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I can… I remember to…

Stay Calm in a stressful situation. Compliment others when they do a good


I am able to…
Keep everyone involved in a project. I like to…
Try new things.

I can…
Identify what needs to be done before it I am able to…
needs to be done. Think quickly.

I give… I can…
Good hugs. Talk to people I don’t know well.

I like to… I can…

Encourage others. Express my feelings.

I’m good at… I am able to…

Paying attention to detail. Ask Questions.

I am… I am able to…

Supportive of others. Stand up for what I believe in.

I am good at… I am…

Organizing resources and people. Accountable for my actions.

I know how to… I give…

Make people feel comfortable. 100% effort.

I can… I can…
Laugh at myself. See the BIG picture.

I am… I am able to…

Open to new ideas. Express my ideas clearly.

I excel at… I can…

Prioritizing things. Get people motivated and enthusiastic
about projects.
I’m good at…
Staying positive even when a task is
frustrating or difficult.

I can…
Visualize situations.

I can…
Explain ideas in a variety of ways.

I enjoy…
Giving and receiving positive feedback.

I’m okay with…

Making mistakes.

I can…
Understand the needs of others.

I can…
Express my opinions, even if they are
different from everyone else’s.

I am able to…
Take charge of a situation when no one
else wants to.

I do…
Take my time and do a good job.

I can…
Adjust quickly when a situation changes.

I am able to…
Meet deadlines.

I share…
My enthusiasm with others.

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