Orange France Prepaid

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Precautions to be taken 5 - Effective Date - Orange may suspend the SIM/USIM/eSIM card of any Account Holder who has

5 - Effective Date - Orange may suspend the SIM/USIM/eSIM card of any Account Holder who has failed or

General Terms and Conditions The contract between Orange and the Account Holder is deemed to have been concluded omitted to declare their identity at the point of sale or via the reply slip included in the

while using a mobile phone and shall take full effect on the date the line is put into service. To benefit from the full service welcome pack or via the Internet address: (excluding
subscription in an Orange store), within thirty (30) days of its activation. The Account Holder
of Sale and Service for Orange
covered by this agreement, the Account Holder must be duly identified by Orange, it being
specified that the duly identified line shall be put into service within a maximum period of two has thirty (30) days from the above suspension to call their customer service or log in to
Information on radiofrequencies and health (2) working days from the date on which Orange registers the Account Holder’s identity. If this (excluding subscription in an Orange store), to identify
With regard to radiofrequencies, the World Health Organisation (WHO) confirmed in its Fact
Sheet 193 of October 2014 that «to date, no adverse health effects have been established
Prepaid Services period is exceeded, the Account Holder shall be entitled to a final compensation equivalent to
a communication credit of a value of three euros and fifty cents (€3.50), regardless of the price
themselves in accordance with the procedures as laid down by Orange and to benefit once
only from the lifting of the suspension of their card. At the end of this second period and
plan subscribed. This compensation is not due in cases where the cause is not attributable to in the absence of identification of the Account Holder in accordance with the provisions
as being caused by mobile phone use”. Nevertheless, questions remain about the long-term 18 May 2021 mentioned above, the line shall be terminated.
effects of exposure to radio waves and, based on the results of studies particularly relating to Orange due to the occurrence of a foreign cause or due to the actions of the Account Holder.
This document represents the general terms and conditions of sale of prepaid - Orange may suspend the SIM/USIM/eSIM card if the Account Holder uses a terminal
mobile phone use, the International Agency for Research on Cancer in May 2011 classified
radiocommunication services (hereinafter the «Service») provided by Orange to the person 6 - Description of the Service declared stolen.
radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as «possibly carcinogenic to humans» (Group 2B).
identified by Orange when subscribing to the Service (hereinafter the «Account Holder»). This 6.1 - The Service - Orange may suspend the SIM/USIM/eSIM card in the event of fraud or attempted fraud by
In October 2013, the French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational
document, together with the welcome pack, the price list for the Service and the specific With effect from the date their line is put into service, the Account Holder has a period of time the Account Holder of the prepaid service, in particular during top up operations.
Health and Safety (ANSES) published the results of its assessment of the risks of exposure to
terms and conditions of any options subscribed, govern the relationship between Orange to credit their prepaid account. - Similarly, Orange may suspend the SIM/USIM/eSIM card if the Account Holder breaches any
radiofrequencies, based on a review of the international scientific literature since its previous
and the Account Holder (hereinafter referred to together as the «Contract»). It is stated that Otherwise, the line will be terminated. This period of time is shown in the welcome pack. of their other obligations provided for herein.
assessment in 2009. «This update of knowledge has not brought to light any proven health
in the event of the purchase of a prepaid offer from a third-party seller, the purchase price The Service allows calls to be made, subject to full prepayment, and in accordance with - For overriding reasons of security related to public order, national defence or public security,
effect and does not result in any proposed new maximum exposure limits for the population».
applicable to the prepaid offer is that applied by said seller and not that defined in the price list the provisions below; it is the responsibility of the Account Holder to ensure that their Orange may either suspend the line with or without notice, or, without suspending the line,
However, limited levels of evidence do point to a possible increased risk of brain tumours, over
of the Service. The Account Holder certifies that they have the power, authority and capacity prepaid account has enough credit so as not to expose themselves to any interruption in ask the Account Holder temporarily not to use their line. In this case, any Account Holder
the long term, for users of mobile phones, whether heavy users or not. With regard to children,
necessary to enter into and perform the obligations provided for herein. It is further stated communications. Emergency calls may be made regardless of the credit on the account, as using their line is responsible for any communications that may be made using it.
in its July 2016 report, ANSES states, similarly, that «the expert appraisal work carried out by
that some content accessible on the Internet may offend the sensitivity of minors. For this long as the relationship between the Account Holder and Orange has not been terminated.
