Anth Sahib English and Punjabi Translation by SGPC 08

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(English & Panjabi Translation)

Vol. S

Translated by


- - - - --_.__..

No Part of this book excluding the original Gurbani may be reproduced in

any form without permission in writing form the Shiromani Gurdwara
Parbandhak Committee, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief
passages in connection with a review.

First Edition 1969

Second Edition 1983
Third Edition 1992
Fourth Edition 1996
Fifth Edition 2002
Sixth Edition 2008

Printed at:

Golden Offset Press (S G P C) Amritsar

to my beloved wife

Sardarni Ajaib Kaur

through whose encouragement
this Divine work
is accompl ished.

I write this acknowledgments on behalf of the late author,

who had many a times personally thanked the people involved in
the publication of this huge work.
I am indebted to Gyani Lal Singh Ji for writing the foreword
for this volume. Many thanks are due in particular to S. Rajinder
Singh. Punjabi typist. S. Harkirtan Singh and S. Gurcharan Singh
both excellent stenographers and typists for preparing the original
typed manuscript for the press. For proof reading and other
technical assistance. I am indebted to S. Gurcharan Singh and S.
Harbans Singh Sehgal who worked untiringly at their jobs till late

also express my thanks to the Printer. S Pritam Singh

Chahil, who read most of the printed work and for the helpful
suggestions in arranging the material in its present published form.
The compositor Contractor Sh. Narinder Kumar Ojha machine-
man S. Kehar Singh and other staff of the Pre<;s deserve my
thanks and gratitude for working so patiently on this project.
The number of persons who have in various ways been helpful in
preparing the printed work, to them also, I extend my thanks and
gratefu Iness.

Chandigarh Dr. Khushdarshan Singh Thind.

Every religion of the world has some sacred book or writing
to inspire its followers and show them the path of righteousness
and wisdom. Judaism has its Old Testament; Christianity its Bible;
Islam its Quran; Hinduism its Vedas and Budhism its Tripitakes.
So have the Sikhs their Adi Sri Guru Granth Sahib, which is looked
upon as the Guru and the greatest authority on Sikh Philosophy and

It is, therefore, but natural that in order to understand

Sikhism its belief and principles one must have an understanding
of this Holy Book. Many scholars from time to time have tried to
interpret its message. After the British occupation of the Punjab,
the new English rulers wanted to enlist the support and sympathy
of the Sikhs and tried to get their Holy Book translated into English.
A German missionary, Dr. Ernest Trumpp. who was a Professor of
Oriental Language at the University of Munich. was assigned this
task in 1869, but due to his linguistic handicaps, he could not
proceed with the work beyond Sri Rag and Rag Maj and some other
selected pieces of the Gurbani and Bhagat Bani. His translation
appeared in 1877 but was not received well by the students. and the
scholars of the religion. His English masters were also not satisfied
with his work, so they encouraged Mr. Max Arthur Macauliff, a
judicial officer in India till 1893 to undertake a translation of the
Guru Granth Sahib and prepare a history of the Sikh Gurus as well.
He published his work in 1909 in six volumes, but he also could not
translate the entire Guru Granth Sahib. Nevertheless, his trans-
lation got recognition because he got his work throughly revised
by a board or eminent Sikh scholars of that time. His translation
apart from being accurate has all the charms of a poetic work and
vibrates wi th dai.,ty rhythm and music.

In recent years Dr. Gopal Singh Dardi renowed literature

pUblished a complete version of Sri Guru Granth Sahib in English
which has earned the praise and appreciation of the discriminating
public and the scholars. It meets the requirements of a foreign
reader. who dOES not know Punjabi and cohsequently cannot
con~ult the original text. But for a Punjabi knowing person who
wants to consult the Punjabi text alongwlth the translated one, the
present work is more useful and handy. Its author, late S.
Manmohan Singh, Advocate. born in Ludhiana District of Punjab in
1896, was a devoted soul. He undertook this stupendous task
upon his lone shoulders without any assistance from any quarter at
the time when he was materially and physically in an impaired state
having lost all his property in Pakistan, from where he had to
migrate in 1947. Literally thrown back by nature to a state of utter
resourcelessness. he was destined by Almighty to accomplish a
Ltnique task of bringing out the first complete English and punjabi
accurate tFanslation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. When he started his
work in 1948, there was no model before him. His oVlln intuitional
insight and Guru's Divine Grace guided him to his path. He was a
heart patient and suffered four severe heart attacks ti II 1955 when
his doctors advised him to stop working on such a voluminous
project tor which he had to work for 16 hours in a day. But
S. Manmohan Singh did not want to prolong his life if it would not
help him in the accomplishment of a task which had become his
life's mission. Even weakness of eyesight in later years could not
desist him from this noble undertaking and after a continuous
labou r for 14 years, he saw the fu Ifi Iment of his dream when the
first volume of his eight volume project saw the light of the day
in 1962.
The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee deserves
gratitude of the community for sponsoring the publication of this
work, which has proved of immense value to all the students of
religion and scriptures all over the world. It is indeed a unique
monument to the unflinching determination of S. Manmohan Singh,
who considered every sacrifice worth it for completing such a
momentous task. Though his mortal life came to a peaceful end on
25th September, 1969, yet his name would shine for ever as a
humble servant of the Guru.

Patiala, Lal Singh,

Nov. 23, 1969. Director, Language Department,
Only in a few outstanding instances, has more than passing
attention been given to the lives of great men of letters. In others
a very generous references and episodes of one s life are mentioned.
It may be worthwhile giving a brief sketch of the author's life and
work so that the reader is acquainted with the humility and
greatness of the departed soul who never sought any recognition or
popularity. For nearly a quarter of a century, tha author worked
almost without ceasing at his favourite pursuit of reading and
understanding the Sikh Scriptures acquiring through sheer diligence
and insight the ability that enabled him to accomplish this work.
Till the end, he had retained his remarkable vigour in doing his
work. He wrote and spoke with equal facility and could be
counted upon to enliven any discussion and discourse on religion.
His subtle sense of humour, happiness and philosophical disposition
were all apparent till his end.

The author was born on June, 1, 1896 in a middle class Jat

Sikh family in Village Mohie in Ludhiana District of Punjab. He was
the youngest child of his parents Sardar R3m Sirgh and Sardarni
Raj Kaur, His father, Sardar Ram Singh was given a handsome
Jagir at Lyallpur in View of his service in the British Army, and
therefore the family migrated to lyallpur in 1899·1900. The author
hod the ill-luck of losing his parents when his two elder brothers
were hardly five and seven years old. He was then brought to his
ancestral village Mohie, where he received his primary education.
He was a very intelligent and hard working boy and secured merit
scholarship in 4th class, whereafter he moved to Khalsa High
School, Amritsar. He secured a merit scholarship in Middle
Standard examination and later in 1914 passed his Matriculation
examination with distinction. He had a great liking for reciting.
hymns from Sri Guru Granth Sahib and usually participated and
secured a place of distinction in such often conducted competitions
at the Khalsa School. He continued his studies at Khalsa College
Amritsar and in 1918 secured his B A. (Hons) degree. During this
period he also received ~is Gyani certificate and was regarded as
very religious and thoughtful student. He was proud of reciting,
deliberating and discussing the writing of the great Gurus and by
this age, he had memorised the Holy hymns. He was an
extraordinary orator and participated in debates, meetings and
other extracurricular activi ties.
After 1918, he worked in various capacIties at Lyallpur and
Lahore and later received his B. T. degree from Training College,
Lahore. He also served as teacher and later as Principal of Khalsa

School and College. In 1924, he suddenly left the teaching
profession and joined Law College, Lahore and secured his LL. B.
degree whereafter he started the practice at Lahore High Court.
In 1932, he left the practice of law at Lahore and JOined as a
Honorary Manager of Lyallpur Gurdwara and later at Gurdwara
Nankana Sahib. Having set right the Gurdwara affairs, he decided
to restart the practice as an advocate at Lyallpur. In addition to
his practice, he devoted his time to the Gurdwara affairs as well.
During his 18 years of practice of law, he shone as one of the most
leading and pushing advocate of the Bar. He owned enough urban
and agricultural properties at Lyallpur and was awarded the title of
Sardar Bahadur.
In 1947, on the parti tion of the country, he migrated to
India as a penniless displaced person and settled in his ancestoral
village Mohie in one room house His financial resources and
position was very miserable at that time. A very religious person
Sant Sipahi Sant Niranjan Singh of Mohie became his constant
companion and consoled him of loss and suffering due to partition.
Soon the author regained his mental balance and waS back to
normal condition. God Almighty ingrained in him the intuition to
translate Sri Guru Granth Sahib in simple English and Punjabi so
that the great scriptures are understood throughou t the world.

The author undertook this work as a labour of love for his

mental peace and consolation and started collecting relevant
material and literature. He borrowed money from his friends and
relations to buy the books, paper and other accessories to
commence this work on Baisakhi day in 1948. He had hardly
started this work in an evacuee house in Nabha, when he got his
first heart attack and was laid down for six months. After recovery
he started his translation and spent almost 16 hours a day in this
venture. He locked himself in seclusion and work on this project
day in and day out for 22 long years. Invariably he would get up
in the middle of the night and start his work for he felt that idea
and thought should be penned down as soon as it occurred. During
these years of hard work and labour, he had four more heart attacks
and in 1955 a group of well wishers and medical experts advised
him to give up his project due to his heart trouble. The author
declined to follow their advice and added "'f this heart ceases to
function in the service of the Guru, then let this be so If fear not
death as long as it comes in the service of the Guru". He laboured
with a damaged heart but he did not reduce the tempo of his work
ancl dedication to this worthy cause. Later while his work was half
complete. he developed weakness of eyesight and his doctor advised
him to give up his Itierary work, which advice he once again flatly
refused to accept. J t was only due to his determination and will
power and God Almighty's mercy that he was able to complete this
great task. He worked single handed on this project. without any
scholarly or financial help from any person and God Incarnate
Guru has been merciful to grant this service unto him, a meritle.
slave of His.
All through these years he had a very regulated life. +fe
would wake up at 3 AM. and with occasional rest and evening
walk he would complete his day's work by 8 P.M. He was extremely
fond of flowers and always liked and decorated his room. where
Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee was kept with fresh flowers. He had
memorised the entire Guru Granth Sahib jee by heart and Invariably
he would start reciting Shabads for hours on end. He understood
the significance and depth of Gurbani and was always over-
whelmed with the joy and pleasure of reciting it. He was not
contented with the recitation only but would scribe the Bani in his
beautiful handwriting as set below

The author was a superb personality, a model of calm and
unobstrusive efficiency and wlote with utmost care and diligence.
During this work on translation of the Scriptures, the author
wrote nearly 21000 full scape pages of the pattern given within. In
addition, he compiled a Panjabi-English Encyclopedia, which
contains a little over 2 lacs of words and phrases, His creative
atmosphere that prevailed in this study spilled over into the
community and his ultimate contribution to literature is beYond
The author died of heart attack at 12.25 P.M. on Thursday,
September. 25. 69. He was reading letters in bed and suddenly
with the letters in his hand, he turned his head away, uttered the
following phrase from Sri Guru Granth Sahib and breathed his
foPli T tiTCT f~ Ho,l'ar ~FfT HoCT dfcr II
;1 Olfo HTfu~ l-fO,! Ci ~llT§ 3 T Hf<JC?T HoCT <:in: 11
l-RJ<! 3' ~ '"i!-a ;:Jlf~lJoIT ~ H3 ~fC' II
dlolloWt'l t1T~ HlJ 'loll~ Ffl ArC' II
oroOl llim HooT ~ Ha 3 T Ht' t11~~ jfC' II

What know I, how shall I die and what sort of death shall
it be ?
If. within my mind, I forget not the Lord, then. my death
shall be easy.
The world is afraid of death. Everyone desires to live.
He alone, who by Guru's grace, dies in life. understands
Lord's wi!1.
Nanak. if man dies such a death, then. he continues to live
for ever.
Bihagra 3rd Guru.
He passed away with a smile on his face, which was most
beautiful. radiant, happy and peaceful If dreams have any
significance, then the author had the most pleasant dream of his
life exactly a week before his death. This dream, he narrated to
almost all his associates. friends and relations Surprisingly, the
dream was interrupted at 12.25 midnight, when he woke up, passed
urine, drank some juice and narrated the first part of the dream In
its precise detail. went to bed again to complete his dream. The
most amazing part of this wnole thing is that his dream was so
perfectly completed inspite of the interruption that one wonders
at its significance. After the narration of the dream, the author
uttered the following phrase:
HoC;: f5l:l Tfu H"~8" Hfu l)fI~ tll~ HTtlfu HT~l II
~fq ~ <JH ~<J i!l)iTHl ~f1fu ~3"1 ~~ II
o fqHT qT Hl~ 0 fum qr ~~T OT furJ:i STU 0 H~ II
1{~f3" ~ 1l ~ ~f<J »f"""3;jlil ~1 II 8 II 9 II
CJlHa-BT H<J81 9 "

With death writ in his destiny, the mortal comes into the
world. yet he amasses riches for long life.
I see that some have already departed and the burning fire
of death is approaching me as wall.
a Lord, no one has a friend, none has a brother none has a
father and none a mother.
Prays Nanak it Thou blesses me with Thy Name, a Lord it
shall be my succourer in the end.
Ramkali 1st Guru.

It may be pertinent to pen down his dream as he narrated

it. During his last visit to Golden Temple, Amritsar, just four
weeks before his death, the author begged for God's mercy to grant
him some lease of life to enable him to translate the works of Bhai
Nand Lal Jee in English. The basis of this dream could well be his
continuous urge and liking to translate the relatively less under.
stood scriptures of the Sikhs. On the night of September 17, the
author woke up at 12.25 midniQht and narrated the first half of
his dream to his son and daughter.

"Some twenty persons and I are sitting in a garden enjoying

dainties and revelments and suddenly from thin air' a pious and
saintly looking person appears. This man is dressed in a 100s8
saffron robe, has a white turban and a beautiful flowing white
beard. He has bright sparkling eyes and is extremely handsome
and beautiful. He looks very holy, saintly and pious and to Ole, he
seems to be an incarnation of Guru Himself. Seeing this person
everybody runs helter skelter while I keep on looking at him with
reverence and fascination. I stand up with folded hands and offer
my supplication. This man slowly approaches me and enquires as
to why I did not run away like others 7 I add that there is hardly
any reason for me to be afraid of a pious looking person like
yourself. Instead I wish to worship you and love your feet. This
holy man says,

Manmohan Singh, I have been sent by Almighty to summon

you to His Court. I would come again and take you to your
new home.
This man pushes me. I fall down and he sits on my chest.
I do not feel even an ounce of his weight and he is as light as a
flower. I behold his looks while he is still sitting on my chest."

At this time, the dream is interrupted. the author wakes up

and talks for about 30 minutes. He goes to bed and on resleeping.
he completes his dream. which he narrated at 3.30 A. M.

"The holy mad reappears immediatelY on resleeping. He

calls out Manmohan Singh and holds me by the arm. He very
affectionately adds.

Manmohan Singh, let me take you to your new home.

Suddenly. we are floating in thin air. 'am alone now and

find myself seated in a beautifully lit spacious room with a working
desk in front. This room is indeed a huge library with millions of
books This is most beautifully decorated and maintained I am
hardly there for about 15 minutes, when in pin drop silence another
personality from behind pats me on my shoulder. I turn around
and am fascinated for this man is mi Ilion times more beautiful and
charming as compared to the first man. To me this second man is
Almighty God Himself and He has Himself shown me His Mercy
The Guru incarnate God adds.

Manmohan Singh, you are now in your new home. You

should work honestly. diligently and translate all the works that
you wanted to do. You would be happy here and that God
Almighty has summoned you to complete your unfinishad work in
this library. God Almighty has bestowed this mercy unto you and
you should prove worthy of His kindness.

The Guru incarnate disappears and I am once again all

alone in that huge library I commence my new assignment in
this place."

At this time the author wakes up and narrates this part of

the dream. The amazing part of this whole episode is the conti-
nuation of the dream. after it was interrupted. It is even more
surprising that the first man that appeared before the dream was
interrupted, reappears precisely in its minute details and there is
no overlapping in the sequence of events and talk. ThiS dream
was so profoundly joyful and blissful that the author was delighted
and prayed that it may come true. The week, that he lived after
this dream the author was constantly describing the pious features
of the personalities and their conversation. On the night prior to
his death the author joculariy added that the first man (Singh Sahib)
would appear and take him away in an instant. Rightly so, the
author's end came so suddenly that it may be a fulfilment of his
long cherished desire of a peaceful end.

It may be digressing a bit to mention that the author had

always shown his desire that at the time of his death, there should
be continuous recitation of Shabads particu lary the Hymns
pertaining to death. We have in possesion tape recorded Shabads
of death recited by the author himself. Also Shabad Kirtan
pertaining to death, as was got recorded by him. is with us. which
we had no chance to play for his end was very sudden. Such was
the wish of the author, who was indeed a very religious and saintly
A rather quiet. kindly, modest man, happiest at his
translation work in a small room did not want any appreciation
and recognition. His diffident manner and his personal modesty
cloaked an i ron will and his massive contribution towards the
understanding of the Sikh Scriptures has been great. His vast
knowledge of literature and history of Sikhism and its Gurus
blended very happily with his wide ranging acquintances with the
wordly affairs. A man of abundant energy, he was an original
thinker and had an unshakable belief in God Almighty and His
will. Very few of us achieve the kind of self that fulfils the
grandeur Bnd greatness of spirit, that we know. God Almighty
wishes to share with us for Himself. Almost everyone of us
is too small in terms of what God intends us to be and wants
us to become by His Grace. The author was indeed blessed
by God Himself and His mercy only has made him worthy of His
Honours came to the author from all over the world. He
was honoured by the S. G. P. C.• the Chief Khalsa Diwan, and
other religious organisations from this country. U K. and U. S. A.
for his contribution to the world of rei igious literature. He was
invited to the Wor Id Rei igious Conference in 1965 and represented
the Sikh community. He was also invited by various organisations
in U. K.. USA. and Canada to deliver lectures on Sikh
religion. its faith and scriptures. Various other citations and
honours were accorded to him for his meritorious service to
humanity and to the Sikhs in particular.
Condolence messages at his death came from far and wide
places, from this land and abroad. The elite of this country. the
political leaders, Governors. Chief Ministers, judges and other
persons of status paid tributes to the author. The Shiromani
Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, a representative body of the

• ·_. 00
Sikhs paid tributes to the departed soul and presented a Saropa
(Robe of Honour) to the author's eldest son.

Late S. Manmohan Singh Advocate, ou r much revered father,

the author of this work, would be affectionately rememberd by
a wide group of people.

The Children

V. & P. O. MOHIE, District Ludhiana, PUNJAB

V. & P. O. BHADAUR, District Sangrur, PUNJAB
No.21, Sector 11-A, CHANDIGARH-11. Tel: 25805
In the preface of the first seven volumes ot this translatil')n,
the author, late S. Manmohan Singh has very briefly given the
purpose of this work. It seems well to quote, that the author has
attempted to adhere to a word to word translation of the Holy
Scriptures keeping in view the simplicity of the language used. The
last and the eighth volume, of which I have to write this preface
conforms to the same principles. It was desired by the late author
that this wOrk should be made accessible to the whole world and
he wished that the publ ication would be completed before the
quincentenary celebration of Sri Guru Nanak's birthday. It was
also mentioned by the late author that index, detailed discussion
about the language and vocabulary used in the Holy Granth Sahib
and other misce!laneous information would be included in the
eighth volume.

After consultation with colleagues and friends, a decision

has been finally reached that only the Ragawise Table of Contents
should be included. This implies no dissolution of the late author's
wishes, but is merely being done to avoid delay which would
otherwise be inevitable. Attempts at this stage to complete
Glossary etc. would almost be a futile gesture for I lack in the
orientation and intrepretation of the Holy Book. It seems advisable
to postpone this wOlk till it becomes possible to seCUre some help
from other scholars. To some, this approach may be disappointing
but, this has been necessitated by circumstances.

Now that the author of this translation is not with us, it

may be pertinent to add that in the course of past ten years or so,
I was initiated into reading the scriptlles by my revered father. He
ingrained in me the desire to read, deliberate and understand Guru
Granth Sahib. I have had the good fortune of getting the entire
publication completed under my supervision. I also have had
occasions to go through the hand written manuscripts of my late
father and have them dictated and typed. The publication of the
present last volume of this VIIork atter the demise of the author
has only been possible due to the close association, understanding
CiOld exchange of views, I have had with my father.

____________·_.·w_... _
Therefore, with a great sense of humility and with mixed
feelings I present this volume to the readers With this, the author's
stupendous Viiork of almost a quarter of a century is finally printed
and all the eight volumes of this complete and unabridged
translation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee are now available. I
would be happy and grateful to receive any suggestions, comments,
reviews as well as criticism on this work so that the subsequent
publication of this translation could be more perfect.

No.21 ,Sector 11·A Dr. Khushdarshan Singh Thind.

December 25, 1969.
[4271 ]
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oTOT ~~t8OfT()~T Rag Kanra cPOT 011C'l3 T i'

tf~l..(~ H~C?T 8 wq ~ Chaupadas 4th Guru. B~l.l~ ~tll lJrf3RT<JT
n ~
~ B" Rf3 oTB OfQ3T There is but One God. True His is ?Tf'1CIl~ a?g fECi ~ I R~T ~ I1R t!T C'lTH, t
· tlCfl::f foCf9'€? foa~q
;~0l7P.i Har3
R~ CIlCf {RTft! II
Name, Creative His personality and
Immortal His form. He is without
O~~'1TO ~R t!1 f~l'liCi3T l'li3 l'lil-lo ~R t!T ~
R~l.l I ~'1 ~o-of'13, trRl-loT -e <leiTo, »ii=lC'lHT
R~--1..f:;rlR~TC'l ~ OloT t!1 t!fElli T ~l'liToT i.

= fear, sans enmity, beyond birth and l1i3 I
selfillumined. By the Guru's grace, ~'1 l.lTf'2'l'li T ;:JTt![ ~ I ~
He is obtained. .
~. H"" ':7T
:: \J HT_ ( J ' !"lTn
" '-I n TT
:o (J 58 M eeting with the pious persons 58 , my l.lf~30 ~aRT5' 'OTg fl-l'5 ii, HaT l-l'1l'li T Itf3:
JfHfP.i ufot;fT 59 II mind has flowered 59• l{~H3s9 <J fOTl'li T ~ I 0!-

~~60 afP.i61 af~ A sacrifice61 , sacrifice, sacrifice, ~a~.jTC'l6l, ,!o<lTC'l , ~o8'C'l, ~o<lTC'l <JT H~'o ~
j afP.i BfP.i RTU;::roT
Of€l fHfB" HOTf3 l..(Tfo
~ €?3fa~62 II q II our€? II
sacrifice am 160 unto saints, meeting
with whose society
across . Pause.
I am ferried
8'3T€?3' f;:Jot t!1 8'OT3 oT8 ,!;3(,) trl'liTo T ~
HeP ~Ta _~3T~T <J fOTl'li T62 ~ I Of'1OT~ I I'

i ira ~fo f¥W OfCfci64

63 0 my God, the Lord Master, bless 66 iJ H~ ~Tf<JO!~ lilliTHl! ~ H-a ~3 »iTl.l~l
t{9 l;fl..(ol ~H RTQ me with Thy mercy63 so that I fl-l'10 63 UT0 64 3T ;'f H~ R3 T -e tiol ti

I ;::roT Uor 65 Ufol;fr66 II

U067 Uo RTU fflo
~ uf~ ~- "i1Tfo1;f168
may fa1l 66 at the saint's feet 6s .
Blessed 67 , blessed is the saint, who
realises 68 his God Lord. Meeting
;:JT?T66 I
liEl ToCi 67 , liElToCi ~ 8'3, ,:j lliTl.l~ ~Tf<:1Ol~
'I'Wl-ll ~ l'li<'ig~ ~
orot!r 68 I 8'3 'O T8 fH'5c

~fHfP.i Rrq Uf33 69 with the saint even the sinners" are ~l'liToT l.[Tl.l1 69 gl1.1 To ~3a 10
;:Jte '10 I
€lUfo1;fT70 II q II emancipated 70 .
; Hol;fT trg tfB 71 a~ The mind roams and rambles 71 in Ho ElQf3l'li t72 , <lQ,f3l'li t l.lTfRl'li ~'5 ~l-lt!T '3
a~72 fafu 73 fHfP.i RTq many12, many directions 13 • It is only gCCit! T11 ~ I a?'5 8'3T ~ fH'5c tIlliTo T
!~Horf3'74 orfaf;fT II by meeting with the saints, that it is <:11 fC'<J aT~ f~~ lliT~t!T74 ~ I
overpowered H •
f"i1€l~75 flH 76 3q 77 AS15 by spreading78 the thread's net71 f;:JR 3~!t75 Ul~V6 f~ qTfOTl'li t t!T ;:JT'5 17

URTfag78 ~ufcf9 in the water16 , the fisherman 79 f1::jgTO a l-lT<J1OTl019 Hii:18 ~ l.lCi;38Q »i'3
78 , I ~
orfR 80 HIoT81 ~Rorf382 catchesSo , overpowers 82 and carries Cil~ Cia&S2 8 ;:TTt!183~, ~R 3~T '11 R3 t -e ~
l::ffof;f1 11 ~ II
83 awa)S3 the fishsl, so is the mind 01<:11' H,') ~R aa f'g'li T ;:JTt!T ~I ~

~fo ~ H3 H3 9'8
01&85 fHfP.i H3 "i1o y86
controlled through the saints.
Good 84 and sublime85 are the saints,
the Lord's saints. Meeting with the
~jt" '>13 liR2" "" R,,!,
q"R,M ,,'" fH""
>1'Hl il H'g '""
"'Ui "j
"a" I
............................. ' '1' '1' + ""'1''1''1'++ '1'+.,,'1'+'1' + ijiiji +++ +~ ...
. ..
holymen86 , the filth17 of sins is
washed off88.
~H89 ~Cf390 01ful){T And as'2 the clothes'" are rendered's ))f3 filA 3O t '2 RT~'3 eru~l)Ii'4?i wg era
u •

·Ai ol~CJ91 f;:l@92 clean with soap'3, so are washed off91 ftfu1's ~ @R ~t ul JR-Jar~'~ wa uru"
RT~f093 ~94 all the sins" of self-conceit", ti3 tI~t1 uo I
crl'CJl){y95 11:311
·HR3fa96 fBBTfc97 By virtue of the Lord's'DO preordai- Hal t1BTC'i1" lJf3 J.Nt7 ~ IiI)lT).Il'DO ~l .r~"
· fW))t T98 l]fCJ99 ned" writ'8 on my brow" and ~l fSl:fl ~~ f8l:f31aro'8 t'l ~ocr3 ~1)f1O'
~fal00 qro2 Rf3QIa forehead", I have enshrinedSthe great2 H· <i-i2 ~ ara i ~ 003 I)fTt2 fo~ I)f~a
~3 ~4 llfal){T5 II True Guru~s feet 3 within my mind4. feCIT ~s uo I

R912 ~~6 ~l:f7 Slave' Nanak has obtained his Lord, am' orner ~ wol ll
arcn~l' 1)f3 tit37 ~ n'R
· i~ ~ urful)fT ~9 the Destroyer8 of a11 12 poverty' and ~Ta' I)fTU<! RI)f1'Hl?;
- .
ur ml)fT ~ ))j3
oroor mH pain7 and through His Name, he is ~R ~ (')T).f Cl'rul· ~ ~l erfs~ cJ orel 3 I lO

~mCJl){TI0 11811911 emancipated'0.

&T03THuB'T 8 II Kanra 4th Guru erT(')3T 9Ql urf3F.Irulr
HoT HQ R3 ;:IOT13 My mind is the dust lS of the saints'13 Hd" ).10 RTql)fi13 ~ tia tl4 ~l Q3 1S ~ I
trcJT14 ac 15 II feet l4 •


illa ~16 &$17 Rol As I heard the Lord God's" gospell7, ~ Rf3ltar3 19 ?iTS ~18, H'IiI)fTHl ~uiIJil6
fHfgl8 Rcnf3 19
HO associating"
with the.aaint's congre- t'l ~17 liC!l3f Hd" ))fC!f'9;:J2D ~.

cjor20 iller a-faJ21 gation", my uncultured20 mind was t{1 ~ ful)fTCJ t'l c1aror OTS f!if far))fT I
· ~o22 11911a~1I drenched22 with the colour21 of Lord's OfuaT~
love. Pause.
(JH24 ".!ftJ323 ~325 124 was ignorant2J and tboughtless25 H-24 ~23 1)13 ~2S At))l3 li))frHl ~l
o ;:rrof~ orf326 fHf327 and knew not the Lord's state2' and ~2t ))f3 ~27 ~ nut ~T At I
· qffa eft~28 JJf~29 measure27. The Guru has madeJl me ar~ ;:it ~ HQ fRl)fl'C!Tzt lJf3 mw~30 ~

ftJ3030 II wise29 and a man of wisdom 30• Wa TD ~ I

l{f3 ~1031 ~g32 The Lord, merciful32
to the meek 3', HRCllot31 3 ~J2 ).fTSer ~ H~ ))fT1.f<!TU
eft€? )){oft~~33 Hfo has owned me and my mind now
lJ f~T 3))f3 Hal ).f(') 34
ClC! li))frHl ucrl ~
iller 34
wa OlH utters lS the Lord God's" Name. oTH ~ ~e1OC! cra~J5 ~ I

· ;:rilo35 11911
met a Fr3 fHBf~ If I meet with the Lord's saints, the ;lora H&))f'U<! ).10· ~ f\.rI)fl'iJ37, Iil)frHl ~
tiEH37 ~38 beloveds37 of my very mind", RTqI)ff ~ f).f8 ~ at H· ))f'U<!T f~4D~-

,30'1 n
• esc e• Vi •• •••+
~o severing- my heart4D. I would offer"
. 41
it to them ;
·w••$ i ~
~'~l jcT3' crcJ f'e))ftart I

IRI.1RI.~.IRI.lJll.lJll.~.IlIJ - f1.PlI.lJll.lJll.~.I1J
........+++++++01>...~+++ ...+++...+ ... "'''''''+'''+'''q,+q,q,''',+q,+q,q,.hq,+'''q,q,,,,,,,++,,,,,,,;t,"'++"''''+!1>£~~++'''''''''.''

1~fo ~ 8'3' fH'5 ~fo Meeting with the God's saints, I ~al B RTgi,fT oTB fHg~, H~ »fTll~ ~'f(Ja.!'! •
i fl-ffS»iT ~l-f Ofle have met with my God and I, a Q fHg fU»f1 u T 1li3' H· tl'lll Hllf~3a"J
Uf3'3 42 ~043 11:<11 sinner H , am sanctified43 • cj fOl»fT aT I

~fo ~ t1(1)44 €[3'H 45 Sublime~S are said to be~s the Lord's JlRc' S iJ1Tif t1i~46 ui') 4.-~ ~ 018 44 , f2'R

· t=ITdT Of~:J1».ff~46 - f;::r?)

fHf5l'j-fT UTl::ra 47 8048 II
slaves H in this world, meeting with
whom even the stones~7 are
RRTCJ iJ1"ta, fi1<'ii i')Tg fHB~ ~'li:aT 1l~t'la~7 ~T
fR"-B f1T~48 (J(') I

~ aaf?)
0 51
€?fu ~3'H53 ~fa ill~

The glorySO of the Lord's saint~9 I

can describes I not, for, the Lord God,
of Himself, has mades~ them S2
RTfJ8 ~ R3 tH tl l..f,3 T50 H~ ~0(')c51 o;:W
~t52 ~
R~tT fOl~'f~ ~l)fTHT ~Tf<Ja.!~~,
'iRc s3 8cTfC!iJ1IH ~ I
»fTU ul

~()54 ":311 sublimeS].

3H ~fCJ RT~55 ~~56 o God, the Lord Master, Thou alone <1 ~TfJOld' Rl;fTI-11 HYR01 I ~~B 3 ul ~~T56
- " -:;:;'

55 ~.
- ' = :

lJ.."9 B».fTl-fT ~H art the greatS6 Merchant-Prince 55 . F.fTuolTa

I H~ '
»fTtli ~TUTOT i;; ' 3=: l;f'tli
~~;::rra57 oTfR 58 Blesss9 Thou me, Thine pedlarS7 • with oTH eT t£;:ftSB l{t 1o S9 crcJ I
~~?)59 II the capital 5B of Thy Name.
Of~ 5 lliJ1THl ! i
e TR60 oT?i01 ~3 iJ1 TllCT ofuH361

tR)60 oT?)Of o Lord, shower62 Thou Thy
tJ:ftr».fT61 t["9 qrCJ~62 benediction61 on slave 60 Nanak, that f?i5T~062 010 3 T;:j ~u ~lfua.!~65 -e oTH-g'

SftJ:63 ~Tero64 ~fo hemay load 6 ] the merchandise6~ of FiB ~36~ ~ BtU B~ I

ii ~65 cS(I) IlBi 1:< II the God's Name 6S .

j OfTO~T l-f~ST 8 II Kaura 4th Guru.
0' my soul67, utter 66 thou the Lord's68 5 HCJl
011?i;,T Bel UTf3RT ul I

ii t1flJ 66 H0 67 CJTH 68 ?)Tl-f fi1"t;,1~67 ! ~ l{~6B~ oTH e T~Blac66

~ lJOdTTR69 II Name, that thou may be iIIumined 69 . (XCJ 3 T ;'l ~ aR(')69 ;j t1T~~ I

! ~fo ~ 8'3 fHfs Meeting with the

Lord's saint, RTfu8 -eRIg ~ fHB ~, ;'l. ~2'T ~l ~Tfua.r~
; tilf3' '8"dTTol7 0 f~B whosoever is attuned 70 to God, he oTB fllo<:sl UT~~tT70~, ~ iJ1 Ttli wa 71
! fillo~71 €?tJ:TR72 11911 remains detached 72 in his very li';eo ul f,")08U 72 afu"t T ~ I of;:rol~ I
~ o~T€?11 - home 71 .Pause.
) ~l-f -- ~fCJ f~~73 The merciful Bo Master 77 has shown
fHua8 10 BO HTB0177 ?> H-a ~3 iJ1Tll~l fHua 78
~ t1fU€?74 ?)T}f 75()O His mercy78 unto me and within my OTCJ1 79 ~ il'!3 l){Tui Ho 73 "i-tO H~ HC'iR 7S -
! ~fCJ76 t[f"9 77 - f¥t.fT78 mind 73 I have meditated H upon God, 8a 76 R~t1 ~Tf(Ja.!~ e TfRHoo ~13T74 ~ I
~ OfoV 9 fOfCJlJTR 80 II the Man7s -Lion76 .
: ».fofu081 ».f?>B 82 Night and dayBI, I am ever in blisS 82 Be iJ13 f~'QBI, H~ Rt T !;!R182 Ili'to u t »f3
'5! - -
-i' "9f~T }-f()83 faarfRl'j-fr8 4 and my heart 9l is in bloomB~. I am now HCJT feB Bl ftt~T~'" ktJ ~ I H~ 'I~ ~t1aTB,B~-
: ~tJ:l-f8S ~E fl-f5?) OfT effortful BS and hope B6 to meet my 'iCJ3 u T iJ13 iJ1 Tlli HT8~ ~ fHBc e1 ~HtB'
(j -
>;fTR86 11911 Lord. otteT u T I =
...........+•••••+ ++ ·.+.++••••+.+'1'4·.'1'++ '1'++++•••iji+'I'+.'I'++",••++.+++++++'9••••

----------,_._"'-,-------- _._..._..._ - - - - - - - - - - - -
~}-f ~fo Rl;fTHT
gdfT~187 f~3?>88 RTR 89
gl~90 ~}-f91 ofTR 92 11

Ever am I now in love87 with my

beloved Lord Master and cherish Him
with every breath89 and every morsel92
+.+• • • • • • • • • • • !l»•••• +++

<Ie: <Jol
l)f3 it88
~Tf<Ja.r~ 01B" HoT fUl)fTo 13 fQTI)f187 ~
~1 !11)f1R89 K'91 Ch:H90 <JT 1){3 it ~1
O1OT<J192 1:IT~T <JT, (JR oTB" 1I1)fTH1?i tiPtJ

fOlffiSl::f 93 t'~o94 9"~
of food that89 191 take 90•
My sins93 have been burnt9" in" an
fuor li<J3 f~~96 Ha U 1l93 R~ aB" QT~94 <Jo
· fl::fo 95 ))f"3f0 96 ~fc97 instant 9S and the bonds 99 0f mammon 98 1){'3 14<10198 ~ irtO" 91 Ha B"l:1 ~c QT~97 ;
-Ii ata
}-fTfE}')-I1 98 - & are also loosed" for me. <:10 I ~~
gTR99 11:<11 ~
fql')f'T ~}-f fOl"o}-fl00 What a worm lOO am I and what deed 2 A' '&e: O1l~1100 <:IT ~3 H' 011 <iH 2 O1a S R01~1 ~
fOfl')f'T 0/0H q}-fT~f~5
2 can I do s 7 Me, a foo13 and an idiot4, <:IT? H' H~3
1){3 au-c:
1 ~ §R 6 RI){'Hl ?i 0"1:1
=' - -

· }-fol::f3 HaTU 4 0'8" tl~ that 6 Lord has saved. fHI){T ~ I ~

~3Tq6 II - .. :
~ ~
~l')f'~arolI}jTa7 UTl:fa~ I am iniquitous 7 and stone h eavy 8. H' 01c:-f~,!c:7 3 9'CJ! ttao 8 <:IT I RIU RQT3 :
~ 9"r R3Rar8 f}-ff<g Meeting with the saints' society, I or3 'I~ K' f91){1 0 01 l0 Rliea 3' UTa d fdTw 9 ~
3a 9 3'OTR 10 lI=m have crossed9 the dreadful 10 ocean. <JT I ~
;:t3l fRRfc 12 0/01 13
':"T::IT':"J'lRf~ 14 ~
All the creation l2 , that the Lord l1 RTol 0~or12 it 1I1)f1Hl 11 ?i 0~113 ~, Ha oTH'
nUI,;:;'1 u .:s cr+;;r
nl~ has created l3 is higher lS than me. I, (J~lls ~ I H', I){UH I6
, Ur1..l TI7 I>i~a :aTH3'0 i
~B15 ~H olB 16 the low one", am engrossed in sins l7 . dful){T 5fl:I){T <:IT I i
~fafl::fl')f'TRI7 II t
~~}-fa »f~qro18 irfcrr 19 The Guru's association" has erased 20 O}oT tIl i> Hall){T a~1>;jT'8 HR20~5fmI){T ~
RCIl3 19
iOJCi H~20 t:ro21 ()TOq my demerits l8 and the Lord has <:1(1){3 !1I){THl i> aTB 21 0 1001 ~ I){Tlli 0 15 23 i
Hf<g Hl~22 U9" united 22 slave 21 Nanak with 23 Him- fHHT f51){122 ~ ~
tlffJ 11811::111 .. se If.
orr~T ~W 8 II Kanra 4th Guru. O1l0~T Btll UTf3R 1<Jl I ~
T 24 ::rT}-f
}-ff'10 u TTl:!
0 Th roug h t he G uru's wor, d 26 0 my OloT ~ 8B0 26 oT<1I',
:+ <J~ HOI
~ :+ f;"
:+.=.21 3"= '"
t:rfU€?25 <no ~0/26 II 2S
souF\ utter thou, thy Lord's Name. I){Tll<! y.-~ ~ olH e 1 (J~lo02S ~o I i
~fo ~fo27 f~UT28 qal Lord 27 God, the Master 30 of the fRRcV9 ~ H'H01 30 ~Tf<101o Q>;jTHV 7?i H~ ~ :
29;:(orelRf0 30 31~0}-ff332 universe 29 , has shown mercy28 unto f~o 0113V8 ~ 1){3 Hol ~~1;'_l){cm32 ~~;- 1
.~t:rT 9"T~33 arfEB 34 me and my eviIlI-thought S2 , dualit y33 91~33 1){3 \1oR el 3Hol 36 Rl-l.<1 3S ~__o d t
n~ ~T~36
~ ""I II Ql II ::r::;~_11
u~ltf and longing for something else 36 have OI~lI){T31 <Jo I of<Jo'(J I ~
al13 S been dispelled 31 • Pause. (
()TOT37 ~U38 aaT 39 Diverse 37 are the forms 38 and I){i>01T37 <:11 <Jo ~Tf<JOJ."i ~~O R~L138)>i3 ~oc:391 ~
tIfo &ij40- tUfc tUfc 41 colours 39 0[10 God. Though hid 13 >r\ClT 3~ 011..13 13 d & ~1 !1'f1THl R1fCl>;jt ft"5 T11 e
· oTJ:! of~€?42 from the eye, the Lord is pervading12 I){'e'o f~I){Tl101 d fo<1 T12 ~ I t
i4.'OjUF.irq43 II
4.Q. +.++++.++++ +++++.+
all the hearts . .
++'l'''''l''l'.'''~+'''..,.'''+''' +.+ +
~~'!'~~ • ""'
• •~ !t b ot • • • • • • • • • • •5!!+ +e ..

· ~fo '& R3 f~B' ~fo

· y'crr~44 ~ u.rfo 45 orE
Meeting with the God's saints, God
becomes manifest 44 and the doors 47 of
<Jol -e J;Fl;!'li T orH flffi"c tr'liTo T, <Joll{3or;=J44
\l ;:rieT ~ lli3 ~c ;:j'f-e 45 <J?l lI"1./46 -e R3
faf1::[ll{T46 '& 3 T0(47 II vice 46 are broken 45 . i
R3 ;1(1)T48 071 ~~~49
aQ R9" T50 f;:[(I) ~fo51
Supremely great4' is the gl ory 50 of
the ,saintly persons'8, who lovingly53
lIoI-/4'~V~1 ~ l{'l'3 r50 FJIt! FJ'!u l.!aR1 48 el ;=t
iJo1 55 ,l{R?l3 TH ~ l{"1!. ~ fU'liTo 01H 53 1)fll./i ..,~
· uTfo~52 ufo 55 crfR 0(53 enshrine 52 God 55 , the Lord of blisS54 , fua-e 51 l)i"t:'o fcor'~'-e52 <Jo I ~

~""H1 e ~"I'a', '-1',,1 ~~'Hl I

oRTor 54 II within their mind 51 .
ufo '& R3 tHH ufo Meeting with the Lord's saints, one R''l m, fH8"
fl-lf8l'>-iT ~R56 or€t59 meets with the Lord, just as 56 when ~ fl-!H Q~eT ~ f;:j'FJ 3O T56 ~~58 i; ~l:fcS7 ~
B'f1::[57 8~ar0758 11:<11 one sees 57 the calf58, one sees the ~TH l{Jc1 or i59 ' ~ ~1 ~l:iu H~eT ~ I ~ ~
cow 5, as well. ft

ufo '& Fr3 ;10T60 The Lord God 62 ever abides within61 I!l)iTH1 ~Tf<Ja.!t2 <JHRT l)iTui FJTQ'li, 60 -e f<Jae ~
Hf;:rf11 ~fo ~fo6:l 363 the minds of His saints6D . Those 63 l)i"e0 61 ~FJt!T ~ I ~<J6] "ip ?65 FJlq64 lliTlI' ~
;:[?)64 ~3H65 000766 sublime85 saints64 themselves know 66 ~Tf<Ja.!~ ~ ;:j'T(!-e66 <10 l)i3 ~FJ ~ -\looT ~ i
. ;:I?)T0(67 II God and make others know 67 Him ~1 ;:rCT~'-e67 <Jo I i
as well.
Within their68 mind 70 abides 72 the ~~T68 -e >-,.f3ol)iT3H 70 >;{t!<3 l.f~6' t!1 l1R~71
f30 GB ~fo69 fUd~70
Lord's6' fragrance 71 and they are ~FJt!172 ~ lli3 ~ at'qt!TO H lI'TUT el liRa 75
~TlJ71 8RT o172 ~fc
73 4 rid of 73 the odour75 of the abnoxious74 3~ 6[caTo T liT i~-e73 <J?l I
are1 l:!RciV
. ~HO(T0(75 II~II sins.
3l-ra ;1076 3H ~1 Thine saints 76 • Thou embellishest77 , 'liTlI'fcl)if R3 y76 ~ ~ RR~377 'aOt!T ~~, ij
80 FJ'liTHT ~Tf<JOJo lli3 lli Tl(7' <J1 ~OT i; lli TlI'c180
~i orlE77 ~fo - BTftf78 o Lord God and Thyself7' ownest - -:::. - u ::

H~ 1)fTlfo 79 and savest78 them. a ~o,T t!1 -a-f~llil aat! 178 ~. I

. ))ilfoT0(80 1\
;:Io81 oToor '& H1::[ T82 The Lord God alone is the friend 82 , a~ ~'liTl-fl ~Tf<Ja:!q, <11 aT <s81 oToor t'T Rrm82
~fo ~T~183 HT3 84 brother 83 , mother 84 father 85 , relation 86 ~1083. l){l-!;3184 , llTSH 85 , Hol~hJ18 6 lli3 FJTa87
87 81 Ro ~ !
flf3T85 aUlf 86 ~fo and kinsman of slave Nanak.
RTor87 1\811811
O7TO~T HuHT 8 II Kanra 4th Guru. 'aTO~T ~1l1 lI Tf3F.lT<11 I
Ha Ho88 ufo ~fo 0 my soul 88 , heartily' I utter'D thou ;J HoT f,:fe~1~88! ~ feH oTH'1 lliTlIi
oTH89 oTl:! ;:Iflf90 the Name of thy God, the Lord ~Tf<JOJ.~ ~lliTl-!18' l-!THOf -e oTl-! e T €t~TOo'O
~ '31f391 II Master 8'. 010 I
.. ~fo ufo 92 ~R~93 The treasure'] of the Lord's 1.{'~ e T oTl-!'2 lIe ToEi'3 H<Jcl 94 -e fa~'5 f~~ i'
; HtfE1)fT94 orf~95 ~~196 Name'2 is locked'6 in the fortress'5 of Be" a13T \lf~l)iT ~ l)i3 O1.o T -e ~1./-eF.r'7
'" ~••••••••••+++++.+••+.+•••++ '" •• +••••••+++.••++.+++.++••++++.+.+~~+••+++++•• ~++•••
r4276 ]
- + • •+ • • • •• ~++!fl+of!+~c!I>+·to<!!+.1>+++++'"' ·1!!l>q.++4••1!++<1!~J1i.!l>+.!l>!1><1!!l>!l>+!l>.+· • • • • • • • • • • • • • •· · "

i Olcr ~ R8ft97 C51§" mammon94 and through the Guru's aruT~ »' forci t f;f398 f5lli T ~ ofJcJT~

:OT~ ;:{lf3 98
1191Icr\1T~11 instruction 97 , I have conquered the

!~ fHfa>rfT !l9 9"afH 100

fortress. Pause.
In fals. 99 illusion 100 and superstition, q8" Reu 100 »8 ?fJl-I »feo tpeT sq3 2
mortal wanders 3 in various
9"fH>rf T3 the
dtrcetions 2 and he is lured 4 hy the
gcort:! T3 ~ »8 ~R
~-fB'lit5 '3 ~<:!-z16
t:!1 BOT?i '3 fU'li'o8 ?l ~..~pful-fT(i orT3 T
580 U3 attachment5 and affection 8 of his
.H~:P yJf38 II childrens and wife 6. ;jfP'li T4 ~ I

~R9 3cr~crl0 all Like 9 the passing l2 shade l3 of a tree lO , fE!.S'O t:!1 k" ~OTa12 SI13 el l-I Tc5t:!9, 3~
q~12 ii5Tft!lr.p13 fCl7)14 thy bod y l7 wal1l 8 shall fall down l6 inls Rala 7 t:!1 ~q18 fpC! ~U3'4 f?B 1S -ef<J ~al
Hf\1 15f8?)fR 16 tpft! a moment l4 . 5 ,:p€tOT1 16 I
~u17 9"lf3 18 11911
~ 9~te
~ \1Ha 19 t{T?):W yJ3H 21 The sublime 21 saints 22 are my" vital- ~.Rc13 'Fg 22 Hal" fi1'e-i1 T(i20
J ;:r7)22 ~3H23 f;:r7) hreath 20 and beloveds21, meeting with <1?i, f;:r~T' (iTB f1-l5e ~»fTOI
i fHfHn1 T
Hf7) "dft! whom faith H comes into my mind. g-aRT24 »fT ;:rit!r ~ I
~ t{31f3 II
~ trcr-e 25 crTH crf~n1T26 My mind 27 is happy2S with 2S the all Hal 1-I(i27 Ro~ f?,»fTt.r q 26 y.~ 0 15 28 H;:ri l-ITC
~ - . -
~ UIc 27 >i3fa 28 >rfRfaq 29 pervading 26 Lord. With bliss 31 and fau T25 ~ I :l:!Rll' »f'3 fllou;n32 (iTB H' »fTU<!
~ crTlj crf~n1T30 afCll J1 love 32 , ever meditatc 30 J. on my ever- Rt:!T?l Rf1:1o ~»fTl-IV9 "t ReT ul fm-Elt:! T30<JT I
~ t{lf3 32 11:< II stable Lord 29 .
~ \1fcr -& R3 83 t=j?)33 Blcssed H are the pious p('rsons 33 • the ~TOTi ?TE H u(i Uf~30 uaR 33 - ,
?Tf<1OTa e
- c::

~ ?)1-&34 fti?) fHfC'n1 T saints of God, meeting with whom, ,Fg, fi1~T (iTB fH5c ~"'TaT. l-I~R t!T l-IQ;»fT
~ H?) afcn 35 ~cnlf336 II man's mind is imhued 36 with the tn; t:!1 \{lf3 35 (,T5 MOT»fT ;:rteT16 ~ I

Lord's love 35 .
God's love 37 fades 38 not, nor docs it ual e' fl/'li'o37 HUH 38 0'11' Q't:!T, (iT <11 fu<J
<I 01 37 ,,5 38 "
~ ~3a39 - ~8\140 ufo wear off39 ever 40 . Through the lord's or\:,Tf~B40 ~a <I;:>,39 5 I y.-~ B fl.PHT0 43 0'<11'
] ~fa41 ;:rTft!4=2 fH8 one goes 42 and meets
love 43 , with ;:rl?' ;:rT &42 y.~ y'HRa 41 (iTH fHB ;:rteT ~ I
one's Lord GOd . 41
ufat{lf3 43 II~II
uH 8\1 44 tfTU 45 ~1249 I, the sinner 46 , had c0l11mitted 49 H~ u Tu1 46 ?l ¥'3 iH ul »f?l51 i H-B qC!H 4S q13 40
. >rfucrTo146 qrfcr ~T~47 myriads~4 of sins 45 ,
Hewing 41 them, RC'l §(iT
I i; C(3a &47 ' -OToe?;:rl?; €,;lot i;
-v = - = -t"

has completely cut 38 them

Ciffc3 C1 21f3 48 II
the Guru \lal 3~ ?'-e l!fe»fT48 ~ I
The Guru has blessed so me with the C!lo!?l Ht l!»fTj..11 ?,Tf<JC!lq, e (iTH \:'1 UClH
superh s, medicine 52 of the Lord God's fiReS I t:!~TP152 uat:!T o or131 s0 ~ »f3 H~
•••••.+++++++++• • • • • • • •+.++• • ~~~• •+++++• • •++++++++++• • • • • • • h++++++.+.++++++++.~~~

i oroOl' Uf'3354 Name and I, the sinner54 slave 53 U1UT 54 aTE,53 C;T(')Ol ljT'i'(,) uf~v3aS5 j fal}}jT '
1\401f355118I1LJII Nanak, am sanctified 55. JT J

O!'TO~T }f~8T 8 II Kama 4th Guru. cFi'i3' BerT U'f38' T<JT I

tifU 56 }-f060 CJT}-f57 0 my soul6o , contemplate S6 thou the <J HaT f;:ftI3T2 60 !"i
Rl:PCl 58 -e
oTH 58;:JcJr?)TEf59 II Name of GOd 57 , the Lord 59 of the ~Tf<Ja.I~ -e C;Tl-f tIT }}fTcPO(')56 Ola I

world 58. I
UICJ 61 Ua-62 twas caught 62 in tbe whirlpool61 of H' y'Tco T8'0163UTlli 64 tIT up-RuraT·' kij ii'R ~
i WHo
fal:!63 fafcpJ.{164 t=lf3CITCJ poisonous 63 sins 64 . Lending his hand 65 , fOTl}{162 I'll I lJiTlfCT <Jv'El' -e &E5 R~ ara
l ?> H~ ~
~ O(lf~ C5T2 B ~ler65 II the True Guru has pulled me out of it. f~R f~!J' 'El'T<JCI o(~ fHl}{' ~ I of<Jal~ I ~
~ qIICJ0T~11 Pause. ~
~ 8}}fTH166 }}f~67 0 fear-free 67 , immaculate 68 Lord 66 , <1 l-f(~H-Ba69 R'LU ~-afu367 llf<l3a 68 y'-~66! ~
~f0ir;:Jo68 od~fCJ69 the man-lion 69 , save 70 Thou me 71 , the ~ H'71 Ul'El'Cl 72 lJi3uera 73 tIT a-fl:l}}j170 Ole ~
~ 3H CJTftt 70 B~ ~}-fi 1 sinner72 and the stone 73 . ~
~ UVWT 2 U Ttr73 II - i.
~ O(T}-f74 ~tr75 fafC:f>J..p'6 I am lured 78 by the sins 76 of lust 74 , H~ f~R ~OT74, ar-Fi75 }}j3 ET~"ij77 ~ u,u i76 ?> I~
~ Bf~77 C2~378 0l'1Rc 79 wrath 75 and avarice 77 , but in Thine ~SlTf~l-flC; 010 fE}}j,78;:r, t[-~ 30T ROT3 82 .
3a 81
~ B0 80
~ RTEf82 II q II
8far association 82 , 0 Lord, I am ferried 81
across like the iron 80 in the wooden
lito, <1 i!}}jll-fT ! H' E013T tIT ~3T79 f~"ij
85 80 tIT HI?;", UTa ~30 fOT}}jT81 <JT I i
~ ~}{ ~~83 \Jal::f84 cr~85 0 great 83 God, Thou art supremcl y85 <J f~fPE83 'i'TfiJa.I~84 ! ~ ual-f 85
}}j3~tfl<J66 ~
~ }}fClTH86 }}faTBa87~}-f Unfathomable 86 and Unknowable 87 . T88
}}jOTT(l87 5' I 3~ "lTEtI H' 'El'01<JTa fClT}}jT89 ~
~ ~f~88 Cl'5 89 UT'21 90 Searching 88 Thee, am tired 89 <:F, ti~ H~ 9i
3a B'301 tIT 113T90 (')<J1' HOT ~
ti~1 ~Ttr91
~ 1...l-a U-a 92 }}f1...l€l1...lg 93
but have found 90 not Thy limit9'.
Thou, 0 Lord art yonder of the yond
Rf01}}jT I
~ <J HTe-rl ! lla~ 3' ljCll-f lja~92 }}j3l'l8'c i tIT i'·
'? R}}fTHT 3 J.}fTU?)94 and the sublimest of the sublime 93 • ual-f l'l8'c 93 5' I ~ }}jTlj94 <JT }}jTlj~ }}jllj95 i>
~ ;:Fof~ ,Vet'l ;:r', <1 RRra" -e i!l}{THT 97 !
""Z4 -
J.}fTf1...l 95 Thou Thyself 94 knowest Thyself 95 , 0
i 96;:JcJrOTEf97 II =< II Lord97 of the world 96 • i.
; J.}ffeRc:98 J.}faTBCl99 I have pondered 1oo over the Name of H' llic:f"ffo 98 }}j3 lli~l:f9' li}}jll-fT tIT fRHaC; ~
i ?)TH'" -fU>}fTE 100 R3 the invisible 98 and incomprehensible6' OIT3
;:r }}j3 R3 l4 }}j3 li'f3ROT3 2 OT~ fl-fEc:] i
f HClT-f.:'2 fHf8 3 RT{t Lord and meeting 3 with the saints 4
~}}jTaT ~R ~ l-fToOT ~ ljT fE}}jT ~ I l
~ UTEf:l II 2


~ ~fCJ ~fCJ6 0l''trT7 BoT

and the saints' congregation
found His paths.
MeetingS with the saints' society, I
, have

6 8
i'PU ROT3 nTH B:3 a H~ Rle-rl <JaT tIl

i fHfg 8 i'rarf3 <:rfo h,a' tho Lo,d' God', go,pol'. "'03" ~~'" <Ji I "'[<Jilji!" "'H'~ [RHO"'"

t --'~--_.••••••"_••••'•••• ~~.'-~ip~+.+t"++'4'+~""' ~ ...

----------'_.,--_.._ - - - - - - - - - - - - -


!~fa9 tifUg lO >rTOl'Ci I2 contemplate lO the God's Name9 and

~ tIo· • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

<Ji l'li3 ~R t:!1 ~'~Fi3'o-i3'f<J312 f~~Tf~TI3 ~

iOl'EJ 13 CilTEJ 14 II :311 utter 104 His unutterable l2 discourse l3 , (J~!i3't'TI04 <Ji I
j~HaI5l{~14* 151i0l'tlR I6 My'S supreme Lord l04 * is the Master" Ha fRi3' t:!T Ri~l'04* fF!.Rcl 16 t:!T HTB01 ls l'li3
1701RT~118 ~l-f19 cpfct of the universe l7 and the Lord l8 of the a
RR l i3"7 t:!T I!llfTH1 18 V i o~?iTlr~ t[lf3FIT<J22
5~20 ~Tf<J01~! ~'iiTi3'T
i ti3 23
21'ial3TCi22 II

3 Toq tT1}24
't TR3 &
world 17. 0 God, the King22 of
",.t;on". ,"vo" Thou me". by Thine
Serfl 3 Nanak is the slave of the
slave 204 of Thine slaves. 0 Lord,
"i"",-" ." I
l'li Tt[cl fH<Ji3'

t:!'R 23 ?i'(";"C( 3a R~01i ~ P.~01 t:!T R~01204 V, ~

;j 1!"'PHl ! Ha ~3 i3'fuH3 26 lJTo 2S l'li3::'t H~ ~
::'t Hal 19

l{~ Ol'a~25 f£rtjl22 show 2s Thou ,merc)26 unto me and l'liTt[;! RTq}l'/i 27 t:!1 ROT3 28 f~~ il::l I :

. o~ tio27 FFCi 2tl 118 f I keep me in the association 28 of Thy ~

0( Ell saints 27• ~
Ol'T3~T H~8T 8 "C(T(');:P Btll t[Tf3RT<Jl ~
Kanra 4th Guru
tl~3T8 UrcJ 4 II PartaJ. 1l;33TB

There is but One God. By the True ~Tf<J01~ ~~B f201 ~ I R'B Oli3'i t:!1 t:!f~'iiT i
Guru's grace, is He obtained. ~'iiToT ~<J t[Tf~'iiT ;:rit:!T ~ I ~

H329 tiTtl~30
32 01lJT833 II
oTH31 0 my souJ29, meditate 30 thou on the
Lord 31 , the Cherisher 32 of the
;j Hi3'l ftft:!;31E 29 ! ::'t RRT032 ~ llT5c-
tli1C<JTi3'33 I!'iiTH13' t:!T fFl'Hi3'?i 30 "C(i3' I

~ - world 32, e
~ ~fo 03334 ~~CJ35 God is the pearP\ the jewePS and the ~pf<J01~ H31 ;:r~T<Ji3'3S
, 'ii3 HTc 01 36 ~ I 1.[~ ~
5 T8 36 II ~fo 0I0Hfct37 emerald 36 , The Lord moulds 38 the 0l~-l'liCiRToll'lit37 ~ l;fTt[cl fRl::IF.FBT39 l)f't'i3' i
. ~~38 ~0l'~T839 II Guruwards 37 in His mint 39 . :T~:T:.;~ I f: I 0 _ __ i
~J10 ~ ~40 ICilotlT841 II Be 040 Thou merciful11 unto me, 0 my ~ Ha '<1=' t:! ~'iiT~T?i04 54, <J Ha ~Tf<J01~! ~
Clllo~T~1I God, Pause. Of<JOT~ I ~
, ... - 19-
:!l3Ho 01'342 >ifOTH43 0 Lord 049 , Lord, Lord, my loved so ;j tL~'9, l{1;, l{-~, Ha fUl;fT(JSO l{-~ ! l'litlT<J 043 ~
:El ;;{aTB044 Eel
'1'1045 Lord, unknowable o41 are Thine l'li3 l'liOTru H <J?i 301~i ?)"C(1l'lii12 I Hi3'l ft>01 :
~ fq'>;fT46 47 faBT o148
0l-a virtues 042 • How 046 can one poor18 :aTolES'148 ;:r191s 9~t t:!r f01R 3Cl t46 ~oi'ic47 i
~ oTH 49 oTH oTH oTH tongue 04S of mine narrate 17 them'? 010 R01t:!l ~? i
! 8'550 II ~
~ qHa1 ;:r151 >;fCila 52 0 Sire sl Lord,Thy Ineffable s2 gospels 3• <J H<JTOT;:rSI HTB01 ! 301 l'li01f<J S2 ~Ta3T53 ~ i
1Ol'CiT53 3 3~1 3 Thou, Thou, Thou alone knowest S1 . &~ t t ~ ;:rl ;::p~t:!TS1 ~"I l{R?i S8 . tLR?i ~.
! tiT3f~54 = ~~55 = ~fCJ Jubilant, jubilant, jubilant have IS5 l{~o H"SS ti OTt>ls7 <J t, 3~~T fRHo'?i "C(o?i ;
.. ;:rfll'56 ~~157 f3~T558 become s7 by meditatingS6 on Thee. ~l'liT(JTS6 I :
~ ~

l~~~~~:~~.:.~~:~ +• ., ~ ..,.q.++"iplJ'iJi1lo~ +iI'.. '94i• ........... .1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."' loJll!!to~~~!M!.,z,!i,§o1>"'''''''*~~~~+
.. '''+···· +++ +.· ~

~:n-ra ~fo l.f059 Ffl::fr6° The God Lord is the companion60 of ~Tf;Ja:r~ RT~l i{ ol ~ife-_;:;T:S9~' ~l'l16061 ~·I
J!l){THT ~fa HT3 T61 my vital-breaths,. My God is my H'~ ?Tfua:r~ <:IT HeP fear f~Ci fH30 ~ I
}:fa Hfo 62 3foG3 tllu64 only friend 6l • My SOUI 62 , bod y 6l and i{01 ftf~~162, ~<J63 l')i'3 MT~64 RT~l ;:ral's ~
Wa ~a ~a65 oTH tongue 64 are imbued with the Lord o'H 0'5 ~'3T <'Je <10 I ~~5 RT~l ~T o'H" ~.;-

. oTH 66 Uo_67 HT~8 II

t1'69 ~ ~TC!!70 f3f0 71

God's6s Name. The Lord's Name"
alone is my wealth 67 and property68.
Whosoever6' is so destined 70 , she71
<:IT i{al ~5367 '3 MTf~~'e-68 ~

f;:IR fCiR" ~1 ~<'J ;:l<:ll y'T5"a70 ~; {f;J7I

I "'"

BT€?72 aT 8uT0174 attains 72 unto her spouse 74 and by l')i'l..f<§ &374 ~ UT B'~T72 ~ l')i3 ClIo Te
73 sings 76
wo ufo ~a ua Guru's instruction77 , the {fueR 77 ~~TaT, ?'f;Jar~73, ~'fiJCllq" ~'fiJCll~,
0]075 orT~76 O1aHf377 praise 7s of Lord God 73, Yea, her Lord l')iTU<! ~Tf<JCll2 ~T ;:lR75 CIITf~o Olot:'Y' ~ I <J

~ ~~78 afB79 aH80 ~~ God. 0 slave 82 Nanak F8 am ciii 81 o'oCi ! {fR {f3' H'78 Rt:'~.f9 "3 ~~.

afB aH tl082 OTOO[ devoted 79 and a sacrifice 80 ; I am ,!a<J'080 <JT; H' Re-a 3 ,!o<JTo <JT, ,:j ~TU.@ .?-

illo tlfU 81 ~~T fou T(383 devoted and am a sacrifice unto her lll')ilHl ~T fRHon 81 Ciao ~l')iToT, y';Ol o 8l, ~it:'
foUTB 11:<11

CifT~ H~(3T 8 II
who, contemplating 81 her Lord, has
become jubilant83 , gay and happy.
Kanra 4th Guru.
l'li3 ~R ~l mEl ~ I

~T~T ~~1 u Tf3R T<Jl I


01084 Rfl'To8S ~ Rl')iTH1 8' ?'f<1OJo ~l~T fR~3T84

ufo Sing thou the praises84 of God, the 3:;;;: -, -:
85tlOT"tTR86 II Lord8' of the world8S. CII1f~0 ~o ?
ECifT ;:ft~7 qTB 88 o myLord God 9l , worthy of ;J l')io,([o'3 ~oo e ~OJ, H~ RT~l' ~lf<JCll~91 !
meditation93 ,
~ C5l:f alR89 Htifu90 ~fa make Thou one 3= HaT f~ar Ml~87?;• ?liJ cfl:f80 8(!188 ~
~fo91 Raf"t92 tiWR93 II tongue87 of mine into twenty lakhs", ;:l H' ('?OT Rloll')iT oT5 3tJ n TH'2 ~T €?~'oo'O
-" -
that, with them all, I may utter 90 Thy ~ot I
Name 92 •

. ~fcr ~94 ~ forcrWR95 II o my God, be94 Thou merciful9s unto ;J H~ ?rf<JClJCJ
3= i{a @'3 HTf~~T~To'5 ;j94 I
cUI ClUT~ \I me. Pause. ofiJoT~ I
ufo fO[cIl.p96 mo o my God, the Lord Master, ;J Ha ~lf<JCllCJ
-&;:' Rl')iTHl
- H'5~ ! fHJo ([TO ~96 I +

il R})fTHT uH (3Tf~97 mercifully" yoke'7 Thou me to Thy ~ H~ l')iTl..f<!T ef<J;g'8 >i~ ;:t;397 B I H'
J~fcr99 R~T98 ufo tifu service'8. I contemplate" my God, ~Tui <Jal ?; fRHCJ~,99 <JT
l')iTl..f<! <JoT ~
H' -

tiU ufo tifu tlU Yea, I contemplate my God and ever fi::lHo~T <JT l')i'3 RBt~ <JT )){T5H ~ lil')ifHT 4 ~
tllf 100 tlTu€P utter 2 the Name 100 of the Lord 4 of 01H 100 ~, {f~Too ~O~T2 <JT I
~ - -
3tfOT"tlR4 II the universe 3.
~)-fa tlo 5 crTlj6 Thine slaves s , 0 Lord', meditate' on '3a at€S, ;J RT~l·1 ! 3'~T fRHCJo ~oe7 <Jo I f
3 8
9 Thee. Sublime', indeed, are they8. FiRe' <J08 {t<1 I ,!CJSTo 13 , ,!o<JTo, ,!o<JTo, f
........................................"' 4'••4'Vifi+'P.·.++ •••••• · ...

----------_.~_ .. _-_..
co '.................................... • ••••••••••••• ' ....

~]2 at!J3 tyfJ..,14 A sacrifice l3, sacrifice, sacrifice, sacri-

tyH tyfH tyf'H;:fiR J 5 II fice, am lS 114 unto l2 them lo•
(JfCJ ~H ~~]6 ~~ o Lord, Thou art the greatest of the ~ RTroS ! ~ ~ ~T UID{ f~l6,
~~ ~~ ~~17 RIS great 16, the highest of the high and f~F.f1W ~ lfaH MJt5 )jf~ ~~17 ~ I ~
ClCJfa f;:ri 9 ~q lofty 17. Whatever" Thou willest20, cj~ ~u18 ul ClCJ~ ~. fuu3r ~" ~ ri.
!3T~1R'20 II that" alone Thou doest. 5aT~20 ~ I

;:r021 oToCl lifH3 22 By the Guru's instruction24, slave21 axat -e ~U-ea24 ~)jfTCJT, ~~21 oTOCl ~ CWf- ,
... -
ul))ojT23 OlCJH3124 QQ25 Nanak has partaken23 of the Name- '!tIT'CJR 22 ~ UTn Cll3T23 ~ I I:f13TCJCillS, IiSTCJCl.
iro- U'O- tio- tin- -oJO =
Nectar22. Blessed2s , blessed, blessed, IiS'clCl, IiS'CJCl ~ ~26 un CJ!CJ-e~
· RTslR'26 1I~1I~1It:1I blessed and praiseworthy 26 is the Guru. 'ill I

OfTO~T HQ~ 8 II Kanra 4th Guru. ClT03' ~lft urf3B~l I

9;:r27 CJr}{ Hfo 2S CJTH II o my SOUi , meditate27 thou on thy
28 ~Hol f;:feale 28 ! ~ l)frui JIl)fl}fl H'B'OI' ~T
"f;:rR oU29 '0 al::f30 Lord Master who has no form 29 and fRHOn 27 ClO • ft:rJ:f ~ ciel RaU 2, ~ mo30
- = • u

~~H31 II sign30 and is the greatest of the O'<:W l)f3 ;1 ~-~Ilii ~ UCJH ~~31 ~ I
great 31 •
R3Aarf3 fH(232 9ij33 Whosoever has great 34 destiny3s writ rnR forA -e H~36 ~3 9TCJ1J4 l{'B'9t!35 ~l
· CJT)-{ II S~3. ~ ~ on his forehead 36 ; he dwells 33 on ~el~; ~<J Rf3Rar3 (')15 ~3l cj Ilirui
· 9 Tar 35 HcrH36 II ct U his Lord, associating 32 with the RTms ~ IliT'CJTQn Cl~,33 ~ I ofcrdrCt ,
CJQT~lI saints' society. Pause.
'ftJ3 farfu37 >-f~o3S The house 37 , the place 31, where ~<J QTH17 »{3 H(U531, ftra ual tft HfuwtO
(Jfi ~~39 ;:rTJl40 God's praise40 is sung39 , that house aT'fuo orl3l ili~V' ~i ~44 "QTH J¥.ftl)ji tft
f3q44 UJfCJ »f'O~ is filled with the joy of the j oys41. J¥.ft41 n T8 UCJ~CJn ~ weT ~ I R ~ ~
»f~41 gi.!42 CJ1'H So, ulter42 thou the Lord Master's W501' ~ nT~3 ~T ~WCJ042 ClO, ~ ~ !
CJTH CJTH II Name43 • 0 man.
, CJTH oTH 01045 arT~54 Singing44 the praise4s of the Name of ~~41 OjoT, R'-e CJ!CJt tft fmfH~7 3 1S,

mCJ trl3H 46 ~U-efR47 the beloved 46 Lord God, under the fUIliTi!46 \{~ \{HmJ -e (')1){ ~l 01'1031.45 m~
·arc ar~8 RfuarCJT - instruction47 of the great41 Guru. the ClOn ~I)jTCJT, ;:ft~ ~ IliT'CJT~'
't!l ~ lflJ3s0
g~49 ~~50 afo 51 -ua True Guru, one is- blessedso with iJ.~l ~ I reA ~. ~ ~ ! ~ lliTui ~'fu~S'.
mCJ oa (Ja ~t!52 peace4'. Therefore, 0 man, meditate52 ~TfuCJ!~. ~fm!r~, ~UCJ!~, ~rfuO!i. ~'fu~,
oTH CJTH CJT)-{53 II ct II thou on thy Lord Godsl Master. Yea, ~'fuCJ!~, RIliTUOI' ~fuar~53 ~ i'ilnS2 ClO I
the Lord God Master and the all
i pervading Lord God53 •
j J=[955 fRFlfc 56 1]1CJ57 0 my merciful
God, Thou -a Hi fi./\JCJS,(')SI ~'fuiJ1t ! ~ wass !lRras 'Q
.eee • ..•••. .•••••••••• • ...
[4281 ]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+ • • • • • • • • • • ~+ ~. . . . .

~ ~fo ~H' fOl'aU TC3 58 uphoidest S7 the who less worlds, and l)iTl1cJr fB"~S7 ~. l){3 '&~~ ~'2, ~. t. ~
· Ol'd3T59 R~60 ~62 ~ Thou'2, Yea, Thou and Thou alone, 0 J1r~"'.J1r~1·.J1T~1·' J1TfCJO)fT'O ~T fHo'HC!<.JICJ59
~ OTH 61 aT).{ arH II - Lord 61 I Lord, Lord art the CreatorS' ~. I
of all'o.
tto63 ()T'O~ Ra~ldl3164 Slave 63 Nanak seeks Thy refuge 64, 0 ajgr63 oToCl 3al \.t?)T<J'4g3BT~. 5 ~Tf<.Jil!~ !
B~65 qxaH3l66 5B 67 God. Bless 6s Thou him with the 3": ;€tR ?i mat
66 s~S "3 T ;l €t<.J
, -

· aTH' aTH' OTH 68 11:< II ::! II Guru's instruction", that he may I!l){TH1 J-I1"5Cl ~ oTH" BT fB"3?)'7 Cla I
til reflect'7 over the Lord Master's
a-T~H~W811 Kanra 4th Guru. 'OlT03T ~t:ll ttTf3Hr<.JT I
Rf3'qxa '~J1c~69 U0170 With utter eagerness7l , kiss" I the s;J1 BI<.JoT7 • orB, ~. l){TU<! R'~
WC 7l II feet70 of my True Guru. Uo70 ~HBI69 <.JT I
f'it~72 fHfC3 ufo Meeting with whom 72 ,
the Lord's fti~T72 oTB fi.f~ ;:rl){1OT. ~ BT HTo m74
1 73
tf Ua ~rc74 II path 74 becomes smooth73 • UUO T73 ;j W~ ~ I
~B75 ~a76 alJ77 tJF{78 I dwell upon7S the Lord" with 10ve77 ~. ~7' ~ fUl){y077 oTB fRHOBT7S <.JT l){3
· wa O1Tc79 II and drink the Lord's elixir78 in big l{~ ~ l){-fli378 ~ ore Ole ClCJa UT'Br79 UT I
wa '5 '5 fuij80 The love of God is writ8°in my brows", <.Jol t;!T iiH H-a H~81 Bll{TB3u f~B fBfl::fl){T
fcgC3J"c 119.1I~1I
81 destiny. Pause. ;jfel)f1'o ~ I of<.1OT~ I
l:R 82 Ol'aH 83 f&fa>}fT84 Some perform85 six82 kinds of rituals83 Cl~ 61 82 l{OllO ~ OlOHOfT~8J l){'3 'OloH 84 Clo~8S
Ol'fa 85 .~~ ~86 and deeds 84. The perfect persons88 , UO Uoo \.toH'8 l){f1il){1J1189 ~ tiiCIIl
c - ,
~ fSRW0 87 fl::rq88 seekers8' and yogis practise'o good u1 ~aa87 oB~9o Uo I Cil~ t=leTiic" ofd'-~

i!WfU0l'89 ii01ll'}{T Ol'fa90

• 'itc 'itc191 'itc 92 ;:rrc93 II

Ol'fa 94 ~cr95 '0 ~

many 86 ostentations87•
in natural form" and some wear
tresses92 and matted hair93 .
The God Lord's" union" is attained
Some remain Uo l){3 Cl~
<.Jo I
rncT92 ~

~R9S UTOo" Cloo ;:rl){loT,

at~ ;j~ ~'B'3 Ol::l~

<.101" flT~l· t!1

~Wd96 ~UH iiqx97 ufo not by wearing'4 garbs9s . Through fHBT\.t97 lfU3 ~ ~BT I l''fTU R01~ ni3
i uritnl 3 R3ROf3l4 the saint's societ y4 and the great'8 <i~98 OloT t!1 fRful){l S OTUr UOT fH8B1 3 ~ I
~ ~uBfR5 010 01098 Guru's teachingS, God is met3 with.
~ - -=-
: 8'3 'it'OT99 ltfg itfC3 100 The holymen" open100 widely the ~a 14oH" H~R ~ tJO~~2 ~ 1.!01 3C!T U~ 100
~ a-UTC2 119.11 door 2 of deliverance. fB~ UO ?
>'lfUOU0 6 F{>'lflHl Thou, 0 Lord, art the r~motest of ~, 5 .~ ! t.ra 3· \.toH ua' ~. l){3
:1 ,;{f37 ni01l~8- 3'
~~atffa9 of~>}f; fiC3 10
t'-Ei512 ~fa f~Ol fu&13
the remote'
unfathomable 8.
art fully
l){f31){37 <.J1 l){'E!'U'
~ <ft, 5
l{OT 3C!T
~. I ~ \.tr<!l10 l)i3 Uo31 12
f~l)fruor'~· I ~ crBH cr-5

it -
pervading' the water'·o and land l2 .
All l){t!31 l!l){THl HIBCl

--~---_._--_ .. _-----------_._..__.._---------------
., . ...
jf~or E~14 ~fa tl TC
II alone 13 , 0 unique One l4 Lord Master
hast Thou created the creation 15.
! 3 tiT~f~16 R~ fsfu l7 Thou, 0 Lord, knowest l6 all 3'=' ii RWH1
! RT o1t}{t tlCll31t}{t
'1 i> ;:P<!":HI6~"

~~Sf~18 )rPlJl9 11020 methods l7 and Thyself l9 l)i3 l)iTtI" <:11 <:1a Cll~ ~ HHSi::JT 18 ~"I <Jo
c5Toor a l.J9 utfc understandest 18 everything. In each f~O/R21 ftrH 22 n-ftra aTH 20 OTOq trT I!t}{TH1

utZ w.fc w~ utfc and every21 hcart 22 , shlve 20 Nanak's <:11 afHt}{T M~t}{T ~ I

~fa21 c
U[T 22 11:<11811 Lord is contained.
. 9.011
Ol'T0~T H0'8 T 8 II Kaura 4th Guru. or T(i;3T B~l tI f3fP<:11 I

~. tifU 23
H0 24
25mfst'26 o my souJ2\ meditate 23 thou the a Hol fi:re;31~24 ! ~ tlCll3 25 ~ H'Bor 16 rn3
~ 27)·fTq 28 II Master 26 oC the world 25 and the (J(i-~8327 ~ 1!';.fTHV 8 trT fRHo?>23 ora I
Lord 28 of wealth 27 .
~ 0'f0 29 0'fo >riOlH
30 Inaccessible 30and Inapprehensible 31 tIq~ 3" ua 30 l)i3 R~ flHS' 3' ~BCJT31 5 HoT
~ ».fdPq 31 II is my Lord Master 29 . I!l)iTHl H1Hor 29 I

~ Hf3 32
ClJoHf3 33
0'fa o my mind 32 , attain 35 thou unto thy <J H-a r! o 12 ! ~ a.rCJt ~ ~tI~F.l33 0'<:11' l)iTlIi

~ tI~34 Blij35 II '9'f0 36 God Lord 34 through the Guru's ~lfuOl~HI!t}{TH1 ~ l{'1I3 35 <J, for~'fq 3a 1-1-8 79 .

~j77 j f8B78 fB8 l U,9 II instruction 33 , for, thou hast7 7 such a
36predestined 78 writ on thy forehead 79 .
Amassing 82 the poisonous80 wealth 81 ,
~3 1{~36 t'1 fHCll <Je1 »fRl f~q3or'CJ78

of<:1oT~ I
577 I

~ facr 80 HTf~)}fl81 RfB 82 ;:I<:101H1 80 U?i-t?H38I f~cr3082 qO, ft'oRT O

-5l -
~ a~83 ftl3 84 faorTCJ 85 man thinks 84 of many83 evils85 . He 1:I~f3l)it83 1:Itrlt}{t85 R~eT84 5 I a~H RT~l)it

~ BlJ u~l>}f 0'fcr ~t!86 can obtain peace only by t'1 FlTn RCll3 87 l)i3 ~-~88 R1U 89 H'!'.j R.;;
~ R'3 Fr3 R0l31 87 fHfB contemplating 86 his God, meeting t (iTH fH~ a
l)iTtI~ ~Tf<JOl~ tr T lJ-!TCJ'(J(i86

Rf3C1lo CIlo 88 RTijS9 II with the saints, the saints' society87 oroo ~WCJT <:11 ~u l)iTCJTH tIT Rore T ~ i
-= - -
and the highly esteemed88 saintly89
True Guru.
f11~90 ~f0'91 l/ToR 92 Just as 90 iron dross 93 , touclling 91 the f;:rR 3~t91 HH1c c%<J T93 , I"l1HHq 'Jl:ra 9l ()T~
HQ093 ~E94 ~B095 philosopher's stone92 is transmuted 94 HCll 91 Ro l'5 <J ;:JTtJT94 ~ ~R 3a T91 <Jl feel
I "

f3Q96 Uf33 97 ti(I)98 into gold 95 , similarly96, a sinfuP7 tI1t.1197 y.oF.l 98 , Hf3R0l35 nieo Olaf ~ ~Ll~;:;2
fHfB 99 R0l31 5 BU IOO person98 , bkssed 99 with the Guru's ~ l{T1I3 99J seT:ar IOO <J tlte r6 ~ l)i3 )1,~()3
j?36 dloH312 BU 3 instruction 2 in the society of the Llf~r3CJ 8e tl f t'1 4 5 I

I ~JTq4 11911

. fti€? orTRc 7
j B~~ a~9 3cr~T10 f3~
. 4• • • • • • • 'Ji4;r;4>4>"J'~
RfCll S
saints 5, becomes 6 blotless 1oo and is
rendered 4 immaculate 3.
As with 8 a wooden boat1, a Jot OC9
iron even is ferried across lO , so are the
ftlR 3a t C?or;J7 ~1 ~1 (jrg8 1:I<J3 1' g<JT tITo
~30 tl~tJTIO~. ~R ~t <J1 ~3 ~f3~3
oli4>.ilI'.·'l'. .~.ifiil'~"'·
[4283 ]

sinners l3 ferried across by the saints, "t-i I3 , f~RTHI4 1){3 83 Rcp.J15

R-~ oro
saints' congregation and the great 13 , L1'8ClT 12 ~: liTO aCl ftf-~ <J(,) I

grand l4 and saintly'5 True Guru.

t3<J T ti'3 T16 1){3 i3<J T ;::]t Rlf5:rT~:17, f~tl' ~

and four Ashram's meets with the c1'2~ 18 'l't f~RTH23 oro (')T('ia ~<; ;:it i; fHH

- c: ~

Great 23 Guru Nanak. he not only (h:lT V; ~<J !:fe 19 30 llTe"o ;'t >ii3 I){Tl/ctI){T
",01,,," "1~1»1'" ~ .1 3'0 " "," ft I
his generations 21 as well.

Kanra 4th Guru. cl ' ('i3 T B~l lI'f3R T<Jl I

Oman, sing 26 thou the praise 25 of thy <J feiSl'Jf?i I ~ >J1TU~ ~Tf<Jar~, alCl3tHT(')
God, the Illustrious Lord 27 . l{'';!27 , t"1 Hf,JH,25 OT'f'2(')26 aCJ I t
Singing the Lord's praise, thine sins 28 R'f;J8 t='l 111133t clJTf'2('i aCl('i ~1){10T, 3ij '"
shaH be washed off'9. aRHB 28 1]3 ti'col 2' I ~
Through the Guru's teaching,,30 and ClJ.'3 T i'!l fi'l1::lH3 30 l;f3 ~lIel132 ClT<Jl, ~ l;fTl/i
instructions 32 , hear H thou, the Lord's ao T3I ('iTH RT'21· t='1 fR:G3 H RBTUF F!.~c3J
praise 34 with thine ears 31 • aCJ I
Thiswise, the Lord shall feR 39:;, l!'"r,lHl 3a ~3 fH<Jo8'('i36 <)35 •
mercifuP6 unto Thee. Pause. til~cW I EfJaT~ I

Thine saints 37 , 0 Lord, meditate 38 on 3a R3 37 , ;j lil;fTHT! f'2a H('i39 l;f3 f'2a

Thee, single mindedly39 and whole ft='B 40 c:;'H 3aT fI1HCJ('i3& aCJe <Jo I l;f3
heartedly40 and contemplating H the :t!Rl e 1:li=lT?)45, lil;fTHT H' Bq43, ~ (')TH t!T
Name of Lord Master 43 , the Treasure '}fTaT q?)H aCJ('i ~I){TCJT ~<J41 H3 42 l;fTCJTH46
of bliss 45 , those 41 saints 42 obtain
peace 46 .
Meeting with the sa.ints, the pious R3 T, l/f~'30 1.!ClRi 49 l;f3 ?v.§50 R~ l{HRCJ
persons 49 and the great 50 , God 51 like il/ 51 ClJ.Ci (')TH fHH a, {ju 30T fR~3 R5 TUF 27 ~
True Guru, they sing 48 Thine praises 47 , apfVi aa~ <Jo, <J lil){THl !
o Lord.
They, within whose mind 53 Thou fti~t -eJ>f3RaCJe 52 l't;"t='o i
~Rt!T ~~, iJ •
abidest, 0 lord, they55 obtain the RT'21' ! ~<J55 :l!8T53 -e H~54 ~ tJ.T1I3 <I-e
they cross 56 the <J('i I ~;J fCfl){T o a 57 RRTCJ Fll{t='CJ58 3~ liTo t

----------_._ .._-_..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., <M>- .

i nfg 58
$. ;:ITo 60 II
'3 ~aT359 ~fo terrible 57
world ocean58
alone are known 60
and they
to be the God's
\1 iiTP uo »f3
iiri iiT-e 60 uo I
&~8 ~u uT ~fua.rq, P R35 'l
saints '.
f30 61 R~r62 ~H63 To the service62 of those6lsaints,yoke 64 ~t'l
R3T ~T <:f<18 ~~62 >i~ , 3= ~~6]

p.) T fe 64
-;:JB ~ p.)Tf~ men Thou, 0 God, Yea, engage me, fu:J64, ;] <1oT ! \IT, ~
3=-. ~
\IaT I 3 ~
;] • ::::'

~ ;:Io65 OT(')or a Thou, 0 God. Thou, and Thou, &~8 3= \I'l. ;] ~'f<1CJJO!
- •
01565 OTO~ ~
. ~fo "3"3 3 3 "3 alone, 0 God, art the IlIustrious 66
(ilo3T~TO 1!»fTl-/1 ~. I

~-or~Ti66 ~ II~ 119~ Ii Lord" of slave65 Nanak.
OfT0 3 T H~W 4 tUq ~ Kanra 5th Guru.

.9 €i Rf"3qJo tI.RTf~ II There is but One God. By the true ~TfuO]~ &~8 f'eiil ~ I rf-\l OlOT ~1 \!f'e»fT
Guru's grace, is He obtained. ~l)fToT, ~ tJTf'ew Hi~r ~ I
OTTt!l~ a]c 67 68<fit.fTp.)69 Sing thou the praiscs 67 of God, the ~ R-Rro'8 P tl'Hc<1 IQ" »f3 of<11-13 70 -e
7°fS!11rf3fu71 II Cherisher" of the world 68 and the l:t1:r~71 ~fuaa e11)jT fR:63 t67 arrfcro oro I
Treasure7! of me rcy 70.
The destroyer73 of sorrow 72 and the tlS 72 \Iocuro 73 1>13 »fTOTH ii~I=R~JT074 uo
giver of peaceH is the True Guru, rf~ ~ ;:j"1, fii~T 0T8 fl-l8C' ~IOT75 ;:ij~
meeting75 with whom, one is wholly76 tlo1 3aT76 mm \1 we T77 ~ I Of\JOT~ I
5 U _

fulfiIled 77. Pause.

Contemplating78 the Lord's Name, I!»fTI-IT -e 0Tl-I ~T »floTU078 0100 ~»fTor. ~ i

man secures mind's mainstay7'. I-I~~ -e 1-10 ~ »fIR o T7' fl-l8 iite T ~ I
Through the Lord's Name, ml1lions 80 ~ -e O'H P ol\Ir, ~80 \I1 tlTtl11)jt 81 er
of sinners" are saved 84 inn an reor I:FJ?,2 f~B8] tlro ~3roT \1 Hi~I'" ~ I
instant 82•
!;:IT Of~ Blf385))f~ Whosoever heartily remembers 85 his ;:j &el 31 »fltr<! oItJ-e<: iil ~ feB~ tll~
~ arc ,;{l1OT II 3 T or{] bit 86 ora~T85~, ~ ~ 1!6~'7 f~B ~1 ~aT ~86 =
i ~88
Guru, he suffers not a of f'eor
~1 f38 86 sorrow even in dream87 .
88 3iilH1688 0<:)" \i~T I ~
'RUo II~II T87 - ~
j iJr ~89 R80JQ })flinT Whomsocver8' protects'O his True fH"R forR 8' ~1 ~1 ~R ~ Olo~~ aftfl)jl ora-e
oT"G-90 II R91 tiQ92 Guru, that 91 man'2 tastes'S God's uo; ~<191 f'eoRro'2 »fTl.!cl ;:it~94 olH <JOT !

~fo CJB~3
'BT~95 11:311

Cli! o'Ocl '![fa oilo1



with his tongue'4.

Nanak, the Gn" h.. taken

-e ni-fI-!.393 ~ B~t:.,,'5 ~ I

'f<!;il ~H'll.'~

;]0, il!a~."1 ~ i«1

+.++++++~.... •
.......++"'<!>++++++ "'.++.+"'-~-+~+++ .. + ++~++ +.++"'.++~+~!.,.. .

i Hf~l'}j'196 II ~8f397 pity96 on me and here 97 and here- fl_!<:Ia 96 01131 ~ l;j~ 80197 3 \{80198 f~~, Hal l
! UBf398 l::p:r99 ~;:rB 100 after 98 , my' face" has become bright 100. f~<:IaT" 'ICll::lC! 100 5 fOlW ~ I

9f~>}fT 11811 911

O1'To~T HuBT II II Kanra 5tl1 Guru. Cil'o:3T litl~l u Tf3>:fTJl I
l'l1TaTq~2 ~sf~ 0 my Lord 3, mcditate 2 I only on ;J H-a RiE'l3 ! H
a~ 3a T <:II fRHCl0 2

A'>}fTHTl>flf3 3 II Thee. 0101:" '1i I

: €1 e34 ~e35 8~36 Standing4, sittingS, sleeping6 and l::I8f3l;ji 4, 8 f<:lC.ft=J l;jTS, Ff-f3l;ji 6 l;j3 tlTOlft=Il}jT7
~ ;:{TOT37 A'TfA' FFfR' waking 7, with every breath8 of mine, l;jIUi: <:Ia R- YrPR 8 olH, H- l;jTUi ~rf<:la1a?i
-;;;;: =

! wH::r 8 ufa ;:rlf39 11911 contemplate9 I, my God. Pause. fRHat!19 '1T I ofJaT~ I

:3T~10 fJat!12 afA'B" God's Name abides within the a~H ~R ~IO Ho l2 Il-ft!a <:11 ~'fuCl!~ I:'T oTH
~ OT!:! II tiT a~ !3:l)'PHT mind l2 10
of 11im alone, whom the ~Rt!T ~, f;lR ~ R1fu8 ferR 1:'1 t! r 3 13 81;:1Rt!T
~01'Ti "tTo13 11911 Lord blesses with its gift l3 , ~I

3 T ~ fJa~ >}fT2V4
~~ Rtf3 15 II elaa
-. ~~16
~OTa UB(')Tf3 11:<11
RaEl l8 qB,19 821
t UocTl?>20 II oTH H3 22
~ ~
Peace ls abides l4
in his
alone, who meets l6 with his
through the Gur u's word 17.
He alone is versed in all l8 arts" and
is wise 20 whom the Guru blesses 21
a~<5 ~R <2

a~H ~<:I
fCl<2 l)j'ta '11 i~-BoI5 \{~HI4
;:j Ola T 1:'1 81~1'7 aTJ1' l;jTU<!

~ fHE lh:'116 ~ I
<:11 Rlfal;jT'8 '1oa Tl8 t:'T HI<:Ia 3
fRl)i,<!', 20 ~ ftlR ~ Cf!~ lil oTH t:'T Cf!aH~22 •

~ tiTOf~ OTfa -eTo 21 II -

... - - -
with the Name's sp..:lI22. 8~RB21 uo I
. It-
.,;t Says Nanak, I am ~ sacrifice 23 unto Cf!q, ;:11 l;jTl::IB <:10. H ~R26
~~ liic:'il 23 ~l;,'t!1
...~:aJ- him 26 , who in 24 this Darkage is
f af8 23 ti T@ II a8tiOT '1T, ftfR~; fC'R O1HBc[ l;j"t!a 24 \{-~ BoTH
* Hf~24 lfTf~lrIT25 fti-fo hlessed 25 with the Lord's Name.
t:'l I{IU3V 5 <lerl ~ I
t... ?)T~- II 811 :< II Kaura 5th Guru.
~ OfT(')~T HJ8 T l..l II
i qTaf327 t{9 aT dlT~28 0 my
tongue , sing
thou the <J Hal lil~129, ~ l;jIU<5 Rierl' I:'T ;:lR 27
~ Hal OR?)T29 II praise 27 of thy LOId, ol'fC'o,8 CIa I

i lrILI) q 30 ElTo31 qfo 0 my soul, many 30 a time 31 . make ii HoI ft:ft!;ll~ !>lt~01T30 ~IClVI ~ RTql;jT ~
t S"t032 R3?> ~ iJr 33 thou obeisance 32 unto the saints. \{~TH32 O1a I ~~T33 t:'l Ra13 aT<:Il <:11 ,:!li:;t37

1Boo34 cfrfcf-e 35 tiV 7 Through their)] association, the sire 37

l,r~3S -e :Ua H 3E fB3 l;j"t:'a fe01 ;:ITCa'i 36 I

! & CfR oT36 i 19.11 oJT€t i I Lord's3s fect 34 shall be enshrined 36 in ofutP~ I
thy mind. Pause.
t"" }}1f?>Of9Tf33~ afo 39 By]9 DO other means 38 thou l:aD find .
5a faRT ~1 3alf01l;jT]8 ~l;jTal39, ~Rl' 4..~

~ t}}1TCJ40 ?> 1..1"T~@ II

- - -
the Lord's door 40 . -e I:'Cl~o ~ 0<:11' UT R01-e I

t-----..- i1> OliW.~_.4>'1i • • '1i iJo 'li"''t''''''''''''' '''''''''''';p +.+

, .

~~-------_._ .. _-_..
i:jf~ f~llT~41 3 42 ~fa When God becomes merciful"', 11t! ~Tfua.!iL f~al:jTo" <ItT~, a~Ei 3t.. 2
~fa43 fUl)f~~44 11911 then" 2 alone can thou contemplate.... <:rT ~FW y.~ -e oTH.. 3 t T fi::n-lao "Cro ROl~ <J I
the Lord's Name 43 •
~fC45 OloH 46 qf0 47 Th~ body"8 is purified'" not by
~~48 0 Rt::p49 II performing"7 a myriad"s rituals"6.
~RTURorf3 Hf~50 H"Q In so the society of the saints alone this
~ UaaQT51 II ~ II mind is awakened s'.
· f3H052 0 ~S'153 ~~54 Desire s2 is stilled s3 not, by enjoying l)f?)Olt S" AR Ta1 s6 aOl aF.iTlJi tSS Woe ~l)fTaT
ij-m55 HTf~~56 II - various S4
wordlyS6 pleasuresss. Wf<:r8'S2 of~a3S3 o<:rl <:J.t1 I
oT>:I E3 57 Ro~58 gl::f By uttering S7 the Name, all s8 the o'H t T ~BTaoS7 010(, ~l)fTar, R'-a !!Cf lJi'a'H
tITf~ t)iT II =3 II comforts are obtained. y.'l.l'3 <J ttt-e <:rH I
UTCJ~~H59 ;:[~60 gE Says Nanak, when60 the TramcendentS' O!~ tt1l)fTl:l'~ <:ro, ttt 60 l..IaH y.~s, tfC!lJiT~T(,61
t~f~~T861 II q~ 'OTOq Lord becomes merciful61 , then 62 <J ;:IttT~, &~Ei 3t62 <:r1 fC!oFlTO tT ARra1
3€762 63
iiZ iI~4 II alone one is rid 63 of the worldly ~HfEilJit6" 3~ }fEirFl163 ~tT ~ I
- = entanglements6".
crTo~T H~J8T 4 II Kanra 5th Guru. O1To;3T tftt~r l..ITf38'T<J1 I
~FJ165 HT0]66 aTf~e67 o my mind, pray to thy Lord 67 for <:r 1-/0 Ho! ~ ~<J ii<:r1l)ft6S t!T3T66 ~!'..'::
such boons"; the service68 of the
3 II c~B68 'R30 69 oft ~67 l..ITR~ 1-/"01; FlTql)ft69 t!T cf<JF.i R~r68 l)f3

ROT 70 RTQ74 OlT ~fa saints6' and the society70 of the l..IR3a l.!a8't 74 tl R0I3 70 I ~f<JtIN -e oTH ~
- =
nTHT ;:[f1l71 \IoH 720T373 11 pious persons • It is through the
fRHCJ0 71 aT<:rr <:r1 3~ ~To72 li013173 t1 t T3
9I1o~l~il T.leditation71 on the God's Name that lf1..l3 ;j~OlT I of<:raT~ :
thou shalt be blessed with supreme 72
salvation73 • Pause.

l;{;:rr75 BOO T76 OT~O Seek thou thy Lord's refuge17 and ~ y.~ t1 1..I0T<]77 ~ l)f3 ~R ~ 1l0i 76 ~
worship7s His feet 76 •
· Ro or 77 II l;{;:I I
m:T C!R~78 ;:!79 l{9 Deem thou jO)'78 in whatever79 ftt<J;3T '!S79 91 3a T 4,,:/1:;1 80 y.~ O1at T ~ ~
;:tl~80 qOOT 119'I thy Reverend 80 Lord does. ~R f~B <:r1 :l!8'178 HOT I

RG'B81 ~3 f~~ This priceless82 body83 of him fttFl ~38" li'-;j a.!a~~ ttT l',fTUc1 afJH3 8S
t!o'8"~8Z ~v183 II becomes fruitful 81 , unto whom8" the qTCJ~86 <]0, ~FI t T fC!<J l)fHEi0l 82 Flo1a83
ii -
· ;:[T q€[84 Rf3qJq True Guru showen;86 his EiT3tTre0l8 I ;j ~itT ~ I

Hfel)fT85 0l~186 II ~ II benediction8s .

l)ffOTl)fTo87 9ol:!88 The abode 90 of ignorance 87 , doubt 88 €rRHs1 87 , R-e<]88 l)f3 30lB1:G t T ~TI1T90 ~FI
fSoR ~l::f ~OT90 " ;:[T and pain is destroyed 89 from within y'TcT -e t}j"i2"-a~ ~fOllJiT ttTt',89~, f;:IR -e ).R)91

~ fu"€,91 aRf~92 0]0 the mortal, within whose mind91 the

OOT9; 11:311 Guru's feet 93 are enshrined 92.
Rn:nlfar fJfaT94 Whosoever, associating with the il ~1, R8~0T3 oT(? 13:';3, l){Tl/i ~ ~
fU))fTf~95 II saints, contemplates9s his Lord with fUl)fTa'4 oT(? fRHo~r8S~; O.!~;:il >liT1:f-e <:10,
oTocr f3f0 96 love 94 ; says Nanak, he attains unto ~96 1.!00 ':{a~97 ~ l{T1H ;j ~ ~ I

trfu))fT 11811811 the Perfect One 97 .

orTo~T H~W 4 II Kanra 5th Guru. qTo';3T 1.i'ii?r l..P8R T<:IT I
. g01f-a48 gCll-ao99 ~ The Lord's devotion98 becometh lOO lil){THT tiT >li('f01CJ!98 ~~l? ~R ~ l){('folorll)fi"
afo »{~J100 Ii - only His devotees 99 . ~ <:11 F.i~tlTIOO ~ I
-ao 2 Ho 3 O1B"3 4 "9E ~t tiT RO}02 3 fB 3] l{~s OT(?6 >li~tl4;j~

Their body2 and mind 3 are blended 4

(5TC;!OS fR~6 »{Tlf07 with 6 the Lords and He, of Himself. ;j~ <:10 l){3 {1<J
<:IT €?ot
- u
l){Tl..li7 oTl?
ETE fHgT~ 11911 unites them with Himself7. Pause. fHl?T ~·tlT ~ I Of<JOT~ I

CllT~o ~To18 O1T~9 The singer8 sings 9 the Lord's song lO , aP~ ~Tl?18 ll.~ -e OfT~IO or'~tl19 ~, t[-~ E
011310 II 3 12 ~~13 but she l2 alone is saved '3, who ~~l? ~<:II z <:11 U'cJ ~o:elI3~, il Rt~· ~
SFt14 f;::KJ B13 15 11911 enshrines 14 the Lord within her l){Tui fa-e 's f~B fcqr~Bt14 ~ ?
mind lS .
.... .... 16 The man who lays the table 18, sees l6 ~T BT ~ -e~18 ~T(?T ~Ti ~ ~~tlTI6 ~, ti~
tffiRo~18 II the fare l7, but sated 21 is he alone 20 OH~T2 ~~ ~<J20 <:1T ~ ill.{RTtI ~ ~01tJT19
~;:rQI9 crTes who partakes 21 of the food. ~I
f-aU3ra 21 11:< II
»{foor22 Ri0123 crT~24 The disguiser 25 assumes 24 various 22 a~U11){12S l){&ilt22 ~R23 QT(JtJT24 ~, l{~ it;j
~C(25 uTol " II ~R26 garbs 2], but as 26 he really is 27 , S028 is it<JT26 ~ l){Rl? Rtl ~27, €;ra ~ ~ ~;j
RT27 3R f~RcTOT29 II he ultimately seen 29 . it<:lT28 <:11 ftlR lltl T29 ~ I
., cr~030 or~031 ROTH To utter]O and shout]1 are all ~BrtroT]O 3 ':{01'cJo T]I ~;:rrl?32 <:IT <:10 I
;:r;:rT0 32 II involvements 32 •
oToor t TlJ33 R'1 0 slave]] Nanak, sublime]S is only the -a \fis]] oTo01 ! ~F.Ic3S ~ ~~l? RtlT ;:il~o
cro~J34 RT035 11811411 True way of life 34 • CJ'ICJT31 34 I
orTo~T ~W 4 II Kanra 5th Guru. O1To';3T 1.i'ti~r ltTf3F.1'OTI
. 3'6 ;:rQ36 ~fo ;:rlJ37 Hearing Thy praise 37 , 0 God, Thy 301 ~l/HTJ7 A..~ 0100 ~l){'cJT, -a ~Tf<:la.It! !
B03 ~~·{Tf~38 11911 slave 36 is greatly enthused 38 . Pause. 30T 018T36 trcJH l{Ro ~ furl)fl38 ~ I of<:lcjT~ !
o~T@1I ~

L~.,:::.::. :::~~:::::.:::::.~:~~:.~::.:.::::.:~:~:~j
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .'M_ _•• _
".. . .*.lI. . . . . .• • • • •..• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·
is illumined 3'.Wherever"2 I see; farl)fT ~ I ft:tlj fCi342 91 ~. ~t:reT <JT, ~q ~<J
there He the lord is 43 . 1!l)fTH1 <Jl ~43 I

Thou, 0 lord, art the Remotest of ~ <J t[i ! uiJ~ l.lij~4S, RTful)ft44
3· UOH
the remote4S , the Highest 46 of a1144 , 48
orB· age", tUST47, I){ftm 1){3 ~l~' 3' I
Profound 47 , Immovable48 and
Unfathomable 4' .
. ~f350 tif3 51 fHf'5~ Liky warpso and WOOpSl, Thou art 3'<!SO 1){3 l]zs, el wc5P "3
, K
I){" ~

gCJf3052 or€t tlo53 united with Thine devotees s2 and l){i1o TaThf TS2 oTH fHf8l)fT ijf~I)fT~· 1){3 I){TU<!
fR@54 u(r~,56 for S4 Thine slaves s3 , Thou hast o'iml)fTS3 ~ B"~S4 ~ I){TU<! ftJ<Ja -"3. \.SetS,
B rfo§55 11:311 r(:moved ss the veil s6 off Thy face. B"'<J ~fc1){TS5 ~ I

~ ora t.n:'rf-e57 O1T~ By tJJe Guru's grace S7 , Nanak sings aIOTe1 ef~l)fT57 ~l)floT, OTOq ~I){TH1 ~11)fT ~
aT~58 ?>ToOf Rotl59 the Lord's praisess8 and remains f~3T58 OJTf~o Ciot" ~ 1){3 l)f~B"3TS9 ~l

~}jTft160 RHTfu~61 II merged" in the trancc 60 of 60

RH Tt11 llieo B"10 5f~I)fT ofde r61 ~ I
OI'To~T H(J5T 4 II Kanra 5th Guru. Ci T05 T li~l· uTf3RT<:ft I ~

.hro62 Uf063 »{rfu64 I have come t063 the saints62 , to I){TU<! I){ Tu'4 e T uro ~3ToT6S Ciao 8~l W i"
~q'Oo65 »fTfu§ 11911 save 6S myself64 . Pause. RTQI){Tu &B" I){Tf~I){r'J <JT I OfuOT~ I
= -

-eaRo66 ~C367 \i3 Seeing67 their vision66 I am rendered fl~T e' e1eTo" ~l:f67 ~. UT~O uf;f3~68 ij J
uo13,68 ofo ofo immaculate 68and they have implanted 70 fOJI){T <JT 1){3 ~~t ?) H-a l){"eCf I!I){TH1 ~rf<JCJl~ i
. ;[369 fe~Tf~§70 11911
.. ...
the Lord God's Name" within e T OTH" tlCiT Cia fe3 T70 ~ I I
Partaking" the cure alI7 s of the Lord's R'~l ~ OTH74 el »jRm7S t:r T76 , Holl)fT
Name 74 , I am rid 71 of the diseases72 a1I-(Ta11){t72 ~ 5 ar~11)fT71 <J«; 1){3 Ha' I-fclI){T ,.
and my mind is sanctified 7J • IJf;f3CJ ij7J furl)fT ~ I
My mind has become" stable77 and HOT Ho ij fOJl)fT78 ~ 1){3 I){ToTH ~
Rfao 77
abides in the abode 79 of peace and RCi~7f lli'eCf ~Re' ~ l)f3 <Ie li580 & <Jo
now goes82 not anywhere 81 else fqqij81 ovl ;:rie T82 I

• R3 tls:rrfu 83 3"ij84
By the saints' grace 84, all 8s the men 86 RT~I){T tft ef~»f'8J ~I)fT(F, RTij8S fe'oFPi'i"
07585 HdT,86 oToOl' are emancipated84 and then they do UTa ~3CJ ;:rt~84 <Jo 1){3 f60 ~<J ~~ & l~
f~tJ'387 0 H're§88 II not get involved 87 in mammon88 , 0 I-(Tf~I)fT88 l)f"ea o<Jl 6R~87. <J oToCi !
. 811911 Nanak. t~
J CP(I);P H~J5' 4 II Kanra 5th Guru. Ci'05 T tj'tJ~l u Tf3B T<J1 I ." i
1=.~a:: ...:;..:::...:~:;.:::~:: ..::.:::e..::~::...::=~.:~:.::~::.:~..~~.:..?J
..,. lR!I! ~, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ."'*~~~'t

3 Tf391 tr aT~192 II tt'a unto the society of the saints, I have 5'0('),92 (';'8 C!1C11::11" ClClol' <J~' <J1 90 ~ 5 89
3 RTqFraTf3 Hf~93 altogether90 forgotten89 to be jealous" dTer ~ I ofiJal~ I
• tfT~11191Io~~1I of others92 . Pause.
OT ~ aa1 94 nul No one now is my enemy94, nor is <[<! &C!T mHaT ~iJHo94 o<JT·. OT <JT <k1
faaT To T9S RaTH RfaT anyone a stranger95 to me and I am H~ 1./oTfc!l){r 95 8am r ~ 1){3 H' R'fal)fT BT
~H Ol~ afo ~196 1\ the friend" of all. 96
fH30 <J' I
· 911
· ij97 1.{~ oft~ H9S g899 Whatever" the Lord does, that98 I f~iJ::1T '!&:' 91" !!))iTHT OlaBT ~, ~A9B ~ H'
HTfo€?100 ~~ 2BHf3 3 deem lOO as good". This sublime2 'Bop" Olaa W<!t!TIOO <JT I fc!;:J JlRc RH~3 2

tfT~ II ~II wisdom J I have obtained from the H~ R~ <m' I.{T1./3 5C!l ~
Rg Hfu of~4 ofu))fT Amongst aU,
the One Lord is RTfo))lT ))(Ba, fC!& 1!))Il).jl f~I){T1./Ol 5 fa<Jy4 ~,
· U3 ~~ ijfCfs Df~ pervading4; seeing5 and beholding' ~ ~ ~s ))f3 30l' a, 0'00l trcJH \{Ro ;j
... -
oroOl faaT~17 II~II Him, Nanak is greatly pleased7• fdTl)fT7 ~ I

QlTO;P H~C5T 4 II Kanra 5th Guru. 0fT0'3l ti~l' 1./Tf3J:rl<JT I
· OT~o8 itl~9 q~ My sire9 Master8, Thou alone art my Ha H\JlCJl~9 W-SQf8, a~ ~ <Jl HOT lli TRa 110
tI'OoTI0 II support lO • ~I
HTQ: l 2 H~:l13 3Hra Thou alone art my honour l2 and ~ ~ 'iJT Hat rei.l3 ))f3 \{931 IJ
- ... l)fTsq,12

t?trfo 3l-fo1 §C14 glorylJ. Thy support l4 and Thine ~' I a~ 30 T<Jl )){TROT I4 ))13 301 <JT Rao ls
3>-rTtJl -RaoT1S 11911 refuge 15 alone seek I, 0 my Lord. WB;reT <JT, iJ ~ I!lliTHlI of<J~ I
iij~@11 Pause.
41 ~>-£o1
l')fTR I6 96W17 Thou art my hope" and Thou my ~ <Jl Hal ~B"~' ))13 ~ <Jl HoT C!lHTo '7
3HoT 3HoT oT}-f faith 17. I obtain 19 and enshrine20 Thy ~. I 3~ oTH ~ <JT H' 8'B,19 ))f3 lliT1.r~ H(')18
fu~18 g19- tTooT20 II - Name in my mind l8• f~\3 fc.iill~B,20 ut I
· 3H-a aH 21 3H RfaT22 My power21 flows from Thee and in HoT R~T21 3a 3' <Jl o~ <1Bl ~))f3 3aT
j R~523 -~ ij24 ~2S Thine association22 am I embellished2J• RdT3 22 ~Ba <JT H' ml9323 iiBT <J' I fi1<J3T
i ~~ tiEl26 0l0()T27 II Whatever 24 Thou biddest25 , that 0l&=24 3 l)fll::SBT25~. ~ ~26 <JT H' OloBl27
- = ,-
1911 alone 26 do27 I, 0 my Lord. <JT, -a Ha RtC!'t !
i ~Hal ~f~}){T28 Hre}){T29 Through Thine grace 28 and mercy29, 301 af<JH3 28 ))f3 fH<JOZ6 O'<Jl', H~ Y,R031 JO
; ~~ tr~~31 ~~32 am I blessed JI with bliss30, 0 Lord.

'{1tr3J1 <1B1~, iJ I!l)fTHT ! ~B ~ fH<JatJ10 33
.. ~Utp)33 3 34 3Sg @;:rC536 When thou art 32 compa,ssionate 33 ciBTu ~\ 3B34 <Jl f9l)f'00l35 RRlO Rl{Bo 36
300'37 II -- then J4 d0 37 I cross the dreadful 35 3' HaT 1./10 ~310137 ciB1 ~ ?
world ocean 36•

. . . . . . . .++ .

~38 BTQ39 oTl:! ~fo Placing41 his head 40 on the feet 42 of l){Tui R1R 40 ~ R'tr»jt ~ Qo r42 3 fcorT~1
urfer€? fRq40 ~o€?41 the saints, Nanak has obtained the tl»fTOT, oTOOl ~ foo~3T38 UtI ~~TQ
oToor R3 ~OOT42 II gift 39 of fearlessness 38 through the !!l){TH1 ~ oTH t'1 t'T3 l9 Rt'orT tLTU3 or13! 3I
~lItll Lord's Name.
orTo;3'T H~gt 4 II Kanra 5th Guru. Q~T u"iJ~l tJTf3R T<J1 I

11 FfTU Rof0 43 B0044 Repairing to the saints' refuge 4], I R3T ~ 3 S43 l){~ tl»jTQr, H· l){Tui H0 45
i f~q45 H Tfer l')p46 II have attuned 46 my mind 45 to the ~ tL~ ~ liClT44 oT"5 ii3 f5»jr4 6 3 I

Lord's feet 44 .
RU0 52 01'1 a T3 47 FJo1 48
49 RUOT oTl-f }.f3~o
When the true Guru enshrined 51 the
spe1l50 of the Name within me, then
iJt' R-~ Olot ~ I:{-a l){eo oTH t'T iJr~50 feCiT
fB3 T51 3B H· fiJR 30 T for H· Rf~»jT
, f
~ - ~
l,.I _

~ R801~ ftL~Tfer>}{T51 II did I see 4" as I had heard 48, that the 5f'e"»jT48 Rl RRT O ~ f'e"or 1j6~, a~5 f'e"qr
~ ctllo~T~1I world is but a thing"7 of a dream52 , !!6~52 t'1 -e1i.J 47 ~1 ~l:i rn~9 I Of<JOT~ I

j?W f3tr~53 ortlS<

yea, only a dream. Pause.
Man is satiated53 not with power54, f'e"owo tJTf3Rru1 54, ii'l{T0155 l){3 ~5356 ()T5
J;lElf055~uf056 ~rQfa57 youth 55 and wealth 56 and runs 59 tliJt' T53 0~1· l){3 H~ -
H~ ~57 €tot HOl0 58
- - u

~fO fGfo58 after58 them again and again57 ; T59
iilt' 3 I
1JTfer>}{T59 II
J2l361 urfer>}{T f~RoT60 Singing66 the Lord's praises65 , I have ~ t'1l){t fmst 65 arTf'e"o" Cio?> ~»jTOT H·
Rg asl62 ~ RTf3 63 obtained peace6l , gathered 64 l){TQTH61 lJT rnl){T ~ I H~ i~-Bo6l tLTU3'4
~ ~164- 01'065 ijJTfer>}{T66 11 tranquility63 and my desire 60 is wholIy <J orel 3 l){3 l:{e1 ):f1f<JR60 u01 30 t of¥03
"' u

clil stilled62 • ci ar'e"1 62 3I

facs E1S68 trR69 oft Without true understanding 68 , the J.i~1 R)iS68 ~ ~ilTe, tLT~1 ~aro99
t'1 HTit'70
fo~~70 gfl-f7i Hf~72 mortal is like 70 the beast69 and he is 3 T71
l){3 ~~ R~<J71, RRTQ1 HH3 3 uo ~5374
fEl».(Tftr§73 Hrfer~T74 II engrossed" in doubt7', worldly 10ve72 >lit'e cHB cif'e"I){T <Jf'e"»jT71 ~ I
and wealth74 •
RT1JFrfcrr tlH 75 it~tJ176 m3Rar3 oT5 ii~o tl»jTQT, H3 t'1 75 6 T<J1 76
Associating with the saints' society,
orTcl77 o'Oor R~f;:J78 76
death's75 noose is cut77 and one ci<l i1 t el 77 3 l){3 f'e"oRTo llirU<§ 'It>fTH1 71
RHrfer>}{T79 II ~ 119. 0 II merges79 in his Lord 78 , 0 Nanak. >lit'o 510 <J i1t~:79 ~, ;J oroor ! ~
qr~TH~W 4 II Kanra 5th Guru. CiTo~T u"iJ~l u Tf3R'<J1 I ~
mo '& Ban80 f~o-e81 Within thy mind 81 , sing 92 thou the l){TtR! fo~81 l){"t'o ~, l){Tui tL-~ ~ Qo i 80 e1 lao
arrfu82 II praise of Lord's feet 83 , 0 man. Hf<:lHT ar Tf'e"082 CiC!, ;J ~~ ! ~

R13F.) T83 13l:f84 Rtf3 85 Ever88 pondering87 , reflectingand ~R184 lli3 l){roTH B085 ~ R~U86 ~Tf<Jar~ ~1 i
Hof3 86 fRHfo 87 fRHfa meditating on God, the Embodiment86 Rt'1 88 <:11 fB30 87 , fq»j'o l){3 lli'CJroo oroo

1429 1]

f0388 of bliss84 and peace8S , thou shalt be ~~::r·~·~·:·:;:~:;~:;u::;~J

. cmr(jll
RaJ5 »iTR'89
comforted 83 . Pause.
Thiswise all thy hopes 89 shall be ful- ~ 3~·3~"; 11>1";,, 'L.1.... ;; ~ ..;oo
l]do90 "&fc91 filIed 90 and thou shall be rid of81 the ~3 it ~3t91 il?iHT ~T~t liRTS3j83 3~ J:IglRT
~93 Wf~94 II agonies 93 of myriads" of births. lJT ;:r' ~ 'OIr94 ?
Ji9S B'r'096 »i~er97 To merge 100 in the saints' society is Rf3F!0I3 lJieo BTo ~~TIOO, ~or3t9S 3 ~r3T96

'ferfo»{T98 RTll FrfaT far better than giving of alms9s , -ec ~3 ~?)at97 ~ar CiOH 98 aoo OT~
R)fff~lOO II charit y96
or doing various97 other ~T ~3H iJ I

good deeds 98 .
3TtP R3TU3 fH~4 Thiswise man's sufferings 2 and f~R 3~t a-e ~ ~l::I~2 })f3 ~a~~3 liOl ;:rt~4
j 'Or'Oer ar~f~5 OfT56 3
sorrows are ended4, 0 Nanak and uO, <1 oloa ~ ~ ~3' (jR ~ li~S a <Sll7
: '0 l::(Tf~7 11~1I9 911 - death6 devours 7 him not againS, oul ClOeTI
! erTo~T H~8T II u.rg :3 Kanra 5th Guru, alo~T l.ii=i~l uTf3FPuT I

!: 9 B"/"FIGaro URTf-e II There is but One God. By the True ~Tf(Jd!~ &~C? f~Ol ~ I R~'~ Olo t t1 tf~})fT
" ....
Guru's grace is He attair.ed. ~ })flol ~u ulf~})fl ilter ;J I i
QEll»i8 R3Rfar l{9 Let us utter8 the Lord's gnosis 9 in the ~T~ })fIUt Rf3R0I3 })f"tro lft ~ ~(JH ~1~lo9 ~
fQ1"»fT09 II saints' congregation. e T ?CJCiC8 aoT~ I

.' UCJ'OlO UCJH 12 ,:jf3 13

fR'H03 15
Meditating lS on
supreme1y l2
Omnipresent 'O
Luminous l3
3 H<1 To I2
l{ala~Tnl3 l{H l{~14

e })fT(JIUo Clon ~})fToT f~nwn~· l{93T 17 •

~»i16 HT'Q17 11911 Transcendent Lord l 4, one is blessed 16 lfU3 16 <leT ~ I OfuOT~ 1
o~~11 with glory'7. Pause.
! »iT~18 W3 19 0~20 Contemplating n the Lord in
the Rf3ROT3 »f~o l!})fTHT ~T fffif00 23 aoo
! R.,.H21 cTR22 fRHCJ3 23 society of the saints, man's comings '8 ~">iTor, -e »f1~<!18 3 ;:rr<!19 lia ;::rt~20

. ~ FifaT II and goings 19 are ended 20 and his UO ~3 €tR -e ~lffl21 ~T ~o22 l:lT ~~ un I IS-
sufferings 21 are effaced 32 , as well.
uf3324 Uo13 2S ~fu Imbued with the love 29 of the UoH l{~28 ~T yJ3 oTe; ijorl;::r~ ~})fToT, rea ~
fl::(o26 913f0 27 Transcendent Lord 28 , the sinners 24 are l:!u3 26 f~o27 uT llTl.J124 llf~30 ~ ;:rT~2S uol
. tfTOa~JH28 ~ afor 29 11911 sanctified 2S in 27 an instant 26 . _
;l30 "',:j er-a 31 lj~32 Whosoever 30 utters 31 and hears 32 the ~ ~~l ~Vo 1.1"! e T ;:fR u ~ooc31 ~ 'i~32
(J'fo erl03'Q33 3 Toit34 Lord's praise 33 ; his 34 evil 3S-naturi36 Clot';J; ~R34 el H"tVS ~T~OT36 fHe ;:rTtT37
35B'CJHf336 oTR'37 I' is wiped Off 37 and all his wishes 38 are {t ~3 ~R ~l})ft Rloll)jt J:f1f<1a t28 lion ~
i1 R'oT5 l-f?50l:f 38 UI~39 fulfilled 39 and ~opes flower into ;:rTtl})ft3 9 uO ))13 ~Hti41 ao })fT€i.~t~})ft411

'OT'Oer Uo'040 ~~ fruition , 0 Nanak. <10, <1 oToOl ! .

l>fTll"1 Ilill'lll '1=<11 ........ ++.~_


.. '1

r-;~~~·:;;:::·········"··~::::::::·U::~·········· ::::~:~;::~~ ¢ , 0'

JATURdlf3 fofu 42 In the saints' society, one is blessed Rf:iirdT3 ))feo, f~OR'o ~ l.r~ ~ nTH ~
I ~fa ~ oTH II with the treasure42 0f the Lord's Name. :tfi.Ir~42 el e'3 fHH€1 ~ I

~ Rfar 43 R~~144 ;:ft»i45 The Lord's Name is the mortal's tI.~ e T nTH tI.'Cl e' RTQl 43 ))f3 RiJ'f~14 ~
4s 46
~ Cill)-f46 119ilo~T~1I companion43 and helper 44 and is help- ))f3 ~R el ftie31 B~l C!!<!Cl'01 ~ I
ful 46 for his soul 4s . Pause. Of<JOT~ I
R3 -a<5 fofa47 48 }-aJ"Q49 Whosoever bathes4~ ever 48 in
the ;:l &~l ~1 'JHRT48 Rlt[l)fl
= ~ tSal e1. t[3

~ II ;:Jo)-f ;:Jo)-f50 a 47
dust of the saints' feet, he washes l)fea oiJT~'eT49~; ~iJ ))fTui ))f~Clt ilnW sO
fOlBfcnl H ~~~2 11911 off52 the sinssl of myraids of births so . ~ urut SI ~ Ii I!ce,S2 ~ I

i R3 t10,53 Cill @B1 54 Sublimes4 is the holy word ss of the 'iac S4 ~ ClH'H sS R't[ R~U ':!aRySJ e T ftiR er
! ClTo1~5 II fRHfo 56 saintly personsS3 , remembering s, and f~3Cis, l)f"3 l)fTO'O?> Clao ~l)fTaT, G'T01
!fAHfo 3B 57 'OToor contemplating which, the mortalss8 are ae S8 UfO ~30 ;:Ji~S7 '10, ;) o'CiQ !

. tl...To1 58 1I~11~1I9SI1 ferried s7 across, 0 Nanak.

orTO~T )-f~W 4 II Kanra 5th Guru. Cl'03T u'tfi7l U'BRTiJl I :
ATlJ ~fo ~59 OTo60 0 saints, sing61 ye the Lord God'ss9 5 ll~! ?Rl Rl~l iJo1 ell)fi fm8t6O
s9 !
arTr~61 II - praises60. 61
(lJTren Cif(j I
. HT062 3(i63 U"Q64 Our mind 62 , body6J, wealth 64 and RT~T Ho 62 , ROlan €8~ ))f"3 ftie-;::po's
~ l£.r o b5 \{g.a fRHo3 66 vital breath6S all belong to the Lord, R~ '11 I!l)fTHl e1 HBCll))i3 <Jn, fuR e T
! ~~67 ;:JTf~68 11911 contemplating66 whom, we are rid 68 l)fTaTQn Clon ~))fTaT" ~l:i3,67 ~o <J ;:JT~8 i
a~T~11 of our distress' 7. Pause. ~ I ofiJa~ I .

I ~1369 @370
: ~gT~fu72=~0l76 fR~7J
~HQ74 (gTfE7s 1/911
07~71 Why71 art thou entangled 72 in this"
and that 70, 0 man 7 Attune 7s thou,
thy mind 74 to 73 the One Lord 76 •
~ ~69 l)f3

<Jf~l)f,72~. •
~R70 lIiea
5 ae ? 3= llflU<!

ii• fuCl

1!l)f'Hl" n l H 7) ;:l37S I
H~76* tlf~377 R3 Supremely7o* immaculate71 is the 1I0H7.* ur~n uo13 -
~ R't[))fl e T ))fRQT078 , .
»iTffi)78 fHf5'" Rfar 79 saints' seat78 • Meeting with79 them, ~~l oTH79 fH8 ~ ~ f'lRc1 80 ~ 1!))f'Hl81 e l
! 80aTfa~81 fU»iTf~82 1/ meditate82 thou on the Lord 81 of the fRlfOn 82 CilO I

Rdl'B" f3»fTfar 8J RCJfo 84

))ofTf~§" oT()Ol
fi.f5TfE85 IISIISII98"-
07ro;p H~5T 4 II
universe8o •
Abandoning 83 everything, Nanak has
sought Thy protection84,
Merge Thou him in Thyself.
0 Lord.

Kanra 5th Guru.

R'fol)jl ~ i!~83 ~, nToCl ~ 301 Uo'iJ 84 H~,
5 Oli!o ! ~
~R ~ ))fTui ))f°eo Bl~8s CilO

CifT(')3T u~~l u Tf3R'Vl I


ilf1ll6 iJf~ fSOTR'@87

R"ilO88 Ug ))fT~89
and beholding God,
remain I in bloom •
my l)fTU<! fH~88. ~'f<JC!!~ ~ ~~86, ~~
f~ afti'~T <JT I
H- f~~87
foa~u I


l)f~T91 . g\::f92 ffiJ;:J93 He is the embodiment94 of bliss9l , ~ ~R191, l)i1'B1).{92 >1-f3 l)f~E3T9J tiT R~u'4
. ).fa894 f3R 95 »iT0 96 peace92 and poiseu , Like97 Him9s ~ I (JR 9S ~aQlT97 cia" ~~ o<Jl I
~ ~tf397-11911 there is not another",
fRHa~8 f~Ol ~Ta99 Contemplating98 the Lord God4 even ~~ fuor tI~99 <J1 Ri~l <Ja1 4 tiT l)fTaTQ098
CJfo illa fHfc 4
-&fc 2 but once", millions 2 of sins3 are orao ~l)fTaT ~:3i2 <J1 tl Ttl 3 oTR 5 tl'~IOO
Ol.RHS ;:Jtf3 II ~ II
3 erased 100, <Jo I

I (JJ<!'4

Yw,{39 Rtf3 II =311
t!Cf 6
UtteringS the Lord's praises 4.,
distresses 6 are dispelled7
mind8 is rendered9 calm 10,
and the
Rffu<J tl1l)it fR:G3 i4 * (J~TCJos ,:rao ~l)fr9T
~1j~6 ~a ci tlt~7 <Jo l)i3 Ho' f:tlf3'o ci
;:rTe T" ~ I

j "f'fH3T 12 'CJR 13 tit~ 14

, aR~ 15 (,)r?;Of ~fo
Imbued 17 with the love l6 of thy Lord,
o Nanak, indrink 14 thou the sweet l2
l)fTll<! l[~ tiT 4.1316 oTa aQllt:r l7 , 5 Ol(')or 1
~ l)fTlJc:T tll~TIS oTa ~Tf<JO!~ ~ fH~-g oTH...
MaTlO 0'317 11811811 Name-Nectar l3 with thy tongue'S, l)f"ff.!.3 13 ~ tfTo ora l4 I


t Of'~T
. R";:JOT 18
>=fa IIctllouT~1I
~ II
my home.
Kanra 5th Guru.
friends and saints, come ye into
Cil'o:3 Ttftl~l' tJTf3RT uT I
5 fi..r~18! i1i3 Rrg€T! ~Rl Ha
l)i~ I iSfuaT(J I
Ula f~tJ
»fTOt!TI9 0]020 aPf~ Sing thou the God's praises 20 with joyl9 l;!F.f1 19 l)i3 t.{Ro3 T21 oTH ~TfUOTa tlTl)ii .'
H0IB'21 OfRHP.;T22 fHfc 23 and pleasure 21 and your sins 22 shall be f~3i QlTfuo ora l)i3 ~<JT~ tl~tl22 -~F.fc23 ci
t=JTf(J tm-a
24 119 iI erased 23 and thrown 24 away. ~ ci ~aT24 I
i R3 Boo 25
t:ro€t 26 Lay26 the saints' feet 2S on your RTQl)fl -e Coi 2S i; l)iTll<! H~'~27 (13 ~O(T(12'
. --

Hre 27 B~OT28 fO!.fCJ29 forhead 27 and your dark 30 home 29 l)f3 ~<JT~T l)i~a,30 urcr29 al ~~QlT28 I

J faarR
~fu >i~-a30 11~1I shall be illumined28.
R3 l{RTft!31 0l~32 By the sain.ts' grace3', lotus 32 of the ~i til tlf~l)fT31 ~l)iTCJT ftlH tiT &~H32
33 34a1fS't!35 heart blooms33 and beholding37 the f1:f:3 tl TtI]33 ~ ~ fRRc1l 4 ~ Ritrl'lS i;
~ =
g~36 Uftt37 ~38 II World 34-Lord 3s near 38 , meditate 36 ye ~37, ~Rl' (JR tiT fRHdo ora ? l6

:311 on Him,
l{g~9 f~U,40 3 41 R3 Nanak is a sacrifice43, yea, a sacrifice OTOO! <1R us1 44 3· ufal 4J , <JT Uial tlTtl T ~.
~42 ?Tfa ~'fa43 unto the moment 34, when he meets42 .
;::R! Rl)fTHf39 til tlft:!»{,40 ~IliTCJT41 (1<J RTl:ll)iT
- - -
i OTOOl ~cr ~a44 11811 with the saints by 41 the Lord's39grace 4o . ora fHH 42 ti'tl T ~ t
OfTO~ HCJBT 1I II Kama. 5th Guru, OlT(I);3T ti;:f~l' tfTf3F.f T<Jl I
'Joo Ra'0 cfiu'B 46 47 o Lord47 , I seek the refuge 46 of -5 47
OTClo ! H· 3-a tio T4S tiT lJoT<J46 StH!T
3011/ Thine feet4S , <Ji I
HCJ48 }fT?)49 qJ55 Save Thou me from worldly love 48 , "3= Hal RRTol HH3 T48 t ~orro49 I ii8""':Ga<J50 3
..............................~ •••+••~~~••+•••••••~ .
..........+ ' **'**'It!It.t~~k!!Itlil!*lIt!lt.tIt!lt.tIulUUIuiI~~~

gOHS1 cJTftf Bl~ qTfc eg0 49 , guile 50 and doubt51 and cut the ~-eU51 3~ if-ful)jT 010 »8 Ha tiot t!h1 T
601 S2 1191100T~1I fetters 52 off my feet. Pause. a~11)jT52 ~~ I1c I of<Jo'~ I

FrFJT0 54 My Master, I am being dcowned 53 in
the world 54 ocean55 •
Ha )-{TB"Ol, ~. ;:Jar354 RI:!t'a 55 )1.[t'0 ~a
fo<J T53 <JT I
~traS6 .ofo fRHfo S7 Contemplating57 my God, the Mine 59 (')l}f-03058 t!1 1:f1(!59 »f'U;! ~Tf<Jil!cr t!T
si o30 Ta! o s9 11911 of Name-treasures58 , I am saved 56 . l)jl o TUo S7 0100 ~J}{'or HOT ~056<J ;::rTt!T ~ I
m38 l60 ~fo (iTli Comforting60 indeed is Thy Name, 1I1:f RT31 -ee ~,~,60 ~ 30T o')-{, 5 ~Tf<Ja.!~ !
30 T II o Lord.

HOT 11~1I
o'~ ..-
Ug All-pervading 61 is my Lord Master.

~062 ~Ot63 fn~f064 o Emancipator65 , Thou art the 5~ ~3TCJT OIaO<JTCJ 65 ! i )-{Ror1ot62 t!T :
3 To(i6S II destroyer 64 of the distress 63 of the ~1:f63 o'R oroo ?THT64 ~. I e
meek62 .
~fo f~UT66 fofu 67 God is the Treasure 67 of mercy66 and of<JH3 66 t!T ):f;:jT('),67 »f3 tflu1»fi 61 *i
uf33 68 ~Q'Too69 II S II the deliverer6 9 of the sinners 68 . U'o ';';0 ~'~T69 ~ I - ~I
. ~fc70 11oH71 tll:f 72 1 have wandered through millions7o ~. ~~j70 <J1 iio1 l)jj71 l>i't!O ~Of)-{»fT <J1 ~
~o UTf~73 /I - of births71 and suffered73 pain72. 3qH~72 ~OT'eV3 ~ I
Bl:ll oTner <ufo (iTl:! The Guru has implanted75 the Name 0101 ~Ha l>i't'o oT}-1 tIor T CfO ft!v3T75 ~ »f3

f~;pf~§75 11811E119.911 within me and
bliss74, 0 Nanak.
I am now in utter ~. '!e 1lO)-{ »fTO,)-{74 »ft!o <JT J

qTo~T HoBT II II Kanra 5th Guru. uir;;;,l uTf3R T<J1 I


l:Ifo76 ~o tJlf3 79 Blessed76 is the love 79 which IS }f~Toor76 ~ ~<J fUl)jTCJ79 ;:j y.~ -e liot 77 OT~

BOn 77
Rfar Brori78 II attuned 78 to the Lord's feet 77• 1{H orot!T 78 ~ I
~fc80 ;:JTtJ81 3T1l82 Through it, the very fortunate ones87 fuR -e oT<Jl. ~~ oRl~t ~T~87 ~~t80 <J1
are blessed 84 with the merit 82 of
1J:Il:f83 UTE84 »fTf~ ~;:JT81 UToT l)j3 3l.1i82 t!T 6H83 UT 5~-e84 <Jo
~ fHe:;85 U0086
countless80 meditations 87 and austeri-
ties 82 and meet85 with the Perfect
»f3 ~U0086 H'~Ci'
fHH l'i'-e 85 <Jo I
~9TdT187 119110~T€l11 Lord86 • Pause. ofuo'~ I
Hfo88 »f()TlJ89 ~TB90 o Lord, 188 am a helpless89 slave90 5 !!l)iTH1 ! ~~88 30' :aral~99 R;;;,or 90 l)j3
;:JQ91 ~OT »f~092 and serf91 of Thine. A\l 94 other92 a.!HT)-{91 <JT I <10 92 RTa 94 »fTRii 93 H~ g-~95 •
§C92 RdT81 94 Hf~ supports93 , I have given Up95. ft3 <Jo I

.,. f3»iTaT1 95 II
: ~096 gO}f97 erl~98 Contemplating99 my Lord, every l)iTU;! ~l)iTHl tT T fRHoo qo(') ~l'){'OT99, Ha
tr9 fRH03 99 faT»fT()100 trace of my doubt 97 is effaced98 and
96 Fi-e<J 97 t!' foRT 0 96 30r f)-{c farl)jT98 ~ l)i3
"f;:ro2 fHm 3 R~34 receiving 3 the salv 2 of wisdom 1oo my ~<J)-{-fOl»fT3Io0 t!T lIoH T2 y'TU3 oro, Ha1l)ff
;:rror15 11911 eyes have awakened 5 from sleep4. ".jl:i~i ;:ITar ~oll)ii5 <Jo I
• • • • • • • • • • • •~• • • • • • • • • • • y • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

I ~l]iT)-f1 f~tIT9 fFfg'O great 8 and Perfect Lord l2 , art an
WH01, af;:rH3' t:!T Rl{t:!a
I)f3 ;:rlfal){t 'J t!1
\!ool2 13 0 30 T011 J4 II ocean lO of mercy' and a mine l4 of l:freI4~. I
jewels l3 .
Nanak, the begger l5 asks for 16 the Lord H"or3 T15 oTo01 I RI){TH1 ~Tf<Jara
_ _= BOTH t!l
God's Name and rests l8 his forehead'7 tiJTBoT C/CJt:!T 16 ~ i)j'3 ~R ~ l)iT~T Hl::p I7

on the feet" of his Lord. ))fTUC! y.~ -e l3atl ' '3 al::l f~3T18 ~ I

Kama 5th Guru. ;;PCi;P ti'tRl· uTf3a1'1l I

I am filth y20, stone-hearted 21 , H- HHlc 20 , tl~-ft:!H2I, Qij_l:tTtJ22
deceitfuJ22 and lustfuP3. f~R~?P '1t I

AsH Thou deemest 25 fft, S026 save27 f;:rR 30v i24 :3= HCiTRl:t
_ RHSt:!T25~. , §R 3O t2' u

Thou, me, 0 my Lord. Pause. ;:r1 :3= Hal a-ful)iT C/a Z7

(J Rlf~ ! Of;:roT~

Thou art All-powerful28, worthy30 of ~ Ral:t-RC/31~TCi28 »i3 uoro 2' -ec -e HTft!C/30
giying refuge 2' and exercising33 Thy ~. »i'3 »iT~l RC131 32 ~ &33 y'Tc:ll)iT t:!1
might 32 , Thou savest 31 the mortals. i-ful)il C/Ot:!T31 ~ I

W orshipH, penance 35 ,religious vowes 36 lJ.;:rr- uro34, 3tr-fRl)iT35, tJT oHCl 36 l{3v-fap,{T
physical purity37 and self-morti- »i-RttCJR3T37 »i3 R~-fo»iT;:r331, re~t

fication 38 , by these means 3', 3alfC/»it39 aT~W. uro ~3'TCJr40 o,:W ;It:!T I
emancipation10 is attained not.
Casting46 Thy eye of grace 45 , 0 Lord, )HT~l fH'1a 45 t:!1 oBd' OTH 301 46 &. (J
pull44 Thou out, Nanak, from the Rl)iTHl
!:3: :(iTOO1
i; f"3l),pfoq42 >i~43 ~e-'IU

awefully42 dark 43 ditch41 • f~· ~<Ja ci~ -8 I 44

Kama 5th Guru.

There is but One God. By the True ~TfuoI~ &~tt!C/ ~ I R~ a.!.oT -el Brel)iT
Guru's grace, is He obtained. ~»iraT ~;:r UTre»iT Wt:!T ~ I

He who makes obeisance 50 unto the ;:{ HilRt41 B HTHq4', f~ lf0l:f"7 ~ y'<!THsO
Primal Being47 , the Lord 4' of men 48, ClOt:!T~; H' ~~T052, '!Ol:tTo Wt:!T;:rt ~R
I am a racrifice 52 , a sacrifice unto ~;'j ;l(J51 ClIo
;l J:R53 HJ:fR s4 ~ »i3
]30 ]-1:102
/ ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••m+•••••• ++++~~~.~••++••++++
!tl~l»f »{Tf~5J ljorq54 suchsi a Guru, who himselfSJ is H~5S ~1 ~a3 ao~IS6 ~ I of(IOT~ I

~ Rf<J 55 3 T'ij56 II ~ II emancipated54 and emancipatesS6 me 5S

: a<JT@11 as well. Pause.

