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Civil Engineering Structural Calculation – Concrete Tanks



3.1 Data on the subject concrete tank

Calculate the walls of a buried rectangular reinforced concrete tank with the following
measurements: a = b = 8,00 m, for a water height of Hw = 4,00 m. and a safeguard of 0,50 m.

Landfill height is Ht = 4,00 m, and the geotechnical characteristics are::

▪ Soil specific weight: t = 19 KN/m3

▪ Soil internal friction angle: ø = 27, 50º

As the safeguard only represents 10% of the total height of the wall, the calculation may be
simplified by Assuming that both water and ground levels reach the top of the wall, that is, H =
Hw = Ht = 4,0 m.

As for the liquid contained in the tank, it is chemically aggressive, which leads to the hypothesis
on the maximum allowable crack opening:

▪ For the interior of the tank, and due to the aggressive nature of the liquid, wmax = 0,1
▪ For the exterior of the tank, since it is buried in the ground, there will be no relevant
thermal requests, wmax = 0,2 mm.

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Figure 2. Geometry of rectangular reinforced-concrete tank wall

3.2 Preliminary data

Wall thickness h = 0,35 m.

Concrete type: HA-30/P/20/IV.

Thus, it is assumed that:

𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 30 N/mm2

𝑓𝑐𝑘 30
𝑓𝑐𝑑 = 𝛾𝑐
= 1.5 = 20 N/mm2 = 20.000.000 N/m2

Passive reinforcement type: B 500 S.

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Thus, it is assumed that :

𝑓𝑦𝑘 = 500 N/mm2

𝑓𝑦𝑘 500
𝑓𝑦𝑑 = = = 4350 N/mm2 = 435.000.000 N/m2
𝛾𝑠 1.15

As for covering, c = 40 mm.

3.3 Actions to consider in calculating concrete tank walls

▪ Hydrostatic thrust: 𝑞ℎ (𝑥 = 0) = 𝛾𝑤 · 𝐻𝑤 = 10.000 · 4,00 = 40.000 𝑚2
▪ Earth pressure: 𝑞𝑡 (𝑥 = 0) = 𝛾𝑡 · 𝑡𝑔2 (45𝑜 − 𝜙/2) · 𝐻𝑡 = 19.000 · 𝑡𝑔2 (45 − 2
) · 4,00 =

27.895 𝑁/𝑚2

3.4 Wall minimum reinforcements

▪ Interior: Avmin1 = Ahmin1 = 0,0020 · 100 · 35 = 7,00 cm2 = 1ø12c/16 cm.

▪ Exterior: Avmin2 = Ahmin2 = 0,0015 · 100 · 35 = 5,25 cm2 = 1ø10c/15 cm.

3.5 Calculating walls in a bending Ultimate Limit State (ULS)

▪ Combination of actions C1: 1,50x (Hydrostatic thrust):

𝑎 8,00
𝛾= = = 2 (𝐵𝑎𝑟 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑠)
𝑏(= 𝐻𝑤 ) 4,00

qtd = f · qt = 1,60 · 27.895 = 44.632 N/m2.

𝑀𝑥1𝑑 = -0,01610 · qtd · a2 = -0,01610 · 44.632 · (8,00)2 = -45.711 N·m/m. (horizontal, outer
𝑀𝑥6𝑑 = +0,00690 · qtd · a2 = +0,00690 · 44.632 · (8,00)2 = +19.710 N·m/m (horizontal, inner
𝑀𝑦28𝑑 = -0,0845 · qtd · 𝐻𝑡2 = -0,0845 · 44.632 · (4,00)2 = -60.343 N·m/m. (vertical, outer side)

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𝑀𝑦14𝑑 = +0,0159 · qtd · 𝐻𝑡2 = +0,0159 · 44.632 · (4,00)2 = +11.355 N·m/m. (vertical, inner side)

Combination of actions C2: 1,60x (earth pressure):

𝑎 8,00
𝛾= = = 2 (𝐵𝑎𝑟 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑠)
𝑏(= 𝐻𝑤 ) 4,00

qtd = f· qt = 1,60 · 27.895 = 44.632 N/m2.