the Agency on the basis of current data from the international scientific literature was unable
reason, Orange provides the Account Holder with free mobile parental controls to limit access In the event of a call from an international number to a special number, the Account Holder
9 - Termination of the Service
to conclude as to whether or not radiofrequencies have effects on children’s behaviour,
to sensitive content (details on in the «parental controls» section). must have sufficient credit in their prepaid account to enable such communications to be Orange may terminate the service at any time and without prior notice upon expiry of the
auditory functions, development, male and female reproductive systems, immune system
made or received. Orange invites the Account Holder to credit their prepaid account when deadline set for crediting the account, in accordance with Article 6 «Service Description».
and systemic toxicity, or carcinogenic or teratogenic effects.». On the other hand, the Agency 1 - SIM card required for the Service Orange may also automatically terminate the service 15 days after suspending the service
did find a possible effect of exposure to radiofrequencies on the well-being of children and on the balance reaches a certain minimum level. They are then informed, after communication,
The SIM/USIM card provided by Orange is physically and legally independent of the mobile of their account balance. The Account Holder may also consult the balance of the prepaid under the conditions provided for in Article 8 «Suspension of the Service». In these cases,
their cognitive functions (memory, executive functions and attention). The effects observed phone designed to accept it. Orange is the sole owner. account at any time by dialling the various numbers made available to monitor consumption. Orange’s provision of the call number assigned to the Account Holder ceases - the Account
on well-being may however be more related to the use of mobile telephones rather than to If the SIM card is reprogrammable and directly incorporated into the mobile phone by being 6.2 - Communication Credit Holder’s prepaid account with top up possibility is closed and the relationship between the
the radiofrequencies they emit. These conclusions are repeated in their opinion of 21 October soldered to the terminal or extractable (SIM card referred to as «embedded» or «eSIM»), the The Account Holder may credit their prepaid account at any time during the period of validity parties is definitively and irrevocably terminated.
2019 on the possible health effects of mobile phones carried close to the body. physical medium of this eSIM card is not the property of Orange. Nevertheless, Orange remains of their SIM/USIM/eSIM card and in accordance with the procedures provided for in the price
Health authorities therefore recommend that studies be continued and, as a precaution, that the owner of the software applications and all the elements incorporated and downloaded into 10 - Account Holder’s Commitments
exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones be limited with a list of actions list in force. Any communication credit is automatically and irrevocably lost if it is not used
the eSIM card which allow in particular the interface with elements of the Orange network. during its period of validity. At the end of the credit validity period (excluding topped up credit 10.1 - Use of the Service
that can be easily implemented. They also invite users of these telephones, when they are Consequently, regardless of the format of the SIM card, the Account Holder may not transfer, The Account Holder undertakes to use the Service in accordance with the use for which it
placed close to the body, to comply with the operating instructions, in particular regarding using a top up by SMS) for the prepaid account, the Account Holder has a variable period
rent, destroy or degrade it in any way whatsoever. Similarly, the Account Holder shall refrain depending on the top up chosen to credit the account again. This period is shown in the price has been defined and marketed. Any misuse is prohibited, in particular the commercialisation
distance mentioned by manufacturers in the instructions. Furthermore, safety rules must be from any duplication. Following termination of the Service and regardless of the cause, the of the Service. Communications made are only permitted between natural persons for non-
observed for oneself and for others. list in force. During this period, they may nevertheless continue to receive calls in mainland
Customer is required to return the SIM/USIM card to Orange and/or delete the Orange SIM France and from the Europe, French overseas departments and Switzerland/Andorra zones to profit personal use. Examples of cases of inappropriate use of the Service, which may result
Recommendations for reducing your exposure to radio waves profile uploaded to the eSIM card. these same zones and mainland France, to consult their voice mail from the mobile phone (in in suspension and then termination of the Agreement, include:
The PIN code assigned to each SIM/USIM or eSIM card can be changed. Entering three mainland France), and to call the emergency numbers. They may also check their email from a - the use of communications for non-personal purposes (in particular for commercial purposes);
- Use an earpiece (or hands-free kit) for your phone calls. This reduces the exposure of your
successive incorrect PIN codes results in the card being locked, which is unlocked at the landline by calling 06 08 08 08 08 (see rates on the price list in force) followed by their number. - presentation of a premium rate number in the form 089B as caller ID (with or without
head to radio waves. However, when you use an earpiece or headphones, stay alert to your
request of the Account Holder and at their expense by Orange issuing an unlocking code In the event of an outgoing portability request, the Account Holder may, upon request, obtain additional prefix);
surroundings (pedestrian crossings, potentially dangerous places, etc.).