01";57 ;:~n '!In'· 0 Lmd, wbkh" of Thine countieS' ;j 1!l)i'Hl, H~ "3al'>i T fa<J5l))fT57, l)i?>a T l)f3

1 '::1'
1l or6 Urij61 II
"';~60 T:-t+
and numerous meritsS8 should I
praises9 , when there is no limit60 and
end" to them.
l)fof~3 fRG3 T58 ~T ~BTOO aoTS ', ;::Ie fa
~<'aT ~T cj~l €?5a60 l)f"3 l)f:tllo 61 i'i(Jr I
:; HTl::f ETl::f62 '5Tl::( 0l~163 Lacs upon lacs 62 and countless U H~l::IT ~"3 Hl:!l:jT62"3 l)f~fOTc36J ~;3T64 (Io
~~ ora"
-=-"'4 0/-65 ~ ~ • -66
»fR 011'11"Ions 6.. are.t he L or d' s virtues, but l!l)fTHl ell)fT ?>Olll)fT, t.[~ cj~l f~oHT65 (Il ~5
~ alB T-a 67 II ~ II rare 6S indeed is any such 66 person -.
;l(II66 ~l~ ~ ;=i ~OT ~T fOr)ofT o O'Ot?1 67 ~ I
who reflects67 on them.
1faRH 68 faRH faRH Beholding Beloved7o, I am"
my ))fTui l.J.13H70 ~ ~l:I, ~~ f~Rl-l'~68. f~RH'~,
<Jl gE1 69 ~ H'H 70 68 f~RHT~;j fdll)iT69 (IT))f3 OJ.~T HTH 7I Marl)iT

wonder struck , wonder struck,
ajHT8 71 (}OIT'ij72 II wonder struck and am imbued 72 deep fOTl)iT72 (IT I

U1~ R"3 T0 -::rR

~ 73 r.:d". O!~;:I1 ))fTl:I~ (Io, RTt! IliR 3t!,T is ~ oTH I"

'::1'':'T TTT'='
n OUi Says Nanak, the saints enjoy7" the
»flE'1'4 ~ f;:J~75 tJTfl::f76 God's elixir7J (Name), as7S doth the lJi-fit373 ~ l-fT~~7" (Io. f;:rl'l 3~T7S cfiOTT77
~cfi(JJT77 liROlra 78 II~II dumb77 his sweets, who smiles78 tasting76 fHfo))frel ~ mt 76 c} ~Rao~·~,78 ~ I ,.
~ ctll~OIl them. i
~ orT(')3f H'J~T 1I II Kanra 5th Guru. a'03 T ~"';:r~r ~If3l=1'T(Il I i
! 0 wol R30 1{s Save" their Lord, the saints know not ))fT~~ l!l)iTHl ~ ST~~79, Rft! 50 faR 80 ~ ~
! faQ79 »fTo 80 II anotherBO. o(Il';:tT~ ? i
• @B 81 crilB 82 Rg 83 They see8" their Lord contained85 ~(I ~~))fT81 l)i"3 ~fcl)iT82 RTfal)iT83 f~B l)iTlr~ i
: Dfl:f84
~ aor~87 Hfo fl8
RH TiS 85 Hfl:f 86
H'i 89 II
revering 89
aU8J, the high 81 and low82 and
Him in their mind88, they
RT~r ~ ofHl)iT 5f~~,8S ~l:Ie84 <:Io l)f"3l)fT~ ...
fae 88 l)iea (lR ~ Rf30l'TCJ~" 5e, ~R ~ :
(ilH ~ l)fTui l{a o'H (lB'O~7 <:In I
. Ulfc Ulfc 90 l;;!fa 91
05 Rl::f R1"(JJ092 ~93
i~;:ro94 }:fa UTo 95 II
~Hofu96 UaTT 97 gfE€1
God, the Ocean92 of peace. the

Destroyer'" of dread93 and my \ital-
breath95 , is fi!ling91 all hcarts 90 .
When the Guru whispered 1 God's
cfJaT~ I
l)f'cPH e m{ea'l, ~o'3 oTR aon(I'CJ'4 "3 :
Hal ftie~To9S ~'faOl~ RTfd'>i f feH T90 ~
ua11.!CJo ' aa fau T il I

~e Olaf ?l ~Tf(Ia.ri t?T nTH'oo Ha ~J f~ :



~l:f98 orfR€?99 H~IOO Name 100 into my ears 3, my mind" was ~fol')ITl. 3 T HOT fuCJ~,96 liJ:J(i 5 fiJIl)fT" l)f"3 :

I ~€?2 ajaorToJ 11911-

ad ~3aJ5
illumined" and I was deli\ercd 99 of
my doubt'8.
Potent to do, Lord 5, the Embodiment 7
Ha' Reu'8 ~o 5 far rrl,99 I

afCH:;6 Ri u7 , l)i't!aBl'>1+ ii'~oiJ"08 '>13 RliiJ--i

¥W~~b • • ~~.~~~~~.~.~~• • • • •~ +••••••••- '
..,. ..,II!JIl!Il*lIl*l loa!.I.*'.,.,•..,.II!!
.. "'+++ , ..,II.iIl;I ....oII~t*f

c;rq(!t6 H >i3'o~18 of mercy6, the Inner-knower 8 and All- faPii l 3' aoo-t;lOl l!'lfTHT s R'o' C!&: ao fou T"
· faJT0 9 II wisdom' is doing" everything. ~l

))f;CS U~O ()ToOl itB IO Throughout the eight watches, Nanak l11<5 Ufud' uT, o'Oa 301 HfuHTloOlTf~nllaa~T
or~l1 HTOl o l2 or~ sings II Thy praise 1o , 0 God and begs 12 ~, 5 ~lf;J01~ ! 'lf3 3a ti'~~ -&~g 3a nTH'J
~f013 t!T'Q14 II~I\~II from Thee the gift ' " of Thy 13 ~T u1 ~T31. 1of00~TIZ ~ I

~911 alone.
orTO;3'T H~'5T 4 II Kanra 5th Guru. aTn~T l.f;:r~l
ti'f3HTU1 I ~
or~o or~?o IS or€f Several 16 and manyl7 there are, who 17
»f?;ai 16 'lf3 »fefare3 u1 ~Tfu01~ -e1»{T
or~116 "&3]7 II talk and speak ls about God. fR6"3 T aCJ~IS uo I
~R18 'tl'Q]9 fSoc%20 But rare 20 is such l8 a slave l ' and serPI l.f~ ~~1 f~ogT20 uT ~5 filu,18 l!'lf'HT -e T

~~ R?~21 if '33 22 of the Lord, who understands 2" the R~al' »f3 O1H'H 21 ~, ~ ~R ~ olg fHgTl/23

oElifor 23 or~ ~324 11911



R~ B~26
ij ~~ ~Ol128
Reality22 of the union2J
He has no pain2s , but all-comforts 26
and with his eyes27• he sees only the
One Lord 28 .
with Him. -e1 'lfR5l'lf322 ~ RlWe T2.. ~ I of<JaT~ I

~R ~ ~~ U1~2S m:ft~, l.i~ R~u »fTol};;;; uT

~ l)f3 »f'tifel)fT ?8!27 nTH, <1u
1{128 ~ ul ~C:I~T ~ ?
-&~H f~Ol
mfl ci~l ;:reT H~T nul y.~ wa "Hi

~OT oul R~ 9~T29 For him no one is evil, but everyone ~R ~
~l ~ t1 U'a30 oul is good 2'. There is no defeat30 for ~al29 uT un I ~ g~ ~ fHOlR330 our
R9 ;':i.3 31 11911 him, but victory ll all through. l.f~ Rl;!u :63u 31 uT ~ i
Ror 32 ()Till Rt!T33 He is never in sorrow 32 • but ever33 in ~ aB ~T l)f:6RR J2 ~ nuT~ ~~T, t.i-~
!ual::f124 ~. -a 'ifu35 bliss3" and forsaking 35 this bliss, he uHHl 33 l;!F.l134 f~ f~Bo~~, reR l!H1 ~
) ()Tul for~36 <5337 II takes J7 nor aught 36 . f3l)fTaJIS ~u 50 C!8' 9136 nur H~-eT37 ?
! CiQ40 ()TOOl 11Q ufo38 Says"o Nanak. God's slave 38 is him- -;;: -. ~T a'jg,n. »fTl/
ora ill 'lfTC:I~40 un , ~TfuOla
-!4 mo ufa 39
~ ~I self the Lord God 3'. hence he does not uT l!'lf'H1 ~'fu01~3' ~ I f~ ~1 (')T ~R ~
l)fT~·2 -e1 c;~"1 ~ »f3 (')T ;:rre..3 ~1 I
')){~42 01'3 oH343 II need.. 1 to come" 2, nor needs he to go 43.

j~/I~II~~II Kanra 5th Guru. aTn~T t.i;:r~l ti Tf3H TuT I

jj QlTO;P HuW 4 II
~~~44 ~ ~5 Let not my heart.... forget..6 my Lord" s. ~ >:fa feH 4" »fll/i l!'lfTHl"s ~ ~gt46 ('iT

j fSAfa 46 (') wre II -

My body"7 and mind"8 are blended'"
SoT~ I
HaT ffiJlo47 l)f3 Hq,'lft49 ~R50~ otgSI 'lf~~4'
~3(')47 H(')48 018349
withSI Him50 , although mammon52 is 5e 5e un • ~T~~ HTre'lf TS2 Hi;= g"9 1 reH'oSJ

3~ f3~SO RaT Sl -
enticingS3 me away, 0 01)'5" D)other SS. S5
ad ou1 ~. ii HaTH HT3T ! ofuor~ I
Huol S2
)lf~ oul53
54 Hrf~55 11911

L.~ _~~ _ .

" fEP~T59 ~60 lliyol pain59 , all those" are caught62 and <:11, ~~t I'pfcP)fT6I ~ <:1T l-{Tfel>f' ~ uaf~l>fT'2 !
3~61 3~ OliJ 62 o~ held Up63 by mammon. l>f3 afal->F Mel>f T63 5 I !
llicofTf~6J II ~
l.llifo0(64 9'f365 orl In various64 forms 65 , mammon has cast l>f~at64 3OTfal>ft65 ~
(')Tg, l-{Tfel>f T fea tlTH66 i
j ~~
' tiT8166 3TOf167 a net", whose 67 knots 68 are loosened UTfc~rfT dfel>fT ~. filR t'T.l)ft 67 cfr~t68 l!~t'Tl>ft ~
.., ciTfo68 0~1 ~olf~69 II not69 . (')<:1T"69 I !
! 911
f6"03 7o f6"03 OTOO( Rambling70 and roaming about, 9"al-{70 »l3 9"ca &, cITB 71 (')T(')01 ~ l>fT 72 & ~
· BTR 71 l)1Tf~€?72 R30 slave 71 Nanak, has come 72 and RTg,'>i t t:'T l.1i)T<:1 73 BerT ~ I e
~1 FrooTf~7J II sought the refuge 73 of the saints. ~
0fT~74 llifaPrfT0 75 am now delivered 74 of my H~ 'Ie:, SRHS1 75 , Reu 76 l>i3 RR ' aT 78 l-{H3 T77 ~
90H 76 H~77 HTf~l)fT78 ignorance 7s , doubt" and worldly78 3~ ~C)lRTl.1T fOT'>i 1H <:1 t l>f3 t{~ ?i H~ l>fT~T ~
ffi€? ~fo80 C5arf~79 II 10ve77 and the Lord has hugged 79 me
5 T3T (')TB C)T fC)l}j179 aI ~
~11811~:311 to His bosom80 . ~.)
OfTO~T H~C5T l.l II Kanra 5th Guru. aT(')~T l.1"tRT"u Tf3RT<JT I ~
c'hn Ha O1J<:I f~~ ~RT81, t{R(,)3 T81 l>f3 H~'a83 ~
82 fa3B 83 81
>}fToB 81 There is jO) 81, bliss82 and happiness83
~HTa84 II in my84 home. ~ I ~
O1H 0l1~85 oTl:! I sing8S the praise of the Name, H~ (')Tl-{ t'T "vR O1T~h:1I85 <:IT, oTl-{ t:'T f~·3i) ~
fql)1T~n86 oTH ~HT-a reflect86 on the Name and the Nam~ aCft',s6 <:1t~3 (')Tl-{ <:1T HaT ftit:'-il ' n87 t:'l ~
~ tfo87 - lliur§88 11911 is the support88 of my vital-breath 87 . l>fTRa 188 I ~ of<:1cp~
I !
• ouT~1I Pause. ~
()n faTlliTo89
_ oTH_ God's Name is my wisdom 89 , God's (fa t'T a'l-{ HaT fRl>fre;l.1 89 ;] I (fa t'T oTl-{ <:1T ~ ~

f~oTOT90 ~fo oTl-f Name is my ablutioll 90 and the God's HaT ~l(Je:T q~T90 l>f3 a~C) (fa tiT ?ill-{ <:1T ~
· ~l-fTa O(TO~91 R~T-a9211 Name alone re~olVl':.92 mine affairs 91 . H~ &H91 aTR aat'T 92 V I ~
~fo oTH R"9 T93 nTH- The Lord's Name is my glor y93, the RierT" t'T (')'l-{ <:1T HaT t{g"3193 ~, Rt~T" tt T(')T)-{ ~
a~T~194 95~€?;:rcg96 Lord's Name my greatll,ss91 and it is <:1T HaT l-{<JTo3 T91 l>i3' RtEl- t'T (')Tl-{ <:IT ao(')97 ~
- - ~

fal::fH 97 oTH ~fu the Lord's Name that fcrrics 98 me l>f3 f9"_1-\T(')0/95 RRTa Rl::!t:'a 96 3~ HaT UTa ~
- - ~
3Ta 98 f1ClII across the arduous 97 and dreadfu195 ~3TaT98 act' I ;] ! ;

world oc.. an96 . ~

~ "lifCfTl-f99 UBTaalOO The immeasurable89 wealth loo and the aa ~ (')Tl-{ t!Tl){l-{1l.19' ~~I~O l>f3 »l~"i3 1
J' 8 T8 2 rrlHP.iT3 9ft'€? invaluable 3 &em 2 of the God's Name, .:J1a2~, H" a.IcP -e liatS -e "aTul' uTAH % i
,~uoTuf34 crro I have obtained1 through th.: Guru's fBl>f T4 ij I ~
t BoorB5 11 feet s. :
t~ or~ oTo"C:l U~
~~, Says Nanak, the Lord has becam~6 ~ <10, l-f'8Of Ha'
O1'1ilT ~al-{T'2"~ --
'2'3 f:l-{tJaw(')7 it-i>

i '.:.+'C'i.+Y-iJi'!Oili~"'''~~'''+,!".l(i~iJ'·++~''''''4'.'''."•••~•••••+'I'+''''·'1i'i'",~v"'oV·"·'R'of>4'4'''''.'I';r;;p; "Wolo"''''-~

f¥UTW 7 HOT oS 9~ mer,'ifuP unto me and seeing His ;j for'>1,6 ~ ,>{3 (JR ~T ~CJRoIO ~l:f, Ha'
~p,.m9 taRTa 10 II ~ II vision 1o , my mind' is inebriated 8, Ho' H3~lHT ;j for '>1 ,8 ~ I

qro~T H~BT 4 II Kar.ra 5th Guru. ol'o;:lT 1.l·;:r~ll.lTf3RT<:Il I

Rr,:[ o 12 H13 13 ljl'}-{THl My friend and Intimate l] Lord is

l2 HCJ' fH~'2 '>13 RHO'3 l..J.-~ ?;~14, ';o?i~ <:IT
t4 II near l 4, very near. VI
1S R03 16 R90 17 Being ever with l8 all 17 , He sees lS and R'fa'>1 il7 ~ R~T I)j'or ROT'8 ;j~ O1C1a, f,1<1 R~
i1 ih:f3 -
!~ Rat t8 ~at9 OfT1i23 hears l6 everything. For a brief 19 span 20 q5 <]1 ~l:f~TI5 »i3 J.I~t',,, ~ I f;:f~OT1 -e ~;:J
~ ~:ra20 Of~2t ~a22 11911 of life, why21 committest 22 thou evil 20 , if5" RH'23 ~T J::I3CJ, :or fQ~"21 l.lfl('O fa-

~a~T~11 Oman? Pause. ,OIHT~'-..:rr22 ~". il

fE'oFPo I of;JCJ'~ I t!:
f~if13 oTH ~l ~
-£1 _
~ oTH
fSoT25 ;:J323 * Save 2S the Lord's Name, with whatso- R»i Hl e o'H -e a:cfta 2S . f;:rR
~ 8ll'cTfE€24 Of5 o~T ever 23 * thou art attached 21 , that is :or Bf;:lw ;jf~'>1' 24 ~\ ~<1 q~ ~1

oul n13. fa-

1 01~1 015- 3cJ II

.::a'"~.alR~RC 3d feR'
= nothing and from that naught belongs
~ >;{Ta1 26 f~Rfc n1T~327
to Thee.
I n the yond 26 , c. verything 28 obviously29 ::::"r::,
ti"~127 ~~JO '>1~CJI33 y'T~l e
~ R~28 Ua~ci9 ElJT 30
~ Hf~§31
90H 32
n·f-qa 33 1\911
comes to view 27 but here 30 , the mortal
is beguiled 3\ by the darkness 33 of
doubt 32 ,
5,~,31 ~ I
Re<J 32
I t?

'"' 9S0S
~ >;{cfor€?34
R3 35 Sf03T36 Man is entangled H with 37 his sons 3S , -... , ~<:IcV6
fE'oRTci ))fTlii l(3j3S - »13 qo-~H338
ii -
~~ RdT37 )-fTfEn1T38 wife 36 and wealth 38 and he has 37
o'H ~Hf:;n1T ;jf~'>1,34 ~ »13 ~R ii -..:rf(p;jT-
rt!~o~TQ39 ~T3TQ40 forgotten 41 the Bounteous 39 and f~r.;39 3 ~~Taf~3 y'~40 ~ ~HT 5f~»iT41 ;'J I

~fs8ij4t II Beneficent Lord 10 .

~or~ oToor ~~42 Says Nanak I have but one 42 faith 43 , ar~ ;:rl '>1'J:!~ <10, Ht? a~ fE'01 42 <:IT T;faT0 43
+ft - n
~ 9TijR€?43 SU0 44 that my Guru i, the snapper 45 of my ;] fa Ha C!!CJ~~ ;:r1 Ha ~~44 ~~uTCJ45 <:10 I
~ -
~ oFcoiJTQ':S oJ9. H-a 1\ bonds .
!t faB~To;JTtC2
Kanra 5th Guru,
Lord, Thine saints have over- ;j q~{lHT
qTo;:lT tit1~~" 1ol'f3FPdt I
! ilfCJ'>1 T l=l'q'>1 T ii f~8-f~cpai46 ~
~.,:. ~Pi~ GTTfiJ8"48 II -..:rTtr;T ~t1i47 ~ H3 T;:l 5f~'>{T48 ~ I '~.
whelmed the hosts of sins and
::;: evils''', ~
~ ~Hal ~0I49 9anT50 0 Lord, they lean 40 and relySO on ;j q'>{THT I ~i ~
3CJT <:IT '>{TRCJ1493 f~31:FdsO ~
"Ii -
: >;{Tfu€?52 11911 dU~ II
l1ioH ;:r(')H S3 & HiJTS4
Rafo Sl 3HTaT
Thee and
Paus'e. -

Seeing57 Thy visions6 ,

they, Thy refuge S' •

0 Lord, they
~ »13 3CJT <:IT 1.l0T<:I SI ~<:I ~~-eS2 <:10 I
'5f<JdT~ I
3clT ~1~TCJ56 ~l:fS7, il

q'>{THll ~<J '>{

j [

~ •.~~•••••••• ~.++~. . . . . . .~~++.¥~.~~~~.+~~

•• +••••~~~~.~+.~ +.+~ ..
-----------_.._.. _--,.

traT6S 55 ~dFIQ56 cfface58 the great 54 load of the sins55 of

. ife 5? fHe Tf(J§5tl II
9f~§ lJOfTR 59 ))f()~50
~;:ft))fTd;61 - R\Jftl62
their many births51 .
They are iIIuminl:d 5', enlightened 61
gladdened 60 and merge in the trance64
€nJllaTf.l"iiT0 5', aR?i 61 »;3 1{8?i ;j tli~60 UO
l)(3 »;~~3T61 e1 RHTtll'] l)j't'CJ B1C'i m!
Rwfu63 RHTf(J§64 II of equipoise6l • ;:lie'4 <Jo I i
<:til J
Ol'~Q or~ ~H '3Qifi5 Who says Thou cannot do a thing65 . ii<! I)fTlft'T ~ fq 3 Ci565 o<Jl af<J Rat'T I 3 ~
(')T(Jl ~H RHd~66 Thou, 0 Lord, art infinitely67 ci Rl>iTH1 ! ql)f"3 67 i:l8<i'O" ~~ I
=ul .. e
- ~
)"fl::JTf~7 II powerful".
~68 f()UT()69 -aOf70
oU71 cR72 (liTH ()T(liQ
~73 Wf(J§74 ii~11911
0 God, the Treasure" of mercy6S,
when I earon the profit74 of Thy
Name,I enjoy Thy love 70 , Thy beauty71
ci of<JH368 ~ ~;:r,?;69 <Jol ! tlt' H' 3a oTH
~ liOT~74 ~ lP 5~t'T7] <JT, H~ 301 ll1370 ,
J!t'03 T7t ~ ~B17' ~ HT(!t'T <JT, ar~ tll
~EII and Thy bliss7l . says Nanak. ~CJH'~~ <Jo I
Ol'r(li~T H(JW ~ II Kanra 5th Guru. Q'TO;JT utl<il u Tf3B'<Jl I
. !~75 l{'(li1'6 (Jfc The drowning75 mortal76 is comforted" ~~T ~f~T75 6 Tol St'T" ci ~f<Ja.r~ 3CJT
irt'u77 Um 78 II by contemplating 77 Thee. 0 God. fJ:JHCJo 77 Q'Oo ~l)flOT I1lfl ~ Wt' T78 ~ I i
faoA 79 H~80 ~dlJ81 He is rid 79 of worldly love8o, doubt8t, ~<J RR Tol HH3 T80 , R~<J8t, »;6RR8l I>i3 ul;Ju t
~lf2 tita
83 1I<:t1l sorrow 8l and pain8]. Pause. 3· l1~TR1UT tl Tt' T79 ~ I of<JOT~ I i
c(JT@1I ;;:
fRHa~84 f~(i ft';I »;3 CJT3 15 , H~ l"rlTlfc! arCJi ~ lioi86 tIT ~

af(li85 Day and night 85 , meditatc 84 I on the
<no <} BO OT86 II feet86 of my Guru. »;loTQo aot'Tl4 <Ji I e
~7 Ol'3 U~88 Wherever87 I see88 • I see Thy refuge 89 , f;::ra fa3 ~187 H· ~l::t'T81 <J i , H· 3CJ1UoT<J8' i
3Hdl Rd0 189 11911 - 0 Lord. ~lft'r ci RT~l !
<JT, :
! ~3 1{RTf~90 \Jfo <} By the saints' grac~'o. sing 91 I the RT~I>iT t'1 t'f~I)fT90 ~I>iToT, H~ l)jTl.l<! ~f<JtIl~
t'll>ii fR63,'1 aT'~o aot' T91 <JT I
QI(li91 OfTfu'>,fT92 II praises" of my God. ~
QIo ic3 93 ()ToOl' Meeting'] with his Guru, Nanak is ~ arCJ~"ii tl1 0'8 fH~ c}'J, nloa ~ ~1'4 '"
J3l;!94 l..f1ful>iT95 II~II blessed95 with bliss'4. llTU3 ~ ar~'5 ~ I
orro~ HuW ~ II Kanra 5th Guru. ci'('i;Jr u"tl<il· uTf3B T<Jl I
fRHCJ396 Olli Hof(J97 Contemplating'6 the Lord's Name. fll>iTHt ~ oTH tIT I>iTCJTQo Q'Oo ~I)fToT96 :
J:!~98 l..fT'e1~ II mental 97 peace'8 is obtained. I)f T3Ha'7 »;'O'H's llT1.I3 ~ ;:r~T ~ I :
RTtJ tJ()T99 fHfp.; \Jfa Meeting with the saintly persons", the R3 Rall llCJBT" 0'C5 fH~~ ~I>iTCJT RTf<J~ :
;:rRIOO OJT~~ 1I<:t1l Lord's praises too are sung. t'll)fi fR63 T100 ilJTf~o a131l>i T tlTt'll>i T ;]0 I :

t~~ '::::~ ~::~': .Jl


Qf'o 2 forCJtp3 Showering 2 His benediction3 the »f'1.R1 af;:Jl-f3'3 ([10 2, J:!l)fTHl ))iT il Ha f;reB 4
fo-e ~Rc1s II
4 Lord has come to abideS within my l){Bo feCi far»fT5 ~ I
trc06 R30 ~ HTliT7 My forehead 7 rests on the saints'
Ha 11911 feet 6.
lfTC~(JH8 or~ o my 80ul 10,
meditate 9 thou on thy
fFn-fo~9 lO
Hot 1\ 8
Supreme Lord •
12 'OT(,)Ol ~fCJ By the Guru'e grace 12, Nanak hears l4
O1cljfl::f Ola r el fHuo Re011 12 , oTo 01 »fIU~ ~'fuOl'!
;:nj13 l1o t14 1I~lItll the praise l3 of his God. Bl O1la3'l'J fi~14 O1at'T ~ !
orTO~ H~T ~ II Kanra 5th Guru. O1lo ;lT ti;:r~l' U, r3F.f ' ul I l
H-a Ho lS tftf3 16 trCJo 17 My mind ls craves l6 to touch l8 the HtP fB'3 Rit'l ~ uo il7 ~ ;:u~18 ~ H~BTI6I
lfg- lfCJFJ(,)18 II Lord's feet l7 . ~I
aR(')TI9 (JfCJ (J'fc:l.O My tongue 19 is satiated 22 with the Hel ;:rl!!t" ~TfuOJ.'! ~ 0lH 20 ~ trT<§ll (')"8
~;:Jfo21 f3lf3T(')122 fare" of the God's Name 20 and mine tf;:rl <J~121 ~ l)f3 Ha ~:r,l3 »fTU<§ 1J»fIHl ~
. l)il:f1l')f(')23 orfi R31324 eyes 23 are content 24 with my Lord's eleTCJ 2s oT5 R~F.fe24 uo I ofuoT(l I
lfg- ~CJR(')2S \1911 vision2s • Pause.
orcif(')26 ldfCJ 27 CJf(J€1 My ears 26 are filled 27 with the »a '&026 l)ftu~ fU»f'a 2" el HfuH'28 oT5 ~
..t1R-28 lf13t·{29
... orC5Hi530
~ Bl::f31 FJOTg 32 Hi5 33
praise 28 of my Lord 29 and I am rid 34
of all 32 my sins 3o , shortcomings 31 and
<J~27 uo »f3 H· l)fTU<! Rrij32 »fUO T([r30 ,

~~Tl:ll)fi31 l)f3 l)fuf<f:r,3'Tt'll)fi H 3· J:f8tm

~~cFJo34 II impieties]]. UI forl)fTl4 iJi I
i trT~o3S UT~o36 Rl)iTHl My feePs walk 36 in the comfortable 38
Ha ua lS y.-~ ~ I!trBTft'Ci J8 HToor J9 I)j'~a
! Rl::f38 Ul:iT39 -l)i"aJ40 path 39 of the Lord and my body42
0f~36 uo »f3 Hcl ROlo42 ~ <JTOT 40, R~l)fi
i ~ar41 OlTf~l')fT42 R3 limbs 40 floWer 44 in the saints'
el ROT3~1 »feo y'~83 it~44 uo I
i RcR(')44 11911 41
association .
~ RCJf045 ar(J146 lfc0 47 I have graspe(j~6 the protection'S of H· l)fIU~ l!:iHB 47 >li3
7)TR-ofv3 48 y.~ Bl
~ l)ifu'OTR'148 ~T049 my Perfect 47 and Imp..:rishable 48 UOIu 45 U01;3146 ~ l)f3 '!~ H· <]0 ~tRI'r5so
j ~t.rT~50 l:ifcx3 51 o~l Lord and I tire SI myself not making S2 O1aa 63 Q01?)6\ 3· R~~ O1at'TS2 u T I
~ OlcFJo52 II any other 49 efTorts so ..
j (X353 arf0 54 81e 60 Holding S4 them by the hand s3 , 0 ulj·S3 U01;1s4 il, <1 ?)To01 ! J:!»fTHt ~ »fIU~
(l)T?ior ;:J(')55 llflf?5 Nanak, the Lord has saved 60 His alfBl)fi 55 ~ 8~1l)f fB»f160 ~ >li3 flv
~ >iU56 Uia57 RTarCJ58 sla\es S5 and they shall perish 59 not f~'>iTo01s7 1)j"~56 RRTo R'.!ea S8 l){eo oRCS9
; o(Jl HoR'?>59 II=:< 1190 II in the terriblyS7 dark s6 world oceanS8 .
:'" =:<tll
\ •••••••••• +++++.+~~~+~~~~.~~~~+¥~~~+
••W.+.6~.~~. . . . . . q• • • • • • • • • • • •~

._-----_.~ _
.._. .._-------------
• • • • • •..• •.......·!Il!ll!ll!lloJ,..,.··.. +·.......lIl*. . . .-'**_....·"'<l!~~ ....·~~~ ....·JJl!.!Il!ll!ll!ll!lld
pm I
0l10~T H~PiT Ll II Kanra 5th Guru. ClT('i;JT tr;:r~1- l./Tf3..
~~a36J 0ll[c 62 l::fUc 63 They, within "hom chirps61 the ~T ~ "Jta ~t:Pt C/O?) ~8y63 ~ ~l3'2
.l::f864 .OTCltl3 65 Hotl3 66 Tuinous 63 guile 62 and thunder's the BfuB':/lW·t!T" ~ l)f3 ClTH ~oa1l;!ol::l64 ~~
}-fl~67 »ffoa 63 lust like foolish 64 demons, them, alt1B6S <Jo; Wi? ~ H3'7 l)fc5Ol T68 ~"
eCll»f169 11911C1oT~11 the death 67 crushes" many68 a time". ~B8t1" ~ I .

Pause. •
»ofiJ70 H3 71 »fo72 0373 I am inebriated7' with eg070 , am H· 5or3 T70 oTB H3~T8T ijfel)fT ijrel)fT71 <JT,
· 74OlfH375 f03 76 u13H77 tt
W:G 78 ~H379'" F.)Tl::f
OTol})iT80 11911
imbued 13 with other72 relishes and
love76 evj174 friends 7s My Beloved 77
see-est78 me wandering79 in lacs of
ijo(i T72 BIliTBT ?i TS <iorlftll)fT70 <JT l)f3 ~74
fl-f3!'S ~
fUl)fTo qOt T" <JT I HoT fUIli'O'77
H~ 811l::1 T <Jl orBl1li i80 "Jt!o ~eCl-e79 ~ ~l::I

lanes80• fo<J t78 ~ I ~

»ffo 3 8J fa~oT082 False&1 are my dealings 82 and ~;111 <Jo Ha f~T082 l)f3 85~orl84 ~ Hal ~
· »fBTo 83 fefu 84 tilo3 85 85unplanned84 is my style of life 83 • 'tIl~o 0'1 013183 I Fh:Pol HH3 T88 tT F.ffiTl3'7 e

H)-f86 Ht!87 HT388 IDloxicated88 with the wine 87 of oTa H3~TBT ijfel)fT ijfel)fTII, H· ~Q'9t!TI)(or :
~U89 t=Jol»ir9° II worldly 10ve86 , I am burning90 in tbe f~B R;J fou T90 <JT I i
fire of wrath89 . i
· orq~91 f¥tfTB92 o Merciful Master92 , the Embodiment <1 of<JH3 ~ R~l.l" ! Ili T8H93 ~ UTffi!- ~
9~TPi94 Bto 95 a-q96 of compassion", Cherisher'4 of the (j~<JTO'4 ~ HRC/ToT'S -e Roful1", fH<JoSTo i
(')TOOl ~tlg97 Rofo 98 universe'3 and the Relation" of the HTBCl'2, ~ l)fTU;! a'ii5 oToOl' t!T a"'ftj'I)fT OI'a 97 , ~
II :<119 911 meek's, save'7 Thou Nanak, Thy fOl'~' 'R WR c5 301 UOT<J9 8 8t!1 100 ~ I ~
SOli slave, for, he has sought lOO Thine ...
refugL 98 . •..
orr~T HoPiT Kanra 5th Guru.
Ll II ~
tft})i2 l.f..T o 3 HT0 4 God is the Givers of souP. vital- ~Tf<Ja.r~ l)fT3HT2, f;:ft!-'t!'03 l)f3 H0 3 ~ i
BT3T5 II breath 3 and the mind 4. ~'8TS ~ I ~
· ~a·· feR03 6 When man forgets 6 God, he loses 7 'tit! ~t!T l)fTtR <J01 ~ ~BT ftft!T6 ~ @R ~ ~
orf?)7 1191100~1I in every way. Pause. <Jo 3aTupcr 7 <JT ~ I- - , - - ~

8ajftft!9 f3~rfOTJO
Abandoning 'O the World 8-Lord', thou fRReT:
~ Rl)fTHT'
~ g-~IO
:: I
3= 5aR 12 oT8 i
»fT012 PiTOTfo13 "f1H3 14 art attached 13 to another l2 , 0 man t:1f;JI)fT ijfel)fT13 ~. <1 feoRT(i ! l)f3 RUT"GRI4 ,:.
- , . - it'
~rfol5 ~fH16 UTCfTfo i7 II and throwing awaylS Ncctar'4, art ~!Ie a1s ~ if<J16 oIB HOlo <Jfef)jT <JfeIliT17 ~
wholly occupied l7 with dust 16 • ~. I ~
How 22 can one expect21 to gain bliss RH f~C/'OtI8 -e l!l)fT~iI9 3'20 'tIT~ :l:!Rl t!1 i
m 20 the pleasure" of vice l8 , 0 y'Tu31 t!1 fOl'R 3~T22 WHB21 C/o RC/t!T~, <1 t

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ ~
• ••••••• ••- ••••••• +9+~ ••••••• ~ ..... ~.+•••••..i

r;~::::::~;;:~:::~·;:::·;·::::·::::::t:S~::::·::~··:;~·;;:;::::·:::~2:·;·;q ~~T
peace 2S lies in them ? f~B l){la TH2S ~ ?
qrf)-f27 ~fq28 c%f9'29 The engrossment30 in lust27 , wrath28 f~F.i ~0l27, ar-;:F' l){3 5 1ffiJ29l)j'eo :aTcEP-0 30
fSl1iTfU§'30 ;:Jo)-f31 tit and avarice 29 is the mine 32 of birth 31 <JeT ,:JHe31 l){3 HOo t!1 OfT032 0 I

oft l::fTf0"32 II and death.

. Uf33 33 UT~0"34 Rofo35 o Nanak, I have entered 38
the ;] oTOOf ! H· tPtJll){y33 -~ tJf~3, Ci!Clo ~lH34
».fTf~§'38 ~qq36 (')ToOl sanctuary3S of God, the Purifier34 of ~f<J01~ Bl tJOT<J35 B~138 ~ l){3 H· ,P<!B1 37
;:rrfi)37 II ~1I9.~ II S 9.11 the sinners 33 and I know 37 that I shall <JT for HoT tJTB €?3ror 36 <J ;::Tl~ I
/ -
be ferried across 36•
)-fuC5T ~ II
Ol'TO"~T Kanra 5th Guru. qT(i;3T tJ";:Rl· Ul f3F.fT<Jl I
».ff~c%Ol'~39 CJT)-f40 ~ I 100k at the lotus42 like counte-
39 Ill){TU<! IlliiTH140 ~ -&~542 f1~U lil:l~41 ~
41l:iCfTafS"t42 II nance 41 of my Lord 40• ~l:It!139 <JT I
UH3 43 U;:J3 CJ3Q44 Searching43 and seeking, I have ~~3 ~TB &, H· l){lui y.-~ -e 3T}{ <Jla 4" ~
wfug45 fSRa1 46 R9 found 4s the jewel44 0f Lord's Name and B~ f5lii T45 0 l){3 ~e HoT werT fu' q0 47 ~
.fue 47 II ClIICJ~1I am now rid of46 all anxiety47. Pause. <J farlii 146 ~ I Of<J01~ I
trCJo 48 0l')-fC549 fa-e 50 EnshriningSI the Lord's lotus49 feet 48 fIlfua ~ ~~49 11048 l){TU<! f<JCI-e 50 IlfBo
qTf"CJ51 II ~3fCJ».fT52 in my mind so , my pain53 and fCqT~ ~liiTtjT51, Hal ~53 lii3 ~al~54 tHe
~Cf53 .Ht54 119.11 wickedness 54 are effaced52• or~liit52 <Jo I
OT;:r55 qo56 UCJ~Tij57 He 58 , the Lord 60 of universe59 is my 55
~<J51, fJ:lBc1 59 t!1 !il){TH1 60 Hal U1f3f.tT<J1 ,
Ha - 61RoS~58 dominion 55 , wealth56• family 57 and BB352, i'ao Ci!all;TS7 l){3 Fll0 l ~I <Jl 0 I
59alftfe60 II everything6l •
Wt7RoTf~2 gr~63 Associating with62 the saints, Nanak Rf3R0l3 Ci!Clo tIl)fT0162, ()T(')q ~ ~lf<JOJ.i -e
. 0"
f"6f0 64
II ~ 119. S II
has reaped the profit63
of God's Name
and so he shall die 65 not again64 .
oTH BT '101:6163 Ci!HT ffil){T 0 l){3 f~FI Bit
~<J JiE64 & Haor163 O<Jr

orro~T )-fUHT ~ Ul2 ~
Kanra 5th Guru

n ~lfu019. ~B fuq
9. B' Rf3qJo tI,FPft II There is but One God. By the True 0 I R-e OloT t!1 Bw,p
Guru's grace, is He obtained. tIl){ToT ~<J UTfel){T ;::TTBT 0 I
Worship66, thou. thy Lord, contem- ~ ))fTU<! Flt~· BT ~UTf.lor66 qO, ~FI \-e 3 TH
plate67 His Name and repair 70 to the ~ fRHo'7 l>f3 f~f.lrg68 R'-ij OloT '€ 1101'"
feet" of the Great68 True Guru. ~70 I

HQ72 By the Guru's grace76 , the



into thy mind 72 and thou shalt win7s ftf3 "B~:orT7S I ofiJoTIj I

the battle of the worldH • Pause. :

Various77 kinds of worshi ps78 I have »f~qrT77 (jlfTRoT~T78 H' ~13fc!lji179 3Cl1f'ifljiT80
scrutinized81 in many79 a way80; 3TH 1l~3TB1'1i181 iJo I i,r~B (jiJ 82 <:11 »fRB ~
ThatU alone ;, the "al wo"hlp, !?u'ali' fl, ~ >iii ,,'f,,'!I'! ~ ;'jill1 ,,&,,1" " I ~
which is pleasing83 to my God. ~
~ or_~~185 fHc18~ ~ I ~
This body puppet85 is made86 of leu =+<J
B1 t!1 =1
_,",el f&.
clay84, then, what 97 deed 88 can it 3B ft'iJ »fTlli »fTll fqiJ~187 ~H88 ~ll~ tJr~ ~
accomplish 89 , of itself? Rqrt!189 ~ ? :r..
O Lord, holding 91 by the arm90 , 5 ! ft=lR fqrR ?i_ 91
" = ~'ti90
_ 3' llqr~91 i,r ' 3'= ~

whomsoever Thou puttest on the right Mil 083 91 t(T(j't!T ~', it~B (jiJ93 t=ll~9~ <J1 ~
~ ~
path92 , that 93 being9~ alone meets 95 30 o'B »fT fHBt!"s G I ~
with Thee.
o God, I know 98 not of another" <J ~'fiJCIJ.~ ! H' 5a 69 fqrll lliTR~97 ~ (')JI' ~
support 97; Thou alone art my support t=ll~BT98 I -a ~B ~ iJ1 HaT l;{TlTcF l)f3 .;.
and hope 99 . (jHB 99 ~' I ~
What supplication2 I, the poor onelOO, H' oro1a~TIOO qr1 ~o3J2 qo R01t![ iJf, tit!3 fC? ~

can make, when 3 the Lord abides 5 in

all the hearts" ?
Rlt'I' RTfol)fT ft!Bl~ }rfeo ?R s faiJ ' G ?

My mind thirsts 7 for the tou~'h of the Hef ftJ~3' ~ R1erl' ~ ~OT6 t!1 6[iJ t!1 ~iJ7 <S0l1 >so
Lord's feet 6. <Jt'1 ~ I '" If·
Sayeth 'O Nanak, Thy slave 9 and serf8, R~C?8 3 ToOi 30T a1~T9 qrfde T'O ~ i ~O~T0'3, ~

a sacrifice l3 , a sacrifice, yea, nerl~ a ~O~TO, Rel~'~ iJl ~Cl~TO .t=Jlt!! iJf Hel2 3a

sacrifice, am J 11 unto Thee, 0 my ~

f13'. ;] Ha HTBOI ! ~.
Master. to


Kanra 5th Guru


There is but One God. By the True ~'fCJCIJ.~ ~~m ft'oi ~ I R~ oTC!' ~1 t'ft'rrl T :t
Guru's grace, is He obtained. . ~»flC!T ~CJ tjTft'lli l ;:(l~ ~ I ~

;:J0l3 15 €tUTCf?i 16 oTH Thy Name, 0 my Beloved '7 , is the 3'~T 3 TH, iJ!:fa fl.Illil~17! HRTo's BT lila ~
ft{1Ji 17 3ij II saviour l6 of the world ls • (j3 1o T qroo~TWl6 I ~ !
o~]8 f?ifU l9 (LiTli The Name of my God 21 is the nine l8 Ha ~fCJCIJ.~ ~T (';TH21 Uo-~B3"o ~ i 'B tt
fOUT020 (Jfo ~~21 " treasure,I9 of the riches 20 . :l:t;:rT~19 ~ I !
1•••4.:•••••••• ~iHI'''' -. +++++ '''+~~+++'l'·•.!'+.'''" !' " ••• 1

Chrr25 })o\~D~26 II imbued 2" with Thy 10ve23; he is blessed -a<lllf;:t»f,24~, ~R ~ ~al2S 1{t:!TO <It:!T ~ I
with bliss 2S .
~27 -ij28 H029 Hf~30 Why27 art thou, 0 28 my SOUP9, clung31 3a
fOl~27 ;128
- •
HaT ftf~~29 ! ~RTQf. HH3T30
31 C)T5 rnH31 <i'e1
31 ~ ?
Har%a II to worldly love 30 ?
~ffij33 II
-e~ RTll With thy eyes32 , see thou the vision 33
of the saints.
. ..
))fTtJf<!l)fi ~32 ('iTS 3 R3T ~T ~o33 ~ I

Fi34 ~35 f;:rg fgl:f~36 He 3" alone is blessed 3s with the Name ~~8 ~3"
- <:IT 01H -
~ , fitR ~

fBc;a 37 119I1o\JT~1I on whose forehead 37 it is so writ 36 . Hip7 ~ ~R1 f81:f3'ar6 ~ I of<J6T~ I

I serve38 the feet'" of the holymen 39 ~. %Ol sft:!l)fi3t ~ tJfi3 tJoat
4G aot'". -e
and the pious persons"o• t:!1 Ul"S OlWW·~38 <:IT I
I long for4 2 the dust" 3 of their feet, -e
H· ~T aaT Bl q3..3 ~ g;:R'T"2 <:It, ,:; ~~
which renders" 5 me immaculate..... tJT~o l!o13.... Ol'tRJ4S ~ I

It is better than the ablution"7 at the reu ~ 3~ -e reao c)'t7 3· 1 »ffQOl ~

sixtyeight..6 holies and washes off..9 ~ Hot H'S1e3"r48 ~ Q 1JCt:!149 ~ I
my filth..8 •
RTfR RTfR50 fQl)fT~51 With my every breathSO, contemplateS I »fTtJ<! <JO Il»fTRScr (')T'8 If' ~ wet·;:!T

lj1;f52 mit H-a 53 II - I my Lord and turnS] not my face s2 fmreo CI~SI ClT))f3 H· ~ l£<:IS2 ~R
away from him. ~g. o<J1· H3t:!1S3 I

,fOl~ mar 0 54
"BT 55 Nothing, out of lakhss6 and millions 57 ~5' »f'3 ~3T57 q.f\.r»ft~· ~ 5'1 s-e ~
gTl:f56 ~a57 II of rupees, goesS5 withs" the man. 0''85'' m:it Wt:!T5S I

l.J.9 tft58 ~ Olli ))i"i359 It is only the sire s8 Lord's Name, -a~ H<J1(J1;:JS8 H''8Ol t:!1 01H <:11 ~ t"i »fWoS9
ycma 60 11911 rhat inures60 with the mortal in the
end59 .
~ ~B tr<!1 ~ lf~ ~ I

. HORr6J wfo62 EOl Within thy mind61 , worship62 thou »fTtfc! H'061 »f"-ec, ~ f'eO! ~tJ -a<ll af<:l3
fo'ij'~63 II ROTg64 the one Formless Lord 63 and be f!))fTH1'3 Bl ~1..ITJ:IOt'2 oro ))f3 <J a67 R'fal)fi64
B))ffOlo65 9T~66 delivered 6s of the love" of a1l6" -e fu))fTQ'6 3· J::IWR1 tJT tfI65 I
~~6711 others67 •
, ci~o68 0/#9 ~~ What68 praises7li of Thine can I H· 301l)fi f~I)fT68 f~l)fi f'R6'3 t70
~o70 fl{}){71 3cl1l utter 69 , 0 my Love 71 ? ~0<!69 oro ROlt:!T <:It, <J Ha 1{13"HT7I ?
aafo72 (I) RTO/'~ EO/' I cannot narrate 72 even one of Thine H· 301 !"e0l fR'63'3 ;:!1 5'1 ~o<!'2 oClT· oro
7~73 II merits73 •

~ou ~TI
-e-cmo *
73 f1J»fTR74 My IJlind greatly7S thirsts 74
for the HoT rn3" l[i ~ t:!Tt:!TQ73* '8'e1 ~~37S <:11

~::~::=.:"'_~O:: :::::~ ••_ ...... reHf»fHflHf7"HfHf~"?"""'''HfHf ...~;;n; . ."....._

· '0_.'_•.
1304-1305 .

fH~ OTOQl -e~76 0 Luminous Lord 76 , the Guru of78 ;J RR"a 77 ~ a.!~78, y'aPR~To y'~76 !
t1cJT3 77 0]0 ~a78 II~II the universe 77 , meet Thou with ~ fHH l../~ I
• <:t1l=3811 Nanak.
OlTO~T H~5T 4 II Kama 5th Guru. 01'(');3' tit:l~l l../'f3R'<Jt I
~RJ79 0l€to80 f~q81 What 80 is such 79 a way8', by which I ~5 ;:J<JT 79 fqr<J;31 80 30tqr81~, ft:lR ~1)jTaT
t!CJFJo UOR OT82 II <:t II may obtain82 Thy vision, 0 Lord? )f~ 3erT t'te'o y"lJ382;] 11'~, ;J ~l){THt! i
. o~T(t1l Pause. of<JtJ'~ I ~
»fTR83 fU>;fTR 84 FJ G8 85 o Lord, I hope 83 and thirst 84 for the ;J Ill){THt I H~ 3a HoR'-I£ao<JTer8S t'aR0 86 ~
Hof3 86 €?Hfm87 ~1€?88 wish-fulfilIing8S vision 86 of Thine. t'l ~He83 l)j3 ~<J84 ~ I H-a fB3 88 ~ 3~ ~
3CJRoT89-11911 - My mind 88 craves 87
to see Thee.
and desires 89 ~Clc el (Jl-iar 87 l){3 3 TW89 5 I i

Ijt!1090 '810 91 fl(>;fTFJ92

Hln93 R3?i T95 ~fCJ
R3nr94 II
.~fCJ R30T Oll ao
96 II
Like the fish 93 thirsting92 for water,
the meek~o saints94, the Lord's saints 9S
remain merged 91 in Him .
I am the dust96 of the feet of the
l../'Cl Ht'l Hsl'3 el fU>;{TR 92 ~TOL HRqrlo 90
R' 1l:!9S, RTt:'l ~ R' rq94 (JR »-feer RH'P

H' RT~l
uo I
-e R'q>;{i ~ lia l el lJ;396 <JT I
~ ~
Lord's saints
J til€t 97 >J1CJfU
-eo II Surrender98 I my soul97 unto them. H' l)j'l../Cl f;:ft';3l 97 ~~i ~ RHal../o qOel98
I t["9
foroUo lOO
"9E 99

)-fTQ 2 H~3 f3>;fTfOT

The Lord has be\.'omc 99 mcrciful'°o
unto me.
o Nanak, when man sheds 4 his ego 2
<JT I H'Hqr

ij 0'001
Ha ~3

! l1e
fHJoEl'oIOO ;] farl)j199 ~ I

fPoRT O l)j'l../cl R~-5ar312 l>i3

~f~€?4 3(t5 oToOl and worldly love 3, then s. mcets 7 he RRlot HH3 ~ f3~tilar fe'e,4~, 3e 5 ~<J

~fCJ ;:rl(t6 ~COT7 II~" with his reverend Lord 6. l){ltJ<§' I£l1ollJf y'~6 ~ fHH tl'e 17 ~ I
qro~T H~W Lj II Kanra 5th Gllru. qrro ;3' u'i1~l ll'f3R'<Jl I
. aOT T8 acn
9 amn lO ~ The co!ourful 8 and wondrous 9 Lord
imbues l2 the mortal in His own
f~f~3a l)j3 l){e~3 lr~8 l{'cl ~
aa-r T12 II colour lo . -aar 1c k~ a01 tJ't 1 '2 ~ I
0l1c l3 ~R314 From an ant l3 to an elephant'4, (he qrb1 13 3' B fI J'B1 14 3 i l:l', ~ R"fal)fT"
Rg l6 ROTT'7 Lord is fully'S blended with'7 all'6. o'H '7 ~ol 3~i1S l){~t' 5rel)fT drel){T ~ I
o~€?11 Pause, Of<Jal~ I
J~CJ318 ~H1931CJtf 20 Men ohserve fasts l8 , keep religious a-~ ~a318 oCltJ <Jo, t)ToHqr y'3-far))jT tJTH~"
Rf~321 arOT T22 II VOWS l9 , go on pilgrimages to holies 2ii <Jo l)j3 alar r22 RH3 21 UaH l){R'woi 20 ~1
along with 21 the Ganges 22 .
23 They endure 24 hunger 2S
r'*•••.•••• ++ ~ ···oj, ~,.·,.·,.·,.·,.·,.·!!I·~ti!ll!..!ll!lt4~~

~26 ~l::l ~ H,:J1Cl-e

301T27 II and 26 the pain of the hot and the cold Ho I
lJW 28
Bra 29 Sitting cross-Iegged]\ they performJO ~a31 11'Cl31 & ~o ~a ~U1R(')T28 l)f3 ~a1
~ffirrT31 II worship28 and good deeds 2'. aOH 29 aa-e]O <J?i I

B~32 O7CJH 33 They do the deeds]] of painting ~a >;flU~ ~]6 ~"ClTT3S 3 t:paHOl f~~12 lJoI3
36l:fT~OTT35 II religious symbols12 and sacrificial fi-~34 Bl~ -e iiH 33
aloe <:I'i'i I

marks H on their SiX 36 limbs 35 .

j ~CJRQ37 ~~38 fS'Q39 They read through]8 the six ~<:I g l'P'R3a37 ~T~-e38 a?i. Y"...q I1f3RClT:r4°
i m3FrOlT40 11911 Shastras J7 , but associate not]9 with (';'H ~<J 'i'ia1"39 t!3-e I

~ the saints' society40.

fi:oHTo uaH~2 '1015 aClHaT~1 ao-e ao ~3
~it ~fo f001f~41 »-If3 42 Men practise extremely42 forced
1o~343 f8~illT44 ..
II rituals4\ and k eep43 standing on their >;fllf~ fl1a UCl~44 ~=1 afd'--e 43 '10 I

head 44 .
t+ ~€?45 eJ01 46 fS))iTU 47 Thiswise, they are afflicted H wi"h the fl:H 3~t ~~t ~ <10l1Cl45 ~T ~lH1Cl146 BOT
- - 42 ;:rT~1~7 ~l){3 ~a ~~1>;fT49 3' ~COllaT48 oar
t B~48 0 ~OIT49 II ailment46 of ego~5 and their demerits
~ -
~ oPH50 ~U51 );(S52
are effaced 48 not.
They burn54 in the fire of lust ,
50 W-el
~'1 f~R ~ClT50,v or-~SI >;f3 ?i3'll)fT "3' ?i3'1~t52 r

i~ FiSs >i0l'~56
f3R0 53 tftJOIT54 II
oTo07 ftlB
wrathS I and extreme 52 cravings 53 .
He55 alone is emancipated 56 , 0
J:f1f<JRT53 ~1 WoOl ».f~Cl H3-e S4 '10 I
&~c:5 ~H55~1 a1 afHl'fil~56 <im ~, ;J oT?ia! .'

~ Rf3oro BOIT57 1I~11~11 Nanak, sublimes7 is whose True JlRc '1'i'i f?H -e 'Rv-B ·OlCl-e~ ;:rl I

of --

~~~II Guru.
~ O7To~T H~B'T l.\ l1!q Kanra 5th Guru

€? Rf3qJCf t{RTft II There is but One God. By the True ~lf'1OJ.2, &~B fl:Ol ~ I It-B OlClr ~1 ~fl:l)fI
~ Guru·s grace, is He obtained. ~"'POT ~;J u'fl:l){' ;:rr~T ~ I
! f3Cf58 SfS59 illC-l OIcl My thirst 58 is quenched 59 ,meeting with R3 H'!U
l!ClRt 'i'i'H fHH~ ~l){'ClT Hol
~ fHfa A'TU
~ = tloT60 II the saintly person..;60.
fU>ii H fHc 01'2'1;9 ~ I
~ UB61 9TaT62 Ba63 By singing70, and ever singing God's66 l'fi~B3,H l'fi3 ll{lolH 'i'iTH ~lf<JOJ.~66 ~lllfT
i R~;:J64 BB3 fl5 ~a66 praises69 with poisc 64 and peace65 and
fH~3,6~ ,la UB >;f3 '10 ~H C1T' fl:'i'i , 01'00
.. 01069 dTT~3ro OIT~31 b~ing >ii3 t[~ -e ~aR071 ~1 y}3 'i'i 5 aClTl;:r~
imbued with the love 72 of the
1 -
... dTT~31 taA'71 Lord's vision 71 , the five 61 thieves 63 ~>iilaT, :,h'l61 3ROlCl
63 62
~3 ;:rr-e ao I
~ftfi;fTfa72 W=t1ld~T~11 runaway62. Pause. Of<J01~ I
~ ~HT3 O7al lf9 }:j74
; fR~75 }:j fA'€?' »im 76
. The good thatH the Lord has done
to 75 me H , how 78 can F7 do unto Him
f;:m 3~r7J ~1 ~Bll:1
01131~, ~H 3'9F'
\iWHT?l Hij74 'i'iT5
~1 H'77 ~H 'i'iTB fOlH

J~€i77 ~H78 O7a€l11 3~T78 aa HOl~T <:IT ?

like wise 76 ?

\Jl~79 3)-fTij80
My soul 79 , 0 Lord, is a sacrificesl , 3ijso (t3', 5 RTff ! 1{o1 ftitJ3V 9 uffil",
ac% arF.i"' ac% af5 unto Thee SO , Yea, a sacrifice, an tii51, u7m, u781, Re1~ <:11 tii51 ?~e1 ~ I
offering, a consecration and a presen-
arell1<=i11 tation.
uf~.g82 Q83 R3 t.f'f~84 FirstIyS2 I falls3 at the saints' feet" Ufu5 ufuH12 H· R1lll)fT ~ tidl"'84 ih~T83 <JT
fU~Tf~8S f"Q»frf~86 and then being attuned to Thees7 , I »{3 fEid S7 -aa (')TB" l{H l.fl H' 3dT fRHd0
85 3
t{tf3 F.iTf~ II remember 8s and contemplateS' Thee, ~~?i86 ~O;:?T <JT, ;J l!1)f'Hl !
o Lord.
l{~ l:JTQ88 3a ~~89 o Lord, what kind 89 is Thy seat88 , 5 Rl~ll9 ! &5 ftr.JTI9 ~ 3d1 »{RClT?i18, fim
;:'30 91 90 fud'tiH'o 5 3= »{ru~ m~ ;:j3»{t91
f;:rq90 qfa seated whereon9o Thou givest @3
- •
alBrq92 II 92 9
thought to Thine creatures ' '? fC:ll)i18 ~de192 ~' ?

»{~~T93 R~94. a l!l)fTHl ! 301" i

»-{foC?93 t'TR94 C?la895

Good many93 attendants 94 of Thine, 3'j <:11
C?af\J q\Jra1 96 II o God, sing Thy" praise9s . Hful-fT 95 CJTlfeo ~ <:10 I !
R~97 fHf~ ;':l He97 alone meets with Thee, who is ~~B €t:J97 <:11 3ij 0 8 fH8t"~. ftr.J;p
1 3?l
~T~398 t1099
OT?>C? pleasing98 to Thee, 0 Lord. The 8art!1"~. 5 l!l)flHl ! HT8~ ~ l)j'~
o~o of~ RHrre 100 11

EC?2 ~~1 ~tit ~\Jl II

C?T~ HuBT 4 Ul"q t:
Master remains merged 100 in him, 0
slave" Nanak.
Thou, yea, Thou, and Thou alone 2 art
all in all, 0 my Lord.
Kanra 5th Guru
810 cjful)fT dftft!r lOO ~, 5 am" ('iT~ !

~, ~. llf3 ~~82 ~ <:I1~'

l!»{TH1 !
~T('i~T tf~l' lJlf3J:iT<Jl
R1CJT ~, ;J H"ij I

~ §" Rf3qfa ll.RTft' II There is but One God. By the True ~TfUOJ~ &~ f~ ~ I B-B O1crt el t!fu»{T
Guru's grace, is He attained. ~l)ildT (t<J l.flf~l)fT ~T ~ I

f3»fTOT1~3 qJHTQ4 o my minds, shed 3 thou thy self- aHa H?i.~5 I ~ »{tt«!l R~-~0f3T4 ~ ~~3~ I

HTQ5 ihf~ t"fu»fT"8"7 conceit4. Thy Loved8 compassionate 30 fU»{TO'S ~U'8 lfi7 Rrfot)fT ~ ~ fo<JT'
'8"TB 8 ~9 JT Ho lO Lord 7 is seeing' all. Be9, yea. do thou ~ I a H"ol fti~'O ! cj ~~9, 5 ~~, ~ ~ ~
Boo 12 B-013 II <=ill be, the dust l3 of His feet 12, 0 my ticrt 12 t!1 ~ 13 ? of<JdT(t I
soul lO . Pause.
o<J T€!1I
illo R3 14 >-1'3 15 By the instruction 15 of the saints of ia ~ RTllt)fT'4 ~ (tufuI'5 ~l){TOT, ~ fi:J.s:lcl 16
16qJlfTB 17 fur»fT018 God l 4, be thou imbued with the ~ UT8<!-URC!<J'd 17 e1 fafl)fT3 lS »{3 fi::n.fao' 9
. fU»fTol9 11911

fucH~'20 aifSt'21
gnosisl 8 and meditation 19 of the
Cherisher l7 of the universe".
With thy heart 20, sing 22 thou, the
oT8 "6011;:t ~~ I

n-ITUc! fu8 20 oT8, ~ l)fTtR HR~10T2' 3

• ijJTfu22 Boo

23 OlHB24
u1f3 F.irfu25 Bl026
TB 27 H\JOT28 II

praise of thy Fascinating28 and

M,<eiful" to th, m«k'.' Lotd". and

be attuned 2s to His Lotus 24 feet n .
""'lIIJlII~ ~ ,... iIHIJ"iIJiIi_
fH<:Id~P027 llf3 HOK<:I0 28

ill;""" ... »<3

fUd<:sl ur 2S I
(lR il ~"Qoi~••

l-fT~21 el f~3

:J t

0 Benevolent Lord 29 ,
. . . . . . . . . .;.+• • • • •"'--..§.~~~~!!?!!?!!?!!?!!?!!?!!?+.-t.oJ!-+~

show 32 Thou
. )~·~~.++ ++

<] fI-liJo<l'T('i l-PEOI 29


!~ Ha fi!3 of<:ll-l3l0 1'){3

Hf'e);fT u Tfo II mcrcylO and compassion ll unto me. fl-l<:lol' <roll I

7)T7)'I . HTat 33 Of!:! 0 Lord, Nanak begs]] Thee for the <] l{"l '('iToar 3~ l..pR~ 3<1 ('i'l-I"i?'T ~ol4 ~
BTH 34 II bount y34 of Thy Name. l-I"oT"i?'I]] ~ 1 l
• 3f~35 Hu 36 9'oH 37 He has abandoned 35 all 38 his worldly ~H?) 1';f1UcT l'!'oV' RRToT l-Il-I3,36 , R-e<:l37 :
RdTH38 ;;'fe,HTQ:39 II love 36 , dou bt 37 and self-conceit 39 . >rf3 R;;?-\J013 T39 ri""fJ ~~il35 ~ I
. ;~


qT~ HuHT Ll II
!l{9" qU0 40 Hp'>7)4 1
Kanra 5th Guru.
The utterence 40 of God's praise
hurns 42 the filth 41 of sins. Meeting
with the Guru, one is
it. In no wise 45 elsc H
blessed H
it is obtained.
qe"i?' 42
arT~T utl?l U'f38'<:IT I
<:leTt -e til'! "i?"
T ~ T
I Cl}a oTE fl-lEe
u'ut "i?'T H5 41

1_1,1\..13 <I"i?" ~ I fCl~ <10« 3t!<l'10 oT<:I1'45 •


feu l{'U3 oell <i"i?" I Of<JOT~ I

~I'){ToT f~<:I i•

,- - - t
Pause. ;:
~ q~O~
~ 3C(')46 t1co 47 ,=1"2'(')48 The banks of river~~6,six rituals H "i?'fo,rj'?T -e fClCi'-a 46 , ~ 0I0l-larT""fJ47 , -:-r:rt 48 , 'M~

! ~H(')49 (')luT ~~ mattcd-hair 48 , incense-burning 49 and <J?o aro?)~9 lrl3 ReT uTol <1c T50 . nor?)y o'H I u

j'OTQ5U B>r{T~51 WH 1 mace- bearing 50 ; these serve not tlle qci{tlCi 51 UOT o<Jl' <J"i?'
~ - T I

purpose 51 .
~ 1=13(')52 9'T3053 3l..{7)54 myriad sort~53 of efforts 52 ,auslerities 5\ ¥3 T 5~1 ~OIR~T535-e6 ~\..I05T57~5~ 3\..1~-fl'!1"f1?T54. ~.
t~ 9'Ho 55 >}[fOq56 qCf(')57
~ qcr3 58 ouT
wanderings 55 and uttercncc 58
various 56 gospels 57 , by these means,
of aeo T I'){", lrl?)ar T ~pl1o 'dBTO?)58. fe(')t ;:
RTUOT ~'rIToT q-~"i?'T B'301 59 3 l'>IHEl T0 60 ~
- , u.
~ l..{T'e1 OT~ 60 II the Lord's limit 59 and seat60 can be U,~61 o<:ll ,::p Rar~ ? il:
~ found 61 not.
.~ 8fq 62 R'dTa 63 8'00,,64 I have given thought 62 to all63 other H- ;]0 wa 63 30TfCl'rlT64 ~ RfBI'){T ?lB Tfo1'){T62
! Bl:!66 OTOqT 9"1165 ways6\ but peace 66 lies in the Name's ~, c[-~ 1'){'3"i?"6 a?H o'l-I -e fRl-Io?)65 f~B
~ (')T@ II =< II =< II ~ t: II medilation 65 alone, 0 Nanak. CJ1 ~, ;j 0'001 !
~~ -
~ cFO~T Hu8 r II ~~ t: K anra 5th Guru 01'(';3' \..I"t:T~l' \./lf38 T<11
!~ q § /R'f3a]o
lfR'TfB II There is but One God. By the True ?Tf<Ja:!..Ci a?H. f~OI ~ I R~ OlaT "i?'l ~fc!I'){T I,!
t Guru's grace, is He obtained. ~lrlToT ~<:I U'fC!I'){T ;:[t"i?'T ~ I !
~ lff33 67 lfT~(')68 '9crrf3 69 The Lord is the purifier68 of the If~ UT\.111'){T67 ~ ~3'0 <roo ~TEt68. I'){T~<! fJo

; 85'870 ~71 Q'Oo 72 sinners , the Lover of His saints 69 ,

67 7o R3T69"i?'T R?luVo, ;ro71 oTR «00<:1'072 >1,'3 l
l3T'03-73 3'0074 11911 th~ Destroyer 72 of dread 71 and a ~Ta ~3ol-l74 '8~T f~OI ;:[tJTil 75
3 I of<:laT~ I ,=
~ oi::JT€?11 73
boat to ferry across H • Pause.
l~o75 f3l!3 76 toB 77 My eyes 75 are satiated76 by seeing78 the HClll'){T >1f1:fi 75 l..[~ BT ~017 B1:fc 78 ~I'){ro'
1 +.~~_~+++~~.++~+ ~.~~~~~~~++~~+~~.~++++++ ..
._ ~.4t . . , . . ,. .~ ~

ilftr78 ;:J1179 3ftr80 Lord's vision77 and my ears B2 are trtJ OTC!11>jy76 <:10 »13 ~oB2 ~R Bl Hfuw79

s:!0381 OlCJo82 11911 sated BO by hearingBI His praise79 . If<!BI iJti OT~BO <:10 I

. lfo83 OT~ »foT~S I, the meek one B7 , seek the H·, -e

HR&lo BB, RRT o 88 l!l)PH1B9 BT3'O" B1
B'T386 B1oS 7 88a1faB'89 protection90 of the BeneficentB6 l.fOT<:I90 B;JtrT u Y, il ~ol ftfBtlTo B3 BT »ITROT
RO(')90 II Lord" of the World BB, who is the »13 fo~lRfH»IyBS BT l:Imi B4 ~ I
support of my vital-breathBJ and the
PatronB4 of the patronless Bs •
))fTR91 tloo 92 trl::f93 God is the Fulfiller92 of hope 91 and ~TfuOl~ ~B91 \{01 Ci'oo<JTa92 »!3 tis 9J
feoTR094=ar~195 ~96 the Destroyed'l4 ofpain9J . Nanak has OTR Ci'Ot') ~94 ~ I OTOCi'?> ~R -e tJf~3
J ~fa
oroor ~oo97 II grasped 9s the refuge" of His holy t1a i97 B1 tJOT<J" l.JCi'~19s ~ I
i ~IICi"8011 feet 97 .
&T~T tJi1~r tJT81=PiJ1 I
Ol"O;p HUBT l/ II Kanra 5th Guru.
'loo3 RCJo 9S ~~l1ofT899 I seek the refuge 9B of the feet J of the H· fH<:Ioii T?)" 1-/T5Ci' -e t1oy3 e1l.JC')Tu9B H~BT
OTeja »fToIOO ortit Merciful" Master. I have no other lOO <:IT I ~a 5C!1 50 iiC!l l °O tiiJTT 2 tile! ~ oiJr I
plaee2 to go to.
tJ'fu2 II
t(f3~ t1T~o5 fea~6 To purifyS the sinners 4 is the daily tJ Tl.J11)ft4 ~ trW'30 qaos, ~ e 1 fo3 Ci'OH' ~ I ~~
s:!l1ofTW ~qa37 ~ practice6 of the Lord. ContemplatingB l.[~BT fRHoC') Ci'Ot') ~»jToT8 ;::il~ e TtrIa
fql10fTfe S
II Ci IIffiJT~1l the Lord, men are ferried across 7. ~3ToT 5 WBT 7 ~ I of;:rol~ I
RW09 arTolO feor TCJl2 The blind man l7 has fallen l4 into the »I"?i T fuoRT O l7 tldT39 RIi"eo 'J l.JTl.J12, -e !.
R'arcJ U83 14 >=i~15
13 quag mire 10 of vice 11, attachment IS HH3 TIS »!3 <iCi' l oI6 e1 l!~IO f;ro ~
l6 >Jf'q17 " fa0l8 18 and ego l6 of the world 9 ocean lJ and fl.J»I114 ~ »13 FrR' o1" f~ulaT21 0 15 fBH~21
HTf~l1iTI9 Rfar 20 6q 21 II clinging t0 20 the worldly" affairs 21 , he ~iJ f~»Il,!5 5 fOT»I T'B ~ I
is bewildered lB.
~22 ar<J23 l{Sf »fTfu24 Holding2J me by the hand u , Thou Hl> •
uq'22 trCi'~ 2l :1= ~t'24 _ I
iJ1 fC!R f~B' Hl> •

. orr~25 oTfl::f26 5g Thyself2 4 pulps me out of it, 0 my iiTuo ci';;: 5 2S, cJ ~cJ l!»ITm H'5Ci', l.Jlf3a T<J27 !
Lord Master, the King 27 and thiswise
cftftfB arfu27 11911 • 3= Hal iJ-fu»jT26 Ci'o I
»13 reR 3ijY
save 26 thou me.
l1iOTa28ora29 Rora 30 God is
the Master 29 of the ~Tfua:r~ fo~:fRfHl)fy2B BT J:lRH 29 , RTl!l)fi JI BT ~
R30 31 32 33
afc tITU Masterless 2B , the Lord 30 of the saints J1 li»lTm 30 »13 ~~i32 u1 Ci'RHW]] -e oTR Oleo i
fe01R34 II and the Destroyer J4 of millions JJ of ~T5TJ4 ~ I It

Hfo trCJR8 35 oft My mind thirsts 36 for Thy vision 3S Ha fB3 ~ 3a elBT0 3S e1 ~<J36 5OTl.ret~, =
flll1ofTR II ~~ llOo37
36 o my Perfect Lord 37 , the Treasure 39 cJ &il1»1 y31 -e J:j;:lt?)39, ~a R~aC') H'5Ci'J7 !
38q(63 i R39 /I of virtues••
wo••• ••••••••••+.·.~ ·+· ·w ~ ,i
[4311 ]

f~lfT 5 40 Bf~rrlT541 o Nanak, with thy tongue 4'" sing 46 ii OTOO/ ! »i Tl..[cl 1=Il<J3114 o'H I
3= fRHcT
12 ~

,42a]lI T5 43 ?)T?)~ (lfCJ tholl the praise 4s of thy l..[lHc-tiHc<Jro 43 , »iTll<! fH<Jol:fT(')40 '3
CfR(')T4 ~ O]?)45 O1Tf~46 II compassionate 40 and Merciful11 God, Hf~»iT~T(')11 ~Tf<JOl~ t'l»iY fR:G3i15 O1Tf~046

=<1I=<118<:t1l the Cherisher 43 uf the universe 32 • 010 I

HU'5 T 1I II
OI'T(')~T Kanra 5th Guru. OIT o ;3"T ll";:r~l l..[Tf3F.JT<Jl I
~TfCJ47 ~TCJ~ l).ff?)0l48 Manv a time 1B , I am a sacrifice 17 , yea, )}iTll<§ y'l:l"H sO ~ oT3)s3 ~ f~q .llHs2 ~
~TCJ~ II 8l:!49 ft{>lf 50 a sacrifice unto the bliss 49 of a fHHTlls I tl J:!Rl 1' ~3'. H' »i?i0/ ~ra14B

ij ~
~U'TGT51 U501'52 momenfs s2 unionsl in the night s3 cral:fT(')17, ~ol:fTo ~~trl <Ji I Of<JOT~ ! ~
CJ T3 53 II '1Wou r§1I with my Beloved so • Pause.
Olf(,)01"55 l-fea 60 l..(Te- 56 The gold 55 mansions 60 and the silk. s6 R?)s5 tl»iY Hf<JHHT;3"1»iy60 »i'3 -aRHTs6 R1=Iys7
~ Rtl 57 R1::f1 58 HfU' ?)Tfu couches s7 ; with these, I have no 10ves9, ?i; f~"iY oTB Hol t{l3s9 o<Jl, ii Hol m:l1~sB !

-t1 fR€?_ ::P3
59 11911 o my maid sB•
~H0I'361 5T562 >lff?)01'63 The pearls 61 , jewls 62 and various 63 H31 61 , 1=I~<J062 »i'3 )}i?)qy63 -a010Bhf y6 \ OlH
~ ~O164 fS?) ?)TH ?)T0Ol
... -
pleasures61 are destructive 6s without
the Name, 0 Nanak.
~ 8:a10 3l:fT<J O/o?) ~TBT»iy65 <J?), ii OTOO/! i

~~68 RC 69 ~ l:fT~1=It e
~(lT365 II
!~866 ~tlQ67 ~fH68 Notwithstanding d ry66 bread 67 and 0l:f1 66 ac167 l:fTc »i'3
- - II::: ' •

~ R(')69 RCfl ft{>lf 70 sleeping 69 on the floor 6B , my life Hol141~o oT3) )}iTui 113Vo ?)TH 71 )}iTo TH 72

~Rf0171 ~f1::f72 f~WT37311 night passes 73 in peace72 with71 my nitro l:f13t1 73 ~, ii HoT R<J1B !
spouse 70 , 0 my maid.
Kanra 5th Guru. O/T?);3"T l..["1=I~l llTf3ET<JT I
~ ~T(')~T HU'5 T 1I II
~>lfir74 3-a 75 HCf76 Shed 75 thou, thy eg0 74 and turn BI thy ~ »iTllcl <J013T74 ~ ~"fJ75 ~ '3 »fTllc T 1£<J76
... -- face 76 God-wards and uttering7B the OloY ~B H;3"BI »i'3 OloT tiT olH77 ~tJTo?)
~ ;:Ta81 II 'a]~ O]~77
0£1 OI'Cf3 78 H?)79 c5~80 II
Guru's Name 77 , longBO thou for him O/Ot T 5f~»iT78 3 »iTll<! fB'3 79 nito €7?)T tT
0£1 -
;;: -"
~ in Thy mind 79 . tF<J(')TBO % I
in.l>lf81 * ulf382 fU;;fT-a83 M y84 Groom 81 * is the Lover 83 of Hcp84 ~3'1* li<Jl:f3 82 t T 1{H1 83 ~ I Of<JOT~ I
affection B2 . Pause.
~H~84 1191;oU'T~11
~f01fU'85 8;:r86 RU'T~187 Snap90, 0 91 snap, yea, sever thou, thy 3;3"90 B,§91 33 B. <:IT 33 B ~ »iTllcT Rau95
'~" l).fT(flf?)88
... B7)T89- 3a90 bonds95 with 94 the five 92 demons 94 and 1l"1=IY'2 ~3f(,)>>iy93 ?)TH'91 »i3 B.t0 87 tl"1 ?~'CIIT
~ CJ191 3€i U~B92 B'3?)93 beauteous B7 shall become the couch B6 313 wo B5 t T 115W86 »i3 i!l:ftT'el B9 '3oT
~ fR€?94 95
- 801- 3€i 11'1! I
of thy home B5 and comfortable B9 thy f~<J3T8B I

courtyard B8 .
3 t i »iT~- »i'3 1=Ir~'CIIr o'1T" t[.~ »fTl(<!
~ l).fTf'2 (') ;:lTf'8 88 96 Then, thou shalt come and ,go not,
~ f?);:j97 >lfTRf?)98 §':U99 but shalt abide 96 in thy own97 seat98 fi;:r97 ~ feO/Ti'B '3 ~R'CIIT96 »f3 '3oT IilJT

; OI'H5 100 f8aTR-a 2 Ii and thy inverted 99 heart 10tus iOO shall ;jf~»iT99 ijf~»iT ftB ~~BIOO 1l:f;3" 1l~OTT2 f
blossom 2.

~ +••••••• +.•••+••••••••,•••+•••••••••••• tp • ...................

~0l13 ~~H4 5 II Ha Thiswise the noise 5 of thy. self- ftrJ:r 3'i!t 301 R~-501314 't."TaHT5 fife
. orrf~~6 017 O1rfuB" conceit4 shall be stilled 3• Says Nanak, I1T~or,3 I OITft'C'i 6 era, §'7 011 reo Ci'o ~
8 9
U~ OT nq 0101 8 sing6, 0 7 sing thou the praise of thy %Ci'11>1-T B m-{e0 }JiTl.!<! ~n1T1-fT ~T fR63-
a15cl 9 1I~118118:311
OlTo~T H: LI UR1 t
Lord, the Ocean9 of virtues8.
Kama 5th Guru. u Tf3HTuT I
Ci'T()~T U"I1~T~ I
~TI0 ~ iiTflf12 HO T13 Thine is the wayl6, which l4 the saints 30T ~u ClR3TI6~. ftlH I4 ~ RT~ n13 ~e i
illo ;:JTflf II ,:j 14 R~ and the Vedas sayl5 is arduousl7, but ClOo l7 ~R-e15 'lo, <[-~ ~ 1-11-I3 TI8 l)f3 <J0T3,20 e
~ O1Ttrc117 H~18

20l)f~~Plf21 Ilo~T~1I
Horo l9
thou art inebriated 19 with the fever 21
of attachment l8
Therefore 10
jft'n1 T iift'n1TI9 ~~ I
~ ~l:f'021 OT~ 1-13~TW

ft'R m:T 10 ~ n1T~ ,!n1TI-IT t'T fRI-lOO I2 ,

fRl-loo Ci'o, ;J ~e13 ! ofiJol~ I
; contemplate 12 ,
contemplate, thou thy Lord, 0 man l3 .

;:l22 oT3 23 J-fT324 Rf01 25
aUo12 6 HTft:!))iT27 H~28
intoxicated H
who are imbued]]
with 25 the
wretched 26
f~<J~22 fC'iCi'01-l~26 }ju~T27 ~ OT~25 I101T;123
n13 1-13~T-g jE <JE 24 uo, ~u fPR t.'T H0I0 28
~ Fr~Tlf29 11911 mammon 27 , they
writhe in the ~T UT~29 »feo 3~G~ UO I
pain29 of its attachment 28 .
oTH ;:JU3 30 H(?31 That 31 manu alone is emancipated]] 0'1-1 t'T fRHOo 0100 30 ~n1'0', c}~ ~<J31 t
~32 ~U~33 fiiRf~34 by contemplating 30 the Name, whom 34 l.!oR 32 'IT at'J:i~TR <:it' T33 ~, f~R34 ~ t e
~ ~qTo~ l)fTU35 II Thou Thyself3 5 emancipatest, 0 Lord. at.'J:i~TR Ci'Ot'T ~~, ;J ~')j'I-IT ! ~
~ fSofR iirfu36 H~37 By the saints' 0grace 40 , Nanak, Rl~n1T t'T t'ft'n1 ~n1ToT, ;J oToCi' ! 1-11-I3Tl7, ~
~ ~38 ~HT39 oT30l R'~ 37 38 doubt 39 ~038 R~iJ39 ~o j I1Te 36 'lo I
l{3Ttf40 11~1IL1118811
attachment , dread
are dispelled]6.
and n13 ,.

! OTTo~ H~HT LI Ufo 90 Ci'TC'i~T ti~l UTf3BTiJT !
Kama 5th Guru.

!~ 9 t??3<J!'; \{fl1f~ II Th", ;, but On, Gnd.

Guru's grace, is He obtained.
By th, T,u, ?'fu<t], il?1< fe-a ~ I "'";j
~ll'Por, ~iJ uTft'n1 T;:rTt'T ~ I
'la' ,,1 "FE'>I'
~ ~R41 t!T Q42 -e~43 0 sire 46 saintsH , bless 43 ye me, with iJ l-/uToT~46, R'q€,H ! 'iRT~ RTt'T" e oTI-I t'T :
i t:ft46 R'3-V 44
;:JS such41 bounty42 of the Lord's l>1B ~iJ141 t' T3 42 8J:iB 43 , fl1 R ~3~ HaT i
~ iil~·17 afBv Tf0 45 II Name, to which my soul 47 is ftfe~T47 Rt'c} ~~t'T45 ~ I :
devoted 45 . :
j HT()48 H~149 ti'B 50 Bewitched49 by eg0 48 and defrauded 51 <J013,48 e T:6iJ:63' Ci'13T 49 iicrT n13 u't:!i50~3f?in1T i
~ ~til51 ~ofS52 fo Olfc 53 and entrapped 52 by the five 50 tT crOlT 51 n13 GTiJT BcrT 52 , H' ~<'aT ~ ?i§5l :
. afRB"54 3 TOl155 RCJf0 56 demons, I abided 54 in their nearness 53 . ~Rt'T54 RT I H~ <r~ l=!3T t'T Ro~T0I365 Ht'1 55 i
RTll))iT ~~57 Rqr58 I have now sought55 the saints ~ n13 U"l1i ~3fC'in1i57 ~1 R0I3 58 ~ J:iBTRl tiT l
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+• ......- +"'••• +"4-• • • • • • • • • • • • • •.- """..Jc
[43 I3]

~ associations S8 of the five demons s7 .
.- Pause.
~ &fc60 ,:[oH;:tf061 Being tired 63 by wandering62 through ¥"3 T6O 0'1 ;:IoHT »i3 >;!ol»jT6I l){t?o ~cer<!62

... ~TfCJ63 UfCJB'64 myriads 60 of births and existences61 , "t1i1'oT
- 0"0 - , 0'e63~ 14" u<!
-e ~a6S
~l){TfCJ65 \19.11 T have now fallen 64 at the God's 3" »iT l'tcrr,64 0'T I
door 6s .
fOl"CJlJT66 9~1 67aini~68 The Lord 63 of the world 67 has shown69 flRT(J67 -e
IIrl'l'H1 68 i) tHuo" u'ol 69 ~ »i3"
9~169 fHfcW 70 OTIj mercv 66 and I am now blessed with 70 H~ <!<! olH t?T »i'flo T'1 \{'\.f3 ;j faT>H,70 ~ I
})ft:pCJ71 II the Name's supporFI.
! ~5i72 ,:[olj73 R6(274 My invaluable 72 life 73 has become Ho' >HHHer 72 ;:I1~073 GHt?'f~er74 ;j faT>H l ~.
! oToOl" 9~75 ~3TfCJ fruitfuF4, 0 Nanak and I am ferried a oTner ! >H3" H~ FfflT0 7S m·{B'o 3" uTa ~3C1
Urfa 75 11:<119.118411 across7S the world ocean74 • fcrrl){T76 uT I

jj OI"To~T Hu5 T 4 Ulq 9. 9.

€I Rf3djo l{WfB II
Kama 5th Guru

There is but One God. By the True

arTo:3 TU;:I?Y urf3R'0'1

?If<:!CIlg, ~?g f~er ~ I R'-e O1oT t?1 B're»iT

Guru's grace is He obtained. ~»iloT, ~ uTfel){T Wt?T ~ I
R~ B9T~76 »fTU?>77 Of Himself77, the Lord has come79 to »i'U77 IIIi1TH11I3 fRQ 76 0'1 »i' ~78 H~ fJ.4H
})fTE 78 II meet with me all-too-spontaneously76. fU»i T ~ I
J.. = 01"'$79 0 ,:[13
'01"'$ I know nothing 79 , nor have I shown89 14" ~S79 ouY ;:IT~. "OT <J1 H~ &~l ~aTT ?RG t
:!1 fecrre 80 II any good quality. T80
[?l:pfH»i ~ I
i tr...~ fHf5B' Bcr82 ErT~81 Through child-like innocence81 , I <3B81 ?oaT ~gU081 oTUr, 14" »iTui
fHH fU>H T <JT >H3 ~fl i) H~ »iToT}-/82 ~l:fF.I
II»jTJ.41 ~
~ ~~ 119.IICJ~T€?1I
.e; -
have met with my Lord and He has
blessed me with peace82 . Pause. f~:p ~ I ofuaT~ I
i R;:tfar 83 fH5 T e
RTq Good fortune 83 has united 84 me with BClll erH~1J93 i) H~ Rf3ROT3 85 oTH ;:t:384
~ RaTTe 85 II the saints' society8s. fif3 T ~ I
~ 0I"~~6 0 tirE 87 I now g087 no where 86 and abide 89 in H" <!<! far1J~86 o.:W WB',87 »i3 »iTU<~ WH88
UJCJf~88 ErRT§89 \I my horne s8 . »i"to ?fRy89 <JT I
~ OT?)90 f?>t:P?)91 God, the Treasure" of virtues 9o , has i)or1>H T90 t?T ~;:rtOT91. ?rf<JCIlC},. Hal f~ ro
~ umfc§"92 reu BB93 II
.e; ...
become manifest92 within this body t?1 ~H1'3 »i"t?o R'fl:f»iT392 »iT ?fR»j' ~ I
cloak 93 of mine.
~ 9.11
~ 'BCJ'094 (29Te95 })fT0 96 I have fallen in love9S with the HoT \{~ -e U094 "OTH fU»i 095 U fuPlfT
1 ~ »i3
j 3;:JT§97 II Lord's feet 94 and have abandoned 97
all else96 .
H~ 50 R10 T ~596 g'~ 5f~lJiT97 ~ I


\ . $ •••••••••••• +••.•• iji~-..-"'~••i/i~~.,.~'l'ip. ... 'li.~'!''I'1I''''-v... ip.l\i1f"+.",..IJi• •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • I

_.._.. .._ - - - - - - - - - -
~~~~~~ .... ........ ••......•...•..........•............
tlT(')98 'EfOT~99 Roa100
~~ ~

t:lT~i'8 3 ~~i ~ll)fT f;{w 3 f~CJBT'9 ~~CJ

In places'8 and their interspaces" and
all over lOO my Lord is pervading2. l1i3 111~ 100 <Jl HCJT t[~ f~l1iTlI07 <J fcr<J T2 ~ I
RWe 2 11
oRf0l 3 oRf0l 4 OTO~ With joy3 and 10ve4, Nanak utter!)6 l:!RV l1i3 11?l<J1 oTH oT o 07, l!wHl ~ll)fi

O1oS ~g6 II ~II '1 II 8EII the praisess of the Lord. fR63 TS ~BTCJO 07CJ~T' ~ I

qTO~T ).ftT~ 4 II Kanra 5th Guru. O7To;3T l.it1~llIrf38T<Jl

7aifae8 oTi!o9 fH53 10

Hard indeed it is to meet God', the fF!.Rc1 7 ~ l-fTB07 8, ~Tfua.!Cl oTB" fl-lB~T llil::fTlD ~

:~r,i" Q~":'f Q'"R~17ul'>13""f~l)fTlI07 Ii

~dr~llo II Lord8 of Universe7.
12trafHf313 otr 14 The Lord of 12Inestimable 13 , of"3", R""
3~ ~eijl6 ~TBTI1
)'){alH 1S >,){aTBo l6 Inaccessible ls and Inapprehensible 16 11t[1I Rl)fTHl
- -
oftTg Roa l7 RHTEV 811 Form l4 is pervading l8 everywhere 17. <J fCJ<JTI8 ~ I OfUCJT~ I
clllCJ~T~1I Pause. It
or~fo19 9~fo20 oTtTl Through mere utterance wander-
l ', ~~B" ~BTCJoI9, 3CCXC 2D , BT(gT'ill l1 l1i;:/<Jll)fT :

tfTfEg 21 trTfE€? 2o
ings , cleverness 24 or such other 22 tiP <JCJ UJ'~CJlI)iT22 l:il'0731l1i T23 CJTul U-~:
- , "1. ~ .-
07~TfB3 lITl.J32 I oul ;j~T
l)ffo0l22 ~orf323 contrivances23 , the Lord is definitely
not gained 21 and obtained.
.. -

T 24
tT30 E1 11'111
t8025 t:J3031 >'){fo0l 32 Various 32 means 2S , artifices 31 and l1i~cxi32 3CJ1~2S, e-CI131 »13 ~lICJTH2 6ClTHwa It-
~ ~lJT~26 "ij27 3~28 efforts 26 succeed not. When 2' the o<Jl~ ;j~
- I t1~~' l1'wHl
- fl-luaaT03D ;j~T
- ~ , t
f1~29 Lord is mercifuPo, then 28 alone meets It-
f).ffHg ~~ 3~28 <Jl ~<J fl-lB"~T ~, 527 a~ J it-

fOlollTEl3o II He, 0 27 man.

t!.~ ~~I){TCJ33 f~trTCJ34
f~lfT35fo f0 36 11037
My kind]] and compassionate 34 Lord
is the Treasure 36 of mercy3S. Slave 37
HCJT fH<JCJa T0 33 l1i3 Hfu1)iT~T031 HTB"07
CJfuH33S ~I lfjJToT36 ~ I aTB"T37 oT o 07 I1Tl:ll)fT t
oroor R3 ~~38 II Nanak is the dust 38 of saints' feet. ~ UoT ~l ~;338 ~ I

orTo;rr ).ftTHT 4 II Kanra 5th Guru. O71(');3T lI"t1~l lI Tf38 1ul I
, ).f~39 fm.f(f340 OT~l
oT).f oT).f II
o my mother 3', ever do I meditate 30
on the Lord 41 , my Lord God.
5 HCJl HT3 T39 ! H~ R~T ll1)iTH111 ,
I1I)i Tl-Il ~Tf<Ja.r~ ~T fRl-IOo 07~T10 u T I
43 Without12 the Lord, there is not l!l1iTHl ~ amCJ12 <JCJ &~113 o<Jl I
tr~ 2
... fa0r4 oTtTl Vo- II another 13.
ftT3~~44 4sBooTO With every breath17 and night18 and ~CJ I1»fT1117 oTB" 1)i3' ij~48 3 f~<I19, H~ ~

fa-e- 46 RTRo 47 fofR 48 day4', meditate 14

I, on the Lord's ~ ~~C?16 UCJT1S ~T fRHCJo O7CJ~,11 <JT I
16 1s
lotus feet . Pause.
• ~o49 11'1 II CJtTT€l II ofuiJT~ I

: wfE' trlf3 50 orlo LovingSO the Lord, I have owned sl ~ ~ flI»fTCJ 0700s0 ¥l1i TCJT, H~ ~11 ~ l1iTlI~T
>'){Ttro SI 3C3 s2 3tTl Him and now my unions3 with Him a~T51 fBl)fT ~ 3' \Ie HCJT aT~_;'l;3S3 €[R

il~S3 II = snapsS2 not. oTH~ ~C~TS2 nul' I

~ ~~~~~~,. ~ .

trT()55 H055 UQ56 God, the Treasure 59 of virtues58 and ~al1>lT58 1>13 l.{R03160 ~T:l:I;:JIoT S9 ~lfua..r~,
Ha~~57 ~fo (flo58 bliss60 is my61 vital breatn54 , my 'SOUI 55 , HaT 61 f;:f~-ttl054, Hal ftfe'31 55 , Hol B53 56
59 ~l:f60 H061 11911
f?)it my wealth 56 and everything 57 . >;f3 RToT q: 55 7 ~ I
ET362 €[363 oTH 64 Here 62 and hereafter 63 , the Lord 64 Is ~tl62 >;f3 W 63 l.{-~64 f~I>ITua;j fo'1T65 ~
,., -
65 - fool::f3 66 pervading65 and I see 66 Him in the >;f3 H' ~R ~ Va fe5 67 ~T ~upe168 llieo
fCl"t!77, Bfu68 II every heart 67 . ?l:!tJT66 <IT I
.H3 Ro0 69 30070 In the saints' refuge 69 I have been RlglJiTel Ba~'aT;j69 >,feCI H~ UTa ~30
OTOO( f~ofRB'71 ~l:f72 ferried across 70 and am rid of 71 my fopJil 70 '1T >;f3 f9>;fl o a 73 aBc 72 3~ :l:I5 TRl UT
~ Wo73 11=<11~1I8t" -- appalling73 agony72, 0 Nanak. faT 'JiT 71 ,JT, j (')1(')01 !
! O(To;rr H~ 8 T 4 II Kama 5th Guru. a To'3 T tii1~l Ulf3B'<JT I
~ ;:[074 ~ tr~ Hat 75
I. the Lord's slave74 , bear love 76 t0 75 H~, l{-~ \! ciiH 74 ~T, l.{-~ oT5 75 fUl>lIo76 , ~ I
'>}fR~76 II ,,- my Lord.
HT;::r<5 77 3' H13 78 HaT o Lord, Thou alone art my Friend 77 j J:!'JiTHl ! ~~5 ~ '1T HaT fH~77 1>13 wa 78
fOTfiJ79 3~ R~80 ~iJ II and Intimate78 . An the tnings 80 are 5~ I R'oT'Ji t <:IT ~H~'JiT80 3;3 Ul'a 79 f~~ <Jo I

9110iJT~1I - - in Thy abode 79 .

: HTQ81 HTcJT(t82 3TQ83 I ask for 82 glory81, I ask for power 83 H' l{93181 Har~T82 <Jt, H~ 8583 HilleT'1t 1>13

HrOT€[ UQ84 Bl::fH1 85 and bless 87 Thou mc with riches 84 , ~ H~ ~538~, tpf~eT~85 >;f3 l{30 86 H:l:IB 87 I

8386 ~~87 11911 property85 and sons 86 .

JiO(f3 88 BOTf3 89 o my Perfect Being, Thou art the j Ha uao
= Uol:!!
-;:: :3 af5>;f~88 , f~a8T589
~OTf390 trao B1esser of emancipation 88 , >;f3 RRlal I>IIo IH 90 l:Il:IF.l~<JTo ~~ I ~~5 ~ <J1
~ 9Jl.foHTi>~92 traH 93 prosperity89 and worldly comforts 90. H'1T(') 9I ~BT92 1>13 H<JTo F.1.8c 93 :l:I;:JI?)94 eT
rnuT0 94 II Thou alone art the embodiment of t[tt ~~ I

supreme" bliss 92 and the most

excellent93 treasure H .

· ~95 ~TfE96 ~cnf397 Imbued with Thy fear 95 , love 96 and 3;3 ~a9~, y'H 96 >;f3 fRHo0 97 oTg claTT;:r 0 1001
fo~r898 ()T?)O( Ht!T99 meditation98 , Nanak is in utter bliss 98 UClH l{R0 98 ~ >;f3 <JHl'p99, <JHRI <:II 3a ~3~
• Rt!! ~0~T0100 11:<11811 and is ever99, ever a sacrifice 'oo unto 8fg<J1Cl?;100 ~seT <JT, j '1"l-jlHT !
· 8~11 Thee, 0 Lord.

i. Cl'0'1~:~ 4 II
0(032 0(03" BoB 3
K"nca 5th Gum.
The controvertists~ indulge 2 and ever
. ;;""" "".1" ~'f3",iJ: I
I:ltVR 0100 ~15~ '1HF.P i113 <Jo ~5 l:Itf~3 1>13 ~
•• .1
jBoB BoBoT 4 II
tlOT 5 fl:PJiT()6 ~l::f7
indulge in controversies 3 and debates.
The yogis 5, contemplators6,sectarians7,
l:If<JHT 01C1\!2 O1o\! <Jo I
~oT15, f~~TO<;!"I(')6, Rucrel~j7. faTl>ITo~T08 I>I~ ~
1foPli T0 8 fG03 9 [G03 divines Q
and globe l2 -trotters ll roam 9 t:l03l 12 3 oeo 0100 ~1~13, "0031'0 l113 "0031J
= .
I. ~ +•••~~ +••++~~+~~+.+~~••¥ • • •• • • • • • • ~ ~~

i~;;~;;··::~2···::;::::·I:·::::::::·e:::~:::;::·~··;;·~:~t 3 ~'~9 ~3 3Ca~ ~o'

Bo1 13 IIqIICluT~1I various parts Pause. ofuo'~ I
»f5 14 »f5 »f~16-»f~C117 Some are 16 engrossed in ego l4 and a~l <501 To I4 3 R~-<50T3T ~'~o :aT53TO~"
l]~18 l]~ l]~ self-conceit and l7 are stupid l8, ~3i7 ~l:!18, aRHS, a~Ci:G ~3 ~~-a19 ~o I
a~crell9 II - ignorant, unwise and crazy".
;:rf325 ;:rT3 20
. ;:rT3 Re!21 ReT ReT
;:rT3 Wheresoever l5 they g024 and wander
about, death 22 is 23 ever 21 , yea, ever and
fi1~ f013 15 31 ~u ;:rt~20 »13 ~.~ fGo~
H3 22
~!:ff.lT21, ~t ~HF.lT 1)13 ~o ~H ~1 ~gt ~
treT Ol'T(522 u~123 II always with them. OTC; ;]23 I io
9.11 ~

l-fl Q24 l-flQ HIQ Oman, abandon 25 thou thy ego 24 5 a-g ! ~ I)ITU<§ 501To24, Hlo »13 R~-~0I3T
f3»frfor 2S fHoq26 pride and self-conciet. Death26 , yea, ~ ii~25 ~ I H3 26 , ~t H3 Rel~28 ul 3a
fHClq foOl'f~27 fOOl'f~ death is ever28 near 27 and close to ~§27, 3§ ~ I

ReT 28 u~ II
~fu ua ~29 '9T~30
Says38 Nanak, hearken 31 thou unto O!~ tll ~1'l:l'g38 ~o, ~!:faT 013 lie 31 , 532

Ol' uq 38
OToOl' l:fo~31
H~33 f8039
me, 0 32 ignorant man]], utter 30 thou
the Lord Master's Name 29 . Without 29
ijR}lS a-g 33 ! ~ ~T\J<§ Ii~THl HTc;a 29 ~ oTH
BT ~tJ'Oo a0 I ~Tf~O!~ -e fRHao 34, ~3
'9;:ro34 = 9;:r0 9-R0 God's meditatio n 34
and contem-
»ffuW35 f1Ol]36 0l~137" plation, thy life is going in vain 35 .
fO~T37 ~ I
saio39 30T t11~036 ijl)loS35 tIT ~
Ol'To~ »f~UtH»fT
HuHT 8 UIQ 9.
Kama Ashtpadis
4th Guru

There is but One God. By the True ~fUOJ~ ~~ ~a ~ I R~~

a1('i;:'i'T ~Rc\J~ll)1t

Bl:!T tl Tf3F.1TuT

aroT ~T ~~~

Guru's grace, is He obtained. ~TO', ~<J Ulfi:!~T tlt~T ~ I i
.mtr4° o my sou142, utter40 thou thd Lord's
42 5 HoT ftf~2 ! '3 Rt~l' -e oTH
H0 CI'H oJ>:! =
Bl:i U~al41 " Nap1e and thou shalt be blt"ssed 41 ~3 ~ ~TOTH tI~41 I
with peace.
f~43 ftl~ ;:rU 44 The more43 thou rememberest44 God, f;:jOT f;;T~T~r43
'i ~Tf<JO!~ BT fRHOO aa'0ft44 i
f~45 Rl::f ~ RGOlO the more45 peace thou shalt obtain. ~OT ~1 fjj~'BT45 ~TH 'i l.JT~1ID I If~ aIOt :
. Rf~46 RH~al47 119~ Serving46 the True Guru, thou shalt ~l cf~546 ~~ror ~ W~· ))j'~CJ 810 oj i
CI~(f II merge 47 in the Lord. Pause. tl~'01147 I Of~OT~ I :
'9OT3 ';:j'()t 48 oil ftr0 49 Every moment49 , the saintly persons 48 ~o H~49 R11l RoU tiof.l48 OTH ~T tJTCJOT50 :
fcrQ -5B15i) OTlj ;:rU3 long 50 for the Name and, meditating ao-e- ~o ~3 oTH- BT fRHOo crcJo ~l)Iror ~~ :

Rl::l UT~oT II
51 on the Name, they obtain bliss 51 .
'-' - -
~51 f5 l{TU3 ~~ ~o I

L .• ~ ~.~ •..f

»io52 cJR53 FfT't54 OT~ Their relish S4 of others2 pleasu res s3 is ~?iT
- v
~ 500 Ts2 aRi s1 ~ Rlli'e
. R9 oT'&f055 fae} or? all eliminated ss and, save the Name, j ClT~S5 <I'?i ~13 nTH ~ ~:l"§~ ~~T ~ 5a cr'5
fa~ 0 g~a156 11<t11 nothing pleases s6 tb<:m. eClTT n<l'l HClT'.:!Ts6 I

OjoH857 ~fCJ ~fCJ58 By the Guru's instructions1 , the Lord ora T tT

fHftflli TS7 elliTo T
- I
RT'e'l <l'aT s8 ~?iT
_ V
H1(5T~9 WOTT ~ HtS God s8 seems sweets'l unto them rHo ls • HOTt T ~ lli3 01~;:I1 ~~T t.lTR~ fH"i
atJ060 a~1'~a161 II and the GurlJ makes them utter 61 RBe 60 ~i3'ao61 O1a~T~'~ vn ?
sweet words 60 .

R'f30]Cf a~l tfCfl::f62 Through the True Guru's word, the ~:r-B Ola i >.:'1 l{H 6J JiRe \.fOR 62
BT~l aT<I'l,

l:!Cfij3~3 aTit fR€7 sublimest 63 Person62 is revealed and Y.C!Te 5 ;:IieT ~ lli3 ~<I' lliTtd Hn 64 ~ Olo
fB~64 8T~a165 II =< II they fix 6s their mind 64 with the Guru's aTel (i T5 ,:i3e6s vn I

917>T67 fott 68
»i~at70 II
Hearing the Guru's word, my mind
has become tender 66 and imbued 61
with it, this mind has returned 70 to
its own68 home 69 •
OTa T >.:'1 BTeT?i He

it HOT
f~lliT ~ l'H3 f~R -oTH ' HaRT061~ j
lli' fo~68 ~ tl TH f~i3 lliT fOTlli
H?illi T
f'e'<I' H'll'H T
T10 ~ I
?io~6 j
. 3~fl »i0J3 There 1s resounds13 and ever 74
lli3 <I''O"eH a~ol O1Ta30 lli31

aTttf~:f3 f03 74 resounds1s the celestial strain12 and Ra11301 7s oi;:l~18 vo lli3 "j-fl-!.3 tT <l To T11
76 the stream 11 of Nectar incessantly16 f~QT (311 16 et.101eT 78 ~ J
trickles18 .
'1~a178 II~II
When man 83 sings 80 the praise of the ;:Ie f'e'nRTC5 83 <Ja li<l'319 B.Ili THl ~ ?iTH tT
-tCfTH oTH f'e'a
~ f'38 79 tJP~80- Lord's Name at every moment1 'l , he Hf<J}-fT aTrf'e'n 010e T80 ~ 3' ~<I' OloT .~

! OTCJHf3 81
then merges 82 in tb.e Name through ~t.I~R81 oT<Jl oTH ~tO HT?i j we T82 ~ I

~ RHT~dT82 II the Guru's instruction81 .

~oTH R~ nTH God's Name he hears, God's Name iB ~ oTH ~ ~<I' T ~, trB t T O'H ~ ~
~9~83* oTH pleases 83* his mind and with God's fi33 ~ ~ClTT HOTt T83 * ~ lli3 aUa ~ olH ?iTH
! f'31.f3T~a18A 11811
-et ..
Name, he is satiated 84 . <1'1 ~<J q' T84 ~ I
~ '&fo a 85 afoq uf~a86 Though man may wear 86 many87 ~T~~ f~nHT?i R?)8s -e lli?)01i 81 l! fn<l'a1 01;188
! a~87 aOToT88 qTtJ089
i' - -
bracelets 88 of glittering gold 8s , and tp H~ lii3 01'e'1 f01RHT90 ~ aR30 89 1..[f<J?)'lI,
~ '9 Tf3 90 aoT~at91 II don 'l1 himself with various 50rts90 of \{'-~ l{-~ ~ oTH ~ BT§\ ~<I' H~ fu01c%'l2 lli3
~ oTH faoT Rf'9 61a 92 clothes 89 , but, without the Lord's f~lli·aa93 <Jo l'H3 ~v lliT~~eT'l4. ,;:ITe T9s lli3
j f6aT?)93 ;:rofH 94 Hij95 Name, they are all insipid 92
and li~ li~96 it lliT~'eI91 o<1OT T I

~ f6fCf 96 >;-f~at97 II Llil vain'l3 and he shall continue coming'l4 ,

j going9s and coming 91 again and

j HTf'e'l?iT98 UC"899 Uc8 :::::'on98 veil99 is a great lOO veil tlo-eC:>3 99 tT t.I~eT9~ t~01 ~li1TIOIl t.I~B' ~
~ ••••••••••••••••••••••+ ~~•••••••••••~.~"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~""l~"""~~~~~~

~tijfa UfgT~aT4 II - f~;;J;:1' f~eT V f~R l>f"eo ~R B'T Q"H 2 e
~ -
whirlpooP of desire, wherein his
home2 is destroyed 4. oRe u -
. 4'"
<.J I

j"lJTlJ5 fSClT o 6 H~a7

. Rf9' "9 T§8 fSl:::f 9 -e-30 10
All the sins 5 and vices 6 are heavyS
like the rusted iron 7 and with them
l:pa 010T<J5
iioi'B ;j~7 E<J el ~
l>f3 O1RHE 6
Hl~e ljSB <Jo >X3 ~~T ~ oTE ;:jfuo1H T9 ~

_~ 3fo€?'I2 7) tlT~a(lIill ~
the poisonous 9 and arduous 10 world l>f3' 0100 RR'o I1li"eo LlTCJ I2 0I13 T o<:l1''1T
; ocean can be crossed 12 not. 1100eT I ~
aoTqJI4 9'f~>')fT God's fear l3 and love l4 are the shipl6 ,(ra ~T ~13 l>f3' fLl')'!'oI4 '1u Til ~ l>f3 ~

~ ~~:r§16 OJq '8~~17 and the Gurv the helmsman l7 , who O.!~;::rl HET'lI7 'lo, ~ lr~ t! oTH's ~Il1ToT t
" Rsf-e- 18 3o~al19 II ferries man across" with the help of ft;ol1 To ~ 1..1'0 010 fe"'e" uo I ~
Lord's Name ls .
Meeting 20with the Lord God's l!l>f TH1 H'ECil -e olH olE fHB~20 ~Il1ToT
Wo oTH 7) TfH Name, one merges 21 in the Name of f~oRTO l!l>f I H1 -e olH f~B <:11 B10 j '1T t H21 ~
RHT~o121 11.911 the Lord God. ~ I :

"" >')ffOTt;JTfn 22
Attached 23 to ignorance 12 ,
lulled to sleep 24 and, yoking 25 him to
gnosis 27 , the Guru awakens 26 him.
man is €lRHsl 22 oTE
,!f~1l1123 €leT l!Il1I E 24 fe3 1
~ l>f3 fOll>f 13 27 olE ;:j~25 O.!~ ;::rl ~11 ~ ~
ffilIT fe---e 26 'lo I

I tiOTT~aT26 /I
nTnCl 9 Ti 28 >')fT~
-; ftl€f 29 ~T~30 f3~31
· BB~o132 IItll911
0 Nanak, in His wi1l 2s , the Lord
makes man walk]], in the same way31
as 29 it pkascs 30 Him.
<J OTO()l ! l>fTLl~l oil ,lS "'eo I!Il1 THl a-e ~ ~
~R 3C! T3I 'll 30~T32~, f;:m 3Cl T ~R ~
Bill T Eor~T30 ~ I ~
ClTO~T HuBT 8 II Kanra 4th Guru OITo~' Bel \.Ilf311'<:I1 I f
· itfU35 H3 34 ufo ufa 35 0 my souP\ utter)] thou the Lord <J Hal f;:i~3i ! ~ Hi~l' uof35 -e olH ~T i
nTH 3a~aT36 II ~BTo033 010 l>i'3 f~<J 30' \.ITa ~3'cJT36 010 ;.
";:j37 ;:j tl0 38 Fitil39
God's35 Name and it shall ferry thee
across 36 .
Whosoever 37 meditates 38
on Him,
~~OlT I

~ &E'1 37 ~11~; fRl-loo OIa~,3S~; ~<:I39 ~

arf3 40 lJ~ ftl~41 U 39
he is emancipatcd and merges i2 in
li a 3;j '1TeTiO ~ l>i'3 q~ 3' l.{f<:lET~ ~l ~
l{fU'5T~ RHT~oT42 II ~ the Lord like 41 Ohru and Prahlad. H,~~il I1j~l' >;Je-a Hlo ;j '1T e r"2 J I t
.if 911auT§"1I Pause. of<:loT~ I ~
~ -9:30t !
· f~W43 f~w f2l'lJT 0 Sire Lord i5 , ~howii Thou, mereyi3, ;j H<JTOT;::ri5 HIHOI I ~ Ha ~3 fH~ai3, fell1'. ~
&fo44 ufo ;:ft€f45 and kindness unto me and mercifully })oj? fl-{uoa'~l tJTo H 1113 fH<Jd We fl ~ H~ ~
&fa fClaw 7)rfH attach 46 Thou me to Thy Name. l>iTLli oTH (')TH ~~46 H I [
'5OT~o146 II :
...., . .
fClCJtJ T m3aTa
-. Mercifully lead me on to the True
-.ol'ifoilo• • • 4i...-._~~
it 3- H~- ~h}
. mol O'e? tHBI ~ I :
~.- ••
••••••• ~ + 6 ~

fHB~~ fHfg Rf3OJ. 0 Guru, by meeting with the True R-e Olof
- oTC5 fl-l~ ~l)fTaT
- , H' 3a OTl-f ~T
Guru, I shall dwell''' upon Thy
Of>:! ft:r»fT~o14 7 II 911 Name, 0 my Master.
fRl-Io0 OlOTor . iJ Ha l-fTC5a !
trOH ;:To~8 crT The filth SO of eg0 49 of many births 48 »f%Olt tioW 8 ~ ~aTo49 ~1 H5s0 H~ fmal
u~H49 HC250"8roft 51 sticks51 to me and it is by meetingS2 <J~ls, 0 ~ RTQ'-m 53 . of"C5 ~oSl t!»fTQT
fHf8 s2
FimS3 ~ with the saints' society S3 that this f~ HC5 ti31 tiT Rm!1 0 S4
mu 54 ~~a111 filth can be washed s4 off.
f~55 EuT 3fa~56 ASS5 iron, attached with57 wood S8 ftiR ~t55 pJaa 58 orC557 ;:rfa»fT <Jf~l){T ~T
! Fifa157 ~Rc58 S9 mdT ferries s, acrossS 6, so does the man, UTa ~3O
_ tiT~T5'O ~R 30 t " ~
til 010'
- t?1 SteJ'O
!Raf-e6° ~ ufo attuned s, to the Guru's word 60 , oT"C5 ;:rSl){T <Jf~»fTS9 ti~ tft ~ UT 5'~1~ I
61 obtain" the Lord.
JtRo1 II
Rorf3 62 Fr3 fH~63 Join63 thou the saints' societ y 62, COIn· ~ RTQ' Fior3". ~Tfua.r~ t? fUl){Tfo»fT ~1 ~oa
. R3ROlf3 fHf~ pany of the divine-oriented, for, meet- oTC5 ;:ra63 tiT I fOl~fa Rf3itor3'5 oT5 fl-fC5
R01f3 65 ufo dlJ66 ting6" with the saints' societ y 6S, thou ~ "t!l){TOt, ~ 1ft t? (')1}f >i·f~3'6 ~

»{T"~a167 II shalt be blessed" with the Lord's tfI C5~'011'7 I
Name elixir".
~ f~Q R01f3 croH68 Whosoever associates not with the
;i ck1 Rf3A08 0<J1' craw ~ ija1cl"
q§- »{f9HTo169 qrfu70 saints and does deeds68 of ego", he »f)..{C5'8 a~~ ~l ~ ~ ~1 1-fTi~ ~ ;:r
tfTit Blq~ 71 is like a person, who draws out70 ;m ~ cf~70 & "ijTTij71 f~ Jlc tfI€t~72 ~ I .
trT~a172 11=311 - water and throws 22 it in mud7'.
9dT3 110 T73 ~ ufo God is the Protector7" of the saintly ~f<rara RTQ' ROU lJOBt73 ~ (N~T7" ~ ~
-:a ;;1:-

~ OCRTij74 tr075 ufo persons73 and God's Name elixir" ~fuaJo ~T OTl-I >iiH376 RTQ'l)ft7S i;
-1:11 . . . . .
01376 >-ftc77 "801~a178 II tastes78 sweet77 to the saints7s• C5ar~78 ~ I
fl:fQ79 fl:f'Q or>:! Bf~O Them, the Lord blesses80 with glory81 <TcJ liu3" ~ {tt'i' ~ l{33 T81 l{~T('i OlO~y8J
~f~))fT~T81 Rf3q[0 every moment" and, through the ~ 3 R'-e Olot t?1 fmn..r382 or;:W {tu (tR
~1(~fR82 RH~a183 II True Guru's instructionE2 , they llfeo C510 <J ~~3 uo I

merge8] in Him.
NO' <& At' Ever pay thou obeisance84 to the ~ <:IHf.!T lll){Tl-fT t? Q aoQ'~l){t t{C! Tl-I 84 ao I
~ fof~84 otit~ ;:ro89 Lord's devotees. If thou bow to the ;:tOlo 3"= ~lfuOIo
t? o'ifC5»fi 89 i; fol-ff.!aTQ
i fo~fu

~fT85 6""886 God's slaves8' , thou8s shalt obtain ar~'orT 3e8S 3 %a11)ft87 B
' c
H~86 i;
. qro87 lfT~o1ll the fruit 86 of virtues 87. C5~'dT' I
;:T fo"-er90 ~RC91 The villains' I, who slander'o the StJ-rf.!91, ;i Rrg,l){t92 ~1 ae~~ ao~'O <:10
qr-afu 9013 T92 crT saints'2 are wasted away'" like'3 ~<J <:Ioor~f.! e1 3~t'3 3EP<:I <J tiT~'" uo I
uooTl::IR f~~93 lffB94 Har·Nakhsh.
... -
~OT 11411
~uH crH"895 y~96 Brahma, the son96 of Lotus 9s and
1J• • ijI• • • • • • • ~ +· iji iji ·+ 4i.+ RJHII 'lF1I~~~""' HRI1A,..RjIl

H1C'i'97 fe t){'R'
......... ~

Vyas. the son of Fish'7, practised'8

~~ ,

~ 3'U~Rl)f1" er131" l){'3 ~<'it til 1-I'C!3,100


3TtrC'i'99 austerities'8 and were worshipped loo• ;j~ I

Ola~aT II
;:j ;:j2 gar~3 \Jfu R4 Whosoever z is lord's slave J•
the ~ ~~z sllr~ tJT aiHTJ ~; l){TUC!T ll~u6 l){3 l
UffiJ 5
9CJ).{cr;6 scni adoreS. thou. him". ridding8 thyself ~fuH7 of~3a8ao~ ~ €tR4 til €tWRo's era I I
tfT3 C'i'iPf39
J-f310 saH~12
of ilIusion6 and doubt 7•
Be tht1u not lO misled 1z seeing the
high and low caste'. Sukhdev. the
~tlll){3 ol~rW39 ~ ~ ~ iil:f,12 0'10 l:fT 1
tJOCl ~3Ol t! lial· 'J fn ~14 Rl:ft!~ SJi-IC!
, I _ ... •

;:rOOT uarl l3
B"far 14
Brahman. contemplated ls his Lord ~ l){T~ ~l){'Hl tJT fRl-lao C1E,IS Rl 1
fq))f~<fr 15 II repairing'" to the feet U of Janak, the ~
fRa l9
. ;:rOOI6 ;:rfo17 UEll8
~ufa f~20
The left-over 17 of the leafy-plates l6
fell over l8 hi~ head 19, but his mind 11
U3Hy 16 til ;ro 1;10 17 <tR ~ R1R It ~3 :
f~tlT Rl, tf.~ €tR tiT rn3 Z1 ftrCl ~a,lO 3 t£
)-f('»))fT'Z1 = f3~22 - 0 wavcred1J not even a bit10 and trice 11. a31 22
~ ~l 0' fa3f'ql){,lJ ?
~8-$ft23 11.911-
;:roOT tJOOT ~~ King Janak. while sitting on his l){T~ 3:t:t3z4 €t3 83 ~~ tJC'iCl ?) ~ feJRll'){t25
. fR'lJlTRfo24 o~ l.!o1 25
throne z4, took 17 the dust Z6 of the feet ~ liat til T!3 26 8 27 ~ l){'tJ<! I-IR3C1 ~
l:lfa26 ~27 mai 28 II of the nine sages ZS and applied z8 it HrelU I
to his forehead.
(')ToOT f~lJT29 f~UT o Lord. show JO Thou mercy19. and ;] ~! ~ ('iToer 3' aful-l3 29, l){3 faow
orfa30 QT~a Hwmo compassion unto Nanak and make J1 QTCJJO l){3 ~R ~ l){'U<! aifsl)fi tiT ais'U
~rR31 OTCJT~a132 IItll him the slave" of Thine slaves. ~ 8 31 1

QT1O~T HUW B II Kanra 4th Guru. efT03' ~~l u'f3W<Jl I
J-fQ33 QIaHf334 afR35 o my soupJ. by the Guru's ;] HoT ftftl3Te n ! ~t ~ ~ll~I'TH ~!)f'oT,
(flo36 ijJ~aT37 II instruction]4, sing]7 thou, the praises]6 ~ !)flU<! ~:fuar~ tlTI)fT fR'63 t]6 l{1-I]S 0'8

of thy God with love]s. aTrftro era J7 I

f;:rJ~38 ~OT ~fe ~ tongue J8 become lacs HaT fp;;r ;:it~]8 mrl:l t l){3 ¥3tJt ;j ~~, ftr~t
&c139 ~o &cl
fq))f~cft42 1IC\lIaJT~1I
May my one
and milliom.J9; with these lacs and
miJIions 40 of tongues, would
Hlfl'Y )).l'3 ¥3 i40 ilT~
o'H H·
)).l1U<! 1!!)f'I-IT tiT (jiHf3 41 CJTTf?n eratorT I ~
¥3 i41 uT ~laT !

sing the praises 41 of my Lord a ofuo'~ I I

myriad times over. Pause. E
RU~4 Go1 45 ;:rfU§"46 The serpent King 47 utters" 6 the Rut tI' ePtJI47 )).l'U<! u~'a44 '6C!t 4S olH lft tI' t

l:::w.. . .:.::~::.::~:::::.:.:.:=:.::~~:.::::::~1
;:ruf3»fT l)i~~48 (') hoods 4S , but by so uttering he can
find not the Lord's limit48 •
croo ~!)floT ~
Rcn: T I
lfl ~ BEcr48 ~ oul' 1JT

»fEl To-49
»ffusO Thou. 0Lord, art exceedinglySO a
~, iJ ll.i ! 1..1OHso t !'<}'''. 6l).j3s1 »i3 »i'!;:r52
~~51 ~52 ~ Unfathomable 49 , Infinite SI and ~o I Olot ~ ~~aS4 tll)fTOT ll.TU3 ii~ ii~
Hf'3 CllCJHf354 HQ Inaccessibles2 . It is through the J=lHS'SJ oTul' ul Ho fCOfT~5S~"6 »iT i1TBT ~ I
ooo~o155 111111 wisdom s3 imparted by the
Guru's teaching 54 that the mind
is balanced 55 .
f;:r(l) '3 ;:rfU§S6 3~57 They who ponder overS6 Thee, 0 'H 30T f~30 ora~56 uo, ~ R~l' ! Jif.lc59 uo
i i1c')58 = olc}59 ofa Lord, sublimes9 are thoses7 personsS8 . ~S7 '!oaS8 1 it ~el gl ~TfuCl!~ ~T fRHoo
J... ;:ruf3~- Ol~- -- Rcr 60 Whosoever contemplates his God, is aoBT ~ ~ !)fToT).{ "0·0 ~ 1JT ih!y61 ~ I
~~o161 II blessed with" peace60 .
. faea "tTR1 62 B~63 Krishan hugged 68 to his heart" and »is3
64 ~crij6S ~n"2 ~ 1I3 63
' _ ... t
ict4 ~oaT6S f¥RQ bosom67 Bidur, an untouchable 64 ~o ~ »iT1I<! fBH" »i3 fuor'7
»f-fq 66 atf~7 ~aT68 II lad 6s , the son 63 of a hand-maiden62 • fB"~8 I

~9 3'0
€uf371 The wood 62 produced71 from70
is c5cr;l72 ltTC:l" 3 070 ti-e T iie17 1 ~ feR ~
~ ~ qTRC 72 OfTRC water", so, taking the side73 of wood, c5im 'e' 11~7J g, lI'C!l feR ~ is-eT74 ou1' I
»f'Yot 3a~oT74 II the water drowns 74 it not.
aTH ti(')T75 ofa »frflI 76 or Himself 76, the Lord God »iTU 76 ul J=ltel, <JOl »iTlI<! cii~l)ft7S ~ am
~ra77 »flI(')T f~78 embellishes77 His slaves7s
and aoB T77 ~»i3 !)fTUi i!-e03l78 l!9'~ ~ ~aT
atf~aT79 IIS11 79
upholds His innate nature78 • OlOBT 79 ~ r
OH 80 utcrCJ81 ~o 180 am like stone 81 and iron82 , yea, Hoeo tll:fo 81 !)f3 g~82~, Ut, g1a 83 t.fua

~o82 a~83 UTE{ a dTa
ROTf3 (')T~84 '3CJT~o185 II
like a heavyll stone
and iron but,
embarking- on the boat of the Guru's
congregation I am ferried across8S .
»i3 g~ ~T u Tl..f~ OloT -el R0I3 -el a~14

'3 ~ <} H> 1JTO ~30 far!)fT8S u T I
ir;:r€1 86 Fl3R0T8 Just as 86 Kabir, the weaver08, was fuR 3O.t86 ~ RO!3 OT<Jr orela, ;mt~88
- t!"
R'3 emancipated87 through the
society and had become pleasing9' to
Ulo-~31OT ii fOl!)fT87 J=ll "a ~ ufrn89
;:ror Hf(1)90 ~o191 II l!ost ~ N'390 ~ ~iJIT" H~ c501 fOlI)fT Rl, •
8\1 the pious persons'89 mind 90• so shall §Fi 3~ t ul HOT 1JTO-~3'O' ~ tROlT I
1 be emancipated.
Standing92 , sitting93 , getting Up94 and l::lS l:j33192 , Sfd'Br'3. ~t!"94!)f3 '~JT5's "a
l:ffi ctaE92 ~0393 walking on the road 9s and path", 0113 96 ~OBT iif~, H
!)fTtf<! '1I)fTHl B'
€1CS3 94 HrofaT95 tifcr96 meditate97 1 on my Lord. fj:n-Ioo OrertlT97 ut I

1::.'~:~: .._.._......__......__..._._. +.....

~**............................................................ ............... ~

Rf301CJ ~tJo98 ~tJ?) The True Guru is the word" and the R~T Ol~ aril'8 ~ );{"3 aT<!T ~ RuT ag I

. ~ Rf301CJ urUg99 word is the True Guru. The holy word aleT Olf5);{1(!IOO ~ HTOOl" ~ t'ORT~'t'V
liOlf31 00 ~(i~aT2 II shows 2 the way" to emancipation 100. ~I


. RTRf(i3
.. wroo
- 6
uT~l ~
I have
the Guru's
contemplate7 fearlessly6
powerful s
OloT -eT 3T;3'o TJ CJT\Jl', ~'I)fT~ <JCJ '2I)fTW
0'5 foQ30l 6 \l '2',·PHl -eT fflHOo 0r007 5~1
a5~T05 \l fOll)fl \)T I

fq>;f~cn7 II Name with my every breath",
OTo UCJRT~18 ~H9 When by the Guru's grace8• man's tit' Olor -eT -efulli,8 tIlliTo T, ~~ -eT dar3"
~g.10 3 12 OTCJHf313 eg09 is stilled 10• then l2 , merges·" he. in of~3 ~ W-eT10j, 3t'12 ~<J Olor ~ ~ll~IJ
= ..-
oTfH RHT~dT14 liEU the Lord's Name. through the Guru's Ol<J", Rr~T' ~ ~l}-f ,,;-eCJ 810 ~ tirt'T'" ~ I
instruction I J.

Rf3<lIg -et3T15 tll>;f The True Guru is the giver lS of the RW.~ Ola~~ ;:it ~\)T(')T f';:feor1 16 SlfF.!(! ~IS
;:r1>;f?)16 ~ ~TOT~l?) 17 spiritual life", but, the unfortunate <Jo, l!~ foOldHe ~~17 ~<'ir ~ fllW0 18 o<Jl
1i ?)~1 ~~aTI8 II ones l7 10ve 18 him not. Olo~ I
Mcr 19 e~ ~HT20 This 0 pportunity20 shall not come to fu<J H0lT20 , ~19 a <fa" o<Jl 50T<!T llf3 ~l:fl
(Jlf~21 ?) ~ hand 21 again 19 and in great distress \lful)fT ~fullfT22 til~ ";3 ~ llW3 Tll.. J OlaOJT I
Ucr3Ttr22 ~aT23 II one 22 shall regret lJ in the end.

;?t24 ~ ~HT26 cS~27 !fa.. some 2S good man28 seeks 27 goOO 26 fuic2" ~VS ~arT ~21 ~T fS030T26
~H28 >;fU()T t!fCJ >y'T 29 m for himself, he should lie prostrate 30
~<5''eT27~, 3 r ~R ~ or~ ill li<J~29 f065
m~ -efu30 ~aT 'I ~T<Jl-er ~
before the Guru. f'oR5 30 ti ;:JT(!T I
oTOOl -efu'>;fy21 Says Nanak, 0 Lord 33• show 32 Thou oT(')Ol Olfu~ '10, <J Ilnil}-f13 3 ! ~ H(j t13
. ~fu>;fy Olfcr 32 olOlcr33 mercy31 and compassion unto me, that fH<JCJ" ni3 folOlfT lJTa32 , 3 T i'i H' R~ OlOT
! H Rf30TCJ ~RH34 I may anoint'S my forehead with the ~ liar -eT ¥34 llfTll~ HR30l ~ 5T 5~T3S I


OlTO~T H~p'>T 8 II
~fo ~fOT37
dust 3"oftheTrueGuru's feet.

Imbued Je
Kanra 4th Guru.
with God's love l7 , my soul"
OlTo ;3'T ~l:fl lfTf3F.I'<Jl I
<J a1 -e~ t{13 37 oTH oar • 1 <J~- 13• , Ho~ 1 ftf-e;3'V 6 .

• CJT3r 38 or~aT39 II sings 19 His praise. ~R -eT;:IR orT~'t'lJ9 ~ I ~

~40 ~41 3TR42 gE47 ~ ~ ~42 ~ ~ll~F.l"J B1
~ fooHB 46 CITCJHf343
wf(JJ44 P.>dJ~aT45"
adopting" s
Lord's fear" 2 and
Guru's instructionn , I am rid of
of the
aT<Jl' llf3 OlaT
uT<J.... W..S a, H' \looT ~o40 lli3 3~f5llft41
3' ):i51fll11 1, UT~o llfGf3a 46 \l fOl);{T 4 7 <Jr
! 9.1ICJ~T€t11 other fears" o and dreads" l and am ofu(p~ I
I •


mo fffor4S -a¥9 Rt!5052 He, who is imbued with4' the Lord's ii t{~ ~ qH48 o'~ ijOllful){T4' ~, ~<:1 Rel~S:;
~oTOf151 ~fo foorfc love 48, remains everso detached sl <:11 fn"tr8u S' CJf,:i~T )){3 is ~ ~S2 ~eT ~ I

f30,53 uno ».fT~ijf II

54 and abides near S2 God; Yea, the Lord t{~ ~RS3 ~ UTHS4 l)j~CJ ))IT iJT~T ~ I

cometh into his s3 home s4 .

f30 55 m lJor62 fHB 56 If I am blesseds6 with the dust62 of ~aa H~ ~~fSS ~ iicP e1 l:fTOf62 t{'U"3 \iS6

3+57 ;:r1~' orf-a 58 theirss feet, then s7 alone can I live. ;:r~, &~5 3e57 <:11 H· iJ1~ ROf~T <:1 f I ))fTlR1

»i'fLl 60 -af<:1H3 ' uro 58 tL~. ~~o <:11, H~ feR ~1

. fa'-a UT59 Shower!ngS8 His benedictions', the
Himselfu , ~T3 ftf~I" ~ I
fE~~o161 II ct \I Lord, of blesses" me
with it.
~rol aB" ~~3-3T~3 ))13 5T8~64 C5T~
"tfSqy63 c;fg64 H0J6 5 The mortals" are attached 6s to
~ lfi\66 Hfo ~a67 duality63 and avarice 64 • Their ftJ.a 65
\ie <:10 I ~~f ~ uT<:1-af<:13 67 H~e ~

ijof8 0 ».fT~oi69 1\ uncultured 67 mind takes" not the t[~ ~1 ij0l3" 0<:11· ~~e1" I
Lord's colour'8.
fGf0 70 ~Bfcg71 By the Guru's instruction 73 , man's Ol-a f ~ ~ueF.r7J tI)){ro T, a~ ~1 iJ1~072 a'I-

1=I"O):!,2 ~~ O1oatJ"0173 way of life 72 is changed 71 and 70 0131 3l:leT5 \i iJT~l71 ~70 ))13 Has-F.r0l"31- ~

. '0]0 14ol:l74 fHe; -a-0l75 meeting with the Omnipotent74 Guru, ~T071 OlcP OT~ fH~, ~ t[~ ~
BT~o176 I\=<\I he is imbued" with the Lord's love 7s • MOII)fT iJit!T76 ~ I
~ 1){~77 <:1~ )){3 ~78 <:1T 3cOf~79 afd'-e <:10

fttl 77 'eFt 'eFt78 Gfo There are ten organs 77 and all the
qT~379 3 80 orilnir81 ten78 continue wandering7' and, the »f3 80'80 HS"~81 ~T5T Ho fe-Of 1f<:13 82 3CJ
fl::fQ82 "0 f~orrfo1s3 II mind of three 80 qualities 81 , too, ",,1 .n, ",Rf.." o;jj~ aM", I

remains not stable8s even for a

moment 82•

Rf3QIo UO~84 Pleasing84 tbe True Guru, . man Iftj OlaT ~ tLFt0 84 Ofao tII)fTa T, seT ~~f 3
oPtS U' B·~T ~ »f3 3~ ~<J88 Offg))lT(!86 3
~Rorf385 »{r~ H1::I S6 overpowen;8S them and he 88 then,

, >:f orBS7 RS8 ur~o1 II :31·1 attains deliverance 86 and 01"31 87 ~ t{TU3 \i ;:ITer ~ I
~ -af~)}{T

i ~&
~ H'f~94 HHT~ciT95 II
~a90 -af~91

9:1496 ~& S~t7

~cJor198- R~

The One Lord 8' alone'o is pervading91
all over and everything'2 shall merge'5
in'4 the One Lord93 ultimately.
The Lord of one form", has become
manifest in many97 forms 86 , and He
~g'O fe-iil I!'liTHlB' <:1T R'oT Cl"TE"l f~I)fTUOf'1
;j fau T ~,))I3 <:10 13'2 1){3 ~ fe-iil I!I)f T11193 ~
fc;;-ij94 u1 glo \i tlT~l's I
fe-ex RS_ll
~~ I!~HT ))I~iilT97 R~uT': f~tJ
1.{CIIc ufe-lH T ufe-'l-f T ~ ))13 RTfal)fT 2 ~<J •
i SBfo 100 BB~-ar2 11811 drives 2 all in His own" command 100. l)-jTtli feex" \IOfH 100 >iea tJ~~~~T2 ~ I
; Ojo>:!fl::f3 ~& ~~4 The Guru-ward] realises 5 but One O!~-lHq:RT-aV &~g fe-Of 4 ~rf<Jar~ ~ <:11 )){~§l~ !
JU6r3 T5 QICJlifl::f6 ~f~ God 4 and by the Guru's grace" he ora~TS ~ 3 Olaf ~T ~fe'li16 tIl)fro T, ~<:1 a~81
1HCj"r~a17 II realises7 the One alone. ftc! ~ <:11 ~eT7 ~ ?
\.... ~.~ ~ ...

atCJHfl:f t:jTfE fH8 The pious person goes and meets the tl~3a l{dR' €tR 8 ~ HBd' ~ W ii ~~
fot.T8 H~8.19 ».f(')~~ Lord in His8 mansion' and then. for .
?i fH5 a'trY 3 l)i3 f60 @R
- \? 5~
- iclol
RS'I 10 S;:r~oT 12 11411 him, rings 12 the celestial strain 10. 011030
10 aiHtrY 12 3 I
;:rll)of ~31J Rg 14 The Lord has created 16
all'4 the ~l)ilHl i> RH<J 14 ;:il~I] i:I3= »13 ~Rld'15
- -==
fRme 15 @tPEl 16 l5
creatures" and the world , but it is efBlli T16 ~, tf~ a~g Ole' ~ e Tijr 17 '11,
qJa~fl:f17. - RgT18 only through the Guru 17 that one is fuowo ~ \{ET18 l.{Ttf3 ci~I' 3 I
~oT1911 blessed with 19 gloryl8.
.fu'Q OlCJ j~20 & Without meetingZO with the Guru, one CIlaT 0'5 fl-fffi!20 ~ aaia, reowo ~ \ft ~
HU(221 0' tJT~ ))flfu22 attains not the Lord's presence 21 and '1~21 l.{'tl3 0;]1· cIel »f3 ~c:22 3 Hrc;23
;:rrfE23 ~l32.j ~a125 J I suffers 25 pain 24 in coming 22 and l)i"ea ~ 30151.6 24 €tQTft~T2S ef,feY 3 I

Ell goingH •
~ ».f3or26 ;:r(')H f~~~ Since many1' births, I am separated l)iefalC:3Z' HOHT 3· H· l)iTlIi flJl)i~27 0'8'
Ha tfl3H 27
orl'CJ28 from my Beloved 27 Lord. Showing 28 f~iifu»lT cirel)fT '1 T I fH'1e 2' Uld' alB, ~ til
forCJlJT =' aJO ..
- fH~~ II mercy2', the Guru shall unite me with
H~ ~R 0'5 fH5T -eC:aJ I

RScnCJ fHH3 H~T30 Meeting with the True Guru, I have

obtained supreme JO bliss" and my
~V·B ora'
- oT5 fH5 .
ii, Hc5 tldH JO »Ii~J1
~31 UrfE)){T Hf332 l.{Ttl3 ci full)fT ~ »f3 HOT tl51aJ] Hq»lTU
H'81(')33 fSdT~a134 II soiled JJ mind 32 has blossomed J4 • \N53 ci full)f1J4 ~ I
~fCJ ~fCJ35 f~lJT36 o Lord Master J5 , the life" of the ~ ~l)iTHl HT50l U ! HOI3J8 ~1 f;:iewo J9 !~
. ClCJy37 38tidT;:rl~(')39 world J8 , show" Thou mercyJ8 unto Ha ~3 fH<Ja J6 Ule" »13 H-a l)i"ea l)iTlIi
H RCJQT40 O'TfH me and instil 41 faith 40 in me in Thy oTH f~B ~Ry40 ~eT' 0ltr4' I
~a141 II Name.
oroor dTCJ 42 dTa 43 ~ o Nanak, the Great42 God 4J is the 5 oToOl ! f~R'T5i2 ~'fual04J ul RVBT 010 3
-. -c:

Rf3qJg - =}j -Rf3OJg True Guru and in the refuge.... of the »f3 R-B arc' ~l ~10I344 )){~e '11 H· uHRT
RCJfo 44
fHma1 45
II True Guru, I shall ever abide45 . ~WOl145 I

ClT03T HtTW 8 II Kanra 4th Guru. OlTO:3 1 ~1 tl rf3R'rul I
H'046 qraHf3 47 tP'848 o my sou1 46 ,walk4' thou on the path 48 , ~ a~4' ! ~ ~R HTe0l48 ~e4' ;'j Ole' \? •
~<ii4911 which is in accordance with the €ttl~R'47 \? l)i~RTe ~ I i
HalaS1 ~52
3fcs54 ~~ qJCJ
instructions 47 of the Guru.
AS50 the wild 52 elephant 51 , subjected 5J
t054 an iron-goad, is subdued, so is
ftiR ~t50 H3~T~52 <JTQ15 I 85 -e
fe3 T cif~5J OlT!!»IT H'~T~. ~R 3~' '11 .
c!~ 50154 1

>l{ClR55 RSt!S6 the mind disciplined57 with the goad S5 Ole' \? €t~R'5' ~ ci~55 oT5 Ho fomf-
fu;p~cn57 /I ClIICJ~II of the Guru's t~achings56. Pause. »IoRld' Ola fgl)iT H'eTS? ~ I ofucT@ I
~~"~,.'~~~~RRlRJ1I-~RJ1I~~~~~~~'flnp1ll~~"fiII"""'~~~• • • • • • • • • • •" ••••••••• ~.'• • •.J

'lH3 58 'lH 59 ti'~ The mercurial mind s8 roams59 and 'ij'~lf~HTO Hollof

rS8 ~Rl61 <JT
tml UTR:t'62

~~ ~061 f~fR62 aro rambles 60 in ten6l ,yea, ten directions 62 , i'e 1s, ~ 9core,60 ~ l{~ illot el oftfl)!T6l
• arij63 ill'a fg~H~cft64l1 but, di!\ciplined 63 by the Guru~ it is ;;:l)!'oT f~R ~T '{~ olH '{T3 ti ijT~1'4 ~ I
attuned to the Lord 64.
Rf~ R~65 -ere-66 The True Guru installs" the holy RV~ illo~~ itT illdJ:lSe 65 HClH ~ H0 67 f~"
fa~67 »(3fa68 l:ffl:f word 6s in 68 the man's mind 67 and the l)!Rl:PUO oro ftf~' <:10 ))13 13U! ~u"
l)j'-fl-l3 69 (iTH Name-Nectar tricklcs 70into his mouth. oTH-llof.... f~3 ~ ~ ~iJ f~e cuae r70 ~ I
'~""~al70 II~II -
f~:n:ft.,.,a71 fe8 72 gij73 Man is 74fullyfilled73 with the ))ITtlHl UTu t tiT RO~ait71 i:lf<:10 72 oTH ~ol

~ l.foo74 ari 01'a;375 serpent-like71 poison72 of sins but. the 3qi 74 9follof T ;jfellof l73 ~ ti~ illot ~ ~U~J:I76

Re~76 lifts u~a1n II antidote 7S of the Guru's word76 e 1 1:IfiJCJ liiJo,7S ~qt Rrfu'li t ~ tfT ijTeT77~ I
swallows 77 them all.
Hrfu))fT78 ~f~or79 The snake 79 of mammon78 draws not H<:1<!1 78 ~T R~U79 ~80 ~ ~BI oiJl' HilleT

f3880 ~81 (') ~ near l ' him 82 who is rid of83 the ;:j uru t til 1:Ifuo B2 3' R~rl3 ~ llof3 fi=iR ~T

felj82 srfa srfa83 poi$onB2 of sins and is attuned tol4 1.f~ o'H fUoiJ=l ue1 ;j~T&4 ~ I

f~ w?a1 84 11:<11 the Lord.

• ~~85 g~86 oara87 The dogBS of avarice B6 is very po\\,el- HTH~B6 ~T cf3T'S ~<:1 ~ fti~77 r~" s;3T
full B9 in 8B the body abode B7 , but the
Hfu88 Rew 89 OJ~ SH~o89 ~, ti-~ reor li<:13" f~ ilJ.~ ;it f~Ft

fl:f091 Hf~ Htfa93 Guru smites93 and expels94 it in a ~ HTCJ C!cu a

~T<lO ere
fth!'4 \I(') I
crer~a194 II moment 9'.
R~95 R3lj96 Truth9s , contentment" and faith 97 , R~95 , R3F.1c3
1" ~ ~lHTo'7 t illo;it
_. t ~<J t1
! lJPfo atii 98 the Guru enshrines" in the body fU~99 f~tJ l)!R~lUo oro ft:f~" <:1(') ~ 3t1

oarcn 99
~o abode" and then man sings 2
Lord God's praises lOO.
the itl~ Rtel' <:101 -el))1t fREi 100 ill1reo oroeT2
or~a12 II'SII
· tfCl;:r3 H~ f(iUJa~5 The mortal6 is sinkingS in the mires ~10T SB16 RR10T HH3T4 ~ [-acral "feo :aroor

~ l.JT751 6 ora foUJa3 of worldly love 4 and the Guru saves7 ;JeT ipS fo<:1 T ~ l)!3 ilW. ilT ~ ~ OToor;j~

OlTfu cre~¥7 II him from sinking. 3· S'ij"l)! H'~7 <:10 I

"Save 8 me, il-e l)!'eH1lo "HoT -ij-fullof1 8 ail, HoT 'iNtfl)!T
13!f~ 3!f~ Rofo9 When manlo repeating

~t1010 })iTe oro ur 'Ell 12 seve me" comes into the Guru's oril" af<:1'-er ;jf~llofT il!ot eT F.rcJ~TOf39 l)!T~-er

~~13 foorH~a114 11811 refuge 9, the Guru extends ll his ~. -at il!~ ilTl)!TU~T ,fQ'2 ~ a 13
~ ~ ST<Jo
hand l2 and pulls '4 him out. c(~ H'B 14 <:10 I

~tffi~15 RRrq16 R~ The whole world 16 is like the game l7 RTCIT il<:1To" R~IS eT ~~17 eT HT<5e ~ I
eT;:{117 R~ eTifl 13~18 of a dream 's . The Lord, of Himself, RllofTHl RTCJl
~~ ~ H18 T'8 0." J:f_e
~e " . " " '••••••••" ..

. causes the whole game and play l8 to

be played 19.
(ST(JT20 oTl:f ~crHf321 If mandeparts, reaping22 the ;1Cl'0 at!1 Olof -e ~tRR21 3'a Ol}( t!T
~22 ~Tcr.J23 ~ Name's proflt 20 under the Guru's l:!oTGT20 0fHT <}22 C!tJ ora 23 3t! ~u l[~3T t!1
t!crOTu 24 - UQT25 i nstruction 21 , he goes 26 to the Lord's -e
1.!RTCl'25 tIT <} ~ trOST0 2.. ~ ~Tt!T2' ~ I
~oT26 11411 court 2" robed 2s with glory.
~~H27 Ola
28 ercrl~ In eg0 27 man acts 28 , in ego he makes tJor'027 >it!'o ~t!" ~H or6t!1 21 ~. tJCl'lO >!it!'o
(J~H tr T\'p 9 &fE<5 30 others act and thus brings ll and 'IT (Iu ~oC'if 3· Cl'Ol~t!T ~ 3 tJor'o >!it!'o uT
»{Tf(i31 ;:rHT~a132 II amasscs 32 he, the blackness 30 of sins 29 (I'l 010 T'l29 t!'T Cl'1C?or lO ~ f5l)1T~·-elJ I l>f3
in ego. t:ll:!f Cl'Ot!'l32 ~ I
»fTf~»fT 0fT(233 When death)] comes, he suffers pain iie )=13 33 l)fT ~Tt!'T ~ ,_= _ ~
€m ?i 30lB'16 l4 tit!'T
~t!~134 ~~ ~35 because the man must eat l8 that 37, fu€tfCl' a-e ~ (fu C!5 Cf'C 17 T38 ut!" ~
al~36 R 37 l:R(g~oT3811 what 35 he had sown l6• fi1<J;rT3S (fR i aTfi1I)j 36 ;It!1 ~ ?
R~ crTH ?)TH Q(i39 o saints, amass" o the wealth 39 of the <J wq€? ! qRT" ~ '€ oTH t!'T B53l9
RB~40 c;41 - l:fcr~42 Lord's Name; if ye depart" 3 by f~o(3a"° 01-a I ;1Cl'O ~RT· f'e'u micJ-l:fi1~"2

tJ'543 uf344 tr~o1 II taking'" this viaticum" 2, ye shall H c}" I ~-aa1"3 3T ~RT fui]3 l)f'a~"" w(fa1 I
obtain honour.....
l:fTfe45 l:fofB46 ~~fu47 Eat" s, expend"6 and bestow"7 it f~R ?i
= 3Rt
- U ft!C?"8 0'8 CfT€?"5 I CfaB ~
CJ(J3crT48 ufcr B~49 abundantly"8 and God will so give"9 t!'To RtJ ~7 l)f3 ?Tf<JOli1 ~'lT~ fuR '3t!f
3k so ?; ~ 11911 ye, that there shall be no deficiencySo. -e~OT1"9 fu ~'l~ <i~T orHT sO our
~Tt..raOlT I
oTH Q q 51 ~
CJT).';! The wealthsl of the Lord's Name is Rf'e'l i! oTH t!1 BC?3s1 f'loB 52 lit!'oSl ~ I
fcrt!52 »j3fcr 53 tTQ within s3 the mind s2 . Seeking the Olaf t!'T R6C TOTf3S" ck ~l)fTCP ~Rl, fuR
dJo RacT~154 Guru's refugeS", ye shall obtainss this BH3 ~ l[Ttl3 oro C?~a1ss I
lfT~aT55 II wealth.
orner t!fE);fT56 Bf~T Nanak, showingS2 His mercyS6 and oT('iCl', >;{l1.RT ofuH3S6 l)f3 fOlol/l~057,
orfcr57 t!lo1 62 tll:f58 compassion, the Lord has blest62 me RTfua i H~ f~'l B83 ~TO or13T62 ~ l)f3 ..

. BT(gt!59
...- ~f;:r60 with this wealth and removing 60 my HaT l::!RTa3s8 l)f3 ~OTTH3TS9 ~ ~ Cl'0~60, i
R1-fT~oT61 /I t 114 " miseryS8 and povert yS9 has blended 61 H~ l)fTl/;! oTC? l>f~t! oro ffil)jT6I ~ , ~
me with Himself. i
er'f'(GT )..KJ(gT 8 II Kanra 4th Guru. orTo;rT ~eit l/Tf3f.lT'lT I f
~3 Rf3'Ojcr Rcrfo64 o my soul 63 , enter thou into the <J HaT f;::ft!;rT~6l ! ~ R~ Olaf t!T RacTOT36" ~
fQ»fT~a165 II sanctuary6" of the True Guru and
meditate 6S on thy Lord.
R!P5 ~ I)jTl/<! ~I)jTHT t!T fRHdC'i Cl' 0 6S I


. . . .IIIf1" JlI.JlI 'ill/i'"4.rlI.rlI.".~.JlI.rlI••~..~."'.'".'""+ 'fi~.. .,...+.......................••••••••••••••••


• (Sur f~o"Q66 ~67 As iron is transmuted67 into gold66 by ftIR 3il' oR'f~' ~
oT5 I" ~" ~l)f'OT,
HnJl 68 tfToR69 (fl"Q70 touching'8 the philosopher's stone", HiJ Ro,66 <J tItpr67~. ~~ 30' iJl eno'm :

~ llTo...FT~l ~ ~f~ so do the virtues70 of the invaluable l)fH~q f~~q3l71 tlll)ft ~qll)ft7; ~ ~ fFil:f'
»fT<raT 11911 o<Jr~ II pwooalH y" of rhe Guru eo"r; uro j! ""a ~"" oro ""'1... "" I orJij~ I ~
: his disciples. Pause. w ~ ~

~ ;f3~~RH~:: ~~~:: ::r:on~:ui: t~u:~;ilos:h:he:~SPr:t:::~ :~:29~0;:3: ~R:T:tL: : o::~ ;0 ~iJ: I~

~ R78 ·~rl?i76 tfT~aT77 II WhosoeverH is attached 7s to him, H~76 ~ UT ~·e,71 a I - I -

~ he 78 gathers 77 the fruit 7'.

i ftI~79 (flo ~U~fR80 Just as 79 Prahlad was saved 81 by the f,m 3<!t
' Ole i til rnl:fH3
~l)fTeT, l{fJ5r e ~
~ ~81 yf~(STt!T q}g Guru's instructionBO, similarly the ure ~30 fClll)fT81 Rl, ~~ ~,
iJl Olq, til i
! R~~8~ U;:{83 Guru protects84 the honourS] of al1 his
83 84
l)fTtR; iJo ef<Jca~82 til fe';:J3 cru-e iJo' ~
i' OCfT~OT84 11911 attendants82 . ~
~~rQ85 ~ oral til s~l's liBel' s~l a I ~
~5 cilCl 86
~.;.: >i-f}{q87 UT~-ar II
~ ftI@88

The True
subhme" word.
Guru's word 8s

Whosoever reflects'3 on the Supreme"

the Guro's
."" ""'0', O'H-'!'l'illt" 'fU3 "-'" ~ I

~ ~'C1 91 l{':!l:f 91 Fi~ 010"" til STel'2 til

Olol til

$89~HoTU-e90 UTE True Guru's'" word'2, he is blessed ~1~ olOt '3 a, ~R ~ l){HOlq.
JT u'f3BTiJ : ~l
~ Rf3a:Io >:fCf91 ~:fB(i92 with the immortal89 status'O like88 T
H,*e l)ffSoTRI" H03ST" l{TU3 <J tJ'tl a I
~ fO*fT?ill 93 11:<11 Amrik, the King .

~ I1f3C1Ta FTaf(i94 l1af3 The Trne Guru's refuge'''' yea, his Fi-\1 Olot til Boe TCIl3''', iJl ~R BeCT0T3
= Hf(i95
3'~196 8(JT97 refuge is pleasing" to my mind's. Ha fti'3's ~ BCIll 5CIlel" a I orH-l){-flf.3'7

j : 80T98
~ fUl';fl~aT100 II
~ -ef~rp;2 -e133 3'e
Ol'f0 99 Deeming" the Name-Nectar'7 imma-
culate'8, meditate lOo I on it.
The True Guru has become
ti uf<f30'8 tire" <}. H· fuR tiT fRHO(')
qOe rlOo iJl I
H~. HRqli'i 3 ~3 Fi"\1 Olo-e~ til fHiJoS To 2 <J

] ~ FTf3010 ~fo HToqJ4 merciful 2 unto me, the meek one 3 ~ iJi'i l)f3 ~<'i' ~ H~ ~'fiJOlq, tiT oTiJ4 l)f3

~.~ tfqs f-eCfT~ill6 II~II and he has shown' me the way" and oR3TS f~l:fT5 fe3r' aI i
~ pathS of God.
~ ~ Fi-e aJO""tIl uOT~f 5~-e' un ~o,,?;
~ I1f3q}o FTaf37 UE 8 They', who enter8 the sanctuary7 of _ t _ '" •

i R9 ~ri)10 f33 oTCfo 12 the True Guru, are blessed with ~3TIO lf1.J3 iit!T a 1){3 J!l)fTHT ~<'ii til

l Ol'~ l{~ I}fT~aT II glory 10 and the Lord comes to

protect l2 them.
~fl:fl)fT12 CiOo 5'C1 l)fT€t~~T aI

~ ~13 a14 11015 RU16 If l3 some one l" aims 16 an arrow lS on

~ -
tI!!b d •• "".oI.oI ·",f· ·" oI· ·" +"'' ' ' ' . .
;:To17 ~ufa the Lord's slave17, turning back", it ~t!T" ~. fC!u flli 19 ,!3 ~ lli Tl:liJOl'iJ'8,
~~g~19 = hits him 20 ultimatelyl8. €tR 20 ~ <11 5Ol~T ~ I
; gOlT~ai IU~II

~ ~fCJ ~fa ~fa ~fa They, who bathe 22 in the Name-tank2\ ii )){Cl'B' l:{ijl:f, lf~. t{H8'ij <1 T )){Cl~ l:{01:f
· illCJ Ra 21 R~CJ22 of the Lord God Master, yea, the ~f<1O.!~ ~ Ra~21 l)jt?tJ fC!8"(')T O Clij~22 <10;
~ f3(1)23
B'CJOT~24 W Q25 Lord God, they2J are blessed with2' ~~T2J ~ RTC!l )){T\Ji t?Qij'Tij24 f~;;J fit:l3 25 I;
~fB'~~a126 II honour 25 'in His Court Z4 . ij'Wt?TZ' ~ I

. ~ OjaHf3 27 OjCJHf3 He, who by Guru's instructions H , ii aIa T ~ €t~8'27, aIaT ~1 fRl:fF.I T, aIQT ~ •
,4 OlaHf3 fQ»fT~fCJ28 Guru's directions and Guru's teachings )){T~8'T tII)/TijT, )){IU<! ~TfuOl~ ~T fRHo0 2' •

!~fd Olfg29 fHfs39 meditates 28 on God; him. the Cla~T ~; €tR ~ to: t1fT\J<!1
i:T3V' 015 W ~

j~f531 fHS'~aT32 11411 JO

Lord hugs to His bosom 29 and 8~~TlO ~ lli3 )){T1J<! fH5 Uli f~;;J fHa' I:
unites J2 in His union ll • 5~~ll2 ~ I

! OTaHfl:f33 Or-e 34 a35e The Supreme Guru)) is the celestial ~R ~ 5C!1 ,!l:f1 aIa~~)) tIl ac!ol 011030 <10
~§ cHCJljfl:f Ola UCfB strain for him and the Supreme Guru, lli3 Hl:I1 Olij~~ tIl <11 ~t? lli3 Ola T 'l; :
~o'H fQ1f'~aT36 II the Vedas; by pleasing J5 the Guru, l{RoU - CliJ~ ~lliTClT, <11 €t<1 to: ~ ~TH t?~ ~I~
) - he ponders J6 on the Lord's Name. )){'aTOo CliJt!,J' ~ I

~~ CJfa37 ~fa Cfl,J38 \Ifa Contemplating the BeauteousJl Lord R<1<! ~t-tP' ~»fTHl ~Tf<JaI,!J7 t!' fRHao CIao •
~(Jti39 ~~ ~fa 1=1040
~= •
God J7 , man becomes the t!I)/Ta .
- ~T <11 RaU J, ii ;:Pt?T •.
- ,T fC!oR'o RI)/~l
'j~ Ol~ ~;:T41 Ola~o1 II
embodiment ' of the Lord. Tne Lord ~ I ~lli~l t1fTui ~~ ~5 a"ig 40 ~l RRTa ~
· Ell makes the world worshi p41 such a tI'R· €tUTJ:ToT41 CliJ~T~tt?T ~ I ~

; AT0l3 42 oa43 R80T0

i(I)~l oft»fT
344 a>:fl:f45
slave40 of His.
The perverse4Z person43 comes not
into the True Guru's fold. Such44 a
l{31i!542 l:{08'4J A-9 aIiJ T
Cl~T I ~~44 ~5 )){-BiJO,~45 ~ ~TfuaI~
~ aI~ OTQO O<Jr il
rna 9il~<ii"11 non-believer 45 , God makes wander4'
in species.
~i'.:1))fT l)j~iJ 9CCl'€t'~r4' ~ I ~

~ 5~47 C?~fa48 Jj»fT(I)49 The wave 4' of avarice 47 is the 5'5~47 ~T 3"01 4' <(-3
~ _
' ~T H5-fHBTU SO ~ I Ir
~Oll Rarf350 f~51 association SO of a cur4'. It atta~'hess4 s,
fi:<J 1{re1 ~ i.lfuij151 Hu~l$2 ~ fu";::rij5J 018 ~
~ )-'fTf~»{,52 0la-fat 53 one to the skeleton5J of the ii3 fift?TS4 ~ I ~

~ g(Jl'~ai54 II:J II poisonous sl mammon S2 . ~

: a'H oTH R~ i«JT QlT The Lord's Name is the emancipatol S5 R~1~ ~T oTH RTij AR'a ~T UTa €t3To T C/Oo t
: 3'a~55 gfOT 56 ROTf3 57 of the whole world and associating5' ?T5 155 ~ lli3 Rf3R0T3 57 o'M ~3 as' ;::rl? ~
oT>:f fu~ai58 \I with the
saints' society57, one oTH ~, fRHoo O1aeT~' ~ I ;..
contemplates58 the Name. ,,;.

o my Lord,keep5', sustain and "

maintain 5 H;~ RI)/'Hl ! 3 oTOOl?i RTO AOT3 llieiJ ~
- = = ~
~ ~
..." • •" ....ijS"ijS++.p+++iji"iJIiJ1.I·'JI'1"1i.piJIijS"iji·P"+·I·... +·~ipipip'ip"iji~;;;++++'l'·~·'l''l'·~'l·.P'i'.f··~··.··I··fiplfip+ip·l'ifiifi.f··i·~+-:t.

Hij FJ3ROTf3 Thou, Nanak in the saints' congre- afU<!'S, f~oc lli3 ml33 <Ie! tft Sl:lF.lF.l era,
m-J~(ft6o gation, so that he may be absorbed'o aT ~ ~ 3ij f~ Blo ~ iI~60 I
• S'qT 911 in Thee.
OlTO~T ~3 H~W 4 Kanra Chhant 5th Guru.
'1 § FJGaro
- tJFJTf-e
... II There is but One God. By the True ~f~~ ~~g recr ~ I RV~ llIoT t!1 t!rel)fi
Guru's grace is He obtained. ~t)iToT, ~~ lJl'rel)fT ;:rTt!T ~ I

~UtJ63 f;:ro oT)-( They51 alone are emancipated'2, who &~8 ~j61
- u
t!T ~l wa ~3TOT
~, ~

fU))fT8 63 II meditate'3 their Lord. ~ wer t!T fRlfao CiO~J ~o I

t:J30 64 )-fTre~5 ~ The efforts64, made to amass wealth's, 'Qo-~H3's fuol30 CiOo B~ cr13 ~llo'~
• OlTfH 0 })iT~ II
66 avail" one not. a-e ~ tiH" o~l" W~ I
oT)-( fQ})iTE67 FJfg They, who contemplate" their Lord ;l lliTtIi l{~ t!T lliTOT'QO CiO~7 ~o, ~C'it ~
68 68
tJT 69 70
ufo ufo are blessed with" all the fruits". 0 Rrij ~ t{'lf3 <I ilt-e" ~o I )fWOCil 7l,
371 72a~gTOT1})iT73 II Blest'°, blest and very72 fortunate 73 )fwocr lli3 '9rij72 ORl~73 ~5 ~o ~~7I I
are they7l.
R3AfOT ;:rra174 OTfH They rematn awake7" in the saints' ~ RT'Q Ras lli"t!(i ilTOrn7.. ofd'~ ~o, oTH
BTa175 Eor76 fR~ congregation, are attached7s to the OlH '13 ~7S ~ lli3 f~ l{~76 oTB
77fg~ waft»iT78 II Name and embrace7' affection77 for l{1377 ~71 ~ I
the One Lord".
)-fTo80 H~81 I have shed 79 ego80, attachment" and R3T t!l t!rel)fT ~lliror, W<1013'80, HH3 T81 3
RTU csfOT83 sin82 , by the saints' grace and UTll12 ~~ ft!3 79 ~ lli3 ~j15 ~ uor 86
f3?5 85 § repairing83 to their's feet 86, am I U81 ~, HoT \.JTO ~3roT ii faTl)fT84 ~ I
ferried across8".
Prays'7 Nanak, I have sought the 1lI~ ttl ii031 cro-e'7 ~o, H" t!l \.JOT~8'
of the Lord and through '8'~1 ~ lli3 ~I' -eat ORl~'O o~l" H~
great" good fortune'o, I am blessed ~ t!T t!lt!ro 91
t{'tJ3 <I fQTl)fT'2 ~ I
with'2 His vision".
Meeting together'3, the saints ever'" recfc5 5'1 R3 Rt!T'" ~l lliTtd l!t)iTH1" t!T
contemplate'S their Lord. fRHoo Cilo-e's ~o I
With relish'7 and love'8, sing they, the l!l)fTt!'7 lli3 QH'8 oTB ~~ Rt~' t!lt)it
Lord's praises". fR6at" OTT~'-e ~o I
They live by singing God's -praises, ~~ ~ol t!1 Hfuw OTT & ttl€t-e ~o. Ri'el'-e
indrink 2 the Lord's Nectar lOO and °Oii
))j'fH,.3 1 \.JTO ~2 ~o lli3 ~t -e ~i3
their comings3 and goings" are ended s. 3 ;:rri4 IiCil tt~S ~o I

R3f!1faT ~~ ~fCJ Associating with the saints' RTO Ror3 ClOo »f3 ~TfuOI~ W l)iToTOo ao:'i'
ftI~~6 i:l~f~7 congregation and contemplating' trl){TCT, ~l ~3 <i7 cU:rZ' o,:W ~or~T' I

t!-=r 8 0 8 TaTe9 II God, one is afflicted' not with pain'.

fiIR fiilR ~ ROS-Riil31~1J l){3 W3TC 12

crfCJ Bf~10 W3 12 On whomsoever the Omnipotent"
t!CJ-=r 13 f~T3J 4 R3 and Beneficent 12 Creator l4·Lord fRoffi!u T(J14 l!»fTJ-I1 ~1 fj'l<JaID~; ~ RTq»f+
~15 crHTf~ II shows mercy 10, he performs the ~l ZfU5 IS iilHT~'~T ~ I
saints' service IS ,
f~f31e orocr tIO)7 Supplicates" Nanak, 0
Lord, O'Oiil t{TQao T16 iila~T~. <J i!»fW ! A· 3il
R3tl7 ~ UaT ~T 03 18 HtJ~rl9 ut , 3T fi H" , ~
t:rfa l8 i:lTsfu 19 ~fa long for 19 the dust" of Thy saints'
· -e.afR20
FJHTfu~22 II ~ II
RaTB * 22 t=i'323

feet SO,
merge 22
that I may spontaneously21
in Thine vision 20.
Let a1l 22* the mortals 23 dwell upon H
'!3f!:rQ21 ul 3a ~T~TOJO f~tJ 510 22 5
fi'~ I
RTfo»ft 22 * lfC1»f+23 ~ RRTC2S ~ 1..I'~­
25a1tJTB26 II their Lord, the Cherishcr2' of the tiR~UT(J2'i »fT~ ~ ~T fRl-1cIo iilooT24 ~

world 2s ,
tJU27 3tP8 RtlH 29 In the Lord's meditation is contained l!l){THT ~ fRHoo l);~o l!.tlT UTo27 , 3ufR»fT2I f
: U0030 U!TR31 II
the merit of worship27, austerities 2',
self-controJ2' and perfect30 service 3\,
R~-Rfil-l29 »f3 l!CJl30 efu53 I R~T ~ 65
»fT fit~T ~ I
f03 32 ~tl~33 l;!»fTHl By ever 32 dwelling upon 33 the Lord, »f·~51»ft i!'T(:!ouTo H RTfus ~T ltt'1~132 f.-
>i3atITH134 R6835 the Knower 34 of hearts, the entire 37 fRH(Jo iiloo 33 tr»fT(JT, RT O,37 fil~036 65- ~

tIoH Ri:JTfB'»fT37 II
36 life 36 becomes fruitfuI3s. ~Tf~iil3S 5 fit~T ~ I
· 38a1fi:lt139
~~ Whosoever sings the World 38 -Lord's39 ~ &~T 31 fR.-ReV' ~ lil){Tl-I13 9 ~T itR OTTfuo ~
f0 3 40
ftI»frtil>li 41 praises and contemplates4\ Him ever 40, Olo~T ~ l){3 R~T4D ~R ~ fRl-Io~T41~; f'CR If-
· tlo~~42 R~43 his 43coming44 into the world is fiaTT >i~o ~R43 ~T »fT~c:T44 aa5 11 t1i~r42 ~:-
u - = -

»fTfB'~4 II approved 42• ~I "'i'-"

• tJ1l 45 3Tl..1 46 RtIH 47 The meditation of the Immaculate 49 1..If~304' l0! ~ oTH48 ~ fRl-Ioo <1T HoT ~f1T ~
Ufa 48 ufCJ fnat:l0 49 Lord's Name 48 is my worship~5, tfTo 45 , 31..1~·fR»fT46 »f3 ~
R~-;:rS347 ~ I a~5 .;.

alfi:l"B tIo- FrfCJT 51 46

austere cond uct and self-control~7. Ri~T' ~ oTl-I ~T B53" <1T Ha oT551 t1l~OJT50 I "'~"
.... 50 The wealth of the Lord's Name alone

· tJT8 II If-
shall goSD with 51 me. ~

· fao~f3 oToor orfa Supplicates Nanak, 0 Lord, OI~ fiT So3"T ao~ uo, <J l!r>fTl-IT! fl-luo ±.
~ Bfu»fT52 -el~53 ~fa 53
mercifully52 bless Thou me with the OTQ &52, :i H~ »fTU~ oTl-I ~r fi~uo54 actRSS , t.
: a3 Q54 i:JTU~55 llT5 56 1/ jewelS4 of Thy Name, that I may tie 5S 3 t ~ H' f~A' ~ »fTui 1..15 5' oT5 S"i; 5~i55 I ~
~ ~II it to my skirtS'. .;.
~ Har8~JTa57
~tI58 The Lord of supreme 6i blisS62 , has H<)T0 6\ t!.R03 T62 ~T i!»fTHl, fl-liJo {Fo a6D Acii. ~ ~
[433 1]

»iTc5~59 II met me through60 His grace and I am ~))f'3 ):j~ f;:f3 57 @ (fIt3' I){t~3
fi.ffi" fUI){T
: f~atrr6° blessed with paeans of truel)s7 if;l158 '3 l!al s9 ~1 ~T3 fH5 (fIC!l ~ I
: 61 trCJ)-rc5~2 II wondrous plays58 and joy59.
. l{9 fl-fH lJ)){Tl-f1 God Lord, the Harbinger of peace", ))f'ePH 63 ~T \15cr T(JT ~'fuaJa
fH5 ..
flltlfT ~ '3 H~ fif3 ~11){1 cr'Hi'iT~t64 tj,all){t
Rl:1uaJTl-f1 63 f~64 has met with me and my mind's65
l-fo ~1l:!"o1*fr66 II desires 64 are fulfilled". ;j an=1Il-p" \10 I
,~ a-ttl a-q~168 RU~69 Men congratulatc 68 me, I am Her H~ l:!alacraT~1 ftf'"@ uo, H" 1ft'
Jieo 510 ;j f(fl))fT 70 u t ))f'3 H~ , H~ ci71
~RH~VO a-~;3"71 tIfl:f absorhed 70 in the lord" and I shall -
! 0 ~ol*fT72 II ll~ .,.."ea oul~ a~tarT72 I

: 73
H a-f0 ~T~ lJC:f
- cry72 not again71 in pain.
The Lord has hugged me to His ,!I){TH1?> H~ ))fTlR:l 6: T3173 "oT5 51 f51){T

j: f~l:f~74
~ fa-oR H~78 II
fa-OlTa75 bosom 73 and has blessed74 me with
bliss and I am rid of 77 all the eviF8
~ »13 H~
~R1 aJ:faT74 ~ ))f'3 H~ R'fa')jt
H--~78 lJllJi ~~ J:f5TRl t!T farf)f177 \11 I

~ sins 7s .
~ fa-cWf3 oroer fHH Prays Nanak, I have met wilh my O!~ tl1 fa?> Ola@ uo, H~ Hu T(')80 y'~03T81 @

~ RllfTHl uol:f79 Lord God79, the EmbodIment of R~t! ))fTlI<! R1C!1~ \10179 ~ fH5 ft!')jT u t I

!80uaHrc5~T81 IIBIIC\II supreme 80 bliss 81 .

-¥ erf~ Oll ~TO l-fUW B
IjH oil ~TO oil yol82 II
Var of Kanra 4th Guru.
To be sung to the tune 82 of the ballard
of Musil.
crro;1 crl ~Ta ~al WBF.fTul
~1 ~Ta ~1 ,!a 92 3 ifl'T~1 I

j €?~3trra
C\ t{wft! II There is but One God.
Guru's grace, is He obtained.
By the True ~fuar~ ~5 fC!cr ~ I J=i~ ara t ~1 ~fc!I){T ;.
~l){TaT, ~u tjTfC!I){T il1~T ~ I
;1 _
R~cr ~a1 t! Tf3R Tul I
~ R5~
l-f: B II Slok 4th Guru.
~ aTH orl-f fOUT083 Through the Guru's instruction84, keep aro t @ ~~4 ~')jTiJT. i! I){Tlli f<Ja@85 ..

j ufo trro"Hf3 84 ~l.:! thou enshrined 86 in thy mind 85 the

treasure 83 of the Lord God's Name.
>ieo RI){THl
- ~lfuaJa
@ oTH @ It;:JT~83 .
~ 85€?citJlfa 86 II fCOlTC!l" at{ I
~ t!TRo ~TRT87 ~f~ Ridding90 thyself of the poison 39 of ))fTlR:1 R~ -<i(fl3 188 ~1 o:rf\1o Bt ~ f3l){Tar ;ito. •
4OU- u~H88 fa-fl:f>;{T89 thy self-conceit88 , ever be thou, the ~ R~T \11 ,!')jTHl @ arf51){t ~l ar5,87 af~I){T •
~ -
~HTfo90 II slave 87 of the Lord's slaves. ClCJ I
1 ;:ToH 91 trt!T(jl:{92 This-wise thou shalt win
the fC!R 39: 1 ~ I){Tlii ;:r1~091 @ t{i.JTi92 <5
- - -
;:f1f3>;{T 0l~93 0 >;{T~ treasure~92 of life 91 and shalt lose 94 f;:f3 ci cr~Tf~39] facrR3 94 oul ~O~·(fIT I
~uTfo94 II not ever 93 •
~ UQ95 UQ 96~gTCJT197 Blest9S , blest and very96 fortunate 97 lia'Cla'5. liaTacr, ~3 ~Ta" oRla i97 ~~ \10

~ OToOlT f;:To trroHf398 are they, 0 Nanak, who, by the ~u, <1 oToer ! ~ OIo t @ ~t!-ea98 ~l){ToT «


cJJ399 Rrfa 100 II Guru's instruction", take care lOO of ~ ));i~3" ~l AW5 ClO~IOO u(') I

the Lord's elixir".

4th Guru. B~l Ul f3F.JT<:Il I
· H: 8 II
· aiWti o1f~~ (jj~~ God, the Lord, yea, God, the Lord ~Tfua.l~ 1)f0l''5 l!otf, u Y~fJO!~ 1)fQl'T5 l!e1::l,
· ~fo 2ai~3 ~4 Master J of the worldz, is the Treasures ARIa' ~T !!l)flHlJ ul ~Clll)fy4 ~T };f;;lTolS ::t I

.fo1:rrQs lI of virtues".
: a1f~~ tfJf~~
aToHf3 6 If we meditate 7 on Lord God, through aIeY~ ~~F.I' eT~it, ;lClO ))fRl" ~'f<Jd!~.
· f9»f~7 - - 3 t8 the Guru's instruction', thenl we are ~f<JaI~ ~T fRHeo Qe~7 3~ RT~ If~ B ~
~~9 tfT~~ HTQI0 II blessed with .gloryl0 in the Lord's ~OVTe' ))j~e t{i'3 T10 trll3 ci~ ~ I ~

· o1f~~ o1f~~ a1f~

-- .
: ;:JfU 12 Hl:f J3 - @;:t'81 14
Contemplating U his God,
Master, man's
the Lord
countenance u is
"'''Ii ~'rJ<!!i!, Ii""'1ft
ClOo u ~I)fTCJT, a~ ~T f~T13 -aBo 14 ;j ti~T
H'" " '" lin«In I
UotPQ 15 II rendered bright l4 and he becomes the ::t 1)f3 ~u fuoRT(')T f~~' 1i1::ll))fT 15 ;j ~ ::t I
first lS amongst men.
Nanak, the Guru is the Embodiment oToOl', aI"fL ttll!I)fTHl ~Tfua.l~" B ~U <:10 I •
orner <Irq aiWti J6
of the Lord God", meeting with ftrc'i yl7 oT5 fH~ ~I)fTOT ~Tf<:laI~ ~T ('iTH
~fo ft=l~17 fHf8 ~fo
whom 17 one is blessed with' l t~
tfTre»fT18 oll:{ II~II tfll3 ci~11 3 I
God's Name.

u~31 i" '.~

3'... »fTij19 tit fAtl 20 0 Lord, Thou Thyself19 art the iJ ~ ! t ~~19 ul '!oozo
l!oa 20 1)f3
Rrfq~21 3 )){Til ~l Adeptz and the Striverz,.
Thou Thy- ))ffi'l)fTRV' ~. I t ~ ul ti(<nlI)fY ~l ti(<nl ~" I
i1aT ~aTl»ftll self art the Yogi of the Yogis. Go

3 »fTi)' ~l OR Thou Thyself are the TasterZz of the ~ ))flU ul J!))fl~t ~T J!1)f~ZZ 8<! ~::t"
~))f;JT22 3 »fri)' ~l tastes and Thou Thyself the Enjoyer Z4 ~ I)fTtJ ul foI)fTH3 YZ3 ~ HT<!0 ~5,14 3 4
3CJJ23 3aTl»f.;24 II of enjoymentsu •
3)){Ti)' )){lfU ~a3~25 Thou Thyself pervadestZ5 everywhere ~ 1)fT\.li I)flll tIl RTa OH fau lZ5 ::t" 1)f3 H~
3 »frU aaf~ R26 and what Thou Thyself do, thatZ' ))fTll ClO~ ~', ~~ ~<JZ6 ul ciw ~ I
5aft)){T II - alone comes to pass.
o 27R3Ha1f328 Rf3aTCJ BlestJ1 , blest, blest, blest. blest is the IiqT(JCilJl, IiSTeOl', )f1JTaOl', JiSrclOl', )fSTOOl'::t
~ iio31 Qc5 fro Qo true l7 societyZI of the True Guru, ~ arot ~ R~IZ7 Hs-fHgTllzI, ftI'R B arur
i tl~ ft=l~ - fHf'8' ~fCJ through whom one meets his God a~l ucn ~ fH5 at!' ~ 3 (tR ~ ('iTH ~ 116-

S8aT30 sBarl))fT II 30
~WO~TJO, ))f3 o'IT~t!' 3 I

and utters and recites His Name. :
·Rfu' ciij~ H'l:f(J32 With their mouth JZ , let all the men ))fTUi HuJZ 0'5 wa tti ~'f<:lCl!~. ~lfuo.Ia,
o ufo ufo Ja ufu 5fa utter God, God, God, God, God, ~lfJtll~~ ~riJil!~, ~riJilJ~, ~fiJil!i~ ~~'O~ :

~ illa ~¢5333 Hf~ God. By uttering 33 God all the sins J4 0I'ij I ?Tfua.ri .~~033 0100 ~1)fl(Jt wij
l.fTU34 ~orll')iT35 11911 are washsd off35 • O1oT;:r31 Q3 ~15 ;:ro I

Hi%or H: 8 II Siok 4th Guru. fffiOl -a~ u'f3aI<J1 I

~fu illa ~fa ~fCJ God, God, God, God's Name, ?tf;:rON ?tf;:ra:r~. ?Tf<JOl~. ?tf;:ra:ri ~t orH;
(l)TIj ~ Olalifl::f36 rare" is the one, who is blessed ~l f?a3 T t:fGT J8 ;:r1, O1i'JT ~1 ~fe1)flJ6 ~I)flOT
~73 ~f~3811 with J7 it by the Guru's grace J6 • fefI ~ UT(r~t17 ~ ,
.. ~~H39 HH3y40 ()TJ341 His ego J' and attachments 40 are ~ el ejijf3tJt l)f'3 H;:r40 08'c ii 41 ;:ro W-e
· ~f~ 42~aHf343 ore tradicated 41 and the Name washes l)f'3 oTH ~fI ~11)fT H~1l)ft42 ~~~J ~ ii
-af~4 II off"" his eviI42-tendencies4J• Jice t44 ~ I
(')TOOT »fof~o"5 ~6 Nanak, whosoever is so pre 48• (')T(') 01 , fMfl -e 3el ':f~B1"8 ~fll f'8l:f3 tOl tCf 4'
~~47 f;:ro a-~ yfa48 destined 4', he recites 47 Lord's ~. ~;:r, a<!45 ~ R<i Ji-./TH1 ~11)fT fR63t"
· fgfl::{l)fl49 ~f~ 11911 praises 46 night 4S and day. ~~'eo OIa~47 ~ I

H: 8 II 4th Guru. ea1 UTf38'tUl I

ofa ))ilU l')iTflisO The Mercifulsi Lord is Himself all- fH<JaaT 0 51 JiIlilHl Rte T i!ii l)fTU50 ;:r1 0 I
t!re-~51 ofa »flU in alISO. Whatever God Himself fi1<J;JT i!ii ?Tf;:r01~ l)fT1I OltRT 0, a?3 ~u52
oraSj52 ~f~ II S2
does, that alone comes to pass. ;:r1 <i~ ~ I
ofa »{TU Of Himself, the Lord pervadesSJ l)fTli ;:rlJiI)fTHl flTa kl)fTUOl <J fCf<J t5J ~ I
~03€153 ~fCJ everywhere, and as great as S4 God, ?If;:r01~ f;:f~T ~~54 <JCf ~el 0;:r1> I
))i~ 0 ~fu II there is not another.
;=t ofa ~ gl~55 R56 What the God Lord willsss , that56 fMm3t i!s ?tf<:r0li Jil)flH1 ~ ~aJT ~5S ~.
: tft~58 ~ ofa t{~ era alone comes 14> pass58 and whatever ;:r1 il~t58 ~ l)f'3 ii i!~ JiI)fTHl ?tf;:row.

o£1A ~f~57 II the God Lord does. that alone is T

ClOe ~. a?~ ~ ;:r1 ~ua ~eT57 ~ I
1- accomplished s7 .
No one can appraise His worth5' for

orlHf359 forc5 (I) ~el MC!T ~fI ~T ':fg5' oul ur flOI~ I

~ a>i~60 ll"~ Infinite60 is He 61 , the Lord God. fOl€UOI 1)f~360 ~ ~61 Jil)fTH1 ?Tf<Ja:r~ I
.. =
: ofa Fife61 II
oroer oraHf~2 ~ Nanak, praising61 the Lord by the OTOQ' aIel f el efel)fy62 ~1)fl(JT. \r~ ell)fT

· AT"5Tfo~y63

3 Q64
: HQ65 FiB(266 ME II

! Ag ~f367 301 68;:r0l
Guru's grace 62 , man's body64 and
mind 6s are calmed down 66 •

0 God, the Iife6" of the world 68,

OIeo 61
i;~ ?a3

i«IT3 68 ~1

ae ~
~ I

fife-M T?)6'
fle1a'4 '3 f'i3'5

~fuilli! 30T Cia

j tl1~~l69~.. urfc urfc70 Thy light illumines all Iights6'. Thou, Wfal)fT Cie f " Q I.{Ql~To Ero fa'\JT ~ '. t ~
~ \Ifa aOl7l aCJTOT72 II 0 Lord, imbuest7 2 every heart70 with JiI)f1}fl! Fpfa'I)fT fes t70 ~ I)fTlRl tV3" oTB
~ Thy love". ~et72 ~. ,
~JI!!f!"'~~Il!.lh!~f!!t!.jl!mk.!l!!lIlm.tlUlutt>ft4!!1!.lt!.!full"""JI!!f!"'*"",,~~d!Jtt.!U!.!l!.!tt!lufUt.!I!.!Ilt>:.·,,~ .+++",,,,,,,++++4..1>+,,,++,,,,,,+,,,,,,... ,,,,,,<

on Thee, 0 my
Beloved • True yea, true Thou art,
I1 T-a 30T fl1l-/oo 71 qa-e <:10,
fUIliTfollop74 ! RBT7S. <JT !leT ~~ t
Uf~~077 lJ.~76
<i Ha
Rf3 Hf375 yal:f76 o my Immaculate 77 Lord76 . !
foa-;:r()T77 I'
fu~ 'e"T3 T78 ~~ tJOlq The One Lord alone is the Giver78 a~8 fear 11))fTl-/1 <J1 ~<! ~HT7' ~ Ili3 I1'O T ~
~fa while the whole world is the mumpcr79 •
All the mumpers beg80 and ask forS 2
RI1TCJ KOI;7' <J1 ~ I 11'-a K0I3 l.[~ lPp.~ l
t:PBf~80 Rg >-i'0l :Qa81 ~80 ))f3 fUo~'2 <Jo I ~
>-foro II the Lord's bountie!>81. i<-
R~0l83 oTOla R9 3~ Thou Thyself art the servant83 and ~ ))fTU <:11 ~'ila'3 ~~ l>l3 ~l)fTl-/1~' I a.rat ~ t
3~ - oraH31 84 - ~fa ~tI~F.I84 ~IliTaT, iiact t?T
Thyself the Lord. By the Guru's If<!1 trcJl-/ liF.lC's
~or 'ij'io T85 II instructions84 , the mortal becomes the 5Wt!T~1
sublimest8S of the sublime.
Rf9 . or~~86 Ji~87 Let all the men, with their mouth87 I1ra ;:r.!, ))fTU<! ~<:I87 oT8, ~BTao q(j86 fq ~
88ful:fl~J189 ~ fal:fl recite 86 that God is the Lord89 of all ~Tf<Jara
-. 11'01))jT ret?11li T88 t?T I1))fTl-/18' ~ ±.
~ c}R ~ f;:r3 90 trT~f~ the faculties 88 , God is the Lord of
... -
~Tfuara 11TCJ11liT fit?l))fT t?T I1))fTl-/l ~ I Wt 90
, ;:..
i R~ G'P.i G'P.i()T91 II ~ II all the faculties, thatwise" thou sbalt ~T ~11;· I1Tfo))fT HfulliT -e H~" ~ 5~a11 ~
obtain the fruit" of all the fruits. ~

RBOl H: 8 II Slok 4th Guru. R8q ~a1 uTf3F.fT<J1 I ~

~fa ~fa oTJi o my mind93 , contemplate'2 thou, thy <J l-/a l-/(')~93!
c ~_ ))fT~ I1l)fTl-/1
_ ~Tfudla
_:;: B
92 93 ~
fU'lfrf-e Ho ufa Lord God's Name and thou shalt ('ill-/ t?T fRl-/Oo qa'2 ))f3 ~ !1l)fTl-/1 ~ t!aS'a'4 Ie-
-eaoru94 tr~fu obtain honour'S in the Lord's Court'4. )){t?o fet.l'3~· ur~OIT I It
H"Q95 II .:-
~96 f~(gfu97 R98 G'~99 Fixing 2 thy attention 3 on the Guru's aJai t?1 srel lOO oT5 fsa313 ii;302 ~Iliror, ~ ~
urreFit ora Fre~Voo word 100, thou shalt obtain the 98 fruit" @11'8
H~" i;
3 BT<JeT'7
tiT 5~~arr , fi1A" i;_a: - IS-

~ '8"~2 fQ»i;()3 II that" thou desirest'7. ~I t

qqa~ t

for'8"f~4 -UTU5
Rf9 All thine misdeeds 4 and sinss shall 3-a I1 T-a
))f3 OloT<Js fl-/e i1T(!aJ6))f3
0lit»ifu ~H7 ~~8 be effaced' and thou shalt be rid of8 7
~ »fT1.l~ 5qTa ))f3 ~-501~T 3~ J:1wR1lP ±.
'. cnH'Q9 II thy eg07 and self-conceit'. i11~'iJlT8 I ~
orOH fl:f 10 OfHg l2 By the Guru's grace lO, man's heart dlaT
- t?1 t?ferlli T'O t?l)fTc.JT.
-, ~e t!T ft!H <i~812 ±

; f~orf~»fT13 R~ »i'3H I4 ]otus 12 flowers l3 and he beholds l6 the y'~83 5 i1 f t? TI3 ~))f3 ~iJ <:10 l-/014 )){i2a ±.
I1terl ls i; ))fo~? qat!TI6 ~ I ~
. -
: ufa
tl(gT() 16

- II
Lord IS within every mind 14.
o God, the Lord Master, show l8 <J ~Tf<JOIa
= -
Fin-pl-/1 l-/T5q! 3= aIH 19 OTOq 3 ~

-= - ~

~ wfa 18 trg
... ;::rol9 Thou mercyl7 unto slave" Nanak. fl-/<Ja I7 qal8 3i it ~<J !1l)fTl-/1 ~ oTH t!T ~

. ~
• ", ",'.l.+ ++*+++++++ +.++ + .....

I•OT(l)& ';::lftpO ufo that he may utter 20 the Lord's Name.

.~ OT}j It 911H: 8 II
~ 4th Guru. Bat uTf3R T<Jt I
! (Jfcr 0fcr orB uf~q24 Immaculate 24 is the Lord God's 24
Ul~(') ld('j13 ~ ~>"fTHl ~lf<JaJC! t;!T oTH I oT}-f

i4 ~ oTH
_ ';::llf321 __ 22
t!'l:::f Name. Uttcring 21 the Name, man is tiT ~tjTo(') 0100 21 ~l')i'cjT, s-e el Ul~22
~ttTk23 II
rid 0[23 his pain 22 . (')f?'a3 <J ;:JieV 3 ~ I ;

ift1(l) ~~ ldaf~25 God comes and abides 27 in the mind ~Tf;JCJ1a »iT a €?ot -e ftf3 f~~ feCI ilt e r27 ;:r
-.. -
... '
! f8fl:::fl')ofT26 f30 Hf (I) oi those, who are thus pre 2S -destined 26 . fti'''i:i H~ l{~25 3· l)j5 ~<Jl f81:f3 T0I 10 26 ~ I
~ ~n:::rl)fT27 }){Tf~ II
i~ m3qJo ex"" ~TC;28;l "" Whos~ver walks 29 in the True ~ ~t!l gl R\1 aJo t ~1 0,:jT2. lloi'eo ~ae129 ;:r;



Bg29 f30 30 eTge31
! ~l:i32"" gf03~ ';::lrf~ ~I

»iTU~ ~T~
uTfu§" ';::l034 ~l::f(J35

Guru's will , he 30 is rid OP3 his
penu ry 3! and sufferings 32•
No body finds the Lord by walking
in his own will. 0 man34, realize 35
~)O el

~rH31Jl 3 ~t1~132

)).fl~l Hi'Jt:lll)j'eo ~a(') ~l'){iar, fClR ~ gllft

4,T1.8 o<Jl· ci~T I <J
! ~ fB'R ~ ~1:f35
~o ij ilt l3


}l Hf0 36 1131»{rf~37 II this and satisfy37 thy SOUP6. f~tPo ~ l')iTUC!1 »iT3HT el 3R81 010 ~l7 I
~ 't10 38 oroex t!TRo Servant38 Nanak is the slave 39 of the e TH3' oToOl ~Ff -e aif8l')iT ~T gl aiHl 39 ~, ~
i t!'T 398
~gTal40 Urfu 1I~11
~ ~
RfaqJo slaves of him who faIls40 at the feet 4!
of the True Guru.
HVii aJot -e tial-f ! ll~142 ~ I

~ u~;rl II Pauri.
! ClSCl8
!~ CJT(l)42 l:f~3fcr43
My Creator-Lord 46 , Thou art 4S fully H<J fR'0~<J10 F!l;fTH146 , ~ wal')it eT~t42 "f3
~ ~Ol;@41 0fu ~o346 filIing 44 all the places 42 and ~~t ell;ft f~et43 ~ uol~(') Ola fa'<JTH ~45 I

~ Rg - 3cr1 ~347 interspaces .43 Thou alone hast a?8 ~ <Jl RTCJl U/TE3"7 U/~14' ~ I

