of which were increas-
parency; however, new tools, methods, and approaches mitigate ing in size. Developing greater insight into therapeutic area
these challenges and expand the utility of RWD to new applications. needs and a better understanding of drug effectiveness were 2
Specific guidelines for RWD use have been developed and published of the cited measures of return on their investment.7
by numerous groups, including regulatory authorities. These and The promise of RWE is one of great opportunity for
other efforts have shown that the more RWD are used and expanded approaches, more complete views, and new angles
understood and the more the tools for handling it are refined, the of understanding of human health and medicine. This article
more useful it will be. reviews some of the current opportunities and challenges
Key Words: real-world data, real-world evidence, big data associated with the use of RWD and RWE in medicine.

(J Orthop Trauma 2021;35:S1–S5)

Study Designs For Use With RWE
RWD have been used across many simple and complex
INTRODUCTION study designs. Case–control studies identify groups of people
The story of real-world data (RWD) is decades in the with and without an outcome of interest and compare them
making. Scholars acknowledged the increasing rate of growth regarding their exposure status. Cohort studies identify sub-
of the volume of data by coining the term “information explo- sets of a population with and without an exposure the
sion” as early as 1941. “Big data” is a term used to describe investigators believe may influence the probability of a par-
data sets that are too big or too complex to be handled by ticular outcome. A case–control study of 1021 patients with
hip fractures (cases) and 5606 controls among elderly
Accepted for publication December 9, 2020. Medicaid enrollees identified an increased risk of falling and
From the aDepartment of Orthopaedics, Louisiana State University Health
Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA; bIBM Watson Health, Durham, NC;
fractures (outcomes) in elderly persons using psychotropic
IQVIA Real-World Solutions, Durham, NC; dAldridge Medical Writing & drugs (exposure).8 Lin et al9 used data from national health
Consulting, Chapel Hill, NC; and eCenter for Outcomes Research, Cedar research datasets to conduct a cohort study estimating inci-
Point, NC. dence and factors associated with hip fractures in Taiwan.
R. Zura is a consultant for Bioventus, Stryker, and Osteocentric. He is a board Epidemiologic studies often use a cross-sectional design with
member for the Kuntscher Society and the Louisiana Orthopaedic
Association and serves on the Editorial Board of Orthopedics. D. E. RWD to estimate prevalence. Cross-sectional studies examine
Irwin is an employee of IBM Watson Health, and IBM Watson Health the relationship between an outcome and exposures as they
received financial support from Bioventus as a consultant on the BONES exist in a defined population at a particular time.
Study. C. D. Mack is a full-time employee of IQVIA which is a research Pragmatic clinical trials are gaining interest across
organization contracted with Bioventus on the BONES study. She holds
stock in Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca. M. L. Aldridge is an
several therapeutic areas. These studies can incorporate
independent medical writing consultant contracted with Bioventus for this randomization, compare a treatment of interest with 1 or
publication. J. Mackowiak is a consultant contracted with Bioventus for more treatments being used in the real-world setting, and
this publication. examine clinical events that occur through regular, real-world
Reprints: John I. Mackowiak, PhD, Center for Outcomes Research, 186 Bluff medical care.6
Road, Cedar Point, NC 28584 (e-mail:
Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. As an alternative to randomized experimental designs,
DOI: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000002037 studies using propensity score matching make use of

J Orthop Trauma  Volume 35, Number 3 Supplement, March 2021 | S1

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Zura et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 35, Number 3 Supplement, March 2021

