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SHATTERED UNION SERIES RUDEBOOK SHATTERED UNION OVERALL SHATTERED UNION SERIES RULEBOOK INDEX Activation Deck Construction Activation Phase. Ammunition Problems Attack Declaration. Attacker Breakthrough Attacking Unit Advantages Battleworn Counter side Break Tests Broken Units Brutal Melee Cavalry Mounting/Dismounting Cavalry Withdrawal Close Combat Results Close Combat Step Cohesion Rating (CR) Cohesion Test Types. Combined Brig: le Firing Command Decision Phase Command Tests Commander-in-Chiet (C10) Cavds, Default Event Option, Defending Unit Advantages Defensive Fire Disengagement Disrupted Marker Draw Activation Card Step End Activation Step, End Phase Engagement. Event Cards Fire Combat Step Fire Combat Results Firefight Firing Hex Advantages Fog of War Card 1B n “ uw 13 10 u 12.43 10-13 8,12 na u 10 1B 10 45 69 Bo 56 Formation Activation Cards Formation Activation/CIC Card Step. Formation Orders Fortunes of War Fresh Counter Side Game Turn Marker Phase Game Turn Track General Casualty Held Event Cards Held Event Card Phase Held Formation Activation/CIC Card Phase. Immediate Event and Wild Card Step Line of Sight Minimum Movement Ability Movement Allowance Movement Costs Movement Step) Multiple Units Firing. O1f-Map Movement Range Regroup Reinforcement Movement Reset and Victory Point Step. Seale Sequence of Play Shaken Marker Skedaddle Stacking Limit Strength Points (SP) Target Hex Advantages Unit Counters Victory Determination Victory Point Location Markers Victory Point Track. Wild Cards: -a- ono “ 10 1415 as. 345 56 OVERALL SERIES RULEBOOK Shattered Union 1s @ series of American Civil of any experience level, 1 bbe accessbte tall gam game system ide a plavatle wargame experience in sro md 19° (Chl War, ut batts eat are na ant engagements of the American for various reasons), This series intends to provide clashes which helped determine the face forts the stanard aperating for every In the Shattered Union series Fach Game Modtle’s rate book will caver any changes or additions A) GAME COMPONENTS 1. Scale: The exaet seale being depicted by the map and counters depends on the Game Module being played. Generally, games ‘ll al inta the following parameters: Each Hey = betweets 100 andl 500 yards 1S pint = 50-200 men ot 1-2 Artillery 30 minutes to 1 hours U Counters 2, Unit Counters: Fach unit counter represents. a munber of regiments, squadrons, or batienes The nfortsation is displayed as fall Unit 1D (banner): The name or pumber af the br Division, depending on the Game Module 1, Two-Letter Code (top right evrner): Abbreviation of he © Blue/Gray Number (bottom left): nits Strength Points {SP) value, The SP value can be modified by a / pisrupred” marker: Arillery units wil also havea letter ude indicating either Rifled guns ('R’), Smoothbore guns (°8") or Mixed guns") Important: A unit's modified SP value can never be less than “0° 4. Red Number (bottom right): his number isthe unit's Cohesion. Rating (CR). This values ‘abstract measurement of the unit's clan, experience and training, This CR can he modified by an applied ‘Shaken HBvent Card tf Important: A unit's modified CR can never be greater than “5 nor less than “0” Central Graphic: This picture identifies the unit as Infantry Dismounted Cavalry, Mounted Cavalry or Artillery {Fresh Counter Side: ihe front af she anit counter is th ‘engl side and is referred toas its Fresh side he hack of the counter is ‘side and is reterred to asits 4 Battleworn Counter Side: the unit's red Battleworn sie. Tis side also has red stype across the ation, Units that are on their red permanent casualties and counter for easier cen side have sut lecline and remain solar the rest of the game Cavalry unit counters do not have a Fresh side. Instead, they ‘are Mounted on the front and Dismounted on the back. Both sides are treated as being Battleworn sides for all game purposes. 3. Shaken/Disrupted Markers: These marke tistress, Units can recaver trom these cond Regroup sc placed under the affeewed unit. indieate Disrupted ons through the tr rom certain Event Cards, The marker is ‘being Shaken ur A. Shaken: Ifa unit gots a “SH” eesult, place this marker with raken” side shaving. The unit is now a Shaken wit A Shaken unit has both its SP and CR values reduced Indicated by the marker for all purposes except stacking. E. Disrupted: fa unit with its Disrupted” side showing, The units wos a Disrupted unit A Disrupted unit has both its SP CR values reduced as indicated by the marker forall purposes except stacking, “The modifiers listed on the “Shaken/Disrupted” markers indicate ‘the amount the affected unit's SP and CR ratings are reduced. For example, ifa "12-3" unit has a “Disrupted” marker that shows “-4 /-Zthacunicis treated as a°8-I" unit forall purposes, except the ‘Stacking Limic (see H-3). 2°DS" result, place this marker ind 4, Miscellaneous Markers and Chits: Th are markers and ehits used for tel n greater de 5. Map: Each Game Mastule wilh wshich the game s pi femaining counter hesesare described iN Tater in these rues 1 The game map depicts shat smbered hex grid to regulate movement and firing ranges. Each hex may display one or more terrain features Refer to the Game Modules specific rales fr battlefield sed s overlaid wath an ullceseription af each type of hex 5. Game Turn/ Victory Point Track: Ltcated on the tuack on which is recorded both the Game Turn (using che “Game Fea” market") and the accunulated Vietory Points [¥P) for weal sie. Hoth sides recewve "Sand ‘x10" VP markers to recard the numb ff Vietory Points earned by that side 2. Cards: Bach G anywhere tro e Muidle contains ta 63 cards, 7 ‘consis of various eambinations of Formation Activation, Event, CIC and Wild Cars. Each type of card is SHATTERED UNION ‘explained ir detailin the relevant rules section. Event Cards will have a descriptive title and text and wil be labeled “Play Inormedately Hol!” oF “Optinn”. These are explained sa detail section F 8. Dice: Theve ae live si-sided dice provided, each afa differen color Black, Red, White, Blue snd Gray. Each colored die has a specific purpose when resolving combat. {ifthe rules or an Event Gard call for a single die rol to resolve ‘something, any colored die can be used. Note that in all cases when ‘are-rolls allowed or and exercised, the re-rolled result must be kept (unless an ability allows for another re-rol) 8, Player Aids: Lach player is provided their own player aid whicl: hasa rules summary on one side an all the required charts and tables ot the thes Players will beable to play the game using “nly this player aid once the rales became familiar ‘Note: Throughout the rules and on the components, the term “Rebel"is often used as a shortened term for Confederate” to save space. The two terms are synonymous. B] SEQUENCE OF PLAY Shattered Union is played ina sequence of ame Turns with each Game Turn broken down inte a series of consecutive Phases and Steps, called the Sequence of Play. Eack Phase or Step ust be ‘completed before proceeding to the next Phase at Step Game Turn Marker Phase Command Decision Phase Held Formation/CIC Activation Card Phase Activation Phase a, Draw Activation Card Step », Immediate Event and Wild Card Step ©. Formation Activation CIC Card Seep 4, Fire Combat Step fe. Movement Step f. Close Combat Step fg. Regroup Step hh, End Activation Step. 5. End Phase ‘4. Held Event Card step, bb, Reset and Vietory Poi tstep C] GAME TURN MARKER PHASE At the start of each Game Turn (except for Game eeu #1}, players will move the “Game Turn’ marker TD one space torward! on the Game Turn Track. At the comelusion of the last Game Turn of the scenario being played, playors will assess their Vietory Point totals ta determine the winner Fach Game Tarn may introduce noiy units to either or both ses ealled Reinforcements, These units are placed directly onto the Game Turn Track in the space representing their arrival rime at game start. They are placed ffl tap near their assigned entry hes{es) when the "ame Porn marker moves into their space 0] COMMAND DECISION PHASE Each player wll be making thelr plans forthe upeoming turn ny seting up the Activation Card Draw Pile ding this phase ihe Activation Card Draw Pile contains cards seeded fram both players, Lach player will secretly choose