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Civil Engineering Structural Calculation – Concrete Tanks

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Civil Engineering Structural Calculation – Concrete Tanks


TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................................................................................... 3

1. CONCRETE TANK CALCULATION ELEMENTS .................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Environmental exposure and covering .................................................................................................................. 4

1.2 Actions to consider in the calculation of tank walls ................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Preliminaries to calculating floor slabs................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Actions to consider in the calculation of floor slabs ............................................................................................... 9
1.5 Cracking Serviceability Limit State (SLS) ............................................................................................................ 11
1.6 Concrete tank minimum reinforcements .............................................................................................................. 15


REINFORCED CONCRETE TANKS ........................................................................................................................... 17

2.1 Wall design .......................................................................................................................................................... 17

2.2 Floor slab design ................................................................................................................................................. 17
2.3 Roof design ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.4 Other design elements......................................................................................................................................... 19
2.5 Rectangular reinforced concrete tanks (I) ............................................................................................................ 20


3.1 Data on the subject concrete tank ....................................................................................................................... 32

3.2 Preliminary data................................................................................................................................................... 33
3.3 Actions to consider in calculating concrete tank walls ......................................................................................... 34
3.4 Wall minimum reinforcements ............................................................................................................................. 34
3.5 Calculating walls in a bending Ultimate Limit State (ULS) ................................................................................... 34
3.6 Calculating walls in a shear Ultimate Limit State (ULS) ....................................................................................... 37
3.7 Calculating walls in a single traction Ultimate Limit State (ULS) .......................................................................... 38
3.8 Verifying walls in Cracking Limit State ................................................................................................................. 38
3.9 Reinforcement arrangement on concrete tank wall ............................................................................................. 47


4.1 Principles applied to calculating cylindrical tanks ................................................................................................ 49



5.1 Principles applied to analyzing a reinforced concrete tank floor slab .................................................................. 57
5.2 Example of how a rectangular reinforced concrete tank floor slab is calculated.................................................. 61

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1.1 Environmental exposure and covering

1.1.1. Environmental exposure

First of all, it is necessary to identify the type of environment that defines the aggressiveness
each structural element will be subjected to. As for water tanks, being in an environment with
high humidity and chlorine gasses, a general type IV exposure class will be adopted.

In certain cases, it will also be necessary to assign specific exposure classes. Thus, for
example, should the tank be located in high mountainous areas, the exposure type IV+H is to
be adopted, while in the event that the liquid contained by the tank is chemically aggressive,
exposure type IV+Q (with the subscript a, b or c) will be best option.

For further information on exposure classes, see article 8, section 8.2.3: “Specific exposure
classes relating to other deterioration processes other than corrosion” of Spanish Structural
Concrete Guide (EHE-08).

According to this Guide (EHE-08), “…concrete covering is the distance between the external
surface of the reinforcement (including hoops and stirrups) and the nearest concrete surface”. In
the case of a conventional water tank, as the exposure class is a type IV, it is recommended to
use the use of nominal values for the covering of passive reinforcements (EHE-08. Art. 37.2.4.

▪ Elements “on site”: 40 mm.

▪ Prefabricated elements: 35 mm.

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Civil Engineering Structural Calculation – Concrete Tanks

Description Examples
Class Sub-class Designation Process type
a a
-Inside the building, not subjected to condensations -Inside the building, protected from the
Non-aggressive None -Mass concrete elements elements

Corrosion -Non-ventilated basements

-Interior subjected to relative high /medium moisture -Foundations
caused by
(>65%), or condensations -Docks and bridge pillars in areas with
High -The exterior is free from chlorides, subjected to rain, average annual rainfall above 600 mm
Normal other than
moisture in areas with average annual rainfall above 600 mm -Concrete elements in building roofs
-Submerged or buried elements

caused by -Outdoor constructions that are protected
Normal -The exterior is free from chlorides, subjected to rain, in from the rain
elements areas with average annual rainfall below 600 mm
moisture -Docks and bridge pillars in areas with
other than
chlorides average annual rainfall above 600 mm

caused by -Constructions near the coastline
chlorides -Marine structural elements above high tide level -Bridges near the coastline
Area -External elements of structures located in coastline -Aerial zone of dams, pile docks, and
area (less than 5 km) other coast defense works.
-Port facilities

