Pedagogy Test 1

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Compared with students in the early elementary grades, students in the upper elementary grades are
often better able to negotiate disagreements with their peers to a positive outcome. This ability is most
likely due to upper elementary students' more advanced development in which of the following areas?

A.expressive language



D.perspective taking

Answer to question 1

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: D. (Objective 0001)
According to Robert Selman, most children generally do not develop the ability to put themselves in
another's position until approximately age ten. Mature perspective-taking ability is key to appreciating
how one's actions and words will affect others and provides the foundation for constructive resolution
of everyday social conflicts. Correct Response: D. (Objective 0001) According to Robert Selman, most
children generally do not develop the ability to put themselves in another's position until approximately
age ten. Mature perspective-taking ability is key to appreciating how one's actions and words will affect
others and provides the foundation for constructive resolution of everyday social conflicts.

Question 2

2. A student who is functioning primarily at the concrete operational stage of cognitivedevelopment as

described by Jean Piaget is most likely to demonstrate which of thefollowing behaviors?

A.systematically generating several possible solutions to a problem

B.regularly assuming that others share his or her feelings about a situation

C.spontaneously incorporating figurative language into writing assignments

D.routinely using manipulative materials for support with mathematics tasks

Answer to question 2

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: D. (Objective 0001)
During Piaget's concrete operational stage of cognitive development,students can apply mental
operations to concrete objects and events and can thinklogically, but only with practical aids. At this
stage of cognitive development(roughly ages 7–12), students need to work with real objects in order to
constructknowledge. Correct Response: D. (Objective 0001) During Piaget's concrete operational stage
of cognitive development,students can apply mental operations to concrete objects and events and can
thinklogically, but only with practical aids. At this stage of cognitive development(roughly ages 7–12),
students need to work with real objects in order to constructknowledge.
Question 3

3. An elementary school student with a strong sense of self-efficacy in a specificsubject area is most
likely to demonstrate which of the following behaviors in thatsubject area?

A.persistence in the completion of challenging tasks

B.evaluation of his or her performance according to external criteria

C.preference for self-directed learning activities

D.mastery of content and skills at a faster than average pace

Answer to question 3

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: A. (Objective 0001)
Self-efficacy can be describedas a belief in one's own ability to perform a task successfully. Self-efficacy
playsa major role in how an individual approaches goals, tasks, and challenges. Individualswith high self-
efficacy, those who believe they can perform well, are more likelyto view difficult tasks as something to
be mastered, to be encouraged to make agreater effort when faced with obstacles, and to attribute
their success or failureto internal factors (e.g., insufficient effort, lack of preparation) rather
thanexternal factors (e.g., the difficulty of the task, poor instruction). Correct Response: A. (Objective
0001) Self-efficacy can be describedas a belief in one's own ability to perform a task successfully. Self-
efficacy playsa major role in how an individual approaches goals, tasks, and challenges. Individualswith
high self-efficacy, those who believe they can perform well, are more likelyto view difficult tasks as
something to be mastered, to be encouraged to make agreater effort when faced with obstacles, and to
attribute their success or failureto internal factors (e.g., insufficient effort, lack of preparation) rather
thanexternal factors (e.g., the difficulty of the task, poor instruction).

Question 4

4. In elementary school students, which of the following cognitive abilities is typicallythe start italics
lastend italics to develop?

A.understanding the concept of cause and effect

B.using analogies to link new ideas to previously learned concepts

C.solving problems that involve multiple steps

D.associating symbols with specific objects or meanings

Answer to question 4
Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: B. (Objective 0001)
Theability to create analogies between known and new information is characteristicof emerging formal
operational thinking. Using such analogies requires the abilityto consider ideas in the abstract, without
the support of concrete materials. Studentstypically do not begin to demonstrate this ability until the
late elementary orearly middle school years. Correct Response: B. (Objective 0001) The ability to create
analogies between known and new information is characteristic of emerging formal operational
thinking. Using such analogies requires the ability to consider ideas in the abstract, without the support
of concrete materials. Students typically do not begin to demonstrate this ability until the late
elementary or early middle school years.

Question 5

5. Which of the following learning center materials would be most effective in supportingthe
development of kindergarten students' fine motor skills?

A.beanbag and ring toss games

B.plastic bowling balls and pins

C.drums and tambourines

D.modeling clay and rolling pins

Answer to question 5

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: D. (Objective 0001)
Fine motor skills can be developed most effectively by manipulatingobjects with hands and fingers.
Modeling clay and rolling pins naturally promptstudents to engage in molding, shaping, and rolling
actions. These actions helpstudents gain greater control of the muscles in their hands and fingers as
wellas strengthen their grip. Correct Response: D. (Objective 0001) Fine motor skills can be developed
most effectively by manipulating objects with hands and fingers. Modeling clay and rolling pins naturally
prompt students to engage in molding, shaping, and rolling actions. These actions help students gain
greater control of the muscles in their hands and fingers as well as strengthen their grip.

Question 6

6. A sixth-grade teacher leads students in the process of creating vision boards. First, the teacher has the
students make a list of ten things they want to do, be, or have. Students place their list in the front of
their binder where they will see it every day. Next, using a personal vision board, the teacher shows
students how to go about selecting images, illustrations, and words that represent the items on their
list. Engaging students in the process of creating vision boards is likely to have which of the following
benefits for students' development?

