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Class: IMEC-3506 Industrial Maintenance 2021-20

Professor: Giacomo Barbieri

Monitor: Ana Maria Benavides

Homework 2
RAM Indicators
• This homework must be performed in groups of 2 students. Specify the name and
university code of the group members on the pdf files you will upload. You are free to
choose your mate
• Generate a .zip file with:
o Pdf file with the answer to the questions of exercises 1 and 2
o 3 excel files with the resolution of the exercises
• Homework deadline is midnight of Sunday, September 12

Exercise 1 [1.5pt]: RAM Indicators of a maintainable item

The historical data of two pumps with equivalent operating performance are retrieved from
the CMMS system of your company. With the support of the excel file
1_PumpSelection.xlsx, calculate the RAM indicators of the two pumps and use their values
to answer to the following questions:

1) Which one of the two pumps present better reliability?

2) Which one of the two pumps present better maintainability?
3) By only considering RAM indicators, which one of the two pumps would you select
for its implementation in a new asset that the company is designing?

Exercise 2 [2.5pt]: RAM Indicators of a physical asset

A stamping line can be broken down into the three hierarchical levels illustrated in Figure 1.
The historical failure and repair data have been retrieved from the CMMS of your company
and you can find them in the excel file 2_StampingLine.xlsx. In this worksheet, failures are
identified with an X and each failure determines a stoppage of the whole stamping line.
Notice how failures occur at the lowest levels of the hierarchy and propagate upwards.

In this exercise, you must replace the X with the corresponding time values and then

- MTTF for each item of the hierarchy

- MTTR for each item of the hierarchy
- Availability for each item of the hierarchy
- Failure frequency for each item of the hierarchy

Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica

Carrera 1 Este No. 19A-40 , Bogotá – Colombia
Tel: (57-1) 3 394949/99 Exts: 2900 -2901-1753 Fax (57-1) 3 324323
http://mecanica.ingenierí | e-mail:
Class: IMEC-3506 Industrial Maintenance 2021-20
Professor: Giacomo Barbieri
Monitor: Ana Maria Benavides

Finally, you must insert the following elements into the pdf file:

- Copy Figure 1 and place the availability of each item of the three hierarchical levels
next to the corresponding rectangle. Notice how availability propagates from bottom
to top
- Which is the most critical component in terms of RAM indicators? Motivate your

Figure 1: hierarchical decomposition of the stamping line.

Exercise 3 [1pt]: Unavailability characterization

You are asked to calculate the availability of a motor and to quantify the percentage of time
respectively used for corrective and preventive maintenance actions. Using the excel file
3_MotorAvailability, calculate the following indicators:

• Unavailability for Corrective Maintenance (Ucm).

• Unavailability for Preventive Maintenance (Upm).
• Total Unavailability
• Availability

Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica

Carrera 1 Este No. 19A-40 , Bogotá – Colombia
Tel: (57-1) 3 394949/99 Exts: 2900 -2901-1753 Fax (57-1) 3 324323
http://mecanica.ingenierí | e-mail:

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