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Chainsaw, Bomb, Bird and War

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F, F/M
Fandom: Chainsaw Man (Manga), Chainsaw Man (Anime)
Relationship: Denji/Mitaka Asa, Denji/Reze (Chainsaw Man), Mitaka Asa/Reze,
Denji/Mitaka Asa/Reze, Denji/Yoru | War Devil (Chainsaw Man), Mitaka
Asa/Yoru | War Devil, yoru/reze, Denji/Mitaka Asa/Yoru | War Devil,
denji/mitaka asa/reze/yoru
Character: Denji (Chainsaw Man), Mitaka Asa, Yoru | War Devil (Chainsaw Man),
Reze (Chainsaw Man)
Additional Tags: monster fucking, Bloodplay, Other Additional Tags to Be Added,
Polyamory, Vibrator, Anal Fingering, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-
con, Anal Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Scissoring, Cunnilingus, Threesome -
F/F/M, Threesome - F/F/F
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Denji/Asa/Yoru/Reze fics
Stats: Published: 2023-07-28 Updated: 2023-08-24 Words: 27,291 Chapters:

Chainsaw, Bomb, Bird and War

by Toggle1


Love and sex are complicated subjects, especially when trauma and dysfunction are
involved. Thankfully the four individuals in this polycule are all perfectly functions
individuals, so they should be fine.

(Varying oneshots with Denji, Reze, Asa and Yoru in varying combinations)

(Requests are welcomed)

Introduction and Index

I am in a bit of a rut right now and have desire to write something, but not sure what to write, so I
have decided to do something a little different that I have not done, and just open up for some
prompts. For varying reasons I decided to center this this around one of my current fixations,
Chainsaw Man, and decided to step things up from the last thing I wrote, which was a
Denji/Asa/Yoru three-shot, and decided to throw Reze into the mix. Below are the varying
pairings/groupings that you can get out of this love square(?), and I would like to write something
for each of them, so feel free to suggest something, though I cannot promise on how long each
prompt ends up being, or how long it will take me to get get it out.

Originally I posted this a couple of weeks back on Hentai-Foundry, and since then I actually have
come up with a couple of ideas, so this introduction chapter will be more used to keep tabs on what
pairings/groups I have done or have ideas for, though still feel free to suggest any prompts for me
to take, even if it's for a pairing/grouping I have already done.


Chapter 1: Denji/Asa: Asa's Intrusive Thoughts

Chapter 2: Yoru/Asa: Exploration for Yoru

Chapter 3: Denji/Reze: Reze's Do Over

Chapter 4: Denji/Yoru: Normal, Defined by Denji

Chapter 5: Asa/Reze: Totally Like Other Girls

Chapter 6: Reze/Yoru: Letting Me Know You

Chapter 7: Denji/Reze/Asa: Going Down At The Movies

Chapter 8: Asa/Yoru/Reze: Some New Looks

Chapter 9: Denji/Reze/Yoru: Beating the Heat

Ideas I Have:


Free for Suggestions

Asa's Intrusive Thoughts
Chapter Summary

Asa comes to term with a certain kink she has, and asks Denji to help her fulfilment.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Asa's Intrusive Thoughts

Some time ago, if you has asked Mitaka Asa what she would be doing with her life, her answer
would have likely been something of keeping her grades up, her head down, going to university
and getting a job like any other good citizen. It was hardly anything out of the box, but she didn't
allow herself to think beyond the box because she knew that anything out of the box would not end
well for her, as it typically didn't. As far as she was concerned anything beyond the safe and
reliable planned future that involved working in an office could only bring harm to her, so what
other option could she have?

So the idea that she could grow into someone who hunted devils, would not be something she
could ever consider. Nor the idea that she would be associated with a man with a chainsaw for a
head. Or a woman with a bomb for a head. Or that she was possessed by a devil. Or that she would
be in a strange, romantic relationship with all three of them. It was complicated, so the idea that
Asa would be fated to a boring office job was something she was not likely to have, and the more
she does this, the more fine she is with that notion. Though, her current task of picking up varying
items from the corner store was rather mundane, but you can't have highs without lows.

After she had paid for the items and carried them away from the counter and the bored cashier, a
newspaper catches her eye, one where the large image of the front page is that of Denji, shirtless
and in his hybrid form, standing over the corpse of the devil he had killed yesterday. “CHAINSAW
MAN KILLS SALOMONELLA DEVIL” it read. The image was a bit blurry, and could have been
in better focus, but she could make out Denji form and some of the more notable details.

“Please stop staring,” Yoru from the side and just outside her vision. “The ice cream will melt if
you keep gawking at it for so long.”

“I'm not gawking,” Asa said, pushing past the newspaper rack and out the door into the hot
summer air. “I was just reading what the article had to say.”

“Uh-huh,” Yoru answered, and Asa knew she was not buying it. “I don't get why you get like that
either time you see either Chainsaw or Bomb without a shirt, you know what they look like, and
more! Sometimes you can't even look at me naked! I have the same body as you!”

“And what, be some kind of lecherous pervert like you and get lost in pleasure, like you?” Asa shot
back, her feet hurrying and carrying her further, though no matter how fast she walked she could
never outrun Yoru.

“I'm like that because of you! Because you keep shoving your thoughts into my head!” Yoru
argued, narrowing her ringed eyes and glaring at Asa. “Even now, I know what your thinking, and
it's probably one of the more fucked up things you have thought of.”

“I am not thinking anything,” Asa said to convince herself of her own defense.

“Don't get me wrong, it'll be super hot if you ever work up the courage to do so, but don't expect
me to around. I have already been eaten by Chainsaw once, I do not intend to have it happen

If it didn't make her look insane to the people around her on the street, Asa would have screamed at
the voice in her head to shut up.


Sex was also a complicated matter for Asa.

Asa wanted nothing more than to be close to people, but she was afraid of doing so because it
meant she could be easily be hurt for it. Sex meant being more open and vulnerable with another
person, baring your entire being to someone else, but it also meant you could be most easily
harmed. This led to her having a rather conflicting attitude towards her own sex life, where she was
either hot or cold on the subject. One night she would be prudish on the subject, finding the idea of
kissing any of her partners even in the privacy of her own home something to be embarrassed and
flustered about, and the next night she would love nothing more than to drop to her knees because
of the most innocent implication.

“Whoever would have sex with a guy with a chainsaw for a head?” is something Asa said once,
getting across her disgust of the subject, only to count herself among that number when she found
herself fighting her own imagination and the sordid images it would conjure up. It was a bit ironic,
considering that months later she would have sex with Chainsaw Man, though lacking the chainsaw

Which is why this conversation was painful, if necessary to satisfy her own curiosity.

“Wha?” Denji asked, sitting on her bed in her small apartment, at some point she wanted to move
into something bigger, the odd relationship she had with multiple people, with one of them raising
a younger sister and a number of pets would require something with a little bit more room down
the line. Right now it was just them, no Reze, since according to the carefully planned date chart
that Asa had created, it was her and Denji's night to be alone, Reze would get her chance next date
night, and the date night after that she and Asa would get their turn before the three of them got
together. Relationships were hard to maintain, and one that had more than two people would
require more routine maintenance, so she had gone through the trouble of creating a rotating date
night chart in which each partner would get equal time with every other partner on individual one
one one dates before going back to triple dates. Yoru was of course the monkey wrench in her
plans, since her relationship with Asa made dates with either of them hard to balance and she spent
more than enough time inside her own head. Perhaps if she were to-

A hand waved in front of her face.“Hey, Earth to Asa? You there?”Denji asked.

A small startled noise came from Asa's mouth as her attention drew back to Denji. “Sorry, I was
just thinking. Thinking about how to, you know, better explain what I just asked of you. I just
blurted it out, I shouldn't have done that, and you know what, just forget I said anything, it's
perfectly fine and I-”

“I mean, if you want to,” Denji said, his more calm and relaxed tone somehow found its way past
her own lightly panicking and frantic one. “I mean, Reze and I jokes about it a couple of times, but
we never did anything. Didn't think you'd be the one to actually bring it up seriously.”

“Well,” Asa said, turning her eyes back to Denji, fighting her own embarrassment to do so.
“Maybe I want to try it, at least once.” Without any embarrassment, she slid her hand over his leg
and towards his crotch.

It was more difficult to convince herself than him.


If there was one good thing about about living in a city with frequent devil attacks, it's that
abandoned buildings were not an uncommon sight to find. The Morning Dove Motel was one such
building, having been vacated nearly a month ago after the Bowling Ball Devil ripped apart the
north wing. If more of the building were to be destroyed, it's not something that anyone would
notice or complain about, which is a good thing, because if she's going to fulfill this kink, it's not
going to be in her own home which she would prefer to keep clean as possible. It's why she and
Denji find themselves into one of the rooms of empty motel, a room that was clean enough for
Asa's standards, before they found themselves on the bed, already pawing at one another's bodies
as they sat on the edge of the bed.

Pulling away from Asa's mouth and tongue, and holding her back by the shoulders, Denji looked
down into Asa's dark and needy eyes. “You sure you want to do this?”

Neither one are wearing shirts, and Asa's gaze sweeps from Denji's face and down to her chest,
with the ripcord sticking out of it. “Y-Yes, yes I do,” she said, biting her lower lip in anticipation
before with one trembling hand does she reach up and grabs the firm, leathery cord and pulls.

“Chainsaw Man fucker,” Yoru says with a grunt as Asa feels her retreat deep within her mind, just
as the blade erupts from Denji's head, soon followed by it encased in orange and gray metal.

Asa is honest when she says that she desires Denji's heart, and she couldn't be happier if she could
get the chance to fall asleep in his arms, as well as Reze's, arms every night, but it would be a lie to
say that she never thought about Chainsaw Man in certain ways.

With arm-blades retracted, Denji hoists Asa up and tosses her onto the center of the bed, and he
was soon on top of her, his arms on either side of her body, while he directed the blade in his head
to the side. From between the sharp and jagged teeth of his mouth, Denji's tongue came out, and
instantly he directed it towards Asa's chest, the long and wet organ giving a slow lick between her
breasts, before making its way over to one mound and working itself around a nipple. She shivered
in response as the warm and wet organ slowly slid across her sensitive flesh. He always loved
breasts, so whenever the opportunity to touch either hers or Reze's came up he always took it, and
his transformed tongue was doing things to Asa she had never known, and with one hand she
gripped the sheets beneath her, and the other gripping his head-handle, it was all she could do to
grind her painfully clothed pelvis into his. With one arm, Denji managed to unbutton his pants,
pulling them and his boxers down, freeing his erect cock which rubbed against Asa's skirt, rubbing
precum into the soft fabric. The situation required immediate attention, and soon her skirt was
pushed up and her panties pulled aside, giving him the opportunity to full bury himself into her
tight and wet core.

“FUCK!” she screamed as with one push Denji shoved her deep into the mattress, filling her to the
core in one quick movement, before pulling out and going in for another. There was a very
noticeable difference from how Denji usually fucked her, he's much rougher, and he goes harder as
she feels him sink deeper into her as her ass bounces off the bed. She can only grunt and scream
before throwing her arms around his neck, pulling her closer to him. A guttural and metallic groan
comes from his maw, and she can feel the heated breath on her face, almost like steam, as his
tongue travels to her neck and collar bone. God they should do this more often just for that tongue

There's suddenly a sharp pain on her cheek, which almost takes her out of her groove, but when
Denji stops she's forced to see some blood on his teeth. It's clear that the sharp metal nicked her,
giving her a small cut, and even now she can feel a small bit of blood leaking from the wound.

“Should we stop?” he asked, pulling his head away from hers, and she didn't realize just how close
the chainsaw was from her face. She could see herself in the metal.

“No,” she said, her breath heavy. “We can keep going, please.”

His face is hard to read like this, where his head is made of still metal, though there seems to be a
brief dim in the lights on his eyes before they flare up before he continues with a fresh puff of hot
breathe, and soon they are right back where they left off.

The bed is creaking more beneath them, and she can hear the sheets rip underneath Denji's nails.
She thinks that maybe she heard a crack from the bed, but right now she didn't care about that. So
that was when the bed decided to break one of its legs.

They were both caught off guard by the collapse, and they tumble as a result, though they are still
able to remain on the bed, but there are still consequences.

Asa lets out a scream as the chainsaw cuts her shoulder. It's not a deep cut, but it still hurts like
fuck, but despite the pain she keeps thrusting her hips into Denji's, desperate to get as much of his
into her as possible. It is only through a determined look on her ends is she able to convince him to
not stop. Afterall, they talked about this, because while Asa knew fucking Denji like this would be
incredibly hot, it could also be harmful to her. Thankfully there are counter measures.

She angles her head down to Denji's shoulder and neck, the black cables from his chainsaw head
trail down and meet his human flesh, and bites down with enough force to draw blood.

When Yoru first possessed her she received numbers abilities from the devil, such as the power to
create weapons from anything that was hers, and strength, speed and endurance that would increase
as her namesake grew more feared through the world. She also granted her the ability to heal from
consuming blood. The taste isn't something she likes, it tastes like stale copper, and though the
mental block has lessened over the years she's still a bit queasy whenever she thinks about it, but
she cannot deny the effects it has on her body. As Denji's blood fills her mouth, washing over he
tongue and down her throat, Asa feels a boost of energy through her body, and the pain in her
shoulder begins to dull and fade, though she can still feel the shed blood, warm and wet, running
down her arm.

Asa came so hard that her vision turns white for a bit, specks of color and white dance before her
vision as her body twists and turns in Denji's grasp, which serves to reward her when Denji comes
to his own end, and unleashes a geyser of warmth into her.

The bed breaks beneath them.


Asa can only stare up at the ceiling, her entire body is numb with pleasure and aches with pain, and
so she's trying to concentrate on trying to get the feeling back between her legs. Her breathing is
hard, but it's not alone, as right next to her is Denji, his chainsaw having melted away. The bed was
broken beyond hope, all the legs having collapsed, and the mattress torn to shreds due to a
misplaced chainsaw arm one or twice, and the inner stuffing is thrown across the room. The ruined
mattress, as well as Denji and herself, are covered in sweat, cum and blood. It honestly reminded
her of their first time.

Asa once thought that if she were to lose her virginity it would be on a candlelit bed covered in
roses after an entire evening of her imaginary partner romancing her with flowers and an expensive
dinner. Instead it was a frantic and impulsive experience in the fields of Hell after she and Denji
killed the King of Hell, thus stopping the extinction of humanity.

Life was hard to predict.

“That was...” she breathed, trying to find the right words. “Wow.” It's really all she can say. There's
likely more she can say, but right now her mind is too fried to try.

“Yeah,” Denji said with his own grin. “That was kind of awesome.”

“I agree there, but,” Asa looked around the room and they damage she caused, and she knew that
this was the result of Denji holding back. She may be able to recover from a number of fatal and
life-threatening injuries, but she's not able to survive the absurd levels of mutilation Denji and Reze
can endure no problem. With a protest from her entire body, Asa moves over and lays herself atop
Denji, placing her head on his chest and wrapping her arms around him. “I think this is something
we save for only the rare occasion, agreed?”

He chuckled, and wrapped his own arm around her shoulders, giving her a warmth she was deeply
appreciative for, and from there the two simply laid there, basking in this messy afterglow. They
would move, eventually, but right now they were content to simply be with one another.

“Hey?” he asked.

“Yeah?” she answered.

“Is the water still working in this place? You know, so we can take a shower before we leave?”


The water was working, but only in some of the rooms, and they only found a working shower two
floors down.