thetr Formation Aetivation Cards for the upeonig turn, along with determining, which of their Event Cards ll also he seeded into the pile. CG Fog of War and Frietion of War cards are automaticaly cctled to a |. Formation Activation Cards: Each player will have Formation Activation Cards available to seed nto the Activation Card Drave Pile, the number of which depends on ty scenario being played, A. Fach Formation inthe game wll have an assigned number hnameand tworletter code Additionally, every Formation ‘shee Formation Orders slong with av indicator showing the maxinnm nu sclivate with this Order Shows “One ini’, "One Br example, te indicator evuld E. Command Tests: Sone cards will roquire:a Command Test tw determine the number af units that ean activate This is Sshowen with a series of die rll results ddivand references the card, and the die result wll dictate the maxinnam number of ativating units, 1. The active player will seed” ane, wo or three Formation Activation Cards per Formation, choasing exactly whieh Formation Order each card will represent, “Seeding” a card iseach player seeretly placing their chosen eards into the common Activation Card Draw Pile 1. All Formations Aetivation Cards can be aetivated or held by ‘player when they ane drawn (see F-3) ‘There are normally three possible Formation Orders ~ ‘Maneuver, Defend and Attack. The specific characteristics of ‘each Order are listed below and summarized on each Formation Activation Card as well. ‘Maneuver: This allows the formation’s units to move quickly, {including allowing them to move along a road in March Order {which is twiceas fast as normal movement). However, these units cannotattack enemy units, norcan they move adjacent to them. Defend: Units are allowed only minimal movement. They may ‘conduct Fire Combat but cannot engage the enemy nor atack in, Close Combat. Units may perform a Regroup action, if otherwise eligible to do so. Also, those units that are attacked in Close Combat may re-oll the Defensive Fire die once. ‘Attack: Units may move, engage and attack enemy units with both Fire and Close Combat, but they may not Regroup. 2, Event Cards: Hoth players have several Event Cards which they will also seed inta the game each Game Turn. Players will wach seeretly choose one or two Key Event Cards (depending fame Module) to add to the Aetwation Card Draw Pile, The “emaiting Event Cards are turned face-down and shuilled Several of these cards (normally two oF three) are randomly drawn and added to the Activation Card Draw Pile as well. The “emaining Event Cards-are placed aside, out of play, and remain Neither player may look at these cards unc the end OVERALL SERIES RULEBOOK 3. Command-In-Chief (CIC) Cards: In mst Gane Modules, both players ill each have one or two CIC Cards ‘that wil none be freely acced tothe futication Cat Draw Pile. CC Card narmallyallowsa tree activation ‘with any Brigade or Division. These cards can be activated or held like Formation Activation Cards, 4, Wild Cards: There are usually two unique cards that are Freely added to ‘he Activation Carel Draw Pile every Game Turn — the Fog of War and Friction of War Wild Cards 5, Activation Card Deck Construction: Al seeded Formation Activation, Event, CIC Foy of War and Friction of War Cards for both sides are gathored into. face-down pile snd shuled. The docks placed within easy reach of both players. E] HELO FORMATION ACTIVATION/CIC CARD PHASE Iveither player is holding one or more Formation Activation or {CUC Cards (see F- 3h), they may be played in ths phase. The player ‘must antounee the intent ta do se belore the next Activation Cate ‘s drain If so, Formation Activation Step (see F3),using se ‘chosen held cared any ss immediatly resolved. he carts discarded alter the aeuation s finished. I player wishes to play muluple dhol eards one cars played ata time and resolved to conclusion before another is played IFhoth players have held Formation Activation and/or CIC Cards and beth wisi to play ume ar more ‘ads this phase, the players each roll one de. The higher die roll player elects to play their ear first or second, with the players then alternating However, ifthe die rolls tied, then neither player can play a card an they remain hel. Play moves tothe Activation Phase. Nate that "Hold" Event Cards that are currently being held by cither oF bath players may not he played row, F) ACTIVATION PHASE ‘he Activation Phase is where must of the yame’s action vccurs Players praceed shrotigh each af the following Stes im order and to completion. |. Draw Activation Card Steps Fisher player fit doesn’ master who) draws the top card frum the Activation Card Draw Pile Witisa Formation Activation, Fvent ar CIC Card, the player Identifies the drawn card and then gives the card tothe owning player for further resolution. If itis 8 Wild Gard, the drawviny player reads it out oul and enacts the card as deseribed belove Held Event Cards: Some fol Event Cards that ave farrently being held by players ean be played in this step before s wees Acuivation Card ts Grave. These are entilied fan the cand deseription ot Gane Module rules. 4 player holding the card must announce their intent to use it here the nest card isdraven It both players have held Fvent Cards and! bot! svish to play one ar more cards this step, the pla tact roll one de The higher die ral player elects co play Uheir card frst ar seconey, with the players ther alternating Ifthe die roll is tied, chen meiger player can play a "Mold Event Card and they remais held. Players then continue this| step by drawing the next Acuwation Card, 2. Immediate Fvent and Wild Card Step: than Event, Fog of War or Friction of War Card is drawn, proceed as fellows A. vent Cards: Ifa player seceives an Event Card labeled Play immediately" ar “Option” and the player chooses Ply Inimiediately, the card is now resolved, Note that cards Jabeled “Hola” can also be played immediately instead a player opts to hold a “Hol” cava itis placed face-dawn ox the table in front ofthe player Any number af Halt” Event Cars ca be held al one tse, but they may oly be played| as dictated by the ear ar during a Held Event Card Step [see 1) B. Default Event Option: Livery Event Card can be used 2 3 Default Event, meaning thatthe event on the card isgaored and instead, the player chooses any one unit (regardless ‘of formation) to activate, This activated unt may either conduct a Minimum Movement (sve II-2) or muy issue’ Fire Combat {i otherwise eligible) Remember this Default Event ability! you can‘cfind a good use forthe written event, using the Defaufe Event to move a unit ‘through rough terrain, advance adjacent to an enemy unit or get ‘an opportunistic shot off can be critical Note that opting or the Default Event is treated asa “Play Immediately” card. Therefore, this Default Event Option is not available to be used ifthe card isheld. The option must be exercised this phase or Is lost. Fog of War Wild Card: When drown, the player drawing ‘ars will oll the Red and White dice, genersting a nusber ftom LL - 66, This results crass referenced on the card's Fog of War Table and the result is applied as tollows Battlefield Chaos: The opposing player chooses one ofthe two possible effects listed below: Far exomple, the results "Rebel Battlefield Choos” the Union player chonses the effet. The esact conditions far this event may be altered by ‘each Game Module, © Move: The opposing player moves aay enemy unit fone hex 9 any legal manner (asi itis Minimum Move}. This is movement only and no combat ar other actions, The moved unit may Engage an enemy unit (see Het). Ia the above example, the Union player camid move ‘a Rehel unit one hex © Discard: "The opposing player discards one ofthe ‘enemy player's held Formation Activation or Event Cards, The card is immediately discarded with no effect Ii the above example, the Uinian player could discard one ie Rebel player's held ears SHATTERED UNION + Fortunes of War: ‘The indiesied player fakes the "Fortonesof Ware” marker he marker may be discarded after any dice roll (whether ane, tivo or four dice are shrawn}, Discarding the marker forces the rolling player to re-rll all those dice, The player wsing the marker cannot hoose justa portion ata dice roll to be r-tolied jl one “Fortunes of Wi ected Gams Oa Each player