~~~~it48 II 48 47
fashioned all the makes .
1<101'9 u<laf° fRRfc'l Thou alone hast created52 the »i~OIt -aar3i49 »i3 ~f~ gT<Jts0;it FJTa't
! R'g RT;:fl52 ~~53 ~~ entire worldS I of various hues49 and ~(')I)).ftS' 3 <Jl otJls2 ~ I feR #i 3 S~f31)it53
- = := =- -
~ f~fu54 gtf355 wondrous colours50 . This Thou hast 3olfOl»it54 018 s<I31l')iT fomw S5 f~tJ u/~1)fT56
~ ~uT~~156 II fashioned S6 in man yS3 ways54 and in ;:rl
many forms ss .
t;;-57 301 ;iS58 My Luminous Lords~.Thy light 58 is !fa 4,oPl3'~To 4,~59 ! 30T 4,OfTl3's, HTfo»it57
! ~3159 f~fB60 ~cr3f(J61 contanined61 amongst 60 all s7 and Thou >ie0 60 aH fa<JT 61 ;:r)).f3 a~ 3z <Jl ae ii •

!- -
OTaH31 62 3U gT~~163 II alone
-& ""
-& engagest 63 man to the Guru's CIIo t e ~l..JeF.162 oT8 ~eT63 ;:r. I
instructions62 •
i f;:ro ~f(J t!'k»{Tg 64 0 my God", they, unto whom Thou H6 ~Tf<JOl~69, f~t ~3 ~ fi1<JOST(')'" ~i
i 65
f30 Rf30Jq Hgf(J66 art mercifuI64,them 65 ,Thou leadest66 on ~qt6S~ t R~ orat 0 18 fH81 rti'e'" ~. l1G
e · .
........................................................................ , .
IJ.§lf7 ajo).jflfi8 ~fo69
RHs~<!170 II
to tbe True Guru and
them through the supreme Guru's"
instructest73 I-nfl" ~ Bl
r;""3"-'I.""" ""'" ~. I
ST<!167 • aT~r ~

€nit ?> ••
-. • i
Rfs a~~I'l o'H72 oH Uttcr 71 ye all, the Lord's Name72 , yea, ~1l1· wa ;:ri ~ ~ nTH, ';{;:rlij'7J ~ ~ OTHI·

R173 oTH oH ft:J3-74

. the Venerable73 Lord's Name, by ~ ~an cra 71ftrn t!'lfraT74 iJIOlsVS
BTg~75 ~l:f76 'fll:f77 which 74 poverty7S, pain7' and pangs of l.it3 7'- 1)f3 l:ffuI)fT7; 1=lH<.J B; oj il c;aj78 I •
Rs af~ ;:r~<!178 II SII
R~or H: 8 /I
hungcr77 shaU aU be removed 78 .
Slok 4th Guru. - """ ~.;u,r~l I Ii
~fu ~fo »{.. .fH3- 79 nTH
oR80 ~fo »{".fH3 ~fo
.'1~o'{l'fo82 II .. -
f~tJ RdTf3 ~fo l{~

Sweet 80 is the Lord God's Name-
Nectar 79 ; so, cnshrine 8l thou the Lord
God's Nectar in thy mind 81 .
The Lord God abides u in tbe saints'
congregation. Reflecting" on the
fH~Ql80 0 f!'liIHl ~lf<.JOl~

HoB I fcCi, I
BT OTH >i-fI-J.3 full
H~l ~ f!I)fIHl ~Tf<.JOl~ -e I)ffH~ ~ I)fTlJi ~
f~B' 81

Ill)f'Hl ?1f<.JaJa Rf3R0I3 I)f"Bo ~RB183

Olaf Bl s'c;185 e ' fO»j'Tn OTO(')86
~I)frol, ~
RaB85 ~ltJTfo8e II 8s
Guru's word , thou shalt realise 84 (?Il ii I)f03~ cr<J B~"OIT84 I

HfoB ~fo ~fa 'o~


fO)){TfE»iT87 falj88
Contemplating87 the
Name within my mind",
am rid
- = -

I)fTue! fa-e 91 I)fea Rj~l <.Jal -e o'H t!'

fRHao 87 cl'Oo ~'lilaT. ~l 'lfTtlc:l R~-<J0I3r8'

~~H89 or~l HTfo IIlO 88

of'o the poison of my self conceit" Bl t:Jf<.Ja 88 3· :l:fB'1l1 tiT faTI)fT'O <Jf I
f~?; ~fo ~fo o~ '0 Whosoever remembers" not the tl &~1 R~l" -e ('l'H BT fRHa?) ?)<JT" OIot!l9I; f
-ef3(192 f3 (1)93 t!~9" Lord God's Name, he 93
loses" all his ~<.J9J »fT\.lC;T Il'a' t:ll~o95 ;;rc5 (i1~94) f~~ i
;:I'OH95 Rs ~fo96-11 life's in gamble'4. Ol'li T~·t!T96 0 I i
ajfo- ~<597 ~fo t:le OIl! ;:rl fH<.JaSro 97 ti-e <J?), I£c;l »j'Tl/~
~3'fE»iT98 ~fo ()THT
~fo 99~oQTfolCO II
When the Guru is mercifuP7,
enshrines 100
his God and
the Lord and the Lord's
~lf<.JOI~ e T f~'3?) CiOt!T98 0 1)f3 ~ 'lf3 ~
~ nTH ~ I)fT\.l<§ fo-e" f~B' fcOl' B'e"oo ~ I

Name within his mind".

;:102 'OTOOl' 33 >:fl:f4 0 slave l Nanak, that 3 man's face 4 e'll l ('lloer!~' ,!'If'Hl ~l Il~Bl eoQIT<.J7
(t;:r85 f3~6 R~ sparkles 5 in that' Lord's True Ctlllrt 7, >iea ~R] I)fTeHl t!' fB'iJo,4 aRo <I~15 ~ I I
H: 8 II 4th Guru. Btil u Tf3R T<Jl I
. ~fo orlo88 ~3).j9 Glorious' is the Lord's praise 8 and HiJro' ~ y.~ e T ;:IR8 'lf3 y.~ e ToTH I qRc'l !
OT).{ ~ f~ftJ qfg;:ldT the Lord's Name. It is th~ sublime ll 0 f5:J cr<JH 10 ClrH t;I0I I)f"eo I ~
crcRftlO Rrg12 II - deed 10 in the Darkage. !
Hf3 13 dToHf3 orlaf3 14 By the Guru's teachings '3 and instruc- Olaf -e ~u-eRI3 1)f3 fi::rl:fHf3 ~'lfraT, a-e ~ y.~ e
~", •••••••" . " , . " ·••••"*w•••••~•• ~ ~ ~ " , ,••••••••••••,,,!•.........
~fa 16~f~17 II praisel~ and he wears the necklace 17 olH -el H"5T17 }"r1 TI.l'<! f<.Joe l6 ,,[-e'O
of the Lord God's Name in his B'tT ~ I
mind 16.
18~91dll19 Very 18 fortunate" are they who ~Ta18 oR1st 19 ~T~ Jo ~J, ;1 ~Tf<JaJ~ t l
ftJl1iT~T20 meditate 20 on God. To them 21 are l>fT{JTqo Cl'O~20 Jo I ~lfJOl~ e l:f,;P?l23
R~1.,p)fT22 entrusted 22 the God's treasures 23 .
~~23 II
fa?j m ft:r 0l'0H 24 Without the Name, whatever other olH e sma, iio f;:r<J;l 31 &H 24 at T Clat T~,
Ol'Hl~ f03 25 ~~H26 deeds2~ man may do, he is ever 25 ~<J Rt='T <1"3( Ta25 >ita 26 Sa~rt;j ;:rttT27 ~ I

~fE ljl).rrq27 II wasted away27 in eg0 26 .

. t:rf'B'28 ~H3129 The elephant 29 (mind) is scrubbed 30 J TttV 9 (iiOT Ta1 Ho) ~ uT~ve ole; He; &30
6r~I~~31 and bathed 31 with water 28, even then 33 ?iJlfC'I)fT ;:rtt T31 ~, 3 tH 31 ~J lj;3 &H "fTlIi
9133 fGf0 34 he throws dust 35 on his head 32 again 34 • 1;[;r32 ~3 ~J35 lict ' ~ I
~35 II
~fo H'B'~36 Rf30r0 o my true Guru, mercifuUy37 lead 36 ii H~ I:(-B OICle~ ;:r1 ! fHJaS loV 7 OTo&
~fE»iT37 orfCJ Hfo38 me onto the Lord,
that the One
I1l)iTH1 ole; fHe;T feg 3 t ;1 fC'OT l>fOTTH
~R39 Ei&Cl~40 II Supreme~o Being may abide 33 within l!O1:l~O Ha fJCle 38 >iea fcOT ;::rT~39 I

my mind 38 • .'
ft:re QIOlifl:f41 Bf~ The Guru-wards41 who hear of God ag-RHOllo~1 ;1 <Ja1 sTa q~~ <'10 l>f3 ~R

j, illCJ Hio»fl42 ,::1"6 43

OTOor f3044 ~~5 II
and believe~2 in Him, slave H Nanak
pays homage~5 unto them~~.
l>f"tro 3aRT qTa~~2 In, o18r~3 nloOT ~'?tl~ ~
foHHOTTCl 15 GlCle T ~ I

u~~ll1 Pauri,
oTH ell:! ~46 ~ Sublime~7 is the merchandise~6 of the fiHc~7 ~ >itTF!3~6 I1"f TI11 ~ ?iTH t ' I ~<J
~3H47 ~fo
(')TfEq48 Lord's Name. He, the Lord~9 God, I1I)fTH1~9 ~Tf<JCll~ J1 Ho'sO HTc:5a~8 ~ I
yolj49 W{To1 II - is my50 Master~8.

~o if~51 oft~T52 The Lord God has initiated 52 the ~'>{TH1 <io'TfJa}~ ?> ~~SI oB1 52 ~ "f"3 €?J "flll

~fa »iTi) ~o353 R~ play51 and He Himself pervades 5J <]1 ~FI >ito f~'>1lllOT ;] foJ I 53 ~ I FIla !'liFo
. t:rOlq or1l11 T ~c;;:JTOT54 II therein. The wh.·le world, He has t ~FI?) "fTll<! oTH t T ~luro1S4 s~'fC'1)f1
made the dealer in H iS5~ Name, iifC'''f ' ~ I
R9 55 ;:jf356 3CJ1 ~3157 0 my Luminous57 crcator 59 , Thy ii Ha l{orTa~T057 fRa;:r~<JTaS9 ! 30 ' l{OTIR s6
f~fB58 orCJ3 59 R~ R~ light 56 shines within 58 a1l55 the beings FlTf'OI)ft 5S l"le0 58 aRo d fd<J T J 1)f3 R'"p ~
30TtfTRTCJ1 60 II and true is all Thine expaose 60 • 301 llR'"o 6o I
ij:ffg fq))iT~fu61 3U Accredited 62 are all thos~3,
who by I)fH~6l Jo ~Ju FlTa ,:j dlClT e ~L/ea'5
jRG'B'62 R63 OlT~~64 65
the Guru's instructiom ,comemplate61 ~l)iroT, 3~ fRHoe 61 l>f3 3Cl1->1t fFl:G3 t ol'fC'o
............................................................, .-.. ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+ ,. •••••••••+ . ~-- ....
Thee and sing64 Thine praises, a
F ormless66 Lord.
l:!l:f~68 Utter6' ye all, with your mouth 68 , the ~Rr RTa' l)iTU<§ oTB RFJTa69 ~ 'illi TH1 70

;:raro'lJ Name of God, the lord 70 of the <Jf, FfFJTo· ~ l!l)iTHl »13 l)iTBH 76 t!1 fti't!-;:rTi')71
f;:r3 72 world 69 , yea, the Lord of the world ~TfuOl~ ~ 'OTH t!T ~'6TO'O Clef 67 , fNR ~>liTCJT72
wfo and the life71 of the universe76 , by ~Rl f3».P'00I 73 RRTa Rl{tJa14 3~ UTo <J
which 72 you shall cross 7S the terrible 71 f1!~aT7S I

world ocean74 •
R"5q }-f: 8 II Slok 4th Guru.
~HoJ77 f;::r~aT78 EOI' )77 have but one tongue 78 , but
l.{'9 ~fo ~ OJ~i9 Unapproachable80 and Unafatho-
)}fOT}-f8 0 >;fCJT~81 II mable 81 are the Lord God's
virtues 79 .
. ~ for~ orf082 ;:rlKJ83 How 82 can I, the ignorant one 84, H~ 6-FJH~84, 3a T flma?) OIa83
fOlFJ 3~181

~TR">;fT84 tJfa~}-f remember 8l Thee, a God ? Thou FJOIt!r <:)f, <J <Jal ? ~ f~R'B8S, 6qT<J81 lTf3
~85 >;fOTH86 >;farTtJ87 II art Great8S , Unfathomable 86 and >lit=il::f 17 ~' I
Unweighable87 .
tJfo -e~88 l{-~ Hf3 89 a Lord, bless 88 Thou me with <J l!lli THl ! ~ H'~ !'iRc90 FJH~8' a~:fR88, 3' ;'l
€?3"HT90 ara 91 Rf3dTo sublime90 wisdom 89 , that I may fa11 9l H' <i-~91 FJv-B Olaf ~ aal92 f~CII'l U~T I
-5 U
ufar92 TtJ93 II - at the great91 True Guru's feet 92 .
R3RdTf3 tJfo HfC594 My Lord God, unite 94 Thou me with H~ ~Tf<JCIJ~ l!lli TH1! ~ H~ FPU RJl3 oTB

... tJ}-f
• 1.1'9 uTu195 RfdT96 the saints' society, that I, ..the sinner 9s , ~~'4 ~ t 31 ~ H' CIIo T<JOJTO's 31 €?01
_ _ ., e
3OitJ97 II may be saved 97 with 96 them. OTC?" UTa (J3a f1T~T97 I

t:r7)98 oToor or€f tJfo a Lord Master, pardon99 Thou Thy <J lllliTHl HTB01! ~ lli'U~ dT8'8 0'001 ~
slave98 Nanak and be mercifuJloo to e
actfR99 B~ tJro HT"6 C/O 99 lli3 lliTw~l HfJa OIa~IOO €tFJ ~
~3100 HfH 2 fH8TtJ3 II unite 3 him in Thy union 2 • lliTLJ~ fHBTU 2 lh"tJa fHBT Hl I

~fo fcrotl T4 crfo Bf~ a God, mercifuIly4 hear Thou my <J ~Tf<JOl~ ! fH<Ja U'a &4, ~ Hal I{TCJl:fo TS ..
~0315 ~H U TW6 supplicationS and ferry8 me, a sinner 6 !
~~o O1a })f3 H', wfaa 6 lli3 0I1§7 til UTCJ-
: foroH 7 30To8 119.11 and a worm 7. ~3TaTI OIa e l i
H: 8 II 4th Guru. ~l:!1 u' f3FJ! <11 I ~
; tJro ~~ o Lord, the life' of the world, show <J f1CII3 t!1 f;:it!-N'o' \r~! ~ Ha €t3 ~
;:rar;:ft~7)T9 Thou mercy7. unto me and make me !
f)-l<Jo 7• ura lli3 H~ fH<JoaTi') 12, ~~IO Ail
m3ajq meet the compassionate l2 , . great lO Ola l 'OTB fHBT e l i
Bfu>;fT~ 12 II

True Guru.

+.+••••••••++.+ ~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.A.~.R.n.n.n .. I

+ ..

e••• t
.' ++

· tHO R~' 13 ~fa ~)-( God, the Lord Master bas become ",f_. R'>f'Hl wga iia;; H.,,,,,,,,,,, <i
~))f,14 ~fo 'j))iT merciful'S unto me and I now love l4 farl)fT -; I)fj H· <l~ Ola i e1 cfug ikr 13 ~ •

~a foratfT~15 II the service lJ of the Guru. fLll)fTo 14 QtJt!T u i I

A"9' ))fTR,16 }f?iR,17 I have forgotten 'S all my hopesl6 H· I)fTtf~TI)fT J:tToT/liT €t~WI6 3 }:frfusil7 ~gl


Hf() BOll 19
»fTg ;1tP(220 II =

qc521 'OT)j
mifB 23 f?i~'(224
and desires 17 and my mind is rid 19 of
the worldly entangl~ments2o.
In hismercy2', the Guru has
implanted the Name within me ard
has made me happy24 w;tb his Word 23 •
&fitl)ft" un

1)f3 HOT
~gTRTUl farl)f'" ~ I

I)fTU~T 21
H~/liT l!iwaTl.!/li1f3I)o\i 20

RtJaT (!Jot i) Ha /li\:!o 011-(

uaT a1'3T22 ~ I)f~ l)f'lIeT s'<!1 23 o'g H~
l{fJ0 24 010 ftf:rr ~ I
· tl()25 ()l(';for ))fq~26 Serf2 S Nanak has attained the t!'R 15 oT'Oa ~ l)fl!c 26 ~g327 l{T1I3 <i OlC!T •
tlQ27 uTf~' ~fo inexhaustible26 wealth 27 ; the Lord ~; l{"l l{l:faa t!' 'OTH €tR eT ~g3 1)f3-
?iTHT ufa tl'Q }fl~28 II Master's Name is his wealth and ;:rfe'e'e 28 ~ I
:<11 property28.
~~lll Pauri. U~3TI.
ufo 3)-( ~
~29 o Lord,Thou art the greatest ;J IJI)fTHT ! ~ f~RtW t!1 HU'O fuRTg29, ~RC l
~~ ~~ ~~30 R9' of the great29 , the sublimest of the f?"ij' tra'H JiBe 1)f3 l:!8tt30~. I RTful)fi 3· f
~ufo31 ~~ ~(';T32 II sublime and lofty3o. Far above!1 lIOH ~~131. ~ l{Q1'Oi e T lICIH 32 l{Q'O ~. I
all, Thou art the grandest of the
grand 32 .
;1 ftJ))fT~f~33 They who contemplate 33 and fttcm 1)fTtR! a..{334 ~fuON, I)fatg l.!Cfl:I
))fuijt.lQ34 wa remember 3S their Infinite 3"
God, lfll{l:fRo t!T fmro'OJJ ltf3 I)f'OTQli 3S a~
illcJ ftJ))fTf~35 yea, the Lord God Master, they!7 are uo, €tun ROJ:tSi.l36 ii ~]8 uo I

! 337 'j()T38 II rendered 38 verdant 36 •

;l aJ~f~ B~f~ 3d' They who sing and bear Thy fucm 30T HfuW 39 dfT~~ ltf3 l!~~ uo, ;J
tn:!39 ij))f'Hl f3ot° praise!9, 0 Lord, millions41 of their 40 wfus ! €tcF° ~ ~3,4J uT U'U 42 OBe ii =
~l tfTU42 or~?iT43 II sins 42 are destroyed41 • W~41 uo I
~)-(44 ;lR45 ~ot6 o the greatest of the greatS', supreme 5 fuRtgT UOl-{ f~RTg51 lfH<!T sO R'f<Js, 0j0T
'14o~7 w34 8 Hf3 Lord so, through the Guru's ~ €t~49, ~ fRl::lHf3 o1<JT· H· llOHs3 ri
(flcn-rf3'49 lift(50 ~~51 49
instructions and teachings, I look 31artS2 ~~ C!lR~J46 l;!(JRf47 ~ 36 44 ~iJa145
~ 9'OT52 ~(';,53 II upon48 the exceedinglyS! fortunate S2 uT W<!t!T 48 u t I
Divine46 persons47 Just like4s Thee 44 .
Rfg 54 ftl'»i'~u55 Let every oneH dwell uponS5 Him, uo tret54 ~ ~T 1)f oTQ'055 ~, ;l ~'O l)fla356

R357 ~aJ.;rt l){3 til-atT ~ ltfla3 f~~ R'i,57 Rt I ;l <J~58

) »irfuSO
j R3
tra3fl:::l'58 R3
who was true S7 in the primeS6 and
true in the beginning of ages, who R~T ~ ~ uHatst, <J~I!' tit R;Jl 05ijJr-~
s •• ~
......................... ~.**** ,
i~true now S8 and shall everS9 • yea.
ever be true and of whom Serf60
Nanak is the slave 61 of slaves62 .
Slok 4th Guru. R80l ~l:l'1 u Tf3W<J1 I
Within myu mind is God. the Life 6s .
Ha 63 Ho lti't?o t=IOT3'" t?T f;:r"tr-;:r'06S ~fuoro
~ llf3 0101 -e ~-eJ:l'7 ~l)fTaT, W »ITU~
of the world 6" and by the Guru's
in~tructions67. meditate" I on my f!»ITHT ~'f<Ja.r~ e T fRHOo" Ola~T <Jt I
Lord God.
Unfat'1Omable 68 • UnapprehensibJe 69 a~p<J69, RB RH5' 3· uij" llf3 »Iy;:r70 ~ HaT
and Unapproachahle 7o is my Lord f!))fTHT HTBOI »13 (J'J f!l)fTHl f!3 fR0 71 <:IT
Master and He. the Lord has al1-too- l)fT ~ H~ fHB flll)iT ~ I
spontaneous·ly71 come and met me•
. ~fa )ifTU wfe Of Himself, the Lord is pervading73 »ITlI <:I11J»ITH1 RTfd'l)f1 ft?B1 72 lti'ea f~))fTUOl
~ >;-fTfu
f8>i3 II
~ ~fa >;-flU As
;~ORT76 ~fa
~ or~BT77 ~378 II
all hearts 72 and, of Himself. the Lord
is infinite74 .
Himself. the Lord God enjoys76 all
pleasures 7s and Himself is He the
spouse 78 of mammon 77 .
(j fo<:lT73 ~ llf3 »ITlI <J1 ~l)fTHT-l)fi53H ~ I

~t! f!))fTH1 ~Tf<J01~ Rro1))f1 ):f;:rt7S )-fT(!;eT76 ~

»13 ~t? <:11 HTferl)fT77 t?T u3178 ~ I
jilia ~TU f3fCf~T79 God Himself gives80 alms 79 to the ~Tf<JOI~ ))fTlI <JT RT(j RRTo81 »13 ;:rT~-H~l)fi83
~ ~ (JR ~ o~82 <Jo, ~a79 1I~e,80 ~
urre't TT80 Rs fRRfe 81
whole world 81 and the creaturesBJ,
ii I

;:rl»{ B3 II 83 that He has creatcd82.

ii ~fa ~~~R4 -e:085 o compassionate 86 God, the Lord <J fH;:raElTO s, ~lf<Jara
HTBOI ! 3= Hii

ii - -
~ -ef~ r,fT(gR6 t{'3' ~fo Master, blcss 84 me Tholl with the l)fTlI<! oTH ~T ~T3'S ~T08" Cia I 3a aT15 88
~ )-ftaTf~87 ~fa;:r088 bount y8S of Thy Name. Thine slaves 88 »13 RTg 89 R~T <J1 ferR ~1 WB 0 187 Olo-e <Jo I
;R389 II and saintf,89 eyer beg 87 Thee for it.
! ;:r?)90 oT(I)q '& o Lord 9s of scrf90 Nanak, come and <1 t'TR90 oTOOl -e Rl)fT}f19s ! 3 l)fT ~ Hii fi.m
- :;; I:

fHB- meet with me. 191 sing92 the songs 9" u(J I H·91 3a ;:IR93 ~ 01139.. OIT(J't?T92 <Ji , <J
~ aTT~~~2 ~fa of Thy praise 93 , 0 God. ~Tf<Jqr~ !
~ ...

:53~4 li911
~ H: 8 II 4th Guru. ~ ~1 UTf3F.fT<JT I

1 ~fa l{~ R ~q6 (I)T>:f The Name of the Lord God is my f!l)fTHT ~f<JC!!~ t!T oTH <J1 HaT J=tBT
~ ufa 100 H Hf0 97 3f0 98 real Friend 96 . The Lord'sloo Name ;j I ~Tf<JOl~'OO t?T oTH Ha fi1'fH 9I ,
1 ()1>:f RCllfa99
II is permeating my body98, mind 97 and ))f3 ~t~" f~B afH»fl iiferl)fT ~ I

!,., Rfg- >}fTFrT2 oJaljfct J

All my hopes 2 are realised by the
a.rot ~1 ~fEl)fT3 ~I)fTol, H01l)it I=JTo1l)it ~~2
.~ A·······················+··•..···· " .....
tucr1)){T tt04 ?)ToOl Guru's grace' and, hearing of his ~oll)ft <i gre1»ft ~o »f3 »fTUe! ~ol ~ij
· ijf~ ~fcr '01'0 5 II ~ II God, slave 4 Nanak is comforted5• lIe -a. arlS 4 oToer t!T clem as for»fT5 ~ I

U~a111 Pauri. u~ll

ma (?3H6 ma)){T7 The Lord's sublime6 Name is ever f!IliTHl t!T liRe 6 oTH Rt!T ~1 RoRatf eroo
0Tl:! 5 ~fo lJ'Ol:{R reverduring7• God, the Immaculate9 ~~T7 ~ I Uf~v3..' ~8 l.{HRo ~l»ft-el
foatlQ9 H~C5TI0 II Lord 8 is the Emancipator lO of the erfB»fTO eron~TCJIO ~ J

,:r mIB 12 ~fCJ m'0 13 They, who. day'4 and night 20 , utter l2 ;l ft!;! 14 1li3 &020 Rtp)' -e oTH 13t!T ~o 12
f-e08 14
f30 19 the Lord's Name '3, their" feetI', the OIoB ~o· €tor" ~ lia r16 ii HTf~»fT ttl ~~1'8
• - U II:

R~15 tJcro 16 f03 19 goddess ofwealth l8 ever 17 adores l5 . RtlTI7 ~1 \{tit!1 15 ::l I

O!'~'8'T 18 II
fCS3 RTfCl 21 RHT~ Rg God ever looks after 21 all the ~Tf~ora RIa ;::rl~-~3»fr21
-~ c
t!1 R~T5 erot!T 2 1 ~
ttf>Jf ;l322 ~fCJ ~R 22
creatures and abides with all, both »f3 FPfo»ft B ~;f23 3 ~o24 ~Rt!'l ~ I
fOOl'fc 23 Rg tl~C5T24 II near 23 and far 24 .
R2S ~~26 ftl8 l)frfU27 He 25 alone realises 26 the Lord 29 a~5 ~~25 ~11!1liTH129 HT5er lO t? »fq:~~26

· ~sTfeR128 ftl8 32 30
Master , whom He Himself27 Olot!T ~. f;::rR t? ~ l!t!27 t!oRr~·t!T28 ~ »f3
R8QIg 1Jcr~29 l{~30 instructs 28 and on whom 32 is the f;:ml2 ~3 R~ OIoB~ ;::rl t!1 of<JH3 31 ~ I
R~C5T31 II mercy31 of the True Guru.
Rfg33 (JlT~~34 0l~35 Let every one H singH the praises 35 of RTa ;:rill I1Ili T)11 ~Tf~a]~36. ~t lI»fTHl
aifci-e ~~36 aifu"-e the Lord God 36 , yea, the Lord God, ~Tf~ora
• »f3 a~5 RI)fTHl
~ aifu"-e ~ij QI~ and the Lord God alone. By so sing- fl:rn'3t 35 OITf~'4 era I reR 3~t ~R t!l»ft
OIT~3 qJ~37 ing His praises, one merges 38 in the fRS'3 t orTf~o eroo 1?»fTCJT, f~Rro are~TO
RH@C5T38 IIEII virtuous Lord 37 • ~37 »f"t!CJ 51038 <i titeT ~ I

RHO!' H: 8 II Slok 4th Guru. Rser ~l:!1 UTf3RT~1 I

· Rf3»o{T3~fo lfg40 41 o my soul42 , contemplate 41 thou thy
Bf3 if Hal f;:f-B 42 ! »f~53T43 t!1 3 13114 )){t!o
Hfo42 ~fCJ"-~ftl43 God Lord 40 even in sleep 39, merging45 51045 <i i
olt!CJ 39 f~-a ~1 »fTU<! ual
m·rfq 44 RHlf~45 II into the trance 44 of equipoise 43• Rt~y-80 t!T fRHo0 41 ero I
tl0 46 OTCSa' ~fCJ ~fa47 o mother51 , slave46 Nanak's mind49 if )1T315 1 ! arH 46 oToer t!T f~349 l)iTU<! Riff
tJT~48 Hfcs 49 OJq craves 48 to see his Lord God 47 and ~o147 ~ ~l:fe Bit 55-aT~'-er48 ~ »f3 ,:foro

• ~(5T50 HB wreS1 II he would meet with Him if the Guru a.r~ ;::r1 ~R ~3 fH<Jol:!T0 50 <ie. 3T ~<J ~R ~
~II be merciful 50 to him. fH5 u~orT I
H: 8 II 4th Guru. ~l:!1 uof3RT~1 i
~fcr fuol'8 52 R31 53 53
With the One52 Lord, I am in love 54 f~52 ~ 0~53 ~1, HoT fUIli Ta 54 ~ 1li3 f~er
• fl1~~lS4 ~fcr f~ and the One God, cherish I, within G!Tf~a.r~ ~ ~1 H~ l)fTU<! faB 55 f~-a fcerT~·t!T

i;~.~~:;::~~ ::.:::~ ;:.~ ...

.~ •••••• **~...........~*****•••~~.*.~~~~~.~~.~~~+.~~*.~++++~+
.+. . . .

•: tl056 OTOOl'
~ »itrCJ ~fd l..f~ f'E'qR"

~3 orf359 Uf3 60"1I:<1I

Slave s6 Nanak leans S8 on the Lord
alone s7 and from the Lord alone he
obtains honour'° and emancipations,.
tr l RS6 (')T(,)07 ~ a~5S7 I!lli 'l-ll tJT <:II Il1 TRtPSI
~ 1113 a~g I!lli l HT 3' <Jl ~R ~ ftr,:l3 60 3
OlfHlliT0 5' y'TU3 <It'T ~ I
~~111 Pauri. U~:311
tf--e 61 R"at'62 ~63 By the Guru's instructions6s , the five 61 Olof -e ~U~R65 ~lliTOT, H-a H!i 64 l>ftJCJ 1.i';:I'1
64 65 tunes62 ring 61 within my miDli6~ and gof 62 a1;:1trllli f6 ] <J(,) lJ{3 'e'T(j66 BoJ oRle'"
Hf3 OIdHf3
· 66~~gTor167 »fo~~68 through. great" good fortune 67 , hear oT<:Il' H~ aciol 071030 68 trT 0};:I" I!c eT

~ftl>}fT69 II I, the resounding'9 of the celestial fe"trT ~ I

strain68 . It

»fTOt!70 li'C271 CJTH72 Through the Guru's teachings76 , the ClIot
- trT fRCll-l3 75 ClT<:I1' ....
H:Il1'cJ76 tr T Rlli 77
- l l-ll ~ t
R9'73 ~f~»1T74 ord Master77 of the universe 76 has become Ha ~3 OT;:/g78 5 f01tJi T ~ lli3 H' 'Ie :l!Rl 70 :
m 1t'175 76aTf~ti77 manifest 78 unto me and I now see -e RH 71 F!tJi THJ72 ~ <Jo crf7l f~lliTUOl ~CltrT7i i
IaITiP>i T78 II the Lord 72 , the source71 of bliss70, <Jf I t
pervading everywhere7].
»frfe 79BorTf~80 ?B 81 Since the prime and the beginning80 of ~(') tJirBe' 1113 ~ClIf7' -e lJ{Ta!580 3~ I!tJirJ-fT
· ~fa E,&82 Hf383 ages 79 , the Lord has but one 82 form 81 . tr T a~g f~0782 ~U81 ~ I Olaf -e ~@F.l8i
ClT<:Il tJiTU~ f<:roe 8] tJiBo 'Ie H' a~

ufa US- 85
.. Through the Guru's instructions81,
within my mind 83 , I now meditateS6 F!tJiTl-IT ~Tf<:lOl~15 tr T <JT fRHoe 86 07Cltr T<Jf I
on the Lord85 alone.

· ~a
~~~87 t!T~88
l..fg tl0 90
0 my merciful" Lord God, yea, the
God Lord, bless'7 Thou me with the
j Ha Hf~lliT~T08'
~Tf\JOl~ F!111'l-IT
3 Hi; ~ eTl-I trT tr T3 88 al:fF.l87
! ~Tf<:l~ i
- '= =
a~91 ~fa l{g gift88 of Thy Name and save" the tJi3 tJiTU~ tfl890 eT f~;:/3-tJiT~'2 ~l:t91 I
Bftl»fT92 II honour92 of Thy slave90 .
· Rfg 43 Q"Q44 qv~5 Let all men4] proclaim~s, blest~i RTa ;:Iii] Il1T~iS. liaro~i liaTo07 <Jo ~~i6
or046 R"f30rcr orCJ Rf3 blest is the great4 6 True Guru, great Fi-B Olo~~;:I1, ~~ JfB Ola~~;:I1, f;:lc?
ora f'i3 - fHfg- ~a True Guru, meeting with whom the oTH fl-l~ ~lliTOT t[~ tr<!T ~ ~~7 ~07 i
tT;eT47 ~~T48 11.911 Lord coversi8 the mortals demerits47 . ft'''e~8 ~ I f
H5~ H: 8 II Slok 4th Guru. R507 BaT u Tf3F.fT<JT I e
9'(nf349 ~~50 sl
Brimful is the tankso of devotion i9 , UOT!iooSI ~ RoqT_q~9 t'l 3TgraSO ! ~fullil ~
~5c;51 B9d sij52 filled to the brims2 , it is flowing 54 3'~ls2 1;£03 5 f~<:I ~ClI fO<JTS~ ~ I i
~irfo54 II over. If:
ftloT RBaTCJ H'fo>;fT59 Only the veryS6 forunate ones S7, who a~ UOl-I S6 BoT OATal ~T857, tl R-B OloT !
;:ross '()T'()~ - ~56 sTOJ57 obey59 the True Guru, obtain58 it, 0 trT I11 TfClltJi T trT UTHe5' O7Oe <Jo, W:t ~ UT ~
Bdfo58 11911 slave 55 Nanak. '8'~5' iJo, cJ 018 s5 eTeOl ! f
1. ee ••'+1" + ifV~........ •• ..!
r4 343]

I H: 8 II 4th Guru. Bal u Tf3F.p<Jl I

i ufo ufo ()T}f »{Rl:f59 Countless 59 are the Names of the ))1<!"fCTc3s, uo BlJi THl ~Tf<JaI~ e oTH I

ufo ufo c} (fio60 Lord God. The virtues 60 of the BlJiTl-Il W501' tJllJi T ?)0I'1lJii60 lJiTl:SllJii6 1 o<Jl

orcrQ6l 0 ;:rrfu II Lord Master can be told 61 not. tTl FfCi'tJllJii I

ufo ufo })fOT)j62 Unapproachable 62 and U<!B 3~ t@6Z lJi3 Sl:F<J6J ~ lr~ Y,HFfo I

»{OJrfu 63 ufo ;:ro6-4 Unfathomable62 is the Lord faR 6S 301a66 oT5 FfTEr ~ aiB 64 ~R ~

· f~65 fafq66 fH8fu Master. In what 6S way" can the fl-rB Tu'7 >itJo fHB RCi'~ <J(I) I
f}-f8Tfu 67 II Lord's slavcs64 unite in His union" ?
ufo \Ifo tIB68 tIU3 69 The saints?l repeat" and recite70 the FfTq? I I1lJiTH1 WBar tJl Hf<JHT68 ))i11::le 69 lJi3

;:rtf370 tIo 7l fu~ Lord Master's praise 68 , but thev ~B'Clo 0l0t?70 <Jo, l'[-:[ ~<J ~Ff ~ BB 7J ~
f3(272 0\11 ottHf373 know?4 not even a bit?2 of His ferCi' ~ClT go1'2 9"1 o<Jr ':"C~74 I

l..J1f~74 II worth?J.
tIo75 oroor \Ifo o slave7s Nanak, inaccessible" is the ;J tJTFf7S o'oCi' I u;j'l 3' t@?6 ~ I:!lJi THl

»{dlH76 trn' \Ifo ):ffg Lord Master. Attaching?8 me with HT5Ci' I lJiTui J-B 77 orB ~ a78 , ;] ~'fJa:!~ ,
B-q ffi~77 8 Tfu78 II Thy skirt", 0 God, unite me Thou ~ H~ lJiTui 018 fHBT i5 I
with Thyself.

~;ftll Pauri. u~ll

ufo »fOJ):f9 »{dTBg ao Unfathomable?'. Incomprehen~ible80 Stl1<J 70 , lJioJTlJ 80 lJi3 lJiB;:t81 ~ y.~ y'HRo I H~

»{aJl:f81 ufa for~ and Inscrutable81 is the Lord Master. fOlR 3~T8Z ~R tJT tJltJ T(fu -el:S RCi't T84 <:IT ?

orfo82 \Ifo -e'oRQ 83 How82 can J see 84 His vi~ion81 7

· ft.fl::fT84 I'
· for~ ~85 ~f~ If God were a material thing8s • ~0I'0 ta lierl HTtJl R8S a~. H~ ~R ~ falJi'o86
13: ~ool~86 f3B 87 would describe 86 Him, but, He 87 has Ci'oi, Y,... ~ (jR 87 tJT ~erl Ff~U88 lJi3 Q<:I'08'
gl;!88 0 fol::fT 89 II no form 88 and fcatures 89 • oJl~ I

·ftlB 96 ~sr~90 »fTfu9l Whomsoever96 He Himself91 f;1Ff faR" i; ~(J l:ftJ fRl:SH3 fetJ"o ~, a~B
a - -

t]srf~ ~ft!92 fre1 93 instructs 90, he alone is instructed'2. ~R t> <:It fRCfH3 lJiT~tJ192 ~ I ~5 ~<:IT9J
tIQ9-4 f-e'l::fT II Su(;h 9J a person'4 sees's the Lord's l!oa'4 WE1~ ~ tJltJ'o ~ ~l:S 8'tJ T'S ~ I
R3ROJf397 Rf3(llo The society'7 of the True Guru i. R~ Oloi -el \1<:1a3'7 fear UToF.PB,'8 ~. f~Q2
· BcH 8 ~ ftI3 2 \]fo
I 98 the school'8, where 2 the mortal is y,TCl ~ I1lJiTH1 tJ1lJi T ?)a1lJii " a'a fRl:f}f3
~ fRl::fTlOO II instructed lOO in the Lord's merits". lJi'~tJlI00 ~ I
UQ3 irQ l}4 oR'OT5
Wi6 oro irQ
Blessed!, blessed is the4 tongueS, H'EJTOOI']
'10 ~
~ ~'14 ;:ftgS, }faroOl' ti'q5

R~ ora
B lJTQT7 blessed the hand', and blessed the lJi3 Ha'oOl
- - -. ~R'3T-e7.
- f~i
RBara f;:s fHffi 7
True Guru teacher , meeting with 018 fHB ill <:101 ~T f'1R'a-f0l'3 TS' fBfdlJi T

mo ~;P8 f8~9 IItll whom the God's account8 is writ'. ~~T' ~ I

eeces. ' •• 0 ..
~ A·"·············".."+•••••••••• + • • • • • • • • • • • • •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

j ~fa ~fa
Rgor H: 8 II
or>:! ".fiH..~IO
Slok 4th Guru.
NectarlO-sweet is the Lord God's l){fi..I~IO ~CJOIT
m~O!' B~l tfTf3F.Pu11
fH'OT ~ I!l){T}·11 ~Tfua:r~ ~T
i :
j~ ~fa ';1lfl~12 Rf3qfa loves l3 ol}f I ~O!'o ;:it~ R~ Olal oTg t{1-I ~IJ, ~
Name. If man True the
9Tf'E 13 II Guru, then alone can he contemplate '2 ~~B' :rt <11 ~<1 l){TU<! !jl){'1-11 -e TfRl-lao l2 ora
~ his Lord. RO!'-e T ~ I

1W'o ~a oTH Uf~314 Immaculate l4 is the Lord God's UT~-UW:t14 ~ l!l){rW ~TfuOl~ -e T oTI-I I
; ~ ~fa ';1lf3 15 R~3 Name. Uttering IS and hearing the ~TfuOltl ~ 0'1-1 ~ fRl-loo 15 '3 !!Co o,g,
J~lj16 trrfE"17 II - God's Name, pain 16 departs 17 u1;:)'6 ~a <i ili~117 ~ I
~ ~fa OT>:! f3()V 8 Theyl8 alone meditate l9 on the God's &~g ~u18 u1 uij1 t? oTH tT fRl-loo 0!'~19
)y'TaTfo1;fT19 fi:lo Name, on whose forehead 20 it is so uo, fili1 i ~ H'-ij20 (]3 uoV' ~ fE'R 3C!1
HR3fq 20 fafCf»iT writ by GOd 21 . fgful){T <ifE''>fT ~ I

ma 21 urf'E II
~fa Baoro22 ';1023 The persons 23 , in whose mind God fili1 1 t!aRi 23 t? fB3 f~B
lroTE"1»if024 ftio ~fCJ has come to abide 2s , are robed with ;:rTt:! T25 ~, (J~i ~ RiE'l~ t?
Hfo ~fR»iT25 »iTf'E II honour 24 in the Lord's Court 22 . fl:ig3 Ufua'E'l ill t:!)24 ~ I
tio orOq 3 26 liCf 27 0 slave Nanak, bright 28 are the <J aJ g 0100!' I ijR0 28 uO €loi l6 t? fi:1tJiJ 27 - u ,

§;::rB28 f';1o ofa faces 27 of those 26 who hear the ;:j l{~ t? oTH ~ f~gV~-fUl){Ta30 oTg l!ct?
Bfc;»iT Hf0 29 9TfE"30 II Lord's Name with hearty29 love 3o. uo I
H: 811 4th Guru. ~t:i1 urf3RT u1 I

. ~fCJ ~fCJ Of>:! fo(1T<}31 Treasure 31 of bliss is the Lord ~Rl t:!T J:li=1TO T31 ~ Bl){'1-11 l-I'gOl t:!T oTI-I I
Master's Name. It is by the Guru's
~ OlCJ>:!fCf32 Wfu»iT 0101 t:!1 t:!fE'l){T32 ~l){laT, ;:jl~ fE'R ~ tJ'Rg
grace 32 that one attains it. orat:!T ~ I
t1TfE" II
They, on whose forehead H , it is so
ftio qfa33 HR3for34 fili1 T t? H'-ll34 (13 l{~33 ~ reR 3~i fBft1>;f1
writ by the Lord 33, them 35 , the True
_fafCfI;fT f30 35 Rf3OJo <JfE'l){T ~, (]~i35 ~ R~ l){T -a fHg
fHfa»iT »iTf'E II Guru comes to meet, u't? ui') I
3"Q36 H"Q37 R13(238 Their body36 and SOUP7 are refreshed 38 (]i11 t:!1 ~u36 l){'3 l){13HT37, i~l'>fl l:l'1

5{'E»iT Rtf3 39 ~R140 and pcace 39 comes to dwell 40 within ~~~1'>fT38 uO l){3 l){l-Io-~ oH l;jT -a (J ~i e
their mind. fB 3 f~B feO!' ilit:!I~O ~ I
Hfo »iTf'E II
~ (')lOOf ~fCJ ~fCJ41 Nanak, uttering42 the God's Name41 , 01 0 0!' , ~lfuOJC! t? oTH~ I ~T (]BTaO O!'ai')~2

'B~fB»iT42 R~ BTB"~43 poverty43 and painH are ~l){TCJT. -&OJTg~3 l){'3 u1;:)44 R'1u ~a <i
Bl:f44 gfu t1Tfu45 11:<II dispeIled . w~s UO I

-- u~a111 Pauri.
...................~ + + _ _ ~

~ ~ fRT48 fRT ffloT those 47 who have seen my beloved49 ,
~ Hf3a.!Cl HOT fUl'l1 To T49 the Tme Guru.
.-:'1 ili'l::fl'l1 T II

~ 8050 a€? fi-ff'g))fT TheySO alone meet with my True Guru &~ ~<Jso <J1 Ha if~ C!Ja t ~ nm-e
~ HoT Rf3a.!'Q f;:ro a~ on whose forehead s2 it is so writ by r,:qt ~ H'cjS2 ~3 1lI){THT51 ~ f~
~qf051 - HA3fa 52 the Lordsl • ffiful)fl <i ful)fl ~ I

Hfcrl'l1T II
~fo l'l1cJU:f53 fUl'l1rfB')}fT54 By the Guru's instructions 511 , Olot ~ ~aS5 ;:rl)floT, H· l)oflU<! aST<JS3 <JoT
dToH'3155 f3A 56 oU57 contemplate54 I, my Unfathomable53 Bl fRHOo ClO~IS4 <Jf t ~R5' l!l)flHl t;!T al:!l
lfg afcrni"T58 li- God. He s6 , the Lord, has no form S7
and sign58.
. qJo ef'3fo59 They, who meditate 60 on the Inaces- t=i Ola t BT tl1e15' ~l)frol, tl<i~ 3· ua61 ~
fq»{rf~)}fT60 f;:mY sible 61 Lord, by the Guru's word59 , BT l){TO'lU'O ClO~60 <10, ~" mH63 1){Tt!i
»fQll::f61 ~fo 362 QTi!o those62 slave63 , meeting64 with their
R~a63 of864 ~fa~5 II Master, become one6S with Him.
<Jo I
ii fH5 &,4 @R 0 15 fuor-fH0l 65
- <i We

Af9 66 a~~67 l::fCf'Q68 Utter67 ye all" with your mouth68 3RT'

- Rro 66 lli~ l-ib
0'rB HOa69-ao
00 00 69 mJ 00 the Name of God, the man69-lion, ~tl <JOT, ~-ao ~u <101, Hila-Flo f1~tl
oo~oooo~"' yea, God, the man-lion, God,the man- <Jol ~ OTH Bl ~o cra 67 I ac 72 ~ ii
~fo W~T7C ~fCJ lion. Sublime72 is the profit70 of the liOI~170 1lI){THT ~f<JOl~ ~ fRH00 71 t;!T I
9'dTf371 fuRfcr)}fy72 II Lord God's meditation71 .
ABer H: 8 II Slok 4th Guru. f18Cl ~tll t.Pf'3F.I1u't I
CJTH73 (')Tl::f en:£,4 of'? The Lord's73 Name is pervading74 fIlf<Jtl73 Bl nTH Rra f~l){TtlCl'74 1){3
0'575 CJl::f76 orA and filling7S all. Utter78 thou only <i fcr.:J T75 ~ I ~ &~5 f~I){TUCl'76 R1futl ~

oHlf378 II
nTH 'e1 <JT ~oo ClO I
the all pervading76 Lord's Name 77 .
ulfe UJfc79 }){T3H In every heart79, the All pervading <10 fe-5 7' ))j'Bo, Ra-f~l){Tt(Cl' ~<J80 oH otit

~ ufg ii881
,&fm83 "alf384-11

foqfc 85 ?R86
Soul80 is contained. The Lord has
created 82 the world play81 of various
colours83 and in various ways84.

God, the Iife88 of the world87 abides 86

~ I lll)oflHT?) ~RTO Bl ~~I l)of?)Cj't ~or31'J
l)of3 llii)Clt 3OTfCl'l)oft'4 oT5 crnT

;:(dl381 ~T ftf~-iilo88
~ I

I1l)fTHT fo<J1fea <1T

87t«1t;:ft?<5T88UOdTTij89 very near 85 . The Guru, the friend 90 , iG ~et16 ~ I ~ fH'3a'o .~ Ha ~ f~

al§, (JIo Hlf390 II has made this manifest" unto me. mi'ac" Cl'O M3T ~ I
~fo J.:!)}fTHl91 ~fu l.{~ They93 alone meet with their Lord" ~~5 ~<J'3 <JT l)fTt(c! <JaT Ri~T·91, <JoT R~·

· fp.>fcr~T gfo94 ~fa the Lord's love95 is pre-writ94 . 3' f~f~l)ff 5ful)11 ~ 94
titf3'95 II :
tlo96 ()ToOl ()T>:! Nanak meditates97 ID5T C;TOCl otH ~ fRHOo Clae T97 ~ 1)13 :
Slave96 on the
f'O»fT'fE~y97 ~oaBfo98 qr8 l elaT<!l98 aT<:W I)1 rt2 fu~'OO 1)13 f~l 19-
Hfo lOO Blf3'2 II
Name and, through
instructions 98, utters"
mind lOO and heart 2•
it with
his or~ f~R ~ ~BToeT99 ~ I ii
H: 8 II 4th Guru. Bm uTf:mrul I l
~fo3 U~ R;:r~4 BS Search5 thou, thy Lord God], the ~ W~'l, fI.f~4 ~ ~35 ~
· 7~~~0l8
... - ~TfOT6-
~H friend 4. Through good fortune 6, He
abides within the mind of the very7
I)ITui uol
l.r~3q6 oT<W, ~iJ
~ Ho l)feo ?Re T ~
uoH 7
~oT oRlal8 ~'f5'>iT
fortunate ones8. ~
orfa tra 9 ~CfTfp'>>)fTIO It is through the Perfect9 Guru, 0 1..!ao' arar -e aTuT' ul, ii O'oCi ! ~t" f1i~1'" It
3roor = ~fo 11 fp.>~
Nanak, that one sees lO the Lord" and ~ ~~ i5'e T10 ~ 1)13 ~R el ~R 0'5 l{13 Ii 19-
WfOT 12 II~II is attuned 12 to Him. ;:lTel l2 ~ I t
'00 13
~p'>15 Ul;·V 6 - ftl317
Auspicious 13 , beauteous 14

and fruitful'5 is the moment l6 , when l7

blessed, l!~~<!llJ, ~H~<!l,
iIeo '4 1)13 6Be'~Cir5 ~
€[u ~5T16, ile ?'fiJa]~ el cfiJ5-R?r I8 ~e
~fa i{~T 18 Hfo God's service '8 becomes pleasing 19 to ~ ftf3 ~ BClIl 5Cl1t?l19 ~ I
· ~~119 II man's mind. f
j Haillo
~fa20 OlW21 B~T~~22 0, the disciples 2l of my Guru, utter22 5 ~ ClIq
~ Hale
2l ! 3R1' ?'fuala Rl)ffl-/l
- -= -
Ojofffi:f~23 H(J ye, the Incffable 24 Divine 20 discourse 21 el ~1F.r?a120 I)IClfu 24 ?'o3'2 I 1)13 R'~125 eT
... »fOl"Ef 24 and st ory25 of my God Lord . ~B'TCJo q-a 22
fOl~26 UT~27 fOl(j How 26 can I attain 27 unto and how H' »{Tui Raa-fRI)I'C§2' ~ Fl~aCll29 ~al ~

~~ HoT ufo ll~
R~28 FJ~29 II ...-
~fo - Hrp'>30 fucrre 31
can I see my Allwise 28 and
Omniscient29 God Lord?
Through the Guru's word 32 , God
RTt!1' ii

.. fCill
RCle u ?
.30 . ' U RCle,27 ~T 3 fCiR 3aT
t2 T •
" II-

ClIa T el a1<!V 2 tJT;:W ?Tf~ClIa l)iTlJC§ 1)I'1l ii

· ».{Tfu m-a- ~o ~:fBo132 manifests ll Himself to man, unites lO ie 3 i./TfiJa ClO f~"eTl' ~~ = €IR ~ l)I'ui •
orf}-f R"wit 33 II him with Himself and merges]] him o~ f}.mT .g'~]O ~ l)f3 ~R ~ I)ITui otH
in His Name. fuB mo Cla fe"e rll ~ I
80 34
R~ ()To<! Nanak is a sacrifice 35 unto those]4, oTOCl @o,34
_ u @3~
_ lii51 ~~erl5 ~ ;:r 1)I1 t2 J

~fal)fT35 if ;:r~36 who dwell upon 36 their detached 37 fi'iOBu l7 l!l)ffl-/l e' fj:n·lan ClCJ~l' uo I
ufo foca~37 IIQOII Lord.

"' IlII.IlII.IlII.IlII.IlII.IlII.IlII.IlII ~.~.~.~.~.1JlI.1JlI.1JlI.1JlI.1JlI.,...1IJl.1IJl.1IJl 0' + IlIl.IlIl JQ1IJ.RII.RII IIQ'lI.IJlI~,.p
1II!~ 41 ~*-*-._+ .

i R~or H: 8 II Slok 4th Guru. R'507 B81 u'f3F.f T<Jl I

t ~fa t{9 a338 ~fE~39 He. whom the Guru blesses 42 with the ftiR ~ Ol~ ti1, ~uHSQ40~, l!oH141 iiW,1"e 42
: fap>fT3 40
it })f";:r041 Olo_ slav 41 of wisdom 40 , has his eyee 39 <J7i, (jR' ~ll'liY »{~y39 <Jol R'y~l ~ ful'liTd'
;~fu42 II imbued 38 with the God Lord's lovc. 0'5 iJar1l'li Yf1Tt'1l'li j38 iJo I
i H tt~ R~43 UrfE))fT I have attained unto my Lord, the
Friend 43 , 0 slave 44 Nanak and have
H~ >J.i'ui I!»iTHT fH3CJ 4l ~ UI f5l')-fT~, 5 •
j ;:m44 3T(')Of R~;:J45 merged 46 with Him in a state of ~TR'44 oToor ! >J.i3 I!lf04S <J1 ~R oT5 fH5

. fHHfE 46
11911 egu Ipoise 4s . forl)-fl·' <JT I
H: 811 4th Guru. BeT u Tf3J:P<Jl I
Oldlifl:f47 »13f048 Within the mind 48 of the Guru-ward 47 CJ1~-I)-fQR"o147 ~ H0 48 >it'o i~-B04' ~ l'li3

· Wf349

Hf050 3f051
reigns peace 49 and his soul sO and
bodys, are merged S2 in the Name.
He contemplates Sl the Name, reads 54
~R' ~l

l')-fT3HTSO 3 ~<JSI oTH l)j'~o Hlo <i~

~<J ?i'H?; fRHo~,S3 ~, oT'r1 ~ ?TBt"S4 ~

I u;154
fg? WfE55 II

3TH @Tal:l'56 uTE1»i57

; ftJ3T58 OlEffETWfE 59 II
a~ the Name and remains attuned ss only
to thc Name.
He is blessed s7 with the wealth S6 of
the Lord's Namc and is rid ofs9
>J.i3 fl<J a?H oTH o'H <J1 fUoiJ"3Vs
a~t" ~

tij~lS7 ~
~R' ~ I.p~ ~ oTH ~1 ~53s6 ~1 ~T3
l')-f3 ~R' ~T fGora S8 ~o 5

-;:IT~TS9~ I

~ anxict y S8.

~ Rf3qJfa fHfp.>~ oT11 Meeting with the True Guru, God's !=i"BaTa
T o'H fHHe ~l')-fToT a~ I){~o ?TfiJCJ1o
-, -=
! ~U~60 f~Ro161 ~C(62 Name wells Up60 in man and all his ~T i'l 'H e1 ~~t'T60 ~ l'li3 ~R' ~1

i R9 ~fE63 II cravings 61 and hunger6 2 depart 6l . WfJR 61 3 l:!fO')jTU R'l;!<J ~o ;j -;:ITt'Tl')-fy61 <Jo I
~ oToor nTH af3))f164 Nanak whosoever is imbued 64 with (')To 07, ,:l ii?l ~1 oTH (')T5 MOIl')-fT tPt'T64 ~J

~ nTH trH 65 ulfE66 II =< II the Name, gathers 66 . he, the Name ~iJ o'H ~ >J.i TlIe1 ~H16s f~B tiT oro H~~T66
""'f1 in'his lap 6s. ~I

j u~~ll1 Pauri.
~ ~q })flU tJOT~67 Creating68 the world 67 Thyself, 0 ':It' vl RR"o67 ~ aB' a68 , ;] 1!l')-f'Hl ! ~ ':It'
~ ~uTfu68 ~ 3U' })fTU Lord, Thou Thyself holdest it under <JT feR' ~ l')-fTU<! f~l:ff3l')-fTa" f~B ol:f~T ~~ I
i' - --
~ ?FrcJTf369 cit3T II Thy sway69.
j fEf0770 Ho11l:;f'1 orfa72 Making 72 some 70 self-willed 7l , Thou ar~1»1T70 ?> l')-fTU <Ji?a 71 eG T72
• - I
#; <JOT
- U 0:::.

~ ~JTCJTfE})fQ73 fEOf01 makest them losen and some Thou f1it' T71;:'- l')-f3 or~hfT ~ y
~ Ola (')15 tl"3
Hfg74 ~ f301 75 unitest H with the Guru and th ey 7S fi~T74 ~- l'li3 ~<J71 l')-fTUel ;:ft~o ~~ ~ ftf3

i ffi3T76 I'
~fo ~3l:!77 ~fa l{~
win" their life game.
Sublime77 is the Name of God, the
ih~76 <J7i I

ttR277 ~ ~Tf'101~ I!I)-fTHl HT50r ~I oTH I a?5

oTl:[ ~ O]a ETm078
R9rijj79 p'>BT80 "
Lord Master. The fortunate ones 79
alone utter80 it through the Guru's
word 78•
BaTl l{'5~Q ~IE79 <J1 olo' ~1 e l el 78 or.:W
f~R' t T~BTOO ara~1O '10 I

[43 48 1
_ • • • • •*+.~~• • • • • ! .,. s
~l;!81 t!T5~82 FJ~ When 84 the Guru blesses8s man with· i1B ~ i11l{'<!l ~ tft: BT oTH \.{B'o Q(l

(5fu orf~l1fl83t:jy84 the Lord's Name, he is rid ofBJ all ftf~s CJO, ~R tit ~BI 3 :aromt 82
R5 ~
OT@' CJTCJ ~fo e13r85 II his pain81 and penury82. ij WB11)ft CJO I
FJf~86 - =R?~87 H~88 Let everyone86 serve87 the EnchanterU, c:ra fem B6 ~ ~ QOO ~r888, f;fu;il ~
l-f()H~389 ';1orH~390 the soul Enchanter89 , the world9o ~iST QOO ~589, RRra 90 ~ ~63" CiOO
ftlf() tlCJT~91 ~trf~92 Enchanter, who creating92 the ~ tit R~y87 ~nl ~fu3~. ~ RRra91 ~
FJ~ ~FJ93 01131 119 911 world 91 , holds all under His swayu. o-e ~92 wf(p)fi ~ »flu<! ~ f~ Ol:fB,9J ~ I

FJ5C7 l-f: 8 II Slok 4th Guru. R5Cil -elft

u'f3F.1'<Jl I
94 »j'~09S ~Cfl096 ~1 elHra197
l-fo »i3fa 95 ~~H96
94 Within9S men's mind 94 is the ailment97 t
Hcfl::l -e fc:ra-e
aOJ 97 V ~fl-f2 gH 3 of ego" and the egocentric98 and ~ lli3 t{31~H98 J,f"--e" lJoB 100 ~fuH2 I)f"eo
. l-f3>:fl:f98 99~a';1oTIOO II evil" persons lOO strayJ in doubt 2.
<!o'<3 u~ ;j~ <:10 I
OT~ -aOj ~~'f~4 Nanak. meeting with the True Guru- oToCil, R~ i3l~-R3, fH3: 0T8 fH8 ~, HilBT
fl-ff(5 FJf3aTo FJTq saint, the friends, men are purged" of Bl elHTol cfcl w~14 ~ I
FJ';1oT5 11911 - = the ailment. j
H: 8 II 4th Guru. Bel uTf3B'<:Il I !'
'l-fQ 3'Q Then6 alone my soul and body are Hal f;:f~;l1 1)f3 -e<:l ~H 3B6 <:11 fF.farra1»it
FJaTTCf~T7 ;:rt8 embellished 7, when8 I see my Lord i1TB1~T7 <:I~, ~ i1B 8 .lli'UR'l)ft ~3:9 nTH H·
~fo 3<§9 II with my eyes 9. l)f'Ue t{'~ 2 ~l::IBr <:I' I
()T()q RIO tI9 H fl-f<5 Nanak meet with that lD
seeks to 0'001, €tRIO l§ o'H fH~ H;lt!' ~ fila Bl i
~~ tl1~T ffiIii g<§ll II Lord, by hearing" whose voice l2 he I)fr~TiJ12 Reo" el>i'o' §<J i1l§·e T ~ I ~
~/1 Bv... Po"i. - -~; I - I~
13;:rilloT'EJ14 tlCJT-e1Ro 15 My Creator-Lord 16 is the Lord l4 of HoT fRoil?i<J To' 6 Rl>i'Ht RRra lJ BT RTC!l' 14

Ofo3 16 »itl€Jllo I7 the world lJ , the Master lS of the lliTHH B' H'HCil IS ,- al)j'3 17, ROij-BCil31~To'~ :

: llCfl:!18 »i3~19 II universe, Infinite l7 , Omnipotent lB 1)f3 lliHTtl 19 ~ j ~

and Unweighable 19 • ~
~fo ()T>:i fql1i~~;eo 0 the disciples 21
of my Guru, <3 Ha ~ -e liolB 21 ! ~Rr J!lli'H1 ~ o'H e' ~
.}:fa a]afFJl::f~21 ~fo contemplate 2D ye, the Lord's Name. fRHoo 20 Cil-a I Fiac 22 ~ ~TfuO]~ !1f>i 1)..11 f>i3 ~
@'3l-f22 ~fo ()T>:f Sublime 22 is my Lord God and l)f<!I:!HT2J 5 €tR e T OTH I ~
· =- - 23 invaluable 2J is His Name. ~
· l1il-f~ II ~
-e ftl() fql1iTf~T24 They, who heartitly2S contemplate 24 ~,f~~ feB ('iTB 2S f>i'l/i ~Tf<JO!o
1)f3 -ac,
-elf~0-e25 f-eog oTf3 their God, day and nigh, they27 must ~'fRHo024 Cilc-e <:10, €t<J €t11 O'H fHH ~
· 327 fl-fH ~ 001
meet with him and there is no ;:IT-e <]0 f>i'3 fC!11 f~~ ckl R~<J26 0<J" I ~~
ij(526 II doubt 26 about it. ~
27~~~TOJ128 RCJTf333 By the great27 good fortune 28, one is 91'01 27
BOIl ll.THgq28 tIl)f'oT, RTlJ R0I3
f>i'3 i~

. . .++.pip+'!i++'r.4'• .......---~4'4'+'l'• • iJi'lifl.4'.~ip'l'4'~iJ''I'+4''l'~'i> +ip +++''l'+ +~ + +~ •

............................... '• .........., ;,•••••.•••••***•• _~ ••••••tjp ..

f~29 'QIa 30 R'f3qra blessed29 with the saints' society33 f~f.fTH30 l=r-~ O]ot B1 1;10031 a~V2 BT BT31
~aT31 ~C:232 II and the Perfect 31 word 32 of the 1.l,fU3 QBV' ~ I =
Rf~34 ftI~~ 0035
great30 True Guru.
i=lT~3S?; sf-e I~

Let all34 menu meditate on their RH<JH lli'ui RlliT)·ip6 RlliTHT
oTCfTfe<§36 OT~ Lord3', yea, the true Lord, by which 37 B~ fRHoi') aO;T ~fu3~. fi=lR~7 ~lli';' H3
f;:837 '3'~38 ;:::rH39 all the disputes"o and quarrels" 1 with ~ ~33' ~ oTH RT-a saci 40 )j.f3 atf;14. li51
~40 S~C241 119 ~II
R8Cl' H: 8 II
~o ;:ro47 (Jfa 42 ~a
. RfO»fr4 O1T~a46 II
the death's courier 3' are ended38 •
Slok 4th Guru.
God's slave"7 utters" 3 God's Name" 2.
The ignorant man'" aims" s an arrow....
at him.
i=lt~l8 <:10 I

~ I aRHs
RHOI' Bt:it 1.!lf3F.f'<:IT I
~fs B' tflHT47 ~rs ~ oTH 12 BT ~~Tao OI'aB,1S
1"', ~R ~3 3fo4" fRo?iB,4S ~ I
(')ToCl' (Jfa ;:Jo
(Jfa Nanak, God's slave is saved'" by 0'001' is BT alBT ia Bl I{T~8 a'<:Il a~
fB~48 ~~49 f;:rfo God's love..e and, recoiling backsl , the ;:rTBy1' ~ lli3 310 fl.1i l1;3sl ~RsO ~ <:IT H'O ~i
RfolH T f38
51 arrow destroysS2 himso alone who had Rce,S2 ~ f;:rR?l feR BT foF.r'oT Sfolli' RT I
- , u

wa 52 11911 shot it.

Cl3Clt: ~
H: 8 II 4th Guru. Bel l.JTf3J=f1<:1T I

»fl:!153lifH54 Cl'we1)}fT55 They, whose eyesS3 are attractedSs by f~t ~ ?)~TS3 ~ l{~ BT y13s4 ?l f~f~lliT
(]fa (Jfa (')Tt( the Lord's loveS.., beholdS' the <irelli TSS ~; ~u ~R ~ o'H BT fRHao arao
Lord God by contemplating His ~lli'OT Rlli'HT-~'fuOlo ?; ~l:t H~eS6 <:10 I
... II
ofWfo56 - - -C' •

'it cna -e';:JT57 If the eyes see another57, 0 slavese ;?tara ?)3, <iaR. S7 ?;= ~l:t~ <:10 ' iJ alR se 0'001' !
;:ro5S NOCl' Nanak, they ought to be gouged ~u ~B & e'uo s, ore~<! ~<JT~ <:10 I
FeeF<'i59 1I~t1 out59 •
tr€fflt II Pauri. l.1~~TI
;:rf~o l:lf~1 )-f~~2 He''', the Infinite Lord63* is fully ~6" ir>Jf'3 ~lliTHT63* l.1'~160. '(Ia3T6I lli3
63 pervading'3 the water'O, the earth'l
Ucffi63 * »ft..ratr0 lliTOI"F.r'2 l){Ba l.101~ao <i fa<:l,43 ~ I
~'ffi64 II - and the sky62.
. ;:ft))l65 t=r3' trf3'U~r66 He sustains" all the creatures's, ~ Rra ;:ft~-tl~llit's B1l.1THeT-iiFJGT araB'"
;167 ~ J3:6S 1ret II whatever'7 He does, that 68 alone ~ fi=l<:S' ,!S67 ~<:I OI'aBT ~. &~H ~<:I'8 tit
comes to pass. cIBT ~ I
Wlthout25 Him2", their is no other ~2" ~ ~a2S, <ia ck1 Ht 19 , fu€'20, 1[302\
mother I', father29, son21 , brother22 ~V2 lli3 fH3a 23 our I
or friend23•
He is containcd28 in27 aU hearts 2' •
•• esee •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••• ~~~
•••••••••••• • •cr·• • • ** + • • !Il ~. . *.. .,~, .
af~28 of~iliT "11fU>li~29 Everyone 30 ought to meditate 2' on
""110 ~EVo II Him.
ROTp.)31 "11U~32 3301uTp.)34 Let everyone 3• utter 32 the praises 35 RT3 ~31 ffiJT3 33 ~ uT5~-tiR<!ilro34 t!1»fT
QI o 35 Uoar~36 m~37 of the WorJd 33-SustainerH , who is fR:G3 y3S €t'eTO(') q(j32 t1 Rrij37 RRlo" >i~
c%ET38 119:311 manifest 36 throughout the whole 37 t{fFi'uH ~ I
world 38.
Rc%er }-f: 8 II Slok 4th Guru.
QIal:!ftf 39 fH~ fR 40 The 40 friends 41 who meet with the
R"11(!T41 ~fo U3 sublime Guru 3', are blessed 42 with the
l'}i'42 (JQI43 ~

lfTfE II Lord God's love,n.
"110 oToer oTH o slave Nanak, praise" 4 thou the (')T){ t!l l{RW.... QO
Rp.)Tf~44 3 p.)f~ Hf~5 Lord's Name, so that you may g0 47 to k~ l)ff3>i3 ~Rl"5
tod1f~46 ~i47 11911

the Lord's court 46 in utter joy4S.
H: 8 II 4th Guru.
~fo ~~ t T3 T48 o God, Thou art the Beneficent
" R9R49 t T Rf9 "111»f50 Lord 48 of a1l4' and all the beingsSO
3H T-a II are Thine.
Rf~ ~u i >liro~51 All of them meditateS I on Thee, 0 €til w-a 3aTfRH0(')51 q~ il(,), ;:J y}3HT !
tTQ52 ~f~53 fl.(»fTij54 II Love s4 and Thou biessestS3 them with l)f3 i €t~t ~ t!f3T a.l1F.rt!'Sl ~. ,
Thine bountiess2•

!~o t 3
T t'3 Tfo 55 God, the BeneficentSS Giver just ~'fuOE, t!fol)fT fe5 55 t!T(')l ~5 l)ff1Rl
~~ orf~>liT56 Hl~ puts forth S6 His hand and the rain ti'a ill 8 Tilo ~ URT~56 ~ ~ RRTaS' 3

~OT57 RRra58 II pours S1 on the world 58 . Hlil U~51 5'ar ~ ~ I
"fQ59 fJfH»fT60 133161 The corn5' of the Name germinates 60
(')TH t!T ~T5' l-fO ~ if3" f~ €tar a·t!J'O ~ I"
9T~62 erfo63 illo in themind field 61 and man l)f3 H'2F.r fUl)fTtJu or8'3 ilgl t1 (')T){ t!T
()l}-f RHTij 64 II contemplates64 God's Name with63 fRHO(,) ClOt!T'4 ~ I
- '-
fiQ65 OTO~ H-aT66 o my Lord God, slave65 Nanak asks ;:J Ha ~l)fTHl ~TfiJiJI~ ! aJ5r65 or()q ci~5 3cj
for the gift67 of the support 68 of Thy
t 'Q67 t{9 ~a oTB orH ~ l)fTRa 68 ",1 t!'3'7 t!l lifT~i5T qae l "
. >liUT-a 68 II ~ II Name alone. ~I
~;n II Pauri u~3t I
fEST 69 Ho a1 t401>i{70 71
Meditating on God, the Ocean72 of l)froTH ~ m{t! o 72, ~Tfuara t!T fRHO(') qa(')
"11t.r1>i{71 Jjl:f ~72 II peace. mind's aspirations" are ~71, f~3 t!1l)fT qt)./()~' ~all)fT ;j
fulfilled 70 . tJT't!l»ft70 uo I
Through the Guru's word 7s• the ;Rilot7' t!l 1::l~77, aroT t!1 m 75
ortit t{~
~ ~ .

~fU'4 cno mine" of jewels7', the Lord's feet73

Raft!'75 1603~71 II are meditated upon7".
fHfH Rlq RfaT78 Meeting with the asints'
societ y 78, Rf3ROT378 OT5 i!3 &, ~ 3CJ WBT79 ~ ~
~rg79 j'fs m 80 man is dclivered79 and papers8.2 of his ~FI ~T H3 ~ ~381 ~ 01TQ1;;182 lfTc ~o
Of'CJTq8Z II death's couriers I are torn offlo. uo I

• trOH 63 UWClj84 MeditatingS' on the detchcd s7 fna~u87 I!l){THT BT fm-rcro. aao" ~waT,

;:ft31~85 ;:rfu86 ufa Lord, one winss5 the treasure'" of fu'(I)FlTo ~T ;::it~08J ~ ~~'4 ~ fil3
~CJTOT287 II human life8J • ih~185 ~ I

m391 1R~88 Rafo 89 Let everyone" seeks8 the True Guru's R~ ~91 ,,~ a.!.ot BT 1lOT<J" gijU, 3t ~

m3ara oft faO"R 90 refuge", so that the sligma9J of 1..11392 ~T ~T:aT9J fHe ;::p~'O 1

· ~Cf92 Warg93 119811 sorrow92 may be blotted90 out.

RB-Of H: 8 II Siok 4th Guru. RHOI' \isT UTf3B'T uT I

• ~94 ~~"t195 R;::{(!"T96 19 .. have been searching9S for my H- 94 I)jTt«! fH30" ~ g9~T95 four ut, t[~
~ )f~97 orfH98 II Friend", but my Friend 'is with 98 me 97
• HaT fH30 Ha 97 l){"o! ROT" ~ I
;::{O ()TOOf »igl:f99 0" o slave Nanak, the Invisible" Lord <l alB oTo01 ! l){ft:RC" l{~ f~RBIIOO ouT' I

gCfl~ I00 cnalJfCf2 is seen lOO not. The supreme Guru 2 litt1 a.!.C:J~~J ill ~R ~ ~Tg ~~J uo I
=Bfu fucrfH 11911 alone does help us to see J Him.
H: 8 II 4th Guru. ~Q11..1Tf3F.fluT I

()T()q tftt3 4
c;~ Nanak, I am in love" wit·, thatS True (l)TC'iOl, HoT ~5 l){TU<! R~ I!l){THT' oTg
· f3f0"5 Fffi6 f~ faQ Lord' of mine. Without Him, I can fl..l'liT04 Ii fOlI)jT ~ I ~ ~ QT~', H' ilT€C
: ~7 (');::rit II live 7 not. nul FlOIt!T I

Rfuara fHH ~ ua T9 When man meets with the True Guru, iI~ il1~ ,,~ a.!.o' ~ fHB 1i't!T ~, &~ aB'
~~14 ufa afR lo then 8 alone he attains I"
unto the <Jl ~u y,o(l)9 ~ ~ l{'U3 cl~T'4 ~ l){3
ORo l2 a~13 II~II Perfect9 Lord and his tongue l2 enjoyslJ ~R Bt ~T9T12 ~'fiJaJq ~ oTH ~-f'i3Io ~
the Guru's Name·exlisir lo . HT~t!tU ~ I

lf~;n II Pauri. u~ll

; ~~15 ~16 a lj~17 t5
Some sing", some hear" and some FITfUl! ~l'lit fJm3 T ~ ~15 OI'~~" I O1ef
: & ~BfCJ18 Bo~19 II utter IS and preach 19 the Lord's Fi<!e 17 l){'3 OIe1 ~~Toe" 3 l{~ICI'~19 u(l) I
Their filth 21 of many births 20 is ~7ij Bl l){~at iI(I)W 20 BT Hg J1 ~1 wt!l.2.2
: ;::{O"H ;::{oH20 oft )-f~21
: €f~22 )-f023 fei~T24 washed off.2.2 and they obtain their ~ l){3 ~ l){Tui n~_~~~.2" m lfT ~"@

~ II 2Jheart-desired24 fruits. U7i I

~25 ~26 Hc1~21 Their comings2S and goings 26 are ~t ~ Jtf~25 ~ ri 26 lfCi ~27 uo ~
ended 27 and, they sing29 their God's ~u l){TU<! ~Tfc:rcft t!l~t fi:m3T 2I (JTTfeo
ufo ~ 28 ~2911
praises.2l. ~.29 uo I

~+++.m ••~+••••++++.++*.++++.+++++.+++++++.+++++++++++.++++++++++9+++W+++++++++++++++••

l)fTfu 3'ofu33 Raft30 They save 33 themselves, save)1 their ft<J J!~ 30 ilre 33 uo,t>lTui Wlfll)ft10 ~ i
30rf~31 R9 <!~~32 friends 10 and save all their \llo ao f~""ell uo 1)f3 »fTtf<!ll)ft Rroll)jt
30~ II generations 32 as well. . .
tiSll)ft32 il 9'1 3 To ~ un I
-,:rQ EB34
()T?>~ Slave Nanak is a
sacrifice3S unto alW 0T0Cl €tR3" €t3~ OlaST?) ilt~,35 ~
af5~To~35 ;=i HE him)", who is pleasing36 to my God filU3 T ~ij ~f~a]i! J!~T}{1 ?j- ~OIT 801~T16 ~ ; ~
~fo tr9 9~36 IIct411
. Lord .
oTar OfT(');3'T Rag Kama oTar OlT(')3T
aT~37 ()TH-e~ 37
Hymns of Sire 38 Nam Dev g~)7 )'{~JToTil38 OT>-re~ ill -e
;:rl€l38 a1

€? Rf3'O]o l{wR II There is but One God.
Guru's grace, is He obtained..
By the True .-r",!!, iI<>, reo ij I
~I)fToT €tu l.Ffcrl)fl I ~T ~
R'iJ '!!"'.,] ",""" !~
- • - F.-
>JiFi39 oTH40 oTf~41 The Sovereign" I Lord"o, the Inner »f·~8l»fT il'<!C'iu To , uTf3F.J1u 11 ua~R~o ij:

»{30-,:rTH142 II ~H43 Knowcr42, is S039 seeing everything, '10 f~R 3~t39 ~l:t fouT~. filR 3~t41 ~
-ecJtro44 Hrf~45 S~o46 as") one c1early47 sees one's R1B f~i:J45 »fT~l I)flU<! f~16 ~ R,~7 ~

tro~To147 II ctll~€tll 46
countenance in"5 a mirror4". Pause. ul ~l:t H·~T ~ I ofuor€t I ~
SR WcT Wc 48 p;ltr49 He abides in every heart 48 and no ~u uo f~848 "j'~o ~~T ~ 1)f3 ~R ~ ~El ~
(I) enu 50
II impurity"9 or stigma50 attaches to I)fUf~~3149 ilt aB-0l 50 (iuI· fi:JH3t!T I ~
irUo51 li0l3T52 ;:rr~53 He is free 52 from entanglements51 and ~u SQ(it51 3· 1)fr,:J1~51 ~ »f3 faFt 31 il T3 51
(I) ~lR54 II ct II does not Seem5" to belong to any 0 18 IlSu3 f~R5" oul· I)fT~'~T I

caste 53 .
trTo1 )-fTfu55 t1l:.f l:!l:!56 As57 man sees his countenance56 filR 3~t57 ~I ~ UT(!l f~i:JS5 1)f'TUi
~W57 II orH a reflected in 55 clear water, S060 does -e .
fi:JUa 56 l)faR il?l:f H~~, ~Ft 30"0 <11 .
B»fT)-ft58 slo~59 he see the Beloved 59 Lord 58 of Nama RI~ ).{(i "f~a €tu O'H B fUI)fT(jS9 1{~58 ~

>Jiw60 II ~ II ct II in the clear mind. ~l:t H'~T ~ I

OTO] Olfcs))fTO Rag Kalyan OTa] orfgl)fro
4th Guru ~"6l urf3W<Jl

ct §' Rf3'oT>:! There is but One God. True is His ~TfmJN ~g Wi ~ I Ri:JT ~ ~R ~ OTH,

'4~ foo9€l Name, creative His personality and <rn?roTCJ ~R ~l ~)){Ql3l ~ 1)f).{CJ ~R ~I

>Jf0lT5 HoB Immortal His Form. He is fearless, ~1J I €t~ f'i<'S'O, ~ffifc')l am, »filC'i).{I »f3

sans enmity, beyond birth and self- R~-t{Ol'R?To ~ I qroT t!1 t!f~I){T ~l')fTaT. ~v
illumined. By the Guru's grace, He tJT~I){T trte T ~ I

is obtained.
i CfTHr6\ OH 62 CJTH 63 Of the Beauteous61 andAU-pervadingU llt='a 62 nf3 Raa-f~I){TuCi'] l!I){TH16 I ~ (1~or64
~ »{~~64 0 tf1f~»{T65 II Lord 6', no one has found 6s the ~T forll ~ gl U3t6S 0<11' BatT I

j<JH ~TfaCl6.
.~ ~HCf ~ 68~1:!Cf~69
Iimit 6 4,
o Great68 God 6', Thou
Father70 and Mother 71 .
<J f~R'B68 ~Tfvag69! ~ }h,p a Tag 70 >li3
>lik~171 ~'I H' 3a T SB',66 v T 1){3 i vl Hal
~ fU3T 70 Har HTfe»f T71 II child" of Thine and by Thee am I UTC?~T_liR~T ora-e,67 ~' ofua'~ I ..

~ C\IICfuT~11 sustained 67 • Pause.

~ ufo "&- OTH )).fth:f72 Innumerable 71 and Inscrutable 73 areH ~fd1~372 nf3 l}j~t17] v<'i 74 ~Tfucna ~ oTH I

triOTH 73 ufu 74 )).fOTH 75 Hal ~'fuClJ.ll. tJ Tf3R'v 77

)).fOTH 76 ufo oTf~)).fT77 II
the Names
King77 , IS
of God. My
God, thl:
Unapproachable 7s and
Unfathomable 76 .
nftp,i ~ I 6
, tJQB' 3' tJ€l7S hf3

~ OTcV 8 The men of virtue 78 and gnosis 7' have ~a18 l')f3 fatl')f'<'i~T(';7' afenfT?i 3<1 aTa
~ -
~ -
Baf3 80 au- 81 given great811thought80 to Thee, hut a'l3,SI <Jl Rfijl')fl ?1B'Tfol}jT80~, {~ 3<1
~ f~q Gfe>82 ouT they have found 84 not even an iota82 l{B 8l
~T ~<'ii ~ ft'a ~a,81 gO 31 U3,84 ouY :;-
~ - - :t-
~ qTHf3 83 t!Tf2)).fT84 II of Thy worth 8J • 0 Lord. :~


~ 911 :t-

~ arnle 85 0]~86 87aTf~H:!88 They ever 8' sing" the praises86 of 87 88 ?TfuOla 8s il-

~ Fre 89 CJTT~fu91 OT~ God 8s, the Lord'8 of the world 87 , hut
- Rt'll?" ul RR'a -e Rl')fIH1 - , -. :r
t"ll}jT fR"63 i86 atTft'o ora-e 91 vo, y.._~ f!l')fTHl
~ arfa~ )).f~~90 - (') of the Lord's praises, they found not ~lnfT fFrG3' -e B';cJa'o~, ~"iT ~ U3 T ovl
~ UrfEnfT II the limit'o. Bat Rfanf T I
! ~ ))ffHf3 92 )).f3"C2 93 Immeasurable'2, Unweighable'] and l'riH'U'l, nf~~'] nf3 v~t" llo'-afu3'4 ~' ~. <J
~ ~:ra94 Sj»iTHT a~95 I1limitable'4 art Thou, 0 Lord. R'f<Ja ! f;:j'<'i l gl fi.!l')f'~"s a~' gtlo fUI){'
] t:rtit)).f96 W097 (') Howsoever much,sman may meditate" or~", <?R ~ 3al ~lU'~1'7 ~T U3T'8 ovl
] t.rrf~)).fT98 11:(II on Thee, he can fathom'8 not Thy
f depth'7.
~ ~R3f399 aafu 3Hol o the Spouse] of mammon2, the ij HTft'l){,l ~ tJ31' ! fFqlOO 3al l{IlRT ora~99
; ~olOO ~3w-a ~04 saints lOO praise" Thee and singS Thine vo ni3 3all')fi ?;0l11){i 4 atT~'-e5 vo, <J

~ OT~fu5 ufCf CfTf~))fr6 II virtues". 0 God, the King 6. ~'f<JClJ.~. tJ'f3R T<r !

~ 3H t:rB7 fofu 8 UH Thou art an ocean8 of water 7 and I 11R17 e' m{ea 8 ~'1){3 H'
3al H.;l' v t I
~ Hl~9 ~H-a 3CfT >i~ 10 am a fish' of Thine. No one has ever l2 3a 1){l:f1o' o~, or~12 fOlll ~ U3T u ovl
: (') or~121JT~T1311:31f found l3 Thy end 10. HatT I
~ t:ro 14 = ~ f¥l..fT15 1 Show J6 Thou mercylS unto me, Thy t }l', niTU~ alg l4 ~3 fHva ls 'Q10 16 • <J

CiCJ~16 HQ17 slave'''' 0 God, the Lover l8 of uol! O'H ))j'-fH..3 17 ~ l{t3H 18 l){ ~ !fa tfIIf
WO ~~~ Name-Nectar 17 and bless Thou me ~ oTH ~ ~o qo~" I
;:Iurf~»{T 19 II with meditation l9 of Thy Name.
if }fol::l'20 >i((~21 OTH For me, the blind 21 fool 2o, the Name H' ,
HS 20 7; a~ oT){ ~1
• u •
"ZC{22 ~ ;:I023 OToci is the only support 22 • Through the :t - ~1
tm!I)fTl.. O'Ul,
I (ffiJT aiB 13 oTOCi 7;.
(fiolifl::l'24 UTf~»fT2S II Guru's grace 24 , slave 23 Nanak is lf~ ~I O'H ~TO ii fc:JrI)fT2S ~ I

811 <:tIl blessed with 2S the Lord's Name.

cn8"»fT?) HugT 8 " K alyan 4th Guru. Clf~ tlal wf3wul I
mo ;:TQ26 (ll027 Singing28 the Lord's praise 27• the J!l)fT)-{t ~ ;fJ:r27 OTTreo QCl' o 21 ~l){T(JT, J!l)fTHl
crrT~28 ufR"»fT29 II Lord's slave 26 blm~oms29 forth. ~T aJ~26 ~ffiJ ;j ;:rT~29 ~ I ~
~o ufo 37 ~arf330 By the Guru's instructionslJ,my mind 32 OlOt ~ ~BJ3 ~l){T(JT R~'Hl ~rfuOTo37 ~ ~
a 013 I Hf3 32 OjoHf333 is embellished 3' with the Lord God's37 ~Ha030-0Tl? HaT-H0 32' B~ ii fc:Jrl){~3=1 ~ I ~
. '9f0 34 HR3fC{35 y'f~ meditation 3o. Such is' the Lord's lliii it.Jl ~ Rl){THl ~1 trcl Tuaiffil 34 fB~T- ~
f8fl::l'»fT36 "<:tIICJUT~1I primaP4 writ 36 on my forehead 35 • Olla36 Ha I-i',j;s ~3
- I ofuaT~- I ~ ~

Pause. ~
& fRHCJ€7 39 Day and night, contemplate 39 I, the f~<i »f3 a~ H' Ola i ~ uai 38 ~T
dTo UCJT38
: f~ CJT31 Hfo40 5fo
ufo ufo aH:r'ffT41 II
Guru's feet 38 and, therefore, God, the
Lord Master. comes to abide 41
Cla~13' <JT ~ fpR Hf!l ~If<JOl~ '!l){T)-{t
a tt
WHOl l){T Ha ftf3 40 f~B feCi faJl)f14 I ~ I F.-
within my mind 40 . ~
ufo ufo ufo orlof3 42 In this world 43 , sublimeH is the Lord fpR RRT 0 43 l){"tJd 'igc44 ~ J!I)fTH1, I)fClTl? ~
;::rfur43 wcft 44 unR
45 God Master's praise 42 . I utter48 the I.!al:f ~lfu~~ ~1 ~R33142 I H' ~l)flHl ~1 ~
"€Jt~46 tlii 47 Uffj:p'){T48 II Lord's praise 47 and this is the sandal 46 ~A33147 ~T ~~Tao Cla~T4' u T l)f3 fpu ul ~

<:til that grate 4S I. ~ Boe4' t'i H' U1RT~'~T4S <:rT I ~

ufo 11049 ufo ~fo The Lord's slave"9 is attuned sl to the RTPl ~
aJi5 t'1
~l){'Hl ?Tf<JOl~ ~ 0'104 50 ~:
~050 f8"~~51 Rf~ Lord God's Name SO and all the olH fua<J;31 upl ;jets I ~ ~ H'fP'lfT ~ =
RTc{352 Bf;:f53 ufe»fT II mammon-worshippers s2 are after S3 u,:pal s2 ~lTa <Jl €tR i; ()O(RTo ud~ l?pl :
him to harm him. ~R ~, fuST ora~~3 ~o 1- - - ~
- ~

ft:i€1 54
forCJ3 R;':ifcrr 55 AsS" is the writ S6 of his past deeds ss , f~R ~TS4 ~1 ~R ~ lJ,asi5 OlaHtSS ~1 ~
BfH€?S7 00 58 fit~59 so docs the slanderouss9 personS8 fSl:f3TOl ' a S6 ~ ~R -
3d T<Jl
~ l?T~ ~l?1S9 ~
~ _ ~

~ Uaj60 orcrrfc.;61 ~fu62 walk s7 . His foot 60 stumbles62 upon uon 58

cat1 T57
~ I ~R ~T Uo'O Ru~l61 0'5 :;:
- - - I;-
~ ;:rfg»fT63 II ~ II the she-snake61 and he is burnt" by ~OlaT ;:rTt!"2 ~ »f3 ~<J (~faJl)fT) ;:JT (R3 ~
j ~
~ its sting. SS63) ;:JT~T ~ I >:-

. -,:j064 ~ 3H ~ta OT~65 o Rit'r <Jal ! 3 l)fTU<! aiH'4t?I al:f~S +

R);fTH1 3H ';:IfaT t:rfar66
- -
;:ro CJftf);fT67 II
.... - -
my Lord God, Thou art the
Saviour6s of Thy slave"'. Thou
savesl67 Thy slave in every age 66 •
iJ H-a
~. I <10 tiIOT" l){"~ ~ l){IU<!
QCI'~y67 ~. I
aii5 ~1 oft:rl)fT i.

~9 9f~~t68 ~* What" does it matten68, if a demon"· a1" <Jrellfl" , iiaa a"l:IB"* WtJ ~ l{~ .
~~70 R9 cno talks ill70 . of the saint. By so doing aot'T'O ~ I fuR :ratu
t'1 ~ ))f3 ~
afo sfo trfal)fT71 II and acting all are sacked71 • ~T wiT 3STU <J ~71 un I

~72 ;:ft»i il373 l.{fu' All those72 creaturesn , created'" by f;:f-& it72 t:iR_#373
• •
"1. "'"
& Ut'T ~7" uo'

c0074 Rf9 Cl'B'75 the Lord, are ultimately caught77 in ~ wi ~ ~ H3 75
-e )j,b 76
f~ \.ltr.l
- .
orfR»(T77 II the mouth7' of death7S• ;::rre77 uo I

w:o ;:«')78 ~fa mer God's saints78, 0 slave" Nanak. Lord mn ~ JW78 til, mn, ~ lfcl1:f, ~,
mer tfg- OTll 79 ;:ro80
God, yea, the Lord God, of Himself, JIl'f1J.ll ~u1 iil:Plf ~':t, cJ ~ T

()T(')CT ROf0 81 ~ II protects79, for, they' repair'2 to His orocr ! for~· ii ~ ~ t'l ~I ~-ea2
811:<11 protection8l • <JO I
mg»fTo H~ 8 II Kalyan 4th Guru. af'8l)flO \lSt tJTfaJ:rrtit I
>fa Ho83 ;::Ilf4 trl'uS5 o my soul83, utter'S thou the Name'" cJ Hel ftft':3~·3 ! ~ fi:tBcl" -e ~T).jiI7-e
86t«ft(')Tij87 II of the Lord87 of the universe". (')THe.. t"I ~BTOo'S ao I

ara @~fR88 cl"cJ Contemplatingi' the God's Name by mot

~ ~~..
- t"l1iTQT,
- ~fJaro
- ~ OTH t'T

iT).{ fu~1fu§"89 Rf9 the Guru's instructions., 1 am rid" ))fld'rqo8' ao, W ~ wiJ UTUf'O ))f3
forgfSl::f90 ~91 * of all mysins'O and sorrows"·. ~l::fful)ff9l· 3· J:f5TR1 91 \JT faTl1iT ut I
grij91 11911o~1I Pause. ofu~1
aROT ~or mf2 CJT'fu My one tongue is insufficient to sing Ho1 reor ;:r19 301 HfuHT92 ~ ou't ao
'0 RT~ ~ oit;195 a~93 Thine praises92 . 0 my Lord. bless" 1=l~1 I cJ }f~ ~ ! t ~ a<!3ll1it,
o~9411 Thou me with many. good many. yea. FPoll)ft93 ;:r1,t'" l{t'TO's oro I
good many'3 tongues'''.
ara aTa" fuQ97 ug98 With al1 99 those tongues, every ~t Ffloll1it99 ;:rl~T o~, UO ~397 ))f3 uo
Rfg 99 OJT~u CU(')I00 moment97 and trice", I would sing tJR191)f;3 ){~ &", W3oll1it fi::r63tIOO ~o
Olfu2 (') Rcrfu t{9 Thine praises1oo,over and over again". or crarT, ~ f6cJ 91 }f. 301l)ff3 RTcftl1it
~Ho~311911 although even then,I would not be able fR63f l1i1lf2 mit Rcrtarr, cJ HiT 1!))fT}{l !
to say2 all Thine3praises. 0 my Lord.
UH SQ4 l{lf35 csaft o my God, the Lord Master, I am cJ !fa ~rfu~ I!l\ofTHl H1aor I HeT 3iT ~
\{g ~»(THI UH ~ deeply" in loveS with Thee and long' 9~3 u1 ~ ful1iTOs ~ l1i3 30T t'CJBO
~7 ~ ~ 3tuf' ~ I
~H ~8 t'39 ;::ft>,.r
to see7 Thy vision.
Thou art the greats Beneficent Lord' t R1iU HR~))filo t"'r f~' t"'3"O

,:rl~lO a ~H ;:rToy of all the creatures lO and knowest our ~' ~. l1i3 ~12 0 ~

UH fm 12
II~II troubles lJ • ~. I
r4356 ]

~el13 HTc0114 Uljl5 If some one 13 shows" me the wayl4 flora ~l tr.!,13 ~ R~l' t:!' 0TiJ14 l){3

S3'T?16 1.19 OfT Of~17 and path l5 of the Lord, tell 17 me, OR3t 15 ft:!1:I T16 ~~; t:!RI7!~. ~R ~I. orl 19
f'30 18 -&~ fOf))f;19 what l9 should 1 give 20 unto him 18 1 ~'it20 ?
feoij20 II
~ 3 Q 21 HQ22 I would surrender 23 , offer 24 and ~'»fTtRl RIf<J ~21 ~ r;::f~)22 (}R ~
»falJ~23 »fof1J24 dedicate 25 all my body21 and SOUP2 l){otJ0 23 , ieT24 >18 RHaU0 2S QCJ ~?farr I
»faTU~25 ~~126 He; unto him. Let some one 26 unite me &'el t«!T2' ~~ ~a H'8or ~ fH8 TU27 l){"t:!o

lJg fHcra 27 11=311 in my Lord's union 27 . fiffi' ~~ I
~fa '& 0]028 ~'3 Many, good many29 are the t:I,!31l){t, 1:IOll){t ul S,!31l){t 29 uo tn t:!ll){T
SQ3'29 S~30 Rg,31 excellences of the Lord and sublime 30
28 f11.63 t2• l){3 Ulia13° ~ ~ t:!1 'lf~l){T~131 I
~H32 ~S33 afc Olfc is His glory31. 132 have been able to ~~t ~ ~.12 i'i~ fuq ~T ~o]] vl ft:ll)1'034

· Soo~34 II describe 34 them but only a bit u . 0/0 Rforl){T v t I

· ~Hcl Hf335 ~11 dTf3 36 My mind 35 is in Thy hand 36 , 0 Lord Hd T Ho l5 3a f~~f3l){Tol6 f~~~, 5 Ill){TH1! •
· t{9 quatfo orOQ '& and Thou alone art the All-
l){3 &~ ~ til 018 0'00/ t:!T ROt:l-gor31~171
1Jg RHc~37 11811 =311 powerfuP7 Lord of slave Nanak.
Kalyan 4th Guru.
ll>,il Hl ~. I ~
Offg))fTO H~8' 8 II 0/t'Bl){l0 ~C11 lopf3HTvl I :
· Hii H038 1=lfU39 ~fo o my SOUP8, utter l9 thou the Lord's <J Hal fil~38 ! ~ Ill){THl t!ll){t fR~3T10 :
aj 0 40 »fQl~41 go~~142 II praises 40 , which are said to be42
ineffable 4'.
@''tl''ool9 0lC
- . ;:j l){q'fv41 Rell){T ilTt:!1l){T 42 ~
- ~

vo I ~
Faith 43 , wealth"", success 1S and
~ UcH 43 »f~44 Rg ~lH~3, Uo·~8~, OllHtilTS14 5 1)13 HcB116 , ~
-e - - salvation46 , all walk like shadow - ~
OfT)}45 Hl:;!46 ~ ;:r047 RI-/<J vl Rl){THl ~ 018 17 HOI~· UOS'T~· ~i~ ~
after18 the Lord's slave 47 . Pause.
tft~48 grOT fGO~elll 8~1l){T f;ot:!ll)ii vo I csfvor€[ I [
91Ia~T~11 ~
R49 ~fa ~a OT)} That 49 slave50 of God alone &~ ~~' 'i!f<J0l~ t!T o1BTSO v1 RT(:l tF! ~ ~

contemplates54 oTH t!T fRHoo orOt:!T54~, filR ~ Hil sl ~3 ~

fq>1fT?54 ~fd 1=lQ 50 ftlg the Lord Master's
. 51S~grdl52 Htrel53 II Name, on whose forehead good 51
53 FrF.fCSI t{TB1iU52 fBt:fl ~el ~ I ~

fortune 52 is writ. ~,;.

In that5S CourtS7 , where the Lord Ill){THl B ~R55 t!d't:lra 57 >ita fiW f<JRTS-
. 11~55 ~OTf~57 lJg
: El::fT58 HTaT ~59 §'Z60 calls for the accounts SS , there S9 medi- f0r3Tt:lSI H'-farI)1T ;:rTt!T ~, ~S9 o'H t:!'

tation61 of the Name alone leads to fRHO~1 vla-e ~ lfWR1 f~ ROlt:!"O ~ I

; Of)} fQ'~rfu~el61 II
: 911 one's deliverance 60. *"

~~62 ~~3 SQ64 162 am soiled" with many61 sins6 ) of K'62 ~:3t vl iloW6s B ~fol)1i'1 I./ll./tll 1)13 *"~

65 myriad births'5 and with the pain" ~-mn3T'7, t:!l ul3" l){3 'ffit:!Oll'· 0'5
'& ~l:f66
;:roH ;:roH
~~H67 H~8 C50T~~911 and filth'8 of self-conceit'7. fBt:lf;3l){T ~~T" u f I ~
qrfa Qrfc70 f~t1'71 Showing70 mercy71, the Guru fHutlt:lTol'I OlOa
70 , Olaf ~ ~ tn ~ u'Gl

~fo t:ITH72 'OT~E73 batbed 73 me in the Lord's Nectar71 I)fpo ~UT ftf'3 TIl IJf~ i4-a R'-a RI-l874 3
Rg f01Hfal::f 74 l..fTl,f5 and all my vices 74 and sins 75 were ar;x,Tu 7S ~o ;j orE" I
OTt:reJ76 II ~ II dispelled 76 .
• fi0'77 & fere'78 »{'3fo 79 Within79 the saint's77 mind 78 abides R'rr77 ~ ).f(')78 >it!a 79 l.J.1:80 l.J.ifRo ~RPT ~
: l{~ J1l'>fTH180 ;:ro illo the Lord MasterS°
and the saint ))f3 R'lI ))f'll<! ~"1' H1 ?'f<JOIi!82 ~ n'l-l P' •
: ~CJ8l 'OT~ g;:rm;182 II utters 82 81
his Lord GOd'S Name. (J~IO(') 010t:JJ82 ~ I r
fi~83 >i3184 »{~RQ85 When 8l the last84 moment 8S arrivls 86 , t:Jt:.J'l ))fCfTo .g184 ~~185))fT 'dt:Je,86~, 3t?'7
• »{Tf~ ao~B6 ~ 3(l87 then87• becoming man's real Friend, at? pT J=f~r Wl3T 8' se, (')TI-l (JA el i-fl:f))f'
: OTUB8 or>:!: RT~~lB9 II the Name protects 88 him. Q' OP188 ~ I

: tl'090 fiR 9l
30' o Lord God Master, yea, Lord 9s God ii I{~ ! y'~Ro. ))fCi"~ l!ol:f. ?'fuOlq f"!.RcT'·

~ CJIT~f(J92 (lfo (lfo qg of the universe 9., the saints 90 sing 92 t? q'l)f T}.f19 5 , RTtr90 ~oT ).ffJI-l,91 Cll'ft'O Ci'oetl
~ (lfo fifUg 93 Thy praises" and meditate 9l on Thee. ))f~ 3~ fAHae'l J(') I

: 94 ;1aTO'~~195 II
~ tl0'96 0'0'01 a l{g
Lord Master, the Saviour 97 of
,~ Ta tf97 R~T)-(l (lH 98 slave 96 Nanak, save'oo Thou me98 , the
~ l..fTl:Ja 99 cJl;!100 ~~tre12 II sinking2 stone 99 . ':"-.
~ 811811
~ cnH»iTo )-(J5T 8 II Kalyan 4th Guru. Q'fu))f'(') B~T tJTf3RTJT I ~
~ (l)-(olJ fB3"?n14 (lfo The Lord God alone knows myl i1~C? Ri~r y.~ <:IT Hal >i~? ftf))f,~i· ~ ~

~ l{~ tlT~ II inmost thoughts·. t:J1~PI j I

-~ ~€?CJ &Pl5 fit!6 O1ij If ~omeones backbites 6 the Lord's ;lQ'<1 &'i!T tl<!'s q))f'Hl ~ AIl:!7 pl (JA ~
(lfo tlO7 011 1I~ saint7 before Him, his 8 bidding9 the )){-aT ~~8'i!1 Clapl6 j; (JA8 ~ ))f'tf 9 ~ q))fll-ll
~ ""1..
-{1 3 TQlT8 O1f(l~9 f~01 Lord believes'2 not even a hit lo . f'i!CI ~OT ~o ~l10 fe3~Tol2 (')Jl' Clot?' I
j f3~10 ndt Hr<S12 i, Pause. of<:lcJT(J I

~ 9110~T{?1I
i ».f~olJ - Rg f3~rfcn14 Abandon'· all esle l1 and serve thou ~ <10 A'OT ,!Sll ~iJ ~14 ))f3 ))f'tl~ Ael~15

*~ R'~~ 3 ~B16
O1fo l).{B3
3rao 17
thy Imperishable's Lord l7 , who is the
most high 16 and illustrious 18 of all.
AfQo IiI)fTHl 17 el cfJ8 Ci'I-I',
(Ju l " ))f~ Ci'l<BlJ·fT(')18 j I
.l RTfo))fi ()T5~

~ gOT~18" --
~ Wo R~T19 3 OTTC2 By God's service'9. death can Spy 20 Jal el UJ I8 18 ~I)fra', ~3 ttl~ ~8 ~l:f20 3Ci' J-

~ ~f(l20 '0 RT& Bon1 21 not one, rather, it comes and falIs 2l at .
oar RClel Raj' f'i!<J I)fT & a-~ l> . ~ ~g2J

j »fTfu ~22 illo the feet ll of those who have realized 21 ~ Oal21 a ;::rTef1 2 0 I
~ -,::rr323 1/9.11 the lord.

ii·r'·I''f·......•...+ii...1'"'T'·I''TiR·-'''... ·J'i' '1.".·j··j,'!,,,,"r'·r"J"I''f'lI''"",·;,'~"iRI'r;

W 24 ~ arfl:f Hf~ Whomsoever24

my Lord wishes to fuR faR Z4 ~l HaT H~ ~T ii'ffi'51 ~
HoT !3:)]iTHl 3'0l€l27 protect, within his ears2', he 3; ~ -e aor Z6 ~ ~ FimJ27 FJ}{SZI \fI
I1H8 28 Bf~25 ti orTc5 26
II imparts 25 sound 27 understanding Z8. 3
ftft!TZ5 I
3T ~ &E1
l].fufa29 No one can reachZ9 upto him, with m ~ €rn'?>
- .
l.f;:rZ9 otit J1cW, f;:n:r
- ~
0" RT~ ;:rr 01'1 g(JJf330 whose devotional service30 my Lord 1{HH~ RW30 oTg HOT qiro31 3 I
HoT tl9 W3 31 I/~II is pleased3l •
ma &- B;:r32 f~~o33 O~man34,behold38 thou the wondrous 33 ;] ~34 ! ~ era Bl))fmfOtl'33 'lf~JZ ~ ~l:I38
· ~l;!38 ;:ro34 ;'t ifcT35 play3z of God, who, in a moment 37 , ,:j fEa )fffi137 f~ ))fRg136 ~ 0Cil5135 o~
l:f(:p56 f~or foHl::f 37 distinguished 39 the genuine 36 from the fi:f~ ~'e'T39 ~ I

T 39 counterfeit 3s .
l.l5 3 "
· 3'340 tf?)41 or€? Therefore 4o , the Lord's saint41 abides f~ gE140 J:!))fTJ-ft ~T Rrq,41 \{Ro ftJ3'42
• })-fo~42 9f~t)fT ~ in joy4Z. The men of pure44 mind43 ofu't=T 3 I l.It¥q:'4-Ho'3 ~ ~Cf.J I){T~
fa-e JIq44 fHH B~45
43 meet with their God and those of ~fml!~ org fHg ~ ffi') )){3 H~45 HO
tl~dTc5"46 1/ ~" evil 4S mind regret and repent46• ~rB ~o~ '3 1..I1=mf3Tl.I ~46 <:Io I
~H ~fo -e'348 o my Beneficent48 God, the Lord ;] Ha ~T3'cr'8 ?Tfu0!~ ~tlf'Hl }{rgcr! ~
l1l1iTJ-rT fu~ Master, Thou art All powerful49 . I flOS-ROI31wo'9 ~ I H' ~ QfB'51 ~~ fua
HTar~ -qs tJTFJ~51 ask for but one boonso from si ~T3S0 Hor~T <:IT ,
ma t!T350 1/ Thee.
· ;:ro52 O"Toor or€l vfa o Lord God, mercifully53 blesss4 ;] R))fT}-/l ~Tf<:IOJo ! fH\Jo ttTa' aU 3= arg5Z
- _. I

f¥tlT53 orfo ~~54 Thou Thy slave5z Nanak with this gift 0 1001 ~ f~ ~T3 al:fJ:l'54 fOl 3a 00 58 <JHgr55
: R-e 55 ~:n:rf~56 foe S7 that Thine feet S8 may everss abide 56 <:I1 ~ ~ fuoB 57 ))j'~ rca ~S6 I
i{fv ~fCf BCfT 358 11811 within his mind s7 .
orf8~To HUBT 8 II Kalyan 4th Guru. Clfg>lfTO em l.IrfaaT<Jl I
1.{9 0l1~59 f~o o Lord God, the Treasure' I of bliss, <1 i!R1 -e ~I WEr Utll! ~ Ha ~
fOWo 61
VH vfa have s9 Thou mercy60 on me, that I fH<Jo'O tl loS9 3T ,:j ~ 3aTI){t fR63"z 0I1ftJO
~2 OfT~~o1 II may sing Thine praises6Z• Clot I
repose 63 my hope 64 in Thee, 0 H' Rtfl~3 <:11 3a f~ ~H~64 8<11 ol:l~T <P,
v€t ~Hol ora~ I ever
. fO"d 63 >tfTR64 tlfg Hfu Lord. When65 shalt Thou take me in <1 iIl)iTH1 ! 1 H~ 0l~5 ))fTIRl 0I5~CiiJl"

: cra 65 018 66 BT~fuat II Thy embrace"? Pause. ~ ~'OJT ? OfUOT~ I

• 911aUT~1I
tJH 67 arfa0r6 8 liOT u69 167 am thy ignorant" and silly70 H·67 30T sRHS" )){3 otwo70a~I" ut , ;j
~>tfT070 fLl3T7\ child 68 , 0 Lord, my Father71 ; bless ~TJ-ft Ha S'SB71 ! ~ Hti ~ fRl:IH3U
AH~mn7211 Thou me with Thy lOstructions72. \{~ CIa I

gq73 fl:fQ74 f1:fQ Thy child7J • errs and commints7S 301 ~l7J, <Ja' liu37" ~gel1S iJr831))ft76
. ~f'8'75 f~aJTfo76 ;:rcrr327 faults 76 , every moment74 but still he is a'O't!l ;}, 1{~ 3T 31 ~u 3~ -eorl gore T79 ;},
f1878 ~f~m7911 ctll pleasing7' to Thee, 0 Father78 of the ;] ))fTffi.{77 ~ S TSg78 !
universe 77 .
Whatever BO Thou givest BI me, 0 Lord 3 Hii ~.
f;:m;sl a&;10
=. feet"
God. thatB2 alone receive83 I. ~Truill~ ~~g ~ul2 u1 H· UT~·BI83 <If I

For me B4, there is DO other8s place B6 , Ha 81 ~1, ~oB5 &-e1 ttl'6 ?)uY. f;:rij87 H' ;:tTB'
where B7 I can go 88 to. ROIT I

The saints", wh08' are pleasing'O to §u

- ,
~3" f;:ru§8' ~fuora
'?i -aol
gQI~tO unl
God, unto them" alone, God is a~ ~?iT'2 ~ u1 ~Tfuill~ ~aTT sorel ~ I
The Luminous93 Lord shall blend'S l{0lIfl~T?)9l l{~ ~~T ~ l{0l1f.{'4 ~ ))fll{i l{OlTf.{
their light'4 with His own and thus
f~g 1){~'t!95 Ola g~aJ1, 3 ~~. l{OlTR" f'e'R :to

both the lights96 shall merge together'7. 3~T f'e'"Ol-fHOl cj ;::rrc~97 I

Becoming merciful'o God, of J:!'t! ID:!e t l fHuaa'o"~. ua1 Hal fUlliTo lOO ..
Himself". shall make me love 100 Him. ))fltre! oTg UI g~aTT I

Slave 2 Nanak has sought the ai8 2 (,;I?)Ol ~ l!lli ' H1 ~ ~ Bl UC'iT<J 3 g'e'1 ~
refuge 3 of the Lord's threshold4 ))f3 ~<1 l! lli TH1 <11 ~R B1 gf;:r))fT5 Cf~T I
and He, the Lord, shall protect his
Kalyan Bhopali afg))fTO jWB1
4th Guru. -a"i1 wf3F.1TU1

There is but One God. By the True ~'f\Ja.rn a~s fuct 3 I s:N -a.!'Ot Bl Bre))fT
Guru's giace, is He obtained. ~))floT, ~\J l{Tfu))fT itTB' 3 I
o LordI Master 12, the Primal Beingt 5 ))f1't!1 l!0l:f' !))f~ st~l ~'fuill~7, Rlf\Js 8
and the Supreme God 7, Thou art the H'sa 12 , ~ t[l:f3' trcl Q'OC'i ~'5TIO ~. I
Dispeller lo of sorrows'.
o GO(\2I, the ocean" of peace 16, from ci ))flaTH 16 ~ Rl:fBCfI7 ~'f\J~~21 ! ftfR ag- •
whom every" of Thine devotees l4 aa Wall lliClCJratl '4 Hor~15 uc'i; ~ f~lliT(')cr1l
begs IS, thou art a OOat10 to cross the RWo ffii~19 U'Cf aaC'i s'e'1 rea tf\Jlt.f20 ))f3
m+mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm·1>mmmmmmmmmm+wwmm.J,mmmwmwmwwww d,wwmmmmmwwmmmmm·J,mwmmmmmm·J,40mm404>40w.

wa21 f~3TH"i22 II ct II dreadfuJl8 world ocean" and the HoRT l!d'o O/d'o ~T8T H180/
~' I OfJa'T~ I I':~.
ooT~1I wishfulfilling jeweF2. Pause.
tfto23 Bf~T824 o Lord 27 God 28 , the support26 of <i Qd'3125 B Ili TRa 26 1li3 I){'8H 10 B HT80111 !
25;:rOTBTR 26 BHBa 27 the earth 25 and the Master]1 of the l!I){THV 7 ~Tf<J0l~18, ~ HRO/lol 2] 3 fHJa''i'l To 24 ~
ur028 »{30':FHJ29 univene10 , Thou art merciful 24 to the 1li3 R8 f tlll){l ;:Pco<Jro 29 I v' >C-
- 3°alfa~~31 II meek H as also the knower of inner I;-

fee Ii ngs . ~
332 fo09€l33 f;:ro They 31, who, by the Guru's il Old'f B ~\.lBRJ7 ~'>fId'T 501Td'18 B ~al'° ~
34 RToT)-f35 fq);-fTfc!)}j T36 in,tructions 17 , meditate 16 on the sire H 1li3 Hl:fR 41 ~e<JTd' H<JTaTRH l!'>f THV 5 :1:
trraHf337 38t!"(JTfa 40 Lord 15 God 41 , the Enemy40 of ego]8 ~Tf<JOI(tl t'T fRHOo]6 O/a-e <Jo, ~<J32 ~- t
ofa41 t!a~42 II <=til and the Dispenser of emancipation 42 , d'f<J3 33 <J ;::ri'~ <In I ""
become free)] from fear.

43;:rorBTl:!a44 '3 "(I"o45 They, who seek the refuge 46 of the ;:1 Rl=pa 4] RIliTHlH ~ Wa i45 t'l \.loT<J46 B'~ ""±.
- ~

Roo 46 it >riTE "3 47 feet 45 of the Lord H of the world 43 ; <Jo; ~<J47 ~d'R48 fg1)jT?i0/ 49 ;::J(jJ3 Rlj"t'a 50 3' ±.
· ;:ro48 499~fofq50 those 47 persons48 ferry across 5' the \.lTd' <J ;::Jt~5' <To I .t,.
urfo 51 tI-a
II dreadfu1 49 world ocean 50. ~
9OT3 tlo T52 olf 'J;:J53 God saves the honourS] of the saintly ~TfJOlq, R3 R9:lI ~aRT52 t'l f\:iB ~l'i'1~53 ""~
ofa oTB' tlo ('iT('i ex persons 51 , 0 slave Nanak. The Lord, al:it'T~, 5 a1i5 oToa' RIliTH1 :l:1t' <J! t?OT ~
, - - - u

ShOWtlS 55
>rfTflJ ofo f~lP S4 of lIimseif, His ~3 ;;fllIe! af<JH3 54 f05T~a aC'i:,,55 ~ I
~55 11:<11 9.11.911 bt'nedictionH on them. or:-

olQf exf8)}jTQ: Rag Kalyan CJTdl 0/f8'>f'0

HoW l.I urq <=t 5th Guru ti;::J~l \.lTf3R T<Jl
/l or:-

9. g Rf3ajo tLRTfB II There 15 but One God. By the True ~Tf<JClN &~8 feO/ ~ I Rtl Ola l t'1 t'f\:'>fT ~
gracI:, is He obtained. ~'>fr(F €t<J \.J'ft''>f T;::JTt'T ~ I
oHra 56 Eo fcroll lS7 My Master, hless 58 Thou me 56 wi til H~ Wc~a ! 't Hil 5' €t3 f\:<J fH<Ja 57 Q Ta 58 I or:-
· crT~58 II this men:y57. tE-

>1ffg59 Hor-a-B60 Boo61 That the black-bee 59 of my mind may fa Hi} ftr3 tiT ~8T59 3<l cl~s'2 Qa" ~ ~ ~
: exHB62 fR~63 HQ over and ever again 64 remain attached 65 Rf<Jt'60 0'863 H3 1i3 &'4 Bf3I){T'5 a<J I ~
· ~fa ~fa64 oT~6S 11911 with 63 the honey60 of Thine lotus"
oor~11 feet 6'. Pause. or,.
>riTo66 tlH T67 I have no concern68 with any other66 HaT fO/R 5aR 66 \.l'Cl'7 0'8 ffilT'B"6I o<Jl, ~
· exT;:t68 0 cr~~ water 67 . 0 God; bless 71 Thou me, 5 ~Tf<J(jJCJ ! 3 H' lIlI15 70 ii '>fTlfi ('iTH-\.lTel ~
til f\:O/ ;el69= y'~T('i71 % ,=' i
EIB69 BTf3 q 70
-e1~71 "<=til'"
the pied cucko070 , with a drop69 of
Thy Name-Nectar.
, •••••••+++.++++•••••••••++++•••+
~_ fi-rorra72 ~
c;J""I O'~I Without meeting72 with my God, I ~ ~uara ~ -. .
fH8<!72 ~ Sifta Hi>. Raa73
R3l:fT73 ilftl74 ~oRQ75 am contented73 not. Nanak survives" O(W »il~BT I oroii ))fTlii 'if){'Hl BT ~letCl75
OTO~ tft~77 1I~lIctll by seeing74 His Lord's vision75. ~~74 ~»i!CJT (Jl m~~,77 ~ I

orf8»fTo H(JW LI II Kalyan 5th Guru. crrn»i'O lJiR't lItf'3at(Jl I

t:rrftJ~78 O'>:f ~79 Thy mumper78 , 0 Lord. asks and begs 30' Hm3T78 , ~ w~l' ! 30t OTH (Jl HorBT79•
;::rre II for" Thy Name. »i3 5-e~t ~ I
ROaSO uTa SI ROS Io-a Thou, 0 Lord art the sUpport81 of ~ ~ Rt~l~ ! Rtf'CJl)fT'O BT ttf tRClt81 , R'fal){i' ~t
orfuq82 R1fI3 RH~84 a1l 80, the Master8 2 of all and the Ht5C181 »i3 Rrij84 ))fTCI'H U ~ ~tgt84 ~~ I
- '"'
-a ~385 II ctll~1I Giver85 of all'" the comforts83 . Pause. ofua'~ I
~ ~S6 ~87 Myriads86 beg88 alms87 at Thy door. tsT86 (Jl 3iJ ~iJ 3 lfa 17 H·CII~" (Jo, lJ.:~
~8 w~ollJir89 R90 but, they receive' I only that'O, what ~ ~ a~ ~to (Jl fH8~,91~. if <Iii ~
~~91 IIctll Thou art pleased" to give. tIR08' (j ftf~t ~~ I
R6892 R6'8' ~ 0'4 men. fruitful'2,gainful and success- )jf94 fu'oR"O. 6B~f~CI'l! 81setrecr.ttf3 Am
~oR93 -a 9" uof~5 ful is the Lord's vision'3, seeing'S and ~ ~l' ~t ~ClRo'3 fttR I .i> ~l:fe's t ~~ t!))flCIT

. lfafA qro96 OJT~97 II beholding which, sing97 I His praise". H& ~ t!~ fR63T" CIITfuo97 crCJt!T (JT I
• oTOer 3398 '33 f~3 Nanak, my quintessence'8 is blended" OTOCl, Hat Rt'C!-ttfB'8 'ittf'Hl ~ R'a->ia oTg3
fH'Bl~99 tita tilql00 with 3 the Lord's quintessence and my »i'ij~ (j fall)iT" ~ l)f3 Ha Ho BT tt~(Ja'OO
f~2 1I~11~1I mind's jewel lOO is pierced2 through by ~ ~ ft/))ilCI ~ tt~(JCI ol'g k"iqttf' fal))fT2
the jewel of His Love. ~I

orf'8'»fTO H~W 4 II Kalyan 5th Guru. crfSttfto UiRl& lITf3a'(Jl I
Ha 8 Tc:503 oll R~ II Wondrous is the mag~ificence4 of the »i~3 ~ t{s3"4 HiJ t{13H3 ~l I Rel~S (Jl
RB 5 o~'306 HO Beloved 3. EverS refreshing' and ~& oaa6 l)f3 fif3 ~ ~ CIao ~'s17 ~
aofF RST II ~ 1I(fiJT~1I pleasing7 uoto the mind is His ~R ~l crlC13l I ofuat~ I
glory Pause
~~H HaR8 fRtJ9 Brahma, Shiva8, adepts', silent sages lO 1:@Ht, fa~til', ClCI'H131' l!CIa, ~1I iio13 10
Hfo lO f~Tl1 90113 12 and Indra ll , ask for ls the alms l3 oftbe faal ttf3 ree.: ' , Iil)itHl ~ fRHao 12 l)i3
-eTQ13 ;:U3: 14 Haft 15 IIctll Lord's meditation l2 and praise I". crl03l'4 ~l ~al3 Ha1~15 (Jo I
itcJT faT~Tnl6 fu))fTOI7 The yogis, divines", men of ~l
i3 16 • Wela~ol7 ttf3 (J;;JlCJt 6<!T
~18 ROT'8' reflection l7 and the thousand 18
~I~' RCItI • Ala (Jl ~m20 \f( e t filHCIo 19
;:ruf~19 3CJoft20 II l8
hooded serpent , all meditate l' on cra~ (Jo I

the playful20 Lord.

ay O'OOT R30 Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice" unto <1!i ttl »i~ (Jo, H& RTqI)ff ~a& ~aa'o2 I
af'8'ura ;:j l{~ ci
21 the saints who are the lastiogU tPBT (JT. ;l ,!I)fTH1 ~ f03 22 ~ (JH;rnl23 uo I
RB'22 Roft 1I~lIall
23 associates" of the Lord.
...................................... ~~~

m~ToH~L1 Kalyan 5th Guru.

9 (j W3arcJ URTf~ II
- .. There is but One God. By the True
Guru's grace, is He obtained.
~~ ~~
~t)fT6', ~ ~T ~ ~ I
fgcr ~ I R~ arat tft t!N

3cj HTfo 24 \}fa illa25 By believing24 in Thee, 0 Lord ~ ~ ~- tmrn ~~24, ~ JIt)fJHt

wf026 II God 2s , man is blessed with glory26. ~UO!i25 ! fuoJ:rro ~ l{ET26 ~ ~ ~ I

3027 ~o28 R?029 If man sees the Lord with his eyes 27, ~oro aw l)fluc1l)ft ~t27 ~ tfi ~ ~.
1:1~30 >iOT 31 .. >i-aT hr ars 30of Him with his ears29 and l)f~ ti?;t2' OTH ~ft srij J!c!30 l)f3 ~
Frcr 32 uTfo33 11911 28
utters His Name with bis mouth, ~l)f1gT ~R ;? OTH ~ ~28, 3f ~ ;? ftOTa
ci~T~1I .. then, all his body limbs'l and soul31are ;? RIf<J 9101 3
• 3 ~33 ~J2 ~ we YO I
in bliss 32• Pause. ~I
fu334 ~35 ~~ Here 34, there 3s and in ten directions 36, W34, ~3S
3 t!W <Jl fe&:~t36 l){t!O ~
f~fR36 of~€137 Ha38 the Lord is pervading". He is ~ruor ~ fa.:r,37 0 I UUT33• ~ ~ft39 >ieo

f3of~39 FfHTf~o 11911 equaIly40 contained in the mountain38 ~ recroR"° OH fu.:r T0 I

and straw".
t=r3 0l'3y41 3344 Wheresoever4 1 I see, there 42 do I see 43 fite for3 91 41 H" ~\f~ ot, W 42 H" l'l}R147
In::f~43 illa44 yacr 45 the Supreme47 God 44 Lord45 , my ~lfuar~4
-a RIl{T}{14
5r Il{Tt«! ~ 7;_ <Jl ~~3
uf~6 UcfqT0 47 1\ Spouse46 . .:rt I
RTqFrfOT "9H 48 ~44 Associating with the saints, doubt41 R3t ~1 RiJT3 oroo ~~, R~41 l)i3 ~4' ..
f~50 cre S1 ()ToOl and dread 4' are dispelledso. This is ~ ~ ttfgSO 00 I feu ~ ~~ farl)f1'3S2,
52 the Divine wisdom52 that Nanak
... fur»fro \1:< 1191\ fro:r t;!, oT(')o1 ~CJO Cifd't!TS I 0 I
utters 51 .
Ol'fg~ro H\}W LI II Kalyan 5th Guru. orf~o tf~· U'f3F.rTu1 r
qJ o53 o~54 yfo 55 Joining'2 the saints' society", the 63
Rf3Rol3 nTH ;:ra' ~2. msl'O Jillf' lft ~1
. 1)-f3t!56 a~57 II ora3 58 silent60 saints61 utterS8 and hearS' the cil03l5J ~rog~8 ~ ~~Sf~. ;':i for ~
1:10359 >:ffc;60 ~0t61
Lord's prJiselSJ , which, to them, is the ~1l!E'l ~uroS6 1iab5r" ~s ~ ~­
fHfs 62 Fr3 H~Bl63 II bliss giving56 meiodiousS4 musicS' ~S7 0 I O'fuo1€t I
911CfJF€!11 and Diyine knowledge". Pause.
fOT l)fTo64 fq>,.fT~5 There72, the saiots reflect6S over the ~a72 Wl! ~fuH-fort)f~ ~ ~wo~s, ~
).fT~6 ~7 Ho68 Lord's wisdom64, worship" God,
7; ~, l!0~1
- ~ l)f3 ~ ft!B"

ofRq69 oR070 Olli give alms67 and, with their mind68 '3 tiifl70 org fu'lfTO-Rfu3" OTH 0 ~71
111.1371 3~72 ur1.173 and tongue70, lovingly" utter71 the YO I fuR ~ ~ ~ orRHg 7J
113 ifTe7•
lfi3'ffi74 11911 Name. Thiswisc, their sins73 are 00 I
washed off74•

itcn75 i;IOJf376 ~77 Through the way7' of union7s with '~ra olH flf8T1l7s Bl ,;!OT3V', l:@H fOTI)( T3"
~78 J;lcrt379 swe80 God, the food 78 of gnosis77, the ~ ~;:ro78, a.roT ~ ~llea80 ~ llq79 1)(3 wel'
3aS 1 ~ ;:tll83 knowledge7' of the Guru's ~ fRHo(')83 d'Ttit· , I)(smtl)(3' I .
cS ~o

3l;:[84 ~85 II 8o
instruction , and the Lord's ~IBs2, f-ecr CJR'5 ifa ~1 R~ ~ slo
meditations83 , the knowers82 of d'f(j~ \10 I

quintessence8l , remain incessantly8S

merged in God's service".
&386 iif31!17fHfH88 Like warp8' and woof87, they merge8S ~86 1)(3 li~87 Bl HT<5~, ~ tfi ~ l{CilTJ:l"
iif389 OTOOI' ~92 in the Lord's light" and suffer not "ft?d' slo ~ tlT~18 (JO I)f3 ciel'2 3CilH16'O
~lj90 ('i ~~9i II any'2 pain90 and punishment", 0 1)(3 RiP" 0\11' ~'~, <1 orner !
~1I~1I411 Nanak.
af~ l-KJW l.I II KalyanSth Guru. crfHI)(Y(') tfu~,. UTf38l(Jl I
~Q'3 f~fu94 3' cft97 By what'4 way' I can I meet with fcrR'3 B.QT31'4 ~I)fld'T, H' ~97 OTS fHs
~95~9611 Him 97 and what'S should I do" to Rcr~T \JT I)f3 fuR ~ ~ \fU31 m H'
achieve this aim ? cr1'5 Cfai" ?
Some knowers of Shashtras2 fix's their Cit'l arR3d't2 ?; ;::rteO
r i 1)('\re1 fac31" "5 .
attention"on the Divine knowledge1OO; ~~H-~~TCJIOO I)("t?d' ;" (JO I H' I)fRf~3
hows should I bear' the unbearable3 l)(~at4 ~ fcrR ~tS R\1'oT* ? of~ I
state4 ? Pause.
Of Vishnu7, Shiva8, the adepts',
the men of silence lo and Indra,
of whosel 2 door l3 should I seek IS tbe
refuge l4 ?
With l7 some 16 are dominions", witb fa~16 cis '7 \lrf3aTul" ~. fcrR ~ af~a319,
others paradise", but, some rare ll~ ~20 fri'21 f~ f~ ~ \l-5 \11
one out21 of millions20, is said23 to afii5l)f1 0 22 ~ iNF.I'F.I ~Rl ~23 ~ I
be blessed with emancipation22 •
Says Nanak, grasping.26 the feet2S of a.Ii;:it ~ \10, R3' -e u-a 2S \leanK
the saint, I have obtained the Name- ~I)(Tal Ho 01H-~fi.l.324 l!'ll3 ii farl)fT a I
Nectar24 •
Kalyan 5th Guru. crf8I)fY(') \l~" U'f3a~1 I
Tbe powerfullO Lord is my ~ToJO ~ Hd'T f~29 R'lIlJl ~ Hal
compassionate2' friend" and the fif~-ilTo27 t?1 J!1)fTH111 ~ I

Lord 28 of my life-breatb27 •

OTOg 31 ,:jf'032 OI'fcg33 Delivers us, He. our Saviour38, of ofl::fl)fq38 ~Tfu01~, iJc31 t!ll)fi ;roll)1i32 ~
OI'Tcg34 ;:JTcg35 ~er36 recurring births 32 from wombs 31 and, E1~T~~ ~ l)f3 qHi:!Ol33 f~tJ RTm ul;336
fa'OTR~37 ~fo O~38 II destroys37 He, our sorrow 36
and the l)f3 H3 34 el ~T<J135 e T qCCU T0 37 ~ ,
<:til O~T~ II 3S 3
noose of death " in the Darkage33 • OfUOT~ I
'OTH uro13 9 Rof'040 Within my mind. I enshrine 3' Thy l)fnR Ho ";eo li> 3il oTH ~ fcC1T~e,3' •
-' 30111 1{g -efE)){Tg41 Name and seek Thy refuge 40 and llf3 301 UOTu 40 8;3eTili l)f3 a~m ~ ill HoT
: 201'42 HoT II <:til Thou alone art my support 42 , 0 my »{TRCJT42 ~>, <J Ha Hre»{T~T041 H'HC1 !
Merciful'" Lord.
>}foTtr 43 -eTo 44 Thou alone art the hope 4S of a meek 44 a~ i ill H~ ~ocii HRC11o.... lE1H 4J , el
>}fTR~345 II 'OTH A>}fTHT orphan43 like me and Thy Name is the ~He4S ~, »{3 30 T oTH ul H-a H(')46 e T
.;: --
~ H'Ofu 46 H3 47 II~ II onlyaim"7 of my mind 46 • 0 Lord. ol5H-ol5T Hc5oti 47 ~, <J ill)flHl !

3S fa'OT Ug f~ Without Thee, 0 Lord, I know 3a E1:aTo, <J ,:!l)f'Hl ! H' '!S gy48 ()<JY' ~
· <548 ;:JT'O II ... naught48 . ;:JT~~ I

.i Roa49 ='BOT Hfu50 3H Inso all'" the ages, 0 Lord, I know sl RTful)fi49 t:!!Oli )){eoso , <J Ri~l ! H' fl1cJ6 3~
~ U"GT()51 II SII Thee alone. ill ;:rr~ISI ili I
· ufo Hfo ~H~52 fofR 53 o God, nightSJ and dayS", I <J ~TfuO},! ! 11~53 3 fe~54 H' 3~ I)fTui fB'3
:a TRa 54 II s2
enshrint: Thee in my mind. f~~ fCql~'t!ISl iJi I

55illfs-e56 'OT'OOI' God, the Master 56 of the Universe s5 , f1Rc15s eT ill)fTHy 56 , ~TfiJOl~ ilY Hal ciiSH-
~ >}fTRa 11811811911 is my only supportS7 , 0 Nanak. ol5T l)fTRoTS 7 ~, <J OTOq !
OI'fcg)){To H~W 4 II Kalyan 5th Guru. af5»{T?) Utl?l' U'f3R'iJY I
· Hf'058 3f'059 tlTlof1>li60 Within my mind s8 and bodyS', l)fTUe! fe3 58 l)f3 ~il5' ~"eo, H' l)ITU<!
gaT~o61 II contemplate60 I, my Auspicious6' ilBl::fi 61 ill)fTHY e TfRHa?) qO~T60 iJi I
62 638l{H'064 When the Perfect62 Guru is highly6J ;:Ie UO?)62 Olo= uaH'3 ~R1'4
Ie - -
<l;:lre iJo, 3e
: g~ R-eT65 Rer66 pleased 64 , then am I blessed with H~ Rel?t's l)floTH 66 1)f3 HC8y67 tit e T3 fH5
- -
; OI'fcg»fT o 67 11<:tllo~~€t11 everlasting65 peace" and salvation67 . ;:Ii~Y ~ I ofuaT~ I

~ Roa 68 qT O;:r69 fRftr 70 All68 the affairs" are resolved70, by RRTa72 -# tjT5nil1073 ilol eYl)fi fR'.63 T71
; 9~ OTTfE 0]'071 singing the praises 7' of God, the Ol'f~?) 0100 ~l)fToT, wa" chf9 a'R tiY
72OJUTcg73 II Cherisher73 of the World 72 . ~~e70 iln I
fHfg 74 R'trROIf3 Joining7" the saints' society, when I a
Rf3Jl0l3 oTiS ~;3 74 , tR H> !3.l)flHY ~
u·g= fRHa 'OTfol')-fT76
75 meditate 75 on the Lord, 1 am rid of 76 fRHOe,7S u i , 31 HoT H3 78 t!1 liE 77 ~;376
; ter77 qT(g78 11911 the agony77 of death78. ii'eY ~
.- I
[4365 ]

crlo79 ~o Take79 pity80 on me, 0 my

Thou ~ Ha ~3 ofuH3s0 QTCJ79. iJ Ifij HTC?OI' ! 3T
.... ~rT ~ Lord, that, day and night81 , I may ;:j Ri! 81
1){3 oT3 • ~. 301 Cfu~2 OI'W~ I
>-110'11 _
af081 R<tJ2 II perform Thy service82 .
0T()cil Slave88 Nanak seeks the protection8] cnw8S (')T(')OI', 8~S1 1){3 ~S6 l{OI'Ta~7

Ra~3t83 mass of the Powerful84 and Perfect86 l{-~8S ~1 ll(')TuS] R3~ 3 I

uocr&' Uoo86 B~87 II Luminous87 Lord 85 •

- I::

af'W'iTQ H~ l.J II Kalyan 5th Guru. OlfEl)f'C: ll";:r~l wmT<Jl I
and Inner knower89 9 3
...- HoT »{3o;:r>-ft89
1.& Wise90 is my fRI){'<!T 0 l)f3 ~~ll){t ;:r~T089 HoT
;::(TG90 II Lord God. RTt'l' <:rol I
cmJ91 f~2 tr0093 Show" Thou mercy92 unto me, 0 my ~ Ha ~3 fH<JO'2 UTo", <J Ha Ii~HE9] f~f.I'E
t.JCJHRo94 f(')5e~95 Perfect93 God94 of gods, so that I am
blessed' with the Standard97 of Thy
~Tf<JOR91 3T ;:j H· 3a R~ 1){3 Rel~19s
~R~96 ~9711 True and Eternal9S N~me96, 0 Lord. oTH" ~ 5'~97 ~1 ~T3 ~ llT ROlt I ofUCIT~ I
Clllo~1I Pause.
mo fuQ »{To98 '0 Without Thee, 0 God, none els~9S 3~ 8T~'. ;J <Jol , <kl 50's aE~To99 (')<Jl· I
~~1 RHCJ~99 301 is powerful99~ my hopeloo rests in Thee Hol ~H~IOO 3~ f~B 3 ~ Ha fB3 f~B
))fTR 100 301 >-If'O and mind leans on Thine might 2 301 <Jl 3 T0l32 ~T HT<! 3 I
~211 alone.
Ro~3 l.l.R'T4 ~ o my Master, Thou alone givestS to <J Ha H'EOl! ~ <J1 RTfo»ftJf~Ej4 ~T eT3TCJ5
R»fTHl ~fu6 alP hearts4, I wear8 and eat9 that 7 ~~ I ~' ~u17 llfuo~T8 1){3 l:ft~r' <Jt, f;:r<J3T

Uf~d~8 ~9 IIttll what Thou givest6 me. Ol~

3'= Hf)• ftfer 6 ~. I

Raf3 10
>-18 12 "B3~1l3 Understanding 'O , intellect , wisdom ,
12 RHS 10, l)fO'E I2 fRI)fT<!lll3, l{~3111, 1i~031IS,
~W14 otr 15 -a-0l 16-tJOI7 glory 14, beautylS, revelments 16 , m8Tl){t 16 , (J(,)_~E317, ft'i:r3 I){ T8Cl l8 , RTal'
)-fT(!18 il- ReJSi9 Rl120 riches 17, "honour I 8, al}l9 comforts 20 , I){JoTH 10• ~RVI 1){3 !iO'3121 I11){THV3 ~ (')TH

~21 oroor tifu22 bliss 21 and salvation24 are in the utter- ~ ~TO(') 01'00 22
f~B ~1 <Jo, <J (,)ToOl !
01>-123 OTlf cm;))iT~24 II ing 22 of the Lord's2] Name, 0 Nanak.

Clf~Q H~T l.J II Kalyan Sth Guru. OI'f8»fT<! tf;:r~lll'f3aT<JT I
CJfa tJo'025 ROo26 The refuge26 of the Lord's feet 2S ~ ~ Uo t7S ~1 l.R)T<J2' liB ~ !i0l3 010
afg»{T027 Cloo II emancipates27 one. f~eV7 3 I

U9 oT)-f uf3328 The Lord's Name is the purifier29 of J!I)fTHl ~T (')TH llTlll1){t 28 Q llW'30 01'0(')
~~~29 11911~1I the sinner28 • Pause. ~T2' 3 I of<JOT~ I
R'QHal iIf~ foRoJ31 Associating with the saints, R3T (')TE fHB ~, ;:j ~1 91 fotsOl'JI ~ I)fTt«!

