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Line Protection Operate Time; How Fast Shall It Be?

Article  in  IEEE Access · May 2021

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3081993


3 687

3 authors, including:

Sinisa Zubic Zoran Gajic

Hitachi ABB Power Grids Hitachi Energy


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Received May 3, 2021, accepted May 13, 2021. Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3081993

Line Protection Operate Time: How Fast

Shall It Be?
1 GridAutomation and Communication, Hitachi ABB Power Grids, 72136 Vasteras, Sweden
2 Svenska Kraftnat, 172 24 Sundbyberg, Sweden

Corresponding author: Sinisa Zubic (

ABSTRACT An ultra-high-speed protective relay has been an important topic within the scientific com-
munity, and specifically within the power industry, for decades. The main drivers are the anticipated
improvements in power system stability and power transfer capability which have become even more
important with the increased penetration of renewable generation sources. The relay operate time is a
relatively small part of the required improvement, since the circuit breaker interrupting time contributes
the major part of the total fault clearing time. The first promising results in reducing the fault clearing time,
from two or three cycles, down to one power system cycle, date back to 1976 when the relay operate time
of 1.5 ms was achieved. Availability of sub-cycle breakers was anticipated in the early 1980-s. Nevertheless,
almost forty years later, commercially viable 3/4 cycle breakers are still not available and their impact on
the total fault clearing time has been omitted from most of the literature. The numerical relays operate time
improvement has become the only goal and results are wrongly equalized with improvements in the total
fault clearing time and directly correlated with improvements in power system stability. In this paper the real
benefits of ultra-high-speed relay operate time are analyzed, considering the characteristics of the state-of-
the-art circuit breakers and their interrupting time of 1.5-2 power system cycles (older circuit breakers are
slower). A more holistic view, including interactions between protective relays and circuit breakers, as well
as final benefits to utilities, is given in the paper.

INDEX TERMS Power system protection, line protection, circuit breaker, power system faults, power system
stability, transmission lines.

I. INTRODUCTION on a traveling wave approach [3], was put into service by

The requirement for ultra-high-speed relaying arises from Bonneville Power Administration. Independent of communi-
the need for improvements in power system stability and cation channel the relay achieved an operate time of 1.5 ms,
increased power transmission capability. The decrease of while a dependent scheme with pilot channel had a 4-6 ms
fault clearing time reduces the synchronous generator rotor operate time [3]. This operate time was near the physical
acceleration during the fault, and consequently helps to main- limitations, since no information travels faster than light.
tain power system stability [1], [2]. With the increased pene- Nevertheless, to achieve fast fault clearing time, improvement
tration of renewable sources, the total inertia in the system of the circuit breaker speed is even more important. It was
has been reduced, which furthermore increases the system expected that 3/4 cycle circuit breakers would be installed
acceleration during a fault, and thereby affects the stability in 1981 [2], [4]; yet today, forty years later, despite many
of the power system [19]–[22]. circuit breaker technology developments, reliable and com-
Achieving the ultra-high-speed total fault clearing time mercially viable 3/4 cycle breakers are still not a reality.
has been an open question for more than 40 years. The first The push for improvements in relay operate time continues
promising results in reducing the fault clearing time, from still, despite missing key improvements in circuit breaker
two or three cycles, down to one power system cycle, date operating speed. There are many studies on line protection
back to 1976 [2]–[4]. Then, an analog relaying system, based speed improvements where relay speed is considered and
incorrectly interpreted as the determining factor for improv-
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and ing the fault clearing time, ignoring the circuit breaker con-
approving it for publication was Nagesh Prabhu. tribution. To our best knowledge, a holistic view, whereby

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 9, 2021 1
S. Zubic et al.: Line Protection Operate Time: How Fast Shall It Be?