Corrosion -Elements of marine structures permanently -Submerged areas in dams, pile docks,
Submerged caused by submerged below low tide level. and other coast defense works.
chlorides -Foundations and submerged areas of
bridge piles

Corrosion -Areas located in the run of tide of

Tidal dams, pile docks, and other coast
caused by -External elements of structures located in the tidal
area defense works.
chlorides amplitude zone
-Bridge pillar area over the sea in the
tidal run

With chlorides
different from Corrosion
-Pools and building indoor areas.
that found in caused by -Non-waterproof facilities in contact with water with -Overpass pillars or walkway in snow
the sea chlorides high non-marine chloride levels zones.
-Non-waterproof surfaces exposed to melting salts -Water treatment stations

Table 1. General reinforcement corrosion exposure classes (EHE-08. Art. 8. Section 8.2.3. Table 8.2.2)

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Civil Engineering Structural Calculation – Concrete Tanks

Exposure Class
Description Examples
Class Sub-class Designation Process
a a type

Chemi- - Industrial facilities with low-

Weak cal Elements situated in environments with chemical substances capable of aggressiveness substances according
attack altering concrete a slow speed. to table 8.2.3.b

- Constructions near industrial facilities

with low-aggressiveness substances
according to table 8.2.3.b

- Blocks or other elements used in dam

- Marine structures in general
- Industrial facilities with medium -
Chemi- aggressive substances according to
Medium cal - Elements in contact with sea water table 8.2.3.b
attack - Elements situated in environments with chemical substances capable of
altering concrete a medium speed. - Constructions of wastewater
Non- treatment and distribution facilities with
aggressi medium-aggressive substances
-ve according to table 8.2.3.b

- Industrial facilities with highly

aggressive substances according to
table 8.2.3.b

Chemical - Constructions of wastewater treatment

Elements situated in environments with chemical substances capable of
attack and distribution facilities with highly
altering concrete a high speed.
Source aggressive substances according to
table 8.2.3.b

- Constructions near industrial facilities

with highly aggressive substances
according to table 8.2.3.b

Frost – Elements in frequent contact with sea water, or in locations with winter
Melting moisture levels of 75%, and with a 50% probabilities of temperatures lower
Without - Constructions in high mountainous
attack than -5 ºC at least once during the year.
molten areas
Frost salt
- Winter stations

Elements intended for vehicular or pedestrian traffic in areas with more than 5
With Molten snowfalls during the year, or with a minimum temperature lower than º0 C - High mountain bridge or crossing
molten salt during the winter. decks in which molten salt is used.
salt attack

- Bridge pillars in fast-flowing water

- Elements used in dams, pile docks, ad

Abrasion coastline protection works subjected to
and - Elements subjected to surface weathering strong tides and waves.
Erosion - Hydraulic structural elements in which the piezometric levels may drop below -Concrete pavement
steam pressure
-High-pressure sewage

Table 2. Specific corrosion exposure classes (EHE-08. Art. 8. Section 8.2.3. Table 8.2.3.a)

1.2 Actions to consider in the calculation of tank walls

The basic actions requested by a concrete water tank wall are:

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▪ Hydrostatic thrust.
▪ Earth pressure.
▪ Prestressing.
▪ Thermal, seismic and aeolic, as well as deferred effects: Shrinkage, creep, and

The hyperstatic thrust qh (x) acts upon the inner side of the wall and on top of the floor slab.
The pressure on the wall is triangular, with a maximum value at the base of:

qh (x=0) = γω·Hω

As γω represents the specific weight of water, while Hω represents its height, it is advisable to
adopt the hydrostatic load