A.facilitating students' understanding of connections between academics and life

B.helping students clarify their goals and recognize their potential for success

C.teaching students how to adopt a proactive approach to achieving their goals

D.improving students' sense of responsibility for the outcomes of their decisions

Answer to question 6

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: B. (Objective 0001)
Goal setting is an important life skill and helps students take responsibility for themselves. They learn
that their actions determine whether or not they fail or succeed. Goal setting also builds self-confidence.
When students reach their goals, they learn to believe in their abilities and are more likely to set new
goals for themselves in the future. Showing students their strengths and talents helps boost their self-
esteem. Correct Response: B. (Objective 0001) Goal setting is an important life skill and helps students
take responsibility for themselves. They learn that their actions determine whether or not they fail or
succeed. Goal setting also builds self-confidence. When students reach their goals, they learn to believe
in their abilities and are more likely to set new goals for themselves in the future. Showing students
their strengths and talents helps boost their self-esteem.

Question 7

7. The physical development of students in the elementary school years is generally characterized by:

A.significant enhancement of visual and auditory acuity.

B.dramatic increase in calorie needs.

C.rapid improvement in strength and muscle coordination.

D.increased regularity in the sleep cycle.

Answer to question 7

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: C. (Objective 0001)
Compared with the development of basic gross and fine motor skills in infancy and toddlerhood and the
dramatic growth spurts characteristic of early adolescence, physical development in the elementary
school years is a period of slow and steady growth. This growth contributes to improved muscle strength
and students' ability to expand and refine the motor skills. During this period, many students learn to
ride a bicycle, hit a baseball, jump rope, and similar skills that require a greater degree of coordination.
Correct Response: C. (Objective 0001) Compared with the development of basic gross and fine motor
skills in infancy and toddlerhood and the dramatic growth spurts characteristic of early adolescence,
physical development in the elementary school years is a period of slow and steady growth. This growth
contributes to improved muscle strength and students' ability to expand and refine the motor skills.
During this period, many students learn to ride a bicycle, hit a baseball, jump rope, and similar skills that
require a greater degree of coordination.
Question 8

8. A fourth-grade teacher instructs students in the use of various strategies, such as predicting and
summarizing, to promote their understanding of content-area texts. The teacher models the strategy
and provides feedback as students practice the strategy. Then the teacher has students take turns
leading discussions of texts and applying the strategy. In these discussions, the teacher observes and
provides cues and prompting only as needed. This approach is likely to be most effective in achieving
which of the following goals?

A.accommodating students' individual learning styles

B.helping students become more self-directed and responsible for their own learning

C.improving students' expressive language skills

D.encouraging students to recognize their peers as valuable sources of academic support

Answer to question 8

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: B. (Objective 0002)
The teacher's approach is an example of scaffolded instruction or the gradual release model. This
approach is broadly recognized as an effective way to move classroom instruction from teacher-
centered, whole-group delivery to student-centered independent practice and collaboration. Sometimes
referred to as "I do, we do, you do," this approach uses a plan of instruction that includes
demonstration, prompt, and practice. Correct Response: B. (Objective 0002) The teacher's approach is
an example of scaffolded instruction or the gradual release model. This approach is broadly recognized
as an effective way to move classroom instruction from teacher-centered, whole-group delivery to
student-centered independent practice and collaboration. Sometimes referred to as "I do, we do, you
do," this approach uses a plan of instruction that includes demonstration, prompt, and practice.

Question 9

9. A fourth-grade teacher makes a practice of incorporating media such as photographs,charts, and

audio recordings into instruction as often as possible. This practicecan be expected to promote students'
learning primarily by:

A.helping make content comprehensible.

B.activating background knowledge.

C.providing a stimulating classroom environment.

D.prompting independent exploration of content.

Answer to question 9

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: A. (Objective 0002)
Classrooms are becoming increasingly diverse, including students withvaried learning preferences,
students with disabilities, and students who are learningEnglish. Incorporating various media into
instruction helps promote understandingof content for all students regardless of learning style,
language, or ability.This practice can help increase comprehension by providing elaboration for a
verbalexplanation, by simplifying information, or by illustrating relationships. Correct Response: A.
(Objective 0002) Classrooms are becoming increasingly diverse, including students withvaried learning
preferences, students with disabilities, and students who are learningEnglish. Incorporating various
media into instruction helps promote understandingof content for all students regardless of learning
style, language, or ability.This practice can help increase comprehension by providing elaboration for a
verbalexplanation, by simplifying information, or by illustrating relationships.

Question 10

10. A sixth-grade social studies teacher wants to help students recall important inventionsof the
Industrial Revolution. The teacher guides the students in organizing theinventions according to broad
categories, such as transportation or agriculture.This learning strategy is generally referred to as:





Answer to question 10

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: C. (Objective 0002)
Chunking refers to a strategyfor making more efficient use of short-term memory by organizing or
grouping separatepieces of information together. When information is "chunked" into groups, it iseasier
to recall information by remembering the groups as opposed to individualpieces of information. Correct
Response: C. (Objective 0002) Chunking refers to a strategy for making more efficient use of short-term
memory by organizing or grouping separate pieces of information together. When information is
"chunked" into groups, it is easier to recall information by remembering the groups as opposed to
individual pieces of information.

Question 11

11. A third-grade teacher emphasizes the use of small-group cooperative activities ininstruction. Which
of the following statements best explains how this approach canbe expected to affect students'
A.Cooperative learning engages students as active participants and promotes the developmentof higher-
order thinking skills.

B.The cooperative learning approach requires each student to exert the same amountof effort, which
leads to a sense of self-respect.

C.Cooperative learning promotes students' sense of personal competency and helps establisha positive
teacher-student relationship.

