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Is personal. We use it Is impersonal. We It’s a prohibition. It expresses lack

to express personal don’t use it for It’s necessary that of necessity. It’s
feelings. feelings, but for facts. you do NOT do not necessary for
It’s used for present It’s used in all forms. something. you to do
and future, not for something.
past. “I have to tidy my “You mustn’t
“You don’t have to
“I must go home now” bedroom. My mum smoke in a
wear a uniform in
(I say it’s necessary) wants me to.” (Mum hospital”
this school.”
says it’s necessary)

Complete with MUST or HAVE TO in the correct tense (sometimes both are possible):
1. Oh! It’s getting late. I go home now.
2. My mum is always telling me that I study more!
3. Jane is great. You meet her!
4. Alex leave the party early yesterday. His parents didn’t let him stay until late.
5. John repeat the exam tomorrow. The teacher thinks he cheated.
6. I get up early tomorrow or I won’t have time to do all the things I want to do!
7. Children wear a uniform in many schools.
8. Anne can’t come to the park with us. She help her mum with the housework.
9. Albert might move to Bristol next year. He’s found a job there.
10. Next time you come to Manchester, you come and visit us again.

Underline the correct option:

1. You mustn’t/don’t have to speed.
2. You mustn’t/have to wear your seatbelt fastened when you drive.
3. You mustn’t/don’t have to use your mobile phone while driving.
4. You mustn’t/don’t have to wash your car every day before going to
work, but you must/have to keep it clean!
5. If you are fined, you don’t have to/must pay the fine immediately. You
have a few weeks time.
6. You must/have to stop when the traffic lights are red!
7. What (I) do to get an English driving licence?

Complete with MUST or HAVE TO in the correct tense

1. I’m not working next week, so I get up early.
2. (you) get an insurance for your new house when
you bought it?
3. I clean the house first thing tomorrow morning. It’s
4. You make any noise before nine in the morning or
grandma will get really angry! She hates being woken up. So, you
use the vacuum cleaner!
5. Jane make any efforts. She’s just gone through an
operation. You help her with the housework!
6. You wear gloves to clean the bathroom, but it’s advisable.

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