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How do you do Ladies and
gentlemen? This is ePro with the
34th edition of our EJ magazine!

I bet you’ve been listening to

music in your jugular veins
all weekend. So why don’t you
relax? Lean back and enjoy
yourself while we take you on an
exciting journey.

Ufffff... This weekend has been

hard on our editorial staff. On
Friday, January 17, Eminem cre-
ated a huge buzz again, releasing
his eleventh studio album,
“Music To Be Murdered By”.
Again it came as a surprise, like
a snowball in the head. Once
again he breaks records and
brings joy to millions of fans
around the world.

The media brushed through

the new work of a genius, and
hastened to give out their biased
reviews. We were disgusted to
read them (yes, I mean Bryan
Rolli from Forbes ... you are
biased, dude). So we decided to
take a timeout for a couple of
days, as we rummaged through
the two-disc masterpiece, and
now we will tell you everything!

Read our exclusive material

on Eminem’s new album and
listen to the record, it’s great!
The icing on the cake will be the
exclusive graphics we supplied
this issue of EJ with (don’t forget
to zoom-in and check out all the
high-res details)

Read on and enjoy!

DOWNLOAD — Editor-in-Chief
APP AT Igor Basenko
Hello Marshall!
We’re the Eminem.Pro team, which is the biggest fan-base project dedicated to
Eminem and Shady Recodrds’ artists. Our project started as a hobby and grew into
a media platform. We have created a unique and convenient resource for your fans
(both Russian and English speaking), where people can read accumulated news from
various hip-hop portals, watch videos, interviews, performances, discuss them. Along
with translation of news from American and European media, we also create our
own material such as reviews, articles, magazine and video digest (all our content is
available in both languages). We have developed apps for iOS and Android. Our daily
audience counts dozens of thousands of people. We represent a community of millions
of Russian fans, and we ask for an interview because we believe that the Russian
— speaking part of your fan base deserves to be heard and to ask their questions.
Our project is 100% non-profit and every person working with us is a volunteer,
we do not benefit from it, on the contrary — for 8 years we have been investing
our own resources to support it. We kindly ask you to find an opportunity to have a
conversation with us using any platform or messaging service convenient for you.

Sincerely yours, ePro team.
What distinguishes a winner from other pertinent topics. The good old
a loser? The leader from the follow- Slim is present throughout the album.
ers? Talent? Maybe. Luck? Sometimes. Sometimes going over the top, pro-
Work ethic? Almost always. But there voking people to pick up on some old
is one feature inherent to all success- scandals. Somewhere along the lines,
ful people - the ability to get up and he becomes today’s mature version of
move forward after failure, or in Mar- himself. What unites all of the facets of
shall’s case, after what many consider his amazing personality is the enor-
failure. mous skill of a true lyricist and his
punching delivery.
Revival showed the world that Emi-
nem has matured and wants to share Bringing together established and
his wisdom and life experience. Ka- emerging artists (the list of guests
mikaze showed that he was not quite on the album is impressive), Em has
ready to let go of his furious and ag- molded a work of art with the potency
gressive alter ego. MTBMB, in turn, is to change our perception and con-
an act of a leader, an act of a winner. sciousness, and of course, an undeni-
As R. Kipling said: able potency to entertain. The cunning
Mr. Mathers does not intend to lose
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve ground, he not only remains relevant
spoken / Twisted by knaves to make a but also ahead of the game, anticipat-
trap for fools, / Or watch the things you ing coming trends. He speaks in a lan-
gave your life to, broken, guage of shock-value and suspense, as
And stoop and build’em up with worn- always using irony, satire, sometimes
out tools. going too far, but always remaining
true to himself.
Em’s tools aren’t so worn out, and
once again he has revealed their Eminem is an inner voice that I would
sharpness to everyone. The third love to have and guide me. A voice that
album in such a short period of time, can ask me inconvenient questions,
and not only does his pen never run make taboo jokes, tell me a scary
out of ink, it seems the ink is just get- story, and, in the end, make me think
ting brighter with every new stroke. about topics that usually I would try to
Once again Eminem dives deep into avoid.
personal issues. This time, however, he
does not draw a line between his dif- And yes, even having such a voice, I
ferent shades of personality, this time would still choose to listen to Emi-
they are all bound together in synergy. nem’s new album, because taking
This, in my opinion, makes the album aside the social, political and psycho-
interesting for a much broader audi- logical depths of his work, there’s still
ence. damn good music to listen to, making
you laugh, with subtle and smart lyrics
Marshall talks about mass shootings from the master himself, accompanied
and the gun control problem, drug by impressive collaborations.
addiction, personal family issues, and