quasiexperimental comparison groups. A variety of propen- number of RWE uses that are of particular interest in
sity score techniques can be used to identify nonconcurrent orthopaedics are discussed.
comparison subjects that are similar to the treated subjects
in a separate study and can also be used to further adjust Safety Monitoring/Pharmacovigilance
observable differences.10 As an example, propensity score– RWE from observational studies has long been
matched cohorts were created using a nationwide inpatient accepted for postapproval safety monitoring and to answer
database to evaluate in-hospital complications after microen- pharmacoeconomic questions.19 The role of RWD in pharma-
doscopic versus open lumbar laminectomy in Japan.11 covigilance includes drug safety signal detection, evaluation,
substantiation, and validation.4,20 Pharmaceutical and device
Analytical Methods and Tools surveillance in the United States relies heavily on spontane-
The use of RWE in these study designs is supported by ous reporting systems to document adverse events (AEs) and
innovative methods, including tools such as predictive mandatory reporting from manufacturers and physicians to
modeling, machine learning, and text mining, which can turn the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but other sour-
“big data” into “smart data.”12 ces of RWD are also common.18 Dasa et al21 used a large
Developments of new and improved statistical methods claims database to monitor AEs and time to total knee
are coming with nearly the volume, velocity, and variety of replacement after repeated courses of hyaluronic acid injec-
the data that necessitated their creation. For example, pre- tions. FDA uses various sources of health care information in
dictive modeling can estimate the likelihood of occurrences its Sentinel database which was designed to support postap-
and can help identify groups of patients who are more likely proval safety efforts.22 Similarly, the National Evaluation
to respond to an intervention.1 These techniques are not lim- System for health Technology (NEST) uses RWD for surveil-
ited to the same requirements as more traditional statistical lance of devices in clinical care.23
methods and allow for the analysis of not only very large
numbers of observations, but also very large numbers of var- Quality Monitoring
iables. Predictive analytics have been used widely for pur- Many RWD sources, including insurance claims and
poses ranging from the prediction of cartilage lesion EHR databases, are used to monitor quality of care.24 The
progression in knee osteoarthritis13 to the prediction of mor- National Quality Forum offers several quality metrics, includ-
tality in the intensive care unit.14 RWD can be used to eval- ing both process-related and outcome-related metrics for
uate the predictive value of risk assessment tools, as was orthopaedic care,25 many of which can be monitored using
demonstrated by the use of an administrative claims database RWD sources. The use of appropriate outcomes and statistical
to evaluate the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Fracture methods that account for the complex and dynamic range of
Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX).15 factors that influence patient outcomes and the acceptance of
Machine learning is a discipline that focuses on how public reporting as an opportunity for quality improvement
computers learn from data and the development of algorithms may increase trust and appreciation of performance monitor-
that make this learning possible.1,12,16 Used numerous times ing data among current critics.26,27
in orthopaedics,17 applications of RWE and machine learning
are documented as far back as 2005 and range from automatic External Comparators
interpretation of medical images (an example of “supervised External comparator groups, sometimes called historic
learning”) to the practice of precision medicine which or synthetic controls, are patient cohorts created from data
addresses the enormous, inherent heterogeneity of many com- that are external to the clinical study.5,28 These data can be
mon diseases (an example of “unsupervised learning”).4,16 used to augment clinical trials, in particular single-arm trials
Text mining techniques such as natural language processing when a comparison group is not feasible. Data on external
allow for the analysis of data from clinical notes to corrobo- comparators can be collected either before or concurrent with
rate more structured data in medical records which may be the main study and can come from a variety of RWD sour-
prone to errors.12,18 ces.28 For example, the Bioventus Observational Non-
It should be recognized that some tools for the analysis interventional EXOGEN Studies (BONES) program used
of big data sets can be easily accessed and used by data from a large administrative claims database to create a
nonexperts. This can lead to incorrect or unreliable interpre- comparison group for the patients prospectively enrolled in its
tation or use of evidence. To this end, design and conduct of registry study of a fracture healing device.28 A recent system-
RWE studies and subsequent publication of results should be atic review identified 43 occasions in which nonrandomized
conducted by those with methodological expertise.5 study designs using external controls were included in appli-
cations to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and/or
How Can RWD Be Used? FDA, most of which were met with approval.28
RWE is poised to profoundly improve our understand-
ing of human health. One of the most obvious contributions Reaching a Broader Population
of RWE to medicine is its size and scope, enabling a unique One of the key advantages of RWD is that it provides a
set of opportunities previously impossible to pursue with diverse, generalizable population and access to patients who
smaller or more circumscribed data sets. From biomarker are not in clinical trials. To reduce confounding and maximize
discovery and validation to trial feasibility to safety signal validity, clinical trials often include very narrow populations
detection, the uses of RWD are ever increasing. Below a in which to test the efficacy and safety of interventions.6

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 35, Number 3 Supplement, March 2021 A Primer on Real-World Evidence