Chapter End Notes

Fujimoto has this odd tendency to romanticize cannibalism in his works, so I don't
think it's beyond the realm of possibility that if Denji and Asa were to actually have a
sex scene that it would be messy and bloody and consuming.
Exploration for Yoru
Chapter Summary

Yoru decides to try out a new kink, much to Asa's dismay.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Exploration For Yoru

The War Devil observed as Asa went about her day. She got up, went to school, hung out with
Denji and Reze, maybe killed a devil, before going home later into the night before going off to
bed. The days since the end of the world was supposed to happen had become oddly calm and
quiet, and Yoru found herself oddly grateful for such a peaceful time. She blamed Asa for this, of
course, the human's mind and emotions had obviously infested her own, giving her untold and
unknown influence changing how she thought and her behavior. When they first met, Yoru would
not have thought twice about killing Asa if she protested against her wishes too much, but now
after so much time inhabiting the same body as her, she finds herself more agreeable to her. So
agreeable to the point that she is now in a relationship with her, as well as two other people, one of
whom she had once swore to kill.

How Asa, this awkward and bitter human who fell in love at the slightest compliment yet still was
terrified of people getting closer could not only form a romantic connection, but also with three
people, with one of those people being in her headshe'llnever know. In this form she looked like
Asa, so maybe she was a bit of a narcissist, which is why they found mutual attraction. But it
wasn't simply Asa being in a relationship with multiple people, but Yoru was also in a relationship
with these people. She was the War Devil, one of the most power devils to ever exists, yet here she
was, content to hold hands, kiss, go on dates, and other romantic things like that, and she enjoyed
it, despite herself.

Being in the same body as Asa did make some complications in how these relationships worked.
While she did spend plenty of time around Asa, all her time around Asa, they had grow more close
than most people could ever understand, to the point there they were perfectly in sync with one
another that sometimes it slipped her mind who was in control of the body. As for Denji and Reze,
while they certainly liked Asa, despite some initial hardships and other such bumps in the road, but
how they felt about Yoru, and she them, was another matter, mostly having to do with her trying to
kill them, or forcing Asa to do it. It wasn't an easy mess to clean up, it required much patience and
understanding, but things worked out somehow.

The relationship with Denji came first, back when she was still unknown to him, before Reze
showed up, sent by Public Saftey to act as a bodyguard, and despite the envy and mistrust from
Asa the two got along rather well in the end to the point where it seemed to border something more
It wasn't until after the final battle, after Asa and Denji had fell their final opponent, thus saving the
world did the relationship begin to change into what it would become. In a mix between high
emotions, bloodlust and adrenaline, Asa and Denji threw themselves at one another in a fit of
passion, leading to the first time they had sex, right there in the middle of Hell. Everything
happened so fast that Yoru could barely process what was happening, and by the time she could it
was already too late, and she could feel Denji inside her.

It was honestly one of the most fucking exciting things in her life.

After everything was said and done, Reze announced her own feelings for the pair, and while she
was not certain about Yoru, where Denji was more accepting of the additional partner, she was
given a chance all the same. Asa then later came up with her own detailed romance chart, which
covered exactly how and who the relationships between them should go without anyone feeling
left out. It was a very Asa solution, and Yoru greatly appreciated it, but while she could admire the
girl for wanting to plan things out, sometimes new experiences thought of on the fly were just as
valuable, if not even more so. Which was what led her to this moment right here, just as Asa walks
them home.

“Hey, Asa?” Yoru asked, pacing just behind Asa on the sidewalk. “Can we make a stop
somewhere before we got home? I want to get some things.”

“Like what?” was Asa's reply, making certain that there was no one near them to overhear her talk
to herself. Sometime she was far too self-conscious.

“I want to buy a dildo and lubricant because I want to see if I like anal sex.”

She could feel Asa's brain short circuit from the request.

“WHAT?!” Asa suddenly cried out. “WHAT DID YOU SAY!?”

“I want to give anal a shot,” Yoru said with a simple shrug of the shoulder.

“We can't just-! There's no way you can-!” Asa fumbled over her words as she tried to find the right
ones, but as she tried to tear apart the thesaurus in her head she could not help but notice that a
number of pedestrians were taking notice of her yelling at herself. With a face flushed with public
embarrassment, Asa was quick to retreat into a nearby alley. “What do you mean by that?” she
hissed when she felt they were safe from prying eyes. “You can't just say things like that!”

“Why not? It's not like anyone else is going to hear me.”

“It's the principle of the thing,” Asa growled. “Also, we share the same body, so what if I don't
want... that?” Yoru doubted Asa could even think the word.

Yoru merely shrugged. “I want to see if I like it.”

“Well, what if I don't like it!” Asa argued. “It's my body too! And I don't want to do something that

“You pulled Denji into a supplies closet yesterday in the middle of school just to suck him off. You
have no room to talk about degrading. I don't even seem to recall you asking me if I wanted to taste
his cum like that.”

Asa merely fumed where she stood.

“Okay, we know how this goes between us, right?” Yoru said, walking up to Asa, raising one of
her hands and gently placing it on Asa's arm, the light phantom sensations trading between them.
“Neither one of us won't do anything if the other isn't comfortable with it? Right?”

“And if you say you don't want to do this, then I'll stop, I just want to have the chance to try at
least. Is that alright?”

“I guess when you put it like that, sure.” Asa gave a heavy sigh, and looked right into Yoru's eyes.
“Fine, we'll give this a try, but I am not going into those kinds of stores. You're on your own for

“Fair is fair I supposed. Now, let me in the driver's seat.”

The switch was sudden and seamless, any momentary lull in the body or disorientation of the mind
having since been trained away with practice and understanding of one another. Giving a wink to
Asa, Yoru walked down the street, away from their apartment to a train that would take them to
one of the more shadier parts of town.


Sex was a complicated matter for Yoru.

Devils don't have sex, they don't breed like normal creatures so it's not something they do, and
most are simply not equipped on physical level for it. There are devils related to the fear of sex, but
any sexual feat they acted upon was less about the sex itself, but more about indulging in the fears
they represented. The less said about them the better. For a devil to have a real, genuine sexual
desire, the human element needed to be introduced, which in most cases would be fiends. Fiends
can be influence by the bodies they possessed depending on the quality of the brain, and while the
results could wildly vary in how this changed the devil, this could result in a fiend with a genuine
interest and desire to have sex. It was strange.

Yoru shared half of Asa's brain, what she felt and thought influenced Yoru in ways that she had
never expected, which included Asa's attitude towards sex. It was a difficult thing for Asa to
grapple with, she craved it yet was repulsed by it as well because it made her think about how
intimacy could lead to pain, so for her it was easier to banish all thoughts about it from her mind.
When she entered a relationship with Denji, and the realization that she could have a potential
sexual relationship entered her mind, the floodgates were open, and Yoru found herself drowning
in the dirty thoughts of a hormonal teenage girl with not even the nerve or confidence to carry out
her desires until they eventually exploded out of her.

Yoru loved sex. Sex with Asa. Sex with Denji. She's not had sex with Reze yet, she seems to have
some things she's working out, but if they ever do she knows she'll love it.

Sex is great, it's awesome and it feel amazing. It's the best, if it was up to Yoru, she would have
locked all of them up a room with a giant bed so they could fuck all day and night.

Sex makes her feel... close to them.


The trip to the sex shop had been mortifying for Asa, who spent the whole, but quick trip there
trying to keep her eyes on the floor, not wanting to see anything she didn't need to. This was a great
contrast to Yoru, who strode in with confidence and her head held high with a goal, and was quick
to browse the shelves for what she needed. A few other items caught her attention, but she did not
want to get sidetracked and picked up the necessary items; a small red vibrator, a pack of batteries,
and a bottle of water-based lubricant. Purchased without any problems, much to Asa's relief, and
she was quick to make her way to their home.
At least until Asa said they needed to stop somewhere to eat first, it was getting late and she didn't
want to spend time cooking this time at night, and even after they got home they still needed to
take a shower, it was hot today, and she was feeling kind of sticky, she did not want to get into bed
like that, and she wanted to be extra clean for what they were going to do.

It was obvious to Yoru what was going on, that despite her worries there was a tremble of
anticipation in her gut, and all these delays were in part a delay, but almost meant to tease Yoru.

Oh, she's so get her back for this.


After they had eaten, returned home, and thoroughly showered, Yoru felt she had waited long
enough, and so as she threw open the door from the bathroom she made no effort to even dress in
their typical night clothes before she walked over to the bed and sat in the middle of it, grabbing
the nondescript brown paper bag, emptying the contents in front of her before ripping open the
battery pack.

“At least dry yourself, please,” Asa said, sitting on the opposite side of them bed, just as naked as
Yoru was. “I don't want my hair a mess in the morning.”

“Then use a comb in the morning,” came Yoru's dry response as she shoved the batteries into the
vibrator. With a turn of a dial the small device began to hum in her hand, the vibrations sending
shivers into her fingers. Quick to turn it off, Yoru stuffed the rest of the loose batteries into the
paper bag, before crumpling it up and carelessly tossing it over the side of the bed and to the floor.
With that out of the way she adjusted her position in on the bed, placing pillows at the head so she
could comfortably lay against the barred headboard, and as she spread her legs, she knew that
everything was ready. A quick look to Asa's form next to her was more than enough
encouragement to go forward with this, because by now even she was beginning to look forward to
what they were about to do.

The vibrator turned on, with Yoru having setting on a lower speed before gently placing it against
her lower lips. There was a small shock that was sent through her body at the momentary contact,
getting a small surprised yelp out of her and Asa, before she placed it against her skin again, the
vibrations radiating across the sensitive flesh as she dragged it along the outside of her cunt. She
kept at this for a moment, teasing herself without probing any further as she felt their arousal built,
her own wetness beginning to leak from her. It was nice, pleasant and enjoyable, but as much as
she would have liked to spend time on this, she had better things to move onto. Putting the vibrator
aside, Yoru grabbed the bottle and flipped the cap, and poured some onto the fingers of her free
hand, and after being surprised at how warm the liquid was, did she proceed to rub the liquid
around her digits, making certain that they were ready for the next step. Sitting next to her, Asa
continued to stare, fixated.

Retrieving the vibrator, Yoru had it go back to work at her pussy, sliding the tip inside of her,
welcoming another jolt of pleasure shooting through their body. Yoru gasped a shallow breathe and
she slowly and shallowly pumped the device inside her, before she bent forward, and with her
lubed-up hand reached further down to her rear. As she slid the wet finger across her rectum, she
could feel Asa's trepidation and so stopped, but when no further protest came from her did she
continue, and after she felt that she had lubed the area up enough, did she insert her middle finger
into her rectum.

It was odd, not unpleasant, but odd and different than anything they had done before, the tightness
around the finger and the pressure inside her, causing her to bite her lip to stifle a groan, and yet she
continued. Bending and curling her finger inside her, Yoru scrapped and scratched her inside,
pushing not only the digit further inside, but the vibrator in her other hand deeper into her pussy.

“Fuckfuckfuck,” Yoru cursed through clenched teeth. This was good, much better than she had
expected, the feeling of both holes being filled was doing things to her that she had not experienced
before, she wanted more, but even so there was something missing, something she felt that she still

She was blinded-sided by a wave of unexpected sensation, and looking to her side she saw Asa,
transfixed with what Yoru was doing to her, with her hand working at her own cunt. Despite there
being no one actually there, Yoru could feel Asa's hot breath on her shoulder. In a fit of bliss, Yoru
decided that they didn't need both of them working the cunt, so she with quickly withdrew the
vibrator from inside her and dropped it on the sheets in front of her. Not wanting to remove the
hand from her ass, Yoru clumsily opened the bottle and squirted the vibrator so that it was nice and
slipper before tossing-

“Close the top don't let it spill everywhere!”

Before snapping the top close and tossing it back onto the bed. With her heart pounding, Yoru
withdrew her finger, and trying not to lose her hold on the slippery toy, and she inserted it into her

Lights exploded into her eyes at it moved insider her, her inner walls shaking at the contact, and
she found herself unable to resist pushing it in and out while her ass flexed and clutched at it. She
cried out, her moans carrying out through the room, and she could hear some stray, residual
thought from Asa about worrying if some of her neighbors would-

Asa grabbed her cheek and turned her towards her. She had no body, but the feelings of Asa's hand
touching her skin were still there, she felt so real that she let herself be guided by Asa to face her,
and kissed the phantom. It was heated and hungry and they worked over their respective orifices,
tongue intertwining as they tried to take in as much of the other as possible.

Denji once caught them making out, and unable to see the phantom thought it looked silly. While
she doubted he was wrong in how it looked to anyone who wasn't them, fuck him, what did he

Yoru could feel their cunt and ass tighten and clench as they came, their legs shaking
uncontrollably as their cum squirted onto the bed sheets, their bodies collapsing into a heap as they
cried out. Yoru's ass ached so well that she was almost against taking out the vibrator, especially
with Asa laying against her chest, but reluctantly she withdrew it, leaving her uncomfortably
empty, before she turned it off and lazily tossed it away.

“So, how was that?” Yoru asked, looking down at Asa's head. “Was it too degrading for you?”

Asa mumbled something, trying to bury her words in Yoru's chest.

“Sorry, didn't hear you? What was that?” Yoru said with a sly grin.

“Okay, okay,” Asa relented. “Maybe you had a point, maybe it wasn't so bad. Maybe we should...
try this again sometime.”

Yoru laughed. “Maybe next time we get Denji to help us with that?”

Asa groaned. “I think we need a bit more practice first.”

“Yeah, yeah. Maybe.”

Yoru reached down and grabbed the messy sheets, and choosing to ignore how wet they were,
covered up her and Asa and drifted off to sleep.


Sometimes she dreams of the Nuclear Weapons Devil, but it is always just outside her reach. She
knows it existed, but the memories just never form right in her head, she can't remember their
history together, and for some reason that makes her feels as though there's this heavy, empty
weight inside her chest.

She thinks sometimes that Nuclear Weapons Devil wasn't just a means to an end, not just a super
powerful weapon to help her regain her lost power. There might have been something... more there,
but she'll never know. Even if she carved open Denji's chest, and ripped Pochita apart she'll never
get them back, that the things the Chainsaw Devil ate were gone forever.

Once in a dream shared between her and her old enemy, Pochita told her he was sorry he took
Nuclear Weapons away from her, and she believed him.

Maybe she was more like her sisters than she thought.

She'll never get back what she lost, but sleeping her next to Asa, hoping that Denji and Reze could
one day join her, makes her a bit grateful for what she has now.

Chapter End Notes

I always liked the idea that there might have been something going on between Yoru
and the Nuclear Weapons Devil.
Reze's Do Over
Chapter Summary

Reze gets a chance to make amends.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Reze's Do Over

As she grew up, Reze has learned to temper her expectations, which was easy when the
expectations she had were not all that high to begin with, thought this might have been more of a
way to prevent herself from having something inconvenient like hope for the future. One of those
things she had tempered expectations was school, of simply being some girl who got up in the
morning, went to classes for the day, learned things and took tests to prove that she had learned said
things, before going back home, all in preparation for a future that most certainly had nothing to do
with assassination, espionage, and terrorism. It was a little fantasy that she liked to keep in the back
of her head, something for her and her alone.

After it had become publicly know that Denji was Chainsaw Man, things become a bit difficult to
handle, and one of the solutions to tackling those messes was Public Safety assigning her to be his,
and by a certain extent Mitaka Asa's, bodyguard. This meant having to pose as a student, and while
she found herself happy and terrified to see Denji in equal parts, the idea of being a student and
going to school had a massive draw she could not ignore. Things happened from there, such as
devil attacks, the world almost ending, her dying numerous times, somehow finding herself with a
boyfriend and two girlfriends, one of whom tried to kill her, and on top of that she was a model

As someone who once thought the best thing she could hope for was a death on her own terms
instead of at the whims of whoever was holding her leash at the time, it was a pretty good deal to
be honest.

She liked school, it was nice. It wasn't this constant array of mind blowing experiences, nor was it
this soul-crushing prison, it was just sort of mundane, and she was okay with that. There was a
certain pleasure in that mundane repetitiveness that only a country mouse like her could appreciate,
as opposed to her more city mouse partners.

Speaking of partners, she spied one (two) of them right now, walking down the hallways as
students made their way between classes.