FIGURE 2. Definition of Fault Clearing Time (FCT), relay operate time and
circuit breaker interrupting time.
FIGURE 1. Illustration of a fault clearance system that consists of
instrumental transformers, protection equipment and circuit breaker.
adjacent CBs). The relay operate time is the time between the
the performance of relays and circuit breakers are considered fault inception and the moment when the relay operate signal
in combination, along with their combined impact on system triggers the CB to interrupt the current.
stability, is not present in available literature. The circuit breaker interrupting time is the interval of time
In this paper, a new methodology for estimating the total between the beginning of the opening time and the end of
fault clearing time is proposed. The impact of relay operate the arcing time. The opening time is the time between the
time together with circuit breaker interrupting time (i.e total moment when relay signal appears to the CB trip coil until
fault clearing time) on power system stability, is presented. the moment when the arcing CB contacts physically start to
Relevant mechanical and electrical characteristics of widely separate. Vendors usually provide some average value and
used circuit breakers were taken into consideration during variation interval for the opening time. After the arcing con-
the analysis, together with different relay generations (phasor tacts start to separate, the current continues to flow and final
domain, time domain and travelling wave approach). Circuit fault clearing happens when the arc is extinguished, which
breakers are also analyzed from the perspective of require- can occur only at one of the current’s natural zero-crossing
ments from standards and their lifetime. points. The time interval during which current continues to
flow is called the arcing time and thermal and dielectric
II. FAULT CLEARING TIME DEFINITION stresses require a minimum arcing time prior to successful
Fig.1 shows a part of a substation where protection of a power interruption at a fault current zero-crossing [16].
line is illustrated. In order to protect the line (or any other Due to the all mentioned factors there is an embedded
power system element) it is necessary to have: uncertainty in the circuit breaker interrupting time. An even
• instrument transformers – to provide measurements of more important fact is that the nature of that time is discrete
the most important variables related to the protected since current can be interrupted only in the fault current
element (currents and voltages), zero-crossing moments.
• circuit breaker (CB) – to interrupt the fault current (to
allow physical separation of the protected element), III. FAULT CLEARING TIME REQUIREMENTS FROM A
• protection equipment (protective relay) – to recognize POWER SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE
abnormal operating conditions of the protected element There are two main requirements, at the power system level,
and to trigger the circuit breaker operation when needed. that could be related to the protective relay performances:
The trip coil and DC control voltage are also parts of the 1) to minimize damage on power system equipment in
protection system, while all of them together make the fault case of abnormal operating conditions,
clearance system [17]. The protection system complies with 2) to help maintain power system stability.
N-1 requirement since each element is typically duplicated Both requirements imply that the fault clearing time shall be
for HV lines [25], while this is only partially true for the as short as possible. Additionally, in the first case, the relay
circuit breaker. On the power system level, the performance needs to be selective since the unnecessary disconnection of
of the fault clearance system is relevant, not performance of healthy elements affects more customers and system stability.
the protection equipment or circuit breaker itself. From the perspective of the transient stability of power sys-
The total Fault Clearing Time (FCT in Fig.2) is the time tems, besides the speed requirement, a relay must be secure.
between the fault inception and the moment when fault This means that the relay must not trip in the case of a
current is interrupted. It consists of the relay operate time and fault outside of its zone of protection or in the case of a
the circuit breaker interrupting time (if CB operates correctly, disturbance that is not a genuine faulty state. In the case of
otherwise it prolongs until a breaker failure scheme opens a temporary disturbance, incorrect relay operation might lead

2 VOLUME 9, 2021
S. Zubic et al.: Line Protection Operate Time: How Fast Shall It Be?

FIGURE 4. Total fault clearing time when breaker failure protection

initiates the fault clearing.

FIGURE 3. Disturbance record from a 765 kV transmission line where a

temporary phase current disturbance occurs and extinguishes without
developing into a permanent fault that requires relay operation.