Studies using RWE enable inclusion of broader patient by providing evidence for adoption of the intervention into
groups without the constraints of trial inclusion and exclusion real-world clinical practice.5,19,30 Members of pharmacy and
criteria.19,28,29 Reaching a broader population allows for cap- therapeutic committees report a need for more education on
ture of rare events, such as nonunions, infections, and pulmo- RWE to support reimbursement decisions.34 Alwardt35 argue
nary embolism after arthroplasty. that “with greater perspective, payers.can make more
informed decisions about access and formulary inclusion,
Improve Efficiency of Clinical Trials which will help improve patient outcomes..” It is likely that
RWD from EHRs may allow clinical investigators to the influence of RWE in both policy and payor decisions will
access and combine data from clinical notes and laboratory increase as its use in research and regulatory decision-making
and pharmacy records to improve efficiency of data collection continues to expand, particularly as the value of RCT and
and analysis, including post-trial follow-up.5 Exploratory RWE findings seen together is increasingly recognized.36
analyses of subgroup effects are generally not encouraged
unless defined at study outset, and sufficient sample size is Challenges Associated With RWD
required to detect any subgroup effects.6 RWD can facilitate RWD offer the potential for tremendous increases in the
creation of subgroups for exploratory analyses. Efficiency is breadth, depth, and diversity of our understanding in many
also achieved through use of external comparators, particu- areas of medicine,37 but the volume, velocity, and variety
larly in rollover trials, cases where randomization may not be with which they come pose unique challenges.
feasible or ethical, or where there are limited number of
patients with the condition of interest.19 Data Quality: Variety and Veracity
Those hesitant to use or accept RWD in research often
Regulatory Approvals cite concerns about data quality.2,5,23,38 Data collected in the
The use of RWD as historical controls has supported real-world setting do not always have the same quality con-
successful regulatory applications for nearly 50 years,19 but trols as those collected in a clinical trial setting.23 For exam-
regulatory decision-making has relied primarily on data from ple, EHR structures and content are not identical across
RCTs which can be expensive and time-consuming. institutions.18 Agencies such as the EMA and FDA have
Importantly, RCTs often have limited applicability to real- published recommendations to improve the quality of RWE
world settings, reflecting smaller populations with limited including the need to define standard formats for data sets,
follow-up and a lack of generalizability. FDA affirms their protocols, and tools to ensure reproducibility. FDA guidelines
commitment to improvement of the drug approval process include suggestions for data accrual, data assurance and qual-
through publication of the framework for their RWE program, ity control, and a recommendation for a priori study protocols
release of guidance on the use of RWD to support regulatory and analysis plans to avoid potential bias. Following these
decision-making for medical devices, and through the launch recommendations “optimizes the reliability, quality, and use-
of numerous initiatives to support the application of RWE in fulness of the data.”3,23,39
regulatory decision-making.2,19,23 Hybrid trial methodologies Examples of solutions to quality concerns include the
including pragmatic RCTs and single-arm trial data supple- publication of guidelines and best practices for data creation,
mented with RWD external comparators combine the benefits collection, and analysis and the recent adoption of universal
of RCTs (including the potential for randomization) with device identifiers which make it easier to capture device
those of observational study designs and are, with increasing details in AE reporting.3,5,18,23,39,40 Tools to assist researchers
frequency, being used to create RWE appropriate for regula- in determining quality and appropriateness of a RWD data set
tory decision-making.6,19 The recent label expansion for for a particular research question or purpose have also been
Ibrance (palbociclib, Pfizer) was based solely on RWE, but published.3,6,16,23,32,39–41 Methods to account for selection
RWE has complemented clinical trial data to drive label bias, handle missing data, and other potential biases are
expansions for several other drugs19,30,31 and can further be mature and constantly under development and improvement,
used for postapproval surveillance as a condition of enabling researchers to draw valid conclusions for RWE.42,43
approval.23 Interestingly, FDA acknowledges that, for regu-
latory purposes, the required level of RWE data quality varies Privacy
depending on the specific regulatory decision being made.23 The increased use of RWE has sparked increased
interest in patient privacy. The real potential for security
Hypothesis Generation and Predicate Free Analysis breaches, the disclosure of sensitive health information, and
Examination of RWD allows for the detection and the fear of its use for discriminatory purposes are of common
quantification of correlations and subsequent hypothesis concern.44–46 The use of RWD for evaluation or performance
generation.32 Bate et al20 recently discussed the use of monitoring has sometimes been described as “big brother,”
RWD for searching for potential signals across multiple specifically with respect to monitoring of physician and hos-
drug/AE pairs without the need of prior suspicion. pital performance where results are published and could affect
patient choice and profits.27,47,48 In such cases, the concern of
Policy and Reimbursement Decisions data quality or the appropriateness of the analytical approach
RWD enable policymakers to evaluate the effects of also come into discussion.46 Solutions to privacy issues
policy changes and to evaluate future policy decisions.33 include scrupulous attention to data security and range from
Pragmatic clinical trials inform a clinical or policy decision simple deidentification of data and suppression of small cells

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Zura et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 35, Number 3 Supplement, March 2021

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