Judging from the slight slouch in how she walked, it was most likely Asa in charge of the body at
the moment, and considering that she seemed to be tilting her head to the side every once and
awhile, it was likely she was having an unheard conversation with Yoru, which told Reze how to
approach her.

With practiced steps, Reze managed to sneak behind them, and careful to not give herself away
before it was too late, she craned her neck over Asa or Yoru's shoulder and blew a quick just of air
into their ear.
“AGH!” the screamed, and from the pitch and how she almost dropped her bag it was no doubt
Asa. “What the hell do you-Oh, hello Reze.” For a brief moment it looked like she was about to
bite off her head, but upon seeing who it actually was did that frightful expression die. “Didn't
expect to see you until later.”

“Can't a girl be spontaneous sometimes?” Reze said with a laugh.

Asa, who tried to be as unspontanous as possible unless she wasn't, could only roll her eyes.

“Actually, there's something I want to ask you about tomorrow,” Reze continued.

“Tomorrow?” Asa asked, eye cocked. “You mean the date?”

Yes, the date. The group date where all four of the could go out together at once. As much as she
appreciated Asa for going for the trouble of their rotating date chart, she did wish they could have
group dates more often. As she left Asa waiting for an answer, Reze couldn't help but feel bad
about what she was about to ask of her, that for wanting this that she was making someone in their
group possibly feel left out. But she needed this, she needed it.

“Yeah, the date,” Reze finally answered. “I was wonder if, maybe you could do me a favor


When tomorrow became today, Reze woke up bright and early, even though they didn't plan to
meet up until after lunch, but it was hard for her to sleep or stay down. This was something she had
wanted to do for so long, excitement built in her chest and it was difficult to get through the day
until they were supposed to meet up. The hours passed by with an agonizing crawl, and when the
clock ticked to the desired hour and minute, she almost forgot to lock her door with how much she
was looking forward to this, and ended up being the first one to show up at the meeting spot, even
before the ever early Asa. When Denji arrived and their group was complete did they set off for
their destination: The festival.


There was no shortage of activities for them to do, there were games, street shows, all different
kinds of food, more than enough to keep them busy, and even when they took a break and sat
underneath a tree in the park for an hour they still had fun. Asa won a large stuffed lizard at a
shooting galley, Denji managed to score some coupons to a burger joint from a raffle, Reze got to
pet a llama, and Yoru put an end to the Balloon Devil's short and zero-casualty reign of terror when
she killed it with an ice-cream stick spear.

It was a fun day.

When the sun started to set, the fiery orb beginning to vanish behind the city skyline, Reze gave a
look to Asa, telling her it was time.

Asa yawned, it was almost convincing. “Well, I think Yoru and I going to go home for the night.”

“Huh?” Denji asked as he grabbed his soda from the vending machine. “You're leaving already?
It's still pretty early.” He looked to the sunset, the blues of the day sky giving away to oranges and
reds, before they turned into black city lights.

“Well, yes. You know how it is,” Asa tried. “But stuff to do tomorrow and all that. Also, I can't
spend the whole night carrying this thing around.” She raised the large stuffed lizard, half as long
as she was tall. “So might be better if I call it quits here.”

“I can carry if you're too tied,” Denji offered.

“No no no! That's fine! Thanks anyway, but I really am tired!”

“Well, if you're sure...” Denji couldn't keep the disappointment out of his voice, and Reze, despite
setting this up, was in agreement. He then walked up to Asa and placed a soft, lingering kiss on her
lips. “You two get home safe, okay?” he said when he withdrew.

“We will,” Asa said with a deep blush. Reze thought it was cute how she reacted to these more
innocent displays of public affection.

After Denji had taken his turn, Reze kissed her as well with one on each cheek, one for Asa, and
another for Yoru. “Thank you for this,” she whispered into Asa's ear.

“You owe us,” Asa whispered back with a light tone, before pulling away. The two pairs then split
up, and as Reze saw Asa walk away she could already hear her having some kind of argument with
Yoru. “We are not naming it Godzilla, you keep acting like I should know what that means.”

With a sad smile Reze and Denji saw Asa vanish into the crowd, and with only the two of them
left, Reze reached out and grabbed Denji by the hand. “Come on, there's still some time left in the
day, let's have some fun, alright?”

He smiled back to her in agreement, and that was all she needed.


The energy had certainly drained between them, both from having attended the festival all day, and
from Asa and Yoru's departure. Reze wished they could stay, but this was something that could
only happen between her and Denji.

The two of them had left the crowds behind, and hand in hand they had found themselves walking
along the beach, the tides lapping at meter from their feet and the moon hanging in the sky above
them. It was a perfect scene for a romantic night.

“Hey, Denji?” she asked, keeping her eyes on the sand below. “Can I confess something to you?”

“Sure.” he answered, swinging their hands back and forth.

“I asked Asa and Yoru to let us be alone for the rest of the night.”

His arm stopped swinging and he turned to her, his expression confused. “What? Why'd you do

Taking a breath, Reze stopped in her tracks, which caused Denji not stop as well.

“Denji,” she asked, summoning the nerve to do so. “I've been thinking about that last date we had.”

“...You mean the one at the arcade?” he said, eyebrow raised and curious.

“No, no, not that one, that was a fun one.” She smiled at the memory from last week. She and
Denji were terrible at video games, maybe that's why Nayuta kept beating them at fighting games.
“I'm talking about the last date we had, back when we first met.”

“Oh, that one...”

Her hand dropped from his, she wanted to keep holding it but...

“I think about it a lot actually,” she said. “About all the different things I could have done, how
things might have been different if I...” There's no point in trying to think about the what ifs, she
knew that no matter what she had decided things would have ended the same because she never
would have allowed it. “Denji, I hurt you. I made you trust me, and I repaid you by trying to kill
you.” Shame creeping up into her, and she found that she couldn't look at him. “Sometimes I
wonder why you don't hate me...”

His hand cupped her cheek gently, directing his attention back to him. “Hey, don't be like that, I
mean sure, some bad stuff went on between us, but I meant what I said back then. And hey, look at
us now, I think everything worked out good.”

That made her happy, it really did. “You're too forgiving for your own good sometimes.'

“Maybe,” he said with a grin. “But I got three kickass girlfriends out of it, so I must be doing
something right.”

She giggled, pushing him away slightly, and he joined her, their laughs joining the sounds of the
waves and the distant festival noises.

When it passed, Reze walked up to Denji, pressed her body against hers, and reached up to gentle
take his face into her hands. “Denji, I sent Asa away because I wanted to make up for that night.”


She heard the distant, screaming whistle in the sky, and as the first of the fireworks exploded
above the city, Reze pulled Denji down and captured his lips with hers. She lingered there,
enjoying the sensation of him against her, and when she pulled away the only tongue in her mouth
was hers.

“Like that,” she said with a smile, only he gladly gave back. Her arms then reached around his neck
and he pulled her in by the waist and the continued for a second round,

When the last of the fireworks died off, Reze withdrew from Denji, holding him close as they
stared into one another's eyes.



She hesitated for a moment, giving herself the courage to ask. “Do you want to go back to my


Sex was a complicated matter for Reze.

As she was growing up in the facility they raised her, she was taught to use sex as a tool, to be flirty
and adventurous and take advantage of the fact that she was pretty and desirable to accomplish her
missions. She went skinny dipping with Denji to entice him and bring herself one step closer to
accomplishing her mission, and had been fully prepared to sleep with him to meet those ends.

She's glad she didn't, because she realized that unlike many of the people she had been sent to
either collect or kill, he was a nice, genuine guy who was caught in some truly awful things, he
deserved better than whatever she had to offer him, and she's thankful to Asa for coming into his
life. She gave him something she couldn't, and he gave her something in return, and together they
managed to fill in whatever holes they other had, and Reze is glad that when it came to sex they
found something beautiful in one another.

Not everyone can get something like that, finding a partner that loves and respects you and wants
you to be happy.

Sometimes it's a doctor who says he wants you in for additional exams.

Sometimes it's a mob boss you're not allowed to kill until his partners arrive because they're all
supposed to die in what looks like an explosion from a gas leak.

Sometimes it's a redhead with an overpowering presence who tells you to...

who tells you to...

...she... she made them...

Reze has not had sex with any of her partners yet, not with Denji, not with Asa, and not with Yoru.
She's thought about it, pleasured herself when she was alone with the fantasies in her head, and has
been been allowed to watch them on a few occasions, but she's never actually done anything with
them, she wanted to be more certain of herself and who she was before she was ready.

Well, now she was ready.


Reze's apartment isn't anything too special, it's smaller than Denji's, but it's still comfy, and she's
made it a home for herself, and it was back at her apartment that she and he found themselves.

Clothes were quick to be undone, they moved past such secrecy and personal boundaries long ago,
they were a formality at this point, but atop her futon she can't help but feel vulnerable as she sits
astride his lap and his cock stand hard between them.

“You sure you want to do this?” he asked, hands on her hips, and his thumbs slowly stroking small
circles on her skin.

Her answer was to simply smile at him, learn forward for a soft and tender kiss. Reze gently
pushed Denji back and laid atop him, holding dearly onto his face with one hand while peppering
kisses along his mouth, cheek and neck, and the other one went down between them and gently
stroked his cock, he meanwhile recuperated by likewise caressing down her side, while the other
began to kneed at one of her breast.

She pulled away from him, giving herself a moment to look down at his face, happy to share this
moment with him, before she raised her hips up, and directed his cock so that she could slowly
insert it into her aching cunt, sliding in his full length until her pelvis had been pressed down
against his. They remained silent and still for a moment, Reze growing accustomed to him inside
her, before Reze slowly began to move her hips, lifting them slowly and slightly off of him before
lowing them back down, pressing her weight against him with each pass, until he began to move as
well, working with her to keep in pace with the steady rhythm she had going between them.

Their hands began to clutch to their naked skin as they began to quicken their pace, both moaning
and grunting with each additional exertion of force between them until Reze reach down and kissed
him again, refusing to let go as they worked together to build the heat burning inside her.

“Fuc-” she tried to cry, only for it to be stifled by Denji's lips, which she then lightly nibbled on.
“Denji, keep going, keeping going please-” she said through heavy breaths.

He obligated, and firmly grasping her by the shoulders he rolled them over, catching her by
surprise as she now found herself on her back, but while she was certainly caught off guard by the
maneuver, it did little to diminish her lust as she was quick to wrap her arms around his neck and
pull him back down to her. He kept pumping his cock down into her, meeting him at every thrust
until she closed her legs around his hips, crossing her ankles to keep him as close as possible to her.

Reze exploded in a metaphorical sense when she came, the tightness his her lower belly coming
undone in such a spectacular sensation that she felt as though she was losing control of her body,
and Denji's release only served to push her further the edge as his body pushed her deep into the
futon as his cum filled her deeply.

When they were finished and spent, they laid there in comfortable silence, Denji nuzzling and
lightly kissing Reze's neck, while she gentle stroked the back of his head.

“You don't have to go home tonight,” she said after a moment. “I asked Asa and Yoru to watch
over Nayuta.”

Denji chuckled as he raised his head to look at her. “They really took some hits today, huh?”

“Yeah, we have some great girlfriends, don't we?”

“You totally owe them, you know that right?”

“I know, and I looked forward to paying them back, and hopefully soon.”

With that, Reze drew Denji into another long and deep kiss.

It may have taken a while to find it, but she was happy where her life and ended up.

Chapter End Notes

I've been doing a lot of thinking about Reze lately, and if the theory that she was
detained by Public Safety after Part 1 holds any weight to it, then between them,
Russia and Makima, she really ends up being one of the most tragic characters in this
series as someone who never had any real choice or freedom in how their life went. A
big reason why I think I jumped onto the Denji/Asa/Reze ship is because despite
having full investment in Denji and Asa, and to to see them develop a strong
relationship, Reze is someone I legitimately want to see a happy end for if she ever
returns. So fuck love triangles, polyamory all the way.

I also have some ideas on a short story with Reze regarding some of the implications
in this chapter, and if I manage to finish Shouting to the World I would like to begin
work on that.

Fun fact, since nuclear weapons don't exists, chances are that there is no Godzilla in
the world of Chainsaw Man.
Normal, Defined by Denji
Chapter Summary

Denji and Yoru have a normal date.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Normal, Defined by Denji

Some time ago, Denji learned an important lesson; normal was a subjective term. Something
someone else found normal could appear odd and strange to to anyone else, meaning the term had a
level of flexibility to it. There was a certain standard of “normal” that most people expected, but
Denji couldn't say he was one to care for social norms, since he and the life he had led had never
been what more people would call “normal”.

For example, it is normal to take your girlfriend out to lunch, only to be delayed for any numbers of
reasons, like traffic, or a devil attack. In the broadest sense, this was normal to Denji, but when you
look at the specifics more does it become less normal. Such as the girlfriend in Denji's scenario
was actually one of three girlfriends, and that said girlfriend was actually a devil possessing the
body of another girlfriend, and that the reason why they were delayed to lunch was because of a
devil attack. For most people it would be “normal” to run away from the devil attack, while for
Denji and Yoru it was “normal” to run towards the devil, so that they could kill it themselves.

Different strokes for different folks, or however the saying goes.

The Stubbed-Toe Devil thrashed its body, trying to buck Denji off its back, who had managed to
stay on by trying to reign it in with the lengths of saw chains he had wrapped around its toe-mouth.
While this was able to keep him on the devil's back as it wildly bucked around the park, uprooting
trees and causing people to flee for their lives, it meant that Denji had a hard time to actually attack

From the corner of his eye, he then saw Yoru run around the devil to its front, before reaching
down and tearing a handful of grass from ground, before she pulled her arm back and threw the
grass, which had transformed into over a dozen, long and green knives that flew through the air and
found their mark in the devil's single eye. It screamed in pain as it crashed to the ground, and Denji
let go of the chains and jumped off it as it landed face first into the dirt. He managed to jump far
from the devil, landed with a roll before he ended up right where Yoru stood.

“We gotta kill this thing fast,” he growled as he jumped back to his feet. “If we don't it'll destroy
this park, and the dogs like this park!” He refused to lose another prime walking spot to random
devils, especially one as lame as this.

“Chainsaw,” Yoru firmly said, her eyes not moving from the form of the pained devil. “I have an

“What is it?”
“You see that bathroom over there?”

Denji looked over to where she was pointing, and indeed there was a public restroom standing in
the middle of the park, right next to the paved walkway. Denji ad used it a few times before.

“What about it?”

“With that devil causing so much havoc, chances are that nobody is going to be coming back to the
park for a while now, right?”

“No, I guess not?”

“Good, that's the answer I wanted to hear. How here's the plan, if we kill that devil in the next few
minutes,” She turned to Denji, “you and I will fuck in that bathroom. Understand?”

Denji could only stare wide-eyed at Yoru at her suggestion.

Staring was all he did however, as he quickly pulled his cord again for that extra power boost as
the engines in the head and arms revved to life, before turning to the direction of the devil. “HEY

With the promise of sex in is grasp, Denji charged forward with killing intent.


Sex was a complicated matter for Denji.

Sex was something he had always wanted, craved, something that he felt that if he could have, it
would make all his problems go away, that if he managed to get a girlfriend who would let him
touch her boobs than all would be right with his life, and he could die a happy man. Getting there
was difficult however, as any girl that he might have wanted to have sex with ended up hurting him,
and trying to kill him, and the few times he got so close, it never felt right. Groping Power's boobs
didn't fill him with a sense of fulfillment, and the idea of having sex with Himeno only after she
had barfed down his throat and she reeked of beer was more of a turn off than anything else.
Despite his goal being right there, it didn't do anything for him.

He tried not to think about a lot of the stuff with Makima, but she was right when she said that sex
was better with intimacy, and emotional connections. It's why, even today, the memory of them at
the movies was one of the best ones he had even though the movies were not all that good, and
why later he had to kill her because she thought bad movies shouldn't exist.

