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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Division of Ilocos Sur


Name of Teacher ̶ Writer: Odessa A. Peralta

School: Narvacan National Central High School


To the learners,

This self-learning kit (SLK) provides concise discussions and interesting

activities about specific topics for you to achieve the most essential learning
competencies in the curriculum. Before you work on this SLK, please take note the
following reminders:

 Read the foreword to get an idea of what the SLK covers.

 Read well every page. Never move on to the next page, unless you have
done what you are expected to do, in the previous page.
 Answer all the activities and assessment and go over the answer key at
the back of the SLK. This is to find out how well you understand the topic.
 After finishing the SLK, be ready for an online conference with your
teacher and ask him/her about the difficulties that you have
 Please do not write on the SLK itself. Use separate sheets of paper
or your activity notebook. Compile them for your learning portfolio.

Good luck as you begin this SLK!

Most Essential Learning Competency: Determine the

meaning of words and expressions that reflect local culture
by noting context clues.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. identify the types of context clues;

2. use context clues in determining the meanings of unfamiliar
words that reflect local culture and;
3. appreciate local culture by understanding the meanings of
unfamiliar words that reflect them.

Reading is a good way of enriching your vocabulary.
You often encounter unfamiliar words when you are reading.
When you encounter unfamiliar words, how do you know their
meanings and how do you memorize them? Let us learn some
tips by answering the activity below.

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to complete the sentences that suggest
ways to know the meanings and to memorize unfamiliar words. Write your answer in
your notebook.

1. TNIOCE unfamiliar words when you’re reading. Write them in your notebook.

2. CKHEC the general context or the surrounding words that are familiar to
understand the meaning of the unfamiliar word.

3. VRFIEY your understanding of the unfamiliar word in the dictionary or

with someone else (teacher, parents or friends).

4. RETLAE the unfamiliar word with a familiar word that will make it easier
to remember.

5. PACRICTE using the unfamiliar word. Using the it repeatedly is the best way
to remember it.

The tips that you have learned in the given activity are really
helpful in enriching your vocabulary. It is now time for you to further
enhance your knowledge on how to know the meanings of
unfamiliar words. Did you know that sometimes, authors give
information in the text and require you to examine these
information to figure out the meanings of unfamiliar words. These
information are called context clues. Since a dictionary is not
always available when you encounter unfamiliar words, it is
important for you to recognize context clues.

Many authors use unfamiliar words that reflect local culture in their writings.
Sometimes, the meanings of these words cannot be found in the dictionary. So, we
must rely on context clues to know their meanings.

What are context clues? Context clues are hints found within the sentence,
paragraph or passage that the reader can use to understand the meanings of
unfamiliar words.There are different types of context clues.


1. Definition/Description - The author provides definition or description of an
unknown word in a sentence.
ex. The balsa, that is, a small raft made of bamboo, is found in the Philippines.
 “A small raft made of bamboo” is the definition of “balsa”.
2. Synonym/Restatement - The author uses a word having the same meaning
as another word in a sentence.
ex. The diwata or goddess was worshiped by Filipinos before Christianization.
 The word “goddess” is the synonym of “diwata”.
3. Antonym/Contrast - The author uses a word having an opposite meaning
with another word in a sentence.
ex. The Filipinos are charged of indolence but they are actually hardworking.
 The word “hardworking” is the opposite of “indolence”.

4. Example/Explanation - The author provides examples or explanation of an
unknown word in a sentence.
ex. Piscatorial creatures such as bisugo, salmon and tawilis can be found
in the Philippine seas.
 “Bisugo, salmon and tawilis” are examples of “piscatorial” creatures.
5. Cause and Effect - The author explains the unfamiliar word as part of a
cause and effect relationship.
ex. The mayor said the town was destitute; so, spending on new recreation
facility was impossible.
 The word “destitute” means the lack of strength or resources.

