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LEED Green Associate

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1. What is the EPAct of covers many products and services related to

1992 energy. It also sets standards for toilets and other
water fixtures in both commercial and residential

2. CIR s can be used for are use to ask one clear and concise question for
what purpose(s) technical and administrative guidance on MPRs,
Prerequisites, or Credits

3. For multiple building de- The project team

velopments who deter-
mines the LEED PRO-

4. What is Chain-of-Cus- refers to chronological documentation of paper

tody (CoC) Certifica- trail. COC is important in LEED when dealing with
tion? certified wood.

5. What is ASHRAE 55 re- is related to the comfort criteria of specific design

lated to? conditions that take into account temperature, hu-
midity, air speed, outdoor temperature, outdoor
humidity, seasonal clothing, and expected activity.
These all relates to occupant thermal comfort.

6. What is ASHRAE 90.1 re- relates to HVAC systems. HVAC systems are de-
lated to? fined as: equipment , distribution systems, and
terminals that provide the processes of heating,
ventilating, or air-conditioning.

7. What are Credit Interpre- They are designed for technical and administra-
tation Rulings (CIR)? tive guidance for MPR

8. What LEED category Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

would SMACNA stan-
dards be used for?

9. What is the purpose of a is to assist in determining the Total Project Score,

LEED SCORECARD? and achievable Credits at the inception of a LEED

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10. Where can the LEED USGBC's website
Score Card be found?

11. What is IESNA? Illuminating Engineering Society of North Amer-

ica. Publisher of lighting design and illumination

12. What LEED categories Materials and resources (MR) and indoor Envi-
contain standards relat- ronmental Quality (IEQ)
ed to VOC emissions?

13. What is a MERV rating? Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value.

14. What are the Minimum 1- Must be a permanent location on existing land
Program Requirements 2- Must use a reasonable site boundary
(MPR) for a LEED Pro- 3- Must comply with the project size requirements

15. What is ASHRAE 62.1 re- is related to ventilation, controlling air contami-
lated to? nant levels, humidity, and temperature within a

16. What LEED category Energy and Atmosphere (EA)

would the Green -e stan-
dard be used for?

17. What does Certification Managers have adopted environmentally and so-
BY Forest Stewardship cially responsible forest management practices.
Council mean? And certification allows companies to manufac-
ture and sell products made from sustainable

18. What does an ENERGY is a measure of a building's energy performance

STAR rating refer to? compared with that of similar building , as deter-

19. What is ISO 14021? Environmental Labels and Declaration .This stan-
dard is used for recycled materials to label their
and /or post-consumer content.

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20. What ASHRAE stan- ASHRAE 90.1
dards would be used for
the Energy and Atmos-
phere category?

21. What does ASHRAE American Society of Heating , Refrigerating and

stand for? Air-Conditioning Engineers

22. What standards ad- ASHRAE 55

dresses the thermal
comfort of building oc-

23. What is Green -e? is a program established to promote green elec-

tricity products

24. What ASHRAE stan- ASHRAE 62.1 is related to ventilation and

dards would be used ASHRAE 55 is related to the thermal comfort
for indoor Environmen- criteria of occupants
tal Quality category?

25. What is meant by is an Analysis of the environment aspects and

Life-Cycle Assessment? potential impacts associated with a product,
process, or service.

26. What factors dictate The rating system in which the project is regis-
how much a pro- tered under, the size of the project in square feet,
jects CERTIFICATION and the date in which the project was registered.
fees will cost?

27. LEED promotes what A whole building approach.

type of approach to sus-

28. What has USGBE adapt- Triple bottom line.

ed to establish metrics
and rating systems to
measure building per-

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29. What is a LEED intent? Identifies the main sustainability goal or benefit of
the prerequisite or credit. (USGBC)

30. What is LEED Online? is the primary resource for managing the LEED
documentation process.

31. How are CIRs submit- through LEED Online.


32. What general documen- 1-Project photos/drawings

tation must be submit- 2-Typical floor plans
ted for LEED certifica- 3-Elevations

33. What organization is re- GBCI

sponsible for LEED pro-
ject registration?

34. What does a PREREQUI- key criteria that define green building perfor-
SITE represent? mance. They must be completed for a project to
earn certification.

35. How many CERTIFICA- 4

TION LEVELS are avail-
able to a LEED project?

36. What are the differ- 1-Certified

ent certification lev- 2-Silver
els LEED projects can 3-Gold
earn? 4-Platinum

37. Why do projects need to they represent the key criteria that define green
meet prerequisites? building performance.

38. What are the amount of How well the credit address environmental and
points a credit can earn health concerns.
(credit weighting) based

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Who can access LEED Anyone assigned to a project by the project ad-
Online? ministrator.

40. What are some of the project teams can manage project details, com-
features of LEED On- plete documentation requirements for LEED cred-
line? its and prerequisites, upload supporting files, sub-
mit applications for review, receive reviewer feed-
back, and ultimately earn LEED certification.

41. What are the LEED Ref- guides a LEED project from registration to certifi-
erence Guides used for? cation of the design and construction of a project.

42. What do the LEED Refer- Strategies, case studies, and documentation re-
ence Guides contain? quirements for each credit and prerequisite in a
rating system.

43. What is SMACHNA used guidelines play a key role in construction activity
for? pollution prevention. The standard provides an
overview of air pollutants associated with con-
struction, control measures, construction process
management, quality control, among other things.

44. What does LEED stand The leadership in Energy and Environmental De-
for? sign (LEED) Green Building Rating System.

45. When can a LEED pro- LEED projects are eligible following the accep-
ject be eligible to dis- tance of a final certification review.
play the LEED plaque
and other marketing ma-

46. What is LEED? An internationally recognized green building cer-

tification system.

47. What are names of the 1-Building Design and Construction(BD+C)

LEED Rating Systems? 2-Interior Design and Construction(ID+C)
3-Operations and Maintenance(O+M)
4-Neighborhood Development(ND)

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48. What are CONSTRUC- are expense items that are not considered direct
TION SOFT COSTS? construction costs such as Legal Fees and Build-
ing Permitting.