(PUK code). The Account Holder undertakes to inform Orange immediately of the loss or theft repayment of any credits remaining in their prepaid account on the day of the porting date, - the use, free of charge or for consideration, of the Service as a communication forwarding
- With or without an earpiece, keep your mobile phone or other mobile device away from the
of the SIM/USIM or eSIM card. The Account Holder, to enable rapid suspension of the line, less the management fees mentioned in the Price List in force at the time of the request. or networking gateway;
stomach of a pregnant woman or lower abdomen of adolescents.
shall inform the customer service department by telephone, which shall then suspend the line. It is pointed out that the offered credit part of standard top ups does not constitute refundable - the uninterrupted use of the Service by means of the automatic and continuous dialling of
- Also use the SMS or Internet functions of your mobile phone or tablet. To do this, you have
For possible handling of communications, refer to Article 12 «Guarantee in Case of Theft» credits. numbers over the line;
to look at the mobile phone and tablet screen, and therefore hold the phone away from your
of this document. Orange shall not be held liable for the consequences of any inaccurate For standard top ups, communications will be charged first on the topped up credit part and - the transfer or resale, in whole or in part, of the communications;
head and torso, reducing exposure.
declaration or declaration not made by the Account Holder. The Service allows the Account once it has been exhausted on the offered credit part. - use for voice over IP unless expressly provided for;
- Use your mobile device in good reception conditions. In fact, your terminal automatically
Holder to access Orange’s GSM and/or 3G networks on which the Account Holder may send The Account Holder must submit their request for reimbursement, online only, within 12 - use for chatting on discussion forums (Newsgroups), Usenet network discussion groups or
adjusts its transmission power according to the radio signals it receives from your network
and receive communications within the limits of the restrictions applicable to the Service and months from the date of the portability request. The reimbursement procedures (supporting NNTP protocol discussion groups;
operator. Reception is good when the display screen shows 4-5 bars. This is not always the
defined in the Price List. It also provides additional or optional services which give access to documents to be provided, procedure to be followed, proposed reimbursement method) are - the mass sending of communications whether automated or non-automated (in particular
case in certain areas or situations, particularly underground parking, lifts, in cars or trains, or
the services defined in the Service’s price list. The SIM/USIM/eSIM card is associated with specified on the Orange site on a dedicated page. bulk call generators systems);
just in an area poorly covered by the network.
a call number made available to the Account Holder by Orange and a rechargeable account Incomplete and non-compliant requests made late, or the amount of which is less than the - the dissemination of any virus or computer file designed to limit, interrupt or destroy the
Safety measures for users and others under the conditions as defined in the price list. management fees, will be rejected. Orange network and/or any terminal or other telecommunications tool;
The reimbursement will be made within one month of receipt of the complete file. - the transmission of elements or data of any kind whatsoever that are in breach of the laws
- Do not use a mobile phone while driving, even with a hands-free kit. Use while driving is 2 - Subscription to the Service and regulations in force, that are threatening, shocking or defamatory in nature or that
dangerous and is a real factor in serious accidents, resulting in particular from the distraction
generated by the conversation itself or any other use (SMS, mobile Internet, etc.).
The Account Holder undertakes to reveal their identity at the point of sale or within thirty (30) 7 - Roaming breach confidentiality undertakings;
days of activation via the reply slip included in the welcome pack or via the Internet address: 7.1 - Roaming from Europe and overseas departments - the transmission of any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, in particular «spam» and
- Keep a distance of at least 15 cm between your mobile phone or other mobile device and (except for subscription in an Orange store), in accordance The uses included in the Customer Offer, i.e. calls, SMS and MMS from mainland France to the distribution of «Junk Mail», as well as any action resulting in the congestion of the email
any electronic implants (pacemakers, insulin pumps, neurostimulators, etc.). Use the device
with the Ministerial request made pursuant to Law 91-646 of 10 July 1991 and Article L34-1-1 mainland France, will be possible under the same conditions from a country of the European servers of Orange, its customers or its network;
on the other side of the implant to avoid possible interference. Consult the instructions of
of the French Postal and Electronic Communications Code. In addition, the Account Holder Union, Switzerland, Andorra and the overseas departments to these same destinations and - organised resale of the Client’s SIM card and/or SIM profile.
your medical device and talk to your doctor about it.