may’ ot marae. [gh result occurs and the player hasa Fortames of War marker, then treat this Fest as ao elect + General Casualty: This result wot only represents: general being wounded or killed but ean also simulate illness stress, confusion, had stl work, ete Crass reference the orginal ice roll result with the general's names listed on the cael. fhe resus currently in the game, then this event has no effect Ti the formation is inthe game (even arrivin Reinforcement, its general has become a casualty © CIC General Casualty: The pl. aves one oftheir CIC Aetivation Cards fom the game a the end of the Game Tre Formation General: Tie owning player reduces the number of allowed seeded cards tor ‘sat ormation by one (see D-Le) beginning vats the mext Game Tura. The player takes the corresponding "Gen Castaty" marker and places ie near that formations cards asa reminder: I the Formation is already only allowed one seeded card, then she player must instead remove all Formation Activation Cards of any one Formation Order [ttack, Defend or Monewver} Irom the game. I the Farmatio amount changes during the seenaria, the player may ‘change the applied penalty accordingly (or no"). For example, fa Formation starts the game with only one seeded ‘card and gets a General Casualty, it lases ane of ts Formation Orders. f ater in the scenario the allowance is increased to two seeded cards for this Formation, che player could either allow two seeded carts forthe Formation, but still without the previously removed Formation Order, or the player could opt to reinstate the Order, but che Formation would only get one seeded card. results fora general s isa Recovery rest © Recovery: Ifa General Cast wh is already a casualty instead (the general has recavered! and returned to the ight). The player removes the "General Casual marker and beginning with the next Game Turn the nrmation reverts to its normal numberof seeded cards For example, ifa formation that allowed two seeded Formation ‘Activation Cards per turn has its general become a casualty, starting next turn iis only allowed to seed one Formation ‘Activation Card. f the formation was already limited to one seeded ‘card, i would instead remove all Maneuver cards (for example) {from its available cards: [flater in the game this formation’s ‘general gota casualty result again, beginning next turn it would ‘again go back o its normal ewo card seeding or would regain its Manewver cards. 1. Friction of War Cards ‘nis card incieates that the next drawn Activation Card (rexardless immediately disearded with no turer eitect, he type of ead) 3, Formation Activation /CIC Card Step: If player has one of their Formation Activation or CIC Cards drawn, shey either activate the card samediately or hold the card for ater use A. Aetivate Card: Ils Formation Activation Card ss dren, only thot formation s activated. The owsing player announces wsactly which af the formation’s units are being made vetive, hosed on the drawn cans :tetivation cord indicates “One details, rigade belonging fa the formation ita he activated. Some formations require Command Test be taken w sshich units can activate, In these dhe and references the card determine exae fesse, the player rlls results, The drawn Portation Activation Card wall also indicate the Formation Order that all active units will aperate ander for this phase. Players proceed throu the Fire Combat. Movement, {Close Combat ancl Regroup Steps with their ‘tivated nits. When eampleted, the dravwn card i disearded into the discard pale I a CIC Card is dram, the process isthe same except shat any unit(s) in that army can be activate (unless listed by th care’ ext] and any one Formation Order the play chooses is assigned ta activated units B. Hold Card: The player can hold the Formation Activation o [Cand for use i future Held Formation Activation (CIC Card Phase (sev section 8), The card is placed ee down an front ofthe player. A player can narmally hold any number ‘of Formation Activation Cards (depending on Game Module}. 4, Fire Combat Step: Active units operating under an Attack. bor Defend Formation Order [only) may issue Fire Combat re Combat (see section 6). Resolve any order and to Important: Note that Fire Combat is conducted before Movement ‘and Close Combat. Isuing Fire Combat does not prevent a unit ‘from moving in the Movement Step nor from attacking inthe Close Combat Step (assuming an Attack Order). Units thus need to be positioned for fring in advance, 5. Movement step: All units, regardless oftheir Formation Order sy eondact Moversent, The exact distance move sd aby ta Engage ts dependent on Une actual Formation Orr assigned {see section 8) 8. Close Combat Step: nly wots sexvated with an Attack conduct Clase Combat (sve setion 1. 7. Regroup Step: 0 Defend Formation Order may i Shaken, Disrupted and Broken units activated with ont tis ep (see section M} B. End Activation Step: If there aren held Activation cards ‘ever! tothe Held Formation Activation/CIC Card Phase. Otherwise, goto the Activation Phase. Itthere aren iurmation Aetivation or CIC Cards being kell and the Activation Card Daw Pies empty proceed to the End Phase. G] FIRE COMBAT STEP Units acivated with an Attack or Defend Issue Fire Comat during the Fire Combat Step while any unt allowed by an Event Card, armation Order may OVERALL SERIES RULEBOOK Combat oust frst select an eligible enemy-oceupied target hes. ‘woth Range and Line of Sight Unie activated with 2 Maneuver Formation Grier, Mounted Cavalry urits ad those writs w Blocked LOS {sce below} may not issue Fire Combat |. Range: the firing player counts the number af hexes between ‘the firing unit and its incended target hes, counting the target hex tse ut not the firing he. This distance is cross referenced on the Weapon Range Table with the type at unit firing (either Infantry, Dismounted Cavalry Rfled Artillery or Snioathbore rier), IF the measured Range ts within the band of numbers inthe first ealurn, itis Effective Range F Combat thin the second band of numbers, is Long Range Fire Combat Fire Combat is not allowed at a Range that is greater than the last number shoven isthe “Lang” ola 2, Line of Sight (LOS): The tring unit must be able ta *see" the target hex by establishing clear Line of Sight determine LOS, draw an imaginary line from the center of the fring unit's hes to the center of the target unit's hex. Any intervening hex ‘hat is touche in any’ way by this teace! LOSis involved in she Fire Combat. Do mat include the firing or target hex in this determination. he LOS can he Blocked, preventing the hire (she rel lines in she lustyation above); Obseured, reducing the etfetiveness ofthe fre depending on thesitwation (black ines; oF Clear, wath no elect ot the Fire Combat (grect lines). Take note of the Blevation Lev ofall hhexes in the involved units’ hexes and those along the LOS, A. Firing Hex and Target Hex are atthe same Flevation Level + [there are Town or Woods kexes oF say Units (of either side) along the LOS that are on the same or higher Elevation Level than the fing and target hexes, the LOS s locked, + I'there any Town or Woods hexes or any Units (of eithes Side) lon the LOS on a fawer Elevation Covel than both the Tuning ane target hexes, the LOS is Obseured. 8. Firing Hex is at lower Flevation Level than the Target Hex (‘, tring uphill + [there are Town ar Woods hexe's ar any Units (of either side) along the LOS an a fower Elevation Level than hath she Firing ane target hexes or fower than the target hex (only), the LOS is Obseured, 4 tlthere is any hex along the LOS ona higher Elevation Love than both the firing and targes hexes, the LOSis Blocked. ‘+ Ihthere is any hex alongtthe LOS on the same Flevation Level asthe target hex [only the LOS is Blocked. (Firing Hex is at higher Elevation Level than the Target Hex fie. fring downhill) 4+ Il tuere are'Town or Woods exes or any Units (of cithes side) along the LOS on a Tower Elevation Level than both the firing anu! target hexes or ower than the firing hex (only), the LOS is Obscured. {© Iithere isany hex along the LOS on a higher Elevation Level ‘than hth the firing and target hexes, the LOS is Blocked, ‘+ Ththoreisany hex alongrthe LOS on the same Flevation Level asthe firing hex (only), the LOSis Blocked. 