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Unit 8: Grammar and vocabulary test A Level 3

Grammar 12 The guy which asked Anna to go to the

movies with him is standing over there.
A Complete the sentences with the infinitive
form or the gerund of the verbs in the box. The guy who asked Anna to go to the
movies with him is standing over there.
be  ​keep  ​enjoy  ​steal  ​take  ​pay  ​go  ​write 13 That’s the café that they have really
good milkshakes.
0 The two men denied stealing the money. That’s the café where they have really
1 I promised my niece to the theater in good milkshakes.
New York for her birthday.
14 It’s a technique that helps you to remember
2 The meal was so bad that I refused for it.
facts more effectively.
3 After I’ve finished this essay, I’ll come
It’s a technique which helps you to remember
facts more effectively.
4 I think Eva liked the meal. At least, she seemed
it. 15 That was the day where I met Pablo.
5 I try to avoid downtown when it’s That was the day when I met Pablo.
crowded on the weekend.
C Complete the sentences with which/that,
6 I didn’t want anyone to know I was leaving and
I managed it secret.
who, when, or where.
0 That’s the lady who asked me for directions
7 She seemed very interested in the
project, which was good. yesterday.
16 The best time to visit her is she finishes
lunch at 1:30 p.m.
B Check (✓) the sentences in which the 17 I’m going to buy the computer
underlined relative pronoun is correct. I really like.
In some cases both sentences are correct. 18 Is Australia the country you met
0 The worst moment was when I called him your wife?
by the wrong name. ✓ 19 Yes, Mark was the friend helped me
The worst moment was where I called him with my homework.
by the wrong name. ✓ 20 It was the visit to the police station
8 My favorite evening was in the club which made me want to be a police officer.
we met all those interesting people.
D Complete the sentences with the correct
My favorite evening was in the club where
form of the verb in parentheses.
we met all those interesting people.
0 Tony, would you help me choose (to choose) a
9 I then discovered that the restaurant which new laptop?
I’d booked was really expensive.
21 She prefers (go) on vacation by herself.
I then discovered that the restaurant that
22 Sarah always manages (do) all her work
I’d booked was really expensive.
before lunch.
10 Sophie is the woman who will come to your 23 Did he admit (cheat) in the
home and cut your hair. competition?
Sophie is the woman where will come to your 24 He denied (lie) about why he didn’t
home and cut your hair. come to school yesterday.
11 That’s the campsite where George got really sick. 25 I always avoid (ask) friends how much
That’s the campsite that George got really sick. they earn.

Score / 25

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openMind level 3

Vocabulary 11 I was sure the party was Friday the twenty-seventh

A Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? but it turned out I’d gotten the w day.
(11 Across)
0 A story that is thought-provoking makes
you think deeply about a subject. T /F 12 The text was intended for Fabio but, stupidly,
1 A story that is unbelievable is made to Is it to the wrong person. (12 Across)
seem natural or real. T/F
2 If you describe a story as gripping, you mean 13 I knocked into a complete stranger and s
that you are not interested in how it ends red wine on his smart, white shirt! (12 Down)
because it is boring. T/F
14 I meant to reply only to Jill, but stupidly,
3 A moving story makes you feel sad
or sympathetic. T/F Ic on “reply to all”. (13 Across)
4 If you find a story disturbing, you are not
15 Unfortunately, I got lost on the way there and
upset or worried by it. T/F
a an hour late. (14 Across)
5 A movie that is thrilling is not interesting or
exciting in any way. T/F C Complete the sentences with words from
6 A story that is entertaining is fun to read the box. There is one extra option.
or watch. T/F
7 An imaginative story has lots of new, forgot   ​got   ​entertaining   ​
arrived  ​
creative ideas. T/F took   ​gripping   ​unbelievable
8 A story that is pointless shows intelligent
and serious thought. T/F A: What was the most embarrassing thing that ever
happened to you?
B Complete the crossword with the words B: Well, on my first day of work I (0) took the
missing from the sentences. First letters are wrong bus and (16) late at the office.
provided. Then I (17) my boss’s name.
A: That’s (18) !
f B: That’s not all. I (19) the wrong
l o s t
10 day. I had to report to the office on the following
Monday. It was quite an (20) day for
my new colleagues!
D Complete the sentences with an option
from the box. There is one extra option.
s got lost   ​said the wrong thing   ​childish   ​
the wrong person   ​
gripping   ​disturbing

c 21 I couldn’t sleep last night after Ben told me a
22 Excuse me. Could you tell me where I am? I think
I .
23 I don’t think you’ll like the movie. It’s very
a .
24 I’d like to apologize to your sister. I
at the party.
0 I got l ost on the way to the party and had 25 I sent a really angry text to my mom, but it was
to stop someone and ask the way. (0 Across) meant for my sister. I sent it to !

