Linton Ngobeni

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Linton Ngobeni



Question 1

-Leaving the Oven Door Open to Warm a Kitchen:

While it is true that the heat produced by the oven can warm the area immediately
surrounding it, this technique is extremely ineffective and might even be harmful.
The oven is made to keep heat inside its chamber so that food can be cooked
effectively and safely. You waste a lot of energy when you leave the oven door ajar,
and the heat that is generated could not be distributed evenly around the kitchen.

-Leaving the Refrigerator Door Open to Cool a Kitchen:

On a hot summer day, leaving the refrigerator door open to cool a kitchen is equally
ineffective. To keep food cold, the refrigerator does remove heat from its interior,
but this action does not actively cool the air around it. The refrigerator's compressor
has to work harder to maintain a cool temperature when the door is left open,
enabling warm air from the kitchen to enter the refrigerator.

Question 2

Heat Exchange: Condensation is the phase transition of liquid water from a gaseous
state (water vapor). The energy is lost by the water vapor molecules as they go from
a higher-energy gaseous state to a lower-energy liquid one during condensation.
Heat is produced as a result of this energy release. In this instance, the water vapor
is heated by the cool glass surface and condenses into liquid water droplets as a

Work: the condensation process also involves work. The water vapor molecules lose
energy as they condense and come into contact with the cold glass surface, moving
closer to one another to form liquid water. In this process, molecules go from a more
disorganized state to a more organized state In order to arrange themselves into a
denser configuration, the molecules are actually exerting force on one another and
releasing potential energy in the process.

Thus This will lead to a decrease in their internal energy.

Question 3

-Assuming Q=0, Instead of a change in the air's actual temperature, the sense of the
air seeming cooler or warmer is caused by variations in the speed and pressure of
the air as it leaves your lips.
When you blow air with your lips pursed, the air exits at a higher pressure and in a
more concentrated stream because the opening through which the air flows is
smaller. There is less efficient evaporation because this denser stream of air has less
chance to mix with the surrounding air. Even if the air's real temperature doesn't
change, this can make it seem warmer against your skin.

Question 4

A) The temperature doesn't change throughout an ideal gas's isothermal expansion.

Since the internal energy of an ideal gas only depends on its temperature, the
change in internal energy (U) is therefore zero.
Thus, Change in Internal Energy (ΔU) = 0 J

B) Heat Absorbed (Q) = Work Done (W) = 3.4 x 10^3 J

Question 5

first law of thermodynamics:

ΔU = Q - W.

ΔU1 = Q1 - W1 = 73 J - 35 J = 38 J

And ΔU2 = Q2 - W2 = 35 J - (-72 J) = 35 J + 72 J = 107 J

ΔU = ΔU1 + ΔU2 = 38 J + 107 J = 145 J

Therefore, the change in internal energy for the overall process is 145 J.

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