It is advisable to adopt the hydrostatic load throughout the height of the wall, assuming that due
to failures in the spillway system we are left without the safeguard margin (generally around
0.50 m.); however, although this hypothesis may be accidental in nature and have a unitary
factoring coefficient of the actions, it will be less unfavorable than having the water level in the
normal position. As for the earth pressure qt (x), it is applied exclusively on the outer side of the
wall, while the load law is triangular, with the maximum value of:

𝑞𝑡 (𝑥 = 0) = 𝛾𝑡 · 𝑡𝑔2 (45 − ⁄2) · 𝐻𝑡

As 𝛾𝑡 is the natural specific weight of the land, 𝐻𝑡 , the height of the land, and ø their internal
friction angle, thermal, seismic and wind actions, as well as their deferred effects will not be
calculated, and will only be considered when greater geometric quantities of the reinforcements
are adopted, or when increasing the annular compression on the wall with the most

According to the Spanish Guide on Structural Concrete (Art. 9. Classification of Actions), the
actions are classified as follows:

▪ Hydrostatic thrust: Permanent action since the level of the liquid is assumed to be
▪ Earth pressure: Permanent action with no constant value.
▪ Prestressing and its effects: Prestressing action.

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As for the partial factors of safety, they must be chosen based on the adopted level of control. In
the case of reinforced concrete tanks, for which local contractors are likely to be hired, a normal
level of execution control is adopted. On the other hand, in the case of prestressed tanks, where
a much more complex technology is necessary, an intense level of execution control is required.

The combination of actions will be as follows:

▪ Calculation of concrete tank wall in bending and shear stress Ultimate Limit State:
C1: 1,50x (Hydrostatic thrust)
C2: 1,60x (Earth pressure)
It is assumed that Earth pressure does not act when the tank is full of water, which
leaves it in a conservative position..
▪ Calculation of concrete tank wall in single traction Ultimate Limit State:
C3: 1,00x (Hydrostatic thrust)
No factoring because the tension adopted in steel is only s = 130 o 100 N/mm2.
▪ Verification of concrete tank wall in cracking Serviceability Limit State:
C4: 1,00x (Hydrostatic thrust)
C5: 1,00x (Earth pressure)

Since determining crack width of the elements subjected to the same bending and tensile
stresses has not been completed satisfactorily, only the crack caused by bending will be
calculated, and at the end, the reinforcement necessary for traction will be obtained.

1.3 Preliminaries to calculating floor slabs

The simplest behavior model applied to floor slab is the Winkler’s elastic model, which adopts
the hypothesis that the deflection at a certain point is proportional to the load acting on the
ground, and independent from the loads applied in other areas. In this case, the proportionality
coefficient is the ground ballast modulus k. By applying this model, it is possible to treat the
ground as if it were springs with a vertical stiffness constant of Kx = k·A, where k is the ballast
modulus and A is the area of influence of the spring.

In order to analyze the floor slab by considering its interaction with the ground, it must first be
discretized into a node-and-bar structure that is supported on springs. To simplify the problem
follow the recommendations below:

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Civil Engineering Structural Calculation – Concrete Tanks

▪ When the floor slab is rectangular, make two discretizations: One for the long side and
the other for the short side, adopting a unit calculation width.
▪ When the floor slab is circular, make a single discretization by taking the diameter as
length, and the unit calculation width; the obtained results must be extended to the rest
of the floor slab.

For his part, Girkmann studied the behavior of a circular plate of radius R that rested on a non-
deformable medium, with a request by a uniform load q on its entire surface, and by a moment
s, and a tensile axial s on its perimeter. He observed that, in this state of load, the plate tends
to detach from the non-deformable medium along a perimeter ring with an inner radius B. That
is, only a central ring with a diameter of 2·B rests on the ground, and its value is:

2·𝐵 =2·𝑅−4·√

1.4 Actions to consider in the calculation of floor slabs

The basic actions present in the floor slab of a concrete water tank include:

▪ Full weight of the floor slab.

▪ Hydrostatic load and Hydrostatic thrust against the wall.
▪ Earth pressure against the wall.
▪ Prestressing the wall.
▪ Thermal, seismic and wind actions, along with deferred effects such as shrinkage and
▪ Water sub-pressure.