After everything.... happened, it was hard. He craved sex because he wanted to be close to
someone, for someone to be close to him, but nothing ever worked out too well, and it even
reached a point where he felt that he should stop trying on finding someone. Then he met Asa, and
while things were not all that smooth at the start, the more time they spent together, the more he
liked her, he felt happy around her, even when things were going to shit around them.

When he and Asa finally had sex, it was honestly one of the best feelings he had ever experienced.
She was hot and tight and wet around him, while they clutched at one another, grabbing hold of
anything so the could wildly fuck before cumming so hard inside her that he swore he could see
stars. Then later he began to have sex with Yoru, and then much later Reze, and each one brought
new and exciting feelings to how they had sex, making him want more. If he could, he would love
nothing more than for all four of them to spend the entire day fucking away from sunrise to sunset
and back to sunset.
But still, even with the sex they had, there were plenty of times they... didn't. And he was honestly
fine with that.


Denji stood behind Yoru as he groped at her, one hand sliding under her shirt to grab and knead at
one of her breast, the other one on her hand which was on the sink of the men's side of the
bathroom. He made out with her, tongue and all, as her free hand reached around to entangle her
fingers in his hair, all while he pressed his crotch against her ass.

“You're gonna help me with something,” Your said as she pulled away from him, her breath hot.

“Yeah?” he said, moving his kisses down her throat.

“Yeah, you're going to help me get it through Asa's head, once and for all, that our ass is our best

“You two have a fucking awesome ass.” It was true, Asa and Yoru had an amazing ass, but for
some reason Asa was always self-conscious about it. She tended to favor clothes that were not
exactly the most flattering things to wear, skirts, dresses and jackets that hid her form, with her
school uniform being the only thing she owned that made actually showed off how her body
looked. It was only when Yoru wore shorts and jeans, or when he saw them naked, was he able to
truly appreciate what an ass she had and make him want to fondle it all day. However Asa was
sensitive about it, and always tried to draw attention away from it.

Yoru grinned. “Fuck yeah we do. Hear that Asa?” Denji could not hear the reply. “God she's
blushing. Now get those pants down.”

He didn't need to be told twice as he went to undo his belt while Yoru reached forward for the soap
dispenser, and by the time he managed to drop his pants and boxers to the ground, Yoru grabbed
his dick, and there was something slimy in it.

“Wha-” he almost chocked, caught off guard.

“Soap,” Yoru said as she stroked his cock, spreading it along his entire length. “To help things
along because you are going to fuck our ass.”

“What-” Something in Denji's brain skipped. Did she just... “Wait, are we doing anal?”

“Fuck yeah we are!”

“And what does Asa think about this?”

She grinned. “Wouldn't ask if she wasn't on board. She's nervous, but she wants this. We want this.”
The War Devil turned around reached down and pulled down her skirt and panties, and as she
braced her hands against the side of the sink she shook her lovely rear in an enticing matter as she
looked over her shoulder back to him. “So go ahead, Chainsaw Man, take what is yours.”

Quick to act, Denji grabbed his cock in one hand, and Yoru's ass with the other, spreading her
cheeks to give him a good look at the puckered rose before him, and he carefully aimed at the
hole. When the tip pressed against it, he waited for some last-minute protest from Yoru, but not
only did she moan at the contact, she pushed back, trying to get him into her quicker, and so with
no more room for doubt as to what she wanted, he pushed himself into her asshole.

She gave a shuddered gasp, her whole body shaking at the penetration, but he could hardly hear her
as he focused on his cock. She was so tight around his tip, so fucking tight, but still she did not
complain, so he continued to feed his length into her, pushing inch after inch into her ass until his
pelvis until pressed against his rear, at which he stopped. Even if she wanted this, he could tell that
she needed a moment to adjust to him, and so he fought off the desire to go wild.

“That all you got,” Yoru said through gritted teeth. “Come on, I thought you would have gone wild
with this, or are you too much of a pussy?”

With frustration growing inside him, Denji reached up and grabbed Yoru by the hair, pulling her
head back to look up at him. “You really want me to go all out, huh?” he growled.

Yoru gave a wide, lustful grin. “Why else would you be here?”

Denji pulled his hips back, taking himself halfway out of Yoru, before slamming back into her. She
cried out, almost losing her grip on the sink at how sudden he had been, but still managed to hold
on tight as he proceeded to fuck her, trying to get as much pleasure out of him as he could, and with
the way her tight tunnel flexed at squeezed against his invading cock, he was certainly getting all
the pleasure out of her he could get. Almost instinctively he raised his other hand and brought it
down on Yoru's ass with a loud slap, the soft flesh jiggling under the strike, which he was
rewarded with another louder moan out of Yoru.

The bathroom was filled with the sounds of their grunts and moans, and music of their flesh
rhythmically slapping against each other, and Denji found himself memorized by the sight of
Yoru's backside against his hips, his girthy length vanishing in and out of the hole. He really
wanted to get her naked, to rip off her shirt and bra and get her onto her hands and knees, and keep
going, never stopping until she was a mass of quivering flesh filled with his cum.

When he briefly looked up, he caught sight of the mirror, and his eyes caught hers in the reflection,
ringed and red as opposed to Asa's deep brown, and they maintained that contact. Denji leaned
forward, pressing his chest flat against her back, and using one hand he reached around to grope his
breast again, while he began to kiss her neck, all while they maintained eye contact through the

When Yoru came, her body crumpled as she cried out loudly, losing hold of the sink and only
prevented from falling down by Denji's hold on her, and the long and guttural groan that escaped
her as her entire body shook was more than enough to push Denji over his own edge. Pressing her
against the sink, Denji let loose rope after rope of cum, shooting them deep into her rectum as his
balls ached from the release, and eventually coming to a stop when he could feel how filled up she

With Yoru against the sink, and Denji on her back, the two stood there as they recovered from their
orgasms, fighting off the shaking in their legs and the soreness in the muscles until eventually
Denji pulled out. With the removal of his softening cock from her tight space, his cum began to
leak out of her twitching and gaping asshole.

They were quick to clean up and get dressed, and after the last paper towel had been flushed down
the toilet they made their way out of the restroom just as a couple of Public Safety hunters came
onto the scene. With them distracted by the large devil's corpse, hand-in-hand Denji and Yoru were
able to sneak away.

“Lunch, right?” Denji asked after they had managed to flee back to the sidewalk.

Yoru held onto his arm, her head resting on his shoulder as she kept in step with him, even with the
slight limp. “Right, lunch it is.” Despite herself, there was a smile on her face.
Denji gave a small chuckle as he reached over and placed a kiss on top of Yoru's head.

He really enjoyed the sex they just had, but between that, killing the devil, and the lunch they were
about to have, Denji was honestly happy they got to spend time together.

Chapter End Notes

Managed to get a chapter in before the next chapter dropped tomorrow. I wonder how
wrong I was in predicting where the situation with SA-chan would go?

Also as a reminded, I am open for suggestions when it comes to the remains grouping,
check the index to see more, or ask questions in a review.
Totally Like Other Girls
Chapter Summary

Asa has some new experiences with Reze.

Chapter Notes

So yesterday's release of the new Chainsaw Man chapter was something I found
interesting for a number of reasons (Asa's reaction to having a fanbase, as well as
Sword Man's introduction puts every Hybird back on the table for a return), but
Fumiko, the latest woman to sexually assault Denji, and the role she seems like she's
going to play caught my eye in regards for this story.

In the loose "canon" of this story, the role I gave Reze is what what the manga gave
Fumiko: a body guard that Public Safety assigned Denji to protect him from people
who were after him because they knew he was Chainsaw Man. I had that detail
planned out for a few weeks before I actually started writing this, so that ended up
being a coincidence.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Totally Like Other Girls

After Denji had managed to reveal himself as Chainsaw Man, things had become difficult from
then on out. Chainsaw Man had known enemies, and having a public identity meant that it was
easy for those who wished him harm to actually find him. Between those people, and the rising
number and frequency of devil attacks, things were becoming hectic with Denji often being
targeted for any number of attacks. Public Safety decided it was a good idea to assign a bodyguard
to Denji, and by an extension Asa, who had firmly placed her flag in Denji's camp.

The agent in question was a girl their age, named Reze, and Denji explained to her that she was his

Asa wasn't jealous, she really wasn't, and why should she have been? From how Denji explained it,
she left him, as opposed to Asa who had chosen to stay by Denji when things had gotten harder, so
already she had a point on the other girl. On top of that, Reze had tried to kill Denji, unlike Asa
herself who had never actually gone through with such a thing. It was all too easy to see that she
had nothing to worry about.

At no point did she find a pit growing in her stomach whenever she saw them standing next to one
another, or how she would occasionally catch one of them giving this sad look to the other when
they were not looking. It didn't matter if Reze had an easier time talking to people and getting
along with others in ways she couldn't, because Reze was a spy and lying is what spies did. It didn't
matter if Reze was prettier than she was, Asa could be pretty too, but she did not want to come off
as superficial and cheap with makeup. On top of all that, they made certain to assure her that there
simply could be nothing going on between them, so of course she had no reason to be worried.
Despite Reze being assigned to watch over Denji, Asa had often made certain to separate them, to
protect Denji of course because as established, Reze had tried to kill him, so it was for the best if
she kept her own eye on Reze. This resulted in the two of them spending much time together, and
for Asa to learn many things about this potential enemy.

For one thing, Reze was... actually pretty nice to Asa. Reze told her that she knew what Asa was
trying to do, and that she didn't blame her, that she was doing more to protect Denji than she ever
could, and that she was happy to have someone watching over him like that. She gave Asa one of
the saddest smiles she had ever seen and told her that she hoped Denji knew how lucky he was to
have her in his life, and that if only she had someone like that to look after her.

Maybe Reze wasn't all that bad after all.

After that, Asa had been less opposed to leaving Denji alone with Reze, though if she could help it,
she would still prefer to be with them whenever they could. As the weeks went by, they grew into a
comfortable dynamic, and Asa found she liked spending time with Reze just as much as she liked
spending time with Denji. Asa felt more trusting of Reze, while the awkward gap between Denji
and Reze slowly began to vanish. It was nice, it felt natural, and Asa was happy.

Then one day, as Asa found herself thinking about Reze's vibrant green eyes, did Yoru have to ruin
it all.


That line caused Asa to stop.

Asa didn't like Reze like that. She couldn't like her like that. Asa wasn't one of those girls. She was
just friends with Reze, that was all. Even if she was one of those girls, which she was not, it didn't
matter. She already had a thing with Denji. She wasn't a pervert, and only unfaithful scumbags
dated more than one person at a time.

There was no way she could ever entertain the idea of dating Reze.


Asa was currently on a date with one of her girlfriends, Reze. That in itself wasn't unusual, they
had gone on dates before, but there was a certain expectation with this date that she had been
waiting since the festival, and the anticipation was building her her gut the whole time.

“So, where are we going?” Asa had asked when she met Reze at a spot downtown that Asa had
never bothered to explore much.

“You'll see, but I think you'll like it,” Reze had answered, grabbing Asa's hand and eagerly pulling
her towards whatever destination she had in mind. Things like hand holding and hugs were
something Asa was finding was a coin flip on how she reacted to them on a case by case basis.
Sometimes she wanted to die from embarrassment and shame from the slightest contact from Reze
or Denji when they were together in public, but other times she wanted nothing more than to throw
herself at them and never let go. Today she found herself feeling like the latter, but she refused the
urge to drown in the desire to touch and be touched.

After crossing streets, going over sidewalks and walking through the crowds of people, were they
finally able to reach their hesitation, and the sight of it left Asa confused.

“A cat cafe!” Reze said, arms spread out in presentation. “They're kind of a new thing, and I
thought that maybe you'd like something like this.” Through the windows she could see cats
wandering around amongst the diners.

Asa wasn't too certain about this, sure she liked cats, but was this really up to the standard health
code? What was to stop the cats from shedding all over everyone's food? What about leaving feces
and urine everywhere?

Any further complaints Asa may have had died when she followed Reze into the cafe, and caught
sight of the fluffiest gray cat with the bluest eyes she had ever seen. Her heart melted. To say the
least there was at no point were Asa's arms or lap was absent of a cat for more than a few minutes.

“Why don't you get a cat of your own?” Reze asked, sitting across from Asa from their small table.

Asa buried her face into the neck of the current cat she held, a large black one whose purring she
could feel in her chest. “I don't want one,” she said, and maybe she would believe it.

“Every time we go to Denji's you basically have Meowy the entire time, you sometimes actually
end up fighting Nayuta on that. So why don't you have your own?”

“My landlord won't let me have one.” Her landlord honestly didn't give a shit as long as she didn't
cause her neighbors to complain.

Reze shrugged. “Just let Yoru have a talk with him, I'm sure she'll scare the shit out of him to let
you have at least one cat.”

Right now Yoru wasn't “here”. Reze wanted one on one dates with them, she wanted this to be
special, so right now Yoru was sleeping in the back of Asa's mind. She would get her turn next.

“I don't know...” Asa turned her eyes downcast, trying to look away from Reze.

Reze simply learned down back into Asa's line of sight, and look back up to her. “Come on, I know
any cat you get would be lucky to have you.”

She had a cat once. She killed it.

She almost jumped when she felt Reze touch her hand. “I mean, Denji and I are lucky to have

Asa blushed, and buried her face deeper into the cat.

Maybe... she would consider getting a cat. One day.


Eventually, much to Asa's dismay, they had to leave, and from how the sun was already setting,
and she was worried that maybe she had ruined any plans that Reze had set up, but thankfully Reze
had explained that she had expected the overlong stay at the cafe, and do there was no need to
worry about that. Asa greatly appreciated that. So they walked slowly through the city as the night
came, enjoying the company and warmth of one another, until they had reached the final
destination of the night; Asa's apartment complex.

Right now the ball was in Asa's court, she knew what Reze wanted this date to be, but she wouldn't
push it into territories that Asa wasn't comfortable with.

“Would you like to come inside?” Asa asked, because she wanted this too.

Reze smiled. “I'd love too.”


After they had made their way back to her apartment and closed the door behind the, Asa had
begun to kiss Reze, and Reze kissed her back, and the longer they kissed, the more heated it had
become. Eventually they had made it to Asa's bedroom, where Reze was quick to toss her shirt off
into a corner while Asa peeled her dress off of her as they fell onto her bed.

This whole situation was strange to her. She had done plenty of filthy things with Denji to the point
where she could be considered a sexual degenerate, but not with Reze, who up until the night of the
festival a few days ago had no engaged in sexual activities with any of them. She really didn't know
where to go from here.

Reze seemed to catch on to her hesitation. “Are you alright?” she asked. “We don't have to-”

“No!” Asa snapped, to her own surprised. “I just-I mean.” She was blushing. “Never really did stuff
like this with a girl.”

“But, what about Yoru?” Reze asked, seemingly confused.

“It's different with Yoru,” Asa admitted. “It's hard to explain.” She didn't think there was anyway
anyone but she and Yoru could understand what sex was like for them, having two people share
the same body and share in all the same pleasures. She sometimes didn't get it either. “But, I want

“Good, because I do to,” Reze said with a smile and she learned onward to catch Asa's lips.

They'd kissed before, but it was never this heated. They'd touched before, but it was always over
their close and more innocent instead of Reze removing her bra to touch her breasts. On several
occasions Reze had watched as she had Denji had sex, so they had seen one another naked before,
but to touch was different, much different than looking across the room to Reze as she touched
herself while Denji pushed his cock into her.

Carefully, after their clothes had all been removed, leaving them naked on Asa's sheets, she slowly
touched Reze's pussy, causing the other girl to quietly moan.

“Have you done anything like this?” Asa asked.

For a moment, Reze froze. Asa wondered what was wrong as she looked away from her. “A couple
of times, but...” She looked back up at Asa and kissed her. “But they're not important. Now is.”