9 I started to introduce this young man to my friend Score / 25

and, to my embarrassment f her name!
(9 down) Total score / 50
10 Marcia looked upset when I asked about her
boyfriend and I realized that I had said the wrong
t . (10 Down)
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Unit 8: Grammar and vocabulary test B Level 3

Vocabulary B Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

A Complete the crossword with the words 0 A story that is thought-provoking makes you
missing from the sentences. First letters are think deeply about a subject. T /F
provided. 8 A story that is thrilling is not interesting or
exciting in any way. T/F
f 9 A story that is entertaining is fun to read or
watch. T/F
l o s 2
10 An imaginative story has lots of new, creative
ideas. T/F
11 A story that is pointless shows intelligent and
serious thought. T/F
12 A story that is unbelievable is made to seem
natural or real. T/F
13 If you describe a story as gripping, you mean
that you are not interested in how it ends
because it is boring. T/F
c 14 A moving movie makes you feel sad or
sympathetic. T/F
15 If you find a story disturbing, you are not upset
or worried by it. T/F
C Complete the sentences with an option
from the box. There is one extra option.

0 I got l ost on the way to the party and had got lost   ​said the wrong thing   ​childish   ​
to stop someone and ask the way. (0 Across) the wrong person   ​
gripping   ​disturbing
1 I started to introduce this young man to my friend
and, to my embarrassment f her name! 16 I couldn’t sleep last night after Lucy told me
(1 Down) a story.
17 I’d like to apologize to your brother.
2 Marcia looked upset when I asked about her
I at the party.
boyfriend and I realized that I had said the wrong
18 I don’t think you’ll like the movie. It’s very
t . (2 Down)
3 I was sure the party was Friday the twenty-seventh 19 Excuse me. Could you tell me where I am? I think
but it turned out I’d gotten the w day. I .
(3 Across) 20 I sent a really angry text to my mom,
4 The text was intended for Fabio but, stupidly, but it was meant for my sister. I sent it to
Is it to the wrong person. (4 Across) !

5 I knocked into a complete stranger and

s red wine on his smart, white shirt!
(4 Down)
6 I meant to reply only to Jill, but stupidly,
Ic on “reply to all”. (5 Across)
7 Unfortunately, I got lost on the way there and
a an hour late. (6 Across)

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openMind level 3

D Complete the sentences with words from 5 That was the day where I met Florin.
the box. There is one extra option. That was the day when I met Florin.
forgot   ​
got   ​entertaining   ​arrived   ​took   ​
6 My favorite evening was in the club which
gripping   ​unbelievable we met all those interesting people.
My favorite evening was in the club where
A: What was the most embarrassing thing that ever
we met all those interesting people.
happened to you?
B: Well, on my first day of work I (0) took 7 I then discovered that the restaurant which I’d
the wrong bus and (21) late at booked was really expensive.
the office. Then I (22) my boss’s
I then discovered that the restaurant that I’d
booked was really expensive.
A: That’s (23) !
8 Anna is the woman who will come to your
B: That’s not all. I (24) the wrong
home and cut your hair.
day. I had to report to the office on the following
Monday. It was quite an (25) day Anna is the woman where will come to your
for my new colleagues! home and cut your hair.

Score / 25
B Complete the sentences with the infinitive
Grammar form or the gerund of the verbs in the box.
A Check (✓) the sentences in which the
be  ​keep  ​
enjoy  ​
steal  ​take  ​pay  ​go  ​write
underlined relative pronoun is correct.
In some cases both sentences are correct.
0 The two men denied stealing the money.
0 The worst moment was when I called her by
the wrong name. ✓ 9 I think Stephanie liked the meal. At least, she
The worst moment was where I called her by seemed it.
the wrong name. ✓
10 I try to avoid downtown when
1 That’s the campsite where Sam got really sick. it’s crowded on the weekend.