D.The cooperative learning approach helps ensure that the teacher has time to assistindividual students
who need the most support.

Answer to question 11

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: A. (Objective 0002) In
cooperative learning, students work together in small groups ona structured activity. Research studies
have shown that, compared with competitiveor individual work, cooperation leads to higher quality
reasoning strategies. Studentshave more opportunities in a small group to state their ideas and hear
others' ideasas well as more support in analyzing and synthesizing ideas and information. Correct
Response: A. (Objective 0002) In cooperative learning, students work together in small groups on a
structured activity. Research studies have shown that, compared with competitive or individual work,
cooperation leads to higher quality reasoning strategies. Students have more opportunities in a small
group to state their ideas and hear others' ideas as well as more support in analyzing and synthesizing
ideas and information.

Question 12

12. Which of the following statements describes the most important benefit for students of including
guided practice as a regular part of the instructional sequence?

A.Students receive feedback on their performance in real time.

B.Students achieve higher scores on classroom assessments.

C.Students require less reinforcement of concepts and skills.

D.Students master targeted standards on an accelerated timeline.

Answer to question 12

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: A. (Objective 0002)
Guided practice is the process of supporting students as they make their first attempt at a new concept.
The teacher provides praise, prompts, and corrective and immediate feedback as students work through
an activity. This approach helps ensure that students learn concepts and skills accurately and helps
prevent students from internalizing misconceptions. Correct Response: A. (Objective 0002) Guided
practice is the process of supporting students as they make their first attempt at a new concept. The
teacher provides praise, prompts, and corrective and immediate feedback as students work through an
activity. This approach helps ensure that students learn concepts and skills accurately and helps prevent
students from internalizing misconceptions.

Question 13

13. An early elementary teacher can best promote learning for students who are highly creative by:

A.encouraging their participation in small- and large-group activities over individual activities.

B.ensuring that they clearly understand the criteria that will be used to evaluate their work.

C.providing them with frequent opportunities to experiment with materials and ideas.

D.emphasizing the final products they create or the outcomes of activities over the processes they use.

Answer to question 13

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: C. (Objective 0003)
Hallmark characteristics of highly creative individuals include divergent thinking abilities and making
connections between things that others do not immediately or easily recognize. Experimentation with
materials and ideas enables highly creative students to access and enhance these abilities. This approach
is responsive to creative students' strengths, which is key in promoting effective learning. Correct
Response: C. (Objective 0003) Hallmark characteristics of highly creative individuals include divergent
thinking abilities and making connections between things that others do not immediately or easily
recognize. Experimentation with materials and ideas enables highly creative students to access and
enhance these abilities. This approach is responsive to creative students' strengths, which is key in
promoting effective learning.

Question 14

14. Elaboration as a learning strategy is best used with elementary school studentsto support their
ability to:

A.focus their mental processes on a particular environmental stimulus.

B.evaluate the usefulness of information in relation to a particular need.

C.apply logical-reasoning processes to abstract concepts.

D.use their current knowledge to interpret and understand new material.

Answer to question 14
Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: D. (Objective 0003)
Elaboration is when a student expandsupon content to be learned (e.g., creating a sentence, making an
analogy). Elaborationconnects, or bridges, information to be learned with what students already
know,creating efficiency of learning and memory. The more connections students can makebetween the
new information and what they already know, the more readily they canretrieve and apply the new
information in other contexts. Correct Response: D. (Objective 0003) Elaboration is when a student
expands upon content to be learned (e.g., creating a sentence, making an analogy). Elaboration
connects, or bridges, information to be learned with what students already know, creating efficiency of
learning and memory. The more connections students can make between the new information and
what they already know, the more readily they can retrieve and apply the new information in other

Question 15

15. At the beginning of the school year, a fourth-grade teacher learns that the classwill include a student
with an emotional or behavioral disorder (EBD). Which ofthe following actions by the teacher would be
most effective in supporting the needsof this student?

A.providing a structured classroom environment with predictable schedules and routines

B.incorporating into the learning environment materials that provide intensive visualand auditory

C.implementing a system of concrete rewards for the student's mastery of specificacademic skills

D.making a practice of having the student repeat directions back to the teacher toensure understanding

Answer to question 15

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: A. (Objective 0003)
The academic and social demandsof school and classroom present unique challenges for students with
emotional orbehavioral disorders who often struggle to control their actions and work
productively.Providing a carefully structured learning environment with regard to physical
arrangement,scheduling, routines, and rules of conduct is an evidence-based practice that canhelp
prevent overstimulation and reduce the anxiety that can trigger emotional outburstsor negative
behaviors. Correct Response: A. (Objective 0003) The academic and social demands of school and
classroom present unique challenges for students with emotional or behavioral disorders who often
struggle to control their actions and work productively. Providing a carefully structured learning
environment with regard to physical arrangement, scheduling, routines, and rules of conduct is an
evidence-based practice that can help prevent overstimulation and reduce the anxiety that can trigger
emotional outbursts or negative behaviors.

Question 16
16. A third-grade teacher makes a practice of coming to school early each day and stayinglate three
afternoons a week. The teacher informs students of this practice at thebeginning of the year and
explains that they are welcome to come in during thosetimes if they need help with what they are
learning in class. The most importantbenefit of this approach is that it:

A.reinforces to students that each of them is responsible for asking for assistancewhen it is needed.

B.allows the teacher to identify those students in the class who are the most motivatedto learn.

C.reduces students' tendency to make excuses when they have not performed as expected.

