Religious Involvement 2 March 12

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Name: Bulan, Julie Faith, A.

Program: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science 4

Date of Involvement: March 26, 2023
Date of Submission: March 28, 2023


I: Learnings (Takeaways from the Reading/s and Sharing/Homily)

The gospel last Sunday was Micah 6:8, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk
humbly with your God.” It is when God had given us the essence of “Kinaimbag and

II. Personal Reflections, Realizations, and Resolutions

Humbleness, mercy, and compassion, these three words bring a lot of meaning but
end with a single word called “love”. God gives us the gift of salvation and grace and it is
our responsibility to do it with passion for the mission. The foundation for loving mercy
and doing justice is to walk humbly with God. We fully invest in healing the world around
us through mercy and justice because of what God has done. I believe that cultivating our
relationship with God gives us the strength and passion to fully engage it is the foundation
for everything else we do. God's response to Micah is God's response to us when we ask
what is expected of us.
Thus, I believe that we must make a fundamental decision in our lives. Will I live
solely for myself? Or am I going to live for others? Few people appear to live entirely for the
benefit of others. It is difficult to turn our attention away from ourselves and toward the
good of others. However, recognizing that living for others is also the path to our own
greatness and ultimate exaltation makes it much easier. Serving others, particularly in a
spiritual sense in which you do everything possible to help them grow closer to God, is
what will make you great. Nothing else can do so. Believe it and put it into action.
III. Documentation

Location: Crusaders of the Divine Church of Christ

Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

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