I’ve known that something’s been cooking… They said I’m lyrically amazing / But I have nothing
There’s a certain aura and quiet twinkling in the to say / But then when I put out Revival and I had
sky at night when Shady’s locked up in his studio something to say / They said that they hated, they
working. Plus my left ear starts to fucking itch awake me / I lose the rage, I’m too tame / I get it
before I go to sleep. And I dream about voices back, they say I’m too angry
whispering while rhyming at the same time in the ...
darkness… All this starts like maybe 1 to 2 weeks Fans keep on pulling me one way / Haters pull me
before the album drops. So I was waiting… But, in another / They said I’m just a whiner, I sound like
hell, I wasn’t expecting a frag grenade album like a baby / I dish it out but can’t take it / But I take
this. And I thought Kamikaze was a slaughter… it, dish it back out / And they get all bent out of
Alright, ain’t gonna keep you waiting, let’s get mur- shape / This shit’s almost comical
dered by music, and I’ll try to guide you through it
as best as I can. Marshall’s just painting his picture. He’s
welcoming you into a part of his world
PLAY THIS TUNE, IT’S YOUR with every album. If you don’t like
what you see, just get the fuck out.
EULOGY, IT’S YOUR FUNERAL, He puts in so much into his lines
PREPARE TO DIE and delivers more quality with one
album than modern-day artists
deliver throughout their careers.
If you’re saying that Eminem has
Aaaggghhh… Those soothing sounds of a shovel
nothing to say, then that just
smashing… Now that’s something to put an end to
means that lots of shit went
my left-ear itch!
over your fucking head. Sorry,
I mean to offend. Sic.
Eminem is a lyrical warlord, an insane master-
mind-of-syllables maniac and an artist that treats
Any Revival haters in the
hip-hop’s technicality as one of the cornerstones of
house? I personally love the
the art and the MC’s most valuable quality. But he
album, as it’s quite personal
also went through and continues to go through so
and reflective. If you don’t
much shit that Eminem’s minute of agony probably
like it, then you can shove
amounts to a whole life span of struggles of an av-
some medicine up your ass-
erage white male. He’s got some wisdom to share.
holes, and listen:
That’s why when you say that he’s got nothing to
say, you get this intro track in return:
I sell like four mill when I put out a bad album
Revival flopped, came back and I scared the crap out ‘em
But Rolling Stone stars, I get two and a half outta
Five, and I’ll laugh out loud
‘Cause that’s what they gave bad back in the day
Which actually made me not feel as bad now, ‘cause
If it happened to James
It can happen to Shady
And for anyone who thinks Shady ain’t as ill I ain’t on a plane right now, so I ain’t worried,
as he was back in the day, here’s what I always how bout you? Damn, I just love devouring his
wanted to say in response but now I can just lyrics.
quote it:

Instead of us being credited for longevity /

And being able to keep it up for this long at LIL’ BOY, YOU GON’ LEARN
this level, we / Get told we’ll never be what we
were / Bitch, if I was as half as good as I was / Marshall’s lyrics are like a very concentrated
I’m still twice as good as you’ll ever be / Only liquid solution. Concentrated with multisyl-
way that you’re ahead of me’s alphabetically labic rhymes, complex punchlines, but also
meaningful storytelling. This song is very con-
Fuuuugghhhhh… This intro ain’t no longer centrated with that last component. Royce 5’9
than a verse and we’ve slaughtered have the also adds meaningful substance to this compo-
population already. Feels like an alien inva- sition. So it’s like a premium blend of Bad and
sion. And what do they do after the first wave Evil on the track.
hits? Right. Targeted extermination. Prepare
yourselves. Eminem goes on telling his story from child-
hood to present day and ends on a high note
LET’S GO UN A CCOMMO describing his current position in the game:

