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Western Mindanao State University


Zamboanga City

The Research Instrument for the student respondents

Dear Social Work Students,

Warm Greetings! You are invited to participate in the study; Examining the Curricular
Competencies of Student Social Workers and Supervisors in Social Welfare Agencies. The
questionnaire-checklist used in this study were designed to generate responses on the nature of your
engagement and tasks in the various social welfare agencies and communities in terms of application
of the social work methods of casework, group work and community organization, supervisor’s
feedback mechanisms on your performance, the learning environment in the social welfare agency
and communities to attain knowledge, attitudes and skills, ways in which curricular competencies in
casework, group work and community organization are taught in the classroom as applied to actual
field practice, your level of curricular competency and the level of curricular competency of
supervisors in the primary methods of social work. Further, the data gathered will be subjected for
testing to determine the relationship between curricular competencies taught in the classroom and
actual field practice.

The findings of this study will serve as basis for enhancement of the WMSU, CSWCD social
work curriculum and for improvement of social work students learning outcome. Please answer all
item statements, honestly, thoroughly and objectively as much as possible. Rest assured that
information will be treated with utmost consideration of your rights as research participants. Thank
you so much for your cooperation.


Part I – Profile of the social work students

1. Name (Optional) _____________________ Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female

2. Civil Status: ( ) Single
( ) Married

3. Age : ( ) 17-21 ( ) 27-31 ( ) 37-41

( ) 22-26 ( ) 32-36

4. Ethno linguistic group: ( ) Zamboangueῆo ( ) Tausog
( ) Bisaya (Ilongo, Cebuano) ( ) Tagalog
( ) Yakan ( ) Others: Please specify;
5. BSSW Program Level: ( ) Third Year
( ) Fourth Year
( ) Third Year Irregular
( ) Fourth Year Irregular
6. Name of Social Welfare Agency: (Optional)
7. Type of Social Welfare Agency : Please tick ()on the box
( ) Government social welfare agency
( ) Non-government social welfare agency
( ) Others

I. Nature of student social worker’s engagement in practice of the methods of casework,

group work and community organization in the various social welfare agencies.

a) What is the nature of the practice tasks you perform in the social welfare agency and
communities in terms of:

1. Casework:

2. Group work:


3. Community Organization:


b. What are your roles as you perform the practice tasks?

1. Casework

2. Group work


3. Community Organization


c. What are the areas in terms of skills in the application of the social work methods you
are excelling at the agency?
1. Casework
2. Group work

3. Community Organization


d. What are the areas in terms of skills in the social work methods that require additional
1. Casework
2. Group work
3. Community organization
e. What other tasks do you perform in the field other than the application of the methods of
social work practice?
f. Do you think these tasks are relevant in the application of the theories you learned from
the classroom? For a yes or no answer, please justify.
g. What challenges have you experienced in the application of the social work theories to
actual field practice?

1. Casework
2. Group work

3. Community Organization

II. Supervisor’s feedback mechanism in supervising students in the practice of the methods
of social work.
a. The following are the feedback mechanisms employed by agency supervisors in performing
their supervisory roles and functions in supervising students in the social welfare agency. Please
tick () on the space provided before an item statement or concepts describing the feedback
mechanisms of supervisor generic to all social work methods which you have experienced.
_____ 1. Tutorial model
_____ 2. Group supervision
_____ 3. Case conference/consultation
_____ 4. Group conference
_____ 5. Peer group supervision
_____ 6. Tandem supervision
_____ 7. Trialogue (to notify of the observation of student’s performance with agency and faculty
_____ 8.Monitoring and evaluation of the field experience.
_____ 9. Obtaining feedback from peers and staff to support administrative, teaching and
helping function.
_____ 10. Periodic sharing of students’ field experience.

b. Which of the feedback mechanisms do you think are effective for you to attain
knowledge, attitudes and skills in the practice of the methods of social work? Please
support your answer.

1. Casework

2. Group work


3. Community Organization


III. How do social agencies provide a learning environment for you to attain knowledge,
attitudes and skills?

1. Casework

2. Group work


3. Community Organization


IV. How are the curricular competencies taught in the classroom as applied to actual field

1. Casework


2. Group work


3. Community Organization


Part V. Level of Curricular Competencies of Student Social Workers as taught in the

classroom and in the actual field practice and the level of curricular competencies of
supervisors in social welfare agencies.

