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University of Technology

Building and Construction Engineering Department

‫رئاسة الجامعة التكنولوجية – مركز الخدمات الثقافية االلكترونية‬
Strength of Materials
Second Class
2017 – 2018
prepared by
Professor Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati
Structural Engineering Branch
‫‪Chapter -11‬‬

‫‪Transformation of Plane Stresses‬‬

‫رئاسة الجامعة التكنولوجية – مركز الخدمات الثقافية االلكترونية‬
‫يمنع منعا باتا استنساخ المحاضرات خارج مركز الخدمات الثقافية االلكترونية للجامعة التكنولوجية‬
‫ومن يخالف يتحمل كافة االجراءات القانونية والعقوبات الرسمية بحقه‬

‫‪Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati‬‬ ‫)‪Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬
11-1 Introduction:
– Formulas were developed previously for determining:
1-Normal stresses on a specific planes in:
• Axially loaded beam or bar (n = P/A )
• Beams due to moment load (x = M*y/I)
2- Shearing stresses on a specific planes in:
• Beams due to transverse load ( = VQ/It)
• Beams or Circular shafts due to torsion ( = Tρ/J).

General or Triaxial State of Stress

• The most general state of stress at a point may be represented by
6 components,
 x , y , z normal stresses
 xy ,  yz ,  zx shearing stresses
(Note :  xy   yx ,  yz   zy ,  zx   xz )
Fig. (11-1)
 xy : means shear at face Normal to x-axis and Parallel to y-axis

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 3

• The first part of the chapter is concerned with how the components of
stress are transformed under a rotation of the coordinate axes. The
second part of the chapter is devoted to a similar analysis of the
transformation of the components of strain.
In dealing with the states of stresses the engineer is confronted with two
1. How does she/he determine the state of stress of a point; that is, how does
calculate values for σx , σy , τxy , and so on?
2. How does the maximum value of the stress (normal or shear) be determined at a
point? The stresses σx , σy , τxy , and so on may not be the maximum possible value.
Fig. (11-2)

Two-Dimensional Stress: (Plane Stress)

• The analysis of plane stresses of a point are more simpler than the analysis of general state of stress.
• Plane stress is considered a special case of the general state of stress of a point.
• Two parallel faces of the small element shown in Fig. (11-3) are assumed to be free of stress.
• Plane Stress - state of stress in which
two faces of the cubic element are free
of stress. For the illustrated example,
the state of stress is defined by

 x ,  y ,  xy and  z   zx   zy  0.

Fig. (11-3)

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 4

• State of plane stress occurs in a thin plate subjected to forces acting in
the mid-plane of the plate, fig. 11-3.
Fig. (11-3)
• State of plane stress also occurs on the free surface of a structural
element or machine component, i.e., at any point of the surface not
subjected to an external force, fig. 11-4.
Fig. (11-4)
11-2 The Stress Transformation (Plane Stress Equations)
Equations relating the normal stress σn and shearing stress τnt on an arbitrary plane (oriented at an angle
θ with respect to a reference x-axis) through a point and the known stresses σx , σy , and τxy = τyx on the
reference planes can be developed using the free body-diagram method.

–a free-body diagram of wedge-shaped element in which the areas of the faces are
• dA for the inclined face (plane A-A)
• dA cosθ for the vertical face, and
• dA sinθ for the horizontal face
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses)
Summing forces in the n-direction gives

Summing forces in the t-direction gives

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 6

Sign Conventions
1. Tensile normal stresses are positive; compressive normal stresses are negative.
2. A shearing stress is positive if it points in the positive direction of the ordinate axis of the second
subscript when it is acting on a surface whose outward normal is in a positive direction.

3. An angle measured counterclockwise from the reference x-axis is positive. Conversely, angles
measured clockwise from the reference x-axis are negative.

4. The n, t, z-axes have the same order as the x, y, z-axes. Both sets of axes constitute a right-hand
coordinate system.
Example 11-1: The stresses shown in the figure act at a point on the free surface of a stressed body.
Determine the normal and shearing stresses at this point on the inclined plane AB shown in the figure.

Applying Eq. (11-1) for the given values

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 7

Applying Eq. (11-3) for the given values

Example 11-2: The stresses shown in the figure act at a point on the free surface of a stressed body.
Determine the normal stresses n and t and the shearing stress nt at this point if they act on the rotated
stress element shown in figure.
The given values are as follows:

Applying Eq. (11-1) for the given values where n = 15

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 8

‫‪Applying Eq. (11-1) for the given values where t = 105‬‬

‫‪Applying Eq. (11-3) for the given values‬‬

‫يمنع منعا باتا استنساخ المحاضرات خارج مركز الخدمات الثقافية االلكترونية للجامعة التكنولوجية‬
‫ومن يخالف يتحمل كافة االجراءات القانونية والعقوبات الرسمية بحقه‬
‫‪Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati‬‬ ‫)‪Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬
11-3 Principal Stresses:
On planes on which maximum or minimum normal stresses occur, there are no shearing stresses. These
plane are called the principal planes of stress, and the stresses acting on these planes – the maximum and
minimum normal stresses – are called the principal stresses.
1- Maximum or a minimum normal stress, Eq. (11-2) is differentiated with respect to  and the
derivative set equal to zero, i.e.,