DATING I’m a God to you, y’all better worship the water

/ I walk on / Or y’all gonna meet your Wa-
Yeah, that’s what we doing, Young M.A terloo / I get to flippin’ the mic’ as a murder
weapon / I’m poppin’ an extra clip, then cock
Bet that’s what Marshall asked Young before and shoot, then I’m popping / Do not let me
they went to record the song, haha. The song catch you slippin’ / I will pop up and I’ll take a
is hella entertaining, I like the hook especially. spot from you / I’ll get to doing what a leaky
Look out, cause, faucet do / But I ain’t talkin’ drip when I say
that I’ll get the drop on you / Singin’ fuck all
Here comes Saddam Hussein, Ayatollah Kho- of you in Autotune / I am too volatile and too
meini / Where’s Osama been? I been laden grizzly to bear / Yeah, shit is gettin’ to where I
lately / Look at how I’m behaving me, they can barely even sit in a chair / I bust my ass for
want me gone away / They wanna JonBenet this shit and I swear / It ain’t even worth diss-
me (Fuck you), I’m unaccommodating ing someone so offbeat / That they can’t even
figure out where their words / Should hit the
After I write this article I wanna go on some kick and the snare
ccommodating myself actually. Ahahaha.. Egh,
well, All jokes aside, I also found some lyrical Those last couple of lines I fucking loved. I just
gems here as well. hope that those Lil boys gon’ hear and gon’
I’m moving on but you know your scruples are
gone when you’re born with Lucifer’s horns
/ And you’re from the school of Notorious, /
Puba, Cube and The Poor Righteous Teachers LADIES AND GENTLEMEN?
tutored my students / Showed them all the
blueprint and formula / But it seems like the Why wasn’t Alfred Hitchcock mentioned as
more they studied my music, the more they re- a guest artist on the album? I bet it would
mind me of eyeballs / I’m watching my pupils score us some fans of the ill-famed filmmaker.
get cornier Anyhow, his presence just adds to the overall
nervewracking atmosphere. The beats on the
That’s right. We’re all watching Marshall’s pu- album are out of this world and a couple of
pils as they get cornier. You never get enough my friends even told me they remind them of
of these multidimensional punchlines. And as the golden era of Eminem Show. I guess this
for the pupils, get back to the drawing board, is to do with a certain doctor at work. Alfred
motherfuckers! Start taking some notes or Hitchcock certainly adds an indelible touch
something! and serves well as Shady’s new skit character. I
admit he’s a lot different from Ken Kanniff and
This is fucking Marshall, so way more moody, but the horrorcore seems to
be more amusing than frightening.
For you to go against me, it’s simply insane,
you will die / That’s why they call me Kami-
kaze, it’s plain suicide
D12 DAYS Eminem goes into relationship issues once again
on this track. This time it’s from a different per-
Sometimes you feel like you know so much about
spective than Recovery’s “Love the Way You Lie”
Marshall, all you can hear is the same story told
though. There’s no such thing as pure black and
using different wording and a whole package
white in this world. This applies to unfaithful-
of new punchlines and metaphors. But on this
ness as well. Marshall tries to portray how people
album, I feel like I’ve found so many new and
could be stuck in a relationship that’s not going
interesting details from his past. “Those Kinda
anywhere, and how having something on the side
Nights” is a tribute to his whiling out days with
could have more true love than anything.
D12 when they would go to clubs after shows to
pick up girls. But it ain’t just some trashy song. As
You’re laying there with him, thinking ‘bout me /
always Eminem goes humorous, sarcastic, witty
He’s asleep, you say, “Let’s meet around three” /
and wordy about telling the story.
You went to leave the house, he caught you sneak-
ing out, now he’s freaking out / You thought he
This beat keeps takin’ me back like my ex does
was sleepin’ soundly, woah / You say you’re going
/ Only ‘cause how good the sex was / Hit up the