Full weight is a part of the uniform load qs received by the floor slab, and whose value is:

𝑞𝑆 = 𝛾𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 · ℎ𝑆

As 𝛾𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 is the specific weight of concrete, with a value of 25 KN/m3, and hs represents floor
slab thickness.

The hydrostatic load is the other part of the uniform load “q” received by the floor slab, and
whose value is:

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𝑞ℎ (𝑥 = 0) = 𝑞𝜔 = 𝛾𝜔 · 𝐻𝜔

As 𝛾𝜔 is the specific weight of water, and 𝐻𝜔 represents its height. On the other hand, the
hydrostatic thrust causes a vertical axis bending moment at the base and that is transmitted to
the floor slab, while the shear stress is also transmitted in the form of tensile axil. Thus, the
following nomenclature is proposed:

Mx(x=0) caused by the hydrostatic thrust = Msh

Qx (x=0) caused by the hydrostatic thrust = Nsh

In the case of the earth pressure that acts on the wall, it also produces a bending moment at its
base, which is transmitted to the floor slab. Likewise, the shear stress at the base, which is
caused by the earth pressure, is transmitted to the floor slab in the form of a compressive axial
stress. Thus, the following nomenclature is proposed:

Mx(x=0) caused by the earth pressure = Mst

Qx (x=0) caused by the earth pressure = Nst

The horizontal prestressing of the wall also generates additional bending and shear stresses at
the base of the wall that are transmitted to the floor slab. Thus, the following nomenclature is

Mx(x=0) caused by the horizontal prestressing of the wall = Msp

Qx(x=0) caused by the horizontal prestressing of the wall= Nsp

Just like in the calculation of the tank wall, only the thermal action, the earthquake and the
deferred effects on the floor slab will be considered by adopting larger geometric amounts of the

Finally, with regard to water sub-pressure, the most convenient measures will be adopted to
prevent leaks from the tank from passing to the foundation ground and generating new stresses
on the floor slab.

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Civil Engineering Structural Calculation – Concrete Tanks

As for the partial factors of safety, since it is always a reinforced concrete element and it is likely
not to be particularly meticulous in its construction, it is advised to adopt a normal level
execution control.

The combination of actions will be as follows:

▪ Calculation of concrete tank floor slab in bending and shear stress Ultimate Limit
C12: 1,50x (Full weight) + 1,50x (Hydrostatic load) + 1,50x(Msh) + 1,00x(Msp)
C13: 1,50x (Full weight) + 1,60x(Mst) + 1,00x(Msp).
▪ Calculation of concrete tank floor slab in single traction Ultimate Limit State :
C14: 1,00x(Nsh) + 1,00x(Nsp).
▪ concrete tank floor slab in cracking Serviceability Limit State:
C15: 1,00x (Full weight) + 1,00x (Hydrostatic load) + 1,00x(Msh) + 1,00x(Msp)
C16: 1,00x (Full weight) + 1,00x(Mst) + 1,00x(Msp) .

1.5 Cracking Serviceability Limit State (SLS)

It is highly transcendent since it will greatly determine both functionality and durability.
Regarding cracking caused by normal requests, compressive stresses in concrete must meet
this requirement:

𝜎𝑐 ≤ 0.60 𝑓𝑐𝑘𝑗

Where 𝑓𝑐𝑘𝑗 is the characteristic strength at j days (age of concrete at a given time).

Regarding tensile cracking, the following inequation must be satisfied:

𝑤𝑘 ≤ 𝑤𝑚á𝑥


𝑤𝑘 the characteristic crack opening.

𝑤𝑚á𝑥 the maximum allowable crack opening.

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1.5.1. Assessing the maximum allowable cracking opening 𝐰𝐦á𝐱 .

The characteristic crack opening will be calculated as follows:

𝑤𝑘 = 𝛽 · 𝑠𝑚 · 𝜀𝑠𝑚


𝛽: Quantile factor 95% in Gaussian distribution of crack width, with a value of 1,64.

