Nebraska Report 2006

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Omaha Family Church Activities in 2006

FFWPU Nebraska

1/1 The 39th True God’s Day service and celebration

We cerebrated the 39th True God’s Day in our church, and then enjoyed singing,
dancing, and a Yut game.

1/14 Prayer Breakfast in January

Rev. Kinami gave a main speech “Vision of the Unification Movement.” 4 guests (Rev.
Hill, Rev. Duok, Kohr Gar, David Cortez) and 9 members attended.

2/11 Prayer Breakfast in February

Rev. Kinami gave a main speech “True Family Value 3.” 4 Guests (Dr. Suzuki, Mr. and
Mrs. Kohr Gar, Tap Dong) and 7 members attended.

2/24-26 Second Generation Mid-Winter Workshop

For the first time, 2nd generation elders challenged to teach younger 2nd generations.
They also enjoyed sports and games organized by 2nd generation elders.

2/26 The 1st Divine Principle Lecture Contest

Just after the workshop, 2nd generations challenged the Divine Principle Lecture
Contest. Among 7 2nd-generation challengers, Korie Christiansen won the 1st prize
($200), Haruna Asanuma the 2nd prize ($75), and Jesse Curtin the 3rd prize ($25). 1st
generations were in charge of grading.
Dec 2005 -3/5 Minister for Change Sunday Evening Services

Mr. Mark Lincoln and Rev. Kinami are members of the group of Christian pastors
“Minister for Change.”(about 15 black pastors) From the end of 2005 until 3/3/06, they
gathered at our church every Sunday evening to have a service. We served them in our
church to show true love.

3/9-11 Prayer Breakfast in March by Rev. Carl Rawls (University of Nebraska

Omaha - 3/11) & mobilization activity (3/9, 10)

Rev. Carl Rawls (ACLC pastor of the Hopewell Baptist Church in Selma, AL) came to
Nebraska to help ACLC activity. He worked for mobilization with Rev. Kinami for 2
days before the prayer breakfast at the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO). At the
PB, he gave a main speech, and 6 guests (Rev. Hill, Mr. Odoy, Kohr, Dr. Thompson,
Minister Vernon Muhammad, Margaret) and 15 members attended. Rev. Hentrich, Vice-
Regional Director of the Denver Region, also came.

Just after the PB at UNO, we moved to the next place for the 2nd presentation at the
Golden Corral restaurant. About 10 pastors and their members gathered, and listened to
Rev. Rawls.

3/11-12 Hoon Dok Family Church Vision Seminar (Rev. Michael Hentrich)

Rev. Michael Hentrich, Vice-Regional Director of the Denver Region, gave a

presentation about the HDFC for 2 days.

4/15 Prayer Breakfast in April

Rev. Kinami reported the Middle East Peace Initiative activity. 4 guests (Rev. Hill, Rev.
& Mrs. Brown, Rev. Oliver) and 7 members attended.

5/20 Nebraska Blessing Ceremony (Prayer Breakfast in May)

We used a prayer breakfast in May for the 3rd World Speaking Tour in NE. We read
TP’s 2 speeches (reader: Eugene, Theresa) and showed the video “Blessed Family and
Ideal of Peace. Then, we did the blessing ceremony. 4 guests (Rev. Hill, Rev. Brown,
Mrs. Dawson, Ms. Jackson) and 12 members attended.

6/17 Prayer Breakfast in June

Mrs. Theresa Tsubaki, Coordinator of the IIFWP Nebraska, gave a presentation about
the Ambassadors for Peace. 2 guests (Rev. Hill, Rev. Brown) and 12 members attended.

7/8-9 Denver region Divine Principle workshop and test for 2nd generation
Rev. Michael Hentrich, Acting Regional Director of the Denver Region, held a DP
workshop and test for 2nd generation at Denver Family Church. Many 2nd generations
attended it from Nebraska, and challenged the test. On the DP test, Rachel Curtin won
the 2nd prize ($100), Korie Christiansen the 5th prize ($100), and Natalie Christiansen
the 6th prize ($100).

7/15 Prayer Breakfast in July

Rev. Kinami talked about the Middle East Peace Initiative. 4 guests (Rev. Hill, Mr. &
Mrs. Kohr Gar, Margaret) and 7 members attended.

7/23 Parents’ Day 2006

The 4th Sunday of July is the Parents’ Day, signed by President Clinton in 1994. In
2006, Mark and Mary Roberts were honored as “2006 Nebraska Parents of the Year,”
and Gov. Dave Heineman declared Parents Day and signed a proclamation for the State
Of NE. 2006. He also gave a signed picture of the State capitol and Admiralship to the
winning couple.
Nebraska Parents Day Committee, 2006:
Chairman, Mrs. Theresa Tsubaki - AFC, IIFWP Coordinator for Nebraska
Mr. Brent Matz - Out Reach Director, Family First Organization
Rev. Don Coleman - Pastor, Founder MADD Dads, NE Parent of the Year 2001
Dr. Susan Meyerle - Founder, Strengthening Marriages in Nebraska
Mrs. Hildegard Christiansen - business owner, AFP (Ambassador for Peace)
Mrs. Duffi Goodrich - business owner ,
Mr. Vernon Mohammad - AFP (Ambassador for Peace)

8/19 Prayer Breakfast in August

Rev. Kinami gave a main speech “Christ and Human Sexuality: Related with ‘The Da
Vinci Code’.” We could welcome no guests. Only 6 members attended.

9/12 Greater Omaha Clergy Association in Omaha Family Church

Rev. Kinami introduced to Greater Omaha Clergy Association (white pastors’ group) our
activity and vision of the Unification movement, titled “Peace in the Middle East
through Religious Reconciliation” at our church.

9/16 Prayer Breakfast in September

Mr. Eugene Curtin, Director of Sunday school in our church, gave a main speech “The
Most Challenging Commandment.” Rev. Hill and 4 members attended.

10/21 The 4th World Speaking Tour events in Nebraska

(Prayer Breakfast in October)

Nebraska held the 4th World Speaking Tour at 2 places among 120 places around
America. One was Rev. Hill’s church, New Light Baptist Church, and the other was
Omaha Family Church. About 40 people attended the first event at Rev. Hill’s church
(pictures above). Mrs. Theresa Tsubaki, Coordinator of IIFWP Nebraska, appointed 3
new Ambassadors for Peace. About 20 people centering on 2nd generations attended the
2nd event at our church.

11/18 Prayer Breakfast in November

Rev. Dr. Carl Swearson, District Director of the Minneapolis district (district 8), gave a
main speech about the 4th World Speaking Tour. 2 guests (Rev. Hill, Rev. Tucker) and
12 members attended.

11/25, 26 WAIT Team in Omaha Family Church

WAIT team visited our church and gave a workshop and presentations. WAIT team also
gave a public presentation at the YMCA in Omaha.

12/16 Prayer Breakfast in December

Rev. Kinami gave a main speech “Jesus from the Viewpoint of Rev. Moon.” 2nd
generations sang songs. 4 guests (Rev. Hill, Rev. Brown, Rev. King, Margaret) and 20
members attended.

12/1-20 The 5th World Speaking Tour

8 events were held in Nebraska among 1200 events around America. We read the 10th
Peace Message of True Parents together with the blessing ceremony.

Ambassadors for Peace meeting are periodically held at Willa Cather library. Also,
Hoon Dok Family Church meetings are periodically held by each of Hoon Dok Family


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