for a drive, you don’t question him / When he
next club, met Alexa / But she was so extra, called
stumbles in, like, “Where the fuck you’ve been?”
her etcetera / Had her like “Oh, my God, my whole
/ Then you pump his ear with what he wants to
inbox filled with your songs, I mow my lawn to
hear / Tell him you love him, yeah, wipe each
‘em” / I said “Oh, my God, you know my songs,
other’s tears / But it’s been a couple years since
that’s totally awesome, I’m Marshall, what’s goin’
we been doin’ dirt / You or my girl, don’t wanna
on?” (Haha) / Seriously though, jokes aside, how
see either of you get hurt / But now the lines are
you doin’? You straight? / She said “No, I’m bi” /
getting super blurred / Can’t tell if I’m cheating
She said “Are you drunk?”, I said “No, I’m high” /
on her with you or cheating on you with her / But
I’m checkin’ out the chick, she said “So am I”
really, nobody’s at fault, can’t help who you love
I just go into hysterical laughter when I hear this.
And I love how he plays with Long John Silver in
The way he writes and the way he performs it
this part. Lyrical gems:
as he spits through the mic. This is like poetry
in motion at its finest. And it’s the best piece of
We’re laying here with them, thinking ‘bout us /
comical entertainment. Damn, I would suggest
‘Cause now when we get home, we get jealous /
Marshall going into comedy after he’s done with
Of each other being someone else’s / Call us Long
his rap career.
John Silver’s ‘cause we selfish
And in this album, for some particular reason
Is it “sell fish” or “cell fish”? Sometimes I can’t
[sic], the best is always left for last in the songs:
even tell anymore what’s intentional and what’s
not in his rhymes.
Roll up the car windows / Monte Carlo in park,
bumpin’ Bizarre’s demo / Gettin head in the
bucket, marshmello / Yeah, I never in the club FROM RAP GOD TO GODZILLA
met a woman worth knowin’ / But if your ho’in /
Opposite attract, / I’m someone, you’re a no one / Eminem’s stomping on civilians in this track,
I’m high and your bi / I’m comin’, you’re goin not just lyrically, but with fire-blazing fast killer
wordplay that surpasses Rap God’s performance
I ain’t even gonna go into details about what’s and sets another world record. I almost pictured
going on here lyrically. This is syllable-genius Godzilla from the 1998 film while listening to this
slaughtering of beats without wasting a word at massacre.
its finest. If you need some deeper explanation,
go dig up some dirt on Genius.
Trigger happy, pack heat, but it’s black ink / Evil
half of the Bad Meets
Evil, that means take a back seat / Take it back
to Fat Petes with a maxi, single / Look at my
rap sheets, what attracts these people / Is my
gangster, bitch, like Apache with a catchy jingle /
I stack chips, you barely got a half-eaten Cheeto
/ Fill ‘em with the venom and eliminate ‘em /
Other words, I Minute Maid ‘em / I don’t want to
hurt ‘em, but I did ‘em in a fit of rage / I’m mur-
derin’ again, nobody will evade him / Finna kill
‘em and dump all the fuckin’ bodies in the lake /
Obliterating everything, incinerate and renegade
‘em / And I make anybody who want it with the
pen afraid / But don’t nobody want it, but they’re
gonna get it anyway / ‘Cause I’m beginnin’ to feel
like I’m mentally ill / I’m Atilla, kill or be killed,
I’m a killer, be the vanilla gorilla / You’re bringin’
the killer within me out of me / You don’t want
to be the enemy of the demon who went in me /
Or being the recievin’ enemy, what stupidity it’d
be / Every bit of me is the epitome of a spitter /
When I’m in the vicinity, motherfucker, you bet-
ter duck / Or you finna be dead the minute you
run into me / A hundred percent of you is a fifth
of a percent of me / I’m ‘bout to fuckin’ finish you
bitch, I’m unfadable / You wanna battle, / I’m
available, I’m blowin’ up like an inflatable / I’m
undebatable, I’m unavoidable, I’m unevadable
/ I’m on the toilet bowl, I got a trailer full / Of
money and I’m paid in full / I’m not afraid to pull
the— / Man, stop / Look what I’m plannin’, haha