undertakes to inform Orange within fifteen (15) days of any change to this information, and in mainland France, within the limit of non-abusive use. For mobile Internet, use made from a For offers containing unlimited communications (voice, SMS, MMS), these communications
- Respect the safety instructions and restrictions of use of your mobile in specific places or
particular of any change of name or address linked to the use of the line. The Service is limited country of the European Union, Switzerland, Andorra and the overseas departments may be are only authorised between natural persons, up to a limit of 250 different correspondents/
situations (airplanes, hospitals, service stations, professional garages, etc.).
to five (5) subscriptions per Account Holder per day, unless Orange grants an exemption subject to a reasonable use policy by Orange under the conditions defined in the price list month excluding special numbers and premium rate numbers. Calls can last up to
- Do not listen to a mobile phone or tablet playing music at full volume for long periods. At full
under certain conditions. in force and in compliance with European regulations. For all uses made outside of the plan a maximum of 3 hours. For special tariff plans, the communication credit must also be
volume, prolonged listening to the music player may damage the user’s hearing irreversibly.
from these destinations and to these destinations and mainland France, the price applied is greater than zero (0) euros to benefit from unlimited communications.
In any event, listening at moderate volume is recommended. Generally speaking, you must 3 - Remote subscription - Withdrawal periods
the same as the price outside of the plan applied in mainland France. The Account Holder is responsible for any use of their client number(s), username(s),
also comply with the specific instructions for use and the safety precautions which are In accordance with the provisions in force of the Consumer Code, Customers who subscribe
Misuse occurs when: password(s) and more generally any confidential code relating to the Service. Orange shall
included in the manufacturer’s instructions for the device. remotely may exercise their right of withdrawal by contacting Orange customer service within
- the Customer’s consumption in mainland France is less than that from one of the not be liable for the consequences of any disclosure, even accidental, of these codes and/
As a precaution, health officials recommend that parents wishing to give their children twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of the order.
aforementioned destinations, or usernames to a third party. The Account Holder is solely liable for any damage caused by
or adolescents a mobile phone should limit their exposure to mobile communication If any Equipment is ordered, it must be returned within fourteen days following withdrawal
- and that the number of days without connection in mainland France is greater than the themselves or one of their agents to Orange or to third parties as a result of their use of the
technologies and encourage them to use their equipment with moderation and in a to the following address:
number of days on which the Customer connects from one of the aforementioned Service. The Internet user community has developed a code of good conduct, also called
reasonable manner. Be sure to inform them of ways to reduce their exposure when devices KUEHNE + NAGEL Logistics/FTT - Service retour
destinations. Netiquette and available at, with which the Account Holder
emitting electromagnetic fields are used (touchscreen tablets, mobile phones, 4G key, etc.). If Distripôle zone d’activité Paris Sud - Secteur 3 Bât A
Furthermore, the activation and serial use of multiple SIM/eSIM cards by the Customer while agrees to comply. Furthermore, Orange recommends to the Account Holder the installation of
health effects are found, children and adolescents may be more sensitive, as their bodies are 77127 LIEUSAINT
roaming in one of the above-mentioned destinations are also considered misuse. Orange will software designed to best protect against any attempted hacking of their equipment.
still developing. Encourage sensible use of mobile communication technologies. Encourage The costs of returning any equipment shall be borne by the Customer. Orange will
observe for a period of 4 months if these elements are founded. In the event of use considered
your children, in addition, and unrelated to radiofrequency exposure, to use mobile phones reimburse the Customer for any payments made within 14 days following the withdrawal 11 - Orange’s Commitments
sensibly, for example by avoiding night-time communications, limiting the frequency and to be misuse based on the criteria indicated above, the Customer shall be informed of this
request. However, Orange may invoice the Customer for any uses (subscription rate and 11.1 - Service Quality in Mainland France
duration of calls, etc. and shall then have a period of 15 calendar days to change their usage. Failing this, Orange
communications not included) made during the withdrawal period. a. Service Quality Level. Orange shall take whatever measures are required to maintain the
shall apply an additional charge for all uses carried out, in accordance with the price list
Manufactured tobacco products warning 4 - Service Pricing in force. continuity and quality of the Service and undertakes to distribute 90% of voice traffic over
7.2 - Communications from Abroad a specific geographical mobility zone in mainland France. When a network incident occurs
Pursuant to Article 6 of the Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy (LCEN), you are The Service rates applicable on the activation date for the line are available on the price list in
The Customer automatically benefits from access to Communications from Abroad once their in their mobility zone, the Account Holder may contact their customer service department
informed of the ban on carrying out, in mainland France and in the overseas departments, force on or at the point of sale. These prices may subsequently change.
