Spelling City Typing Permission

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Dear Parents,

In addition to the consent form previously sent home we need your permission for the registration
and use of these additional sites by your student. Once students have finished accessing any given
site, their account and works will be removed.

Name of Provider: Typing Tournament – access for Prep to Year 6

Type of Service: Teaches typing for life on any device with a complete 10-finger typing course
allowing you to jump in right at your existing skill level. It includes animated lessons, games and drills
plus graded tests and printable certificates

Website: https://central.edalive.com

Privacy Policy: https://central.edalive.com/privacy-policy

Name of Provider: Spelling City – access for Prep to Year 6

Type of Service: Spelling City provides cross-curricular word study with online vocabulary, writing,
phonics and spelling programs that give students immediate feedback and record their progress on
any device
Website: https://www.spellingcity.com/
Privacy Policy: https://www.spellingcity.com/privacy-policy.html

Student’s name: __________________________________

Year level: ______________________ Class: _________

Please circle your choice (or cross out which does not apply) to your child’s information being
provided to each of the third party providers for the provision of an educational service.

Typing Tournament Do Consent / Do Not Consent

Spelling City Do Consent / Do Not Consent

 As a parent or guardian of this student, I have read the terms of use and privacy policy of each of
the websites listed.

 I understand that my student’s personal information will be provided to these third party
software providers for the purpose of my student’s registration and use of the software
programs and that this information may be stored outside of Australia.

__________________________ ____________________________ ________________

Parent/Guardian’s Name Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date

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