Deeammmnnn boy, please don’t stop. Don’t be

afraid to pull whatever yous was gonna pull…
Shiiiitttt ...
I DON’T WANNA BE ALONE IN I love this part. It shows to us that Eminem is a
person, just like anyone of us, and he’s nervous
THE DARKNESS before a show. He’s afraid he won’t get that
same reaction from a crowd. He’s afraid that
Here I am, alone again / Can’t get out of this he’s fading out. He’s an artist and he always
hole I’m in / It’s like the walls are closin’ in / wants to perform the best he can. Give it all out
You can’t help me, no one can / I can feel these on the stage. Murder a show. But how can you
curtains closin’ / I go to open ‘em / But some- murder a show nobody’s at? It’s almost unbe-
thing pulls ‘em closed again lievable that an artist of his caliber would be
going through such thoughts. But this is true.
This will probably be my favorite song off the This is the true Marshall.
album. It’s personal like it was left off Revival
and impersonal, speaking on touching issues Plan is a go to wreck shit, cameras in all
of society. Comparing one experience and directions / The press is about to go ape shit
emotions with another. All bound together in bananas on all the networks / Commando with
the darkness. It’s a perfect cocktail. A venom- extra clips, I got ammo for all the hecklers /
ous cocktail contained with pain and rage and I’m armed to the teeth, another valium fall off
desperation. the bed / Fall off the bed, hit the ground and
crawl to the dresser / Alcohol on my breath as
I would argue that this song is a new version / I reach for the scope / I’m blackin’ out, I’m all
of Stan, except instead of two people commu- out of meds / With them benzodiazepines gone
nicating by facsimile, it’s two people commu- / Now it’s just magazines sprawled out on the
nicating within one single experience of going floor / Fuck the media, I’m goin’ all out, this is
through pain. The Vegas shooter and Eminem war / (Hello darkness, my old friend)
are one and he tries to crawl into his skin and
understand his emotion through this song. These are the last hours before the show and
before the shooting. Tension’s beginning to
I keep pacin’ this room valium / Then chase it spiral. Eminem continues getting loaded with
with booze, one little taste it’ll do / Maybe I’ll meds and alcohol while the Vegas shooter
take it and snooze, then tear up the stage in reaches for his scope. Fuck the media, they’re
a few / Fuck the Colt 45, I’ma need somethin’ going all out, this is war!
stronger / If I pop any caps, it better be off of
vodka / Round after round after round, I’m With People start to show up, time to start the
gettin’ loaded / That’s a lot of shots, huh? show up / It’s 10:05 PM and the curtain starts
to go up / And I’m already sweatin’ but I’m
Eminem’s getting loaded with booze, preparing locked and loaded / For rapid fire spittin’ for
for a show, while the Vegas shooter is getting all the concert-goers / Scopes for sniper vision,
loaded with his ammo. A true poet at work surprise from out of nowhere / As I slide the
here. I was perplexed as I was listening… clip in from inside the hotel / Leanin’ out the
window, going Kaiser Sosay / Finger on the
That’s when you know you’re schizo / (Hello trigger, but I’m a licensed owner / With no
darkness, my old friend) / ‘Cause I keep peakin’ prior convictions, so loss, the sky’s the limit /
out the curtain from the hotel / The music is So my supplies infinite, strapped like I’m a sol-
so loud, but it’s almost as though / I don’t hear dier / Got ‘em hopping over walls and climbing
no sound, I should get ready for the show now fences / Some of them John Travolta, staying
/ Wait is this the whole crowd? I thought this alive by inches / Cops are knockin’, oh, fuck,
shit was sold out / (Hello darkness, my old thought I blocked the entrance
friend) / But it’s only the opening act, it’s early,
don’t overreact / Then something told me relax Here we see Eminem firing at his show with
and just hope for the show to be packed / Don’t firearms from small to large caliber, assault to
wanna hit the stage before they fill each row to sniper rifles to heavy machine guns, you can
the max / ‘Cause that’d be totally wacked, you almost see him jumping on stage and spewing
can’t murder a show nobody’s at / But what if fire from his mouth through the microphone.
nobody shows? / Panic mode ‘bout to snap and He’s killin but some of them John Travolta,
go motherfuckin’ wacko at any second / ‘Bout staying alive by inches, while the Vegas shooter
to cancel the show, just as fans below rush the finishes them all off and leaves a scene of
entrance bloody massacre.
And after it’s all said and done… Flippin’ sofa cushions over just tryin’ to see /
If I could find some change and scrape up for
Fing Guess show time is over no suicide note a bite to eat / If Denaun and me find a couple
/ Just a note for target distance / But if you’d dimes a piece / Twenty five cents each’d get us
like to know the reason why I did this / You’ll a bag of chips / We’d be glad to get that even
never find a motive, truth is I have no idea / I we if we had to split / We’d do backward flips,
am just as stumped, no signs of mental illness looking back at it / I think that would fit with
/ Just tryin’ to show ya the reason why we’re the definition of not having shit
so fucked / ‘Cause by the time it’s over, won’t
make the slightest difference / (Hello darkness, The way he tells the story is so vivid, you
my old friend) almost feel like you’re reliving it together with
him. This only happens when you are deal-
Nobody knows our true motives but ourselves. ing with a true artist. Like Rakim once told in
But sometimes even we struggle to figure it an interview, he grew up listening to Jazz and
out. The true motives of the Vegas shooter Blues music, and a lot of didn’t have no words,
are gone with him to the grave. But I think but you could feel and see it. You could smell
this song gives you a bright picture of what he the grass, you could imagine a silent night or
might have been going through. the loud neighbors across the street, or your
mom’s best dish cooking on the stove. Rakim
I don’t wanna be alone in the darkness / would then say that his motivation would be to
I don’t wanna be alone in the darkness any- create the same experience using words. This
more… is what we see in this song.