1. the LOS s traced exactly along a hexside between non: blocksing/Obscuring hex and a Blocking /Obscuriny hes, then the LOS is Obscured Ione hex is Blocking and the other is cither Blacking er Oascaring, the LOS 's Blocked. 3, Firing Strength Points (SP) Ifthe target hes is within Range ‘anu! LOS ofthe firing hes[ es), sum the sumber of SP fring, AL [fmultple units of the same type are fing from the same firing hex athe same target hex, ten the SP of wach sucle uinic must be added tagether into one SP total there are bath Infantry atid Astillery in the same hes, only one type can fire at the same target hex. The other tyne may pot fre at that target hex but could fire ata diferent target hes. B.A tiring unit may not split its SP against multiple targets Combined Brigade Fires isis ring from diferent fri. hhexes at the same target hex may not comisine their SP inte fone toral unfess they quality tor Combined Brigade Fire. Ieuhe wats ave all from the same Deigade and are in wo ‘adjacene firing hexes (only, they may ad their hire wt ‘one SP total. They must be fri neither hex may have a locked the same type and firingat the sare Range either hex bas an Obscured LOS, the fire is considered Obscured. I ether hex is oa a higher clovation th the target hex. the ire gets the Or Higher Elevation Firing Hex Advantage (see G-5a}. [OS and sll units must he oF 1. Starting CRT Column: doce the oral number at firing SP crimised, consul the Combat Results Table [CRU] and find the colum that shows the range af numbers that ‘contains the total numberof firing SP. This isthe starting CERT column for this Fire Comb, Note however thet the last oumbered eolumo on the CRT isthe highest starting column possible, so all SP greater than that numer are cesentially wasted. For example ifthe CRT last numbered coluna 15°19 a nie firing with 25 SP would stil stare Hs Fire Gombat using hat column SHATTERED UNION 7 s: The fring player will oll the Bkaeke die first. This cic result is eross-reterenced on the ARMmunition Problems Table ta determine if the firing wnt has logistical issues that compromise is ine efficiency The die roll may or may nat result ina Target Hex Advantage (see below), . Fire Combat Advantages: Heginning with the Starting CRT ‘column as determined in step H-3,the firing player silts columns ta the left and/or ta the ighe per the Fire Combat Advantages Table, Check down the table and apply ose earn sine the right (>) foreach applicabe Firing Hex Advantage sand ane orto cofurin shits to dhe eft foreach applicable Target Hex Advantage. I shere are multiple shifts, accarmulste them and take the difference to get net shit. Apply each shiltit any ofthe firing units qual for, Eack Ganse Module wall have one ‘or mare Advantage situations unique to that gare, but most mastules will have these standard Fire Comsat Advantages: A. Firing Hex Advantages: + On Higher Elevation; Ifthe firing hes isata higher Elevation evel than the target hex, the firing hex gets one colupin shit right Iftwe heses are using Combined Brigade Fire (H-¥e), this Advantage applies i either af the tri hhexesis higher ‘+ Target is Mounted Cavalry: If the target hex contains ‘only Mounted Cavalry units, the hiring hes gets one column sHuift right If the target hex eoatains any non Maunted Cavalry unt, this shift does not apply + Artillery Canister: [fan Artillery unis is fring at an adjacent target hex (only), then shift ane calurnn right ‘© Defend Order: Irthe acre unit is operating unsdera Defend Formation Onder then shift one calm right. The Delend Order can be issued fram any soure Card, CIC ara novmal Formation Order B. Target Hex Advantages: 4+ Long Range Fire fany inng unit istringat Long Ronge (per the Weapon Range Table) gets a two column shiltstathe et ‘© Obseured LOS: I the fring hex’s LOS is Obseured (see 1-2) the fring hes gets one colunm shift let, Note that Blocked LOS tite is not allowed ‘© InCover:Irshe target lex contains tertain that is deemed labe Cover per the Game Module, the hewn hex gets one ccllunin shift et + Ammunition Problems: Ithe tick die all sndieates an Ammunition Probleat for the firing unit (see #4, shift ane column to the lett, ©. Final CRT Column: Afer making any applicable Fire Gamba Advantage coluran shifts, the final CRT column ss used for the Fire Combat resolution, Note that column shifts ean be rmaalefursher to the right of the highest-nurshered colurin sand these bonus columns are shoven with asterisks (°). Ifthe ‘colun shits yield a net shift that ends cathe Heft of the ‘clus the sire is automatically a"NE® result For example, a stack of three Union Infantry units totaling 15 SP is issulng Fire Combat ata hex containing two Rebel units (one ‘of which is Shaken). The starting column is therefore the “13-15” column of the CRT. The units had a Black die roll of "I; so they are experiencing some Ammunition Problems They are alo firing at ‘Long Range and are in a higher elevation hex than the target het This results none column shift lef, two column shifts left, and ‘one column shift right for a net shift oftwo column shifts iets That ‘makes the final Fire Combat CRT column the "8-9" column, B. Fire Combat Dice Roll: The firing player rolls the four romaining dice simultaneously. The dice results are spit up and applied in the order indicated below: Red/White, Blue a Gray. 2. Cohesion Test Types Hirst, the Red and White dice are ad together and preduce a two-digit number from 11 to 66, \with che Red die read first and the White dic number second This Red/White pairing results then cross-referenced or the final CRT Column (as per 6-50). The lds the peo! Cohesion Test ta shich the target hex i subjected + N= Nepligible Re Routine Te Tough © C= Critical Doues: tthe Red/White eice result isa “doubles” result (e433, 11, ete), players reference the 0%" immediately above the doubles ea: applying shat result normally n addition, the target hex ts Shocked sand may not Firefight (see 6-9), B. Fire Combat Result: To determine the final esult of the Fire Combat, players will reference their specific die (Blue for the Union player ane Gray fy the Confederate player) and then go to:the Fire Combat Result Table, A. Cohesion Rating Modifier: Lach player finds their highest ‘modified CR value wnt involved in she combat, The player ‘with the higher CR value will ealculate the difference Dotween their unit's CR value and the enemy unit’s lawer CI value, This iflerence is the CR Mochiet and is added to the die roll ofthe higher-CR sie. the highest CR vale foreach side isthe same, there is no modifier effect. E. Dice Roll Ditferential: The firing player takes their coloreet dlc rol result (plus the CR Meuiier from above if Uhey have {the higher unit) and subtracts the target player's colored clio rol reslt (plus the CR Modifier from above if they have ‘the higher-CR unit) to get the Fire Combat Differential For example, [Union units are firing at Rebel units and the highest-CR Union unie sa "4" and the highest-CR Rebel unc isa "2 the Union player will add +2 tothe Blue die and the Rebel player ‘will ada nothing to the Gray dle roll. ©. Final Fire Combat Result: Players fit the row euntaining ‘he Fire Combat Differential nc cross-reference this row ‘with the column representing the Cohesion Test Type: inflicted. This enty isthe final Fre Combat result ands applied tothe target hex (only) 3s indicated below Apply the OVERALL SERIES RULEBOOK is any choice offered, the owning player ofthe target unit(s) makes the decision, The table resulls are tead as follows: the player must apply the indicated result to al affected units X/ Y= the player chooses either the lef resul athe right result to.apply tothe unit f multiple units im altectec hex, each may choose a diferent option X(V) =the player mast apply the Felt result ro the wait andl may also apply the right rosul, If multiple anits ss affected hex, ene nay ehoose a dilterent option. the player must apply both results to all affected units, Results (°X" and “Y" above) NE-= no effect on tags re detailed as follows: Sil = all units in the target hex ave Shaken, Place Shaken” marker under eact uni the targe hex. fa Shaken unit receives this result lunita"Disrype marser instead. (1a Disrupted lunit receives this result lip the unit counter tates Batifeworn side and give ita“Shakew marker Ifthe unit already