32;:JHcrT~33 f3ijM '0 whosoever dauntlessly!1 contemplates30 ~'fuCJE ~I I){TCJTtl?) ~30 ~i H3 3J ~


his God, death's33 myrmidon!2 eats!5

him!4 not.
l:{Cilf3 36 ijan337 Salvation!6, success!7 and
secular HlfF.f!6, RRlol fRtr:p!7 t)f3 ~ert!8 ))frotH!',
»ifocr38 Hl::f39 tIfo various!8 comforts!9, equal 41 not they, ~'fui!I% -eT flJl)fTQT ~trlf.fO""O ~ Wu, nur
gdTf3 B~41
40 ?) the loving adoration40 of God. triR 41 I
- ~
B" ?C5 II

Ug t!crR42 ~l:iq43 Slave 47 Nanak craves for 43 the Lord's i'fiHl 47 OTOOl l!))ftHl ~ -eaR0'2~ HffiJl~"-et4! ~
irFr 7 ?)T?)Cil ~fu44 vision42 and shall not wander46 again44 ~ ))f3~u ~ c}44 ,!oll)ft
45 f~ ti'era o.W I.
iifo45 ?) qT~46 II~II in births and deaths45 . 0I~aJl46 I t

CilfB"»iT?) )-f~B"T 8 Kalyan 4th Guru. erfHl)fTo \ltfT trTf3R T<Jl
»iRCtRl»fT II Ashtpadis. l)fF.JCtr~ll)ft
There is but One God, By the True ~fuOJ.~ ~~ fECI ~ I A-~ Olat -el ~ft'l)fl ~
Guru's grace, is He attained. trl)fTdT u t(T ~
'd' 1l::l)fT ;tT;:!T
. ""
<J I f."

* R~o i
. oT)-fT48 o~9 orH50 o my Lord48 , hearing Thy i Ha ~~l}f148 ! 3a 8-eo" oTH
~ ~f?) HQ51 9'1;152 II beauteous 49 50
Name , my SOU1 51 is tIl)fTQT,-Hal f;:f~151 tlOH ~o <J E ;lt~152 ~
mightly pleased 52. ~ I ~
~fcr tIfcr 53 nT)-f »i"-f)-f354 The Lord GOd'S5! Name is an R))fTHl ~lfuOla5! ~T oTH Ra;t13 aao ~THT54 ~
crg 55 )-floT56 ~oHf356* immortalising54 sweet S6 ambrosia!!, fHo;p56 ))fTf~:fu1jfT355 ~ ,-'Olat ;tl filful)fT56* .I~·
~ ~;l57 W;l58 11911 which one indrinks 58 all-too- trl)fTa
T f?oR
t:ll~ R3
fRtI 57 ul loPo era .
. otI~1I spontaneously57 by the Guru's c;>-er58 ~ I ofuaTtt I •
instructions56•• Pause. ~

CilTRC59 )-ff~o ~61 As61 the firc 62 is locked in 60 the f;lR ~t'l c!a;JS9 f~ ))(0162 ae~, 1.J.~
~ ~R3Q62 )-ff'El63 wood!9, but it is made manifest64 by €tu 1.f~1 ul fER ~ 1.{OIC Clae,64 ~ ;:j e5Ol;J •
Rt=lf)-f64 orf~ orel;l64 * II the mortal who knows the way'4 of ~ a<JT;J~6J el '!ar31'4 ~ ~ ~ I
rubbing6! the wood.
crT)-f ?)Tli ~ iif365 So is the light ! of the Lord's Name @Il ~t uT 1.J.~ -e Ol}f BY 1.J.ClTRTfal)ft" -e
a'5 .
Fra'TE1 66 3~67 cnaHf368 within all", but its quintessence67 >itra ~, t(-~ -el fi:itlH3'8 aTur ul
CilTf~ B"e1~9 "9/1 is found 60 through the Guru's fER -e r ~ua'7 trrful)fT ;lter'O ~ I
The body has nine doors70 but ~ ~ i· ~l)fra70 un t(-~
f6Clw71 ~ JI~
insipid71 is the relish of all the nine ~ uT trl)fTfol)ft e' I feu eJRt tIl)fTQT u1 ~
doors. It is in the tenth one, that the ftlR f~ JIatn3 Clift') ~7l n 'H->i-ll!37J
immortalising75 Nectar73 trickles74 . Ctlere,74 ~ I
. . . . . . .w•••••••••••+ ••••••++••••+•••••••+.+••••••••••++

~ ~75 ~ f~\JT Show" Thou Thy mercy75, compassion Ha ~ ~ »fT\.fil ofuH375 , fcrali T »f'3 S~gq
orfa76 f~77 <!!o and kindness unto me, 0 my Love77 , wa76, <J Ha 4)3l-/T77 ! 3T ;'i Olat ~ ST(!)78
m:rtft78 ~o 01179 that I may indrink80 the Lord's Name- oT<TI" A" l{~ ~ ))N~379 ~ UTn'O ~ Rat I
t.ftH80 II~II elixir79 through the Guru's word 78 •
~1 '001'2.82 ~ The body" abode82 is the beauteous83 ~lll BY fJ~12 f~er Ji~83 fl.r~~, fim f~
~01&83 f~~ ~~ Township in which the business84 of 'eTfuOl~ -e l)fi'1.3 t!T ~it- ~ro84 eraT
~o oJ:! 0l1il85 11- the God's Nectar is transacted85 . W~85 ~ I

03086 81'S87 l)f}:i~ Precious", the most precious jewels86 »f<!)j-a", \JCJH ~ ;R:ua86 ))1'3 HT(!q87
IafH5Ol' Rf3(lla ~89 and emeralds87 are attained90 R~ OloT t!l cf:U5 R~' (iT.ll" l{'U3'o ~ ;::rre
'8'1~90 IISI1 through the True Guru's service". :Uo I
m3(llq })fCf1ij91 niaJl192 Unfathomable 91 and Inscrutable92 is ijSr:u'1 ))1'3 iiit-afu392 ~ J1»fTH1, ;'i fer
~ QT~Q. m0 93
wara94 the l.o.rd, who is the brimfulu t0 03T t!' uoll!OC'i'3 m{~'4 ~ I R'~ Olot ~
sorfa 95 0l01;:t96 II ocean'4 of bliss. Through the True al'l1" ~ ~ t!l qHl-l'el ~t.lTRC'iT'5 QTCJO
Guru, embrace96 thou, His loving ero" I

adoration95 •
~7 f~lfT Olfa 98 o Lord,
show" Thou mercy97 and <J R~l' ! ~= H· 1OO HI1crlo" ulit<J2 W"fH:uCI97

~9 ~JHICO RTfcfoI2 compassion unto me lOO, the meek" ))1'3 af:UH3 oro98 ~ Ha 1£:U4 f'e~ l'IlT~
fuel itt!3 (')T)-{ Hfu4 sparrow hawk 2 and pour 5 into my oT}{ t!l reer ~l' ur 5 I
tft;15 811 -- mouth4 a drop3 of Thy Name.
W"81)6 gyg7 8~ o Lord6, dye, in Thy Lalla-red7 colour, l;j Ha fU))Ira l{Haa' Ha HO' Q 5T5 T ~U
3 aaro8 Wi9 ~oro my mind', which I have surrendered 10 5'57 am oTS am ~ f;:rR Q cl'ar<!ll ~R'3 H'
~ <no-~ll) II to the Guru for having it dyed 8• ar~ ill ~ »fot.lo lO cro fe3T <if~»fT ~ I

01}{ OTH 0'H 12 -afat13 o my Lord, God, the All-pervading <l Ha ~ y.01:f, J!»fTHl f'e))lTt.lCir ~fuOli'2,
OT314 ORIS oRfOl16 Godll!, they, who are imbued l4 with ;'i '301 4)313 oTS aarlit '4 <JO, ~ R~~ <:Ill'
cncer 17 f03 18 ~19 II Thy love lS ,
ever III tastefully" indrink 19 l1))1't! oT5" 3a oTH-l)j'-f'1.3 15 ~ Q[~cI7
in big draughts l?, Thy Name-Nectarl/;. Ulo ero~19 <JO I
URtI"20 A1f321 tftu22 If the gold 25 of the seven21 itcra 003120 -eR3T21 <:11 H<Jtt!lu t22 ~
~ - WaTo23 afu24 continents22 and oceans 23 of the stl{t!otu t!T RC'iT25 are
~24 ~qi \iu6 (N26

a\lq25 m l:l"affi26 II earth2ll be taken out24 and placed ~~le I

before 2i them,
)fa ~o a ;:10
27 My Lord's slaves z7 desire 29 itZS not. Hcl WmI' -e ciis27 fuR zS Q 0<:11' ~~D I
~:u l!»fTHl ~TfuO!i ~ ~ -e 01H "j'iH,.3
fumJ28 '0 ~<J29 They beg'O their Lord. God for the
.<Jfo HTaTfu30 <Jfa grantU of His Name elixir". t!l t! T3 32 HQ[~30 <:In I
OJ]31 tft;132 IIEII
. . . . . . .iPi1i-',.."'I"

MT0l333 0034 lfOl35 Ever 36 hungry37 remain the m:fgT36 tit ~tfJ7 af~ un » ~aa14

Rt!36 ~-ij37 f03 38 apostate 33 persons34 and mortals 35 • ~ ii~35, ·~lf.~· tit ~JrnrJ8 ~~J'
~l:f(,) "9l:f =~l~39 II 'Hunger, hunger' they ever38 cry out39 • un I

w~40 uTf~ uT~fCJ They run40, roam nder about tJO_~~2 t! ftf))fTO" arur (tcJ
- ~~ , .
HTf~))ir42 '8"~3 4
through the love ' of riches42 and H ~ ~ f6at! un ~ Bl;I1:fi43 u1
~Ao14 q~ fsf~4S cover46 -a distance4s of lacs43 of miles..... mw44 t!T 6'TJmr4s '3 era~'" un I
-el'ft 11.911
~fo CJfo ~fo illo mo Sublime48 are the Lord God Master's '1~8 un ~~, ~fuaR,~. ~~,
t:J0 47(?3H48 f0ll)fT49 yea, Lord God's saints 47• What" ~fuClI~ t! R3"7 I reoSPO ~S! ~ ~l4'
(?tfW50 f30 51 -el~52 II praiseso can one attribute 52 to themS! ? HfuwsO l.lCJt!TC')S2 era Riit!' 0 ?
aTH (')TK ~'8"53 o Lord, take58 Thou pityS7 on slaves6 ~ tn: ! ~ aj~S6 oroq 3 fi.roaS7 tJTCJ58 ~
)}f~Q54 (') ~UHT55 Nanak and bless him with Thy Name, ~R ~ )){Tt.JeT OTH l{t!'n ClOt fim t! sarsoS3
"iioS6 oT(')q f~57 the likeS! of which there is no otherS4 t!1 cia ci~154 ~f~l)fT~5S our I
qol~58 II t II ~ II magnificence5s.
qf~T(') H~W 8 II Kalyan 4th Guru. erts»fTO ~ tflftmru1 I

cPH OlQ 1.JTOJ:!59 My Lord, bless" Thou me with the H~ IlIlfTHl ! ~ H~ a.rat!~, ORrf~~5f tit ~u'O
lfolj60 qolii 61 II touch6o of the Guru, the philospher's l{t!'O'! ere I
~H62 fooOTif HOo 63 64 162 was the meritless63 and li"2 C1I~-f~~3 »f3 f~s fnciw"
• )}ff365 'Glc}66 Mg exceedingly6S worthless" rusted iron". iiarrtsllfT cifu)){T ~~ Rl I ~ C1Iat nIB
Rf3qrcr tfTOB 67 Meeting with the True Guru, I am flm & H~ fucr I)f}fBcr UR3l'7 ci far)){T'8 ut I
oft~68 1I~lIo~€t1l transmuted" into an invaluhble
Bo0T69 >:f0lf370 ~~o71 Everyone72 longs forn paradise", ua cret72 afuF.r3", er~79 ~ Fi"~iJ71

Rf"972 ~~73 fof374 emancipation79 and elysium71 and ~ ~~~73 0 ))f3' Jftft~74 u1 »fruittlfi
)}fTAT )}fTR7S qal~76 II ever74 rests76 all his hopes7s on them. ~7S ~ ~t ~3 ~t!T76 0 I
~CJ -eCJR077 ~ ti078 The persons78 desirous 0 f the God's ia ~ titera" t! ~~ ~78 crfiNrn tit
>:forB 0 Htarf~79 vision77 ask7' not for emancipation. tif1"ffi')T79 nul' ~ I tR' t!' i!lt!ra tfl c}8O
fHfg -eaRo
f3uf3 81 .. ObtainingBO His vision, their soul82 is ftcr tit ~ itt ~I dtatf~16 ci iJft!llJ
HQ82 tft;:r83 "ClII sated8! and comforted83• ~I
Htful,.rr84 H(l8S ~86 Highly87 powerful86 is the elI7 ~f6'I 0 tJO-\It!lOll" t!l aarc;85
~ 9TOl
H(l91 ~8887 attachment85 of mammon'" and this lij3 reu 8af6'1 reowo 0 iJTB1'I Q'ar89 sr
~~ B'aft~90 II attachment" brands'o one with the fit!l" 3" I
black" spot".
•••••••++++++••••••••+••••••••++ +++....•••••••••••••••

Ha ~o ~ ;:ro92 Detached93 and emancipated9" are the \

foa51.1 93 ~
Qt!l:fWR'4 <10 H-a HTgCf ~ ~
saints92 of my Lord, like9s the duck", R"'q92, !iCJcway" m H'~t!'s, filR ~ ·tfg97
»ff~3 ~ J,fc5r394
f;:r~5 l:fo~96 whose wings97 are wetted98 not. fur-H 98 o<1Y' <J.~ I

, tli!97 (5 ~1~98 II~II

~~9 ~s:!100 The fragrant 100 sandal tree" is llOltJ3 IOO ~oe ~ fsoi:" ~ ROt..'1 2 ?) UifollfT

~WiOTH2 ~:it3 f~ girdled 3 by the snakes2 ; how4 can ;jf\!llfT3 ~ I ~C'iC! ~ faai:~' f\!oRTo fqR
fHffi~5 iJ-eQ C51~6 II one reachs and get' to the sandal .
3(1i4 tli'l.I35 »13 l.IiiB'
- RCft!T ~ I
tree '!
Drawing7 out the powerful lo sword8 9 1o 7
~~7 ~9 <no - ~ a<JH-ao t!Y itaOt!R3 3g~Ta8 '0
arai ~ ~

far»{TQ9 orCJTCJT 10 f~12 of the Guru's gnosis9 and killing 13 H' f?R oTC/i tlfuoY5 ROtli t2 ~ wa lJ llf3
~13 ift!14 011 15 and destroying l" therewith the 3EP'<J CfCJ ~14. oTH ~ "j-fl·f.3IS ~ 1.JTo
l.ftR16 II~II poisonous snakes l2, indrink 16 I the CfOt!T 16 <1 T I
Name-Nectar's. (jo

l)fTf(')17 l){Tf(5 RHW 18 Bringing l7 and gathering wood l8, One H'cs18 ~ fgl){T17 ~ CfQT CfCJ& reoRlo Jo

~19 ofto1 20 tn221 stacks20 it in a heap", but, in a f\!R t!T -eCJ" ~t!T20~, t.i~ f\!Cf !i<13 21
aR3'o22 ~RH ol'a1~23 II moment.2 l , the fire 22 reduces it to f~ , .
,,(ar22 reR i; RT;!' ~ R»jT<J23
- CfCJ f~"eY
ashes 2J• ~I
~T24 ~25 Similarly, the apostate27 person28 has reA ~i l)iooH117 qCJF.r J8 ?> 1.JOH24 a"tre 15 ~
- ... 28 gathered 29 very24 heinous 2s sins 26 ; but, CIloT<J26 0113 29 <10, t.i~ R3-OlCJ~~JO;:ft ~ ~
WC827 00
fHfC5 W q 30 meeting with the Saint Guru JO , he fHg ~ ~<1 ~T i; >iOl JI W ftft!T32 ~ I
- - u •

'" 2 11811=
-elft3 applies 32 fire 3 ' to them.
FJTll RTQ Rrq tto33 Sublime: J" are the saints, devotees and ~F.fC34 uo R3, r:ra'OT~ I)f3 R3 R~l.I qCJF.r J3 ,

ol~34 ftto l)f3fcf35 saintly persons JJ, who enshrine J6 the

fcCfT~'~J6 <10 I
- ~ oTH i; )J{Tu<§ f<1o~J5 "feo
0Tl:f qol;l36
II Lord's Name wi!hin their mind •
UCJR38 foUCfs:!37 ~39 Seeing38 the saints"', I have becomeJ9 R3i'"' ~ ~ ~J8, WliRoJ7 ;j fup~TJ9 <JT 1
FJTQ' ;:r04° M(5 mo happyJ7. It is through the saints R3T ~ CJT\Jr <1Y ~~ ~»ITHy41 ~ft:ll){T
~dl~lQ41 fB~;l42 II that the: Lord41 God is seen42 . Wt!T~2 ~ I

FJTor~3 R344 ~45 The thread4" of an apostate" 3 is l)f'l]CJH1"J t!T OTaJT44 ~3yl'I{t45 o1~i4' oTCli
<nas1 46 ~fal)fT47 f~~ knotted" 7 with good many4S entangle- uoll;Lo 047 ~ I f\!R ~ ~. 3T(!T49 fClR ~j48
cffir48 3TQ49 3'OlH50 \I ments4'. How"8 can the Warp42 be 3f~l)fT50 ifT RCft!T ~ ?
weaved so out of it '!
3~51 ~52 for~ His (cotton of) deeds yield55 no yarn 5' ~ ~ llfHgi W ?>ClY t!l ckY 3t!SI llf3
and thread52 of virtue. So, associateS4
foaR 55 (5Tijl FfTQ353 thou not with the mammon- 3TCJ52 O<Jr 55
focr8't!y I fu'R H~ ~ Wful'){T ~
thn 54
'0 arm II EII worshipperS3 • \!HTOy t!l Rar3 54 OT CfO I

~ o1~156 fHf8' ROTf357 saints' society, meeting and associat- f'1QT e')Tl? ,:j~_}fl?S7 CiCle') ~I)iTClT, IlWH1s9 t l I.;
oTl:f59 o~ft';=t60 II ing S7 with whom, the Lord s9 is fAHCle')60 0/13 T ;:rTtT ~ I ~
meditated 6°upon. ~

~3fCl61 CJ3oG2 Within the mind 61 are gems 62 , H0 61 B >itCl u1a 62 , '1~Tfu(F363 1)i3 He')ll)iTu ~

~uo63 HT(!,0l64 Oje

forol.lT65 366 '81~67 II
• .911
through 66
the Guru's grace 6S that
one attains 67 unto them.
emeralds 64 . It is ue') Cllo T t1 of<JH~s orul66 l{1~1 ~t ~

l{1l.j3 Ci'o B't167 ~ I i~

HoT oT~q ~~r68 Great 68 and magnificent 69 is my Lord HJl 0 68 1)i3 f~Al;g69 ~ ~
HaT l{~ l{HRd I ,;,.
~~T69 ~ B>1i Hl uH T Master. How79 can I unite 72 in His ttR B fHl?1l.j71 l);ea H' fO/A 3~i70 fHl?72 ""
for(j orfcfo fHHu 71 union71 ? i
~ n-fHl~ 72 II o?-
~ (')T?)or HfH73 fHHT~74 Nanak, the perfect 7S Guru, unites 74 oloCi, llCle')75 O!Cltr~ 't11, Hq:R 76 ~ HTP.iC(' tr ~:
~ oro l.l CJT75 ;::r(')76 or@' man 76 in the Lord's union73 and fHl?Tl.j73 l)i"tCl fHP.iT fe'-tr 74 <:10 1)i3 ~R ~ .I-

~ iict'7 -el~78 Iltll:<lI- blesses 78 him with the state of 'i~H;g77 :liR1 t1 l)f~RtjT l{eTe') Oi'o ft~78 t.-
perfed 77 bliss. ~e') I ~

orfHl'ff T?) H0HT 8 II Kalyan 4th Guru. O/fl?'li l(') Btl1tFf3'Rl<J1 I ""
"'-1 - ~

71 CJTHT79 oH 80 oTH o my beautcous80 all pervading GOd 79 , u HCl tleCl 80 f~I)iTliQ' ~lfuCll~79' H' &~P.i (-
( ..
o£ ClTlj81 CJ~l~82 II I utter 82 the Lord's Name 81 alone. RT'2l B e')1)-j81 t T <:11 tt"tJTCI(,) (joe,82 <:IT I ~

: FfTU fFU FfTU ;::r(')83 Sublimc84 are the saints, devotees and flRe 84 ue') R3, RClOTCi 1)i3 R3 R~l.j l.!oR 83 I :t...
~ 01&84 fHf8' FPg 0fCJ the saintly persons83 . Meeting with R3 T (')Tl? fHl? ~ HaT I)iTl.ji ~ ?ill? flil)iTQ ±.
: €ror 85 orlfl 11911 CJ~T@' II the saints, I am attuned 85 to my Lord. D fCITl)i 185 ~ I of<:101~ I .;,.
. - - Pause. >':-

;r386 R~87 The worlt1 88 and alI 87 the creaturcs86 , RRlo88 l)f3 Rl 87 't11~-;=i:t6,a ffi"-?> 91 89 <lo,

: ;::ror88 ~ "il3 T89 }-l(')90 that 89 are there, their minds 90 ever ttca i B H'1~90 ~H(jT'tt'~91 1)i3 fiil'01~892
~ ~H391 ~H92 orol~ II wabble" and wobble 92 • tlT~ <Je') I
:: f~l.lT93 f~l.lT ~fCJ FJTg o Lord, mercifully9] and compassion- 5 'iI)iTHl ! fHuCl 93 , 1)i3 ofuH3 OTO & ~ ...>'~:-
. fHcgT~0 ;::r0/94 'ErH(')95 ately. unite Thou them, with the saints l1~i ~ l'13i nll? fHEl ~ 1)i3 fE'i1 3~i '1aT3 94 rr

~ or€t -el;~·96 11911

ini and thus support 95 the world 9\ by 3= I)ilRClT95 ~c E'e1 "3= <1e')i 3 I)iTAoT ~96 I ;::...
- ... =
giving 9" them the support. "'>?-"
: aBuT97 3898 3B The dust97 is beneath98 the feet of all fHe1 97 RTfCl'li T ~ Da t <10 T98 ~ 1)i3 50T 3' ~ ~

-: R~99 ~l.lfolOO fHfcg2 and, from beneath, it falls 2 over lOO f'eu Rlfol)ii 99
<13'00 lJ'tV ~ I f'eR m!l "3= ~
- !
: RTU tJo3 3 oH1R 4 II a1199 .
Ro1l4 thou, therefore, in the R3 i ~ tl o i3 t1 ~lq >ieo f'eR(')l?) 0/01 '11 ~
; = -
dust of the saints' feet 3. (~4)1 t

~F4"l"l"rI"rI"R"R"R"¥iJ"¥"'1"iJ'¥'l"l'¥iI'il''l''l'iJi"'I'iJi"'I''l''l''l''I''l''I''l'ff'''l'tf-'l''l''l''I''l'ci-'l''I''l''I''l''I'''l''l''l'ff..:;r-·i·:;r-·I''~ ·ff· ff··f·· tf· ff· ·l··f- 't-" ~I' t~ 'I' ·luJi if 't-o !J'4' 4' If.... 4- ft' Cf' if tt'4' +' 4' ++ cp cp +++4U;
f ..
[4371 ]
~ .mm••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••_ _ ••••••_ ••••••_

)t(fa5 @'3H6 0:::

Thiswise, thou shalt become7 the fuR 31i ~ tr(JH5 ~, UQH 'it«! ~ ~7cIJt
@'3H '5~7 mostS sublime', yea, the most sublime ~ J1TCJT RJtr'a1 »fTl.fc!T fRo ~cJ tiat' ~
= 8 and the whole worldl shall place 1z its ~otiO CJijijfTlZ I
fRRfc trao9
B1~12 II~II head below lO thy feet'.
qxOl:{fl::f13 ;:jf314 15 981 The Guru-ward li' is blessed with the ar~-~RTCJll3 ~ tpll6 ~ ~15))f3 JIacl7
f~16 cleft
l7 l)iTfo l8 Lord's" blessed lS and sublime 17 light l4 l{qrF,f14 ~n ~eT ~ l)f3 ~zo»fT ill.

uro1 19 ROlS 20
90@ \I and the mammonzo comes II and pays ~R ~ OHa~19 crael ~ I
obeisan.ce 19 to him.
H021 -e-322 foOlR23 By the Guru's wordZ4• he cuts ZJ the ijJai el s'<!124 ~I)fTCJr, ~ ~ HH21 (afuH) ~
\Ho ~~ol24 ~25 teeth2Z of wax21 (of compassion), bites ~en foQH ~23 un, ~ or8' ~u Rl:f3
~fa26 tJfu' ufo 01327 and chl~ws2' the hard iron2s (sin) and ~5l5 ~ ~ HrCJer l)f3 ~arl6 H·er ~ ~ feR

~2811SI1 thiswise indrinksZl the God's elixir27. 3~T ial-))I°-fi.t327 1JTO iiCJ~ZI 0 I

CJTH o'H29 l1fOaKJ30 The Lord God29 has shown3z great31 J!l){'I)-jt ~fu~29 % Hij W asl31 CJfu)-(330
- ...-
a~31 oft))iT32 010 mercy30 unto me and I have met 35 UTCJl3Z 0 ~ W R3 R~ll33 l!aa'34 ~at ~
~33 U0l::f34 fH'8TH35 II with the Guru, the saintly33 person34• fH"8 fuI)fT35 \Ii I
mc536 - OTH eTH The praises" of the Lord's Name, I J!l)fTHl ~ nTH ell)fi fR63T 30 WRral tJTRt
! f6Rsloo 37
oft~ ufo have spread37 all around and the Lord ~g~i37 un ~ Rl)fT).{l
- % llcfi Rra ilUTn" ..
.fJOT5 ~e38 "1339 has blc:ssed 40 me with glory" all the I)f"eo l1.9'3"39 s~110 ~ I
B1~40 IIBII world li8 over.
Wq fflq Wq We41 Within the mind41 of every saint, the R3, aaQ~ ))f3 R3 ~ll ~ f~~' Jieo HaT
devotE~e and the saintly person, is my
t{l3H 42 faq ~ of~ Beloved4z Lord and he can43 live not fUltfTCJ~2 tn 0 ))13 ~ ~ ~(! ~ aiCJ ~
o Roft~43 II witholllt seeing Him. C1fu nul· ROle· 43 I
f,,@'44 ,,5"5 Ht046 As.... the water4 s-fish4' bears love41 to fuR ~T44 UT<!14S ~1
H'5l" eT ~47 1JTC!1
,,~ ,,5
47 t.{tf3" ~
49 50
water alone47 and, withoutiwater, it
burstsSO to death in a moment4', so is
org ul f'ulliTCJ47 ~ llG U1<!1 ~ W fuu ~
H\I319 f~'e' Ute ~ Ha ~150 ~ I Ell 3CJi
fl::fo "5 feo GfC - v

HCJ1~ IP..III - = my affection for the Saint-Guru. er ul ~ HCJT qH R3-ijJa i (')'8' I

HtJ T51 »f9TOJ52 »f9TaT Those:, who have exceedinglySI bad v
UCJHSI Hroi craH S2' !)f3 H-~ iiCJH un ,
~ fHo c} f30 53 RT1J lucks.!, yea, ill luck; indrinkss not ~u53 R3i ~ liat (~ ti<!) ilT (el q3S4) ~
1fo54 0 tfttt 55 II
"" .. they5ll, the (wash) or (dust54) of the UfO SS oW m I
saint!l' feet.
aeTS6 f3'RO"57 t=rBa 58 The burning fire sl of theirs, cravingsS7 ~cr56 >idTSI~m5'
el lfTfuatS7el m;el \itt}
'tJ53 om 59
Wfu is stilled59 not and they suffer (')ur 60
l)f3 WH CJTH' ~i ~ RtI1 f\#er ~ I

~~ tIOH CJ;r~ OfT punishment60 at the hands of the

Bli=r IIEI! Righteous Judge.

Rfg 31CJ~1 aCJ362 Man may visit all the holies 6l , observe l)fTeH1 Rra 310~t" Bl lifT3' ~ ~TR'2
~ '-
;:Jor63 tf~ me f~65
II -
fasting'2, perform sacred feasts6J , o~, lIf~3d' R~T ~o3'3 H~, ~_t[o'4 ~
OTTflS66 orrfcg "~fc/7 give generously in charitY''' and l){3 a-06'S fuB >iw~ OI~ ~ Rf3l){T o TR" .
S'1~8 II destroy" his body'7 by wasting" and ~ 1)fTl.l<!1 ~<J'7 ~ OBC ClO ~~",
dissipating it in the snow's,
~:I~9 3~70
CJT)-( But, heavier" is the weight70 of the y."-3.. ~'01" ~ ~;m70, qrat ~ ~1I~F.l71 eJT<Jl

oTl:f ~ qJCJHf3 ~ 71 merit of contemplating the Lord's ~Il1TH1 ~ oTH ~ fRHOo qOO ~ GC? ~T I
y~72 0' 3'lS ~lSl'R73 II Name, through the Guru's 3~73 tfl)fToT ~ 91
oTH B fRHOo ~ ~o ..
911 instructions71 . In weight1 3 nothing can r72
~ l:laTl:{g o<:lll.ftlt: I
equal 72 the weight of the Name's
: 3-;g74 qJ o 75 ~~JH Thine74 virtues7S , 0 Lord76 God, 301l){t7" ~0l11Y,T7s ij '2I)fTH17', ~T~ ! ~5 :
.. a~JH76 3 ;:rrof~ ;:r077 Thou alone knowest. Slave Nanak 77
~ <:11 tl'rct:!T ~. I aIH 77
(')TOOl ~ 301 <:11 ~

iroOl' Rafo trcrliF9 I' 78 has sought7' Thy refuge 78• 1I0T<J78 5cW' ~ I ~
~ tJB'80 f(l)fq 81 Hl(l)82 Thou art the ocean81 of water 80 and '3 lITe180 ~T RH"eo" ~~ l){3 H~ <:It ~a1 ~ I_
5H 3a Ol'fa fC(CJlfT83 I am a fish 82 of Thine. Mercifully83 ;~182 I fH<Jol:l~ol ClO~83 ~ H~ R~ l){TlIi ~
»far84 CJl:itil85 1It:1I:311 keep8s Thou me ever with84 Thee. 0158.. cJl:1 8S I ~
C(fcg)){ro H~W 8 II Kalyan 4th Guru. Olfgl){To ~1l11lrf3'f.P<J1 I ~

CJT)-fT86 CJl-f CJTH87 tfil88 I worship88 only the All-pervading86 H~ ~~8 Rol:l-f~t)jTlIor86 l!l){TH1 ~Tf<JON87 B1 ~
Ol'CJlil 'I = Lord God 87 • ~lfTBoT 0l0t:! 188 <:If I ~
H(289 3 Q90 )){CJfU91 Surrendering'l my sOIlI89 and body'O, l){Tlfe1l){T3HT89 l){3 ~<J'o ~

QCJ(j92 R~ ~ CJJ:!93 I place r2 them all before Him and, H~ ~ot R~R ?:; ~R ~ H<]'ij 0l:1t:!T92 <JT 3 :
qJCJm394 fOPJiTQ95 through the Guru's teachings'''' qrot -~ €t1l~B;4 ~T<Jl
H: l){'il-l3He19J i!.<JH ~
f~;itil96 II ttll~r(?11 implant" I the Divine fort)j T3's?:; l){TlIi >it:!o tior1 OloeT" <Jt I
ambrosial 93 i:
... - knowledge'S within me. P a u s e . · :
a~H97 OTH or~98 The Lord's'7 Name is the tree lOO and '-rt7 t:!T oTH fl:lo~IDD ~ l){3 ~or1t)jt91 fuR ;
· Rrl:f 99 3a-;gCJ100 [032 virtues 98 its branches". Picking 3 B1l){T cf<Je1Il1t9t I ~orlll1T ?;
. ~3
- 4 Be -
~. ~.:....
B'fo3 Bfo u;:r4 and gathering up the virtues, I ever 2 H· Rt:!1'i 2 <J1 €tC'iT ~1 ~lIT'f.fOT ClOt:!r <JT I ~
Ol'CJlill' - = worship" them.
))(T~:n.t5 B~6 ~€l7 ~ The Luminous' Lords is the y'orT'f.f~To' l.ft.s HCiB1 ~<J' ~ l@l'f.I 0100 ~gT7 ~
• )ooSr::7u8 ::rfp' ~9 Illuminator7 of the human soul8, ~ I H oo fllll1 To' oT5 3. €tR B1 ~lIiBoT ora I tt
· ~1~V~a1'R ~1~/1 CI'YI With utter Jove', adore thou Him. * ~
~orl0 ~fu12 Rg Immaculate lS in l4 the entire world 13 \Jf~3dI5 ~ Rra i«Jro u f~B14 f~Blo~oIO ~
i1cIT'3 lffyl4 R;0Iffi1S is the man.of discorniog" intellect". ",,,..",.,.., r"""", I 'i'>l'>il ". r"3O".1
.~~ ••••••~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••4i••••••••••••••+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++J

f~16 fum'o O~17 Retlecting" over and contemplating ~ ))f~JTQn Cil'd'n t!l)(lCfT, ~iJ )){"fJ.f317 lJTO
tit~18 II the Lord, he indrinks l8 the Nectar l7 . ~11'~1
cncr tffiRTfu 19 ~20 Dedicating22 this sou1 21 to the True l].fTueT fuo fiftSV' IftJ OlClT ~ RHaUn ~Cl22
U~23 Rf3(110 ~ Guru and by the Guru's grace", I ))f3 aro
- T t!"T
t!"fl:!))fT" t!"1)f1~. Hi; nTH Bl
f~ HQ21 'ffi;l22 11:<11 have attainedU unto the Name ~5320 lf1l3 ~ are1 23 ~ I
wealth2o .
foO~24 Invaluable 24 and supremely2S ~Jj8T24 ~ UOH 25 liac 27 ~ lll)jlHl t!"1
ti}ij26 01&27 sublime27 is the Name diamond 26 of OTH HTe~26 I fl:!R ~~ OT"8, Hn t!"T H~~
ftrol;128 II the Ll~rd. With this diamond, the .
f~fo))fT ~T28 ~ I

mind'!. diamond is pierced through28•

Through the Guru's word 32 , the - T t!"l
oya sre13° .
~~W , HO'))fT ti~iJaT29 <J w-eT
mind becomes the jewelIer29 , which ~, 'fi fGa ~TfiJa.I~ ~~ ~ trCl:f ~t!"131 ~ I
then, assays31 God, the diamond.
As Butea frondosa38
becomes part fuR36 ~T uwu 37, futm t:!' ))f"oy uT ~39
and parcel" of the Ficus religiosa37, ~T ~ reR 3CJt
u uT Rf3R"a1332 oT533 tiS
~ _
34 ,
similarly, meeting'" with33 the saints' lfC!T tts;reJ5 ci ~ ~ I
society32, one becomes sublime35 •
The mort al'f2, within whom. the ftiR til~42 ~ ))f"t!"C ~ ~ OTH t!"l ~aitft44
fragrance.... of the Lord's Name ~Rt!"145~, ~ Rtfa))ft ~at40 f~~' UCH
abides 4s , becomes the most sublime43 1i~3 1:ll ~\'t:!' ~ I
amongst41 men40•

fOOH'5 f~6 The body tree, that does" good Rola ~ fsCf& 'fi Uli-a41 1Jf~3C))f3 UT~046
OfCJlf'7 ~y48 ~9 many48 pure and immaculate46 ))fHS47 ~HT~'t!"t49~. ~R ~ Il))iTHl ~ fAHan
f03 50 ffTl:fT51 mft52 deedso47, everso puts on53 the green52 ~T Rt!"1~50 ul ualtt{f52 cfuC!lI)jtSI
tel;l53 11 boughs54 of the Lord's meditation. fOCffit!"l))itSJ un I
lJOli54 ~~55 ~56 The Guru has instructedS8 me, that CJ.!O~~ til ~ H~ t!"CRT fea Ts8 ~ for fl:!R fsas
~fcr fOT>,flQ57 faithS4 is the tlower55 and gnosis 57 the ~ ~HT054 yallSS ~ ~Q57 H~TS6 ~ l)f3

ST~60 ;:(fat 61
tft;l62 II
. fruitS6 of this tree and it blesses62 the
world" with scentS9 and
tJUTO'l i; RarQ1 59 ~ m:tS'0 SmJt!"162 -
fragrace60 •
~cr tlf~ ews The One Luminous Lord" alone65
abides67 within my mind" and the
~~5 fucr l.l~1JRTO l.l~63 ul H-a fa~6
Hfo66 ~)){T'7 R9 ))f"~ ~-eT67 ~ ~ a~ t"fIo~ Ril:!i'6I

~mrs ft:!Rfe 69 f~01- Crea,tor-Lord61 alone is seen" til Rlfal)jt )J{~ ~'" ~ \
cft~ II
amongst all. i
J)fT3)-{70 crTij71 Rs72 The One All-pervading? I lou170 is fucr RC5S-~71 lu70 u'l ~la7Z im73 I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+•••••+++++.+••

~~ ~ II Frij 73 spread73 an 72 over. Everyone78 <it!'T 3 I iTcJ71 ~t!'T ~ ~ Qat74 ~o75 ))(TllC!T

Bo074 3'<5 75 places77 one's head 76 under75 His RTR 76 "8l:lB,n 3 I

: -e-l~77 II EII feet 7",
~ oTH fao T (')OfZ79 0080 The men80 without the Name 100k81 ~Cil'_~7t 'S<n~1 un re6A1(,)1O (')TH -e
,B"l::f~81 f30 82 UlfR"83 like nose-shom79 persons. Gratingly83, do I eras83 , eras cl ~ nT~ un,
UlfR" OT Ci ~~1~84 /I and gratingly are chopped off8" theirS1 ~12 -e <SOT I
wcr385 ooS6 »fiJ~To187 The apostate 8S persons86 are called'8 l){trcJHlIS lftJ~ H~o'7 ~ ;:treel un I (')TH
87 -e a'~' 'S~H'CflI9 0 ~ ~T ftfffiJil'o
Ol~l»ff0 88 faQ OT~ the egoists . Without the Name, I

foar 89 ;:rl~1~90 II.?II accursed 89 is their life90•

... -
;:ra C5dJ91 RTlJ92 FfTll As long as" there is breath92 and ;:rg 3iet91 3a fa3 ,,(;;ro93 WtJ92, ~ 0
Ho l>f3fa 93 3~4 life inUthy mind, that long, hurriedly94 ~ 3~ ~ ~0394"3 ~, uT ~

~aT'595 Rof0 96 and quickly9S, seek97 thou thy Lord's l{1 ~ 1.l~<J96 596 I
llcrl~97 II refuge 26.
orocr f~lfT98 ~ur o Lord, show" Thou sucb mercy98 <1 H"SCil'! ~ O'C'iOT ~ ~m f).rmr9l, ~
. arfo qra~99 H RTtT and Compassion unto Nanak, that he ofuH3 trra" fOT €tJ ~ tit aa R3T-e
tJ'oolOO uJtit 2 Ilt:1I8~ may ever wash2 the feet lOO of Thine 00 100 if~2 05 I
orf8»fT o H~W 8 II Kalyan 4th Guru. af'S'l){T(') \ilil 1JTf3J:rrtit I
. CJTHT3 H RT(f Boo o my All-pervading God 3, I ever <J HCJ m;a-f~l)fTl.lCil' ~rf.:rc!l~J, W J:Rl~ tit
: g~1~4 /I '"' wash" the feet of Thy saints. -aa R3i' -e 00 q.~r4 ut I
fcr8fal:f 5 ~~(')6 ~f~ My Lord, show Thou such mercy8 HeY ~I)fTHT, Hijo f?3 it ~RT of<J~ trra, 3 t
fl::f0 7 ,,:f3fo Hij OTC!o ii Hij l.l'U ft!'OT J1;J a'S ~ I
unto me, that my sins! be burnt 5
'iu3 l){"Ba
fcrow 8 or1~ 1I'i11 down6 in an instant7 • Pause. QftJOTf? I
HaT39 ;:To 10 My Master, the meek 12 alms9-men 1o Ha -.
H"SCil', HRClT(')12 f'9liroT 9 1.lOI3'IO ~ acJI4

l:ffi13 mo14 are standing l3 and begging l ! at Thy W l::f53. J.i<n~15 u(') I ~ ~~t 1.lOH 16

»ff3163'oFr017 door l ". Bless" Thou with alms Ill, 'eT~T('itI7 ~ :Qol8 wit I
~Q18 tl~19 /I those exceedingly 16 desirous 17 ones.
3Tf~20 3rf~ R o fo 21 Save me 20 and redeem me, 0 Lord, I HaT tril:p'I,20 ern, HaT tr-fl::fl){' OTo, ~ ~1)I'H1 r
l{~ »f~ H ~ have sought Thy protection21 • H' 3aTl.l(')T<J21 ~ 0 I~ Ha l){ea CIlat ~

OjoHf3'22 oTl:f Implant23 Thou within me, the Guru's ~tH~a22 ~ l){Tl«! O'H ~ l.l0T' qaD I
f-e-~lit23 11'\11 instruction 22 and Thine Name.
cr~24 orijg25 00r026 Very-powerful21 are lust24 and a;j a'S~(')2' u(') afu~32" ~ au 2S @U-e
Hfu27 Ra-gT28 fo3'25 wrath 25 in27 the body township26. flis'2' ~27 I OTHOOTRt30 aa, <JHJ:rt2t tit H'

(lfo ~fo30 Gettingready30 ever29 wage I war31

c«Jl~ II with thero.
>ioitCfTQ32 ao~ oftf33 Making me Thy own32, save33 Thou I)1T~T foil ~32 ~ c}, 3. Hal ij-FtiI)1TJ3 era.
~~- aro - tror
or~35 II~II
. wre me, 0 Lord, that, by the grace of the
perfect34 Guru, I may drive 3s them
iJ R~l~

-. -
H~ fu)i ?;
I 3i ii lia034 CIlaT 'el t:!fu))fT
sr<Ja3S cr~ ft:!l)1i I

>i3fu 36 l'JiOTfo37 RSg38 Within36 me is strongly39 raging the Ha ))j~36 urui40 e1 i.JSOeR3J8 )){'or39 sg31 37
))ff339 faflf))fl40 ~1
RE~2 ~~3 (fia
powerful 38 fire87 of sins40 • 0 my
Lord, b14~ss44 Thou me with the icy4'-
<J1 H'e a<J1 ~ I iJ Ha RI)tTH1
~aiJT1 c5~1"2 aras~l41 SJ:fa 4., 3 i
--it re<J
! 3 Hi; sa6"
tffil44 II cold42 Guru's word43, that it may be ;:rr~1
3fo 45 Hfo46 Rtf347 My body45 and mind46 are absolutely48 Hal ~<J"5 ))f~ f\f346 ua~8 c5-e O'a cj 47 are
~fu ".,fu~48 a(fi49 tranquillised47 and being' rid 50 of my '10 3 ))fTuc-1 slwa14 9 ~ lS5 TR1s0 UT, H~
~50 Afl:f 51 ~~52 II malady"!', I now sleep52 in peace SI • g~ ))faTH sl ))f"ea R~TS2 <Ji I

f;:(@53 'Rd"H~4 f~55
afi~i ~57 re
AsS3 the sun'sS4 raysS5 pervades6 alls7
. -
fim 3a iS3 Rail e1))ft54 a1)1T~iS5 RT(11)1iS7
58 the plaa-.ss8, so is the Lord contained6o
in all tb,e hearts s9 .
~58 ~ea f~T\lcrS6 <Jo, ~R 3Cl i <J1 R))fTH1
. -
R9 Ulfc url'cS9 all:{ RTfal)1t fegiSf ~ea afHI)1T cjfu))fT60 ~ I

~1 RTtl' fi.ffi aR 62 If man meets with the Guru, the ticra ~eT Jl3 j61 ~ R3 Cl!a~~ ;:r1 ~ fi..I5~, ..
~ 3a&3 f0;::t64
una saint of the saints6l , he attains the 3T ~ olH-IJi-fI-f.362 ~ ur 5~ ~ ))f3 ))fl1./"i
~ tft~66 11811 Name-Nectar62 and indrinks" the foil ~64 arf<J ))f·~a qO' ij re))fTU <Jl i1va6J
quintessenceu , even while sitting6S in il uro era 8~eT" ~ I
his own154 home.
;:r067 ~ t{lfaGS BOft God's sllave67 so loves 68 the Guru, as" as ~T ajgt" O!a~~;:it ~ fuR 3~i fUl)fTa
qJo R3'l ~69 ~70 the she-ruddy goose 70 loves to see the era~T'8 3 f;:u:r 39;i69 IiOl:lrao'l'o 9'ro71 ~
'Ral;!%71 II sun71 . ~l:{~ ~ fUI)1TO erat:!l 3 I
foa1:f372 fo"al:s She watches72 , and keeps on watching wal a'31] <J1 ~ ~tR172, ~l:{e1, ))f3 ~~1
ijfo73 Ag fOOl:it all the :night73 through and indrinks 77 af;j~l ~ 1)13 ~ Jiail (focm~) W ())fJtreT
l:!li74 ri 75 >iiJfq 76 Nectar71! when the sun shows7s his ~<J74 f~l:{rgeT7S) ~. 3t:! ~ Iit!rcrn76 ~ uro
tll~77 11411 face 74 . crael77 ~ I
cr.:iI»tfu"O lIYB• ~1""
JP>{T(')79 The cur79 like mammon-worshipper78
is said to be" 'orY" avaricious".
~""'379 ~ Wful)1T e T l.!ilra1'8

",,,,,1" ""li<»l. '"'""~ I ~ Hel" .."...

iRl3'1 <J1
••••••¥ ••••••••••••••+.+++++•.,++++++••+++••••++.++++++++.+++++++.++••••++•••+++++++•••

'9crT-R 86 II filth 8s of evil83 -thoughts84 .
l)fTlfO 8'»fTf~7 olOf~ For his own self-interest87 , he talks B9 l)fTtJ<! fott ~ ~_~87 B~, ~u ~1l)fi81
a~88 ST31 89 f30 90 OI'T muchB8• What'2 reliance91 can be cnBi «<JBt8' ~ I ~90 ~~ erl'2 3aRT'I erl31
f~Frr(J91 fop)o{T92 oif~ II placed on him90 ? w Rer~' ~ ?
Rrq93 RTO Hofo94 I have sought'S the refuge'4 of the H· R3T93 l){~ 'n tll-lll){T ~l R3''' ~l
fHfH 95 RdTf396 f~ society" of the saintsU ,
and the F.lCferal3'4 B~94~, f;:m ~ CJT<J't H' ~l
~fo 08'97 OI'Tf-e98 devotees, through which I have found'8 ~ Iti'i'l-I3'7?>
, .
3 TB fBI){I98 ~ I
crelB II the Lord's elixir'7.
tl'0€tUOfT099 ~Hf~1 00 My Lord 6 , bless7 Thou me, with the Ha Rl){Tl-fl'
- ! 3:::I.
H?l 1-11:114
- RTtTI){T
• ~

a~2 d]~1»iT3 Jjf~ society of the supreme4 saints and l){(lOralll){Ts ~l Rijf3 S}:fg7, ij 3cJll)ft ~;3T2 <:11

jj R3 '9dT35 ~f06 devoteess, who narrate100 Thine &erll){i3 ~ ~TO~IOO l){~ ciooT ~T ~
~ Bl;:l7 11.911 myriad 2 virtues 3 and do good to ClO~99 un I
3 »idTH8 t!fu»o{Tcg9 o my Unfathomable8, Compassionate' <J H'a ~UTU8, fi..r<roUTo' l)j~ ~T3T013 ofuH3 10
~~»iTIO trfal2 W3T13 and Beneficent l3 Lord l2 of grace lO , ~ 'il){Tl-f112 ! l){TtJ~l fClOW I5 ~16, ~ RT~
R9 14 t!f~l)fT15 UTfol6 showering '6 Thine benediction 1s , save l7 wfal){T'4 ~l -af1:ll)jT17 ora I
oN I7 ffi~ II Thou us a11 14.
Roa l8 ;:ft))f19 29;:rcn o Lord, Thou alone 22 art the vital- <J RicW !
&~22 ~ ul RTfol){i18 ;:il~ I' l)j~
~21 ec1 22 oT()cif breath2' of a11 18 the beings" and the 'HOI3 ~l f;:fe-wo 21 ~. I :i Hal, I){TlJi aig

tLf3UTH23 oro1~ IItll world 20 .

Sustain23 Thou me, Thy ?lTner ~l tJo~aJ:J23 ClO I
411 slave Nanak.
orfH>1iTQ H~gr 8 II Kalyan 4th Guru. erfBl){'O ~m tJ'f3E T<Jl I
oTHT24 ~H25 t!1fI0 o my all-pervading God 24, make 27 u I-Id' f~I){TtJ~ ~Tfua.!~2" ~ H~2S l){TlJi
t!lR26 ora1-R27 II Thou me 25 , the slave26 of Thine slaves. aifH»jT ~T aiBT26 a<!T t 27 I
" t:ra HfdT28 W'=!29 ~f~ As long as28 there is breath" in 30 my
il~ 3~·28
l-IO~ ~ l){~30 RI){TR"
-, ~ 3.
Ho »i"3f030 RTt] trf031 mind, make Thou me the H~ R3T ~ lliJi ~T (if<!) tiT (11;331) UBT32 I

fl.r~'R32 1l911cdlQI/ (wash) or (dust ) of the saint's feet.

ROl~33 QTO~ m:rorcrr Shiva33 , Narad, Cobra king and the fF.l~l33. nTO~, f.1F.fOTd'T I){~ lfTHF.I foF.l13 4 fl3 T •
Hf034 tIfo Rll:[ 01'1 silent sages 34 long for 3s the dust ~ lla i cl ¥ ~ 3d'R~35 un I
~m'R35 il = of saints' feet.
~o36 9~0 ~~37 Every house" and abode. where 38 the

ijiijiijiiji.ijiijiiji·l·ijiijiijiiji+ijiijiiji+ijiijiijiijiijiiji+ijiijiijiijiiji+ijiiji+iji+"'.,"'............ ijiijJ......i1i+.+ifiil

itfs ;:m38 RTQ'
Qclft4° II ct II
.. saints pllace"o their feet"
sanctified J7.

3f~1 W;:t42 ~~43 Shed.. 1 thou thy shame" 2, renounce ?; &!~I'

3= )){11.R"1 amt2 . ~ cjCll o..3 ?;

R9 3;:fl~ fHfs RTQ all ego" 3' and meet and live4" with 45 tra oro ~ ))f3 ~ 3T org'S fHB))f3 @ot ()lB
= - "
.. '" - ,. =
Rfaf'S crtit;:r" II the saintll. ul~4" I

'QOH orf~ oft wfo They will make thee shed46 the fearof' ~u 3a t10H tJ1;l ~ ~, ~ Btu ~46 ~
of the Riighteous judge and extricate"8
t1~46 f~47 ~S~ thee from drowning in the sea of
ilfuoot7 ~ RI:fBo f~ ~~ <J~ ~ ~ llTUa

m crelii 48 II ~\1 poison"7. ere ~a148 I

~fs53 Jj~54
- They, who are parchedsl by doubt50
are thoroughly52 dried upS" while
f~t ~ ~u50 i) R13 IifC)){lS'~,
<J~ til ~oS2 J;!Cl-R3 W~S" uo I Rf3ROl3 56
~u l:ciS3

fHf555 RTtI' Fi'far56 standing '3. Meeting55 with the saints'

S 018 ,!~55. ~ li~ \!~83 ~ ;:rt~S7 UO I
ual~57 II ... society56 they blossom forthS7 again.
31358 fSS}j59 l.J~60 Therefor,e5 8 make thou not even a ft?R B~S8 ~ ft?Cl liU3'o Bl "€Jl ~0159))f3
f~s61 0 oftii ;:rTfE moment's60 delayS' and sloth6l • Go )){IF.)R'1 OT oro I 'ill & ~ R3T ~ l1ol62 U ..
RTQ ~of062 sar@63 II and faU6:J thou at the saint's feet u . 'il163 I
'ij1}f QTH cftd3064 The praise64 of the Lord's Name is ~ -e oW Bl cita31'" feCl ))fHBCl65 ~R~66
~5 ~66 ufo RTtI' an invaluable65 treasure", which God ~, f;:JU~l fCl ~lfuaa i) Rrq, ~B'7 ol:ll ~~1'8
l.JTf~7 'd'l/tii68 II = has depc,sited 68 with" the saint. ~I
;fi9 ~70 <!Io HS71 Whosoever" accepts73 the Guru's ~ ~l "€JI" Olot
BI ~1'~170 ?>
RBI 71 ))f3
m3 ~'d'72 Hr8"73 word70 a872 true71 and abiding, taking RB1~1 Clo&72 R~ICllo CloBl73,~. ft!R ~R~ ~
f3J374 ))fTat75 tifl'fe'76 out76 this treasure, the Guru places77 cl-e &76 Ola 'ill fuf7"
_. -
~ Hu~j75
~l:l f"e"--e 77
Qclii77 11811 it before :r5 him74 • un I
~78 J3~84 J3?X'l HearM and attend to, ye brother81 , R~84 Cl'ij I .H~o 3Rl ~1081 R1tl-Rli1l
Cl'ij , _ 78
.. . _

;:ro80 81 <nfu saintly persons78; the Guru raises82 his \loa Ol~ 'ill ll Tu 79 URy082 & HClt \{3l C!01~83
orrel 82 $U'79 ~Cillii83 II arm7' and callsBJ unto men80 . un I
~84* »fT3).f85 or~ ~86 If8'4* thou desire 88 everlasting87 bliss86 , iiQld...• ~ l)i1llc:l f;:f~18s Bt!l RB1~117
J3l3 fo381 ~88 and happiness for thy SOUl85 , then" \!R03 T86 , l)i3 liEl Bl ~U~To88 ~•• 3B8' ~
3i'89 Rfucna ROfo9O enter" thou the sanctuary'O of the R-e lllot Bl a~JOT3'o ft!l:lf3))fyO Clo'l I
~"H91 IIl./11 True Guru.

;:r ~92 9'rqr93 ijfu If thou art blessed92 with great good 'ilClo ~ "€J1-ij'z "€J1Olt ~PBl93 ))f3 tfl:JH'" i)Cl'5
})ffu94 o1CilT95 3i fortune'il and are very'" virtuous'S, ~. 3B ~ Old t ~ ~ll-ea96 ~))fyOl \r~ ~ OTH
maHf'396 O")j then implant''' thou the Lord's Name ~ ))flll<! l)jBo l./Cll Clo'7 I
FiLa1 ;197 II within thee through the Guru's
, "' "'..ijiijiijiij,ij, ijiij 'i' ijiiji iji ijiijiijiijiijiijiiji ij,ijiijiijiij·ijiij,ij, 'l'·v·j,'I'ij''I'ijiijiifiijiij·ijiijiij..I·• • ij·ijiijiijiijiijiijiiji ...

R?l wf~y98 ~99 The love" of riches" is all too Qo--effiJ98 Bl ~" R'1i<J <:rl ~~~l'oo ~ I
faltli 100 tlOl2 301~3 troublesome 1oo; indrinking' the Lord's l{1 ~ <'iT){ ll-f-fi.f.3s lJTo Cffio ~1)f'or6, ~
R~4 ufCJ CJg5 Name-elixirs, one easily" croses 3 the m,ro z R'1:ft!o 3' II~o" <:rl 1.JTa \J tPt!,3 ~ I
tft~6 II~II world 2 ocean.
).fTfE»iT7 WfEl)iT ~ They, who are the great8 lovers of f~ llt!roat7 , llf3 HTfu>,.rr ~ ~38 ~
;':j l)ffuerTE18 f~fij' mammon7 or Maya, in mammon un; wful)fT l)(t!a <:rl ~ omR3' "'~ un I
).fTfe»fT lJ~ lJtJffi9 II puterefy' they.
"f-dqI2 Exceedinglyl3 gloomy l2 and arduous ls llif3"'a 13 tit .
lli~a,12 »13 'Q"OO15 .
~ lli'3HCi

Hur U§14 fa1::STl5 is the path l " of spiritual ignorance lo iJ::o.mlO t!T HroaJ I4 llf3 tI.'C!1 ~ FR~TI6
l)fijorTfCJ16 9TfCJ17 and the mortal is" ~oadedl8 with the t;!T srar QI7 wa l ' Cil3' \1fel)f,18 ~ I

Bfe 18 e;1~19 11911 heavey load 17 of self-conceit 16.

()Toer CJT).f19 * CJ).f20 Nanak, the Beauteous2o Lord"· is 0'0Cl. Jt~20 1!1)fT1-!1"* R'ra <:rl f~l)fTllCl \1
CJ).f21 CJ).f22 CJ).f CJrH 23 pevading 21 all over. Uttering22, and four21 ~ I 1!l)fTH1Z3 ~r OTI-! ~~ao22 lli3
'3 arf324 q1~ II reciting the Lord'su Name, one is fRHOo C«JO ~l)fror fuowo w CifmfT~ \1
emancipated ".z 'iJft:!12" ~ I
Rf3 arcJ f).f5 3 T25 If the True Guru meets, then zs , iicro J=f~ OIo~~ ;:r1 fj.ffi a~, 3t;!Z5 ~ OTJ-l
oT).f- ft!;rTe 26 (PH enshrines z6 he, the Name within the ~ ~g ~ HO »ft!o llim:J'110 Cio fu"-e Z6 un
oTH CJg fHffi ~27 II man's mind and he unites and meets Z7 »13 ~ I!I)fTHl ~ oT}{ 0'8 08 flffi 'iJft:!,Z7
t:1I~JlsoP 9 II with the Lord's Name. ~I

.9 €? Rf3()Tl:! OlCJ3T There is but One God. True is His ~fua.r~ &~ feCi 5I RtP 5 ~ ~r oT}{,

l::!CJl:! fOCJ3~ foCJ~q Name, creative His personality and o~ ~ ~l f~l)fCi31 l)f3 »IJ.{O ~ W
))-Jope; ).fCJf3 l)fitol Immortal His form. He is without ~ll I ~ fc(n. ~ol-ofu3, l)ftJOHT l)f3
R3' qJCJ t{RTft! II = fear, sans enmity, beyond birth and R~-l{OlT~ ~ I Olat t!l -ef~I)fT ~1)f'OT. ~<J
self-illumined. By the Guru's grace, lJTfel)fT "'~T ~ I
is He obtained.
CJTCH lJCJ9T3l fa3 TR Rag Parbhati Bibhas orOl l103T3l fa9'R
HUWCi 1st Guru llfuBl urf3arul
~~tlB tUCJ 9 II Chaupade ~~~
()Tre29- '3a - 3~28 By Thy Name1', 0 Lord, man is 3a oT}{29 'tIl)fTOT. ;j R't~· ! f~R"o lITO
o're lJf330 tr,:{31 II ferried acrossZ8 and by Thy Name, ~30 t:rTt!121 ~ 3 3ij OTJ-l ~l)fTOT <:rl ~R' tit
= he is honoured 3o and adorned 31 . reiE 30
3 €turao T c!tit31 ~ I
~ 3CJT aTu(!"T32 Thy Name is the jewellery32 and the 30T OTJ-l ;Ra32 »13 ;:pare \1e Ho33 ;!r
Hf333 HOfRB 34 II aim 34 of the awakened mind u . Hi5al:l'34 ~ I

()Tfu 3a '()T~35 Through Thy Name, 0 Lord, every37 3'a oTH OT':J1'..-J ~ \]037 f01R t!T OTH]5 l{fHtl ~
;J ;:rTt!T36 ~ I
l-f-3'36 Rg 37 ~re II one's Name 35 is celebrated".
f~ ()T~ uf338 ora~39 Without the Name, man gathers not oTH -e ~raro, ft'oATo t!1 or-e 39 ~1 re;;a
»f18~)8 o<:W <It!1 I
o 5fB' Will - honour!. ever".
)){~o40 fR~tt 1 Every other40 c1everness41 is a1l 42 a <ia 40 <10 B30lt'141 AIi<1 42 !O' f~~f43 ~ I
Rarffi 42 UT1l43 II false ShOW 43•
~44 al::fR 45 3 46 l.l0t4' Whomsoever44 , the Lord blessess 45 fHA forA 44 ~ l'1l')fTHll')fTu<!T oTH l{t!To orOt!T4S
~j ~~ -e or Totl48 F1l!00 ;J tlt~7 \10 I
~8 119110~T~11 with His Name, his48 affairs 48 are
accomplished 47 . Pause.
'()T~ 30T ~49 ~ Thy Name is my strength49 and Thy 30T oTH Hol 3 TcB49 ~ ll-l3 :3oT oTH <11
Name my supportSo . HaT I)ITAa TSO I
~a~50 II
or~ 3CJT gR~51 Thy Name is my army51 and Thy 3aTOTH Hal ~tlSI ~ 1)13 3a T oTH <11 HaT

or~ )j~5211 Name my sovereignS2. uTf3F.JT<JS2 I

()Tfu 3-a HT~53 ~54 Through Thy Name, one is 3<J (iT}{ eJT<J1", tll~ O(aB U tltt!Tss :J »f3 ~

ua~~55 II approved 55 and is blessed with ~A ~ Uf3 »fTa~53 3 l{;3 TS4 t!1 tT3 fHBt!l ~l:;'
honours:1 and glory54. ~I

301 ~a156 ~fH57 By Thy graceS6 , 0 Lord,

one is 301 t!ft!l')fl S6 trl')fTQT, <J ~! tll~ 3 3al :
1R o1RT~58 II~II stampted with Thine benedictions7 .
S8 of<1H3 57 el H<1a 8ar tltell 8 ~ I ~
oTf~ 3-a ~'ij59 oTf~ By thy Name, mortal is blessed with 3a oTH tIl')fToT, l{1<!1 ~ »f~83TS9 l{TU3 ~el
RTB~60 II equipoise s9 and by Thy Name with :J 1)13 3a - T <11 301 iilla31 60 ,
oTH t!l')f'a
Thy praise60 , 0 Lord. j l'1l')fTHl !
l')fTfa-<1tiJl361~, tll~
~ 30T >ifH361 Thy Name is Nectar6l , whicb purges" 3a r oTH filA (iTB t!1
fa~2 ~fo tlrfu63 11- man of the poisonu of mammon. HTrel')fT t!1 i.Jf<Ja of~03 ;J ;:rTt!163 ~ I

OTf~ 3-a Rf~ Bl:f64 Through Thy Name, all the comforts64 3<JnTH O'<Jl~. A'a »fTQTHH I)IT ~66 l1<lR -e "
~Rf~65 Hfo }}{Tf~66 II come66 to abide 6s in the man's mind. Ho f~m
fcor ;:rTe65 \JO I ~
faQ or~ aT 67 m Bereft of the Name, bound hand and oTH -e amo, ~nll)fi' oo;Jl <It!1 67 tlJH'8 -e
68ttH1;!f0 tlTf~70 II'S II foot 67 , the world goes70 to the city69 Rf<1a 69 ~ wel'° ~ I
of Yama,68.
oral71 ~a1'2 UfO Man's wife 71 , mansion72 ,
homen, ft'OATO t!1 ~'Icl71. Ht!a 72 tlT}{73, liBor 74 , ~
~73 BR74 II HO dominic1n74, mind's merriments7S and H~ t!1I)fi aoraBl'){t75 »f3 );!R orao ~TBll)it
orll){T ljm~T75 or1Bfu76 wearing 76 of pleasing garbs77 avail l,larort77 U'~TO)ft16 ~A
0<11" -e ~H

~R77 II RB
;:rt78 79 him not, when7•
the call" comes »fT(jt!Tl)lt, tlt!78 ~A ~ efa ~·H· Rt! T79
3i80 fm?81 '0 urfu82 II from God. °He then80 can make 82 no I)IT ;:rTt!f ~ I 3t!80 §<1
-ea18 I * l-
oroOl =- ora83 a;1
ijfu delay81 in departing and whatever 0<1)" BT AO't!182 »f3 ii ~oB3 ~, ~ !Lo

,+++iji+...+ijiifi+ifi+ifiij..jiifiifi...ifiifiifi...ifiifiifiifi... '1.... ifiifi......ifiifiifi...ifiifi+....I.~+;;n. c;y;-;y;.==omr.~

~ .
t=lTf~ 11811 q II is untrue 83 turns out to pe false. 0 <:11 ~ tPt!T 0, d 0T0Ci I '"
y"~P31 HU"C5T q II Parbhati I st Guru. tI.~3t uf.m1 wf3w<Jl I
30 T oTB 03'Q84 o Lord, Thy Name js the gem 84 d I!l)fTHl ! 30T OTH lRCl84 ~ ))f3 301
Ol'cH:f85 BTO~86 ~of387 and Thy grace8S the Light 86 • In of<:l~s ~186 I fuR rem ~7 f~ 30r
j f3~88 8f'2 89 II whichever mind 87 is Thy Name. the oTH ~, ~88 8
- <:11 tal 00 , ~ I -
Divine Light89 is there 88 .
~ nf-Ug:90 nfu191 ~ua92 Darkness90 prevaiIs· 2 in the dark 91 .
»{ol91 t!oll)ft
- »{t!o . »f~0'90 liOiii'03 cJ
~ ROTC5 ffii1 93 lff~ II q II world and, therefore, it 10ses93 all its fo<:lT'2 ft »f3 faJ 5~ f~ l)fTtr<!ll)fi RTall)ft
merits. &ill)ft all)fT ~'~'3 ft I
. f~~ RRTq94 ROTC5 95 This entire9S world 94 is involved in f~ Rro1 9s tIoll)fi'4 tfTtlT" ))(trcJ :aT53TQ cl~
~ f~o(lq96 II sins". cl~l ~ I
~ 30T oTH 'tTd 97 ))-I?a98 o my Infinite2 Creator 1oo Lord, Thy d ):j~ ijl)f"3 2 fRCJi1<!<Jro loo 1!l)fT}ft! &~ 30 T
~ oTRf399 ci'o~~100 Name alone and nothing" else 98 is olH !)f3 clO'8 ~99 51 CST, RTiJ aart t!1 •
! ))-Il.!lq2 II q IloU"T~11 the cure97 of all the ills.
Pause. t!~~l'7 ~ I of<:lO'~ I

i tl T3 TC53 1:{(1))-1T4 ~0l'5 o Lord, if in ones scale bt 7 the - ! ilClo fuelS

d R!)f'l-!l ~ f~ Bl:f~))f3 .
f 9 T0 6 "5~fU"7 WCf8 weight6 of the riches of millions8 and sF~t9 <:Ill/rel)f15 i3 3 clo H~t4 ~ l/WOQi
~oraf~911 millions 9 of the under-worlds] and t!T as' cl~7 »f3 t!Ra
= fiitJ ~~ 30ToIl-!,
other spheres 4 and in the other only fGO 31 f~ ii'Qa iit.lo t!T cl~ I
Thy Name, it will still weigh more.

o my Beloved l2 , if l6 there
be d ~ 1l.13l-1T'2 I ;lt1cJ16 crel cJO l8 ~ ~ •
another l8 like Thee at the other end l7, ~RiJ fRa l7 3 ~~, &~ 3t!14 <:11 3~IO CST}-{
then l4 alone the worth l3 of ThylO ~T 1is13 l/Tfu!)fr;rr RClt!T 1S ft I

Name can be evaluated ls •

Out of pain '9 wells up21 pleasure20 l/1~19"3. l¢t20 ~3tio tlt!12 1 ft !)f3 l¢t
and after pleasure comes pain. HOlij' l.I13 llil~ ~ I
The mouth 22 , with which Thou art fuR ~<:I22 ~ ~T tm alaT ~T23 ft; ~24
~ f~ f~125 ~l:f26 ofu RClt!1 ~ ?

Thou alone 28 art unwise 27, 0 Nanak. ~ii'528 ~ <:11 ijRHS27~. d (')TOiif ! JlF.IC30 ~
Sublime 30 is the rest29 of the world 31 • aTCl'129 t!l tIol»{i31 I
The bod y 32, wherein the Name filR e<:l32 ~ »{~ OTH ~oH 0$ tlt!';
weJls 33 up not, miserable 3S becomes !)f~,:JTo3S cJ wt!l 0 ~<:I34 e<:l I
[4381 ]

l{9'T31 H\J'8T C\ 11 Parbhati 1st Guru. y''Isl tlf<J51 tl,f3f.pul I

~36 qTaf~37 ~~ awf For whose36 sake 37 Brahma uHfrej38 f;:rFI36 ~ ~lR337 ~iJH ~ ~e ~tl"ao or13
~~38 Rort'a39 ~il40 the Ved13Ls and Shiva3' forsaked~o ln3 fR;;;,;:rV' ~ Huo1~' e' f3»fTCIT or13'~0 I

HTfu»{1 41 11 mammoD~I.

~ OllaR! fRt:l 42 9'e For whose sake the adepts~2 become ftlR el W3a l;!a(') l{aR~2 f3l')f'ClTl 43 <J ~ •
l')f3 f;:rR e ~3"s eo' ~~f3l')f144 ~ 'I1 tl3T~6
~~R143 ~~44 HoltS rec1uses~3 and whose secret~S even
oul HClTT I
(') tl're)}fr4 6 II C\ II the gods~'~ found~6 not.
arcrr'7 Hf(')48 wtJr4 9 o Sire"7, enshrine the Name of that iJ fU3 1H ! ~R R-e R1El~'~ ~ l')fTlI<! f<Ja~~8

Hf~sO WBT or~:J1~51 True Lord'" in thy mind"8, with thy r,fea feeF , l')fTlI<:! )_ib so (')15 3"=
R"'-B RiEl
~ o'H ~ ~tl'TaSI lli3 ~RS3 RV-e R1Er ~
301,;{52 RTBT ~~53 II mouthSO , utter SI thou, that True Lord's
Name a.nd through thatS3 True a'ul ~ tl 1oS2 ~3a ;:r'~QJ' I
Lord. thcm shalt swim acrossS 2.
~RH054 ~~SS ~al54 l')f3 tl1~sS 3a gTaT ouT' "ffiII(!'cii 56 I
'0 EnemyS" 'and painss shall comeS6 not
~56 &1 59 ~fa Hf3S7 nears, thee. Some rare S8 indeeds8 ctE1 f~d5T tl<!',58 '11 oral ~ ~l/eRS7 ~ y'ltl3

~ '&~158 IIC\II~II attain unto the Guru's instructionss7 . <ie T ~ I OfUaT~ I ~

i »{dTf(')S9
-£. 071 ~~162
f~~60 tr~61
31f(5 ()TH
The world is made 62 of the fires"
water60 and air 61 and these three are
H.'O ol'aJ", u'cl" ,"3 0""
iifEI)oj1 62 ~ l')f3 fEu f3'"?i '11
y.-~ ~ oTH ~ ~
"f","' i
a ~TFfT63 II the slaves63 of the Lord's Name. oT5 u uo I

3 3ROla65 ;:j ()Tlj

64 He 6", who utters" not the Lord's ;:j y..~ ~ (')TH e' ~tl'rao66 ouT' oroe T, ~<J'~
~R ~06S RH'o ~ ;:j 1I";l tfTfiJRi 69 (o/TH ~o "
'0 '5~f~66 ~TRf~67 Name, is like a thief6s , abiding67 in
B'I HiJ <:jOlla) ~ for5 68 f~tl' GfRI)oj1 67 MEl')fT
~c68 WRT69 II~II the fortress 68 (body) of five desires". ~ I "
;110 ~71 ~Ol cxa If70 som{: one 71 does a good72 deed to ;:JOlo70 ~El tl<!' T71 fOl~ oTH fEor ~or172 Ola, 3 1
~faT)){T~72 Hf(')73 another, then he is greatly78 puffed76 ~u l')fTlI<:! Hil~73 3 fe'5 74 })j'ea Uf<:!a T7S ul i
fm3 ~~q75 a6T~76 II
74 up in his mind 73 and heart74 . ~fglliT fG'ae T76 ~ I ~
~77 qr~78 E31»{T But thou, 0 Lord, who blesseth'O tla t iJ RiEl' !;:j ,;foll')fi 77 ~Olll)ojj78 l')f3 ~"~
~fdT~»{179 Bf~O with so many77 virtues 78 and 'Ifgl')f'~1l')f17' a:tm"Jl80 ~~, tlRtl'13TU81 oul' r;
(') tr~~81 IISI1
3t:l WB TW(')82 f3()83
Qi84 trB'85 (')ToOl qT
7 81
goodnesses ', regrettest not.
Lord,. the..}83 , who prars'e82 Thee,
gather Thy Name's wealth 84 in their
OlOe T I

y.~ ! t'i 3aT
f~B' 3a
;(A ora~82 uo,
~~18l e1
nTH e'T tle'Taa " Q tlieT ~ I

t:rQ R'e'185 * II

;:j '& tll~86 ~ §oT

ortt tlH87 &1 3~88
(') ~~ 11811S11
lap8s. l'hat8s * very Name of Thine is
Nanak's treasure.
If some one pays h omage86 t 0 th em,
then the death's courier87 summons88
him not for interrogation.

~ -

~ora <:lEI ~~ ~
oTH \:11 OTOOl e'T H'H-Oo

\;!<'i'. q"

H3 e'T ~387 ~R ~ l.!s-fors g~l oul "

S"P.iT'J~t:!188 ,
~TH orae" 86


3e I

~"""~I"P'lIIRfiIRfi""'FfiIRf'ViP"ifif'ifili'''''·i'fiR'':;·'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''f.'';·'f.''f.''f.'·I''f.''f.''f.''f.''f.''f.''f.''1''f.''f.''I'''' 'f.'''''''"'..."''''"'......"'...... "''''''''''''''''.p'''''''''.. ' '.1'

mm••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••m .

t{9T3T J.«J5'F '1 II Parbhati 1st Guru. \{S'3l t.lfuBl tJTf'a"stul I

~T89 ~ 01.1 90 ~1 He, who" has DO form90• no caste'l, f;:ml' ciel ~1I90 nul', iJT3l91 nut, 0' tit
t=JTf3 91 'O;~ ro no mouth'Z and flesh'3, meeting with )j.'b'z l)(3 ).fTR'3 ~ I R'ti aIa' orB fi.s i, H~
l:[l.:!92 WRT93 II Rf3aJfa the True Guru, I have attained unto ~ ~3CJ t{l.'" 3 tJT fa))fT ~ I W'!<! JW '
fH5 foa;:rcr>94 tPf-e))fT that Immaculate Lord'''. I now ever ul -a"'a l)fW ~ vi, ;J Ha ~fUcft I
3a 'OTfH ~ f'O~yW95 II abide's in Thee, 0 my God.
))f(?tr96 RtJ;?J97 3398 o detached yogi", refiect" thou on <JIWCl3 ~It ~el ~
aTwfa99 II ;:JTl003 fufa 2 the quintessnece98 in a state of ~ l)fRHll)f398 el R'ij' ~ era" I fim

'0 »fT~ RRTfa 11'111 equipoise97, whereby 100, thou shalt ~IOO t ~ i, i1cI3 ));'~ nul' ~ I
~T~II not come into the world againz• ofucJT~ I
w ~ cral:[3 ro He, who has no meritorious acts 3• DO it ikl ~a1 >liHHS ~ craer ij~,ww4 craH
tTOl:[4 'OruT ro J::Ifu5 righteousness" to his credit, nor ~ ~"iJl or 01:W ~, or ~~5 3mitu'
WBr6 II fR~7 ;ffiJ8 meditates he on His Name through ~))flCJT ))fCfIl5 l!0l:f er itTtJ craer ~, it ~
~9 §ftr 10 lflB1 sacreds rosary', through' the refuge ~l R~ Oli CJNI)fCl IZ el ~3 ~))fT
Rf3OTO a~T12 II of the true Guru. the Saviour 1z, even ~ 3"' ~ ~ ~:r' ~ RH5 IO l)(3
~II he is blessed by him' with the sublime 1{17 ~ ~lera8 ~1 awa \{'t.l3 era 8~ ~ I
wisdom lO and ultimately a visionS of
the Lord7 •
HT ~ aa~13 prtil He, who fasts l3 not, nor observes any ii aWlS otit~ CflRT, fuR el crel Q'ICJ)-fCl

3l:[14 OTtil ~T religious discipline l4nor utters lS God's ~I" nut, or \11 if era w of ~IS ~ I
aor~IS II 0113 Name, by following the true Guru's ~ aI~ fFNH3~))fTCJT ~ ~ ~ ~
16))f~OTf317 aT ftf3 18 instructions 19,even he need not worry" tilT H~" 1){317 3~ fnRfti3 18 ij ~ ~ I

oT~T Rf3dld for his good or bad 16 plight l7 •

~aHT'eV9 11=311 -=
;:IT ~ »fTR 20 OT\Jl He, who lives neither in hopezo, nor ~ or ~H~20 3' OT ul a-~121 Ii'ea ~
T 21
foa fR 'Ottil f~f322 in hopelessncss zl and has disciplined ~ ))f~ fim ~ ~ ;:(1 3' \ft.l3Z9 crl3l1ifl;lTCJlf
gaf323 R~-e124 II his mindzz and soulZ3 , through the Rl-Il1 2S
~))fTCJT HOzz ~ RH523 3 liWO
~ Ol~ UdH 25 3~26 z8 2'
wisdom gatbered from the Guru, fsw" ~; ~R el Ifoal l){T3HT ~ Hurn25
fHfg»fT27 oTOCfT o Nanak, his soul blendsZ7 with ))f13}fl2' oTH fim triel 27 ~. ~ orner !
§ftr tJT-e129 11811811 Supreme25 souP' ultimately.
t[W31 H~gT '1 II Parbhati 1st Guru. \{9'31 \lfuBl tJTf3Brtit I
3TCfT30 crf~T31 -efa32 His JO utterance 31 is approved 33 in c}~ ~RJO;:!T l)flftfl)f1 31 \11 \fi @ tmlTau

.++++++++++••+••+••++++++++••+••••••••••••••••+••••••••+++ ++++•••••

~33 II f~34 the Lord's Court32 , who deems 38 "feo ei~H3J l1"e T ~, ii t1f<TcJ 34 l'lf'3 11111oR3s
both ' poison 34 and Nectar 3S alike 37 •
>iiH335 ~f~36 ffi-{37 B?i t3 ' ~ f~ei Rl-{T?)37 RHSe t3B ~ !
~O ';i1~38-lIctll
forw39 Oldt~41. HCJ~O What!' should 1 Say4'., 0 Lord, save H" f~ -e do 01]3' l'lfT~i41., cJ ijllflHl ! fei
Of~T ro-rrfu4 1 II ;1 this, that Thou art contained4' t Rlfo~t40 "reo oH fO~141
~. l'lf'3 ftl~

f~2 ~a343 R9 amon~~st all40

and that whatever4 2 2
'!st 91 <teT43~, ~~ RTOT C!~ 3-a Sl~44
3cft o;:rfe 44 II ct II happens , all that is in Thy will..... "feo ~ I Of~OT~ I
o~~ II Pause.
~5 ;1f346 ~OlT47 When the True Guru blesses 4' man 50 mll,r
,H:! R~ Olo-e~ ~1 ~-e ~ ?iTH-I:!QToR
l'){[9HTQ48 II Rf30]fa with the Name-Nectarso • the Divine fe~B~?i 3T ~R ~3 efSl?i a 4' ?i TijW5 ij
• _ _ II;a

Bll')fy49 nfiH350 O'H- II Light'" becomes manifest4S unto him HieT ~ l'lf3 ~<J ~TI.J-e1 R~-\iQl3t43 3"
~II and he is rid47 of his self-conceit48 . ~C?TR157 UT ;::reI ~ I
orfcg51 Hf~52 ~58 In52 this Darkage51 , only that53 f~R ei5QiIl SI l)j'~o52, a~H ~R53 l!oE54 ~T
R53 'i1Q 54 ;:{~55 II man'sS4 comingS8 is deemed ss profit- ~T~I5B ~1 H1seTreei ~lfu~T ;::reI55~, ii
RTBl tcrcrr~56 ~ able, who obtains honours7 in the R-~ eoSTCJ56 ~"ea fiB3 l'lfla~57 I.JT~"eT ~ I
H~57 11:311 True CourtS'.
Ol~T59 J3~3 Utteriing 59 and hearingU His praises ~ ~l~i fR63T ~-elo?i5' '3 Ji~'s atJ?i
l')fOl~60 Ulfa 61 f1T~2 II man arrives 62 at the House" of the tI~ToT a~T ))101m ij))lTH1'0 -e 1:(TI-I'1 '3 »{1.J3
IneffaLble Lord'o. ;:ri~T'2 ~ I

acrol a"to1
64 65
(')ToOl The mere words'" of mouth6S , 0 foo1~t l!ol~t !£~-BaT?i165 oIHt'4, <J ?iTOQ !
'i1t5 tM'~6 11811 Lt II Nanak, are burnt" to ashes. R~'o a J!~T~ ij ;:ri~l~t ~?i I
tf9T31 ~w ct II Parbhati 1st Guru. 1..19T31 I.JfuH1 Ulf3RT~1 I
~67 010 68 fOTl')fTf069 The man70, who bathJ;:s71* in the ftl~~T f8?iR T?i 70 , q<JH-~l~To69 -e ijt:JTR~I.J'7­
Ho70 Htlq71 * l)f(5FJfo71 ambr,osia167
water'8 of the Divine ul<!:l" lieo <'iT~"et71. ~, ~ ))I?iT<Jc71 trOH
3l~72 RrOT73 OT~74 II knowledge", takes74 with73 him ))IRa'?iy72 '3 ?iT§-e
- . -e ea 7i. ~TU~ ?iTH7J S
the merit of bathing at the Hie T74 ~ I
71 72
sixtye:ight holies •
<no ~tffifR75 ~a76 The Guru's instructions75 are the 010' ~l fR~H375 ~la7' ~'3 ~T~oT377~?i I •
~77 ~78 fRli82 gems'" and the jewels77 . The Guru's Olaf ~T liCJl~82 ii ~~t ~1 UlTH Cl).(1~"~178 ~.
~79 iifu 80 ~1 II ct II disciple82, who serves71 him, obtains81 ~~ 91H80 ol<Jr ~,7' ~ U1 s"e T81 ~ I
them"', through search80 •
<no RHtf083 3l~84 No pilgrim-station'" is equal's to the
odt ~re II Guru.
Rq85 R3l;:i86 31g87 The oceanBS of conteentmentB6 is

"l\ ala ~fE II Cllloar@1I contained in thatl7 Guru. Pause. ~ , ofuar~ I

aT~ t:!o~r(?88 ~T89 The Guru is the river81, whence CIH tit t!fCJIliy88 uo, ~ R~lcf" <Jlll~3a"
~~o - foo}ffi91 pure" water'O is everS' obtained t2, llrit 90
lf1l3 ~~T'2~, fiIR ~IliTCJT J.fel'3-
fHfg))fT92 93~oHf394 by which the filth'S of 9Jevil- RHS'4 tit H8l<!3"s ii3t Niel 91 ~ I
H~9S ~9611 understanding'4 is washed off".
Rf3arfo ~~ tlCJT97 Finding the True Guru, man obtains Jf~ arat ~ I.fl.S ii, ~ t!T ~0'7 reao1o"
~98 tlR99l23~100 perfect'7 ablution", which makes' ii ;:rTW ~, ii ~A' ~ fuel m" Ilia ~3~IOO
e~2 -ora 3 li::<11 - him a god 2 out of a beast" and a 3· ~~a2 ij'C!T ftf~T3 ~ I

ghost 100.
CJ3T" RftJ orfHS 3'g6 He' alone is called10 the sandal-like' c}~ ~8 ul ~O<!-~T' ar~ lli,fl::llliT ;:rT~10
~l»fc; 7
A8 OTO Guru, who is imbued4 to the very ~, ftm ~r f~g7 ~o ~5 3T~ R~ oTH5
l.lOmi9 cr~l~IO II -- bottom6 of his heart7 with the True 0'8 ijfarlli T;jft!IliT4 ~ ,
;::IT12 crr ~1'J3: 13 By whose 12 fragrance 13, the whole fuR t!1'2 }:fHa
- c
13 ~, wal a'OTFl'lJ31 14
a0TRlff3 14
R(f-a vegetation l4 is perfumed IS, fix" F!.aitl3 15 ij'l ~tit~; ~ ~ .. ~ Uot l7 oT8"
3rg:16 ~JO~17 f(S~18 thou thy attention l8 to His l ' feet l7 • ))fTllGl faCJ31 18 ii;J1' I
o~19 IJ~II
alOHfl:f20 m))f21 tlT(i2~ By the Guru'sgrace 20, wells up23 Olat t!l ~ft!IliT20 ~I)flQT e~ ))j'~a ~urol21
- - ...
~tI~f~23 qJo>:ffl:f the spirituaJ21 life 22 in one and by ~22 a~T ii ;:rTt!T23
~ a t!l ~fuIliT arat
f~24 Ulfo tJTEl~2S II the Guru's grace, One arrives 2s at the 24
~1)flQ' ~u Yi ~ QTH a l!iI ~2S ~ I
Lord's24 house.
qJOlil:f26 '()T'(')OfRftJ27 Through the Guru 26 , 0 Nanak, man Olat 26 ~ aru't 0T0Cl ! ft!ORTO RV-e
RHTE1~28 qJO>:ffl:f merges2' in the True Lord27 and, F!.1liTH127 ~t!CJ Bloii Wtrr21 :t Ili3 arot ~
f~ tl~29 lJTEl~ II through the Guru, he attains to his aru't ul ttu 1liTU<! foil ~ Ufa2 ' ~ lfU3 ii
811EII exalted state2'. ~~I

ll9'3'l H~C5T 9 II
QIo l.lORT~!130 f~~»fT31
Parbhati 1st Guru• ~ tlfuBl tJTf3Wul I
By the Guru's grace JO, man dwells ~at ~l mt!IliT30 'IIliTCJT, \{Tel ~ ~ fu8H J1
~~ us 1.If~32 on the Lord's knowledge 3' and, tit mTCJ ~~ ~ Ili3 fuA' ~ l.r.! a ~ c}u
~ WQ33 II reading and studying 32 it, gathers \{33T33 llT~~~T ~ I

»fTW34 )fQ'35 »iTy36 Being blessed 38 with the Name- 'OTH-F!.tJTaR ~l ~3 l.fU338 ii ilre ~, ~
tlOalrfRl]iT37 Wf~l]iT38 Nectar 3', man's self" becomes t!T IliTllG T 1li1l.(3t ~A' ~ 1li'1I34 1li"~3S ul
>iiH339 (il}f 11911 manifest within himself 34 •
37 3S qaT<! ii Nit!T37 ~ I
a03'"i4o -3 HOT o Creator-Lord 4o, Thou alone art \1 fROtIeura F!.I)flHl40 ! IR8 ~ ul H~ W6
m:n-fTQ41 II
my Alms Giver4 l • ~ ~r8'41 ~. I
··e·· ••••••..••..• ····m.~ 4t.+• •C!-• • • • • • •+ • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

f~or Bfl:f~2 ~~.3 143 ask for 47 but one boon 42 from 4S ;13 3-a 44 UTR·..5 &~5 f~Ol ~(j134Z HaJey47

3.4 1.lf~45 HTaT~47 Thee44 . Bless 46 Thou me, 0 Lord,. '1r I <J I2>;{THT !i H~ );ITl.f<!T oTH y'e T-04'
~f~6 n-rTll~ oTli II with Thy Name. Pause. Ola I ofuaT~ I
1..1\1 3Roro48 tJT~~9 The five wandering 49 thieves 48 are 1.111 ~c~ 5i!49 ~o48 OlT~);IT
;:M!50 '10 I ..
on1so ~orTS I Hfo held 5o . The mind's self-coDceit52 Ho~ el R~-5OT3TS2 fHe ;:trel SI I UTuj~ I
n-rf9)-fTQS2- II f-emc 53 is still d 51 • Sinful54 seeing53 and 9O;S4 o;:ra5J >;{3 55~cl-l:!ql5' ~S ;:rt~57 '10 I e
faorro1 54 5~oHf356 55evil-thoughts56 tlt:e away57• SUCh68 ~5 ;:liJl~8 ~ y.-~ el a~gl faJ>;{13 s9 I

waftS7 ~R'T58 a~H

... is the Lord's Divine knowledge 59 .
fcrr)){'OS9 II =< II
; ;:rq60 - H~61 ~~g62 Bless65 thou me with the riee 62 of <J 12>;{T}-fl ! i H~ \{5ilOT Tal 60 );13 UTOlTaJilOTl 61
) Bfu~3 or~0r64 orfo
~ m rf365 tlT3166 'Q'T0 67 J1
continency6o and
wheat of compassion
and the leafy
~ ~562, fH'1ol:Pol 61 el aieH64 );13 );ITU<!
fU>rjT(i67 e T U~3566 ~ll:fRI5 I
!'1..'''lI. - 66
plate ()f Thy meditation , 0 Lord.

~tJ oroH68 R3l::f69 Bless70 Thou me with the milk of good <J 12>;{'l-ll I 3 Hi; ~~ >rjl-l5 168 ~ tf'u >;f3
.W1~ olfo70 ~HT deeds 68 and the clarified butter of R~8'e3r'9 eT Sl:fRH 01070 I ~5 ;:liJl ~a71
HtaI~ BTQ71 11:311 contentment69 . Such are the alms7l , ;1. 3-a ~5' HOTe T '1 1 I
I ask of Thee, 0 Lord.
fl::fHT72 tftOB73 orfo Make Thou forgiveness 7z and 3= l-l>;{r:Gl 72 ~~ >rj3 Hsa 73 fReOl i; Hal eUu
- - -
art?74 ~ol'S ~ii76 patiencc:73 my 75milch-cow7., that my ~~ ~T5175 OTt74 S~T~, 3 t ;"i Ha l-lo e T
aioT77 1::f1il78 tll~79 II mind's calf77 may easily76 indrink 79 ~GT77 12~076 '11 ~U71 ~ UTO" Ola I
the milk78 .
fRID3 80 RoH81 qt I ask for the dress 8z of the Lord's H' 12>rjTl-lT el ~R33180 >rj3 Hal-l f'1{ij'l l
' eT

oru;p82 HfaT~ ~fo praise 80 and modesty 81 and thiswise URTOl81

l-lare '1t '3 feH 30u1 ~TfiJaJo
0100l - .
~ '(')T()or 0~84 Nanak shall continue uttering84 the T84
elr;it fR:63 ~\JTao Olae a5aJ I
r'J T
o~ 11811911 God's c~ulogies83,

q3l31 H~ Cot II Parbhati 1st Guru. \{~T3l ufiJ5l uTf38' TiJl I

))fT~~8S f~ 0 When DiOne can withhold" man from .-
;:te &el ~l , >rjTeHT i; >rjT~e85 3' aOl 86 oiJl·
. orfl::f))ft86 ffT~7 cominglB5 then, how 88 can one hold ROle T 3 t ~H ;:tle 87 3' ~H ~ ~eT fOlR
J.f~88 oTfl::f>1fT ;:rfu II him bac=k from going87 ? 3It T88 ao;r ROle T ~ ?
!fHR 3
~»iT89 mft90 He 90 alone fully" knows this mystery, &~5 ~iJ90 <]1 f~ cTij ~ ~aT 3~t91 ;:reeT
Jtra'91 tf~ ;:Ji92 €tffiit from whom mortal has welled Up89. ~, f;:m 3' If<!T ~3U"'o 5re>;j189 ~ I ;:te'z

rtful3 IlIJTfu94 11'111

When92 man realises the Lord, then,
merges!'" be, inn Him. f~B9J 5To
ae T Rtel?i >rj03~
- Ola B·eT ~ 3i'
~'4 ~ I
. €tv

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 +++••••••••¥~••••. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ .••"."""+•••••••".+h."••••••••""'."".""'."••••.•..••.•••••••.•...•
3~ ~ ~~95 301 o Lord, wondrous art thou and ii 'l))fl).(ll ~ ~ 3', ~ ~9I
a;:rrfu96 II - wondrous'S is Thy will 911 • 3~~1
;l for~ cmf~ R~199 Whatever Thou doest, that" for sure'7 ftroW <is ~ ClC\:!'~, f0Rfu397 ~ ul
tJ297 ~fe~98 »{~~100 comes to pass". One can do naught ~BT" ~ I ~l ~ sl ~aloo qa otit

'0 Of~ ;:rfu 11911 else'oo. Pause. Fl~ I ofJa'~ I

. ~R2 uo 0(;3 cit Just as2 the bucketaS hung' on the fim' .
3Ot2 u8C3 ~ ~.. ~ 8CCltnl){t' .
J.fTgr4 fi~5 ~ chain4 of the persian wheel3 rotate', ~ful)ft fi~s fucr lfTBl ~el~7 ~ ;io'
~ fear Rtfn1 ~a8 7 empting7 one and filling lO the other'. s~ll)fT'O ~VOla ckt!ll)ft' un I
~o9 3Ul~31o ~ II
3R 12 til ~ ~~13 Sol2 is this playl3 of the Lordi". He ~ i{;jf12 ul ~ 'lI)fIHlI" tit fuu ~a'13 I ~

l:fRH14 OfT ft:rtl15 ~R acts as lS is His l ' wondrous gloryl7. ~qa

Ola\:!' ~, tim 30u tiS tit ~ €m ' Bl

cft16 ~~»{Ttft17 II~II I)f~ ~3l17 I

ci Wofor

Walking20 the way" of Divine
comprehension 18, man's vision22 is
illumined23 and he turos 21 his face

~ ~
faTI)fT3" ~

0Fl3 1..
~acl22 aao ~ ;:rrtit ~ .~ ~nll)fT
)j,"u H3
~co ~1)fT(JT20, l){rtn-rl

5'BT21 ~ I
away from the world.
WO' ~1'ijrfa24 ~1:{ Reflect over2" this in thy mind and ~ fth "j'Bc ~~2" ~ ~1::f, a ~a ~ Wen
a~J).f far»fT(')125 ~0'26 see, 0 God's divine 25 , as to who 26 is ~~2S ! fClU3T2' fatuRtft27 ~ I)f3 fOl~T
o. --
faratit 27 ~ the house holderU and who the f3l)fTOft2l,
.. ~~28 Iiall detached 28 one.
fim' cit >wRT29 faR He, who is the Lord of hope2', fmT Bl H5citlli3 ~, fuu ~t!2', fuR ~
tit30 ~flJ'31 ~ ~~32 surrendering31 it to HimSo, this32 man ~R30 ~ RHCJlJo Sl
qa ~, feu 32 fuoFfTO
ofu'»fT f(,)d~:1'~33 II remains detachedu . fnaju33 f~\:!' ~ I
•fttR 3 ~»fT34 R~135 Whosoever worships36 Him35 , from ft:ru;JT ckl ~3S Bl ~aQT qa;:r36 3 fim'
orfa HrfO'»fT36 (iTO'Ol whom he has sprung3", 0 N anak, 3' ~ it\:!' ~fe>lfT34~; a OTocr ! ~OlJl
faTom ~~R137 R approved 38 is he, be he a householder 3 ~u37, s~' tt;:r 1JldllTal ~ lil' f~Ol3 I
ua~38 11811tll or a renouncer37 •
t.ffl'T31 H081' 9. II Parbhati 1st Guru. 1{9T31 uf<:ml trrf3W<Jl I
. fuRfc39 fi:JOlTOl40 Whosoever binds"2 with a bond" I ;l ~I
. 0T5 lJTll ~ fua31J9 .
f; ;:ra;J

~qf041 arq42 ~ the evil" inclination"o, unto him I 01::ft!T42 ~; ~ ~~. H' ~3 ~3BT ut I
f3R ~ SfB"3;:rrel/l - am a sacrifice" 3•
tfTu"" l..:f"o45 cit wcr46 He, who realises"7 not the difference'" ;l ~1'" ltf3 ~cft4s tit ~ ~ ~ »fqR"7
0' ~47 ~w. fri 48 between evil.... and good"s, he strays'" otit qaw, ~u ~g4' ul ~ 3·..• UI!i;))fI ~
»{;:rr~149 11911 from the path uselessly"'.
~ ~ I
~ •........................... ,
................................................................•·•..····0.·· ·.•

"S~so R~ 'O'l:I UtterSO ye, 0 man, the True Name i. c1 ~! fRotleUTQ ~H1S' ~ R~
or03Td51 II of the Creator-LordS.. nTH t?T ~TOO ag'SO I
{'4~f052 ~f~53 '0 TnenSZ ye shalt not be the visitorS4 <re S2
q,R1· li3 53
~ feR ~RTo ~ »f~
))fT~ ~TCJ54 ~lg54 0& ~ I ofJCJ~ I

... ~W55
356 6'f0
57 cSt~58
olB' oro
119. \I

to this world again53 • Pause.