Should I feel upset? You were dead to me ‘fore

NO COMING BACK FROM you died / Me? Tear no shed / Should I have
WHERE I’M GOING… made a mural at your funeral? / Had your cof-
fin draped with a hero’s flag? / Where the fuck
DIG WITH THE BLADE UP you were at / When De’Angelo done hurt me
real bad at the Rio Grande? / Never met your
This is my second favorite track. Naghh. It ain’t
grandkids, fucking coward / Only gut you had
even second. They go in line. And it’s hard to
was from your stomach fat / I couldn’t see your
put in words what emotions you are filled with
ass gonna Heaven / So I’m asking for a pass
while you’re listening, but I’ll try. This one’s
to go to Hell / So I can whip your fucking ass /
another golden gem.
I hate that I’ll never get to say “I hate you” to
your face / No coming back from where I’m go-
Call me the Grim Reaper, sleep is my cousin /
ing / Sky is dark, my soul is black, hand on the
You dead to me now and I’ma be the last face
shovel / Dig with the blade up, and then I step
you see / ‘Fore you die cussin’
on the metal / Vendetta to settle, tell the Devil
/ I’m leaving Heaven Yeah…
At first, you don’t know who he’s talking to, but
that’s the beauty of it all.
Now you see why he was painting it so vivid.
This whole storytelling is meant for his father.
Like around six thousand times since I was a
This is Marshall finally saying all he wanted to
kid / As a child, picked on, clowned / Count-
say. This is him finally letting it out fully. And
less times I’ve been outed / Gotta remind
this is him letting it go:
myself of it every now and then (Yeah) / So
the route I went’s self-empowerment / In a
You know, I should dig your motherfucking ass
hole, taught myself how to get out of it / And
up / Just to spit in your fucking face / Holding
balance it with talents, wit / ‘Cause life is like
my baby pictures up like you’re proud of me /
a penny / (Life is like a penny) / ‘Cause it’s
Fuck you, bitch / You know what? Maybe if I
only one percent / Who overcome the shit /
had had you / I wouldn’t have went through
They’ve underwent
half the shit I went through, so I blame you /
Or maybe I should say, “Thank you” / ‘Cause I
You would think he told this story over and
wouldn’t have been me / So I’ma let it go now,
over again throughout his career, but this time
rest in peace / Cocksucker / See you in Hell.
he is not telling it to you.

Okay, so while Macklemore was keeping his

room nice and neat (Yeah) / I was getting my
ass beat twice a week (What?) / Looking for a
place for the night where I could sleep
We can see Marshall putting the last nail in
the coffin for a lot of characters throughout
the album. Here’s what I most liked about the
entertaining “Yah Yah” track:

I’m a sight to see, but you can see from the

ring / I’m wearing / Me and this game, we got
married already / Had the prenup ready, fuck,
all that’s ever seen her belly / She barely was
three months pregnant / Bitch had to give me
a baby, we named it Machine Gun Kelly

And as you could see from MGK’s pathetic

reaction to these lines on social media, they
hurt pretty bad. Now, Machine Gun Kelly is no
longer named after a murderous gangster. He’s
named after a premature birth-giving act: as
soon as he sprayed fast outta mom’s belly, they
called him Machine Gun Kelly.


Sorry, it’s getting fucking late and I’ve still
haven’t gone on some ccommodating, so Ima
skip some tracks and try to end this on a high
note. I leaving some space for you to do some
grave digging of your own. Let’s move on,

My name is Marsh and, I’m out this world (This

world) / S on my chest (Superman) like it’s
plural (It’s lit) / Call me extra, extra terrestrial
/ Extra, extra, extra terrestrial

I fucking love this chorus. :) Put it on repeat. :)

Daaaeeemnnn… where should I start?

