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Dual Diploma United States History:

By: Marc Pagès Payán.
The Chinese
Exclusion Act
The Chinese Exclusion act was the first law
created to restrict immigration in the US. The
law consisted in a 10 year ban for the Chinese
laborers that migrated to the US. This new law
also created some restrictions on the Chinese
people that already entered the US, they had
to present some certifications. This act was
created in 1882 and it expired in 1992, ten
years later.
The Gentleman's
The Gentleman's Agreement was a deal
between the US and and Japan, where Japan
agreed to stop issuing passports to Japanese
laborers. Children and their parents were still
allowed to migrate to the US. In exchange of
that the US desegregating San Francisco's
public schools. This agreement was created to
prevent the tension between the US and
Japan growing.
Immigration Act of
The Immigration Act of 1924 was created to
limitate the number of immigrants that
entered the US. They only provided
immigration visas to a 2 percent of the
population from every nationality. It also
excluded all of the immigrants from Asia
except from Japaneses and Filipinos. This
was the first law to widely restrict immigration
in the US.
My opinion on
each act
The Chinese Exclusion Act: I think that it was a positive
thing to start regulating immigration when they
considered that it was necessary.
The Gentleman's Agreement: I believe that it was a good
deal for both countries citizens, because the US people
didn’t get to see a lot more of immigration, and Japanese
people stopped being discriminated in the US.
Immigration Act of 1924: In my opinion this was only
positive for the US citizens because the rest of the world
had to wait a long cue to be admitted legally in the US.
National Archives and Records Administration. (n.d.). Chinese exclusion act (1882).
National Archives and Records Administration.

A&E Television Networks. (n.d.). Gentlemen’s agreement.

U.S. Department of State. (n.d.). U.S. Department of State.

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