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Conditions of Issue

The term privilege and phrase pass, access assignment and (or) permission both refer to privileges granted and
administered by the Airport Authority, including but not limited to that of Signing Authority; document of entitlement;
security pass including Restricted Area Identification Card (RAIC), temporary clearance-pending pass, temporary Block,
Access or Visitor pass; cut key; electronic key card; lock combination; parking pass; Airside Vehicle Operating Permit
(AVOP) or vehicle plate; Terminal Vehicle Operating Permit (TVOP); qualification or certification; and identification or
qualification card.

General Conditions

COI-1 The Vancouver Airport Authority (the “Airport Authority”) collects uses and discloses your personal information to
government agencies and other third parties the Airport Authority determines appropriate in the circumstances, all
in accordance with applicable privacy laws and these Conditions of Issue, for purposes of administering and
maintaining enhanced access controls at Vancouver International Airport (“YVR”). Personal information includes,
but is not limited to, all the information contained in your Transport Canada Application for Transportation Security
Clearance, YVR RAIC Application, YVR Conditions of Issue, biometrics, prox card records. Information kept in
hard copy format is securely retained for a period of not less than two (2) years, and not longer than three (3)
years after your Transportation Security Clearance has been cancelled with Transport Canada. Biometric
information is destroyed immediately upon issuance of the RAIC. All expired and deactivated RAICs returned to
the Airport Authority are immediately destroyed and not retained on file.

I hereby expressly consent to the collection, use and disclosure by the Airport Authority of my personal
information for the purposes identified.

COI-2 I acknowledge that the RAIC or other pass, access assignment and (or) permission privilege issued to me must
be used in a manner that is compliant with the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, a copy of which is
available through the Transport Canada website at or by hard copy from the Airport Authority
Access Control Office.

COI-3 I am subject to any service charges and penalty fees, as set out in the Privileges Program Fee Schedule,
associated with the issuance and recovery of any RAIC or other pass, access assignment and (or) permission
privilege issued to me and that these fees are subject to change at the discretion of the Airport Authority.

COI-4 I understand that the RAIC or other pass, access assignment and (or) permission privilege issued to me by the
Airport Authority, and all information contained therein, is the property of the Airport Authority. I will present the
RAIC or other document of entitlement for inspection or surrender immediately upon demand by the Aerodrome
Operator (Vancouver Airport Authority) (including those appointed or authorized by the Aerodrome Operator), or
my employer.

COI-5 I will return the RAIC or other pass, access assignment and (or) permission privilege issued to me to the Access
Control office immediately upon any change in the circumstances under which it was issued, including but not
limited to termination of employment, change of duties, completion of temporary work activities, a change in
restricted area access requirements, an absence from work for a period exceeding 60 days, or on or before the
date of card expiry.

COI-6 I understand that when I use my RAIC or other pass, access assignment and (or) permission privilege to open an
access point such as a door, hatch or gate, including baggage systems, I assume control of the access point and
all responsibility for ensuring against unauthorized access through that point. I only relinquish this responsibility
after ensuring the access point is left locked and properly secured.

COI-7 I will not knowingly or willingly assist an unauthorized person(s) to access the Restricted Areas of the Aerodrome.

COI-8 I will not use the RAIC or other pass, access assignment and (or) permission privilege issued to me to bypass
passenger screening, where as an intended passenger on a commercial aircraft, or where required by airport
procedure and/or legislation, I would be subject to such screening.

COI-9 I understand the RAIC or other pass, access assignment and (or) permission privilege issued to me is only valid
while I am on duty or in the performance of work-related duties. I will not use my RAIC or other pass, access
assignment and (or) permission privilege to access Restricted Areas for personal reasons. The Aerodrome
Operator (Vancouver Airport Authority), its representatives, the Minister, or a peace officer reserve the right to
confirm my duties within the Restricted Area.

COI-10 I will not use the RAIC or other pass, access assignment and (or) permission privilege to perform work or duties
that are not directly related to the business of the company providing sponsorship of my privileges.

COI-11 I will acknowledge and follow the instructions relating to security issues given to me by the Aerodrome Operator
(Vancouver Airport Authority), its representatives, the Minister, a CATSA screening officer, or a peace officer.

COI-12 I will ensure the RAIC or other documents of entitlement issued to me, including a clearance-pending pass, block
pass, access pass or visitor pass is visibly displayed on my outer clothing at all times while I am in the Restricted

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COI-13 It is my responsibility to safeguard the RAIC or other pass, access assignment and (or) permission privilege
issued to me and I will report a lost or stolen pass, access assignment and (or) permission privilege, together with
a police file number (for stolen only), to my sponsor company and the Airport Authority Access Control office

COI-14 I understand a “sterile restricted area” is a portion of a greater restricted area that is intended to be accessed by
screened passengers, such as hold rooms, aircraft loading bridges, arrivals corridors and walkways; whereas a
“non-sterile restricted area” is a portion of a greater restricted area that is not intended to be accessed by
screened passengers, including but not limited to all airside areas, restaurant kitchens and service counters, or
any area under construction.

COI-15 I understand the maximum security escort ratio inside a sterile restricted area is one (1) security escort person in
possession of a RAIC issued to them for every three (3) escort-required pass holders (see COI-14 above for
definition of sterile restricted area)

COI-16 I understand the maximum security escort ratio inside a non-sterile restricted area is one (1) security escort
person in possession of a RAIC issued to them for every ten (10) escort-required pass holders (see COI-14 above
for definition of non-sterile restricted area)

COI-17 When I am appointed as a security escort, I will remain with the person under escort while in a Restricted Area, as
required by the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations. This includes the requirement to maintain control and
direct line-of-sight with the person under escort and any tools of the trade in their possession.

COI-18 I will comply with all rules and regulations as laid down in accordance with the Restricted Area Access Control
Directive, Airside Traffic Directives and Airport Operations Directives as relevant to my employment and work
activities within the Restricted Area. Any questions I have relating to these or other Directives, Policies or
Regulations may be directed to appropriate Aerodrome Operator staff.

COI-19 I understand that access to the restricted areas of the terminal buildings and Apron VI is subject to non-passenger
screening requirements and that as a RAIC holder, I am subject to selection for non-passenger screening at each
non-passenger screening checkpoint. Notwithstanding any random selection process, all persons with a
temporary pass must be screened when entering a restricted area through a non-passenger screening

COI-20 I understand it is my responsibility to ensure any person under my escort with a temporary pass is presented
by me, in person, to CATSA for screening prior to entering a restricted area through a non-passenger screening
checkpoint; even in the circumstance I, or my vehicle, has not been selected for screening by way of a random
selection process.

I acknowledge that I have read, understood and agree to comply with the Conditions of Issue and that my failure to do so
may result in the suspension or revocation of the privileges so granted.

Name _________________________________ Title ________________________________

Signature _________________________________ Company ________________________________

Pass # _________________________________ Office Use Only

Initial Date
Date _________________________________

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