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Republic of the Philippines


Department of Education
Division of Quezon
Tiaong District I

Learning Area: Arts VIII Teaching Date: Nov 4-8, 2019

Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 3rd Quarter

A. Content Standard:
The learners will learn South, West, and Central Asian countries as having a rich, artistic and cultural
tradition from prehistoric to present times.

B.Performance Standard:
The learners will create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of South, West, and
Central Asia.
C. Learning Competencies:
The learners will incorporate the design, form, and spirit of South, West, and Central Asian artifacts and
objects to one’s creation.

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
1. Analyze art elements (color, line shape, etc.) and principles (texture, proportion, emphasis, harmony,
etc.) in the production of arts and crafts
2. Understand how art plays a significant role in the daily life and activities of the people; and
3. Appreciate the ethnic and unique characteristics of art form and style through creating and viewing
similar artworks

II. Content:
A. Topic: South Asia: Indian Art
B. Materials: Television, PowerPoint presentation, pictures
C. Learning Resources: Music and Arts Learning material pp. 297- 307

III. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Introduction
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance and school
4. Review of past lesson
Before we proceed to the lesson this Our previous lesson in Arts is East Asian Art.
morning, can anyone recall our previous
lesson in Arts?

Yes, that is correct. Can anyone from the (students’ answers may vary)
class share what you have learned from
East Asian Art?
The examples of East Asian Art are Chinese Paper
What are the examples of East Asian Art? Cutting, Origami, and Paintings

I think you’ve already understood and

mastered our past lesson. So, we can
move on to our next topic.

5. Motivation (the students will sing the song “Ten Little Indians”)
Before we start our lesson, let us stand
and sing a simple song.
“Ten Little Indians”
One little, two little, three little Indians
Four little, five little, six little Indians
Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians
Ten little Indian boys.

Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians

Seven little, six little, five little Indians
Four little, three little, two little Indians
One little Indian boy.

Guide questions: The people being told in the song are Indians.
1. Who are the people in the song? How They are ten.
many are they? (students’ answers may vary)
2. Have you seen an Indian? Can you
describe them? (students’ answers may vary)
3. What is the meaning of the song? Our topic for today is Indian Art, Sir.
4. In relation to Arts, what do you think
is our topic for today?
B. Activity: (students will do the activity)
Let us divide the class into four groups.
Each group will receive an activity
envelope containing different selections.
Once you received the envelope read the
selection and take note of important details
that may be used in the activity paper.
Each group will choose one representative
to discuss your work in class.

The group presentation will be rated using

the following criteria:
Mastery of the topic- 25 pts.
Delivery and presentation of the topic- 25
Instructional materials- 25 pts.
Cooperation- 25 pts.
Total: 100 pts.

Do you understand my instructions?

(Group 1 will present their work in class)
(The Group 1 will present the Ancient
Period of Indian Art.)
Guide Questions:
1. What is the greatest contribution of this
period in Indian Art?
2. When does this period begin?
3. Who are Parsis?
4. What is the main subject of Indian Art
in this period?
(Group 2 will present their work in class)
(The Group 2 will discuss the Classical
Period of Indian Art.)
Guide Questions:
1. What is the greatest contribution of this
period in Indian Art?
2. When does this period begin?
3. Who is Shiva?
4. What is the main subject of Indian Art
in this period?
(Group 3 will present their work in class)
(The Group 3 will present the Islamic
Ascendancy or Transitional Period of
Indian Art.)
Guide Questions:
1. What is the greatest contribution of this
period in Indian Art?
2. When does this period begin?
3. Who is the author of Ramayana?
4. What is the message of the two Indian

(The Group 4 will discuss the Mogul

Period of Indian Art.) (Group 4 will present their work in class)
Guide Questions:
1. What is the greatest contribution of this
period in Indian Art?
2. When does this period begin?
3. Who ruled the Mughal dynasty?

Now that we already knew the history of

Indian Art, we can easily make and learn
Indian arts that I know you will enjoy.

One of the most beautiful and most

pleasing art forms of India is Rangoli.

What is the meaning of Rangoli?

Rangoli is the art of making designs or patterns on
the walls or on the floor of the house usig finely
Very good! Rangoli comes from the words ground white powder along with different colors.
“rang” meaning color and “aavalli”
meaning colored creepers” or “row of

Can anyone from the class describe the art

elements and principles in the picture?
(students’ answers may vary)
What can you say about the color, line, or
shape of the rangoli art?
(students’ answers may vary)
What can you say about the texture,
proportion, emphasis, harmony of the
rangoli art? (students’ answers may vary)

C. Analysis:
What have you learned in the activity?

Why is it important for us to learn the (students’ answers may vary)

history of one country? How is it related
to their arts? (students’ answers may vary)

If you will be given a chance to go to

South Asia, what will be the first place
you want to visit? Why? (students’ answers may vary)

D. Abstraction:
What are the manifestations of Indian Art that
make it unique/ different from other arts?
The unique lines, forms, shapes, colors, motifs, and
Art plays a significant role in the daily life designs make an Indian art different from other arts.
and activities of the people of India.

How can we say that art plays a significant

role (students’ answers may vary)
In our daily life?

Can you cite an example? (students’ answers may vary)

Resourcefulness and clarity are keys to successful art
What are keys to successful art activities? activities.

The art of India reflects the dominant attitudes

toward important aspects of life of the period
which produced them as a mirror of cultural

E. Application:
With your own groups, you will now experience
how to make rangoli art. Using your art materials,
you will make a dress with rangoli art on it. You
may choose one representative to be your model.

Materials needed:
-Manila Paper
-colored sand/ glitters

1. Sketch your design lightly in pencil or chalk
in manila paper.
2. When you are happy with your own design,
finalize the outline with heavier lines.
3. Use glue to outline your design.
4. Fill in your design with sand/ glitters
according to your choice and color
combination. Apply different design patterns:
repeated, alternating, radial pattern, border
5. Display your artwork in class.

The group’s artwork will be rated using the following

Creativity- 25 pts.
Craftsmanship- 25 pts.
Punctuality- 25 pts.
Following directions- 25 pts.

F. Closure:
“Understand and appreciate a work of beauty and
vitality by understanding its place in historical

A. No of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation Section Number of

Section Number of
B. No of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did remedial sessions work? No of learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No of learners who continue to required remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized ,materials did I used/discovered which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:

Secondary School Teacher I MAPEH Department- Coordinator
MAPEH Department

Principal III

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