𝑠𝑚 : medium spacing between cracks in mm:

∅ · 𝐴𝑐,𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑧
𝑠𝑚 = 2 · 𝑐 + 0.2 · 𝑠 + 0.4 ·


c: Covering thickness in mm.

s: spacing between bar axis in mm. If s>15ø is introduced into the formula s=15ø.

𝑘1 : coefficient with a value of 0,125 for single bending.

ø: bar diameter in mm. In the case of having bars with different diameters, the greatest of all is
the one to be used.

𝐴𝑐,𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 : The area of concrete where the bars influence crack openings:

If s≤15ø, then 𝐴𝑐,𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 = b (unit width) · h/4

If s>15ø, then 𝐴𝑐,𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 = 15ø · h/4

𝐴𝑠.𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑧 : total area of reinforcements situated inside area 𝐴𝑐,𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 .

𝜀𝑠𝑚 : medium elongation of reinforcements:

𝜎𝑠 𝜎𝑠𝑟 2 𝜎𝑠
𝜀𝑠𝑚 = [1 − 𝑘2 ( ) ] ≥ 0.4
𝐸𝑠 𝜎𝑠 𝐸𝑠


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Civil Engineering Structural Calculation – Concrete Tanks

𝜎𝑠 =
0.88 · 𝑑 · 𝐴𝑠

𝐸𝑠 : modulus of longitudinal deformation of steel bars; 𝐸𝑠 = 200.000 N/mm2.

𝑘2 : coefficient with a value of 0.5 (since these are long-term loads).

𝑏 · ℎ2 𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚
𝜎𝑠𝑟 = ·
6 0.9 · 𝑑 · 𝐴𝑠


𝑀𝑘 : Bending moment by width unit under the crack verification combination. .

d: the edge useful for the section ; d = h – c – ø/2

𝐴𝑠 : total area of the tensile reinforcement in the calculation unit width.

b: section unit width.

h: section total edge.

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 : medium tensile strength of concrete in N/mm2;

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 = 0.3 · √𝑓𝑐𝑘 2

1.5.2. Assessing the maximum allowable cracking opening 𝐰𝐦á𝐱

The maximum allowable crack width in cases of water tightness is not considered. As a matter
of fact, it is necessary to follow the recommendations contained in most concrete tank guides,
and those advocated by specialists in the field. Thus, in the case of reinforced concrete tanks
subjected to alternating dampness-dryness, or of those exposed to frost or aggressive agents,
the maximum crack opening must be limited to w_max = 0.1 mm. In permanently submerged
tanks, w_max = 0.2 mm can be accepted.

13 © Structuralia
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When the surface of the reinforced concrete tank is exposed to very severe conditions, it must
be designed for a maximum crack opening of 0.2 mm, while in cases of critical aesthetic
appearance, where surface efflorescence and oxidation are considered unacceptable, a
maximum crack opening of 0.1 mm will be adopted. It is accepted that the wall cracks, limiting
the maximum width of the crack to 0.2 mm. for the outer face and 0.1 mm. for the inner face of
the wall.

As a result of all these, the following considerations become relevant:

Maximum allowable crack opening 𝐰𝐦á𝐱 in reinforced concrete tank walls

▪ Outer face of the wall: On the one hand, when a tank is buried, or on the surface, as
long as it is protected from direct solar radiation with trees or another system, and
significant frosts are not to be expected, the value of the wall’s outer face will be w_ max =
On the other hand, If the tank is on the surface and the outer face of the wall is clearly
exposed to severe climatic agents; and preventing any fluorescence is prioritized due to
aesthetic reasons, the value to be used will be w_max = 0.1 mm.
▪ Inner face of the wall: In the case the tank has a covering, which also has a reflective
gravel layer that minimizes thermal effects, and the liquid inside is not chemically
aggressive, the value adopted for the inner face of the wall will be w_max = 0 .2mm
On the other hand, if the tank does not have any covering and there are numerous level
variations with a clear exposure to severe climatic actions, or the liquid inside is
chemically aggressive or of high temperature, the value adopted for the inner face of the
wall will be w_max = 0.1 mm.

