Interview Skills

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Professional Practices

Course Instructor: Nabgha Hashmi

Faculty of Computer Science
University of Gujrat
Interview Skills
Lecture - 6
 Introduction

 Types of Interview Questions

 Interview Formats

 Preparing for an Interview

 Do or Don’t in Interview

A job interview is a type of employment test that involves a

conversation between a job applicant and representative of

the employing organization.

Types of Asked Questions
Job Interview Questions
General Traits

 Mental ability: Applicants' capacity to learn and process information

 Personality: Conscientiousness, agreeableness, emotional stability,

extroversion, openness to new experiences

 Interest, goals, and values: Applicant motives, goals, and person-

organization fit
Job Interview Questions
Experiential factors

 Experience: Job-relevant knowledge derived from prior experience

 Education: Job-relevant knowledge derived from prior education

 Training: Job-relevant knowledge derived from prior training

Job Interview Questions
Core job Elements

 Declarative knowledge: Applicants' learned knowledge.

 Procedural skills and abilities: Applicants' ability to complete the tasks

required to do the job.

 Motivation: Applicants' willingness to exert the effort required to do

the job.
Job Interview Questions
Irrelevant Questions

 To check your strong observation

 To check your temper

 Be calm and let them pass

Interview Formats
Interview Formats
 One on One

 Panel Interview

 Meal Interview

 Open Ended Interview

 Skype Interview
Interview Skills
Before Interview.......
• Explore yourself

• Research the Company

• Research the Interviewer

• What questions will I be asked?

• What should I wear?

• What should I take with me?

• Practice, Practice & more Practice.

Step 2: Reaching at your destination
• Be early

• Dress properly

• Walk into an interview confidently.

• Avoid slouching, slumping or crossing your body with your arms.

• Greet your interviewers immediately with a smile

• Offer your hand for a handshake, make eye contact and smile.

• Never sit until they ask you to sit.

• Never drag the chair.

What if I do not know the answer?
What if I do not know the answer?
 Responses are “job specific”.

 Navigate/Relate it to other side.

 “I think it would be like this..... but I can further explore it“

 Repeat the question involving the interviewer.

 Don’t say “I don’t know”.

 If you know the partial answer , say it simply.

Typically Asked Questions
Introduce yourself !
 Good practice to write it before interview.

 Be specific

 Be prepared

 It could contain:

 Your Name (might include your city)

 Your Qualification (with or without distinction)
 Recent Experience (if any)
 Any further achievements
What is your greatest strength?
 List 4,5 skills to demonstrate yourself according to your job


 For example, When I'm working on a project, I don't want just to

meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead

of schedule.

 I can work even better in stress or pressure.

 My time management skills are excellent and I'm organized, efficient,

and take pride in excelling at my work.

What is your greatest weakness?
 Never say, you don’t have any weakness.

 Sometimes, I spend more time than necessary on a task, or take on

tasks personally that could easily be delegated to someone else.

 I am very strict in terms of scheduling my work.

 I used to like to work on one project to its completion before starting

on another, but I've learned to work on many projects at the same

time, and I think it allows me to be more creative and effective in each
Why you have left your old job?

 Never say bad about your last job or boss.

 Because every one has a right to look for better scenarios.

 Old job was at much distance, worth time wasted in travelling.

 This job best suits my skills than the previous one.

Why should we hire you?
 Compare Your Resume to the Job Requirements

 List the Employer’s Job Requirements

 Select 5 - 7 of your strengths that correspond most closely to the

job requirements, and use these as the core for your answer

regarding what distinguishes you as a candidate.

What are your salary requirements?

 Do not answer in figures if you are a fresh job seeker.

 Rather say that in your opinion , getting experience is more important

than getting salary.

 If they insist, give a reasonable range not the exact figure.

 You should explore the salary packages according to your [pst before

answering this question.

What NOT to answer in an interview?
Avoid this.....!!!
 Lying

 Being Rude

 Complaining

 Not Being Prepared

 Making a weak first impression

 Appearing to be too nervous, or too confident

Avoid this.....!!!
 Not having researched the company

 Speaking too soft or too loud

 Putting your foot in it and not noticing

 Having a “serial killer” eye contact

 Having eye contact with only a single person


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