49. What are some ex- Examples are Architectural, Engineering, Financ-
amples of construction ing, and Legal Fees.

50. What is the total num- 110 possible points

ber of points available a
LEED project can earn?

51. What parts of the LEED Credits are optional, Prerequisites are required.
rating system are op-

52. What are some ex- Cement, steel, drywall, wood, and land.
amples of construction
Hard costs?

53. What is a construction are mostly comprised of the actual construction

hard cost? costs incurred to build the project. Examples in-
clude masonry, wood, steel, carpet, tile, mechan-
ical systems, and roofing.

54. What is environmental Long-term maintenance of ecosystem compo-

sustainability? nents and functions for future generations. (EPA)

55. How is LEED devel- LEED are developed through an open, consen-
oped? sus-based process led by LEED volunteer com-

56. What are the different -Certified, 40 to 49 points

point/certification levels -Silver, 50 to 59 points
for LEED certification? -Gold, 60 to 79 points
-Platinum, 80+ points

57. What does each catego- Prerequisites and credits

ry in the LEED rating
system consist of?
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58. What is considered Construction hard cost are considered to be CSI

a construction HARD Masterformat 2004 Edition.

59. What is Green Seal used is an independent nonprofit organization that

for? identifies and promotes products that are environ-
mentally preferable.

60. What type of products Paints and Primers

are related to the Green
Seal standard?

61. What LEED credit cate- Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

gory has credits that ref-
erence the Green Seal

62. What are LEED credit The documentation forms used to prove the re-
templates? quirements of a prerequisite or credit have been
met. These will be filled out in LEED Online.

63. What is a PRELIMINARY The target score the project team will attempt to
RATING? achieve. The final score, based on the number of
points awarded, may be more or less than the
preliminary ratings.

64. Can a project earn Projects can earn more than one LEED certifica-
MULITPLE CERTIFICA- tion depending on the Rating Systems.

65. What are some ways the 1-Ecology, environment, economics.

TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE 2-People, profit, planet.
is referred to? 3-Economics, ecology, social equity.

66. What is the triple bottom A change from being primarily financially driven to
line? considering economics, environment, and social

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What is a LEED CRED- Part of the LEED Rating System. Projects earn
IT? points by meeting the requirements of credits in
order to achieve building certification.

68. What CREDIT CATE- Location and Transportation, Sustainable Sites,

GORIES are shared Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Mate-
among most LEED rat- rials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Qual-
ing systems? ity, Innovation.

69. What is a GREEN measures the greenness of an automobile.


70. What is the highest Platinum


71. What is a LEED catego- A subset of the LEED Rating System. Each rating
ry? system has several green building categories.

72. What is a CIR? is a process for project applicants seeking tech-

nical and administrative guidance on how LEED
credits apply to their projects and vice versa.

73. What is USGBC? A non-profit trade organization that promotes sus-

tainability in how buildings are designed, built, and

74. What does SUSTAIN- is meeting the needs of the present without com-
ABILITY mean? promising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs.

75. Who develops LEED? Volunteer committees.

76. What types of projects New construction and major renovations.

would LEED BD+C be
used for?

77. What types of projects Interior fit-outs.

would LEED ID+C be
used for?
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78. What types of projects For designers, builders developers and new build-
would LEED BD+C core ing owners who want to address sustainable de-
and shell be used for? sign for new core and shell construction.

79. What types of projects High-performance green homes.

would LEED for Homes
be used for?

80. What types of projects Existing buildings that are undergoing improve-
would LEED O+M be ment work or little to no construction.
used for?

81. What types of projects New land development projects or redevelopment

would LEED for Neigh- projects containing residential uses, nonresiden-
borhood Development tial uses, or a mix.
be used for?

82. What types of pro- The design and construction of K-12 schools.
jects would LEED BD+C Based on the LEED for New Construction rating
schools be used for? system, it addresses issues such as classroom

83. What types of projects The different types of spaces that retailers need
would LEED BD+C Re- for their distinctive product lines.
tail be used for?

84. What types of pro- Sustainable planning design and construction for
jects would LEED BD+C high performance healthcare facilities.
Healthcare be used for?

85. What LEED category Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

can earn points for low
emitting materials?

86. What is life cycle cost- Evaluates a products economic performance.


87. What is life cycle as- The investigation and valuation of the environ-
sessment? mental impacts of a given product or service
caused or necessitated by its existence.
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88. When should life cycle When considering the products long term environ-
assessment be used? mental impact over the products lifetime.

89. Why should you use life When there exists project alternative that fulfill the
cycle costing? same performance requirements, The compari-
son can help maximize net savings.

90. What is value engineer- Analysis of the requirements of a project for the
ing? purpose of achieving the essential functions at the
lowest costs.

91. What is pervious pave- is used to reduce runoff by allowing runoff to filter
ment used for? through the pervious material.

92. What is SOLAR RE- It is a measure of the ability of a surface material

FLECTANCE? to reflect sunlight in forms of visible, infrared and
ultraviolet wavelengths which is measured on a

93. What is HEAT ISLAND is a situation where the absorption of heat by

effect? hardscapes building and dark materials then ra-
diates to surrounding areas.

94. What can cause the heat 1-Dark surfaces that absorb heat (black roofs,
island effect? asphalt).
2-Vehicle exhaust.
3-Air conditioners.
4-Reduced air flow from tall buildings and narrow

95. What is SOLAR A measure of the constructed surfaces ability to

REFLECTANCE INDEX stay cool in the sun by reflecting solar radiation
(SRI)? and emitting thermal radiation.

96. What are the benefits of reduce air temperatures which would reduce the
reducing heat island? need to cool that air in buildings. Thus energy
consumption is lowered.

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What are some types of Bank, Place of Worship, Convenience Grocery,
DIVERSE USES? Day Care Center, Cleaner's, Fire Stations, Beauty
Salons, Hardware, Laundry, Library, Medical or
Dental etc.

98. What are some ways to Select a site near mass transit Promote carpool-
reduce automobile park- ing, Install less parking, Install bicycle racks.