Froms' highBS the Lord makes low sl

ands7 the low one He makes the
~ss 3·s, Ji»flH1 n1~51 SeT fB"t?J ~ lli3 S7
o1~. ~ ~u l.fTf3f.lTUS' STU ftft?, ~ I
J353TQ59 II sovereignS'.
firol They, who realise6Z that'. All-wise60 it ~R'I Ros-fR~60 JIlliTH1 ~ >Jf<l~
611Jwfe>]fr62 f'f~3 Lord, the y64 become J)frfect65 and erd~2 ~o; ~u64 feR ;:ruw3 "ft?o Uon's 3
- =
364 trij65
= trCJ~te66 II
- approved" in this world". li!'Tiler <J ;:p~66 ~o I
3'0l~67 ~~ If70 any7f person goes astray73, one ;loro70 ci~V2 tter C!0~7J U ;:JT~; fuoRTo
t:J T-el,;f69 ;:(70 ~72 should g06' to instruct68 hlm 67• ~R ~ fl=ll:fH3'l ~ Bel ;:JT~" I
35T73~~ II
>]fTi)74 ifg75 ora 76 R3 Some rare onelO understands79 this- ciel ~OW tterlO tit feR ~T7I RH5'W7, ~ for
ora3"" niRT78 S§'79 wise7', that the Creator77 , of 0r03To", ~t?74 ~1 RT01»fi' ~7S 13~t?t76 ~ I
cre180 II S II Himself?" plays76 all the games75•
?)T~81 tr9T3 82 Raft!83 Abandoning lS the worldly" Rfi'61" BOJOf87?;• ~~ ~ ,w~
"fil-f:l ~g'2 '3=
fq.;{~~84 ~~85 attachments17 , contemplate14 Thou ~ JI»fTH1'3 ~ nTH" t!T fRHOo14 era I
~0186 tr'CJ13 T87 II thy Lord'sl3 Name l • in the early
morn12 •
tre~388 oToOl' t!TR'fo Suppliicates18 Nanak, whosoever orner a031 orOt?tII~. it ci~l 91
lfi ~ .
~HT89 ttfor90 ~fCJ>]fT91 becomes the slave" of the Lord's ciifB»fi' t?t oiByI' aT ~~t?t~; ~'Z fiS

tlw31 H~W

9. II
II 811 slaves. heu

wins91 and the world

Parbhati 1st Guru.

Wt?J'3 ~ lli3 RW0 90 ~to tPt?T'1 ~ I

\{9T31 ufu~l lJ1f3R'ul I

~6 HQ:

l){l"OlTfH98 \I

The mind'4 is an illusionist'S. the
mind is a saunterer96 and the mind
wings in the sky" like a bird'7.
WheilL tho mind thie£" is over-
HC'i»fT'4 mer S'Blllil95 ~. H~»ft
~ 1lo8 ~ \Jfcf~ tft
~ f~Ot?t ~
ara' tft ~11°O 0~1· HOllit ;io" artS
fuoq, ~"
3q;T )){RHTo""ft?(J •
~ RrarfR5 II
00Jq3 whe1J:ned 2, through the
word 1oo• the townshipS of the body
tlourishes4 and one is felicitated s .
Guru's era f~»fT Wt?tl~, -at ~ ~t f~~3 -aon ~
~ ~ \l~1 ~ ~~11t{t fHBt?ll)ii s ~ I I
·.a.'.s ..
••• ••• 6!I!""~A+•••••, •••+••••+ + +.+ os,
;:rr6 3' oTtfftf orfl:f When 6 Thou wisheth to save7 man, m!' ~ m~ ?i mJT~er7 ~~~~, ~ ~ ~
BTu = wa~a ti~ Thou saveth him and his capital9 ~Tl)f 8·~ 3· )Ji3 €lR' t!T tJ,iit9 ffiJT JmTH3'
oTfil II 911 remains in-tact', afu"t!T 3J
,;{ftTIO 'OTli o3Q12 My Lord, by the Guru's instructions lS , Jfij J=lTcl. orat -e €ll1-ea 's ~l)fTOr Jl" '3i
fofq 13 14 II Ha 0l0HB 15 repair l7 J, to Thine feet 18. Bless 16 Oal l8 a·t!yl7 ut I ~ 1f~14 ~ii f;mr'o l:fi.ITO'lJ
~ful6 P.ior~17 wor 18 Thou me l4 with such lO a treasure l3 , allF.r l6 ;:j ~ OTl-f ~ ~TfiJ0T31Z 'OTC5 ~oo

3ij "ctl i~T~1I which is brimful with the gems l2 of ii~ I ofuor€ll
Thy Name Pause.
H(i ~aft19 H'Q ~arl';fT20 The mind is a recluse", the mind is ~lliT f~~" 3, l-!tilliT ~B l-fTO<! ~20
H'O HCJ1:(21 orT~ro22 " also an indulger20 and the mind is 51 3 l)f~ l-f~Y l)f(!tJT<!21 )Ji~ )Jifarl)fT0122 0 I
- = - - unwise 21 and ignorant22•
HQ tT3T23 HQ The mind is the giver 23 , the mind is l-ftllliT t!l~ra23 0, ~lliT f9l:JlOT 24 51 ~ llf~

Har3T 24
Ho fRf0 25 also the begger24 and the mind is ~ R-~ Oli, fFlOt«!ulO 16 t? OJut Ra cn3T
i Olq OTo3 Q T 26 II mastered 2S through the Creator26 , iJ'iBy2S ~ I

the true Guru,

i~ UB HTfCJ28
8l:f29 Such 31 is the Lord's32 meditation 33, ~ij iiuy31 ~ JIlliTl-f132 ~
arul tfH127 ¢(')l){t ~ ~ ~21, m~ lJOl-f
fm.rcroJ3 ~ feR ~
trfu"»iT30 >1filT31 that subjugating28 the five 27 demons
aill-f32 ~~33 II~II through it, one attains 30 unto the t.{R03T29 ~ ~ ij Wt!r30 ~ J
... - - supreme bliss 29 ,
uITc urrc34 p~35 The One Lord 3s is said to be36 fuel ~3S ua ft!534 ))j't!O t@R »fTfulliT
~l:fT61~36 OTu@37 (') manifest in every heart 34, but, Him, iJ'it!T36~, t[-~ ~37 51 <!R' ~ ~, otit
i B'ftf»iT38 ';iTf-e II - 00 one 37 can see 38, R'0lt!l I
i lt~39 1l"8 40 oTmt}l41 The false one" is cast41 upside ~ YOF.rJ9 ~ ~o Olac} OT03' ~ Jffc))fT
iraQ -Oi~ trf3'42 down40 io the womb and without HTt!r4 1 3 )Ji~ oTJ.( B aBla ~u )Jirtrel rea
! ;:rrfE43 II the Name. he loses 43 his hooour 42 .
Jf44 such be Thy will 47 and if Thou
)Ji~2 Ol)Jir ~t!r4J ~ I
iTcio t
';iT 3' H8fo46 3 y45 fu;rn44 ~ii iiuT ii~ 301 0i.Jr47 )Ji~
fl-rfC5 =a~t ';it44 301 unitest 46, 0 my Lord, then 4s alone ,s·46; ~~ ~5 ;:rT If· ~a 'OTC5 ~SlliT ofu

~fu o;:PfE47 "SII can J remain united with Thee. ROl~ ut, ~ JI)JiTHt !
;:rrf348 HoH49 -mJ The Lord asb50 not mnrtals caste48 If! 4;c!T t!1 ;:p31 ~ at!lfuF.r4' ara l!ii50

usf»i'50 Ri UfoS 1 and birlh 49• so, find s2 thou out the f~ nul' OlOt!f, feJt ~T ~ ll)JifHt t? n
~.. ~~- a3Tf-eS2 II - Lord's True Homesl , (jTJ.(51 t!1 9~ craS2 I
W 53 ;:rrf3 FfT uf3'54 ThatS3 alone is man's caste and that a~ €lu53 uT ~ t!l ~o ~ ~ ttu iJT
~ iJ~S5 oraH56 his glory54. as S5 are the deedsS6 , R9'54 iiii ii5s5 fci ))fHBS6 €tu aw€t·er57 ~ I
57 which he doesS7 ,
orHrfu "

.........+.+••••+•••¥,++. .~ +••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

t=fOH Hen ~l:!58 Nanak, through the Lord's Name", OTOa '!lwHl ~ OTH6I ~ oT<:11", l:ieT l:iel:f5TF(

&rcl>ii 59 0'0& 5cfff'O man is emancipated'o and rid 01'59 <J ;:J1e'T60 i) l)f3' ~R el ~~ ))i3 Hao e1
m~61 11811901i= the a,gonyS8 of birth and death. tft;358 fHe ifTels, ~ I

U9'T31l-KJgT «:t II Parbhati 1st Guru. l{3T31 uf<:1s1l.l Tf3f.1"<:11 I

~362 faOTR63 H(564 Even while awake 62 , the blind man6S if OIeT'2 <Jf~l)fT ~1 »i"oT f'2(')RT 0 65 C(-fe))il
'" -
>itrT65 II = is be:ing robbed6'" and yet, he is l,[-fel)fT 'HI fo<:1 T64 ~ l){3 f60 ~1 ~<:1 ~3 •
happy and ,gay". l{~(') ~ I

dTf~6 6T(J167 fRfa 68 Alth'Jugh the noose 67 is round his ~\~" 6 TR167 <:tR el oroe0 66 ~))iTH ~, 3e ~1

HT(j69 ihp70 II neck", yet,he is bo~hering69 his head68 ~<:1 Rl1 l o1 ~HT70 "feo )j.jr~T fRO'8 l:fl.lT .'
in the wordly affairs70 • fa<JT" i) I
l){TW71 l){~ Hofp72 In hope 71 he comes and in desire72 ~He71 >iea <:t<:1 l')fT~·er i) ))i3 J:flf<JB72

;:rrfu II he d'eparts. >ieo ~o ;:J1eT i) I

~crS'173 3TG174 fOl~75 The strings 74 of his life are <:tR ~ ifl~o ~ U'aJ 74 ~5S <J~~] uo ))i3

o S'wre76 II «:til entangled73 , and he is utterly7S <:tR e T <3-e'7S <31 ci'21 ~R 0<31" 'tJSt?T76 I
helpness76 .
iJTd1fFJ77 t=fl~78 The ever-awake79 Lord, the Life78 of i1OT3 e1 fife-if'07l, Rer <:11 ~ ~Hrn
'tPOT~(JTCJT79 II the world. remains wakeful 77 • ,!l)flHl J:fsoeTCJ 77 afder i) I
Rl::f 80 FJTdTCJ81 >iiH3 82 The Lord is the ocean81 of peace80 ,!l)flH1 ))ila THBO e l Rl{eo l ' l)f3' 'OTH-"f·fit~2
~~TCJT83 119I1CJ(JT~il and the treasureS] of Name-Nector82• e- I J:fi:JToTBJ ~ I of<:JOT~ I
af~84 0 S'~85 >iq 86 The blind man86 sees87 not, cares not ,,;~ f'2oRT(')" ~ feRerB 7 0<:11· 3 ft:m~ ~
'0 R~7
3";188 a
a r 89 to understand BS what j's told 84 to @R 7; l')fTfl::ll)fT ifT;;rt84
- •


H'~8B aoH" Olae,90 ~ I

@<:1 @R 7; RH3e,8S
_ _ •

him and he does90 evil88 deeds". o<3l

}){TU 91 t{lf3 92 t{H 93 The: Lord9'" of Himself 9l , puts His ,!l)fTH1 ~91 <31 a~ ~ ".j'ea ))iTl.l~l flJa<:1~1'2 •
trCJHJj294 aaHl~5 10ve92 and affection" in man and by l')f3 liti'S393 lll<:t'eT i)))i3 ))iT~l af<:1H395
ft.m96 ~~97 II ~ II His grace 9S , blesses" him with ~))i'aT <:tR ~ 1{~3197 sJ:fRe,96 i) I

gl ory 97.
fuQ98 feo l){T~99 With the dawn" of each day", <:10 f~tm ft?~98 ~ ))il<:t~" (iTS ))iTeH1 e1
8C2 f3~1()O &it;l2 man's life is wearing ofP trice lOO by ttHo '3o T '3o T100 010& urce1 ifT 0<3J2 ~
wfel){T3 H~4 URTEl5 II trice and yet, the love4 of riches' is 3 T ~1 uo-~s3] e T fUl)fTCJ4 ttR ~ ftJ3 s
peJ'meating his mind 5 • f~ CJ}-( fa<JT ~ I
As long as8 there is even a bit lO of ife 3~18 s~ ~ ~eo rea "§OT ~OIO ~1
dualit y9 in man and he is without l2 e~3-~,~9 i) ))i'3 <:t<:1 O!~ ~ ama" ~, <:t~. i~
the Guru, so long he finds" no 3T~1- ttR ~ &~1l.loT<:17 0<:11" flise1\] '3 <:t<:J
rel'uge7 and is drowned'. "l[S ifre,6 ~ I
,.1f'Il""..... filii~~l"f'Il"I"1R"1Ri'lf"Ji"1lFil+Fil+Fil+Fil+"I+HI+"' ...HI+HI+HI+i'I+HI+i'I+HI+i"iiijii"iiijii"iiiji;;piji;;piji;;pq;"'I"I'¥~~~~.if'¥+'Pq;iJ·ijiq;iJ··I'q;ijiq;'l'+++ ..........

14»ffufofR15 tn»fT16 Day'" and night IS. the Lord looks after - "3 aC!15,
feii'l" RIliTH1Wlli iil~ ;E»fi16
- . *.
Bfu ~17 Rl::f tl::f and takes care l7 of His beings" and ~ ytg ))f"3 ~ot ~11l915 ~17 ~ ~
"' ----
yafa 18 q}-fTEV9 II awards them pleasure and pain in ~ot

~ fllsB II aoHi" ~ »fc')RTo

- ,

accordance with their pastil deeds". lJal "3 :aTHl f~"tt ~ I

~Htil~20 R'121 Unfortunate 20 Nanak asks for 2J the seMih:r zo OTOCl RlJ OTH2 • ~ ~2Z ~ ljJTtJOT
91fl:f»fT22 Htcrr23 'OT'()Ol" alms 22 of the True Name21 , 0 Lord, aoBT
~ J~ T:! l)fT}{l ! ~ ~R ~ r~ \{S3'zs
fJ-f5 24 ~~TE125 11811 bless2" Thou him, with this glory2s. l.{€Toz" ao I
1.1981 ).fU'8T ct II Parbhati 1st Guru. l{9T3l llf<J81 llTfaatcl I
HFlf~26 q"a~27 ).fol::f28 If I keep27 mum 26, the world2' ;lao Jl- 'I1l2' Clo OUi27 3i ~()11)fT29 H~
;:rfor29 oml,;jr30 Ii - lo 28
calls me a fool • ~C[628 l)fTl:fBlJo ~ I
. »ifoor31 aor~32 301 If I prattle 32 much 31 , then miss 3" I ;lqo H- S~3T31 ~32 3i W"301 1{l3J3~­
fg~33 oW>;fT34 " Thy 10ve33 , 0 Lord. ~f5'))fT3" ofu ~ ~, ~ T:!l)fT)-fl !
9835 B'or36 3ij Man's mistakes 3s and shortcomings36 l){Tmrl ~ll)ft BR;31l)ft3S ~ ~~J6
a ,

BoSrfo 37
ii are assayed in Thy Court 37• ~·it ~oar~37 lij~ llO~))fT ~1))fT uo I
'OT).f fSoT ~R38 Without the Name, how38 can there O'H ~ ST~" ~ClIT ~ 'im('i3' fqR ~3' '5
»fTtJTo39 II ct " be good conduct" ? Rq1:!T ~ ?
RRT0r4 3
)1'<542 Such"o is the world u , that it is being
cheated"2 by falsehood"'.
~'5 ftrU1"O ~ trU~3 fcl fuR
tIT fuuy42 ~ I
*. . ca 4' crarl

fit~44 fi-~45 'is'46 Dear"7 unto me"6 is the slanderer...., H~46 mosT·7 ~ ~ ~~ Clan ~51"" ii
fU>;fTCJT47 /J<1"OUT~" who slanders"s Pause. s~l~S~I~1
ftlJ1 fi~U' R'el48
fsfQ'49 tl~ II ClIo ~
He"8 alone, who is slandered knows
the way of life"'. Through the
~~ ~18
u1 i11~ ouo1314'
- .
* ~ ~r
ftm ~l ~ ilel ~ I aLo t ~ ST<!JSO CJTYr,
RSB50 tfa 51 'OlRT~52" Guru's word so, he becomes ~u T:!I)fTHl ~ ~SI "j'~ 'iaJ'CSl- lit
manifestS2 in the Lord's CourtSI . ~€'T ~ I
Within his minds", he realises 56 the l){Tu;! HOS.. >Ji"eo €tu, d~»fi ~ d~S3, OTH ~
loftinessss of the Name, the cause of
- .-
@'e31S5 ~ ))f(B~ Clo ~S, ~ I

ftlJ1 ~ oefo57 ora On whomsoever is the God's fQ~ €t~ ~Tfuc[~ ~l fi..IuoS7~; ~
• R~S8 fafq59 ~" graceS7 hes8 alone knows the 58
€tu ul tJ~o ~l ~ 0~-oB15' ~ ~~
~JI virtuous way of lifes,. ~I
H>{B6G ~tl861 RB'62 I am filthy60 while immaculate61 is that H- H81o'O ut ;:{B fcl llfi3CI61 ~ ~u ~
= - -
Rre II True Lord62• U
T:!I)fTH1 I
~3>-f63 »{Tfl::f64 '0 Calling64 oneself sublimeu , one does ~ >JiTll ~ 'iJ:R'3 ~..~, ia
~fu " not become good 6s• ~y65 nu't ae ;:ri~T I

HOljlf6 ~f&.67 ~8 An egocentric" manifestly'7 J.IOH31»fy46 ~5H-l::f5IU

- v -
UOH" i.ffuo" ~

fSl;!69 l:l'fu70 II partakes7C) of the great 68 poison". l:1f~70 ~ I

QIo}jfcf 1
&~ 13 72 He, who gets resigned to Guru's ON »filR lo17' til ~8't!T ~ ! ~u72 Wl:?r-e
O~73 orf~74 lIall wilF 1, he72
is absorbed73 in the o'H 74 >it!O 5107! 5 'Hit!' ~ I
Lord's Name .
>iiT 7S ~l"576 J:{org77 My Lord, I am blind75 , deaf7', Hij u-~
4" .'

>l-ioT75 ~oT76 Ho~77 ij~orn78
'" I I = t . '

OJ~78 II ti}i79 unwise17 , ignorant78, low 79 , nl~t79, »ftm80 »f3 )·fft!»fT81 t!l l.IoH Ht!'
o1t1 §a 81
~ II grovelingEO and the vilest of the <It I
vile81 •
o1tlo82 a tJQ83 ()'T)j I, the poor82 one, possess the H·, :aTole82 -e t.T-c? Y."!! -e nT).f -e iH84 t!T
fll~8411 wealth83 of the loveB4 of the. Lord's 1.It!TQtJ83 ~ I
f~ lJQ FJTQ85 52 Sublime85 is this wealth. AU other
fafu))iT86 ~87 IIBII valuables are but poison86 and
~R"3f388 m-er 89 Abandoning praise88 and dispraise 89 ~QlT t!1 ~f~))i1~188 ))i3 ~fo))fTl:?189 ~ f3))iTOT,
RS~90 ~~91 II of men, meditate91 I on the Name90. H· n TH90 t!l fRHOo 91 orOt!T <Ji I
;:r ~92 f3R93 Cil~ I pay homage94 to Him93 , who H· ~R93 ~ t{,!IH94 orOt!T <J t , ft:l<J~T H~
~qtq94 II blesses92 me with His bounties. mff.!IRt Sl:ff.!e T92 ~ I

•3 Sl::lHftI 9s
t:JTf3 96 Whomsoever Thou forgivest95 • he f'HR forR ~ ~ 1i))i1:G95 oro ft!~T~" ~R ~
Uf397 ~fu98 II is blessed9B with high caste95 and ~~1 i.f 131" »f3 ft;:r3 97 l{T1.I3'8 5 'Htel»fi
honour97• <Jo I
· (')TOg: 0l~99 CiltJT~lOO Says" NllIlak, He 2, the Lord, makes O!~ 'HI »fTl:1~99 <Jo, ~<J2 1!»fT).fl <Jl i1-e UTA·
Rf~2 IILlI19:<1I man utter lOO His Name. ))iTU(!1 oTH ~~TooIOO oro~~tt!T ~ I
llg'31 ~5T Cl 'I Parbhati 1st Gnl1u. t{~T311.1f<J51 l.I Tf3aT<Jl I
l:fTf~~ H~3 By eatin~:
more, man il'lcreases 4 the ~q 1:fT'! ~)){'OT ))iTeHl H53 ~ ~QT~·t!r4 ~
~Tfu>,.rrC ij.qs Ulo6 filth' and. by wearing5 extravagantly. >l-f3 ~Ql))iT l.Ifu(i'!5 ~l){lol ~<J »fTUe! tUoTi)' •
· oft ~7 II he disgrac:es 7 his family'. t!l u lo1 7 cra~l€t·t!l ~ I
sf~ mOl ~~9 By prating8 and prattling, he starts lO e38 ~ orao ~))iloT, St!T' 8'ifij l:1ijlO qO
Bwf~lO fs'Q o~ strifes9• Know u , thou, 0 B't" ~ I ~ RH8'13 8, ~ i1-e ! for O'H -e
fSl,!12 tt~13 11911 man, that, without the Name, sillo uo B fooll;!ol i.ff<Jo 12 ul ~ I
everything is but poison 12 •
SlST14 ~RT15 fSl:fHJ6 o father l\ my soul 18 is caught" in ;j fU3 TI4 ! Hal »f13).fT18 »i;j15 ;15 i.feot!it3 16
writ 7 HQ18 such 1s a formidable" trapl7, that ~ql' f~ GRit OT~1 ~, for ~~5 8'1:13 20 8'tH
~~~~+++++++m+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++m 6 ++++++++++++++++++++. .

~ ~fR'»fTI9 II ~20 only by wading through21 the ~. ~U( el21 <:ft, Wr ~ ~m-r f0r,fT022 ~
! sTfOT21 R'~fH22 storm20, it can be iIlumined"3 by \{CilB 23 ~ RCit!'T ~ I ofuaT~ I
. tfcrOT TfR>}fT23 II ~ II 22
gnosis • Pause.
fa~24 CfT<!T25 f~ Men eat 2S poison24 , utter26 poison' ~oWn tifua 24 C:lTB25 <:1n, tif;JO ~BB26 <:10
~CSC:T26 f~ oft epo27 and do23 the deeds27 of poison. »{3 tifuo B <:11 ;h{27 aoB28 <JC:i I
OlHTfu28 II
29;:rHtfo 30 wit31 Bound down 31 at the
death's29 ~i ?; H329 B 8530 (?3
-'I -= • - "
31 el ffiIT an
HTCll»ff(J32 scfR'33 door 30, they are punished 32 It is fmrnl32 ~ I el<0r5 ~34 nTH B CJT<J1' <:11,
FJT-e oTf-e34 II~II= only through the True Name 34, that ~<:1 iit:!~34 ij RCil'B m; I
they can be emancipated33 •
ft:r~35 >}fTf~36 f3~37 A S3S man camel',
shall he sou ftrR 3O" i35 ii~ )){Tfu)){T36 Fl1 t ~R
3O i37 <:ft u

;:JTf-eR'138 0l1>}fT39 38
depart . His deeds 39 are writ40 and 39
~<:1 ?:d' ~ijJT38 I ~R B »{HB fHCI B@40
fHfu'40 <5 wfu41 II they must accompany41 him. ;:riB <:1n >li3 ~R ~ (')TB ;::rit?41 <:10 I
HoHft:r4 2
The egocentric42 loses44 even his HnH'31~2 )){Tu<!l ~ 1£tif43 mCI.!)){T ~.~
CRtf-e~4 t!OOT~45 capital43 and is awarded ~ >li3 ~R ~ 1i»{Tj-ft -e ~W5 ~ ffilT46
fHE R';:JTfu46 IISI1 punishment in the Lord's court4S •
fH5t!l 3 I
t:lCfi47 l1~48 ffi149 The world47 is unclean48 and IlWij47 »{uRw~ ~ >li3 ~ 1.!01350 ~

fooHB 50 ~o Ra~l:'51 Immaculate SO is the True Lord"'. So, RW ~)){TH149 I fal m,~, arot ~1 s'<!15'
~lBTf052 II contemplateS2 thou Him, through the 0T<:ft~, ~R ~T fRHd' 0 52 ao I
Guru's wore SI .
3 53 00 54 f~o555 Rare ss are known to be sucbS3 SQ3 <:11 a~55 )jfij ;lijS3 td.d'F.l 54 ;:r~ iliB <JC:i,
;:rTil»ff~ fHo >i3f056 personss4, within s6 whom is the F1:Jni '€ ~BCJS6 ~OITd's, ~ ~d'ls9 <:1d'1 ~1
" '
fOT»fTQ57 58l:{oTfcr 59 II gnosisS7 of God. the EnemyS9 of farl)o(T3 57 ~ I
811 egoS8 .
»f;:rq60 ;:ra61 olsg62 Whosoever endures" the ~ clt!l ~1 »{Flf<J60 ~ R<JTOt:!'" ~, ~ B B~
sa 63 »fH0 64 »f3~5 unendurable6o , for him, incessantly62 \{~03T65 ~u", 1icrn13 aoo'" ~TBT oTH-

ROU 66 II trick les u the immortalising64 Name- l)j-fH..3 ft!OI d'R'2 cUOIt:!Tu ~ I
= Nectar, the embodiment" of bliss65 .
O'o~ ;:r~7 a
68 Hl'Q69 Nanak, as is the love of68 fish" oTC)OI , f;:m 30" t ~T fu»fTij H&:"l" t:! T68 U'~1'7
R70 l1 71 ~JT~72 oTl::f~73 with 70 water'7, be Thou7' pleased72, oTB'O ~, cJ ~»{TH1! ~71 Y.J!io ij72

tftf3 74 114119S11 o Lord, to enshrine73 such a love74
within me for Thee.
Bt!l, ~<J ii<JT fU»fTij74
Qd' I
WIJ ~~d' )){RSTUn73

Parbhati 1st Guru. \{W'31 ufuBl urf3F.fT<J1 I

various 82 songs75 , tunes76 ~CfiB2 -ar13i75 , Cfrart76 , l!F.l1I){t77 ,QIB'I){'01I){i7l ,

~~78 II o~R79 pleasure5;77, clevernesses78 , ~TOtJ.rt79, aor-oHll)fi80, <!QlHi81, ~f.lTOrT83))f3

. acrr 80 6Owf~1 comforts 7', revelments80, commands81 , ~Hoi84 ~ Ha H08S I)j~o W ou't fi.m~186 I
~82 II Ui~83 ~T84 robes 83 and relishes 84 find 86 no place
~lf385 0' ~186 II within my mind8s .
R~;:I88 Rl::f89 The true l17 poise88 and peace" abide90 Jf~l81 ~H3T88 ))f3 ))IToTI-(" Riel· -e (i)1H
: RTtJS7
.~ - - --
(!)tfi-r ~FJTEl90 11911 in the Lord's Name. "f~o ~R-e90 uo I
fOTW 91 ';:Il(!)y92 fOT>1fT What" do I know'2 as to what the H· al" iJT<!~l'2 uT, fa l!))fT1-(1 crl cro~T ))f3
ora OT'ijT~ II Lord do(~s and causes to be done ? craT~·~T ~ ?
oTH feaT 3f093 f~ Without the Lord's Name, naught is lfi -e C'iT).( -e rio, Hal -eJ9J ?i ~ 91
a s:!l::fT~94 11911o~1I pleasing'4 to my body'3. Pause. ~orl'4 C'iul Hor~T I oruoT~ I
;lcrr. fac5-e 95 RT'e 96
... 99 Through true" love 100 and fi:J..RCV -e l!~T).(14 ~1 Jf~l" t{l3 1OO ~3 a~aiP
l)fTO-et97 II Hf398 R3 meditation of the Lord 0f the world 3,
2 4 oTul, ))ITU~ l-(098f~ H· tijart, l1H, 3I-(Tff.J))IT'S
~Tre 100 ~crrf32 I have received, within my mind", all ~ l!~T~t" ~l~t Rral~T ~f.Jll)fi'7 tJT H~~T
3a1fatr4 II the joys'7 of Yoga, plays'S and uo'
cftof35 q'ijH6 OTTa7 My own8 affair' and avocation7 is HOt fot:t' ~T ~H' 3 crro-f~7 we't t?l
fotl R-et8 II the Lord's praiseD, fms-JTOYS ~ I

".f3fa9 o~10 OT;:(12 Within my mind', contemplate lO I, l)fTU~ f<JO-e' I)j~o .

H·, ROH I3 ))13 ~~'4-e
130~tT14 II~II my Lord, the llluminator 12 of the 1{0lTf.J0l 12
~TU<§ '1~Tl-(l ?i fRHO~TIO <Ji I
sun lJ an<ll the moon l4.
The 10vc:'7 of my dear's Beloved '6 , l)fTU~ fU~Ta 15 1{8H 16 ~1 f~1'7, H·
I have lovingly'8 enshrined20 within fUlliTO" orH IliTui f<Jo-e" »j~o fc~l20
my mind"'. 5el ~ I
-eloT21 ~22 ut~23 My spouse 23, the Lord of woods'''' italHT ~124 l!~Tl-(l, KaT ~323. HRalot21 ~T

aO'~TCJ124 II is the Master22 of the meek 2 '. HTgcr 22 ~ I

»fO'[eQ25 'Ol>i ~26 Rememb<erance of the Name, night2S i~2S ))13 fe~ C'iTI-( ~T fRHtlC'i croor ul Her
a3OTTCJ127 II and day, is my alms-giving26 and t?TC'i-ljo 26 crooT1li3 ~327-(Jl:l(!T ~ I
f3tr328 ~0I29 3~30 fasting27. Deliberating" over the Rt~l -e ;iuo30 ~l R~]I-f~~TO croC'i ti))lT(JT,

af~131 11:311 Lord's quintessence JO, I have been H" ~F.I1 t?llliTHruo j2' oTg ot=l28 forl)fT uTI
satiated'8 with the waves" of bliss.
~32 or~33 for~T34 What34 Ilower ls have I to utter3J the 1li00f.:JU 1ft ?i crrJo3J t?l Ha f~~ fcru3V 4
H;lq35 II Unutterable Lord l2 ? Jff31liYJS ~;1
~crrf336 oral cratfufu If ThOll, 0 Lord, make me l7 ~cro ~i ~ I!IliTHl ! Ha 37 cis' ~Hr c;ro~',
J1a 37
II worship, then alone can· I worship. ~~ 3T tit H· '3al1!W36 era Refer yT I
~ •••••+..+•••+.++••+++++++++•••+++++++++•••+.+++.+•• +++.+++.+++++.+++++++++++++++.+++~

If Thou abidest" withinH me, then ;.lora t }fij ))fBo J8 ~J9 ~~, at H~ ~I­

am I rid40 of my egotism41 and ~ar3T ~ ))ftlO~2 3~ l:f8 TRl40 tfT ~ ut I

egoism42 .
~43 R~44 Whom4J else should 1 serve 44, 0 my H~ iia cikrBl43 ~~44 orat, 5 }fij JIl)fTHl ! ~
oul ~46 11811 Lord 1 Without Thee, there is not ria iiaR'" W 45
~ tit 0<1't I
any45 other4'.
qro QT Ra~47 48}-KJT_ ·Sweet50 and supreme" elixir4' is the'3150 ~ tl~ ))j'-f~' ~ a.ra' tit
0'1 49 H1oT50 II Guru's word47• ~71

,;fRT51 "f-fl-r354 >i3fo 52 Through such 5 • Nectar 54 , I have ~ii5l;.l5 )){Tfu54_Fuw3 ~ oru't, H~)){Ttf<!
mo T53 II ... seen5J my Lord within52 me, \fl ~ ~ >i~52 tit ~l:f fH))fT5J ~ I
ft:rfo 59 BrfCfl')fT55 11CJT56 Whosoever59 tastes55 this Nectar, he 'ii <ret5' 9i fuR )){Tfa-fuW3 .
'5 'el:W55 ~, @U
Utl 57 ~fu58 II iro01' attains 58 unto the perfect56 status57 • ljao56 ~57 ~ tfTSi 5~ ~ I ~ i;I60

~60 3f061 RlI'2 He is satiated60, 0 Nanak, and his ~ ~, ti' (')TOor ! ~ ~R B1 ~<J'I 151:f1'2
~fu 1I~11~811 -- body61 is comforted62 • a1 ~sB1 ~ I
lJi3 T3T H~ ~ II Parbhati 1st Guru. ~ ufuB1 urf3WUl I
»f3fa 63 mCf Raf-e 64 Seeing the Lord 64 within" myself, ~ »{BCI" ij)){T)-/1'3 ~ ~ c} }for ftJ3
H'Q HTfo»1165 ~66 my mind is pleased65 • None else" t{Ro 65 ii far~T ~ I iio" tM }fo1 f;:f~1 ~
o otar@T0 r6 7 II can imbue 67 my soul. aOl67 0<:11' RCl~T I
68)){f~fofFJ69 tl1))fT ~fCf Day'8 and night", He watches and f~68 ~3 ae" ~ ~Tl.Ji ;:it~ ~ ~1:feT ~3
R).fTB 70 BFJ 71 ~1 01'1 looks ~fter70 His beings. He 71 alone ~'B1 R9" S70
T OlOBT ~ I c}~H §lu71 '11:
Ro01'TCJT72 II~" is the Sovereign72 of all. wfa))fi ~T ijH3ro"2 ~ I

HoT lJ9" otfuT73 Ufi74 My Lord is dyed 7J in an exceedingly75 H·~T ij~TH1 >i3i'75- tit I!B03'76 tit a'l3T3 74
»ff375 ~~76 II great74 beaut}76. >iBCI afOl~T7J <Jre))fT ~ I
Blo77 - ~fu)){TC278 My Soul-Charmer80 Beloved7' is }fCl1 f;:i~~l ~80 wf<J3 oro Be ~ f~7', •
_t.r13H 79 HoH~o80 77
mercifuF8 to the meek , very81 HRCl1ot 77 3 f'HUClaro 78 , l:J<!38 I '11 omBT8l
sl»{f3oFJ82 Wg 83 sweet82 and of deep" red u hue. ~3 aS84
• u

aar ~THT ~ I of<J01@
RaJ3s4 11~lIo~T~1I Pause.
~iifoS5 O1't.r86 -arcn0
87 High Up85 in the tenth gate87 is the ~85 BRH ~l){TCJ87 f~~ ~Tfa-futiJT389 BT
Uf0ijTCJ1sS - >i-fi-r389 well 86 of Nectar8'. My mind draws 88 cil)fi86
~ I }for }{O))fl

~ l){rfa-fJtilT'3 '5

t.rl~~TaT90 II ...- out and indrinks 90 that Nectar. <ie88 c} lJT090 oroBT ~ I
rnR cit 0;:)oT91 fi92 By the Guru's grace'" I have qrat Bl Bf~l){T'4 ~l){ToT, H· fuu fA~'5

fafQ93 .~ qrCJl:[fl:l94 realised" this wisdom" that He92 ~<'i~96 ora H~ ~ for ffiR t!1 fua l:fHii3'1
fOT)){TQ95 ~tJTCJT96 II alone, to whom the creation" ~ c}~ ~J <11 f~R ~1 aHi.I'J ~ ;I1e'eT ~ I

~II belongs, knows its secret".

•••••• "'' ' ''' ' '+++.41++++++++'' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ",,,,.,,,,,.j,'I',,,,,,,,,m,,,,,,,,,m,,,"',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
uoFft97 faof<!'98 afR99 When the ray" of gnosis spreads'7 il~ far'liTo ~1 !!lli T'8 f~g ~gIOO f~~ ig
cf)..rH lOO faorrH 2 RfR3 across the heart lotus 100, it joyfully" il Te1" ~. 3 1 feu ~r:r199 7)Tg fl:f3 ~TZ ~
UI~ Ros RWre»{l6 II blossoms z and in the house" of the })f3 B~ J ~ far.<J »{eo ~Oils I)fT we" ~ I
moon 3 emers6 the suns
QT~7 fuqfR 8 HOw9 Attaining: unto the Lord, by the i!!o1 el ~fl:})f113 ~})fTCJT, ~ ~ tftl3 ii, H·
HfOIO WoV 2 qJO Guru's grace l3 , I have overcomel H3 3 efTS= lP fglliyB ~ ~ lliTll"<!l wfur:r' ?i•
l{RTft! 13 l{~ tlTfu»fT II death7 a.nd
nipped 'z my desire' in ftJ3 10 ~eo <:11 He &:f~WIZ ~ I
all the very mind 1o.
»ff3I-4 orRIS c1far l6 I am now imbued 18 with the deep H·<!<! ~ ~ \SoH'" t1H1S B1 0!~1 g1g 17
~17 CJT3l18 t!;:r19 red 17 ,colour16 of the Lord's aar3 16 oTg afCITw farlli T18 <JT})f3 <ioo,19
~i20 (') &~ II = supreme'" love ls and am rid of W<:ITZO 3" J:1gTR1 tJT fdrlli l <:11 I
other l ' hueszo .
C'iToCl' oRfo21 0~22 Nanak, my tongue ZI is imbued with Z3 oToa, Hal t:i13T" (JR zS I!lliTH1 ~ i.JTfu~22
CJT323 of~ of~t)fT24 the relishzz of that ZS Lord, who is oT8 aCIT1 <il:1 23 O. ;l Rra <J1 R})fltJ& <i
tI.~ H~12s 11811 ~ 411 prevadingz" all over. fa<:lTZ" 0I
tI.w31 H~HT ~ II Parbhati 1st Guru. l.l3 131 tJfugl tl'f3r:rT<:I1 I
ara~26 Hf(J27 oT~H28 Divided inz, twelve z6 sects, the yogis Z8 ifloi })f"ea 27 ~~ ~V8 SOl:iTe <i w~z,
't:fftl ;:JT~J29 ~30 are ruind z, and so are the four 30 and <:10 l>i3 f~~ 39:1 <:11 <!~ f31)fT(JT1 32 ,:j ~To30
f~~31 Hf(J Rfow 32 11 six 31 sects of sanyasis 3Z . ;:P illiT31 ~l{e~T f~ ~~ <i~ <Jo I
~oft33 crrlSl)){T34 Similarly, the disciples of Gorakh 33 , feR 30u T Rlli
TH1 ~ 01H 36 ~ rio , aTaC/]] ~
fRo l:!'ij3S fs'Q Rse 36 th~ mendicants in tatters 34 and the ~i5 t aT~l ~T~34
:GOlla })f3 H~-o~T€k
= _

arf'H 37 GTR1 38 II ~ II plucked··headed ones 3S are loaded with ~f;S})fT el arot' 0 37 ~})fT8 6 1<JV1 U·t'1 ~ I
the halte:r 38around their necks37 , b~reft
as they ~Lre, of the Lord's Name J6 .
mlfu 0339 lffi40 Perfectly"o detached'" are they, who l!O<'>"O ~a3"1 <JO ~ ;l tn ~ oTH olg
SoTaJ141 II are imbued 3' with the Lord's Name. a-ai <i~3' <:10 I
42»{~43 ~4 And" z embracingSI love'" and })f3"z reCil q~"8 ~ oTg \{l3'" 3 fL(o<J~ls0
so 8
Hf~5 glftf)){T46 tPB1 47 aft'ectioJlL for the One Lord" , they tlTSI (J<J })flU<! H?i..J ~ ti'l:i.... f~~ ..s (JR ~
~ors8 gTf~49 seck,37 to obtain tbe alms'" of His olH e1 ilo..6 tfU3 &00 ~1 tiI~oT CRIe47
50fH~war151 11911 Name in"S their mind's43 hand..... <:10 I ofuo,~ I
oJT~1I Pause.
a(JH~ ~Te56 usfJ The Brahmans read about strifesS1, a<JH<! afff31){i 5Z ara U3~
~ u
<:10, oRH1 ~RqTo5"
ifuS3 fcrfo~54 Cl'0~155 doH the ceremonial deedss" and daily })f3 f03CR1H sS CRI~5J <:10 lli3 ~OOT lJTR.,
croH56 cr~S7 II routineS!; and make others performs7 CRIHcrt~56 &a~T(J'~57 <Jo I

rituals S' ..
+.++++++++••+.+++++••++.++++••++++. . . .+++.++++••••++. . . .•

fan as-58 f~ RS 59 But without knowingS8 the Lord, tf~ )}1)f1}{1 ~ ~sa @ . , ~t H'O-
(')Tat Ho~60 f~f;r;2 those egocentrics60 understandS' H3P>f t60 *. - Cl5 91 ~, out ~ ~TfuaJa
~l:.!63 UTE64 II ~ II naught and, separatedU from God, ors' ~2 cj ~ 3cml6'J ~~64 un I

RafB65 fHcS66
BoOT~69 HT370 II
they suffer'4 pain6J•
They67 alone, who are blessed" with
the Guru's word 6s are immaculate"
are approved7o in the True
&~ ~'7 <:11 ~ alat ~1 S'G1 65 ~
cj~ un, Uf~30" un l)f3 JH ~aro",,;~
ll.H~1ol70 <i@ un I
»fOfBQ71 OTfH O3f072 Night71 and day, they remain ae71 l)f3 feoeJ ~ tft (,)'H @ <:Ira 72 ~
. f8~'War73 t.!fur t.!fur74 attuued7J to the jeweJ72 of the Name t!l37J ffiD1 afij~l ~ l)f3 ~ RTfal')fT ~aJt74
RTf~75 RHT37611all and remain merged 76 in the True l')f"ea R~75 ~1' ~ 81(')7' cj~ afti'"@ <:1(') I
Lord 7s all the ages through74•
R~77 ~78 QoH79 AIl77 the virtuous deeds78, religious7', RliJ77 ~ l)fHg78, Ht.lUa70, I!tr~l)fT80, R~­

gf~80 RtD181 t:lU82 acts,purifications80,seIf-mortifications8l , faIl1 T;:Y3i8l , ))fqa1(lJ82, 3\JfR))f~t83 3 traH 84

3tr83 31a~84 Rsf-e85 devotions82, austerities 83 and ~t eoll')ft ~~, \.[1 @ (')TH" "fea
~R86 II pilgrimages to the holies84 abide" in f('i~TR86 al:l@ <:1(') I

the Lord's Name8s•

OTOor Rf3qJo Nanak, if the True Guru is mel87 , (')T(')OI' ~ R"e a1a;:r1
-e: fH587 tic , €m
_ li@?;

fHC5TfE~)fT88 he unites" man with the Lord and <:101 (')T5 fH5y88 ftf-@ u(') l)f3 ~ tit~I9,
uaTs39 0 then sorrow", sin'o and death" flee l..fTlJ'o, 3 H3 91 ~~'2 ;:rt@ <:1(') I
oR 92 118119~1I away'2.
t{9T31 H~C5T 9 II Parbhati 1st Guru. ll.3'3'l uf<:l51 lJTf3JJTUl I

~3T or1 ij~93 FfTQ The dust'J of the saints' feet, the RTql)ft ~ iiat e1 lp'J, lJf~3a94 uoat tT ;.

t:l094 Rarf3 95 ~fo association'S of the piol1s persons94 H5-fi.l~Tu'5 l)f3 )}l)f'H1 e1 m3R(')T96, ~wa

ottaf3 3g97 3Ta1 98 II

96 and the Lord's praises", are a boat" eo1 (')tft 3~ lJra'7 cje! s~ reOl' ~=-191 un I
to cross'7 the world stream.

01~99 'C«1 100 SliCJT2 What" the poor2 and awe-

can :ara1a=-T%1)/3 ~fal)fr4 cjrel)fT tifHJ aIis-l)f(1!RTij1
t:lJ:f3 ~04 qroJifu5 4
suicken YamaJ do lOO unto the .
?; eft" 01'0 100 RClt!" ~, f;:rR ~ He')' »feci
faB 6 7J:fa1018 119" Guru-ward', within
whose mind',
God, the Enemy8 of eg0 7, abides?
c:JorrcJ7 t!" W1' -.
~'f'JaJa ~ ~ ?

;:rfB9 t:l~ t:ll~lO May the lifelo, bereftl2 of the Lord's ffa era. l!1)fT).ft ~ (')TH 3& RlR1 12 f;:fu'aJl lO
oTH fSOT 12 II Name, be burnt down'. R;J'~~I
~fo ;:rfu13 tlry14 By the Guru's grace l7• contemplate lJ qrat tft ~17 tIwar, H' l)fTlJi ~ ~
itU~15 ituW'Bl16 and remember l4 I my God, and tell'S l)fCfIQt!"IJ 3 fRHat!"14 <:It l)f3 ~R t! OTH eo1

•••+++.+++. .+.++~.p+++••++++++••+••+++•••••••++•••++++++••+.+••••••+.++ ~

••• •• "''''''''''''' ''''''''' '''''''''· ''''''''' 1> 10..''' ''' 1> +"'. l!.!.Icl!.~ " ".h..+"'..+d.+..+ "'.l!.+~
»{,~18 RT~19 ~3e115 ~ H~l)fT20 ~~ ~
OltJljft:f 17 the beads of the ro,ary l6 of His Name HT5'6 <JT HaT •
).1'<5'20 11911 Cf~~J1 and my mind20 enjoysl8 His flavour". I!I)fTe ~ HT<!e TI8 ~ I ofua'~ I

~t..rt!R21 ~22 ft=l'R 24 f.xR ~ OlaT el f~fu'liT21 ~'li'oT ReV2

altJ Whosoever2J , by the Guru's
11t:f WOl~23 fOl»{T24 instructions 21 , is bless?d with Tr,~e ~Rl tL'Ll3 <Jt!1~. ~R17 el t{~3125 H· OlV4
f3J:!27 ~U).fT25 bliss22, hOWl" can I narrate26 his27 ~o~?)26.xO ROle T u T ?
Cltil~26 II glory25 ?
W~28 ;:r~~tJ29 d3030 SearchinglZ by the Guru's grace 33 , aLa T el eft!l)flll ~'liTaT ~~'512 Olaa t=ll~"
tfWdtJ31 "ij;:r332 one finds 14 the rubyZ8, jeweJZ9 and ula, i:!~uo;l9 1>13 H'<!OllO ~oarl >tjt!l -e ('iIH
a.Idljfu33 ~~34 II~II emerald lO like wealth ll of the Lord's el ~5331 ~ 5v~34 Ch:T ~ I
B13 l{'~1 ~ l!<JH ~lera3' l<li3 fRHO('i17 ~ ):;f;::jT~38

fOJ»f'Q:36 The mortal should rest his mind 15 on
fq»iT'Q37 ~ the treasures 38 of tru~ gnosis 3' and or5 l)f'U<!T Ho 35 P.i'~<!' l)f3 ft!iil ~ el

e-or R~f-e39 meditation 37 and ought to remain aLOW<!13 9 ('i15 fU'liTd 40 UT~T ~fB3 ~ I
f~~~40 II

~-6' fooT5~41
_ foOW0- 42
attuned40 to the
word 3'.
He should remain tranced 45
One Lord's holy

in the ~ ~ ~e-)fHf3'li'd41.~fQ'liT-ofu~2.UT~7)41 '"

»8 ..a~-r.~", 'f'l "eo ""'01"1 I

f?XJ~~3 fna~44 Immaculate" LO'd. wbo I. .elf- \j013

:~;::: :~:,.:a:e ::e.b::d:: ::1:~::~~. 3~ ~~ uW," :

3rm45 ~~ II =311

RT'reo 46 RU347 g'ij48

~ ~49 fooHf550 with the immacuhtte50 water 4' of the urit4, ('iT~ ual~ao48 <J ;If-e uo l)f3 ~~ ~
~ ~gc151 QT~52 3o~5311 Name and the inverted 51 boat52 of H('i el ,:!o15 I <Jt!1 <Jt!1 a;n52 f>fQl <J uTa51
his mind upturns and floats across 51• BVOI ;:tjtil ~ 1

~~fd54 W3 O'for His outgoing'4 mind, he stops and l)fTui ~'l"uo ;:tTe 54 <J~ H7) ~ <?u aOl a otleT
d~55 ~dljfl:f56 st ays 55 and by the Guru's grace5', ~ 3 qrat el efl:!IliT56 ~l)f'oT ~u RTt!lS7
Raf;:r57 R).I',~58 11811 merges 58 he in tbe Lord 57 . ~eo 51058 <J t=ljeT 3 I ~
R S9 faldm 60 R ~'1361 ReS' alooe: is the householder 6o and a~5 ~S9 ~1 U(oara160 ~ l)f3 a~5 ~u '11 ~
~-eTA162 ft:rfo he alone tbe Lord's slave'l and an t{~ e T al5 161 'li3 f~a0l362
ii Olaf oTu1"l -e It
a.Id~ft:r3 »{1ld64 ascetic62 • who, through tbe Gurun , l<li'U<!'4 ))jTU ~ilT(!65 g'eT I ~ ~
1..I'S'fo»{y65 II knows65 his-self64 •
oT(')cil' Of~ »{~
<ril' R';J >lilfu6"
om Says Nanak. he, whose
p,op;tiatcd" witb tbe True Na......
mind" is OR;:it Ili'~ u('i, ft=lR;::' fB3 97 R-~ olH" ~
"'" 1\tU3" Ql fat"" ~. ft.J W>I'Hl ~ t
.r ~fl!)fl-J'":IFlfo~HRi'Tf;"'0fli'»fRi'y6"'8
. .1"' . .see
.... :::::::::+::+++.+..+:.::::~:::+~+++ ...._
r4398 ]

Cf TOll{9'T31 Rag Parbhati

HuWa 3rd Guru
tJ€ftf~ Chaupadas

9 §" Af3O]CJ l{FJTf~ II There is but One God. By the True ~TfuON ~ fuer ~ I R~ a.rat m ~I){T
Guru's grace, is He obtained. ~)){T(JT ~ U'ful,fT ;:rtt!T ~ I

· Q!'aljfl::f 69 f~CJ8T70 Some rare one70 realise7', by the O]oi t!1 of<m3" Rt!crr ciil ~gr70 c:ft
'&El §~71 Ra~72 Guru's grace 69, that the Lord is )){?l~71 ~ ~ fer \{1! 0l~172 l)(t!O
ofu»iT HH~173 II contained73 in the Guru's word72 • afi.ll)fT23 ;jful)fT ~ I
oTfH 037• R~T75 Bl:! They, who are imbued7" with the it liTH org ~aft~14 iJo, ~iJ iJHB,7S iJll)fTd'TH
~ RTfB 76
o~ Name, ever" obtain and peace tlT~'~ \1li l)f3 R
-e 76
Rt~r oTH f~l77
· fH~ WEl77 II C
UI remain attu ned 77 to the True Lord76 . ~1 01:rt? \10 I
uf07S ufo oTlj tltf~79 o my fellow brethren80 , utter 79 ye 5 Ha RTel80 90~ ! ~Rl' H·~ l!l)fTH1
· tR5' '9TE}80 II the Name of my Lord God78 • ~Tfuc!!q7. -e oTH t!T ~;:J'oo79 ~ I
grace l l , Olot t!1 t!f~I){T81 ~T ~I){' ))offd'HS2 ;j
QIo l{RTfe 81
HQ By the Guru's the
»fRf~82 ~ »fofeQ83 becomes equipoised s2 and nightS3 and ~T ~ l)f3 -ae 83 "3 ft!~ ~ ~ l)j'·f~ oTH

ufo ofR84 ofu))iT day remains satiated SS with the Lord's afill)fT85 af.:ft!' ~ I of<:lor~ I

lliUlTE1 11'1110uT~1I
85 elixir8". Pause.
lliofeQ 86 '9CJTf387 Day and night. ever86 perform 88 thou f~ l)f3 -a~ ~ Ht! l86 <:11 l)fTtl<! ~ t!1 l{H

~ OI'o~88 feQ 0131 fEB thy Lord's devotional service 87 . This Hil87 R~ erHr8 8 , ~R ti!0I t!T ~g ~ \11

· BOT O/'T HT UT89 is the only profitS9 of this age, 0 W989 ~, 5 ~1090 !
T 90
· '9 E1 II hrother 90 .
J Re T91 ;:1(')92 fooH8 93 The persons'2, who attune97 their fit<E-1:!ogU R·~ oTH OTS ))ofTUC1 flTcl31 96
j HH94 (I) 8 Tcii95 RfB attenion 96 to the True Name are ;'t;ffi97 \10. ~iJ Rt!l~91 <1l tlf~30-U'~'3 \10
!oTfH fB~96 Hl~197 II ever 9 ' immaculate 93
attaches" to lhem.
and no filth'" >If3 ~t
-. Ilol

ci~l olt'dT19" nul' rnH3t!l95 I

~1 :<11
~ Bl:!98 R1CJTrq99 Rf3C!!~ The peacegiving98 ornamentation", the l)fraTH·· ~ ~ST \1rofifOlro99 If-e Olor ~ H~
] ftcfTf~))iT (l)TfH ~~1100 True Guru has shown to me. Great 100 r~ ft!31 ~ I f~TH'OO ~ f~lS3T l!I){TH1
~~ ~f~n1TEl II is the greatness of the Lord's Name. ~o'H till
::~ lIil:f2'2 ~~Ta3 3-a 4 0 brother 8 • ever ~erve7 thou thy ij ~1o. ! ~ Rt!~ \1ll)fTtrc! ~ffJarcJ t!1 R~T7
= -=

~;1 0(~5
~ tl"t:!T

(I) lli~
God, brirnful"
are whose
inexhaustible treasures), which run
era I uo1lJCJot
ert!Tf;:J3 5
.1!ce' \10 fim ~ l)f).{Q2 }fi,~3
om' I

] '9TF18 11:311 - not short 6 ever.

:~ >;fnJ ~a3T9 f;:JR 3 Whosoever the Creator9 • Lord

e~10 f3~12 ~R13 blessen 10 with these treasures, into aJ:lH~TIO ~i ~'R12 ~ f<JCJe »j~o; ~<J))fT &
Hf3 »f~ II his l2 mind, He comes to abide'3. fC'or ;::jt~IJ ~ I

or3~ oTt{ fql'){Tfu14 o Naillak, contemplate l4 thou ever l6 if oTOOl ! ~ <JHH TI6 <J1 olH ~T fRHoo oro l4 ,
RtT16 3" R80lfa the Name, which the Lord has made f;::jR ~ for R~ OloT ?> Ha 3 UoOlc's oro
tT»fT f-elirEt l5 1181\ manifest lS unto me. ft?'3 1 ~ I

q9ST H~W:3 II Parbhati 3rd Guru. Uo~31 31m UTBHT<J1 I

f3'da]<!tl'){Tij17 ~~ 0 my Lord, bless Thou me, the ;j Ha RTfua ! 3= H· >li~aJf<!i?ira

- -
17 j;

tf1:~fR18 g gl'){THT meritl:ess l7 one, with Thy for- H>li~118 ~
- .
&, H3 >liTUc! orgl9 fHB'T 5 I
»fTU H~ fH5T~ II
givent:ss l8 and unite me with Thyself".
3 fani'3 20 30T >i3"21 Infinite 20 art Thou and none has ever >li~320 ~. ~ >li3 ore ~1 forA ~ 3a fuior 21 ~T
c'5 l/Tfil')iT22 Rtf~23 found 22 Thy limjt2l. By the Guru's 1..l3T22 O<Jl· BOlT I OIoT ~ ~ll~f.f23 ~))frol
- - -
B~ tf~T24 11911 instructions 23, Thou makest Thyself >liTue! >liTU ~ l{'<!l 3 UOOIc oro~T24 ~ I
~ - - manifest24 unto one.
~ ~fo
tft€1- 25 3"U
26 My Sire Master 2S unt0 27 Thee 26 I am H'~ H<JTOTtt HTffiil 2S 3ij26 If' tilH1 ~3m
f~c'Q27 tffg ~T28 II ~~T28 <JT I

a sacrifice28 .
3(i29 HQ30 >1iotit31 Surrendering31 my body29 and soupo, >li Tu<!1 ~29 >li3 f;:f~Vo HlfOUo31 oro, H·
3q lii T-at 32
'd1l::f€1 Rt!T I place them before 32 Thee, 0 my ~t ~ 3a li<Ja 32 ~t!T <JT, ;j Hij l!»{TH1,
~~t33 RO<!TET34- 11911 Lord and ever abide U I in Thine >li3 Rt?'l~ <J1 301 H0<!T0I3 34 l){ecJ '~m~33
~ o~T€1 II refug'e 34 . Pause. ~t I Of<JO'T~ I

~ liiT~ ST~35 f~fB o Lord God, keep Thou me ever in ;j FilEr <J01 ! ~ H~ <JHRI ))fT1.l<!1 0;;,,3S l){t!d'

~ Rt!T olj B>1iTHT ~fo Thy will 3S and bless 36 me with the cfl::! ))f3 H~ >liTlle! oTl-f t?'1 l{~3IJ7 UO~To36

75TH ~f~36 ~f~l1-fTE137 II gloryl7 of Thy Name.
i11'~38U 40
010 3
Through 39 the Perfect 38
Lord"s will is known40 and one
Guru, the
Cia 1
y,CJo 38 OloT ~ oT<:1r 39 , FlTf<Ja t?'1 0:;;JT;:[1'<!1
itTt?'l 40 ~ >li3 l{'<!1 RtJT41 <:11 >li~H3'42 l){~o
~ -
~ R~f;::J42 RHTPl 43 II~II ever 41i remains merged 43 in equipoise 42• g1?)43 of;Jt?'l ~ I

j 33 sri 44 sCflf345 The s,aints~S, Wh046 walk in Thy will4". FlTq~S, ;l~6 3a1 Ot!,,44 ~t?'a ~o~ <JO, ~u
~ ,:t46 3U ST~47 tl
lii T 48 art pleasing~7 to Thee, 0 Lord. 33= Bill HOIe~7 <J?), ;j R>liTl-f1!
- 3"=-"1£
~ot 3
~ --
~ slifR fHgTETl1
49 Thou forgivest 49 them and unitest li'1'\T:649 Cio >liTUe!~8 oTH fj.ffiT 5·;:!T ~. I
~ them with Thyself~8.

+3-& ~T~ R-e TSO Rtf Walking in Thy will, I have obtained 301 O~T >li"t?'o ~o a,
H· I1t?'l~ls0 >liTOTH UT
~ t[TfFTriT orfo
~ -
. everlasting50 peace and the Guru m>li ~ '3 OloT ?> H01 J:ITf<JH 51 ~1 ~S2
quenched 53 the fice s2 s3
~ >iiaTf?)52 tfS TE1 53 11311 has of my l:!8 Tft?'31 ~ I
~ -

~ ,:j54 3 orClf~ R S5 j~ Whatever 54 Thou doest, 0 CreatorS6 fi1;J'~T ~5S4 ~ <rae T ~\ if fRoiieu'os'-
... = -
tf'"iJ~''i' ... ij''li4'.'i'4'4''''''''T.~;;;·l'·'l''t''''~~'if''l'~iI'~~+4'4'",++++++q;",+q;q;+++++++iji'i'+++"'4'~"'''''''",i(i'''ifi+'''''''

C«J356 .»f~57 Lord, thatSS alone comes to paSs, 'l»fTHl ! c}~5 ~ss u1 <!~~, eTa c¢7 gf

~;:r~lll naught elses7 can be done. cr13T 0<:11~ ;:rl Rcr~ I

0l00l' o~ it~~58 Out of the bounties'O, no others9 al:mlai 'o R'B~ 5059 ikl 8l:fala olH f~
»f~59 0 -eT~O uij61 bounty is as greatS8 as the Name and ~S8 o<:rl »13 fe<:r feoR'O ?:; tlOo'l OlaT B
- = =• -
(lIo 62 UT~63 II BII one attainsU unto it, through 62 the al<:11~2 trcJllS <!~3 ~ I

~II perfect'l Guru.

... }fiJBY 3 II Parbhati 3td Guru• trcJ9'31 3l;:rl \.Irf3J:r<Jl I
(]Tcn-rfl:f 64 ~fu They, who praise's their Lord by the ~ CIlOi t?1 t?fu»fr'4 ~l'JilOl l)fl\.li ~ ~l tfR's
RrB~f~)){y65 f;:foT Guru's grace'''' by so praising, they" cra~ <:10; f~ ~f ;:IR crao ~l)flCJl ~66 tf!f.
f30 66
RBrf~ ufo come to know67 the Lord. ~ ;:rl(! H~~67 vo I
f~68 ~69 From within" them, doubt" and ~ot ll1t?ij~8 RB<:1" l)f3 ~3_~7I ~
Olf~»fT70 ~ -e;:rT71 Old' duality71 are dispelled 70 and through 70
5 ;:riB <JO»I3 OlaT ~1 are172 OT<Jl, ~
~ m:rf-e72 ~7ill the Guru's word72, they realise 73 their l)flt«! ~f~ ~ l)f?i~~ aa H'B 73 <:10 I
<til God.
~ ;:rl@74 3 HoT My Sire7" God, Thou alone7s art my Ha H<Jlal;:rH ~fuora c}~75 3=- <:11 HCJT
fuel75 R~76 II = Sublime76 Lord. Jiac76 'l»flH'l ~ I
3tl ;:rtit77 3tr Thee, I contemplatcn , Tbee, I 3?i <:11 H~ fRHO~ln <:1 T, 3al <:11 H~ tfR cra~l78

HJ81ti}78 Olf379 praise78 and from" Thee gather I <Jf »13 3a \.IrR~81 <:11 H~ }fcr31" 3 fmtH3 80
~~ 381 ~-et II <t II salvation" and wisdomlO• Pause. \.ICJllS craBl <Ji I Of<JO'~ I
OJOl:ffl:f82 RTH~083 They, who, by the Guru's grace82, ~l)fICJl, RTB'l~ ~1 fR63
;i O]CJf t?1 t?re»fl'2
RS4 RT~85 urfuf086 praise83 the Lord, theylH are blessed" 83
craB <:10, ~~t8 .. ~ fH'O;j87 3 ~9 olH-
)-jtoT87 >iiH3 88 RT0 89 II with the relish8s of the sweet87 and t?1 ~'3 trcJl\.l3 <J ;:riel" ~•
...- - RtJlOR88
- B Rl){lt!8S
sublime" Name-Nectar88. ~I
fRY mOT Ever sweet and never insipid 90 is the <:1Hal ~1 fl-/O;3l l)f3 a-e gf (,l f6'a5T90 ~,
GT0l'T 90
(flo Name-Nectar. By the Guru's oTH 'lQlaR I a.rat B ~\JBa91 ~l){Ti3T ~ f~ ~
~wq92 II~II 9 92
instruction •• reflect Thou on it. ~l fe'30 92 cra I i
Mo HlOT B"lfE»fT Hen alone, who has made it seem c}~5 ~<:1n <:11, f;:rR ~ fuR ~ H~ fHo3 l ~
~93 tJT<! f3J.:!94 sweet unto me, knows its worth. glfu»ll ~ f~ -e 1{5 ~ ;:rt<!~l ~ I ~R94
~95 ~fB96 iP~l II Unt09S Him9" I am a sacrifice". ~3"9S H· tii51 ~~~96 <:1 T I
m:rf't96 * R~197 By the Guru's instructions", ever 98
Olaf B ~\JBa"* ~l'JilOl, H~ <:1H8l98 <:11 »II\J<!
R~8 gl:ft!T3T99 praise97 I, my peace-giving" Lord »IlCJ'H-~<:1ICJ99 'l»lT'.-11 ~1 crla3197 cra~ <:1T •
~~100 l)fl112 and, from within 100 me, I have »13 »Ilt«! ))j't?ij~ 100 H~ »Iluit R~-50l32 ~a
Ol~13 11311 banished 3 my self-conceit2. cra fu3l3 ~ I

HCJT ~t4 ~
ii6 re~7 AS
Ever4 beneficient5 is my True Guru.
Whatever6 one desires7, that8 fruit', ere;6 ~eT ~1<JeT7 ~ €r.:Jl8 H~l' €r.:J €toT
Rel~l" e13TCl 5 <:1'0 Ha ~. <Iro 'il'1 I f;::J<:I';JT
- - ' - - TV

6(29 U~ II one obtains from him. l.plf lJT B'eT 3 I

(')T(')Cil oT);:{ f}.ffil0 Nanak, by the Guru's word'3, man is oT()Ol'

, OIdT
- e1 arc!lIJ
- '~. (')TH' e1
e"fTClT *
~»{TE112 QIo blessed llo with the Name's gloryl2 and qg311% el ~T3 fim w~110 3 "f3 ~ "fTlJi
~13 mj14 UT~ II attains unto his True Lord14. - *.
R;j R"fT).jtI" UT 5e T3 I
U'9T31 H~gr ~ II Parbhati 3rd Guru. Ud'913T 31m Ulf3BT<J'1 I
;13~1 R~TBl15 ~fo o my Venerable Lord 16, Thou art ~ H-a ~ ~" ! ~ Qqi l7 ~ d'fi:r,.rT1i Of 0(')
tll~16 13017 "3 Omnipotent I' to save lS those'7, who ~ ROa 19 BOf31~ ~ if 301 UO'<J 15 ~~
o,~IS iiqr19 II - enter Thy sanctuary's. <:1'0 I
· qq ii~~20 H l)f~21 I can think22 of none else2', as great 3a ~20 ~ 5d'21 ~1 Ha f~22 tmJ
(') J;;!~22 (')T ~ 'dl)fT (') as 20 Thee. Neither there has ever oc:it "f'~~ I ('), ~ ~fe"fT~, (')T tit crel
Jdlll9.11 been, n,or will there ever be. 5~TI
~fo tfl~24 FRT25 301 o Sire H God, abide I ever25 under <3 H<J'TOT;::J24 <JOT I H~ Re~25 tit 301 UOT<J 26
Ro~TEl2611 Thy protection26 • <30 ~ <:I't I
f1i~27 ~28 f~29 A S27 it p]eases 28 Thee, S029 save 30 u.
ftlR 3(Jt27 3~ ~0fT iSCJIer28 ~ @R 3(JT29 <:1'1 '- .
oTtf'Q30 Hij Bl)fTH1 Thou me. 0 my Lord, in this lies ~ Hol cr-ful'){1 30 oro I reA f~B 3011.{93'JI
~~ 301 ~~»{TE131 II Thine glory3'. Pause. ~. <3 H-a Rt~T· ! of<Jd'T~ I

· ii 301 Ro~l (:ffo Whoso.~ver seeks Thy refuge, 0 Sire f;::J<J;)T ~~ 30T Bd'<! B"eT ~, ~ H<:I''d'T;::J
1il~ f30 ctl Cilof(:f Lord, bim, Thou sustainest 32• I-(1BOf ! ~ -eT ~ U'~T_UR'eT ~32 ~ I
... II
»fT[u f~UT33 Death's37 courier36 can touch35 not H337 -e' ~336 e €tR
-. *5<:1'
_ 35 30f 6<:1'r RClt!T '

• oTtf'Q34
iifu 35
him, whom Thou mercifullyU
protect€:st34 , 0 Venerable Lord.
<3 ~'il'trr

1ft !
fuR e1 3 iftl"fT3" orot!T ~" '

• 3611H01'T(237 II ~ II
301 Ro~ R~l True is Thy protection, 0 Sire Lord. RBI ~ 301 UnTiJ. <1 H<l'TClT;::J HTBOf ! (')T fe<:l'
iliCJ 1il~ (')T B'(:f It neither withdraws 3', nor decreases 38 fOltl-a weJ3' 3. OT <:I'T ~e138 ~, f~R ~T
~ ~38 0 1iTf-e39 II its beneficence. Ud'~UClTd' I
· if ~fo ~f~ ~~40 Forsaking God, all those, who are ia ~ f31'){TQT f;::J<:I';J ~d'R"o eT tLl3'" oTiS
Wf-e 41 '" 42 = B''Q
B'TOT attached..2 to another's"o love"', they B.~42 <:1'0, <1<J "fT~"~43 1'){3 'il't-e.... d'f<J"-.-e
· ~H43 3 Hfo44 tJTre II continUI~ coming'3 and going14 • <:1'0 I

• "''''''''''+'''''''''''''''++++''''''+'''''', +''' w••• d>·!>d>d>.!>d>d>d>••i>.bd>d>d>"'d>d>d>"""cI>d>d>d>d>d>d>d>'d>d>d><l>~~
,:r 301 ffo~T~l ~fo They. who seek Thy refuge. 0 H 301 Rae ch~ 'lo, ;j ~tlHltijaJ4S ~ ! 1:-
;:Jl@45 f30T t!1:I 46 Praiseworthy"s Lord. they meet with ~~t ~ ~e1 ~0181:6"6 })f3 l;ffU})fl"7 o~l ~
9l:::f47 fors oTfu- II = no suffering"6 and hunger..7. f~})fTue11 :
e5 oOl' - oT}j fJ8Tfu
T 0 Nanak, ever praise thou the ;j 0'~01_! "~ ~-el~ 'l1 Ol~ tft fR:6~ R8:ur1 T
R'tT ~ HB RSfe 48 Name. that thou may m~rge'" in the 010 3T il ~ R~ RTfu~8 })f-eo 8104 ' <J ;:rr~. I ~
RW'fU-49 11811811 True Lord.. 8.
'" tr~T31 HU-C5T :3 II Parbhati 3rd Guru. UogT~l ~lRal Ul8R T'l1 I
.e ...
q:fol:!fl:::f50 ~fo ;:ft~ So long as sz there is life s3 in thee, 0 ;:reS2 ~te1 3a f~~ me-;:rroS3 0, <J l{'el 54 !
RtT fU))iT~"Q51 ;:JS52 morlal 54, ever meditateS I thou, on thy a.!a YSO t? QT'lr. ~ })fTUe! H'lTOTil H'801 -e T
C5a] til))i53 trCJT054 II
a]o R8t!155 )-f'Q
foo)-f'(g56 jl}fT BOl'T57
Lord Master, through the Guru so .
Through the Guru's word ss • the
mind becomes immaculatc S6 and the
))fTo'UO 010 5 I I
Oloy e1
~T<!lsS orol, f~~ Uf~30S6 <J ili-e r
»f3 f~ -e1 <iaJ3 TS8 ~o <J ;:ri-e1s7 ~ I

: )-ffo >;if~)-fTQ58 11 = mind's egoS8 is stilled s7 . ~,<.

RG"'(g59 'tlo)-f€O f3R 61 Fruitfuls' is the life60 of63 the" ~8-eTfe01S' 0 il1~060 ~R61 :6T(')l a~62 -e"3, ,<.

~ t{lo162 ~OT63 ~fo - ~

mortal'l. who is absorbed'" in the H ~Tf'la.!~ t? oTH ""iea 810 64 \Jful'li T ijful)jT
~ orf)-f R)-fT?)64 11911
~ Ha
H065 q:fo oll
~ fRl:::f ~ffi67 II
Name of God.
o my soul6s• hearken67 thou to the
Guru's instruction".
ij Hal ftf-e;3~6S! ~ a.!ot t? ~u~R'6 ~ t:-
F!.~o'7 O1a 1
!ufo aT
~ Rl::ft"T3T68 R~69 ~fo
oTli fJtT The Lord's Name is ever peace-
giving". Through it, thou shalt easilY"
feR t? OT'l", ~ 1I~0 'll69 'lo1
Rte,. t"' oTH 'lHRT l'liToTH ~e ~'8T6I ~ I ~
e O'H ~
indrink71 the God's Name-elixir 70 .
~ ~R70 trl~ll /I9I1a~@11 Pause. 1l1·-flf~70 ~ ~'O O1a 8~·OTT71 I of<7oT~ I "'~"
~ HB 72 trsT~f073 f30 74 Those, who realise 73 theIr source 72 • ~ »fTui li-e 72 ~ ))fQ9? ao~73 \1'n, ~(J7" ~
~ f3~71 ~f078 ~TRT75 abide7S they7\ in their own77 home78 and tI1 Tue! foil 71 ~ tPH 78 f~~ ~Re7S <70 3 1I3 ~
~ RU-.,:r76 u-l Bl:! j~lll fRU I6 'lll'li10 1H uT~·e 'lo I
all-too-spontaneously76 gather peace. ""
~ 0]0 ~ R8f-e 79 OfHC?80 Through the Guru's word 7', O!a i -el ~T~179 o''lI·, ~~T -e T f-eB ~~C5ao
~. UocffTfRl}f18I U-@A82
.... blossoms8• their heart lotus 80 and ftj;3 ;:rt-e,81 0 tI13 ~~i -el 6aJ~T82 3 ~c1 ~
.., - if~lB4 II their ego B2 and evil-thoughts83 are e
i!o183 oTR \J il' 84 'lo I "" ""
~.' e~~. ~
~ ~
~ R90 T )-ff(J85 ~or Amongst 8S all. the On~ True Lord8' Rrfol)iT l'J.i-ea 8S , fe01 I'r~T II~TH186 cfHl'li' :t
~H'l86 ~o387 f~d;gT88 is contained 87 . Rare 88 is the one, \ifel)i,8 7 ~ I &e1 cT~i CC5,88 '11 rei=! ~ t
~ a~89 &~111=<" who realises 89 it. Il1Cl9~ 010~T89 ~ I :::
~ aToH31 90 )-fo fOd)-f8"91 By the Guru's instructions'o, man's Oloy ~ ~lH~R'o ~l'lirtjT, HClR -e' Hq,l'li T t
; -0))iT >i-fH392 3393 mind becomes immaculate" and he Uf~~091 <J ;:rYeT 0 1113 ~'l oTH e Il1 Tfa- t
~ ~l:::fT394 II ... - - utters'" the Nectar-sweet91 f<3111T3'1 ~tit fH-iS ~CJo93 ~T ~~Tai'i 0l0-e,94 ~.
~ quintessence'3 of the Name. 0I ~
t ~
(...q.'R"J''R'++++++.. 4'+.+iji++ijiiji+.~...'++.++++++++++iji+4·.''++<ji+++++iji+++++++++++iji+++++4'+++++iji++++... ;P

Wo or oTl:! Rt' God's Name ever abides in his mind cPa ~l (lilH 'lKRf ~R ~ f(Ja~ Ilft'o ~Rt'T ~

Hf3 ~fRll{T f~f'l H3 and his mind-waves are calmed's "3 ~R ~ HO" ~1l).{t 8fuOi ~R ~ HO" oT<J1~
tit HQ HT~95 II through the mind. 'l1 RT3 <J ;:rttftl).jT'S 'll') I

ffi! Ever am I a sacrifice" unto 97
my 'lHBT 'l1 ut81 96 ~B'T <JT H~ l).{TU<! ali!' ~3'97 I
- =' -

· >,ftft) f~c~97 ftlq Guru, 1through whom,l have realised" f;:r?)i ~ oT(Jl~ H~ ffirn-~l).{Tuar
v Rl).{fH1 98 i;
_ B

· })iSH C1TH98 l.JSle:5 99

II the all-pervading Lord". t;f<'ig~ qo f8l).{T' 9 ~ I

· HT3R 11ofH100 Rf3CJlo Whoso,ever serves 2 not the True ii &~ HC'iJ:P-;:roH 1OO Ilft'o R~ O1oi t'1 UfT8 2

3 Rf~;;j12 faCJtlT3 Guru in the human birth 100, wastes S (liur arHT@~B'T' @(J
- ,-
l)jru<! ill~(li4?i IS

tlol:!4 CI1~Tf~}){T5 II he, his life 4 in vain3. iJIl).jT 5'B'Ts ~

3tfCJ6 ora 7 31'8 If God shows7 mercy6, then8, He ;:jaro <:101 fH'lo' UT-a 7. 3B'8 t?u ;:rl~ ~ Re

: Rf3qJg HB R~t19 leads man to the True Guru alld then aro T ~ (li T8 fHBT fB'"B'T ~ »f3 f6CJ ~'l l!~0"9
~ RW;:rlO RHlf~TI2 II he easily' merges 12 in celestiaJlo bliss. 'l1 acio1 lO l).{iB' f~tl' Blo <J ilt~12 ~ I
· ()T()or 3 Tl-{ fH8 13 o Nanak, by perfect lS good fortune" ij (liT(')ar ! li0(lilS ll.Tggu It 0T'l1\ ~l ~ OTH"
: ~~l';f~V4 - ~15 one is blessed 13 with the glory l4 of the ~1ll.~3114 ~ <1B'1'3 ~ »f3 ~ »fTtli

~ 9 l fdT fUn-j TfE»{T17 II

16 Name and contemplates l7 his Lord. w~1~ B" fRH"o('i aro~17 ~ I

~ l{9 T31 ~gt S 11 Parbhati 3rd Guru. trc!gT31 31ill tfTf3R T<TI I
~ »{Tij18 9 Tf319 S<!~20 God, of Himself l8 , has created 20 the ~f'liJI~ ~ ~t't8 'l1, »f?)art21 farRHi" »f3
:J121S~ij arT 22 fRRfc 23 creation of many21 kinds" and cJaJi22 B'1 otl'O"T otl'vo ~ I tlaJ323 i; RT;:r24
= &•
i ~trrfu24 tJ.f9 ifC2:25 22
colours , Fashioning 24 the world 23 , l!l1fTH1 ~ fE'ar orcar 25 f~1.f<!ar13T26 ~ I
:t orTi)-f126 II the lord has staged 26 a pl ay 2S.

~ afo 27 orfo 28 ~tf q~ Creating;;S the creation 27 , He beholds 0~T27 ~ ~28. ~(J f~R ~ ~~ ~ 1 ~
~ orol~ RCJ8 29 111}){T30
it. He acts, makes others act and QO~T iJ, <1oo T 3~ aro~T~:t'T ~ l).{3 Rra 29
~ i fotlor 31 tl»{,32 II gi\'es32 sustenance 3t to a1l 29 the ;:rl~j3O ~ \i;:J13 1 f~i:1I3J ~ I

1 CUI - being!;30.

± ~V3 qTC5 Hf~34 In 34 the

pervadIDg 3S all. .
Darkage n , the Lord 36 is CiPC;33 qdT )){B'oH 1.f~36 Ra~ f~l).{TUar3S <J
~ df~l';f,35 CJTH 36 It fo<JT ~ I
The One Lord is fullyfJllmg 38 all the rea l!»fTH1
~~ urfc 37 - urfz UfCJ 38 I'l1fal).jT ft'Bi 37 ~ Uol~o(li38 ara
i CJf~l}{T y.~ - '@"& hearts 37 . By the Guru's grace
, the fa'lT ~ I aroi tft B'f~IliT39 ~l).{T(JT. l!»fTHt41
=i: arCJHfC::f 39
UCI(flc 40 Lord GOd'S41 Name becomes ~lf'lal~ t'T (liTH U03l::1 <i ilit'T40 ~ I iSf<rdT~ I
i ~f041 ~fo aTH /1911 40
manif<:st . Pause.
~ o~T(?1I -
~ OTuiT42 3Tl:! ~o343 The Lord's Name is imperceptibl)42 ~l)fTHl B'T ('iT}-! »f51.l 30 3 42 ~ tIQT »{B'o
-'< -
~~iJiiJi+fl't'iJi++"'iJi+'l''l''l''l'iji'l'iJi'l'il'iJ'it'il''l;;l''l''l''l''''iJi'''"'l''l''l''l''l''l''l',,'iJi'l'iJi'l''l''l'·i''l''l''l''l' 'l'iJiiJi'l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l'4''l''i''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''t''i''l''i''''.

f~fe a5BfaT Ulfc 44 pervading43 the Darkage and the ofHlt T ;jful)fr43 ~ ~ '!l)f'Hl uo f~ ~

UJfc ufo gOUf0 45 Lord is fullyfilling 45 every heartH. ';!oT ~t 50 fffiJ1 45 ~ I

ofu))fT II
~ CEQ46 BOT The jeweJ46 of the Name becomes oTH BT ~
46 A-,-'

..-.7 >J'= I r-l'.A8
......,,,, ..~q.

fuoF 7 l[aTfc))fT48 ~ manifest 48 within the mind 47 of those, ~t?T~, t=i -e~50 ~ arot tft UOTu49 5~~51
qJo FJo~T~149 9ft::r50 who run50 and repair 51 to the Guru's un I

ufu»fT51 /I ~II refuge 49.

fiB1 52 tfu53 thl There are five 53sensory organs52, ti';:r53 faT))fTO ))j'ar52 uo, ft«J3r oret 91 funt .
~R »f~54 nn.. fT55 whosoever overwhelms54 these five, t.iw ~ Ol~ Olo cS'BT54 ~; ~ ~ Olat e
Fr3l;!56 OjCJHf3 57 he is blessed58 ~ith compassion55 and ~57 tIl)fTCJT ofuHfuB155 3 R~ac3156 tft
~5811 contentment56 by the Guru's B T3 UCJTU3 <J WB158 ~ I
instruction57 .
R 59 UQ60 UQ ufo Blest60, blest, grand 62 and perfect63 is HWo0l60 H~JToOl f~62 ~ Uo?i 63 ~
- ' - ' II:

;::ro61 ~~62 UoT63 ij that 59 slave 61 of the Lord 61 , who, in ~<:I59 aiSy61 t.N Br, ~ ~ ~ ~64 ~
.. - :a.. =
g64aCJTf0l 65 ufoaT~66 His fear 64 and love 65 , sings67 the fUl)fTCJ65 ))jBo, ~ tft Ollo31" arrfuo
or~67 /1:3/1 - Lord's praise". 0l0t?r'7 ~ I

qJo 3 Ji~68 -g~69 ~ If some one turns69 his face 68 away ;lOlo ~l;:Tc!T Olot ~8 ~ ))fTlI(!T ';[0 61 H3
&Et qJCJ aT Olfu))iT70 from the Guru and enshrines72 not 5't?r" 3 ))f3 Olot Bl fR1:lH370 ~ l){T\li
o fBf~71 ua72 II the Guru's advice70 in his mind 71 , he f~' f~ ou't fc~72, ~'fCi3ol
orfo »fTBTCJ74 au75 may amass77 weaIth76 and perform73 trc'H~S376 fucl30 Olo77 S~ ~ ~75 ul
R'U€?76 R'6 77 1=t fc&78 many75 rituals 74, but, whatever78 he QOHori~74 OlHT~'BT73 Ola tf'1. ~ ~!178 51 €!o
aa -lj 79 ()CJf0l80 ua 81 II may do, he 79 must fall 82 into hell 80 • QO S~ ,-
~R79 .
is ~tlOl ke ;:peT <:11 il't?r"
811 ~I

~~82 FJa~83 ~& ~ The sole 82 wil183 of the One Lord f~Ol Ill)fTHl Bl ~TfuB'2 o;;r83 <:IT Rra
~o384 FJ985 POl~ 3 prevails84 all over. The entire85 ~S384 ;j 001 3 I RrolS5 oeo187 feor

86~~P. lf~87 BB 88 II creation87 emanates88 from 86 the One Il'liTHl 3'86 ul ~3U"o cIBT 88 ~ I

OTOO( OjCJ>:rfl::f89 Hf5 90 Nanak, the supreme Guru 89 unites" oTOOl, licit C[CJ~~89 ill tit~ ~ H150l ~
, fH5,~91 orCJHfl:f 92 man in the Lord's union 90. It is by fHBTU 90 ))jFQ fH5T9I ftf~ <:10 BT I o.roT
ufCJ ufCJ95 - f1;f~93 the Guru's grace 92 , that he goes93 and 95
Bf~l)fT92 tIl)fTCJT, ~<:I ;:p93 ~ Rt~l' <:IoT O1S

CJ"894 11411EII blends 94 with the Lord God 95 . l)f~e94 ;j ;:r'eT ~ I

tI.gT~l HuHT :3 II Parbhati 3rd Guru. UO~131 31tit u'f3F.fT<:Il I
Ha Ho ON »ft(~T o my soul, praise" thou thy Guru. If ;J Hol fil....~ ! ~ ))flui aLor eT fR:G3" f.lSTUl'
FJTWfu96 II t(CJT97 9Tor98 perfect9] destiny98 is writ on thy face" Olo I ;1Olo ~C!097 lIcfTBgq98 3~ fe~99 ~
~~ >:{fl::f99 =HR"3f~ 100 and forehead 100, then sing3 thou ~IOO 3 fSCfT ;j~T ~, 3T 3= ~'f<JOId'

fRT ~CJ & ar~2 ever the praise2 of the God. Pause.
arTf~3 II ct IICJ~~ II
>ii){~4 ()T>:! ~;:JQ5 God llll)ne gives6 the fares of the ~~8 ~'fuOF! u1 oT}f-'!Q"OW t!' l:fTG's ft!~,6 ;-
illa ~fu6 II Name-Nectar4. :ll
~fc7 HilS a~l Out8 of millions7 , rare9 is the one, ~:3i7 f~tl", &~ rea ))fQ'T9 u1, fim ~ ~

f~aay9 gf~10 II f;:rR who sLttains lO unto it. He is the one, ~1 fi..ruol2 lPOt!TI3 :l. fuFJ ~ t«JT1.J3
c5 »{trel ()~a12 on whom He shows" His mercyl2. Cl'6t!'IO :l I

crafu l3 IIctll
ara & tJa~ 14 Ho Whosoever enshrines" the Guru's ~ &~1 orai ~ 'eOoi 14 ~ ))fT1.J<! f~ 'Ji"t!a IS
Wf~15 ~RTf~16 II ~\:f feet l4 in 1s his mind, he is rid" ot fear ~'t!''':l ~ u1:3 ~ 'Ji31~T'8 ~1.7
• - ... u

~CJT17 n.fEo(J18 pain ,ilnd inner" <'arkness 17 and him, 3' l:IWR1 19 UT ~T:l 'Ji3 mJT ~21 ~
;:rrfu19 II »{TU20 wW 21 the True Lord 21 unites 22 with ~ lli,~20 0'8 f'HgT ~~22 :l I

"5~ fHwfu 22 11=<11 Himself 20•

<nCJ orl sril fR~ Embrllce Z3 thou love 24 for the Guru's
. gTf~23 flJ~24 II word.
">iia ~a ~ l1fQT'g25 II Here and hereafter, this alone is thy
support 2S .
»{TU28 ~26 The Creator27 , of Himself23, blesses26 ao3T027 , l:!t!18 u1 a~ ~ a.!a~TG1 t!' fUl)fTCJ
fRo;:ro~27 IISI1 man with the love of the Guru's Uot!'o Cl'6t!r 26 :l I

"RBr29 H()TE'30
He 32 ;a.lone is an accomplished 34 and
wise8lo saint)), whom the True Lord 29
&~8 ~u32 uT QTHg34
ffiR UTR' R'tj'T Rl){TH129 -
~ fR»fJC! T35
l)fTlR1 0t.P
R333 :l,

• R;:JTC T35 II
"3ToC! f3R 36 ~ RB37

~aElTcr38 II 811911 ct 911

makes submit 30 to His will 31 •

is ever37 a sacrifice 38 unto
HO~T~t!,30 ~ I

l{9T31 H(J8T 8 Parbhati 4th Guru "ffiYT31 't1l:fT utfusTUl I

fS9 TR Bibhas fs9'R

ct g Rf3aro
- lJRrf-e
... II therl~is but One God. By the True ~fuOl~ ~ reor :l 1 RtJ t!1 ~fu>,fT
Gum's grace, is He obtained ~l)fToT ~u t(Tf~lliT ~ :l I
aRfor39 CJRfor40 <no41 By the Guru's instructions 42 , I sing OjoT -e ~-ea4z ~lli1CfT. W fl.llli Ta 39 3 l!lli~o
. arT~~ OjoHf342 f"5~43 the Lord's praise41 with 10ve 39 and oT8 tl~ BT ttR 41 OJTf~ Clot!' ui »-13 Hij

~oHfo~" relish 40 and my mind is attuned4J to ~ ~1 tfa'J.l' ~ 3fiiRcM nTJ.l' o'B' flJ'OCJ;Jl 43
'8CfJTO II the most· exalted"" Name. Uorel ~ r
BB46 ul))fy47
)){1!i.q 4lt Through the Guru's word"', I O1ot ~1 STel..1l cJT,:ir, H" liott13 Cio-ee
<no mf~148 <JH nTH indrink'" the immortaJising4s Name- ~T8"s oTJ.f-l)j-fli.3"6 ~ uro ClO-g1 47 ~t I

f~C~49 i!CJSf?i 50 II Nectar"'. Unto'" the Lord's Name, 1f))fT}ft -e nTJ.f ~3"", H" Rtl'~ ~~T50 ~t I

ctH I am a sacrificeso .
(J~5J 52;:rornY'I053 God, the Life SJ of the world s2, is mySI irn3 S2 -eT ftfpOJ1 53 I
~Tf~OlCJ )ialsl ftf-g-wo H

ufo l..Iro
II vital breathS", ~!
~o ~:~:ni55 fat!56 When the Guru ministered'o the tie Olot ~ H-d ci o t61 f~'1 O'J.l's, UT ft'3 T60
>i3fall7 y;fu§58 aTfa NameS' through my ears", the 3'T liRc sS I2))fTJ.l'l H(J J.l'(,)" ~S7 ~OJT ~
Hq 59 t!1€60 ~fa Supreme S5 Lord became pleasingSIl SaT fOJ))fT58 I of<JCJT~ I
OlT(li6J "9I1aBT~1I unto S7 my minds" Pause.
»fT~~ R3 fi.m<] Ha o brother'2 saints, come and meet ;J ~lo'2 RTt7€t!
c -
~ Hii ;:
fHH. 3'i ;l
~162 fHfB 63 ufa64 me, so that getting together", we may reofe5 ~'8 ))frut Rt~r64 ~ol ~ 0TJ.l' t'T •
ufo OT)j ~~To65 " utter's the Lord'" God'!> Name. (lBTCJ~s aore I

fOl3 66 fafu 67 for@68 Bless ye me, with the bounty72 of the ~Rr Ii~ ~ ~ n TH" ~1 tl'T3'72 SJ:JR))f3
tJT~W . 1..19
... - ))fUoT
- Lord's Name71 and instruct'O me" H~19 ffM-I3 70 fe~ fa faR" 3'olil"· nIH
HOl§69 Ola(J ~m?R70 as to by what" means" and how" can ))f3 faR 3~T'8 H" »{lui y.~ ~ Uo'tI3 5
ufo'. WO'i "~II - I attain unto m)' Lord 1 Riift'T ~t ?
R3 RaTf3 Hfu73 (Jfo
The Lord God abides'" in 7J the saints' I2))fTHl ~fua.r~ RTtI ))f"eo" ~Rt'T7" ~ I
ufo ~fR))ft74 fHfB7~ society. Meeting'S with their ~~T -e HH fHgTU 16 nTH ~~07S ~))f'CJI
RaTf3 76 ma aj o 77 7
association ', God's virtues" are ~'f~a.r~ t'l))ft ~al))ft77 i1'<!ll)it tttell);T ~(') I I!-
~TO " known. ~

~~'8 9 7fo1' 9
R3 It is by great78 good fortune" that ~~78 ~arl faRH3" ~I)i'clT, ttl~ ~ RTtI RaT3 ~

Rorf3 tr~180 <!T9'81 One is blest "'ith80 the saints' congre- l/o'tr3 ;Ie180 ~ ))f3 f~,g81 R~ OloT ~ t
Rf3CJTo uafR82 gation and through the great 81 True O'tW ~~ })flU;! H'B'a 8J ~ fHg i)'t','2 ~ I ""

~ 9OT~~83 I' S II Guru, one meets 82 with the Lord 83 • ~~

: aTo
OTT~u tlg J sing the praise s6 of my H' ))fTUe! atl'~84 ~I)iTHl l-I'B'a t'1 HfuH,86 ""

~ ~CJJH84 QT~a
'& Of?; U nfathomable 84 Lord Master and, aT'f~o ClOt'T ~t ~ ~R t'T I-If~HT aT'f'C'o J.

• OlTre a~ ~cJTo85 " singing His praise, I am struck with ClOo ~>;jTa' H' ))fe~385 5 fOT>;jT ~t I

wonder 8s . ~

'ilo87 ()TOOl ol~ O1fa The Guru has shown8 ' mercy88 unto oiBl'7 01001 ~3 aIo T ~ fl-l~o88 01131 89 ~ ))f3 ~ ""
fao'lJT88 troy89 ufo slave87 Nanak and, in a moment'O, has fea foHl!tO >,feo ~R ~ 12))f'Hl ~ 0'1-1 pl f.-
0Tli t!1§92 fl::fo90 he blessed'2 him with the gift91 of the t'13 91 Sl:fR'2 f~31 ~ I ""-?-
B''091 "Bit ct II Lord's Name. ""~
ft"''iJ''li~'iJ''liiJiili"~",iJi"'l''~'l"I''~~Ii"lJ"I''I''l'''''~4'4'4'4'4'4'4· ...'' iJ'iJi4'iJi4'4'iJi4'iJi4'iJi+>L'4' ' '4' ' ' ;r,;1'••iJ'''''4''''''''
.w ...'...
'' '....
'' Iii4'm'''.......'"'4' '"' 4'r;-;,+,.,,'' ' "...
' ' "' 4' '"' 4'.-.l+"'...'"' +;-;i4i'' ' 4' ' ' 4' ' '+...

\{W3'1 HuBT 8 II Parbhati 4th Guru. UOiJT31 ~Ql tJTf3gT<11 I

(1~93 Fra'94 OTC3Hftf95 With the sun9"-rise9J, the Guru-ward9s Ro;:r'"
~ an'l
oF5 OJij
l)foRTal'5 Wl:W ~
• ~C396 'ii-8f~97 - R9 utters 9• the Lord's Name" and oT).f" ~ ~~TaeT'7 ~ »{3 Rrol cJT3'8 <11 ial
-afo98 J:::n1T8f~99 ~fo remembers" he, the Divine gospel 1oo ~ro'3"IOO ~ l:iJrt! CilO~l99 ~ I
aJTfg100 II' the whole: night 9• through.
~~ urn
~H c;B 2 My Lord has welled Up3 the craving2 Ha I!I>fT).f1 ~ Ha tieo ~o,2 a~T CilCI fe3'P

garrEl3 ~H ora~ within mt: and I search5 ever my Lord ~ »{3 H· fo3 <11 »{TtJi w& <JO)4 t?l it;:r-
trg ~fa 9T8 II ~II
4 5 !JT8 5 Cilo~T \IT I

):{a=; H06 RTq t]fa
My soul' is the dust7 , yea, the dust of
~CRTg7 II = = the saints' feet.
j· ~fa ~fa oTl-f The Guru has implanted7 $ the Lord
~ aJa-e~ ~ i
f~;lrf~€?7* Olfa
• O1a trar
- Hl(5T8
9 STO~10 ~l-f
God's sweet8 Name within me and I
dust lO the Guru's feet' with my hair 12 •
tlar 010 fe3T
»{ aR,IZ
$ »{3
ut I

arg "Cilla~1I
12 Pause. ofUCJT~ I
wcr3 Off? f~Q
-afo Dark l " the days and nights for ~a'" <10 f~<1r;i »{3 ~Jl)fT l-fTfel)fT @
: »{Ural14 Hf(J15 GTij16 the mammon worshippers 13• they are ~l.fTllCilT13 m I ~<1 m')-e~H" @ fUl)fT(J'J
•HTfu))fT18 ;::rg 17 II caught l6 in snare l7 of the love IS of ~1 G'<J1 11 ~"t!a 6R ~@" <10 I
fuo19 Ug20 ~fa U9
fa€21 -0 ~fR€r22
The Lord God abides 22 not in their
mind 21 e:ven for an instant 19 and a !J1 ~cr ~ fua~21
~. ~arcr rear ).fua 19
3 fo).fl:f
30 20 se1
~SW22 I ~~
o£i fafo23 arit 24 ~25 moment21). Their every hair27 is t?T ua rear ~827 ~f<JO!l ~ CilCI~2) 0'5
fafq26 aT"C5 27 II~II bound 24 , in many25 ways26, with the ~~25 301far»{'Z' 618 WT ;jfe~jTZ" ~ I
debt23 of God.
Meeting the saints' society, one R'lJ Rill3 0'8 ~ (} l.fGl ~ ~0I1 R).fa 28 ~
attains good understanding29 and l)fCilH 29 UOTtJ3 ~ ;:rf~l»{T <10 »{3 ~<1 ;JCilT0 30
wisdom 29' and is release<.i 31 froql the »{3 5OTO J2 @ ~q33 f~~' );jHTRl tJT ;:r+e1J1
snare 33 of ego JO and attacbmentJ2• ~I

· illo oTHT ~fa Hto 34 God"s and God seem sweet J4 uol ~ oT).f »{:; <JOT Hi; fH~l34 Hill~T ~ ..
garfo T II dlfa orl~ unto me and, through his word J5 , the ~ »{TtJC1 81<!)35 0 1<1)" aja j ~ H~ tl,Ro U

· RmB35 fmJT8~i6 IISI1 Guru has made me happy 36. 010 f~'3" ~ I

• (JH
arfacr (fia The Guru is my Unfathomable38 aj~ ;:II HB SQI<13S 1!1)fT).f)39 vo :; H' ~j .~

}){OTH38 qJFJTEl39 O]a LordJ9 ~LDd I am his child 37 ; in his i~T37 ut I l)fTtJc;1 fHvo" o f!t!cF illc! ;:r1

f6?aw 40 mercy"~, Hol lI~aF.I"l CiloB <1n I

the Guru sustains" me. l
USl{Tg41 II
f~2 43 s €t1ig 44 o Gre;at Lord"7 , the "9World-
r••lji......+++'l'++... +4'+iji4'iji't>++~'R"I.ijiijiiji"" ....i' ....l'4'4'iji4'iflq>•••••••4'4'.4'• • •4'4'4'4'••••+'1,iji'l''I''I'+.+••••••••••
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••+.+••••••••••••••••• w···...••••..,••.••+ ••
~~4S crrf~46 l%~ Cberisher5o, Nanak, Thy child 4., is oTO~ 3ar li~r4I ;;rfua42 ~ f9l)flo~]

U§1 ara47 'OToor aT~8

.. -
49a.IlJT550 11811~1\
drowing4s in the dreadfulo ocean44
of poison 42• Mercifully save" Thou
~ ~ ST<Ja <fe46
~s fo<JT4S ~ I f~alJT croci ~
5 I

.. HiJW 8
II Parbhati 4th Guru•

f~Ol fl:fOSl wa Uf§1 When the Lord God showsu mercy52 i«? w~~ <lal f~ fow:s S' 90 B~l 91 Ha 3
-t foralJT52 - tJTa153 eIli
S4 unto me, even for an instantS', 1 sing fHmJ 52 Cla~5]~, H~ tRlHS5 t{R03T oTB
OTTe d'Ror aRlor II5S His praise54 with utter55 joy. ~ ~r ;:fRS4 C1JTfuo croe r <Ji I
0£ OJT~3S6 J:!o357 ~t:!58 Botb s• the singer56 and hearers7 arc ~~58 CII~ ~TBT56 3 IIoe ~BTS7, ~ "alai
ge liOT359 ft=f?)T
i1 -
OTaHf~o fl:{o&l wa62
emancipated59 who
God's Name-elixir62 ; even for
moment", by the Guru's grace'o.
indrinku the
~1 ~I)fT'O
~rf<Ja.!~ '#
~»iroT fu~ 'i<J3' I 90 Bel
0'H-l,j'i~3'2 ~ tlTO ~~] <Jo,
H:t:IF.r ;j i1j~59 <Jo I

H~ Hfo&4 ~fu Within my mind'4 is enshrincd 67 the Ha f'lOe 64 "f~a l!I)jTW HTB~ ~Tfu01~ e ~
aTH (')1'>:165 Nectar" of the Lord God Master's
""'" ". '>ff1J.3" Rfa",' "r.",," ~ I ~
cl0l67 II Name'S.
qJaljfl:{68 oTli Rl35 39 By the Guru's grace'·,
have I 010' ~ ~f~I)jT6. ~l)fTaT, H~ o'H ~T l!1:f~j6' ,a.
»jiH37°tlaTtl3 ;j farl){T ;} I Rl){THl ~Tf~C1 e ~
;::R?70 urfu))fT ilia 70
attained the refreshing" Nectar of
ma QTH u},.rr71 aR 72 the Name. The Nectar72 of the Lord
»{372 ~ ~<! l-i& ila 73
8l ci tlTo ~a~T71
- =- •

. 5lor73 11911a~1I - God's Name, I now incessantly7J <Ji I ofua~'

indrink71 • Pause.
ftin wa f~74 They, whose mind 74 is permeated with f;:rcy ~ H(')74 ~T m"al~ 015
ftl»iTa7S fU»iT
ulf3 75 HOJTol f30T God's love 7s , their forehead 7' is ;jf~1)(T ~ @o'
~ HQ7' @3
fiQ T7•
HR3for76 ~i=lB77 anointed with the pure77 frontal BCIIt!T ~ I
clor II mark 7••
wa 'ttn'9 R9T'o R9 The magnificence80 of the Lord's l!l){THl ~ aTH7' ~1 ~f;3'»iI~1O RTij RR'a·'
'ttOT81 ~ufa82 ft=f~83 slave7' is manifest all the world" ~aaz t{CIIC ~, f;:m ~,83 ~1 ~16 ~-eaH85 ~1
f~ij' ~~~T84 RfR85
- overll, as u is·' of the moon8S amidst 3' ftp)!,·4 »j~ I
orlor86 II~II the stars84 •
ftin ~ f~a~7 (')T):f They, within whose mind 87 the God's ~,~ Hnl 7 "fea ~fJaI~ ~T oTJ.l our
'0 ~fR(?88 f3'o Rf§1 Name abides88 not, insipid'o are all ~R~yII, ~H90 <Jo ~~i ~ RTa ~H" I
Ql'Tatf39 Gl0l90 II their affairs". ~
~ ~R91 RlaT Tq92 era Without the name, the embellish- oTH ~ s:aTa H~E,'4 ~1 (ilif~I)jT9] ~ ~I:
; ~~93 HT'Ql:{94 QTH ments92 of men's'4 bod y93 arc <JrofR'"aPa'z ~R 3C!i ~ f~»iaS <Jo, rnR
~ fa?)T f?)or~95
(')Ol96 as vain as" that of a nose-shom'5 3~'" ~ f~ fEel o"a_~~9S ~, f;:JR ~ Ri~l
Ro+'t"'1¥•.,++++"++++++++"."+'P+++++++"'.'i'++'i'+o;>iji·p++,,"+"++++1'+.++++++4·..+++·..+0;>+++......++++++++++. .

person, whom the Lord has made'7

without a nose".
urrc 98
wfc o~))fT99
In' every heart" and each" and aU6 RTful){i f~j9' ~ ~ RTfa»ji 6 ~
oH3 OTH orfu beings, tile One' AU"-pervadingS Lord 29 l){~a' feci' ~ ~1)fT~ 'll)fTH1" ).{TC5iil2,
R9' ~035 R~ Hfu7 Master2, the King', is contained 1oo• urf3F.r'CJ' lJa'f~CJ3I°O d fa<JT ~ I
~0l8 II
;:r09 OlCa a~ ~ God has shown 12 mercylO unto slave' ai5' oT'OCT ~ ~lftJCll~ %fi.rc:rcJIO iil13l u ~ ~
fOlOlfT IO ll1Ol 12 qrcJ Nanak and by the Guru's CllOi;? ~~F.I'IJ ~I)fTOT. ~ ~C! ua" )fUSIS
a~013 fu~{?14 instructions I', he now contemplates I" »jTlJ<! ~rfuaR t!T fRHO?) iilO'e,14 ~ I
Wol Hla 16
11811:311 his God everyl' moment lS•
t{3T3l ~T 8 II Parbhati 4th Guru. l.J.9'3l ~m
urf3BTtil· I
»{(JTH17 Bf~l')iT8]8 My Unfathomable 17 and Jfij tr..i~ ~ lJijl7 »f3 fl-lU01!To" ~fJa!i
f~lfT19 t{f5 'Q'Tol2o Compassionate" God, the Lord 'll)fT).(1 H'Biil % Jfa ~3 afUH3 19 iil13po ~
ljfu21 ~fo ~fo »f3 l)fT1.1i H=u 21 orB uc! - @ OTH *
w €m
OTl:! Master has shown 20 mercy" unto me - •
~H22 0l~23 II and }22 now utter2J His Name with ~t!T2J ut I
my mouth11 •
trl3324 UT~n2S mo I meditate 26 on the Name of God, H~
. tfTtfll){i24 *
- t.rnr30 iilOo ~2S mil @
OTlj fQ»{Tfe{?26 Rfg the Purifier2S of sinners2" and am rid 29 oT).( ~ fmrot!T 2' ut Ha Rra ~ C!ClOH27 ~
fa8fsl:f27 uru 28
of all my misdeeds 27 and sins 2'. o.roru 2
' ~a29 5 ~ un I
~29 1/911
;:rfu30 Hn31 oTH QTJj 0 my soul", utter'o thou the Name ~ Hal" f';:f~! ~ Ftaa-~uCl'2 Rl)fTHl ~
= -
of~32 tfiJ II of the All-pervading 32 Lord. OTH t!T ~TCfo'o iila I
-elo33 Bf~»{T~34 I sing!6 the praises of the Lord, Il, HRcito t 33 3 fi.r.:rcJaro'" »f3 iilF.I'G35 <WI
~l::f3S 'it1Q35* aIrf~€?36 MercifuJ3I" to the meek 33 and the aoo<JICf3S • l!l){T)-fl ~ iil103l CIIrf~o36 qat!T
Oj0Hf337 oTJ::f tItT(Jl~38 Destroyer's. of pain'S and by the ut l)f3 o.rai @ ~lI~F.I'37 ~l)fTor ~ ~ oT).( t!1

8~39 119I1a~r@1I
Guru's instructions", gather" the ~8338 *-
tlCJTU3 iilO~T39 ut I ofuaT~ I
-i wealth" of His Name. Pause.
~ arfu'>JfT40 OaTfa41 In the hamlet"1 or Township of the ~ ~ fti~'" w otT).( f~ 'l»jTHl ~~2 ~
~ naIfa ~fo SfA'{?42 body40 abides" 2 the Lord and through »f3 ~4', C! ~ ~eF.l', aru't R~
i Hf343 aIoHf3 ~fo44 u'iftt.. trffiJIc 5 ~s ~ I
~ ~fo ~45
the coun:;elo, counsel of the Guru, the
Lord God.... becomes manifest"s.
: Rolf04
6 Rij~047 OT}-f In the body'" pool"7. God's Name ~U46 ~ 3TSTS'" >itre is t!T oTH UCJ3l;f'"
.. ~fo uarfc§"48
... tijf049 has becollIle manifest'" and within my ci furl)fT ~ ~ l){Tui QTw<t' 3 HftJssO "f~
~ H"tifo50 ~fo 1{~ home'" palaceso, I have obtainedsl H' ~ ual Ri~'t ~ Ut f5l)fTsl ~ I
~ BB51 II~" my Lord God.
i' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •¥¥• • • • • • • • • • • • •+••••••••••••••••+.+•••• +•••••+.+. .++.+++++.+~
. . . . .+.++•••++++++•• ++++++++++++++++++.++++~++++.++++++++
. .+. . +++++~++++++++~+++

;:;52 (';053 ~fH54 The5 2 menu who wanders" in the f;:ru;152 y: emSJ R~<Jss ~
all)ftsroS6 llf~

90fH55 ~fu))fTcS56 wilderness s, of doubtss • thoseS 7 5cOl~s" <io, ~<JS7 l{3l'-I8S8 »13 ltal:fs, i=l<!

3 57 Wca 58 l:f~59 perverseS8 and foolishst ones are ci~ tR i1Te'o '10 I

l:f860 11 - pillaged and plundered'o.

f;:r@61 fHar 2 orf963 They are like" the deer'2, within ~<J ~A <JC(,)62 ~l wc5~61 uo, fuA ~l qol'J

sR64 Wg 65 S~6 whose navelu abides'" the fragrant'S »I"~a l2aTtl'36S 0'6166 ~A~I'4 ~ 1)f3 ~<J

9fl-f 9 9fH§,70 ~67 musk". hut. who, through doubt", Re<J" ~ aI'll· ~07eT7o 3 sl~11)fT67 OIT<I~"I
... ...
(ffi}68 II a II roams70 and beats about 68 the f6Ot!T ~ I
~)-f ?fjJ71 »f<ID-f72 Thou, 0 God, the Lord Master, are ~, ii <JCl AT~· )'{~O7 ! f~H'H71
3 u;i'B 3·
U~72 5·, »13 3C!1 fOlI)fT3 " llfllr<J7 J 5 I
»fdJrfQ73 ~fq74 tl~ great7• and Unapproachable72 and Thy
)-ff375 B~~76 ill=O comprehension7" is unfathomable 71 • .
H3 fl1l)fl<!U 7S ~):fF.l76 3' tl ~ 33 1.2 TU377 .
tr~ B"577 II Blells76 me with wisdom7s that I may
attain77 unto Thee.
;:rei'8 nTnOT OT~ Olfo The Guru has placed8' his hand 80 on OlCJT ~ »iTtIC! r <fEr80 i'i6a 78 0'051' ~ A1A7'
~Tl:!80 fRfCJ 79 QfCJ§'81 the head 79 of serf 78 Nanak and he now ~3 afl:fn·fT81 ~ »13 ~a <:!<! At!l~ <:11 I)fT~

CJf~ 0'5 11811 811

U~l31 H~W 8 II
?)lfH utters 82 ever the Name of His Lord83
Parbhati 4th Guru.
ualu At~· e oJ).{ ~1 ~~TOo O7CJ~I32 ~ I

l{gT3l ~~11.JTf3f.l1al I

o£ WnwaJ1 ulf3 84 CJT)-f My mind is in love 8'" with the Lord's !fa HOe ~T ATff ~ oTH OlH flll)fTol4 ~))I3 .
orH ~fCJ ~~ ;:rfU§85
Name and contemplate8S I, my Lord,
God, yea, the great86 Lord God H' »{T~i ~f<JOl~ ~1)f'H'1 u T, f~F.IrH86 I)fClTH
RBd1a StJ'o87 lJl:fl38
~fCJ QTCJ1 90
tl..,9 f~1l6'T91 1/911
){ij l-/o ~1!92 CJT)-f·OTl-f
God, yea, the Lord God has taken90
pity91 on me and the True Gu'u's
word87 has become pleasing88 to my
mind 89 •
o my soul, every93 moment 9.., utter92
lla'l:f Al)f1l-!l ~ fl1Ha~r85 <:IT I
~rf<JOl~, u T ;rfua.!~ ~I)fl).{l ~ ~ij ~3 fH'<Jc" ~
07131 ~ »13 Atl a.IaT ~l ~rc187 ~a f~3"

~ BOl1 HOI~ HoI 0IC!1 cr I

~ Hal f;:fe-~le! iJa fC!07'3 li,<J3'" ~ I)fTU~

illo93 fnl-/l:f6T94 II thou the Name of thy Lord God. ~Tf<JOIa AI)fTHl ~ 3 TH ~T ~'B'ao92 CIa I
-I:; - -

WCJ Wo 't!T(')95 't!1§96 The perfect97 Guru has blest96 me 1£0397 arat ~ H~ l{~ ~ n T).{ ~l ~'3'5 ~
arfo tI~97 ~fo oTHT with the gift 95 of Lord·s Name and Sl:fF.l196 ~ »13 ~ ~T OT).{ Ra fua~ ~ ~

H"fo 0 SR6T98 11911 the Lord's Name' abides98 within my AclC! >i~C! ~A~T98 ~ I of<:1C!T~ I ~
- ~
o~€tll mind and body. Pause. "-
~99 oorfoJOO God dwells 2 in the abode 3 and ~TfiJOIa B<J'9 fl/;rIOO ~ UTH 3 3 ).{faB 4 >i~CJ
mR§2 wf0 H~fo4 3 palace" of the body99 township'oo and, ~~T2 ~ »13 ;;nC!T t!l ~f'e»lT7 ~»ITCJT H' ~ -r
;:rf1l 5 R~r6 (llCJ>ifl::f7 by the Guru's grace 7 , I dwell upon8 ~l Q~0115 3 cil~316 CflJt!T8 <JT ,- - l
.CfCJll6' 18 II His meditations and praise6.
• • • •tptp+ijJ+. . .ip4'<piptp'!P4'+4'CJ'++¥"~~~iJU'Fe~~+tJi4'cpcp4'!j'cpcp4'<pij.4'ij,«Pf-Plpip~I'«P~Cj't.r'·~t'fi~-~.;.;-;r;;.r;-;:~-.r.rFz;q;~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~••••••••••••••+ ••••+ . . . .

~fa9 1..f"af310 ;:ro12 In the worlds, here' and hereafter lO , feR' Bel lli3 l{8el 1o f~ ~~ e aTg 12
g~ ~H13 )jl:{14 God's daves l2 are embellished", RB3'3 13 ~~ <Jo, ~i e f~\)ij'4 aRo l5 <1e
~;:riS15 OTaHftt 16 their face:s l4 become bright lS and, by <Jo lli3 OLCff ~l t!felliT16 ~lliTCfT ~<1 3Cf
30GT17 II~II - - the Guru's grace", they are ferried ;:ri~11 <10 I

across 17.
»fOg~18 ~fo ~o I am attuned 19to my Lord Master, the HaT fUlti"Cf" t H~~ lliC'l'lg U(Jlf
_ Rlli
_ T}.f1 , ac-
. ufo f~ (:5TOT1 19 ~a Feariess l8 God and, through the Guru, Cff<J3" ?Tf<1aJ~ o'lg if faJ»fT ~ »f3 OLCfT ~
20~cJTJlfa§21 (fifa I have enshrined 21 the Lord within my Cf'<::W,feel
- H<:J3 22
~~ H" Rier *

foHl:fGT II mind 20 , in a moment 22 . Ho ~ fcC'lT fi!5l'1i T21 ~ I

~fC23 '&fc ~ ~tt24 All the sins H of

millions'1 and »fT~ RT-q2S ~ ~;Si23 »f3 ~;st <11 ;:tOHf ~
Rg ';:J025 a ~fa ~fa millions of births of His saint 2S , the R~<:J UTU24, I{~ feel Ui!5 21 f?~ q I!ce rz , ~ I
or1~26 f~or trBGT27 II Lord washes otf 2S in an instant 27•
3Ha ';:Jo29 ~ til '3 Thine saints2', 0 Lord, are known 3~ RTQ29
• r ~ RI>ITH1
_ ! 3~ CfT<'W <J1 ;:tr~ ;:tt~ •

=;lr% l{~ ;::pfo §2S through Thee. As they realise28 their <:10 fCil~'fel ;:te ~J »fTll<! J1Tf<:1~ § »f~g~
~ ;::ro30 3 31 lil:16'T32 II Lord, they" become supreme'2 Cla~2' <:10, ~<1'1 H~l;fTlO ))jeCf 1i1:r132 ;j ;:tie
amongst men'O. <Jo I
~a ~fo »{ll:!33 God, the: Lord God has placed 34 His ?Tf<lariJ R»fT)-ft ?Tf<JarCf ~ »{T~ »{TUU '!>
-. - -1;lI •

trfo€7 34 ~o ;::ro3S ownself33 in 3s His slave 3s • As such, »{Ttl<! oi5 31 lli·~35 Cffl:PI{TH ~ I feR B'e1 t
Hf~35 ?)TO~ His slavl: 36 and the Lord God are one am
T36 »f3 RI>ITH1 ~f<1ariJ
- ~ ~o feel
;::ro36 @R --=
ora \.lg
... - f~orGT37" 811 and the same 37 , 0 Nanak. CLll <J1 <:10, ~ 0'0Cl !

\.lgT31 H~C5T 8 II Parbhati 4th Guru. l{3 r31 ~l'rlllTf3lJT<111
ora39 Rf3orfo oTH The Grdat 39 True Guru has ?~l' Ra OLaf ~ Ha »f"t!Cf w~" <JCfT41 ~

l ft:L;pf~§40 ~fo ~fd41

~:n.{42 li~43 ;::rl~44 ~fa
;::rftJ9T45 II
40 4
implantt:d the Lord God's ' Name
within me. Contemplating4> my Lord,
142 , the dead one4l , have sprung to
o'H ll~C'lT Cla fe3'40 ~ I »frU~ I!l'IiTHT ~T
fRHo0 45 ClCfo til'lirCfT, ~."l. lia~r43, i!Cf;:it3
;j fOTI>I,14 <Ji I

•Uo:46 UO: ClJC! ora 47 Blessed'16, blessed is the Great 47 Guru, ~~<1Tot'. l:!<J<JTo <:10 ~~47 OL~, ~ao'" R\f
: Rf3C1@ ~OT4S n:fl~'49 the Pt:rfect18 True Guru, who, d.!~ ;:t1,' f~r ~ »fTI.l<!T ~W51
B &52, H"
~ ~a~50 aT~51 ~f~52 lendingS2 his arms" has pulled me S3 , 4
~~50 ~e ~ ",f<:ro ' ~ R':f~Cf f~~" ~'<:ta
are.,53 ~ I •
\1'111 tho drowning" ono, out of the ocoan <to fa",'"
of poison • It

•• e ++•• 4 lji41+.i\~~'I"l5ij>."' •••• 'P ) S. .

·'$.0 , . • • • • c •••••••• See.

tmJ" HeiSS oTH

l)ffitJt~T56 II
7iTJ:f 0 my soulss ,' utterS4 th?u, the Name
of thy Lord, who IS worthy of
~ ual ftf~S5 ! ~ ))fTCfTtlO-tiiarS6 ))f~ Wl!t
~ nTH ~T €ro'OnS4 era I
worshipS'. -
~uiifuS7 ~Utfu58 '0 By ever-newS7 effortsS8, God is f03-cW' S7 ~uar(8»f,S8 tr~raT 'lal ~o ~
~59 ~ qrfa founds, not ever'0. Through the 0'l1' ~S, I ci~ ~n61 arat ~ arm',
~1 ~2 \{.~ perfect" Guru alone, the .Lord God'z 'lal'z Rtel' lffiTll?J ~~ ~ I ofuar~ I
wF3 11911~1I is attained'J. Pause.

OTH' oTij ~64 CJTH The Name-Nectar'4 of the Lord ~~rHt HTBCl ~ ~fi.@'4, ~1 ~ UJa'S
OR'f~ 01366 Master is the abode of bliss65 • ~I a.rat ~ ~ ~))f'aT feR >tff}{3" ~ c:
tft))f-r6 7 QlOHf~ Indrinking'7 this Nectar", by the "'" ~'..r lj!lll" ~ fuJ'" iI' I
aR9T69 II Guru's instructins", I have become
0'5 fHH7Z ~ ffiJ t!l H870 ~
Associating7Z with the saints' society7J,
even the iron-dross70 is transmuted
into gold71 • Through the Guru, man
~ ~ ~ I ara' ~
i@ ~ fua~74 ))j~ fi'er ~17s ~ I
ar'll ual ~1;a76 iI

comes to enshrine7s God's Light7' in

~crra77, urut HTH~IO ))f~ R~791

his mind74•
They, who ever stray" in ego77 , ii 7l 11G
sins71 and avarice'O and are lured ~ cre'l un ))f3 f';:rcy ~ li~z 3 ~itU ~
away8S by the 10ve14 of sons8Z and f~ ~ ~ - era f8~T8S 3·, (}uN
wifel ., theY" serve" not the saints' ~.. sl RT~ t1 aatl7 ~1 zt'us" otit
feet17 everl' and hence, thosetO iiHT~;i 3 ~90 HOH:ire'l ~1m'2 0'5 ~J
egocentrics'tare filled 93 with dusttZ• ~€ un I

Thine virtues'4, Thou alone' knowest", ~'t.W'Jf' ~citl)(i'4 ~ ~ I)fTlJ 'll il'<!~" 3'.
o Lord. Having grown weary", 197 <l ~llfTHl ! ura '!~" ~ W'7 ilC! 3a'tllnru'oo
have now sought'l Thy refuge 1oo • s~l91 ~ I
Asz Thou deemestJ fit. S04 saves Thou filR ~,2 91 ~ )forRS Rlm!,J ~'. ~ 3~f4 ~
me, 0 Lord. Serf' Nanak is ever a 'l1 ~ Hal aftt~TS Cia, ~ RTf'ls ! o~a' o'nCl f
slave7 of Thinel • R~' u1 3a,3 ai5,7 ~ I l
Parbhati Bibbas \{9'3l fa~TR
Partal 4th Guru ll33'5 -aa'tll'f3arm

There is but One God. By the True

Guru's grace, is He obtained.
~fualO ~~s f~Cl ~ I
tr ~rar ~ llTf~))fT Wt!T ~
OIa' ~l ~f~l)j'
••'0' u .
(44 13)

;:rfu9 Ho lO ~fa ~fa o my soul 10 ,

meditate' thou on the ;j Hol fi1~~l~'O ! ~ ~l ~ J:f;:JT3 12 I:fI)fT}ft
orJ;i fouTo12 II Lord God's Name, the Treasure l2 of ~rf<JCl]~ ~ oTH BT fRl-lOo' Ola I
~fa ~aaKJl3 tIT~fu Thiswise, thou shalt obtain honour l4 fc:R ~t ~ l.f~ ~ t?Cl'ara 12 l)(ta fetE
Hro14 II in the Lord's court lJ . »{Ta~ '4 liT 5~:CJll I

f'tiro ;:rfU>1iT 15 3 All those who remember l5 their God, tl ~l 1){'U<! ~fuCll~ ~ fRHa~15 uo ~I'
. urfa16 ucr To17 IIctll theyl6 are ferried acrossl 7• Pause. UTa (j30 ;:tiel, uo I afuar(j I

Bfo 18 Ho19 ~fo ~fa o my scml 19 , attentively20 hearken's ;j Hal fi1"e l'
! faa31 tl~ ~20, ~ Rt~' \1a1
01l:! or fCJ ft:P>fTQ 20 II thou the Lord God's Name. B oTH ~ l!~~ Ola ll I
Bfo Ho21 ~fa alcrf322 Hear thou, 0 man 21 , singing of the ~ ~ <1 ae 21 ! I:fIli Hl Bl fR~:moT22 ;i
»fQmo23 }-f;:rrQ24 II Lord's praise 22 would earn thee the aTul., ~ »{o,uc 23 3laat a ~r~ B' 65
merit of bathing24 at the sixtyeight2J lI' 5~CJlr I

holy placc:s.
gfo He; qIolif1f 25 Hearing the Name, by the Guru's CIlat BT BfelliT25 ~»{Tdr oTH ~ ~~ a ij I

~fu26 HTQ27 II ct II grace 2S , 0 man, thou shalt be ~B ! ~ l{~3l27 ~ lIa'lf326 <i HT~:CJlr I
blessed 26 with glory27.
;:rfu28 Ho llOHlN29 o my soul, meditate 2S thou on thy ;j HaT f;:f~ ! ~ l){Ttr<! l1.>-R:Vo lIaH l{.~20 t:'

uatl'Q30 'I SupremeJ'o Tran~cendent Lord 2'. »{ ral Qo 21 era I

f~o31 ~32 UTlJ33 Such meditation destroys32 millions 34 feu »{raruo ~~t34 u1 orOTut3J ~ feOl !iu331
aCTo 34
II of sins 33 in an instant3l • f~~ OBc era fBB"u ~ I
f~3S oToor ~fa 0 Nanak, meet J5 thou with thy ;j oroOl ! ~ l){Ttr<! Ci/Ta3TWo J6 ~'f.J0l~ 0'5
3OJ~36 1l~llct1l91l IUustrioul;JS God. ))f~t' l:ll ~~J5 I

tST31 ~8T 4 Parbhati 5th Guru ~1 titt~l· tjlf3F.JT\1T

.. fag-TR Bibhas fa~TR

. /\
l ct G Rf3qra t{J=pft! II
There is but One God. By the True ~fuCll~ &~g feCi/ ~ I R~ a.rat el Bft!l){T
Guru's grace, is He obtained. ~l){Tal ~ lI Tfelli T;:rtB' ~ I
~ H?)37 ~fcr cil>1iT38 God created 3s the SOUP7 and ~))frHl?) »{T3HT J7 o~VI ~ 1li3 Rla R"dTa 3'

J3~39 R~ fPftP;fr4
II fashioned 40 the whole body39. ~ urfulliT40 ~ I
~ UtI 3~ I crftI
;:tf343 M'aking42 the mortal from five u"W ~S-))jRt41 3' l{~T ~ S(!y42 ~ ~fuar~
~ f~ftp;f144 II
elements41 , the Lord has blessed44 him
with His 'Very Lighl 4J •
. 43
- ?i )) \11 o'a 0'5 fo~rfi1I1i,44 ~ I
3 ~R

~ fR~;:rr4S QCJf346 God has blessed him with the couch 45 ~rfuON?) (jR ~ i1Hl046 Br U5Ul45 1li3
!iI B'cf304 7
&@ tfTo1
II of earth 46 and the water 41 for use 47 • ~d3G47 m:!11lT~141 tifJ:fR \10 I

0 f~RTO~50
fc».n:f49 Oman, serve51 thou the World-Lord52 ii ~ ! i m:rro -e Ji)){lH142 B1 cf<rn QH151
R~51 RTfaot1.1ro152 II and forget 50 Him not even for an ~ ~A' ~ f~Ol l:!<J3 90 9T" ('iT ~5TSO I

Cill instant4'.
H?)53 RSa.rn s:if~ o manSJ , serve thou the True Guru, ii ij'-e53 ! ~ R~ Olot Bl cfu5 0lH' 3T ~ ~
~fi:! 54UOHOI355 II that thou be blessed with the HUTO S4 H03SS5 ~ trOTta ii ;:r~' I
supreme54 status5S.
uCfl::f56 R0/ 57 "3 oufu If thou remain unaffectedS8 in weals, ;l0l0 ~ ~S6 ~ ilH157 f~tJ fooBl.lS8 oii·
fooroT58 3 j59 q and woe'7, thenS9 alone shalt thou ~ 3B 5
' ul 3 . f;:fB-;::ITo'° -e A'~1'1
~fu62 W
.. 1.1361 ii
O find'2 thy God, the Lord'i of Life60 •
»fT~ ~Tfu~ ~ trO'ta'2 \J?'OJT I ~ I ~

~3 ~ar64 oR6S He, who makes thee enjoy67 various" ~ 3~ l)f?)ort6' l.[8TOfl6l, fOI){TH3T 64 »{3
»ff'oq66 ~eT~67 II dresses", dainties64 and relishes65 • Jil>fTB,65 ~ »f'5B ~or'~'BT ~ I 67

• )1T368 flJ3T69 ~~a 70 He, who has created 72 for thee. f;m ~ 'W ffi?l »i"H~1'I ~s5" »f3 R,~71
Ram71 S(')~72 II mother", father 6? and aWl the fo83Bro70 a~72 un I
relatives 7o•
fO~73 RHTij74 ;:rfg7S He, who extends74 sustcnance73 in ~ tfT<!Y5 >iBo »{3 tlHlo76 ~ atr173
l:Tf576 H13" II the watcr75 and on the earth", 0 ~Y~'t!T74 ~, ii fH3d'77 !
friend 77,
Serve7' thou, that78 Lord, ever80 and
R78 ufo s:i~79 ol3tso ~A'78 Jil)f'Hl Bl ~ \1Har80 , uH8' \11 cfu5
for ever more.
013 11:<11 ClHT '
~T81 ~82 ;:r~83 He is mortars succourerB2 at the ~u ~ ~T ~qll RU'fe~2 <lB'~, f;:[q82
place". where n no body else can help
aft! oW II him. iio ci~l ~ B1 RU1'fu3' our oro ROlBT I

~fc84 »i1.1'Q8S rear Millions84 of sins85 , He washes off" ~9" ull.l'll'5 ~u reOl !iua" f~17 ti"
fuo86 Hf~87 W 88 II in87 a moment". JicBT ~ I
t!'f389 orij90 oul He confers'o gifts8' and regrets" not. ~ aJ:IF.ih:r89 SJ::fl:rB y90 ~ ~ l)f~R9I nul·
~~9111 OlOW I

eor,92 Sl:iR93 f6f0 94 ForgivesU He, once92 for all. and94 ~ RB' 5l?l fuor ~'2 ul HT6 CIa ftiB"3
~f095 (') §m 96 II asks" not the account again'5. ~ 12f3'4 'i3 a'5 fuRTa <'iUr l.[sB'" I
fClCJ3 97 Rt=loIT By pre-writ destiny'7,I have searched" l.lfu5' 3· ul f5l:fl ;j~ 4.'59tJ'7 ~l)jroT. H·
urfu»iT98 '9rfB99 II and found" the Lord. ~i1 a" lf~ .~ l.l' f5l)fTtI ~ I ~
RTtrR0rf3 Hfu100 InIGO the saints' society. abides 2 God, l.J15e-uro4 ~
2 4 the World 3-Cherisher4.
!=Ifa J=i0T3
~t!T2 ~ I
>iea 1oo fRl:JCV B'
~ i
~a fHf5 »i~ ~~ Meeting wIth the Guru, I have come il1'I' """ lim it H' 3a "0' ~ ""fu»p '" 01
.~.+ +.++4.+++++++•••+ ••••••••+ •••••+ .

~»iT05 " ;:ro6 "li"OOr to Thy doors, 0 Lord, the Enemyl' ~qT(J' @ ~(J1r. J!~1 I ~ am' nTOCil -a
~OHQ7 e~8 of ego'. Bless8 Thou slave' Nanak, ))f'lR' t:!1t:!T07 mm' I
~arfal0 11811C\1I with Thy vision7•
t{9T3l ~w 1I II Parbhati 5th Guru. l.{9'31 U;:r~ urf3wu1 I
tIS oft R~12 if?)13 In the Lord's service 12, His slave" R~· t:!l \11'8 12 ))f"-ea. ~R t:!T oi8'1J ~,I"
oft Rgr14 II attains gloryl4. UT €'t:!T ~ I
(iT}-f15 ~016 f~17 His lS lust lS , wrath" and avarice20 ~R" t:!l C(T).{_~J:RTIS. C!!RT" lJf3 8'8tJ20

f~ 18 '53120 II are destroyed 17 • oRe ci W@17 \1n I

3CJT if?)
or For Thy slave, 0 Lord, Thy Name ~ ai8 ~l, cJ ~l" ! 3(JT O'H \11 l!m t:!T
j~ra21 II cno22 aloae is the Treasure2 1 of bliss. In lHI'OTZI :l I 3'a t:!CJBoZ4 @ iiH2S ,,;t!O, ~

CJTT~f~23 119 ~cJR24 the IOVI:2S of Thy vision24 , he sings2J 3CJll)jT fR~tZ2 ClfTreo crcJt:!T 2J ~ I

flPWfa II~II
25 Thine praises22•
~Hal 9aTf326 To Thille slaves, 0 Lord, Thou Thy- l)jT1.!~l)jt oif8))fi~. cJ ~! ~ ))fT1.! \11
))fT\R1 iiHH~ R~26 i!l ~el t!ORT~27
~~~2711 self hast revealed27 the merit of Thy
devotional service2'. ~I

ClTfc28 ~~a129 ;:ro SnappilDg28 their bonds2', Thou, 0 ~t @ ;rs2' ~~ZI ~. ~ cJ JIl)jT}-ft ! ))fT1.!~

F.)1~ s~30 IIC\II Lord, emancipatestJO Thine slaves. ciif5))fi ?;= it:!lf8TRJO aa ftft:!' ~.. I ofua~ I
~II Pause.
;:j ;:ro31 0'3'32 119 The saintJl , who is imbued J2 with the ft:J<:sT Rtq3 I, R~ @ ~Hn 0'8 afar))fT

~ ~fOT33 II f3f?)M Lord's loven, heM is blessed with ijful)jTu ~. ~34 Rtet ~1 Fiala" ~
1.!~t:!l ~ I
-- 36 tlTfu)){T ... 119' ~
Rl:f35 peace3§. in the Lord's association-. l)j'o'H

Rfur 11
~ 0~37 ~38 He" alone, who obtains· the relishJ7 .-
fim ?; Rl)j'H1 @ O'H t:!T R))fTt:!J7 \lO'1.!aJI
RE139 ~40 II of the lLard's Name, understands40 it. iirel)fT ~ &~ ~3' \11 WI ~ RH5t:!'40 ~ I

'Uf~l 'Ufl::f H044 ~2 Seeing~'1 and beholding it, he is feR ~ ~~41 lJf3 ~q~, ~ l)j~ f~

~~311:<1I wonderstruck4J inu his mind4'" llfB042 ~o~3 <it:!' ~ I

R45 r:!~y46 R9 3 He4s alone is at peace46 and he alone ~~ ~~s \11 JI~T~' ~ »i3 ~ ~ \11
~t 0'(%" li~7~, fiDl @ ~ ";t:!(J
~3H47 Rf~ II ;:IT ci is the most sublime 47 of all, in whose
r:{e 48 ~fR»fy49 1.!! mind48 Heso, the Lord, abides4'. ~u50 I!I)fTHl ~Rt:!T4' ~ I

Rre50 II
R~ f?)~~r~51 ~ He is 4:ternalSI and comes and goes
?)ifTfull not.
»fof~52 119 ~ ufo NightS:! and day, he singsS4 the aC!S2 ))f3 ft:!<i. ~ J!))fTJ-it ~f\1a.I~ t:!ll)jt
- ... fR~S3 ClfTreo Cil(Jt:!'S4 ~ I
. q}~53 0JTfu54 lIall praisesSJ of the Lord God.