Let us now deepen your knowledge on using context

clues in determining the meanings of unfamiliar words that
reflect local culture. Study the examples below.

1. The curtains are borrowed or bought and hung at windows and

doorways. Dozens of plates are borrowed and arranged carefully on the
banggera, the open bamboo shelf hanging out of the kitchen window.
˗ from I. V. Mallari, “The Town Fiesta” (Philippines)

 “Banggera” is a bamboo shelf - definition/description.

2. They rendered to their parents absolute obedience. When the parents
were ill, the children gave offerings of food, precious metals and other gifts to
their gods and anitos to implore help for the early recovery of the sick.
˗ from Eufronio M. Alip, “The Family Ties of Early Filipinos” (Philippines)

 “Anitos” are spirits or deities - synonym/restatement.

3. Because of the high esteem of the children for their elders, they
avoided any semblance of offensive behavior. When a man talked with his
superiors, or to one to whom respect was due, he took off his putong (sort of
turban or hat) and sat either on the ground or on his heel bones.
˗ from Eufronio M. Alip, “The Family Ties of Early Filipinos” (Philippines)

 “Putong” is a hat or a turban - example/explanation.

4. The customers began to rush from the marketplace. The sellers
gathered their things. Then we heard bursts of loud noises. Everyone was
running. “The murahaliin are coming!” Wherever people scattered they ran
into men with guns.
˗ from Francis Bok with Edward Tivman, “Escape from Slavery” (Africa)

 “Murahaliin” means armed men - cause and effect.

5. I spent my days playing games and running in the fields. But what I
liked to do most was follow my father around as he worked on the farm. I
felt my father‘s love every day. One day he called me muycharko, which
means “twelve men”.
˗ from Francis Bok with Edward Tivman, “Escape from Slavery” (Africa)

 “Muycharko” means twelve men - definition/description.

Let us now check your learning on using context clues in

determining the meanings of unfamiliar words that reflect local
culture. Read and accomplish the activities below.


Directions: Using context clues, identify the meaning of the italicized African
words in each sentence. Choose your answers from the box below. Write your
answers in your notebook.

a traditional village pot made from a hard-shelled fruit corn

fermented milk beehive-shaped huts

1. He went to the fields to look for the cattle and to drive them back to the kraal in
the evening for milking.

2. After harvesting the mealies, the women ground the kernels between two stones.

3. Their diet includes maize, sorghum, beans, pumpkins and amasi, fermented milk
sorted in calabashes.

4. His mother uses calabashes in sorting fermented milk and storing dried mealies.

5. He came from Qunu, a collection of beehive-shaped huts with thatch roofs,
known as rondavels.


Directions: Answer the crossword puzzle below by arranging the jumbled letters to
come up with the corresponding Ilocano terms for the African words in activity one.
Write your answers in your notebook.

2. ARRIOB - kraal
3. MSAI - mealies
4 5. ABIS - amasi

2 1. KLAAAPW - rondavels
4. UYRBAN - calabashes


Directions: Using context clues, identify the synonym of the italicized words in each
sentence. Write your answers in your notebook.

1. Africans believe in omens; for example, the appearance of a dove might be a

sign of good things to come.

A. presage B. opinion C. belief D. fantasy

2. She wanted to impress all her dinner guests with unique African cuisine, so she
carefully studied the necessary culinary arts.

A. carpentry B. masonry C. mystery D. cookery

3. There are a lot vicissitudes in Philippine history. Nothing remains the


A. success B. origins C. weight D. changes

4. One important feature of the training of Filipino children was the emphasis
on respect for the elderly.

A. custom B. aspect C. manner D. complete

5. My great-grandfather’s office was full of antiquated furniture, such as jars,

portraits, aparadores, escaperates and others.

A. beautiful B. decorated C. ancient D. colored

Let us now summarize your learning on using context

clues in determining the meanings of unfamiliar words that
reflect local culture. Complete the paragraph below. Write it in
your notebook.