My girl’s cheatin’, I’m kickin’ that fuckin’ bitch

to the curb / But the word “fuckin’” ain’t meant
to be a descriptive word / The type of bitch she
is ain’t no adjective, it’s a verb / Ho thinks her
snatch is magical but that’s how she attracts
men / And who traps ‘em and attack similar
to an actual arachnid / Or a vaginal tarantula
or black widow / In fact it’ll be nothing to
throw that lil’ Bitch / With a capital B at the
back window out the black Cadillac limo like
a whack demo / When I’m strapped, when I
spit rapid, like a ratchet / I have wit, Been fire
bitch, I can’t outrap Reynolds

There aint a fucking descriptive word of how

he’s masterful with these slurs. This portion
shows exactly how he’s good with alliteration
and consonance. It makes his wordplay seem
like he’s juggling 50 objects at the same time
when you hear him spit.
This whole track reminds me of the Relapse Sometimes you just flying too low for Shady’s
album… This is Slim Shady in his purest form: radar. Yeah, and these words are not just the
final nail in a coffin, this is the final stone to
Checked in at the Royal Garden / To chill and Marshall’s Necropolis.
avoid my problems / Until paranoia caused
me to feel like I’m going bonkers / For real,
think my toilet’s talkin’ / I spilled like, like forty
bottles of pills / Think your boy is startin’ to DANSE MACABRE
feel like a spoiled carton of milk … / A pad and
pen’ll be great, but a napkin’ll do / Return of Final words. The album is a work of art, its po-
the whack sicko / Head spinnin’ like Invisibl etry in motion, and it’s written, composed and
Skratch Piklz / Yeah, Shady’s back, see the bat presented in such a way that you can almost
signal / It’s time to go bat shit, like you acci- mistake it for prose. I was just as fascinated
dentally ate a Louisville slugger and crapped it listening to Music to Be Murdered By as I am
/ I’d like to introduce myself / Hi there, bitch... when I’m reading a 600-page novel. It’s that
much dense with content. Fuck all of you who
FROM NO APOLOGIES TO think that reading develops more intelligence
than listening to music. The medium of telling
NO REGRETS: NOTHING’S stories has been evolving throughout history.
CHANGED From our ancestors telling tales while sitting
and glancing at the fire to Shakespeare’s trag-
edies like Hamlet and Othello, to motion pic-
This reminds me of that track from “The
tures plunging us into a whirlwind of emotions
Re-Up” album called No Apologies. It was my
when we see the actors perform on screen.
favorite track off that album, and this just takes
me back to the good old days and the not so
Eminem has become the medium of overcom-
good old days for Shady.
ing struggle against all odds and of the eternal
fight for your dreams and beliefs. In Music to
Yeah, they miss the old me / I think they want
Be Murdered By we see the incarnation of a
me to OD on codeine / They want my life in tur-
murderous MC, ripping and tearing apart his
moil like in ‘03 / They want front row seats, I
adversaries in healthy competition. For that is
give ‘em nosebleeds / They want me imploding,
forever been the essence of Hip-Hop - competi-
exploding, self-loathing, eroding / I’m scream-
tion. Whether it’s through freestyle battling, or
ing at ‘em with no regrets and I’m hulking /
just constantly retaining the throne at the top
I’m rippin’ out of my clothing / I had to go see
of the game.
the doc like Kool Moe Dee (Yeah) / Never took
much to convince Dre / Never been swayed by
This concludes our danse macabre / Portions
color or skin shades / Since day one, Hellraiser
of the proceeding were recorded / As for the
with twin blades of a sensei / Givin’ up, no
rest of it, I’m very much afraid it was all in
comprende (Woo) / Tin brain, prolly fucked
your mind / I don’t intend to indulge in any
in the membrane / Slim Sha- minds of a God, I
post-mortem / If you haven’t been murdered,
been insane
I can only say / Better luck next time / If you
have been, goodnight wherever you are.
Yeah the rage and the hate, and the vengeful
emotion always makes a powerful song. That’s
If this won’t get the best hip-hop album of the
why we love vintage shady so much. But I love
year, I see no future for modern hip-hop.
the new Shady as well. He did not get old, he
And yeah, beware if you are still alive, cause I
just evolved.
bet there’s more music to be murdered by.
They talk about my daughters hopin’ I fly off of
the handle / ‘Cause my first thought is to tram-
ple and write a thousand bars / But sometimes
it’s like dropping’ an anvil on a house of cards
/ Or Godzilla squashin’ a crouton with combat
boots on / Or droppin’ a goddamn nuke bomb
on top of an ant hill / (I’m screamin’ out no
regrets) Can’t do it, nah
Igor Basenko

Katerina Malik
Alexey Zakharenkov

Olga Olegovna

Universal Music Group


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