D.conveys to students the teacher's commitment to helping each of them become successfullearners.

Answer to question 16

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: D. (Objective 0003)
Students like to know thattheir teachers are approachable. A teacher's actions and attitudes influence
students'attitudes toward learning as well as their performance. The teacher in this scenariois
demonstrating a student-centered approach that communicates the teacher's beliefin the value of
learning and in students' ability to learn. Students tend to performor fail according to their teacher's
expectations and attitudes, and this teacher'sactions are focused on student success. Correct Response:
D. (Objective 0003) Students like to know that their teachers are approachable. A teacher's actions and
attitudes influence students' attitudes toward learning as well as their performance. The teacher in this
scenario is demonstrating a student-centered approach that communicates the teacher's belief in the
value of learning and in students' ability to learn. Students tend to perform or fail according to their
teacher's expectations and attitudes, and this teacher's actions are focused on student success.

Question 17

17. A new teacher is reviewing the social studies textbook and observes that the textfails to adequately
represent diverse groups and perspectives. In this situation,the most appropriate start italics firstend
italics step for the teacher to take is to:

A.alert the textbook publishers to the lack of diversity in their materials.

B.request that the principal personally evaluate the textbook. out resources that are rich in diversity to supplement the textbook.

D.discard the textbook in favor of teacher-created materials.

Answer to question 17

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: C. (Objective 0003)
Teachers have an obligation to present students with well-rounded contentthat represents diversity in
all of its forms. While a teacher may have little orno flexibility with regard to the textbook used for
instruction, the availabilityof a broad range of online and other materials on many topics allows teachers
tosupplement textbook content with relative ease. The teacher may wish to expressconcerns about
current textbooks to the appropriate individuals, but should takeimmediate steps to provide students
with enriched instruction in the meantime. Correct Response: C. (Objective 0003) Teachers have an
obligation to present students with well-rounded content that represents diversity in all of its forms.
While a teacher may have little or no flexibility with regard to the textbook used for instruction, the
availability of a broad range of online and other materials on many topics allows teachers to supplement
textbook content with relative ease. The teacher may wish to express concerns about current textbooks
to the appropriate individuals, but should take immediate steps to provide students with enriched
instruction in the meantime.

Question 18

18. Which of the following behavioral characteristics is most commonly observed in studentswho are
intellectually gifted?

A.emphasizing group needs over personal preferences during group activities

B.exhibiting intense concentration and a high degree of persistence in areas of interest

C.applying well-developed organizational skills to manage many tasks at one time

D.demonstrating a preference for highly structured or concrete learning experiences

Answer to question 18

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: B. (Objective 0003)
Checklists of common characteristicsof gifted students as developed by the National Association for
Gifted Childreninclude persistence and intense concentration in areas of interest among the
traitsfrequently associated with general intellectual ability. In contrast, gifted studentsoften ignore or
spend minimal time and attention on topics that do not interestthem. Correct Response: B. (Objective
0003) Checklists of common characteristics of gifted students as developed by the National Association
for Gifted Children include persistence and intense concentration in areas of interest among the traits
frequently associated with general intellectual ability. In contrast, gifted students often ignore or spend
minimal time and attention on topics that do not interest them.

Question 19

19. Which of the following strategies by a second-grade teacher most effectively reinforcesthe concept
of honor as represented in many American Indian cultures?

A.discussing with students as a group how inappropriate behavior can affect theirown and their peers'
B.displaying drawings, stories, and other products students create about their familiesprominently in the

C.holding a class meeting at the end of each grading period to recognize highest achievingstudents in
each subject area

D.planning an event for grandparents or family elders to visit the class for lunch,storytelling, and student

Answer to question 19

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: D. (Objective 0003)
The belief system of many American Indian tribes includes recognizingand honoring the age, knowledge,
and wisdom of the elders. In American Indian traditions,the grandmother is the first teacher of the
children. The community as a whole paysspecial attention to elders by recognizing them at special
events. Correct Response: D. (Objective 0003) The belief system of many American Indian tribes
includes recognizing and honoring the age, knowledge, and wisdom of the elders. In American Indian
traditions, the grandmother is the first teacher of the children. The community as a whole pays special
attention to elders by recognizing them at special events.

Question 20

20. An eighth-grade English language learner performs at the expanding level of English proficiency. The
student performs at or near grade level academically and is able to read and comprehend most grade-
level texts. The student can write a coherent essay with the use of a graphic organizer. Which of the
following strategies would best support this student's continued language acquisition and academic

A.ensuring that the student has frequent opportunities to converse with peers in social contexts

B.acquiring translated texts for the student when introducing complex concepts and ideas

C.providing the student with ongoing explicit instruction in discipline-specific vocabulary

D.using open-response formats when assessing the student's mastery of new content

Answer to question 20

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: C. (Objective 0003)
English language learners performing at the expanding level of English proficiency often read with
considerable fluency and are able to locate and identify specific facts within the text, but may have
comprehension difficulties with vocabulary that is abstract, has multiple meanings, or is
decontextualized. English language learners at all levels often have limited exposure to discipline-
specific language outside of school and, as a result, rarely use it in conversation. The provision of explicit
instruction in this area will support the continued academic growth and success of an English language
learner who has a strong grasp of English in most other contexts. Correct Response: C. (Objective 0003)
English language learners performing at the expanding level of English proficiency often read with
considerable fluency and are able to locate and identify specific facts within the text, but may have
comprehension difficulties with vocabulary that is abstract, has multiple meanings, or is
decontextualized. English language learners at all levels often have limited exposure to discipline-
specific language outside of school and, as a result, rarely use it in conversation. The provision of explicit
instruction in this area will support the continued academic growth and success of an English language
learner who has a strong grasp of English in most other contexts.