SIM or eSIM profile has been activated. This service can be deactivated, for no charge at any no later than one (1) hour after the end of the incident has disappeared off the weather map.
remote selling, acquisition, introduction from another Member State of the European Union Orange shall inform the Account Holder of any contractual change to the service offer and
time, by contacting customer service. In this case, the Account Holder may claim fixed compensation of either one euro (1) or a
or import from third countries of tobacco products manufactured in the context of remote in particular of any increase in the offer prices one month before it takes effect. The Account
Details of the cost of communications made or received outside metropolitan France are credit of ten minutes (10 minutes) of voice communications in mainland France and from
selling. Violation of this prohibition is legally sanctioned. Holder may then terminate the Service by no longer topping up their prepaid account.
included in the price list of the offer subscribed. The Customer must have sufficient credit in the Europe, French overseas departments and territories and Switzerland/Andorra zones to
For more information: When activated, the Account Holder’s prepaid account is positioned on the price plan these same zones and mainland France. Account Holders with a special tariff plan may only
their prepaid account to enable such communications to be made or received.
described in the price list in force on the date the line is activated. apply for the credit of one euro (€1). In all cases, compensation is granted provided that
However, the Account Holder may change the initial price plan from their prepaid account to 8 - Suspension of the Service the weather forecast for the network confirms this incident and that the Account Holder
the most recent price plan without changing the call number or SIM/USIM/eSIM card, and can prove, by any means, that they were in this area at the time of the incident. These
www.radiofré - The Account Holder’s SIM/USIM/eSIM card is suspended if the Account Holder commits
retaining the amount of their communications credit. The prices for additional services are compensation payments are not due in cases where the cause is not attributable to Orange more than nine (9) errors per year when entering a prepaid account top up code. The error
shown in the price list in force. due to the occurrence of a foreign cause or due to the actions of the Account Holder.
credit goes back to zero on each anniversary of their prepaid account activation.
b. Service restoration time. Orange undertakes to restore the Service, in the event of 3. In the event of an incoming number portability request, Orange must provide the EGP - Deploy and operate the networks Changes to the Personal Data Protection Policy
interruption, at the latest within two (2) working days from the publication of the incident Economic Interest Grouping with the following information, which then forwards it to your - Deploy and operate the offers and services
This Personal Data Protection Policy may change.
on the weather map available on the website - If the recovery period of two (2) previous operator - the mobile number concerned, the Porting Authorisation Code, the - Market and optimise connected objects and associated offers
working days is not attributable to the Account Holder, to a case of force majeure, or to a operator codes and the requested porting date. You then have the right to access, oppose - Supervise the invoicing system
third party, the Account Holder is entitled to a fixed compensation, of either thirty minutes (30 and correct these data, which is exercised with Orange in accordance with the provisions - Avoid fraud and preserve turnover

Specific conditions of the

minutes) of voice communications in mainland France and from the Europe, French overseas of this article, based on the procedures set out above. - Manage digital advertising activities (PC, mobile, IPTV)
departments and Switzerland/Andorra zones to these same zones and mainland France or Your data are retained for the time needed to achieve the purposes mentioned above.
14 - Directory
Communicating Abroad service
three euros fifty cents (€3.50). An Account Holder with a special tariff plan may only claim the • Orange also processes your data to meet its legal or regulatory obligations.
compensation of three euros fifty cents (€3.50). The Account Holder may include their contact details free of charge in the lists of directories To this end, the purposes pursued by Orange are as follows:
c. Specific features related to the speed. The speed of the 3G/3G+ networks varies sent to the publishers of directories and telephone information services published and - Respond to requests from authorities and court decisions
depending on the capacities and the state of these networks (number of users connected distributed in hard copy and/or electronically under their sole responsibility - mobile phone - Respond to the authorities’ right of communication 1 - General Terms and Conditions applicable
to the network antenna simultaneously), the technical specificities of the Account Holder’s number, surname, first name, or company name, postal address, profession or activity, and - Ensure that any mobiles declared stolen are locked for use
email address for directories and electronic information services. The Account Holder may These specific conditions fall under the general terms and conditions of sale of Orange’s
mobile phone, and the geographical location of the user when connecting to the mobile Your data may be retained for as long as necessary to enable Orange to meet its legal
publish the contact details of another user of the mobile phone under their responsibility. prepaid service.
network. Under these conditions, Orange is not able to commit to a guaranteed speed, obligations.
in particular for access to mobile Internet services, but only on the basis of a theoretical The Account Holder may request that their contact details cannot be found from their mobile • Orange may also process your data for statistical purposes, including marketing the 2 - Definition of the Communicating Abroad service
maximum speed according to the Orange Prepaid Service subscribed by the Client, as number. Subject to homonyms, the Account Holder is entitled to publish only the initial of statistics obtained. In this case, all data are first anonymised.