99. What is a BROWN- Real property whose use may be complicated by

FIELD? the presence or possible presence of a hazardous
substance pollutant or contaminant.

100. What do reflective mate- Reducing the heat island effect.

rials help with?

101. What are ways to reduce Locate the site near mass transit, promote car-
single passenger vehi- pooling, reduce parking spaces, install bicycle
cles traveling to a pro- ranks.
ject site?

102. What does PREFERRED the parking spots that are closest to the main
PARKING refer to? entrance of the project. Exclusive of spaces for
handicapped or parking passes.

103. What term defines Pervious. There are many types of pervious
paving systems that are paving systems.
open and allow moisture
to soak into the ground?

104. What minimum Green A minimum Green Score of 45 is required on the

Score is required by American Council for an Energy Efficient Econo-
LEED for a vehicle to my (ACEEE) annual vehicle rating guide.
qualify as a green vehi-

105. What do IMPERVIOUS It promotes water runoff instead of infiltration into

surfaces promote? the subsurface. This term is mostly used when
discussing hardscape surfaces.

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106. By what amount can 10 degrees F or more.
temperatures in urban

107. Heat island impact what Sustainable Sites (SS) and Energy and Atmos-
LEED category? phere (EA). Heat island increase temperatures
resulting in the need for more air conditioning.

108. What STRATEGIES are using materials with higher solar reflectance prop-
employed to reduce the erties in the site design, provide shaded areas
HEAT-ISLAND? and reduce hardscape.

109. What generally defines Local zoning requirements.


110. What does the build- The area on project site used by the building
ing FOOTPRINT con- structure and defined by the perimeter of the
sists of? building plan.

111. What is light pollution? Waste light from building sites that produces
glare, is directed upward to the sky, or is directed
off the site. Waste light does not increase night-
time, safety, utility or security etc.

112. What is a benefit of lo- Reduced automobile use which reduces automo-
cating a project near bile emissions.
mass transit?

113. What is a GREENFIELD A site not previously developed or graded that

site? could support open space, habitat, or agriculture.

114. What are examples of Parking lots, roads, sidewalks, and pizza.
IMPERVIOUS surfaces?

115. How is development By drawing a radius from the project building.

density calculated?

116. What is the purpose

of locating a project in
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an area with DIVERSE Locating near diverse uses promotes walking
USES? which helps to limit urban sprawl and reduces
automobile use.

117. What is a DIVERSE A distinct, officially recognized business, nonprof-

USE? it, civic, religious or governmental organization or
dwelling units residential or office use.

118. How are diverse uses By walking distance from the project site.
identified for a project?

119. What helps reduce the Light colored paving materials Green roofs Cool
heat island effect? roofs shading underground parking.

120. What is PEDESTRIAN allows pedestrians to walk between areas without

ACCESS? interference from walls highways or other barriers.

121. What is a PREVIOUSLY A site that was previously built on has been grad-
DEVELOPED site? ed or contained a parking lot, roadway or other

122. What is the DEVELOP- a site affected by the development or project site
MENT FOOTPRINT? activity. Include hardscapes, parking lots, access
road, non-building facilities and the building itself.

123. What is an ALTERNA- uses low-polluting, nongasoline fuels such as

TIVE fuel vehicle? electricity, hydrogen, propane, compressed natur-
al gas, liquid natural gas, methanol, and ethanol.

124. What are some exam- 1-Busses

ples of mass transit? 2-Ferries
3-Rail lines

125. What is OPEN SPACE? is undeveloped land, but if differs from greenfield
sites since open space could have been devel-
oped in the past and restored to an undeveloped

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What is a FULL-TIME Is a regular building occupant who spends 40
EQUIVALENT (FTE)? hours per week in the project building. Part-time
or overtime occupants have FTE values based on
their hours per week divided by 40.

127. How can potable water 1-Use graywater or rainwater for watering.
use be reduced for irri- 2-Use drip irrigation.
gation? 3-Install native and adaptive plants.

128. What two measure- A baseline design case and an installed design
ments are used to calcu- case.
late a percent reduction
in water use?

129. What are transient occu- Building visitors and other part-time or occasional
pants? occupants, such as students, volunteers, visitors,

130. What variables are used The type of building occupant full-time, part-time,
in determining FTE cal- transient and the hours worked per week.

131. What does runoff con- Soil erosion and sedimentation of local water-
tribute to? ways.

132. HARVESTED RAINWA- Landscape irrigation, fire suppression, toilet and

TER can be substituted urinal flushing, and custodial uses.
for what types of potable
water use?

133. What does a VEGETAT- Vegetation, growing medium, filter fabric,

ED roof consist of? drainage, and a waterproof membrane.

134. What does GPF stand Gallons per Flush.


135. What is a bioswale? Landscape elements designed to remove silt and

pollution from surface runoff water.

136. Gallons per Minute.

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What does GPM stand

137. What is sedimentation? When runoff deposits sediment into water ways
leading to a decline in water quality by blocking

138. What is graywater? Domestic wastewater composed of wash water

from kitchen, bathroom and laundry sinks, tubs
and washers.

139. What codes define Plumbing code (UPC) in its appendix G, Gray
GRAYWATER? water Systems for single-Family Dwellings & the
International Plumbing Code (IPC) appendix C,
Gray Water Recycling Systems.

140. Irrigation impacts what Water Efficiency (WE) and Energy and Atmos-
LEED categories? phere (EA).

141. What is BLACKWATER? is wastewater from toilets and urinals. Wastewater

from kitchen sinks by the use of a garbage dispos-
al, showers or bathtubs is considered blackwater
under some state or local codes.

142. What is XERISCAPING? is a landscaping method that makes routine irriga-

tion unnecessary.

143. Water saving fixture 30% (USGBC)

can reduce water use
in a project by what

144. What is DRIP IRRIGA- delivers water at low pressure through buried
TION? mains and sub mains.

145. What are NOXIOUS They are invasive species of plants that inhibit the
weeds? cultivation and growth of local native or adaptive

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What are NATIVE or IN- They are adapted to a given area during a define
DIGENOUS plants? time period and are not invasive.