1. Level of curricular competencies of student social workers

Curricular competency criteria

The following criteria will measure the level of the beginning competency of social work

students on the areas of casework, group work and community organization:

5 – Proficient: The student demonstrates high competence, knows everything about the method,

developed all necessary skills demonstrate exemplary attitudes and working habits, can perform

without much supervision.

4 - Independent: The student is very competent, much knowledge of the method, gained

appropriate skills, with very good attitudes and working habits, can work with less supervision.

3 - Apprentice: The student has adequate competence, knowledge, skills, good attitudes and

working habits and can work with minimum supervision.

2 - Novice: Insufficient competence, knowledge of the subject, skills with fairly developed

attitudes and working habits, needs close supervision

1 – Needs Improvement -Very little competence, knowledge, skills with very poor attitudes
and working habits, no interest to learn.

Direction: Using a five point scale, assess your competency on the primary methods of social

work practice. Please tick () on the column after each item statement to describe your level of

curricular competency on casework, group work and community organization methods of social


A. Beginning Curricular competency on casework Scale of Measurement

method. Knowledge and skill application to Needs
Improve -
actual practice. Student can demonstrate: ment
Proficient Independent Apprentice Novice
(5) (4) (3) (2)
1. Knowledge of the Agency VMGO, Programs and
services, clientele, Standard Operating Procedure.
2. Interpretation of Policies and Procedures to
Clients and parties
3. Knowledge in different social welfare policies,
programs and services as a response to individual
client needs.
4. Competency in social work helping process:
Assessment, planning, intervention plan, evaluation
and termination.
5. Competency in writing case study.
6. Use of social work principles appropriate for a
particular case and situation.
7. Use of different social work techniques to effect
communication with the client.
8. Use of the different generic tools in social work

Scale of Measurement
Continuation on Beginning curricular Needs
Improve -
competency in casework; knowledge and skill ment
application to actual practice Proficient Independent Apprentice Novice
(5) (4) (3) (2)
On Assessment process: Demonstrate:
4.1. Competency in data gathering from a variety of
sources for accurate definition of the client’s needs.

4. 2. Competency in critical analysis to establish the

validity and reliability of each information source
with effort focus on evaluation of the implications of
the variations.
4.3. Competency in the ethics of informed consent
through seeking permission from client before
certain kind of information is obtained from
identified source.
4.4. Competency in the assessment of the client’s
problem to determine eligibility requirement.
4.5. Competency in defining the problem that
includes the engagement with a common
understanding of what they are together from the
client’s frame of reference.
4.6. Competency on writing assessment statement
indicating the interdependent factors; problem,
person and environment.
On planning process: Demonstrate:
4.7. Competency in translating the content of the
assessment into a goal statement that describes the
desired results and identifying the means to reach the
4.8. Competency in formulating treatment goal with
clients and contract setting.
4.9. Competency in formulating goals that are
specific, concrete measurable and attainable.
On Plan Intervention:
4.10. Competency in identifying the “units of
attention” or systems that are the focus of the change
4.11. Competency in the use of social work
intervention models appropriate to a particular case.
4.12. Competency in individual case diagnosis and
treatment planning.
On Intervention process:
4.13. Competency in the operationalization of the
social work students’ knowledge, values and skills to
help the client reach their mutually defined goals.

