Handout - Uni - Successful Online Interviews

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This handout is a supplement to the workshop SUCCESS @ ONLINE INTERVIEWS and should be used to get

well-prepared for the interview so that you will have more confidence and be ready for anything that

What are the first steps? - What is important? - What will you need to do?

For face-to-face interviews

• Study the advertisement

• Make sure you are aware of everything in the person specification
• Know your CV well
• Make a note beforehand of things you want to ask the interviewer
• Check/arrange time and location – check that your travel arrangements work
• Decide on what you are going to wear. If you are unsure, ask a friend or relative. Have two outfits
ready, just in case!
• Remember to speak slowly and clearly!
• Make sure you have your questions for the interviewer – do your research
• Check how much you know about the company beforehand
• Practice a lot in the time leading up to the interview

For online/phone interviews

• Everything above except travel arrangements

• Arrange a time when you are not stressed and check/arrange a good time and location
• Make sure your surroundings are good for the phone call – check on a zoom call with a friend
• Check your technical equipment
• Make sure there are no distractions
• Check answer phone greeting (if it is a phone interview … and ring back asap if the caller
does not reach you immediately
• Have a copy of the person specification available
• Have your CV to hand (on your desk)
• Bullet points to remind you of your answers
• Notepad and pen at the ready
• If possible, have a glass of water at hand
• Practice a lot beforehand!

What questions about the technical aspects of the interview should I ask the company:
▪ Is it an audio interview or both audio and video?
▪ Is there someone on the other end of the video or are the questions pre-recorded?
▪ If they are pre-recorded, how many chances do I get to record my answer?
▪ What do I do or who do I call if I start having technical difficulties?


Kornweg 15
96465 Neustadt bei Coburg
Tel 09131-52027
Email: info@LC-erlangen.de
Things to think about

The advertisement and you!

What are you good at? What are your main strengths? (see back page)
Why would an employer want to employ YOU?
• Always study the advertisement
• Decide which of your strengths are relevant
• Tell stories
• Give evidence - e.g. Languages, awards,
qualifications, experience
• Do not be generic – be specific!

What strengths do you have? Choose ones that are important for job.

What weaknesses do you have? Choose one that is not so important.


Kornweg 15
96465 Neustadt bei Coburg
Tel 09131-52027
Email: info@LC-erlangen.de
Check here to express what you are good at:


Kornweg 15
96465 Neustadt bei Coburg
Tel 09131-52027
Email: info@LC-erlangen.de
What does your recruiter want to know?
Education - employment – skills

“Do you have any questions for us?”

Get informed… read press releases, study the website, search the internet for more and current
information…ask intelligent questions!

What other questions could you get…

1 Why did you choose to study your degree subject?
2 What skills did you develop at school?
3 What was the most challenging aspect of your time at school/university?
4 What do you like doing in your spare time?
5 What do you think are the key skills necessary for this job?
6 Why do you want this job … or why should we hire you?
7 What do you know about our company?
8 What attracted you to our company?
9 Who would you consider to be our main competitor?
10 How do you handle stress? …or … tell me about your ability to handle stress.
11 What motivates you in terms of work?
12 What are you looking for in a job?
13 What kind of decisions do you find difficult to make?
14 How would your fellow students or your professor describe you?
15 How do you work in a team?
16 Tell us about a time when you encountered a problem and how you solved it.
17 Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
18 Have you ever been particularly innovative in your life or in a different job?
19 Tell us about a time you had to make a difficult decision.
20 What kind of contribution can you make to our company?

At the end check whether they have understood everything

1 Is there anything else you would like to know?

2 Is there anything still unclear?
Good luck!


Kornweg 15
96465 Neustadt bei Coburg
Tel 09131-52027
Email: info@LC-erlangen.de

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