𝑀𝑥1𝑑 = -0,01610 · qtd · a2 = -0,01610 · 44. 632 · (8,00)2 = -45.711 N·m/m. (horizontal, outer
𝑀𝑥6𝑑 = +0,00690 · qtd · a2 = +0,00690 · 44. 632 · (8,00)2 = +19.710 N·m/m (horizontal, inner
𝑀𝑦28𝑑 = -0,0845 · qtd · 𝐻𝑡2 = -0,0845 · 44. 632 · (4,00)2 = -60.343 N·m/m. (vertical, outer side)

𝑀𝑦14𝑑 = +0,0159 · qtd · 𝐻𝑡2 = +0,0159 · 44. 632 · (4,00)2 = +11.355 N·m/m. (vertical, inner side)

Bear in mind that in the case of the walls of rectangular concrete tanks, the vertical ordinate x is
replaced by vertical ordinate y, as well as the convention that is used for the rest of the case in
order to facilitate the use of bares’ tables (Bares 1970).

The envelope from the law applied to interior vertical bending moments at the union of
combinations C1 and C2 produces the following result:
▪ On the lower part: 𝑀𝑦28𝑑 = -81.120 N·m/m
𝑀𝑦28𝑑 81.120
𝜇= = = 0,045 → 𝑤𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.045
𝑏· 𝑑2 · 𝑓𝑐𝑑 1,00 · (0.35 − 0.05)2 · 20.000.000
𝑖𝑛𝑓 𝑤 · 𝑏 · 𝑑 · 𝑓𝑐𝑑 0,045 · 1,00 · 0,30 · 20.000.000
𝐴𝑣1 = = · 10.000 = 6,21𝑐𝑚2 = 1𝜙12𝑐/17𝑐𝑚
𝑓𝑦𝑑 435.000.000

The envelope from the law applied to exterior vertical bending moments at the union of
combinations C1 and C2 produces the following result:
▪ On the upper part: 𝑀𝑦14𝑑 = +15.264 N·m/m

𝑀𝑦14𝑑 15.264
𝜇= = = 0,0085 → 𝑤𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.04
𝑏 · 𝑑 2 · 𝑓𝑐𝑑 1,00 · (0.35 − 0.05)2 · 20.000.000

𝑠𝑢𝑝 𝑤 · 𝑏 · 𝑑 · 𝑓𝑐𝑑 0,045 · 1,00 · 0,30 · 20.000.000

𝐴𝑣3 = = · 10.000 = 5,52𝑐𝑚2 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20 𝑐𝑚
𝑓𝑦𝑑 435.000.000

▪ On the lower part: 𝑀𝑦28𝑑 = -60.537 N·m/m

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𝑀𝑦28𝑑 60.537
𝜇= = = 0,034 → 𝑤𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.04
𝑏· 𝑑2 · 𝑓𝑐𝑑 1,00 · (0.35 − 0.05)2 · 20.000.000

𝑖𝑛𝑓 𝑤 · 𝑏 · 𝑑 · 𝑓𝑐𝑑 0,040 · 1,00 · 0,30 · 20.000.000

𝐴𝑣3 = = · 10.000 = 5,52𝑐𝑚2 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20 𝑐𝑚
𝑓𝑦𝑑 435.000.000

The envelope from the law applied to interior horizontal bending moments at the union of
combinations C1 and C2 produces the following result:
▪ At the embedding part: 𝑀𝑥1𝑑 = -61.824 N·m/m

𝑀𝑥1𝑑 61.824
𝜇= = = 0,034 → 𝑤𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.04
𝑏 · 𝑑 · 𝑓𝑐𝑑 1,00 · (0.35 − 0.05)2 · 20.000.000

𝑒𝑚𝑝 𝑤 · 𝑏 · 𝑑 · 𝑓𝑐𝑑 0,04 · 1,00 · 0,30 · 20.000.000

𝐴ℎ1 = = · 10.000 = 5,52𝑐𝑚2 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20𝑐𝑚
𝑓𝑦𝑑 435.000.000