Many authors use unfamiliar words that reflect local culture in their writings.
Sometimes, the meanings of these words cannot be found in the dictionary.
So, we have to rely on context clues to know their meanings. Context clues are

There are different types of context clues. These are ____________________


Context clues are important to me because they are ____________________


Let us now apply your learning on using context clues in
determining the meanings of unfamiliar words that reflect local
culture. Read and accomplish the activity below.

Directions: In your notebook, construct a paragraph about your community using

local words that reflect local culture. Use context clues to give hints about the
meaning of those words. Your output will be graded using the rubric below.

Rubric for Paragraph Writing

Criteria 4 3 2 1
The content The content The content is The content
Content is very is quite somewhat is not
relevant. relevant. relevant. relevant.
There are no There are few There are There are
Grammar grammar grammar some grammar many grammar
errors. errors. errors. errors.
There are no There are few There are There are
Punctuation errors in errors in some errors in many errors in
punctuations. punctuations. punctuations. punctuations.
The paragraph The paragraph There are There are
Neatness is written is written some many
very neatly. quite neatly. erasures. erasures.

Directions: Read each item with understanding. Identify the type of context clue
used in each sentence. Write the letter of your answer in your notebook.

1. The katingan, a huge earthen pot, is used in cooking many traditional

Filipino dishes.

A. definition/description C. cause and effect

B. examples/explanation D. synonym/restatement

2. A combination of fog and smoke , called smog, has polluted the air in
Baguio City.

A. definition/description C. cause and effect

B. examples/explanation D. synonym/restatement

3. The country’s endangered species include Philippine eagle, mouse deer

and carabao.

A. definition/description C. cause and effect

B. examples/explanation D. synonym/restatement

4. Africa has a wide veld or grassland where children play and people graze
their cattles.

A. definition/description C. cause and effect

B. examples/explanation D. synonym/restatement

5. The rain poured abundantly because the Africans performed their

ritualistic dances.

A. definition/description C. cause and effect

B. examples/explanation D. synonym/restatement

Directions: Read each item with understanding. Identify the meaning of the
underlined word using context clues. Write your answer in your notebook.

6. Dozens of plates are borrowed and arranged carefully on the banggera,

the open bamboo shelf hanging out of the kitchen window.

A. a bamboo shelf C. a kitchen window

B. dozens of plates D. a wooden spoon

7. “Art for art’s sake” was the dictum, or formal pronouncement, that guided
our artists to paint genteel landscapes and formal portraits.

A. superstitious belief C. charm or incantation

B. formal pronouncement D. rules and regulations

8. The Philippine health care system is already under heavy strain because
several thousand nurses leave for abroad every year.

A. struggle B. weight C. temper D. game

9. The man pushed the sampan into the river and started rowing until he
reached the other side where his friends are camping.

A. lantern B. bridge C. ship D. boat

10. Their homestead, like others is simple. Their beehive-huts (a cluster

of three) were built without windows or chimneys.

A. village B. house C. town D. farm


Gonzales, Carolina T., Nelda R. Francisco, Estrella E. De Vera, and Pilar R. Yu.
English for 21st Century Learning (Afro-Asian) Textbook. Manila: Rex
Bookstore, Inc. 2018.


“Context Clues: Definition and Restatement.” Accessed June 12, 2020.

“Types of Context Clues.” Accessed June 12, 2020. https://www.wasatch.


“Using Context Clues.” Accessed June 12, 2020.



1. Notice
2. Check
3. Verify
4. Relate
5. Practice

Activity 1

1. a traditional village
2. corn
3. fermented milk
4. pot made of hard-shelled fruit
5. beehive-shaped huts

Activity 2

1. Mais
2. Basi
3. Barrio
4. Burynay
5. kalapaw

Activity 3

1. presage
2. cookery
3. changes
4. aspect
5. ancient


1. A
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. A


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