Batileworn, x rust takesa Break Test (sve LoL}. GEES) Ps = att units in the target hex are Disrupted KG Place a “Disrupted” marker uneer each unit in the Ba es a Shaken or Disrupted unit receives this result ip the counter to ts Battlewore side and the luni Keeps its current “Shaken /disrupted” marker: I ‘the unit is already Ba leworn, it must take a Break Test (sce 1} DP ~all units in the target hex are Depleted sid rust hip over to their Battleworn side. Units keep Any “Shaken Disruptedt” marker they may have at the time, ta units already am its Bateleworn side it must immediately tale a Break Test (see L-1). Ske ~all units in the target hex :iust Skedaddle che nussies of shoves inlcated by the listed number (see section K}, Continuing the example from above, the final Fire Combat CRT ‘column isthe °8-9" column. The Red/White dice rllis “45 so the Cohesion Test Type isR" (ora Routine test). The Union player's ‘est CRunit isa" while the Rebels best is only a°3" The Blue die roll is “4” and the Union player will add "+1" to that for the higher- CR ifference (4 versus 3), so the net die rolls “5: The Gray die roll {for the Rebel player is a°2* Thus, the dice rol differential isthe {firing Union player's roll of “5” minus the targeted Rebel player's rol of 2° fora differential of +3" Checking the Fire Combat Results Table, this alls within the “+2 to +4” Differential range and cross referencing that row withthe “R® column, the players get a result of SH (SK1)" This means that al the targeted Rebel units ‘are Shaken. One unit isgiven @ “Shaken” marker, but the other Rebel unie was already Shaken, and its marker is now flipped to its “Disrupted” side. The Rebel player also has the option to have units ‘Skedaddte one hex and decides to Skedaddle the Disrupted unit but leaves the Shaken unitin the hex so it can Firefight (see below). 8, Firefight: Alter the etfects ofa Fire Combat are applied tothe target hex, the units inthe originally targeted hex (only) ‘may issue thelr own Fire Combat attack back at the firing hex(es) (only), providing they did nat Skedaddle and they are otherwise eligible todo sa. A targeted unit that Skedaddles may not engage in a Firefight, oven i technically suillable tosses, Sulpsequent Fire Combats are resolved using normal procedures ‘cluding the restriction that oni ane type of unt (Isfanty or Aullery} ay engage in Pie Combat from the same hex at the ‘same target Firefights may result ina string of hack-and-‘orth Fire ‘Combats and there ts no limit bow often these can be exchanged, However i anyof she Fire Combat roils results ina “doubles’ rel {inclung the original dice ral), shen the targeted exis Shocked ‘nd the Fight stops. The exchange ends after a player opts not to continue the Firefight ar one side as Shared H] MOVEMENT STEP All active units may conduct movement during the Movement Step, but the actual distance allowed is dependent othe Formation Order sssiyited o> an Event Car's instructions 1. Movement Allowances: Fach Formation Order dictates the Movement Allowance of the nits governed by that Order The Mowemons Allowance isthe maximam number of Mavement Points (MP) that can be expended by a unit The actual Moxement Allowance tor each Formation Order is dependent fon the Game Module being played, as each module uses a Uferent seafe, Generally, the Formation Order effects are ‘+ Maneuver: The highest Mavement Allowance. plus uni may’ use March Order ifqualiied (see H-2b}. 4 Attack The average Movement allowance + Defend: The lowest Movement dllowanee, usually only qual the Minimum Movement Ability (see I-26) 1 Mounted Cavalry: This unit usually receives an “Additonal MP bonus added to eael Fornsation Order's normal Movement Allowance 2. Movement Costs: tins sre mow rom hes to adjoining ex paving cost in Moversent Pountsw beable to enteran aiaceat hex depending on that hess terrain type. Ifa unit does not have sulliciest MP rersauming to pay the cust of enteringa hex, it may ‘ot do so fhasvever see Minimum Movement Ability below) The MP cost to enter specific hexes will be different with each Gase Mole, However, there are same standard series prineiples A. Clear Hexes: 1 MP co enter These are hexes without any ‘iguafcant terra features. 8. March Order: 1/2 MP. When a units moving alonga Main Road (only) and has also heen activated with a Maneuver SHATTERED UNION Formation Order (only) each Main Roaul hes eosts only % MP to enter However a unit may never exceed the Stacking Lint a any point (see 1-3) during movement. Let des, t may not use the faster March Order rate, it must instead use the normal non-Koadl cost ofthat hex, Units mowing an Event Card ability may not yse the March Oruler rate ©. Disengagement: +1 MP cost [see 1-5} 1. Minimum Movement Ability: Units may always move ‘one hex regardless of MP costs, providing the hey can otherwise be entered legally player can always have 3 unit use this minimum move eather than apply normal MP costs, 3. Stacking Limit limited number of SP may be stacked in the same hex. Only friendly units may stack a unit may never enter the same hex as an enemy unit for any reason, Each Game Moslule has its owvn stacking limit depending on the sale of ‘hat module. There is never a stacking limit For mits chat are oft sap. The stacking limit is always: based on the printed SP valle on the unit counter Do not reduce the mumber of SP for 4 Shaken/Disrupted marker when considering the stacking mit. The stacking lini can only be temperarily exceeded wher auunit is moving thraugh » hos In this ease, the movernrouph hos cam be over-stacked while the unis continues its move. Hosvevet units using the March Order vate may never enter snvaver-staice’ hes while using that faster rate. If the Stacking Lit is exceeded, the unit must pay the normal non-Road movement point cost of that hex. 4. Engagement: 4 unit may only voluntarily move adjacent 2 {enemy unit fits activated wit an Attack Porssation Orde. With Defend anid Maneuver Orcers, units must remain at least two hhexes away from enemy units during their movement. However, units that begin their movenient adjacent to an enemy unit may remain in their hex or mowe frsher away: Units forced to moe by an Event Card may Engage Skecacéling units may not Engage the enemy unlessthere i Ro other option [see section K) jsengagement: If moving unit startsadjacent oan enemy unitand wishes ta move out ofthat hes, the maving unit must pay a penalty of +1 MP cost far the next hes entered [even i the nev Hes is sill adjacent roan enemy unit) ‘For example, a unit moving from a hex adjacent to an enemy unit toa Clear hex also adjacent to that same enemy unit would pay 2 MP todoso. 6. Off Map Movement: Units may be moved olf the gare wap irom any’ toap-ege or the cost of 1 MP (regardless of the terrain eos of the exte ex). However, that ur may nly enter from that same hex as i cis a Reinforcement uni see below). Place an “Off Map dxa/entry” marker as 2 render of ‘where the unit exited 7. Reinforcements Movement: Unis that are scheduled to arrive sharing a Game Turn as Reinforcements (per the scenario Instructions) ate placed just of map next ta the hes from ‘whic they wil enter The oavning player should also ake the corresponding Formation Activation Cards if ths formation has not yet heen in the game. tf mare than one unit isarriving, rake a stack of units (the Stacking Linsit is ignored while off ap]. When the Reinforcemens formation is activated, ove each eligible unitonto the map with the entry hes asthe rst hexof movement. Units that do not get actisated remain off ap. Reislorcement uruts scheduled to enter the yante at the same hex are considered to be adjacent ro one another while off map (this ‘ould be important for some game or Event card etfects). I all the potential entry hexes are cnemy-occued, the Reinforcement Units may not enter the map until the enemy units are removed 8. Mounted and Dismounted Cavalry: Cavsiry nits have a Dismounted side (with the dismounted trvoper graphic) aid a Mounted sie (with the rider and horse graphic), These units may ‘ite nerween shese two modes before their movement {only} A.Dismounted Cavalry units se treated i al ‘was as dnfantry except they may only evnduet Fire Combat against adjacent units and are always considered ta be firing at Lang Range (hecase EZ they are normally armed only with carbines) Mounted Cavalry units may’ add an MP bonus to their normal Movement Allowances forall Formation Unters, providing they remain ‘Mounted for the entire move, However, hey may not issue Fire Combat. PAB Changing Modes: Ifa Cavalry vnit wishes to change from Mounted to Dismounted or vice versa, it must do so at the start of its Mavomont ‘That change reduces the unit's beginning Movement Allowssce to half (rouned up) of its normal value The unit sips over to its new side and then continues with mavement normally (using anly the remaininy balance ofits beginning Mevement Allowance). 