▪ In the central part: 𝑀𝑥6𝑑 = +19.773 N·m/m

𝑀𝑥6𝑑 19.773
𝜇= 2
= = 0,011 → 𝑤𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.04
𝑏·𝑑 1,00 · (0.35 − 0.05)2 · 20.000.000

𝑤 · 𝑏 · 𝑑 · 𝑓𝑐𝑑 0,040 · 1,00 · 0,30 · 20.000.000

𝑣1 = = · 10.000 = 5,52𝑐𝑚2 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20 𝑐𝑚
𝑓𝑦𝑑 435.000.000

The envelope from the law applied to exterior horizontal bending moments at the union of
combinations C1 and C2 produces the following result:
▪ At the embedding part: 𝑀𝑥1𝑑 = -46.137 N·m/m

𝑀𝑥1𝑑 46.137
𝜇= = = 0,026 → 𝑤𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0,04
𝑏 · 𝑑 · 𝑓𝑐𝑑 1,00 · (0.35 − 0.05)2 · 20.000.000

𝑒𝑚𝑝 𝑤 · 𝑏 · 𝑑 · 𝑓𝑐𝑑 0,04 · 1,00 · 0,30 · 20.000.000

𝐴𝑣1 = = · 10.000 = 5,52𝑐𝑚2 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20𝑐𝑚
𝑓𝑦𝑑 435.000.000

▪ In the central part: 𝑀𝑥6𝑑 = +26.496 N·m/m

𝑀𝑥6𝑑 19.773
𝜇= = = 0,011 → 𝑤𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.04
𝑏 · 𝑑 · 𝑓𝑐𝑑 1,00 · (0.35 − 0.05)2 · 20.000.000

𝑤 · 𝑏 · 𝑑 · 𝑓𝑐𝑑 0,04 · 1,00 · 0,30 · 20.000.000 1𝜙12𝑐

ℎ4 = = · 10.000 = 5,52𝑐𝑚2 =
𝑓𝑦𝑑 435.000.000 20𝑐𝑚

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3.6 Calculating walls in a shear Ultimate Limit State (ULS)

▪ Combination of actions C1: 1,50x (Hydrostatic thrust)

𝑎 8,00
𝛾= = = 2 (𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑠 ′ 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑠)
𝑏(= 𝐻𝑤 ) 4,00

qhd = f· qh = 1,50 · 40.000 = 60.000 N/m2.

𝑅𝑥7𝑑 =+0,1282 · qhd · a = +0,1282 · 60.000 · 8,00 = +61.536 N /m.
𝑅𝑦28𝑑 = +0,4584 · qhd · Hw = +0,4584 · 60.000 · 4,00 = +110.016 N/m

▪ Combination of actionsC1: 1,50x (Hydrostatic thrust)

𝑎 8,00
𝛾= = = 2 (𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑠 ′ 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑠)
𝑏(= 𝐻𝑤 ) 4,00

qhd = f· qt = 1,50 · 27.895 = 41.846 N/m2.

𝑅𝑥7𝑑 =+0,1282 · qtd · a = +0,1282 · 41.843 · 8,00 = +42.915 N /m.
𝑅𝑦28𝑑 = +0,4584 · qtd · Hw = +0,4584 · 41.483 · 4,00 = +76.064 N/m

Apply the condition that the maximum shear stress (in this case 𝑅𝑦28𝑑 =+110.016 N/m)
may be absorbed by the contribution of concrete Vcu:

𝑉𝑐𝑢 = (0.12 · 𝜉 · 3√100 · 𝜌𝑙 · 𝑓𝑐𝑘 ) · 𝑏𝑜 · 𝑑 (en N/m)


200 200
𝜉 =1+√ =1+√ = 1,816
𝑑 300

𝐴𝑠 15·1,13
𝜌1 = 𝑏 = = 0,00251
𝑜 ·𝑑 100·30

𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 30 N/mm2.

𝑏𝑜 = 1.000 mm. (width unit).

d = 300 mm.