 ( - )/2
x y A

2p xy
Eq. (11-5) has two roots, i.e., (2p) and (2p), these roots 2p
are 180 apart, and as Eq.(11-5) is for a double angle, the
roots of p are 90 apart. O 
' " xy
sin 2 p = - sin 2 p =
x - y
( ) 2 + 2xy
x -
' " 2
cos 2 p = - cos 2 p =
- y 2+ 2 -
( x ) xy OA = OB = ( x y
)2 + 2
2 2
Substitute sin(2p) and cos(2p) into Eq. (11-2), the expression
maximum normal stress (denoted by p1) and minimum normal stress
(denoted by p2) occur on planes of zero shearing stress becomes:
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 10
where subscript p refers to the planes of maximum and minimum values of normal stresses σn .

Location of the Plane of Principal Normal Stresses (Eq. 11-5):

p = 1 tan-1 c 2 xy m ... (11 - 7)

2 x - y

Notes on Principal Normal Stresses Equation:

1. Eq. (11-7) gives the angle θp and θp + 90 between x-plane (or y-plane) and the mutually perpendicular
planes on which the principal stresses act.

2. When tan 2θp is positive, θp is positive, and the rotation is counterclockwise from the x- and y-planes
to the planes on which the two principal stresses act.

3. When tan 2θp is negative, θp is negative, and the rotation is clockwise.

4. The shearing stress is zero on planes experiencing maximum and minimum values of normal stresses.

5. If one or both of the principal stresses from Eq.(11-6) is negative, the algebraic maximum stress can
have a smaller absolute value than the minimum stress.

‫يمنع منعا باتا استنساخ المحاضرات خارج مركز الخدمات الثقافية االلكترونية للجامعة التكنولوجية‬
‫ومن يخالف يتحمل كافة االجراءات القانونية والعقوبات الرسمية بحقه‬
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 11
11-4 Maximum Shearing Stresses:
Recall Eq. (11-4), the shearing stress on any plane defined by an angle 

Thus, similarly, to locate the planes on which the maximum or the minimum shearing stresses act,
Eq.(11-4) must be differentiated with to  and the derivative set equal to zero, the operation yield:


Eq. (11-8) has two roots, i.e., (2) and (2), the two planes defined by this equation are mutually
perpendicular. From Eq.(11-5) and Eq.(11-8) where a negative reciprocal means that the difference in
2, equal to 90,  the planes of max. shearing stress are at 45 with the planes of max. and min.
normal stresses (principal stresses).
Substitute sin(2) and cos(2) of Eq.(11-8) into Eq. (11-4), the expression maximum shear stress
(denoted by max) and minimum shear stress (denoted by min) becomes:

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 12

Location of the Plane of Maximum Shearing Stresses (Eq. 11-8):

=- 1 tan-1 c x m ... (11 - 10)

- y
2 2 xy

Notes on Principal Stresses and Maximum In-Plane Shearing Stress Equation:

1. The two angles 2θp and 2θτ differ by 180 and 90 respectively, therefore, θp and θτ are 90 and
45 apart, respectively.
2. This means that the planes in which the maximum in-plane shearing stress occur are 45 from the
principal planes.
3. The direction of the maximum shearing stress can be determined by
drawing a wedge-shaped block with two sides parallel to the planes
having the maximum and minimum principal stresses, and with the
third side at an angle of 45. The direction of the maximum shearing
stress must oppose the larger of the two principal stresses.
Useful Relationships
• If x and y in Eq.(11-9) are the principal stresses, τxy is zero, the maximum value of τ is equal to one
half the difference between the two in-plane principal stresses, that is
p1 - p2
max = ... (11 - 11)
• For plane stress, the sum of the normal stresses on any two orthogonal planes through a point in a
body is a constant or in invariant.
x + y = p1 + p2 ... (11 - 12)
• When a state of plane exists, one of the principal stresses is zero.
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati 13
Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses)
Example (11-3): Normal and shearing stresses on horizontal and vertical planes through a point in a
structural member subjected to plane stress are shown in Figure below. Determine and show on a
sketch the principal and maximum shearing stresses.
The given values for use in Eqs. (11- 6) and (11 - 9) are:
σx = +12 ksi, σy = - 4 ksi, τxy = - 6 ksi
Using Eq. (11 – 6) for the given values:


Since the σp1 and σp2 have opposite sign, the maximum shearing stress is

The location θp of the principal stresses is

computed from Eq. (11 – 7):