1D. Cavalry units are aways Hattlewarn - they do not have a Fresh side. So, whether Mounted or Dismosnted, the nit ‘takes a Depletion (DP) result twill nt Hip aver. must Instead immediately take a Break Test (see U1) 1) CLOSE COMBAT STEP Only units activated with an Attack Formation Or are cucrently Engaged with ax enemy hes, may attack in Close ‘Combat curing the Close Combat Step. In aldiion, sone Lvent Cards allow a Close Combat attack, Au eligible unit or stack of tunits wishing to attack in Close Combat mast select oie (only) adjacent enemy-occupied hex as the defending hes ofthe attack Close Combat is resolved simitarly to Fire Gamba, bt with key differences J. Attack Declaration: The active player devlares whieh oftheir eligible units are attacking an adjacent enemy target hex. A sgle defending hex ean only be the target of one Close Gommbat per pase, Attacking units so cammtted cannot change the ‘declared deending hes later in the phase. -10- OVERALL SERIES RULEBOOK A. Only active units or thuse utilizing an Event Card abulty may conduct a Clase Combat attack BL Attacking units stacked in the same hex may each attack 4 diferent adjacent enemy-eecupied hes, o all attack the same detending hex, However, a single anit may not split its SP valueagainst multiple defending hexes Uf there are multiple hexes: attacking the same defending hex, {ey areal jouned together into one eosntsined attack. BL Anattacking hex is never forced toattark all adjacent ‘enemy-oceupied exes, Attackers may target one adjacent hex and ignare others (hut sce Flank Supparr Detendling Unit Advantage below). E, Artillery units may never declace a Close Combat attack but may Pg anits and defend in Close Cambat 2. Cavalry Withdrawal: After attack declarations are made, any Cavalry units (Mounted or Dismountedi in the delending hex ray opt to automatically withdraw before the combat beyins. Hoeverif at least one Mounted Cavalry unit (only) is atest the hes, she Cavalry Withdrawal option s nt avalable, A. Mounted Cavaley units may withdraw by applying am immediate °SK2 / SKI" result 8. Dismounted Cavalry may withdraw by applying ae Hmmediate “SKA / SK2" result © Ufthis vatharawal leaves the defending hex vacant, shesattackers ray conduct Attacker Breakthrough normally (see -9) |. Defensive Fire: The attacking player will roll the Black die first, his die resalt ss cross-referenced om the Defensive Fire Table to determine the effect of the defending unit's lire as the attack appraaches, Do not rall she Black di i the defender is only Mounted Cavalry ‘The die result may be moditied at re rolled depending on the following eireumstances: A. The die roll can be iereased based on the mumber and type there ate at least three different artacking hexes, the attackers get ome colurn shill right (reyailless of their relative positions to one another) B. Defending Units Advantages: 4 In Cover: ithe defending hex has terrain that is deemed to he Cover por the Game Moxiule, the attackers pet one column shift leit SHATTERED UNION + Across Stream: fal! stacking hexes have a Stream. hesside between them and the delecding bes, the alackers get one column shift lef. IFeven ane attacking hex is not rossi a Stream hexside, this advantage des net app n: Irthe defending hex isa higher Flevation level than aif athe atsaking hexes, the attackers get one column shift le. H even one attacking hex s not at lower Elevation Level than the defending hex this advantage oes not apps + 2x Greater SP: [fhe total defending SP is at least the total SP in the all the atacking hexes combined, the attacking hex gers two column shifts let: include any SP adjustment from "Shaken, Disrupted markers +) Flank Support fn of the attacking heses are adjacent to another enemy-oecupied hex [other ian she devending hos) that includes a least one Infantry or Artillery ont an thathex does nat have a Close Combat attack declared against it [whether resolved yet or not), then the attacking hes gets. one colum sit let for each such supporting hex. The Flank Support shift isto simulate the effect ofa line of defenders supporting one another: Ifyou gnore nearby enemy units to attack only one hex ina line of defenders, thase un- ‘attacked defenders wil try to threaten the attacker's flanks and rear, Note also,for example, that f there are two enemy hexes that qualify for Flank Support, the Defending Unit Advantage would be ‘two column shifts tothe let. ©. Final CRT Column: Arter making any applicable Clase Combat Advantage column shits, the final CRY column is used far the Close Combat resolution, Note that column shits can be made further ta the right atthe highest: numbered eolusan an these bors columns are shove with asterisks (*).I the column shifts yield a net shitt that ends tothe let of the "1 column, the attacker automatically suffers un “A:DP+SK3" result 6. Close Combat Dice Roll: he:atsacking payer rolls the four remaining dice simultaneously The alice rosults are split up ave applied sn the order indicated telsy: Red/White, Blue sil Gray 2. Cohesion Test Type: he Red and White dice sve res her nest ae wil give a Uvo-digit number from L1 to 66. the Real die mumber read first and the White die number second. This Red/Wlae pairing results then cross-relerenced the final ERT column (as per Ic}. The resulting column elds the type of Cohesion hes is subjected + N=Neztigible SE Lasy © R= Routine 8 Te tong’ 2 sesevere . Critical Doubles: If the ied sand White dice yield “Woubles result (ex: 22,55, ei). players reference the row ately shave the doubles rove applying that result narmlly In addition, resalve the effects ofa Brutal "Note tht in Close Combat, there will always be an effect on some (and sometimes al ofthe units involved inthe combat rom both ies. 8. Close Combat Result: To determine the final result of the Close ‘anbat, payers wil reference specific die [Blue for the Union player and Gray forthe Confederate player) and then go tothe Close Combat Results Table. A. Cohesion Rating Modifier: Lach player finds their highest {ER value wnt involved in the combat, The player er Cit value will ealeulate the difference between their units CR value and the enemy wnit’s ower CR value. This difference is the CR Moditier and is added to the die roll ofthe higher-CR side, If he highest CR value foreach, Side isthe samo, there iso masiter elect. B. Dice Roll Differential: Phe attacking player takes thew colored! die roll resull plus the CR Modifier trom above if they have the higher-C8 unit) and subtraets the defending player's colaved die rll result (pls the CR Mosier fram above ifhey have the higher-CR unit) to get he Close 1, Final Close Combat Result Players find the row eontaining ferential and cross-reference this row wit the column representing the Cohesion Test Type irlicted ‘his entry isthe final Clase Combat result ana is applied to the affcte target hestes) as nlicated below Apply the Close Combat result to aif units in the affected hex. I there any choice olfeved, the evning player ef the uni{s) males the dlecsion, The table results ave read a allows A= all the attacking units (only) are affected by the indicated resul, Il the defending nits fon) are tected by the pdicated result 1b: ~all units from both sides involved in the Close Costa apply the indicated ves X= the player must apply the indicated result all affected nts XY =the player ehooses either the left result or the right result to apply wo the unit {f multiple units is affected hex, each may choose adilferent option, X (¥) = the player must apply the left result tothe uot and may also apply the right result mulipie ants affected hex, cue ‘may chonse a diferent gation With a "BSH(SKAY" rest Combat, the attacking player chooses frst. Xo+ Y= the player must apply both results to al affected wits and "Y" above) are detailed as follows: S11 =all units in the affected hex are Shaken Place "Shaken" marker under each unit inthe hos fa Shaken unit roceives this rest, pve the unit a Disrupced! marior instead. Wa Disrupted luni receives this result, flip the unit counter to is Battlewarn side andl give ita “Shaken” marker. the unit salresdy atteworn, te mmust take 2 Break Test (see 11). 