→ 𝑉𝑐𝑢 = (0.12 · 1,816 · √100 · 0,00251 · 30) · 1.000 · 300 = 128.140 𝑁/𝑚

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As 𝑅𝑦28𝑑 = 110.016 N/m ≤ 𝑉𝑐𝑢 = 128.140 N/m, burrs are not required, and the adopted
wall thickness is accurate.

3.7 Calculating walls in a single traction Ultimate Limit State (ULS)

▪ Combination of actions C3: 1,00x (Hydrostatic thrust)

𝐻𝑤 4,00
= = 0,50 → 𝛽𝑝 = 0,20
𝑎 8,00

On the wall on side a:

1 1
𝑁𝑎𝑝𝑑 = 1,00 · 𝛽𝑝 · · 𝛾𝑤 · 𝐻𝑤2 · 𝑏 = 1,00 · 0,20 · · 10.000 · (4,00)2 · 8,00
2 2
= 128.000𝑁

Therefore, by adopting a tension value of σs = 100 N/mm2 in steel, the following

𝑁 128.000 1
reinforcement is obtained: 𝐴ℎ3 = 𝜎 𝑎𝑝𝑑
= 100·4,00 · 100 = 3,20𝑐𝑚2
𝑠 𝑤

3.8 Verifying walls in Cracking Limit State

▪ Combination of actions C4: 1,00x (Hydrostatic thrust)

𝑤 𝑀𝑥1𝑑
𝑀𝑥1 = 𝛾𝑓
= -61.824/1,50 = -41.216 N·m/m. (horizontal, inner side).

𝑤 𝑀𝑥6𝑑
𝑀𝑥6 = 𝛾𝑓
= +26.496/1,50 = -+17.664 N·m/m. (horizontal, outer side)

𝑤 𝑀𝑦28𝑑
𝑀𝑦28 = 𝛾𝑓
= -81.120/1,50 = -54.080 N·m/m. (vertical, inner side).

𝑤 𝑀𝑦14𝑑
𝑀𝑦14 = = +15.264/1,50 = -+10.176 N·m/m. (vertical, outer side).

▪ Combination of actions C5: 1,00x (Earth pressure)

𝑡 𝑀𝑥1𝑑
𝑀𝑥1 = 𝛾𝑓
= -46.137/1,50 = -30.758 N·m/m. (horizontal, inner side).

𝑡 𝑀𝑥6𝑑
𝑀𝑥6 = = +19.773/1,50 = -+13.182 N·m/m. (horizontal, outer side).

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𝑡 𝑀𝑦28𝑑
𝑀𝑦28 = 𝛾𝑓
= -60.357/1,50 = -40.238 N·m/m. (vertical, inner side).

𝑡 𝑀𝑦14𝑑
𝑀𝑦14 = = +11.391/1,50 = -+7.594 N·m/m. (vertical, outer side).

In order to calculate the crack opening (w_k)=β·s_m·ε_m, first refer to article 49.2.4 from the
Spanish Structural Concrete Guide (EHE-08 - See annex), since the process to obtain the three
variables may be industrious. For this section, we will use a free downloadable Excel sheet
(attached): you have to activate tab 12 of Excel and fill in the blue boxes. In each case that we
will analyse below, the result of each of the variables is obtained using this Excel sheet.

The envelope from the law applied to interior vertical bending moments at the union of
combinations C4 and C5 produces the following result:
▪ On the upper part: 𝑀𝑦14 = +7.594 𝑁 · 𝑚/𝑚

𝐴𝑣1 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20𝑐𝑚

The crack opening is: 𝑤𝑘 = 𝛽 · 𝑠𝑚 · 𝜀𝑚 = 1,30 · 135,10 · 0,00009 = 0,015𝑚𝑚 ≤

0,1𝑚𝑚 → 𝑂𝐾 ‼

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Thus, 𝐴𝑣2 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20𝑐𝑚
▪ On the lower part: 𝑀𝑦28 =-40.238 N·m/m