2.1 - The Communicating Abroad service allows the Account Holder, using their SIM/USIM/
referred to in their contractual documents and in the price list their first name. The Account Holder is entitled to publish only the name and postal code
11.2 - Coverage areas in mainland France of their municipality, except in the case of a business address. Personal data relating to the What data are processed? eSIM card, to send and receive national and international communications and SMS, MMS
and to browse the Internet from certain networks of foreign radio communication operators
Some areas covered by the 3G network may not be continuously covered and may Account Holder or user may be transferred to a country outside the European Union (EU) As the case may be, Orange processes your personal data, collected directly from you or
that have signed an international roaming agreement with Orange. The Account Holder is
experience disruptions. when directory lists are transmitted to directory publishers and foreign telephone information resulting from the use of products or services. Orange may also receive data collected from
responsible for contacting Orange customer service in order to know all the countries covered
In the event of unavailability of the 3G network, communications pass over Orange’s GSM/ service publishers located outside the EU. With the exception of operations relating to the you by a third party.
by the service. The mobile radiocommunications service is only accessible abroad within the
GPRS/EDGE network and access to services and options available exclusively on the contractual relationship between Orange and the Account Holder, the Account Holder’s Orange only processes an element or category of data if it is strictly necessary for the required
limits of the coverage areas of the operators visited who have signed an international roaming
3G network is interrupted. Similarly, some areas covered by the 4G network may not be contact details in the lists sent to directory and telephone information service publishers are purpose.
agreement with Orange.
continuously covered and may experience disruptions. In the event of unavailability of the not used for direct prospecting purposes unless expressly agreed otherwise. You can find information about these purposes above.
2.2 - Any Account Holder wishing to make a call from certain countries (list available on
4G network, data exchanges pass over Orange’s 3G or GPRS/EDGE network and access to Orange processes the following data categories:
services and options available exclusively on the 4G network is interrupted. In addition, the
15 - Jurisdiction - ID data: Surname, first name, user name, SIREN, etc.
request from customer service), must first dial #123# from their mobile device, provided that it
When the Account Holder is a merchant, the parties agree to submit any disputes to the courts is compatible and that the foreign operator has implemented this service.
network coverage zones previously lacking GSM coverage in mainland France, known as - Personal characteristics: date of birth, nationality, etc.
within the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal. Orange undertakes, in connection with its Receiving and sending SMSs and accessing the WAP and the WEB over the GSM/GPRS/
“dead spots”, may be accessible from Orange’s GSM network or from the GSM networks of - Contact data: postal address, email, telephone number, etc.
activities and in accordance with the legislation in force in France and Europe, to ensure the EDGE and 3G networks of foreign operators are only possible in countries where foreign
other mainland mobile operators. In this case, the services provided in these areas may be - Personal life: interests, marital status, etc.
protection, confidentiality and security of the personal data of users of its services, as well as operators have implemented this service and have signed an international roaming agreement
limited in particular to voice communications and SMS. Where services are provided from the - Economic and financial data: means of payment, payment history, etc.
to respect their privacy. This Policy informs you about how Orange, its subcontractors and in GSM/GPRS/EDGE and 3G mode with Orange. The MMS service is available on the GPRS/
GSM network of another mainland mobile operator, Orange shall not be held liable for non- - Connection, service usage and interaction data: Connection and usage logs, intervention
any partners process your personal data. This Policy applies in particular to customers and EDGE/3G networks of foreign operators who have signed an international roaming agreement
performance, failures or malfunctions related to the provision of these services. report, etc.
users of offers and services and to visitors to, and sites. in GPRS/EDGE/3G mode with Orange.
11.3 - Limitation of liability related to causes unrelated to Orange. - Products and services held or used
It may be completed by specific information brought to the attention of the user, in the case Sending or receiving MMS abroad is only possible between MMS-compatible mobiles of
Orange may not be held liable for: - Profiles and scores for customer segmentation
of a particular offer or service. mainland operators.
service disruptions or interruptions resulting from a technical incident with one or more - Content data: Files stored on the cloud, e-mail address, etc.
countries covered by the Communicate Abroad service; - Location data 3 - Procedures for activating the Communicate Abroad service,
- the quality and/or cost of specific services offered by foreign operators and accessible via
Who are the recipients of your data? duration and effective date
special numbers;
- the suspension or termination of a roaming agreement between Orange and a foreign
operator, in accordance with the conditions defined by the GSM Association;
Appendix on the personal data The data collected are intended for Orange’s internal departments and its subcontractors.