3T~ cray AD the mea mate obeiaanceJI unto RJi iii ~ 0 \{O'Ws crcJi iJO, tim @ ~
OHR~55 II him, in whose mind abides the m ~T\ler5' R'lll-afu3 Rtir57 ~ ~ ,
Hfo pervadiql' Formless Lords7•
foaCi'q57 II
cna58 fcreuT59 Hfu80 o my Luminous Lord". showU Thou ~ Hi \{il'JRTn tft"! ~ m~ fim5'
Oli!o ~I II QT~ mercy" unto me'O, 10 that Nanak be Q'CIJa, 3t ii ti R3'f'J t!l cfuB' ilH~
~62 ~ cit emancipatedu through the aervic:e'4 ~tf4 0'00r ~'JJ'2 ii wi ,
R~4I1BII~1I of Thine saints".
\{S'31 HUW ~ II Parbhati 5th Guru. \mT'3l ~ ll'faJ:rrul ,
~~ Hfn me SiDsinI the Lord's pJ'aiaea'S, the mind ~ ~ fR&3i'5 arrren crao ~)jfrar, fu3
~II is enraptured". 1{Rn ii ntt!t" ~ ,.
l)fTO UmJ fin·,~67 The eight watches through, contemp- JtfCS llfua, W~ aTcJ'3l>.rto J!~ t!'
!Jdl;;aa II late" I my Dlustrious Lord". fi:u.rcJn" crcJt!T \If ,
;:rr i fRHofcr)E8 RememberiDr' whom tbe Iins70 are fim 0 Wt! ClaO" ~l)fTCfT llJ\l7D 0TJ.l ii W@71
~70 ;:rrf~71 f3J372 destroyed7 ', to the feetn of that" iJO, ~R7J ~ ;:it @ H& iiol'n ~t!"74 ut 1
~o crl ~H ~73 Gutu, repair74 I.
UTfu74 II <:t II
75~76 ~~78 R3 o dear sainta, bleas7e yo me with ~~~ I ~Rr HQ ~ ;lu175 mw"
f~ II f~77 such7San UDdentaadiDa", that contem- m 7l, fer OJ){ t!' l)fTCfltlO" crao ~,
01ij Hf~79 f6H3 1ij80 II platina" the Name, I" may be HOT" \lTCJ ~ ii wi J of~ J
ctll~11 emancipated-. Pauae.
ftd'o <ufa ~1 The Guru, who hu shown" me the 'tim ~ 7; ~ iu fR'tItIJ CfR3T'2
~2 s:fttp83 II straight" patbu of God and, through ~,~ )tf~ tim @ O'tit" iia Rrar
HOTWW fa>,.rtfaJ85 0'fH whom, abandoningU all else", I am ~ ..~ c} Jl& Rtir @ n'H ~ tiRo" ii
m'a aftQ 186 II enraptured" witb the Lord's Name, faI))fT \If,
faR" ara i JW'S I am eve~ a sacrifice" unto tbat17 WRt!1~ ul ~7 CR ~ urm ~~ ~,
afise ~11 mer Guru, through whom" I am blessed" filR @ a'Ul"J Ho ~ t!l ~190 t!l t!'3
f~ f~Jl <[a92 3 witb the Lord's meditation". fi.r8t!191 ~ I
~~91 11:<11
pa&3 \{Tol94 fffio Tbe Gurp, wbo ferries across's the ~ a.ra~ it ~~ 5e";:it~ 0 \ITa Ciif
qrafa 3CJTf~5 II drowningu mortal", by whose graceH , ~'S un, ft:Iqt t!l t!fu))fT't ~1)fTiJ' Hum"
f;:n:r- uRTft!H
... ,:{;)97 mammon" infatuates" man Dot, aDd a~ 0 1{q" nul' ~~1 )jf3 it ~ ~
om ).f1'fu~8 II U8~99 who embellisbcsJ one in this world" ger" ~ ~er'oo 0 m3E Ciif ftf~2 un,
U8~100 f;:fa qJcJfa and the yODder one'oo, ' .
maw 2

faJ:!3 Cllo €!trfa4 Unto4 that J Guru, J7 am ever' a ~J aIa-e~ tit ~ ~ ~7 uABt' til
~ U~7 rio~1I sacrifice5• i!clS1os ~ ut I
H~ }.f(JJq9 3 10 cl1l)fT From 10 a most8 ignorant' one, he has uaH8 ~~' 3. 10, ~ 7; H'Q \fuH 83 12
~1211 made me enlightened l2• ~ ~;lT~ I
aro tJij13 cit »{crQ14 Ineffable14 is the story15 of the ))fqfu14 ~ ~CST15 ttaO lJ ~ ill tft I

~1511 Perfect lJ Guru.

tJTCfS~H16 ~ The Guru, of himself. is the supreme I' aI~ ill, ~t! ul J[Hel 16 Rrfua uo, c1 orocr I
cnd€~ II 17~~wfa118 Lord, 0 Nanak. By the greatest 17 uaH I7 ~ciT oR'lst '1 ~t)fT'aT ~ tft cfus
~ ufo R~1911811 good fortune '8 • God's service" is JRt" \faT1.l3 ~tft ~ I
:31/ obtainc~d.

t{W31 HUB" Ll II Parbhati 5th Guru. \{B'3l

1JTf3B1ul Iu~
ROTS ~l::( fH~20 Rl::(
Riddin.g me of all my woes, God ~ ~ ~~ ~a QCJ20, uol7; HQ ))f1(J'H
~21 "')){ll(')T (')~ has blc:ssed21 me with peace and has S~21 ~ ))f3 Hi U'Jt ~ (')1}f t!T

;::JtJTf~niT22 II made Ine utter22 His Name. ~CJ(') cro~22 ~ I

crfo fcrau T23 ))ftf01 Showing His mercy2J, the Lord bas ~l fHU0 2J tJTO, ~ 7; HQ ))f~ cfuB
R~ we 24 RClJF.)T engaged24 me in His service and has ~ tT:J fsI)fT24 3 ))f3 Ha Rti \!TUB
~~25 fHCTf~26 II purged Z6 me of all my sins25 • ~26 era fe3 iJ61

UH wfocr27 ROf?)28 I. a chiJd 27 , seek the refuge28 of
ml~re H£. ~ ier27 , ~29 HTBCl -el lJOTu28
1{9. ~)){'C?28 II the Mc:rciful29 Lord. B-3~ ut I
l)f~30 cr rfc31 ciJ~ Erasing J1 my demerits», the Lord Ho'll)ff ml)ffJO 5 HRJ I F(l){THl 7; H'& ))fTl2T
• I _ •

- 0Tfi:r33 has mlade me His ownJ2 and my fotl J2 t!T ~ fB))fT ~ ))f3 ~ aIi~'·
8re )fij (llo aitrfF.)34 II Guru-God M has protected JJ me. 7; Hal afl:f))fT crslJJ ~ I ~ I
C\lIo~1I Pause.
3TtfJ5 tJTtl36 funR37 The :Lord42 of the World41 has RWa4 1 ~ JJ))fTH142 fi.ruosrntO cJ WJ.IT ~ ))f3
ftfo 38
913fo 39
3e become mercifu140 and my sufferingsJ5 Hii ~S5 3 .6Fi'UJ6 f~cr l!u3J1 ~J9
~o 41(ll~42 II and sins J6 have been wipped offl7 in" oTR37 cJ ore
uo I
a mornentJl•
RTfR RTfR43 uraaul-r 4
.... - "
With every breath4J, contemplate4S I ))frui uo Sl))fTR4J o'~ w£ J[Hel Ritff44 Q
l)f~ Rf3~o
l)fdTdt my Supreme Lord44 and, unto my fi:lHO#5 ut, ))I3))flu<! ~ i[oi ~ H~ Rt!'
~ af~6 ~ II~II True Guru, I am ever a sacrifice4'. ~ Wt:!t4' ui I
l)fOJ~7 l)f~48 Inaccessible47, Inapprehensible41 and 1I~ 3· ua47, RtJ ~ ~ ~CJI'" ))f3
fa>i~49 J3)){THt 3TCfTSO Infinite4' is my Lord. His sO limit51 ~, ~ HoT RTfus I ~50 t!T ~I
»j~51 (')~ II can be: found not. U'fuI)fT ou" tIT ~ I
~52 l:fTfc53 ~ Meditat.ingU on our Lord, we carnSJ ))fT\li J!))fT)-it ~ fm.rcJnu crna ~ W 2

ftJ~~55 lIall
\19 profitU and thus become richs". qwSJ ~ ~S .. ~ ~ \1i I

)).f1(5 \I~a \lTO~m:l56 Throughout the eight watches of the ~ @ )Ji~ ufJa \11 »'
~S6 t!T l)f'IOTtJ"()57
fq~57 RW Rt!T day, meditateS7 I on the Transcedent qa~ ui ~ uHJ:rr \11 ~ t!1)Jii fms-
QI(I)58 OJTfu))fT59 II Lords6 and singS9 His praisess8 , ever f.rn1UfTS8 C1f'~s, \Ji I
and forever.
au ornOl Ha 1Jij60 Says Nanak, my heart-desires" have - \10, Hi fuH t!ll)fi :\:f,fugi'l
-. ;:fl ~w€h~
~cre51 \lToa~2 - . been fulfilled60
and I have attained to .
ua1l)fi ~ orel)JiisO \10 ~ Ji' )Jir\li crra- -.
012 \ltre))fT 11811811 my Guru-Godu . \{Haa'2 ~ U' f8l)fT ~ I
\l9T3T H~8T ~ II Parbhati 5th Guru• 1.{9'31 u"t1~r urf3wu1 I
OTH ~T f;f30 6J Clan 'tIl)fraT, Hi uru''' fHe
fRH03 63 0TJ:f RememberingU the Name, all my
fOT8f~4 R9 CiTR65 II sinsM are effaced'S and the True are'5 \10 l)f3 ~ aLai & Ji~ Rf30TH'6 ~1
~66 0Tli QIfa 'el0i67 Guru has blessed67 me with the 1£;:fl61 i11fF.1' R31'7 ~ I
eJTR68 II capital68 of the True Name".
. oft ~(ffiJ69 Embellished70 are the Lord's slaves in J!~70 ~ \10, RTfuil -e -as €tR ~
~370 II R~0l71 His court" and serving72 Him, the t!~' >ita ~ €tR t!1 Ul'B ClW72 ,
Rf~72 R~73 Rj3 74 II Lord's slaves7• ever7J look RTfua' B aiiS71 Rt!1~7J <11 Bta74 ft!R-e
beauteous ". \10 I
Wa ~fa75 0TJ:f ii~76 Utter 76 thou, thy Lord God's7s Name,
t ~ J!l){1)-Ws ~Tf<J01~ B O'H t!T
Ha ~7711 o my brother •77
€t-eran76 Cla, iJ Ha ~1an !
ROT8 (jar78 ~l:f79 m9 This-wise all thine maladies78 and fuR 3~i aa1)Jii Rra1l)fi iilHrap,p78 l)f3 Rra
fa?i'Hfu80 ~81 sins shall be destroyed80 and thy 79
na<! ci ~a180 ~ 3a fu38] 3·

)){'Qay82 H(l)83 3 ~85 mind 8J shall be deJivered 85 of the

))fT3HC!12 ~ffiWt81 ~ l)j~T ~alS ~ ~aIT I

IIqll~~1I darkness of spiritual82 ignorance8•• of<JaT~ I

tJOH Hao Ojfa (JTij86 o my friend 87, the Guru has saved86 ci Ha fH3d'87 ! Ojai & H~ tlHe 3 HOn 3'
H13 illa c} OTH
II me from birth and death and I am f8l)fr8' ~ l)f3 aVa B nTH 0'8 Hal

f~ BTOft U188S II attuned" to the God's Name. fua~1'8 Q cm;l ~ I

cjfZ91 itOH" c} ore89 The sufferings90 of my millions91 of Ha ~~t91 <11 ;:row ~ ~l:f~90 ~ ~ aI~
cmR 90 ;l96 813 92 births
are over89 .
Whatever" \1089 I ftI'<1~' 0l'~96 ~R92 ii
_ _ • ~aIT HClfP'1 ~ J
gt~94 R93 '9895 pleases Him , that 9J alone is a~ (t<J 9] <31 ~H,'5 ~ I

(JR 11:<11 good 9s •

~~~~~ I am ever a sacrifice" unto the Guru, H' uHBT ~t ~ ~ i!CJ8'n" ~ uf'
Sfg97 ;:TT'e1 II f;:nj by wbose !race'8, I contemplate" the ftrqi ;:ft ~fl:!l)fT'I tI~, H' JlfEt @ nTH ~
l{RTfe9s ufo 0'l:I the Lc,rd's Name. fm«Jn" iifa-W ut I
~RTI00 ~q Through the greatest! good fortune 3 ~aJ 9ar 8lOfT3 crul' ~ci ~51°O aR ;it
2~9'OT13 II is fOUJild such lOO a Guru, meeting with 'i@ un, fif~t o~ ~ t{l)ftCJT,
\lCfTlf3 ~
f)-f83 OT)-f4 whom, one is aU uned s to the Lord4. tft flJ~5 l£T 0'5 ii ~l ~ I
crl'a6 forollT7 tI'~8 o my Supreme Lord8 Master'. the iT R"fOl)ft IO fuw" ~ll)ft ~'OC!UTa-IJ, ).fi1

iJl'){T)-f19 II 10
ROT8 Inner.. knower 13 of all iO hearts l2 , show' 'iHC:l' Rfl:!l& HTaiif' ! t )fa ~ fHUa- 7 tra6 I
UW 12 ~ >;t3oW)-f113II Thou mercy7 unto me.
f8~15 ~Tf~ II
tKJo 14 l){':!ol All tlile eight watches l4 through. let lM'iS mua- 14 H* . I)fTlli fUl)fra lS 0'5 ;ron
me be: attuned 1s to Thyself. cflf I

;:1"0 16
OToOl U9 Oll Serf'" Nanak. seeks Thy refuge l7 ,O oso16 n'OCl', 3al \lO'UI7 83~ ~, iJ!fa
Rcforfu 11811~1I
17 my L'ord. 1!1)f1}{11

t crl'a
U §l Tal )-f~W Ll II
fCloUT l){Y3 18
Parbhati 5th Guru.
Showering His benediction, the .Lord 'tfTlJ<!1 a-fuHO
qgl3l li~ 1.l'f3WUl I
QTCJ a, J:!)){TH1 ri<n1!i ~ ~

~: ~9 oft~ II~ra OfT God, bas made me His own l8 and I)fT\RT fo~18 t:!T ~ f'gl)jT ~ ~ fRHaO"
OTJi iRlo Cl~ has b1essed 20 me with the meditation" ii(J0' 5l:!1 H~ I)f~ 15TH lIlffal)fT20 ~ I
~~20 II of His Name.
»{TO' tKJo'Zl ~o22 Singing the Worldu - Lord's24 praises Z2 • ua W 21 ul ilwaD @ J!I)fTH124 ~l cita3l22
QIrfu23 ~f~t!24 II ~25 the whole day 100g21 , my fears 2S are aJTftffi ii(J0' ~))lraT, Hi ~25 ~ ii ore
fSoA 26 ~3a127 R9 disp€:l1ed26 and all anxiety28 is uo:l6 3 Rl al fa"O'Z8 8fu cmitZ7 ~ I
ftf~28 II '111 e1imioated27 •
~~29 Rf3ajCl I am saved 2' by repairing" to the True R\l ([Ot @ QatJO Oc!31 ~))fT'CJT, ~ fi
~aof3o ~TfQI31 II Gum's feet JO • f'arJJfT 29 ut I
if QN Cl~ R~132 Whatever the Guru says, that 32 alone fmJ3 T <!i: ari;:it ~ <JO, )fa mft iRs
9g 33 H10T34 HO 011 is g,oodSS and sweet34 unto me. I ~132 90y,n 3 f}f(5T34 ~ I Ji' I)fTlJi fta

Hf335 f3l)fTfQI36 II C\ II have: forsaken" my mind's wisdom3S• ~1 fR))lT(!1JS5 f!;r f~31" ~ I

atJT~11 Pause.
. )-ffo37 3f038 mR»{T39 Within my mind and body38. Ha fu337 '3 ~38 l')(~ ~I ual We\&40
~fa40 U~ R~141 II 41 40
abides" that Lord God. ~R~,n ~ I
Clf842 -~BR43 fOl~ No strifes 42, sufferings'" and H?J <I~ ae1 ~4Z, tItS 4S 1)f3 ~ast"
fSUlCi 0 ~~145 II obstacles 4
now. befa1l me. oul' f~l){Tlrt!1l){T45 I

~Re' \{i~ The Lord, now. abides within'" my Rf~, 'lC!, ~l~ ~ m1Bi tit Ho1 m"'e;sl4'
i Rfar'7 II lOul"', evert' and forever. nta4'~ 3,
Qadl.' ~50 O'H t With the loveS' of the Name, the O')f @ ~'CI" 0115, \J'I\Jf ~ ~tr<JftJO iiol
II~II filth SO of sins is washed ofl'4'. ~,.., 31
~52 c:nm53 fRQ Embracing" love" for .theLord's 'A @ ci.. aCJf5Jnt8W35S 8l~54 tI~,
BTifi54 ~S5 II 10tus5J feet52, man is ridY of lustS', W mi jar57, ctR5I '3 iiCflCJ5t 3' i{<:d i d,56
fiffiR56 Cl'H" 8
F wrathS' and egoS'. 1JT WtP 3 1
... fRSO CiT wacfiO I have now, known" the waytG to H' 'lC!, JtITUi Rtel' @ fHR. @ ~ ~
tJ1Oi6l II meet my Lord. iI'C!~' 0 I
sdlfa63 ~CJ
!"'fu62 Through loving'2-adoration'·, my fUltlra1'2_~U'JJC'51'. @ arcft', Mar f;:ro 'IC!.
fRQ64 HQ woi65 II mind, is now, pleaseduwithM my God. ~ ~fmn ~ ~" ~ fcIPtp ~ I
~ Rt'I<!:'" R3 Hl367 Hear thou me, 0 friend". 0 saint, ~ fU3a"! ~ R"11! ~ . Hi crla3lwc5"
~II o my illustrious" intimate".
1iI'a" ! t Hal em SIC! ,
~69 <Jfa 71
(')Tij Unfathomable and Unwcighable ~70 ~ ~71 0 ~ @ ?i1)f ~
»HalU70 >Jf35 II is the jewel" of the Lord's Name. ~'I
~ m:!' ~
...- are
72 Ever and forever, sing7" thou, the Rt!R ~ CJJlBT ul, t.
~'2 @ ~7J •
fcrifu73 ~74 II cry praise of thy Lord, the Treasurc7J of JtI'lIc! ~ ~l ~l aJlfeo7" Cia I en
01?)0f r.:if
75 waft76 virtues71• Says Nanak, it is only ill ~ \10, ~ UdH75 craHt" tar
~ IISIIell through the supreme75 good fortune" d'Urtit ~ ~31
that the Lord is attained.
tBr31 HUB' 4 II Parbhati 5th Guru. ~l UiRr llrfasTUlI
R" ~378 mft ~ They" alone are rich 7', and they t~ ~77 ul ~71 \17) ~ ~ tit W'i
ATUT'9 II ma cit alone true Merchants", who have F.J'¥'a", fi«y ~ ~" ~'d" 1ft
eaaluao O'l:{ established their credit" in the Lord's ~ fl!asia'i ilHT fS))fT 3 1

f~AliJl81 "cUI court".

ufo ufo ?iT>i ~ o my friend", in thy mindl:l. 5 Ha fH'3d" ! ~ ftra@1J lJfea i ~

H(')'3 Hl384 II contempJate12 thou. thy Lord God's '!))fTHl ~aIi @ C5'H ~ ~ Cia 1
By good- fortune" alone, thc perfect ~5 ;iaJU craW"~))fYdl titlfcJn R;j (ft ill
Guru is attained and then pure" and UdT\S ~@ \17) ~ ~ \J~3d17 3 1iiHB"
perfect" becomes the man's way of ~ "'~ ~ t1~ t?l tim; a'!-m1" I cfuGT9 I
life". PaulO.
Whcn man carns the profit" of the
.....++++•• +++++++++* •• , ......

~~91 II R3 UWf~2 Name" he is acclaimed' I and. by the J:rTW1 00rt!l ~ JJS Jl11I'Mt tit \:!~J
(Jfo & ~(')93 arTBl II saints' grace'2, sings he. the Lord's trl)f1a' ~ JII)fTH't ~"fi fi:m3t'J arrft!n
~II plaiscli9J • arat!T ~ I
RG'g 94 ~9S tit~096 Fruitful" is the advent'S and ~Tfuar" ~ ~o95 JJS ~ ~ 9R
tlO~~97 II 010 approved'7 the life" of him, who, by ~1 ~", ~ 'a.!aT tit ~fe"fT'I ~,
tlORre198 mo iJ~99 Guru'l' grace", enjoyslOO his Lord's JJtT\Ji lfl e l{H99 t!T ~ B"er1oo ~ I
~lOO IIS11 love".
fiiOR 2 ~H3 His lustS, wrath, 4 and egoS are wiped 9R ~ R ftRms, illRt4 ~ ~Cl'Os O1RJ"
l){€rorraS II off2 and, by the Guru's grace'. he is ~ YO JJS aIQt ;n ~~ ~l){TQT, ~ l!T
ajo}jfcr 6 ferried across7• 0 Nanak. \J1O ~ cj Wt!T7 ~. '8 '1iTnoF !
lfTfd 1\ BII "11
u9T3l H(JW 14 II Parbhati Sth Guru. l{9'31 ~ l.JTf3J:rtul I
= um
Uo 3 Tott
l8 9 Perfec:tlis the Guru and perfect is
-- a:
l!<J?)1 m') arq, iil JJt3 \Lao ~ ~t9 tit
i5lW10 II his' power lO• RCl31IO I

C!!O (iT RS~12 HBT13 Immutable l4 for ever and aye lS is the uHF.JT 3 ~IS Bit l)(fH~14 ~ 'a.!Ot \:!T
~ l){CW II 14 Guru"s word 12. ~121

Old cit ~ f;:T~ He, within whose mind abides IS the fuR e fuae »iecr arar \:!l S'<!l fo~1S
Urn ~lS II -ecr16 Guru"s word, all his lS pangs 16 and Olf~ ~; ~R \:!ll)fill wa1"fi slHrall)fiI' 1If3
~ot117 R~ 3l ~18 pains l7 flee away I'. litst l7 ~ ~ll)it" m; I
C'i'R19 IIClII
~o iJfal20 of3T21 Imbued 21 with God's love20 , his ual e fll'l)f1Q20 nrg afapijr cjfu!Hr21, ~ ~
HQ22 oT)-{ (ll023 mindu sings the Lord praises23 and, ~22~ tit ~ ~ ara~ ~
... ):F:i~'Z4 wg; bathiing 26 in the dust2S of the saints' ~ R3T e ilat tit 'Q32S We nurZ6 ~ ~
~ \I "' ,-
uo1 25 ()~ 2& II ct II feet, he is emancipated24• p,ause. 'iCl324 cj ",~T ~ I of~ I
aja - UCJRT~27 ~ By the Guru'. gr~ce27, he is ferried arert ~ fi.rua27 Rt!'QT I ~ 1JTa ~30 Wt!T ~
UTfo II ~28 90l:f29 across and is ridJO of his fears 21 , ~ ~ e i!rtfZl, Fieu Z9 JJt3 l.lTl.lSI <WIIO

fiioR fSa-ra30 31
II doubts and sins J1 •
29 d W@ \10 I

Hn 32
30 33
>i3fo34 Witbin34 his mind s2 and body33 (1R e f\au 3 ROlan >i\:!a S4 illat -e iiaJS
iiR ala Bo0'3S II
36 abidl~36 the Guru's feet Ss • ~e36 m') I

foo~37 RTlJ tra38 (J'fo Sans any fear J7, the saint repairs s, foi!rtf37 cj I R3 1ft tit l/OT\J39 We' ~'a
Ronr II ~ II39 to tbe Lord's refuge 39 • t1T-eTH ~ I
l){0~0 R(J';:r41 0~2 ]oy41), poise41 • pleasure42 and peace43 • )!R14O, JJtj~I, HtreuTaot J ))13 JJt~3 ~
mt43 ~4411 he has in plenty44• ~ as '8'1344 <ft ~ I

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . os. . . . . . , ....

t!RJ.f045 ~"6 (') Enem)'45 and pain4' come47 not near 48

~47 c5ij48 li- him.
49 »itlc1i 50
- 51 tJa
Deeming51 him as his own50 , the - i5.
~ »fTtJ(!T fotl50 t?T iJT(!51 ' .
lffiCS 4' ora
crfa orij52 II -
Perfect4' Guru saves 52 him. ~R t!T cf-fl::IlJfl C:ffit!TJ2 ~ I
ufo OT);{ ill8'53
fcrffiecf 54 Rf~ Wij 55 11
ContemplatingU the God's Name, he
is rid of55 all his sinsH •
maI~ -e OTH t?T fRH0053
-e Rl'ij l.l'1l54 7)F.JC 5 iJT-e5S un I
Ciao tI))fTOl, ~
R3 RT;:ro56 fRl:f 57 Se59 Illustrious 58 are the saints, friends 5' Ci1031HTCi58 <:17) lIIat -e
wq, fH3'056 lJf'3
~H58 II orfo tla and the disciples 57 of the Guru. The 5
lfolt!57 I l;!a0 ' ~ tft t!~T ~ ~
i? f~o -iHWii ll Perfect5' Guru, makes them meet" OTs'° n-f5 r61 f~ un I
with'O the Lord.
troH Hoc ~lf62 The painfulu noose U of their birth t!<r t!T ;:;H<! 3 HCJe') ~ tI.lfeTel'2 6iRl'3
~63 crTfc»iT64 II and death is snapped'4. cfcl +tTt!J"t 0 I
~ (,)Tocr ajfa tSt!r65 Says Nanak, the Guru screens" on tit ~ <JO, ~~ ~T ~ UJUi65 ~
WfCf»ir66 II a II t II their sins'5. ern fu"t?r" 3 I
.... H~'5T LI II Parbhati 5th Guru. 1.{9"31 ~1~ wf3W\lll
- tffi67
= (')T}-f
- The Perfect" True Guru has blessed" l!ao'7 R~ araT 7) ~ 7)IH Sl:ffi:TI)fr" ~ lJf'3
tft»f168 II »i~ me with the Name and I have H' :t!E1", t.{H0317o, JiQ3l71 3 m!1~72
H'am70 crfH»iT~71 obtained joy", bliss7o, emancipation71 JIfIOTH73 ~ lffiTtf3 ~ farlJfT uT lJf3 ~ wa
R~72 JJl373 crra;:J74 and etema)72 peace73 and all my clH74 ~1!R37S 5 ore7S ue') I ofua'ti I
ROTB"' oTfR75 tn»{T II affairs 74 have been adjusted 75 . Pause.
mJ076 crH'577 qra ~ The Guru's 10tus77 feet" abide78 in arcJT ~ m 77 Ua76 Ha fc:roea ))j'~ ~~78
Hfo83 ~'878 II t!l:f79 my mind BJ , and al such, I am rid 82 uo, f~ ~ H' tIl:ffu>lfT7', l.il3
~aeso ~H81 . rac5R 82 of sufferings", painslO and false 83* ,!38J * ~fJHT81 3' lffiTR182 liT furlfT ut I
~83* IIClII illusions".
(naB 4 ~fo85 orT~ Rising85 early, ever84 sing, thou, the w;:ra ~85 a-, ~ Rt!'" <:11 1II~\{Haa" t!l
.... oft ~~ II l)fTO Lord's" holy word and, all the eight ~1 0I1feo QCf lJf3 Rl!u Ro ~ '8<!87 ~
l@087 ~fo fRHa~88 87
watches through, contemplate 88 thy uol t!' lJfTCfTQ088 Cia, iJ ~1 ~, !

. 89 II =< II
Srufo91 tJg
God, 0 mortal".
Within'o and without", the Lord is )J{t!Cf'O 3 S'Ua9l , Rjel~ RTfO»fT l:P~t'l Rtf ~
.... -
R9Ol~9211 in all the places92• ~I
Rf(JI93 R~94 tl~95 Wherever's I" go, God, my f;:j-Q95 fri H'" tr~T uT, \Jol, HaT RUrfeQ'4
~(l96 ~111 ~ II succourer'4, is always with'3 me. R~T Ha 0'5'3 ~t!T ~ I
...............,. 4,•.•••••••••••••••••••••••* .
'~f~98 cra99 ;':ff~100
icrCJl >1fCJ-erfR2 II R-eT6
Joining 'OO both" my hands", I pray2
to my God, that I, Nanak, may ever'
l){Ttr<§ €<5." ti'li"
l){aT 5031 cro-eTZ u f ,
~IOO ~, Wl){rtri ~rfuan
fer H" OTOQ, Rt!1~ ul

tli)3 0l0i:! 4~ meditate:' on Him, the Treasures of ~Ff 5Cll# ~ J:I;;rr&s -eT fFfHao' cro-eT aut J
3Tg 11811tll virtues 4•
t{9 T31 H~ ~ II Parbhati 5th Guru. li'9'31 l.i~ urf3F.ITUl I
tr'Oa~n-f6* tr9'7 RUla'8
.... - ....
All-wise 8 and Omniscient' is my FfOli-fFr>l.IT(!'· l)f3 ~aar' ~ Herr JlHil
. F[;:r(59 II Supreml~ Lord 6* Master 7. RTfua'* }-{T~Cl7 I
J ijjCJ - trCJTI0 ~,;{ Through the greatest lZ good fortune 13, '9'-a IZ eaT oRliP '3 arur, 1!OOIO q[cJ~;:Il
J 12~~~aIl13 -eCJRo 14 the perfect lO Guru is attained; unto l{TU3 ~~ uo I ~T -e -el-era I4 ~", Ji" ursl
cr~ ;:rTtft~ i:!aat~lS II his vision l '" I am a sacrifice'S. Pause. ~1i-eTI5 u T I ofuaT~ I

fOT'8"faer 16 H~20 Rafe 21 Through the Guru's holy word 21 , my Ola t -el ~VI alul" Ha t.JTU16 fHe ore20 uo
R3l;!22 II oTli >1fCJTQ0 23 sins 16 are effaced20 and becoming l){'3 OT}-{ ~T fFf)..(OO23 Cloo ~ ~Tfucl24 ci, H&
~i)fT ;::rqr24 II worthy2" of contemplating23 the Name, R~c2Z ;j fOTI)fT ut I
I feel contented 2z•
R'QRfcrr By the saints' society, my mind is Ffi3ROT3 ~l){raT, HOT N'3 -ago;j fOTl){TZS ~
uaorT825 II illumined 2s and the Lord's lotus feet 26 l){'3 ~ ~ uf~~ ~OZ6 Ha N'3 »i-ea ~R-e27
OTHH HO abide z7 within my mind. uo I

fo~lJ27 11911
ftlfo cil»fT28 f3fo 29 Hez" who has created Z8 me, has fuR 5 H~ aftJwz,~, ~Ff29?> Hal aV-f~l){130
Hl~T a Tfer 30 II 30
saved me too. '91a131 ~ I
t.L~ l;!aT31 ~OT~32 OfT The perfect31 Lord is the Master 33 of l;!ao31 tL-~ fo~RfH32 -e TJ:IFf}-{U ~ I

i oT§33 II
ftfRf(J f(')?T~34
; fOTotfT 35 'Q1fo II l;!oo36
~ crCJH 37 3T ~38
the Maslterless 32.
the Lord mercifully35
perfect" become his 38
deeds 37 ;a.nd conduct".
f;:lFf faR ~ fHua crcm3S w& ~f~~-er34
~; 1i~}-{S3' lil ~~ uo ~Ff -e 38
tJ1S-tJ50" I
l'){}-IB37 l){'3

Jl')fT~TCJ39 ~
ever41 sings the ever4Z-new43
crr~o crr~ f03 41 He ~ uHJ;J T41 ul I!l){T}-{l -eTl){T R~1~14z o~l1it'3
i f33 42 f03 ~43 II praises 4!' of the Lord.
He wanders 4S not in eighty four lakhs
fRG'3t'o OfT~-eT ~ I
. Her ~~oTR1(J ;::rfo C4 fGCJ ~u ~aTFfl iio1l)fi44 l){Ba o~W
o g~45 II of existences"" then. '9cCl-el4S I
W 46 €1Jt47 Here 46 and hereafter47 , he adores4' -e ilat4'

tJO~48 E-a-46 l){'3 €"a47 ~, ~ ~l ~t.JTB'oT
Utfrij49 ", the Lord's feet 48 . Q'Ot!'49 ~ I

Hl:(50 €11=rH 51 RT~ BrightSI becomes his face 50 , in the -aRoS1 Ht-er ~ ~Ff -e l fuua T50, RtJl-eaaru 52
~aara52 iI ~ /III True court52 . (He is honoured). Ji-ea (~qi ~ re;;r3 HT(! f}-{s-e T ~) I
••••••••••••••+H. .w •••••••' · ' ..
•• t eo,.t .
~ I-fci53 ~ Ol~ tit »fflRT ti'~ Ol:f~
IfttR HJ13fa53
rrf~54 ~ 1\ ~f~55
a f~BT57
orfa He, on whose forebead u , the Guru
places" his hand, rareS7, out of56
millionsss , is such a slaves8, indeed.
~; ~~TSS ~~"S6 ~t?l c~ ;:rOTS7
~5 f;:rur aiW SI
~ I
u1 ~w

t!TR 58 1\
~S9 ~# ~'l>1ff861 He seesu the Lord pervading'3 the Wu 1!»fT}/1 ~ mi'eo5" ;;rHto'O a »fRHw l ~
fO<JT ~tft'''2 ~ I
.. W29OtlfaG3 1\ Water , the Earth and the inter- ualuo=063 aa
space6l •
~afWW a:I~ oT('ior ~ >l1clAlo ~s <115" ~ Uot ~
t1 0 ~
1l=fa 67 11811
One is emancipated64 with the dust 67
of that6S slave's" feet, says Nanak. ta'.7 0'15 W W t.fTO (i_3f(J164 5 far'li' ~ I

uw31 H\IF.)T 1.I II Parbhati 5th Guru. ~l ti~r uTf3J:rrul ,

~oa~68 wel djo A sacrifice" am I unto my Perfect" ~fffiJ'O'8 ~~r u T, H' »frui .-
UOO" (R~~
. t,ffi69 »{U&" II fuR Guru, by whose grace70, I utter73 the tit 3', f;:rOT
~ fHUiJ70 Rt!3 T' H' »fru<!
uwfu70 \Ifa \Ifa71 Name" of my Lord God7l • Pause. B»fT}/171 ~lfuaa ~ OTH72 ~ ~eTiJt!T73;:rt I
;:ry72 ~73 1I<:t1l OfUOT~ I
>iiH374 aT~ R~ Hearing the Guru's holy words74, I (RoT B1 ROT I1(JU ~'<!l74
_ _ Ill' ii R<!o B))fTOT H'
• __ f

fo~75 II faifR 76 have been enraptured7s and all my l4(JH l{Ro lrl fOl»fT7s uT »f3 i.TfualB 77 UTut
are fafcPJiT77 ;:rii
TP.)'i8 II involvements78 of the poisonous77 sins ~ Ha Ala Y»fl;371 )for ore76 uo I
<:t II are past76.
RTtJ ~79 fR~ I am now in 10ve80 with the True HOT 'l<! R~ oT}/7' 01"8 fUlli'a 1o a farl)(T ~
B"lOft ~f380 II \Ifa Name79 and meditate81 on my Lord, »fa H' »frui ~fi]~ I!I)(1Hl ~ fm-rat!'" u t I
t& »{1J0l' »fTfu~1 the God .
... - -
tJlf3 II~II
0Tli ma82 ~))iT Contemplating82 the Name, my heart orH W ))fTOTt1(') oroo ~l)jTo182, HOT f~ ago
UOOI~3 II oro mR 84 is ilIumined83 and the Guru's word 84 <J faf))fT83 ~ ~ Ol(JT ~l S'<!184 Hij
0l10l' -~ ~8SII has come to abide 8s within my mind. fu(J~ f~ fcor arel'I ~ I

qro ~86 My Guru is all-powerful 86 and ever Ha a:I~ tit RO'~-l:Icr3l~86 3 uHJ:rTfHu~7

t!re»fT587 II merciful17 • uo I
ma ;:rfU 88 ;:rfu 0l'00l Contemplating88 and remembering the lll)fl}ft ~T fRHoo
3 »fTOTQO or~, W
~ fo\ITB"89 11811 <:t 911 Lord, I attain to perfect happiness8s, l.JOH l{RoB' lit fur»fT ut, a:I~ o'Oq ~ i11
says Nanak. ~~~I ~
Paibhati 5th Guru. l{~r31 tiH~l u'f3l:l Jul I
Uttering" ever the Guru's Name'o, I ~~ ~OT90 ~T fRH(Jo oroo ~l)jr~JI", Hii
•• 00' .
~92 J3l:{93 tfTre~" II am blessed withH eternal'2 peace". s:R'Rll'2 ))fTCJT)-I,J t{T\l3 <i far))frH ~ I
-elo 95 tTIE»{T896 9~98
The Master, merciful" to the meek", )fRq1nt95 3 fHmnTro" HT¥. Ha ~
fera~7 »{tf<!T 'OTJi has become" compassionate" unto fi.r0cJar097 \i fijp)f"s 0 lM3 ~ %, l)fT\J" til,
»{Tfu99 truTre»{Tl00 II me and He, of Himself", has made l)fT1Ji O'H ~ ~IOD Ha tJTJt~ ~fUl)fT
C\ II (fij'T~ II me utter1l)O His Name. Pause. oI ofJgT~'
R3Rarf3 fHf82 Associatillg2 with the saints' society, RttJ RaJ3 0T8 ~ ~l){T6T2. HoT HO aao
9fu»{T t@J'R3 II my mind is illumined 3• ~ f'arl)fTJ ~ ,

illcJ4 me it1..f3 5 .
uan6 Uttering5 the Lord's Name4, my Ji»)fJH1 ;? ~ ~ ~ acJO ~l)fTO'TT5. Hal
re »fTR7 II C\ II hope7 is filJ1filled'. ~7 ~ol cj cne't6 ~ I
~a8 crl'8»iT(!9 Rl:( I am bleslied with alls the salvations' ~ wal1)jT8 )fcr3t1)fi' \ftl3 ~ cn~ 00 »)f3

Hfo ~r<s 10 II and peace: has entered10 my mind. »)fT(l'T}{ Ha ftfo >Ji;=cr ~a era fap,{TIO ~ I .
~fa ~c;12 dT e <no T 13 Guru Nanak has become merciful 14 O!i oroar R Ha ~ ~14 \i are 00
OToer 3<5 14 II :< II C\ :< II unto me and I now sing l3 my God's
praises 12.
H" o<!
crOBT ut IJ
~ ~fuoJo
- ~
. miS'''
l{W31 HtIW 4 Parbhati 5th Guru 1{9r3t um tJTf3arol
~ :< fa9TR Bibhas fS9TR
C\ €7 RBarcr .. II
- URrft There is but One God.
Guru's grjiCe, is He obtained.
By the True ~f~ ~~8 fucr 0,
tIl)jT(l'T ~o tJTful)fT Ww
illcrT ~1 ~fUl)fT

»{~15 '0 Without2S the God's Name, there is -.

~\JCIJa ~ oT}{ -e rio ZI
, <io ckl 15 ,mol" ~

~27 II OT~l no other 15 second" place27 of rest. il'OJ,n l)fTOT}{ tit ou't ,
tIfcJ ~ II
~a29 fRfQ30 Thiswise,man is blessed with alP' the f~ 3QT
u ,
il'Rr ~ wa'Plit Z9 CfT}{~JO 3

er~31 II uao32 successes31) and salvationJI and all his J:!CiI3tJI l{Ttro <i ~1 O»f3 ~ ~ wa ~3 •

~ftI RaT8 CfT}f33 I IC\ II 3J

affairs are fulfilled J2 • ~ a'lrn 31
-ti ~fa ~ OT>i it~ Ever34 utt4~r thou, the Lord's Name.
3' R~T34 R»)fT}{l ~ OTH BT ~
- - era I
ol3~" II
~35 ~Q36 »{iJorrq37 Through it, thou shalt be rid ofJI reA ;? 0'(J't, 3c ~g "hJ5 ' aJ-R H »f3 cjCifTCJ37

fu?iR 38 BOT ~~ lust lS , wra,th 3' and eg037 and shalt be 3' lfSlRl tJT ~'aJT31 ~ fucr 1ft oTH 3a1
ulf3 1IC\lIo~~1I
39 attuned 3' to the One Lord. Pause. ftra<J31 39 U ~aJl , of<Jd'T~ I
iTrH 8Tat40 - ~~41 Attached41~ to the Name, distress 41 OTH (')Tg iSo Bl)f1or'O tlfflt4 1 t:!'O
- - '- . <i il'~T42
w<fi42 Rafo 43 urH~4 departs42 nod whosoever seeks God's ~»f3 ;l ckl ~ 001 Bl tro~J -g'BT~.
;:jar II refugeO, him, He sustains44, ~R Bl ~ l{~ araB T44 ~ I
Rfd (fi 2 ~~45 it>i46 He, who i!i so pre48 ·destined4' , meets45 ftm Bl H~148
- ~<i iim f~4' 0, ~

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• +++++++.~+++++++++

'0 3~47 fHl! qfer' with the True Guru and falls not in J:ltJ Olat ~ fH5 li~er4S ~ 3 tiH~46 -e U"-~7

~ R~OJ4911~ II the clutches47 of death's courier". f~uo oul' Erne I T

'3f(')50 ft!OJ151 fCll)fTf~52 NightSO and daySI, meditateS2 thou on »I~ fe3 ~ ~f<JHtS4 ~ &f~S3 a, ~ aT~50 3

ilia rna 3ffil53 HO the Lord God, by sheddingSJ your fecis1tJi1t«! ~'f<Jdl~ lltJiTHl ~T fRHaO s2 crcJ I
c} ~H54 II mind's illusionss4•
R'tJR0Tf3 ilia fHcS He, who is blessed with perfectSS fuR ~llfH9Us, ~ ~alss ~; Rf3flOT3 aTul
ftmfu • uao55 CiOH56 II good fortuneS', meets the Lord, ~ ~ lltJiTHl fH5 li~eT ~ I

all through the saints' society.

t=rOH57 t=rOH fa~58 Whomsoever, the Lord, of Himself6l , fim fem ~ll{~ ~61 iftttJi TcrcJ~pO;), ~R ~

fuoR 59 QTft:f60 B1~ protects60 , his sinsSI of myriads of ~ imWS7 ~ uru SI oTR ii weSt uo I

)){Tfu 61 II birthsS7 are destroyedSt•

~2 fu3T'3 Ha64 o slave" Nanak, the Lord alone is cJ a1~' oTner ! a~8' lltJiT}-fl (11 301 »{H31'2,
~5 t=r066 ()TOOl thy mother'2, father'3, friend 64 and arag'3, m3a'4»13 ws~. f~ 5~1 ~ R~
ufo ufo ;:rtf7 11811 brother'S, so, ever contemplate'7 thou, tit ~ IiIlfTHl ~Tf(101~ ~T fRHao 67 aa I

ctllct~1I thy Lord God.

u~'3l HilW 4 Parbhati 5th Guru t{9"31 u~l' UTf3F.JTul
f~f9TR t.S3TB Bibhas Partal fswR l.S3T8'

n rea ~ I
ct ij Rf30la tlwf~
...- II There is but One God. By the True
Guru's grace, is He obtained.
~fuOTCf ~
~))f1CJT ~ urful,{T weT ~ I
- t ~l efpl)jT
J:ltJ OTa

a~8 aT).{ aTH69 QTH70 Utter7' thou, thy beauteous" Lord ~ »IT\!i Jit:cf" 1il)jT}-fl-HT8'a" -e oTH70 ~T
;:rru71 II Master's" Name 70. ~urao71 crcJ I
Olf872 ~R73 ~74 Thus shalt thou be rid" of strifes72 , fuR ~t ~ sarfui)fi72, ~ttfutJit73, HTBU0 74,
Hil75 faofR76 ;:rrfu sufferings73 , avarice'4, worldly love75 slRTal HH3l7S 3 5ara 77 ~1 mHra1 7' ~
77l)f€J3TU78 IIC\II~II and the malad y 71 of ego77• Pause. lfWRl UT iJTnr76 I ofuaT~ I
~79 f3l)f1fcn80 R3 SheddinglO thy self-conceit79 and l){TU(!1 R~-mn3T79 ~ &f~IO l)j3 RT~l)jt e .
~c;81 'Wfur82 HQ83 repairing82 to the saints' feetll , thy tial tie'2 ~l)fraT, 3C11 I)f 3W ~;:
l' T 83

uf~4 tJTfu85 tfTU'6 II soul83 shall be sanctifiedl4 and thy l!o1314 ii iJT~arl tJi3 §a amrn 86 173 .
ttll ains l ' shall be washed offls • ~151

()TOOl ~aOl87 CiS '0 Nanak, Thy childl7, knows naught; oroa, 30TaB,·7, '!S 91 O'\W ;:tr~er, Hal :
~ -QTl:fc;88 ~ =U3 cfitftJi111 aa, cJ Ha Iil)fTH1 fa~~ ;'l ~ Hal
wetU wu90
- ..-
II ~II ct II
protect" Thou me, 0 Lord,
Mother" as also my Father'o.
W3,,, ~1 ~ tJi3 fU3T 90 ~1 I

l{~T31 ~W 4 II Parbhati 5th Guru. 4.9'31 tij1~l' uTf3RT(11 I
BOc;91 IDf592 Rafo 93 1 am blessed with the protection" and H~ l{~ -e a-rn'2 acP'· ~1 lloT u 9] 1)f3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .b*Q ~ -

~or94 II support94 of the Lord's lotus82 feet9;. l'){TRtP'" ~ I

@B95 HB96 ij~q97 Lofty9S, grand"

and infinite" art ~5t!9S. ~~T96 l1f3 l'){~3" ~.~. ~ H~ tfi !
NerCJ R~a98 @Ufo 99 Thou, 0 my Lord. Thou alone 1oo art ii~B'OO ~ ul Rlfal)ii98 ~99 ~3· ~1 ~. I
q~ ~OTl(lO 119.lIa;:r~1I over and ~Lbove99 a1l98 . Pause. of<JaT~ I
If(l)2 »f(JTCJ3 ~er4 God is the prop3 of life2, the <Ia f;:ieoJV ~T i)lTft(lT3, OlEa" ciC<!U'Ta5 ~
fat!T(j5 ~(I);:rro6 afu 7 Destroyer!; of distress 4 and the Giver' t{~T08 l'){01B 7 ~e ~TBt6 ~, ~TfvarC! I
faaar 8 119.11 -/ of discern:ing 8 intellect7.
0HRorT(j ol:fo~o Within Thy mind, contemplate thou, l'){TlI<! fi3 >itia ~ itf<!<JT(l l'){;:[aV· I!l'){l}ft

Hfo »fCJTfq t{~ the one7 • Lord, the Saviour, who is ~T fRHCln era ~ t{oTH 0100 t;'i0i ~ I

Hor *
II worthy of obeisance.
R3 'ij'Q9 oro~ HtiQI0 Bathing 10 in the dust9 of the saints' RTt,!l)fT ~ aat til q;39 >itia fuIJoTo 0100. 0
?)ToOl' ~12 ijl:f feet, Nanak is blessed 12 with good ~l'){TCJT. 01(')01 ~ ~a 13 ul l'){ToTH t{Ttl.3' ii
))i?>0l13 /I =< II =< 119. 411 manyl3 comforts. 0I~1Z un I

ii 9.aB~

i U9"ST ))iRc~))iT
"H<Jgr 'I flllJ'fl
Parbhati Ashtpadis
1st Guru Bibbas
1{w31 ))fBctl~ll)fT
uf",,' U'f""",' I\{"",

~ 9. €?~f3OJCJ u...RTf~ II There is but One God. By the True ~fuOR ii~ ~ ~ I Fi'-;j ClIo t ~1 ~fel)fT
= Guru's grace, is He obtained. ~l'){rcJT. ~ l(Tful'){t ;:p~ ~ I
~t!falJTI4 The mad ls dualityl4 has maddened" O1HH I5 m-9l~14 ii ~ ~ ii crHBT
ia~CJTf~l;fTI6-11 a€?CJV5 H'Q
man's mind. oro f~3'TI6 ~ I -
~~<517 'BTffiB18 t1(1)l}19 In false ll' avarice l8 , he has wasted 20 ¥17 BTB-e ll "f~ ~R ii l'){Tl.l<!T ;:ft~"
~ OT~~))iT20 II his life ". ClIl'){T fgl'){Tzo ~ I

..i 'Bufc21
; irg23 (I)
Duality 2Z has clung21 to the mortals
and no one has stemmed 23 the rot.
~~3'-9'~2Z futrnl iie12 I
f01~ ~ 91 feR ~ ~~ nul· tlTtft23 I
~ ~ ~

i W3qJfCJ CJT~24 (l)11:{ Impianting2S the Name within him, the ~ ~ ~ li~ oTH ~T ~T25 O1aii ~
i f~;JTf~»)fT25 II ~II True Guru alone saves 24 man from it. R--;J ClIi u1 HC'iF.l ~ fuR 3· ij'~ '8.~24 uo I
f40T H(I) }-fa 26 (I) Without controlling26 mind's desires, Hq,l'){T ~ 01'l:!" 0113 fuot Huo1 27 our
~~ -",
~ }-fTIE))iT27 }-fa II
mammon is conquered not.
HOtl I

i ftlf?> fa~28 OfT))iT29 He, who has created 29 this all aught 2B ; ftIR ?) feu RTOT <r~21 af-el'){T29 ~; ii~ ~u30
~ Rtft30
Ha'~29 he alone 310 understands 31 its mystery. u1 feR ~ ~3' ~ mw~31 ~ I
.. ~BrfCJ33 g€?34 J:TTOTCJ35 ContempJlating33 the Guru's word 32 , arar ~1 ~V2 ~ Rtf<! RHS<!33 ~l'){T(lT,
3ij36 119.IICJ~T€t1l - one is ferried across 36 the dreadful34 feoRTo fgl'){To01 34 RW035 3: l(TCl ii RI{~
world occ:an3S . Pause. W~T36 ~ I Of<JaT~ I

1 }-frf~))iT37 RftJ 38 CJTfl39

'•••••• ....................... •.•••+.+.+++++
Amassing,38 wealth 37, the kings 39
~~ +..+
Q?i37 fuci30 010038 ~l'){T(lT. t(Tf3F.1TU39 HaTia40
+e·••ee ., J
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • +• .................~ .....

~'CllOl40 II become proud4o. ~~uol

wfu))fT ~1 (') ~ However, the prized42 wealth goes t.f~, fH0:31 42 tlo ~53 l.{'it ~ orgtl oul"
~II not with'" the mortal. ;:tT~1

wfu))fT ~3 ~ Of many+' a kind"s is the 10ve4J of Ulia11lif'H f'crRW 4S ~1 ~, tlO-~83 ~1 ~

~ iJaft45" mammon.
fuo ~ ci RTf~' (') Save the Name, no one is man's 7)1}{ ~ ria. reaoTo ~ cW 91 fi.l'~ lli3
Raft 47
II~II friend'" and comrade..7. RTtft'7 ?XJ1' I
f~ HQ52
50 51
~9 As"s is man's own
he, the mind of anotherso•
mindS2 , SOSI sees'" f;:m 3OT"I ~ ~ ~ l)fTlJ<!T
~SI ~ u1 ~ ~aRso~ ~ 0
. .
~~y49 ~ I

trcJ Ho aRT II
~ - HoRTS3 3Rt As is man's desire SJ, so becomes his il~ ft:Tu1 ~~ ~1 ~Tfva53 cl~l~, ~~ ilcJ1
54 stateS" of mind. til ~;:tT~~, ~ ~).{O;it ~,S .. I
t:!RT II
HAT QCJ>i55 am As are one's deeds 5S , so is one il~ il~ ;:it~ ~ ~5S un, ~ ilar ul
fCN B~56'1 attunedS6• ~ BT ilH u'Br S6 ~ I

HFa at--
d Ufs57
Ulq59 ~60 II SII
. ffiJ'it58 Seeking the True Guru's
man finds 60 the houseS' of peaces,.
advices7 , R~ Olaf ~ fR1:lH3 57 ~ ~l)fTOT, ~1
l)/'CJTHS' ~ tfTHS9 0 ur n r60 ~ I

CJTfar61 0Tf~2 HQ Singing61 and hearing temporal RRra1u 3CJT% ~I lli3 ~ Ciao 'tI1)fTQT,
~H '9'J~63 II music61, man's mind is attached to HilS ~ !1ci1)fT ~3 ~s 0'5 ~ ;:tT~T ~ I
• dualitY'S.
~ 4 ~ ~ within'" him is deceit6S and he ~ ~ "fi!a'4 ~ ~6S ~ lli3 ~ ~
~7 1JTfu68 II suffers" great" pain". ClRC'7 ~QT~y6I ~ I

Rf3dJli i~ J=i51 70 Meeting" with the true Guru, he is ~ Olat ~ f~" ~l)fTOT. ~ 0 Rtit
tJ1'fe71 II Jffi oTfi-r blessed with71 the right RHS70 l.{'U3 ~ ~171 ~
lli3 fGo ~ m3O'H
~ f~72 Byfu73 11811 understanding70 and then he remains 72
Bl y}3 l)/~a 810 afu·~ ~ I

attached7J to the 10ve72 of the True

~ Ra~74 ~ Through the True Name7", he m30T)-{7" ~ a~l" ~ R~ ;it qJMft ~7S
~75 II R\jl eWc practises7s truth and sings 77 the ~ 3 0fcIT;it R'el Q'el 3 Riit ~T ;:ij:r16
ufer <n~76 ~77 II Guru's holy true word and tbe Lord's arrfuo ~77 ~ I
praises76• . i
f1ffi78 UlfCJ79 ~g80 When, even while abiding80 in his ~ l.{re!l ~ fotf71 ~ Q'H19"fecl ~~ ~
))fHO'J1 ~82 ~" own7S home79, the mortal obtains the ~fel)/T ~ l)/fuoTB181~a~u~ lIT ~.~
at83 ~ R'9'85
t!faN immortal 81
, then80 alone is he 3~ til ~R ~ Rtf ~Qra8" ~ l.{93f'S
~86 11411 86
blest with glorylSin the True Court'''. tf\l3 cltft86 ~ I
qra ~ fuQ 9OTf~ Without serving87 the Guru, one can Olaf ~1 tJlT5 CilHT~<!,7 ~ ria, ~~T ua1 ~
_ (') ~ II l)f~Cl89 meditate88 not on God, even'l if one fi:rHaoB' our qa RCl~, 9,~'1 ~u Ul~a" ~
4 ++ ++••++~++++.+.+••++•••••••••••••••••••••

;ao90 a-a 91 t1 a~lll may make good many" efforts'o. <:11 ~ualC%90 fa~ or ~ era I
~H92 Hor 93 m:l~94 If, through the Name'''' man rids's ;lero (')TH94 ~ aTu't, Sgr ~'l.f<!l iiOJ3T'2 ))f3
ii~95 II focJl-fB96 himself of his ego92 and I-am-nessn , ~ue39' ~ ar~' ~~" 3~ uf~3a" (')T){

(')T)j97 ~R Hfo R~98 II then, the: Immacutate" Name comes ~ & ~98 ~ N'3 ))f"i!a rcer WBT97 ~ I
Ell to abide"7 in his" mind.
rei,! trcn 99 Hful00 In lOO this world", sublime4 is the ~R ;:«1'0" >i~IOO JlBz4 ~ 'iI)tTH1 ~ (')T}{2

RStlqaiP ~ Rtq4 II
2 practice' of the Lord's Name z• ~1 fCla3' I
fSQ m:lB5 ~ H~6 Without the Names, all else is the nTHs ~ ama cia RTCJT C!6r RRTCJ1 HH3" ~
a.ISrq 11 darkness" of worldly love6. $7~1

RSB8 0Tli Through the Guru's holy word', man alat ~lllf~~ ST<!tZ CITu1., feowo oTH ~
9~fatrfCf 10 " keeps tbe Name enshrined lo
in his llirtl<! )){3a I)t 3if' fcCl'~ (flf~,IO ~ I

RS~ orf312 Hf3 13 Through the Guru's holy word, man a.rot ~l l.lR:t s'<!l 0'<:11', feoR'n ~ JiBe
Hl:f14 tl))frql5 11911 obtains 1z sublime understanding lJ R>-ISIJ ~ JiCl31 14 ~T ~';;rrlS lfl.S ci
and the door IS of salvation 14. ili~IZ <:10 I

l)f~16 oT~l Without God, the Seer IS, there is no ~l:fc!<JT(f18 ~'f'la.ri ~ aara cia 16 m
• ~~la18 II other 16 Creator7• fRailC<JTa 17 0<:11' I

RTtJ' l)fT[U
l)f~21 II
l)fOl.l20 The True Lord, of Himself", is
Supremely Pretty20 and Infinite zi •
RtI'T J!l){'Hl J;!:e 19
<Jl llOH ZO J3.~a ~3 i)){3 Z'

CfTH nTH Through the Lord's Name, one is i!1)tT){1 ~ CIT'll', l.{'<!1 ~ '{Jl03' ~1 J1.BeZZ
orf323 ~~124 II blest24 with the sublinH. 22 staten of l){~RWZ' lflJ3 ci WB1 z4 ~ I
OTC'iOr ijf;i25 '8B 26 Nanak, some rare28 one 27 searches25 oTOCl, ck1 fW5 TZ1 ~Z7 <:11 ~il-9'52S &
ttQ27 a~28 IItllClII and tinds 26 the Lord. ~ ~ l.{'~3 ~eT26 ~ I
t{9'31 H~W Cl II Parbhati 1st Guru. l.{9T3T uf<:l81 ~Tf3F.IT<Jl I
wrel)fT29 Hf~30 RaTB Over the whole world JI is stretchedJ2 wa ;:r.:rro' I ~ RRTCf1 ~grast2' ~l HH3T'O
';:{QI31 srfu~J2 II the love3l~ of worldly valuables 26 . ~81 ;j~1:J2 ~ I
«'Hf~33 ~fl:f qqH34 Seeing 11 beautiful woman", the Ji~ f~3Y3~ ~l:f, a~T f~34 ~ lliRO ~oj'S
B3rf~l)fT35 II man is o'{ercome's with lust 34 • l){T il;~T ~ I

g336 a-tfn37 fR@38 WithJ1 his sons36 and gold J7 , man lliTU~ 1[3at36 3 R?>37 of531 ;:it~ ~ucr

~~39 ~uTf~~O II increases'to

his love". flJl){TCJ39 ~T 5·~r40 ~ I

~41 fq§ l)fUor"2 Man deems everything41 as his own42 , f~ <:10 41 a ~ ~ruel fo ;:r42 ~ ilT<!e' ~.
fui! CfTl:{ UCfrft!l)fT43 II but, he owns4J not the One Lord. tl-q" ~'l f~Cl ~ ~ ouT· ~UO~~4J I
~Rr44 wy45 tilJ~ I tell the beads 4s of such44 a rosary46
•••+.~+~.+~+.~~ ++.+++ +•• ~+ .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+ ••~.++.+••• +++.~~+++.+••+.+•• +••

tltJH1'8l46 II ~7 of God, that, risiog above4' weal'" ~1'3 :aJH147 ~ ~al4t ~o C}, H& ~
~8 tjcmfa49 ~50 and woe 47, practise I, the woncirousS\ t?1 ~3sl R~TS' ClHT~'t!' ut , ofu01~ I
fnaT8t 51 I\cllla~~11 serviceso of the Lord.
~52 f0tJT053 3aT o TreasureS of virtuesS2 , I knowss
J cJ ~a11){t5l ~ lfi:rT~5J ! H' ~ §;JarS4 ~ CWr
))f"~54 (') ~y55 II not Thy limitS4. ;:re~T55 I

R'U 56
Rsfu ~ Through the Truc NameS', I have R'-e OTHs, ~ aTUr, H' '3a f~S7 5'lci \i
H'fu57 ~58
at"j1 re~2 \I
merged Sl ins7 Thce.
Thou, of Thyself", hast created'Z

t J:!t!61
ui I
(1))lT~etS' ~ ;:I'eT60 aftJl)fl62 ~I f
comingS' and going'0. •...
ijdl3 64
f~66 ~711
They6l alone are the true saints"', who
fix" their mind" on the Truc Lord's.

Without mceting7J the True Guru, no

;kg ~6J u1 mj Fi3'4 u?),

~ ."U R'lil'" "'" - , '''' I

ii l)lTlJi H?l" ~
fur~8 ~69 700a R"-e a.!Oi ~ fi.r5e7J ~ ~ij, Grel ile' 91 ~
wa71 f6ds 1 72 II c:1 one can know the gnosis 61and ~70 ~ fnasu 72
~fu~71 t!1 fuJl){T3" f
fSQ Rf3~a ~73 meditation" of the DctachedU God7\ ~ fRHan 29
7i ?)u't ;:re~T I S-
. t
afu(,)~11 of men70 • ~

ROTH 74 Ra~75 iif376 Lord's Light" permeates" all74 heart- Wfal)ii74 f~5i ~ 3'5~7S Jiw, lfl t!' i
~77 II

~a~81 1\:31\
pools7J. I am a sacrifice" untolO God,
the Embodiment" of bliss".
\{.CfIE" afi.{l)fl' ;Jful)lT77 ~ I H· t{R(I)3171 ~ ~
Riu ~~ ft'3'° affivta ~~~TII uT I i
• 3~82 9OJf383 oraH'3l84 By the Guru's instructions", man is a.!Oi ~ ~u~ ~1)f'OT, ~~ ~ lfi t!' 1{H12 e
85 \I ~H86 f~B~87 blessed withlS the Lord's lovc1z and ))1'3 fRHO?)'] t{'t8 ;J ;:Ii~15 u(l) ~ O'H ~ =:
Refu88 t:r8tE90 II meditationl ] and, through the Name",
ego" is burnt down'o from within"
~ I ,-
@R Ji~a'"
~0T3I. R;J a= ~190
....... ".~ i

him. ...

• QI~~91 atil91 * cstfor Enshriniog'4 the Name in the OTH .

7i f~tJ >Ji"tra fcClI~<!'4
- ~1)f'OT
_. 9CCr~T i;.;
a(JtE92 II RtJT hearttl, the wandering" mind is f~~T" Hq,I)fT QCl~" l)i' at'] '3 fear ::
QTij ...
~T". ~, ...
· H-f~3 ~R~94 Iiall restrained"· and kept in its placetJ • Ii"

faRH95 facit!96 ail97 They, who accept lOO the Guru's ii lIlaT t!1 f~H3" ~ Cl~5 aa 8'~ I 00 u(l) t
UaHT'e198 II cnaHf399 teachings" and arc attuned 2 to the ~ .
f;:l(')i t!1 fl:?Cl RI)flHl
- (1)'5 fUCJU;Jl u~ ...t
HTfol){TIOO Ear fH~ One Lord, their intoxicating" ;Jl:?12 ~, ~cr ~l1)fT HR3 Clao ~'51I)fT" ~

B"rcriP wondrous's plays" come to an endt7 . 1)f~93's

- ii~" HCl
- w~)l)iit7 UO , ~
\I ......
ctaaa ~
~fu3 fo~o»fT4 t:r85 SeeingJ the Lord contained in' the U'els ~ liQT7 l)i"t!"d' lJl)iTHl ~ afHl)il ~~ ~3, =:
Hfu6 l)iTijJ17 II R8 waterS and fi re7, I have stilled4 my H' l)iTt.rel ii0T31 H'O ~14 ~ I ;kg €tu' ul i
~'*.!I!!fu:l!!Jl!.lM~Ifcl!.jI!!J!!l!!l!.m"'~!I!lII!!I~tJf!ti~'.!h.!Ir.!IuI!!It!It!I!ti'**dt!l!s~r.dt.d!~~I!!J!!I!IUt!lufllilt*'l~!!U!MlIufulIti ....dt*Jltil!IuIuIl'"

~9 ~~ ~~~orllO II ego. He8 alone realises' the Lord. R~ ~ )){Q,R OlQeT' ~, ;l ~"-j sraTt ~IO

411 who is very fortunate 1o• ~I

m3q@ R~12 9Ol!13 Serving l2 the True Guru, doubt lJ is R'' 'iJ ajOT 'el R~ Ol'60 12 ~I)f1'6T, R~IJ ~o
~07T~14 II dispelle:d l". (j ;:rit!TI.. ~ I
l)fofeQ l5 ttTtIT 16 Rftf 1 Attuned" to the True Lord l7 • man R~ fi1)fTH1 '7 ~ l{t3 ~I' ~1)fT'6T, fuoRTO
f~18 gT~ II remains awake" night IS and day. a<!15 ~ feet ;:rOT~T '6fu"~ ~ I
~&9 ~ l)f~20 (') He knows the Lord alone" and not ~ ~~I' fi:!'Ol R~ '§ ul ;:r'<!t:!T~, ii'6 20
&re II any other2o• faR ~ ouT' I
· J!Cft! T3T21 R~ Serving the Peace-giving21
Lord, one l)fl'6TH21_~uro 1il)fTHl ~l cfu5 ~

~re II EII
focJl-fC2 22 22
is rendered immaculate . ~l;{!cJT \l.'<!l llfi3CJ 22 ii ;:ri~T ~ I
~~23 J!of324 Refe25 Reflecting26 on the Name2S • man's oTH25 t:!T ftf30 CilOo 26 tr"'f1oT, ire ~T }{O2"
~lwfcf,6 II mind2" is accustomed to serve2J iia ~1 cf<m R~T Ol'60 2J ~T l)fT~ t:ll ~~T ~ I
ttl:{27 Rtt>:!2928 Stilling31 one's ego JO , one is deemed l)fTl(<!l .
\JOT3T 30 7; woo' I ~l)froT
-, i-e ~

~ u€?H Wfo II
~ -
31 to bave practised worship27. - , 31r-fRI)fT2t lli3 '~-fol)fr,;r3z, crl31
@l(TR(')27 .
~ penan(:e 28 and self-mortification2'. ii~ iJ'T<! m ;:ri~ ~ I
~. ;::rl~o32 HOl3'33 t:JT34
- - When3" man hears the Lord's Name 3S • ;:r~34 reORTo J!l;{T}(1 -e OTH3S . ~ fi<!t!T ~ 3 i
1Rat!35 R~~ II he becomes emancipated33 in life J2. ~u ;:Il~~T32 ul ~~-l:f5TR (j ;:rt~T33 ~ I

~ RBf -au3 36 RtJT37 Through such a true way of life 36• he ~ii ~ul R'tJl ~o ffi! '6l3l 36 CJTUT', ~
• 11~38 tIT~39 11911 is blessed with 3' eternaJ37.peace". Rt!1~V7 l)fToTHT3' ~ \.lCJT\J3 Olo 5~T3' ~ I

: JJCftT3 r4o ~ The Bliss~giviDg40 Lord is the l!F.ll-swrouro 40 ~ mH ~ CilOO ~TW'I ~ I

HC<!(JToT41 II Dispeller4 1 of sorrow.
~42 '0 Rsf~3 I can think43 not of serving 4S any42 w· f~R42 iio~" ~l R~ CilOO"s ~T fu~3
mtff44 OlTOT45 11= other4·'. ~ oul' CilO ~ I
~6 HQ 47 U7j48 ufo Placing before God my bo~y"6, l)flllc:l ~u"6 r Ho_ ljy47 l)f3 ~53"8 ~TfuOTo

j »fT(ft oTfCfniT II (')TOO?'

4. -
mind41' and wealth..•• says Nanak, >i-iiI ali ~, ag tit 1)fTl:f~ UO I w· l!I)fTHl -e
~ ~ HU'T49 08 50 I have: partakensl of the supreme'" llClH 4
' »ffli.350 ~ llT(') CilCJ f5l)fJSI ~ I
· wfCf~T51 Iltl\:<11 elixirSj) of the Lord.
~ t{9T31 HuW ~ II Parbhati Ist Guru. \l.sl3lllf'<:J51 llTf3ETul I
f~gl 07oH52 ~»·iarH53 Making the stills.. of the circuitous ~~ml~To oT;3153 ~l io154 ~T~; ,:j ~~lsl

wo1 54 55 Uo07 56
aBa- chord!;3, whosoever practises ss the I)f~CI-q<!S2, fil)ffR l)f"t!CJ fcltJe T5s , SlU'6
• ~957 a-a58 II = inly-washingS2 , inhalationss , exhala- ci~~56, l)f3 a~57 t!1 ~T ~158 ~_

tions6 and sUIpensions7 of breath;

feQ Without the True Guru, he obtains R'-B dIo T B mITo @R li
- = tiIClT'6S R~S9 ll'6 ll3
I _
-~59 not right understandingS' and O~W ~Bll)f3 R~u" >it!CJ ~cCil'l~ ~s'2~
~ R~I

strayina61 in doubt60• he is drowned'2

to death.
>HQt83 3fa~ sfa'5 The blind one" is loiled 64• yea, so ~OT
feoRT?)'] f5m3l){T ~~~~, ~ 3at w

910-- ~
- ·67 l)f3a
.. 68 soiled" and defiled", that howsoever fBSSl){T'S 3 \.lBB" ~rel){T ~ful){T ~, for ~
oft ~9 q@70 C'i' he wuhes'7 himself,bis mitld's" filth" ~. l){Tlli l){Tll ~ fOl'3OT ~ iR'7, ~R ~
B"~71 II dcparts 71 not ever70 • HOM tit ai~l" orBTf~70 o(Jr ~tl171 I
oTH fsO' m 72 Rf9 Witbout tbe Name. vain72 are all OTH ~ sola, f~l){0872 uo w-a <iH7J ~R
a-CJHT73 f;:r~74 deeds". like7" those of the conjurer7S , }ffiTa17S til HT~tl74, ;:j R~(J7' aT<Jl& 8ClT ~
. ST;:rlarcJ75 sofH76 who deceives77 men through ijl:P ft!~77 ~ I
~ ~g71II~11 7
iIIusion '.
] tfc78 CiCJH79 nTH The merit of Six71 religious rites79 are i 71 tPOHCl RR~78 t!l W<JT, ~I u~3O'O
~ fmft=rQ80 R~81 II contained in the Name of that" ~ ~ OTH ~ )j.fea RHTf~~ ~re~ ~ I
-si Immaculatel° Lord.
. :3 ~82 warq83 Thou. 0 Lord, art an oceanlJ of t, <J J!l)fTH1! ~11)fjl2 t!l ~8J~' l){3
~<n~84 Hm 85 II ~ II vh tuesl2 and in meas are the demerits" H'ij15 .,,"tJO ~ Stlll){t84 (Jl uo I of(Ja'~ I
~II alone. Pause.
HTfu~ iitJt87 The pursuit" of worldly" affairs, is RATal" orr6f~(Jro87 til ~3 itf'8, ~cl"­
~<!l88 8~Hf390 the sinfult2 act'l of an evil- l){Cffi'o .rS l!OB ~r tJTll 9fgl)fr9Z oraHtI 3I
erro91 faqTCJ92 It intellected person.

.- -
HCJl:(93 »fT\J94 Cf/<!:lreeI95

afs'9 6
'0 ~ crrae7 II
Tlie unwise onet3 makes a show9s of
his self-conceitt4 and realiscs" not
.lier'3 l){TlRl ~_~'4 t!l HiJT<JOT
cra~"s ~ l){3 J!l)fTHl tit R~·97 ~ l)filg~
-i< the Lord's service'7. out ora RorBT" I ~
HoRT98 In the egocentric's2 mind is the HOH3lE2 ~ Ho )){-eo ~a~31 ora Be! ~81I00 ~
H~~l00 desirc" of fascioating lOO riches" ~B3" ~l If'f\Ja'8 3 l){3 3ST<Ji:!o4 ~ ~ til
~lJiT04 II and wasteful" in his speech'. e~JI

-et -
Paise' is tho ablutionS of the sioner' ~ ~ feaoT?)5 llTu18 tJT »f3 ~l){aS' uo
~a-T iCR9 and vain' are his religious rites 10 and ~ ~ WOHQ1 RRClro io l){3 (Jl a fi:farTa 12 I
Rl<nTCJ12 ":<,, decorations 12.
~ol Ho a-l Hf313 ~
Paise i~ the wisdom l ] of the mind . .
01'31 ~ HOe til fR'I)fT(!1l13 l){3 f~R ~ l){HB14
STR15 and its deeds l " give rise to useless IS ~15 WOI;j" 1:1;3' ~ (Jo I
fsartI 16 It strifes".
~r<517 f~ "fija-a<!~n In tbe false one l7 is sclf-conceit" ~17 1£~1 >tfea ~-(}ar3TI8 3 ~ ~ ~ ~
5 l:fRH
'0 tP~ and he obtaios not thc rclish 20 of the J!~Hll9 ~ OTH tiT fil)fTe 20 Ua l ll3 our '1.eT I i
RTtI II Lord's" Name.

fao24 (')T~ '50 21 Insipidl !3 is the flavour of anything oTH ~ ria 2" S'0l121 ;:; '!6l' 9T SW Ola~u
crW~~T22 fGOrr 23 ~ else 21 one may d0 22 , save 2" the practice o f~Ol5T23 ~
I ~A ~ J!~ I
{'lRTt II of the Name.
t!~12S R9 T26 Associating2'! with the villains 2s , man t1 i soi 25
BT R0I3 Cla02' ~l)f'OT, feoRTO
fuqJB1~27 fS~28 ~T3128 is ruined 27 • Poisonous 29
is their aOS'~ ~ weT27 ~ I 'ilfua1gTl9 ~ @ot - t!l
ag are-V' l)f3 f~l)faall ftC'it BT ~IO I
" 1i~30 srft!31 lIall speech;z8 and vain" their life •
~32 9fH 33 91%34 0 32 men, stray 34 not in doubt23 and ;:i32 sf~! ~RT· ~fc:J1.r33 ))(~ oT ~34 ~
Ho~35 i a~111 = invite not your death ls . l)fTlRT H3 35 ~ R'w (')T f~ I
Rf3tI!q Rf~36 Rt!T37 Servingl ' the True Guru, ye shall R''";j 'a.Iot "tT UfTgl' CiHT, 3Rr <JHW37, JiBlI'
Rl:f38 '5e139 II ever 37 be l9 in bliss38• >ieo" ~Ro1 I
fu~ Rf3t!!o 1:!~O Without the True Guru, no one is R-\1 OIoT ~ lrnTo, fCl'R ~ 9T OlfS»{T(! tIOTlJ3"O
for~ () ~ II emancipated'!o. cwr <It!11
»f~ ;:rf~ HoRI The man comes, goes and dies over ;:it~ l)f~'t!T, Ww 3 Ii? li;J'" a HOt' ~ I
Hfo·n 1iTe111811 and over again"l.
~~- Ro10- 42
~ 43
3. This body"2 wanders'!s in three'!l
t!!~44 tfT~45 II dispositions'!'!.
feR ~ fu»fTij46 R0T"7 It is afflicted'" by sorrow'!7 and
R3T1J"8 II suffering'l8.
H R~49 ft1B ~150 Serve'!l'thou Him, who bas no 3-= t!l cf<:lg 0lHT'9, ftm BT HT3'50 llf3
51 so
mother and father si • flJ3Ts, otit I
() Sn..r II
f~~52 Ba53 f3R()T54 This-wise, desires'! and SS self- f~R 3~t }:fTfug l)f3SS JR-~0T3TS' 3a »{"ta'u
l)iq55 »frtl56 I p..j Ii conceitS' shall departS3 from withins2 tra ~ ttreaJS3 I

1i~ 1i~57 ~tfT Wheresoever s7 I see, there s8 I see ftIEl fCl'3 s7 91 H~ ~crer <:It, ~S8 <:11 ~RS9

~58 Re159 II that S9 Lord. RtN ~ ~1::fW <:It I

Without meeting'O with the True RtJ a.rot o'g fHg~ ~ ria, fuoRTO ~T
f8Q Rf3t!!o
1:!Off361 (') ~ II Guru, one is emancipated" not. Olfu~G6I o<:lr cie T I
f~aB62 R~63 Enshrine thou the True Name 62 in 3-= 1){TlJ~ HC')'2 >i~o R-B oTH'3 i:;= feOlT I a~

qait 64 FJTQ65 II thy mind u . This alone is the fu;:J u1 fiae's OloW" ~ I

~5'8 ~o RIa ii~" 31

sublime's deed'''.

j50 113 tl'lI';l"

~ ~»{rq68 II EII
Ruinous" are all other hypocrisies"
and worships".
3S'<:I Clao
~lJT~t'7 I

. ~fStly69 B~70 When one is rid opo duality", then71 tR ;:it~ ~1 B~3-9T~" 'tla7°5 ;:jie1 ~,a~ t
- =
Ra~72 l..IE~73 II alone one realises73 the Name72 • 3e71 \]1 ~\] otH 72 t? l)f?i9~ OloB'T7! ~ I ~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~y+++++ •••+.+.++++++.+++.+.++++•••••" , .Jf

--------_. --_._--.-

una wma
7" ~75 And, within7" and without, knows he >lf3 ~·~o7" >lf3 a'<Jo @~
- R1lfIHl
- .
~ ~~7S

cncJ'6 ~ II the Lord as7' but onc75 . f~~7' ~~T31

~ur >-03 77
R~78 ~ This alone is the sublime7' counse177 ~~ ~ ~l tJ.ac79 fm1H377 ~3 ~~78 3 I
wa79 11 and instruction78.
f~ ~fuQI80 wre 81 Being engrosscd in" duality80, ashesl3 ~380_91~ )){'~" t::ffi3"5G ~~, f~
~~1I911 fall" on onc's (head) or (forehead ).8l ~ (fRo) W (H'cj81) 3 111){'<J83 ti"~2 ~ I
~85 citcJf3'6 To praise86 the Lord, by the Guru's Olaf ~ ~U~7 ~T, 11~'H1 ~ ifR CldOT"
cn0lff387 wq88 II instruction87, is the sublime" deed85 • tJ.ac88 ciH85 ~ I
R3'9 Rgt ~90 In thc saints' society", dwell'2 thou Rf~Ql'~' >H~o ~ B}l){f ~Clll){f90 >lf3 .
far))'fTcl l liltJl292 II on the Lord's virtues90 and Divine ~~CJl-f(Jl~91 W ftr~To'2 trTO I
~8 wij93 ;:it~N Whosoever disciplines93 his mind", he ~ ci~ ~ H<l~" ~ ~ ClO'3 B'~ 3;
Hfo95~9611 rcaliscs" thc secret of dcath'S in lifcM • ~ ;:(1~'~96;:(1 H3'5 ~ it!' ~ ;:(T(! B<~96

99 3 I (')'TOCr,.~ t!'l ~f~T" o~r,
()TnoT 97
oi:!cfl o-efu Nanak, through His grace", the t!'fu1){TCi'7
~IOO IItHall Gracious'7 Lord is recognised 1oo• J!l)fTHl fRvT~ Ww 100 3 I
l{W3lH~ Cl parbhati 1st Guru
t{9131 uf\Jm U'f3B'<J1
~" trlRl I

aT31:! 3tfT2 ~f~ Ahalya was the wife 3 of Gotam, the ))fij"-mI){T, ai3H 3lib:ra2 t!'1 U3013 Rl ~ ~ .
fuR3l3 faR4
-. ~ penitent2• Seeing her4 Indra was ~lf ~ re~ HU3 ~ far,{T5 mI
fi~ 8!J 1re1)fT5 II
8 ~
.. - ·ROlCJ 7 fuuo8
3'10 Hfo
Whcn he got a thousand' marks8 of
vulva' on his body7, then lO did hc

U ~,
~ -e1 ~7 ~
~R ~ ~ f~3 f~ ~RI2I
e Ui:l'O' fowo 8 1
t1S3 I re=J)fT 12 I1ClII regret l2 in his mind. Cll3 T I

~cft iP~13 (') 9'B'14 o brother '5, no one knowingly 13 ;] m 15 ! ckl ~ ;:(T(! ~ ~13 ~14 otit'
grcft15 II = strays I" from the path. u'~ I
R16 sIS
a -
J)fTfu 17-. He i6 alone strays, whom God, of - 3'ftm-
~~ @~i6 ~1 Cl~ U<t!'T ~ ~all:fe'7
- -
g~ ~!l18 mR Himselfl7, misleads and h~ alone is ~r~<w 3 >lf3 ck8 ~~ ~l RH!1~TI8 3,

~~ IICllja~1I entightened'8, whom He entightens ftm ~ ~ RH~t!'T ~ I of~OT€t I

f3fo 19 ~ol iJf~ King22 Harichand, the lord 21 of land20, ~3120 ~T 111){'H12 I , ~1 ~~ UTf3F.lT<J22 ~~I'
f\{cn-ft20 trf321 CJT~22 knew 25 not, even he", the worth24 of m ~ H'-Q ~uoHl fHlf3TC1T0 23 ~1 Cilll-l324
arcnft!23 oftH24 (') 23
the wlit on his forehead. ~ oyl' m;:('Gt!'T25 I
))f~al~26 ~ 3 tjo27 Had hc known, that it was an enor2' ,

~ fOT~28 fOT~ wh y28 should he have given alms 27 ~u fa~28 ~Tn 1[527 aaeT ~ )){~ fa~' H~29
3l::fTfR'29 faor~130 II and why should he have been sold JO f~ if' ~ f'la~30 ?
~II in the market 29 ?
oro~31 ~32 The Lord, in the formS? of a dwarfJ', 1.J.~ ~ rea Si16 ~ Rill J7 f~, ~~lJ 'CfOHJI'
uo313 }ftor13
3 5 ar~336
pretended" to ask for" two and illflou -el Uur~38 ('iTS Hir a1313s I
of1.P7 a~38 II balf32 'karams3l' of land33 •
f~ Ufu~rfC539 wf'E40 1f42 king Bal had recognised42 the ~ao42 mar,:r ~ ~ fR~ 5'~rofJ, 3f ~
for~ '5H1»i41 ;t'2 afg form, why should he have gone40 to llT3TSJ' ~ fa~' t:tT't!T40 >G fa'~ t:1aPlf rofl
ugr8 43 II S II the underworld" and why should he ~?
have been deceived41 ?
IaT;:JT ;:roH;:rT
. aoftr

lSrfE»{T46 II
Vyas instructed....

doing three things,

Janmeja, the king, to refrain from

riding a horse.
bringing home a fairy and accepting
her word.
f'll)fTR e
% ~ tf(')}:lii fRtna f-e3l44 ~
mwrrel){r46 ))(3 f3n tffgt CiOn, US ~ ~n,
llal ~ urcJ fSI){~ ~ ~ ~ l)(T'ij 5~ -a'
H<iT c1l3rof5 I

. f3f(542 orfa 48 tlOT 40 He"7 lPerformed"8 sacred feast'" and ~"7 ~ llf'l"30 R't!T ~~, ~Te'" >G
})fO;a~50 l.UT~51 put to deathS I the eighteensO »fOra tSO ~T(JH(!i ~ HO'lT f't!3'sl I ~
fora~52 ~~51 Clal{tS'-el f8l:f3Q'Ta ~ H~ ~l itim ~I){TCJTS4

i (I) Brahmans. By trying to erases" it,

BWllfI'3 11811 one can erase53 not the writ of the W ~ ~}k53 nul" Rcr~ I
past deedss2 .
i OT<!355 '0 ~156 I reckons6 not accountsSS and H· iSlfTs5ll3T rnrr ~s6l){3 ~~l CJi}TSP
i ~or}j57 U~58 ~ffi59 realisc: the Lord's wills7 and I talks,
s8 ~ l){QfiS8 cro~ ut 1){'3 flll){TCJ-g-ij60 1!STl){'1
Wfu 60 g~~61 II with 1,()vable6o disposition61 . (')T8 ~8't!Ts, C]t I

I~ f~~ ~a362
Rwj163 Rg
Whatl~wer may happen62 • I will conti-

nue to praise 63 Thee, my Lord. Thy

~ '!S HOtll fll»{T cR'2, u·
~OT ;m'3 Qat!'
CJiJtaJt }:l-ij Rt~ I ~ \{~ ul iJo tlOJ'

11411 gioryE4alone is manifested everywhere. f~o CJiJl ~ I
(lld1jfCf15 »ffguq 66 The Guru-ward 6s remains detached 66 iJf<L-~RTal'S fO'a'Bu 66 afu"~ ~ na US"
5\167 orB
68 '0 grijj69 and filth" attaches" to him not ~R ~ cr-e1fe3" mit fula~' I ~ u}{aT
: RET 05 Rcr~TEl'l II ever". He ever abides70 in the ~ ~ 8CJc;71 l)j'ea ~R~T70 3I
Lord's refuge".
JHo,:!,:! ljarg73 '>rii7• The unwise egocentric72 contemp-
lates7!; time 7";
liCJ':f78 Hn H3hrr72 Hfugt7"
rnrr fRHOt!'7S; tit376 lkT77 3
l){~ I!l){THl ~
~ lllreT-
~375 (5T~l ~l::f76 not his Lord in
W~77 tJ&ST~28 IIEII overtaken77 by pain76 regrets" he. 3 Tll ao~78 ~ I
l')fTl)79 ora Ol~ The Creator BO• who has crcated82 a"6oiJTCJ'O, ritA ~ reu tftRc191 wmaz~, R1CJT

- - - -... _._ ...-.-


aa~ fito ~ this universe ll , of Himself". does He ~& ~t!7' '11, Clat" »f3 ciaot l.PR~ ClOT~
0~1 oB1~82 II everything and makes others do. ~I

~ra »{fSHTQ33 '0

~184 ttl~85 »{fgHrcS
o God. ego" Jeaves84 not the man's cJ ~f'1ara
-.I <Jen3T
! ~aT3y8J HOa -e H08s »fe'ij· o'1r
Wen", ~'1 saaTt!
mind85• Falling" in ego. he is
Q86 tr~87-1I!>1I wasted awayl7. ci trTtp'7 ~ I

~~ Rf~ orl))iT Everyone" commits erro'r l l, only the '1a ;:«!T8' OT831 ClOt"1I ~, &~ Cfij'o<JTa

• ~89 &~ OlO3'T »{rftr Creator. Himself, eron not. ~t! cful:ar531 oul~ ClOt" I

o~~ "
OTOOl Rf~ mH Nanak, emancipation" is obtained, (')TOCl Clf~T(!7o Rf30tH -e CJT<Jr l.lOTll3' cit!l
fOR3'T(JT90 &91 cna through the True Name. Some rare ~ I a¢ t!l t!rel)fT'2 trl)fTa T, ~e'l f~5T" ~
troRTfu92 ~93 II one". by the Guru's grace 9Z, is freed '11 st!}f8'R'J ~t" ~ I
tll811 of the bonds9J •
t{gT31 ~ ct II Parbhati 1st Guru, t{9'31 trfu51 tl'f3BT<Jl I
»fTl:f~T94 lJ~95 0Tl:i Uttering'4 and hearing'S of the OTH ~ €t~0'4 »f3 ~~'S ClOOT HaT
))f1l'q 96 II irqr97 Name is my support" and I am, now, l)fTROT" ~ »f3 H~ '1~ 6i:l8 1OO ~)-fi'7 3~ ...
• _. = it
~for98 arfl?»{T rid" of the worthless 100 lfBTR1" UT faTl)fT ut I
~~IOO II engagements'7.
f;:r~2 Ho):!f~3 ~;l4
., AS2 an egocentricJ loses' his honourS fim ~t2 fe'Cl HOH3ll)ftJ ~3-91~ l)fi!a
trf35 l1El6 II in duaJity4, unlike him, without the ~ fui.J35 0ll)fT ~ ~. €tR -e f~13.
fag: m H »{~7 '0 Lord's Name, I love not any other7. ~ -e oT).f at~·, Hgr cia fcm 0'8 f\.rl)fTo
~ 1I«:t1l our I
lJf~8 Ho "f-a10 Hearl thou, 0 my blind 1o, foolish l2 ~ ~o Cla8 cJ Hal ~~llo }SIS 3 am-rs 12
Ha~12 OJ~a13 II and ignorant lJ soul', f;:f~le' !
m 14 ;::JT315 ~16 3?>

Of incoming l4 and going'S, thou art l)fT@<!14 l)f3 fiT(!15 f~
- '"
aaH 16 o'1r ,.

· ~1 ~at f~19 0]0 l)fT~t!l f enat ~

~ ~~~.:
ashamed" not, Without" the Guru, - -
-e dol' , I:

~~17 ~ra wa J8 II «:til thou shall continue to be drowned 17 ~112 acJ~ll ofJaT~ I

) Hfu
~~~II over and over again 18 • Pause.
f~R H()20 H~T21 The love22 of riches 2 ' ruinsu this lTo-BH3'21 BT flll)fT(J22 reR f;:j'~3Vo ()
22 23 3ST<J 2J ClO ft!"t" ~ I
faOTR II sou}2o.
· gfa 24 ~or1i25 fgfl:f))iT26 When the Lord's24 wiJl 25 is so i=!t! ~cl24 atIT25 '11 tHR 3~T f8l:fl ~2'
3f27 ortit~28 ~29 II ordained2', then27, before whom29 ~,
= H' on<:1-e29_~ llClTO cra P8 ?-
should I cry out21 ?
~e'1J3 ~t i5 T3I <:11 <JIOT t!1 t!rel)fTJO ~l)fTOT.
Some 33 rare J' one reatises 32 the Lord,
through the Guru's grace Jo. ~ ~ ~ l)f(l~ ClOt! T32 ~ I

r;:;::::·~:-;::···:;t::::·::=:":=:=:~·:~·;;;;~~:RTO tft qfs~~J5 ~

:0 'd~ II~II ~t!1
pated 3S not. I
;9.- ~J)-f ~337 '5l::f
The ~Cil~f >i~a 9<!Cl~, ~36
mortal wanders 36 , strays and '!OTRT '81:::(
~~(JTRlll staggers" in the eightyfour lacs of lli3 ~~i lft~TJ7 3 I
Without knowing)' the Guru, he is <l!oT ~ H'(!OJI ~ eti', ~u tiIH tft 6'U1D
caughtJ' in the Yama's noose. f~ ;:rr 6RqJ ~ I

This mind" o in a moment" I flies up fuu ).fc')"O reCl liu~' f~ l){0ITJ:r 42 ~ ~irt!'
to sky"2 and in another moment e 3 ciaR liiJ3 f~ l.lT3'5'3 »(~a QR
sinks into the underworld 43• ;::rt~~1
It is released" s only by contemplating'" 0!aT ~l ~f~T"" ~))fTaT, &~~ R~ @ 0'){
the Lord's Name, by the Guru's ~ fRHCJCi'" erao ~lliTCJT (]l fuu se·l:fST~
grace"". ;i~T eI
»fTiJ R~47 f~p'>48 (I) When the Lord summons'" the ;:I~ ,!lIfTHl lJ.~1 ~ l!~ Ul~1 e, ~ fua-
~f~ II mortal, he can delay'" not. O<J1' W RCl~T I
. RafB 49 l-ffi m~w50 Whosoever dies to the self through the " OloT lit ~'CJTtit Ha ~ €ruSt e;
tit~ Rfu 51
II Guru's word40, hesl lives in peaceso. ))fTCJTHso >iea' ;:rl~'~ ~ I
fag 010 Fis152 f~R Without the Guru, no one obtains ijJoT ~ sma
fClR ti m
Rtll RH!1S2 U0'\t3
(') 'dre II under,standingS2 . out ;it!ll
»flU ~53 ~54 He, the Lord, of Himself, is the ~, Wet, ~ <:ft CilO;;!TS3 ~ aa~~5" eI
Rf~ 11811 Doeru and the Causes".
Sas55 ~~~56 ~fa If man's inner strifess is endeds', then ;:{QlO s-e;;!T »{~Cil ~3TS5 liCl W~5',
or~57 ar~ II l;!oT58 sings he the Lord's praise s7 and, s7
€tu wit' t!T ;:fR rnCi ClO~T e ~3 yao 5'
Hf3dld R~tl59 through the rerfectS8 True Guru, R~ OloT ~ a'Ur '!l)fr!-ils, ~.~ 810
Rw;f60 II merges't in the Lords'. <1 ;:r~T60 eI
f~ HQ ~5361 3~62 Thenl •2 alone becomes equipoised" a~~ :Jf62 (]1 fE<J ~~~T cirelli'" ~~
O(J01~63 II this wabbling61 mind. ))f1:tfua'3 ii~T ~ I
RB Ofail64 Offo65 And then. man does'4 and practises67 ~ f6a f~RTO R~l ;:ft~o'4 a~-al3l'4 ~
qra 66~67 tI 411 the dl:eds" of the True way of life'''. GiH" ~T'S Ilf3 ClW~'~T61 eI
. »f"3fa ;;!CST69 fOf~78
68 If rn:a.n's mind6s is unclean", how7o ;:{QlO s@ ;;!T HCi6l\1 ~c;60 e, ~ fern ~f70
Rf~71 ~fill can he be pure7' ? UW3Cl 71 <1 RCl~ ~ 1
Hat172 W72 f~Ol?T74 Rare is the one74, who washes off7J -ait -ct~ i~T74 ul, o'H72 ~ O'~

af~ II his inner filth with the Name72. ))fTtrit lti~51 H5 ~ tft!T7J ~ I
<llolifCf75 ~~176 ~ Yea, some rare 76 one practises71 the u T ~el f~a5T ;:reT7' (]T OlaT t!1 t!"f~~T

' .
(4438 J

~7711~~ truth, by the Guru's grace75 • Then ~1){'CT7S Il'e' B1 Cll-fTEl ~77 ~ I 3B ~ ~
0Tf0r O~78 IIEII cease and stop78 one's comings and »frW l)f3 ;:rri)fCl "8 ~Cl78 we uo I
~79 CfT~80 tft<!T81 He, who eats" and drinks" the H ~l){rHt -e ~7' ~ "Bare- IIO ))f3 1.JTO ~"I
s:I~2 ~83 II illa Lord's fear7'. is blessed with ~, €tR ~ l1J:rC'J »froT)f2 trcJ I 18 i1Bl ~ »f3
;:ro" RarS85 ~ sublime8J peace82 and associating85 as ~ 113184 oTB fHa'S, ~u UTa €t3CJ
lJTq86 II

OJO ~~90

Ol'Oil 91
with the God's saints"', he is ferried
Imbued with love".
makes others utter" the truth.
he utters and