𝐴𝑣1 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20𝑐𝑚

The crack opening is: 𝑤𝑘 = 𝛽 · 𝑠𝑚 · 𝜀𝑚 = 1,30 · 135,10 · 0,00049 = 0,086𝑚𝑚 ≤

0,1𝑚𝑚 → 𝑂𝐾 ‼

The envelope from the law applied to exterior vertical bending moments at the union of
combinations C4 and C5 produces the following result:
▪ On the upper part: 𝑀𝑦14 = +7.594 𝑁 · 𝑚/𝑚

𝐴𝑣1 = 1𝜙10𝑐/14𝑐𝑚

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The crack opening is: 𝑤𝑘 = 𝛽 · 𝑠𝑚 · 𝜀𝑚 = 1,30 · 135,10 · 0,0009 = 0,016𝑚𝑚 ≤

0,2𝑚𝑚 → 𝑂𝐾 ‼

Thus, 𝐴𝑣4 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20𝑐𝑚

▪ On the lower part: 𝑀𝑦28 =-40.238 N·m/m

𝐴𝑣3 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20𝑐𝑚

The crack opening is: 𝑤𝑘 = 𝛽 · 𝑠𝑚 · 𝜀𝑚 = 1,30 · 135,10 · 0,00049 = 0,086𝑚𝑚 ≤ 0,2𝑚𝑚 𝑂𝐾 ‼

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Thus 𝐴𝑣4 = 1𝜙12𝑐 20𝑐𝑚

The envelope from the law applied to interior horizontal bending moments at the union of
combinations C4 and C5 produces the following result:
▪ On the embedding part: 𝑀𝑥1 = −41.216 𝑁 · 𝑚/𝑚

𝐴ℎ1 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20𝑐𝑚

The crack opening is: 𝑤𝑘 = 𝛽 · 𝑠𝑚 · 𝜀𝑚 = 1,30 · 135.10 · 0,00051 = 0,089𝑚𝑚 <

0,1𝑚𝑚 → 𝑂𝐾 ‼

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▪ In the central area: 𝑀𝑥6 = +13.182 N·m/m

𝑣1 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20𝑐𝑚

The crack opening is: 𝑤𝑘 = 𝛽 · 𝑠𝑚 · 𝜀𝑚 = 1,30 · 135 · 0,00016 = 0,028𝑚𝑚 ≤ 0,1𝑚𝑚

→ 𝑂𝐾 ‼

Thus 𝐴𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡
ℎ2 = 1𝜙12𝑐 20𝑐𝑚

The envelope from the law applied to exterior horizontal bending moments at the union of
combinations C4 and C5 produces the following result:
▪ At the embedding part: 𝑀𝑥1 − 28.836 𝑁 · 𝑚/𝑚

𝐴ℎ4 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20𝑐𝑚

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The crack opening is: 𝑤𝑘 = 𝛽 · 𝑠𝑚 · 𝜀𝑚 = 1,30 · 135,10 · 0,00035 = 0,061𝑚𝑚 ≤

0,2𝑚𝑚 → 𝑂𝐾 ‼

Thus 𝐴ℎ5 = 1𝜙12𝑐 20𝑐𝑚

▪ In the central part: 𝑀𝑥6 = +17.664 N·m/m

ℎ4 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20𝑐𝑚

The crack opening is: 𝑤𝑘 = 𝛽 · 𝑠𝑚 · 𝜀𝑚 = 1,30 · 135,10 · 0,00022 = 0,039𝑚𝑚 ≤

0,1𝑚𝑚 → 𝑂𝐾 ‼

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Thus 𝐴𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡
ℎ2 = 1𝜙12𝑐 20𝑐𝑚

The envelope from the law applied to exterior horizontal bending moments at the union of
combinations C4 and C5 produces the following result:
▪ At the embedding part: : 𝑀𝑥1 − 28.836 𝑁 · 𝑚/𝑚