Data may also be processed by Orange partners. These are situations where partners operate
3.1 - The Account Holder automatically benefits from access to the Communicate Abroad
service as soon as their prepaid card is activated. They are responsible for requesting the

protection policy to provide services. It may also involve treatments for which your consent is required. removal of this access from customer service.
- a case of force majeure usually recognised by the case law of the Court of Cassation.
With the exception of those for which it is the publisher, Orange may not be held liable The data processed may also be forwarded to the competent authorities, at their request, 4 - Communications
for those services and content over which it has no control. Orange may not under any Orange undertakes, in connection with its activities and in accordance with the legislation in the context of legal proceedings, in the context of judicial research and requests for
4.1 - Details of the cost of communications sent or received outside mainland France are
circumstances be required to repair any indirect damage suffered by the Account Holder in force in France and Europe, to ensure the protection, confidentiality and security of the information from the authorities or in order to comply with other legal obligations.
included in the current price list for the prepaid offer available at the point of sale and at www.
while using the Service, where the Customer has subscribed to the offer for the needs of their personal data of users of its services, as well as to respect their privacy.
Are your data processed outside the European Union? The Account Holder must have sufficient credit on their prepaid account to enable
professional activity. Indirect damages are those that do not result exclusively and directly This Policy informs you about how Orange, its sub-contractors and any partners process your such communications to be sent or received.
from the failure of Orange’s services. Indirect damages include, in particular, operating losses personal data in connection with your offer. Any data collected may be processed outside the European Union. In this case, Orange shall
take the necessary measures with its subcontractors and partners to ensure an adequate 4.2 - Consultation of Orange voice mail and WAP and WEB access on the GSM networks of
and commercial losses. Orange shall not be held liable for the loss or distortion of the SMS It may be completed by specific information brought to the attention of the user, as it is a foreign operators are deducted at the price of a communication issued from abroad to France.
and/or MMS caused by a saturation of the memory of the SIM/USIM card or the memory of component of your offer or a particular service. level of data protection, in full compliance with the applicable regulations.
the mobile phone or the storage capacity of the eSIM card. Unless it is the sender, Orange is If the relevant subcontractors and partners are not located in a country with legislation 5 - Orange’s obligations and responsibility
not responsible for the content of any SMS and/or MMS sent to the Account Holder. Finally, Why does Orange process your data? considered to provide adequate protection, they shall have previously signed the European
Orange shall take the measures needed to maintain the continuity and quality of the Orange
the use of the Service does not allow effective routing of calls to emergency numbers when Orange only processes personal data for definite, explicit and legitimate purposes. Orange Commission’s “standard contractual clauses” or shall be subject to binding Internal Rules
the Account Holder uses certain mobile devices connected to a compatible WiFi Internet does not process these data in a manner incompatible with these purposes. approved by the authorities.
However, Orange may not be held liable for:
connection modem (Box type). The Account Holder must then dial 112. Orange strongly urges • Orange processes your data in the context of the performance of a contract
What are your rights? - service disruptions or interruptions resulting from a technical incident with one or more
the Account Holder to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software To this end, the purposes pursued by Orange are as follows: countries covered by the Communicate Abroad service;
- Manage the identity of the customer or user and authenticate it You have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you. You can request their
from contamination by possible viruses circulating on the Internet and/or possible intrusions. - the quality and/or cost of specific services offered by foreign operators and accessible via
- Manage the order portability. You are also entitled to object to the processing carried out or to request that it be limited.
special numbers;
12 - Theft - Manage the equipment You may issue guidelines on the retention, deletion or disclosure of your personal data after
your death. - the suspension or termination of a roaming agreement binding Orange to a foreign operator,
In the event of the theft or fraudulent use of their SIM/eSIM card, the Service Account - Invoice and collect payments in accordance with the conditions defined by the GSM Association.
Holder must ask an advisor to cancel their SIM/eSIM card, by contacting Customer Service. - Provide the Pre-sales Service and sell • Rules specific to telephone cold calling
Furthermore, as soon as the theft is noticed, the Customer must file a claim relating to this - Provide the After-Sales Service Any consumer may register free of charge on an opt-out list called «Bloctel» in order to no longer 6 - Responsibility of the Account Holder
theft with the competent authorities. The Service Account Holder may benefit from the - Manage the personal data, characteristics and rights of a contract be contacted by a professional with whom he or she has no current contractual relationship.