147. What are considered IN- They are nonnative to the ecosystem and likely to
VASIVE plants? cause harm once introduced.

148. What is the definition of meets or exceeds EPS`s drinking water quality
POTABLE WATER? standards and is approved for human consump-
tion by the state or local authorities having juris-

149. What are some uses of Landscape irrigation, toilet and urinal flushing,
NONPOTABLE water? custodial purposes and building systems.

150. What are some of the They reduce the heat island effect, retain runoff
benefits of VEGETATED insulating benefits aesthetically pleasing have
ROOFS? longer life and less maintenance than convention-
al roofs.

151. What would you use the Measuring the baseline case water use for the
EPAct of 1992 for? water Efficiency.

152. What are some exam- Water from bathtubs, showers, bathroom wash
ples of grayawater? basins, water from cloths-washer and laundry

153. Reduction in potable Choosing the correct plant species density and
water consumption from microclimate factors, irrigation efficiency use of
water efficient landscap- captured rainwater use of recycled wastewater.
ing are attributed to
what techniques?

154. What are some ways to 1-rain garden.

capture rainwater to pre- 2-green roofs.
vent runoff? 3-retention pond.
4-bioretention pond.

155. What factors are used to Calculations are based on estimated occupancy
establish a baseline wa- usage and must include only the following fixtures
ter demand when calcu-
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lating for water efficien- and fixture fittings, water closet, urinals, faucets,
cy in commercial or res- showers, kitchen faucets and rinse spray valves.
idential applications?

156. In LEED water Efficien- Monitoring water consumption performance re-

cy addresses what envi- duction in indoor potable water consumption re-
ronmental concerns for duction in water consumption to save energy.
building use and dispos-

157. PROCESS WATER is is used for industrial processes such as cooling

used for what purpose? tower, boiler and chillers.

158. What is an AQUIFER? is an underground water-bearing rock formation

or group of formations that supply groundwater,
wells or springs.

159. Low-flow fixtures use EPAct 1992

less water than what

160. What are some exam- Lavatories, sinks, water closets and urinals.
ples of application that

161. Wastewater from toilets Blackwater.

is what type of water?

162. Wastewater from Blackwater.

kitchen sinks is what
type of water?

163. Wastewater from Graywater.

faucets is what type of

164. What is watersense? is a partnership program sponsored the EPA,

helping consumers identify water-efficient prod-
ucts and programs.
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165. What type of water is Potable water.


166. What are native plants? Plants that are adapted to local conditions and
are easier to grow and maintain. This low-mainte-
nance approach means savings in both time and

167. What are adaptive Non-native plants that use less fertilizer pesti-
plants? cides and water in a given landscape. These
plants have adapted to the local climate and are
not considered invasive plants.

168. What is irrigation effi- The percentage of water delivered by irrigation

ciency? equipment that is used for irrigation. Drip irrigation
has an efficiency of 90% and sprinklers have 65%

169. What is the baseline 2.2 gpm (gallons per minute).

flow rate of a faucet?

170. What is the baseline 1.0 gpf (gallons per flush).

flush rate of a urinal?

171. What is the baseline 1.6 gpf (gallns per flush).

flush rate of a water

172. How much water does None.

a waterless urinal con-

173. What type of water is Nonpotable water.

municipally supplied re-
claimed or recycled wa-

174. Gallons per minute (gpm).

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The water use of a
faucet is measured us-
ing what units?

175. The water use of a wa- Gallons per flush (gpf).

ter closet is measured in
what units?

176. What are the benefits require less water, less maintenance, less fertiliz-
NATIVE PLANTS? er and are more pest resistant.

177. What is RECLAIMED is water that has been treated for reuse.

178. What type of plants does Native and or adaptive plants.

LEED recommended us-
ing in landscape de-

179. What is HARVESTED Harvested rainwater is rainwater that has been

RAINWATER? collected for uses such as landscaping irrigation
toilet flushing or other non-potable water use.

180. What are some types of 1.Showerhead.

flow fixtures? 2.Spray valve.
3.Lavatory faucet.

181. What are some types of Urinal water closet (toilet).

flushing fixtures?

182. What is the baseline wa- The estimated occupant usage of a projects fix-
ter demand of a build- tures and fittings using the flush and flow rates
ing? from the EPAct 1992 standard.

183. What standard is used EPAct 1992.

to determine the base-
line water demand of a

184. Green-e.
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What standard defines
green power?

185. What are CFCs? This is a type of hydrocarbon that used in most
types of refrigerants for building, chiller, refrigera-
tors and humidifiers.

186. What types of systems 1.Centrifugal chillers.

use CFCs? 2.Refrigerators.

187. What are alternatives to Natural ventilation Refrigerants with lower ODP
using refrigeration with and GWP Natural refrigerants.

188. What does GWP stand Global Warming Potential.


189. What is lighting power Installed lighting power per unit area.

190. What category does Energy and Atmosphere (EA). Reducing the light-
lighting power density ing power density reduces energy use.
have the greatest impact

191. What does OPD stand Ozone Depletion Potential.


192. What is a BASE- would be the annual energy cost for a building
LINE BUILDING PER- designed to those minimum standards. ASHRAE

193. What is natural ventila- uses the natural forces of wind and buoyancy to
tion? deliver fresh air into buildings.

194. What is day lighting? The practice of placing windows or other transpar-
ent media, and reflective surfaces so that during
the day, natural light provides effective internal
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195. What standard applies ASHRAE 62.1

to natural ventilation?

196. What type of impact do have a low impact on the ozone layer but many
HFCs have on the ozone HFCs have a high Global Warming Potential.
layer? (GWP).

197. What is free energy? Energy with low or no cost that comes as a result
of building design. Examples are daylighting, nat-
ural ventilation, or onsite solar power wind energy.

198. What is Global Warming A measurement of how much effect given refrig-
Potential as it relates to erant will have on global warming in relations to
refrigerants? carbon dioxide. This is measured over a 100 year

199. What is Ozone Depletion The potential for a single molecule of the refriger-
Potential as it relates to ant to destroy the Ozone layer. The less value of
refrigerants? ODP, the better the refrigerant is for ozone layer
and the environment.

