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That's not why they were banned.

―Sabine Wren and Garazeb Orrelios, on the T-7 ion disruptors[28]
Ezra Sabine T-7 Ion Disruptor
Sabine with a T-7 ion disruptor rifle

Since the crew of the Ghost was running low on fuel and supplies, they decided to
steal a weapons shipment from a spaceport on Garel to sell it to Vizago before it
fell into the hands of the Empire. For the mission, all but Syndulla boarded Star
Commuter 2000 shuttle ST-45 and arranged for Imperial Minister Maketh Tua to rely
on Wren's translating skills in her negotiations with Aqualish arms dealer Amda
Wabo, by preventing Tua's borrowed droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, from helping her. Wren
offered her services as a translator and asked Wabo tell her the weapons' location
in Bay 7, but deliberately mistranslated this as "Bay 17" in order to mislead Tua.
After disembarking, Wren and the crew headed to Bay 7 where they discovered that
the shipment was an T-7 ion disruptor rifles.[28]

Before the rebels could finish loading the contraband weapons onto the Ghost,
piloted by Syndulla, they were confronted by Tua and several stormtroopers. They
were accompanied by C-3PO and R2-D2, who during the confrontation stowed away in
the Ghost; unbeknownst to the rebels, the two droids were on a secret mission to
prevent the Imperials from taking the weapons. Returning to Lothal, the rebels
attempted to sell the rifles to Vizago, but before they could complete the
transaction, the two parties were interrupted by the arrival of Kallus, two AT-DP
walkers and several stormtroopers. While Vizago fled, Jarrus refused to let the
weapons fall into Imperial hands and ordered Wren to destroy them; she, at R2-D2's
suggestion, overloaded the disruptors and fired them at the stormtroopers instead.
Yet, forced to escape, they left on the Ghost, after which they returned the
stowaway droids to their owner, Bail Organa. He never identified himself but
rewarded the rebels for returning them.[28]

Sabine prank graffiti

The mural made by Wren in Orrelios and Bridger's room

Sometime later, while Bridger was running down Chopper in the halls of the ship, he
stopped by Wren's room to offer her some "inspiration" for her artwork although she
did not express any interest. Soon afterward, she was inspired by Chopper's prank
to Orrelios and Bridger (who were gone on a mission to the Lothal market) and made
a graffiti of it in their quarters, much to their embarrassment.[29]

Stygeon Prime
"Welcome to the Spire on Stygeon Prime, the only Imperial detainment facility in
the Stygeon system— and it's impregnable."
"That's never stopped us before."
"Trust me, we have never faced anything like this. It's a real work of art."
―Sabine Wren and Kanan Jarrus[30]
Following a HoloNet transmission from Senator-in-exile Gall Trayvis that announced
that Jedi Master Luminara Unduli was still alive but imprisoned at the Spire,
Jarrus decided to mount a rescue mission for Unduli and told the crew to prepare
for the operation. Wren, for her part, studied the schematics of the Spire, and
while en route to the Stygeon system, explained that the prison was impregnable and
that they had never faced anything as secure as the Spire's defenses. Despite the
odds, the rebels continued on their way to Stygeon Prime and left Chopper to look
after the Ghost in orbit, whereas the rest descended on the Phantom. Upon arriving,
Wren and her comrades landed on the prison's landing platform and overpowered four
stormtroopers who were guarding the facility's entrance, while Syndulla awaited
aboard the Phantom.[30]

Rebels Fight into Spire

The rebels fight their way into the Spire.
After entering the prison, Wren accessed a computer and discovered that Unduli was
held in an isolation cell in the Spire's lower levels, which contradicted her
schematics. Jarrus then devised a backup plan in which Wren and Orrelios were to
guard the turbolift while he and Bridger ventured to Unduli's cell. Meanwhile, Wren
discovered that the Empire was jamming their signal and quickly deduced that they
had stumbled into a trap and decided to find another escape route, disabling the
lifts along the way to slow down Imperial reinforcements. While fleeing through the
complex, Wren and Orrelios encountered Jarrus and Bridger, who were fleeing the
Grand Inquisitor.[30]

After dodging several closing blast doors, the four entered an empty hangar bay,
where Bridger and Jarrus used the Force to open the hangar's outer doors. However,
they encountered numerous stormtroopers and parked TIE fighters waiting for them on
the other side. During the ensuing skirmish, Syndulla arrived in the Phantom
accompanied by a large swarm of tibidees. With the Inquisitor and his troops
preoccupied, Wren and her comrades managed to escape into hyperspace.[30]

Later on, during a mission to destroy a massive kyber crystal, Wren along with
Orrelios and Chopper kept a watch over Bridger while he infiltrated Lothal's
Academy for Young Imperials to steal a decoder containing the shipment's location.
While Chopper infiltrated the Academy disguised as an Imperial astromech droid,
Wren and Orrelios waited outside the Academy to evacuate Bridger o

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