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The Effects of Being Psychologically


For so long now there have been so many

misdiagnosed black women, men, and
children due to the lack of true nationalism
practiced here in our country. There has been
an onslaught against our people for centuries.
Attacking you from every angle necessary to
completely subdue you psychologically,
culturally and politically. We have found
ourselves under the feet of our oppressors. The
American Medical Association, which is one of
the most powerful organizations here in the
United States contributes a great deal of
harmful “solutions” practiced daily on our
people. It plays a huge role in our
disintegrating mental capacity to understand
and ef ciently execute our true nationalistic
views and obligations. Being a nationalist

actually promotes a sense of identity which in

understanding psychology is important for
healthy mind function. Being a nationalist acts
as a psychological mechanism used to defend
oneself against institutional racism globally.
Obtaining your Afrikan mind is your rst line
of defense. One of the main areas of our
attention should de nitively be building our
own healing and mental health institutions.
This is where we are attacked the most in our
most vulnerable conditions with little to no
Afrikan medicinal therapies. Until we establish
full domination of our own medical
institutions, we will forever be in a never
ending cycle of a medical and mental health
crisis. “A SEPARATE NATION” will be a
antipathy for European capitalism should be
the catalyst that drives “OUR NATION” to
perfecting a “BLACK NATION”! Over the years
a lot of us have suffered severe psychosis,
“being disconnected from reality”, and this has
affected a large population of our people.

Crippling us and nearly cutting us at the feet,

this has truly been devastating to witness.
Schools are the epicenter for the deteriorating
minds of our children and leaving them
psychologically drained and inferior, (lower In
rank). It’s so many different avenues of
destruction set fourth to enable us from
achieving our goal as a, “SEPARATE NATION”.
Down to the foods we eat we are consistently
being preyed upon daily. This is why the time is
“NOW” to ght the negative affects of being
dominated by Yurugu’s. On this journey one of
the most important things to remember will be
to protect your mind, body and soul, and with
doing this we will create our reality. In every
community I’ve visited, I’ve seen the
detrimental psychological affects of being
severely dominated Yurugu. Our mission will
always be to save the minds and bodies of our
children and that is exactly what we going to


As the Melanin people of this Planet forever


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