200. Is it better for a refriger- Lower.

ant to have a higher or
lower OPD and GWP?

201. What is fundamental re- A minimum threshold for refrigerant selection.

frigerant management? LEED requires zero use of CFC based refriger-
ants in new based building HVAC&R systems.

202. What is the intent of To reduce stratospheric ozone depletion.

fundamental refrigera-
tion management?

203. What variables measure Global Warming Potential, (GWP) and Ozone De-
a refrigerants impact on pletion Potential, (ODP).
the environment?

204. What does air pollution Harm or discomfort to humans or other living or-
cause? ganism or damages the natural environment into
the atmosphere.
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205. What is a LIFE-CYCLE Calculates expected future operating, mainte-

COST Analysis? nance and replacement costs of designs and fea-
tures used to assist owners in developing design
and budget estimate.

206. What is NET METER- It promotes water runoff instead of infiltration into
ING? the subsurface. This term is mostly used when
discussing hardscape surface.

207. What types of power 1.Coal

have the greatest neg- 2.Gas
ative environmental im- 3.Hydropower
pact? 4.Other fossil fuels

208. What do GREENHOUSE Absorb and emit radiation at specific wavelength

GASES (GHG) do to the emitted by Earths surface, Increased concentra-
environment? tions of gases are a root cause of global climate

209. An energy simulation Are used to provide the anticipated energy con-
model or energy mod- sumption of a building and permits a comparison
el is generated for what of energy performance, energy efficiency mea-
reason? sure the baseline.

210. What is the main ASHRA ASHRAE 90.1

standard in which HVAC
systems must adhere?

211. What is an REC? Also known as Green tags, Renewable Energy

Credits or Tradable Renewable Certificates.

212. What is radon? A cancer-causing radioactive gas, in the ground,

groundwater or building materials enters working
and living spaces and disintegrates into decay

213. Where can RECs be pur- Can be purchased anywhere and are not bound
chased? by geography. They differ from actual electricity
which must be purchased from a local provider.
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214. What is the purpose of is a tradable commodity that allows organizations

an REC? without access to off-site green power to pur-
chase the benefits of green power.

215. Green power must be Green-e

certified by which orga-
nization for LEED cred-

216. When would natural In cooler climates where temperatures are lower.
ventilation be a good de-
sign choice?

217. What are the environ- Avoid the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions asso-
mental benefits of an ciated with conventional electricity use, Reduce
REC? some type of air pollution.

218. What do CFCs do to the CFCs destroy the ozone layer.


219. What is Energy EFFI- Energy efficiency is the use of technology that
CIENCY? requires less energy to perform the same function
as a conventional item.

220. What is GLOBAL WARM- refers to climate change that causes an increase
ING? in the average temperature of the lower atmos-
phere of the earth.

221. What are GREENHOUSE A gas such as carbon dioxide or methane which
GASES? contributes to potential climate change.

222. What is the most effec- the most effective way to optimize energy effi-
tive way to optimize en- ciency is by utilizing an integrative whole-building
ergy efficiency? approach.

223. What is embodied ener- The available energy that was used in the work of
gy? making a product. Embodied energy is accounting
methodology which aims to find the energy.

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224. What is POSTCON- It is the percentage of material in a product that
SUMER RECYCLED was consumer waste. Postconsumer is just that,
content? material recycled after being used by the con-

225. Reusing an existing Material & Resources.

building can help earn
credit in what category?

226. What is PRE-CON- Pre-consumer recycled content is a percentage

SUMER recycled con- of material in a product that is recycled from
tent? manufacturing. Since the material is never sold to

227. What is RECYCLED con- is the proportion by mass of pre-consumer or

tent? postconsumer recycled material in a product (ISO

228. What is COMMINGLED Commingled recycling accepts a wide range of

RECYCLED? recycle materials. This allows material to be col-
lected in one bin or location prior to being sent to
a recycling facility.

229. What is waste diver- Reducing the amount of recycling material being
sion? thrown away and ultimately wasted by disposal in

230. What are examples of Planer shavings, sawdust, bagasse, walnut

PRE-CONSUMER recy- shells, culls, trimmed materials, over issue publi-
cled content? cations and obsolete inventories.

231. What are examples of Rework, regrind, or scrap material capable of be-
content that is excluded ing reclaimed within the same process that gen-
from PRE-CONSUMER erated them.
recycled content?

232. What are examples of Construction and demolition debris material col-
POSTCONSUMER recy- lected through recycling programs, discarded
cled content? products, furniture, cabinetry, decking, landscap-
ing waste.
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233. RECYCLED CONTENT ISO 14021-International Organization of Stan-

is defined in accordance dards document.
with what document?

234. What type of recycled Post-consumer recycled content.

content is a material that
contains recycled news-

235. What is the FSC? established in 1933 in response to those con-

cerns over global deforestation. It is an interna-
tional non-profit organization.

236. What is the environmen- It reduces the demand for virgin materials.
tal benefit of using SAL-

237. What is a VOC? Volatile Organic Compounds can negative health

effect when inhaled. Many VOCs are human
made chemicals that are used and produce in the

238. What is CONSTRUC- Construction and demolition debris are waste

TION & DEMOLOTION building materials, dredging materials, tree
debris? stump, and rubble resulting from construction re-

239. What material are not -Excavated materials such as dirt and trees.
allowed to be includ- -Hazardous materials such as asbestos and lead
ed in the calculations covered debris.
for Construction Waste

240. What is a CONSTRUC- Plan are administrative and procedural require-

TION WASTE MANAGE- ments for salvaging recycling and disposing
MENT PLAN? of non-hazardous demolition and construction

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What are low VOC prod- Materials that have less off-gassing resulting in
ucts? improved indoor air quality.

242. What is REUSE? A strategy to use existing materials in a similar or

different capacity that allows for the preservation
of natural resources.

243. At a minimum what ma- 1.Paper

terials must a commer- 2.Corrugated cardboard
cial LEED project in- 3.Glass
clude in a recycling pro- 4.Plastic
gram? 5.Metals

244. What are SALVAGED Construction material recovered from building

MATERIALS? sites and reused on different building sites in the
same or different capacity.