to a domino effect with resultant system blackout. There are

disturbances that never develop into a fault condition as well
as temporary faults, which can disappear after a brief time
interval. Protective relays require some time to distinguish
these types of conditions, for which they shall not operate,
from permanent faults, which must be disconnected. Such
events are very common at distribution voltage levels, but
they occur even on the highest voltage levels, where unnec-
essary relay operation can be very harmful. Fig. 3 shows a
record from 765kV network where a disturbance caused a FIGURE 5. Illustration of how different relay operate time does not
very high spike in phase A current, however the condition impose a difference in total fault clearing time: a) relay operating at 11
ms causes FCT of 36.6 ms and arcing time of 7.6 ms; b) ultra-fast relay
disappeared by itself and currents returned to normal load operating at 1.5 ms causes the same FCT of 36.6 ms and prolonged arcing
levels. The network operator does not want the UHV line to be time of 17.1 ms.
disconnected from the system in such a case. That means that
both too slow and too fast operation might negatively affect clusion is not supported by results presented in this paper.
the power system stability and availability. Fig.4 illustrates that transient stability relies on the total fault
clearing time with BFP, while relay operate time takes just a
A. POWER SYSTEM STABILITY REQUIREMENT small fraction of that time.
A common criterion for the evaluation of transient angle The impact of the relay operate time is not as high as
stability is the Critical Clearing Time (CCT). It is defined as expected, even in cases where the CB operates without prob-
the maximum time during which a disturbance can be applied lems (fault clearing time from Fig.2). Fig.5 shows an example
without the power system losing its stability [5]. The main whereby a significant reduction of relay operate time does
requirement for the fault clearance system (Fig.1) is to clear not lead to any reduction in FCT, since circuit breaker design
faults faster than the CCT, considering worst-case scenarios limitations, (operating principle as well as the fault-circuit
when the CB fails to break the current after receiving the trip physics) do not allow for instantaneous current interruption.
command from the associated protective relay. In such situa- In the illustrated example a commercial CB with an opening
tions a dedicated Breaker Failure Protection (BFP) scheme is time of 18 ms and a minimum arcing time of 7.6 ms is
used to ensure fault clearing within CCT by opening adjacent considered. In Fig.5a we see that relay operate time of 11 ms
breakers in the power system (Fig.4). The BFP will send a allows the minimum required arcing time of 7.6 ms which
trip signal after a predefined time delay if the fault current leads to fault current interruption after 36.6 ms (during the
is still present (despite the initial relay operating signal). third zero-crossing). In the case of a much faster relay operate
Typical time delay of BFP is between 7.2 cycles and 15 cycles time of 1.5 ms (Fig.5b) the current interruption at the second
(144 ms – 300 ms in 50 Hz systems [6]). As an example, zero-crossing is not possible since the arcing time is shorter
in recent years in China Southern Grid (CSG) several cases than the required minimum value. Therefore, the current
of breaker failures occurred and CCT of some 500kV stations interruption occurs again at the third zero-crossing, with
was around 350 ms [6]. identical FCT of 36.6 ms. It is not only that the faster operate
Despite all these aspects, in most of the scientific publi- time has not lead to a shorter FCT, but instead, the circuit
cations, a simplified interpretation of protection systems is breaker was exposed to much higher stresses since the arcing
present, whereby only the relay operate time is considered as time was significantly longer (17.1 ms instead of 7.6 ms)
the important part of the overall protection system. There is causing higher wear of the CB arcing contacts which further
an assumption that each millisecond of faster relay operate contributes to the reduction of its service lifetime [7], [16].
time directly results in improved FCT [14] and consequently For this reason, the relay operate time is not relevant by itself;
improved power system stability [23], however, this con- only the fault clearing time has a meaningful effect on the rest

VOLUME 9, 2021 3
S. Zubic et al.: Line Protection Operate Time: How Fast Shall It Be?

