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1. What is your favorite memory of your parents?

Oh what i can describe to remember

mom is I do always help her in the Kitchen and Dad and i use to play cards at home
all the time when he returns from work.

2.What do you think is your best asset? My best asset is my Heart. My heart is so
loving and committed.

3. If you found that perfect person would you get married again? most
definitely,SAME HERE.

4. How long do you think you have to know someone before you can get into any
serious relationship or possibly married? For me I think there is no time limit
when it feels right and you love him with all of your heart-soul-and every fiber of
your body then it is right?

5. Do you like to hold hands in public? oh yes why not I love that alot.mmm!!!

6. Do you like to kiss and cuddle in public? Oh yes that's a great point i love

7. Would you let your partner know what you like or dislike when you are making
love? most definitely, SAME HERE.

8. Do you like to take a shower with your fiance? Oh yes that's a good point!!

9. What side of the bed do you sleep on? I sleep alone here, and I like sleeping in
the middle and open my leg wide...LOL Sometimes Erk sleep with me

10. How many states in the U.S. have you been in? I have been to almost 8 states so
far and I think my favorite state is Hawaii

11. How many countries have you been in? I have been to all over the continents and
to at least 32 countries so far, My favorite country so far is Italy... Its the
natural masterpiece that is Tuscany with its rolling hills, vineyards and snow-
peaked mountains

12. What is your favorite color? White and blue.

13. What is your favorite food? sea food & chinese foods.

14. What is your favorite drink? My favorite drink is Root beer or tea

15. What is your favorite liquor? My favorite liquor are All-Irish Black And Tan

16. What is your favorite meal of the day? My favorite meal of the day is
Breakfast, because my body seems to know exactly what I crave, as far as proteins,
carbs, etc. Lunch and dinner, I don't know if I'm simply giving into my

Lunch is always also good for me unless I'm eating pizza or a sub but I love dinner
though because I was used to my late wife's indian cooking.. It's heavenly

17. Do you prefer toast-bagels-biscuits? I like toasted bagel with strawberry cream

18. What is your favorite animal or pet? My favorite pet is Dog, I have two dogs,
one is a German Shepheard called Erk and the other is a Yorkshire Terrier, its
called Bobby
19. Do you like cats? My son have an Australian Mist cat

20. What is your favorite activities to do? Any thing as long as I am enjoying it
with some one I care for

21. Do you play sports? yes I like to play Golf with my friends, I have never
played bastketball before, but i do enjoy watching on TV.

22. During a typical week, what sort of physical activities do you enjoy?
I do aerobic exercises, weight lifting, swimming, dancing, horsebackriding, biking,
gardening, hiking

23. What is your favorite all time movie? The Notebook (2004).. Its an interesting
movie and I wish you could have a watch of it.. The basic premise is a boy falls in
love with a girl. They have a budding romance, some conflict gets in the way, and
they end up together when they�re older. This movie is the bar in which many women
measure a man

24. Who is your favorite actor/actress? My favorite actor is Danny Jamieson and his
recent role: Himself in The Challenge

25. What kind of music do you like? I enjoy oldies 60's,70's, Blues and Jazz.

26. Do you like to dance? for sure, I really know how to dance salsa.. I also can
dance to slow tunes

27. What is your favorite Holiday and why? I love Christmas just seeing the
expression on the faces of the ones I love is priceless when they get what they
wanted. mmm!!!

28. Do you often cook or buys from the restaurant? Oh yes, I am a good cook but
when I'm tired from attending a work duty, I normally order for food

29. How many sisters and brothers do you have and how big is your family? I was the
only son of my parents, my dad died very early when I was in college but my mom is
still alive but not feeling alright.. I am still taken good care of her, I think
she needs attention from me more.. its because of her that I am always proud of

30. Describe your perfect date? Taking a walk beside a lake, walk and having a nice
dinner Or catching a movie..

31. Describe some personal habits that are important to you? I love being close to
my mate but yet I think we both need our own space at time; I like a beautiful
clean home and I am particular about my own hygiene and I expect that in a mate.

32. Describe an interest you have that you would truly hope your partner could
share with you? I would love to travel more....especially to secluded islands..

33.What is the one dream for your life you most look forward to having come true? I
would love to see the islands in the South Pacific with my Best Friend, Lover and
Companion of a Lifetime.

34. If you had three wishes, what would they be? My True Love, Our home in the
mountains for the summer and our home by the ocean for the winter

35. What is the most adventure you've done in the past year? The most one I had was
sailing in the Caribbean, an interesting adventure though
36.If you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what would
it be? I would like to establish a relationship with a woman and enjoy our journey
through life together sharing unconditional love, laughter and happiness. To be
able to unleash all these wonderful feelings, kindness and warmth that I have all
bottled up inside on someone who would appreciate it as much as I would in return.