Question 21

21. A teacher's class includes a number of students who are Ojibwe American Indian. To plan responsive
instruction and learning environments for these students, the teacher should be aware that the Ojibwe
culture traditionally places the greatest value on:

A.adherence to assigned roles within the family or clan.

B.pride in personal accomplishments and publicly recognizing achievement.

C.cooperation and working together for a common purpose.

D.ability to understand multiple perspectives of a problem or issue.

Answer to question 21

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: C. (Objective 0003)
The Ojibwe people have a strong connection with the natural world. The cycle of the year and the cycles
of life represent their philosophy of connectivity and interdependence. The values of sharing,
cooperation, and working together for common purpose or good stem from this philosophy and are
fundamental to the belief system of the Ojibwe. Correct Response: C. (Objective 0003) The Ojibwe
people have a strong connection with the natural world. The cycle of the year and the cycles of life
represent their philosophy of connectivity and interdependence. The values of sharing, cooperation, and
working together for common purpose or good stem from this philosophy and are fundamental to the
belief system of the Ojibwe.

Question 22

22. Effective conflict-resolution strategies most often begin with which of the following steps?

A.having the individuals involved define the problem that is the source of the conflict

B.engaging the individuals involved in a discussion to determine who initiated the conflict

C.working together to generate several possible resolutions to the conflict

D.reviewing potential consequences for failing to resolve the conflict

Answer to question 22

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: A. (Objective 0004)
Effective conflict resolution strategies are a form of social problem solving. Across many accepted
models for social problem solving, there is general consensus that the first step is to accurately identify
the problem at hand. This step involves determining the most important issue to be resolved. Correct
Response: A. (Objective 0004) Effective conflict resolution strategies are a form of social problem
solving. Across many accepted models for social problem solving, there is general consensus that the
first step is to accurately identify the problem at hand. This step involves determining the most
important issue to be resolved.

Question 23

23. Which of the following statements best describes a student who is exhibiting learnedhelplessness?

A.The student wants to select a different topic for a science project because thestudent does not find
the assigned topic interesting.

B.The student makes no attempt to complete a writing assignment after receiving poorgrades on three
previous writing assignments.

C.The student observes as a classmate models the correct way to capture video usinga digital camera.

D.The student asks the teacher to create a tracking chart so the student can monitorprogress in
achieving learning standards in mathematics.

Answer to question 23

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: B. (Objective
0004)Learned helplessness is a phenomenon in which individuals who have failed at tasksin the past
conclude erroneously that they are incapable of improving their performance.Students who believe that
failure is due to lack of control or ability give up easily.Effort seems futile to them because they believe
that the failures will persistand will always be there to affect their achievement. Correct Response: B.
(Objective 0004) Learned helplessness is a phenomenon in which individuals who have failed at tasks in
the past conclude erroneously that they are incapable of improving their performance. Students who
believe that failure is due to lack of control or ability give up easily. Effort seems futile to them because
they believe that the failures will persist and will always be there to affect their achievement.

Question 24

24. A third-grade class includes students who struggle in mathematics. Whenever theteacher introduces
a mathematics activity, these students usually respond by sayingthe activity is too hard. They may make
a half-hearted effort to complete the activitybut quit at the first sign of difficulty. The teacher can best
respond to this tendencyby incorporating which of the following strategies into classroom practice?

A.engaging students in contests and issuing challenges to spark their competitivespirit

B.leading discussions with students about success-related concepts such as perseverance

C.lowering expectations for learning to reduce undue performance anxiety that studentsmay feel

D.emphasizing the concept of continuous improvement and stressing the importance ofeffort

Answer to question 24

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: D. (Objective 0004)
Students whoconsistently struggle in a given content area often experience low motivation. Teacherscan
enhance students' motivation by focusing on small improvements and distinctionsover time. By linking
students' success to effort, teachers help students gain confidencein their abilities. Encouraging students
to try a bit more with each success reinforcesthe concept of "personal best" and helps them recognize
that consistent effort overtime produces the greatest results and that problems should be viewed as
situationaland temporary. Correct Response: D. (Objective 0004) Students who consistently struggle in
a given content area often experience low motivation. Teachers can enhance students' motivation by
focusing on small improvements and distinctions over time. By linking students' success to effort,
teachers help students gain confidence in their abilities. Encouraging students to try a bit more with
each success reinforces the concept of "personal best" and helps them recognize that consistent effort
over time produces the greatest results and that problems should be viewed as situational and

Question 25

25. Which of the following strategies by a fourth-grade teacher is likely to be themost effective start
italics firstend italics step in creating a positive classroom climate?

A.using techniques such as informal conversations and surveys to get to know eachstudent as an

B.posting inspirational quotations about values such as kindness and generosity throughoutthe

C.creating a quiet area in the classroom where students can go if they feel overwhelmedor angry

D.assigning each student a partner at the beginning of the school year to provideacademic support

Answer to question 25

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: A. (Objective 0004)A
teacher who makes an effort to get to know students as individuals communicatesto students that they
are valued members of the classroom community. This feelingof individual worth is a necessary
precondition in building a respectful and supportivelearning community. Correct Response: A.
(Objective 0004) A teacher who makes an effort to get to know students as individuals communicates to
students that they are valued members of the classroom community. This feeling of individual worth is a
necessary precondition in building a respectful and supportive learning community.