of the power system. From the perspective of power system the type tests of a widely used CB model and addition-
stability, the FCT with BFP scheme is relevant, as shown in ally, using statistics from CB operations in China Southern
Fig.4. Grid [6]. Finally, >1 million fault cases were simulated and
It is important to notice that in the given example a single- average fault clearing times were calculated for each one of
phase to ground fault is considered as the most optimistic the three generations of protective relays.
scenario. In case of two-phase or three-phase faults the fault
clearing times will be somewhat longer since fault current A. IMPACT OF POWER SYSTEMS ON FAULT
interruption in each phase will occur at different time instants, CLEARING TIME
due to the phase displacement of individual phase currents. In Fig.5, a situation is illustrated where the case of fault cur-
Sometimes series capacitors are used on transmission lines rent zero-crossings occurring at 17 ms, 22.5 ms and 36.6 ms
to increase the line transfer capability; however, there are after fault inception, and relay operate time from 1,5 ms
several negative impacts of series compensation on the perfor- to 11 ms, did not change the total fault clearing time. It is
mance of the line relay protection and the line circuit breaker. obvious that for different zero-crossing moments and/or cir-
A well-known impact on line protection is that the change cuit breaker characteristics the impact of the relay operate
of line series impedance can pose a problem to distance pro- time will differ. In order to have a fair evaluation, a wide
tection. To overcome this, there are several modern solutions range of fault current asymmetry levels were used, resulting
based on communication schemes, which from the perspec- in a different time spread of fault current zero-crossings –
tive of this study do not greatly impact the relay operate different peaks and duration of last major and minor loops,
time [11], [12], [14], [27]. Also, it should be observed that the as shown in Fig. 6.
accumulated energy in the series capacitance will expose the The set of 48 asymmetrical fault current waveforms and
circuit breaker to higher transient recovery voltages [28]. The corresponding zero-crossings were obtained from simula-
resultant prolonged total fault clearing time, will exacerbate tions of power line faults where:
the results presented in this study. • fault inception angle was selected from 0◦ to 330◦ (with
Additionally, according to the international standards 30◦ steps),
[8], [9] the asymmetrical breaker rating is based on the refer- • fault location is varied to achieve different levels of d.c.
ence that the relay operate time is not faster than a half-cycle component (faults close to busbar, at 40 km, 80 km and
of power-frequency (10 ms for 50 Hz and 8.3 ms for 60Hz). 120 km).
If relay operate time is made shorter, it will lead to a higher As an illustration, in Fig.6, 12 waveforms are shown for
percentage of d.c. component at contact separation and in sets of faults close to the busbar and relay location. The first
the worst-case scenario a circuit breaker might not be able to six zero-crossings are recorded for each of the 48 waveforms
interrupt the fault current. In other words, if faster protection and are used for further calculation of fault clearing time
is used, it might be required to derate the CBs and/or perform distribution.
additional system studies to verify if the CBs are still able to
operate properly [10], [24]. This is another factor that needs B. IMPACT OF PROTECTIVE RELAYS ON FAULT
to be considered when the speed of protection is discussed. CLEARING TIME
It would be incorrect (based only on Fig.5) to conclude that The relay operate time depends on a number of factors: the
faster operate times are not beneficial. There are other factors, protection algorithm type, hardware and software limitations
such as fault inception angle and current magnitude, where a (algorithm execution interval, bandwidth of internal filters,
faster relay operate time will lead to a faster FCT. For this speed of output contacts), accuracy of measurement chain
reason, it is important to use a methodology that considers (CT saturation, CVT transients, noise) and a number of exter-
all of the important factors, and shows the real difference nal factors (fault inception angle, fault location, power flow,
in FCT for varying relay performances and considers all of fault resistance etc.). To get exact values it would be required
the pros and cons relevant to power system stability. A new to use products from different vendors with correct settings
methodology for such assessment is proposed and presented and test them in a hardware-in-loop setup with a large number
in Section IV. of test scenarios, which is not practical.
The proposed approach is to divide all numerical relays
IV. FAULT CLEARING TIME EVALUATION METHODOLOGY into three generations, which should cover the main algorithm
The starting point in the proposed methodology is the model- types and hardware limitations.
ing of all relevant system elements. In order to consider all I generation line protective relays are based on low
the uncertainties in power systems (such as fault location, sampling frequency (from <1kHz till a few kHz) and
source impedance, fault inception angle), different fault cur- phasor-domain (PD) algorithms [11], [12] (or some hybrid
rent waveforms were simulated on a network model. All the with incremental quantities). Operate times in the range
variations in relay operate times were statistically modeled of 8 ms – 20 ms are assumed, which should cover the majority
and sorted into three generations of protection devices. The of cases.
circuit breaker’s complex physics is statistically modeled II generation line protective relays use higher sampling
based on ranges of opening and arcing times obtained from frequency (4 kHz – 10 kHz) and time-domain (TD) algo-

4 VOLUME 9, 2021
S. Zubic et al.: Line Protection Operate Time: How Fast Shall It Be?

TABLE 1. Arcing time ranges in different type test scenarios.

