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vl/bf/ BOST
IQ MODEL TEST - 64 Bodhi Sir

1. Pp6f z'4 ljsNk 5gf}6 ug'{xf];\ .

Choose the correct one out.
(a) Minister, Ministrship, Minestry, Ministeration
(b) Ministership, Ministry, Minesteration, Minister
(c) Minister, Ministership, Ministry, Ministeration
(d) Ministry, Minester, Ministership, Minesteration

2. lbOPsf] zAbx?nfO{ j0ff{g'j|md kmfOlnª cjwf/0ff cg';f/ ldnfpFbf tnsf s'g j|md ;xL
xf] <
Which of the following is correct when arranging the given words alphabetically according
to the filing concept?
(a) Diastole, Dictionary, Dictate, Didactic, Dictum
(b) Diastole, Dictionary, Dictate, Dictum, Didactic
(c) Diastole, Dictate, Dictum, Didactic, Dictionary
(d) Diastole, Dictate, Dictionary, Dictum, Didactic

3. tn lrqdf Pp6f k|Zglrq (x) lbO{ rf/j6f (a), (b), (c) / (d) pQ/lrqx? lbOPsf 5g\ .
k|ZglrqnfO{ (450, 900, 1350, 1800, 2250, 3600…) 3'dfP/ ;d?k x'g] lrq pQ/lrq dWo]
/f]Hg'xf];\ .
In the following question consists of one figure(x) followed by four answer figures (a), (b),
(c) and (d). Select a figure from amongst the answer figure which is similar in rotation (450,
900, 1350, 1800, 2250, 3600…) to the figure (x).

(x) (a) (b) (c) (d)

4. pQm :yfgdf pko'Qm ljsNk 5gf}6 u/L cg'qmd (Series) k"/f ug{'xf]; .
Choose the best alternative in that place to complete the series.
(a) U (b) F (c) A (d) G

IQ ljlw – NEPAL FIRST INSTITUTE OF IQ | 01-5906462, 9851197562 1

5. tn lbOPsf] lrqdf k|Zg lrGx -<_ ePsf] :yfgdf pko'Qm ljsNk 5fGg'xf];\ .
In the following figure, choose the best alternative in the place of question mark (?)
4 3 11 9 15 6

144 9801 ?
(a) 2250 (b) 8100 (c) 11036 (d) 1216

6. lbOPsf k|Zgx?df rf/ j6f lrqx? h;n] cg'qmd agfpF5 . pQ/ lrqx?af6 cg'qmd k'/f
ug]{ lrq lgwf{/0f ug'{xf];\ .
In the following questions, four figures are given which forms the series. Determine the
figure the answer figures which continues the series.
Problem Figure

1 2 3 4
Answer Figure

(a) (b) (c) (d)

7. tn lbOPsf k|Zgdf, rf/ j6f ljsNkx? dWo] Pp6f ljsNk 5fGg'xf];\ . h;nfO{ lrq (x)
sf] vfnL :yfgdf /fVbf k"0f{ xf];\ .
In the following question, select a figure from amongst the four alternatives, which when
placed in the blank space of figure (x) would complete the pattern.

(x) (a) (b) (c) (d)

8. tnsf] lrqdf slt j6f lqe'hx? 5g\<

How many triangles are there in the given figure?

(a) 24 (b) 26 (c) 28 (d) 30

IQ ljlw – NEPAL FIRST INSTITUTE OF IQ | 01-5906462, 9851197562 2

9. ;Ltf / /fd b'a} Pp6} laGb'af6 pQ/tk{m ofqf ;'? ub5{ . 10 ls=ld= lxF8]kl5 ;Ltf b]a|]tk{m
kmls{G5 . hasL Tolts} b"/L lx8]kl5 /fd bflxg]tk{m kms{G5 . ;Ltf s]xLa]/ lj>fd u/L
csf]{ 5 ls=ld= lxF8\5, hasL /fd dfq 3 ls=ld= lx8\5 . To;kl5 ltgLx¿ b'a} hgf cfˆgf]
blIf0ftk{m kmsL{ 15 ls=ld= cufl8 lx+8\5g\ eg] /fdaf6 ;Ltf slt 6f9f l5g\<
Seeta and Ram both start from a point towards North. Seeta turns to left after walking 10
km. Ram turns to right after walking the same distance. Seeta waits for sometime and
then walks another 5 km, whereas Ram walks only 3 km. They both then return to their
respective South and walk 15 km forward. How far is Seeta from Ram ?
(a) 8 km (b) 12 km (c) 15 km (d) 10 km lbOPsf] lrqx?dWo] s'g ljsNkn] ;xL ;DaGw bzf{pF5 <

Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation ?
rfdn, tf]/L, r'sGb/
(Rice, Mustard, Beetroot)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

11.s'g} sf]8 efiffdf DISTANC nfO{ IDTUBECN / DOCUMENT nfO{ ODDVNTNE

n]lvG5, eg] THURSDAY nfO{ s] n]lvPnf <
In a code language, DISTANCE is written as IDTUBECN and DOCUMENT is written
as ODDVNTNE. How is THURSDAY written in that language ?