1S = all units in the affected hex sre Disrupted Placea "Disrupted marker under each unit sn the hos. If Shaken or Disrupted unit receives this worn side and it ears O SGD result flip the counser to its Ba keeps its "Shaken Disrupted? marker. Irthe unit is already Hattleworn, takes a Break Test (see £1) bP =all units in the affected hex are Depleted and mast fp over to their Batdleworn side. Units keep any "shot /Drsrupted marker they may have atthe tine. Ira unit isalready on ts [attlewarn side, ie must mediately take.a Break Test (see L-1). “1a OVERALL SERIES RULEBOOK Sk ~all units inthe affected hex must Skedaddle the nurnber ofexws indicated by the listed number (see section I) 8, Hrutal Melee: This result represents those rare times om ‘the ACW battlefield when units came ta melee camtact vicious hand-ta-hand combat involving bayonets, clubs, fists ete Ater applying the effects ofthe initial Clase Combat [inciudiny any Skedaeidle moves but not Attacker Breakthroughs}, a player rolls one die and applies the indicated adlitional result listed helow, 10, Attacker Breakthrough: {fat the eonelusion ofa Close Combat there is at least one attacking unit remaining in any of the attacking hexes and there are no nis remaining in the defending hos [or any reason), any atacking units that are not Shaken or Disrupted mas conduct an immediate Atsacker Bevakthuough A. The attacking player chooses any of the attacking unis that {are not Shaken or Dissupted to move into the defending, hhex (up tothe stacking imi), “These advancing units (only) may then immediately conduct, another Close Combat attack against one adjacent ‘enemy-oecupied hex [only] using normal Clase Comsat procedures (icluding a new Defensive Fire die rll, et) {Infantry units may only conduct one Atacker Breakthrough per step Mounted Cavalry (omy) may comduet up to ‘wo Aitacker Breakthroughs per step, Detending units ‘cannot conduct an Attacker Breakthrough, except with Caungerattack result ham a Brutal Melee Close Combat Example: The Rebel player activates a three-unit Brigade consisting of the following units: 8.3, 5-4 and 10-3. The ‘Brigade ts given an Attack Formation Order. The units first issue Fire Combat a eligible targets and resolve those combats to ‘conclusion. Each Rebel unit then moves up to 2 MP and the Rebel player has chem positioned in such a way that each is able to move ‘adjacent toa two-unit Union stack from three separate hexes. The Union stack is made up of a Battleworn 6-3 and a Shaken 7-3 (the ‘Shaken marker inthis example is “2 /-1"), The Rebel player first. rolls the Black Die for Defensive Fire, modifying it by a #2 asthe de- {fenders have a total of 11 SP-The roll is a°67 which becomes an “B* ‘and the result is *DS/SH+SK1" The Rebel 10:3 unt (the largest-SP attacking unit) must either become Disrupted or it becomes Shak fen and retreats one hex. The Rebel realizes that he has now last his 2:1 edge in SP (regartless of which option he chooses) so he opts to retreat the 10-3 and make it Shaken. Itcannot now participate in the Close Combat, but iisin better shape than had it kept up the attack. The attacking Reb’s are down to 13 SP so the player starts the attack on the 13-15° column. The atack s shifted one column to the right because the Rebels achieved a Flanking Attack as each (ofthe two remaining units are on oppastes sides ofthe defending Union units. There are no other shifts involved so the attack is resolved on the "16-18" column. The player rolls the four remaining dice and gets a Red/White combo of "44a Blue die of 2" and a Gray die of 3" The “44” row yields a "Cohesion Test Type along witha Brutal Melee resut. The combat i resolved first, and the players refer to the Close Combat Results Table. The Differential ‘figured as follows: attacker net die rolls "4" (Rebel highest CR of "4" versus Union highest CR of 3 so +1 tothe Gray die) versus the defender die rol of 2" yield a Differential of +2" Rebel less Union 2°). Gross-referencing the “* column with the "+2/+3/+4" row gives usa result of D:SH+SK1’ The two defenders are each ‘Shaken ~ the 7-3 fis its marker over tothe ‘Disrupted side (since itis already Shaken) and the 6-3 gets.a “Shaken” marker. Both ‘must also Skedadle one hex but since doing so would leave them adjacent to an enemy hex (the attackers in this case), they must instead apply another “SH” result in the retreated hex. The 7-3 unit ‘must now fp over to its Battleworn side, and it gets “Shaken” ‘marker; the 6-3 unit fps its marker overt its “Disrupted” side. Now the Brutal Melee must be determined. A player rola die and ‘gets "4% which is Atacker Enfladed, The Rebel player must rola, die against the CR ofeach attacking unt. The roll is “6 forthe 8:3 ‘and “for the 5-4. This means tha the 8-3 is now Shaken and cane not therefore conduct an Atacker Breakthrough. The 54 passed its check and it decides to conduct an Attacker Breakthrough into the vacated defending hex. The Rebel player opts not to conduct an- ‘other Close Combat attack withthe 5-4 (which itcould do against the two Union units that jus retreated). Narratively, this sequence indicates that though the Union units were surrounded brief, they were able to squeeze out of the trap and catch the Rebel 8-3 un- ‘aware witha vicious and well-coordinated counterattack around its flank. But they are indir straits nonetheless and are lucky that the Rebels lost their nerve to conduct a breakthrough attack. J) END PHASE This phase marks the end ofthe Game‘Turs |. Held Event Card Step: If either player is holding ane or more old” Event Cards, they may play eligle cards oneata time, 1H both players have sueh cards, they alternate playing one card ‘at tine, with the Confederate player going ist, 2, Reset and Victory Point Step: Irthis is not the last Came Tarn, players gather sheir Formation Activation an Event Cards (played ane un-played, inluding thase that were held but never played) and take them back in hand, Note that held cards that were 0 played! are not carried over from turn to turn, Players wll count their earned Vietory Points deta inthe Gane Module and record the new totals on the trick. Gameplay then proceeds to the next surn's Game Turn Marker Phase. If he last Gane Tara ofthe seenaria just concluded, the game is over, anda final tally of Victory Points is made to dewermine she game winner a1 SHATTE K] SKEDDADLE his is simply thematically named way of deseribing a retreat mavement Skedaddling is conducted immediately upon it being imposed or chosen, as tllows |. Distance Retreated: The distance retreated is given as the number of hexes thst must be moved, Do not count the normal MP cast of the hex terrain entered but a unit may only enter legal hexes, . Movement Away from Enemy: The retreating unit must increase the distance betwoen self and the enemy uni that ‘caused the Skedadclle result. I the Skedadidle was caused by an Event card the unit must move away from the nearest enemy unt IF sLissmpossible to da so due to enesny units and/or ‘the map edge, the Skedaedling unit may maintain the same distance foam the enemy: . Engagement The retresting unit eanmot Eng unit unless its not possible to avoid suck: 2 move. [Fampossible to.avoid, the unit may mave adjacent te one-aF more enemy unuts, batt mnust then suffer an "SH" result, ypplied normally and inthe first ex tis adjacent ta an enemy. Ines not mat how rxany enemy units are aljacest nor how many heses are Fetreated into that cause Engagement, apply only one SH result to the unit |. Off Map Movement: retreating unit may be forced to move off the map because it cannot meet any uf the above erizera. I so, place itn the next Game Turns box on the Gare Tuen Trae snl may enter asa Reinforcement during shat turn. fe must enter through the hes from which it exited (use the “OY Map Fxit/nery” markers provided