Maximum allowable cracking opening 𝐰𝐦á𝐱 in concrete tank floor slabs

▪ On the upper face of the floor slab: In this case, the value of the maximum crack
opening will be 𝑤𝑚á𝑥 = 0,2 mm, unless, due to different reasons, the floor slab is
exposed on severe climatic conditions, or the liquid is chemically aggressive or of high
temperature, in which case, the adopted value will be 𝑤𝑚á𝑥 = 0,1 mm.

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▪ On the lower face of the floor slab: As for the lower face, the maximum crack opening
value will be 𝑤𝑚á𝑥 = 0,2 mm, unless the foundation ground is chemically aggressive, in
which case, the value will be 𝑤𝑚á𝑥 = 0,1 mm.

1.5.3. Characteristics of the cracking Serviceability Limit State in the case of concrete

Determining the crack opening in surface elements subjected to bending and traction at the
same time, as is the case of the walls and floor of a warehouse, is not satisfactorily resolved.
For this reason, the crack opening is determined only by considering simple.

In the case of reinforced concrete tanks, and in accordance with the British standard BS 8007,
the simple flexural and tensile reinforcements are determined independently and added
together. On the one hand, the bending reinforcement is determined based on the Ultimate
Limit State and the maximum allowable crack opening; on the other hand, the single traction
reinforcement adopts a very low value for the admissible stress of the steel, which is set at:

▪ σs = 100 N/mm2 for 𝑤𝑚á𝑥 = 0,1 mm.

▪ σs = 130 N/mm2 for 𝑤𝑚á𝑥 = 0,2 mm.

In prestressed concrete tanks, the horizontal active reinforcements are in charge of absorbing
the single traction efforts, while the vertical passive reinforcements must absorb the bending
stresses that are also determined based on both the Ultimate Limit State, and the maximum
allowable crack opening.

1.6 Concrete tank minimum reinforcements

Many watertight failures in tanks with expensive retrofitting are due to the existence of
horizontal wall cracks. Resulting from a rigorous structural analysis, they show that different
neglected effects can cause bending stresses, even three times higher than those determined
with the sole consideration of the pressure that the water exerts on the wall.

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Therefore, it becomes necessary to have a minimum amount of reinforcements in order to

prevent possible cracks due to the curing retraction, temperature variations, and even other
actions that in general, will not be considered in the calculation of the tank.

▪ Walls in reinforced concrete tanks:

o For vertical reinforcement with wmax = 0,1 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0,0020
o For vertical reinforcement with wmax = 0,2 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0,0015
o For horizontal reinforcement with wmax = 0,1 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0,0020
o For horizontal reinforcement with wmax = 0,2 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0,0015
▪ Walls in reinforced concrete cylindrical tanks:
o For vertical reinforcement with wmax = 0,1 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0,0020
o For vertical reinforcement with wmax = 0,2 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0,0015
o For horizontal reinforcement with wmax = 0,1 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0,0020
o For horizontal reinforcement with wmax = 0,2 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0,0015
▪ Walls in prestressed concrete cylindrical tanks:
o For vertical reinforcement with wmax = 0,1 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0,0020
o For vertical reinforcement with wmax = 0,2 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0,0015
o For horizontal reinforcement with wmax = 0,1 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0,0008
o For horizontal reinforcement with wmax = 0,2 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0,0008
▪ Floor slab in any type of concrete slab:
o For upper reinforcement with wmax = 0,1 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0,0020
o For upper reinforcement with wmax = 0,2 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0,0015
o For lower reinforcement with wmax = 0,1 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0,0020
o For lower reinforcement with wmax = 0,2 mm; 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0,0015

In the case of prestressed concrete tanks, the wall must be permanently compressed in annular
manner, hence the lower value of the minimum horizontal reinforcement (see Spanish Guide on
Structural Concrete - EHE-08. Table 42.3.5).

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