It is the responsibility of the Account Holder to take all necessary measures to use the
reimbursement of fraudulent communications made by a third party with their SIM/eSIM - Process terminations Consumers can register on the website or by sending a letter to:
Communicate Abroad service under optimal conditions, in particular for call forwarding
card. Furthermore, as soon as the theft is noticed, the Customer must file a claim relating to - Process complaints Société Opposetel, Service Bloctel,
and checking voice mail as certain functions must be activated by the Account Holder from
this theft with the competent authorities. The Service Account Holder may benefit from the - Communicate under customer management Collecting invoices 6, rue Nicolas Siret
mainland France. Any Account Holder who does not wish to receive calls when travelling
reimbursement of fraudulent communications made by a third party with their SIM/eSIM card - Manage incoming mail 10 000 Troyes
outside mainland France may, prior to leaving France, forward all calls to their Orange
exclusively within 48 hours following the theft up to a maximum limit of five hundred (500) - Amicably collect unpaid debts How to exercise your rights? voicemail system.
euros per theft and per year. - Manage disputes
You can use the online contact form available on>espace client>vos informations 7 - Deactivation
- Manage requests in respect of the rights of data subjects
13 - Protection of Personal Data - Specific Provisions - Store customer or user data
personnelles or by writing to:
The Account Holder may deactivate the Communicate Abroad service by simple telephone
1. The Customer’s mobile number, to the exclusion of all other data, is entered by Orange Orange Service Client,
- Offer authentication services call to Orange customer service.
in a database that can be consulted by their Customers by dialling 732 from their mobile Gestion des données personnelles
Your data are retained for the period necessary to achieve the purposes mentioned above.
device. It is possible to consult this database in order to know, for a mobile number, 33732 Bordeaux Cedex 9
With regard to processing relating to the performance of the contract, the data may be
whether this number is part of the Orange network. Any request to exercise your rights must be accompanied by a photocopy of proof of identity
retained for a maximum period of three years from the end of the relationship.
(national identity card issued by the French State or European Union identity card or passport,
2. In the event of non-payment or irregular declaration, the Account Holder’s information relating • Orange also processes data for purposes other than strict contract execution.
resident card issued by the French State, residence card issued by the French State or
thereto shall be retained by Orange for up to three years from the last due date, unless payment In this case, Orange ensures that it has a legitimate interest in carrying out the processing.
livret de circulation (booklet of circulation) issued by the French State). A response will be
is made within this period, or the maximum period during which the client is registered in the Furthermore, processing operations may be subject, where necessary, to your consent, which
forwarded to you within one month of receipt of your request.
GIE PREVENTEL file. In addition, the absence of payment may also lead to the registration in you may withdraw at any time.
• Possibility of referring to the CNIL
the file of outstanding payments managed by the GIE PREVENTEL, accessible to electronic To this end, the purposes pursued by Orange are as follows:
If your contacts with Orange have not been satisfactory, you may lodge a complaint with
communications providers and mobile telephone service marketing companies. In accordance - Organise direct marketing operations.
the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), the supervisory authority
with the regulations in force, the Account Holder may exercise their right of access and - Organise commercial events
responsible for compliance with personal data obligations in France.
rectification, or issue directives on their data after their death, by contacting: - Organise competitions
For Orange: - Collect personal data requiring consent (Embedded Agent) How are your data made secure?
Orange Service Clients - Gestion des Données Personnelles - Make customised recommendations on Orange TV - The TV Guide
Orange ensures that your data are processed in complete security and confidentiality,
33732 BORDEAUX Cedex - Analyse the use of offers and services to make proposals to the customer
including when certain operations are carried out by subcontractors.
For the GIE PREVENTEL: - Survey customers or users
To this end, appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent the loss, misuse,
Préventel - Service des consultations - TSA 54315 - 77050 MELUN Cedex - Improve the products we offer and customer relations
alteration and deletion of your personal data have been put in place. These measures are
Or via the form accessible from the Préventel website ( In the event - Restore access to their home network for the customer
adapted according to the level of sensitivity of the data processed and according to the level
of termination of the line for non-payment, the Account Holder’s information relating thereto - Ensure the security of platforms and services
of risk presented by the processing or its implementation. Orange, a public limited company with a registered capital of €10,640,226,396
shall be retained for up to 56 months from termination. - Study network deployment
111, quai du Président Roosevelt 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux - RCS Nanterre 380 129 866

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