Level 3 Teens and Adults

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FULL NAME: _____________________________________.



PART I. Complete the conversation with some or any. (13)

A: What do you want for lunch?

B: Let’s make _________________ sandwiches.
A: Good idea! We have _________________ bread. Do we have _________________ cheese?
B: Yes, I think there’s _________________ in the refrigerator. Let me see… No, I don’t see _________________.
A: Well let’s go to the store. We need _________________ milk, too. And do we have _________________ ham?
B: Yes, we do. There’s _________________ lettuce here, and there are _________________ tomatoes, too.
A: Do we have _________________ mayonnaise? I love _________________ mayonnaise on my sandwiches.
B: Me, too. But there isn’t _________________. Let’s buy _________________.

PART II. Rewrite the conversation. Add the adverbs in the correct places. (7)

A: Where do you have lunch? (usually)

B: I go to a restaurant near work. (often)
A: Do you eat at your desk? (ever)
B: No, I stay in for lunch (hardly ever)
A: And what do you have? (usually)
B: I have a soup or a salad. (always)
A: Me, too. I have a big lunch. (never)

PART III. Circle the correct words. (15)

A: Do / Does your family live / lives in an apartment?

B: No, we don’t / doesn’t. We have / has a house.
A: That’s nice. Do / Does your house have two floors?
B: Yes, it do / does. It have / has four rooms on the first floor. And we have / has three bedrooms and a
bathroom on the second floor.
A: And Do / Does you and your family have / has a yard?
B: Yes, we do / does. And how about you, Tim? Do / Does you live / lives in a house, too?
A: No, I don’t / doesn’t. My wife and I have / has a small apartment in the city.
PART IV. Read the information about the Perez’s family new house. Write sentences with the
phrases in the box.(14)

PART V. Use the information to write sentences. (10)

PART VI. Complete the conversation. (12)

1. A: ______________________________________________________________________?
B: My husband? Oh, he’s a nurse.
A: Really? Where _________________________________________________________?
B: He works at Mercy Hospital.
2. A: Where ____________________________________________________________________________________?
B: I work in a restaurant.
A: What ______________________________________________________________________________________?
B: I’m a chef.
3. A: How _______________________________________________________________________________________?
B: My job? I don’t really like it very much.
A: That’s too bad. What ___________________________________________________________________?
B: I’m a cashier. I work in a clothing store.

PART VII. Write C after the countable nouns and U after the uncountable nouns. (14)

Cheese Cracker
Rice Fish
Egg Butter
Carrot Broccoli
Lemon Tomato
Cereal Lettuce
Pasta Blueberry

PART VIII. Listen to Rachel, Daniel, and Mai talk about their jobs. Check () the corrects anwers.

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