37.If Tonight you can do anything you want, no penalties, no reprisals, and the
cost is unimportant. What are you going to do? I will board the space ship to take
me to another planet

38.What do you think are the three best traits you have to offer a partner? The
best traits I will offer a partner areHonesty, fun, empathy

39.Describe your spirituality? I believe in God. My family has always referred to

him as "The Big Guy." Sometimes I feel like I have a direct link to him when I
pray. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that people are put
into our lives to help us through sad times, to teach us things, for us to guide
them through a situation that we have already experienced. I believe that we are
embraced by Angels wrapped in human flesh. I believe that we are never given more
than we can handle. I believe that when one door closes another one opens. I belive
that in good times and in bad times God is always beside us for us to lean on and
to reach out for. I believe that when I get quiet that I can hear that still small
voice guiding me. And his presence is with me the strongest when I am gardening..

40.What are you looking for in a relationship partner? I am looking for a woman
with a sense of humor who is willing to be my equal in everything. I want to shower
her with love and would like to be showered with love in return. I want to be her
friend, her companion, her lover. I want to learn about her hopes, fears, and
dreams: I want to share mine with her

41. Have you forgiven all the past relationship and those that have offended you or
hurt you in the past? I always forgive; it�s a waste of time to dwell on the past�

42. What's your view on religion? I think it�s important but everyone has their own
ways of believing in religion�

43. Do you enjoy road trips??? ever had any fantasy??? I love road trips short or
long in the country will tell you later if I ever had a fantasy..And it would
depend on what type of fantasy�that is between you and me�

44. What is the level of your education? I completed my high school at the age of
15 years. I had my masters degree and later had Ph.D in biology at the age of 25
years old in the University of Freiburg located in Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-
W�rttemberg, Germany.

45. What do you truly dislike? I truly dislike when people are rude, aggressive,
not act their age...I also dislike people that are disrespectful to any age
men/women; men that don't know what the word "no" is�and that are abusive whether
it is verbally or physically�and don't know how to communicate or compromise
without using abuse.

46. What do you think can really get you upset?I can really be upset when a person
doesn't think before the speak, that is rude,and abusive toward anyone�when a
fiance doesn't use good judgement�when scolding or discussing delicate topics...

47. Do you trust you feelings rather than reason? I do trust my feelings 90% of the
time my gut feelings are right on target�but I do reason out things that need to be
thought out before doing

48. Do you often plan your day ahead? Yes, I do try to plan my day ahead of
time�but I'm always open to change

49. What makes you cry? I don't cry, unless I'm really upset, sad or extremely
happy or when I watch a funny movie and I'm laughing really hard.

50. What makes you laugh? Something a child might do that I can remember doing at
that age, reading something funny or watching a comedy

51. Do you get bored easily? No, I always find something interesting to do or

52.If you don't like someone do you tell other why? I will not tell a person that I
don't like them, what is the point�I'm not into hurting people...

53. If you run into a person whom has hurt your feeling or harmed you, do you act
like you didn't see them or do you confront them head on? I am always civil but I
don't hang around �If they say hello I will acknowledge them but don't stick around
them it's a was of my time and theirs....

54. How should we agree to handle arguments? Arguments should be discussed no

shouting matches or violence� that is a waste of time that each person should
listen to what each other says�The key word is communication and compromise�

55. If you're having problems would you talk it out or keep it inside? I would hope
that we could talk it out and get it resolved, it's a waste of time to keep it

56. How do you feel about ex-lovers being friends? That is a hard question�sure ex-
lovers/wifes can be friends after they have separated from each other; my feelings
are that if that is the case I can live with it but if anyone crossed the line then
I will have a problem�

57. Do you like sharing your feelings? I do like to share them with people that
these feelings are meant for, not just anyone but my friend, lover and a companion�

58. How important is a fiance's night out? I feel that everyone should have their
space with a fiance night out �but what we need to remember is that the other of
our halves are trusting them and to be honest and considerate

59. What kind of car do you drive and what color is it? I drive 2013 Porsche Cayman
Atlanta.. I have the 2012 Cadillac Escalade ESV.. the color of my Porche is wine
and the Cadillac is white.

60. When is your birthday and your zodiac sign? My birthday is 19th May, 1953 and
my zodiac sign is Taurus

61. How tall are you? I am 5'10 ft tall, blond hair and slender

62. Do you have any tattoos or body piercing? No, I do not have tattoos on my
body.. I am not against my partner having tattoo or pierce.. i do not think that
should be a deal breaker

63. When was the last time you had sex? I had sex for quite a long time.. I cannot
even remember the last time.. I have been honest to my late wife and when I do not
involve in a serious relationship, I do not think it's right for me to do that.. I
hate one night stand

64. Do you love to wear jewelry? Thats nice.. they make women look more pretier and

65. Are you orgionally born here in the state? I was not born here, it was my work
that brought me here to the state last three years, I was born and raised in Poland
but fortunately, my mom is a German-American born so she have live here for quite a
long time and really love America.

66.What's the meaning of love? Love is more emotionally intimate form of

attachment..It's an experience felt by a person for another person which often
involves caring for and being there for such person whom that feeling have been
felt for.

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