FIGURE 6. Different zero-crossing moments used for calculation of fault

clearing time with different generations of protective relays (50 Hz system

FIGURE 7. Distribution of operate time in case of three generations of

line protective relays, used for evaluation of FCT. FIGURE 8. Distribution of circuit breaker interrupting time, used for
evaluation of FCT: a) model based on factory testing of selected CB
model, b) CB model based on records from CSG.
rithms (usually incremental quantities and differential equa-
tions instead of phasor approach [13], [14]). In the analysis model and records of CB interrupting time from an actual
operate times in the range of 3 ms – 8 ms are assumed. power grid.
III generation line protective relays use high sampling For the first scenario, the characteristics of a widely
frequency (≥1 MHz) and traveling wave (TW) based algo- used SF6 live-tank circuit breaker type were chosen. Circuit
rithms [14]. Operate times in range of 1.5 ms – 3 ms are breaker interrupting time can differ largely, depending on
assumed. the design, voltage level as well as on fault type and incep-
The distribution of relay operate times used in the evalua- tion angle. Since this analysis is considering transmission
tion of the total fault clearing time are shown in Fig. 7. A uni- system stability problems, one of the best SF6 high-voltage
form distribution of the operate times is assumed and there circuit breakers (420 kV, 63 kA) was selected for model-
are, in total, 10,000 operate time values for each generation ing. This circuit breaker type has been applied worldwide
of relays used in the testing. during the last 30+ years. The rated opening time of this
circuit breaker is 18±2 ms. Minimum and maximum arc-
C. IMPACT OF CIRCUIT BREAKERS ON FAULT ing times that were used for modeling were derived from
CLEARING TIME 420 kV based type tests performed in an independent and
The circuit breaker technology is a wide topic that goes ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory. These are summarized
beyond the scope of this paper. In this study the focus is in Table 1.
only on CB opening and arcing time as the most relevant The range of the arcing times used in the model was
parameters that contribute to the fault clearing time. It needs selected such that the shortest of the minimum values (7.6 ms)
to be clarified that complex arc physics and transient recovery and longest of the maximum values (21.9 ms) were cho-
voltages (TRV) were not directly considered. Instead, the sen and uniform distribution was applied. Combining the
proposed approach was to take statistical representations of selected minimum and maximum arcing times with the range
opening time and arcing times as a model of CB behavior. of rated opening times (18±2 ms) produces a uniform distri-
It was assumed that the circuit breaker model’s interrupt- bution of the circuit breaker interrupting times in the interval
ing performance, would remain consistent as on reference from 23.6 ms to 41.9 ms, as shown in Fig.8a. The CB has
type tests. Rated opening time was also assumed to remain three independent operating mechanisms - one for each pole
unchanged. Reference type tests used were the same as con- (phase) – which sometimes can make it possible for the
sidered by IEC 62271-100 - basic short-circuit test-duties: single-phase to ground fault to be cleared only in affected
T10, T30, T60, T100s, T100a and short-line fault tests: L90, phase. In this scenario single-phase to ground faults are only
L75. This was deemed sufficient to cover almost all possible considered, while FCT for other types of faults will be even
fault cases in transmission grids and hence provide the rele- longer than the one presented in this paper.
vant insight into the true contribution of relay time to FCT. Similarly, data from the second scenario, a study con-
Two scenarios were used to evaluate the model perfor- ducted in China, were used for additional evaluation [6].
mance: type test data of a state-of-the-art circuit breaker The study provides data collected over several years in the

VOLUME 9, 2021 5
S. Zubic et al.: Line Protection Operate Time: How Fast Shall It Be?

