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Western Mindanao State University

College of Teacher Education

Graduate School
Zamboanga City

Dissertation Title: “Examining the curricular Competencies of social work students and
supervisors in social welfare agencies.”

Study Content: Social work students and faculty supervisors of the College of Social Work and
Community Development WMSU, agency supervisors and Social Welfare Administrators of
Social Welfare Agencies in Zamboanga City.

I agree to participate in this study as participant whose conditions are as follows:

1. The study aims to examine the curricular competencies of social work students in the
primary methods of social work, determine the supervisors’ feedback mechanisms on the
various methods of social work practice to students, assess whether the social welfare
agencies provides a supportive learning environment in the development of social work
competencies and to examine the relevance of classroom instruction to actual field
practice. The result of the study will be used to enhance social work curriculum for
improved student learning outcome. The number of participants using total enumeration
is expected to be 339.

2. The study is a descriptive –evaluative using mixed approach.

3. I am participating in this study because it concerns assessment of the curricular

competencies of social work students and supervisors in social welfare agencies for
which I am a part.

4. I understand that the study is expected to provide information about the application of the
curricular competency of social work students while under the supervision of faculty and
agency supervisors where results serves as aid in the evaluation and enhancement of the
social work curriculum. I will be available during data collection and provide honest and
accurate information.

5. The study started in the Month of September and will culminate on December 2017. Data
gathering will be done through the use of interview schedule, questionnaire-checklist,
FGD, Class observation and Field visit.

6. I will be asked to answer an interview guide and survey questionnaire. The survey will
last for at least thirty (30) minutes. Follow up questions will be asked to clarify answers.

7. For the FGD Participants: (Please tick which is appropriate.)

( ) Student Team Leader of group assigned in various social welfare agency
( ) Faculty Supervisor

I am willing to participate in the Focus Group Discussion if it is necessary to support


8. I understand that observation will be done during class supervision. Agency/field visit
will also be conducted to further support findings and data analysis.

9. My participation is completely voluntary and no form of remuneration or payment for

participating in the study is expected. There are no known risks for participation of the
respondents in this study.

10. At anytime, I can refuse to answer certain questions, discuss certain topics or even put an
end to the interview without prejudice to myself. Likewise I can withdraw from
participating in the study at anytime for any reasons without penalties.

11. To facilitate the interviewer’s job, the interview will be recorded. However, the recording
will be destroyed as soon as it has been transcribed.

12. All survey and interview data will be handled with utmost confidentiality and the identity
of the participants will remain confidential in the event the study results are published. I
can access the results of the study should I request to do so.

13. The use of the data in research, publications, sharing and archiving has been explained to

14. I understand that this study was reviewed and approved for implementation by the
WMSU CET Research Ethics Research Committee (ERC) whose name, address and
contact number is stated below for information regarding my rights as study participant,
including grievances and complaints.

Name of WMSU CTE ERC Panel Chair: Dr. Socorro Rebecca B. Felonia
Address : College of Teacher Education, Graduate School Office
Normal Road, Baliwasan
7000 Zamboanga City
Tel. no. 991-1040 cp # 0927 439 9144

15. For more information about the study, I may contact Mrs. Jocelyn T. Gaas, the researcher
at 0975 979 8514(TM).

Respondent’s signature:_______________________ Date:_______________

Researcher’s signature:________________________ Date:_______________

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