to indicate the hex) . Friendly-Occupied Hexes: Ifa retreating unit moves through 1 friendly-aceupied hes, it may only stop there ifthe hex then meets the Stacking Limit. nat, the retveating anit must keep ng (oven heyond she original SK rosuls) I its torced to keep retreating because of exceeding the Stacking Limits this manner, the inactive units that were passed through are all given an immediate °SU” result, applied normally. |. Unable To Complete Skedaddle: Ifa retreating unit cannot possibly continue moving per the above parameters (Tor ‘example its physically surrounded by adjacent enemy units) then iLis immediately Broken [no Break Testis mace} L] BROKEN UNITS Units that become Broken are semporsrily put out of commission, they have lost ll cohesion ane do not exist on the map as viable ssay [rom the battlefield or hiding soithina forest buildings, These units are now just attempting to reorganize. Rroken vnits are able reappear in 1 ‘game under Break Tests: When a unit nase ip to i for any reason but is already on that side, it must rake a Immediate Break Test. The owning player rolls one die and compares the rolled result to CR of the affected unit. The unit's Ris reduced hy an additional -1 ifthe testing unit is not stacked with, or adjacent to, another unit from its Brigade. leno other unit from ts Brigade exists the parse (For any tacked with, or adjacent to, another from its Division to avoid the "-1 CR” penalty Ie the die ral rest is equal to ar fess than the Cit ofthe unit, the unit passes the test and remains in the game but is leworn side reason), then it must ERED UNION jvena “Disrupted” marker {if does not currently have One). itis already Discupted, nothing more happens. 4 Ifthe roll is greater tham the unit's CR, the unit jovi ehe testand is Broken, 2, Hraken Procesdures hen 1 unit fats is Brea Tost itis Imntediately Broken. The Broken wit is removed trom the m and placed in common area that both players ha Uupon to place Broken units, Use the provided "Broken Area parker ta make this loeatian clear: Broken units are ep in this area forthe entire game unless they are brought hack hy Regroup sesion or an Event Card M) REGROUP Units may anly conduct 3 Regroup Action it th ‘while operating under a Defend Formation Orch |. Regroup Eligibility: tincs may not have eondcted Pie Combat during the same activation in which they wish to are activated oup (they are allowed ta canduet Movement ony). In ation, units may not choose to Regroup i they are within ‘wo hexes of an enemy unit (therefore the Regrouping unit ‘must be at least three hexes from an enemy) a. Regroup Procedure: 4 Regriup allows ane ofthe following actions to be conducted with each eligible unit A. Remove Shaken: 4 Shaken unit pay remove the marker immediately The unit is na longer Shaken. h 8. Reduce Disrupted: 4 Disrupted unit may flip shat nacker ‘ver to its “Shaken” side tis now a Shaken unit instead, Rally a Broken Unit: Une Broken ws [only] belonging to the aetive formation may attenipt « Break Test (see Le using the CR valuo as printed on its Battleworn side. There areno other modiiers applied tothe CR (xe, the units never considered ta be Shaken ar Disrupted while in the Broker area}. lithe unit fay the test, st remains in the Broken avea, Ire passes the tes, ic may’ be placed on the map with its a eivorn side face-up, adjacent to another tunic from its Brigade or, none exists on te map, adjacent to.another unit trom is Division. If there are no other units from its Division inthe game, the Divisio has callapsed. ane this uniteainot he Ralied, The Rallied unit eanmot be placed adjacent to an enemy unit. ‘Note that the Rally a Broken Unit action can only be used once per’ ‘Phase ~ ifthe player has multiple units inthe Broken area for this ‘formation, only one unit can attempt to Rally per phase. N] VICTORY DETERMINATION At the conclusion ofthe game, players will determine the winner: Specie Vietory Conditions for eacls Gamse Module will he devailed in that modules rulebook, All morales will use some fort of the following basie system Victory Point Location Markers: Betove the game begins players wall place a nuunbey af YP Location ~ End of Game’ VP Location - Per Turn’ mariers onto scenari. spetified hex locations os the map. Players will dla so by taking al such markers and placing ‘herr face-down [so the markers’ corsmon side is face up and hiding the detailed information fon the back}. The markers are mixed up and 4 OVERALL SERIES RULEBOOK Jown onto their specified locations. The backs © vea specific Vietory Paint rewaré that iso revealed and earned per the Gare Module 2, End of Game VP Markers: These Vietory Paint markors are only earned! at the end ofthe game by the side that controlled the hex atthe start of the game (per the Seenario details) ar that last entered ov occupied the hex with a unit from their sid The marker is revealed after i is determined who earned the VP marker and that sie is awarded the value indicated on the back of the marker if itis Fully Controlled or only half she value if Contested Control isin effect (see belo 3. Per Turn VP Markers: These Victory Point markers ave seared hy the awning side during the End Phase of certain Game ‘urns, as detailed by the scenario, These are kept face down unsil the first time a player scores the VP. at which time ts Hipyped over and kept ne remainder of the g ine side that control the hes atthe start of the game ( the scersruo details) or that hast entered oF oecupied the lex sth a unit fram gheit side is awarded the vale indicated on the back of the marker if is Fully Controlled or only hal value it Contested Contrat is cltect (see helo). 4, Recoreling Victory Points: Victory Points ar lied dar markers andl the Game Game Module the game by using the appropriate ‘urn/Vietory Points Track ine 5, Fully Controlled VP Locations: 4 VP Location marker is Fully Controlled if ts currently occupied by aIriendly ust or was last occupied or passed through by notan ei 9, the friendly unit and there is W unit adjacent to the marker's hex | VP value of the marker is awarded to the pave | Contested VP Locations: 4 VP Lacstin Contested iit is carventy occupied by'a fiend unit oF was last accupied or passed through by a friendly us but atleast one enemy Infantry or Artillery unit is adjacent to th hexas se I Contested, th VP Location marker ss worth only hrf (rounded daw} its normal VP value to the ontroling player 2. Game Winner: The player who earns the higher total ot Viet Points per the specific Game Madule’s “18 Brutal fighting is occurring over a hill witha °VP Location - End ‘ofGame” marker on i and the hex has changed hands almost ‘every turn, It is now the ast turn ofthe game and the Reb's make ‘a desperate Close Combat attack with two units. Due to weak Defensive Fire and a great Close Combat dice roll the Confederates ‘cause the defending units to be Shaken and they must Skedaddle ‘Wo hexes. The one Rebel unit that wasn't Shaken by the Defensive Fireis able to conduct an Attacker Breakthrough onto the hill But now, chat unt is almost surrounded by an entire Division of Union units. Luckily for the Union player, he draws a “Defend” Formation Activation Card and the player activates that same Division. The entire Division proceeds to obliterate the Rebel unit with Fire Combat and it just manages to Skedaddle one hex away, Battleworn and Disrupted. But that Defend card was the last Activation Cardin the pile and the game isnow over! The Union player is reaily upset as he notes that his units couldn't move ‘the 1 MP allowed by the Defend order because they are not able ‘to Engage the enemy under that order. The “VP Location ~ End of Game" marker is now Contested, but its Controlled by the Confederate player asa Rebel unit was the last to occupy the hex, The players flip over the marker and it's the “10 VP" chit So, the Confederate player is awarded § VP (half the normal VP because it ‘was a Contested marker) Ifthe Union had even one Event Card left ‘to.useas a Default Event and thereby move one Union unit into the ‘hex with the VP marker, they would have taken the hill and gotten ‘the VP instead. And tothe Union player's chagrin, i¢turns out that ‘he would have won the game in that case. War is Hell!

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