That’s the campsite that Sam got really sick. 11 I didn’t want anyone to know I was leaving and
I managed it secret.
2 The guy which asked Emma to go to the
theater with him is standing over there. 12 She seemed very interested in the
The guy who asked Emma to go to the project, which was good.
theater with him is standing over there.
13 I promised my niece to the theater
3 That’s the café that they have really good in Paris for her birthday.
14 The meal was so bad that I refused
That’s the café where they have really good for it.
15 After I’ve finished this essay,
4 It’s a technique that helps you to remember I’ll come out.
facts more effectively.
It’s a technique which helps you to remember
facts more effectively.

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openMind level 3

C Complete the sentences with which/that,

who, when, or where.
0 That’s the lady who asked me for directions

16 Yes, Ivan was the friend helped me with

my homework.

17 I’m going to buy the smartphone

I really like.

18 It was the visit to the police station

made me want to be a police officer.

19 The best time to visit her is she finishes

lunch at 1:30 p.m.

20 Is Canada the country you met your wife?

D Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the verb in parentheses.
0 Tony, would you help me choose (to choose) a
new laptop?

21 He denied (lie) about why he didn’t

come to school yesterday.

22 Katy always manages (do) all her work

before lunch.

23 Did she admit (cheat) in the


24 He prefers (go) on vacation by himself.

25 I always avoid (ask) friends how much

they earn.

Score / 25

Total score / 50

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UNIT 8: Skills test Level 3

Listening D
Listen to a woman talking about her I used to leave my diary out in the open. One time,
experience in a shopping mall. my brother’s friend (who I really liked) was spending
Choose true (T) or false (F). the night. In my diary, I had drawn hearts and had
0 The shopping mall has a five-story written his name next to mine. I came home that
parking garage. T/ F day and my brother and his friend were in his room.
1 The woman went to the shopping mall I looked for my diary and when I couldn’t find it, I
to buy some clothes. T/F realized my brother’s friend had found it and read
everything I had written about him!
2 She couldn’t park her car in the shopping
mall’s parking garage. T/F
3 She thought her car had been stolen. T/F E
4 She called the police after searching for her car.T / F I had my first job as a receptionist just after I finished
5 She thought her experience at the college. One day, when I was talking to one of the
shopping mall was funny. T/F managers on the phone, I accidentally spilled my
orange juice all over a laptop. They had to order
Reading a new one. It cost a lot of money!
Which sentence below best summarizes
each embarrassing event (A–G)? Put the F
correct letter next to the sentence. There is an I was working for a big company in New York. Once,
example and one extra letter you do not need I had to send an urgent email. I wrote it very quickly
to use. and signed off to my boss the same way I sign off my
personal emails – with a little row of kisses!
I was speaking at a training session for 300 people
and I went for a quick coffee before my time to talk.
I met an old friend of mine and we talked for a while. I finished a test early, so I put my head down to rest
Imagine my surprise when I came back into the hall my eyes – but ended up falling asleep and
and everyone was laughing at me. I had left the making loud noises! The whole class heard me for
microphone open the whole time I had been catching almost fifteen minutes. I didn’t even notice until my
up with my friend! friend woke me and told me about it. It was very

B 0 Everybody heard me because I didn’t turn it off. A

We were all at my grandparents’ house for a birthday 1 I sent an email to the wrong person.
party. I went to join my family outside and walked 2 I broke a very expensive computer.
straight into a glass door! My whole family heard – 3 I slept in class.
they were all laughing at me. I felt awful. How 4 He knows my secret now.
embarrassing! 5 I didn’t see it and almost hurt myself.

C Writing
I’d started a new job far away and I was missing Write about an embarrassing event. It can be
my boyfriend. I sent him an email with the subject real or imaginary.
line “I miss you, I miss you, I miss you.” I didn’t pay Write at least 100 words
enough attention to the system’s auto-completing the
email address line, so instead of sending the email to
my boyfriend, I sent it to one of the managers, who
had the same first name!
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openMind Level 3