12.55 hgf ljBfyL{ ePsf] sIffdf /fd / ;Ltfsf] :yfg lzif{af6 qmdzM ;qf}F / c7f/f}F lyof]
. ha pgLx?sf] sIffdf c? b'O{ hgf ljBfyL{x? yk egf{ ePkl5 pgLx? cl3Nnf] :yfgeGbf
qmdzM Ps :yfg k5fl8 k/]5g\ eg] pgLx?sf] gofF :yfg k'R5/af6 qmdzM slt slt xf]<
In a class of 55 sec students, Ram and Sita ranked seventeenth and eighteenth from top
respectively when two more students are admitted in their class, then their position
become one ranked behind the earlier position respectively. Their positions from bottom
(a) 38th, 37th (b) 38th, 39th (c) 39th, 40th (d) 40th, 39th k|Zgdf lbOPsf] zAbx?sf] cIf/x?nfO{ cy{k"0f{ 9Ën] ldnfO{ ;d"xdf gldNg] Pp6f kQf
nufpg'xf];\ .
Unscramble the letters in the given words in the following question and find odd one out.
(a) S I T E R L (b) M A S R G (c) K S M R A L I O G
(d) N N T E S O (e) N I T L A Q U

IQ ljlw – NEPAL FIRST INSTITUTE OF IQ | 01-5906462, 9851197562 3 lbOPsf ;+Vofx?nfO{ 36bf] qmddf ldnfpFbf ;+Vofx? /xg ;Sg] pko'Qm qmd s'g
The following numbers are arranged in descending order then the correct order is:
654321, 654213, 654123, 654231, 654312
(a) 654321, 654312, 654123, 654231, 654213
(b) 654321, 654231, 654312, 654213, 654123
(c) 654123, 654213, 654231, 654312, 654321
(d) 654321, 654312, 654231, 654213, 654123

15.tnsf k|Zgdf lbOPsf] ;+Vofdf To:tf] c+sx?sf] hf]8f slt j6f 5g\, h;sf] aLrdf Tolt
j6f c+sx? 5g\ hlt h6f ;+Vofsf] c+sul0ftLo >]0fLdf kb{5 <
In the following question, find outs how many such pairs of digits are there
in the given number each of which has as many digits between them as in the
arithmetic series.
(a) One (b) Four (c) Two (d) More than four

16.olb '>' n] '+' hgfpF5, '<' n] '–' hgfpF5, '+' n] '÷' hgfpF5, '^' n] '×' hgfpF5, '–' n] '='
hgfpF5, '×' n] '>' hgfpF5, / '=' n] '<' hgfpF5 . tnsf] k|To]s k|Zgx?df l7s syg 5fGg'xf];\.
If '>' denotes '+', '<' denotes '–', '+' denotes '÷', '^' denotes '×', '–' denotes '=', '×' denotes '>'
and '=' denotes '<', choose the correct statement in each of the following questions.
(a) 13 > 7 < 6 + 2 = 3 ^ 4 (b) 9 > 5 > 4 – 18 + 9 > 16
(c) 9 < 3 < 2 > 1 × 8 ^ 2 (d) 28 + 4 ^ 2 = 6 ^ 4 + 2

17.;d"xdf gldNg] lrq kQf nufpg'xf];\ .

Find the odd figures out.

4 1 3 3
2 4
3 2 2 5 4 2
5 1 5 1
5 1 3 4

(a) (b) (c) (d)

18.k|Zgjfrs -<_ lrGx ePsf] 7fpFdf pko'Qm ljsNk 5gf}6 ug'{xf];\ <
Choose the appropriate alternative which will replace the question mark (?)
12.5 : 6.25 : : 7 : ?
(a) 3.5 (b) 4.5 (c) 4 (d) 3

IQ ljlw – NEPAL FIRST INSTITUTE OF IQ | 01-5906462, 9851197562 4

19.tLg ;+Vofx? 3 : 4 : 5 cg'kftdf 5g\ . ;a}eGbf 7"nf] / ;aeGbf ;fgf] ;+Vofsf] of]ukmn
a/fa/ bf];|f] /52 sf] of]ukmn eP ;a}eGbf ;fgf] ;+Vof slt xf]nf <
Three numbers are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. The sum of the largest and the smallest equals the
sum of the second and 52. The smallest number is
(a) 20 (b) 27 (c) 39 (d) 52

20.10 hgf ljBfyL{x?sf] ;d"xdf ;a}n] Ps csf{;Fu xft ldnfpFbf hDdf slt k6s xft
ldnfpg] sfd eof] <
A group of ten students shake hands with one another among themselves. What is the
total number of shaking of hands ?
(a) 20 (b) 56 (c) 90 (d) 45

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------

lgMz'Ns Feedback live Class cfh -a'waf/_ a]n'sf 7:00 ah]

nuft/ c;f]h % ut] ;Dd,

IQ Vidhi
g]kfnd} klxnf] k6s g]kfnL / ENGLISH b'a} dfWoddf
2rd Edition {3,500+ Solved Questions}
" vl/bf/ BOST IQ ljlw SELF-STUDY BOOK"
cwf/e"t sfo{no ;Lk k/LIf0f
ahf/df ;j{q pknAw 5g\ .


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