245. What are the benefits of Reduced transportation costs Support of local re-
regional materials? sources.

246. What is source reduc- The practice of designing, manufacturing, pur-

tion? chasing, or using materials such as products and
packaging in ways that reduce the amount toxicity
of trash created.

247. What CREDIT CATEGO- Materials & Resources.

RY addresses RECY-

248. How many points can be 6 points.

earned in the Innovation

249. How many Regional Pri- 4 points.

ority credits can a LEED
project earn?

250. How many LEED AP`s At least 1 principal participant of the project team
are required to partici- must be a LEED AP with specialty appropriate for
the project to earn an Innovation credit.
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pate in a project to earn
one Innovation point?

251. Who is the PROJECT The individual who initially registers the project
ADMINISTRATOR? will be identified by GBCI as the Project Admin-

252. How can Innovation Doubling the credit requirements using a new
credit be earned? strategy that is quantifiable or achieving pilot cred-

253. How does the integra- is the most effective way to optimize energy effi-
tive whole building ap- ciency by collaboration among all team members,
proach apply to LEED beginning at the start.

254. What is a DESIGN is an intense collaborative design activity that al-

CHARRETTE? lows project teams, project owner, architect, to
develop and plan project strategies.

255. What does the HOLIS- evaluates energy consumption early in the design
TIC approach pertain process to allow project teams to target methods
to? to improve the building energy.

256. What LEED credit cat- Innovation.

egory awards points
for achieving exemplary

257. How do you earn Innova- teams must meet the performance level defined
tion credit for exemplary by the next step in the threshold progression on
performance? credits that allow exemplary performance.

258. What are the require- Identify the following in writing, The intent of the
ments for submitting an proposed innovation credit. The proposed require-
Innovation strategy? ment for compliance.

259. How are Innovation The submitted credit must be quantifiable.

points for innova-

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tion performance mea-

260. What id the maximum Under the Regional Priority credit 4 points is the
number of points a pro- maximum any project may earn.
ject can earn under the
Regional Credit catego-

261. During the site selection Landscape architects, ecologist environmental

process what members engineers, and civil engineers, as well as local
should a project team in- professionals who can provide site specific exper-
clude? tise.

262. What are Credit SYNER- they happen when credits work together and have
GIES? an increased benefit many times at lower com-
bined cost.

263. Who fills out the LEED The project team does during the LEED charrette.

264. Who can become a Anyone that passes GBCI`s exams.

LEED AP with special-

265. What do LEED AP`s with Help streamline the certification process.
specialty do on project?

266. What is EXEMPLARY Performance above and beyond the LEED re-
PERFORMANCE? quirements is rated exemplary. An example of
exemplary performance is to meet the next step.

267. What do you call a An integrative process.

collaborative, facilitated
approach to project de-
sign and execution?

268. What is a LEED CHAR- A collaborative session in which building stake-

RETTE? holders and building expert address design and
project issues early in the building process.
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269. Who uses LEED? Architects, real estate professionals, facility man-
agers, engineers, interior designers, landscape
architects, construction managers, lenders and
government official's.

270. What should a project A statement that embraces sustainable princi-

vision include? ples and an integrative process. A vision state-
ment should support and enforce the sustainabil-
ity goals.

271. What is the pre-design An added step to the design process which in-
phase of an environ- cludes the integrative process defining environ-
mentally responsive de- mental design guidelines and assembling an in-
sign? tegrative project team.

272. What steps occur in the Develop green vision, establish project goals and
pre-design phase? green design criteria set priorities, develop build-
ing program, establish budget, assemble green

273. What can increasing the Increasing ventilation in a building increases en-
ventilation in a building ergy us (EA).
have a negative impact

274. Can prerequisites No. Only credits can earn exemplary perfor-
earn exemplary perfor- mance.

275. At what stage is it criti- Pre-design

cal to incorporate green
building practices into
the project?

276. LOCAL ZONING require- Local government regulations imposed to pro-

ments are defined as? mote orderly development of private lands and
prevent land-use conflicts.

277. Local codes must be followed first.

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Which has precedent in
a project LEED require-
ments or local codes?

278. What codes must LEED Projects should review relevant and applicable
projects follow? laws, codes, local ordinances statutes and indus-
try related standards.

279. What must be checked Local zoning requirements.

to determine what type
of building can be built
on a piece of land?

280. What are local ordi- A law usually found in a municipal code.

281. What are local codes? State and local jurisdictions may develop their
own regulations or adopt building codes based on
national model codes. State and local codes are

282. What additional green life cycle cost analysis, green building experts,
building project and contingency plans for additional research.
building construction
budget are there?

283. What is systems think- An understanding of the built environment as a

ing? series of relationships in which all parts influence
man other parts.

284. what is the integrative To support high-performance cost effective pro-

process used for? ject outcomes through an early analysis of the
interrelationships among systems.

285. What are the benefits Higher performing buildings healthier buildings
of using an integrative and cost savings over the long term.

286. What is REACH used is the regulation on registration evaluation autho-

for? rization and restriction of chemicals.
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287. What are examples of Historic districts, priority designation sites, federal
high priority designa- empowerment zones, EPA National Priorities list
tion areas? and brownfield.

288. What are types of sensi- Prime farmland, floodplans, endangered habitat,
tive habitat? water bodies, wetlands.

289. What is watersense To identify fixtures in a LEED building are both

used for in LEED? water efficient and high performing.

290. What are the diverse use food retail, community serving retail services,
categories? civic and community facilities, community anchor

291. What is the waste reduc- Source reduction, reuse, recycling, waste to ener-
tion hierarchy? gy.

292. What is waste to ener- The process of generating energy in the form of
gy? electricity energy in the form of electricity and/or
heat from the incineration of waste.

293. What is USGBC`s mis- To transform the way buildings and communities
sion? are designed built and operated enabling an en-
vironmentally and socially responsible.

294. What is USGBC vision? Building and communities will regenerate and
sustain the health and vitality of all life within a

295. What are the roles of Administration of the LEED exams, Overseeing
GBCI? LEED credential maintenance, third party techni-
cal reviews of registered LEED projects.