Question 26

26. During a unit on healthy eating habits, students in a sixth-grade class become interested in the topic
of childhood obesity and the various risk factors associated with this problem. The teacher helps
students conduct research, examine various media messages, and create a public service announcement
to raise awareness of the issue. Which of the following principles of psychology and learning does the
teacher's approach best reflect?

A.Assisting students in transferring learning to new contexts leads to deeper learning.

B.Developing students' background knowledge influences learning and conceptual growth.

C.Supporting students in developing organization and planning skills improves learning.

D.Helping students adopt mastery goals encourages persistence with learning tasks.

Answer to question 26

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: A. (Objective 0004)
Learning is based on context, so generalizing learning to new contexts must be facilitated. One method
of this is to have students use their understanding of a particular topic to generate potential solutions
for a real-world problem. This process, in turn, leads to deeper learning about a concept or issue.
Correct Response: A. (Objective 0004) Learning is based on context, so generalizing learning to new
contexts must be facilitated. One method of this is to have students use their understanding of a
particular topic to generate potential solutions for a real-world problem. This process, in turn, leads to
deeper learning about a concept or issue.

Question 27

27. Students are more likely to remain focused on goals and persist despite setbacks when they develop
a perception that:

A.skills continue to emerge as the individual grows.

B.ability can be developed and success is related to effort.

C.learning is a series of small achievements.

D.assessment is ongoing and peers are achieving at similar levels.

Answer to question 27

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: B. (Objective 0004)
Carol Dweck coined the terms "fixed mindset" and "growth mindset" to describe the underlying beliefs
people have about learning and intelligence. When students believe they can get smarter (a growth
mindset), they understand that effort makes them stronger. Dweck's research revealed that a growth
mindset can be developed, and when it is, it leads to increased motivation and achievement. Correct
Response: B. (Objective 0004) Carol Dweck coined the terms "fixed mindset" and "growth mindset" to
describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. When students believe they
can get smarter (a growth mindset), they understand that effort makes them stronger. Dweck's research
revealed that a growth mindset can be developed, and when it is, it leads to increased motivation and

Question 28

28. Each day before lunch, a third-grade teacher takes three to five minutes to help students prepare for
afternoon activities by having them place the materials they will need for the afternoon (e.g., journal,
textbook) on the corner of their desk. The teacher makes announcements as needed and then places a
reminder on the board about what students should do first when returning from lunch. This practice is
likely to be most effective in:

A.fostering in students a sense of responsibility for their learning.

B.maximizing the time students are engaged in productive learning.

C.balancing teacher-centered and student-centered learning activities.

D.enhancing students' ability to direct their own learning.

Answer to question 28

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: B. (Objective 0005)
The steps the teacher takes help ensure that students have the appropriate materials ready when they
return from lunch. The reminder on the board helps students recall what task or activity they are
expected to begin upon their return to the classroom. These steps structure the students' transition
from lunch to classroom and enables them to begin work very quickly. This in turn allows for an increase
in productive learning time. Correct Response: B. (Objective 0005) The steps the teacher takes help
ensure that students have the appropriate materials ready when they return from lunch. The reminder
on the board helps students recall what task or activity they are expected to begin upon their return to
the classroom. These steps structure the students' transition from lunch to classroom and enables them
to begin work very quickly. This in turn allows for an increase in productive learning time.

Question 29
29. A kindergarten student has been misbehaving in minor ways, such as being silly duringcircle activities
and interrupting peers during center time. The teacher can bestbegin to address this issue by:

A.having the student sit and work in an area apart from classmates as long as thenegative behaviors

B.asking the student to consider how one student's negative behavior can affect otherstudents.

C.using thumbs-up or thumbs-down hand signals to help the student distinguish betweenpositive and
negative behaviors.

D.providing the student with more attention for positive behaviors than for negativebehaviors.

Answer to question 29

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: D. (Objective 0005)
Students whodo not get enough positive attention will often settle for negative attention. Astudent is
more likely to repeat a behavior that gains praise and positive attention.Students who typically have
behavioral difficulties also have times when they arebehaving appropriately, and using positive
reinforcement to strengthen a desiredbehavior is an evidence-based approach for beginning to change
problem behaviors. Correct Response: D. (Objective 0005) Students who do not get enough positive
attention will often settle for negative attention. A student is more likely to repeat a behavior that gains
praise and positive attention. Students who typically have behavioral difficulties also have times when
they are behaving appropriately, and using positive reinforcement to strengthen a desired behavior is an
evidence-based approach for beginning to change problem behaviors.

Question 30

30. Which of the following factors in an elementary classroom is likely to contributemost to a loss of
instructional time? use of assigned seating

B.ineffective transition routines

C.unappealing or worn materials

D.inadequate technological resources

Answer to question 30

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: B. (Objective 0005)
Transitions are periods of time when teachersdirect students to end one task and begin another. For
example, if students makean average of ten transitions in a school day of five minutes each, 50 minutes
ofinstructional time is lost each day. Effective transitions are streamlined, explicitlytaught, and have
clear endings and beginnings; they minimize disruptions and off-taskbehavior. Less time spent on
transitions means more time available for teachingand learning. Correct Response: B. (Objective 0005)
Transitions are periods of time when teachers direct students to end one task and begin another. For
example, if students make an average of ten transitions in a school day of five minutes each, 50 minutes
of instructional time is lost each day. Effective transitions are streamlined, explicitly taught, and have
clear endings and beginnings; they minimize disruptions and off-task behavior. Less time spent on
transitions means more time available for teaching and learning.