Asa's heart began to beat in her chest like a jackhammer as she returned Reze's kiss, and raised on
of her hands to touch Reze's chest. It felt different than her own, a bit larger, but that twinge of
jealousy was quick to die as she wanted to keep touching it. Soon Asa found herself pushing Reze
onto her back, and laid atop of her. Her hands went to Reze's breasts, rolling the hard nubs of her
nipples under her palms, the soft mound of flesh molding itself to her touch, which rewarded her
with more moans out of Reze. Encouraged by this, Asa kissed her again, holding little back as they
began to explore one another's mouth, running her tongue across Reze's as over her teeth, while her
hands began to explore the curves Reze's body had to offer. It was different the Denji's body,
which was larger with tighter muscles than hers, but Reze was of similar size to her, with leaner
muscles beneath her soft skin. Different, but no less desirable, evident from how the heat was
building in her crotch.

She got off a Reze, leaving her wanting as she separated from her, but Asa adjusted their position,
so that their legs became entangled, giving them an easier time for Asa to press her own crotch to
Reze's. A shiver was sent up her spine at the contact, as Reze's moist heat was against hers, but the
moment passed as looked down at Reze's wanting gaze, and so she pushed her hips forward,
grinding her body into Reze's. A shuddered gasp escaped her throat with the new sensation, which
only continued to build as they kept at it, keeping a slow and steady pace because Asa wanted this
to last for as long as she could.

Unable and unwilling to help herself, she reached back down and grabbed at Reze's face, careful to
avoid the pin in her neck, taking her into another greedy kiss, as he hands went to explore the body
beneath her, while Reze's own reached up to touch her chest and her neck. Reze gasped out Asa's
name, which only furthered Asa's desires and build up the slowly approaching orgasm that she
wanted to fight off to keep this going. Reze came first however, her body shook and shuddered in
Asa's grasp, softly moaning into her ears as her hands laid claim to Asa's shoulders and back, and
the movements were enough to cause Asa to reach her own climax. She came, pressing herself into
Reze's body, before burying herself in her neck, the opposite of the pin, and found herself biting the
skin, rough enough to leave a mark, but not enough to draw blood.

She was caught off guard by that, so was Reze from the look on her face, but neither one were
complaining, but after what happened with Denji this just might be a new kink for her.

Asa looked down at Reze, who raised her head to kiss her softly on the lips, and Asa returned it.
She kissed her more, making her way down her jaw and to her neck, before going further down her
chest and to her stomach and still down. When Asa found herself between Reze's legs, she found
herself staring at Reze's pussy, drenched in their fluids, before Asa lowered her head and without a
moment's hesitation she dove right in. Reze yelped with how sudden Asa had been, and she could
hardly blame her, but she couldn't help herself as she dove into Reze's pussy, fingers exploring the
flesh tunnel before her, her tongue prodding far enough to make Reze squeal and sing in ways that
sounded like music to Asa's ears. Even when Reze dug her fingers into Asa's hair and pressed her
thighs against her head, Asa refused to let up, and continued to drink everything Reze had to offer.

Eventually, Reze came with a cry, her hips bucking under Asa's touch as her own cum splashed
against her tongue and face, and Asa happily drank it all in.

When Reze had finally come down from her high, her body felt heavy and sluggish as she laid flat
on her back on the bed. She couldn't help but give off a goofy grin as she weakly rolled her hips
into Asa's face as she cleaned up the rest of her discharge, enjoying the feeling of her the slow and
tentative licks, before delivering one last kiss to her lower lips. With that done, Asa crawled up and
laid her head down on Reze's shoulder.

“I have to be honest about something,” Asa said, wrapping her arms around Reze.

“What's that?”

“I had no idea what I was doing the whole time. I was making it up as I went along and hoping it
wouldn't be too bad for you.”

“Bad?” Reze laughed. “That was pretty good if I say so myself.”

“Really?”Asa blushed.

“Yeah, and if that was you feeling your way through it, I wonder what it'll be like after we have a
bit more experience together.”

“Together, huh?” Asa pushed herself up and propped herself of Reze's body. “I think that's
something I would be very happy to keep trying.”
She reached down and gave Reze another deep kiss.

Chapter End Notes

Shout out to DogeLover345 who wanted Asa to be slightly dommy in the Asa/Reze
Letting Me Know You
Chapter Summary

Reze and Yoru hang out.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Letting Me Know You

Despite what Reze wants to hope for, she's aware that the individual relationships in their odd little
love square and not entirely even, and that the relationship between her and Yoru is the weak link.

Yoru and Asa shared a body, their relationship in the early days had been difficult and filled with
trust issues and fears, that ultimately came to a boiling point when their goals of either saving
Chainsaw Man or killing Chainsaw Man clashed. This conflict would later spark the events that
would nearly cause the end of the world. Despite this however, they somehow came an
understanding between them, an intimacy from their shared body and minds that only they could
understand and appreciate in a way she and Denji couldn't. It was that bond that keep Yoru from
devouring Asa's soul, and stay her hand when she had a chance to rip Pochita from Denji's chest.

Yoru's relationship with Denji, and not Chainsaw Man, was born from his interactions with Asa,
which fed into Yoru who also understood the feelings of loneliness they had experienced in their
lives, and the desires to be seen and loved by others. Denji meant too much to Asa as one of the
few people in her life that she felt that she could truly be safe and loved around, someone she could
trust her heart to without it being thrown into the mud at her feet. Yoru couldn't kill Pochita
because that would mean killing Denji, and and the very thought of killing him filled the War
Devil with a dreadful sense of genuine guilt and hesitation for the first time in her life.

Reze did not have those foundation with Yoru, not the shared intimacy of an eternally binding
contract she had with Asa, or the fire-forged test of morals and love with Denji. Reze's introduction
into Denji and Asa's love life had been more gradual, trying to figure out where she fitted into a
relationship that had already started to form before she arrived onto the scene. Reze's relationship
with Yoru had been more been more second hand in regards to Asa, and despite everything they
shared, Asa and Yoru were still two different individuals, and the little interaction they had done
did not build a strong relationship her and Yoru. Yoru tended to ride in the backseat, meaning more
often than not she was spending time with Asa, and even when they had their scheduled dates it
was missing something that she had with Denji and Asa.

There was plenty of room to grow for them, she liked to think, the first time Reze properly “met”
Yoru was when suddenly Asa froze, her features blank, before they changed into a snarl as a knife
was summoned into hand, which was quick to slice Reze's throat open. It wasn't a great start. That
didn't stop her from trying though to make things work however, attempts on their lives by one
another was merely a basis for how their odd group worked after all. She loved Denji, and she
loved Asa, and they loved Yoru, so Reze wanted to love Yoru as well, and according to Asa, Yoru
was to love her too.

Reze and Yoru sat on a bench, each one with an ice cream cone in her hand, Reze had decided that
she was feeling strawberry today, and Yoru had opted for mint. According to her Asa didn't like
mint all that much, so whenever the chance to eat it she took it, which is why she had suggested ice
cream for their date. There were several foods that Yoru liked that Asa did not.

“So how come you don't transform all that much?” Yoru asked.

“I'm sorry?” Reze responded.

“Pull your devil trigger, you know, turn into the bomb and all that? You could kill a lot of devils
like that.”

“You mean like that one?”

Just down the street, the Bus Devil laid dead, its face cut in half.

“Yeah, that one.” Yoru took a bite out of her ice cream, the red sauce staining her lips.

Reze could only stare at her.

“What?” Yoru said, when she noticed that she was not being answered.

“I still think that's a bit distasteful.”

“Oh come on, I didn't kill him myself! The Bus Devil did! I didn't even sever the arms, he was just
like that.” She licked the red from her lips. “What am I supposed to do, not use his blood as a

“That might be a start.”

“Hey, at least in death he can serve the profession he chose in life. And I don't get a chance to taste
blood all that often, so between the mint and the blood, this is a rare treat for me. So I will enjoy it
while I can.”

Reze looked back to the ice cream cart, and the corpse of the man who managed it, or at least what
was left of it. He, plus a couple of other civilizations as been killed when the Bus Devil attacked,
and when Yoru had killed it, she had decided that their ice cream date would be a victory date to as
much ice cream as they wanted because who was going to stop them from taking all they desired?
And so Yoru picked up the ice cream man's severed hand, drizzled the blood on the green mint
cone and took one big bite, as a treat. All while Public Safety cleaned up the mess around them.

Thank god for their Official-Not-Official Devil Hunting Licenses, because she doubted that Yoru
would have been allowed to get away with this otherwise.

“Anyway, like I was asking? That's right! Why don't you transform? I don't think I've seen you do
it since the whole End of Days thing.”

“Why? Was the big mean bus too much for you?” Reze playfully took a bite out of her ice cream.

Yoru scowled. “I am fully capable of handling such dregs as that beast, I am merely curious is all.”

“Well,” Reze said, trying to put thought into her answer. “I just don't want to.”

“You don't want to?”

“Nope, not at all.”

“Strange, Chainsaw always seems to have the time of his life whenever he transforms.”

“Well, that's Denji, for him being Chainsaw Man is fun, it's just who he is.”

“And you don't seem to have that level of investment in the Bomb Devi?”

“No. The Bomb is, it's just-” What could she actually say about the thing beating in her chest? “It's
just a tool. It's a part of me, yes, but it was only ever a tool to get the job done. And I don't want to
do that job anymore.”

Yoru raised an eyebrow. “Killing devils?”

“Just killing in general.” Devils, people, anyone she was directed at. It was nice to decide she didn't
want to do things like that anymore.

“Curious.” They sat in silence for a bit, before Yoru finished off her cone, swallowing the last bit
of mint and blood, before she stood up. “I'm going to get another one, do you want one?”

“Chocolate please,” Reze said, finishing off her cone as well.


“Because she's a brat that's why!” Yoru shouted, throwing a rock into the river. “I swear, it seems
like it's like every time we're in the same room she just has to start shit!”

Reze picked at one of the rocks in her hand, taken from the gravel trail before she tossed it as well.
“She's getting better at least.” Only two skips. She needed either better rocks, or just needed to get
better about that. “The other day Denji mentioned she was actually making friends at school.”

“Minions most likely,” Yoru growled as she threw another rock. There was no skip, but a larger
splash, she was going to flair not technique.

“No, Denji said she was actually bringing extra snacks to school for them. Something about
making up for all the snacks she bossed them into giving her. She was cutting into her own snack
reserves for that, so less snacks for her in general.”

“Then why is she so awful to the three of us?” Yoru poured half her rocks into her hand and
chucked them, creating a shower of splashes when they hit the surface.

“I think Nayuta is pretty accepting of us in general, I just think it's only you that she gets like that
with.” Reze threw another rock. Still two splashes. “Maybe it's the whole sister thing?”

“She have three sisters, so why am I the only one who gets bullied like this? I'm older than her!
Conquest only exists because of war! I swear sometimes I think I prefer the previous Control over
the current one.”

Reze's hand loosened on her rock. “I like the current one,” she said, a bit too quietly.

She preferred temper tantrums over empty compliments, blunt threats over venom-laced honeyed
words, and the overly aggressive, but genuine love for her brother rather than hollowed affections
that existed only to hurt.

They had the same eyes, eyes that sometimes she sees in nightmares, but a single sentence from
Nayuta and any doubts of who she was, and who she wasn't were evident.

“Still a brat,” Yoru grumbled.

“Maybe you shouldn't overreact so much? You've seen how well she behaves around Fami? That's
because she's a rock, it takes a lot to get her upset, so Nayuta can't use anything against her.”

“You're taking her side now?”

“No, I just think you should just keep your cool around her, it's way too easy for her to rile you up.”

“Oh fuck you!”

“Is that a promise?”

Yoru's arm stopped in mid throw, the rock she was about to launch tumbling to the ground, before
she turned back to Asa, who only gave her a playful smirk.

“That's you plan at seduction? Denji gets fireworks while Asa gets cats, and I get rocks and ice

“You also killed a devil.”

“Yeah, I did.” Yoru smiled at the memory.

“And I can't exactly see you as the type to really appreciate big romantic gestures. You're more of
getting right to the point of things king of girl.” Seeing no more need for her rocks, Reze casually
tossed them aside.

“Yeah, screw waiting around for things to happen, if you want something, then make it happen

“Exactly.” Reze walked up to Yoru, gently grabbed the devil by the scarred face and placed a kiss
right on her lips. She was caught off guard by this, dropped her own rocks, before she began to act
on her own, placing her hands on Reze's hips and kissed her back.

When the pulled away from one another, Reze ran her tongue along her bottom lips, where Yoru
had bitten her.

“Your place is closer, right?” Yoru asked, a hunger in her eyes.


Hand in hand, the two girls ran their way through the city, across streets and barely getting onto
trains, but in short twenty minutes they managed to push themselves into Reze's small apartment,
the door slammed open as Reze pushed Yoru through it, their lips never leaving one another, only
for it to be closed with a kick.

With Denji and Asa, Reze had wanted gentle lovemaking, but with Yoru, the further she got into
the date, the more she knew that wouldn't work with Yoru, who was generally less tolerant to toe
tipping and bullshit than they were. Obviously, the one was this would end was in fucking.

Shirts were quickly removed, and thrown somewhere else, she didn't know where, before she and
Reze tripped over their own feet and landed right onto the futon, neither one caring about the fall
itself before their hands began to explore to satiate the desire for skin to skin contact. Sneakers and
boots were quickly thrown away, allowing them to more easily remove their pants and skirt,
leaving them only int their underwear.

Reze had no patience for that, and slid her hand between Yoru's legs and rubbed her hand between
her covered mound as she continued to kiss and suck her neck, all while sliding one of her legs
against Yoru's.

“Fucking bitch,” Yoru swore, rolling her hips into Reze's touch. “Are you going to keep me here
waiting all day?”

“Why not?” Reze said as she came up for breath. “You're not in any kind of hurry, are you? We
have all night after all.”

“Bitch of a tease, that's what you are.” Yoru grabbed Reze by the back of her hair and brought her
up to her own lips, while her whole body writhed against Reze's. It didn't take too much longer for
Reze to feel as though they were bit overdressed for the occasion, so she got a hold of Yoru's
panties and began to pull them down her shapely ass and legs before they too met some random
destination in the room.

“Are you going to do something about it?” Reze challenged, sliding her middle and ring fingers
into Yoru with a fevered pace, and the War Devil shook at the pleasure that was being forced on
her. Laying next to Yoru, Reze held onto her with one arm, holding her tightly and kissed the skin
of her chest. She didn't slow down in her actions, no matter how much Yoru began to pant and
moan, her hips bucking into Reze palm, she wanted to get her off and getting her off is what she
was going to do. She was soaked, the natural lubricant making it easier for Reze to fuck Yoru into a
stupor and judging from how tightly her cunt was becoming, she wasn't far off.

Reze added a third finger into the mix, stretching the love tunnel even further, and Yoru squirmed
in her grasp more for it. She enjoyed how feeling how wet her fingers were getting as she pumped
them in and out of her moaning partner, the silky smooth inside so easy to slide against, and the
longer they went on the more easy it became until she decided to add her pinky finger to the mix.
Stretched out further, Yoru was nearly helpless under her touch, she struggled in Reze's grasp, but
there was no real fight to her actions, she was merely allowing herself to get swept up in the
feelings that her boiling inside her.

“AAGGHH!” Yoru cried out, the back of her head burying itself into the futon, her body tensed up.
“YOU FUCKING WHORE!” She then came on Reze's hand, her thighs pressed tightly against the
limb as she rode out her orgasm, the wave of feeling crashing over her body.

When it eventually faded, leaving her sensitive from her toes to her head, Yoru laid there, trying to
catch her breath, all while Reze hung over her with a stupid and smug smirk.

Said smirk was enough to launch Yoru at Reze, quick to pin her down on her back before Yoru
assaulted her with deep and hungry kisses, going from her lips and tracing down her jawline. When
Yoru went further down her neck and bit at the pin in her neck, pulling it slightly did she freeze up.