296. What other green build- Green globes, Breeam, Green star, Igcc.
ing rating systems are

297. What are I-codes? published by ICC provide minimum safeguards for
people at home, at school and in the workplace.
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298. What is the IgCC? Provides the building industry with language that
both broadens and strengthens building codes in
a way that will accelerate the construction of high
performance green building.

299. What are LEED Interpre- just like project credit Interpretation ruling pro-
tations? ject CIR are official answers to technical inquires
about implementing LEED on a project.

300. What are LEED adden- USGBC publishes clarifications also called ad-
da? denda to address errors in the LEED rating sys-
tems and reference guides.

301. What is a HERs index? The home energy rating system HERS index is a
standard by which a homes energy efficiency is

302. What is a BUG rating? The backlight uplight glare method is used in
LEED v4 for light pollution reduction. By selecting
exterior lighting with specific BUG ratings the pro-
ject team.

303. How is water perfor- Metering and submetering.

mance measurement ac-

304. What is DENSITY? A measure of the total building floor area or

dwelling units on a parcel of land relative to the
buildable land of that parcel. Units for measur-
ing density may differ according to credit require-

305. What is BUIDABLE The portion of the site where construction can
LAND? occur including land voluntarily set aside and not
constructed on.

306. What is a FLOOR AREA The density of nonresidential land use exclusive
RATIO FAR? of parking measured as the total nonresidential
building floor area divided by the total buildable
land area.
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307. What is an OCCUPIED Enclosed areas intended for human activities.


308. What are exam- Mechanical rooms, stairwells, closet.


309. What is an REGULARLY Conference rooms, guest rooms, kitchens , hotel


310. What is COMMMISSION- The process of verifying and documenting that a

ING? building and all of its systems and assemblies are
planned, designed, installed, tested, operated.

311. What is RETRO-COM- A commissioning process that can be performed

MISSIONING? on existing buildings to identify and recognize sys-
tem improvements that make the building more

312. What is DEMAND RE- A change in electricity use by demanding side re-
SPONSE? sources from their normal consumption patterns
in response to changes in the price of electricity.

313. What is a DEMAND RE- A specific period of time when the utility or in-
SPONSE EVENT? dependent service operator calls for a change in
the pattern or level of use in grid-based electricity
from its program participants.

314. What is a CARBON OFF- A unit of carbon dioxide equivalent that is reduced
SET? avoided or sequestered to compensate for emis-
sions occurring elsewhere.

315. What standard qualifies Green-e climate certified or equivalent.

carbon offsets?

316. What environmental Emissions reduction.

benefit does purchasing
off-site renewable ener-
gy green power have?
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317. How is a buildings en- EPA`s energy star portfolio manager.

ergy efficiency bench-

318. What does a building au- Collect data about a buildings systems and track
tomation system do? it over time.

319. What does designing for Designing for flexibility is a concept that considers
flexibility mean? the future use of the of the building and how it
may be modified while at the same time reducing

320. What are environmental Transaction in which one or more parties to the
externalities? transaction are not compensated and may have
little choice in the transaction.

321. What is product trans- Each building disclosure and optimization credit
parency? in the materials and resources section has two
options for compliance.

322. What is an ENVIRON- is a standardized way of quantifying the environ-

MENTAL PRODUCT DE- mental impact of a product or system.

323. What is a health product provide a full disclosure of the potential chemicals
declaration HPD? of concern in products by comparing product in-
gredients to a wide variety of hazard lists.

324. What is a corporate sus- is a third party verified report that includes in-
tainability report? formation on how the manufacturer extracts or
sources materials.

325. What are three exam- Raw material sourcing material ingredients envi-
ples of building product ronmental product disclosure.

326. What are USGBC`s sev- Promote the triple bottom line, establish leader-
en guiding principles? ship, reconcile humanity with nature, foster so-
cial equity, maintain integrity, be inclusive, exhibit
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327. What does the LEED vol- Cost-effective LEED certification on a volume
ume program help with? scale.

328. When would the campus Is used when there are less than twenty five
program be used? projects and they are non uniform in size. The
projects do not have to be adjacent.

329. How many LEED adap- 21

tions are there?

330. What LEED rating sys- LEED O+M. recertification is for O+M project with
tem has recertification? an initial O+M certification. Projects must recertify
within five years of the previous O+M certification.

331. How often must LEED Every 5 years.

O+M project recertify?

332. What are the LEED im- Reverse contribution to global climate change,
pact categories? enhance individual human health and well being,
protect and restore water resources, protect en-
hance and restore biodiversity and ecosystem,
promote sustainable and regenerative material

333. What are three impor- Voluntary, consensus, marked driven.

tant factors of the LEED
green building rating

334. What are the point val- The ability to mitigate the environmental harms of
ues of a LEED credit a building and to promote beneficial effects.
based on?

335. What are the three types Errata and addenda, adaptations, next version of
of LEED improvements LEED.
made on a regular ba-

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In what 3 ways are Precedent setting, published online, subject to
LEED interpretation dif- consensusbased review.
ferent that project CIRs?

337. What are 3 benefits of Can be applied to multiple projects, part of the
LEED interpretations? LEED conversation, reviewed by USGB commit-

338. What LEED develop- LEED rating system adaptations?

ments address specific
space types and interna-
tional requirements?

339. What is the LEED pilot Allows credits to be refined through LEED pro-
credit library? ject evaluations before they complete the balloting
process for introduction into LEED.

340. What type of project re- Campus.

quires a master site for

341. What is an LPE? Licensed professional exemption (LPE) is an op-

tional credit documentation path in which pro-
fessionals can submit license information and a

342. What is a closed sys- Is a system with a closed loop and is thought of
tem? as more sustainable. For example, plants growing
in a field, grow, produce oxygen, take in water.

343. What is an open sys- Is a system that constantly takes in items from
tem? outside the system, uses them and then releases
them as waste. This system has no feedback.