China Southern Grid at 550 kV level and contains 2,710 CB

operations. The data is used to generate the distribution from
Fig.8b. where percentages in 10 ms time intervals are pro-
vided in [6]. The difference in the range of the CB interrupting
times in Fig.8 a and b could be due to the presence of CBs
with different characteristics and due to some percentage
of two-phase and/or three-phase faults among 2,710 fault
incidents. Since data is not specific on the minimum recorded
breaker interrupting time, and since all major CB manufactur-
ers mostly use identical designs for both 420 kV and 550 kV
rated CBs, the minimum value of 23.6 ms as in the first
scenario is assumed. The maximum recorded break time was
74 ms and it is used as well in our model.
FIGURE 9. Distribution of fault clearing time for three generations of line
protective relays – CB model based on factory testing.
The question is how to calculate the average fault clear-
ing time for each generation of relays? It is considered
that 48 fault current waveforms (example of first 16 shown
in Fig.6) are good representations of all the scenarios in a
power system, despite being a discrete set of the zero-crossing
moments. For each of these waveforms a set of 3 × 10.000
calculations of the fault clearing time were performed. The
algorithm’s steps are:
1. Take 48 fault current waveforms (more precisely their
FIGURE 10. Comparison of average FCT for three generations of
zero-crossing moments) and for each of them run protective relays – CB model based on type testing.
step 2;
2. Run a loop of 10,000 repetitions and in each of them: TABLE 2. Fault clearing time limits – scenario with circuit breaker model
based on type testing.
a. take one relay operate time from Fig.7 for each of
three relay generations;
b. take one CB interrupting time from its distribution
c. add CB interrupting time to PD, TD and
TW operate times and find the first following zero-crossing (as in Fig.4a). If different relay generations are
zero-crossing moment for the selected waveform; compared it is shown that using TD protection, instead of PD,
d. record the FCT for PD, TD and TW relay; reduces the average FCT by 8.68 ms or 16.7%. The maximum
3. Calculate average FCT for PD, TD and TW relay (out FCT is improved by 11.8 ms or 16.5%. In 23.9% of fault
of 10,000 values for each of them); cases both algorithms cleared the fault in the same time (as
4. Calculate percentage of cases where different relay illustrated in Fig 4).
generations have the same FCT; Using TW protection, instead of TD, reduces the average
The same steps were executed in another scenario where FCT by 3.12 ms or 7.2%. The maximum FCT is improved
in 2.b, the CB interruption time distribution from China is by 4.2 ms or 7%. In 68% of fault cases both algorithms
used (Fig.8b). cleared the fault in the same time (as illustrated in Fig 4).
Theoretically, the minimum FCT could be improved up to
V. SIMULATION RESULTS 1.5 ms, but in this simulation there was no such case.
In Fig. 9, Fig. 10 and Table 2 the results from the simula- B. SCENARIO WITH DIFFERENT CIRCUIT BREAKERS
tion explained in Section IV, are summarized. As expected, FROM CSG 550KV TRANSMISSION SYSTEM
the phasor domain algorithm has the most widely spread In Fig. 11, Fig. 12 and Table 3 the results from the scenario
distribution and the longest FCT, due to the wide range of based on 2,710 CB operations in China Southern Grid at
operate times. Also, the large number of simulations showed 550 kV level are summarized. The distribution of the CB
that the minimum FCT for all algorithms is approximately interrupting time is modeled, and 10,000 cases are generated
the sum of the minimum CB interrupting time (Fig.8) and (Fig.8b). Since the spread of CB interrupting times is much
minimum relay operate time (Fig.7). Those are the ‘‘lucky wider, due to the possible differences that various CB models,
shots’’ when the relay is fast, CB opening time is at the shorter brands and designs present in the sample, it results in a wider
end and the trip comes at such a moment that the arcing spread of the total FCT. As a consequence, the average FCT
time is just enough to clear the fault current in the nearest for each generation of relays increased by 3-4 ms.