Additional LifeSkills Lesson

Unit 8  Study and Learning: Answers

learning from experience 1) If you talk about a problem, it won’t seem so bad.
2) If you can deal with problems in your life, then
Objective: to provide further practice of this soft skill you will become a stronger person.
within the area of Study and Learning (discussing and 3) Don’t view your mistakes as a negative thing,
learning from a bad experience that happened during but look at them as lessons to help you become
a course). a better person.
The three-step strategy for developing this soft skill is:
As an option, ask the students to recall the lesson from
Step 1: Tell someone about a bad experience.
the Student’s Book, pp. 86–87 and say what they learned
(Ex. B)
(e.g. that learning from our mistakes can be a good thing;
Step 2: Let them help you understand what
that talking to a friend can help you see what went wrong
happened and analyze why things went
and what to do differently, etc.).
wrong. (Ex. C)
A • Tell the students they are going to think about a
Step 3: Together, think of ways to avoid a similar
bad experience that happened to them during a
situation in the future. (Ex. E, Ex. F)
course. Elicit some examples of what this could
You may decide to highlight this strategy at the
be, e.g. failing an exam or course; missing
beginning of the lesson, at the end, or as you go
a deadline or forgetting to do an important
through the exercises in the section. However, if you
piece of work.
prefer to teach this lesson without discussing the
• Point out that, alternatively, the bad experience
underlying soft skill, this is also possible. The lesson is
could relate to applying for a course. Elicit some
designed to be engaging and successful either way.
examples, e.g. failing to get accepted to a course;
For more information about teaching life skills and ideas having a bad experience in a course application
for highlighting the soft skill, please refer to p. xi and interview; missing the deadline to apply for a
pp. T86–T87 of the Teacher’s Book. course, or applying for the wrong course.
• Ask the students to work individually to think
Materials: about a bad experience that has happened to
them. Point out that it should be an experience
• board and markers
that they don’t mind sharing with another person.
• Ask them to make notes about the experience,
Lead-in encouraging them to give details on the
background to the event, what happened,
To set the context for this lesson, write the following and what the outcome (the result) was.
sayings on the board: • Monitor and help with language as needed.
1) A problem shared is a problem halved. B
2) That which does not kill us makes us stronger. • Put the students into pairs and ask them to
3) Remember there are no mistakes, only lessons. take turns telling their partner about their bad
Put the students into pairs and ask them to discuss what experience.
each saying means. Set a time limit of five minutes for • Invite them to listen actively, and to ask questions
this, then put the pairs together to form groups of four. to help them understand their partner’s experience.
Ask them to compare their ideas and to try and write an • Encourage them to take notes because they will
explanation for each saying. need to be able to remember the details of the
Elicit ideas as a class and write the best explanations experience for Ex. C.
on the board. Ask the students if they agree with the
sayings, encouraging them to say why or why not.

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openMind Level 3

C • When the students have finished, write the F

following questions on the board: • Erase the board and write the following
1) What did your partner do wrong? questions:
2) Did your partner make any obvious mistakes 1) What did you learn from analyzing this
or incorrect assumptions? experience?
3) What could your partner do differently to 2) Was it helpful discussing your experience
avoid having this experience again in with another person? Why or why not?
the future? 3) What would you do differently if a similar
• Ask the students to copy the questions into their situation happened in the future?
notebook, leaving a space below each one. • Ask the students to stay in their pairs and
• Invite them to reflect on their partner’s discuss the questions. Encourage them to reflect
experience and make notes on their ideas below on the experience and focus on what they have
each question. learned from it.
D • Now, ask the students to copy the questions • At the end, invite students to share their
again, but to write I instead of your partner so thoughts with the rest of the class.
that the questions are about themselves:
What did I do wrong? reflect
• Ask them to do the exercise again, but this time
reflecting on their own experience. Again, • Write the following question on the board:
ask them to make notes on their ideas under Why is it important to learn from our experiences?
each question. • Elicit ideas from the class and encourage a class
discussion. Accept any reasonable answers, but
E highlight that learning from our experiences is
• Write the following How to say it box on important to help us develop as a person.
the board: It also helps us avoid making the same
mistakes over and over again and helps us
HOW TO SAY IT take responsibility for our own actions.
I think what I/you did wrong was …
You/I incorrectly assumed that … eXtra: HOMeWOrK
In the future, I/you should … to avoid this kind of There are many online articles about learning from
thing happening again. our mistakes. Encourage the students to find a short
article on this topic (they can type learning from
your mistakes into a search engine). Ask them to
• Ask the students to work in pairs to discuss their
write a summary of the key points to hand in at the
notes from Ex. C. They should take turns talking
next class.
about each other’s experience, saying what went
wrong, what mistakes they made, and what they
could do to avoid it happening again.
• Read out the phrases in the How to say it
box. Point out that these can be used to talk
about their own experience and their partner’s
experience. Encourage them to use these in
their discussion.
• Monitor while the students are working and
make sure they are using English.

