And Reports: Books

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, 1948


All reviews are prepared on invitation. Unsolicited reviews cannot be accepted.
Al books reviewed in these columns may be purchased tkrough the Book Service.
Accident Prevention Manual for tive equipment, industrial hygiene and
Industrial Operations-Chicago: Na- safety organization.
tional Safety Council, 1946. 534 pp. This manual is written in clear, con-
Price, $14.00 ($7.00 to members of cise form and will be an excellent addi-
N.S.C.). tion to public health men interested in
This compact manual is a valuable industrial hygiene and safety. To the
reference for all plant managers, safety newcomer to these fields it presents an
personnel, and industrial hygienists. excellent outline of fundamental in-
The book is divided into 14 chapters formation. LESLIE SILVERMAN
covering various phases of safety and
industrial hygiene. The first chapter Advances in Pediatrics, Vol. II-
discusses the important subject of pre- By S. Z. Levine, Allan M. Butler, L.
planning for safe and hygienic condi- Emmett Holt, Jr., and A. Ashley Weech.
tions, a subject which deserves more New York: Intersciene, 1947. 409 pp.
attention than it now receives in modern Price, $6.75.
plant design. General factors, space re- This Volume presents a well chosen
quirements, personnel service facilities, selection of subjects of contemporary in-
machine layout, exhaust ventilation, and terest and importance. It is not to be
other factors are outlined. This section confused with other annual or quarterly
includes tables and illustrations of de- publications which give in abstract form
sirable arrangements in plant layouts. a review of significant contributions cov-
The second chapter deals with safety ering the whole field of pediatrics. This
precautions necessary in construction is a collection of monographs, each by a
and demolition work. This section is different contributor who is an authority
very well illustrated with proper methods in his field. The following eleven sub-
for providing, hazard-free conditions jects are included: Etiology of Con-
during construction. Chapter 3 dis- genital Malformations, Acute Infectious
cusses safety precautions necessary for Lymphocytosis, Role of Fluorine in
permanent equipment and facilities such Prevention and Treatment of Dental
as elevators, plant railways, boilers, and Caries, the Treatment of Purulent
pressure vessels. The next chapter dis- Meningitides, Chemotherapy, Atypical
cusses guarding and operating machinery Pneumonia, Endocrine and Other Fac-
of all types from metalworking machines tors Determining the Growth of Chil-
to miscellaneous machinery such as tex- dren, Virus Diarrhea, Prematurity, the
tile and refrigerating equipment. Genesis of Physiologic Hyperbilirubin-
Safe operation during material hand- emia, and Prevention of Recurrences of
ling and storage are covered completely Rheumatic Fever.
with very good illustrations. Electrical To pick out any of these monographs
hazards, chemical hazards, fire and ex- for special comment is difficult since all
plosive hazards are each discussed in are comprehensive, authorative, and in-
separate chapters. The use of hand and clude much that is new. However, the
portable power tools is the subject of scope which the editors apparently
another well outlined chapter. intend to maintain is indicated by a full
The remainder of the manual deals and timely discussion of the treatment
with accident records, personal protec- and prevention of. dental caries, " a

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