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TEC 125 - Family and Consumer Life Skills

Uy, Dominique P.


Constructive Criticism

Group 1:

I like how they chose the colors and typography for their brochure; it is pleasant
to read and watch. And I believe it would be nicer if I could have the actual brochure
rather just a digital copy.

As long as they follow the guidelines, the report paper is flawless. The video
reporting is brief, and in my opinion, that makes it ideal for viewers to watch. The
aesthetic is quite original.

Both the group's brochure and video reporting display excellent innovation.
Kudos to this group.

Group 2:

I appreciate the group's brochure since it is amazing in its own style, it is

distinctive, and it does not have too many photographs. The color is good for the reader
as well.

The report paper is wonderful. The topic was then adequately explained by the
members in the video reporting, which adds points to their brochure. The film is half an
hour long, so it is not too long but may still teach viewers a lot.

Overall, the group produced some excellent results. This group did an excellent
Group 3:

It's amusing to hear one of the group's member complain that listing the group
and individual members is superfluous. Their title in the brochure is difficult to
understand due to an excessively designed font. The subject matter is arts and crafts,
and in my opinion, they can improve on the layouts and design in the brochure. The
brochure doesn't live up to my expectations after reading the topic title for me; it's just

Their report is excellent and flawless. They did an excellent job in the video
reporting since they clearly discussed their subject, and I could tell that they worked
hard to make the video. I appreciate the way they presented their subject in the video.

Therefore, without the video report, in my opinion, they would not have been able
to make up for their brochure's shortcomings, but nonetheless, good work to this group.

Group 4: N/A

Group 5:

The group brochure is attractive at first glance, but as it progresses, the

excessive design takes the reader's attention from reading. However, the brochure was

Their report paper is on par with the other groups. The video report is very
properly detailed, and viewers and listeners will be able to understand their issue.

Overall, I believe this group is strong. Congratulations to the members of the

Group 6:

I appreciate how creatively they created their brochure, as well as the format,
typeface, and styles and designs. Their color combinations are superb. However, it has
too many words, which in my opinion will make readers drowsy or bored.

heir report is well written. Although the video report is lengthy, it was clearly
explained, and I thought the members did a great job of conveying their message.

For me, the overall effect is average, but this group could certainly do more.

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