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openMind Level 3

Additional LifeSkills Lesson

Unit 8  Work and Career: learning from experience Possible answers

He said that the airline’s suggestion for an ad was
Objective: to provide further practice of this soft skill not very good.
within the area of Work and Career (discussing a bad He assumed that the person who had made the
experience at work with a partner and figuring out what suggestion was not in the room.
went wrong). It turned out that the person who had made the
The three-step strategy for developing this soft skill is: suggestion was in the meeting.
Step 1: Tell someone about a bad experience. The outcome was that his company lost the contract.
(Ex. C) In the future, he should think before he speaks.
Step 2: Let them help you understand what
happened and analyze why things went As an option, ask the students to recall the lesson
wrong. (Ex. C, Ex. D) from the Student’s Book, pp. 86–87 and say what they
learned (e.g. that sharing a problem with someone else
Step 3: Together, think of ways to avoid a similar
can be helpful; that it’s important to learn from your
situation in the future. (Ex. C, Ex. D)
mistakes, etc.).
You may decide to highlight this strategy at the
beginning of the lesson, at the end, or as you go A
through the exercises in the section. However, if you • Tell the students that they are going to think
prefer to teach this lesson without discussing the about a bad experience that has happened to
underlying soft skill, this is also possible. The lesson is them at work or in their career.
designed to be engaging and successful either way. • Before they start, brainstorm some examples of
For more information about teaching life skills and ideas things that could go wrong in these areas and
for highlighting the soft skill, please refer to p. xi and write them on the left-hand side of the board.
pp. T86–T87 of the Teacher’s Book.
Possible answers
Saying something wrong in a job interview
Materials: Forgetting to attend an important meeting
• board and markers Missing an important deadline
Forgetting a client’s name
Having an argument with a colleague
Lead-in Doing a piece of work badly or wrong
Giving out the wrong information at work
To set the context for this lesson, write the following
Being late for something important
sentence beginnings on the board:
He said that …
He assumed that …
It turned out …
The outcome was …
In the future, he should(n’t) …
Put the students into pairs. Remind them that they
read about Don’s bad work experience on p. 86 of the
Student’s Book. Ask them what they can remember
about it. Ask them to work in pairs to discuss what
happened, and complete the sentence beginnings on
the board.
Elicit ideas from the class and complete the sentences
together on the board.

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openMind Level 3

B • Ask the students to work individually to think D

about a bad experience that happened to them • Erase the board and write the following
at work or in their career. Point out that they How to say it box:
can also include a bad experience related to
applying for jobs or career development. HOW TO SAY IT
• Tell the students that the experience can either
be a recent one or one that happened a long Your mistake was …
time ago; however, point out that it should In the future, you should …
be something they are prepared to share with I would … in the future if I were you.
another student.
• Tell them they can use the ideas on the board to • Ask the students to discuss and compare their
help them think of something, but that they can analysis of their experience and their partner’s
use their own ideas, too. experience, saying what they think they and their
• While they are thinking, write the following partner should do to prevent this from happening
questions on the right-hand side of the board: in the future. Ask them to try to reach an
1) What is the background to the event? agreement about what each of them should do to
2) What happened? avoid having a bad experience like this again.
3) What was the outcome? • Read out the phrases in the How to say it box
• When the students have thought of something, and point out that these can all be used to talk
ask them to make notes about the experience, about their partner’s experience and give advice.
using the questions on the board as prompts. Encourage them to use them in their discussion.
C • At the end, invite the students to say what they
• Put the students into pairs. Ask them to take learned from this experience, and what they will
turns telling each other about their bad work do differently in the future.
experience. Encourage them to listen actively to
their partner and to ask questions if necessary, to reflect
help them understand the situation.
• While the students are working, erase the board • Write the following questions on the board:
and write the following questions: Was it helpful to talk about the experience with
1) Did your partner make any mistakes?
someone else? Why or why not?
If so, what? • Discuss the questions with the class. There is
2) What did they do wrong?
no right or wrong answer here, but encourage
3) What should your partner do differently in a
the students to give reasons for their opinions,
similar situation in the future? especially those who felt it was not useful to talk
• Ask the students to copy the questions into about the experience.
their notebook, leaving space below each one.
Ask them to work individually to reflect on their eXtra: HOMeWOrK
partner’s experience. They should make notes Ask the students to write a short summary of their
below each question and, for question 3, should experience, saying what happened, what they’ve
think of some advice to give their partner about learned from the experience, and what they will
what to do differently next time. do differently in the future. Ask them to bring their
• When the students have finished, ask them to summaries to the next class to share.
reflect on their own experience and to answer
the questions, but this time for themselves:
Did I make any mistakes? Again, they should
make notes below each answer.

