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1551-ROF 137 5373/1 Uen A

Functional block ALU2

1 General description
1.1 Purpose of the printed board
1.2 Overview description
1.2.1 Interface to alarm equipment
1.2.2 Interface to LIM, device interface

2 Functional description
2.1 Inputs
2.2 Outputs
2.3 Control circuits
2.4 Filters
2.4.1 Passive state
2.4.2 Active state

3 Operational adaption

4 Special circuit solutions

4.1 Current limiter

5 Technical data
5.1 Mounting height.
5.2 Power dissipation.
5.3 Power consumption

6 References

7 Figures

1 General description
The printed board ALU2 is included in the line module (LIM, Line Interface Module) in ASB501. The
board has a height of 10mm and can be placed on any device position in the LIM.

1.1 Purpose of the printed board

The purpose of ALU2 is to be capable of sending and receiving external alarms, and perform

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overvoltage/high frequency protection on the alarm interface.

1.2 Overview description

Regard the block diagram in Fig. 1.

1.2.1 Interface to alarm equipment

On the printed board there are 8 inputs and 7 outputs. One more output is dedicated a time supervised
output. There are also 16 OVP and HF filters on the board.

The inputs detect loop or closing to 0 volts. Maximum cable resistance 20Kohm

The outputs send out either -48V, open loop or closed loop depending on strapping.

1.2.2 Interface to LIM, device interface

The ALU2 board only uses the serial data interface to the signal processor. The board occupies 8 time
slots of the PCM.

2 Functional description
Reference below is made to the circuit diagram 1911-ROF 137 5373/1 Ux.

2.1 Inputs
The inputs are designated AL0-AL7.

The inputs are protected against overvoltage and HF-noise, and comparators sense if the inputs are
grounded, via maximum 20Kohm, or are open. The voltage levels for open inputs are < - 8 V and for
grounded inputs > -7 V, measured at the front edge connector.

2.2 Outputs
The outputs are designated AL16-AL22 and AL23/Watch Dog.

The outputs are protected against overvoltage and HF-noise.

Each output is strappable for several combinations to indicate alarm. See 1911-ROF1375373/1 Ux.

Each output is current limited to 100 mA when strapped for -48V.

If the output is strapped for loop connection and an external voltage source is applied the current from
the external equipment through the looped output should not exceed 0.150A.

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The Watch Dog output is a time-supervised output which requires a program signal at least every other
minute in order to not give an alarm. When the program signal arrives to ALU2 a counter will be
cleared, the counter is incremented once every second by firmware and when the countervalue has
reached 127=2min and 7sec the Watch Dog output will be activated within 10 sec.

2.3 Control circuits

The ALU2 control unit consists of a 68HC711D3 microprocessor RYT 123 052/C and necessary
peripheral circuits for connection to the signal processor, inputs and outputs. The processor operates in
single chip mode and has an internal 4k Byte PROM. The ALU2 board is equipped with a serial
EEPROM used for hardware revision information.

The current limiting unit is controlled by a COP822C microprocessor RYT123325/001C. The processor
works in single chip mode and is mask programmed.

2.4 Filters
The filter part consists of 16 separate filters, each containing fuse function, transient and HF

2.4.1 Passive state

When the board is inserted into the magazine the board is reset and switched to passive state.

2.4.2 Active state

For the board to switch to active state a signal "ACTVTBAL1" is required. In this state the inputs are
scanned every 5 ms and if they have been in a stable state for a period of time specified in activation of
the board, then a signal is sent to the lim processor. The board can also receive signals sent to the board.
These signals are orders to activate an alarm or to activate the Watch Dog circuit.

3 Operational adaption
From circuit diagram 1911-ROF 137 5373/1 Ux you can see how the straps are to be connected for
respective functions.

4 Special circuit solutions

4.1 Current limiter
The limiting circuitry consists of 2 parts. One hardware current limiter, that limits the maximum current
that can flow through the alarm output line, and a micro-controller current limiter that cuts off the
current feeding if a certain value of the current is exceeded for a specific time, see figure 2. This means

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that the circuit allows charging of capacitive loads.

5 Technical data
5.1 Mounting height.
The ALU2 board has a height of 10mm and can be placed in any device position in the LIM.

5.2 Power dissipation.

+5V -48V
Typical (all relays off) 0.3W 1W
Maximum (all relays on) 1.4W 4.5W

5.3 Power consumption

+5V -48V
Typical (all relays off) 0.3W 1W
Maximum (all relays on) 1.4W 38.4W (33.9W dissipated in the loads).

Relay load 0.1A continuously.

6 References
Circuit diagram 1911-ROF 137 5373/1 Ux.
Strapping instructions 155 12-ROF 137 5373/1 Ux.

7 Figures

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Fig. 1


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