Scale of Measurement
Continuation on Intervention process: Improve-
Proficient Independent Apprentice Novice
(5) (4) (3) (2)
4.14. Competency in the use of interventive roles
that she/he is expected to undertake in order to
accomplish the goals agreed upon with the client.
On evaluation:
4.15. Knowledge application of the scientific and
systematic approach to evaluation that is truly client-
4.16. Consciousness on professional accountability
in the aspects of efficiency and effectiveness of the
service in accomplishing their intended goals.
4.18. Competency in the application of research to
measure outcomes and change processes in a
casework relationship.
4.19. Competency in evidence-based practice that
entails documentations of the activities undertaken
necessary for evaluation.
On termination:
4.20. Competency in termination of the helping
relationship after the goal has been achieved.
4.21. Competency in preparing transfer summary.
4.22. Competency in preparing referral document in
cases where services of the agency are not available
for the client.
B. Beginning Curricular competency in group
work method.
Knowledge and skill application to actual practice
Students can demonstrate:
1. Knowledge of the Agency VMGO, Programs and
services, clientele, Standard Operating Procedure.
2. Interpretation of Policies and Procedures to
Clients and parties
3. Knowledge in different social welfare policies,
programs and services as a response to individual
client needs.
4. Competency in social work helping process with
groups following sequential steps: Assessment,
planning, intervention, evaluation and termination.
On assessment process:
4.1. Competency in pre-group intake to generate
comprehensive information necessary in the
preparation of individual case assessments.

Continuation on the Assessment process in group Scale of Measurement
work method Needs
Improve -
Proficient Independent Apprentice Novice
(5) (4) (3) (2)
4.2. Competency in writing individual profile of
group members’ needs relevant to group program,
resources, limitations and worker’s observations and
4.3. Competency in case assessment/problem
definition to arrive at an adequate understanding of
the individual client’s concern or problem.
On planning:
4.4. Competency in action-planning which entails the
tasks of formulating goals and establishing specific
helping plans.
4.5. Competency in group level assessment and
planning, group composition, engagement of
members to identify common problems, norms and
rules, schedule and venue and group goals.
4.6. Use of program media for the purpose of
achieving the goal.
On Intervention process:
4.7. Competency in putting into operation his/her
professional capability on “deciding what to do” but
also of “doing the decided”
4.8. Competency in the various workers’ interventive
4.9. Capacity in determining resources and services
to be used.
4.10. Capacity to network with stakeholders.
On evaluation process:
4.1.1. Competency in writing pre-group/ intake
interview record.
4.12. Competency in identifying needs and
formulating individual case assessment.
4.13. Competency in documentation of process or
summary of group sessions, marginal and collateral
interviews, evaluation and transfer summaries.
4.14. Competency in formulating terminal evaluation
vis-a-vis group program goal.
On termination process:
8.15. Competency to terminate helping relationship
after the helping goals for the group has been

8.16. Competency in preparing transfer summary.
8.17. Competency to prepare referral letter for
members of the group that needs assistance to proper
C. Beginning Curricular competency in Scale of Measurement
community organization method. Knowledge and Needs
Improve -
skill application to actual practice ment
Proficient Independent Apprentice Novice
Students can demonstrate (5) (4) (3) (2)

1. Competence in the social preparation process such

as area selection.
2. Competency in engaging political institution in
collaborative partnership.
3. Competence in community analysis through
social investigation, assessment of social, physical,
economic, cultural and political situation.
4. Competency in community profiling and
validation of the community profile.
5. Competency in organizational development
through setting up the organization, core group
formation and/or reactivation of organization.
6. Competency in facilitating institutionalized
organizational mechanisms in the community i.e.
establishing people’s organization.
7. Competency in project development and
management i.e. needs assessment and analysis,
problem analysis and prioritization of problems.
8. Competency in project proposal development;
project plans and evaluation.
9. Competency in community case study
10. Competency in evaluation of community
11. Competency to evaluate field work experience
and relate it to theories learned as applied to practice.
12. Competency in the use of social work principles
in community organizing, techniques and strategies
to achieve the helping goals.
13. Use of tools for social analysis in working with
the community.
D. Behavioural competency of student social
workers generic to working with individuals,
groups and communities.
1. Beginning to consistently familiarize self with
client’s and/or target population needs.
2. Competency to access services for clients.