6 VOLUME 9, 2021
S. Zubic et al.: Line Protection Operate Time: How Fast Shall It Be?

FIGURE 13. Distribution of fault clearing time based on 2,710 fault

records from installed relays in CSG.

faults will be cleared in the same time for both generations of

Such a small improvement in FCT cannot justify the risk of
maloperations as a result of unsecured relay operation (Fig.3).
FIGURE 11. Distribution of fault clearing time for three generations of Some of the situations whereby disturbances could wrongly
line protective relays – CB model based on records from CSG.
be interpreted as genuine faults within the protection zone
are [14], [15], [24]:
• parallel line faults that induce traveling waves in the
protected line,
• lightning strikes,
• operation of surge arresters,
• operation of the bypass breakers on series capacitors,
• contamination of isolators (organic or chemical)
• encroaching vegetation,
FIGURE 12. Comparison of average FCT for three generations of line
protective relays – CB model based on records from CSG. • brush fires.

TABLE 3. Fault clearing time limits – scenario with circuit breaker model Slightly better improvement in FCT was achieved with TD
based on records from china southern grid. based protection when compared to the slowest, PD protec-
tion; but even in that case, both the average and the maximum
FCT improvements were below 20%. This reinforces the
point that relay operate time cannot be analyzed separately
from circuit breaker interrupting time, which is an equally
Using TW protection, instead of TD, reduces the average important part of the fault clearance system (Fig. 1).
FCT by 3.29 ms or 7%. The maximum FCT is improved by Are those FCT improvements relevant for the transient
5.2 ms or 5.71%. The minimum FCT was improved by 2.5 ms. stability of a power system? The power system stability must
In 66% of fault cases both algorithms cleared the fault in the be secured for the worst-case scenarios and cannot rely on
same time (as illustrated in Fig 4). a few cases where ultra-fast FCT is achieved. The presented
In Fig.13 the distribution of FCT records from CSG [6] reduction in the maximum FCT cannot be taken as an impor-
(CB plus relay operate time) are shown. The range of the tant factor since the ultra-fast protection is not 100% depend-
results fits well into simulated results from Fig.11a, while able, and also, there are faults which would not be detected
FCT distribution is between simulated PD and TD protection with such algorithms, whereas slower and more dependable
since more FCT were in the range of 40 ms – 50 ms than in algorithms will pick them up. Therefore, the power system
the range of 50 ms – 60 ms. stability must be preserved in such situations; even if circuit
breaker fails to operate.
VI. FAULT CLEARING TIME IMPROVEMENTS AND THEIR To secure power system stability, a more reasonable
IMPACT ON THE POWER SYSTEM approach is to secure the fault clearance time below the
The results show that ultra-high speed protection based on critical clearing time in a power system through optimization
TW is capable of clearing faults in about 25 ms, albeit only in of the breaker failure scheme, as presented in a study from
a very limited number of cases. Overall speed improvements China Southern Grid [6]. If in a particular location in the
are very modest, since both the average and the maximum network the critical clearing time is shorter than the possible
FCT improvements were below 10%, when compared to the fault clearing time (with the breaker failure scheme), then
time-domain based algorithms. The main reason for this is it is necessary to use two breakers in series, preferably of
the physics of the short-circuit current interruption process the same make/type [18]. In such a case, at least one of the
and associated circuit breaker technology, which allows for breakers will interrupt the fault and the total clearing time will
fault current interruption to take place only at a few discrete be close to the shortest possible with existing circuit breaker
moments which are separated by approximately half the time technology. There is also an alternative proposal for using a
period increments of the power-frequency cycle: 10 ms at breaking resistor for large thermal generators to increase the
50Hz and 8.33 ms at 60Hz. For this reason, two out of three critical fault clearance time [26].