To recite the Guru's word'o, is the


t!.H oTH"
~~~"8~ I
~ I

aarlii, ~u R'e' ~iSe-T l)f3 (jao j

ar~ BT ~190 BT Ulo CiaOT, Jlf.fC'2 Clro-
sublimc'2 pursuit'••
~ ~92 II.?II f~ura'· ~ I =
~3 C«JJf94
'QO)f95 l.lf396 U;:p97 II
Whosoever deems God's praise9J to
be his way of life'''' faith'S, honour"
H tiEl ~fu~ B1 cita31'3 ~
l:!1Hro's, fl:!iE-~06 1){3 ~lPaoT'7 ~ ~
»{Tt2 I){HS'4, I

CiTH98 ~99 ';orol1°O and worship'7, he burns offJ his lust'8

and wrath" in2 the fire loo•
~; €tu »f'lIeT OlTH ~f.fCT98 3 qIll" ~ )){'ar loo e
Hfo ~W311 f~'e'2 RG Ret:!"'J ~ I ~
illa =o~ ~ When he indrinkss the Lord's elixir4, i«:! til:!l ~ t:!"' >i-fJi..34 UTO CloBT ~5 J 3e' i
~6 H'Q sTtlT7 II then'his soul is imbued with it. Prays8 ~ BT »fJ3HT l.!.~o7 (j ~tBT ~ I ClJ~ iiT lito
~f38 'O~ ~9 Nanak, save the Lord, there is not ao3T CloB8 un ~ ~ a:aia tia tieff' ~Fl(JTIO
another' second10.
0' ~10 IItll411 ~mo~1 ~
Parbhati 1st Guru. l{gT31 Uf~T urf3arul I
UW31 HOW·C\ " 12 Utter l2 thou thy Lord's Name and ~ »fTl.J<§ Rjff -e oTH BT €t~3'aoI2 Cia l)f3
oT)-f .. 5Tl1 'iifU
>i3'fa13 UW
" oro that is thy mind'sll worshi p l4. ~o <11 ~ 3-a Ho l3 Bl ~llraorl4 I 3" Olot B1 t
• ~15 ~rfa16 )-rl~ Reflect" thou on the Guru's word lS ;cT 1S BT fQI){To Qro l ' ~ (ja forR ~T fl;ll){T(? ~
'Oill t!tI' " '"
and think not of another,
ul or Cia I !
E'~ iR ofo»i'17 Rs The One Lord is contained 17 in all fl:!Cl ~ <11 RTa11){j ST~tI8 t)i'e-a afHI){l ~
(jfu»fTI7 ~ I ~

O~1811 the places 18 •

~19 '0 BIR f~20 I see not another I'; to whom20 Hi; ~eTI8 f~T m 0<:11"
tia H' cituB20 !
Utl21 tJ~22 II C\"
should I make 22 an offering? "far jeTl ' Qo t22 ? ofuaT~ I '

"3(124 ~25
My souJ23 and body24 I surrender H' »flU~T fi-ftf;3V 3 3 -eu 2: 3-a If<J-a 2S RHO-

;:it»{~26 ~ trrfR27 II before2s Thee and my Hfe26 is at Thy lie ClCBl ;:rj »f3 HaT fi-fB-iJTo 26 3a tig
disposal27, 0 Lord. <JTt.J017 ~, <J I!I){TH1 !
SupplicateJ2 Thee, 0 Lord, a8 28 Thou <J l{~ ! H' S03J32 ClOt:!"' <1t , fuR ~i28 3~

01:f~31 »icrerfR32 II ~ II willest 29 SOlO save'l Thou me. ~2t :t, ~ ott30 tit to Hal cffifl)fT cra" I
Rtl 33 ff1~~T34 ~fo True J3 is the tongue'" which is Rul" :t 9u tftBJ4, ii mcq @ O'H
<l! oRQ35 oRT~36 II delig~tedJ6 with thc God's Name- ~IS 0'8 \{,Rn mftJ6 :t I
elixir lS •
Entcrin~: the Lord's refugc". man is t{i ~l llO'U" ~ ~I)iTiJf, ;:jR CIJ.CIt et
releascd:·' by tbe Guru's instructionJ1. fRl:flaJ7 'l»fTiJf 8;:!-WlR cJ ~ :t ,
My Lord has crcated"2 thc religious'" i{'j Jfl)fTHl ~ ul wawr' ciH-Cilr,rtC' ri4 2
un I
The glc1ry4J of His Name, He has ~ OTH ~ t{S3'4', ~ ~ ~R»fHW ~
placed"s over and abovc.... such Ji~"'" l:fT\it4S :t I
Rf3cno ci ~f~6 In tbe powcr46 of the True Guru. are ~ ~7 ~ ~ a[cf@t: tit @ ~fal)fTCf"
tJTfo tRTot:f 47
II the four cardinal..7 boons. When man's ~ un I treH, 1IO ))f3 CifTHliITSl fucY f3of4'
31fot 8 R).fT~49 ~er desire for the threc'" (faith, wealth t!rel1)iTt!Hl ~ ):flfus nNE irt!' cJ ~ :t of
~ot:fso 11411 and su(:cess) is stilled"9 then he is \iql, Clfsl)f'C, ~ ~ 9 ~ fHH ~50 :t I
blessed with SO fourth, (the emanci-
~o t:!le51 lj~52 They, whom the true Guru has ftrn T i;
u _ ~ orot ~ HW52 3
- ~5J tIl:IB1s,
fq»iT()tS3 II ufo u~t& blestSI with salvations2 and ~
- ~fu:ara'
§U -. ~ ~S4 1; ))fOR .- ClaSS

~lfo55 9~ tldQ'6,S6 II meditationSJ, becomc sublimes6 11~S6 Ql ~~ un I

" •
~II realisin~:ss thc God's statuss".

. HQ 3Q R13Ci57 <ufo They, whom the Guru impartsS9 ~f ~ ~ tit ~5' ~~E5' un, ~
... e~ls9
- II understiilnding 58, their mind and ~T fuo 3 @U e5i-OTeJ \i ;:rit!57 un I
body ar,e refreshed57•

trn f~~60 faro 61 Who" ,can appraise thc worth62 of rnl'it ~ I!I)i'HT ~ ~~ ~, ~;:!T
tl~ II.? II those, whom the Lord has gIorified60? lfs'z ck61 liT ~0?
cm&3 orner Olfa as Says" Nanak, tbe Guru has imparted Old tit :Gow~-e':J un fQ orot ~ Hii fuu
§Srel II 'O'H fior this understanding unto me, that ~S' ~~rEt ~ fa ('iT){ -e q~o Cl-e- creT
orf364 f~ 0 ~ II without thc Name no one is ever l:fii3''' ouf ~f~1)fT I
t:1I~1I emancipatedM •
U~JT31 H~W Cl II Par bhati 1st Guru. \{W3l ufu51 UTfESTUl
I ,
!WaGs Ufo66 atifR67 Some6S, the perfect" Guru-God" ~1)ff'5 fi t,!OO'8 an-~ J:f~ era
cre Olfa tla68 Rm forgives 67 and their make". he fu~7 un ))f3 ~t ~T qOT~' ~ ~Y A'IT .
a~9-a<!~70 II makes70 manifest. ~ R'--e70 un I
ijfo eJOl71 0'372
,.. .
Imbued with72 thc God's love71 • they uaT-e fUl)fT071 n~ aarrft::p)ff7Z, ~ .
-" ii R~~7J


F·-;;:-:';~:':::~-::=;' "ue RBl J:;P:f174 ~1 t T3 fHSBl 0 I ~ ~ ~7S

~75fsFffi76 trf377 74
bliss . Their distresses 75 are .
~o '5 ~76 uo ~ @ot - f) fut.r3 »flSa77 ~ . .
~ 119.11 dispelled76 and they obtain honour77• \JOTl13 <l el 0 I

~o178 79t!oHf~5 al False78 is the cleverness" of the evil79- ¥178 3 ~fj;p)fTc161, ~cl79-»fQB' ~ t!QB'O
= -
tioqd i i!81 II intellected personlO• ~1 I
fSoR3 82 t:r'CJ83 '0 This cleverness takes no time'J to feR ~fi:r,{T(Jl ~ »t5tJ82 <lft!»ft ckl fe88J
grcfj ~ 119.11 o~~11 disappear". Pause. nuT' BClTtft I ofuaT~ I
l-fOli~ cr~ ~85 Sorrow85 and pain86 cling87 to the Hn'4-H3~ ~ :arH's »f3 1Jl~86 fBH~~7 un I
~86 f~))fTUfR87 egocentric'4. The sorrow of the Ho-H~ Bl1J~ ~a nul' ilB1" i
Ho>:rfl:f ~ (') t=fl~88 II egocentric departs" not.
Rl:f89 t!l:f90 t!T3191 By the Guru's grace'2, the Blesser" orat ~1 ~fi?»f,'2 ~»fT(JT, J:;P:f1" 3 :aTHl90 ~
~Ol:ffl:f92-t=f13T93 Hfg94 of weal" and woe'o is realised 9J• BT3T(J" ~ ClBT ~'3 0 I ;l ckl n
g€ Ro~95 IJ:<IJ Whosoever seeks Lord's refuge'S, ~1 lInru'5 H"~T O· ~R f) @U »jTt2 nTB'
J _ • _

him, he blends with'4 Himself »f~~ era ~~94 0 I

H3lp:f2 3 The perverse persons 2 can heartily" lf31~ t!0F.I2 ftJ#'· !!I)fTHl Bl ~~T97 aHT
sarf397 (') perform not the Lord's service97 • nul RClt! I (tu lI~5 \,{'Cl'oo ~_;j~~91
~~A98 Those crazy ones lOO putrify" in self- ))(~ ul CIT5-R3 "~" un I
fe~i6100 II conceit".
~ H3))fT3 fuo4 This mind J in a moment4 flies to the f~u Hn J fi?cl Jf<J34 f~ »{AH'oJ f~B ~,
(1f~5 trf~»fT816 ;:r-s sky5 and in a moment sinks to the ~ ~ JfU3 ktJ lIJ3TB" f~B f~ :aTaCl '5
Brar mre 8 (') ~9 U nether-world6, so long7 as it realises' ;:rTBT 0, iR 3 Tff7 fi?u ~ ~ nTHI ~ »f~9~
:311 not the Lord's Name'. nul'~' I
9'l:f10 flJl)fTRT 12 t=rOT 13 The world U is gone'4 huogry'O and RWO IJ ~TIO ~ f3~hfi?»fT '5 farl){T14 0 I
~f~»{TI4 f3uf3 15 ~l thirstyl2 and, without meeting '6 with ~ Ola 7i"H fH5C!16 ~ a-dla f~R ~ a~H
fs'Q Rf30lo ~16 II the True Guru, it is sated lS not. o,:W »f'€t~TI5 I

FKr~17 FKr'ij18 fH"5 All-too-spontaneously'7 meeting with !!3 fRO" ul !!»jTH1 '8 nTB' fHS ~ q'~l
s:Il:!19 ~1~20 ~~21
ih:r22 ~23 11811
the Lord 18, mortal is blessed with 20
peace 19 and goes2J to the Lord's
»f'd''H 19
f) lI'aTlJ3 \i~T20
- ~ »j3 fi?t;l3 ~1
1:lf.{TCl 22 liT J!»fTHl ~ ~Sra21 ~ ~,23 ~ I
Ccurt2J wearing 22 the robe of bonour.
. -eoar~24 -eror25 ~lo126 Immaculate2' is the Guru's word, lIW3Cl 2' 0 OlaT Bl S'Cl, ftIR ~ arur,
f~~27 »{Tl)28 fooHC2 29 through which one sees the Court 24 fuoRrn, (tR q-!! ~ ~ara24 ~ ~ 5'~ O.
djo orl sTc:l II of the Lord, who, of Himself", is ii ~28 c(SHc(S,27 ul ua R ~ iP<!O<J'025I_
the only2S knower 2S and seer 26 of 3 ~l:fffiJra2' 0 I
1103r31 God HimselPo is the Divine31 , who -.
~TfuOla »fTlI 30 fOl»fT(iV' ~ . ;l fiB Bl l/Ol1


~BTOfFJ32 l1iTiJ a~33 assays" the truth and, of Himself, qa~ 0 »f3 ~ til Hl:Ia t!1 1l~34 ~
lJ~ fooarit34 lI11il understands U the state of salvation34 • ~t!T33 0 I
HC2 aadT l1idTo1336 7 Making the water 3S waves 36 • fire 37 ~13s t!l»ft ~f~36, »{art 37 3 ~T38 S(!T lli3
1.Rc5-38 6"f039 340 and air J8 and then 39 joining41 the fua39 f30 f'40 ~ fd30 qa41, dtlC::u'd ~
fHfH 41 - ;rn~42 three40 together, the Creator has RRTC/u ~ afu))fT'J ~ I
~f~~311 created4' the world42 •
~W44 aC2 45 The Lord has blessed 48 tbeM 47 with J!))fT}-ff ~ ~j47 ~ l)icj;M44 ri'1'~y4S lli3
f30 47
q~ such4• power4s and cleverness46 , that \lfa'))fTCJl4' ~a14' 0 fer ~ ~ <J'd fuel ~
~cm149 He has tied and bound downso each ))f1tt<§ ~dH'G" >it!'d lif"i»fT 3 odt":3»fT
ourf~»{T50 II EII in His command 49 . ;jfu»fTsO 0 I
~R51 ti3 52 RaE 53 In this worlds", rare S3 are suchSI f~ ;::rumS4 >it!'d, S<:I3 til ll~s, CJO, >If;J
;rn54 l1iBfo
lJofl::f55 persons~2, assayingSS whom, tbe Lord ;15 51 t1'daS2, fmy ~ f:T<!_m
55 Cl'd~, \fi

l::f~56 lJrfel}fT II
57 consigru.s7 to His treasuryS6. l){ttt<§ lia56 f~ l(T ~57 ~ 1
iM3 58 ~o059 9~ :3 They rise above60 casteS8 and colours9 ~ W3158 »f3 ~iJI'35' ~ ~a 'dfu·~o CJO
»f3l3J6o HH3r61 ~~62 and do away witb 63 worldly love" lli3 Hu" 3 B'TB~2 ~ f"3»fT(Jf ftf-~ uo I
~~))ff63 11911 and avarice62•
m~4 cJ'3 31otr65 They", who are imbued64 with the ;'i J!»fTH1 ~ OTH OT~ ~oit~ CJO, ~"
R66 fooHg67 ~68 Lord's Name, are like the pure67 places llf<f3'd'7 tl'dH-~5 ~ -
Cln lH3 @'Ot t!1
- u
<iar31" t!l e1HT'd1'8 3 tftt!oit ~a ;J wel71
~~H69 H~70 of pilgrimage6S and they are rid OPI
~qrf~T71 II the ailment68 and filth 70 of ego". ~I

f3072 ~ BOo73 Nanak washes 74 the feet73 of those72 , oTOer ~lit72 ~ i)o73 ~74~, ;'i i[ai t!1
~74 fuoT qJoli fl::f 75 who, by the Guru's grace7S , love77
ofuH3 RtC/ T l'>fTtR! R~ RlHTJ.ll76
- flPJil'd *.
~T76 9'fel)fT77 IItll their True Lord 76 . Cl'd~ 77 CJO ,

t!'gT31 HUHT :3
Parbhati 3rd Guru

~fuag &~g fuel ~ I R~ orot e1 eful,r'
ct ~ m30TCJ
- tlFJTft II .. There is but One God. By tbe True
Guru'. grace, is He obtained. ~»fT'dT I ~u llTfu»fT tJi't!T 0 I

aJCJ troWel78 ~l::f79 See79 thou by Guru's grace 78,

the a.rot t!1 efu»fT78 ~»fT'dT, it ~l:f" fer ~fua&
-3 ~fa H"to so ~ij that the God's mansion80 is (within) t!T l-mrs 80 33 (>it!'d) ;:Ii (ATe") u10 I
irf~81 /I - or (with81 ) thee.
God's mansion is found 83 through
ufo HBcr

---_. --_._--.-

11;:r1~83 ma ntH B~ the Name'2, so ccntemplate14 thou 9 TmlliT ;:pe rl3 ~ I feR 'S~ ~ lliTtrc! ~rfuaN
RHTfg II <:t II the God's Name. ~ fRHOo 010.4 I

Hi}fa Raft!85 oU o my soul,being imbued8s with the ~ Hol f;:j't!Sl~! tI~ ~ oTH 01'5 ijOJ1~s
ijarM ~fl:!" II Lord's Name bliss86 is obtained. ~l)ofTQT l{ilO3l" l,fU3 <itil ~ I
mft ~orf~7 RBT ma True is the God's devotional service87 , Re1 ~ '101 -e1 t1.~ R~7. R:~ ~ uoT t:!T

Ht!O- l.«Ilit ~
Rfu89 IIClII o~~ II
88 true is the God's mansion snd True
is the glory", that becomes manifest'8
Hf<J5 1)13 R~l ~ l{!13r",
t.rcr3l:la ~til88 ~ I 'iSfuQT~ I
ii uo1 oT<Jf ~
through God. Pause.
'lfu Ht!Q. ~ Rcftq90 This body'O is the Lord's mansion fro ~90 H1'5Cl ~ Hf<J5~. f;:rR f~ ~<JH _
~ far)){Tf09 1
03fC92 wherein is revealed9J
the jewel92 of ~wa" t:!r ~UO'2 tJT<Jo ~~'3 ~ I
uaar~~re II Divine comprehension '.
J.fO}{~94 H595 '0 The egocentrics'4 know not at a1l9s ))fTll-(J.t:!a'4 u~·'5 uT ouT~ ~ 1')f3 1')fTl:f~
~cl ~fR9& ~ and say that within mortal" is not '10 fcll{rel" ~ l'Iieo ual ~ Hf<J5 our I
H-eQ '0 ~re II~II the God's mansion.
~o ~ ilio ;:ft~97 God's palace, the Sire" God has uol e T Hfu5, H<JTaTiIT" uol ~ of~I)fT" ~ 3
Wf;=r))fT99 ofi:p,;T created" and He keeps it ~u ))fTu'!l otJT 1OO )){t:!O fuR ~ fi::fOJra~"
~~n r l00 R~99 II embellished" in His will lOO • ~~I
qfu2 5lj3 f5fu~ One does' only thatS, what the pre2- »f!t:!Hl ~~ ~ ~&s Cloer' ~. ii f01 1i-e2
SI5 ~~ are '0 destined 4 writ 3 is; no one can erase7 t:!l f~l ;j~ f8cf3T01ra 3 ~. ~l if<!r 91 ~
H~urq7 lIall that writ. fmI3 ~ He our R01t:!r7 I
~8 Blf?i9 SJljl0 Contemplating' the Lord' and J!lliT}l1' ~ fRHOo'))f3 R-~ <'iTH 13 01'5 l{H
('5'Tfu13 l4 13
lovlng the True Name , man is
blessed with 12 bliss 1o •
:a;s" i[......', oil?i ",,1" 'f"3 ~ "'e1" I

ufo l-feq RS~15 God's palace is embellished 16 with ~fuOld t:!T Hf<Js €tR ~ oTH 1S <'irs EBE :
R~16 &BQI7 ~~18 His Name 1s • It is an invaluable I' ;]eTI6-~~ I f~<J f~Ol 1')f).{SOl" R~17 er ~
»ftlTCJ19 11811 fortress 18 or gold '7 • ~STI8 ~ I 'i-

~ I a.rot ~

ufo H~ ~~ ;:rar~20 This world 20 too is the Lord's fEu" RRra 20 91 Il1')fTHl t:!T Hf<J'5
mansion. Without the Guru, there
~ (flo fao: tiiaQTCJ 21 II ria feR 1')f"eo 1')fcta-1.l!1l21 ~ I
is inky darkness21 in it.
B;=rT22 W~23 mo 24 For the sake 24 of another's22 love 23 , <iOR 22 ~ fU1')fra 23 t:!l lfTf3CJ24 l'Ii~27 1')f3 ~
u;:ffi25 Hii-N26 ".fq27 the blind27 and unwise28 egocentrics 26 S~2' HO-H31~2' l{l, t:!T ~lJTH('iT cro~25

5~29 Harl~
worship2S the Lord.
Where man is called to account2',
'10 I
rna a~ UTR· fuwa-fCf3Ts" >-f-fOJl)ofT ;:tTt;!T ~,
sa ~u30 Wf331 '0 there go not the bod y 30 and caste 3' €t~ ~ ~ <'iT'S O1 t fulli t30 ))f3 w31 J1 our

wfe II with him.


FJlf~ 0332 R33 ~sa34 They", who are imbued with Jl truth , ii 1ft!' oT5 aml~Jl \Jo, ~<Ju at!' t1f~J4 ;]0 I
-el:f1~35 -e~36 grfu37 II
are savc:d J4. Miserable 3s are they,
who bear love" to another 36,
~t3035 uo t}<J ~ ~aR36 ~
un I
- , - fU))fT(J Olo~"

ufa H"-ea Hf~ 0Tl:f Within the God's mansion is the is ~ Hfu5 )){'ea oTH B1 l:fi:ITOT3' ~ l['~
fOlJT"Q38 ~ 0' fJsfu 39 Treasure:18 of the Name, but the .
Hd1:{40 ~f,:J1:rl41 feR *. 0'11· i1'<!~ I
)jOlU40 0l~4J ~ foolish 40 brutes 41 know" it not.
tHo trcn:~T-e142 By the Guru's grace42 , I have mot Bl Bf~tIir42 ~l)fT(JT Ii· feR ~ ))fcl~ ClO

~f"O»fT"3 mo o'fl:f»{T realised43: this and now I keep the f5))fr43 ~ 3 <!<! H· RT~l ~ ))fTlli f'a'@44 ~

44~foOTf045 11911 Lord enshrined 4s in my mind44, fccl'~5 O~BT <}T I

ijJa oft ~ ijJo 3 They, who are imbued47 with the ~ fll))fT(J48 Rf<J3 nTH aml~47 '10, ~ OIot

;:r31 ftl Rsf-e 0347

46 love 48 of the Name, know4' the ~l ar<!1 ~ OIa Bl tf~))fT ~))fTaT iJT<! ~'~

a0l48 gtfu \I Guru's word, by the Guru's grace. uol

lJf~3a46, !i013 s0 )tf3 un
trf~~49 tfT~?)50 R52 Pure49 , immaclllateSO and blotless53 ~BTi3IS3 ~52

;:t?)51 fo0H8 53 ~fa are those2 men SI , who merge 54 in the f~HRroS', ~ ~f'lOItL ~ oTH ltita 510 ~-e54

~ ?)TfH Rl-fTf~54 II t: II God's N:lme. un I

God's palace is also the God's shop5s, ~f~ BY Hf<J5 ~fuOl~ t1 ti'c1 5S ~, f;:m ~
~fa H"tg ~fa OfT
which He keeps embellisheds7 with ~<J )tfTt«! 01HS6 0'5 aB93s7 ClOl ol:{t!' ~ I
~55 ~ ofl:f»{T
His Name s6 ,
mn-e56 R~fa57 I
f3l}58 f~f'ij' R~-et59 In that511 shop is the merchandise 59 ~58
- ti'cl Jita f~Ol nTH BT '11 Rt!' R359 ~ , .
~Ol' 0Tl.:! ijJO)jf~O of the one Name, with which the f;m 0T5 OItL-)tfQHTol'° ~ ))fTtJ ~ ))fT(J'fl13T
~61 <}o I
gfo R~Tfa61 IItll Guru-wa.rds 60 decorate" themselves.
ma l-f-eo Hfu H"O This iron dross62 like mind is within fro "RorT~ ;j~Z B;J ~ ~T !!))ftH't ~

~2 ~ Hf~»{T63 the Lord) mansion and it isiured6J Hfu5 )tf"Ba ~ )tf3 feR *= B~3'-g'~4 ~

-e~ grfE64 II by dualit y64. Hf<J3 Olo fS))ft6 3 ~ I

= aH:J ORlf~65 fi.rn ci" ' fro R0T'7 ~
. trTaft:r6 5 ~f~66 Meetingl" with the Guru, the philo- -=
0 15
~BQ67 gf~)){T68 sopher's4is stone, it is transmuted68 ;:r1Br6' ~ ))f3 f60 feR BT Jis" V'iR)tfT70
oitHf~9 Ol'uVO "0 into gOJcl67 and then its worth" can be o~it;:IT ROlBT I
;:tTre 119011 told not.
ufo l-fBCJ Hfu71 ~ Within71 the God's palace, abides ~f<JOI~ ~ Hf<J5 Jiee" ~lf<Ja.!~ ~BT72 ~ I
?R72 Raa73 fml3fo74 God. He7s is contained amidst7 4 ~75 RTfa))fy73 ))f"-eo74 ofHtliT ~ftrl)fT ~ I

Rf~75 II
a11 •
?)T?)er ijJCJljfl::f76 Dealing77 with God, through the 010T76 ~ oT\Jl\ as oTB ~tJT(J Olon77
~;:it~77 R'ij'T ~e'T Guru76 , 0 Nanak, the true ~l)iT6T, <J oToOl ! R~ RBT ,!3 l:falB fSl)fT
~f~78 119911911 7
merchandise is purchased ', WB1 78 ~ I

il...... ....

Parbhati 3rd Guru tLW31 31i11lflf3aTUl I

Theil penonslZ, who are ever awake f;m;1l. t.:!:aa'2 ~ ~ ;ra" ))f3 ful)fTCJ'O))j'~
in the Lord's fear" and 10velO, remain ;:r~ un, ~u l:faa~108] am;? un ))f3 l)fTtfi

vigilantll and rid" themselves of the

filthlS of self-conccitM •
R~_(jal31M tft cii~5 ?; gT u Rcil" un I

R'e' waJf~ Ulq90 They ever remain wakefull'7 and keep ~ uHJ:rT RT~87 afti'~ <Tc') ~))fT1.l<!
~ o~ ti'tJ their homete» whole by beating" and tJTHtO ~ AU1 RgTH3 c~ un I tiw ~ ~

dRda· CllTefu driving away five thieves" from it. ~ c!:c ~c" ~ srua e:ie ftf~ un I

Htfa19 II ClII
~. Hcl aja1Jf\f81 o my soul'o., by the Guru's grace". ij Hal f;:f~~~'o* ! a? ~l ~ful)f'" ~I)(T(JT

?)T)j~11 meditate'2 tbou on the Lord's Name. ~ J!l)fT)./1 @ ()T)-/ ~ f'm.ran aer'Z I
~ H'afaJ'3 o my soul, do thou only those'" ij Hal fu,,-;? ! ~ ~~ ~'4 ciH" u1 aer,

~ HO deeds". which lead thee on to thy fuu;j ~~ 3cf f!l)fT}ft @ aRa'] a 8 ilG! I
~5 qwfu Lord's path". Pause. ~I
arcfHftf''I RUiJ'7 Qfo98 By the Guru's grace", cleltial" a¢ ~l ~" ~l)frar, asl" C1la3n58
. ~
~y3 iJTfu4 II
100 5@H2
- melody" wells up" and one's withinl
is rid 01'4 the pain lOO of egoz.
~tio ci~" ~

tft \Jl~'OO ~
ii ~ ~ I
»f3 tiR @ l)f-~'I (jqraZ

ufo O'HT ufo Hfo The Lord God's Name abides5 in ~ nT)./ mil @ fu3 ))j'~ fca
ual ~

~5~~~7 one's mind and one easily' sings 5

iP'eT ~ ~ tiR f!~n' t!l ual t!ll)fi fRs3f7
0JTfu J1~1I the God's praises7• OJTfuo ~T ~ I
q(oH318 )jl:f' R~ 10 They, who by Guru's instruction I, ;l OfcIi ~ ~~B' ~l)fT(fT, lJj ~ l)f'Ui
ufo CfTf'tf))fT keep the Lord enshrined II in their fua~'z lit!a ~II ~ un; Jf~IO
12~f'dQlfa13 II mind 1z• beauteous10 look their f~~uo,~~f~1
~-a @~ Rl:f14 Uf<!J15 Here and hereafter, they abide in ~q ~ ~q, ~ l)ff3>i315 ~14»j'~ ~
ilfu ufoui-ufo ~ immense l5 bliss l4 and contemplating" un ))f3 l)f~ ual ~. @ f'RHan" ~ i
l.l'fa17 II a II tbeir Lord God, they are ferried
~ UTa €taa H~17 un I i
~H 18 ~fu ;:(TaJ(! 19 In ego". man can remain not ~CITa" »j't!a, out am RCR'
S~ Hrar~1t i
(') -~m ufo scnfa 20 awake" and his clevotionzo to God l)f3 (tR t!l is ~19clJ3120 .ZI nul· a't!l I i
(') ~ l:fTfu21 II is not acceptcd21 •
mo ~24
).fc')1ft:f22 23 The egocentric22 finds 25 not refuge24 J){TlJ 'leau ~ ~ ~ ~2] l)f~ lfc')TUZ4 ~
or gijfu25 gtfu t:!~26 in the Lord's Court2S and be doesH nut f)./gt!lD ))fa ~3-9"l26»j'~ trn3;j

CfcJH27 orHTfu28 il811 decds27 involved in dualityZ'. (tu ciH27 aa~28 ~ I


ftt0l 29 l:fT~T30 f1{01 Accursed 2' is the food 30 anci accursed f'qa"otf0l 29 3 ~ t!T ~;:r(')30 ~ fq,~01
ii~31 f;:rOT ~;l the dress" of those. who bear 10veSJ l!1;Pa- 31 , fffilt;:!l RJ:fTCJ150l(')T32 OT51.{t333 3 I
grf~32 fU>rfT233 II '" to worldly attachments 32 .
f~fl=rCT34 ~ «1~35 They are the worms 35 of ordure 34 and ~ J.1~36 (o1t!"arl) ~ fCid'H 35 uo ~ H-8 ~
faFJCT oT3 36 Hfo 37 sink 36 in ordure, In death37 and til B10tl d W~36 uo I H00 27 3 ~11<!38
'HHf~38 ~f~ ~l';fTq39 II birth 38 they are wasted away39. »i"t:o uT §lu ~aTt! l:ll m U uo I
f;:r(') or~ Rf3qr2 They, who meet 40 with their True ~ »iTtI<! R-e a.Iot ~ fi.m \.lB 40 uo; ~tii41
IDc~o f30T41 f~cQ42 Guru, l1mt0 42 them 4', I am a ~2 H· ~aro ~~t:y4] ut I

. af8 ;:rr~43 II sacrifice4l!.

... f3() oft Rorf3 44 fHfgCs In their association44, I remain united 45 ~~t ~ H5-f}ffiT\.l44 lit:o H' ~f3»iy45 ofti't!T
out RB mB 47 and through the True Name46 • ut 3 Ra o~ ~ OTU't, H' fl"a Rt e't47 lit!O
shall merge 48 in the True Lord 47 . 510 ;] ;:r~T48 I
ua 49 ~TfOT50 qrC! Through perfect 4' destinySo, the Guru ~0049l.f53QsO OTU't, ~ ;:rT UOT1J3' cI~ <JO I

-U~~ ~uTf~Sl for3 is attained to. By no other effort51 , faA ;]0 ~lJOT~SI ~»iTaT, ~u \.lrB nul· ~ I
(') tfTf~ t>iT";:rTfp II can one obtain him.
j R80l0 3 52 R~53 Through S2 the True Guru. wens UpS4 ~ a.Io t ~ oT<JT'sz, ~-riJfl)fT353 ~o
@tfilS4 ~@H5S Raf~56 gnosis53 and through his instructionss6• <It!T S4 ~ »i3 ~~t ~ <l\.l~a56 ~l)flOT, iiasr55
. ~8rfu57 11-;" eg055 in burnt down 57 . R3-aB" ;:rTB157 ~ I

Wa Ro~1s8 ~B59 o my soul, hastenS' thou to thy B Hol f~

! ~- B3 c}59 ~ ~uaJO tit -.
H(') ,:{B R~ fon~60 God's refuge S8 . He is capable61 of \.lOTUS' B B I ~ RTCJT ~o a-ClO ~
oro~ ;:l0l61 II everythingu . RHCItl" I ~ I

OTOO( oll:i 0 ~1R'a62 o Nanak, forget 62 thou not the ~ OTCa- ! ~= R»iTHT
~ oTH 7i

OT 35
162 f;:r<J3T

;l fCl~63 orij 8: 64 Lord's Name, whateveru He does, CiS'3 ~ a-Clt!'~, cl~ ~4 u1 cIt!l 66 ~ I
that64 alone comes to pass".
~0l66 11t:11~"911~lIt"
faWR t{W31 ~HT 4 Bibhas Parbhati 5th Guru fa~R l{3T31 ti;:r;it tJTf3f.fTUl
Ashtpadis »if:lC~l){i
n There is but One God. By the true a.rot t!1
9. €1 RBqro t{Rtf~ II ~Tf<Jd!~ c}~ fea- ~ I fl"-e t!w,p
Guru's grace, is He obtained. ~»irdT, ~u utfe»iT ;:rtBT ~ I

HT367 ftf3T68 ~T~169 The mother67 • father", brothers", j-fT67, fu€(", ~1069, l!3070 1){3 ~c171 •
.J!~70 af()3T71 II sons70 andl wife71 ,
. tJarf~72 '§or73 >rf3B74 Associating 75 with 76 them, man ~t OT{;76 ~3 c}75, reoR'o J:!F.I1»it74 BT
tR~76 ;:!CJT3T75 II 72 74
pecks thl~ fare of pleasures .
H ~T73 ~0lt!T72 ~ I

~ofS77 ufu§ The mind78 is entangled77 in the Hi'il)fT78MzW' Fh:rrol-HH3180 ~~ E:ml)fT

}jto79 liUTOT80 II sweet7' worldly 10ve'O. ~fel)fT77 0 I

eno81 orT~Cl82 He The purchasers'2 of the Lord's R'ma t!lt)ft 8ap,p8' ~ ~12; Wit
virtues", are the mainstay'" of my fit!-trO u t!' »f'R'CJ'''' un
lfo83 l)fQTc
184 IIctll I
vital-breathQ •
~i!85 w-fTOT86 My" Unique's Lord is the knower

~18711 of hCarts87 •

'0088 ~ClT89 H fccr9° He alone" is my support 88 and Hc ~5" €tJ ul HaT »f'RCJ1 88 0 ~ ~'I

~Cl~91 eel fRfa 92 alone" my protection'o. He, the €tJ tit Hal l.l7)T<J90 I ~u fuJ:rT594 J;!»f'Hl-

RT~93 ~~ \101394 SreatM Lord Master'S, is over the HJ5q9S R'fu»ft 1.JTf3Jl'<Jt'l ~ JitR92 ~ua 0 I I'
I!l)ofTH195 II ct lIa~~1I head'2 of all the kings93 , Pause. i5fuar~ I
&:B!16 0TCJTf097 f~98 I have broken off" with98 the ij'ijar,;r" Hlfel)fl RCIlle1f7 OT5" Hal ~-'9it

Hal ccfo99 'd~ II deceitful" mammon she-serpent'7. ~ orel" 0 I

<nf'a =Clfa»{TI09 fu~ The Guru has told lOO

me, that she is CI:6~~ ill 7) H~ t!R ftr3T100 ~ fa fu\J i!3'tJ ~
!1Ol2 iitiP II 2 l
false and fraudulent • ~ ~s<!l ~ I It
~f~ H1ol5 ~ From hcr countcnance4, she seems fuc:J-ij4 3' ~ f~s H~ ~~1~, t{~ ;I~' i
~aTfu7 II sweetS, but she tastes' bitter7• 7i ~u ~317 0 I i
... orfH }f09 -
With the Lord's Name-Nectar', my ~- ~ llQT Ri1.J8 O'H 0'5, Hal fial' ~ ~
of~»{T »{upful0 11:<11 soul' is satiated 1o• ~el ~eliO ~ I ~

13912 iju13 fRtf 14 or~ With'4 avarice'2 and worldly lovell, ~12 ~ RRr'al HH3Tll ~, .. Wl)fTtRT
f~fc15 II I have sundered my ties ls • Rio 's 33 f5l)fT 0 I

<nfa ~lfTfB16 Aft} The merciful" Guru has rescued 17 ~fel)fT~" CIlat '5 H~ ~~t ciB' i[~ f3l)fT17 ~I
oft?)l ~17 \I me from them.
futJ oaT~TQV8 ~19 These cheats'8 have laid waste 2' fenu t OiJI<!ll)ft 18 8 ~fu»ft" Q1Ht20 7i ~

URJ20 orT~21 II many" homes20• iSla fear J I :l I

~H22CHfCJ CJTfl:f23 Bte The compassionate24 Guru has saved

and protected23 me22.
H1~24 O!a~~
f5»fT23 ~ I
til 8 H?;J2 . a~ 3 ~

f~~24 11:311
CfTH2S ~26 f~27 With27 lust2S and wrath 2', I have no »fT1.J<! ~ll 0'5, Ht! t!1 H'JO O!aT tit
dealings28 ever since the time, po have fRl:fH3 2' llel ::l, f~a ~25 ~ qI"'R 2'
~28 '0 sf'O»{T II <na (')1527

~tR1129 Af~30 OCTo131 heard with mine earall , the Guru's HaT cje1 ald-~2' nul' rau, I
instructions 29 •
gf<9W II
;:KJ32 ~trfl3~33 Hij134 Wherever l2 I see, therc n I see these fitQ fCi33J '91 H' ~~t!T u t ~q33 H' fuot
~~g3511 mostl4 villainous goblins 3s • \JdHl4 1.Jiaa ~3fo))ftl5 ~ ~~~T ~ I • f
CJTfl:f36 Bt~ l1iy~37 My37 Guru-God l8 has saved3' me H~l7 O!i-l.J.Hffifl8 7) H~ ~~t lIlR' ~T ~
<nfa <DUTB
11811 from them. fgl)fT!' ~ I ~1&
tm OTol39 H Cleft I have widowed40 (ten sense organs) A· (~ fi~) ;:rt (~ 3.}HOt3') e
~~o'°ll or (ten women"). '&'iit1)ff4O era ft!3T 0 I
cnfu crf~l ~u The Guru has told" I me, that these a.rcrt %A~ ~ ft!~1 0, fci f~ 1i»{~2 iP
aRfu42 43f~ldJf644 II relishe:s4Z are like the fire.... of sins"3. ~ftl»Jtf43 ~ >iaJ44 RHTO un I
reo R~45 Their llssociates"s go to hell"'. ~~HB-f~~~~uo!
ClR I 3f8 46
wre II
UH cnfo alii 47 ufo Attuning48 me to God, the Guru has ual (')15 Hal l[t3 ~, alai % Ha VUJ
~f~ BTfu II~II saved":' me. f~701
~~H~9 fR@50 I hne abandoneds2 all counse1sSI ~ ~crra" (')1550 ~ wij HmSI f3~
1HRm 51 iit52 II - with50 eg04'. fau un I
j <nfo crfu))fT fu~ The Guru has told me that in ego man crcre~ ;:fl %HQ ~ ft!3T 0, fci \lCiTO))j'~
j lj~53 ~54 II foolish53 and obstinate54. f~ \l~~53 ))f3 f,:j'~54 <i ~T 0 I
~~ o1urq5S usq:56 This e:go is homelessss and attainss8 fuu \lCfTCJ f'oulaTS5 0 ))f3 W:i ~ tj'lH 56 ~S7
aulS7 (') trB II 58 not hOlmeS6 everS7 . it UCJTtSS8 nut ii~ I
UH cnfo oTfu C51~ AttuningS' me to the Lord, the Guru lli (')T5 HaT ~ ~st, aIat ~ H~ v;p
f~~59I1EJI has saved me. f5)){t 0 I
reo c%aro f~ m-r 60 1 Unto these people60, 161 have become .
fuoi 5Q!t6° 015' ' W'I fsar'Ot6 2 <i fap)p ~ I
~a~6211 a strwl1ger62•

~ faT~3 muM ~
- WithiJ:l64 one homeu these two can be fuel UlCl63 f~64, fu<i f;::r5 -e RHT'S ntit
(')~111 contained6s not. ~I

~ t{9 uf~ >itJf0 67 Clinging" to the Guru's skirt67, I 01eJT ~ U"867 '0'5 ~8, H· Ii)){THl ~s
grfcn68 II have c:ome to the Lord". )){Tf~"" uT I
Clay 3tJT~69 l{9 o my Omniscient Lord70, do Thou, <J Ha R9 ~ i1 16(!u'CJ 11)){T}ft70 ! ~ '!(! HCJT
RO~faT70 11.911 now, justice" unto me. fo)){i qa6t I
'll9 ufR71 S~72 oftE73 The L.ord addressed72 me smilingly71 Riff ~ liHC1a~'ft!)){t71 <if~T ~ RatIO
~7411 and pronounced73 His judgement74• on3T72 >li3 »{Ttl(!T ~74 Ji<!T ft!3 T73 I

RCJJ8 t!'375 Hal R~76
All tile demons7s , He yoked77 to my
WfCJI')jT ~fo)){i75 ~, ~ ~
;13 ft!3T 77 !
Hal cfU576 1tIt!CJ

. -- f~- faT~78
3 0TaCJ81 ...
Says Nanak, the Great God12
-. ;:fl »{Tl:fB un, f~ ~a82
ala -. ~ f~
given" this decision ;-that thou art ~ Cl13T" ~; for ~ ~I ~ ~ f~
~ 30 T II ~ 0T0Cil
<nfu82 oft))fT79 the Master" and this entire home78 .
UlCl78 RHu 301 HHon»{3 ~ I
fn'ijijT80 II t II <t II belonl~ to thee.
~HU8T411 Parbhati 5th Gor!!. t1a9T3l ti'~r ~f3a'Ul I
• H?) Hfu83 ~g84 Hu18S Withill183 man's mind is wrath'" and funR'O ~ fu3 1tIt!CJ83 \iw84 ~ »{fM'S
~a'Toy8611 exceuivelS self-conceit". R~-\lCll3y16 ~ I

---_. --_... __.-._.


1.,!;:p87 QCJf~ ~88 He performs worship87 even with ~ ~llTanT'7 ~1 stij8' ))i~aal9 Rfu3 CiCft!T
faAEfidt89 II great" osentation". ~ I
mo fuR'O"Q90 3fn91 Taking bath", he makes religious OUT ii'O &,
f~"q'2 iJ~T ~, l{~ ~R
~ ))fT~ -eu" ~ QlO11cil
t1 fua~93 tl
~~92 s~ II »1"3a93 marks92 on his body", but, the filth"
cit J.R294 9S (') cram of his mind9J departs" not ever's. H51C!3T'4 crt!Tfe3'S trO" O\l" ~tl I

req R;:rfH9'1 l{~ fOl(') In this way97 no one has ever found" fuR 301&'7 0'5 11l)fT}ft cr~ fCilR ~ lf1l3"
m(')~98 II the Lord. ou1· ~fe»fT I
9dl@3199 ~100 HO He paints Vishnu's" marks'oo on his ~u l)fT1.21 -eu 3 f~" -e f~o'OO ~
- - ...
Hftp,.p2 Wfu»fT3 11911
body, but, his mind is lu red2 by
• u -

~, l.f~ ~R -e fu3 ~ tlC'i-~~3 ~ mU3 crl3T

a~ /I richel'. Pause. ~fe))fT2 3 I orucJT~ i
tJTu" crofy ti'~ ci He commits sins4 under tbe influenceS ~ \fui ~C'il)ft ~ »f~ <305 ~O'u4 oratT3 I
sfi::r as II of five demons.
3laa6 (iTfu7 orufuS Bathing7 at the holies'. he says' that mn-r ~;6 3 feJ:mro ~ llfIl:ft!T' ~
Rf9' ~aa9 II all his sins have been washed off'. ~, for ~ t1 RTiJ 1.JTll ii3 are' uo I ~
~al0 ~fu ~f~ He commits them again lO
without ~ firalO f~~ <j12 1.JTll OfCt!T ~ I
foRQl 12 II any fear'2
l~al. a i ftr 1S l:{'ij16 The death'. courier'! binds 1s the H3 t!' tiIlf'J or5cr1 '7 ~ mm 1s & ))iTtR!
QlrP.;QlI7 11::<11 sinner l7 and takes" him to his city'4. F.lfua14 ~ B WtTI6 ~ I
Ulura18 ~Q19 a~ij'20 Putting 19 on tinkling small bells" he l.!:f~I' a~19 & ~ i i21 ~~T20~. l{i
3T(?T21 II >i3fo22 plays10 symbals11 • but within his ~R -e fua~2 l){t!a ~5ii:'523 ~ l)f3 ~ reor
~23 f6CJfij'24 mind22 is deception1J and he wanders24 i3&2S ~1 Hrit! 9Ccit!T24 ~ I
~31HT25 II like demonu .
~aH126 wol27 wy28 By destroying17 his hole16 • the ~j:J t!1l:!~26 3iJru CiCfC'i ~~aT27, R1l 2• C'iul~
'0 }-f»fT II serpent2' is killed not. Hat!' I
= R9 fori; ~ The Lord, who created1' thee. knows wel, f;:m ~ 3~ afu))iT2' ~, RTar ~ ~T
f;:rfo 3 cit»fT29 IISI' all things. ~ I
It>)f030 3TlJ31 cna132 Thou performest fire 30-penance 31 and ~ ~aT30 ~ 3l1fi1l)fT31 crat"~· l)f3 aJ~-
= SR3T33 1/
orr wfat)fT
336 ()R3T37 1/
wearest ochre-colour 32 robes u .
Smitten by calamit y34, thou runnest
i1al u Ofu;j33 1.JT~·t!T ~. I
)fHliJ334 t!' Wful)fT ~fel)fT ~ ura3S 3~36 S" I
B8: 38 ifc1 ua~Rfij'39
away37 fcom U home 3s .
Leaving thy count ry 38, thou wande-

3· I
~5or3' ~ ii:'~, ~ \ripe ~3' l){tij ;
tJTf~))iy40 /I rest40 abroad 3'. scOlty4° ~. I
U"tJ ~~Tg41 oTB H However. the five pariahs 41 • thou hast li'w ofijj41 ~, :i ~ 0T5 5
. .¥¥( ++•••••••••••• +.++•• ++••••••+++.++++••+++++++••+++++++ ....
{4449 1

»{TWw 1\ BII brought with thee. »f'f~~' I

QlTO'2 GOTfu43 f~m44 Thou hast thy ears..2 torn'" and ~ »ITt«! rt,2 lJ3~J '8~ ~(') l'){3 ~Cf645

G~511 (beggeth) or (stealeth....) crumbs45• (mr) ;:It (t!CJ1~) f~ ~. I

f3tf~7 3
= II
aF63J49 ifc3'50 ~51
mfa52 53lfa(')Tij154 II
Thou beggest from door4 6 to door
and failest" 8 to be sated 47 •
Thou hast abandoned 50
wife49 nnd casteth evil51
thy own
eye5 2 on
.. .
3 scJ scJ46 3 ~ f6aB'~· l'){3 i;:r8·47
afu faTw4 ~.
3 l'){rtrc!t ~cf49

iic1 re3150 ~ l'){3 \iantSJ
~H354 ~151 »{~52 (')'S ~w ~. I
i ~fR55 '0 another'sSS woman54•

tf~~ ).KJT56 Wearing religious garb55, the Lord is tl 1C1'liOl' ati55 tlfuae ~l'){far, 1{~ trcI'tl3 ~l'
~~5711411 attained not and one becomes very56 ~t!r l'){3 1{'<!1 f('WT~56 tit ~~157 ij ~ ~ I
~58 or~l ~fl:! SOT Man turns tacitumist 59 and Speaks 58 lirel ~tl &i313rs, ij sfti'w ~ l'){3 c!B1 5' ~l· I f
j }4'0159

. g~62 ~'O163
Within60 him is
made to wander'2 in speciesu .
desire" and he is

Abstain:ing65 from corn6'" his body"

~ ~ >iBa'° ~Tfua61 ~ l'){3 ~ ~ w>ll){i"
l'){"t!o ~CQlTre))lT we,62 ~ I
!".f'064 3 ~5 ~ .
l'){O'i!''' ?i ~5 ' - ijR W ROla'6 ~
l~dt66 ~~7 II suffers l~ain67. RUTat!T67 ~ I
(Jcn-fl8 '0 ~¥9
He realises" not the Lord's will68 ~ ~ Bl a;;rr68 ~ l'){Q~9 mil' crew l'){3
~l){T70 ).-nar7i IIEII and is c:ngrossed70 in worldly love7l • RRla! H~71 "fBa ~ cirel'){T iiful'){T70 ~ I
J.fuQ Rf3(Ho fq8 '0 Without the True Guru, no one has R~ Olai ~ sgla, faR ~ trcI'H72 tlCI'Rnor Bl
~ tfOH72 01373 II attained unto the supreme72 state" taTn ~tl3 Ci<Jr ii~ 1 ;13 ~w~· - .
° 3i
~ ROR? a~ of bliss. Ask thou, if thou may, all
3' RTfu})jt ~Bf ))13 fmall'){t ?i Us I. .- -s
fFffi.J3 II the Vedlas .and Simirtis.
~74 oraH75 cffi The pe:rverse person7" does useless76
~1'611 deeds75 .
f~77 Wcg78 wa They alre like" the house of sand78, ~u ~3'8 ~ a1!u Bl ~T77 ~, ii \:fflT ~

O~=-o '0 79
~ 11911 which c;an stand79 not. af~ ROltT" 1
f~ ~ 9~80 cfifift:!81 Unto whomsoever Lord 81 of
the ftlR ~3
))jTffii'O W JIl'){THlI '
~}){fC5T82 II OIa OfT universelO becomes merciful82, he 84 <J;:rtw ~; Olaf Bt ~lIJ ~ ttl'4 l'){r~
~"BQ83 f3fp84 wfU€?85
lJTW6 11
ties85 to his skirt86 the Guru's wordu . ~85 (')"8 ~o -g·Bl16 ~ 1
~fc87 H~88 &El89 Out of88 millions87, very rarely89 a
R~ 1mrful){T90 II saints is seen90.
or~ f3'091 ~ Rf0I92 In his" association92, one is €!.R til" RaJ392 nftia, ~tf·tlT(J ~3a ;:PB'u

3oTfu))iT93 II t: II ferried across 9J , says Nanak. ~, Olt! C)T(')a ~<: ill iicJ~~ un !
_ IAFI~ ~RAI,..I••••~
..JlII.JlII.iiII."'."' ip1 ip1.ip1 '••" ' I'4I M1.' ~~RR1,..ArolI,.. .

.... -...
;:J ij'~ STat 3T -eaRn If one has good destiny, then alone itcrcJ ~l~ ~ ~arl ~ ~i, ~~ ~ tit
~~ II - ))fTfu 3"394 obtains he the sight of such a saint. ~ r,ro R3 W ~t!'CJ uanl3 ~ ~ I fGa
Such a penon is himself saved'· then
~ <!~~95 3dle1~ II and saves he his entire famUyfS as ~~ ;mr 'fcJJJ ~ au ~T'" ~ ~ ~T\Ji wa
q II a~ -ew II~II well, Pause Second. U'R'CJ95 a- !1 aUT ~ ~ I ~~ ~ I
l.f~'3f~8l ~ II Parbbati 5th Guru. \{W'3l u~ UTf3S"ul I
fR..ffia96 (I)T):f Contemplating'6 the Name, all the nrH 'eT ftf3n Clan ~", wa lS'll'7 fi.rc
format:f'7 Rf~ ~9811 sins" are erased" and the account W@98 uo ~ tTcJ).f ~ t? Bfi tf3 t?
QaH aTre c} Ci'ora 99 papers" of the Righteous Judge are ii1aIiI99 \l'G ~ '00 un I
100 tom oft'.
6'2 "
RTQRatfa fHfcg2 ~ McetiogZ with the saints' society, I Rf3RaJ3 ~ ~z ~, H~ l{i W ~iit3J

3 UTfu)).fT II have attained the Lord's Name-elixir J \JCl'11.l3 ~ ~T ~ t)f'3 lRJH l{i4 ~ H'ij ~s

UTaSJH4 ftrn5 Hrfu6 and the Transcendent Lord· has ~"ea' ~ Cia f~7 ~ I
RHrf~~7 119.11 entered' into' my minds.
aTH8OH39 ma maIO Meditating' on the All pervading' Lord ~. ~fuaj~ t? (')TH 10 W ~uroo Cian
~1:112 urfe))fT II God's Name 'o, I have obtained peace lZ• ~))JTQT', Ha- ))f'OTH u lJ(JT1J3 ~ f(lP)fT ~ I

3a 'e'R 13 Thine salves lJ , 0 Lord, seek the #i aiB 1J

, ~ ta ! 3a iia tl4 ~llfc')Tu's B3t?
Rd6 l fu»)fT1S refuge 'S of Thine feet l •• Pause. un I ofua~ 1
fHfc»)fT18 »{-~Ii II
~17 The Guru has shown me the doorzi
of salvationZO and my comings and
- 8 He'; H1:m
arat 20 ~T ~<RTilr21 f~T8 rear

goings" are ended 16, and the

~,Ha ))JT~i 3 wi" 'ier are" uo ~
qrfa f~
>:(01'1320 ~~21 II
darkness" of spiritual ignorance has
been dispelled".
far))JT" ~ I
~farl)lT(;ar W~O'I9
" .
~ ~

~fa ilK
9OT1322 HQ23 With the Lord's 10ving-adorationU ,
my soulZJ and bodyZ4 ar~ everz,
l{i ~ f\sl)fT(Jl-~uTf.iOT22 (')lS, Aat fti~n
3(j24 R'e26 0'3'25 II 1)13 ~\]Z4 JRl~26 ul aarll)1t afti"~11)ft2s uo I
imbuedzs •
~ l.J! ;:J(')Tfu))fT 3a28 ThenZl alone could I realiseZ7 my Lord ~8Z1 ~ ul H~ ~TU<! ,!~'Hl ~ ~R Cia
~ til W3'27 II~II when the Lord made me realise Him. Ha UTR· ))fQ3~ er~~ I
Rfa'~TZ7 ~ ~R~

~ lUfe Ulfc 29 >i3fa 30 Heu , the Lord, is contained 31 inJO ~uu - Rlfal)ft f~C?i2' ~~a30 afHhfT
- , Rl)fTHl t
crf~~r31 R~32 II

all heartsZ9 • ~~T]I ~ I ~

. fa!! fa'Q a1#33 oTJ1 Without Him, there is not another <:t11 ~ aia ~a cj~l ~l]] ~ ul nul' I
~fE II second]].
~a34 fa-aq35 ~36 He has effaced]6 my a.ntagonism J4 , ~11 ~
- Hal
~BH01]4 m 3S ~37 ~
331 ~aHTJ8 II uf9 tiio J9 oppositionU , dread 37 and doubt J' and R~uJl He sj36 un))l3 ~3'_f~ ~tH40

»iT3H40 oft3 -q"cJ).rr41 II the very soul 4o of virtue 3', the Lord, ,!~THl8 HaT lJOH 35'41 ersr ~ I
=311 has done me the greatest good4'.
OJ •.,. ...... ....,.
.............................." .
~2 ~OT43 3 0l~44 He has pulled me ashore44 out of the ~ ~ }i~ lIOH42 lSOSS sfuot43 frio ~
HTOTT \I very42 strong currentso . forOl'6 44 3 W fear 0 I
;:ro~5 ;:roH qr cCT"6 I was separated4' from the Lord since }i" l.{i o~· ))f&at tfc')}-(i4S w f~F;s))fT
~t47 II .. many births4s. He has now united47
me with Himself.
~f~~ Rt I @if ~ u~
fH~7 0
- .
H* ))fTUe! O'S fHW

iPl 48 3y49
Rt=I1j50 OT>i Instead of worship48, penance49
and ~TI8, 3U~ ~ ~-fCJ))f'tl'3'" ~ at

RHtfB».{TSJ II self-mortificationsO, contemplateSI I 3, H'" ))f~ tft ~ O'H ~ fRHo~S' ut I

my Lord's Name.
~~ QT~fas'Z oBf"a53 And my Lords2 has redeemeds4 me ~ Ha ~~"TH152 ~ H~ ))f~l fi.ruo5J O'H

fm:JTf~S4 IIBII with His graceS!. fn?Tftf»fT54 ~ I

HOTHsS Rl::{S6 crlsl)fT(!57 Blissss , peaces, and salvations7 abide J:!8155 , ))fTtJTH S6 ~ IiCl3157 ~S8 ~S, 3
58f3t:N:ff59 II iKJ60 at theSB places" where'~ the Lord62 ~R~ <:In, fi1'Q6° l!))fT}{l'2-~or'J ~ cfi~'
R~Wl aJur~2 M aster' ~;63 slaves" dwell. erf(j~ uo I

J~g64 Bl{Ro "9~ The Lord 64 Master'S is pleased lJI'" yjrna65 Ha 3 I!J:f ~ fur))fT 0 ~~
a1~5 II tioH tiOH66 with me and my disharmony" with O'H Her ~qt
T ;:roui" w ~-~ ~
ci fH~7 f~3'B68 IILlII Him of the many births" has ended". faJ))fl'7 ~ I

Burnt offerings", gratuitous feasts70,

73 II ~fc74 penance<r2 with body reversed7l ,
u?o", t[oTcral
3ufR))fr72, ~laO'73 ~ ~3i'7"
JRT ~70,
til 1TcD{
- .

3Ta~75" fu~76 worship"! and taking" bath" at ~Tni75 ~ Him7' ClCJ%", ft:cr JfCJ3'O sa
oraltiT 77 ~a()78
II millions"4 of pilgrim piaces7S equal ~, ~ ~ ti~s" lier71 fucr~1 ~
cnffi79 foHl::{80 fa~81 not the: enshrining82 , even for a fc~8.2 ~ salller otiJ.. lfti~ I
oTij82 II momenttlO , of the Lord's lotus"
feet7B in the mind BI .
iJ83a1fa~84 til885 Rf"9
OfT'Oti86 wij87 IIEII
MeditatingBS on the MasterB4 of the
Universe: B3 , all the aft'aits B6 are
))flffijB3 ;? Hrgor84 ~
RT~ tiH B6 aTR »iT
;:rti!17 UO I
qCJ085 tI))fTCJT,

resolved B7 •
€h1 '3 @oBT88 tt"9 The highest88 of the high is the
Wo89 II .. Lord's station".


R~ft:r92 fUI).f Q
T 93 II
God's slaves'o fix" their attention93
on the Lord92 •
~TfUUJ:~ ~
~;J;?'I un
0115'0 »iTl.Iit fuCJ31'J
~'2 orB'

'e'TR 94
~TRo ott I long for'S the dust" of the slave'4 H· ~ ciifSl)fi ;? a1fS))fi'4 t!'l q:3's Q
ats~95 ofa 96
- .. II of the L,ord's slaves. ~t!'Tt6 <:Ii I

-----------------_. -_._---.-

RCnf7 qgr98
l{l3H99 Brimful lOO with all'7 powers" is my wal1){j97 F.fCl3ll){i91
. ~ ualuao 'OO ~ HQT .
saufa 11911 Beloved" Lord. fUlliTifT". ~ l.!0Cf I
).fT32 fu3T3 ufa The Loved Lord", my Mother2 and Hal Hi2 lli'3 ~3. f'ulliIQT ~ Rt!' Ha ~5
t[t3li4 ~5 II FatherJ, is ever nears me. ~~I
WE6 R'if07 mJ~ o my Friend' and Intimate7, Thon ~ Ha moo' lli3 wa 7 ! cffi?j i! ul HOT
30' II alone art my mainstayl. l)fTROll ~ I

~9 crrfblO
l)fy~12 B'Fr13 II
~ His slaves1', the Lord takes'o by the
hand9 and makes them His own12.
lliTUe! CJi~13 1; uQ.9 WS'
lli"l2 f5t:J12 ~ ~ H·t!' ~ I
w".- Rlli'Hl

ttfu14 ~15 7i'OCl' Nanak lives 1s by meditating'" on his 7)T1)Of ~1l)fi" ~ ~17. lli'lJi 12lli'H1 t!'
1~3TR17 1It:1I:311~ Lord, the Treasure l7 of virtues". fm.roo Clan I" ~lli1ifT tl~·~TI5 ~ I

fe9rR \{9T3l Bibhas Parbhati fiWR l{9'3l
eW<18 9OT319 ~ The hymns ll of Sire20 Saint 19 Kabir mrn ll HUlQTtl2• R3 19 asla til
;:ft20 oft
ct ~ RScna
- Ufltft!
.... II There is but One God. By the True ~fuO!i ~5 fuq ~ I J:N ~ ~ ~fU))fT
Guru's grace is He obtained. ~lli''QT, ~ l,JIfelli'r ;:tit!' ~ I
HCJO ;:ft~ cit RCi'21 My fear21 of birth and death has now HaT in-Ie lli3 HCIO t!' ~21 ~ )for fclp,rT22
O'Rl22 II l)fTU023 ended 22 , as the Lord 2s has ~, f~~ JilliTHV 5
~ Ha C5~ lliTlR123
afcn24 RtJ'tl25 manifested ' His2' love 2" for me.
2 l{l324 1.laoJC aa ftr31 2
' ~ I
UCJdl'Rl28 11911
trdTC127 iif328 f}-ffc»fT29 The Divine Light28 has daw.ned27 ~qal Ci.a28 tLO!TJJ mfup,p27 ~ lli3 HOT
»f~30 II CJTH and my darknesslO is dispeJJed 29 • $TIO ti,a ii f'arlliT29 ~ I ~ ~T mHao

CJ3Q31 U'fu~ QCJ3 Meditating32 on Him, I have obtained a00 32 ~lliTCJT. Wl.@ 3 oT)./ ~ tf~ua31 ~
a1waT32 11911 CRJT~ II the jewel31 of the Lord's Name. tfaTl/3 aa fslli T~ I ofuaT~ I
i«J33 »f3t:!34 ~35 Where" there is bliss3'" pain3S ft:re33 J:!F.f1'4 ~, ~a· tfuJ35 ~a~36 -e:f iJT~l37

tfa36 ufMT37 ii- tlees 37 away" there from. ~l

HQ 38 ~39 f8~o The jewel39 of my SOUP8 is absorbed" 2 Hal lli'3W38 ;:!T ~ua39 ~ ;fua 41 ~

3~41 7:2~2 II~II in the love40 of tbe Quintessence'" of fl/l)fT o 40 ~~;:!a 1510 ii faJl){y42 ~ I
everything. the Lord.
~43 fOl€ ~l)il44 1J45 Whatever43 occurs...., that"s is in Thy ft:l<J:f T~"3 <1~4 ~, ~5 ~hit o;:rr46»{t!O
3aT g~4611 wiJJ4' , 0 Lord. .
!lo ~
<.I, <J If! .

;l47 fu"~48
- .
S§'49 R SO
ffiJft:J51 RHT<!,S2 11:311
- Who-so-ever"7 understands49
thiswise48• heso merges 52 in the Lordsi .
ii ck1 47 3l fuR
~lliT)./ls, >it!O 810 ii
~j41 m-rs~T49~;
~52 ~ I
4l;a~q am'9 faBfacr53 Says Kabir, my sinsSl have been ~ uo, Hi lfT1J5l fi.R ~54 un
· OI~ l::fl~TS4 II )f(I)55 obliterateds" and my soul55 has Hal ft:f~S5 ffiJl3 56 tft ftit!-ilT(')S7,
~fe»{T 56;:rcnt:l~o57 mergec:lS8 in God, the Life57 of the ~~ l)f"t!a m ii are1 51 ~ I
~58 IIBllctll worlds,.
lJ~'3l11 Parbhati. t{9'3l1
)-/fi5~59 ~~ Hmf3 60
If Gocll5' abides" only in the mosque'll, ;1cla ~S9 ci~ ~ ))jt!a u1 afti'~1 ~,
· SFJ~l ~ »{~~62 then to whom'" else does the ~ wal u w ~l cit~l'4 HSCl11){3 ~ ?
l:f5lf3 forg 64
ao T II rest'2 of the countryU belong?
fj'-e H0f3 OTH According to Hindus, the Lord's f<:j~l){t ~ ~Rl'ij', \{i t!T ()T).( ~5 lJott!a
foiTRl6ts ~67 Hf~68 Name abides" in the idol'5, but, I ~t!t66 ~, ua H~ ~C5t'7 f~ u1 RWu" nu't
~9 '05oT70 IIctll see'o 110t truth" in 68 both". f't!Rt!T70 I

»{'8'~ oTH71 ;:ft~~72 0 my Lord7• God, I live72 by Thy cJ Ha ~'fua.r~ J!))fT).(l71 ! H· 3a ()T}{7J 'tl~
3-a ~1'3 II Name". u1~72ut I
:3 afo f~0THf374 0 my Master7s , show Thou mercy'" ii )f'"i HT5cr I t H'a
~ f~'" era I
~75 II ct Ilo(JT~11 unto me. Pause. ofua T( } I
'e'l:Io76 ~R77 ~ol81 The God of Hindus81 dwells'· in the fti'~ ~ is" t!T fn~71 Hlis" ~ Ji8Cf77
crT arw78 ufsfH79 southern" land77 and the God of f~ ~))f3 JiRSHW ~ crs l2 t!T ~y80
»{g~82 l:f~THT80 II Musliims12 has His seatl0 in the west". HDla'S7' f~ I

f-ei5 83 Hf~g4 'ijfu'85 Search85 thou in" thy mindll , yea, ~ ~ H?i" ~4!JT5 eralS, ut, ~ ))fl\li

fB'~ f-efg ~~ ~~186 search thou in the heart of thy mind, H?i ~ ftm f~ ifT~ era, f~ ~ ~ ret!
o~o87 licrTWS8 II~II for this alone" is the only abode87 u1 3a ~TfuaIi tft ~ lJof3 fCCl'ey88 ~ I
and !~eat88 of thy God.
~~o fQI»iT~ CfCJf~90 The Brahmans yearly perform90 ~'<]}fG \it! ~ HUl~ t!1 J!tft 3 ~ t!l ua
tJ(i~lRr91 atill H~92 twentyfour91 fastings, on the eleventh recr f~Tt!Ell9 ~ RTH ~~ \l~l" ~a3
· ol-fttT'OT II da)" of the light and dark halves of at:rn90 uo l)f3 crr,;ft aHiI'n ~ HUffi92 ffi

the lunar month and the Qazis fast a~ al:f~ un I
in tbl~ month'2 of Ramzan.
The Muslims put aside'S eleven'] liflHW'O till'ij'i'3 HUlf(9)fi94 ~ recrgij's al:f
farwoo 9 ' HTi!"4 \l'fl"S
~ 0Tif ~~ HTf\J 96 months'" and deem the treasure'7 to fe"-€ un 1){3 ~~ rear I){"ea" u1 ~97 t?
· fotJ'T oT97 II~II be in" one alone. fJ:fl)fl~ ora~ <:In I

q(JT98 ~itH99 H1=lQI00 Wha.t" avails the Hindus to have . .

fti't!l){f i; ;:rem o~ ~lR99
- ~tl' reaoT(')IOO
al»{T for»{T HRlf32 batblOO at Jagan Nath in Orissa" oran t!T al 98 ~'9 ~ l)f3 !ifi5W'OT ~ Hflf~2
f~3 oi"@:.t II and how the Muslims gain by f~ I){T~ fl1fl 3 ~,~ t!T or1 ~T9 ?
bowing" their heads 3 in mosque 2 '1
.•f~i5 With deception' inS the heart, what'

f(i)~1t'l7 <H;:rrij f~))fT9 avails it to sayl prayers7 and gol) to

illl10 ~12 ~.:.J3 II Mecca l2• a pilgrimage lO ?
S14 ~o315 HCJt!T16 So manyl4 womenIS and men". Thou ~nll)ft'4 fuR~all)fi's ~ l)f~",
3" CJ~I"
... e R9 oll18
. hast created l7, 0 Lord. All these arc un, d t!t ! ~ ~ 3cJr ul Rill" un I
~TCJ II Thine manifestations".
~ UCJrcJT 19
O'H Kabir is the child" of the Lord iil8lCJ Jil)fTJ4t ~ftrcq20 ~ fit" ~ ~
- = RfCfl)fT aal)ft ~ • ~
~20 ~ R9 <Ho God20 and deems al1 the Gurus and ltI'Ui fn;:r21 ;)
lito ~21 IIlfll prophets u his own21 . iIfu i ~~ ~ I

iiU3 <iSla ROU Says Kabir, hear yeo 0 menu and cnita ;:fll)f'~ un, ~ JI.~~, iJ HCJ~12
0022 oo~2i ~24 womenu • seek24 ye the sanctU&r}25 of ~ (lJ)f3D I ~ fuel Ji'tlTHl tit UO'U2S .
~ cit RCf(')T25 II the One Lord. B€i2" I
~~26 (')T)j in«l27 0 28 mortaJs29 , utter27 ye only26 the dZ' ~l if~€i29 ! ~r ~26 !p)f1H1;) nTH
~29 3S
...... ~l 3O Lord's Name. thenJO alone shall ye ~ ul ~'CJO ~Z7, ~ 3iJO ul ~~

f~31 3ao 11ell:<11

y32 be ferried acrossn • for sure". ~nn31 lJTCJ ~~n iliaP I
Parbhati. 1{S'3l1
~~33 ~ C'iCfJ5 Firstly» GodM createdM light- and ufUBtJJ ~M ~ ~JS CJ~J6 ))13 fa
~36 ~"i:ra~37 ~1l)f\JTCJ Bcr31)7 ~l)f1CJTJI RTij3t ~140

~38 R!'39 ~B;O II

then. by. His Omnipotenc:cJ7 , made
all" the mortals40• ~I - I
~cr 00 346 R9
From'" the One light has welled Up"2 f~ asnl 3.... ul RHU ~I ~ t
- the entire universe4'. Then wh04) is cirel)frt2 ~ I 3t fcru3y4J- ~ ~ 3 fau3' l
9g« & H~45 II ct II
good44 and who is bad4s ? ~SO? l
5aty47 9of~8 0 o men47, my brethrcnSO, stray'" ye d Hi ~50 5ci..7 ! ~RT ~fUH" ~ m
not in doubt41 • ~0'~91
9ffiJ ST~50 II
= -
l:fTfBCj51 ~52 l::fffii CreationSJ is in the CreatorSI and the ~,52 dilC:\)ld sl tit:cJ ~ ~ crnnU'eJ Crtfc'5T

Hf\J53 l::f~ tITer Creator is inSJ Creation. He is fully l)f"t:cJS3 I ~ R'ful)fiss ~S6 ~ ua~
fillingS" allss placess,. Pause.
~54 HeSS
... ~56 II
ClCJ taU' ~S .. I of,JCJ'~ I

wil57 ~0(58 ~59 ClayS7 is but the same5l, but the fHelS7 i~ fuqSI ul 0 t{~ usnura'2 ~ fuR

gtf360 mo R m61 T Fashioner62 has

variouss, ways'o.
fuhioned" it in ~ ~fal)fj5' 3Clfcrl)ff'O O'H ~I ~ I
R1t'l6ijTij62 II
OT ~ tiB63 HTcl c} There is no fault'J with the vessel'" fH'el;) SCJ30'''~' crel ClJFIU our, 0' ul Ii-
9t~4 ()T ~ iitr of clay. nor is there any fault with ci~ ClllCJ ~ 1.Y~s ~ I

~grcj65 11:<11 the potter's.


R~ Hf~66 R"ijy67 E& He", the One True Lord",

is ~8 »I~3T R~T J=Mtt67
wf'al)fT ~ »i~ ~
R~168 f3R 69 aT oft>}{T70 a midst64; all and it is in His" will 70 "f3 R'OT ~i: ~" t!'T HO;;IT70 ))ftlRTO ~T ~t!'T
R~ Cl~ ~C!111 that everything is done. ~I

~~71 U5T~72 1173 Whosoever realises72 the Lord's will7 l , i'i ckT 9T ~ t!'T atJT71 ~ ~9~ aat!' 172 ~;
~ ;:rTc5 ~BT74 he7J alollle knows the One Lord and &'ilB ~73
- ~T W:l -
Rl)fT}ft. * T "f3
if'~' ~
0Kr1>i{7S RC!176
\1=311 he alone is said7s to be His slave74•
76 &~B ~~76 ~l ~R t!'T aI8,74I)fTfl:JI){ 7S Wt!'T ~I

>}{B~77 >}{Bl378 () The Lord77 is invisible78 and can be tN" »If~F.Ic78 ~ ~ ~fl:f»l,79 1i'tit 'if'
trit Wl:[>}{T79 (fifCJ seen79 not. The Guru has blessed80 Ra"t!'T I q(a~~ ;:rT ~ ~ ~ ~ O'H ~'fHO'
dJ~ BloT80 moT II me with sweet molasses of His Name. 01;1 uot!''O 0113'80 ~ I

Clf~ ~o Heft Rorr81 Says KII.bir, my doubt" has been -aa1o ;:rT »ITl:J~ ~('), HO' R~~81 ~ ~ forllofT'J
OTR1 82 ROS83 foatlQ84 dispeIIed 82 and I now see82 the ~ "f3 ~ H' Uf~30 l{is" ~ ~a Wl3
mor 8S
11811:311 Immaculate Lord84 every where". ~l:Jt!182 ~t I
l{9T31II Parbhati. l!9T3TI
eB Cl3S86 OliJ~87 SayS7 not88 that the Vedas and ~t!'t "f3 HRBW(')T UR3Clt8 6
= a'31»fis9 *
)-f388 ~89 '5or tt () Muslim books" are false". False is _
- v _

»ITlf87 I Gt=l' ~ ~ i'i ~ R~T f~90 *
f~rtrTa90 II = he, who reftects90 not on them. (')<J'f I

tt~97 R9 Hf~91 Ei! When97 thou sayest93 , that one ;:rt!f7 :3= »ITl:ft!T'3~' , fq R'fa»fi~" f~
~ l:ft:!rfu92 ~93 ~ God 92 abides in" all, then why killest cr~u ~t!'T ~', 3i'H ~ ~" ~ faft 9S
. - -
96 U
~94 fCl~9S liOor1 thou a ben ? WOt!'I ~' ? It
)..fTCJ'" II ~ 11
}JW 0l~~97* fo>}{T~98 o Mullah, Say97. thou, if this is the 51:l'8T ! ~ t!'R97. fq crT fl:.J ~T ~T"
~~19911 God's" justice98 ? ~9I~1

3-aHo OfT 90}J 100 0 Thy mind's doubt lOO is dispeIled 2 not 3-a ~ t!'T RB<J 1OO ~a (,)~T' ;It!'T 2 I o~ I
;:rrit2 1I~lJo~~1I Pause.
trOI'fCJ3 ttl~4 ))iTfo>;{T5 Thou sc:izest 3 and bringestS a living ~ ~'Q''cfl'' ~ ua;J &3 fu»fl~'t!'TS ~'»I3

.# fSOTR1 Hrc1 7 8 being" and killest7 its bod y 6. Thou 6

ft'R ~ Rella = f;:t~ 0f0t!'17 ~' I :3s &~8
. ~ faFffHfB oil))iT \I hast merely ki lIed9 the cl ay8 and not fHe1 8 i:; <JT HTfaI){T' ~ I)fT3HT i:; (')~T' I
• '=
the soul.
ttf3 10 RdU 12 >}{~313 Its imperishable 13 soul lO is attached'" fC!R t!'T »If~TF.l113 »{l3WI 0 ~aR W l2 (')lB"

graft 14 of"Q 15 ~l'C216 to anoth'er bodyl2. Say'S then, what l7 ~ ;:rTt!'T'" ~ I f60, trR ! ~ ferR I7 ~ r;:t~~
. fClI)JT12 orll'liT II ~ II hast tholl slaughtered l6 ? cr13 TI6 ~ ?
.: fOll')iT18 ~;:r 19 lfT0l20 And, What ll is the use of the »13 ~~ »Ilt.t<! ~~~, l10t 3 B.~19 ~ Uf~30
orl)){T lj~2t iif~22 purification20 of thine hands, crao 20 »13 f~aT21 iie 22 t!'T crl" ~rfut!'t
fCl>}fT HR1f323 fRCJ24
feet and mouth 19 and the ~ "f3 crT ~ »IT\J;§ Rm
z" ~ l-IRft:l't!'23 f~
washing2:z of thy face 21 and
...........+.+++ + + ~ .
Wf~T25 II what use thy head's2" prostration22 in fn~1~2S W ?
the mosque2 J ?
;:r~ f-eH Hf~ cru~76 What 77 avails thee to say prayer and "~ 3~ fe"3 »i.~ 1.l8l3'176 ~ of 3~ oH'tJ
f(')~T;:r ([ti~ fCf»iT77 to go to the pilgrimage" of Mecca7', \J;fn l)('3 H~79 ~l w~rcJT7' CfaO ;::JTG ~ •
~;:r78 orT~79 ;:r~ II when there is malice'6 in thy mind ? aft77 8l9' ~ ? •
3" (,)TtfTOlSO wor 8t oul Thou art Impurelo and understan- ~ ~30IO~' 1)f'3 I)fTtJi uf~30I'
Y.i ~
JRfS))fr82 8R83 w dest'2 not the pure LordI'. His'J ~t!l'2 nuT r t}RIJ
_ -e 9 0 i5
...... . ~• ~OcJl

; Hol::{88 '0 ;:rTfol){T II mystery" thou knowest not. ~I

orf~ erala fgRf3 3 85 Says Kabir, thou halt missed" Q1ila ill »i1l:i-e un. ~ 1!00I85 3' 1:(~ faTl)j1"
~OTT86 ~;:ror87 fR~ paradise'S and thy soul is reconciled" ~. 1)f3 aaT fa3 ncrcr l7 015 oW farl)fT'l ~ I

.H?i HTfm r88 11811811 with beU'7.

u9'31 Parbhati. l{~ll
RfUl){T90 301 o

B:(')89 God", tbe PrimalM and all- \l ~fua.Ii91 ! ~lM l)('3 Jmr-f~TtIiit)5
~9t ~~092 pervading'S Master'J. thou art the H1l5Cl U
I ~ tfTO<! ~ l:fTG9Z 0' r ~ Hal
l){ouf393 l){rfe94 mine of light92• Hear" Thou. my
ROJi1:r ~UTR'(')190 R..~ crcJ89 ,

m-rrit95 II present adoration'o.

fRtf6 RHrfo97 >i~98 The adepts". in their trance" have ~ 1!cmt" ~ ))pUGl 3'3t'7 li~ '3a
(')~l UTfu>,fT B"fOl 99 found not Thy limil". They continue m" t!1 \f3T nul' '81R 1
I ~u aaluoTU 'oo

oil RO~l) 00 11911 to cling" to Thy asylum'oo. 7)15iIH" 'Cfd--e un I ~

• 8~2 l){To3t3 ~ YOl:l4 o brother7• worshiping6 the True \l ~7 I ml arai ~l y;:p crcJ06 ~ l.lW3as !
foa;:ro5 Rf3QIo
2 Guru one is blessed with the present ~~1~-~3 ~1~f"8 w-el2~ I t


Hftfl')iT 14 W'El

it;;;8 ~~H' f(')dTH 10


adoration3 of the Immaculate! Lord".
StandingS at His door. Brahma
reads l2 the Vedas 1o • but. he can see l "
not the Unseeable l3 Lord. Pause.
~~ lF1 '3 l:r.!t8 ~, ~ ~ilO ~ ~~12
~. tL~ ~u 1)f~IJ
I!l)flH1 ~ ~l:il" oul' l
"ffiJT~ II
~15 3~21 O"'l:! With the oil 21 of truthfulness's and R~~IS -e aaro 21
~ 11l)jT){l ~ 0T).f m
oft))fT16 S'3117 tft~18 the wick'7 of the Lord's Name. I 17
i3t 0 5 H' )){TUGl Qiful)ji l' ~
1 aao CfaOlO •
,. ~~19 ~20 II have made'll the lampll to illumine 20 Bel 5'U II Q(!Tful)f116 ~ I :
- m y body". i
Il=:~~:~. ~n :::;:::::::=..~.-::.::: :~~
~f322wfu23 24;::rcrrelR25
;:raTTrel){T26 a~27
the Light 22 of the Lord 25
of tbe World24• I have tit 26 the lamp.

RW0 2" ~ 1!1)f1}ft2S ~ \{oPR 22 ~ H5 &,
~ aRn cn3''':'\ I &~5 R~
H' ~
'!S W<!<'Nro 2'

li~29 RSB'30 l)f(5T~B'31 The celestial strain31 of the five 29 \.lMi 29 RaJ13Cl Rr,;Jt30
~r Qc!ol Cl10303 1 Ha
ST;:132 RaT 33 RTfcfal musicllLI instruments30 resounds 32 >i~ aJ.;:rer 32 ~ lli3 H· uHa r <:11 RRTa-e
lITol 3-4 II within me and 1 abide ever with33 the 33
IilliTHT oTH ~~T <:IT I

Lord of the world 34 •

O7alo B'TR 35
301 o FOJrmless 38 and Detached39 Lord, ~ R~lf-afu338 lli3 fooBlf 39 JIlli TH1 I 3aT
»fT03136 Cl1o=tJ7 Thy slave 35 Kabir, performs37 such a m8T3S Cls1a 3a1 lijd ~<:I1 ~ll1aoT36 Clat!T37
fmJof T0 38 foosTol39 II worship3' of Thine. ~I
t@T3T STa40 '908 41 Parbhati The hymns" o of \l.~31 F.rS't!"s H<JTar,::r42 R~ I
(5THt1~ ;:r1 42 arl Sire..9 Saint'" Nam Dev (liTH ~ til
· ct B' - lIFJTf~
Rf3alo ... II There is but One God. By the True ~TfuOla
- a ~?8 ft!Cl ~ I R"'~ OIa
_ T t!1 ~fulliT
Guru's grace, is He obtained. ~lliT<)T. ~ lfTful)iT i=!lt!T ~ I
HO 071 fsocrT43 l-fQ44 The stateH of the mind...., the mind Ho t!1 lli~R~3 i; •
HoT HOlliT....
<:11 iJTet!T ~
~l ;:rr8 ~45 ~SB46 alone knows and 45 narrate..8 it I S
lli3" I~t ft!R i; >iea81lliT ;:PeouTa"6 l-I,ra" 7
= c

);fTaT 07~1~48 II
47 before'47 the inner-knowc:r"'. ~aoe Cl'dt!T..8 u T I

· >i3o':lTHI49 oTli50 1 utter SI the Name of God so , the If' ft:?~T t!lllil i=!r c:ouTa-4' ~TfuO!(j,SO -e oTH
~ 0~iit51 H ~52 ~R53 Searcher of Hearts"9, then, whys3 ~T ~BTao
- .-
Cl'dt!TSI <:IT 3 1 Hi) f~R ~i5. f~~·S3
Btitni II ct II should 1 be afraid s2 of anyone?
54 ~S2ClaoT BTu1t!lS4 ~ ?
, ~ql);fH5s My mind is pierced through eS by the HoT fuat!T IJlli TH1 56 I-ITHClS7 7) lliT~ l{H oT8
, aJRTE1 love of Lord e6 MasterS7 • fi fulli TSS ~ I
, - 57 II tt
HoT 1I'9 My Lord is containeds8 in alls9 the
...- 60of~58 H·~T HT8~59 RT(11)fi l:fT~i60 l)j'~ aH fa'<J158
· Roa 59
oTE1 11911 placesl'o, Pause. ~ I ofuaT~ I

~o~ " The mind61 is the shop62, the mind

: }fT361 ~~2 H0 81 uT uVc162~. HO u1 ooraO lli3 Ho ~1
lfT?:63 }fT~ the township63 and mind the grocer 64. t1RTCl1'" I
· lfTRTo1 II
lfT<5 STR6S ?)T()T66 The mind abides's in various" Ho >r{?)~T66 ~1 R(j,lfT 67 lli"-ea ~t!T6S lli3
~~67 '9oH~68 ~ forms'7 and wanders'8 through the i=!0I3" lliBa 9C~t!T68 ~ I
: RFTroJ69 II ~ II world 99 ,
When this mind is imbued 71 with the ;:re OIa l t!1 sre170 0'8 ft!<:! H~l){r -aFarlliT71
· ala ~ Rsf-e 70 ~~
:HQ oT3T71 ~fm:J'T72 Guru's word 70, duality72 is easily73 t=(Tt!T~;
~?t!T74 ~ I
~ t!~39,~72 1I~073 <:11 (liTR a1
• RW;:r73 RHT~174 II effacedl74 •

R~ ~orli75 ~CVi ~ All are subject to the Lord's Rra IIlli'H1 -e ~aH'07S -e 3 T a ~o lli3

~~-_. --_. __ ._-.


~U76 foa9~77 command7S and He, of Himself7', (l(J »ITl.I76 '11 ~T(') ii'al Cilat!" ~ I f~a
m-r~78 ~aV9 11:311 issues commands. The Fearless Ii»lTHl77 Wfal)ii ~ f~ii ij(JT78 fu~o
Lord" regards79 all alike7S• f~~79 ~ I

;'l80 ;:roB I ;:rrf(')82 The80 manS I who realise~82 and f;:r<J3'so f~oRro'l flac liCgB4 ~ l)fcl~
9tJf~3 ljal8li 84 contemplates83 the Sublime Person", qaer82 '3 fRl-ra~S3 ~., ~CJH
Farl)flO" ora
31' tI1 85 »ffuor~86 brimful with gnosis86 is his 85 speechs7 • lJall£ao ~ ~R8S -e1 a5-~'~187 I
or>-r Y cr~ 88;:raT Says Nam Dev, within my mind9o , I O"H ~~ ill ~-e (Jo, li" l)i'~ H('i90 l){~
;:ft~89 tfTful).{y93 have attained93 the invisible91 and traJ388 ~1 ft:f~_1=lroB9, »I~.ac91 1'1I3 »I~392

f~JaB90 l')fHl::f91 wondrous92 Lord, the Life" of the RT~l' ~ lJ' f5»1,93 ~ I

f~ril92 /181\ 911 worldss•

The Lord was in the beginning"', l!~ ~~,.., qOJi's
~ lHasB', (Ji ~ ~ l)iTag-
commencement" of ages9S , yea, the ~ (Jl ~ »13 R'fal)ii ~97 ~ ~l €,}R98~, ~
'1aP'fe 11cjj97 1101 commencement of ages and all the
3 y crr!93 >i~99 '0 ages97 through; His98 limit" is ~S, trTfel)ilIOO o'1r ii' R~ !
ttrFol).{Y100 II known 1oo not.

RCre2 foa3fa 3 aT)f4 The Lord4 is containedS amongst3 Iil)iTH14 wfal)iT2 l){BQ3 f~»IT\JCil cj fa<Jls ~ fuR
of~Y df~5~RT6 alP, this-wise6 is His form 7
3ijj6 ~8 cia' -.
ttT~ ~ @R ~ ROlJ7 I

efl.S ~r('))fy8 II ct II
7 described·.
~fat110 ~12 Rat1 13 When His Name l3 is repeated l4, the t«:! (lR ~ o'H 13 ~ ;:(TlJ Cill3l 14 ~ 3i RATa9
a'~14 II Master lo of the World9 becomes ~ ~OlIO t.lOlc12 cj ~, ~ I
manifest l2 .
My Omnipresent Lord 17 is the li';p Ra~-f~»IT\JCil 1il)iT}-/1'7,
~(')eI5 atit 16 Ha
arHill).{y17 ~ 9I1d~t(t1l Embodiment l6 of bliss ls • Pause. ~lJl6 ~ I of'1iJ1(l1

a'~(')18 'Shj19 ar&20 It is flom n the sandal ls tree", that ~eo18 ~ fttiil'1 3'23 ~20 ~ <JaoT faffiiil'
aN21 3
~22 23 J:!Cf24 pleasant 24 perfume 22 attaches2s to the ~ l)i~~24 HEl JIa'ialll cf3T ttTt:!P ~ I

wfal'w25 II other forest 20 trees 21 •

RdS26 »fT[t!27 God, the source27 of a1l 26 , is like the wfal)ill' ~, RHT27 ~Tf<:1a.r~ ;Joe ~ f~ii2S

sandal tree 28, through whom base t:!l H~~~, f1=lR ~ a'<:11' R'tlTao 5Cl;3lJ9
tfOHwfB28 crTffc29
\\-ood2' becomes 31 sanda13o. ~ ~loeJD <i ~~131 ~ I
~BQ30 if~C5T31 11:<11
3H~32 tfTdR 33 ~:n·{B34 Thou u , 0 Lord, art the philoso- ~32 <J RlEr! aR Tfee 3S ~' ~ li'34 55
~~ Ra1 3S- ~B636 pher's stone33 and 134 am like iron. ~ (Ji I 301 R0I3 3s l){~d Ii' Ro,36 til

~fuw /I - In Thine association 35 I have beccme fcn))j, (Jl I

gold 36 •

3 'e~TB37
81~38 ?iw
Thou :art Merciful 37, Thou art jewel . fHClOaT
:3 3 37 ~~, . ;RuaT
:3 ~ ;:r~uo ~31 I
of the jewels"; Nam Dev has (,i'H~~ 'E~ f~ slo40 5 farI;JT~, ~ R~
FJ)-fTfuc5r4° 11:311 ~ II merged40 in Thee. 0 True Lord3'. 1!l)f'Hl 39
t{9T3111 Parbhati. lf9'311
~B41 ~a~2 reC:! The Unlineal God42 has created""
41 Ci5-ot'u34I ~lfuCJR42 ~ fuCl ii~3 o~1 ~ I
"fB~43 (JlfTf~~4 II a playl3.
Ulfz usfZ45 »f'3fa46 The Transcendent Lord 47 is hid-II in46 trn'H ~47 uCl f~~5 ))j~6 ~ful;JT cifel)fT4I
~47 gortre~8 II'll! every heart 45 . ~I
til ;49 ~l ;:rf350 '0 No one knows the glory of the ~e1 tR: T ~1 »f13H1 4' ~ 1{ClTf.150 t:!1 ~fiJ~
w~ ~~lll soul's4" Light50 . ~ 0<:J1' i/~~T I
:3 H0l1»fT )151
fuft II 'lll a~~ II
Whatever do I, that5' is known52 to
Thee, () Lord. Pause.
fi1<JS T qfJ
- ~T 11' Cl~T u t , (?R
U3T!2 ~, <J J!I)fTH1 ! ofuCll~ I
- t:!T '3?> -
f;:r@53 lfOJTfFJ»fT54
HT~155 ~~~56 II >}lTlf57
AS53 a, pitcher56 is produced54 from .
fi/R' 30153 ur;p56 Mel55 '3" lit:!T ;j~TS4 ~ ~ - ,
clayss, so is everything produced ~t uo a ~B57 fl!l)f'tJ59»fa l{ClT~lo'0
~1 Ola3T58 alQ'C2 59 from the Loved 59 and Luminous60 fRa~uTCl58 3' lit:!T ctt:!l ~ I
e~60 II~" Creator58 Himself57 .
tft))i61 orr SlJ~2 The mortal's very deeds63 become64 l{'<!1 ~ 1ilH563 <:I1 ~ til ~I ~ ;!rnt5'2
oral:!63 fatlPu 64 II ii entanglement62 for his soul; whatever's ~ i/t~ u0'4 • fi/u;p ,!i:'5 ~ qat!'" 3,
f~5 orlt)ir6 6 H67 he does", for that97 he himself68 is ~R67 5e1 ~u ii~ »fTU" u1 fuH~'o ft I
»fTil »fTU68 1/:311 responsible.
tR;~f369 oTH~~ Prays'" Nam Dev, whatsoever this 3TH B?;:it ~31 Cl'O~69 u1':, f;:m rOlR ~
B~73 II »fHq74
f'l3~71 souJ7o (;raves for7l , that'2 it attains73 •
Whosoever, ever 75 abides 77 in the
- feu ))jT3HT70 R~B171 ft ,-~F172?> fuu
UT B:~173 ~ I ~ uHar75 ;:rT3-cfu376 R'~~
. ~fE Ht!"75 ~B76 casteless" Lord, he becomes ~~ ~RBT77 ft, ~u »ffaoTF.l174 ci ;:riB" ft I
a~77 11811:311 immortaP4.
1.@T31 Parbhati. \{9T31

9013 78
il~l t=l1'9 orl Hymns of Venerable" saint78 Beni mit:! l.£ii{;J79 f=l378 aeT ill

n ~tfuard ~~ fuCl ~ I R-e arat ~T ~fel;JT

'l ~ Rf3OTo
- lfFJTft!" II.. There is but One God,
Guru's grace, is He obtained.
By the True -&

~ !)ira' ~ UTfu»fT ;:rTt:!T ~ I


3f080 Bt!""Q81 HFJ3for 82 Thou Irubbest mndal81 on thy bod y 8o ~ I;JTl/GT ~u80 a ;Joe" HB"~T ft~ »{3
and placest basil leaves13 on thy »fTui H'-ij82 ~ ~R1 ~ U""383 t:1ClBT ~~ I
lfT3183 II
forehea,d 82.

f0'e 84 >i3fa85 But, thou holdest a knife 88 in85 the Uo i »fTl..I~ fuF.j84 ~ <:l'Ei 86 :e1 35117 f~
croS6 3B87 OlT31 88 II hand86 ·palm87 of thy heart 84 . E!.o1 88 6;31 <:JeT ~ I
• • • • • •f t ~ ~.

00J'9 f~Rfc90 l3QlT91 Thou 100kest90 like a cheat" and ~ U~l:fT;f' ft'fR l90 ~ )){3 ~ sar591 cl
f~92 'HT(JTT93 II fixeth 9J thy attention92 like a crane". wtt' ))Iluil fao31'2 ~9J ~' I
~fl:f ~~94
lil:f'6 WaT T97 II C\ II"
UTo95 Seeing a vegetarian'" like thee, one's 3'a ~m GH 6~
- ))I'1T(J1'4 ci'i ~ cj, 'itl~ el
life'4 escapes" through one's mouth". ftie-tro'S ~R ~ ~"<:J96 ~l foor~ ;:tit'l'7 ~I
Clfg 98 9OT~99 a~ 100 Thou makest obeisance 1oo for a long ~ f~~" ~ 13t'"691 ~f3 lj<re S'3T fe0 2
f~i)..f2 II time 2' before the beauteous" idol of St'ot lOO orot'l :\' I

-1fCJ3 However, thou art imbueds with evil3 t[~ t Hell foorr4 (')'8 -aful»iT \lre»i TS ~ I
fcffR 6 glance4 • Vain7 are thine nights6 and ~7 '1(') 301»iT of3i6 1)13 fee]. , o~ I
CJ~~ II days. Pause, :
f03tlfu8 fuJ:roro 9 Thou daily8 washeth' thy bodylO, 3; '10 ai.t8 ))ITt.'<!l ~'1IO ci'• i U't'l'~, -aa aB :it'
ROlijio II ~f~12 ii3ti3 hast two l2 10in-cloths lJ, performest -e 12 -as ell)ji tJ~IJ <10, 'i QTClHor RRorTCJ I4 ~
Ol'CJH14 lifl:f15 l::fla 16 II religious rites l4 and puttest milk" orot'l ~' »i3 ))I'll<! J-fuIS f~ ~~ t'Vq 16 '11 l
= - ~
alone in thy mouth IS. ~~'I ~
But, in thy heart 17 thou hast drawn" t[~ ))fT1.l<! feB f~ \loot ~ HTCJ~ Btl ~
I7 J
a scalpeJl8 to stab others. 0l0e'8 f't:r"l119 \l~l ~ I . f
It is thy habitU to snatch 22 others'20 301 niTt:!3 23 \loot20 ~T Q('i21 ~<!-ft:i~22 el t
wealth 21 . ~I ~
Thou adorest 2S the stone-image24 and, 3 \lao tIl HCl3V 4 ci'i l.J'itt'T2S 3' »i-a ))fIU<!l :
on thy body, makest marks 26 of the
elephant-headed27 god.
~ 3 '11'Efl~ ~ f~ ~B27 ~~3 ~ f"l'~
Bl~'e126 ~ I

Thou remainest awake 2' at night 28 to f~ f~Cf1~r oro(') ~ fa ~ 1ft el tiH1·re'P° i

show that thou hast entered 3' the ~\JTR(')T30 ))I"eo t'lJ:IB \l fuT»iT3I~, ~ 0'3 28 ~.
Lord's loving-adoration 30• ~ ;:Irare T afu"eT2'.~ I ~
Thou danceth U with thine foot 32 , but. ~ niTU~ lia t32 oTB (')~~eT33~' t[~, 3aT H(')34 ~
l1OT32 oTBfR33 f~~34
l){QCJH35 II thy mind M is engrossed in evil ~oroHt]S ))I"eo ~tJ3 <lf~T ~ I i
-e36 B-UC37 OT~38
deeds JS .
0 36 libertine 37 , thy dancing 31 iii (jl6 a-eOlTo37 ! O'UTor3' ~ 3al f<'ia3orTCJT38 I i
II S II wicked 3'.
0 l){T~1 ~BR142 Thou sittest41 on the deer-skin40 and .
3 fHClOl-~~O §§ 41
- mu"t'T ~. »i3 f(')I){Ti.tll4

)-fTgt43 II tellest the rosaryo of sweet basil42 • el ~14] ~aeT ~. I

Thou puttest 44 a bright4S sacred ~ ))ITtr<! H-Q47 3 "ll-fcillBT4s fiop46 C?T€t~
orc;44 ~~C545 f38"0l46
~711 - mark''' on thy brow47 . ~. I

f~48 0l~49 af0 50 While within thy mind48 is falsehood 4', 3a H('i48 ))I"t'CJ 3i ~04' ~ tf~ ))IT1..l<!l O1Cle(')so .


- ..
a~511' on thy neckso, thou wearest tbe
rosary of eleocaTpus SI .
'ij52 -gUC53 f~ffi254 0 52 sinnl~rSJ, thou utterestS' not55 the ijS2 l.JTtftSl ! ~ AlfuaS4 B oT}f BT ~oS'
55»ffl'Ttf56 '18" Lord'ss4 Name. 0;]1"55 oraBT I

ft=Jfo57 »{T31-f58 3~59 Whosoevers 7 realises'o not the rea)S~ ~ ci~157 »{RB159 W3}f,58 ~ »{q:~O otit'
o Blfq»fT60 " R~61 soul&8; vain'2 and blind'4 are all'l his CilotfT, f~»{aw' »{3 »j'~64;]0
~ B
~orc62 lJo~3 religious deeds 6]. QTOlfOl IlROl"ou I
»f~f('»){T64 'I
~65 ~il aJOI-ffl::f66 Says6S B.eni, meditate 67 thou on thy ~l iiT »{Tl:fB65 ;]0, Olaf trT t!'f~»{y66 ~l){TOT
f~~67 II - f~ (268 Lord, by the Guru's grace". t »{~ RTf;]s trT fi::rHoo'7 oro I R~ OloT
~. m3aJo
- arc69 0 Withoutli8 the True Ouru, thou shalt B a:ara68 a~ oR3"'9 0<J1· 89<!T70 I
~70 11411911 find 70 not the Wl\Y".

n There is but One God, True is His ~lfU01~ &~5 f~~, RtJT ~ ~ t!'T O'H;
9 (1 m3ol'Ji Cl03T
\jCJ1;! foo~€I foCJ~ Name, creative His personality and OBO;]lCl ~R t!'T f~»{er3T l){3 »{Ho ~ t!"

»faTC5 HoB »f"trol immortal His form. He is without ~1I I ~ ~-ofu3, ~F.rH~T-ofu3 »ffiOHT
~ 0]0 t{RTf-e" /I = fear. saILS enmity, beyond birth-and »{3 !R-l.:l.Ol"E~To ~ I ~af ttl t!'~ ~l){'O'
self-illumined. By the Guru's grace, ~ lflf~T weT ~ I
is He obtained.
OTqJ ~;:r~31I-fm;T I' t
Raj Jaijawanti 9th Guru 0'01 ~w~31 ~~T·;:rT
72 71
OTH 71 fRI-f0 72 oTI-f Contemplate thou thy Lord , yea, t l){Tui RTfua" t!'T fRHoo 72 oro
;:rf 3'=
fR~o re~73 ~ contemplate thou thy Lord. This wui RTfus t!'T fi::rHoo oro I &~ re;:r73;]1
alone73 4
shall be of avaW unto thee. 3ij ~H74 »{~arr I
Olrf;:r74 ~ II
HTf~»fT75 ~ R0176 Abandon 77 thou the association 76 of ~ RRTOTlIe Tat:i75 trT ROT3" ~ &:~77 B l){3
f3»fTaJ77 l.ffl' ;:r78 eft worldly valuables 7s and repair80 to l!iitif ~78 t!'T lIOT;]79 '580 I

RCJf379 C5rqj80 II the Reverend Lord's78 refuge 79.

tRIT3'81 J1l::f82 1-fTQ83 Be sure8:. that the pleasures 82 of the ~ iiro <383 fer RRra 81 BTl){t aor-05Tl){t1Z

fHf~I)fT84 ~c585 R9'86 world 81 :lre false 84 and the entire" ep1l)ofj84 ;]0 »{3 mtiJ86 ~ao87 fooT t!OT
felll){(i Ul:f1 8S ;]T ~ I ofUol~ I
RTt!87 ~ "91Io~1I paraphernalia87 is but an illusion.
J1lfC588 ft:rtl89 qq90 CODsider!lI thy wealth90 as" just a l){T1..RT ~B390 ~ &~B Ir6~" t!'1 ~t89

lfSI'Q91 /I dream". wo 91
On93 what92 ~ Oll;]~92 ~39] 5or109S oroBr 94 ~. I
qr~92 trfo93 010394 doest thou take"
).flO95 II pride9s •


wa96 a1 ID397 ~R98 The empire'"

aB'qr99 cj aT~100 ~ 1I<:t1l the wall" of sand9ll • HT~B98 ~ I
oroor t:l(i2 oru~3 Slave2 Nanak utters 3 the true thing4; aiB, 2 OToOl' Rel or~ »fll::lt!13 ~ I 301 ~
W34 faofR 5 -R~ ~ thy bod y6, 0 man, must perish aways l){3 ~ »f~g OTR ii iJl€taJls, cJ a~ !
en~6 II ultimately.
f5Q7 f~ erfa8 Moment7 by8 moment, did pass away' li<E7 liu3 C108 c} 0ICi '0 ala faJ»fT' ~ I ~Jl12

cnf~g9 0fTB10 3R 12 yesterday 10. SOl2 shall pass away'3 30v t ul ala ~0l113

~iJ14 911
~13 »iT~14 ~ 11:<11 today'4 as well.
;l;:r~31 )'{~C5T t ~iJT~31 ~~1~ urf3arull

CJTH '9t:l 15 CJT).f 16 '9H
· t:l'O)j17 fRCJT~18 ~ II -
Jaijawanti 9th Guru.
Meditate'S thou on the Lord, yea,
meditate thou on the Pervading
~ »fT\Ji tn ~
N'3'O.5 010, u t ~
f~»fTlJCi ~1f<ral~" ~ fe3'O C10
I 301 I
GOd I6 . Thy Iife l7 is flying awaylS. f;fearT 17 ~V8 ;:rt aul ~ I It
H' 3~ If; If3 c}21 fCi~~20
ermt 19
• ~ra23 II
~20 Wa21
au fer@
Why20 should I warn l' thee over and
over again21 • Why
thou not, 0 fool 23
understandest22 ~ fCi~ RH5t!122 our, iJ ~23 ?
O1aT ? It

faOR3 24
au 'ffiij The body28 is like27 the haiJ26. It 3al ~u28 aci 26 ~l ~28 ~ I ~5lJ

ara 25 W 26 R).{27 shall vanish away24 in no time2s• ~Jt!»ft24 fuR ~ t!aVs our BRl I o~ I
i en~28 ~ II <:t II ~ II Pause.
t Rene?) '9oH21 ~a30 Shed30 thou all thy doubts29 and ~ »fl\Ji wa R~29 oRcJ3 JO 010 ~ ~"3
~ a1fSt!31 ~ 'OT).{ utter32 thy Lord's Name. »fT\Ji ~31 ~ OTH ~ ~32 Ol'a I
~fu3211 -
11ff333 W0 34 Rfur35 At the last 33 moment 34, this alone 36 »flfla33 ~ ~534 c}~ fuy36 u13ij OTBJS
3a f~ ~~36 ;:fT~37 shall go37 with 3S thee. ;:I'~Cl1TJ7 I

~ II <:til
tml:P1fT38 fa~39 f;:t@40 (Shed) or (forget41 ) thou sinH like 40 ~ lJllJ37 ~ ;;lfua 38 tft ~ (~) ;:rt
faS:Pfa 41 ui ~ t:lR,n poison 39 and enshrine44 thy Lord's (~w4I) ~, 3 wfua tft ~ m51Uft12

tite43 1:r(044 II - praise12 in thy mind13 • ~ »fl\Ji H~2 >-lBa fGC11 5 44 I

or'Oer ;:m45 orfu Servant4S Nanak proclaims46 , thy ~C1CJ (')100145 llQ1TCJt!l4i ~, 3G1 HOl'147 il13~

· lf~f046 l)i~Ra opportunity47 is passing awa y 48. ;:rt fau T18 ~ I

fuoT~48 ~ 11:<11:<11- -
~;:r~ lRJ'W II t Jaijawanti 9th Guru. ;tp~1 ~~r urf3F.Pul I
a ).{'O49 a~'050 enf351 0 49
man , what SO shall be thy \l ij~4' ! 3al 01150 tF.lTS , ii~arl ?
ijfu ~ 30111 conditions I ?

rev HOf' Wv

i=;;·;~::··;;;··:::::;:V::b::·::that" thou" »{~ ~ 3 ~R54 ~ a<56 )){Tuf~l)ft ~t57

Bfc5€?55 orrf057 II hast he:il.rd 55 not with thine ears57 • O'a' ntir ~I)fT55 I
· faftPlio 58 fR'~59 Thou a.rt immensely60 attached" toS9 t l.fO OTRCT uT\Jf51 OT5 59 ~f'3Iti'3'° tit
~60 C2~'f061 Hf361 * the mortal sins 58 and hast diverted" fm-rful)fT'\ iifel)fT ~< 3 a< )){T~ H('i6l* ~
(')'Tfu(i62 ~ol63 II ctll not 62 thy mind"· from them. Pause. ~tr ~g' odt'2 Hfu)){'l'J I of~ I

)-£ToR' ~ tr6l;i64 B1Q65 Thou bast obtained65 human life", ~2 HCfl:ll-;:ft~o''' lJOTU'3 iife»{t6S ~ lU ~ I

fR'HOQ66 ou f(i~7 but, ha!,t not contemplated" thy Lord, fear 1f<T3'7 90 Blft sl»{T\Ji t.I.t ~
crlQ II even for a moment67 • )){'1'Cl'TlJ('i" O<J~ aT3r I
~8 ~9 ml:S7 For thc~ sake of sexual pleasure", CTTH ~ J!~9 ~lliT'30, ~ »103'1 @ »{tft('i70

t=lQ70 trOT~,!,1 troT thou hSLst become subservient70 to a ii far)){T ~. )){3 3~ ua~71 S31 a are1 72 ~ I

· So1'2 II ct II woman',8 and thine feet71 are fettered72 •

ornor ;:ro77 orfu Proclaims7] slave77 Nanak, that the mw77 O'OCT ~T73 fer~, ;:res71 ~

1:!,orfo73 8t.r3 74 f;:J~75 vast expanse76 of the world78 is like7s fl:l 8TCp76 J!~i)7" el ~e7S ~ I
;:JOT78 trR'rq76 II a dream7".
• fR'H03 78
ou fcr~80 Why m'editatest79 thou not on God, ~ ~CT'Q" @ 'ia1'\ ~~ 'eT fer~ strc')71

>:forfo81 l-fTfu»il82 ;:Jl the Elllemy8\ of eg080, to whom 0<Jl' crae', H<:Iol12 fim el m8lU ~ I
oft -eo1 II~I\EI\
83 mammCln82 is but a slave83 ?
~~31 HU(?T t II Jaijawanti 9th Guru. ;1~1 fflU'f'3aTul I
aT3 84 ~~ al3 ;l~ 0 man, thy Hfe85 is passing away8'"
17 a 87 1i~ ! 30T ;:ft~('i85 f~al:l86 <:11 OlilOt!f'4
tIOl:!85 »iOfTB86 7 JIas yea, is passing away in vainl6 . fa<J'T ~,
'it' ~ fa8C!8 f~ I)fCJ'l:I 0li:RJ't!" t=lT
ClSLlS fo<:l' ~ I
forR' f-eQ88 13f089 ~ Hearing59 the Puranas nightll and -act'1)f3 fe~ l!aw ~ Sl.~9 qa, ~
day, thou understaLdest90 not, 0" Fl~T90 n<:W, 5" ~RHS a~'l !
l:!oTO RHS'390 ou
a 91 »i iP0 92 II ignorant man92•
0fTlS92 * 3~ UUfu€93 Death92 • has arrived93 , 0 whither'" H3 92 * »{l~ ~~1'3 ~, ~ 1i~ i!<! ~ <fR65 ~
»{lf5 or~r94 = ~~ shalt th,ou now flee away'5 ? Pause. fOl~'" ;:tt~'aJl95 ? of<:lo~ I
~ ~;:J95 ~ IlctllouT~1I
»fmlfq96 i{ l-fTfo€97 That" body'8 of thine, which thou ~<:I" Flala98 , filR ~ ~ Rel~l96 Rf~

: ~u98 R99 3~ 3~ deemest,'7 permanent", shall become HoeT97~' , fH'cl 'oo ii ;:tt(;)orT I .
; ~fu ~ lfu II -
100 dust 1oo•
fQl~ 0 ufo ~ or~ Why utterest 2 thou not the Lord·s ~ fa~< lll)fTHl ~ nTH ~T ~'iro('i2 0<Jl'
5fu Hol::f f~;:r
2 3 Name, 0 shameless· foo1 3 'l QO~T, a~ ~~3 ?
. a'"' J1C:H1 =
CJTH 3OTf35 Introduce7 thou thy Lord's devotional

----- -----------
)){Tfo7 S'T~ € 3 HO serviceS into thy mind' and abandon' fg))fT7 ))f3 ))fTlJ<! ~ Bl cJiJl3T' ~ f31){rar'
a WQ9 II thou thy mind's ego'. ~I
O'oCl ;::mIO fuul2 Says" servant 10 Nanak. thiswise l2 ~IO 0'OCl l){Tl:fBT 13 ~, fuR ~ilZ ~ fuR
~o13 traJI4 Hful5 abide" thou in IS this world l '" 0 11
RRTijl4 ~eals ~l fBo ClCl ClCJ 1~7l{1C!1 !
f~a't!16 a l7 II~IIBII monaL

C\ §' R~....
..... a6'P1"H ~ There is but One God. True is His ~'fmqi &~g fuq ~ I R'iP ~ ~R BT Ol~.
UOl:f f6ds@- fotRa Name. creative His personality and ~uTCJ €m Bl f~llfOl31 »{3 llfHa ~ BY ~

~0l;8 Hof3 >H;:Jol . Immortal His form. He is without J=liu I ~u ~-af~3, ~HHol-af~3, ))fHOH' i
~ aTa
- uATfu II .. fear. sans enmity. beyond birth-and
self-illumined. By the Guru's grace.
»{3 ~_\.{ClTJ:l~10 ~ I Ola i el Bf~))fT ~lli'CJT
~ l.fTre))f' ;:tt er ~ I
is He obtained.
Slok Sahaskirti R80l RURf~31
1st Guru ufuBl 1JTf3F.JT<Jl 3-
You read books. say vesper l • ~R't iil:it))ft ~,~~, ~Olrwll Bl lfO~OT :'"!
worshipZl stones20 ~ ufc:m lt Ola-q ~ ll~a20 u;:r~ZI ~ ))f3 ~
prayers. argue".
.. ~

and sit in traoce2J like a crane 2J •

QU til 3(Jt 3'3123 CPGT~ ~ I t
With your mouthH you utterJ' ~ ~UZ"· 0'S ~ ~ac arf\Jf~l)fT ~aiJlT ~
falsehood 2s like the excellent orna- ~3 ~ ~))f3 fio aat ~Bl17 arlf~ t
ments and recite Zt tho tripod 21 gaotri BT feo f~ fio ~TCJV' tJTQZ' ClC~ (j I f
three times Z• a day.
= i').

orf8 wCST 8BOf

Round your neck is the rosary, on q<JT~ araBo ~l){lH fRHOOl ~. 3UI~ H~~JO ~
fcsm 30 II ~fu ii31 your forehead 30 the sacred mark and 3 f38Cl~, quT~ fRaU ~3 ~Bl"" "B
~ Clt.R 31
11 on your head a towel and you have
two loin-cloths.
~UI~ liB ~ Q31lli' uo I

~ wofR ~~H32 If you know the natureJ] of the Lord J2 , ;:JClCJ ~ 1ft32 ~ BR~au ~ ~ B~·. 3' 3~ E
Clal-f 33 II R9 ~~34 then you will find that all these U3' fOl fro Rli\J foR-a JS ))f3
l?oliJIT I1Rwa"l
fORB 35 ora»36 II beliefs 35 and rites H are vain J4 • 34
f~l){a~ U0 I =
~ C'iTOOf foR~37 Says Nanak, in good faith", meditate J ' Ol~ O'OOl ~~;:it l){Tl:f~ uo i ~Ol-ol))f3lJ7 :
. fQ~38 /I f~o Rf3ara thou on the Lord. Without the oTB RI){THl ~ fRHao 11 ClCJ I R~ ara' ~ ~
~T~39 '0 u~ Ilqll - ~1~" -f~oR'O ~ aR3T1' our E9t?' I -

True Guru, man finds not the way. :
fO~6540 3R..41 Until the mortal knows the pervading tR 3~1· 1..1'<!1 f~I){'U0l44 ~lfu~ ~ our :
;:JOHR 42 t1~~3 a~H God, his 41 human birth4Z is ~T43, ~R11 e T )fOal tlOH12 foR6l?40 ~ I
(') fa~)44 II .. unporfitable •40

wora 45
RWOR 46 aTa
- ~
The world'" ocean4S • only a few cross4 • ttiJl3 1' m{~s~ Ola t el erelliy47 ~llilO'

"'''''...........~~...-.J''"'"~.........~RIlI~~~~. . . . . . . . . . .~PlJlI,..~~~••••••. . . . . .

lIO~47 3m ~8 II over by the Guru's grace47 • fuBB 'JT lfICl41 orCl-e <JO I
~ qTa<! RHa~49 ~ Potent4" to do all the deeds is the wa ciH ~ ~o -e ~, ~ Jj»{THT I 'C[:!T
OlQ oToOl al~JTfa50 II Lord. Nanak says this after deep R-eso-f~~ HeJrij. oroor fuu' ~ ~ ,
deliberation50 .
qra~51 Ola352 ~fR53 The creationS\ is in the powerS3 of the Cl~T51 ~<!<JTCls2
-e felff'3>l.tro f~-eS3~,
~ fmo 54 orB" 01:it55 CreatorS2 , whoS4 by His might is ;'i54 »{Ttl<!T aor3T ~»{roT, f~ ti
»{TRClIS5 -e
urfa "=<,, sustaining55 it. fouT ~ I
~OT56 Ra~57 f0Jl)iT058 The way57 of union 56 with the Lord is tI.~ -e fH8T1.JS6 BT WtliJIS7 ~~ClT-fiJI»{f358
mle- ~~59 Ra-e- 3 the way of Divine knowledge s8 . With BT ~ I ~l<JHef'O BT HTOiJI ~BS' -e ClT;:W ~ I

~uH<!U60 II the Brahmans 60 ·the way is through
the Vedass, •

..; l:f31
"'.... Rat1 Ra
ml~ Khatri's way is the way of bravery" ~ .
lGTI)fi BT OR3T RClH3Te1: 61 BT ClR3T ~ ~
Rt!62 ~ and of the Sudras62 , the way is the ~Bot62 BT ClR3T ~ ciaof tT or'a- f~To'3 I
. Uo~ f~(f'3 II service of othersn •
~ Roa 64 H~65 ~0r66 The duty6S of a1l64 is the duty67 of the RTfCl»{T64 BT :6ffi:I65 f~ RTf'Ja'6 -e fFlHOO
~ ~67 ;.1 &68 ;:ITof~9 One Lord's66 meditation, provided BT 6Oi:I'7~, ~oro ctel 61 ;:J<!T feR "§370 ~
~~~70 II one'S clues to known" this secret70• iJT<!'O" B1 Gifi:la ere I
~?)TOol 3 T&71 'eTR72 ~ Of him7• Nanak is a slave72• He oroor ~R7I BT 0iffi72 ~ I ~'J73 ljt tit
~ mft73 foa-;:Io74 ~~II~II Himsell[73 is the Immaculate Lord74 • 1.Jf~3a tg74 ~ I
: ~ol f¢! 75 3 Ha'a76 The One lord is the God of a117 6 feor tI.~7S RTfa»{j76 ~f3»{j77 BT e11:RCJ ~ I

-E ~~77 <'i ~~ ~T 3 78 gods77• He is the souP' of their ~ ~t -e -e~71 B1 ~'J7t ~ I

~ l)fT3HU79
II godliness78 .
~ >1iT3H"80 FIT -arf!-e~81
If any one82 knows 83 the mystery84 of ~ora ~12 ;:J<!T .
cJ<J 1O ~ RCIS-f~»{T1.Jor"

;.1 a~82 ;:IrofR83 the s,oul8o and the Omnipresent

~ ClT;:r84 'i; RHSByI! ~. oTOOl ~R BTIS ~

' -
Lord 81 ; of him8s , Nanak is the slave. ~ I ~IO »lT1.J <J1 1.J~-uf~3O'7 llj ~ I
; ~~84 II or?)or ~85
• ~ ~ R~86 fOCJ;:I?)
He86 Himself is the Immaculate
Lord87 .
-! ~~87 11811
RgO( RuRf~31 Slokas Sahaskirti m~or R'JRf~T
5th Guru. ~fi1~l· lfI~T
~ H~5' 4
~ /\
! ct € RS ?)Tlj oro3T
There is but One God. True is His
Name, creative His personality and
~f'J01q, ~~8 reor 3
a~O<JTa ~ ~R BT R»{0I'31 ~ »lHC!
I Jf~ ~
€tR BT
~R BT oTH,

· \1a~ f30~~ f30?2 Immortal His form. He is without

~1.J I ~<J ~-af<J3, orlo -af<J3, »{'tlQHT ~
~. >1iepg ljaf3 »i'!cT fear, sa,ns enmity, beyond birth and
iN-tI.orTf.l~o ~ I Olaf Bl Bfe»{T tI»fTCJT €t'J
· ~j <no t{R'ft!" II self-illumined. By the Guru's grace,
is He obtained. 1.JTfe»{T WBT ~ I

Ho/9 cEB90
~2 sfo3r93
Who" the mother", wh090 is
one's father" and son95 and what92
~ »iH31" :;-:"::-:l
Y3CJ,s))/3 011'2 ~ l;!F.ll ))/T1.R:l It
f~94~9511 is the
pleasure of dailying'4 with
1130'1" "'" ~,!o-H"'" ;it 1 f
or3B 9'3
. 97 98 ck" ~ fCilFi BT sOT'7, fH3CJ 98, ~sfe'3Cil" i
fUd99 ~2
Who" is one's brother'7, friend", well-
wisher" and reiationZ and of what ))/3 faF.l3B Ta2 ))/3 all ~ B"T9 teCJ cmlHS !
11~ Cil~35
- . II avail is the love4 of the family5 '1 Bt H}{3r4 e T ? l
cr3~ tJtn?' H~18 Whose' is wealth', the embodiment9 fOlR' Bt ~ ~'BB"317 tiT RiU' wh', ~ ~

otf' W-3 10 f3lWar ll of restlessness', which leaves" man, ~ ~A' Bl))/T ))/Vl:fiIO ~ Rl~i ~II ~1 ~ I

. ~f3 II before his very eyes lO.

053 12 Rar13 9~o14 The meditation'5 of the JIIustrious a~B" CillCJ31HT?i ~I~ el aeoft ls ul a~ ~

fFJHCR'15 (')TOor Lordi. alone remains 12 with ll man, af~ftl1'2 ~ ;'l fiil' ~R ~ ))/feoTR1 17
olB"ll i
H~16 »f~31' with which he is blessed 16 through ~lfu~ B l!3.,i18, R3 T, B CJTul t«JTtl3 16 ~el !
3ou18 II~II the saints, the sons" of the ~,<JQToiil'! l
Imperishable 17 God, 0 Nanak.
fttar319 Worthless" is the love 22 of the ~&19 ~ ftl))fTCJ22 ~V0"a arsB"21 tlT))/3 [
)-1'320 f1l3T21
FJ?)J22 fuar 23 FJ?)iJ24 mother20 and father 21 and worthlessu ~&2l ~ fl.J))/TCJ2~ ~T25 ))/3 RoaQl1)jT26 i
. 'StU~26 is the love 24 of the brothersZ5 and

9 T3 25 II BTl It-

kinsmen 26•
wortbless27 is a1S() the love 2' of making
- ~
3&27 fuRl .
30 T l.J30lZ' ~ U3a31
merrylO with one's wife29 and sons 31 • HtP HT<!0 30 Bl ~338 I

Curse32 is unt0 35 the household]] ftIiilTCJl2 ~ waOllJ 3 CiiTCJ f~ra34 ~lS I

affairs l4 •
True l4 is the love l ' of the saints'l' RBV9 ~ y}3 l ' l0Rf3RaT337 el, fuR ~ CJTul ~
congregation39 through which Nanak OT(')iiI' ))/raTH~o ))/eCJ ~T41 ~ I I;
abides 41 in peace 40 .

False42 is the bod y4l and perishable44 ¥1 42 ~ Ciltfc!I)ff43 ))/3 oTR~3"4 ~ fuR e T i
~5 i
is its power45. I
As th~ old age 47 increases'46, . with it ~ ft:r~. ~l.J147 ~l:JtFT ~er~ ~ fC!R ~ ~
immensel y 49 increases the love~' of oTB" oTB" tlo-t?B"3s0 t;!T Hu48 ))/f3iJi'3'"
riches so.
In the body homes" man is but a
guestS3 ,
h opes52.
but, he cherishes greatS I
~BT ~BT ~ I
~ ~ wa 54 »ieo
t£~ ~u a~l))/Tt' ~H~52 a~er ~ I .J
aBT ~5 feiil' lfi!<!yS3~,

!fI'lIII"'~IAPl~"'llRifl~"'~ ••" ••" ' . "•••" ••• i • • • • • • • •" " " " . " '• •" " . " " " ' ' '• •' ' '

U~~25 '81:1. 29 aims lacs 29 of weapans ll to kill 2S her.

»fij31 However, 0 Nanak, whomsoever ! t[~ il" (')T(')Of! ft:rRJ2 t!1 JI'li'H134 iil:f'lit
.. aH 35
the Lord'· saves ; even a hair" of
CilC~JJ 0; ~R~ feCi ~'S'S 51 f~"arrJ' ou1' \i
o it!3 Ilell 36 his is touched" not. R~I

~37 .. ;:ao38 ClO3T39 Many may mate" manyJ7 efforts. and St!T tUia 37 ~UO~31 crn
39, UoH1 ' SB~

~~O aral41 very4' powerful40 warriors'" may 'ioH11 tPo144 lJ1R1'4S ~ t!1 R~l oro~12
Rat43 ~044
serve· him on four'" sides.5• ~I

f~6 tPOC7 eR348 He may dwell'" in a difficult to

approach·' and lofty4' place47 and
- -. 'li"3 )i351))1'3 t?'-
Uilc?i »i~'" @~4' 'li~7 '3
~~9 O\J fm..ra350 ofu~ \i~ fJ:ll)f'S50 ~R ~
• may not ever52 think sO of deaths'.
~51 C{t!~52 II a-e 52
51 OT 'lil~'t!T ci~ f
~f353 )){TfdJ))fT54 But, when the orderS· of the ua ~' alo31~'055 tg56 t?1 ClCilH51 il'CJl \i
9~55 tjCRkJ56 lllustrious55 Lord" is issued", even 0, fear orl~l58
ijit!l S3 91 ~ ~ Rru51 ftfu'
OTOor cikl 57 RTR58 an ant57 draws out" his breathSl, 0 H't!l ~. il oTl'iQ !

»iorcJl:l359 II!)II
mffi'6O 0361
To be imbued" and attuned'2 with
the Name", ro be compassionateU to
OTH'0 n'5 -aar1iTc!" '3 fU'lilO ClOnt'2.;:jNi
'3 ofuH" iiOO' 'li'3 ~Tfuam t?l'lit fm:3t'4
CfBl65 oro~6 ~ II life and to sing God's praises"; these 0JTfu0 oroo~t; Ol5~ijJ65 'li"t!o feu ciH'6 u1
are the deeds" wroth doing'7 in the oroo liiaJ'7 un I
Thiswise his" inner-dweDing70 feJ:t 3~t ~R" ~ I)j't?o 'lire \i~70 R~<:I71 'li"3
doubts ' and attachments72 are Horoj.72 f)R tfTt!l'litd un I
sdl'i I(')73 oHi74 My fortunate Lord 7J is pervading74 Ho' 9'aTt ~N~T tN7J R'eJ1 75 trre1'7' of~ t
Rall3'75 tlrfii76 II 75
&11 places7'. fffiJ,74 0 I i
fume77 3~78 »i~UJ'9 See" thou71 the fuifiDing 74 visionlO ~71 ~ t?T 6Bt?lf~or7' t?lt? lo lo ~77, t'i ..
~aRi80 aR3S1 RTQ' of Him. who abides l ' on the tonguel2 ))jT~
R3T t?l'liT i11~r82 ~ ~181 ~ I t
82 of His saints. f
. oROT
ufo83 "ma 84 ufa85 0 N anak , utte..-·
-- thou t he N ameI I 0 f '<:I O'OCi .r ~• l)iTUC!, 'liCi15 4.CJCf'3, ~Tf<Ja.r~"', t
~6 ()ToOl' fts>,f87 thy Lordll God" Masterl5 , yea, the swrH1l5 <:IT fUl)lrij87 ~Tf<JOl~" ~ oTH'" ~
;:rtl.l88 t1U0l89 II 't ii Belovedl7 Godl '. ~o orol , I
UJi390 aU91 uR'3 Perishable'o is beauty", perishable 0~390 ~ f1~t!031", oTR~3 <:10 m:ihJ'l

j::.":.:"::.::::.::,::::,:..:'::..:.::~~:::: ,3::j

RRllli0 94 the sun'3, the moon"', the stars'5 and

ardlc5 II96 the sky'6.
wZ397 alJUT98 rarfo 99 Perishable97 is the earth'8, mountains", nTR~3'1 uo '0031'8, 1JUr;J", ~aJ:l3IOD ~
3'0 100 2fmf~3 II trees lOO and the three' worlds'. f3"<5 2
t%a 3
~ ggoT5 i1~ Perishable 4 are wife s, sons6, oTFI~34 uo ~~c15, ~6 ~T1 1lG rut' I

9 T3 7tit3 II 8
brothen1 and friends'.
~9 OlfoOl lO H1foOl12 Perishable' are the beauteous' 4 gold\O, oTFI~3' ~ ~~aI4 RciT'O, ~ual2 1lG '0(')-
WfuI){T13 l=JCJU 14 II jewels 12 and wealth\'. ~ffiJ13 I
@15 u.r~3 c}~H16 Imperisable 1s is only" the 0' (')TR ii~ ~8T15 ~, fR"in:'16 l){fciiS l8 lfi'1 I
aTlJTH17 })f~318 II Immovable 18 Lord l1•
))fRf~ 19 ()ToOl RTU Everstable l ' are the Lord's holy
;:1020 Iltll men20, () N anak.
?W f~ga21 uaH~22 Tarry2\ not in practising righteous- ~a122 0100 f~ reiS2 \ 0' 010 I ~ ~
f~B~ tfTtf23 II ness 22. Tarry thou only in committing ~23 OIHT~ fu'ij' m ClO I
sins 23 •
• f~2" oTH 3;:I325 Sheddillg25 thy avarice 26 • implant24 niTU<! wmJ26 ~ ~25~, ~ tN. ~ Ol').f ~
~2611 thou th,c Lord's Name within thee. ~ ))(~ t101T24 ClO I

· Rof~27 R328 Seeking the saints'28 protection21 the wq))iT28;:it lJO'u 21 lk ~niraT tr'u29 iia
forffiSl:f 29 ()TR30 sins2' are washed off30. il~30 un I
lJTlf33 1
UoH32 With whomsoever the Lord 36 is fifR fOIR 'OliS \ft.36 UOH18
\{~o tJ Wt!' TI5 ~i
if~~33 II ()ToOl f;:lu 34 mightily'4 pleased 35 , he is blessed 32
~ ~ HtluS ~ ~R:G3J UOTt.r3 ii ;:rt~] \
HTU~u36 with" the attributes 33 of religion 32, 0
- .
RlJA o 35
UO, iJ 0 1001 !
fH03 37 H~38 »fBlJ39 The man of paltry» intelligence40 is ~V' l){0I84o ~T fuol1'o ~Rral Hlf3T38
: ~q,40 cr€Jf3 41 af03T42 perishing31 in worldly 10ve38 and is ))(~ Ha fau T31 ~ l){a l){T121 u301 42 0'8""
· fSc5t!43 w5 44
II engrossed'" in pleasures4] withH his aar OBlnit43 lit!'a l:l~ iiful)jT iiful)jy4\ ~ I
wife 42.
~fU¢6 W oridliinesss4 has so much S3 c1ungSS ~ollliTt!'Ta154 ~R fi ~ols3 ftJl1031 55 ~ fer ~ •
~~~ 1\
. &fOa'42 to him, that he looks adomed S\ tiJ.~s l){~m!T46, R?l41 ~l)jt C'i31))iT45 l){3
4S 46 41 48
; mB3 H·f~a50 H~f351 with young age , gold earnings
~~4' Hfu8i54 '3 ljf.JTOl i52 oTg Siwrewo5 \
: ~R~;S2 f~353 and beauteous mansionSD and
ii foul ~ I
}.rf~))fT54 ~u355 II 52
dresses •
-e ..
:!f C\=3\.1\.1
:El iJ lliB356 ROR 57 R3 58 0 Eternal MasterS6 , 0 64
Auspicious s, iJ niHd' W801 S6 ! iJ Siml§s, Sil)jTH1 'lf3


oT0 07 59 653dT~T'()E61 Lord 60 and the protectionS7 of the RJg;l)fjS8 tit tIo TJS7
62 saintsS', Nanak pays homage 62 unto61 CiOBT ~ I
OHU " ct ct II
tJnH'63 3 64 HCJ~ If there is birthU , then64 there is RaeJ ti~Tf~6J ~ 3~4 ~3's 91 ~, ;:{aeJ
~66 3 RmiJ7 ~ijJ68 death6S also, if weal", then woe67 ~1" ~ on-il67 91 l)f3 iJGia aOl-CJHll)fi"
3 (jijJ69 " also and if indulgence68, then ~ s1Hral"91 I
ailment" as well.
(?iJ70 3 o'ffi71 o~ The lofty70 become low7' and the W70 nl~'" ~;::rte In n8 mca72 ~373
73RHiJ74 II tiny72 very7J great74 . ell ~-j74 I
ar;?{75 3 ).fTf)76 Power's breed s ego76 and pride" lJlf3Eru17S 3' \i~a76 O~ ~ iJTt?T ~ »f3
»{f3HTj)77 3 um78 II must have a fa1l 7l • iiOl3T77 ~ ~78 ))I~g ~ I

Uf?CJf379 HTCJm 80 Being engros5ed81

into the worldly7' RRray79 aRf3l)ft80 ))I"~ l:lt13 ~81 ~l)fIor
io3f~1 faO"Rii82 " waysBO one is ruined84 . ~~ 808'~ ~ ,p~T82 ~ I

83aff~B84 siJo85 FJTlf6 o Nanak, contempiating8S the iJ ()T(')Cl ! "RfaR0l387 ))1'%:0 fF{.921'J ~

l1'm~7 )).fRf~a88 oloer Wold 8J-Lord84 in the saints'. society" I!))ITHl ~ fi:n..lan qan'S ))13 ,!8l:Ii RTfJS"

~~9 90siJorRii91 and securing a seatll by the ~l ~~Oll'O ))I"~ f'earc!T9I t.rta ~ ~l)fI(lT
Auspicious" Lord's meditation'O, t.{IGl R'eT~1 Rfcra ~ ~88 ~ ,
everstable becomes the mortal.
Jalt3 ~l ~f~'2 ~I)f'or, ))IRm'S furl)fT3"
forau'3 92 uo1~9J Hf394 By God'su grace'2, real's
understanding" enters man's mind94• ~ B Ho94 f~ l)fl ;:rTtft ~ I
His intellect" blossoms'7 forth and ~ ~l ~98 f\a ~197 ~ 1lf3 ~ iciol
fuOTRlfrt7 ~T98 - :0

~RH99 ~TiilOO /I
he secures a seat lOO in celestial bliss". ~l" ~a f2CiteT tOO lftI3 aeJ ~ ~ I

afR32 fafl:Pi3 He controls 2 his sense organs J and his ~J ..

l)fll.lClllft furllfT()-ftf~I)fTJ ii ~R qa .
egoS in stilled4. g ·~2 ~ ))13 ~R ~ <JOl3TS ~o ~ ,p~14 ~ I
f3~4 J..fTC55 II
Confirmed8 in gnosis lO, through the
RBB36 fa~,&7 f-e-a
... -
8 Rlt!I)fT' ~ aTJl llJH ~rnra'O l)it!O UCiT ~8

~9 fuT~lO"
saints', his mind7 is cooled 6. ~ ~ Hn' c5~_(5Ta6 <i W~r ~ I i
a~3'12 ;:roA 13 ufo Absorbed 1s in the God's vision''', his ~'fJa.r~ B ~cn:rot4 )).(~ mrr iP~IS ~IlfT~JT, i
~oR14 ~15"
comings '3 and goings are ended l2. ~R ~ ))IT~~IJ ))13 ;:r'~ liar we l2 Jo I lao

~16 oroer m;R17 The flute 18 of the Name 17 , 0 Nanak, oTH" ~l SRtif 18, iJ oT()Q'! ~R B l)f"~
awlS 119:311
plays" within him. "itRl 16
~ I

qft319 ~Bl ~320 The Vedas narrate" and ponder 20 mn ~lllft ~0l1l;fT21 ~ ~ fSl)flo B" lJf3
qro1>,.fT21 ~322 over God's virtues 21 and good ~ltJ'oB20 un 1lf3 95
lSar ~qt ~ ))I~24

arw23 ~24 fafb· 25 people 2J hear 22 them by various 24 t:r3ni2S 3 3Cilfarl)jt oT5 ,!<!e 22 In I
26 means2S and ways26.
f-eit3'27 28Rfufe>,.fT29 To whom-so-ever the Lord God 30 is
... -

merciful!l; He implants27 His'8 ~ 3·, €hJ - tit fur1){T3" ~

- (m28 *.
knowledge2' in his mind. HO f~~ ti'cr1 era h T27 3 I
()T)-f ~32 ~333 Nanak begs for u the bounty32 of the '(")'TOcr wfuu ~ OTH t:!t wa 32 H·ar~33 ~ »Jf3
OTOOC BO~o34 <HCJ Lord's Name and the Guru-God!5 fl_l{HI:ra!5 ~R ~ feu lla tfT~34 un I
oTtfT ~35 II <:t 811 blesses 34him with it.
C'W f"63 T36 }1T337 Be not too much anxious!6 about thy ~ ~1 »[Hal37, UTlm31 »Jf3 ~a3' ~,
~3T fucra!6 era »Jf3 tmiJi'f' ~T ~ ~
~ ftl3 38 g'T3~39
. C'W mother 37 • father!8. and brother" and
3'1 ~e

f~ OI"~ 5er don't entertain any4D anxiety for thy f,:forfD OT era I

~41 II friends~l.

o~ f"63 T iif~2 Nor ne:ed you be over anxious for OT u1 3~ ~<Ic1'4J, \f~3
»Jf3 fH3#4 lrel
8343 }-i13~4 l{~45 thy wife:42• sons43 and friends 44 : being ))ffQcr f.6craI.i'~ ii~ ~W ~ I ~i 0'5
Hl~T46 RoaUo~7 II over occupied~s
with them amounts to ~ ful)f~ ~5, HuoT"6 (')TH fCfB3T

establishing relation47 with mammon46• ai~7~~~ I

~Tg48 ~ ~ar~c;49 The OllLe Fortunate4' Lord5D alone is ~~ fucr 5'aJi ~ ~5D u1 HTfe~~8

Yol::f~50 'OTOer RCJi:l 51 compassiodate48 • 0 Nanak. He alone ~, ~ (')TOc;r !~ ~ tit wfol)fiSI ;:ft~2
~ l.MR'_~SJ ~ I
~52 l{f3tlT5~53 II is the Cherishers3 of alls, the beingss2 •
l){fo3 54 f~35S l){f'03' Illusorys" are ss riches, illusory are the ))fORf'qaS4 3 tJ83S5, ))fOR~a 3 Htil)flS6 »Jf3
fB3 56 ~ »fTW5t mind'ss6 dreams and illusory are the l)foRftffi uo ~t!iSI uriful)fi58 staf5' »Jf3
iiy58 fufu59 orra60 II tr hopess7 of manyS8 sortsS' and kinds6D . fcrnHi'D ~ll)fi I

~ ~361 l)fcJ62 Illusory are the bonds" of worldly

self-conceit62 • doubt6'" .
l)fi'jRftffi uo,
R~64, ~
RRTa1 HH3"',
))f3 ~6
t,fTtft'7 ~
ai'J63 ~~4 HTfu))fT65
HBii66 fiiOCra 67 II
6s 67
worldiness and filthy" sins , with
which the mortal has bound himself.
auo ftm t (')TH
UIl::""~ I
ae ))flU<! ))flU *


f~ iifo 69 l){~70 The man of pollute74 understanding7S tm1374 R}W ~'fHT75 ~l ~ ~uali! ~
71;:rQorarfo72 ~ contemplates7J not his God and l)fTaTUO ~ ) era~T73 »Jf3 iii" tftl)fi

fRH<J3 73 74 Hm passes" through the fire 72 of many7D ~1l)fi7D ¥1l)fi" ~1 >icn72 ~a sccre'"
iiq75 II a birth6~' of the womb71 . f"GaB'1 ~ I
~ .. o1ftit!,6 01"0377 Says Nanak. when Thou. 0 Lord76 , Ol~ OT'Ocr ;:ft ~CfHT~~ un, tt~ ~ ~ J!I){THt76
HreniT78 'OT'Oer showest 77 mercy78, Thou savest8D fHUCf71 tJl~T77 ~~! 3' R8ROJ'I ~ CfTtif
. W33 79 ~tPCJ~ RT'Q even thl~ sinnen7', through the saints' UTuTl)fi79 ~ 91 UTa ~T cra ftfe't8D ~ I

~ RarH~81 II<:tEII society81.

If one drops down 82 from a moun- uful)fJ'S'S f~~
far€l3 82 farfo83 t1f3384 U\J';J13 3~ ~82 ~, ;lora a~

tlT3 1g 85 ~386 B tainU to fall 84 into the underworld 85 , ttl f~84, ;lcra ~<J ~7 <J~ !i'diII f~ R3
~ltl87 ~Rj30~88 II burns86 in the blazing 87 fire 88 ti'~86il13 ;lc«J ~ l)fEIlu tD t.(T(!1"titl)ft a-fJat'2
.. 'Ii

aiJf389 l){CJTT~90 3ti 91 or is swept off89 by the ors a~

_ u ~".t feou t RTfal)fi ~~ 'i~ ~n

~~~~~--_._ .. _._-_ ...-.-

~l:f393 'aI.(J94 unfathomable40 water" waves'2; of 3 uraCII1'4-f:GCi1C1'5 'e', ii
96 all these, the wrost pain93 is or the Han" er ~ ClTijn ~
ttoH3 I
household'4-care'5, which is the root

cause or birth" and death".
»ffo0l93 Wt:Jii 99 Notwithstanding resort to various" ~il:8 3ClTa" f~f3~Ta a.: n ~ a~~,
fm:r3 100 (')TOOl means", one can snap not its bonds 'oo , it ~ I~ fel)fj ;r~'OO {j n<I1 Clc Rorer,

says Nanak. (')lna orT ~al-fTe ~

l)iRil~2 niR-a-g l)iRil~ One's only support2, help, and the ~~ er foeti f'eO!' l)fJReJT 2• l){tlT(J l)f3 HtJ"t! It

mn:!3 RCU4 R;:ro(J II

main-stay is the instruction3 of the fH3.' R3i' ~ flu",' ,,1 "" I
Cl.911 friendly5 saints4•
tUa6 t!~7 ".,fo0l8 The dreadful' diseases7, the sins of fgl)fT n or7 'iji3Jl7, 1'll?)Clt8 Cl3st' ~ UTU, ~ful)fj ~
itoW IO -eT ~'"83TI2 l)f3 UClH I3 liRlaat '4 , ~
u39 'HOH 10 t!Tfcre 12 various 8 murders', the penuryl2 of

Hu"r13 fmi.Te14 "" many births 10 and immense l3 Rjoel ~ nTH -eTl)fTClTlJn oran l7 ~l)fTClT Rli<II' ~
flR315 ROTg 16 miseries l4 are all" destroyed 15, by ~~ nTR ;j W-eTl)ft I5 <In, (] nToor! f;:m !
contemplating 17 the Lord's Name, 3atl8 l",fCII T' l?~t20 ~ ~al ~ R)jojT<J21 ora I!'
fmrij3 17 ufo OTH
i orOOl ~R18 ~0l19
u • - "

says Nanak, just as l8 the fire 19

9RH 21 Olijf322 II

reduces 22 to ashes 2' the piles of wood20•

Remembering 24 the Lord, inner Rloel er M3n ClCIn trl)fT(JT24, l)f""t!OBT l)f cfcJT23

>io&T023 fAH03
tlOlTR25 OT~26 01.{'327 darkness23 is illumined 25 and -aan;j wer 25 ~ ))f3.
~ -eTW fR:G3 l26 =
~Ul28 l::f"i3~29 II uttering 27 His praises , the sins28
26 ~TCln
- Clan aT<JT<27 , UTU 28 oTR ;j W~2' <In I ~
are destroyed 2'.
fcft!30 m:=rf331 ~91332 Enshrining31 God in the mind 30 and ~1f<Iar~ ~ l)f3a-l)f~30fCCl'~31 l"rI3 UClH 36 (.
t!3u33 acJH34 010335 doing 35 supremely36 immaculate 37 Uf~3037 l"rIHB 34 orw~35 ~l)fTClT, i1T~ H3
• HOT36
= f()oH~37 II deeds 3", one is able to smite -q ~333 -q ftJl? ~ at!3 ~32 Q-e r ora ~
death's courier]] with great fear 32 . wer ~ I i
Hearing41 the God's Name, man is ~Tf<Iarq, -e nTH ~ l!c:n trl)fTClT41, {ftJT l)fT~:;a ~
1 'HoH38 Hoc:39 oir340
Blt2 Rlju43
t!OR'O'U45 II
rid of40 coming38 l1-nd going3', obtains
a1l43 comforts 42 and sees the Lord's
l)f3 wc:3' 3· J:I'BTRT UT W-e T40
l"rIT(JTH"2 <ITRl? ClCl B·er ~ )joj3 y.~
~, RTij43
-e R:G~4

: f1{l'){48
accredited 44 vision45 .
He4', the llIustrious Lord so , 0 Nanak
is worth y47 of giving protection46 , is
-el"t!Tij45 ~l::I i5·-eT ~ I
~<I4', orTa31HT050 y.~. UOT<J46 ~
l?Tfua'47 l"rI3 l"rITU~ Rlf!)jojl er l"rITF.rCl48 ~))f3\
-q i

9or~TQ50 'ijH51 the Lover 48 of His saints and blesses52 RTfol)fl ~ ~F./ls, S);fF./t!152 ~, il nToa !
-f 52 all with bliss51 .

~ i
.~~+~.~+++++++++.+ ••++••+.+••••

uJi53 ~f354 The Lord bringsS4 to the foress those t!i! ftg am ftpftSJ -a n Ss H »ft~S4 ~
l')faTit~uss foCJTRS6 that are left behindsl and fulfills sl the ~ a~fel)fiS6 m»fi ~ ~7 ~aPtrt qa
S7 UCJ'OO58 II hopes S7 of the hopeless s6 . ftfet S' ~ I
The po,or oneS', He makes60 rich" :ar~S9 *. trn- ))fHla'1 ~ ftf~ ~ ~ ~
and destroyes64 He the disease" of slH'i3"2 -el slHtCft'J ~ ck ftf-et'4 ~ I
aar5 3
~~o~ II the diseasedu one.
eT0J3'65 eTaTf366 ~7 His devotees6s , He blesses" with His ))fTl2 »f'iafaa1»ft'S ~ ~ »f~T »f~

orJ.f8 OTH ~ devotion" and they sing70 the Lord's" ~7 ~ 3 ~<I Ri~" -e-r nTH 3 tf'R"
crl03?iU 70 II Name ~LDd praise". aI'fuo cra@70 <In I
~H71 o Nanak, a few7s only, by Guru's 5 OtOCl I arat -el UltH74 '6'<J~ SC!'3 <Il
~~~73 service74 , find 76 the Beneficent" lia 7S
~n traH 71
lIa HtSCl" * U'aT\.1'3
u , ~.. •

"' Transcc:ndent Lord71 Master". ci~76 <In I
~ ~376 II~OIl
l')fticJ77 trtl78 ura~79 He gives" support" to the ~ f~fal)fi77 ~ ))f1J1cJT71 f';:f-et" ~ I
f(,)dQ6 80 tInS 1 OTH supportless77 • The name of the Hq,B 82
ac 8J
H~U J!l'iTH1-eT OTH arals'O -el
82(')tKJCJU83 II Man82-11ion83 incarnate Lord is the t1H'3'1 ~ I
wealthlll of the poor'O.
)o){~4 QT685 The World s6 -Sustainer87 is
the ;:rara86 *. e~ra87, fo~84 -e-r lfHH'5 ~
86ijjfSB087 affiJ~ Master: of the Masterless and the
84 »f3 Ji-ei3' cmt ~'8t90 JI»f'H1 fo'31Clfal)fi31
S539c}~O II Beauteously-haired87 Lord is the (fnasW) -el '31Cla (8'S) 89
~ I
power" of the powerless-.
RCJS91 eT392 ~93 The Imperishable94 Lord, with a »ftl2 tic98 ~ ~ am" ~ »ffsotBl...
~3'4 ~095 aiQ~96 string91' round His belly", is JI))fll-ll fI'I'6' I ;:ft~92 3 fH<Ji3'8'O" ))f3
97~9811 merciful" to a1l91 the beings!2 and is )fficnot9S -et fIOiJQ1" ~ I
the relation" of the meek 9S.
RCJSaT99 U00100 UCJl;f2 The Omniscient", Omnipresent lOO wa t ~ ;:PeO<JTC" mra-f~))fTUCl'oo 3
..... - and Omnipotent2 Auspicious Lord' Haa-BCla~2 JIB~t JIl){tH13 »fttJi Rat
~OuJ eTaIa
is the Lover of His saints4 and the -e-r ~ »fa afuHa -et H~U5 ~ I
. ~ OlQ:~H'(i{uS II
Embodiment of compassionS.

uITZ Uffc6 as-t37 The Luminous Lord8 , the Supreme t.LCltB~tn l.Jl8, H<J17) Ht8Cl'»f3 fW18
- IO
Master 9 and the Great God 10 abides7
in every heart6.
-. <Ia ftrn 6 >li-ea ~R-eT7 ~ I

12 l4 O'nCl fHiJCS17) I 3 Ht8Ol 16
tfT-M3 12 ()Toti ~lJT8'13 Nanak begs but this grace from UTA· ~ fuH
the Merciful 13 Master 16, that he may afUH3 14 -el 12
cra-e-r ~, fer ~ cr-etf'e'3
UJ=IrB'14 OU fSffiJa 15 tjJt'tJli t

- - - - - - - _ . -.._. __._-.-

?)u fa~f3
(')T(JTf~~uI6 II ~ <:t II
. ?)u RHoiJ 17 ou o my most 20 sublime 22 Lord 2', I <J H~ 1"f<Jlo2~ 'lRc:~ fIl)fTH:21 ! ~~ f~B ~1
R~&18 ou ulf319
... have no power l7, neither do I serve 18 H81)j TI7 ouT-, OT w 30T BOlT R~Tt:TOI' u t
t!CJH 21Ycil3H22 II
20 thee nor do I love 19 Thee 1)j3 OT ul ~' "33 301.1Q flJl)jTO Cilot:T19 (Jt I
adequately. ~ ~ . i
3~24 1{Wf-e24 fRHc3 25 By thy23 grace 24 , 0 my mercifu}26 30)23 t:f~!')fT14 ~I)jTOT. iJ Ha fHUoS17i" CIl~- t
?>rH ?)T?)q f~uTB26 Guru-God 27 , Nanak meditates 25 on l{HR0 27 ! (7)Cl fIl)jTHl BoTH t:T !')fTalUo ~
; ufo ufo OJ~F7 II~~II the Lord's Name. Cild't:T25 ~ I ~
:sl9~28 i1tf~29 07a3 The Lord feeds 28 and sustains 29 the l{~ ;ll~Tlo ~ f~'5I~'t:T28 ftf'5T~'tT!')f3 ~
j ;:J1»1 T30
~ gTt!?)32 ~~333
t!Tc5 34
beings lO and blesses33 them with the
l:-ounties 34 of rest ll and raiments l2 ,
lJT'5t:T-ltRt: T29 ~
SR30tll t:l1)jT t:st l4 Sl:fRt:Tll ~ I
~~r ~
!')fTaTH ll 1)j3 1
~ fR';l3 35 03?)36 ;:l?)}-f37 He has created lS the invaluable l6 , €rn ~ I)jH'5Cil l6 fRI)j,<:,~8 1)j3 ~H3l9 H<5~1 :
- I _ _ ~

JB~a38 B'3m:J39 II wise l8 and c1ever 39 human body37. Rala l7 of~l)fTl5 ~ I

i ~o3f'340 J!l::f41 >'>iri-e 42
~ URT-e043 Ii
fRHB''344 ()T?)q ufo
By God's grace 4l , the mortals abid.:: 40
in peace 41 and pleasure 42 .
Contemplating 44 the Lord God's45
~f<Ja,J~ t:l fH<Jo 4l Ht:CilT,
~142 )){t:o ~H-e40
<Jo I
RTcl'45 ual B oTH 46 t: T f~"30 Clao
l{'~l !')fToTH 41 3


I 0fa 45 u-a 46 II >'>if?)3 47

OBOT48 fo~n:ru49350'"11
-e'351 l.Joa~52
~B354 54Hu1u~55 II
Name 46 ,O Nanak, man's love 50 with
the perishable 47 world 48 is sundered 4'.

The kings 55 of the earth 54 eat 5] the

fruit of the charities 51 of the past
iJ oToCil! SB t:T 0IR~347 ~(')1»1T4B 0'5'
ft1l')fy050 ~c ;:rTt 149 ~ I

t.TcJ31 54 B 0';155 f1..l6E ;low 52

t:T6'5 ~iB5l uo I
e ljo-t:W 51

births 52•

faua13 56 ~ii57 Through evil 56 intellect 57 in this fCR 6 101 ~i'ill)jT58 ~[eo
~C>'~S7 B ltcl s6
gO/uSB mortal world 58 , they shall suffer" 60
OT<J1' ~ s<!'3 f~o ~~159 CilRc ~OI~ar61. ~

fBa q TB 59 agony60 for a long time 59 , 0 Nanak. oTOOl !

~ar361 1I~811
fa~p62 >'>ioar563 He, within 68 whose 65 mind" is the ft:r>:l65 B !')f"30"-I)j T3H 67 fIl)jTHl tl Stan"
a1fi-eu 64 -;:JA65 Lord's meditation", deems pain62 to ~. €tu lJl~62 ~ ~lf<Ja.!~64 t!l af<JH3'J aaa
. fRHo~6 67nH~30u68 II be God's64 grace 6l •
;l'~' ~ I
>'>i~aT69 Hu T70 c1aJ7s The apparently health y69 one is in B~~ R~ -aar-of<J3 69 f~C'iH'o ~R'5 f~~

7IfafFifl-f372 qO~;73
fact gravely70 diseased 75 , if he ~~170 -aar175~, ;1CilCJ ~<J of<JH'3 71 R~LI74

HlJ1u 74 II ~411 remembers 72 not71 God, the Embodi· ~Tf(JOI~ t: T 1)j'<PUo oul 71 ci'Cl't: T72 I
ment74 of merc y71.
ClR"76 ~g77 The SUbli~e" duty~ uf ."um;ng" ",,"1 "ata" f""f3'>1'3 a31i" '" Ii""
- ·~~ Ji'li.,-+oF~ 'f~ +•• +.++ ~ ....,'J'ti.;.'i"l'+ ...- ~

'I ~J81 UTCJ~082 II
- and singH the Lord's praise.
llf3 opfC!o qoo17 8 ~
- I
! l').f-f>-r383 3 TH oTaTfcr~84 Nectar-sweet83 is the Lord's84 Name, ~Tfa-f<:l1JfT3 ~oaTT fH'Q183 ~ R'li1H184 BT OTH
! OT'Oa- trl~~85 R3 '0 0 Nanak. The saints in-drink8s it ij oro~ ! RT'll
fC!R i5 tFo ~~8S <JO ~~
i f31..(,3 86 II~EIl
.. R~~87 Hlp'>88 H3
and long for more and more 86 .
Tolerant87 and sweet-tempered 88 are
<Jo a'<:I3 B1 3 TUl ~~ <:10 ,
~3 M-i; R3T ~T848 <:10 WQ I ij
... - - =
.ij RH 89 fH311 90 the saints. 0 Nanak, to them are reci ;:r<J" <:10 ~R390?p
oTOO1! §OT EC!l
J~o;:1oJ91 II ?);ior alike" the friends 90 or the evil- ~oT qO; ~~91 ~3 ~ ~1 il_»{?)c;rt93ftmHT94
i ~t1?)92 »ffoa 93 seekers" and even those who offer the BT l:lTC:,82 f~~ <:10 ilT ~<:I iI ~Ro ET~
0£1 troriJ~94 f(lf-ta 9S them viands92 of various91 kinds 94 or ~9S <JC!97, §oT?i HTOO Ecl <:IfEPWo"
~T?U96 iifE 97 becoming97 slanderers9s , draw 98 ,!~98 <:10 I - . ~
~trf3Rc398 11~.911 weapons" to kill them.
~~f3100 'OJ
The saints suffer lOo not disrespect",
Dor mel:t they with dishonour2.
R3 T t:'T foo'Bo 99 o<:ll ~BT100, OT <:11 ijoT
B1 a'li~12 <i~1 ~ I
- .
. }-flo ~OTo\12 II
. R~TJlo3 'OJ They bf:come not inglorious3, nor do ~<:I 'HilT-<:I~3 n<:lr <i~, OT <:11 t{fo~'~ls
'O;} 1J6f3 4 the worIdlyS pains6 touch 4 them. ~ct;3 6 §ot ?i ii1<J~4 <:10 I
- -". =
. "ttfoJ II
7-atf8'e 8 oTH ;:11..N39 They, who, meeting lO with the saints' il Rf3RaT3 12 olE ta
alo I fRl:rcl' ~

fHfg 10 HTU Ra1\1 12 societ y l2, utter9 the World 7-Lord's· f!~lH18 ~ oTH BT ~tJroo qo~9 <:10; ~<JlJ
: oT3or 8"13 tr~V4 HCl
. -
IS Name; thosel 3 mortals l4 abide" in 6 To1 ir~64 ~roTHIS l)i~o ~~16 <:10 I
~TH3~16 11~t:11 peace lS .
83T17 RTll Rlj~18 AU l8 th,e saints are an unconquerable 2o wa l8 R3 ~fa~TI9 B1 fC!q OT ftf31 ilTC:
8a »ff;:13 20 R~21 a rmy l7 of the heroes", who have ~E126 ~;:I17~, f;:lR ~ ~TtI<! fiIRH 22 ~3
~Tm:ll23 ;:r1 R~~21 1.Jlcl <J'e1 ~
3f0 fo)-f3T J 23 II doused their body22 with the coat of
arms ZI of humility2J.

»fr~UJ24 qJ~2S The recitation 27 of the Lord's26 R~TH1 ~1~t26 fR63 T2S BT §Bl 00 27 §OT ~
- - - u

oTf~t26 oH~27 §c28 praises 2s are their weapons H and <:Ifu~ro24 3 l..loT<:I 28 <:10 ~~ OloT B1 a'TC!12'

: OTCJ RS"t 29 Olo30 shelter 28 and the Guru's word 29 is ;:r1 ~C'iT ~ eJEfPo f~B ~TE31 ~ I

. BoH~J31 II the shidd 31 in their hands 30•

. »fTa ;3'332 »fq 33 oC{34 To realise 36 the Lord's path 37 , is Il~TH1 ~ HToaT37 "§ ~ClB~ Cloa T3 ', ~T BT

. 'OTcITJ 35 ~§"~36 tL~ their riding 32 the horses 33 , chariots 34 Wfu'lii 33 , or~l'liT34 ~3 <:I'Ei1~T35 3 ~nT32
and elephants 3s . ~!
They walk 38 fearlessly39 amidst the ~ fi'~o <J39 ~T1.Ji ~01'liT10 t!1 iil41 l)j'~
fStraa 38

- - - - - - - - _ . ---.-...-.-

armytl of their enemies40 and f60-e38 <:10 ))f3 !!1){TJ-ft4J t:!TI){t fRG3~ i90

charge42 them with the Lord'so oTB' ~<it €t3 <:JB'T Q~2 <:10 I

RRTd'~7 otoOl ~Ft41
~46 They conquer45 the whole46 world 47
and overwhelm48 the five 4' thieves50
~ Rra46 i«JT0 47 ~ S3<J45 CIO
tit=l'j49 ~50 ~ ~T qrs48
t'-e uo »f3
f ~ Ole ~-e <:10
' r

erafa'tJ"tJ49 3RCldil
" as well. 0 Nanak. ii oTOOl !
Owing to evil56-intellect57, man is Ht:!1 56-l){0lB'57 B qrao, iIR ~8l){Ol ~5',
fi.@r51 f~ aimre52
'OCJf& ~H53 ~ engrossedSS in optical iJJusion51 , <:Ie ~t:!~T52 >tr3 fuaSS 3 t:!T ~t5"»j't:!(J ~~
ofu55 56~a~Hf3u57 II phantom city 52 and the shade54 of a dful){r ~ful){T55 ~ I
33tJ5S q~59 Hil60 similarly58, the love6o of family5' is f3~'58 <ft tao asms' t:!T ~ ¥.oi" ~,
fi.f6t61 fRHClf382 (')T'OCl false", so, Nanak meditates62 on the R (')TOOl l){TU<! ~ ){TB'Ql'3 B Ol}f t?'

tJTH" cJTH63 O'~ II Name of his Lord Master'J. fe"30 CIOt:!r'z ~ I

~f~5f~e I possels not64 the treasure" of the Ha em W 67 -e ~5 t:!T l:ftlw" o;:jt'4.

fCiaTH67 0tJ
Ol}f oftdd oil 69
Veda's67 knowledge65, nor am I a
man of merit", nor sing" I the
OT War<!~TO
- -
OTH t:!T ilR CJl'Tfuo
- .
1.I'0B" ijt· OT <:IT W Rl){THT ~
CIOt?'" <JT I
praise of the Lord's Name. ¢
0tJ CJTdJ70 03'071 I am not blessed with the throat72 of l){H'Sa
71 on03070 aJTfuo Oleo ~ HOT i
'&i>72 ('W ~~73 singing71 invaluable71 melody70; nor aJ'ST72 o<:lr, OT <:11 H' ~73, ml){Ter7.. !
~74 ~1~ail75 II am I clever73, wise7.. and shrewed75. l){3 t:!ToT75 <:Ii I

9'df76 ~ft!H77 BS£(1S Through good fortune76 and concer- \f89~76 »f3 €tl,J0T5" OT<Jr ~R l)f}k:ror
HTful,.rT79 (')TOOl RTQ' ted effort77• are obtained78 such ~~79 1.1'0'1..1"378 ~B <JO I oTOQl Rf~aJ3
Afar ~80 1.fF;i3dij81 II treasures7'. Nanak by the saints' society ~))fT(JT Iiol:f" ~l f~e~8I tfl ~~ <JO I

act II even the fools· become scholars8l •

a0B2 ~ tJTH To utter'J the Lord's Name", is the ~ B (')THI" t:!' ~TO~3, Ha aJB"z ~))f~
CJTH84 ).fTF.)T85 ~R386 rosary85 around my neck82 and to love t:!1fi::n..ICJol ~ l){3 ~ ~ fl,Jl){To aCl'(')T17

~tJ l{H tl'a<tl 87

II the Lord87 is my secret telling" of it. HOT fuR t:!T OJ.1.I'3 ~86 ~ I
tikJ88 ~ ;'lSO ~90 Uttering" with my tongue 88 the a.rat ;:ft iiac90 alel91 t:!T ))fT1.lC1 ~~ oTB'
- 91 A "92" 93 sublime90 word91 of the Guru, I ~TCJO" CIO t:!~lOT ~l:fjt3 ~ l:fB94 0100
RBOr ~~ 00 _ _ , G -

itRil 94 II a~ II have been Iaved'2 from mammon, ~ wre))fT 3~, H- mJ farl){T'2 <:Ii I
the joy'" of the eyes93•
The mortal97, who is without" the

1I'G197 fQ;;'::::~:=:=o::~:u::'~::···;::~·:;::::::::::;9
.. \I
9Flcc~100 contaminated l90 his life 99 . BT IS iil~099 I

qCra~2 FlqO~3 He, the blockhead 8 is equaF to a ~<1~!f <f'a l , ~al, ~34, errs l)f3 RlI' ~
aToU9~4 ~TOl~5 dog 2, a swine l , an ass'" a crows and ~:rcJTaa7 ~ I

!i ~r~~:
~~~I: oTH
:~:,:::e"uo"mpml"" Ibe Lord" ~R~ ~1~ ~~ ~m"fu~1] ~ ~_"
10tus i0 feel 9• enshrines l4 His Name fCC1r~'BTI41 ?i l)fTlI<!

!WOC~14 II qlCJ3~15 in his mind ll and, associating with ~ t

»j3 R3 B1 Ror3 16 ~»j'aT uol BT trR
~ FlTU AaT~16 OTOq the saints I'. sings lS God's praise. he OIT€l.'BTls~; €l.<1 H3'8 ~ riaf3l)ft 19 ~ our
o~ 18~H ~~BT17, E

ft:LFfZf317 does not countenance 17 myrimidons 19 <:J o'Oer !
~30~19 \1:3811 of death l8 ,0 Nanak, I
iB 20 ~0~~21 t:ri 22 Not 20 difficult to obtain 21 are wealth 22 2001li{Ta21 0<11' un 1l0-B5321 l)f3 Ffeo3T2J It
'00 23 'OB 'to~ and beauty2J. Nor is it difficult to »ja OT ul oTli{Ta ~ af<1E/3 24 B1 urf3aT<Jl2S !

~ ~oar24 01t10~25 -II obtain the sovereignty2S of paradise 24• Bl UOTU31,
· OB ~o~ ~tl~26 Not difficult to obtain are viands 26 oTli{T'Ej' oul' un l:fTi2' l)f3 fOl)fTH3f27. 0TtiJT'S'
fiHi 'OB 27 ~oB~ and daiinties 27 , not difficult to obtain 0<:11' H~aQ28 yarort29 I
~ F! s 28 >itfo~29 II are elegent 28 t'aiments 29 .
'OB ~o~~ 8330 Not difficult to obtain are the sons lO • oTlilT'Ej' 0<11' un 1f3:o, ~11'3l', gaT_~ll2

~ fH~31 9,!332 gtU~33 friends"'. brothers 12 ari'd

kinsmen]]. »j3 Ro~Vl, ?iTli{TQ oul' uo feR301l){il4 l
'OB ~03~ m'03 T34 not difificult to obtain are revelments lS ~ ~or-faBTR3S I

I• f~:H3TR"~35 II
.,; 'OB 'tCJ~ faf't>ifT 37
'~" u~I<§38
- oB 'to H~
of women ,

difficult to
accomplishment J8 in learning17 •
obtain IS

olli{T'Ej' oul' ~ fuBHl7 f~\J I£Oc3Tl8 I o'li{TQ
oul ~ ~Ul;:J-tJol9 "f3 \JTB Ter14° I
~. B~039 -ij'Bg~40 II difficult to obtain is dexterity l9 and
) cleverness 49 .
~ ~0~41 e0l'42 Bllt di.fficult to obtain41 is only42 the ti'2l oTli{T~1 ~ &~B42 l!l)fTH1 4l BT oTH, <:J

~ 9ill~To43 'OTH~ oToer Lord's4l Name, 0 Nanak. It is ?iToer ! l!l)fTHl B1 of<1H3 ~lli'OT4S fF<J
· Btfftt44 FlTq Afar obtained" by the Lord's grace 4S , in Rf3RilI3 >iea tJ'6TtJ~4 ~e' ~ I
fS!UT45l{~ 1I:3L111 the saints' society.
~ tl3 0l'3~96 33~97 Wherever96 I see, in elysium99 , on ft1~ fer3 96 51 H''Ej'f<1a399 f~\J, fuR GTo1
~ f'tI::r~98 Flocrr 99 H03 100 this mortal world 100 or in the RRTOIOO €l.:3 1IIT tJ T3TB2 Berl fGro ~~BT uti
E,.. '"
~ tflj1f~2 c:50l~3 II 2 l
under ·world , there97 I see98 my €l.~97 <11 H~ l)fTlI~ I1lliTHl ~ ~l:!BT98 u t I

l :, ~ ......
- - - - - - - _... ...__ ...-.-_

RCJS34 ..
ijjr~:ftkJ6 orner HU
Nanak, the Lord' is pervadingS ornor, t.{!!' WiJ4 ~TlJOl 5 fou T5 ~ I~ ~
everywhere". No blame7 and blot8 ereT ~F.l7 ~ t!TaJ' our ffint!T' I
iUS () fg\{.39 IISEII attaches' to Him.
f~lO ~f312 Contemplating God, poison lo turns l2 <JoT t!' mHOi') orOO' ~l){TaT ilfua'O 1!tr'im13
. -II..
~13 ~RGt14Rl:fT15 into Nectar" and enemies·" into ij tfit!11Z ~ 3 ~14 RTeft 15 l){'3 fif301 6 I

9lM3 Rir19
comrades l5 and friends". Pain17
tums into pleasure" aud the awe-
J!F.l1" ~ 8t!5;:ritft ~
Ws21 liT m <J() I
l){~ RfuH

3 f(,)dgiju"21 II stricken20 bccome fear-free zi •

. .
fu'uo23 fuRtH24
'O'Oer ~25
The 22shelerless21 find place of
in the Name, when
felt Z"

Guru, the
;rn Rl){1).41
• •

ora til ~25

f~23 ~ ()TH ~
ufo26 ufo ~27, I embodiment of the Lord God2' , l){T01).424 t!' ~24 fi.rn Wt!' ~, 5'(')'l('iOf !
S!)/1 becomes mercifulZ5 • 0 Nanak.
RCJS27 Rlg28 HA29 He, who blesses al127 with humility28, wfal){t27 ~ foflof.3'21!T ~, ~ ~ ~2t

ms ACre tRo3O HH has also blessed me29 with 9T foHa3'r wal ~ , RTfal)fi ~ tJfi3a
crao ~JO % H~ ~ U~~Jl ora ftr3" ~ ,
~1" humility as well. The PurifierJO of
all has purifiedJI me too.
The CreatorU of all has created JJ wfaltft ~ cmoufaJ2 % ~ s1 at\ll){rJJ ~ I
me as well. Nanak no accusation" (5T('iii ~ '3 eret ~34 HT orB-a 35 ou'l"
or stigma35 clingsJ6 to Him. ~3'1 ~
COOP7 is not the moon Jl-god39 , nor iwJ7 i')c:J't ~t!3I_~~3'J9, ('it tit iw 0 ~
is cool the white40 sandal tree 41 . ~oe t!' fikr'4I fircJ&f1 ,

Cold is not the winter4 2·season43• c5~Tour Rat?T'2 t!' HRHtJ I cJ (')1 i'iQl !~
o Nanak, cool are the friendly.... f~44 R3 <J1 c5i1 <Ji') I
saints alone.
Whosoever is blessed with the f;::iJ:I m ~ l!l){THT ).P5a 4
' ~ OTH ~ ~_~4S
Spel145 of the Lord Master's46 Name t!1 t!13 fH81 0 l){'3 ;:j ROlt'-f~l){1ucr9 13-
and meditates47 on the A1l4'- Rl){THl t!T fRHCfO aat!"'7 0I ~
pervading49t Lord,

arr5 50 RH51 ~l:f52

He who deemsso painS2 and pleasureSJ ;:j u13S2 3 ~)53 ~ f~ RH OS' ill~t!I5il
1 0
Jitr53 'ijarf354 fooHg55 alikesl ond whose way of Iifes4 is ))f~ fiIR t!1 ~~i'i ai!-aT31S4 ufi3a ss l)f3

fno~~(J56 II immaculate55 and uninimcals" ta-afu356 ~ I ..

He, who is kind57 to all58 the beingss, ;:j ffi!YSI '!'C urall)ji s, €t3 fH<JOS1(')S7 0,
~~7 RC3S58
... and overwhelms22 his fivc 60 deadly ~ ))fl~ u"w'o tL~-('iTBa l.l1U t " ~ a~
tit~59 U"B60 t!l::f 1
~oftly21' sins", ora8~~ ,

~t1<563 Whose fare 61 is the Lord's64 praise6s fiiR ~1 J:!oTCl u T}llilH1 64 t:!1 fR63-ffi? TUlT 65 ~

OlTCJ33 65 >;{HU66 and who remains 70 detached" from »{'3 ~ tJ~l61 »{"t:!o -a~" t:!1 H'<5'~ H<Jo167
H'TtlT67 ;:rC:f OlHH69 mammon67 like the 10tus69 in the Jit:!CJ f(')o"8U" f~\JO~70 fl I

CJ~3~70 II water611,
~U~R'71 Rli72 fH3 73 Who instructs7; the friend 73 and the ;l BR373 '3 ~F.l1-l(')74 ~ fECI Rl-IT()72 fRClH3
R3~74 9OJ~375 foe H alike 72 and who 10ves77 the fe~r71 ~ »{3 ;l a~B T}l){THl7 s ~ »{oOra!70

90Ifu76 9T~77 II Lord's7s devotion 76 alone, ~ fU»{To orot:!T77 ~ I

U078 f<5't T79 C'W Who hears BO not another's78 slander79 ;l »{Tui ~ot81 (')T5 UOTC!175 ~e~E'"F' ()<Jl>
Hf380 R~81 >;{TU 82 with ears 81 and stilling83 his
his T}~~T80 »{3 »{Tt.lGl R~-;jOT3182 ~ l-{To
f3 Tfar 83 ... ROJ8 84 self-conceit82 , becomes the dust8S of Wfo»{y84 ~1 tr~8S t:ll ~~T ~ I
a~or~85 II a1l84 ,
t;R"86 HCf~87 UCJ3 88 whosolever has these six 86 qualities 87 , fiiR forR f~\J fE'<J ~86 OJ~87 <1('),
(')T(')or! iJ
t.:!CJl::I'~89 ?,TOOl' =oTH90 o Nanak, he is named90 the friendly91 ~ ~T (')TH'o fH~91 R3 »{3 Ii~HB88 HQ.F.l8'
RTQ" R;:rou91 118011 saint and the perfect88 person". ~I
))f;:rr92" ~aT39J ~t!94 The she- goat92 , enjoying93 frui ts'4 ~y'4 1}j3 ii;3i'5 t:!T »{T?>t:!'i H~~l <:TC!1
HH 95 aR3 96 RHlfU 97 and roots 9S ,
feels awe-stricken96 , B'oral", 8098 elB of<1'7 ~-~1396 of<1"t:!l ~ I
&~CJ~98 II 97
living near a tiger 98•
3~99 013 100 Similal'99 is the condition 100 of the ~R 3Ov y99 ~1 <1 T53 IOO ~ ~(')1»{y2
_ t:!1 t f;m €?3

oTnOl' HOJ J world 2, which is affected S now by O(~ "l:!F.l14 »{Ro oroe1 5 ~ »{3 Ol~ ul;:s3, iJ
fa l){TU3 5 118 9/1 pieasUJre 4 and then by pain 3, 0 oT(')CI
Sc%6 fst!~7 afc8 Fraud!', accusations7, millions8 of ~-aB", ~F.l(')7, ~;3y8 <11 I:!R1B'3T', ~oH,
fa LI.1i 9 >;{uoru 12 maladies', offences 'o , filth y'3, sins'2, HB1~'3-tJrul2, R~<114, RRT 01 H1-I3T15,
forBfaCf 12 H<5 1J II doubt'''' wordly attachment 'S , fE'i=!3 16 , €Ift:;:r31 '7 , ;jClTO·· »{3 RR Tol
9CJH14 H'5 1S HT0 16 honour ", dishonour 17, ego 18 and tlt:!To<:lt" l){"~o Bl~3T2o I ~
>;{UHTi"17 H~18 absorption 20 in worldly valuables I'.
~HTt1TI9 fa))fTfu3 20 II
fli~21 ?'oH 22 9...>-[-f3 23 Through these, the mortal goes 21 , ft:<'it ~ oT<1l t{1~1 Wt:! T21 , »{T~'~122 »{3

• ·oa~~24
• ~lJT~26
>;{fo Q725
0 H:n:r3 27 II
:i1fnCJHH 28 RTU ROJu- 29
comes J2 and wanders 23 in hell H and
in spite of making many25 efforts 2',
he is emancipated 27 not.
Contel1llplating:lO the Lord's31 Name
~;:rClH l'lf't!o ~or~123 ~ l>f3 »{?>ori25 ~Uol"8

oro(') ~ ~T~i!t:! ~<1 at:!:t:I5 TH 27 (')<Jl ;J.t:!T I

Rf3ROT3 2' >it:!o I1»{Tl-I1l 1 -e (')TH fm-rClo 30

;:rt.ff3 JO ()T~ -arUTBJI and evcr 35 uttering 32 the Master's33 3 Rt:! T1S <11 Wgor l1 ~1l){t fR~3i33

orH 1/ oH"-f332 qr~33 praises 34 in the saint's society28, 0 ~BTO(') oraa ll tIl){ToT, iJ (')Toor y"~1 tlT~(')

~34 fo3' ~35 II Nanak. immaculatc28 becomes the

B~II mortal.
3CR'36 R~37 ~ Seeking the protection37 of the All- ~_~Tucr3' ))i3 rnrn-ft!'s40 RfW3I
aH<!39 ~O pervading- and tender-hearted40 ~I t!11.fc'i''U37 5C! ~I)(TOT. ~ UTa
uaHs:!cm' II Lord 31 Master4 l• the mortal is ferried ~ Wt!'r36 31
Ol'a~2 0fT0~3 The PerfectS7 Lord is potent'" to d042 ~7 l{i RIa chf43 crao42 ))i3

RHal:f~4 ~5 ~~8 all deeds43 and to give'" aU gifts 4s• t!yOi4S ~ ~ ~ ~ I

fooTR"8 )).{TR"9 crai SO
He giveso hope4' to the hopeless" €m ij~~t!18 'li ~, aJ:rJJt!T50 3
- - .- ~

ROTH51 l)fOl:f52 one and is the Abode53 of a1l 51 the RJiUs I trO-~t52 t!T Uf053 ~ I
)).fT8liJij53 II
riches52 •
f0tJ1055 Nanak: meditatesS' on God. the
fin·raf3H ()ToOl' ROJB' Treasure5s of virtuess4, of whom begS8
0'0Cl 8~t54 ~ lfiJT8 55 ~fuaJ(J t!T Silo
"",,';' 3, filA .,,;r ",i Hd" ;f"i!" an I
~S7 tilftJOliJ5811BSII all the beggars57 •
tloan-r59 RW06° s:!aTH 69 The tortuous 5' place'o becomes ~t!1tft5' ~ ~I ~ iP~ ~ \laH'21 ))i3

HiJt62 ~ij63 RO~ comfortable'l and arch62 miseries63 J!Rla3t'3 Rli<J'4 ))i'CJlH'5 ~l ~ un I
R~51i tum into all'4 comforts's.
66tla~Bo67 8 w The evil" words67• distinctions" and H~" ~;:ro-ftm'R'7. ~qij'8 1G ~~,
goH69 RTOl'370 fuFffi71
doubts" are obliterated and the fi..IG ~ un ~ ~ '!aa70 3 ~ar51fa'71
3 72r:!OiJmJ73 II perverse persons70 and back-biters71 8q7Z_,!aa23 ~ iP~ '10 I
become goOO72 people73•
»{Rfe3 RaT
74 75 76 mN
In woe7S and weal76even. one becomes iIIHl25 ))i3 ~B176 >iBa ~l fuOR'o ))i~74 ql
i 77 ~378 foo3~7911 stable-hearted74 and, shorn" of fear", ~tre' 3 ~ aa77 3· afua78 ~ f~a79 ~
one become fear-free 79• Wt!T ~ I
~8S )).{c~)){81 HiJT'2 The awefullo forestll is rendered a ~~y80 ;l~1 feel ~e84;f;sT82 mugU
oara 83
arR 84
mn..85 populated" big82 cityl3. Such are sC! ;:rieT 3 I ~Rlllfi '10 fRs-31 86 QTCJHq
. W:f~ U9 87
~ ... Hf~~8 II the merits86 of religious lifel5 , with ;::ft~otS t!~t. fHR t!l t!'3 HTgq17 el fHUeJ'l
which one is blessed through the 0''11· \liJ'lS ;It!l ~ I
Lord'sl7 grace88•
RTl:l RaTH89 o'H 0')190 Uttering'l the Lord's Name'o in the Rf3RCJl3- >iBa 13IlfTHl t!T OTH'O ~"
oH<§91 Rafu'91* 0'O0l' saints' societyl', 0 Nanak. the crao ~l)fTiJT. 5 OTOCl! fHUaS''O'3 ~
il'fa il'fa92 ~wa93 protection' I. of the feet'4 of the HTBGl'Z ~ iicrt'4 ~ 1.fc'i'lU9I * \liJTll3 ~
Bai 94 flBBI! Merciful93 Lord Master'2 is obtained. ilit!l ~ I
.......................................................................................- .................................................. •••••••••••• Vi. e 'II'

) "595 ))ff'it'3'96 Ho97 0'5 worldly love, thou art thl .:i'S ARlOl H<:I !~ ~ H~T('i9l. ti~o t
! RopH98 l)ff3 99 -aioTI00 invincible" hero'7 of the
battle- oT-f;:r~ tlr~~" $r,'7 ~ I l.l'6H" t
~2 HO~()~3 II aeld 9ll• Thou completely2 crusbeth 3 ~otiOO ?i

31 \l01

3Ou t2 ~g
f;i~,3 ~~ I
even the very" powerful oncs lOO •
OT~ an:ros5 Thou fascinatest\O even the heavenly t few<3T ~~Tl)ft4. ~ ~~l)fts.

J-fTcW 7
\.lR 8
heralds,4, celestial musicianss, gods',
mortals 7, beasts' and birds'.
~~f3~' , lnc!ll)ft
7 iorot8 l)f3 tii:l~9 ?i
QO H~lIO ~~ I
- 'il

~fol2 aa<:!:i]1€J13 Nanak has sought the sanctuary IS o'oor 7; fi:tacl 16 ~ 1!l)fTHl17 ~1 BO<!'OI3\S

oHRQT'ij 14 Ro~15 of thl~ World" Lord l7 and makes ~ ~ l)f3 ~ l)fT~ fRoif<!<J'013 Ilhf1).ft12
(')T(')& 16ttOTtftR~17
. II obeisance. 4 unto his Creator 13-Lord\2• ti ~14 qo~T ~ I

~ ~18 00&19 o LUI~t", thou landest 20 the mortal cJ f~g ~'all'. ~ \{'Gl ~ tmoH 19 llf~o tIT

. 20
fSWH W- 23 ;:I()121 in hell l ' and makest him wander22 in ~'O~20
- ~~
- . .
l)f'3 fut j} Uliol~23 'iloTl)fT21
gH~~2211 m any 2l1 species 21 • llf~o 3cOl"~~'2Z ~~ I
f~24 ~<!"25 3 26 Thou s:tealest2S the heartH, pervadelt2\ ~ f~24 ~ 'IOT H~~,2S ~. ~ E ot 2' <:it
;:r;JW27 llf~ f~l)f'\lOr ~ fou,Z8 ~. l)f~ ~
Ba27 arH 28 'it IJ 29 '3'~o the thI'ee 2' worlds 27 and destroyest U
fRHOO 29 3lI-ml)fl30 l)f3 ~131 ?i oac qo
Rl~31 fWa<!U32 II medita.tion29 , penance JO and virtue 31 • ~·~32~' I -
))fP.)tf33 ijl::f34 ~35 However. thou givest scant33
but tI~ ~ ~ fl31 JiBP4 ftf~ ~, t lltc!l ~

-etrn 36
~B CilB pleasure 34 , makest the mortal poor 35 aro1a3S l)f3 l)fORm36 QO ftfet ~~ l)f~ t
R)-fT~\J37 ii and uJllsteady3' and art contained37. in ~ '3 oR· l)f.~ ofHl)fT ~ful)f,37 ~~ I
high and low.
3~38 ~39 nn.f-fu'3'40 Thy3' fear 3', 0 Nanak, is dispelIed40 R3 t ~1 Roia QOO >a ROa-~l)fT\lCl vr~42
RTU ROTH €;CU- ()T()cil' by associating with the saints and ~1 Uol;J41 B~ ~l)fTOl • .:i 0'001' ! 30'38 ~3'
OTd l reei]42 118EI! seeking the protection41 of the All- ~o ;j ;:ri~"'O ~ I
pervading God42 •
~ afg43 1jg44 ~45 o wrath4S , thou art the rootH of ! 3 g;31-e-f43 ~ ;r;rt4 ~~. 3a llf~
.:i or-Fi4S
&BtJ46 ao~7 0 strife4:!, compassion47 wells 48 not up ~fu)){l"7 OI'~ 31 U~"'8 our <l~1 I
(fl..fOt848 11- in thel~, ever.
ful::ftf349 ~50 ~51 The linful4' mortals so• thou takestSS \lTUT 4' ll.1<!"1l)ft50 ~ ~ ~ fe):ff3l)fTo51 ~
qijf3 55 f~52 ~fu in tby powerS \ and they dance s2 qo ~~S5 ~ ~ ~ ~otS4 ~1 HttB'3

;::rw53 HOq;c~54 II likeS 3 monkey s S4. c5~S2 <30 I

))ffoor56 WR0 57 In thy" association62 ,

man is 3m'1 RiJI3'2 llf~o feoR'O'4 ore 8<! tI~3
3'r;lf358 59i1H ~~
debasc:d and the Death'ss, courier'° ~ l)f'3 H35' .
~T ~3'0 l>fi)Ol'i 58 ffiI,~S7 o~

'3'~1 62 ~63
RaT chastisesS8 him with various s6 ~R "ft 1[a cr\l 0I'~5' ~ I
oo~411 punishmentss7 .

- - - - - - - _ . _.. __
.... ...-...

tffi565 ~ iw;67 o My Merciful" Master". the ii HRciloT'S ~ ~66 ~ ClOo ~B", A-a
€G11 e 68 ~69 0TC'i0l' Destroyer" of the sorrow" of the fi.roa~" ~~, ! ~ cali ~ ~10 iJ~11
RCre70 tft))f71 72 cnc meek6s • protect72 Thou a1170 the ~1 i-ftt>lil'2 ClO, orocr S031 ClO~ ~ I
eras IIB~II beings71 from wrath, prays Nanak.
~ ~71 Hue74 ROT7s o covetousness73• thou. hast c1ung73 ii 5TH~13 ! ~ ~f~ ~f~l)fi16 ~'S fuHfullfT
fRaH~76 ~(')cil77 even to15 the great76 and by thine ~fullfT'" ~~ >li3 llfTl.l~l){t ~art1l ~1)f'Ol

~~o~F8 otse3
78 II waves" playest many77 a prank72 • ~17 l1~1' ~~ foUl ~~ I
Q~~ tft>,.rt81 ~~2 Through thee, the beings" run BO 3-a orul· ;:r1~81 ~a82 Cllull8 I)j'~ ~3~O

.. 83 ~00T84 stf3'5
about in many82directions83 and greatly
wobble" in multiple'" manners8S .
\JO l){~ I)f~Olt8" 3CflfCl'I)fiIS oTH S<:I3 ~a~5
tfl~86 <10 I
Thouu hast respect'4
('ffi87 fH3'88
.. otJ neither's for
thy friend", nor Guru". nor relation'o,
~'3 oy81 ))fl~ liiT(J", ol ul -.
aro" , or ul
W:r~89 0tJ ~90 RoSql 90
, or ul >li'H31" ))f3 Wlrn" ~
7>"3' H'391 flf3l92 ~93 nor mother" and nor father'2. ROH'094 ClO~ ~ I

HtniIT94 II
Thou makest man do" what he should ~ s~ ~ ~u t!s~~" ~ •• i1 ~R ~
not'S do; thou makest man eat".
what he should'7 not eat and thou
ou't,sOlaor tJT<l~ 3 s~ 7> @u
~ ;1 ~ ~ lfTOT
- lf~~198
- Ols -
~lt!l91 '3 ~ s~

RH~211 makest man build 100 what he should 1.JTR. @U

- ClS
- ae~@'~lD1
- ~ fiJ<l31 @R
- 7> .
not99 build; such is thy reputation 2. ~ o;:jt" tJT<J~, ~Rl ~ 3al f.JUCf3l I

~rf~3 3ft~ Rof~ Prays' Nanak, 0 Lords God7, the orocr ftffi c«W" ~ ii HOR6-RCJ'Ral.l mrS
I _ •

1j))fTH1s f~arrfu6 Man8-lion', I have sought Thy ~fu~' ! W3al 1.l0'<T' ~1 ~. ~ 'Hal
()TOOT ~o7 ?>ds protection4, 'Save3 me, save me'. i"'fl::rl){r3 ClO, Clftt>lil Ola' I

~o~ IIBt:1I
~ ;:roHI0 )-((J~12 HH 13 o
self-conceit l4, the soul" of ii aroT\p1S ~1 l){l3}{Tl'. ~-;jaI31I" 3
»fJorra 14 15tJTlJT3W16 II sins ls , thou art the root l3 of birth lO tlH<!1 0 ))f~ H0012 ttl ~13 ~. I ~
and death 12. So

fH3'17 3'Hf3'18 R3'19 Thou abandonest 18 friends 17, holdest ::.