3. Beginning to consistently recognize client and/or
target population concerns related to receiving
Continuation of the behavioural competency of Scale of Measurement
student social workers generic to casework, group Needs
Improve -
work and community organization ment
Proficient Independent Apprentice Novice
(5) (4) (3) (2)
4. Show commitment to the profession by placing
client’s interest a priority.
5. Display awareness of personal values and opinions
related to the client population
6. Acknowledges that all individuals have personal
values that need to be recognized in order to practice
7. Beginning to show evident change in behaviour,
attitudes and values related to field instruction.
8. Recognition of supervisor’s role and authority,
abilities and limitations.
9. Beginning to be able to consistently describe the
concept of professional codes, such as the Social
Work Code of Ethics, in guiding ethical decisions.
10. Practice professional ethics in all areas of work
and human relationships.
11. Beginning to acknowledge consistently the
ethical obligations of the professional social worker
in fulfilling s/he service roles and responsibilities
with clients, other professional, and the community.
12. Beginning to consistently interact in a
professional manner while at the agency.
13. Becoming to be aware of and consistently
demonstrates the need for professional boundaries.
14. Promote social justice and protect human rights
by upholding human dignity of clients and
15. Practice democratic participation and collective
problem solving among clients and colleagues.
16. Positive working relationship with clients,
colleagues and supervisors.
17. Resourcefulness and initiative.
18. Willingness to accept responsibility
19. Ability to establish meaningful and professional
working relationship with the clientele.

2. Level of Curricular Competencies of Agency Supervisor

Curricular competency criteria

Exemplary (5) – comprehensive knowledge of the methods of social work practice and skilfully
integrate it into practice.

Advanced (4) – demonstrate substantial knowledge of the methods of social work practice and
regularly integrate it practice in the social welfare agency and communities.

Proficient (3) –demonstrate adequate knowledge of the methods and consistently practice it.

Basic (2) – Evidence of basic knowledge, values and skills in performing the tasks required in
the methods use necessary for a particular type of client/s.

Not demonstrated (1) – knowledge and skills of the use of the social work methods are not

Direction: The item statements below are the knowledge, skill and behavioural competency of
agency supervisors in direct practice of social work using the methods of casework, group work
and community organization with levels of competency categories into foundational and
intermediate. Competency level in direct practice is measured with the use of a five point scale
described as Exemplary, advanced, proficient, basic and not demonstrated. : Please tick on the
column after each item statement to describe the supervisor’s level of competency on the
methods of casework, group work and community organization.
Scale of Measurement
A. Curricular competency on casework method Not
A.1. Foundational Level Knowledge and skill Exemplary Advanced Proficient Basic demonstrated
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. Competency to engage, provide intervention
and evaluate practice.
2. Competency to assess client’s level of
3. Ability to assess client’s needs for social
4. Ability to assess system intervention for clients
5. Ability to understand client groups and manage
associated risk and protective factors.
6. Ability to draw and apply relevant theories in
direct casework for appropriate or care plans.
7. Ability to demonstrate reflective practice (e.g.
case/ or care plans, social reports).
8. Ability to define matters to do/discuss for

supervision and describe clear personal
development goals during professional
Continuation of the Curricular competency on Scale of Measurement
casework method, Foundational Level Not
Knowledge and skill (A.1) Exemplary Advanced Proficient Basic demonstrated
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
9. Ability to recognize ethical dilemmas to discuss
the application of ethics in practice.
10. Knowledge of research protocols for
supervision and collaboration.
11. Ability to identify profile and prioritize clients
based on needs-evaluation at
organization/department level.
A.2. Intermediate knowledge and skill
1. Knowledge of specialized theories and
techniques (with advanced knowledge) in
particular domain and to customize the use of
tools and approaches for therapeutic outcomes.
2. Knowledge of facilitation skills to lead high-
risk case conferences in multi-disciplinary
3. Competency to manage ethical dilemmas while
taking into account range of information
4. Knowledge of supervisory phases, and ability
to supervise social workers in practice, and social
work students/interns.
5. Knowledge of social work theoretical
frameworks and skills in domain area while
working with individual clients.
6. Ability to engage in peer supervision and
7. Ability to design programme and conduct
outcome-based evaluation by using
theories/evidence as backbone.
8. Ability to apply knowledge of qualitative and
quantitative methods in practice.
B. Curricular competency in group work
B.1. Foundational Knowledge and skill
Competency in Group work Method
1. Knowledge of underlying theories that inform
group work practice.
2. Competency in formation of groups.
3. Competency to assess whether group is very

