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Tugas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 C,D,F ( Tulis Jawabnya saja )

Make congratulations and hope expression/sentences based on the situation

Ana has just got a scholarship to study abroad in UK this year.
1. You : ...
Roni wins the story telling contest in his school.
2 You say : ...
Your father gets a promotion to be a marketing manager.
3. You: ...
Farah made a beautiful handycraft. Many people like it.
4. You say to her: ...
You meet with Miss Indonesia 2019.
5. What would you say to her? ...
Shidqi , your close friend becomes a chosen Batang tourism Guide
6. You say to him: ...
Your mother sings very well. And she is going to join the singin contes
next week.
7. You say to your mom: ...
Toro, your neighbour wins the bicycle race in Semarang.
You are eager to congratulate him.
8. You: ...
The ninth grade students have already graduated.
You are the eight student wants to congratulate them.
9. You: ...
Your neighbour, Slamet is going to move to the new house.
10. You said to him: ...

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