344. What is a negative feed- is a system where the output may signal the sys-
back loop? tem to stop changing.

345. What are the phase Discovery, design and construction implemen-
of the LEED integrative tation, occupancy, operations and performance
process? feedback.
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346. How does integrative The integrative process is iterative.

design differ from the
conventional building

347. What is at the core of the Collaborative team members.

integrative process?

348. What does the ISO 1400 Assess environmental performance of products
standard do? and services and provide guidance on improving
their environmental performance.

349. What does the ISO 1400 Energy star is specific to energy performance and
standard do? can be used to compare building performance.

350. What is infill develop- Infill development occurs within established urban
ment? areas where the site or areas either is a vacant
place between other developments or has previ-
ously been used.

351. What document assists ITE transportation planning handbook.

with determining recom-
mended parking?

352. What is a SITE ASSESS- An evaluation of an areas above ground and sub-
MENT? surface characteristics including its structures,
geology and hydrology.

353. Construction activity Soil erosion, waterway sedimentation, airborne

pollution prevention dust.
should address what en-
vironmental protection

354. What team member cre- Civil Engineer

ates an erosion and
sedimentation control
(ESC) plan for construc-

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tion activity pollution

355. What does protecting Promoting biodiversity.

and restoring habitat
help with?

356. How should projects re- Replicating the natural hydrology and water bal-
duce runoff? ance of the site.

357. What are ways to man- Low-impact development (LID) and green infra-
age runoff? structure.

358. What products can have Toilets, Private lavatory faucets, showerheads.
a water sense label?

359. What is energy use in- Energy consumed per unit of floor space.
tensity measured in?

360. What is the owners pro- A written documents that details the ideas con-
ject requirements (OPR) cepts and criteria determined by the owner to be
document? important to the success of the project.

361. What is BUS RAPID is an enhanced bus system that operates on ex-
TRANSIT? clusive bus lanes or other transit rights of way. The
system is designed to combine the flexibility of

362. What does tracking Identifying additional energy savings over time.
building level energy
use help with?

363. What is ADAPTIVE The practice of redesigning and using a structure

REUSE? for a use that is significantly different from the
buildings original use.

364. What do the credits Minimizing the embodied impacts associated with
in the material and re- the entire life cycle of building materials.
sources (MR) category
focus on?
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365. What is the purpose of a To understand the tradeoff of material selection

life cycle assessment? and energy performance.

366. What is EXTENDED Measures undertaken by the maker of a product

PRODUCER RESPONSI- to accept its own and sometimes other manufac-
BILITY? tures products as postconsumer waste at the end
of the product.

367. What is a FLUSH OUT? runs the mechanical systems with 100% outside
air to remove contaminants. Flush outs are usual-
ly done after construction to complete prior occu-
pants moving in.

368. What is IPM? a method of pest management that protects hu-

man health and the surrounding environment and
improves economic.

369. What is a common issue Glare.

with day lighting?

370. What does day lighting The need for artificial lighting.
help reduce?

371. What are the benefits of Increased learning in schools, increased privacy
good acoustics? in healthcare, increased employee productivity,

372. What are ways to pro- Operable windows, individual thermal comfort
vide occupants thermal controls, controls for shared spaces.

373. What is a negative envi- Increased air pollution.

ronmental externality of
locating a project in an
area does not have di-
verse uses and is not
densely developed?

374. Lower operating costs and increased asset value,

reduce waste sent to landfills, energy and water
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What are the benefits conservation, more healthful and productive envi-
of LEED certified build- ronment.

375. What is the most impact- Reducing fossil fuel based energy consumption.
ful way that a project can
help to reverse contribu-
tion to climate change?

376. What are the long Higher sea levels, higher temperatures, longer
term effects of climate droughts.

377. What are ALTERNATIVE Alternative compliance paths or ACPs allow inter-
COMPLIANCE PATHS national projects to identify equivalent means of
(ACPs)? demonstrating compliance to the credit.

378. What are examples of Expedited review permitting process, density and
STRUCTURAL INCEN- height bonuses.
TIVE for green building?

379. What are examples of FI- Tax credit, fee reductions, waivers, grants, revolv-
NANCIAL INCENTIVES ing loans funds, low interest loans.
for green building?

380. What are examples Technical assistance, marking assistance.

CENTIVES for green

381. What is a REGULAR Habitual users of a building.


382. Name the different types Employees, staff, volunteers, residents, primary
of regular building occu- and secondary school students, hotel guests, and
pants? inpatients.

383. What is a VISITOR? Visitors also called transients intermittently use a

LEED building.

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384. Name the different type Retail customers, outpatients, volunteers, higher
of building visitors? education students.

385. What is the most impor- Discovery.

tant phase of the inte-
grative process?

386. What is a COMMISSION- The individual designated to organize, lead

ING AUTHORITY (CxA)? and review the completion of commissioning
process activities. The CxA facilities communica-
tion among the owner.

387. What is LOW IMPACT An approach to managing rainwater runoff that

DEVELOPMENT (LID)? emphasizes on-site natural features to protect wa-
ter quality by replicating the natural land cover

388. What are examples Is a system or switch that a person in the space
of OCCUPANT CON- can directly access and use. Examples include a
TROLS? task light, an open switch and blinds. A tempera-
ture sensor.

389. What is a RIDE SHARE? A transit service in which individuals travel togeth-
er in a passenger car or small van that seats at
least four people. It can include human powered

390. What is a REGULATED Any building end use that has either a mandatory
LOAD? or a prescriptive requirement in ASHRAE stan-
dard 90.1.

391. What is PROCESS EN- Power resources consumed in support of a manu-

ERGY? facturing, industrial, or commercial process other
than conditioning spaces and maintaining com-

392. What is VISION GLAZ- The glass portion of an exterior window that per-
ING? mits views to the exterior or interior. Vision glazing
must allow a clear image of the exterior and must
not be obstructed.
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393. What standards can be Environmental choice and green seal.

used to identify green
cleaning products?

394. What does increasing Reduces absenteeism.

ventilation in a building
help with?

395. Where should smoking Near entrances, operable windows, and air vents.
be prohibited around

396. What does the type en- Indoor air quality.

tryway system selected
for a building impact?

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