The pin was in there tight, it couldn't just fall out, it was something like an earring in that way
where it was secured in her flesh, gently tugging at it merely pulled at the skin, but the pin itself
did not separate from her neck. If she wanted it out, she really needed to yank at it, and with the
way Yoru was tonguing, biting and nibbling at the pin, she knew that she only intended to tease
her, not pull her devil trigger.

Reze had to admit, it wasn't a bad feeling.

When Yoru pulled her head back she gave her own stupid and smug grin, which earned her a light
slap on the head.

“And you're not a tease?”she asked.

Yoru grinned as she pulled herself back and reached down to Reze's hips, quickly discarding her
underwear, and without giving Asa a moment to prepare herself, she attacked her crotch with her

Reze moaned at the assault, Yoru aggressively devouring her cunt with everything she had, her
tongue, lips and even teeth not holding back against her clit, while her hands held Reze's thighs
apart. She was going down on her with much more zeal that Asa had, and while Asa held no
hesitation in diving right in there, Yoru was going to down on her with the same equal
determination that Reze had displayed before with the same intent of making sure that an orgasm
would burst into her partner. So Reze decided to enjoy it, she clutched her sheets and rolled her
hips to meet Yoru's insatiable hunger for cunt, her eyes fluttered as she the tongue penetrate her
and the lips suck at her pussy. There was no effort on her part to remain quiet as the pleasure built
up inside her, letting it come and consume her until there was nowhere for it to go.

She let the orgasm wash over her, rocking every nerve in her body and pushed her cunt into Yoru's
face, trying to get her to give her as much as from this as she could get. Waves of pleasure rocked
her body, sending her head spinning until he gradually wore down, leaving her with an exhausted
and heavy, yet pleased and happy weight inside her

As she laid there on the futon, catching her breath, Yoru pulled herself out from between her legs
and proceeded to straddle Reze's lap.

“Well, you finally did it,” Yoru said, peering down at her. “You fucked all three of us.”

Reze smiled with content. “Yep, I sure did.”

“So you've worked out your bullshit now?”

“We all have bullshit to work out.” Carefully, Reze thought. “But, I think I'm happier than I was

Yoru grinned. “Good to hear.”

It was a first step, but Reze really liked to think that this was a good indication of that the
relationship between her and Yoru would become a much more solid thing from now on.

Chapter End Notes

Well this is the end of all the pairings you can get from this four, from here on out it's
group sex.
Going Down At The Movies
Chapter Summary

Denji, Asa and Reze attends a movie marathon at the local theater.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Going Down At The Movies

The Eel Devil lurched and screamed as it died, its body flailing and convulsing wildly as it tore
down street lights and bus stops, but its dying rage did little to prevent what would be its last
moments on Earth. With a final, guttural cry it collapsed to the ground, eyes staring ahead and
unblinking, before its mouth opened up and a wave of partially digested fish, blood and innards
came pouring out. Even though all life had left the monster, further down its long and slimy body
there was still movement, something bulging from its underbelly. A chainsaw ripped through its
stomach, cutting a line in the flesh before more of the insides of the monster spilled out and
flooded the street with the same vile materials that had come out of its mouth, only here two
people slid out as well.

“Fuck that was gross.” Denji stood up and wiped particularly large chunks of visceral from his
shoulders, though some annoying long bits of chopped flesh remained attached to his chainsaw
head's blade. “I mean, I've been eaten by devils before, but the fish ones are always smell the
worst!” When he felt he was sufficiently wiped down, at least the best he could, he looked down to
the ground. “See! I told you I'd save you!”

The woman, whose name Denji didn't know, merely stared up with the widest eyes he had ever
seen, while a high-pitched whine escaped her lips.

“Hey? You okay?” The whine continued to raise in volume until the woman suddenly began
screaming. She panicked, her whole body flailing about as she slipped around on Eel Devil's guts.
“Calm down, calm down!” he tried, but the woman was simply not used to being eaten whole by

He sighed and looked around, trying to figure out what part of town he was in, as being inside a
devil was not the best for keeping track of one's location. The area looked familiar though, he
knew this place and had been here a couple of time, and that would mean right on the other side of
the Eel Devil was...

Denji noticed the poster outside the building of interesting. Ignoring the screaming woman he
jumped over to the devil's corpse and ran to it, reading it over to make sure what he was seeing was
right, and the more he read the more excited he became. With a laugh he walked into the building
to acquire the items he desired.

They kicked him out though, he wasn't wearing a shirt and they took the No Shirt, No Shoes, No
Service rule seriously. Being covered in devil guts didn't help either, but Denji actually managed to
get a reduced price for the tickets.
Score for Denji!


“Movie tickets?” Reze asked, looking at the three pieces of paper Denji was holding.

“Yeah!” he said, excitedly. “There's having a big special movie marathon at a theater down town,
and I thought I'd get some for us. Four movies from seven to one, including intermissions.”

Asa had her arms folded over her chest. “How expensive were they? Those things don't come

Denji could only grin. “You'll like this, but I managed to get them for dirt cheap because I killed a
devil that was about to destroy the place.”

Asa pursed her lips, as she glared down at the tickets. “They'll still overcharge you at the
concession stand, you know this right?”

Denji gave a smug grin. “Worked that out too, everything is going to be half price for me and
anyone I bring with me.”

“Still...” Asa began to tap her foot.

“C'mon Asa!” Reze slunk behind Asa and put her hands on her shoulders and gave her a slight
shake. “This might be fun, there's bound to be at least one movie we'll like.”

“Yeah,” Denji added. “Even if all the movies suck, I think we'll still have fun together.”

Asa looked to the side, which Denji knew was a sign that Yoru was egging her on as well.

Reluctantly, Asa sighed in defeat, unable to beat all three of them in an argument like this. “Fine, I
suppose I still owe for the last time you asked me to the movies. So tell me, what's the theme this
time? Mummies again?”

“No, even better! Aliens and outer space!”


A bucket of popcorn and a soda in his hand, Denji sat down in the theater chair, with Reze taking
her place to his left, while Asa sat to his right, each with own food and drink. They sat near the
back of the theater, while the seats filled up around them, crowds coming to see what the movies
had to offer them for the viewing pleasure.

“So, what kind of movies are we watching?” Reze asked, already taking a small handful of
popcorn. “I know they're supposed to be about aliens, but anything else beside that?”

“Not really,” Denji said with a shrug. “Usually when they do this kind of thing, they show older,
more obscure stuff. I checked the listings and I never heard of them.”

“Well let's hope that at least one of them are good,” Asa said. “If we're going to be here for six
hours, I want something to make this night worth it.”

Their chatter continued for a bit until the lights began to dim, leaving the theater in darkness, and
the light projected the film onto the screen.

The first movie was not good at all, in fact it was terrible, but terrible in the way that you could
easily laugh at it. The actors hammed up the scenes they were in if they were not outright terrible
to the point it has hard to tell if it was supposed to be a comedy or not, but considering how serious
it took itself, he doubted that.

Reze liked the main actress, who was supposed to be an alien queen trying to conquer the Earth,
because nearly every line she had sounded like she was trying to sing it, and she had to stifle her
laughter whenever she spoke. Denji found himself drawn to the cheap practical effects, to the bug-
men soldiers that looked like they were made of freshly painted bubble wrap, to how knobs on one
of the space ship's controls would wobble when turned and even at one point a level simply
snapped under one too quick pull. Even Asa, who seemed to have resolved to not enjoy the movie,
and generally had a lower tolerance for these kinds of things found herself laughing when during
the climatic chase scene one of the actors ended up nearly tripping over their feet and slammed into
a cheap wall, breaking it in half, and the film kept going like it hadn't happened. Yoru spent the
whole time however laughing at film, as she did actually think it was a comedy.

So the first movie? So bad it was good, they all enjoyed it at varying parts, and it filled Denji with
confidence that this was good start.


The second movie took itself seriously as well, but unlike the first one it was able to back up what
it was trying to sell. It was about a space war between the Martians and the lunar colonies. It was
dark and dour and it being in black and white only sold the mood it was trying to get across.

Denji liked the lunar general, who always seemed conflicted with the war, and had a pretty good
monologue about sending spacecraft after spacecraft of young men to possibly die in the void of
space. Reze liked how despite being more about the lunar colony, it still showed scenes of the
Martians, since it gave the conflict more weight to it, to see both sides of it and how the war
affected them. Early on into the film, Asa and Yoru had switched, and the devil had spent most of
the movie on the edge of her seat watching it with a nearly unblinking gaze. When the movie ended
on a dark monologue from the lunar general about the cost of war being too high in the lives that
were lost, it left a somber mood in the theater, leaving most to contemplate on what they had just

Yoru gave it a standing ovation, cheering on as the credits rolled, which drew confused and curious
looks from the other movie patrons, and a good deal of embarrassment from Asa.

Several days after this date, Asa would read up on the movies they had watched and learn this one
was directed by a former soldier of The Great War, which put Denji deep into Yoru's good graces.

Second movie then? Big hit with them all.


The third movie ended up being fun, it was a cheesy space ranger movie about an adventurous
space explorer who was trying to find treasure of some long lost alien civilization. It was bright
and colorful with plenty of action to it.

Denji was under the impression that maybe this movie was part of a series, since a few characters
showed up without explanation as to who they were, but they still got along well with the space
ranger, so maybe he could see after this was over if he could find the whole set somewhere. Reze
really enjoyed the out of nowhere rock song in the middle of it, her head nodding with the beat and
the weird lyrics that were in some made up language, she would have to find out what that song
was called later. Asa found herself drawn to the relationship between the space ranger and his
crew, more so than she would admit, she found a certain charm to them that she couldn't describe.
Yoru was of course a fan of the action scenes and the space-boat chase.

When the movie reached its credits and everyone enjoying it, that made three of three enjoyable
movie experiences. Things were looking good so far, and Denji couldn't wait to see how the final
movie would play out.


It was boring as hell.

A half hour in, Denji honestly couldn't remember anything about the movie to criticize it for
because it was just that dull and forgettable, and spent the whole time trying to grasp onto
something, but failed with every scene. Reze had found herself looking into her latest bucket of
popcorn, trying to uncover the last edible kernel at the bottom, while Asa seemed to be nodding
off, her head lulling every few seconds while her eyes fluttered close.

He sighed. Oh well, three out of four wasn't bad.

Suddenly Asa jumped up in her seat and turned to the empty seat next to her and swore something
under her breath.

“Asa?” Denji asked, surprised to her suddenly action. “Something wrong?”

“Nothing!” she hissed as she turned back to him, her face blushing red. “Yoru's just being stupid
again. I'm just going to ignore her.”

“Okay, you su-”

“Yes I'm sure,” she snapped, and then lowered herself in her seat, arms crossed over her chest.

Denji looked to his left and saw Reze's concerned look on her face, which he only responded with a
shrug. It wasn't uncommon for Asa and Yoru to get into fights, and unless it was bad, they usually
sorted it out themselves, so the best thing to do was to leave them alone.

That didn't stop either of them from watching them however.

Despite Asa's determination to shut Yoru down, she would fidget and squirm in her seat, eye eyes
darting back and forth across the theater. Whatever had been going on between them for the next
five minutes had been genuinely more interesting than the rest of the movie.

“Fine,” Asa sighed in a tone of defeat. Pushing herself up in her chair she looked around the
theater, as if she was looking around for something. At this point most of the patrons had left,
between being past midnight and the movie itself being boring, the only a handful of people had
stayed in the darkened theater, and most of the looked like they had fallen asleep. When Asa was
satisfied with whatever she was looking for, she leaned over him. “You two, start kissing.”

While curious as to what Asa had intended, there was no argument from either him or Reze. They
made out, softly at first with gentle pecks along their lips, but it didn't take too long to get more
into it, before Denji's hand reached down to her shoulder to pull her closer while she leaned into
him more. She licked at his lips and he attempted to nibble of her tongue, but she decided to be
tease and pulled back before her could do that, getting a smile out of her and a chuckle out of him.

That's when Asa's hand reached down to stroke Denji's crotch.

Obviously he was startled by her boldness, and broke away from Reze and they both looked down
at her in surprise.

“Asa what th-” Denji tried to say something.

“Shut up and keep going,” was her stern response as she began to unbuckle his belt.

It took a moment, sitting there in stun silence, but any reservations melted away when Reze pulled
him back into a kiss, this one more heated then their previous one. She was clearly getting into this,
and Denji would be lying if he said any different. After the belt had been undone and the fly
opened, Denji raised his ass slightly to give Asa better access to pull his pants down, and allowing
her to free his cock into the open air.

Asa gently grabbed his cock and began to stroke it, her hand gliding up and down the shaft at a
slow pace, applying pressure at the bottom before making her way back up to the tip where her
thumb would rub against the tip and smear the budding drop of precum. That was when Asa dove
down and took his cock into her mouth, engulfing the organ into her the warm and wet hole.

“Fuck-” he grunted into Reze's own mouth as Asa began to slowly bob up and down, her tongue
swirling against the shaft with each pass.

“Look at her go,” Reze said between planting kisses on hips lips, her eyes drawn down to Asa like
his. “She's really getting into this, isn't she?”

“Yeah, she is,” Denji said through a breathy grunt.

“Such a good little cocksucker.”

“The best there is.”

“She sure is.” Reze reached down and gently stroked Asa's hair, moving aside the lengths that
were obscuring their view of her work. “Hear that Asa? You're doing amazing.”

This seemed to have an affect on Asa, who proceeded to speed up her actions, trying to take more
of him deeper into her mouth. Asa always liked being praised, any words of encouragement would
drive her to do better at what she was doing, and sex was not the exception, and Denji greatly
appreciated her enthusiasm.

“Nghh-” Denji grunted as Asa continued, trying to shove as much of him into her as she could,

Reze then said as she pulled away from Denji and lowered herself to meet Asa at eye level. “I
know you may want to be the star of this, but would you mind if I helped out a bit?”

Asa eyed Reze, slowing in her ministrations before looking back to Denji, and while she did not
pull off of him entirely, she left the lower half of Reze's shaft free. With a quick wink to Denji,
Reze dove in and placed a tentative lick to the underside of his cock.

For a moment, Denji wondered if he had died and gone to heaven, because the sight of his two
beautiful girlfriends going down on him was almost too good to be true, and almost enough to fry
his mind as all he could do was lay back and watch the sight before him.

Perhaps driven by a desire to be more impressive, Asa withdrew from Denji's cock with a pop, a
strand of cum and spit on her lower lip, before she brought Reze to her attention and deeply kissed
her. Her eyes remained on Denji's the whole time, making sure he had a good view of them the
entire time, letting the fluids in her mouth exchange between her and Reze's, before she pulled back
and went back down on him.

It was easily the hottest thing Denji had ever seen in his life, and once Asa reached down and
began to cup his ball, he only managed to hold on for a few more moments before came. He shot
his load into Asa's throat while Reze continued to stroke the lower half of his shaft, the former
managing to take every drop he offered. When it passed, Denji laid back into his seat as Asa
finished him off, and when she let go of him she gave Reze one last kiss.

When the moment passed, she then retreated to her seat and grabbed at the napkins.

He and Reze could only laugh at how flustered she was, despite the glares she was shooting them,
even when she threw extra napkins at them.

Asa was right earlier, this night was certainly worth it.


“AHAHAHAH! I can't believe you actually did that!” Yoru laughed, kicking his legs as she
reclined in the seat next to Asa.

She did not like being made to do something like that. And in public of all things! How could she
listen to Yoru?

“Me? I didn't convince you to do anything, I just made a joke, you're the one who ran with it. I just
sat here watching as you convinced yourself to blow him like that. And that kiss with Reze was all

Asa merely fumed.

“Seriously, just accept you're a horny little bitch. You'll cause less stress for yourself.”

Despite herself, in spite of wanting to ignore everything the devil was saying to her, Asa couldn't
help but get what just happened out of her head.

Chapter End Notes

After what happened with Fumiko, I thought Denji should have a theater blowjob, you
know, as a treat.