VOLUME 9, 2021 7
S. Zubic et al.: Line Protection Operate Time: How Fast Shall It Be?

publications was that each millisecond of reduced relay oper-

ate time is contributing directly to system stability and as such
generates the ‘‘need-for-speed’’.
The results presented in this study do not support such
assumption. The ‘‘need-for-speed’’ approach is far too
simplistic since it does not consider the physics of the
short-circuit current interruption process and associated cir-
cuit breaker technology limitations, nor the fact that system
FIGURE 14. Fault clearing time in case of an ideal fault clearance system
where relay is operating in a perfect moment to allow the minimum fault
stability relies on the worst-case scenarios, rather than on
clearing time and minimum damage to CB contacts. occasional ‘‘lucky shots’’ when very fast fault clearing time
is achieved.
The results show that a significant reduction in relay oper-
Since the ultra-fast relay operation does not compensate for
ate time brings only a very modest reduction in total fault
limitations of the state-of-the-art circuit breaker technology,
clearing time (below 20% for TD and below 10% for TW
the question is what the characteristics of an ideal protective
protection). The main reason is because circuit breakers are
relay under given conditions, should be?
still a relatively slow part of the fault clearance system with
An ideal protective relay would operate to achieve mini-
their opening and arcing time limitations. Additionally, fault
mum fault clearing time and at the same time would cause
current zero-crossings are a natural limiting factor that cannot
minimum contact erosion of the circuit breaker by causing
be completely compensated for only by a shorter relay oper-
arcing time close to the minimum value, as shown in Fig.5a.
ate time. As it was indicated 40 years ago, the only way to
A security window, after the fault inception time, would be
improve FCT is to improve both the protection and the circuit
used to distinguish disturbances from faults (Fig.14), but at
breaker part of the fault clearance system.
the same time the fault current waveforms and zero-crossing
From the power system stability perspective, the effect of
moments (ZC1-3) would be estimated. It would also be
the ultra-fast relay operation is more likely to be negative
required to know/estimate the CB opening time and the min-
rather than positive. The minor reduction in FCT cannot
imum arcing time, with a narrow margin.
justify the risk of maloperations related to the fact that the trip
If such estimation would be possible, the relay would
decision is made in a very short time frame, when it is hard
subtract the estimated CB interrupting time from the targeted
to distinguish brief transient disturbances from actual faulty
zero-crossing moment (in this example ZC3) to determine
conditions (Fig.3).
the ideal operating moment for the relay. That means that
Finally, the International Standards for circuit breakers do
the relay would not operate as fast as possible, but would
not consider relay operate times shorter than a half cycle.
intentionally wait for the right instant in time. The waiting
Shortening this time would potentially require derating of the
time could also be used for an additional security check, so if
circuit breaker or repetition of type tests, and could negatively
the fault current, for any reason, disappears (as in Fig.3),
affect its service lifetime by increasing the amount of cumu-
the operating signal would not be released, to additionally
lative interruption stresses.
improve protection security. This would be a perfect fault
When all these factors are taken into consideration, instead
clearance system where the protective relay and the circuit
of the ‘‘need for speed’’, a more reasonable expectation for
breaker are synchronized to deliver the fastest FCT and the
protective relays is to have an operate time close to the half
longest CB lifetime.
cycle time: 10 ms at 50 Hz or 8.33 ms at 60 Hz. Such a
This is not a new idea since an algorithm for controlled
‘‘sweet spot’’ is not harmful for the design of commercial
fault interruption is developed and presented in [16]. The
circuit breakers. Within this time interval a relay can securely
algorithm for optimized CB arcing time is based on prediction
distinguish real faults from disturbances and avoid triggering
of the future current zero-crossing moments, and with the
events that might lead to a blackout. For further improvement
objective to reduce the electrical stress and wear on circuit
of FCT, as correctly assumed 40 years ago, it is necessary to
breakers. The current zeros were predicted with ±1 ms accu-
have significant improvements in circuit breaker technology.
racy. Despite this, even more than 15 years later, the algorithm
Meanwhile, to secure power system stability, if in a particular
has not been implemented and tested in real life. One of
location in the network the critical clearing time shall be
the main challenges is uncertainty in predicting the circuit
shorter than the possible fault clearing time (with already
breaker minimum arcing time, which depends on a number
optimized breaker failure scheme), then it is necessary to
of factors (e.g. fault parameters in Table 1) and changes over
either use two breakers in series or a braking resistor.
time. As well, such prediction should be done separately for
each CB pole which shall be opened during the fault.
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VOLUME 9, 2021 9

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