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SPEAKING WORKSHOP telling an anecdote

A Read the conversation. Then talk about

Louise’s story in pairs. Use these questions to help you.
1 Where did the story happen?
2 What happened when Louise went to get her car?
3 What did she do?
4 How did the story end?
Louise: An embarrassing thing happened to me Louise: I called the police to report that someone
yesterday. had stolen my car. They arrived in about
Martin: Really? What? ten minutes, and they wrote down all the
Louise: Well, I went shopping at that big new mall, information. They told me to report it to
near the college. There’s a huge parking my insurance company, and then they left.
garage, and it was packed with cars, so it Martin: Oh, no! So how did you get home?
was hard to find a parking space. Louise: Well, here’s the embarrassing part. I went
Martin: Yeah, yeah, so what happened? down to the first level to get a taxi home,
Louise: I’m getting there! I parked my car and went and guess what I saw?
inside the mall. I shopped for about two Martin: I don’t know. What?
hours, and then went back to get my car, Louise: My car! It was right there in the space
and guess what? It was gone, and there where I’d left it!
was another car in the space! Martin: Really? So your car hadn’t been stolen?
Martin: Oh, no! What did you do? Louise: No. I had driven up to the second level to
Louise: Well, I thought maybe it was the wrong look for a parking space, and I forgot that I
parking space, so I walked up and down had driven back down to the first level and
all the rows and rows of cars, but my car parked there.
definitely wasn’t there. Martin: Wow! So did you call the police back?
Martin: So then what did you do? Louise: Yes, of course. And the police officer
laughed at me. It was so embarrassing!

B Read the conversation again. Match the expressions with

the functions a–d.
a) encourages the speaker to continue
1 An embarrassing thing happened to me yesterday.
2 Really? b) expresses disbelief or surprise
3 I’m getting there! c) introduces an anecdote
4 So then what did you do? d) tells the speaker not to be impatient

C Think of an experience that you, or someone you know, had. Think about how
you would answer the questions below to help you prepare to tell your anecdote.
1 When and where did it happen? 4 What happened next?
2 Who was there? 5 How did the situation end?
3 What happened first? 6 How would you describe the experience in general?

D Work in pairs. Tell your anecdote. As you

listen to your partner’s anecdote, ask questions HOW ARE YOU DOING?
and make comments. Use some of the Think about your speaking and check the
statements that are true.
expressions from Exercise B.
I feel confident …
E Find a new partner and tell your telling an anecdote about an experience.
anecdote again. expressing disbelief and surprise.
encouraging someone to continue speaking.
How do you feel about your speaking generally?

Very confident. Not sure … overmatter

Need to practice.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 Speaking workshop UNIT 8

openMind Level 3

unit 8 speaking workshop

Speaking workshop:  • Put the students into pairs to tell their anecdote to
telling an anecdote each other. Remind the students to ask questions
and make comments as they listen to their partner’s
A anecdote.
• Read the instructions to the class and direct their • Encourage the students to use some of the
attention to the questions. Explain that they should expressions from Ex. B.
keep the questions in mind as they read the
anecdote. E
• Have the students work individually to read the • Put the students into new pairs to tell their anecdotes
conversation and answer the questions. again.

1 in a mall parking garage.
How are you doing?
2 It had gone. / She couldn’t find it. • Ask the students to read the statements and check
3 She looked for it, then called the police and the ones they believe are true.
reported it stolen. • Ask them to check the circle that most closely
4 She found her car on another level of the represents how they feel about their speaking.
parking garage.

• Direct the students’ attention to the four functions
and explain that each of the phrases in Ex. B falls
into one of these categories.
• Put them into pairs to compare answers, discussing
any differences.

1  c     2  b     3  d     4  a

• Ask the students to think about an experience that
they or someone they know had.
• Direct the students’ attention to the questions and
explain that they should think about how they would
answer them.
• Encourage the students to make notes about the
answers to help them prepare to tell their anecdotes.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014

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