Question 31

31. A fifth-grade teacher wants to provide students with opportunities to develop theirgroup decision-
making and problem-solving skills. Using which of the following techniqueswith students on a regular
basis would best address this goal?

A.peer assessment

B.class meetings

C.dialogue journals

D.academic competitions

Answer to question 31

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: B. (Objective 0005) A
class meeting is a specific timeset aside for students to come together to discuss classroom issues as a
group.Class meetings empower students by giving them a voice and an opportunity to sharehow they
feel and suggest ways to make the classroom a better place to learn. Practicewith the class meeting
process enables students to become adept problem-solvers.When students choose solutions to
problems, they have a stake in the outcome. Correct Response: B. (Objective 0005) A class meeting is a
specific time set aside for students to come together to discuss classroom issues as a group. Class
meetings empower students by giving them a voice and an opportunity to share how they feel and
suggest ways to make the classroom a better place to learn. Practice with the class meeting process
enables students to become adept problem-solvers. When students choose solutions to problems, they
have a stake in the outcome.

Question 32

32. A second-grade teacher creates several interest areas in the classroom. For example,one area has
headphones and audiobooks related to the current science unit, anotherarea is equipped with rulers
and objects for measuring, and a third area providesmaterials and instructions for creating various
origami figures. Students may visitthese areas when they finish assigned tasks. This approach is likely to
be mosteffective in achieving which of the following goals?

A.providing students with contextualized learning experiences

B.promoting students' perception of themselves as capable learners

C.creating a responsive classroom learning environment

D.encouraging students' continued engagement in productive learning

Answer to question 32

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: D. (Objective 0005) In
a classof second graders, some students may complete seatwork and assigned tasks more quicklythan
others. Interest centers provide these students with a selection of activitiesthey can pursue while
waiting for others to finish assignments, a proactive approachfor preventing off-task behavior and lost
learning time. In addition, the specificmaterials and activities the teacher has chosen for the interest
centers promptstudents to practice important concepts and skills. Correct Response: D. (Objective
0005) In a class of second graders, some students may complete seatwork and assigned tasks more
quickly than others. Interest centers provide these students with a selection of activities they can pursue
while waiting for others to finish assignments, a proactive approach for preventing off-task behavior and
lost learning time. In addition, the specific materials and activities the teacher has chosen for the
interest centers prompt students to practice important concepts and skills.

Question 33

33. In the first few days of the school year, a sixth-grade teacher discusses the following topics with

•How we will treat each other

•How we will learn together

•How I feel about being a teacher and having you as my students

•Behavior standards students and the teacher are expected to meet

This approach is likely to be most effective in helping the teacher achieve which of the following goals?

A.ensuring that students have the tools needed to resolve conflicts fairly

B.promoting students' ability to participate fully in classroom decisions

C.establishing the foundation for a productive student learning community

D.providing a learning environment that is responsive to students' individual needs

Answer to question 33
Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: C. (Objective 0005)
The beginning of the school year offers opportunities to set the stage for successful learning. Research
has shown a high level of cooperative, on-task behaviors when students know and understand
expectations for classroom interactions and behaviors. The topics described in the scenario will enable
the teacher to emphasize concepts and values related to academic achievement, personal responsibility,
social responsibility, and equity and fairness. Correct Response: C. (Objective 0005) The beginning of
the school year offers opportunities to set the stage for successful learning. Research has shown a high
level of cooperative, on-task behaviors when students know and understand expectations for classroom
interactions and behaviors. The topics described in the scenario will enable the teacher to emphasize
concepts and values related to academic achievement, personal responsibility, social responsibility, and
equity and fairness.

Question 34

34. The most important benefit of using a logical consequences approach to classroom management is
that this approach is designed to:

A.minimize interruptions to instructional time. children learn to take responsibility for their actions.

C.increase efficiency of routines and procedures.

D.provide children with a problem-solving model for real life.

Answer to question 34

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: B. (Objective 0005)
The goal of logical consequences is to help children develop internal understanding, self-control, and a
desire to follow the rules. The logical consequences approach is based on the belief that, with reflection
and practice, children will want to do better. The steps involved in logical consequences help children
look more closely at their behaviors and consider the results of their choices. Correct Response: B.
(Objective 0005) The goal of logical consequences is to help children develop internal understanding,
self-control, and a desire to follow the rules. The logical consequences approach is based on the belief
that, with reflection and practice, children will want to do better. The steps involved in logical
consequences help children look more closely at their behaviors and consider the results of their

Question 35

35. Students in a fourth-grade class are completing a health activity and getting ready to begin
mathematics class. The teacher gives the students a number of directions, such as how to put away
materials, what work to turn in and what to do for homework, and the materials they will need for
mathematics. This results in a great deal of confusion and many questions from students. The teacher
soon realizes that ten minutes of the mathematics period have passed before students are all ready to
begin. The teacher can best avoid this problem in the future by using which of the following strategies?

A.praising those students who complete each direction without having to ask for help

B.waiting for all students to complete one direction before giving the next direction to the class

C.limiting the number of verbal directions the teacher gives to students at one time

D.having the students repeat the directions back to the teacher as a class

Answer to question 35

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: C. (Objective 0006)
Though students at this age level are able to retain and recall more than one direction at a time,
multiple directions that involve more than one step can be confusing and difficult for the students to
follow. Limiting the number of directions issued at one time facilitates completion of the assigned task in
a more efficient and less time-consuming manner. Correct Response: C. (Objective 0006) Though
students at this age level are able to retain and recall more than one direction at a time, multiple
directions that involve more than one step can be confusing and difficult for the students to follow.
Limiting the number of directions issued at one time facilitates completion of the assigned task in a
more efficient and less time-consuming manner.