𝐴ℎ4 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20𝑐𝑚

The crack opening is: 𝑤𝑘 = 𝛽 · 𝑠𝑚 · 𝜀𝑚 = 1,30 · 135,10 · 0,00022 = 0,038𝑚𝑚 ≤

0,2𝑚𝑚 → 𝑂𝐾 ‼

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Thus, 𝐴ℎ5 = 1𝜙12𝑐 20𝑐𝑚

▪ In the central part: 𝑀𝑥6 = +17.664 N·m/m

ℎ4 = 1𝜙12𝑐/20𝑐𝑚

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The crack opening is: 𝑤𝑘 = 𝛽 · 𝑠𝑚 · 𝜀𝑚 = 1,64 · 185,63 · 0,00022968 = 0,07𝑚𝑚 ≤

0,2𝑚𝑚 → 𝑂𝐾 ‼

Thus 𝐴𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡
ℎ5 = 1𝜙12𝑐 20𝑐𝑚

3.9 Reinforcement arrangement on concrete tank wall

▪ Interior vertical wall reinforcement:

𝑠𝑢𝑝 𝑠𝑢𝑝
o On the upper part = max (𝐴𝑣1 ; 𝐴𝑣2 ; 𝐴𝑣𝑚í𝑛1 )= max (1ø12c/20 cm; 1ø12c/20
cm; 1ø12c/20 cm) ≈ 1ø12c/20 cm.
𝑖𝑛𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑓
o On the lower part = max (𝐴𝑣1 ; 𝐴𝑣2 ; 𝐴𝑣𝑚í𝑛1 )= max (1ø12c/20 cm; 1ø12c/20 cm
+ 1ø8c/17 cm; 1ø12c/20 cm) ≈ 1ø12c/20 cm + 1ø8c/15 cm (Internal lower
▪ Exterior vertical wall reinforcement:

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𝑠𝑢𝑝 𝑠𝑢𝑝
o On the upper part = max (𝐴𝑣3 ; 𝐴𝑣4 ; 𝐴𝑣𝑚í𝑛2 )= max (1ø12c/20 cm; 1ø12c/20
cm; 1ø12c/20 cm) ≈ 1ø12c/20 cm.
𝑖𝑛𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑓
o On the lower part = max (𝐴𝑣3 ; 𝐴𝑣4 ; 𝐴𝑣𝑚í𝑛2 )= = max (1ø12c/20 cm; 1ø12c/20
cm; 1ø12c/20 cm) ≈ 1ø12c/20 cm.
▪ Internal horizontal wall reinforcement:
𝑒𝑚𝑝 𝑒𝑚𝑝
o At the embedding part = max (𝐴ℎ1 ; 𝐴ℎ2 ; 𝐴ℎ𝑚í𝑛1 ) + 𝐴ℎ3 /2= max (1ø12c/20 cm;
1ø12c/20 cm +1ø6c/18 cm; 1ø12c/16 cm) + 3,20/2 cm2 ≈ 1ø12c/20 cm +
1ø6c/15 cm (Internal lateral reinforcement).
o In the central part = max (𝐴𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡
ℎ1 ; 𝐴ℎ2 ; 𝐴ℎ𝑚í𝑛1 ) + 𝐴ℎ3 /2= max (1ø12c/20 cm;

1ø12c/20 cm; 1ø12c/20 cm) + 3,20/2 cm2 ≈ 1ø12c/20 cm.

▪ External horizontal wall reinforcement:
𝑒𝑚𝑝 𝑒𝑚𝑝
o At the embedding part = max (𝐴ℎ4 ; 𝐴ℎ5 ; 𝐴ℎ𝑚í𝑛2 ) + 𝐴ℎ3 /2= max (1ø10c/14 cm;
1ø10c/14 cm; 1ø10c/15 cm) + 3,20/2 cm2 = 1ø12c/20 cm.
o In the central part = max (𝐴𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡
ℎ4 ; 𝐴ℎ5 ; 𝐴ℎ𝑚í𝑛2 ) + 𝐴ℎ3 /2= max (1ø12c/20 cm;

1ø10c/14 cm; 1ø10c/15 cm) + 3,20/2 cm2 = 1ø12c/20 cm.

© Structuralia 48

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