As for the manga, it's weird to think that Reze could potentially just casually show up
in any given chapter in the very near future.
Some New Looks
Chapter Summary

Reze brings Asa and Yoru treat themselves.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Some New Looks

Albatrosses are masters of soaring flight, able to glide over vast tracts of ocean without flapping
their wings. So fully have they adapted to their oceanic existence that they spend the first six or
more years of their long lives (which last upwards of 50 years) without ever touching land. Most
live in the Southern Hemisphere, the exceptions being the black-footed albatross of the Hawaiian
archipelago and a few nearby islands: the short-tailed albatross, which breeds near Japan; the
waved albatross of the equatorial Galapogos; and the Laysan albatross of the North Pacific.

It was a Sunday, a lazy of Sunday where Asa really didn't feel like doing anything in particular.
Maybe she would later call Denji and/or Reze and see if they had any plans, but for the time being
time she was content to sit on her bed and watch this documentary about coastal life. Meanwhile on
the other side of their small apartment, Yoru was washing the dishes because Asa had finally
convinced her that she needed to do her share the apartment's upkeep. To a degree, Asa was under
the assumption that the reason Yoru spent so much time out of the driver's seat of their body was
so that she could reasonably deny any responsibility since that means she didn't have to clean
dishes she didn't.

“I still don't think I should,” Yoru argued, putting the last dish away. “I haven't eaten anything in a
week, so I don't see why I should be the one to clean the dishes you used.”

“Because that's just being lazy,” Asa argued as a pair of albatrosses soared across the waves on the
TV. “It's my home and my body, so we follow my rules.”

“Technically it's my body, you singed it over to me, remember?”

“And yet I'm the one who has to be in charge of it most of the time.”

Your gave her a rude hand gesture.

There was then a quick series of knocks at the door, followed by a light voice. “Asa! Yoru! It's me,
Reze! Can I come in?”

Asa and Yoru exchanged a quick look, and a certain delight filled both of them at the sound of their
girlfriend's voice through the door. With a quick drying of her hands, Yoru walked up to the door,
unlocked it, and opened it.

“Hey, Reze, what's-huh?” Yoru greeted, and instead of seeing a pretty face with dark purple hair
framing green eyes, she was greeted by a fatman bomb with teeth

“Hey girls, can I come in?” Reze asked, waving a hand wrapped in black fuses. She didn't wait for
Yoru to answer before she moved in, kicking her sneakers off as she did.

From her spot on the bed, Asa watched Reze curiously, wondering what was going on. Unlike
Denji, who loved turning himself into a chainsaw and ripping devils to pieces, Reze always
preferred to hold that card closer to her chest, never seeming to have any interest in it. In fact, this
might have been the first time since the world almost ended that she had seen Reze transformed.

“It's always nice to see you but,” Yoru reached over and tapped the “nose” of Reze's bomb-head,
“What's with this?”

“This? Oh, nothing too interesting,” Reze explained. “I was on my way here for a surprise visit
when I got jumped by a devil so I had to fight it back, it was no problem really.”

That might have explained the sirens she heard a little while ago.

Yoru crossed her arms. “Okay, so why are you still like this?”

“Had a bit of mishap,” Reze explained, gesturing to her body.

It took a moment to realize what it was that Reze was trying to get across, but then she noticed that
beneath the black TNT dress, she wore no shirt, only a thin, mostly burnt scrap of fabric around her

Ah, there it was.

Out of all the Hybrids Asa had met, Denji and Reze were by far the most “messy” fighters. When
Denji turned into a chainsaw, he ripped and tore trough everything that came across him, sending
blood and viscera spraying every directions around him, and more often than not he would leave
fights shirtless and coated in chunks of bloodied devil flesh. Reze's explosions on the other hand
would leave collateral damage whenever she fought, be they to the surrounding areas as well as
herself, or more precisely, her clothes. More than a handful of times did Reze need a spare change
of clothes after more drawn out fights as whatever she had been wearing at the time would most
likely be burned away, and at the current moment it seemed without that TNT dress she was
wearing, she would have been entirely topless.

“Can I borrow a shirt?” Reze asked. “After I take a shower that is? I think I got some crispy devil
bits on me.”

“Fine,” Yoru said, “But transform back in the shower, I just washed these floors!”

“Whatever you say Yoru.” Reze leaned forward, seemingly about to kiss Yoru, before she
remember that her head was a bomb and not the ideal form for kissing, thankfully before bashing
the rough metal against Yoru's head.

It didn't take too long for Reze to clean herself off, and before long she had dried herself off,
dressed back up in her shorts and rummaging through Asa and Yoru's dresser topless. Suffice to
say, neither Asa nor Yoru kept their eyes off her during this time, enjoying the appearance of the
smooth skin of her back, and the fullness of her breasts as they swayed with each movement she
did. At the moment however, Reze had gone through their underwear drawer as was holding up one
of their bras, holding it up, examining it with an odd level of intensity. Why, Asa didn't know, she
knew from the last couple of times Reze needed to borrow a bra that Asa's did not fit all that well,
and whenever the subject of her larger bust came up there was always a twinge that formed in her
heart. She honestly couldn't tell if that twinge was jealousy or lust.

“I think we should get some new underwear,” Reze said, dropping the bra back into its drawer.
“Huh?” Asa asked.

“New what?” Yoru asked.

“Underwear!” Reze said, walking up to Reze's place at the table. “I just realized that I never really
cared all that much about the clothes I wear because how easy it would be to blow it up at a
moment's notice, but you know what? Maybe I should get something for me, and you two are
coming along with me.”

For underwear?

“Why would we do that?” Yoru said, voicing Asa's own opinion. “Asa bought new underwear just
last month.”

For some reason, Asa was mortified by Yoru's casual reveal of that personal information.

“I'm not just talking about any kind of underwear, but rather lingerie, you know to look sexy.”

Asa rolled her eyes. Why would she buy lingerie? It was expensive for one thing, and Asa would
rather not spend money on something that was meant to be removed so quickly. And only women
who were too insecure about their personalities would go through the trouble of getting things like

“And you're not insecure?” Yoru asked with a roll of her eyes.

“Asa's not too keen on this?” Reze asked, looking in the general direction Yoru had been looking.
In order to a better sense of eye to eye contact, Asa moved closer to the pair.

“Not really, personally, I'm willing to try it out.” Yoru answered. “I admit that fashion isn't
something I care all that much about, but I do think Asa could use somethings to spice up how she

“Spice up!” Asa threw a glare at Your. “I think you've “spiced up” my wardrobe enough

“I bought a few skirts that reach above the knee, a shirt that barely showed any cleavage, and a
modest two-piece bathing suit,” Yoru dryly said. “You'll blow our boyfriend in a movie theater, but
the idea of showing any skin above the ankle freaks you out. How the fuck do you actually have a
sex life?”

“Come on Asa, please?” Reze pleaded to Asa, though Yoru had to turn her head slightly to the right
to face her. “It can be a nice date for the three of us, there's nothing too wrong with treating

“No,” Asa said, crossing her arms and shaking her head. “I refuse this.”

“She's not going for it,” Yoru said.

Reze hummed in concentration, before a wry smile appeared on her lips. “How about this, Asa? If
we go out and buy some lingerie, we can come back here and have our own little show and tell,
and if we like what the other is wearing, who knows where that might lead.” Reze ended that with
a dangerous wink.

Asa could only rolled her eyes. Who did she think she was talking too? Denji?
“I mean,” Reze innocently said as she took Yoru's hand, the gentle feeling of her fingers
transferring to Asa, and raised it up. “There are so many things we could wrap ourselves up in.”
Reze placed their hand on her chest, the soft mound of tit was warm and sightly damp from the
recent shower. “All so we can enjoy unwrapping each other. What fun could that be.”


Damn it.

Now here they were, at one of those risque lingerie boutique in the mall, and already Asa was
feeling flustered as she saw the headless mannequins dressed in ways that she didn't want to think
about, yet still found herself looking at them from the corner of her eye.

They had all agreed to go their own ways for this trip, to surprise the other with what their final
selection would end up being, and across the store, Reze was looking at several shelves in
excitement, having already gotten at least one set to try on. Meanwhile Yoru was looking between
two different sets on hangers.

“What color do we want?” she asked. “Do we want blue? Or red? I'm partial to red. It matches my

“Not my eyes,” Asa said, involuntarily giving her opinion.

“Black maybe?” Yoru asked, pulling out another hangar and holding it up to her hair.


“Hmm,” Yoru looked around more, before picking up a bra that was a little too see-through. “How
do I know if this fits? I just always put on whatever you have back home.”

Asa sighed. This was going to be a long day.


Whatever state the body is in is reflected in the hallucination, with the strange exception of whether
or not the body's hair was done up. This is something Asa feels that she's not taken full advantage
of up until this point.

In the changing room after she and Yoru had selected several sets of lingerie to try on, and Asa was
finding herself caught in what other might call a moment of vanity with how she was looking at the
set Yoru was wearing. They looked good in what they were wearing, and she found herself
admiring their ass and how it was framed with the straps of the garter belt, and and a thong that
was nearly nonexistent. She was actually jealous that this was the view that Denji would have
whenever they bent over for him.

“See, you're liking this,” Yoru smugly said, giving a shake to her rear.

“I am simply stating an truth that we are conventionally attractive. That is all.”

“Fuck being 'conventionally attractive', we're hot as fuck! Those two should be on their knees for
the chance to jump into bed with us!”

“Well, maybe they would if we get something that better compliments our bodies.”

“Ha! I knew you would get into this!”

“Again, I am only stating the obvious facts here, and it might be best to take advantage of those

“Yes! Good to see you're on board! Now, do we like this, or the previous one? Maybe we should
go back out and get that bunny suit.”

Asa shook her head. “We are not here today for a bunny suit.”

Yoru raised a knowing eyebrow. “Today?”

Asa chose not to answer, but for now she would file that comment about the bunny suit into the
back of her mind.


After their purchases had been made, and they had returned to the apartment, each with a bag in
hand, Yoru had barely unlocked the door before Reze came up from behind her, wrapped her arms
around her stomach and began to kiss her neck. Delightful shudders ghosted through Asa's body
with each touch of lips on skin, and for a brief moment Asa worried about any of her neighbors
seeing her like this, but that moment was soon to pass. Fuck those guy, what did she care?

Yoru and Reze spilled through the door, with the former turning in the latter's hold to kiss her, and
Asa could feel Reze's hand trailing down Yoru's side over the shirt and jacket she wore.

“Now,” Reze said, pulling away from Yoru's lips and with a seductive smile. “I'm going to get
changed in the bathroom, and when I come out, I want to see what you two picked out, and if we
all like what we got, well? Who knows what will happen.” Reze winked, and slinging her bag over
her shoulder she sauntered into the bathroom, closing it behind her.

“Get dressed, get dressed right fucking now!” Asa insisted the moment she heard the click of the
shutting door.

“Alright! I get it! You're horny!” Yoru said, throwing the bag onto their bed and immediately
began to strip, throwing her jacket onto a chair before pulling her head over her head.

“Wait watch where you're-!”

“MMNNNPPHH!” Yoru barely repressed a scream as she stubbed her toe on a chair leg,
something that Asa had the luxury not to do.

“FUCK!” she screamed, as they both grabbed their injured foot, or at least Yoru attempted to
before she tripped and landed on the bed.

“Is everything alright out there?” Reze called out from the bathroom.

“Everything's fine!” Yoru answered managing to peel off her shirt, throwing it in a random corner.

“Okay, if you're sure.”

“Quick, get dressed!” Asa ordered, trying to ignore the pain her her foot.

“Stop being so bossy,” Yoru said as she pulled down her skirt.

After she had stripped naked, Yoru went through the bag and removed the underwear, ripped the
tag off and began to put it on. Or at least try to.
“It's on backwards!”

“Shut up!”

“Are you almost ready out there?” Reze called.

“Almost!” “No!”

After what felt like an eternity and too many attempts to hook a bra, Yoru managed to pose on the
bed, reclining with her head head up by her hand, while the other was draped on her hip.

“Ready!” Yoru finally called, back, trying to sound cool and collected, and not desperate with an
aching foot, while Asa impatiently sat in the chair by the bed.

The bathroom door suddenly opened up slowly, and Reze was leaning against the door frame,
dressed in her own white lingerie set. It lacked the garter belt and stockings that Asa and Yoru
were wearing, but the bra was more elaborate in design, putting much more of an emphasis on
making her breasts stand out.

“Well, I like what I see,” Reze said, drawing a hand slowly down her side, leaving it to linger on
the curves. “How about you?”

“You don't look so bad yourself, Bomb,” Yoru said, while Asa tapped her fingers on her leg,
unable to get her eyes off Reze.

There was little else to say as Reze came to the bed, instantly throwing herself at Yoru, pinning the
devil beneath her and assaulted her with a deep kiss. Their hands freely roamed one another,
tracing over the delicate material of what they were wearing, probing their fingers beneath the
fabrics before letting it snap back to the skin. Yoru's hand slid beneath Reze's panties, her fingers
tracing along the edges of the moist core, before inserting a finger inside the tunnel with a curl of
her digit. Reze moaned, grinding herself against Yoru, reaching down and kissing the area of her
breast not covered by black lace.

Asa sat back in the chair, letting the second hand contact sensations wash over her, her own hand
stroking her own cunt while her hand massaged her chest through her bra. There still needed to be
more however. “Get the vibrator,” Asa ordered, suppressing the beginning of a moan, and without
question Yoru reached beneath their pillow for the object in question.

“I think we can have a little bit more fun,” Yoru said, bringing the toy into Reze's view.

“Now where did you get that?” Reze asked with a sly grin.

“I could tell you that, but I have a better use of our time.” Turning the vibrator on, Yoru lowered
the tool down between Reze's thighs, and pushing her panties aside, she slowly inserted the toy
into her. The reaction was obvious as she moaned, her hips pushing themselves against Yoru's
hand, and Yoru used this opportunity to roll them over so that she was on top, and with this she was
more eager to deliver hungry kisses to Reze's neck and collarbone.

“Get this thing off,” Yoru said, her teeth tracing along the strap of the bra. Reze answered by her
quickly undoing a clasp in the front, letting her breasts bounce free as Yoru went down to them,
kissing the generous cleavage. With the way they were positioned now, Reze's leg was between
Yoru's, so she took the liberty of rubbing her own panty-clad crotch on her, which was in turn
reflected back to Asa. The two girls writhed at their shared connection, which pushed their actions
further, for Asa to bury more fingers into her greedy cunt, while Yoru had outright began to hump
Reze's leg, and with the Hybrid having almost taken the entire vibrator into her cunt, the quick and
maddening motions were able to drive her off the edge.

As Reze came, her cunt squeezing around the vibrator, trying to hold the pleasurable toy in place
inside her, and her leg wildly shook more against Yoru's cunt. Between this and Asa's own
masturbating, the two of them came, and Yoru bit down on Reze's tits-

Asa pulled back from Reze, a mark already forming on the pale flesh beneath her.

Wait, what?

She looked away from Reze, and back to the chair that she had previously been on, only to Find
Yoru, slumping forward with a hand in her panties.

Reze hummed in content, pleased with the sensations lighting up every nerve in her body. “Huh?
Asa?” she asked, clearly not expecting to change partners like that. Then again, she wasn't
expecting to tag in like that.

Oh well, time to make the best of this.

Asa gave a kiss to Reze, and already she could feel a pressure on her nipples as Yoru was
beginning to lightly pinch at them. When Asa pulled back, leaving Reze breathless she pushed
herself off of her and readjusted their position, placing her head right above Reze's cunt, still with
the vibrator in in, while her own hovered above Reze's head. Without giving it a second's more
hesitation, Asa pulled Reze's panties to the side and dove in, her tongue invading the soaked tunnel.
Reze's body convulsed at the sudden invasion, even more so when Asa took hold of the vibrator
and pressed it against her clit, but even though her own lust-addled mind she had enough of an idea
of what Asa wanted her to do, she pulled Asa's hips down, and likewise moved the panties aside in
order to gain access to the treasure before her. Meanwhile between devouring Reze's cunt, her eyes
would occasionally glance upwards to Yoru and the frantic mess she was making of herself, and
their eyes would briefly lock each time before Asa dived right back down.

