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School of Education Release Forms: Social Media. edTPA. TEACH. NYSTCE rev.9.


I. Social Media and Confidentiality

As candidates move through the different phases of their education at St. Thomas Aquinas College, the School of Education cautions
them on their use of Social Media sites. The following guidelines, although broad in nature, adhere to a universal code of conduct.

Simply, candidates in the School of Education may not post or share any pictures, work, or sensitive information about the K-12
students with whom they work, or the district public and/or parochial schools with which they are in contact. Any posts must comply
with School of Education and district confidentiality policies.

No candidate in the School of Education may use social media sites to socialize with students or minors in any way that violates the
St. Thomas Aquinas College or school district code of conduct.

● Specifically, the School of Education mandates that candidates use good judgment about content and respect privacy laws;
● that candidates not include confidential information about the College, its staff, or its students;
● that candidates not post any content that is illegal or injurious or a violation of intellectual property rights or privacy laws;
● that candidates not knowingly provide misleading or false information;
● that candidates hold the College and/or School of Education harmless for any claims resulting from the any posted content.
As amended:

I. Statement of Intent to comply with the mandates of the School of Education

My signature below indicates that I understand and I agree to comply with the policies, mandates, and requirements of the School of
Education at St. Thomas Aquinas College. In signing this I also agree to uphold academic honesty and to act in the manner of a
professional as I pursue certification. I understand that my inability to exhibit the dispositions of a professional; to meet the
requirements of either the program or the college will result in my dismissal from the School of Education, St. Thomas Aquinas
College, or both.

Printed Name: __________________________ Signature _______________________________ Date ___________________

II. NYS TEACH Account: Release Form allowing the STAC School of Education access to candidate’s TEACH account.

During your time at ST. Thomas Aquinas College School of Education, it may be necessary for a School of Education administrator to
view your account, upload your transcript, or check for fingerprint clearance.

● Please sign indicating you have a TEACH account Signature _______________________________

● Please sign indicating you have been Fingerprinte Signature _______________________________
● The SoE administrators have my permission to view your TEACH account.

Printed Name: __________________________ Signature _______________________________ Date______________________


III. Final Evaluations: ___I waive my right to see my final evaluation ___ I retain my right to see my final evaluation

Printed Name: __________________________ Signature _______________________________ Date ___________________

IV. Guidelines for Candidate Use of edTPA Videos

A video clip is included in the Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA). However, because videos will almost always include
identifiable images of students, their use as part of the edTPA carries some legal responsibilities. For reasons of privacy and safety,
many parents are concerned about their children appearing in videos and photos, especially any that might be used outside the
classroom. For both legal and ethical reasons, those concerns must be respected at all times. Doing so requires the following of you:

1. For children under age 18, parents and guardians must give their consent to having their children appear on the video. Students
who are 18 years old must give their permission to appear on the video.

2. Before creating the video, you must be sure you know the names of any students whose parents did not grant permission, and
must avoid including those students on the video by positioning the camera so that it does not capture their images. Also, any
student work you submit as part of the assessment must not contain student last names. Important note: Non-consenting
students must not be excluded from the learning activity.

3. Once created, video clips must be submitted as part of your edTPA evidence, but must not be shared or distributed beyond that.
Video clips are created solely to be used as part of your edTPA submission. No part of the video (whether or not included with
your submission) should be used for any other personal or professional purposes. In particular, it must not be posted online, sent
to friends and family, or included in your job portfolio. Anyone suspected of misusing video clips will be reported to the college
as having violated FERPA laws and will be subject to an investigation. Other possible civil and criminal investigations and/or
penalties can apply.

4. Once you have received confirmation that you have successfully completed the edTPA, video clips must be destroyed. This
includes not only the segments submitted, but any video material created as part of your effort to prepare for and complete the

I have read the above guidelines and agree to follow them.

Name (printed) Signature Date

V. New York State and New Jersey State Certification

For NYS Teacher Certification (, candidates must complete these NYS Certification Tests prior to
student teaching:

1. Content Specialty Test (CST)

2. Educating All Students Test (EAS)
4. The edTPA will be completed during student teaching

For NJ Teacher Certification students must complete the appropriate Praxis Exam.

Note of intention to comply…

I have read and understood the NYS and NJ certification mandates.

I understand that I will not be allowed to student teach unless I show evidence that I have taken and/or passed the required state
certification tests.

Candidate Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________

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