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Week 2 - Task: Assignment - My Daily



Diego Caballero
Hello Rodrigo,

I hope you're having a great day. I'm excited to have the opportunity to share more about my
life with you. I want you to know a bit more about my daily routine and how I spend my days.

I'm quite an early riser, so I usually wake up early in the morning, around 6:00 AM. I love the
sunrise and the tranquility it brings. After getting up, I usually prepare my lunch for the
afternoon and get ready for work.

After that, it's time for breakfast. I enjoy making a good nutritious breakfast. My favorite is a
bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruits and a bit of honey. Sometimes, I also indulge in a nice cup of
coffee to help me wake up fully.

During the morning, I usually focus on my work. I work close to home, which gives me the
flexibility of not having long commutes. This allows me to be more productive and have time
for other activities as well.

Around noon, I take a break for lunch. I use this time to relax a bit, maybe catch up on some
news or messages.

After finishing my workday, I usually dedicate time to my hobbies. I love watching movies, so I
always have a new movie to watch. I also really enjoy music, so I often listen to some songs or
even play the guitar a bit if I'm feeling inspired.

In the evenings, I sometimes go for a walk. I live near a lovely park, so it's nice to enjoy nature
and unwind.

Finally, at night or sometimes in the evenings, is when I get ready for university.

In summary, that's my daily routine at a glance. I hope you've enjoyed learning more about me!

Best regards,

Diego Caballero.

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