The two of them licked and sucked and fingered, their hips gyrating against one another's face, and
with the assistance of Yoru furiously fingering her own cunt, and Asa's attacking Reze with the
vibrator at full power. They came at the same time, Asa's eyes covered with the juices that Reze
squirted, while Asa buried her own hips onto Reze's mouth, her tongue reaching up to drink up as
much as her lover as she possibly could. When they settled down, Asa was quick to turn herself
over and go in for another kiss from Reze, and while she tasted Reze's lips, she was only just aware
that she was also tasting herself on those lips. It didn't bother her that much.

“This was a good idea,” she said, her head resting on Reze's chest, and her hand tracing along the
partially undone bra on her chest. “Maybe a bit of splurging on some sexy things from time to time
wouldn't be a bad thing.”

“Told you,” Reze giggled as she reached down and pulled at one of the straps of Asa's garter and
let it snap back against the skin of her hips.

“Kinky bitch,” Yoru laughed as Asa lingered on the feeling.

“Denji's going to go nuts when he sees us dressed like this,” Asa said as she gently pawed at Reze's

Something sparked in Reze's eye. “Then maybe we should save that for a special opportunity, don't
you think?”

“He'll probably end up ripping them up.” That partially excited Asa.
“God you just want to get fucked.”

“Well then we'll have to buy more. I think I saw some Chinese-style dress that you and Yoru would
look good in.”

Asa could only laugh at the temptation.

Chapter End Notes

Shout out to Dark_Tag who wanted the girls in lingerie.

Also that bit about albatrosses was taken from an article on
Beating the Heat
Chapter Summary

It's far too hot out, but thankfully Reze has an idea.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Beating the Heat

“-and we are expecting this heatwave to last the entire week, with today's temperatures expecting to
set a new record for the hottest day in over five years. So stay cool everyone, and if you don't have
to go outside, I would stay inside all you can-

It's only 10:00 in the morning and Reze wanted to die. She had woken up uncomfortable and sticky
with sweat as she felt like she had been baking in her apartment, and even after taking an ice cold
shower and sitting mere inches away from her ac unit that rattled too much for her comfort, she felt
that it would only be a matter of time before the chills running through her skin gave way back to
the unrelenting heat. At this rate she would have to take another one.

She turned into a bomb, she could snap her fingers and create massive explosions that could tear
anyone apart. Everything about the way she transformed involved setting things on fire at such
high temperatures that they ceased to be in the most violent manner, and more often than not she
was caught in the back-draft of her own attacks, fire and flame would lick and peel away at her
skin. Hell, just transforming, often resulted in her losing her arm and head as they were blown off
her body before they were healed. She could do all that and it stopped bothering her years ago, yet
a single heatwave was almost too much for her. Granted, this seemed to be one of the worst ones in
her life, but it was already too much for her.

She could stick her head in the fridge, literally just rip it from her shoulders and keep it in there for
the day. But that would mean getting blood on everything and she didn't want to clean that up, and
she would have to pull her devil trigger later to get her head back and get rid of the old one, and
that might cause more problems than it would fix.

There needed to be a way to survive this day, something to keep her nice and cool and-

Wait, hold on... Yeah... maybe that would work.

With a sly grin Reze braved the short expanse from her air conditioned corner to the sweltering
over on the other side of her apartment to pick up her phone and dialed the desired number.

“Hello?” said a tired voice on the other end of the line.

“Hello Denji~” Reze chirped.

“Oh? Hey, Reze, how ya doing?” he said, a certain perk to his tone added.

“Not much, just trying not to die from heat stroke.”

“Yeah, me too, it's so fucking hot out!”

“Got any plans for the day?”

“Nah, I don't even want to go outside. And the worst thing Nayuta isn't here, so she can't suffer
with me.”

“She's not?” Okay, this might be good. “Where is she?”

“She's staying over at a friend's house for the night, and she kept bragging they had a pool.”

“Oh, it's good that's she's getting better with people like that. As for the pool-”

“Am I a bad person for hoping that maybe the pool springs a leak or something?”

“No, but speaking of pools, I do have an idea how to spend the day.”

“Really? How?”

“Well, first I think maybe we should call Asa and Yoru and spend the day hanging out, all four of
us. Maybe watch a few movies, go out for ice cream, that sort of thing.”

“Sound good, I'm liking this so far.”

“Good to see you're in this so far, now-” Despite being alone, Reze playfully smirked. “Do you
remember that pool from the school?”


It wasn't hard to make arrangements to get together with Asa and Yoru, and within the hour they
had all met up, though it seemed that for today it would be Yoru taking the reigns as Asa did not
want to deal with the heat. They spent their day doing most of the things they had talked about on
the phone, going to the air conditioned movies, getting ice cream, and going down to the
boardwalk to enjoy the cool beach breeze.

In the late afternoon the four of them made their way back to Denji's apartment so that the pets
could be taken out for their evening walk and later be fed dinner. Thankfully this late in the day, it
was certainly much cooler than it had been earlier, still hot, but better than before.

“Today has been tiring,” Yoru said with a yawn, she and Reze sitting on a bench under a tree in the
park, as Denji somehow managed to handle a pack of excitable huskies while a cat sat perfectly
perched on his shoulder in front of him. “It's still too hot, but at least its bearable.”

“Good to hear that you've been enjoying it, because we're not done yet.”

“Really?” Yoru crossed her arms and slouched in her chair. “What are you two planning? It seems
like you've had something up your sleeves the entire day.”

Reze gave Yoru a wink. “Just be patient, it'll be a surprise.”


“A school?” Yoru asked as they walked down the empty hallways, her hands being held by Reze
and Denji as they led her to some unknown place. The sun had long since set and night had come.
“What's so interesting about this place?” A pause. “Asa says we shouldn't be trespassing.”
Denji laughed. “It'll be fine. Reze and I have been here before for a date.”

“You did?” Yoru asked. “When?”

“It was from, you know... before,” Reze said. “Before” was what they referred to the time she and
Denji had originally met. “It was actually a fun date. I taught Denji to swim.”

Yoru was left questioning what they had meant by that when they had finally moved past the gym,
and out through those last sets of doors they came across their destination.

“A pool?” Yoru asked, walking over to the edge of the water, kneeling down and splashing a hand
in it. “It's not bad.”

“Hey, Yoru, can either you or Asa swim?” Denji asked as he approached her. “I don't think I ever
asked you.”

“Asa knows how to swim, so I know how to swim,” Yoru answered.

While the two of them talked, Reze took this opportunity, and quickly and quietly undressed

“We should have brought swimsuits,” Yoru said, just as Reze dropped the last of her clothes onto
the pile. Before the devil could notice her, Reze carefully sneaked up and tapped her on the

“We didn't have swimsuits the last time,” she said, just as Yoru turned around, the devil's eyes
widening as her naked state. With a quick wink she walked between her and Denji and dived into
the pool.

The water is not as cool as she would have wanted, having been heated by the hot sun all day, but
it's still refreshing to have surround her body, clearly a nice reward for all she had sweated for the
day. She stayed there for a short while, basking in the sensation of floating beneath the water,
looking up at Denji and Yoru as they stood at the edge, their images distorted by the surface above
her, before she kicked her feet to push herself to the surface.

Upon breaching, the first thing she heard was Yoru laughing.

“HAHAHAHA!” she cackled, throwing her head back. “Asa wants nothing to do with this! I don't
think I ever felt her retreat into our head that fast in all the time I've known her!”

“Is she not okay with this then?” Denji asked, and Reze felt embarrassed, not for being naked, but
the idea that she might has put Asa into an uncomfortable position.

Yoru rolled her eyes. “Please, I can feel her watching. She's so into this, but she just won't admit
it.” Yoru than began to pull off her shirt.

“That's good to hear,” Denji said, doing the same.

Reze merely floated there in there water, and decided to appreciate the sight of them stripping
before her. Denji was the first to fully disrobe, and was more than eager to cannonball into the
water, the large splash sending waves through the pool until he popped his head back up next to

“Now this is a familiar sight,” Reze said as the two of them floated next to one another. “Good to
see those lessons stuck well.”
“What did you expect? I have a good teacher.” Denji said with a grin, before swinging an arm and
splashing her.

Before Reze could retaliate, Yoru was dived into the water next to them, hands first which resulted
in a splash that wasn't as large as Denji's, but she was able to more quickly swim back up to the
surface. As she came up she whipped her hair back and forth, the long dark locks throwing water
around, before pushing some of it aside behind her ear. “Ah yes, this is refreshing. It looks like I
was wrong to have any doubts on this.”

“Yeah, it's great, right?” Denji said as Yoru swam closer to them. “We should skinny dip more

“If only, if only,” Reze said with a roll of her eyes and an amused tone. “But I think this might end
up being something we do on occasion since not every night can be summer break.” Reze then
swam forward, grabbing hold of Yoru's arm and pulling her close enough to plant a deep kiss on,
and when that was done she then pushed herself to wards Denji, grabbed onto his shoulders and
gave him a kiss as well. The attempt almost pulled them both under the water, but they were able to
keep afloat, if barely. She then gave a sly look to Denji, before looking back to Yoru. “Race you
two to the shallow end.”

With a quick push off of Denji, Reze dove into the water, arms spinning and kicks kicking as she
began to quickly make her way across the pool. Behind her Denji and Yoru yelled in protest as
they chased after her, their own wild splashes no match for Reze's strokes.

Reze cleared the distance no problem, and when she slapped her hand against the side she jumped
up in the waist-deep shallow water and cheered for herself, only for Denji to narrowly come in
second to her, and Yoru close behind him. As she continued her cheers Yoru wadded up to Denji
from behind and whispered something in his ear, what Reze did not know, but before she even ask
about it, Denji rushed her. Waves thrashed about as he grabbed Reze by the hips and pushed her
against the wall of the pool, immediately going for her lips with starving kisses. She was happy to
return them, her arms wrapping around his neck to draw him in closer to her, and she could feel his
cock pressed up against her pelvis.

They all know why they are here, so she appreciates that they don't beat around the bush.

With her against the wall, Yoru came up to her side and began to kiss at Reze's shoulder, one of her
hands fondling her chest. As Denji continued to kiss her, his body pressed against her, Yoru's hand
slid further down her front and down her belly, reaching beneath the water where she grabbed
Denji's cock, and began to stroke it, rubbing it against Reze as she did so. Denji then kissed lower,
moving down Reze's neck, where he was intercepted by Yoru where they had a kiss of their own
before turning their attention back to Reze, and with a sharp grin, Yoru helped Denji position his
cock in front of Reze's cunt.

With one swift action, Denji pushed his hips forward, burying himself into Reze, she groaned int
Yoru's mouth as Denji firmly secured his hands under her ass and raised her above the water. The
water sloshed around them as Denji fucked her, her back pressed against the ledge, one of her hand
used to reach up and grab at Denji's shoulder, while Yoru took the other and pressed it against her
own submerged cunt. The angle was a bit awkward, but with with how Denji was pumping into
her, she found that she didn't much care, she just wanted to focus on this length invading her
tightening cunt, while Yoru continued to nip and bite at her nipples.

“Fuck~” she cried out, clawing at Denji's head, her hips bucking against his while her two lovers
assaulted her with hickies and bruises along her shoulder and collar bone. God she wanted this, to
have them all over her, touching and groping and while was fucked hard. She could feel her own
orgasm fast approaching, and with how much more quickly Denji was thrusting into her, she
imagined that he was reaching his limit as well. With her hand on Denji's head, Reze steadied
herself against him, looked him lovingly in the eyes and planted her hips against his, smothering
him as much as she could.

She felt him cum insider her, the ropes of heat invading her cunt one spurt at a time, before she
came on her own, her inner, silky ways squeezing Denji's cock, sending charged jolts of pleasure
through her body as she squirmed and writhed in his and Yoru's grasp. With an annoyed grunt from
Yoru, Reze withdrew her hand from her and grabbed onto Denji's arm, holding on tightly to him as
she rode her own orgasm out.

Denji leaned against her, the feeling of his warm and wet skin to hers was truly pleasant, and she
hoped that they could remain like this forever.

“Get up.” But of course they couldn't. Yoru was quick to butt in, trying to get between her and
Denji. “Sit on the ledge, now,” she ordered, ignoring their groans of protest from her and Denji. So
reluctantly, she removed her arms from Denji and grabbed hold of the ledge of the pool and hoisted
herself up, leaving her legs to still dangle in the water. Yoru managed to work herself between the
two of them, and placed Denji's hand on her hip as she turned her back to him him, and as she took
hold of Reze's thighs and spread them she got a god idea what she was about to to.

Those assumptions were proven correct as Yoru leaned forward and dove right into Reze's cunt.
Reze let out a soft moan as Yoru's tongue penetrated her lower lips, reaching deep inside her and
lapping at every inch she cold afford, and lapping up the spunk Denji had let loose inside her.
Meanwhile behind her, Denji had grabbed Yoru by the hips with both hands and slammed himself
ball deep into her cunt, the devil's moans sending vibrations through Reze's tunnel.

She leaned back on her elbows, watching as Yoru devoured her cunt, and Denji fucked her from
behind, and as he looked up from Yoru's ass that shook with every time he slammed his hips into
it, he looked back up to her and their eyes met. The both smiled at one another, and Reze reached
down to grab Yoru by the roots of her hair, urging her to keep going, a task she seemed to
thoroughly enjoy, and it seemed that Denji had pulled a hand away from Yoru's hip and placed it
towards her rear, where he proceeded to slide two fingers into her asshole. This seemed to light a
fire under Yoru, who doubled down in eating Reze out, while she kept humped Denji back with
much more vigor.

After Reze was certain that Yoru had cleaned her of every last drop of Denji's cum, she felt that the
devil was getting close to pulling another orgasm out of her, and from the looks of how Yoru was
writhing and twisting between them, and how frantic Denji's thrusts were becoming, she assumed
that they too were at nearing the limit of what the were able to do. Giving one last grind of her cunt
to Yoru's face, Reze allowed herself to cum, her inner walls tightening around Yoru's tongue while
her own sprayed her face, the devil greedily licking up every drop she could, and meanwhile Denji
gave one last series of short thrusts, pushing You deeper into Reze's cunt, before his own grunts
told her that he had shot another load off, this one reaching deep into Yoru. Meanwhile between
them, besieged by their own orgasms, Yoru herself became undone, under the pressure put on her
by the other two.

When it finally washed over her, Reze laid back on the concrete and looked up at the night sky and
the few stars she could see through the light pollution.

Yoru mumbled as she raised her head from Reze's crotch, before resting it on her belly, and began
to gently stroke her hair.

“We didn't go this far last time,” Denji said, pulling out from Yoru, letting her rear sink into the
water before he leaned against the ledge of the pool, looking up to Reze.

“No, we didn't,” she hummed. “It could have. I actually planned on doing that.”

“Really?” Denji asked, surprised. “What made you change you mind?”

“I think I was actually starting to like you by that point, and I guess despite the things I was about
to do, I think I would have felt guilty about that.”

“Oh.” Denji rested his head on the ground. “I glad you didn't too. I liked our first time just as it

“Me too Denji, me too.”

There was a nice silence between them, the gentle sounds of the water calming down around them.

“You two good to keep going?” Yoru asked, raising her head off of Reze's stomach. “Asa finally
caved, and she wants in, so I'm about to tag out.”

Denji gave out an amused laugh, as did Reze.

Yeah, they had a bit left in them, if they were going to beat the heat, they might as well take all the
chances they could.

Chapter End Notes

I tried to get this out last night, but I lost internet connection.

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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