appropriate (type, composition, structure, needs
and purpose)
4. Knowledge of basic facilitation skills and
ability to co-facilitate with senior or experienced
Continuation of the Curricular competency in Scale of Measurement
group work method, Foundational Knowledge Not
and skill Competency in Group work Method Exemplary Advanced Proficient Basic demonstrated
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
5. Ability to conduct support groups (psycho-
6. Ability to articulate clinical outcomes to
deliver, monitor and evaluate group work
B.2. Intermediate knowledge and skill
competency in group work method
1. Competency to assess patterns of group
2. Ability to use appropriate approaches in
different groups/ settings.
3. Ability to assess group dynamics
4. Ability to run therapeutic groups for specific
5. Ability to integrate experiences from previous
group interventions to current group work.
6. Knowledge of supervisory phases, and ability
to supervise social workers in practice, and social
work students/interns during placements in the
area of group work method of practice.
7. Knowledge of social work theoretical
frameworks and skills in domain area while
working with groups.
8. Ability to engage in peer supervision and
C. Curricular competency in community Scale of Measurement
organization method Not
C.1. Foundational Knowledge and skill Exemplary Advanced Proficient Basic demonstrated
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Competency in Community Organization
1. Ability to conduct needs assessment for service
users at the community level.
2. Ability to conduct environmental scanning to
understand existing landscape community needs,
and to identify community-specific issues.
3. Ability to tap on and utilize community
resources and funding schemes (i.e. where and
how to make them available for clients).

4. Ability to engage stakeholders and partners to
develop solutions in community work.

Continuation of Foundational Knowledge and Scale of Measurement

skill Competency in Community Organization Not
Method (C.1.) Exemplary Advanced Proficient Basic demonstrated
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
5. Knowledge of local community, context,
political, and larger system impacting
6. Competency to interpret relevant
policies/schemes that impact on client groups.
C.2. Intermediate knowledge and skill
competency in community organization
1. Ability to plan, implement and evaluate
programmes at the community level.
2. Ability to set up programme protocols and
processes to respond to emerging needs and/or
achieve desired outcomes.
3. Ability to navigate complex stakeholder
relations for common solutions in community
work programmes.
4. Ability to highlight social emerging trends in
the community.
5. Knowledge of supervisory phases, and ability
to supervise social workers in practice, and social
work students/interns.
6. Knowledge of social work theoretical
frameworks and skills in domain area while
working with communities.
7. Ability to engage in peer supervision and
D.1. Foundational Behavioural Competencies
manifested in the areas of casework, group
work and community organization
1. Align to social work values and ethics in the
use of self in a helping relationship
2. Understand how one’s practice contributes to
the overall social service profession.
3. Build and sustain collaborative working
relationship with team members/key social
service partners.
4. Cooperate with team members/key social
service partners to deliver social service

5. Take personal responsibility in helping clients
to address short term needs.

Continuation of Foundational Behavioural Scale of Measurement

Competencies manifested in the areas of Not
casework, group work and community Exemplary Advanced Proficient Basic demonstrated
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
organization (D.1.)
6. Possess cultural understanding and social
7. Believe that client can be developed and learn
to be independent without judgement on their
level of vulnerability.
8. Explain basic rights and tools for client to
access sources of information, services and
benefits available.
9. Give instructions or suggestions to prompt
clients on certain actions to be taken
10. Assess the immediate situation faced by
clients or service issues through inquiry beyond
routine questioning of the people who are directly
involved and consult multiple sources of
information and resources.
D.2. Intermediate Behavioural Competencies
manifested in the areas of casework, group
work and community organization
1. Act in accordance with and model social work
values and ethics
2. Act to promote the larger purpose of the social
service sector.
3. Establish network of key partners to build
resource pool of expertise
4. Tap on network to garner resources to deliver
social service outcomes.
5. Understand underlying issues and context of
client beyond those expressed.
6. Show sensitivity and take action beyond normal
expectations with the will to improve the situation
of client by addressing underlying needs.
7. Identify client’s strengths and vulnerabilities.
8. Enhance client’s capacity to improve problem
solving abilities towards self- reliance.
9. Set up basic support systems to create an
environment that allows client to exercise
independence with ease.
10. Actively investigate and probe deeper to get to

the root of situation/issues.
11. Apply knew knowledge, practice knowledge
and theories to make balanced assessment of
situation issues.


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