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Fort Anaxes

"We are making a difference, Sabine. And I promise: we won't always be fighting
this battle alone. Do you think you can trust me?"
"I think I can try."
―Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren[9]
Out of Darkness
Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren settling their differences on Fort Anaxes

During the course of a mission provided by Syndulla's mysterious contact "Fulcrum,"

Wren along with Bridger and Syndulla were on the Phantom when it was attacked by
several TIE fighters. Distrustful of the reliability of Fulcrum's intel, Wren
questioned Syndulla for more information about her source, leading to a rift
between the two. Not content with being kept in the dark, Wren interrupted Jarrus
and Syndulla's conversation in the Ghost's cockpit; Jarrus, however, told her that
he trusted "Fulcrum" because Syndulla trusted in her contact, prompting Wren to
accompany Syndulla on a supply run to Fort Anaxes at the Anaxes asteroid belt,
where they were supposed to meet "Fulcrum."[9]

As the two departed on the VCX-series auxiliary starfighter and landed on PM-1203,
they found the crates ready for them to transport and no sign of "Fulcrum," and
Wren apologized to Syndulla for her attitude, explaining that she simply wanted to
be trusted by Syndulla and Jarrus and that she was not walking into another
nightmare as the one she had experienced at the Imperial Academy. Syndulla assured
Wren that they did trust her and, following rebel protocol, simply asked her to
have faith. Before Wren could answer, the two were attacked by fyrnocks. After
deducing the creatures could not tolerate light, they loaded all the supplies onto
the Phantom and tried to take off, only to find that Bridger, Orrelios, and Chopper
had not finished the shuttle's fuel tank repairs, leaving them stranded.[9]

After Syndulla contacted the rest of the crew for help, Wren devised a plan to use
rhydonium explosives to keep at bay the creatures should the sunlight disappear.
However, they quickly ran out of explosives and, when they were cornered and forced
to get atop the Phantom, the Ghost came to their rescue. Once safely aboard the
freighter, Syndulla assured Wren that she trusted her and promised she would
eventually understand the cause they were fighting for, and Wren to try and trust

Further missions
Following a raid on an Imperial supply yard, the crew was in need of parts to
repair the Ghost and so, went to Osisis Station in the Regani sector. Hoping to
obtain the parts from long-time-"associate" Galus Vez's black market operation, the
team met with the Besalisk, but as the Empire had been doubling their inspections
since their last visit, he refused to the transaction and challenged Syndulla to a
race in Fool's Run. Although she won, Vez tried to retaliate by handing them over
to the Empire. However, on Jarrus' orders, Wren and Orrelios took out one of Vez's
cargo ships and placed explosives on another two. Threatened into cooperation, Vez
gave the parts to the rebels and the Ghost departed after Wren managed to leave a
starbird graffiti stencil in the station's outer hull.[33]

While Orrelios and Jarrus were away to destroy on a mission an Imperial

transmission center with the Phantom, Wren, Syndulla, Chopper, and Bridger remained
on the Ghost. However, an Imperial showed up and attacked them, prompting the
rebels to defend themselves and Syndulla to enter an ion storm to lose them.
Manning the nose turret, Wren destroyed two TIE fighters before the storm took the
Ghost's systems down. In the ensuing repairs, Wren fixed the targeting systems and
when Bridger was done with his part, she was able to destroy a Gozanti cruiser, and
the Ghost was able to escape the storm and rendezvous with Orrelios and Jarrus.[34]

Sabine duels MaDall

Wren dueling Zygerrian slaver MaDall on Oon

During a mission to swipe the Lothal Academy's new recruits, Wren heard about a
slave trading operation on Oon and, after leaving a graffiti calling card so that
the rest of the crew knew where she was, let herself be captured for a self-imposed
mission. Wren put little resistance but her spirit earned her the recommendation of
the captor to his employer, MaDall; taking the suggestion, the Zygerrian made of
Wren her personal slave and outfitted her with a shock collar. That night, while
MaDall was asleep, Wren sneaked away to reconnoiter the location, but a slaver
captured and returned her to MaDall. While her master was again asleep, Wren made a
painting of the Zygerrian woman, deactivated her collar and saw that her attempts
had inspired a rebellion among the slaves. Wren then engaged in a electro-whip duel
with MaDall and defeated her, after which she waited for the Ghost to arrive.
Agreeing to relocate the freed slaves, Jarrus and Syndulla let MaDall free, and
Wren suggested her that she could fight against the Empire.[35]

Sabines Masterpiece XWM
When time allowed, Sabine Wren worked on her masterpiece

Contacted by "Fulcrum," the Ghost crew was to pick up supplies on Kaller, where
crates were ready and waiting for them, for the Tarkintown refugees.[36] Wren and
the team arrived at the coordinates where the crates had been waiting for them but
found them empty. Furthermore, the provincial governor, Gamut Key, and his
constabularies arrived at the scene, for they had received a tip that smugglers
were using the area as a drop point and demanded that they let him search the ship.
With nothing to hide, Syndulla allowed them; before long, Key and his men left them
to their devices. Instead of leaving empty-handed, the team decided to track the
shipment themselves. Once they reached Plateau City, Jarrus decided to split the
team up to cover more ground, and Wren went to search with Orrelios.[37]

Eventually, Wren and the others learned from Chopper that Jarrus had been stabbed
in the back and had passed out from blood loss,[37] and quickly moved him to a
medcenter where he was put into a bacta tank. As they waited for him to regain
consciousness,[38] Imperial forces surrounded the medical facility and demanded
that the rebels surrender,[39][40] and later, erupted into the building. Protecting
Jarrus, they fought the stormtroopers even as they threatened to overwhelm them.

Empire Day
"Happy birthday, Ezra Bridger."
―Sabine Wren[42]
On Empire Day, Wren and her comrades visited Old

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