Geography Review Sheet 1 2021 Answer Key

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Pakistan International School Jeddah English Section

Social Studies

NAME: ___________________ CLASS: Y7 _______ DATE: _______________

Review: Geography The Natural Topography (Part1)

Q1 (a). Compare the following;

Upper Indus Plain Lower Indus Plain

Located in the Northern part of the Indus Plain. Located in the Southern part of the Indus Plain.

It has many tributaries like; Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi Does not have any tributary but river Indus is

and Sutlej. flowing alone.

Sloping towards South-West. Sloping towards South.

Average width of the Indus River is from 1.4 km to Width of the river Indus is 1.6 Km.


(b) . hi

Inland drainage Open drainage

The water has no outlet to the river or sea. The water has access to river and sea.

Mostly found in the western mountains and Can be found in the Northern mountains and

Balochistan Plateau. Potwar plateau.

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Q2. Define the following terms.

1. Doab. The area between two rivers.

2. Mountain pass. A passage/way through mountains which is connecting two

areas or two countries.
3. Alluvial terraces. A raised and flat area between rivers which is suitable for
agriculture and other human activities.
4. Active flood plain. A narrow strip along-side a river which is regularly flooding.

5. Delta. A triangle shaped area at the mouth of a river where it enters

the sea or lake.
6. Levees. A natural or artificial embankment of a river which confines the
river limits.

Q3.ANS. a. plateau b. Meander.

Q4. Describe the topographical features of Indus plain?

The River Indus and its tributaries drain the Indus plain located throughout most of Punjab and central
part of Sindh. The Indus plain is dominated by the many topographical features. The Active flood plain is
a narrow strip which is along-side a river and which is regularly flooded. And old flood plain which is only
flooded during rainy season when there is more water in the river. There is a raised part of land between
two rivers and which is ideal for any kind of infrastructural and agricultural activities, is known as Alluvial
Terraces. In the lower Indus plain there are Piedmont plains which are located at the foothills Sulaiman
and Kirthar mountains. In the south of Thatta the Indus delta is present. Sometimes it is known as the
Tidal Delta.

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Q5. The sketch cross-section in the given figure shows the main physical features, A to D, of a
typical Doab. For each of the following, give the names of physical features.

A. Active Flood Plain

B. Old Flood Plain
C. Scarp
D. Alluvial Terraces

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Q1. Explain how the desert topographical features influence the lifestyle of the people?

The people in the desert have to bear hot and dry climate. They often wear turbans to
protect themselves from the sun stroke. Scarcity of rainfall leads to very less water
available and people have to go long distances to fulfil their needs. Agriculture is almost
not possible because of less annual rainfall. Livestock is the common profession of the
people. Mostly people are nomad. Sand dunes are regularly changing the landscape of the
desert areas. Dust and sand storms are common which sometimes destroy the shanty
houses of the people.

Q2. Enlist the following:

a. 5 Major rivers of Pakistan;

River Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej.

b. Types of sand Dunes;

Longitudinal, Latitudinal, transverse.

Q3. Describe the drainage features of Potwar plateau.

Potwar Plateau has Open Drainage system. There are ravines and small rivers. River Soan is the most
dominant feature of the region. One of the main river and a tributary of the Indus river is entering in the
eastern edge of the Potwar plateau. Potwar plateau is experiencing more annual rainfall and water is
coming down from mountain in form of streams.

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Q4. Study the given map of Pakistan carefully and answer the questions below .

I. “A” Name of the Plateau located in west.

Balochistan Plateau

II. “B” Name of mountain ranges.

Western Mountain Range

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III. “C” Name of Plateau located to the south of Islamabad.

Potwar Plateau

IV. “D” Name of mountain ranges.

Northern Mountain range

V. “ E” Name of desert.

Kharan Desert

Q5. Label the major rivers of Pakistan on the table provided below.

1: Indus

2: Sutlej

3: Ravi

4 : Chenab

5 : Jhelum

Q6. Write the differences between the Northern mountains and Western mountains.

The Northern Mountains have high and sharp peaks while the western mountains have less altitude
and gentle slopes. The Northern mountains have narrow deep and v- shape valleys while the wester
mountains have u-shaped valleys. Northern mountains experiencing more annual rainfall while
western mountains experience less rainfall. Northern mountains have long and cold winters and
short- mild summers while western mountains have short-mild winters and long-hot summers.
Northern mountains have forests and having a wet-climate while western mountains have no or less
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forests and having a dry climate.

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