Question 36

36. According to accepted communication theory, an individual is likely to be most successfulin

achieving communication goals when his or her message is:

A.delivered with confidence and authority.

B.presented using the most basic language structures possible.

C.tailored to reach the target audience.

D.accompanied by a variety of gestures and nonverbal cues.

Answer to question 36

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: C. (Objective 0006) An
effectively deliveredmessage, whether written, verbal, or visual, is audience-centered and uses
languageappropriate to the audience. For example, speaking to a room of sixth-grade studentscalls for
different language than speaking to a room of educators. Tailoring a messageto the specific audience
conveys respect, promotes engagement, and helps ensurethat the audience hears the message as it is
intended. Correct Response: C. (Objective 0006) An effectively delivered message, whether written,
verbal, or visual, is audience-centered and uses language appropriate to the audience. For example,
speaking to a room of sixth-grade students calls for different language than speaking to a room of
educators. Tailoring a message to the specific audience conveys respect, promotes engagement, and
helps ensure that the audience hears the message as it is intended.

Question 37

37. Which of the following activities represents the most appropriate and effectiveuse of video media to
enrich student learning?

A.Students practice Internet keyword searches by locating online video clips on agiven topic.

B.After reading a literature book, students view and discuss the movie version ofthe book.

C.Students who turn in all homework for the week watch an age-appropriate movie ona classroom

D.Following a schoolwide culture fair, students view the teacher's video recordingof the event.

Answer to question 37

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: B. (Objective 0006)
Considering a film adaptation ofa literary work prompts students to compare similarities and differences
in thetwo formats and to evaluate the strengths and limitations of each. This type ofdiscussion activity
requires higher-order thinking skills, is interactive, and istied directly to a previous learning experience.
Examining both movie and printversions of a literary work provides a richer experience for students than
eitherwould alone. Correct Response: B. (Objective 0006) Considering a film adaptation of a literary
work prompts students to compare similarities and differences in the two formats and to evaluate the
strengths and limitations of each. This type of discussion activity requires higher-order thinking skills, is
interactive, and is tied directly to a previous learning experience. Examining both movie and print
versions of a literary work provides a richer experience for students than either would alone.

Question 38

38. One of a second-grade teacher's goals is to expand students' written expression.During a unit on
autumn, students will write descriptive paragraphs about pumpkins.Before assigning the paragraph, the
teacher brings in a large pumpkin to carve.While carving the pumpkin, the teacher gives students a
chance to examine piecesof the rind and the seeds and discuss how they smell and feel. Which of the
followingadditional prewriting strategies would best enhance students' written expression?

A.helping students create a semantic map of words and ideas about pumpkins

B.encouraging students to give the pumpkin a name

C.having students draw or paint pictures of the pumpkin before and after carving each student a pumpkin seed to plant in a cup

Answer to question 38

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: A. (Objective 0006) An
essential elementin promoting students' written expression is showing them how to develop and
organizewhat they want to say. A semantic map is a form of graphic organizer that helpsstudents
visualize various connections between words and ideas. Semantic maps oftenresemble spiders, with
lines connecting a central concept to a variety of relatedwords and phrases. Correct Response: A.
(Objective 0006) An essential element in promoting students' written expression is showing them how
to develop and organize what they want to say. A semantic map is a form of graphic organizer that helps
students visualize various connections between words and ideas. Semantic maps often resemble
spiders, with lines connecting a central concept to a variety of related words and phrases.

Question 39

39. Students in a sixth-grade science class are studying lakes. Which of the followingteacher questions
related to this topic would best promote students' divergent thinking?

A."How frequently are lake levels monitored for the purpose of evaluating the overallhealth of the

B."Which region of the state has the most square miles of lakes?"

C."How would the lake ecosystem be affected if drought caused lake levels to fallfor three successive

D."Which lakes draw the greatest number of tourists to the state each year?"

Answer to question 39

Answer Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: C. (Objective 0006)
Divergent thinking is athought process used to generate ideas by exploring many possible solutions.
Divergentthinking typically occurs in a free-flowing manner. Open-ended questions allow fora variety of
possible responses and are intentionally designed to provoke divergentthinking by encouraging students
to think at a deeper level than rote memory. Correct Response: C. (Objective 0006) Divergent thinking is
a thought process used to generate ideas by exploring many possible solutions. Divergent thinking
typically occurs in a free-flowing manner. Open-ended questions allow for a variety of possible
responses and are intentionally designed to provoke divergent thinking by encouraging students to think
at a deeper level than rote memory.

Question 40

40. An elementary school teacher regularly meets with individual students to informally discuss topics
such as their academic progress and their activities outside of school. Which of the following nonverbal
strategies by the teacher would best promote effective communication with students during these

A.facing the student with an open posture

B.maintaining continuous eye contact with the student

C.placing a hand on the student's shoulder

D.making frequent notes on the student's comments

Answer to question 40

Answer expanded Correct Response: A. (Objective 0006) An open posture is one in which the
individual's arms are relaxed at the sides. Facing the student in this posture conveys that the teacher
welcomes the student's comments and is ready to listen to whatever the student has to say. This
posture is appropriate in most cultures so it does not inadvertently cause offense or discomfort.

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