Sketch of principal and max shearing stresses

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati 14

Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses)
Example (11-4): Normal and shearing stresses on horizontal and vertical planes through a point in a
structural member subjected to plane stress are shown in Figure below. Determine and show on a
sketch the principal and maximum shearing stresses.
The given values for use in Eqs. (11- 6) and (11 - 9) are:
σx = +72MPa, σy = +36MPa, τxy = - 24MPa
Using Eq. (11 – 6) for the given values:


The location θp of the principal stresses is

computed from Eq. (11-7)

Sketch of principal and max shearing stresses

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 15
11-5 :Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress:
• Recall Eqs. 11-2 and 11-4,

• Squaring both equations, adding, and simplifying gives

– The previous equation is indeed an equation of a circle in terms of the variable σn and τnt .
σn and τnt are unknowns, others are known (σx , σy and τxy ):

` ( n - )2 +
nt = R2 .... ( Circle equation
The circle is centered on the σ axis at a distance (σx - σy )/2 from the τ axis, and the radius of the circle is
given by:

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 16

Rules for Applying Mohr’s Circle :
1- On rectangular  -  axes, where horizontal axis is the normal stress ( ) axis and the vertical axis is the
shearing stress ( ) axis
2- Locate the center of the circle (C), which is on the horizontal axis at a distance (x + y)/2 from the
origin. Tensile stresses are positive, compressive are negative
3- Plot points A(x, xy) and B(y, yx), [yx is opposite sign of xy] considering the sign convention
shown, the sign of  is positive if tensile, negative if compressive; that of xy is positive if upward on the
right face of the element, negative if downward,

y -ve comp. y +ve ten.

+yx -yx
x x  x
+ve ten. +ve ten. -ve comp. x -ve comp.
+xy +xy -xy -xy
y -ve yx y
comp. +ve ten.

‫يمنع منعا باتا استنساخ المحاضرات خارج مركز الخدمات الثقافية االلكترونية للجامعة التكنولوجية‬
‫ومن يخالف يتحمل كافة االجراءات القانونية والعقوبات الرسمية بحقه‬

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 17

4- Join the points A(x, xy) and B(y, yx), just plotted by a straight line. This line is the diameter of a circle
whose center is point C on the  axis, and the distance from A to C is the radius ( R ) of the circle, as shown
5- Draw the circle at center ( C ) using the radius ( R ) and read the values of max (or p1) , min (or p2)
and max , as shown
The principal stresses are obtained at A and B.

The direction of rotation of Ox to Oa

is the same as CX to CA.
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 18
Example 11-5: A structural element is shown below with normal x-stress = 20MPa, normal y-stress
= 120MPa, shear stress = 80MPa, by Mohr's circle find:
•Principal stresses
•Maximum shear stress.
•Normal and shearing stresses on the inclined plane AB shown.

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 19

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 20
Example 11-6: The stresses shown in Figure act at a point on the free
surface of a stressed body. Use Mohr’s circle to determine the normal and
shearing stresses at this point on the inclined plane AB shown in the figure.

The given values for use in drawing Mohr’s circle are:

‫يمنع منعا باتا استنساخ المحاضرات خارج مركز الخدمات الثقافية االلكترونية للجامعة التكنولوجية‬
‫ومن يخالف يتحمل كافة االجراءات القانونية والعقوبات الرسمية بحقه‬
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 21
Example 11-7: For the state of plane stress shown, (a) construct Mohr’s
circle, determine (b) the principal planes,(c) the principal stresses, (d) the
maximum shearing stress and the corresponding normal stress.
x = +50MPa, y = -10MPa, xy = -10MPa

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 22

Final Exam., 2nd term 2015-2016

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati 23

Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses)
Solution of Quiz (3): Group A
Q1: Three forces are applied to the bar shown.
Determine the normal and shearing stresses at (a)
point a,
(b) point b,
(c) point c.

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 24

‫يمنع منعا باتا استنساخ المحاضرات خارج مركز الخدمات الثقافية االلكترونية للجامعة التكنولوجية‬
‫ومن يخالف يتحمل كافة االجراءات القانونية والعقوبات الرسمية بحقه‬

‫‪Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati‬‬ ‫‪25‬‬

‫)‪Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses‬‬
Solution of Quiz (3): Group B
Q1:Three forces are applied to the bar shown. Determine the normal and shearing stresses at (a)
point a, (b) point b, (c) point c.

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati 26

Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses)
‫يمنع منعا باتا استنساخ المحاضرات خارج مركز الخدمات الثقافية االلكترونية للجامعة التكنولوجية‬
‫ومن يخالف يتحمل كافة االجراءات القانونية والعقوبات الرسمية بحقه‬

‫)‪Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses‬‬ ‫‪27‬‬
Thank you for listening
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Chapter -11- (Transformation of Plane Stresses) 28

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