3 tilTCfT" ?; ~ ft!"t!1'8 ~& ~ ~Clll)fTl' .
.. )){foci21 fast 20 to enemies" and spreadest 23 UI~10 c} G;3~1 ~. ~ wicjll fuJRI)fOl Qtf21

)fTW22 fuRJootr 23 II many21 ilIusions 22 . ~~~123~. I

~3'24 ~3'25 ~cE26 Through thee, the mortal 21 grows ~ CfT<Jl· trel1' l){T~~T14 ))f'3 Wt!'2S u'O

tft»fT27 tll::f 28 1jl::f29 weary2' of coming24 and going25 and u~27

_ Wt!' ~ >li~ Su3VO
- 3Crn~18 '3 }fall'
- •

~ ~arG~3111 undergoes 31 much 30 pain 28 and ~~13' ~·I ~

pleasure29• ~
Through thee one wanders 35 in the

terrible!:3 wilderness 34 of doubt 32 and >it:cJ 9COl~J5 ~ "'13 ~ ~ l.ffi}{3J ~l:fel~37

contracts supremely" trouble-some!7 '3 OT-<JTi:ll d<! ~))fi38 alwcr~t!' 8'aT
and incurable!8 ailments" ;:t~l)1t ~o I
The only physician40 is the ~~ 1.l(J}f 1{i41 f~tg <:'f<JCIl~42 ~l ~Oll~o
Transce'ndent Lord41 , the Great ~, fuR "8'el ol?iOl Rt'el" ~al ~ O~4 ~
God 42, so, Nanak meditates 4! on the fmrao Olae l4! ~ I
Lord God's Name 44,
o Mas'ler48 of the universe47 , Thou ij 1)1l'ffi{47 ~ W5Ol 48 ! ~ ftfe-;:tro 45 Bl
art the Lord46 of the vital-breath4S , l!1)1'Hl 46 , af<JH347 ~ lfiJlolSO 1)13 fiRTOS I ~
the Tlreasure so of mercy49 and the CIl~ ~' I
Guru of the world SI ,
~ RWa 3Tlj52 ~53 o the DestroyerS! of the World's iJ ~oll)1t Bl ~IClS2 ?i'R aa?i<J la S3 1)13
q'Q~54 H55 R~ ~l:f57 fever s2 and the BmbodimentSS of fi-r<J054 ~ R~UsS ! ~ Hall)1t RlCfll)fi'
tJcj56 II compassions4 , rid s6 me Thou of all 30lHl~tS7 3' l:f5'Rls6 ora I

mine troubles57.
~ Raf~57* itOT58 o Merciful", capables8 of affording iJ U~S7* ~<! ~ wfuOl s8 ~ HROllot60 ~
~tJ59 t:!'R)T60 OT~l shelter s7 • and the Lord 61 of the l!1)1'Hl61 fH<JClEP?i s, W50l ! ~ Ha ~
~2 orij63II meek6o, have6J Thou mercy6Z on me. af<JH3'2 UlCf 63 I
Ro1a 74 RRt{75 l:fl~76 So that even in times77 of body's74 3 t ~ ~74e13~R3Ps ~ alwaV6~ ~877.
R~77 fm4cif378 'O"'O"~ health7s and ill-health76 , Nanak may 7il?iOl I)1lUc! lic81 ~1)1~ clRl ~80. Wf'eI)1TI2
aTH79 80~t:!081 continue contemplating78 God7', the ~ '!1)11}{183 <:Tfu'O] ~79 e l I)1 Td TUO ora-e T78 aiJ I
82).fT~3 II ~oll LordBJ of wealth82 with a string80
round His belly8l,
'3a~84 q}-fB85 J=Ta<§86 Seeking the shelter86 of the Lord'!>88 1ft,88 ~ ~~85 uatl4 -eTU?i l<J86 5. H< ~

aHi87 olUT(388 lotus8s feet 8'" utter 86 I His praises 8', -ell)1T fRz3-F.l5 l\JlT89 ~~?i87 aael <:It I
ciJ d 3 (') tJ89 II
RTll RaT~90 3Cl'<!91 Associating'O with the saints, 0 Fi3 t "tlT R0l3 OlCJ?i ~))iICll90. iJ oroa ! H'
()T?)cx HtJT92 RTOT(J93 Nanak" ~ have crossed" the great'2, f~F.lTB'7 ~T~<§'4 1)13 aao9S RRta Rl{-ea93

~94 ~3otJ95 11~911 terrible:'4 and arduous's world 3~ UT<:J <1 farl)1 ,91 ~t I

fRo 97 l-H:rq 97 'O'l::P The Transcendent" Lord has UOl-!" 1{i ~ H~ R1R" ))i3 H~ -el -ij-fl:fl)1l'8
. tPo~tJH99 ~ tJH~oO protected'8 my bead 96 and brow'7 aT31 ~ )}13 liHc:f3 F!1)1'Hl ~ H\f <J~atIOO 1)13
~Tl::;:JT2 .
ocf' t.l'oHRo\J
. 311
and the Supreme! Lord
protected my hands 100 and bod)'2.
has ~2 -el -ij-fl:fl)1l ahl ~ I

The Lord MasterS has saved 10 my

- - - - - - - _ . "_.__...-._.

il))fTH15 '006 tro~7 soul" and the Lord' of the world8 ~ ))01'3 fflF.lCl l ~ I!l){T}-/l' ~ ~ 1.rera~ '3
01::[T 8;:Rrre1J:l(] ~9 II has saved my wealth' and feet7• 13ay7 el a~f1:tl)fl ClM ~ I
a1::[T oro The compassionate 13 Guru has fi.ruCJ81013 a,raY i Hal <:10 al2 e1 if1:tl)fl
'ffiiJTg~13 it4 ~~15 protected my everything 12 and has cil31 ~ l)f3 Hij ~I" '3 ~;l15 ~ OTR ClO
fe<')TR'o~16 II = destroyed" my dread'4 and distress 1s • ftf3"" ~ I
g0rf317 ~g18 »foTel9 Nanak has entered the sanct uary 21 of 7l'OCl <5 ))oIfsnTJ:!V3 ~22 e1 tfO'<:I21 ~~~,
0'Tir20 21 QTo~
Rafe the imperishable 23 Lord 22, who is the ~ ~ RET I7 e T~F.IClII ))01'3 f~19
\10l::f22 ~~23 II Lover l • of His saints 17 and the t!l ':fRH20 ~ I
~~II Master20 of the Masterless 19 •
~BT25 'OTfa§'26
m:.3-a 28
The power 2S with which24 God has
supported26 the sky27 and 10cked30
f;:m2" F.ICl31 25 0'5 ~rfuara ~ »{ffi{T027-. *.
lifl;l))fT ~fu))olT26 l)f3 "fin21 ~ HCl;:l2' »jea
a-rRC29 aRZ 30 /I fire 2• in the wood29• ae Cll3" ~fu~30 ~ I
ito ~(gT mR31 R032 The power 2S with which He has fuR F.ICl3125 ~ ~R <5 'tieow3 I. ~H32 l)f3
0l:I3 .
. ...33 .,:jf3'34 35 WR supported 37 the moon31 , the sun32 3Tfa))ofiu ~ afi.{))ofT ~ful)fl37 ~ l)f3 ~<:I36

Rcfto 16 'O~37 II and the stars U and has infused »jea ~o34 l)f3 1!l)flR3S ¥ <:10 I
light3" aad breath3S into the body36.
ito (l8'T HT338 orag39 The power with which He has fHR F.ICl31 ~l)fl(JT, ~ ~ Wl8 el ~t!lOl19 ~
l{f3tJTP.;40 o~ ~341 cherished 40 the child in the mother's38 ))oIBo lPB el tf~C!T-ljR~rtO Clal ~ ))013 ~
;:[0042 a~3 II womb2' and allowed it not to be
destroyed41 by the belly42 diseases43 •
tic42 ell)fY alwa1))fT43 *. fuR *. 0,~1 Clao
our fe3 T I
3044 ~BT50 »f~~45 With the same44 powerso the Lord ~44 <Il F.ICl3150 Ci~ l!l)flHl ~ ))oI~ R'i~
Ra~46 OTO~ O~ has restrained"s His oceans 46 and ~ cjfCl))ofT ~fu))olr45 ~ llf3 tfTCl" ell){i 5f<Jat41
fs;:tf3 47
3~49 114S11
aaar"8 permits not the water'" waves"· to
destroy47 the land.
*. *.
aa31 oTR 47 0<:11· ClOO R3T I

51<n~~52 orfu~53 The Lord 52 of the worldS I is RRTtJ51 'eT1J1){l).f152 tfOHS3 ~ea5" ~ I ~ 'e1
ijil~54 fRHCC!55 supremelySJ beauteous54• His Seal155 RTfa))oly56 ~1 fife tP057 ~ I
Rc~56 ;:ft~~u57 II meditation55 is the lifes7 of al156• t
~58 R3 ilaTe 59 Nanak, associatingS' with the saints oTCiCl, RTl!I){Y el Ral359 Cloo llf3 l.fL t!l
OTO& Rii:
.. 60 HTaor61 and walking on the immaculate60 aeal1 62 ~ 1J~3CJ60 aR3 61 '3 0Jo ~I){TtJ'•
ufa gor3~62114811 path" of the Lord's meditation62 , He ~ 1.f1J3 iietS' ~ I
is fouud 58•
HRa- 63 90[3365 ili566 The mosquitoes63 pierce through65 a H~6J tr~6 f:; me ~5 <:10 cil;:lll){t'I
.. '
~atH a-a367 stone", the ants68 cross" mire, the fiJCl;:l3· tfTO cJ well)fT67 <:10, Mom7 ' Rl{ea"
Utitg~68 II RT ara 69 cripples71 traverae70 the ocean" and 'Ii• 30 w-e 70 <:10 »1'3 l)f~74 f~oRTO ~72
u u

••• h •••••••. .• •••••• ••• •• • •• ••••. .• . .••••••••••••••••·•• •••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••

1~'O fU'ailiuau'4
71 3).f72

the blind
darkness12, by
ones74 see71
even in
on the
ffi !'l ~ fl73 mi, Rf3 Raa »tlea
JWBH7' ~ ).(T5Cl77 eT »JI'CJ1tffi qan ~l)fTCJT7S I
HTQ Rat~ fm-rar~5 Master 77 of universe7' in the saints'
76 -~ 77
aJl~B society.
H~78 'O'OOf ma Nanak has, therefore. sought tho m'iii ~ f~ ~ ~ ~rfuaJ.~ J=!1){T}{t7t
ma ~79 114411 protection" of his God. the Lord J.Mror t!l UO'U7I m ~ I

Jf3gq80 <M 8t illl'"" As82 i. a a

Brahman" without8l fiIR ~2 f<ffl ~
ria" ~3 :l, fim
Jf~3 »fH0 84
~ sacred Mark80,
as is a kingU without ~t ~ ~ ria 1J1f3gTu11 ~»(3 fiIR
~t ufcrltfTCfi8' ~ da ~ :l, ai 3~i"

I d I t'f CSd 85 II and as is a warrior87

;::{QT commlmd 14

~86 til<! ;ret without weapons86• so" is a saintfO ~ c:it ~ RJl1tO, J=!l)f1Hl ~ fRHao" da !
R~7 (')TOCf ~ without the Lord's meditation". 0
~~ ~ aifs~~90 II

'0 Rff9 1 '0 ~92 '0 The Lord has no couch". no ,!",'lil '" ..." • ",;M """'" I\t.('. '"
aJBT93 '0 fR»frA
II t2
religio,us mark • no bludgeon" and C(!CiI" ~ :l, lH3 nt ul ~u CfTli -aalt4 ~
nor is He of sable colourt4 • :ll
»fRa;:r;5 (n196 ofuT97 Wondrous" is His form" and he is ~9S ~ ~ t!' ~lJ" lH3 ~ t7~98
iJO}i98 II '"' t7 un bc)m9l • :ll

IW '5399 '53 rif3100

The Vedas describe'oo
Illimitable" and Infinite.
Him as ~t! ~ ~ ti't!
fCl))(T()IOO m un I
Snt-afu3" lH3 iltf3

@-e2 H~ ))twa" The most high2 , greatJ and limitless" UClH ,!B't!2. ~arJ lH3 ~~ :l J=!l)fl)-ft5 I
alf~f~S=1I is the Lordi,
sHf36 RT1J fo~7 He. the Imperishable! Lord. abides' ~ ~ l{t R3t ~ fuae7 "fea ~t6
~ II in the mind7 <If the saints. :ll
§.if39 ()TOq Nanak. only they. who understandt 7)T7)ol, ~8 ~ c:it, ii ~ ~ RHS@t uo,

1~oft))f012 114911 Him lue verylO fortunate 12 • ri's oRlcrt ~r512 un I

~t!»ofTo23 -a~14 Man abides·" in the world II fuoRTO i«If3lS ~ s1l)fTSTOu >it!a ~Rt!114 ~ I

th:rra15 ~t:it16 H'017 lJ

wilderness • His kinsmen" are like ~ ~ R'cI'-Ro 16 ci-f3'))fi17. falt!3i 18 '3
. fRlJ{T~18 l:fo~19 II" dogs l7 , jackals l8 and asses". ClIf'tr))(t1t t!1 ~t! uo I
f-al:f).f20 Hl:fTo21 H(1i22 In thiis arduous zo place21 • also live the ~ aoolO ffil!t 71 >i~ uaH l5 )){fti'326 Uil27
H~23 Hf~24 Hut25 five 27 supremelyOl unconquerable26 ~a21 ~ uo lH3 )){Tt!H172 RRTOl HH3'23 t!l
J »fWU26 ti"B27 thievles z8 and manU is inebriated F.rcJTS24 OTS Ht!~THT ~fel)fT 5fel)fT ~I
J 3IlCI<IU II28 with the wine" or woddly love",

...........•....... , , , ...•

W329 Hij'30 ~31 90)..(32 Man wanders 33 in worldly 8~T RR'T"a1 BOTo2'. HH3130, ~3' »f3 R~2
9H<!33 ))f~34 6'TR J5 2
attachment ', Iove ,JO fear] I and ~eo ~0l~J3 ~ »f3 R'?-tiOl3,34 ~1 f3l:1V'
in:t..~38 orfCS(')ij'37 II 32
doubt and is caught in the sharp" 37
tJi3 J..It.II!3 ir'ul >i~ GR' fOTl)f' ~ I

and strong 37 noose 311 of self-conceit 34 .

~Of38 3))f39 ))fRTQ40 Impassable40 and aweful41 is the
li(ij41 ))f01'H42 310 43 ocean of fire 3s like water 3'. whose
ou BUS(,)ij'44 II yonder shoreH is beyond reach 40 and

which can be crossed 44 not.
cnU'~6 (')T()'Ol"
marS> o
ufa 47
Nanak, contemplating45 the Lord46
God47 , through His grace51 , in the
~0~8 Ro~49 €;)1Jo~50 saints' societv li2 and seeking the
f~U'51 114tll - refuge49 of Hi, feet 48 , one is
emancipated llo•
~U'53 qij354 oifie 55 When the Lord 511 Masterll6 showers ll4 ;:re ~tJiT}f1sS H'BOl s6 l)fT~1 fHuo S3
oiUTgij'56 ROTct57 (101'58 His benedictionll3 • then all 67 the ~, 3 t R'roll)ft57 slWoltJitSS ;:S~
~~5911 maladies lli are eradicated ll'. ttteltJi i5 ' uo r
RTll Ralf~ qr~O Seeking the refuge 62 of the pervading6] f~tJi'trcl63 ~f<Jara64
_= ~1 B'c62 .g r
CJ)..(~1 3TOO( R~2 GOd 64, Nanak utters" His praises 60 R'f3ROl3 >i~ ~R' ~1l)fT fR"63 i60 ~roo
l.la06:t UCJHRCJfJ64 II in the saints' society. OIo~l61 ~ I
= -
4~" ~

fR»iTHR 6S HqCJ66 If a' man67 is heauteous 611 and sweet- ;l0l0 ttl~67 !lucT rr~T65 l)f3 fHol-i.JEl'o
)..(T()l:f67 fo~tl68 gf)..(69 tongued". but harbours enmit y 70 on ~TBl66 ~, t[~ (]A' ~ Hn 68 ~ ti3 6' >ieo
~0-<!~70 II = the farm 69 of his mind 5s ; ~IDfo120 ~;

f~f3'7I ij~f3'72 Beware73 of him, 0 friendly saints7l', ~R 3~ l:fElot!ld <1~74. <1 flf30 R'Tq~7S:
Mt:J))fT73 B3'c5"74 R3' for {aIseH is 72 his making of fOl~~ ~ ~3173 ~72 ~R' e T l{~T}f71 01001 I
R;:ro~:r75 II~O" obeisance7'.
~3'76 H~T77 0 ;:rT<!3' The unmindfuJ76 fooln kncws not, t)fCarfu BT76 l;!t!l:;f77 O<Jl ttTC~', fOl uo i3i.J 80
uR378 =RTRT79 foa that each dayS9 his breaths79 are on ~R' ~ ~»fTR7'1 UR'~71 ttT 0<1 <J?) I

Hij'T82 8:~183
the decrease 7s ,
His beauteous83 bodyl4 is
most 88 ~R' ~1 UoH11 l=i<Jc1 83 ~;:r84 fElOR'efB' til oul
Olif'E'»,p84 cr l B 85 wearing off81 and old-age, the ~ tJi3 H3 85 ~1 ~cll6 fa.,Q tJi~RcP. feR' ~
l:flit tt T ou187 ~ I
. 87
&f?)l}fT86 O1'TFJ3 II daughter
it up.
86 of death • is eatingS7

Man l ' is engrossedS8 in sporting"


~~a90 P;18T91 »ifo392 with his family90 and hoping93 for f~ lHI'3 <1rel)fT M~I)f~8 ~ >lf3 ortR392
~93 fafl::f»fl94 perishable92 goods enjoys poisonous 94 ~~ t!T ~Ht!93 ~~ trfiJC1Bp,.,t'4 aar-
faiB II pleasures9s • 05~95 H~T ~ I
, ~Hi396
, ~- Ramblin.g and roaming96 in many ~f3l-)ff ;Tc')Hi98 >ieo ~~ 3 9Ciil"W
'i1OH98 (lTfo§96* births98, man grows weary98.. So <1ful-)fT". ~~ tis"· ~ ~ I fu1::J m 0T0iil"
RO~97 ()ToOT qq(!T99
Hlil~100 IJE9.11
Nanak has sought the refuge97 of
God, thl~ Embodiment lOO of mercy".
j) ofuH3" ~ !lOU IOD ~tfuOlo
5~~ I
. -. t!T ~7

~ f;:r~~2 ~ CJRatJ o tongue 2, 0 relisher3, the dainties4 <i oFlor 2 I!l-)fre ~ ~~3
! <J ! 3~6
l-fgo4 flp"'s q"Gf6 , I are dear!; unto thee Thou art dead 8
6• fol)f1}f3j4 fUl-)froll-)fi 5 5ar~l-)ft uo I it lfu7
7 ~38 trol-f 9 7
to truth , art involved in great9 ~5' HOT <:i~lB ~. H<JT09s~f;3l)fjIO f~ G'TQl
• ~10 »i~a312 E'a~13 strifes 10 and art separated '2 from <1~T~' l)f3 f~j13 Uf?30' 4 Foureil5 or5'
lJU 14 ».f5ocU-15 II these l3 immaculate l4 words 15. f~&ST <1~12 ~. I

oTmE16 t;!THBa I7 God l8 the Lord l7 Master l8 . ~TfJONI6 I!l)fTHT I7 WHor l8 I

i l-f~18 IIE~IJ
aTaa-f3' I 9
~ ~o21 H322 II
Intoxicated 22 with lust 21 , the women 20
are proud 19 of dominating 24 even the
0fT}f21 o~ H3~TB1>lft
f~R'3Jl)ff20 tiqra 19 ~ll)lt
for ~ UoH
~ aW3 qT a CU-24 II very powerfu}23 ones. ~ot23 3 91 ~24 <:10 I
BCJ025 OTHg 26 o~ They contemplate 27 not their Lord's ~ l-)fTlli Y! ~ ~~B26 110 i 35 t!T WOTll027
~ m 27 f~~28 Hl-fTfo 29 lotus 28 fcet 2s . Accursed 30 is their oiJl ortR1l-)fj I fQor 10-lii0l 3o ~ ~ot t!1 G'Fl 28

~ fUOT30 'i1ol-foU-31 II
... - u :a

straw 28 IJike 29 worthless life 31 . ~aOlV9 fo&Hl f;it!ofP' I

i 5'32- Wlg~33 .
aTRz 34 0 32 thou art insignificant like an ant33 01~31 ~ orl;313 3 ~aOll ~ ~ .. l[~ FllfJs3S ~
~ oTf~E35 fRl-foc 36 but, thou 31 shalt be great 34 by amassing l-)fTOTll036 t!1 ~B338 f~<i3CJ ortJO ~1)fTOT
~3ti127 U3 38 II ~37 f~arH34 <1 ;:J1~~011 I

i- the wealth 08
meditation38 .
of the Lord's3s

j (l)ToOT »i1~;~9 aTo Over and over again39 , Nanak makes srasro 39 t OT(')q ~ FlI)fTH1?>

~ oK ()H~40 IIE~II obeisancle 4o unto his Lord. crcrt'T ~ I

blade 41 IllT t!T f3;341 1JUT;3~2 <1 ;:Pt!1 ~, H lforr43 ~
~ f3i3 41 Ha42 RU-a-343 The grass becomes a

i ~~1~4 II ~~345 mountaill~2, what is dry'3 becomes ~ <:1ort4 <1 ~~, ~s~ <1f~r45 30

~301>1f46 @<! - 3 47 green~" the drowning4S one swims~6, ?~r46 ~, Ifl:R'T 47 HSTgS 9d' ;:rit?T48 ~ >lf3
~ ~1l)i48 'I To 49
»iUOI' the empt y 47 one il filled 48 and l-)f~-a49 f~u ~;3TSO <:1T 1l0;:r51 uHor 11~52
~ &f<:50 Ro51 (3}tpcJ52 II SI shines2 <:10, ;:re orq_q}{ffiJ54 fHiJOSTosS <1;:rt~ un,
miIlionssl) of suns in
fS0~3 7)TiOT ~fo54 darkness''', when the Guru-God s4 7:)T7:)iil" fac5 0l0t!TS3 ~ I
'l!O ~55 IIE811 be,om" merdful". prays" Nanak


- - - - - - - - _ . _.._. __...-.-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• • • • • • • • • • b• • • • • t

One is saved57 in the company56 of ~ B1 Rar3 s6 f~~ t{rill.l'o ~3CJ W~S7~ I i

the Brahman. •
But Brahmin is he, who6o is brimful61 'i~ l!r;]HG ~~ ~ ;:j60 l!~H~ m~151
with the Goldy58 deeds 59• l)fH5 iS ' 0'"8" uo1~0061 ~ I
Tho persons 6S, whose soul62 is f~t y'oF.lt66 B1 l)fT3Hy62 ircII'364 oTH ilarl'5

imbueds5 with the world s4 • they, 0 \](!1 ~. €1~.

- cJ 0T()Cf
! RH~ foR6867 ~1 co
Nanak depart63 all CruitlesslyS7. ;:rfB63 ~o I

Man steals70 others'68 wealth6', l.f<!1 50ot'8 BT tJo" ~0~·~70 ~,Ul~a71 :

commits73 many71 sins72 and a1175 his l.JTU 72 croBT73 ~ "3 ~ BY RToT7S ~uBF.I74 i
sermonizing74 is Cor his livelihood7s• l)fTl.lG1 ~\J;:rl~T76 ~TR"3 ~ I ~

€1R 80
His mercurial" desire78 is satiated10 - Bl ~~77 lfTf;m78 t:!1 f3u31 ~1'70

not 79 • his mind" is absorbed in - €1R

iiBl .
- t:!T Hol)frl HTrel)f,82 f~B ~lo

82 5~T drel)fT ~ l)f3 ~ ~08S ~'g ciH'3

riches and he does84 the deeds 83 of
a swine8s• cro~84 ~ I

They, who are intoxicated 8s with God ;:j aa or5 HR3 5 85 • ~ B lia t88 f~ 81087
and merge87 in His feet 88 , are Cerried 5 ;:rtB <:lo, ~~ f~l)fTocr91 l)f3 cro092 RRTO

across'o the aweful'l and arduous'2 m{t:!o ~ UTO ~ we90 ~o I

world ocean.
)){~3 lfTf3or 94 Associating's with the saints, 0 R3t B1 RilT3 croo96 tIl)fTOT, cJ O'OCil ! ~;3i93
u~5 oroor RTtl Nanak. millions93 of sins'4 are ~1 l.JTU'4 OF.Ic 95
5 RtB ~o I feR ara
FrcJo-I96 '0 Rmit~97 II destroyed's. There is not even an recr joT so 51 R~97 o~r I

e!)11811 iota of doubt'7 about this.

HUW 4 orr~ 5th Guru Gatha

ct e:nm3aTo
- uwf~
... II There is but One God. By the True ~TfuO!i a~~ f(!cr ~ I R~ Olot t:!1 t!f(!l)fr
tIl1iTOT, ~~ l.JT~T ;:rT;:!T ~ I
Guru's grace. is He obtained.
100 Camphor'8, flowers" and perfumes 100 HF.ICf cruo'8 ~5" ~ l:fF.IEiC!ll){t IOO d~] Bl
aou09 llutr9 ROltlr
8 9 _ • t _ _

tIeJR2 ~ - ~iJ4 become filthyS by cOl!ling in contact Z crt f(!l1i 4 0'5 ffiJJ2 cl oIBs ij w~ ~o I

J.rn1<§5 II with the human3 body4.

~ ofQ07 ~cfmr9 The unwise oneil ill proud 12 of ~RI-iS QBTI3 fH~. l?<!7. 8at!Ei' l)f3 ti'ml1iiIO

-l)ff~10 aJ~e12
(')T(')O( marrow 6 • blood7• Coul8 odour' and BT ~CilTOIZ CfOt!T ~ I
l)fOJro<§13 119.11 bones10•
trOHT<!14 llOii315 If man becomes subtle like l5 an ;:lora reoRT() f~ triJ I4 ~aarrl5 ao1ol \] ;,ftfzz
»fTCiTRUll \:!lU 17 ~18 atom 14 and courses throughZI the B recr ~aZ3~ l)fRHT()I6. ~-l)fli.iHtI7 y'oll1i t'3 •
............................................................................... ~
• • • • • • • • 4 ~• • • • • • • • • • * •••••••••
19fmf~~~20 \\ ~<:!21 firmament 16, continents 17, the )){'3 fuR -e 19 fl:i'-fa))ft20 ,,(;:0 f6i! ~21

~22 w-a<:!23 ()ToOl' worlds 18 and its 19 regions 20 in the ~tJ, 5 (')TOOl! Jl3 -e 1iUiia2" ~ t!l
. fSo T24 RTtr '0 twinkling of an eye 22 , even then, 0
23 cmsllfl025 our <i,tft I
25 = Nanak, he is emancipated25 not
fRU3 11:<11

without:!" the saint.

~ Rf326 ~27 Know it for certain that death 2' is 27 tl'crT ~ B & HCOT21 R~26 ~27 ))fa Rrat ~
Ha~28 f~FrZ~29 true 2' :and all that is seen29 is ii ft!Rt!T29 ~, ~u (')TR~3]O ~ I
f~T30 II .. perishable30 •
oftaf3 RTfEf32 tJBij33 Utter 3" thou the Lord's praise 31 in RfaJl0f3 35 »{;:o ~ ua1 tft l-mnp31 ~oM
~334 (')TOOl Fl11J the socil:ty of the saints35, 0 Nanak era, ....
~ o'Ocr.I ~ fuu tit aa orgJ2
R~35 11:311 this alolle shall go38 with32 thee. w€toft33J
, }.fn:t{T36 fu337 9CJH<:!38 The mind 37 seeks after3' riches36 , the H(')J7 0()_~~]6, fuwfa)){i"
fuHc 39 fH3l:f 40 loved 3
' friends" o and kinsmen" l • m>atitl)ft4 1 ~ '9CQ1t!131 ~ I
8tq~u41 II ... -
F.iSU 42 RTtr RoT<! Contemplationg"7 God, the World"5• Rf3Jl0f3 »f't!Cf JlwgfS @ Rl)f'H14'
- ~fUiR
i oToci Bl:f »{RWc544
40 Cherisher"s, in the saints' society, 0
N anak, the eternal place.... of rest"] is
t!1 fRHaO 'CIOO ~l)fTCfTf7, " (')T(')Ql I ~
l)flCfTH"J tft af"4 tlCfTI.S 42 ii;:Pt!l ~ f
45ijjurB46 9~47 1\81\
HW01a48 Rcn~9 The treeS' of azadirachta indica50 in f7fH 50 t!T fSa~51 ~oe" tft JlCll3'" »f't!Cf;
f'01-r50 f-aal:f51 fR52 the association 49 of sandal"'; that52 ~52 '91 ~~ ~0iW ii t:Jit!t ~ I
... -
~ ~~ II too becomes as sandal.
!foafcS3 SJt354 STR The bamboo also dwells 54 near 53, but, sTR ~ ?>;j53 '11 ~t!15" ~, lf~ \icrra155-Hf356
()ToOl' 55»f€J§fq56 '0 being arrogantly 55-minded56 it is ~rgT ii<! ~ fuu JIOiu357 our <i,t!1, 5

I ~357 IllllI
H€r l
perfumed57 not, 0 Nanak.
In thiis 'Gatha'
gospal6~ is weaved , reflecting61 over
oT()ci !

f~ '(JI'Il:P'
arao m31 <i~5' ~, f;:m ~
msoil »{t!a ~fuCll~59
t!l ~

Ha~o~3 II which one's ego62 is crushed6J • \iOT3 rU ~81 Wt!l'J ~ I

~4 tie' R3~65 II By charging68 the arrows ll1 of God's (Is -e orH" -e 3m" tJ8T~ ~l)frar68, if
oroor Wa-66 '" ST<§67 Name 04i , 0 Nanak, the five enemies1515 '(')1'(')'Ol ! u"H ~aHo'5 wa we'4 '10 I
~ If.JTO<:!u 68 II EII are slain ".

StJ7)69 RTtr Jjl:f t,fEfT70 The saints' words 69 are the paths'" of H3T e S~O·fSC?TR69 l)fTcPH ~ HTacrr70 '10 I
'8"iIW71 'a'~72 peace. They are obtained" by ~u "im72 l.f8'9U7J tIl)fTCfT tJOTtJ3 <i,-e71 un I
oraH~~73 II good72 destiny73.
j,,<.13y7. ilOlf75 Uttering" tbe Lord's pr";sesTO, one's ".,'HI ;:it.,. (",,"'TO ~ ailO 'J.'>I"l'T1,

-N•••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~.."••••+•••+ +••••••••••••.••••••••••••--••••

- - - - - - - _ . --. __._.-.- ---------_._,-------------


~76 O~77 (')T(")Of comings7S and goings76 ar~ ended7".

iller cita30~79 11.911
tl3 79 gfa ~~80 ~lWl When leaves7' witherlO and fall ll , t«:! ifetlD c} tl-"379 5~ i1t~81 iJn, ~<J ~ c}
... - 'e1 J:l'Tl:f84 0'5 oiJ1s
C'XJ ~82 il~83 they can attach·l not again to the fao~83 '!;J RCl'~8l I

~II tree 83 branch....

O'H fa~~85 fal:fH~ Nanak, without 85 the Name, there is o'(")q, O'H ~ ~15 ~l:t-3Cl'gl6" <:11 ~ )){3
(')'TOOl =~f387 moss suffering'6and day" and night'O f~08' 3 cJT3to;:il~ ~o1ltj88 l)j'~a geCl'~,87

gf~(I)191 ~
90 1It:1I one wanders·7 in species88 •
Through great good'O (ortune'" one
~92 ~93 grdl<!U II is blessed91 with the love" for the
~ i1<ii" lIJ'llW" ",or,
~ 'e13 fHg~192 ~ I
Rf3';aB ~ <1"" iI
saints" society.
CJfo ()TH QI<!95 a~96 Whosoever utters" God's Name and ;:l ~~ ~'fua.I~ ~ o'H ))13 fR63 t9S 'e'
praises's; him, the world'7 ocean9• ~~TOO Cl'0'e,96~; ~R ~ ffill3 97 m{~a98
(')T(")Of RTdJa98
affects" not. 0 Nanak. lhl'e,99 0<:11\ <J o'oei' ! ~
CXJ fSl)fTlJ<!\J99 II ~ II
dJTWl00 ar;r2 »furij3 Profound l and infinite3 is the ;iuill )){3 ~l)j'33 ~ R))ITH1 'el Cffl'-~ro3TIOO ~
~ = fSd8's s
gospeJloo of the Lord. Rare is the i~l et~t tgrS ;:reT'- <:11 fuR ii RHS~14 ~ I ' ~
= ~
RRTO 0l'T}{7 ~
one' who understands ll it.
They who understand it, 0 Nanak,
abandon8 wotldly love7 and utter ll
t=J f~ ~ RH~ <:10, <J oToei' ! ~iJ ~foIJiT~l
HH3,7 ii S:;f fe-~8 <:10 ~ Rf3R0l3 3 ~
(1)'TOO/' 9ijjfi~10 a~12
RTtJ RoTHu13 II ~ 011 the World' Lord'slo praises in the l)j'-ea tJ~ro9 ~ ll))lTHVo ~llJit fR:G3' ~tllooll f
society of the saints l3. CIO~ <:10 I ~
The saints' word" is the sublime l4 ~3 'e' ~gl' JiRe l: i1~ls ~ I fl:!R ~ aliJl tt
00 15
- ... RTQ' S'tJ?)T16
~f~17 ~18 spell'4. Through it millions" of ~;FI7 l.J'lJ 11 orR" iJ i1i~ <JO I ~
fS()TRo~19 II
sinsl • are eradicated 19. ~
Meditating 2l on the God's lotus 21 ~fiJCI]~ ~ ci~B21 Qa t20 'eT )){roTqn CIOn ~
ufo tJO<!20 CiH521
'Q'rc522 (')T(")Of Q523 feet 20 , 0 Nanak. all l4 the genera- ~IJiTcJl2l, <J oToei'! RTolllii 24 l.Jl~1IJii23 lJf o i
RHu24 @tJTa~25 II tionsl3 are savedlS . ~o i1'e1IJi T2S iJo I !
= - I:
8:-ea 26 H~a27 R<!~2811 Beauteous 26 is that 28 palace 27 • in 30
praises]1 are
RiJ~T26 ~ ~iJ28
- HiJB27, ftiR 19 »i'-ea]O RIJiTHl
'e' ;:tR]1 OlTfl:!o Cil13T i1i~, ~ I
_ ~
wbich 2' the Lord's
'H~29 HtJ 30

Wa ~
citd36~31 II sung. ~
They who utter33 the Lord's34 Name ,:j tNH ~ oTH 'e' ~"tlTao33 ao~ iJo, ~iJ ~
ij0l'332 aH<!33
(jjftf~34 0'()Of are emancipated 32 . 0 Nanak; the H:l:IR el ~~~]l <:10 I <J 0'0Cl' ! a~B ~'a)6 ~~
gair35 S~36 ~dJ<!U37 II very36 fortunate ones
37 alone are oHley ~g]7 iJl f~ )){~Rt:jT ~ 1.£t.I3]5 ole ~
blessed3li with this state. <:10 I
...............................................................ijiijiijiiji.l'... ijiiji......ijiij.'i'¥.,,"";'I'iI''I'.¥iJiiji'l'iji...ijiiji"

~fo gaii 38
fH3 .. I have found 38 God as my friend,
yea, my good 39 friend 40 and He
H~ 1)[Ttf<! t!R3, <:1 T I)f'tr<! ~39 ~R31o ~ii·
39JjfH3 'I fa-eTO~ 1 ~Tf<:1O!~ ~ tfT fCSl)f1 38 ~ 1)f3 W<:1 01~f~34i Ha
0!"~42 (I) fB3 43 II breaks41 not my heart43 ever 42 • f;:CS 43 ~ O<JT~ ~~;:,4' I
ttY OfT l1'fHEJ(244 3(245 He, whose abode 44 and weight4S are fttR ;:T f('i~-I)fR"erTo44 1)f3 ~ra45 1)[;l1:j46 ~.,
»ifH3 46 II R~147 (l)T(I)Of unweighable46 ; him47 alone Nanak ~~CS Wl1 47 ~ <:110T o 01 ?) I)fTtI<! f;:CS 49 ;:1
Rl:fT48 'Rl~49 HfOl has m.ade so the friend 48 of his RT~l48 ~Tf~l)flS0 ~ I
fq350 119:311 heart49 •
51»ilJ;:fR 52 fH~353 Ills'-repute S2 is effaceds3 by the true S4 R'3 1S4 l.!3 sS ;:j OloT ttl a"cl s8 ;:T l)f'tI<! HoS7
11354 1..:!~~55 1\ sonss, who in his mind s7 f~~ f01)['('iS9 (fro;:! ~, W<:1 S1 H";:l I!<JCP3 S2 ~
fRHo3S 56 fa~57 OlCJ contemplates S6 the Guru's word s8• He l!e;:I S3 ~ I
.. -
: u}3H 59 The lovf:ds9 Imperishable61 LorG60, 0 ftlI)fT0,S9, l)1f~0'R161 If!60, <J oT o 01 ! a~ ~
~ »iB3 61 II Nanak, ferries 64 man across the irOT3 62 RI:(;:a 63 3~ tlTa oro ft:';:1 64 ~ I
j FrRTa62 RTOlo 63 world 62 ocean6l •
~ 3TO~~€4 119811
~ Ha~65 fSRoi 66 To forget 66 the World 67 -Lord 68 is RRT067 ~ I31)fTH1 68 ~ ~5T~166 a~ ;:1 H3 6S
i 6701fs~~68 II one's de:ath6s . ~I

~ 'Rl~i69 ~fo 3 TH To contl:mplate70 the God's Name is ~TfuiJ!~ ~ 0'11 ;:T fRi-f00 70 0100' ~~;:1
· qT~~70 II one's lifc~69. ft:f;:orl 66 ~ I
· c59'<§71 RTO Frat~72 II By virtUte of the primaF3 writ 74, 0 tlo Ttioacsl 73 fBcf3 T01T0 74 ;:1 ~~CS3 ;j ()ToOl
= "
3 T3Of ~fo l1Ofa73 Nanak, God is obtained71 by flf3R0!3 72 oroo ~I)fToT <:101 tlo Ttl3 ~;:T71 ~ I
· f"5l::f~~74 11911"- associating with the saints72•
· -eR375 fS~(I)76 As the snake-charmer79 , by his speW8 ftifl 30 T Rti T ;:1 H3F9
... ... ,
~TtI;§ tJ!;: e~78
C' =
': 9''Gtm 77 H3~78 CfITa~V9 interdicts80 the poison and renders ~I)fToT f~'I ~ 1:j ON 010 f;:";:18O ~
I l1i3 Rotl77
~ fcz>~tB80 "II -aTfo the serpl~nl77 without7 6 teeth 7S , so do .
ii B;:T7S ~ fao l76 oro ftitT~; .
eFi 3a T <:11
.~ ~tfT~82 R3 II 3 T?>Of the saints remove S2 miserysl, but, they RTqc HR1~381
• -= 010 f;:"-e 82 <:10, tla ~<:1
~ gaq83 O!"oH~~84 II are found 8l by good fortune 84 . ~ai ~TQIT&4 oT<Jl fi-/cse 83 <:10 I

~ 9EII
~ ;:fer qer85
The Lord is prevading86 every-where8s I!I)fTHT <:10 ~18S f~I)fTtlOl86 ;j fo<:1 T ~ 1)f3

1 Rai
87 and gives refuge S7 to aB88 the
being89 .
R'i<l88 tiT~89 ~ tfo T<:1 fti;:l 87 ~ I

~ 3er90 gcrri91 i{H 92 By virtu!: of the Guru's grace 93 and Ola T ;:1 Bf~'li193 1)[3 ;:T;:la 94 B1 llo013,
. OT30f II uowe93 vision 94, 0 Nanak, man's mind is ~'liTaT ;j oTo01! HCif.{ ~ Ho ~ Wl1 90 BT

djo -eoR3~94 119.911 touched 91 with His 90 love 92 . fll};{la 91 EO! ;:ri;:I" ~ I

95~a~a f~96 }fc')2 With the Lord's lotus" feet9S , my Y.i ~ cRB96 Oa t9S oTB, Hat fuo~2 f~fC?fT
fau 97 II fRU 98 Raa99 mind 2 is pierced97 and I am blessed" fur»fT97 ~ »f3 H~ RTCJ'f»ft99 ~l)fiIDO
C!Rg~tJl00 Ii with aU" the joyslOO. tfOTU3 98 ;J areT/)ft \10 I

0JTa13 or~f34 'OT'OOf From the ancient times', the pious trBlo RH' 3' \1T ti~3a l{aJf\1al ~1 Hfuw

ggS lfCJT lftJa'~ II persons5 have been singing4 God's cl(Tf~ O1a-e 4 BH »fl~ <JO, d 0T00l !
.. EO

lIettl! praise3, 0 Nanak.

1397 a~ o~ Associating with the saints, man Rf3RaJ3 015 i!~, ~at ~l 'lac? ~l'cl' ~

• or~<§JO RTti Ro1~ should cross'2 the world'3 ocean l4 ~Tao9 »f3 orrfuo 'O 0l0C) ~»f'CJT, f~ ~

~t1O~12 II RRTCJ 13 by uttering9 and singing lO the - l4

;:rcn3,3 m-fea 3' tlTCJ12;Jer ~ ~, cJ
RTOfa 14 (')T?iCl 1.1'OofU15 sublime7 word' of the Guru, 0 oT(')01 ! fu\J HOa} ;:rl~01' €m?; ~lS <}
- - . -
'ifoH16 '0 8g3 17 II Nanak. This human life", he shall our 5iorr17 I
. obtain'7 not again ls •
at! 1.1oT~ RTR3 .. Men give thought" to the Vedas, q~l ~~T, 'faToT l)j3 J:lTR3Cl1 ~ ~rnTCJ-ell

mBra18 II the Puranas and the Shashtars. uo I

l{~ ~~j ~ fuOl ~f<nut' ~ oTH <ft ~
ea-OfTo 19 But, it is the Name of One God",
that they should enshrine21 in their fua~20 »f"eo fc01l~~12' ~fu3~, fim ~
20~CJqrij21 II
RH~23 mind 2o, through which they can save's arur ~ - »fTl2'f»fT ~;23 tll~ll)fi22 ~
Rl~ ;:rl~24 ~ ~;;rT Ror-e2S <To I
~(!'d2S II all the beings 24 of alln their
26~gT(JJ127 oToOf &28
o Nanak, a few 28 very26 lucky ones27 cJ OTOa' ! ~,!3 a~28 ~26 srcnt ~rB27 fuR t
cross over29 thiswise. ~T we ~ ;:r-e29 YO I
3T'd29 11:<011
fRHo~30 31aif-a-e32 Contempiating30 the World31 -Lord'su RRTCJ 31 ~ J!»fTHJ32 ~ oT}{ ~T »fTCITtl'O 0lCJ0
Name, an 35 the generations34 are ~»f1al30, RTCJl»fT3S llTCJ ~
of){ ~(fa~33 C!834
savedu . ;:VET/)ft33 ;:m I
Rf3ROl3 ~»fTCJT ~f<TclF! w mHCIo
~f(f>if36 RTll RoTf~ Associating with the saints, God's OlOo

meditation is obtained 36• By great 37 tlCI1tl3' <l~I16 ~ I tlCJH 37 ~m oRlsi 31 ~»fTCJT

'OT()Of 37~waft38
good fortune 3' is seen" the Lord's I!lliTHl ~T tlf~~ ~Ta40 ~fl::f1)JT ~ ~ I
~339 B'ORo~40 II
holy vision40.
:<etll RTl! »fl~ wa'" OlRHB;42 ~ f3»fTaJ f~·~43
The saint forsakes 43 a1l 48 his sins42
RCJS 41 -el::f42 ~ »f3 RI;! iJ tJCJH-~1HT044 ~ /)fIlii f~;;r trOll
and impiants 4S all faith'" within his
l..ffif3»fTOT143 Rca CICJ ~~4S ~ I
(fCJH fe';'13G: II45

8aijf~46 RTll Ralf~

They, on whose forehead 47 it is so .
ftl('ij H'-e47 ~
~ - fER 30 T fgfu»fl . <ifu»f141

oroOf HR3f0r47
writ48, 0 Nanak, obtain46 the society ~. cJ o1(')01! @u
<l-e \1(') I
- 'IT Rf3ACII3 ?; . tr01U346
of the saints.
fp;l:f~:48 11:<:<11
1449 3J

- -49
~1rI The Lord was 49• is and shallso ever 'a 0 R149, ~C! 0 l){3 R'eT <'j~WO 91 I ~u
ij~51 be. He sustainss2 and destroysSI aIl SJ . Rlfal)fi5J ~ lfT5BY-ilREI 52 3 nBC qo'e151 0I
R'Uo~:53 II
FPQ R3HH 11~ o Nantak, know thee the saints to be ii ~ ! ~=
R3i.7; Ff'-e54 qO~ ;::rIC! . fti~
or3Ol' tj}f3 CifTo<§56 11
56 trueS4, for s6 , they bear love ss to their ;156 ~u »{TtI~ ~ ~ fll»{T(J QCJ~ un I
~all Lord.
J!~57 ~58 59 0 37;60 Mortall Joves S9 oot60 the Guru's l{le1 aror El a 1<!l58 ~ flll)flo ou1 60 Ofa~IS9,
oB361 0lB:~2 word S8 , which bestows blisss7 , but, is s7
t'i J:!F.r1 a~e1 0, tIa qF!.Y ~ ~862 ~
a-Ol(!:63 II dyed" in saf-flower6 2 dye6J • a0l 61 f?tr clfar»{T <'jfu!,ty61 0 I '
aOl64 ROl 6S f~~cft66 Diseasl~64, sorrow's and separation68 alHTol'4, ~65 3 f~&f3166 ~R ~ »{T e
IJUouG 1I~811
J!~67 0 befall him, 0 Nanak and he obtains
not peace" even in dream 68 .
~~ uo, ii (')I(')q ! ~ J;!:6~E8 f~tr 91 ~R
~ »{la1H67 m:W fHiSt!T I
~oiJ HugT 4 Phunhas 5th Guru ~(')ii l.iiJ~l· 11lf3F.JTu1

9 €l Rf3qJo tJ!llf~ II There is but One God. By the True ~Tf<JaIo
~~8 fuq 0 I R~ aIo
r ~l Efel)fT

!i ijTf~9 0l''BH70 »fcfn.f' 1

HR3f0l'72 5CfT~173
Guru's grace, is He obtained.
With pen70 in His hand". the
Inscrutable 71 Lord writes73 destiny
~l)fTCJT, ~

RTfol)fi ~ H'-en
>:IfT~ ti"l:l69 f~ qffil70
~ 0

3 l.f59Q f8l:f'e I73

ti;::r-ofu37I ~
0 I
on the forehead 72 of all.
~OfS74 The Lord of uoparaIled 70 beauty77 is 8tRT(')176 !i'eo3Tn BY JI»{THl RTfa"l)fj (')1875
RfOl15 involved 74 with 75 aU. ~C5fs"I)fT 5fe»{1 74 0 I

" ~lfT~3177 II
~H3f378 ~Q79 0
With my mouth80 , 0 my Lord, I
;::rrfE li~80 can uHi:~r79 not Thine81 praises78 •
3~Tol))iT81 II
~ -
~ H~182 ~fCf ~OR83 Nanak is fascinated· 2 by seeing Thy 30T t!m:rn"J ~tt, Hfu3 <'j far»{l8.2 0
J oOl' ~fH~Tol»fT84-
?5T II visionS] and is a sacrifice84 uoto

»{3 3~ ~3· w81 ~~184 ~, ii tI~ !

911 Thee, 0 Lord.

i Fr3'

88 H
Seateds:r i086 the saints' society811,
utterS' ][ the praise88 of my Lord.
Rf3Rar385 "f'e089 -ij0S7~,
t!l fR~3-Rnl88 ~trTCJn OfO'e 149 Uj I
H· »{Tll~ Rlf\:re

~ »f'Otit90 ~ FftOlTg91 I dedicate 90 to Him all my W tR?i »{T~ R'i<1 urofF.farT0 91 }}louo
~~ 111~92 R~ decorations9' and giveU Him aU qO~190 u j »{3 »{1~1 fE;) RIal fB'ear1 92 u1
f~T93 II this sou192 of mine. ~A ~ fi'e T93 Ui I
l')fTR94 fl[>liTff19S R;:r94 Thirsting's in the hope94 of His ttR~ 'eoF.rn 'e1 ttH'e94 ll1"'eo f~1::1'~395 <'j H·
........" "' ,,, + ++ + + + 4"f'iti~..'Ii++ ..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _..._._.-_ ..... _ - - - - -
~"'''~~''''''''~''''''''~~~~uWltilti''''''''''' •••••••••''•••••• *,.d!J.!IlJ.d!J.iItIl
!IlJ.*,••• .

vision, I have spread 100 the bedding'4 )'){TtJi f!. 'eo'7 ~o399 '8~1 f~96
for my Beauteous" spouse". f~re",ll00 ~ ,
~faut HR3fCl 2
~~ Harhan, if good destiny' be writ on \JfcJ<Jt, ~cro H-~z 3 ~0I1 ~~13 f51:fl \iEt
9TqJ3 ~ w;:rq5 the brow2, then4 alone the Friends is ~, a~ ~4 \Jl fH3C s UCJTU3 ~~l' ~ I
tJTEl~6 II ~ II obtained'.
m:ft7 qt;:J~ o mate7, I have prepared I'
every ;J R\Jl~7 ! H' RoW
'.6'8 W'8 T' ),){3 lfIO-
- 10
m:r ..
thing lZ collyrinm , garland' and
l ma TTO RTCT <is 'Z f3l)(TO oft:p13 ~ I
RTf;l))fy13 II betel-Ieaf1o•
RHU18 oit~14 RlaJta15 I have embellished14 myself with H' ~ )'){TU ~ R'8 P8 3~t ~ \J'CP-fi:fuJTct1S
(')TS Jffi~3 a13T• 3 )')f3 )'){TUf<!)'){t ~ f~~
for nfiiQ16 t(yf;:p~fT17 II lixteen" type of decorations l5 and
have applied l7 antimony" to my eyes. <it1'8 16 \JTf~TI7 ~ I

IfI9 my spouse 22 visits2 ' my home2o ~ac I' HCJT \J3)22 !fa Olf;:rzt ~)'){T ~21,
then23 attain 24 I to everythingn . 3 iZ3 .
Hi> WCJT as
2S UCJTU3 ;j ;:r~,24 3 I

o Harhan, without" the Groom, all 01 ;:rfCJ\Jt ! 9'83 ~ mDo 26, wa ;:rTCJfi,iara •
fuoq27 W~28 ;:ro 1
embellishments g02' vain".

Very'O fortunate" is she", in whose ~T~O nRlat ~1'8l31 ~ €t;:r29, fMFl ~ tJTlf2
home'2 her Bridegroom abides. »\"~ €tR ~ \J31 ~~ ~ , t
All3S the decor at ions become3" hern a
Rl 3S ;:rTCJfIfurTC 3~ €tR 33 ~ H~34 ;:ro ~
then and she" alone is the happy a~'8 ~;:r3' ul ~alg u3013 7 ~ I
bride 37•
Becoming care-free3' , pi now, rest in ~f6Clo39 ;j, H'33 <I~ »\TCT)-f 1Ji"t!Cf R~l;:rT,

sleep since my mind's aspirations40 fa~fCl Ha f~3 eT1Ji t )j.\f~8Tgi40 l!Cf1)'){t <'i
have been fulfilled" l• OIell>fi ..1 \Jo I
Harhan, when42 my spouse came to ufo;:rt, ;:Ie"z HoT lJ31 Ha q1}/ f?~ )j.\T foTl){T,
my house, then'" did I obtain 3~"3 H~ RIOT crs UCJTlJ3 'ell fOT1Ji1 I
My desire" s, S04" intense
de!>ire to see Thee, 0 my Love, that

Thou ought to fulfil'" this desire of

my HCJll:f'f;:rg"s, ,;{?i1 44 UoEm ~ Hal :tfTf;:rg 3~
~l:1<! ~1,,, H~ y}3H'! fa 3~ Fe\J :tl'fug
uCfT4' CilCJ ~1 ~~1 ~ I

When the True Guru becomes iR R~ a:I~ ill fH'UO'ell0 47 ;j;:r~ \JO, a~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 0' .1

merciful47 , then alone is attained49

the Pe:rfect48 Lord.
H 31'050 In my body50 are
many52 so Hol ~50"j'ffiJ ~oll)/i f;:ll)fTt!t5 2 sBll){i51
~~52 far 51
demerits , that I am overshadoweds3 <Jo, for II st!llJit oTH ~forl)fT \if~53 <Jt I
5lf~l1iT53 II with demerits.
~fo~r FfBOjO g~ o my God, when the True Guru <J Ha ?Tr;:ra.r~ ! itt! R'<.~ oJ~ fH<JO ST054 ii~

3' Ho becomc:s merciful54 , then alone is the <Jo, ~~CS at <Jl HCil)fT IJiRfuo 55 iit!T ~ I

~oTfe»iT55 11411 mind held 55 in check.
~56 oToar ~l1i"357 Says5' Nanak, I have meditatedS8 on IDo itl 1Jill:f-e57 <JO H· 1Ji1l.2 RlJiTHl t!T fAHao
~>i3' fq»iTf~»iT58 11- my Lord. who is Infinite57 and ~1;T58 ~, ;:r lJi~a~7 3 IJilflo-~f<J3 ~ I
- Endlesii.
! ~59 f~~ RFJTi[60 Difficults9 to cross is this world 1.JTO orao ~ ))i~:fT59 ~ fe<J itID3 mitraU tlO 1

11lf3i![g 3<JTful>fl'" II ocean'l). but, the True Guru has H~ IDot ~ Hi; feR ~ lITo ora f~3l" ~ I

..,.. ~... ~ f"" ....... ~ '" ~ >ot3 i

ferried me across" it.
• fHf~»iT62 »iT?T OT~~63 Comin:gs and goings'3 are ended'2.
• tJT84 l.loy65 lJTf~))fy66 II when64 the perfect'S Lord is met ;::pi63 Iior ~" <Jo I
Barhan. the Nectar'7-Name of God. <Jt'a<Ji , ~Tf<JiJ!~ W J!QT Rill'7 OTH H· H-~
I hav.: obtained from'8 the True 'OJa t trTA"8 trCJTl.[3 cIT3T ~ I
On my hand'9 is the auspicious sign Ha ti"~9 ~3 ,=!Bl:fc! ~~CS70 t!T ftfo ~ IJi3
of lotus 70 and in my heart Ha fBCS -e f~<J;171 I){'Bo liJ:l172 ~RtW3 ~ I
compound71 abides73 bliss 72•
In my throat75 is the jeweJ7' of the Ha 01875 f~ ~f<JO!~ -e OTH t!l it~<J076 ~
God's Name, beholding" which my f;:rn ~ ~l:l" ~ HoT :am78 ~a \l faJlJiT 79 ~, 01
sorrow1'8 has departed79 • 0 my Hal R<JB1~74 !
mate74 •
1 abide110 with 81 God85• the Sustainerll3 }j. IJi TCSH 82 -e lSTBe-U~<JTa8] ~Tf<JO!q,85-e
of the universe81 who is the capital84 (')TH!I ~Rt!T80 <J t , ;:r RTfalJi t IJiToTHJ W liCS-

of the comforts and in whose hand'i. 1:10.4 ~ 1Ji3 fitl1 ~ ti'lf ' f~~, or <JfO<JT !
o Barll1an, ever90 abide wealth", UO-RtfBT86 , lfcl03T'7 IJi3 ;588 lfi.1'%!9
perfection87 and nine88 treasures 8'. RBJ~90 <J1 ~R~ <Jo I

They, who go'S to enjoy other92

- - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ - _.... _...__ ... _._.-

wfb9S M6 -af¥l men's women". theY" alone" shall

Winl)ifu I' suffer shame".
fC)3t{f399 f~rcrlll100 They. who ever" Iteal loo others' if Rt!'97 u1 ;loot ID m; R~,2 ;rcJT~~IOO
- fiie ~
lffi ~as2
'elcft»{fu "
. wealth2, how4 can their sins' be
cODcealeds ?
<JO ~ ~ UTll] faR 3(l'j4 ct;15 ;:IT R~
• - til u

ora F They, who utter' the holy8 praises' of it ~a.Ii t;!11){i llT~i'H!n13' fR&3i' ~7
uf~8 ROT~ God, redeem10 all their geDerations'. un, ~ l)fT1R11){i RTd11){i ll1~1l)ff' ~ ~
~Vo" ~IOun I

fJfaut '303 9~ Barhan, they, who hear God's Name <Jfaut, it <Jcft ~ OTH 0 ~ un ))f3 llOH 1J
lfOla12 Ufa'FJl:[13 and reflect l " on the Transcendent" ~ ~T fQI)fT o QTd~I" uo, ~ trWaa 12 ;l
li1~a~V· IItll Lord, become pure l2 • ;:r~ un I

@ufat5 ~16 ))fcf'Rt7
~18 tra t9
R<:r3128 II
The sty l1 above ls looks graceful 16
and the earth It below" appears

R<JeT 16 fe~T
itTllID ~ I
~ ))f3 ~I'

~u21 fefR22 'tJHi23 The lightningJ4 fiashes 2J in ten21 ~12t 1.JTRt22 fStI512" ~ d<JVJ ~ ))f3 Il
a1ttf~24 l:fl:J25 ~ ditections 22 and I long to see26 the ~ ~3H ~ ~TCJfti~25 ~ M 26 ~
;':jU3l26 II faceJ5 of my Beloved. a~~1 ut I
11tr3 ~28 f~R29 I go21 searching27 in alien lands2t;
27 H' 59<!27 m lfCRR12' ;:rtel21 ui ; H'" »fT\Ji
tit@30 31 ~ II cra
how" can I find my LoveJO ? N))fTijJO ~ faR ~iJ I llT ~1 <Ii ?
maut ~32 HA3fa 33 Harhan, jf32 such be the writ of ufaut, ;lClaJ2 H~ H'-qu W3 l{~J" tit ~;l
~ 9'q[34 335 ~ destiny'" on my browll then" alone, ii<J1 fID:l3ClTa~, a~ at35 <J1 W ~ ~
~37I1t" can I merge" in His vision". i!1t!'d" ~ ~1oJ7 ;l ~l u t I
~ Ri ~38 om I have seen all the places]', but, there H' R'dll)ff ~]' ,.
~ll)fi un , u"a ~ ~m"

3Q~y~" is none like" thine. .ret sl oc:it I

Sai1 40 14M1 fuQ I 3 42 Of Himself, Lord 41 the creator42 ~ 'U1 fRatl~uld42 ~l)jJHl41 ~ ~ ClIfuJ.{
#33Rfy~41' has established 40 thee; therefore"J, a13'40 ~, ~ 8~J <J1 t J!~~ ~ I
• beauteous44 art thou.
fl:AelU ~6 Ramdaspur is thickly46 populated 4s, ~TJl~d a3'" IlIlfC!T'" I)f~ 3 fu<J
l)furcr47 l)f01t8 it is unparalleled47 and supremely BJRTo14' ))f3 llOH Jf~' ~ I

~ tra' 'I beauteous..'.
~ ()T?;or c~HJ-f849 Says Nanak, 0 Harhan one's sins'" Cll2:;:11 ))fTl:f~ uo, 7S1 ufO<Jf! dTH~tR B' •
tr'fuso or~51 are washed offso, by bathingSI in the '1~S2 f~ reaoTo adnSI 0T5 \fe1 ~
CJTHBTR fJ(J52 II~OIl tanks2 of Ram Dass. llTt.l4 ' ii3 ;:Iit?50 un I
tJTf3or53 fu354 Rfu355 The wise5s pied-cukooSJ , in his fRl){T(!155 wm,5], ))fTl.l<! ftffiS4 ))(~ WR 56
~ -
1lS6 RTifQ57 tJTUl~58 II heart", desires 58 the 56 friendly57 rain. tH3d 57 )·Il<J ~ ~'~~T58 ~ I

'r +•••++.++~+~++++++~.++~JE

l;:+;:~+":~:++::·:::SfO'" tbat" alone to" wbicb flu ~~ ~R62 Bel <11 '3h.lmy61 0, fuR
l{T~61 f3R 62 q~ his vital breath61 is attached 6o • oTB59 @A ~1 fift!-tI T0 61 tl~l \iel60
~ ~Tul~63 II
- -. 0I

~ SQ64 SQ fuo3 65 He wanders65 sadly" from forest 6" ~ ~1(!165 -e feq ~~7 ~l l:f"3Q"
€?t:!TR~6 SB67 tl8 68 to forest, for the sake of" a drop67 \i ;:lOTH6.. ;lOTB )){'t!o ~Cq~T·
~Td~69 II = of watelr68 • f60~165 0 I
Wijj72 oTl:!
WO S 0 70 dOl~s God's slave71 ask for72 the
Name. Nanak is a sacrifice unto
~R 3a i7o <:11 a"a t!T 015171 ol}{ H~T72
OTOq ~A ~3· ~oaTo73 ~Vt!T 0 I
0 I

oTner Sf"ffiJTo~73 II him.

~ 'l'lll
~ n·f374 ofT f~ The hea rt7..
of my friend 75 is }fa fH"30 7" ~1 ft!B75 UOH Ii't!'a" 0 I fe~'
~ »f()tJ76 Hal:!77 0" supremely beauteous76 . Its mystery77 j3 77 tlTfc!Il{T oul· flY Aqt!T I
: t:JT()1»f II can be known not.
o dJT(Jq78 dJ?i1 79 »ftJTo 80 He, who is the purchaser78 of the ;:j B1ATo180 ~all)fi79 ~ J:faRra78 <:11 0;
o - ,..

~83 3~81 tJ~T?il»f82 II matchlessso virtues79 , he BJ alone ~~ ~83 <:11 ))iAB1))i3" ~ fRV1(!t!T82 0 I
recognilles 82 the quintessenceS I.
ftBf(J fB q 84 RHrfB'85
.£< When man's minds" is merged85 in it~ ft:o'RTo ~1 Ho s" A'e't -e Ho >i't!'a H1n

~ 3
a0l the Lord's mind, then86 , obtains he <J ti't!TIS 0, 3",86 €r.:J
- - .*
urc!als8 l:fF.l18'

! US?i
~ ~fo~ -e-BH 89 Bof(J90
great88 bliss87 .
Harhan, when man overcomes" his
~oTt8 \i ;:It~T 0 I
<:If3'1', tIt! S~T ))iTtI~ '~g?~c;89 Ho -e
j Hrfo91 3 92 tJT~f(J93 mercurial" mind, the thief90 , then92, 3Rqa'O ~ WCI -g·t!T'. ~, #2 ~u Fful
: R~ UO",94 119~II receives9] be the true wealth 9". -e539 • ~ ~T -5&er9J 0 I
;J1Uc595 ~9196 In the dream 9s I was lifted" high I1G~95 f~B If' ))iTU~ 1{l3l-/ ~ ~9. ~ -e5t
o dJf(J€,797 - or198 towards my Love, but, wh y 9s did not OTer, t[~ H& ~A t!T t1~8T99 ~e· fQl~8 nr
: >iBHT99 II I seize97 His skirt" then '1 ~97 fH))iJ ?
: RBo lOO tr'dl::f 2 Seeing" my beauteous 10o Spouse2 ))iTt!i Rui 11i'-ii 1oo ~3V ~ Bfcl)p \ifel)jTl

~ ftro Tff=J3 3 ilfC:f4 HQ reclining], my mind was bewitched5• ~~, HeI' H~I'){T Hfu3 \i fOT'>f T5 I

: ~BHT5 II
: Bf=J~6 3 T "&7 B'd~8 I am searching for 6 His 7 foot- H· ~R7
- -e
l1aT ~ fOHToTls?> ~~t!l fGa~19
~ ~

printss• Pray tdl me 9, how 10 shan I 9

<:IT I eFi , HaT' l{}3H" H~ faA 3"1[T10 lfU'3
: or(J~9 or3 19 tJ ''el>li 12 II
find l2 my love '1 ;J~OTTI2 ?
~fCJUT RB'1 13 tl3 Q14 o my mate 16 Harhan, tell l5 me of Hal Ael~'9 <:IfClu' ! H~ ~ull ~U'3T5TI.
: a3 Tfu15 RC:fV6 flJ.~17 the 13 effort l" by which I may meet lS eW 5 ftIA ~'>flOT H· l)fTlI<! f~l)fTa ,7 ~ fH"B
: tfTit~18 119S11 with my Beloved l7. l..i~18 I

: c5~19 0 -eC:ff~ RTq The eyc:s l9 which see not the saint &t 19 ;:j cfa B A3 ~ oul· ~l;f~; ~u20 &t

--------_ _ --------

of God, those20 eyes ever remain

miserable21 •
01'0022 0 BouT ~23 The earsu , that hear not the God's ~n21, ;l ~1!T ST<!V3 ~ oul' Il~; ~
orao 25
lj-ft!24 Ul'f8lJiT 11 holy wordu • a block24 should be put 25 etot R9 ~24 HT ~c'!,25 ~ ~ I

in those cars.
CJROT26 ;:N27 0' 0Tli The tongue26, which utters 21 not the f;m;it m§26 OlH BT ~ao27 iiOBT, ~ our
f3(228 f3C2 mer Name, ought to be cut!' bit by bit28• 28
~CJ1 Yal qO a
~ ~V9 wu1Bl ~ I
orc1~29 II
illCJ~ tTa fasra 30 Harhan. when man forgets 30 his ufouT, ilB SBT ~ ~JI uTf3R'u J2 ~ i8
~faB'3J orf~32 ft!~33 Lord31 , the King32 , he dec1ines34 day WBl JO
~, ~ aiJ-l:l-aiJ 33
~T WBT34 ~ I
ft!Q u.rc1~34 II «:tBII by dayn.
tlor;:r35 GT-a 36 tfor37 The wings 37 of the bumble-bee arc
H~T38 Ht39 ~fG~o II caught" in the greatly" woven40
fargrant 39 petals of lotus!s.
».{0l41 HdT42 ~CJsrfB43 Entangled43 with42 the pctals 41 • he til:r3~1 ~2 6H ~3, ~R ~ ~a U~fl4S •

f~:f1:ro344 BfG))fT45 II 10ses44 his sense4S • wa~44uol

~"&€1 ~Rr46 H1~7 Is there SUCh48 a friend 47 of me, who CIT <ret Hal ~ fuJT
fH3a 47 ~.;:l Rl:I~J
ft:r =-aij48 fu1:fH49 may snap48 the hard49 knotSO ? ~50~~~~?

'ari'fo50 II

(SToOl fu'or 5J Ffh:IOS2 Nanak, the One Venerablesl Lord53 oTOOf t1cr3l52 ~ fucr l[tl'liISI ~53 uT ~RT i'
oTl:{53 f;:r - ~54" t%fu of the earth SZ is such, who unitesSI ~.;l f~~t ~f~S4 ~ >Ji1~ 0'8 ;:13
~5511q41i with Himself the separatedll4• ~BT55 ~ I

.. ur~56 'tRT57 ~0l58 I run aboutS6 in manyS8 directionss7 »j'Ui l{i! ~ fU))jlOs, ~ Uo TlJ3 CIOn ~1'0 H·
lilH59 l{9 or~60 \I for attaining'o my Lord's loveS'. »j~58 u1fRi)fTS7 ~ §fiPliT mOBIS 6 ut I
~~ tltJ R3~61 't3 - 62 The five adversaries82 torture61 me. ti'iI ~HHn6Z H~ aar CIO~61 uo I fClfl'l
~ q~063 faftfi 4 HTi~ \I In what" way64 can I destroy them? 3OT€l64 nTB" ~ full
- v
?i• >110 flaB' u t I
! 31Cf(565 UT~66 Aim67 at them the sharp6s arrows" of full ?i Rl)fTH1 ~ nIH ~ fAHao" ~ f3~6S

- u • -

oTl:[ t!..g the meditation" of the Lord's Name. 31a66 Hl a67 I
iQre1~68 II
:! ~fCKJi' ~t69 fm:rre1 70 Harhan, the way to slay71 the ufauT, lloH69 ~l:IBT~YO ~aHof ~ HIa ,!c~71
i UfT371 tlCJo72 OTO pain-giving 10 BT 3a101T 1.!a 72 qraT UTR~ UO TlJ3 ;IBT ~ I
i tlT~l>if II clEII --
obtained from the perfect72
enemies is
~ Rf3dTo 01'101 73 t!Tf3 74 The True Guru has blessed74 me R·~ Olaf ~ H~ tL~ ~ nT}{ BT al:fHTa74 ftf3Y3

L.:._ _ n _ ••_ ,~~ ..

~• • • " " " . · · ·• • • • • •d • •

'ljfg75 '0 f~~7i II with tbe bounty7.of the Lord's

i 7
Name llnd it exhausts ' not ever7S . •
I ~71 ~W78 Rfs Eating"? and expending7' it, all the fPR ~ \:fT,!" l){~ ~78 ~l)fTCJT, s:rrfal){t
I CUCJJ:fftr ~~180 II
79 pious persons" are emancipated80, 1If~3a \JoB'7' ~ crfsltf1C! ci Wt:!l" ~ I
J>ii){q81 oTli f0tPQ82
• f~83 3_n~'84
Being pleased'" the Lord has
bleslledu me with the treasurel2 of
\.l.Hn ci,
84 '!~ ~ H?l. -.
l){Tt2 RQ'T Rdu'I-

4! His Nectar 81 -Name, OTH 'e' ):fiJTn T8Z Sl:ltB"fl1J ~ I

. OT'OOl RBYSS l1iCJ1fq86 Nanak" everl5 dwell" thou on thy O'OCI', ~ uHRy85 01 "flU<! J!l)fTHl" 'e'

Ol-e87 '0 11if~ Hfcr II Lord, who dies not ever'7, fRHao aer, it ~Tm3" Hat!T nul" I

f~88 11T~ 9OT~89 1390 Where'ver'8 goes the Lord's saint", f;:r6 fCl3 88 J!l)jTJ.rl 'e' wrt' Wt!T~, R~'2
{{TQ91 BJf~(!T92 II beautc,ous'2 becomes that'O place'l. t:rl ~~ ~ ~u90 l){R1:ITO'l I

RdT-5 '5~94 Btr ~fCJ Medita.tingn on the God's Name, ~~t ~ O'H 'e' l){lOTOO iXcJO'3 ~))fT(JT,

'OTH fU~T~C;T93 II ~ l){TOTH ci ;:ri-e94 un I

all the comforts ale attained'·,
tll~95 Olafo ,:torTq96 People"5 hail" the Lord's saint and HCl's J!l)fT).fl -e R'll ~ ~TU ETU crae" un
99 llf3 ~ 't:!1 at:!~~l Cloo ~'7 Of5-RS" c}
fiBOl97 liE98 uftJ II his slanderers'7 putrefy" to de:lth'8,
Ha' we" un I

RTt=J'OlOO Hfo2 l1iTc5tI 3 Says Nanak, 0 friend 1oo, utter4 thou o:r~ tit l){T\:f~ uo, ~ fH'30 IOO I ~ ~ ~
()TOOT '01}i 11fu4 II the Lord's Name and bliss3 shall nTH 't:!T ~. aer l)f'3 ~13 3'6 m32
abide within thy mind 2 • )){'t:!CJ fn~TR Clo g~arl I
lP~o5 Uf33 Uo13 6 7 The mortal serves' not ever8 the tre1 0l-e8 91 U~30 ~s 't:!1 cfU'5 our
~'t:!l'J ;l urulll-fi' ~ uf~30 aero ~7
~ or3~8 o~l R~1~9 II Immaculate LordS, who is the
7 ~Ir

1SiS afar12 "1'>1'0 13

Purifier of the sinners'.
In false 10 revelries 12 , the mortal is ~31~iIO cJOT-ogll)fT'2 )){t:!O, qrcl 3STU ci

,i;'~t tl~1~15

c:5OT- 14 II wasted away Ill. How long l l can he ;:rTt:!T3I ~ I faf·~ f~14 3i~r ~
o:rl:lTcplS Clo RCl~ ~ I
- fuR 30t .
pull's c)n thiswise?
~ ~fa B'B~al14* itftr * l5 Seeing 'S '" the optical illusions'''·, why" ft:!,F.R'H'o q~I"* ~ ~\:fIS., ~ fCl~"I' ~17

! orr5 Rtf HTfol)-fT II

16 l7 fee!est thou happ> 17, 0 mortal? ~~T ~', <J If'!l ?
! ~fCJ~t ~-~ Bfc:5~TalI8 Harhan, I am a sacrifice l8 unto ufa~, H' ~i 3' qoSTol8 ~~eT ui,;l Y..i
-e eosTo" )){ea U~Tn DE 20 5E un I
t f30 f;1 t!adlf(J19 those, who are approved 20 of in tile
~ ~Tfo»fT20 119 t II Lord's Court l9 •
~1Ii0l'5 ae l24 I}f~Clt23 i!Clol-l 2Z »-(3 wi-a '
~ or13 21 qaH 22
"',f3or 23 The unwise one 24 commits 21 several23
UlU 2S Ql-ll~·eT21 ~ I
OT~Ta24 f-aOfTa 25 misdeeds 22 and good many26 sins 25 .
u.ro26 II
H(Jy27 B...ciiu328 ~~:!9 The fool':;30 bod y 32 is an abode 29 of

..................+'I''""''''' ''1>¥'P''' "'''' ......J


RC530 Ci{T S'q31 3032 II the highly27foul odours21 and

shall become dust31 •
r6a3~33 mas He wandersu in the darkness'" of ~ ~ ~ <:ffia 34 I)jev ~ f~3 3
~STfa34 H~35 ou ego and thinkest3S Dot of his death M • »j~ »j'l2l H3 t!T tiPlf'H"
'&il' aot!T I:
ufaut m~~al37 Harhan. beholding21 a city in the ufaut, u~ f~ aitraV-naral37 ~Ja, t feR
iffi:I38 ~39 mJ air 37• why. acceptest40 thou it as ~ fcr~39 Rul ORBlH qa~ ~£ ?
wcret40 II~OIl - true?
ftm cit uW ~42
1 Wh043 can preser"e44 him. whale ~R ~ ck'3 fit ~ ~, filR ~l ~42
faR ri~3 aTl:rel44 II life42 has ended41 ? liCil areJ41 ~ 7
~5- - "noor46 How 100g41 can the physicians4s go fn fuot' 3i~' ~~5 ~ ~847
@~7 qut48 s@ on suggesting4' various'" ways47. '*114' ;:rc:ci ?
~~4911 -
e~ '91350 m~51 o ignorant man51 , rememberS 0 thou ~ ~ 1:i~51 ! i l)fTl2 feCil gl)jT)-ft ~I
wftJ52 3a ~ II thy own Lord. who shall be of
avail 52 uoto thee.
fRl1cJCisl CilO, ii ~ ciH ~52 I !

maul fuQ O'~ 3q53 Harhan. without the Name. the ufaut , CiT){ ~ Siiia @u53 Mel ~ "'€taftS4
S'lq54 fi{lP 55 ~56 bodyS3 shall become dust54 and ~ uCf 13 56 f~a~5S ~1 ~ I
wm II~C\II everything5' shaH go wastess .
~57 O'li l){l.Pq58 Indrink ecl thou the medicineS7 of the ~ HTRT0151 ~ ~8s, (5T)f ~l t!~57
~~59 tit;ml60 II peerlesssl and priceless5' Name. l,Jro'o CilO I

fHfes fHf-g61 l::fT~f~62 Meeting tJgether". the saints f~1 fHH ~ RTt! feR ~ ~2 un ~
R3 RaJ~3 ~ partake of it and give'4 it to all
~a63 wfa))ji ~ ft!~4 un I
~t'Ie164 II others'3.
f;:rA uaTUf365
faR 66 tit ~7
He alone" is blessed
Lord's Name, who is dutiocd to
receive'S it.
with67 the ~, ~ ~

ul oT){ ~ ~ fi.r8~1'7 ~,
f~'l feR ~ \lallJ31'5 fgtfi i
ufa~t ~ mes~Ta168 Harhan. I am a sacrifice" unto ufaut, j:F ~ ~ ~wo" t1T~ ul, ii f
f3"0 fif ma
ijaI 69 those. who enjoy70 their God's l)\'Uc! ~TfuC!~ ~l t!t3" ~ ~70 uo I I
. aT~i70 II~~II - love"'.
'iw 71
RtT tien 73
72 The assembly73 Of72 the physicians7' ualHt71 ~l'l R9 T73 feofO' ~ sfu'e174 3I
fuaoT74 mB»fT- II meets together74• The medicines75 ~~'ell)ft7S Cil'ClOla 76
~ iI~ll)\t 'lo, m! l.t~

~75 »fT~ aTfA76 become effactuap6, when the Lord. of l!~. ~ f~ >liT lST <ie 3 I

~ftJ )){Tfu78 Himself". stands" amidst them.

l::JM~»fT77 II
~ ...

~ ;179 Whatever79 good and bad their f;:r<J;17'm \io1 »{3

- .
H-e (!(')i ~ »U-rB80 <Jo
g&CJl-f81 actiom: 8o are, those BI very action'! RTf~l)i13 ~<J81 <:1T »{)-/g uaarc'Z 5 iti~ <:10 I
UFIfCJlJiT82 II become manifestS2 •
~fCJO+ B'l:f83
ijafW Harhan, troublesBJ, diseases l4 and <:1fo<:1 i , 30181:6 y83 , aTWoTl)ii 84 »13 CiTHl-/B"85
m9' lJTU85 3386 387 sins1s all vanish88 from B7 the body" R'~ R3 T ~T ~u86 '3"87 l)f5~ 5 itf~88 ~o I

fuRfcrlJiT88 11:<S 1\ of the saints'

'J~SH Cbaubolas "ij~qg

JmW4 5th Guru li~· urf3RT<J1

9. §" R8aTo
- uwfB'
.... II There is but One God. By the True ~<Ja.I~ a~B reCiT ~ I R~ Olot ~T ~rel){T
Guru'll grace, is He obtained. ~I)fTOT. ~ u1re»{T iJi~T ~ I

RH6 ~89 ~R90 Saman :-IfI9 this'O love" could be :-ROIo89 Uo--e83"z ~ ~cfe-a'5 oT5'3
t{l-f!t1 aT B'H 92
for..~93 got'4 in exchaDg~'5 with'3 riches'z, f~<:1'o tfl3" fl-/B" HCiT~l <i~1'4, 3~ ~<J'7

~94 RTc 95 II CP~O' then hl:'7, the Rawan, was" not poor", o'?o c3iEl ~OfTB'8 3T C'i<Jl Rl". fitR ~
~396 g97 (1&98 of~ who severed 100 his heads 2 and »fTl.,i<! H1A 2 ~-e 100 a fF.l~ itl ~ ~c' OIT3" I
fmo fRaz B'lc5 99 offered" them to Sblva.
0fTfu 100 119.11
t{lf33 ill-f4 3Q5 l:ffu6 Mus:m :-My bodyS is absorbed6 in 'lAo :--Ho1 ~<J5 Y.l ~Tli<i'a33 )}13 fUa<J~l"

Cffu>,.{r ~7 0' QTE18 the love 3 and affection" of my Lord "feo 810 5~ <J~T6 ~»f3 H-a 3 tL~ ~
~3911 and between?
there is' difference
me and the
not even of a
o<Jl ~, I
f~tJCiTT07 f~or Ha"8 ~ ~r<! ftfo T 31 ~CiT

mustard seed B.
'10010 orHH 12 HQ13 The Lord's lotus 12 feet lO
have \ft ~ ,hm 12 uol lO ~ HoT f;fe~TI3 f~~ l
afQ€?.J4 ~SQ:15 gof3 16 BCV4 ~ I &~g ~ <:1T f~(iH'(') tL~ ~ »fCl9~

pierced my soul". Then alone man .
R;:iOT 17 II~II realises the Lord, if his mind l6 is to
lll OIoeTIS ~J ,:j ~R ~T l-/(i16 ~ oTB Bf;3I)jTI7
Him atta~hedI7. <J~ I
-E1 RTaTo18 Ha19 §fu'»fT020 If the love 26 of my Beloved 27 be 'itao l)iTui 27 fLll)fT"3 ~ fUl)fT(J'26 Ha ~~o

j B'o 21 22o~l:1"'~2J agoT24

9'al-f25 II l;!Ro 1{H 26
within me, then. I, Musan, would
cross 25 the oceans, mountains",
<J~. 3 t , H', liHo, HI:feo iI8 , U<JT~i",
aTI){ TsT(ii 20 ;:'hm~t21 1",1"3 (lo3V ~ 3 72
-E1 ft..ra-H 27
-E1 ~Of
Ofol-fJO II
wildernesses , forests 21 and nine 2Z

regionsZ3 of the earth Z4 and count 28

them as 2' only two steps 30.
fl::jf3>ii t13 ~ UTO CiTo ;:jT~tarT2S »{3 f~~t ~ ii-
a?iS ~ CiTel-/ i30 CiTo& <:11 farc; i ar,28 I
ljRo l-fROfa31 ill-/ 32 0 Musan, the lightll of the Lord's <J liA(i ! tLi ~ fl.!}){Ton ~ UCqTlj31 ~, ,:j33 Ha ~
~1 o~l '11 33 ni"tfg34 love l2 , whicn 33 is contained 35 in l-/o -e )}1!c;'T'R H lifeo ol-/ fO<JTlS~, ~a4D ~ J
..... .";;;;V''''''-''''l''t' ... q;'t'·-t',,,q;-';;'t~q;'I'~'''q;''''i''l'c;,q;'l''t''l''l''l''l'~'l''P'l''P'P't''l''l''l''t''¥'l''l''l''Jiq;<l>ir>'fi~'i'<f><l>'''~

-------------_._-_._.._._-_ ......_.-

(;Tf~36 II ~lil36 ~ij37 my mind sky'4, has made :::~i:::.+++;::;:::+:·;:::::::~;;tl

0lH'S38 Hf~39 9?O40 to my Lord, like the black-bee 40, ~ orc? tJK;3 fir3,41 ~ I
~ 'Sllcrf~41 11811 that is caught'6 in" the woven"

ilU42 3'tr4
Rt=JH 44
10tus38 flower".
The worship42, penance 4', s~lf- ~raoT"2, 3ll-r~', ~-1.ra;);:J44 '4Rt45 f
~~5 B~46 Hro47 4 4s
abstinance 4, pleasure . peace 46 , »flOT~6, fu;:a l){TS~47, ~ful){Til48 l){a"" l
).f~48 ))i'Q49 OTa~50 II honour47 , greatness 48 and 4' egoSO; SO
;jaTo , fea I1T<JS5, W l){1U<! ~ ~l fea ~
ljRn f7)).ftfq51 1{H 52 aliaS these, I sacrifice, and forswear J:!.u3 5/ ~l l{13's2 fi}3' i!0S'n S4 <!OS'?) C«feT e
ufa 53 ~fa54 ~Tfa unto S3 a moment'ss/ love s2 of my (]T, (J J!F'0 ! =:
~~ ~55 11'. 111 Lord, 0 Musan. =:
).faH 56
This world 6o is dying58 and being
plundered5', 0 Musan. It realises57
feu ~(')ll)/j6O HO~ls8 1)/3 ~cl-l!c15' if! out ~
~. (J l!!=fo r feu 1..fl ~ ~356 ~ l){il3~ ~
f~59 Rwa 60 II not the Lord's mystery86. oul cre~t57 I =:
ilH 61 Na).f62 (') It is pierced through" not Il'ith the ful)/TCJ6I oT5 f~"ol O<Jl
feu ftJl){rij62 -e ~
oret l){a 0l~65 QlTQ f?<]T~(""~ ~
fw:r 65
f~rq66 II
10ve61 of the Belovedu
and is
entangled84 in the false" pursuits".
;jel64 I " ~ - T l){ a 6R
~7 ~8 tiS When man's home" and property'S iR ~~ ~ fofT" ~ ;:pr~~8 R3 tli-e" i...
;:rral~fl9 fa~3'70 are burnt", then. because of their uo, ~ ~C'ii -e f~~~71",,3 flll)flC!71 QlTo~ E
ilH71 ~T'S72 II - separation70 and love7l , he becomes ~u tI1.:fV ~~ ~ I ~

HRO 3'S73 ill HR1~74


B~76 11..911 -

miserable72 •
However, 0 Musan,

the Merciful76 Master'5.

alone is
man the plundered74 , when he forgets 77

Who~oever enjoys the relish 7' of the

t.[~.;) ';!110 r c}~8 3 173 u1 ~~ ~fcl){T
~ iF.>
tlt~T74 ~, tl~ ~u fHoosTo76 H'Ha75
tl'~T77 ~ f
ckll{!! ~ fl./l){T(j78 -e ,!~~79 ~ weeT .

;:rr ~ ilH78 lJl)fT~79

Lord's love 78; he contemplates81 ~~ l){Tui ftS l>!i:0 82 ~u ~R ~ Qcr80 ~ :
~ 'ffiJoS° f~3~81 ).fo
His feet 80 inlZ his mind. fAHOo ClO~TII ~ I ~
wfu82 11
orocr f~83 ~4
Nanak, the Jovers 83 of the OToOl, tJoH'" If! ~ l){lRa
so-a8' ~
c} ~5 (') q~86 Transcendent'" Lord, go not O<Jl tlre I ~
trrfuS7 II t: II I:
3nyw\1ere86 else85• ~
high90 8l:!1.:f,18 til S~311)/,91 ~tJl~t'O UIlc11)fT1' ~a +
Bl:fI8 up<l~ @~90 Ascending lacs" of very"

U!~91 iJ'lB 92 ~1393 hillocks", the mercurial'2 mind" has ~ c}, ~H~/'2 HC'i'liT'J ~1.:fl'4 ;j fOlI)/' ~ I ~
~9411 become miserable94 . ~
nl~6 cit'l17 fo fH3"98
Like the lotus 2 blossoming forth out ol~' US" OIrei'7 f~~ <i~2 ~ ~H3 ~ ~1 f

uro199 0!'0()1 100 CiHE2 of low-lyingt6

the' mud'7, the were llOH" ~9I ~ Ji~J ;it~ '8i!-
t:U-f Tg 3
beauteous way of life 100 wells up 0131 100 ~3\io ii »f~ 3 I
from supreme" humality98.
My Lord has lotus. like eyessbedecked Ha '!t>fTHl @ er'iS7~' OTS am ci~
with sllble7 collyrium', beauteous' m ~3S
.. ' - R·~· fuCTcll' ))f'3 ufioa l2
face' and immaculate'2 mind lo . fuo~TIO i} I
o Musan. I would break l7 into il >jRO I ftm ~ @ ifisl 1{H14 OTS I5 it
bits", the necklace l8, with'S whose H~T iifu»fT ii~IIJ ~, ~ -a- iffH~
mysterious love l '" I am intoxicated l3 ,
to be able to embrace the Lord.
- Ht"l H'
f~l){toJTl7 I
))fTtJ~ ).·"Hl l• ?; ~~ 'i~I' . era

I am inebriated" with the love 21 of »fT~ fUnirij20 u3't @ f1.PliT0 21 orH H'
my Loved Spouse 20 and contemp- ~THT iift"»fT mt"l)fr l
' <JT '3 ~ l!T
lating 23
Him I am
of my being2•.
conscious 22 not l)f'O'Uo 2J Claf~l)fT H7i . ~ .
~~2. ~l
iia22 ('xW ofd'~l I

t{OTfc25 9f~€1 ffg Say Nanak, I am but a low 28 moth2' il oTOCl ! H' a~ f~ ol~2' tJO~2' (]f,
seeking God's light, and it has
(%»f26 HfU- 27 OTOO!' ;'i ~ F.lI:!T ~ ~~, fuu Rrij ;:r(]To26
become manifest 2S throughout27 the
l){l:n-f U3OT II <t <t II
28 29
"hole world 2'. >i~27 qfRti25 mfaJl)fT <JT I
ff(%or Slok RHer
"30830 Ol'alo ;:ft~31 c} H<J'Or,:rJ I R3'JO ~1o ;:rl @
Sire ' Saint 30 Kahir

n ?Tf<JaIi a~H fucr i) I R~ Olaf tft ~~l)fT

ct €1 m3Cfio l{Wfu II There is but One God. By the True
Guru's grace. is He obtaided. ~))f1OT ~<J Wft"»fT WW ~ I
tongue n , Clslo; Hol WHT 32 Hal ;:r1~]J ~i fiiR ~J.
oralo Hol fm-fooV 2 Kabir my rosary32 is my
CJffOT33 ~trfo34 OTl-f II on3'" which is my Lord's Name. H~ HTHCl ~T oTH i} I
»fTf-e ijOT~V5 ffOTH36 From the beginning, all the saints li~ Cl~lHT ~P5 ?TfuOl~ @ RI;!<l3' R337 j fuR
g(jJ337 3 T38 & Rl:f39 dwell in pf:ace through 38 it. ~ oT<Jp8 l)f'OTH3'1 '3 l)fc5~ f~~ oil <Jo I

· falfli40 II 911 --
anito Hal ;:1'f3 ~
41 Kabir, l:veryone laughs·2 at my
· R~ & U-R3-urg:42 II - caste·'.
· afgu-To143 f~ff tlrf3 A sacrifice"'3 am I unto this caste, in '!O~3 <JT H~ fuR 'il'3 ~3" fiJR f~ H'"
Ol'~ f;:ru- tlfUg44 which I meditateH on my Lord, the »fTl.Ii Cl03T0 45 ~T fRHoo.... cro;:r ~ I

fRoHOUT~45 II =< II Creator·s•

cnJlo ~)fOJ46 Kabir, why·' waverest 4' thou ? erma; ~ fuCl~H'" fCl~47 l:/TW i}' ?
for»fr4 Ol'ofu- 0l'U'T48
7 Wh y 48 lettest thou thy mind so .
~ l)fT~ HoSS *. fa'€r- 41
feJ;3QR;4' f~~T ~~ ?


~gT~fu49 ;::J1~SO II vacillate 49 ? The Lord is the Master52 l!>H THl RTfal)fi 51 l)fTaTHT ~T HT5Ol52 ~, ~ ~
& orf~&52
RoSSI gcr of all 51 comforts, so, quaff 54 thou, 5~1 ~ ~R ~ ~<JaS] ~ lJ17iS4 Ola I !
· oTH OTH og53 ul~s4 II the essenceS] of His Name.
orslo ~B055 ~ Kahir, if ear-rings56 of
gold 55 are O1ala, ,:jOla R~S5 ~1l;jT lioqll;jt56 ~T
~~i556 B~ ~ufo made and they are studded 58 with E~11lit 'M~ >H3 ~<J t1~Tf<JaT357 oTa
Wg 57 .ti~T~59- II jewels 57 , the wearer thereof, 58
;:s1l)fi <J~1>Ht <J<! , €loT i:; t.1T~ ~T5T R;1
- '" = -
-elRfu 59 -eTU60 a T0 61
ftrtt 62

OT~ 11811
ftiq Hf0 oTul 63
looks 59 like 62 the burnt60 reed61 , if
the Name is not in his mind63 •
<J~'o OlI~'1 ~TaJ62

))j3R-Oloo 63
. f~R~T59 ~,

l)f°t:!o olH o<JT'

€lR ~

• ))fT q 65
~ fHcJ3a 67 ~f~ II
;:T til~366
~~ Kabir, rare 65 is such64 a person. who
remains dead 67 in life".
Olalo, tierl f~oC5T'5 CJl ~<J ii<J r64 l.!aR ~. ;'l
f'M~'~66 'Ml Hful;jr6 7 af<J"~T ~ I ie
foo~68 ~f~ ~ aJ()69 Shorn of fear 6s , utters 70
his he, fo~o's j it, ~<J l)fTt.1<! Ri~l ~ll;ji fR:63 169 ~
~70 ti3 71 i)cr~72 Lord's praises". Whithersoever71 I €ltJlo0
70 Olo~r ~ I ffi~ fOl37 I g-T H~ ~l;f~T72 ~
3373 Rf~74 IILlII 72 4
look , there I find that7 Lord, to
~, ~~73 <Jl H~ ~R ~T o--fl;fl)fT Olo<! ~, ~74 !

save him. tN ~ t.1T€t'~1 <J1 I ~

aalo ti T75
f~o u~ Kabir, the 75 day, I
would die, O1ala, ~<J f~<Jr;1T, 'M~75 H~ HaiOl T, Ha ~
l:[>'>iT UT~76 9f~>'>iT there shall be joy77 thereafter 76 . HOIij~7' ?:!Rl77 <J~0I1 I ~
~77 II ~
Afu fHfgg U"9 I would meet with my Lord and my }i' l)fTt.1<! Rl)fTHl i:; fH5 1.l~(JJT >H3 Ha rio
- = ~

))fTU()T Raft'8 9tlf~i9 fellow devotees 7S too shall meditate 79 HOI1 7s RIal ~1 fRRcl so e Rl)fIHlsl ~T fRH00 79 ~
· 8°a}fa~81 IIEII on the Worldso-Lord si • Olaocil I ~ - ~
worst 82 of all; }i~ ~
orslo Rg 3 uH83
~82 uH 3fti84 9585
Kabir, 183 am the
exceptS4 me, everyone
good s5 •
else 96 is
OlaTa, wfa>H 1 orB' }i'1] <11 Ht:!IS2 <Ji
e:~S4 it <:ia Rra 86 ~cii 15 CJo I
R~ &f-e 86 II
ffifo >}fFJT afCJ87 Whosoever realises 8S thus 87, he 90 f'M<J3 Tti~l r~R 30 TS7 l)fog-~ Olot:!Tea ~. &~5
v - ,
~fS*,T88 Hl~89 ~Hrcrr alone is my friend s9 . ~<J90 <Jl HOT fH3a S9 ~ I ~­
Rf-e90 11.911 .,.~:
orslo )}fT~l >:!Sfu91 Kabir, mammon came to 92 me 91 , O1ala, >H~C\T9] §l;f95 UTCJ 94 it, Wfcrl;jT Ha 91 ~

Uf-U92 ))ff()q93 q-ij assuming94 various 93 garbs95 . aa 92 >HT'2'1 I ~

orfa 94 ~R95 II "'"
UH orli 010 )}fT1I3
96 M y G uru save d 96 me an d s he ma d e Hit Ola T0 Hg atl T f:15l;jT9' >H3~ A
~R 0- ~-
HQ ~;~
ttfo or13 »fTeg97 II t: II me obeisance97. OHRCl la 97 Ol131 I ~

oralCJ HE198 Wol~ Kabir destory thou only that 9S , by aala ~ it~E ~R" ~ HTCJ, ffiR t:!T H3 s9
...'li'F'l"1"'l"1""''t''Ji'Ji'Jiijiiji'l''l''Ji'l'... 'i''F 'l' ...'l''l' ... 'P'"~~;;;..''''''' .,......'l"? I'" ';''P." ,. ,. l' .......,

~ wa 3~ hr2 ~ I)f3 ~ 51 3~
}fr;P3 OCll' ;:rriar4 I

~ crater !;:rt? er~l)li5 a'TSl># ilt?ll)ft uo,

crTS 7 l)lHBT ~g »fTt?Hl9 ~o& l;:r;j il~ uo 1

And tilking lO nooses 12 with them, they )){TUC! oT'5 E:TUll){i12 B IO &, ~u 9t?t fGCJ@'J
run about l3 , but, know lll thou that un, ti'~ ~ ~15 -5 for ~14 ~17 ~

they l4 are the accursed l6 of the Lord 17 • fu'corTa 16 iie uo I

Kabir, good 20
is the sandaI 18-tree 19 , crsler, ~0Jl20 3 ~ .. t?T fsCJs 19, 9'~ fuu
though it may be surrounded 21 by the fsri ~ ~22 0''5 Ulfal){T iif~)){T21 ii~ I
buteafrondosa trees22 •
Those, wh0 25 live 24 near 26 the sandal- r~25 ~ne ~ fires ~ ~26 ~R~24 un;
trees; they too become23 like sandal. ~u !it -ao~ ~cnii ij ;:rt~23 uo 1

Kabir, the bamboo is drowned 28 in cretCJ, siR ~ dcrrCJ27 »(t"a' ~s faJ)){,21

its ego 27 • Let n0 30 one drown 3 I ijCJ ~ ~ f~ t?1 ~t2~ OT30 ~ij I
oneself like this 29 •

Bamboo abides near 31 the sandal tree, siR tine ~ f~ ~ ~331 ~~ 3, tf~, r~
but, it becomes not fragrant 32 , ~TCJ32 OCll <!~ I

Kabir, for the sake of the world 35 , crsler, trol»)fT3S Bl }:ff3CJ ~t?T )){T~T ~1HT7)J3
man loses H his faith)], but, the world ~vr -5'BTH 3, t[~, ~ol)){T ~R B oT'5 37 otit'
goes 36 not with 37 him. ~it'136 I
Thus, the ignorant man4 °has struck his ijtra~ru S~40 ~ reR ~t)){!1.2 \jerJI ~,

foot 38 with an axe 39 by his own hand. )){T~ (JeW i:!(JT;3TJ9 HTCJ fS)){T ~ I

orsm, f;::lt1 f0l34 I 51 H' fur)){y42 u t , H"

)){~ o;:lTij4J uer l:jt44 ~i:i un t[~ lJ! B
~llTROIt16 ~ aaicr47 H-a E~149 Hwa 45 ~;:rT;3
sll)iTCjT?)18 ~ I

--_. --_._-_._---

orala- R37)
~OlT»iT50 '981 51 '9f052
~Ff3153 OTl(f54 II
~1 Kabir, biessed sl is the tenement SO of
the saints; the abode 54 of the
sinnersS] burns like a furance s2 •
O/'aTo r ~arTs, ~
RTll!)fT c{B1s0 io15J
~1 ).fTi~ aB~T ~ tPUTl)ft53 ~T f\J~54 I
~l I
l){Tf0l55 BOT~56 f3"(J57 Let fire ss prey uponS9 thoses 7 €t~iS7 ).l~oiS8 ~ "farSS HOT ;::p~S6r fi=l~i f~ f
U~B~o58 ft:l'~ ?>luT mansions s8 , in which the Name of ~Tf<Ja.r~ ~T nTH n<:1l I ~
~fCJ "& ()r(f 119. 411 God is not. ~
oralCJ H3 H~ fql){T59 Kabir whyS9 wail60 at the death of a Cla10 1RT~ ~ Hon '3 fa~'S9 f~elBTu'° ~
aEl>ii 60 ~ l){\:f8' saint? He is merely going62 to Ol'Clle? ~<J 3 t ~~B l)jT1..I<! fo;:I ~ usa 61 ~ ~
forf~61 t:JTfE 62 II his own Home". ;:IT fa<J,62 ~ I ~
a~{J RTOl'3 63 ary~4 Weep thou for the wretched
~ foaaHc'4 HTf(;!l)fT ~ 'B(;!T f~aB T1..I ~.:
11 ~65 ~TC mammon-worshipper 63 • who is sold66 0/'0,;:1 Del <:fel6s f~ert!T69 fGO~T ~ I ~
faqyfE 66 119 EII from shop to shop6s. &.
eralCJ RTOl'q71 >ii RT 67 Kabir, as is 68 the piece70 of garlic", ClaTo, fi=lR 3Cl i68 ~T iiH" ~T ~Bl'°~; ~R ~
~ ~H168 BR069 oft S067 is an infidelll • ~T" ~T <J1 ~ l)jl:ioHl'l I r.-

Wf7)70 II
"&372 ~373 1:fTE1~ Even if one eats it sitting73 in a ~- f(;!oRTn f~ ~ f~Ci <i'Cia 72 af<:1 73 a I::.:

tIoOTc 74 ~fE corner7J , it becomes manifest74 at l:fl~r f(;!<J l)jTl:IoCi'o76 i1T<Jo <i Wt! T'4 ~ I
f(')"tro75 119..911 last 7s • ~
Ol'r-rlCJ • ~ 'T76 Kabir wealth76 is the churning pot17 Cla10 tlO-BB3 76 ~'e1n ~!)f'3 Ji !)fTR" ~ ¢
~;il77 HI~~78 and the breath78 is the churning f(;!er Hcrrel" , ~:
5'~HoUTQ.79 II staff". i
R3~ Wl:fQao l:frfEl){T The saints eat the butter 80 and the RT~ HClc1 80 Cli~ <JC'i !)f'3 'Inll)jT83 HR1" 19-

5Tf581 til»{82 R~83 II world83 drinks82 the butter-milk 81 . \Jlt!l82 ~ I ~

9t:1I r.-
qala- HTfEllfT34 ~8(')l Kabir, mammonish bod y84
is the ~alo, HTreCi-~84f~Ci "eTel ~ f;:Ill f~"e ll~jTR ~ - 19-
lR'Q ~~85 fu~86 churning-pot in which breath flows 8S aa:G ~ tlTc:1 8' t!1 C'i~191 ~OT "e~T8S ~ I '
UTCJ87 II like the stream 81 of iced water 86 .
f;:Jf() faHfEl){T f3f()88 Whosoever churns, he 88 eats" the ;'l &(;!1 fo~Clt!T ~, (tJ88 HClcl sCi Etn91 ~ I
WfB'llf191 l){~CJ89 butter. Others 89 , like the churning- Htpc1 90 ~l Hrit! <ioC'ij89 ~ '{s"91 1..Ia'1..I3
fa5~~To90 119. t II rod9o obtain nothing. 0<:11' <l~T I
eralo WfEl){T92 Kabir, mammon 92 is a thief9), who eraTa, H<:1oT 92 Bel 93 ~r ;:1 d'e1 9s ~ 1..IT~ BT ~
~CJc193 lifR ljfR94 breaks into and plunders 94 the (iiet!T94 ~ I
m ~Tf<95 II shop9s.
~cr96 ormcrT '0 ljR Kabir alone" is plundered Dot. He ~~B" Cla10 <J1 Cl~ l.!~ ;:fTc: 3' af"e!)f! ~ I

o," • ... 't''!'+'l''P ...'P'l'....... T 'P 'Pi''P'l'... '1'';' 'I' 't' 't''l' 'T' T'F ............ 4''1' 4' "":"17;;;0/<7


~;;":; :;;-:.::e-:.:~::;:::-:::.~:-;:;;.:;.:::;.;;.:~
El'TC 98 11:<011 twelve pleces98. fe-3 'l?, I oro I
JO/"El'la Htf '0 E~ Kabir, making lOO good many friends z O1~ICJ. <51'€'3 UI;§~ fH3 2 a~,~~IOO tJl>fTo T'lI
41 -
~-oful00 ;:! alone, one does not attain peace in f~f1 'i1'l To" f'€'B 'WOT~ lJOTlJ; o'll-ij ;:rtJT I
~ El'~3 }-f132 II this world 99 .
=;l n rq 3 aTCffu EO/"
· fR~ 34 8:1:1 U~fJ
They", who hep their mind] fixed
on One God, ever5 attain unto
ii l)fTlJ;§ H0 3 <S
= f~q ~Tf<JdlCJ
-;:: oIB" ;'lsI ol::l'e •
'In; ~<J4 RtJT 'lI l>iToTH UI~~~ 'lo I

013 5 lI~qll peace.

O/"El'la ftTl} HCJ3 3 Kabir, death, of which the world' O1~ld, fi1R H3 '&B~ ~01l>{T6 ~fu01tJV~, ~'l

tTaj6 ~-a-7 HcJ Ho is terrifled 7, iii pleasing8 unto my Ha f~3 ~ ~HIe ftJ"tJI ~ I <51~B Ho ~~e
»-fTi~8 II }-fo 3" ~l "3 mind; it is in death alone, that one ~l>iTCJT ~I ~019 H'lT7)IO J:!RV2 Uo TlJ3 ~tJl ~ I

uTE1~ Uon8 is bless,ed with the perfect9 supreme lO

1°l.fCJl-fTi~12 II=<:<~ I - bliss l2 .
aTH tfeTatI13 urfE ~ AttiJining to thl: Lord's treasures ll , 0 l{~ t1 ~33ll ~ lJT ~, <1 qalo! ~ f~ tJl
O/"~laT OITfo 14 '0 BC?: II
aTc ~ l:1~ OT I
Kabir, open thou not its knot l".
oul lf~ IS 0ul There is no city\Sto sell it, no &~I Hf<Jo l5 f~f1 e ~Be '8~ o'l1\ OT -&~1
UTOt:r 16 ()~1 aT uCi(17
T assayer 16 , no customer l7 and no ual::l'C: ~THTI6OT &~I l:falt!To '7 ~ >lf3 oT
ioul Rg
18 11~=311 - price l8 for it. 'll f~f1 t1 &~1 OflH3 18 ~ I
iCi(ma 3 fR€{ ulf3 19
T Kabir, profess 20 thou love" for him 01610, ~ &~B ~H ~ flJl)fTa 19 010 20 , fi1f1 t!T
O/"fa 20 tTT '& - o~q21 alone whose Master 2\ is the Lord 22 • HT301 21 If.~22 ~ I
a T}j22 II
scholars 2\ kings H f~t~T02J, lJTf3F.P'lH l)f3 l=l1-rlot 25 ~ HTHq 2';
U"..f~3:Z3 a~24 25~U3V6 The and the

• »-fT~fu Ci(~3 O/"TH 27 II 25landlords26, of what avai}17 is f~?i:T B~I flJl>iTo fCl<J§ ~H27 tJT ~ ?
love for them?
· Ci(Bla l.{lf328 By loving 28 the One Lord, other 29 f~ l{~ ~ fUl)fTCJ28 croo ~l>iTCJT, 50 29 Rwol
worldly love lo departs, 0 Kabir. HH3 T30 ~CJ 5 'i1 Tt!1 ~, <J O1alo !
fR~ Ci(1~
~f~H:fT30 tITfE II
9~ gTij31 &R 32 Q'g It matters 110t, whether thou &'2'll:!l=lTf~01T 7)'l1\ 9T~· ~ Eli 31 ~T332 cro
9T~ Ulafa33 >i~lfE34 II
=< ~ II
~ooJ36 >;j'q87
f3R 49 }-fTfu 40 II
ua 38
wearest long 31 hair 32 or whether thou
shavesfl4 thy head dean 33 •
Kabir, tile world is but a black
chamber 36 of the lamp-so ot 35 . The
blind ones l7 alone fall 38 int0 40 its l9 trap.
H, t=lT 9T~·

"i ~~i

~ odl~33

fn01~01 f~q

&C);l'V' ~ I &c;rn >i-~37 f~oHTO 'l1 fuf13'

~ ~a f~B40 GH~l8 'lo I

OfTBH35 tJ1 I

u~ ~fguTo141 f30 I am a sacrifke41 unto those, who H- ~C?:t ~3· ~o'6TO"1 ~S~ ut , ii f~f1 ke .

~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~......I
..................................... ~~.~.•.•.. ~.~.~.~~~~~~~~ ...
~ ~2;:1 o1af~3 even when cast into it, escape43
wf~ lI:<ell - unsoiled.
alito fuy 3Q" Kabir this body.... must perish4s ; if cmlo reer ~<J44 ?) ;:r~o ~o WeT ::1 45 I ~ ~
t'l'Fedjl'5 R~6 -a47 thou canst"', then47 save48 it. ~HJT RerBT46 O~ 3f47 ~ fuR ~ stJT48 5 I

~~fa4811 !
oral ~ 50 ....
:3 Even they, had to departS7 bare 49 - f;:l~t ~g ~tft ~ ~3iS2 Ro, ~CJ~ ~l ~aT49_ (
~51 fifc'i c} H'Il:f footed So who had amassed millions iio1"5° ilTGT fl.PI{TSI I f
offifa52 11:<911 and millions 52•
alito ~ 3Q Kabir, when this body has to depart, <fflto52, iIB fuCJ ~ 'JB1 CJ1 ilTG1 ~
tI'fedl' ~53 wafar54 putSS it thou on to some5 3 good paths4 • fal ~ fcrH S3 ~aJ oR3 l.(TSS I
wfu55 11
~" ~ ~3t ~g-fHgT1.l57 I
oft -a
Rorf3S7 afo RTtl
~ ~ CfioS8
Eithers6 associateS? thou with the
saints, or singS9 thou thy God's

"'fJa.l~ "1»fi fRni" ",'f",;" "" I

era ilt l){lU<!
ClSee Clt:l1o ))fTl.(Gl ~T(Jl fRo <JO f~ ?) H0 60 ilTGT'2
cnfta ~ HCJ3' Kabir, dying60, by one's tum,
- .
(') wf(»){'63 ~fu
Hfa sl
everyone6 '
has to
how to die.
die62 , and yet, none 0, tf~ f60 ~1 crel m
~y63 ,
HoOT otit .

»)fA" ~5;l'6 ~ Whosoever" dies, let him die such64 ftr.J;p ~~, HCJBT 0, ~ ~<i ~1'4 H3's
syfa67 0 HOOT a death6S , that he may not have to Ha fer ~ ~ )f3 ~66 HOOT OT l.l~ ,
die again67•
-jfu lI:<tll
orela WOR ;:1'011'8 Kabir, difficult to obtain" is the Clslo )fffim ~
flmBy6' 0 ~l
;:JOH'I I 1=
~~69 ~ ~fu - (') human birth". It comes not again fuCJ H3 H3 ~70 <ltl' OCJl~ EOlBT fi1R 3O t71
ifar8;2 ~T uferl)fT ;jfc!l)fT74 'H~7J ~;::
sta a'(J70 II ftl{t71 and again70, just as7' the ripe74 fruit73
of the forest 72 , which when falls76 to ;:n.it07S 3 f~ ii~76~, )f3 ~77 cf<JGl79
ao 72 G5'3 l.JTci'.
the ground 7s , attaches78 not again77 to ore? o<Jl~ il3t!l71 I •
~'5 fdTOf~'6 ~fo77 - ~

(') HTOIf~78 ~'O79 II the branch79 •

orelot80 ~89* ~1q81
o my God80 , ThoulO • Thyself82 art \1 Ha ~f<JOF!IO ! ~IO. J!;::12 CJl f~Rre? .
great God 81 and grcat83 is Thy ~TfiJO!9.81 ~\ 3 ~IJ ~ 30 T 01}{ I
i 82
3cl ~ oralg83 II

~ 03Q85 3B86 When87 man first 81 abandons" his iI;::87 fl';::T l.If<Jg TII l)fTl.lG1 ~<Jto 'til <JiJl3T ~ ~
~91 ;:I~87 uf~n~88 bodily90 ego, then86 alone, obtains9• 5~ f;f;::TI9 0, ~~m 3B86 <J1 ~ l.{'Z84 -e ~
3iJfu89 R0T0
90 11:3911 he the Lord's" jewel8S •
<J1a 85 ~ 1.fU3 ;It!l ~ I t
qalo ~l.:[ i ~92 Kabil, prate thou not in vain92 . ers10 ~ S<I'tIT92 ser~TR OT era I ~93 l)f~~

ql13 crfuG93 '0 Nothing shall happen'4 at thy

~fu94 II bidding".
orCJ)-l95 orelH96 t! qfu No one can set aside" the deed's, ~1 ileT sl ~R ~H's?; )ffi'7 o<:1r RCiBT
- D ,

o~ Hfc97 '0 FJ~ which the Merciful Master" is .

fHA ?; fH<JCJi:JTo" HTBCi CiCl fo<JT ~ I
~fu II doing.
orale qR~c198 'OTt{ Kabir, 110 one who is false", can ~la, ci~ ;:{(!T, ;l <:t3T99 ~, tL~ ;:1 urR~c1"
crl ~OT99 f~100 '0 withstand 100 the Lord's touchstone". ~ of<Jo 1C16 0<:11' RCi;:r I
~fu' IIS~II
aTl:{ orR~c15 R2 He2 alclne can bear!
the Lord's ~ ~t <:11 lff Bl >iili\s lftfu))fT 3 t!oT
~3 it Hfa ttl~ ordealS, who remains dead in life 4. ~30 RCilBT3 ~, ;l ;:rl~ til HfoI){T ofti';:r4

orale (1ttg s* tlf~efu6 Kabir, men wear gaudys* robes7 ~o, tLT(!l93oims * O1ll;j7 l/'T~~6 <JO )Jf3
qrt.[ij7 = tlro8 1!urc1 9 and eat betel-leaves8 and betel-nuts'. lIT(')8_l:l1;1 >Ji3 1l1lTa1>JiT' l:fj~ <JO I

l:frfu II
~orFJ ~fe ~ OTH faQ But, without the: Name of One God, t[~ ferCi ~f<J~ ~ O'H ~ ~o, ~ ~IO
atil lO 12ttHllfe13 they are bound lD and marched off\4 .
& 'GIH 12 ~ af<Jo'! ?; 5 ~ ~14 \10 I
;:Jif~14 IIS811 to the Yama'su city".
erme ~;p15 ttCJttCJT16 Kabir, old 16 IS the boat lS and Cffilo, l;{0T(!T16 ~ tl<JTtr lS )Jf3 ferR f~ \1t.rot
6~17 ~16 ~iJrc II thousands of holes" have appeared l7 <JT Holl){t '8 <i OIerll){t l7 \10 I
= in it.
~CJ~ 19 ~~ f3"fa 20 They, who are light of weight", yea, fi1<J;1 <J~5 \1~51' <:10, ~ lITO Bur ~20
dT~ ri 21 =f"11o fFJ022 on whom the weight (of sins) sits <:10 >Ji3 f;:rot ~ H~22 ~ ~23 ~ ~ ~
U E - . _ -

gra23=IIS411 light, cross overlO and those with OJ~ \10 I

10ads23 (of sins) on their head l2 are
drowned 21 .
erma ~JT~24 tta 25 Kahir, the bonesl4 hurnls like 26 O1~lc, ;j'~Tl){t24 ~Ci3j27 ;:1 ~tl6 ~1l){t2S

f;:r~26 (:5T01'a1 27 (}FJ wood 27 and the hair hurn like <:10 >Ji3 ~TB urr28 B1 ~t aB~ <JO I ferR
;:rij ft:r~ UlTFJ28 II grass 28• Seeing this world on fire 'il<JTo ~ fuR ~T aBe r ~l:f, O1~To :anrnfto29
fe~ ttqr - fiCJ3 T Bftf like this, Kabir has become sad 2'. <i far>JiT ~ I
~ gfeG oralg:
(1't!TR29 IISEII
orale dTCJ~30 '0 Kahir, take not thou pride!O on thy Cl~lc, t l{s3\ "f'BeJ ;sacl>Jit32 <ierl>JiT
otl;:ft~ ~H31 cR1z 32 bones33 wrapped 32 up in skin!'. >Jilll<!ll)iT ;j'~1l){T33 ;:T ;j01TolO Of CilO I
~r~33 II
~~e34 (1lfe 35 5'3...36 They38, who Were on!S the horses 34

--------------- .. -_._---------- -------- ---' --

•••••••••" ••••" . " . "•••••" " ,•.~~~~~,,wy~

3a37 338 ~f'039 and under 37 the canopies36 , were at

. 'Oao1 dIT~41 11:3.9\1 last 3' buried"l under the earth"o.
~ala dIas '0 Kabir, be thou not proud on seeing a~lo i l)fT~ ~~ H~a"2 ~l:I ~ dOlTO 0' l
orl;:rl~ ~BT - ~ft{ thine lofty mansions"2. Old' I
))f~B42 II =
))fT;:J OlrfB 43 Today or tomorrow 43 thou shalt lie"s ~;:! ;P 58a43 i ua31"" -e 50 T ftllli,45 \War
B~T45 ~ufcr beneath the earth"" and grass shall >Ii;:! '3a €i3 UlT ~OI'''' I
UlTIJ \1:3 t: II grow over"6 thee.
Jcnna47 arcrs '0 oitffi~ Kabir, Let no one take pride nor a~la i daTa OT aa 0' <:11 <rel ;:R!l ~OfTB471
1 a0l '0 ~Rlni48 ~fu II laugh"8 at the poor47. ~1 48
<:I R1 ~~l~ !

i ))f~-I9 R 'OT~50 RI-fe 51 As yet'" the boatSO is ins2 the seaS I. lli~"2 ~a150 R'Oiasl f~~52 ~ I ~<! tl'<!~, ~
Hf~52 f01))fT- ~T~~ Who knows what may happen s3 ? 011 ~<! ~53 ? f
for~ 'ijf~53 lIatll
orala dIas '0 orl;:rl~
-etit -eftf"
54 J!adI55 II
Kabir. be not proud on seeing thy
beauteousss body 54.
a~la i llil~ Ji~aS5 Rala5" ~ ~l:I a dwa
OT Old' I
))fT;:J OlTfB 3f;:r56 Thou shalt leaves6 it today or ~ >Ii;:! ;:It ~a Rtf' -e lli'tl<!l ~;:!58 STU ~

trial fi1€t 0l~a158

57 tomorrow as S7 a serpentS' does its r[c<! ~l H,*~57 reR ~ e~ ti'1~0I156 I
~~aI59 118011
i ors1a
slough58• I
Be'01 60 ~ ~2

Kabir, if thou canst plunder60, then 62 , or~la, ,:{ora ~ C2:CH1(f60 ora Ra~ ~~ #2
~ '2fe "8= oTH 'OTH ~ thou must plunder the boot 61 of the ~ ~TfuCll~ -e oTH ~1 C2:cHT(f61 ora I

Bfe 61 Lord's Name.

fufa 63
Uy~64 Otherwise63 , thou shalt afterwards'" o<:Jl ;l'i 63 3al }){T"3H'U ~ 301 -e<:l i;

U53~o1l55 tfT 0 66 repent6S when thy soul66 shall leave f3lli'Oi fe3"T i Ham'64 llH~'3,tl'5 ~'IJIT I- l
;:[Tf~~ a1 ~fe67 118 911 the body.
cre10 ~RT68 ~~l '0 Kabir, not a single such68 man is a~la lJi5 ~<:I168 ci~l ~1 o<:ll~ t=ifi..rllir", ;::t f
trOfH€?69 ~ \1!fa born", who applies fire 7 to his own 'l} foti' -e ~aT ~ >li0i BT ~~70 lli3;::t
lliTtli u;:It7J l:!3(ft71 ~ R'3 ~lC5 ~ a~B
~ ))fTfdI70 II ~€t73 home and who burning his rive 73
WoOly71 ;:[1fo ci cr~ sons7l , remains attuned 72 to the II~
o'B fllauaV 2 tlT~l ati I ~~
oT}f fB~ B YfaI 72 II

""~"' ~ i
Lord alone,
cj ~ BfoOlT 74 amft Kabir is there such a one, who
.1 ik1 0, "''''''' Y3<l;\ ...
c;faoit75 a-e
cjf~ II sells of[7" his son or one who sells ~~7" lli3 ~ l1i'tl~l l:!3J7S ~ ~~ -e~ lli3 l
wsr ~ ~o fR~ off his daughter7s and entering into a~1a 0'5 ~~1~'517' tl' a, €t<:l a~B f
'Jfa RfaI a3~i7 partnership76 with Kabir, he deals 77 ~f<:lO!.~ o'B <:11 ~ll'O aa 77 I
Olijf~ 118 a II - with his God alone?

Q-alo f~ ~~?i178 Kabir,]l remind 78 thee of it. Live" Ci/eTa, H' ~ feu -e3T ~'eT78 ut I ~
H3 79 R~RT80 Ofu81 thou not7' under any doubt 80 • fClR B'Ci/aD J;£§ l){Ba OT7' ~R'I I
;:JTfu II
. tfT~82 ~dl83 tI ~~84 The deeds" which thou didst 84 in the filu3 l){Hg 83 ~= ftm 'J Cll--fTe84 uo , feu
~ f3085 ~ dT~86 H past82 , it is their 8s fruit" that thou ~~t85 eT ul 6gB' ~, it ~ (le ~OIt!3T'7 ~. I
jl::fTf~87 118811 eatest87 now.
erma H t:rfot,788 Kabir, first, I thought" learning89 to ama ill Ci/f.:f'1! uo lJfugf H' fCll)fTg cn3'18

I t.rf~~89 gg90 t.rfu~

fR~ g'5 ~ill /I
~ 8dT 1181.111
0(1 g~ f(f~~93
be good'D, then" I thought Yoga to be
But, now I forsake 92 not the Lord's
adoration' I,
slander'" me.
though men'4 may
fa [egH8'

lJ-o H' (le ~ el

~T'D ~
t1arr flfl){lg Ci/13T I
. fGO' H' 'l;lClI -li ~~

ful){Tij'l-~TB'oT" ~ oul'
~eT'2. 9'~' 5Ci/'4 Hal eIDief83
lJB cran

t:la-1CJ Hill fq95 Kabir, bow'S can the poor'7 people, Clm f~tJT-a'7 5Ci/, ftR'i t ~ f~3 niea l@ ~
mB96 a-y~97 fuo who have no gnosis'8 in their mind, fOllli1'3 98
our · fCl~ 3O t'S u.Hii ,.-.1-

lifo 'OT~l fdT))fTQ98 II revile" me '1 ~uo?

CJTH99 q-alaT of~100 Abandoning 3 all other2 wordly iia 2 RTa RRrerl ciH" ~ ~3, Ci/a'la tf! -e
~ ~o2 3113 R9 affairs4, Kabir continues to utter lGO orH" e T ~oolOO Ci/ij' fcr.:JT ~. I

~qrH4 118EII the Lord's name".

i4 O(sla uo~R15 ~ Kabir, the stranger'sSS petti-coat' has Ci/a'la, a'~B'ls -e UfCIl~' ~ ~Tij'r lJrHr7 >Jf0l
UJTUla6 B'Q f~R7 caught Jlire on all the four sides7 • ~orel~1

. graft »i'fdT II
~fcfcfT8 tn'59 ~fuwl0 The body. has been burnt' to ~Ul f1;3 a' creT10 ee orel~, l.f~ l)fl3)--fT ~

~g~l 3'01 12
»i~13 0 charcoa}lD, but, the fire l3 has tpcii 12 ~ ~OIls ii,ul '4 3et o<:it I

1l'5T(JJ14 118.911 touched l4 not the soul thread l2•

i 0(a-1CJ fcfa T m'5 Kabir the patched garment has been Ci/a'la ~GOl R3 ~ ~ agy ~ orel ~ l){'3

i ~fu'5T gEl l::fTt.rq 15 burnt and reduced to charcoal, and

the begging bow}ls is completely
HOOf<! ~JgT q,OT IS yal ~t ~c fOll){TI' ~ I
· GC
shattered 16.

· ~arl al1~Tl7 ~f'5€i18 The poor l7 yogi has played l8 out his 0Ta'1a3T17 tiiOlll){TtJit ~g ~~ farl){Tl1 ~ l){3

· »fTRfo o~l fa~f320 /I game, and on his seat" remains but ~R ~ m~I9-RlPo '3 ~~ 1ll){TU20 u1 af'1
8tll ashes 2D. orel ~ I
Cffilo ~21
;:rf'522 Kabir, the fish u is in thin" water 22, Ci/eTa H~23 ~21
l.Pit22 f~~ ~ l){'3

. H~'5123 ~~fo24 and the fisherman 24 casts2S his net. H1ulofta 24 l){T1.l<!T ilTi5 l){T lJT~eT25 ~ I
Hfug25 ;:rTl2 II

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _...._._-_ _--._-- ..

u CClu pool26, 0 fish. Thou ought to think- ~~T, err ~ - a RHBo
! 3f; H3 28
- .2t ~

RH"t!29 RHTfg 30 IIBtll of returning to the ocean29 again28• ~UR W<! t!' f}:fl){T5 CffiOT30 W<TIt!' ~ 1
a-a'hJ m:f~ (') iit~ Kabir, leave thou not the ocean, Cilsla ~ Rl{Ba ~ OT in, 9T~~31 re<J at!332
~31 )){fu32 l:::fT(j33 though 3l it be very12 salineno til ~(!133 ~~ I
~fu II
ih:tf'o34 ii1:ff'a ~~5 If thou searchest35 for shelter from ;lCffi ~ UOTu m ~J4 ~ B~
9'536 (') m~~37 are II pond 34 to pond, no one shall cal}37 f~CJrt3S, f&1l ~ ~l :3~ fRIl{T(!T36 otit
thee wise 36•
~a fo~38 Kabir, they wbo have no Guru., are Cilalo, if ara3'-f~
-. . \JO ~ - .. are \JO I
<r.J 39
afu39 ore $1ft40 washed away". No one is their

a~ orl ~~.~ a~T~ ~o oul' I i

(')Tv'l afE II saviour4°.
mo' l
oroTa142 Let thou be resigned to thy" God41 ~ 1'){T1.J<§4' ~'
uslHl'" foi-ro3 T42 ~ OTH i
»{Tl:!ol43aCJ344 ~fe45 in utter bumility 42, and tben let all ~ftJaro Bt UOTU 5 I fGa "R Cil&: C«J3T t
~46 ~f~7 II~C\II thar'6 happen47 wbat the ereatorK \!~~:l~~~~71 - E
ora1a ~A 6@4. oft Kabir, goodSO is even tbe bitch'" of mfuJ, "arlSO t
~ IJ!)fTHl ~ Rl1 8 ~l cj3l'" ~

I<!afa the Lord's sage4• and bads2 is the !)f3 J-rT5lS2 ~ IliWHlS' Bt w
49 9m50- RTcr3 51 53 I

oft acft53 Hrfu52 II motherS 3 of an infidelsl •

B'u- f0354 JI8 ufa Because, the bitch54 bears God's f~ ~ f~fCil ~ if3l Rt!TS4 \Jl ~ ~

OTH ;:rn55 @u un.r S7 Name and praiseSs and the infidel's ~ oTH ~l orlo3l5S Jf<!~l:l l){3 l)ftrcnft Bt It
mother deals in sinsS?
faRT'Jo 56
wfu II~~II W illOT\JiS? t!' ~lPO CffiBt56 :l I
a-ma vo(')TS8 tawS9 Kabir, weak" is the man-deers8 and orala, orHitJS9 :) HQB-fi..roar5' l)f3 reu
f~ uof~ tbis world tank61 is surrounded by RRTtJ t!' 3 TSTa 6T
uful)fT~8" (l-(TfuIl{T) OTB
~lll verdure60 of temptations. lilfaw <ifuw :l I

B~ ~0162 ~C! There are lakhs of hunters62 after ~tlt \Jl fi:ICilral"2 feel ~ H(ITO war ~e
tft~6 C}~3 ir~ the one being66, How long63 can it \JO I f~ fuo'J 3i'ef f~\J H3'5 a~ ~~

QlTg 65 II ~ =311 escapc64 dealh6s ? RCilt!r6 ~

orala aJorr67 310 68 Kabir, they who make their home on orma. ,:j <ftar"? ~ form" 3 I)fT1.((!1 dlfu
. t1 tUg a-ofu tI1~u the bank" of the Ganges" and l:l'~T 5~ uo!)f3 Umo'4 uT<!t70 ~ uo;

fOCJH5 69 olg70 II fag drink pure" water70 , even they are ~t ~l ~l 'lIl{THl ~ fRHOO7I aolo Cilfg!)fT(!7Z
ufo '3OTS71 (') lj'&f372 emancipated72 not without the Lord·s our clt!l I orala" fu\J73 !)feB Rf6!)fT~'PS
~fE ~73 a-fu74 meditation71 . Kabir76 proclaims74 Cilfti't!T74 ~ I
this73 eternaps truth.
oH75 oral076 114BII
aala Wi fOCJHC279 Kabir, my mind has become

9f~r ;lRT77 (JrOJT imma.culate7' like77 the Gange's l.R(') ~1319 ii fQTl)l' ~ I
(')1~78 II watcl'78.
lf1~ B"ToT ~fo f~ The Lord follows me, saying BO "crcito, d Ha Cil!1o", ~ iif~110 lJ.t
~3'80 ~O ormo II "Kabir,O my Kabir". H-a HOIO ~~1 f6ire' :) I

Cffl"lo ~cre181 tit))fo182 Kabi:r, yellowB2 is the turmeric" ort:IlcJ, tit5l&2 ~ USt!1&1 ~ f~Z11J ~ am'"
~ ~;:r'883 WfE 84 II and white B3 in colour'" is the lime. ¥~I
= =
on.. R3~185 3'~tl6 Thenls, alone is the Belovedss Lord ~~c? 3t!" <:11 fu))f1(J185 l.{i ~1~, ilt!
fHB B(,)~ ao?>87 met, when both the colours87 arc B~· <:11 -am" ~o ij W~.. <:10 I

01~rfEB8 114 EII 10st88 •

ormo ~ael tJ1'CJ3'o89 Kabir, turmeric loses'o its cralo, USt!1 B1 fl.rS~19 ;m1 Wt!1,o·~ ~
~~90 ~o fB~Q91- '0 yellowness" and not even a trace" of CiliS1 ~ Mille B1 malO" 3Cf emr ofd'~t2 I
~ CKJTfE92 II whiteness of lime remain!>'2.
~ ~T(J193 ~ t{tf394 A sacrificc93 am I unto'S this love'''' ~S1O'J \:It
- WfeR Mm~94 @~'S ,- fuR"
f;:r~96 11'1397 i(131", a'i3'8 ~a99 fH'2"~'OO

or(?95 by which" caste'7, tribe'8 and ';i))fTgl ))fa

aOQ98 ~C299 ;:rrful00 II linelij~c" are effaced 100. <:1(') I

~o >i0lf3'2 t1»{T(Jr3 Kabir, narrow4 is the door! of orl:ita, 3iJT?4 :) crfC?/)f'<!2 ~ t:!O~ I remit
R~OT4 o~5 t!RE~ salvaltion2, its breadth is one tenth' ~3tEt R-a'S ~ t!'i B1 B~ fti'w 7
~ I

wfl: 7
II part7 of a mustardS seed.
30 T H(')l)f1 3av t ~ ijful)f1 ijful)fl
HQ ~ H~8 ~fu Thy mind has overgrown like an •
of~§, foorR 9 fcrt}10 eleph:ant8. How lO can it pass ~ I feo fqR ~tlO We t?1 Sur RClW' ~ ?
~ ;:rTfu II 4 t: II - through' ?
ermo ~RT12 Rf3'01CJ o K,lbir, if13 I meet with such l2 a HClo'! H· lliii Hd lJ R~ arot- '!> fH5 u~ ' .
~13 fHB ~OTI4 orals Guru, who in his mercyl" blesses 1s .
;"i fH<:1oS'o iii.. H~ feRBl ~16 al:fa . ~IS
tlRT~16 II Baf3' me with the gift", then the door 3B crfC?l)f~ ~ t?O~r;:rr l:fC?1- v
11 ii ~af1
~ Hen?)T17 of salvation would open wide 17 and l)f3 Ii' ~(')18 <:11 fuR f~ t:!1 Bur ~tarrI7,

~~18 »iT~~ 19 ;:rr(t II 1 will easily" pass though I' it. a OleJlcJ !
ermo ('iT Bf~20 ~o21 Kabil', I have no shed 21 nor any hut22• orl:ito HalO etc? SUo 21 (')til', 01 <:11 ~
'0 S'ltla122
cfc:tl22 ~ I ijij etc? ('), ~af1 ~ (')T flf~23 I
Hf~ or I hav4: neither a house, nor a village23 •
~ o~l 23 0J1€t
II -
HoT ~1 ~(')2'))f3 (')lH27 (');:w /)f3 Jil)fT}{t
).f3'24 ~fo Uii25 or~o I have: no caste 2' and name 2? and the
~ ~ Wr3'26-i Lord shall ask 2S nol 2 .. who I am. ?> ~~2S <:110<:11'2" fOl H· ~ ;:It I


--------_. --_._-_ ...-._..


~29 ~ Ha(l 3 30 die. then30• let it be at the Lord's ii~ ~l WHai 31'0 l.ll -e ~iJ 3]1 HaT I I
mo ~ ~»fTa31 II door"~ i
H3'32 ma ~33 MayU the Lord not32 ask". "whoM qra! ~Tfu~ f~ ~ii33 OT32 "fe<J fcm3 T34 •
~Q34 ~ UCJT35 S
is this man. lying:l at my" door:17 1" \.{'<!l ~ i=i H"ijJ6 l!;JJ7 3 flJl)fT ~JS 7"
~36 wa37 liE ~II
orela OT ~JH38 cft»{T
0" ~f~aT OT orfCJ
Kabir. pI have done it not, nor willI
do it, nor can my bodyJt do it.
Qi!ler fuu H- O<:it &13'
eraTart or Hal ~1
' f~ i5
0' H'.
~Jt f~ ~ ClCJ RCI~l ~ 1
R~ Ra1q39 II
for~o t:I~41 fCl~2 What 40 do I know4 1 as to what4:1 my H' erl40 W(!~41 <JT fCl' H"ij l{i ~ Cfl40 Cll3' I"
ma oft»fT gfu§43 God hath done that 'Kabir, Kabir' is ~. fCl' RT'ij ~l 'CISler. CI~la' ~ ;:m <J fouT
oralg: ora12 IIE~II acclaimed4:1 allover. ~ 14:1

Olala Ru8
- 44
iffi3Tfu ~ ff@ Ji~46
~ . Kabir. from \\hose mouth 46, even in
dream44• issues 47 the Lord's Name-.
ClSla. fuR
-e l-ib46 f~' ~R
"ttfea= ~ l{i ~ ~4S fo~~47~; •
-e R:6~44 -e It

fOClR 47 ~8 II as he mutters 4S ;
3'49 & trcJl50 cit Let the skinSJ of my bodyS2 be the Cl'R ! Hal ~2 ~ 1:155:1 ~49 ~ tiatSO i!l
lJTOtil51 Ha 3052 ~ shoessl for his4' feet So• ;.f3l51 ~ ~ ,
tJTH 53 IIEall
orala HTel54 & ~5S Kabir. we are the puppets 5' of clayS4 Qi!ler. ))fRl55 f).{'cl S4 i!lt)fi ~/)ffS' <P tJf3

u3a 56 ~57- CJTfl:f~58
~59 II '3rfa re~R60
and bearSlthe name5' of menS7 .
Though60, guests" here for only four
OTHS' t)flt!H157 mal)ff ~fel)ff51 ~ I
req ~ ~ f~(')i'O ~ ~l <p.

days60, we occupyu very great61 3 i ~ t)fRT' fuq ~q3'z lfi'4 H5 5-~:I

~ ~61 ~ ~2 <JT I
space64 •
~tJf~3oT(t64 IIE811
cia1a Hfutft65 orfo
titRtfu tilRTf~8 II -
Kabir I have made" myself into
henna6S and have
ground" myself".

But. thou. 0 Groom". hast inquired70

CliIla W /)fTlJi
))f3 t)fTtfc!

t ~ ~369!
))fflJ ~ Hf<J'el's ~~ f~
~ \tcnl ~i u1<J fjS~

Hal 3'i ~iifOlii7o ~l 0<J't


3 Jm69 W3 0"
0 not about me and hast not
applied 7Z me to Thine feet 73 ever71 .
ersl /)f3 er~ 91 H~ t)fTtR tiat7J ~ O<:it
1 !l
orala ft::r~74 ~a75 Kaoir, the door7S, from which74 no ~la ct~ ~<1'75. fiiR 74 3 ~7' l)f3 W(!77 ~

»i~76 trrf3»f~e7 one stops78 from coming7' and 3' cie1 ijCl~T7' oul'- W@R7'
- ~iJ i5 fClR" . . . J
af~ II
going how" can I leave
77 ,

door which is such" as this '1

82 that7' .
3a i ~8Z RCI'~ <Jt fuu3' ~<J ;1<J1" fCI'RH
~T ~ I
R 't:!q orR &0l11J1
;:; t!q ~RT81 cjfu II
.......~ +.++••••••••+ ++++++++++++++.++++.+++++•• +····+···~ f

~o ~ar83 \lT84 '0 85 Kabil" I was B" drowningB3, butB5 , the ex:310 ~. ~tl' fau TS3 RtI.., tf.~S5 ?>exll){Ts7 B
~afO§S6 ~087 cit wave"l of virtues87 quickly" saved" ::LalIS i) ~~ ~~3s, ul tl'~JT fBl){TB6 I
g~fa88 ~for89 JI me.
'ita ~fl::f§"
tra'itCJT91 3a (13fo
~~t90 When. I saw the ship'o was rotten'"
then';!, I'" got down93 all at once95 •
H' i1cJT;;J'o ?i
~ - ~ful){T
SctJc'5 ul 50 ~3O l){Tful){T'J] I
. 3'92

ufa§93 ~94
60f0l"95 IIE911
Ol""ala l..lTu196 gOTf397 Kabilr, a sinner" 10ves98 not Lord's a-alo C1!ouaJTa" R~l' B fRHao 97 ~ fUl){la
o gr~m98 ~fu UttT99 meditation'7 yea, the God's worship99 0<11' exet!'T98 l){3 ~ ~ ttl' t:!1 ~tJT8or99
o l:!~Tf~100 II =wtit does not please loo him for, the fly 1
Barl oul' '5a1t:!1 °O fa~"for Kl:fl B't:!o ~ fi:'~
iJ~"Q tI~a2 t1~3 forsaikes l sandal and goes there' f~eV~ ))(§ ~q' i1 Tt!l ~. f;:rij Ht!t4 liBCils ~ I

~ 4facfto 5
3~ t:rf~ II when:' there is an evil" odour5•

OI"alo -ae 7 ).f~T "ijoT18 Kabil, the physician' is dead, the atl'lo ualH7 HO farl){T~, tl'1Hro S HO fdTl){T ~
).f))iT }P>i; R9~ RRT0 9 II patientS is dead and dead is the ))f3 He farl){T ~ RraT ileJ'O' I
= = - -
whok world'"
Ee<10 aaloT Of ).fl)iT Kabir alone lO is not dead for reelS-110 exe10 u1 oi:J'r Hfol){l filR ~
f~ oTuT "ij~o~rg: i2 IJ ac l2 ~T8T 9'1 ciEl oul" I
whom there is no one to weeplZ.

aalo oTH 13 0 Kahir, the mortal meditates'" not on a-ala, l.l.' cl l.l.i '3 t!'T fRHOo'" ()ul' exOt!'T I
~ fOl)irf~§14 - Hells the Lord". Such a great l5 evil habit17 ~5 il<Jl 9''01 15 i~l ~eV7 ~ ~ fu'}S1
gTOTl 16 ~fol7 II has attached 16 to him. <JEV' ~ I
0l"T~))iT22 ~18 0l"T0 19 The bod y Z2 is a wooden" pot lS . It Bu lz 80l~119 t!'l 3~118 ~ I rei:]' li~ <i21 >ior •
cit Of B-~ tra 20 cannot be PUl 20 on the fire again 21 • 3 oul" ~~lO Rext!l I

a~f021 119011 "

OI"alCJ ~RV3 ~~ Kabilr, it has S023 happened 24 that exalo, fER 3~Tl3 ;jft!l)fTz" ~ for H' ~u

U01 24 Ho ~ 9r~25 I did l !6 what pleased25 my mind. '!ii:" ex13,26~, fil<J~T Ha f~3 ~ ~a1r

0l1"Q26 II BOIt! 125 ~ I

H03 '3 fOP'>fT27 Why27 should now fear ls death

I ~ H' ))fTtr<§ ;Jtj' f~~ RQo 29 ul is fgl){130
~01l()T28 'ita ~Tf-a when I have taken30 red I.:ad 29 in my ~, 3T H" i:!c, Hoo 3' for~'21 i l8 exat ?
fi::lU~oT29 P.ilo30 119ctll hand?
Clelo 0Fr 31 &36 OTG 32 KabiJr, just as man SU;:kS33 sugar- aale , fEoRTo fim 3CfT u fHiS_ Ou 31 t!1l:fT3036
BR1>lf33 OTo 34 a€? cane 3Z for the sake l ' of sweet-juice", cfJci J2 ii ~Ut!'133 ~ ~R 30v T ul @R
• I;lI , -
ii i)al34 ~

Hol>lf ~~3s-11 - so should he strive hard's for virtue 3". -e BEt HJ;f3 &f88 35 aClol ·~JTi:llt!l ~ I

----------_. --_._-_._.-._--

»f?~~37 A man38, without virtuesJ7 , him, no ~qlJ7-f~ f~l=JrnJ8, ~ ~ ere! 9'1 ~iJTTJt
9B39 '0 one calls40 good J9 • ("it ~140 I

~~ 1I.9~1I
~a orrarfa41 Kabir' the pitcher4 1 is full of water42• cnfla. ~I \l1~lt2 0T5 9fol)fT ~ful)fT ~ I
t:lH 9'ci 42 ».fT"ij ~g'3 It .hall break today or tomorrow4
46 3•
~ iii mt'l ~ ~ iJT€t,0r45 I
~~ Gfc

ON ij 0 -e3f~5 They. who contemplate4S not their ii ~ a.r~ ;it t!T fRHOc'i 45 nur 'acre,
~T~ l)fQ ~ Guru. tbey shall be plundered47 ~~~ul~~~471
Hl;:Jfua146 Bfc4'
• 11.9:311 half·way4'.
crelo ~orq48 d"H ~ Ieabir. I am thc Lord's dog4' and crm. H' llt t!T if~ u' ~ Hot ()'H H31
li3t>Jit H-a ()T~ II Moti, i. my Name. ~I
orH49 ~H~ ~~a150 There i. chains' on my neck"'. - RarBlso ~, fmrcJs'ul Hi>
Hal CJI'CJt!()'" ~ .
~51 fli~ 3~52 whitherSI I am pulled, thitherS2 go I. f~ftJI)fT iPt!T ~, ~5J ~ ul wtPt!" ut I
t:rT~'4 11.9811
ClSra t:lu(lfl53 'Cl'054 Kabir, whySS displayclltS7 thou to erma, ~ ~ Hq;JS4 t!l HT8,JJ Bert ~
orl fu'l)fT55 fu~u5' mens, the woodcn54 rosarySl ? fa~5S m,'Ht!TS7 ~ ?
gfe56 II
fua~51 d">1 '0 ~3Ul5t In thy mind s8 thou remembers' not t l)fT\li H?iS' >it!O ~ ,!1lof1l-ft t!T fi:n.rcrc;St
f@ tJuol fCl~ the Lord; of what" avail is this out crat!T I fat HTBT t!T 3Q Cill" B'9 ~? t
rosary to thee?
~ 11.9~1I
~a fi:ra~61 91fraJH62 Kabir, thc serpent'2 of separation" crm, RTfu~ ~ fri;j61 t!T RCN'2 Hel
HO eA- H'3&3 -0 from the Lord, abides within my f'e3 l)(t!O ~ ~ ~ ~ fqR ~ ~~
w"86 4 ~fe II - mind and it yields to no charmn . ~nurH~1
d")-f f~aJ16s OT;:ft~ He, who is scparated65 from bis ;1»{T\f<! RTfu~ ~ ~l)fT65 ~, ~u
~ 3 66 ~€la161 Lord, lives not. If he livcs, then", ~t!l nul' afu"~T I if ~ ;it~t!T ~
becomes he insanc'7.
~fu II-'ell 3T" ~u 1J~7 ~ tPt!" ~ I

orela uTa~8 Kabir, thc philosopher's stonc" and qala, arc!l Ulia" ))13 ~~; ~'f~ feci
sandal, they" have the samc good70 i«Jl ~70 J1l1171 ~ I
f3Ci69 3
,o~'lll quality71.
f3~'2 fHfB a@73 Whatcver comcs into thcir72 contact. ~tU (')T8 ii ~ fH8 trt!T ~ ~7J slaG74 ~
@3H'4 9'E =
that73 bccomes sublimc74. Iron7s is ffit ~ I ffi:J1
RnT \i i1'eT ~ ~
transmuted into gold and the"
iro76 77foaal078 II inodourous78 wood7' is rendcred 77iHfua71 5cF.s ~riera ~ ml ~ I

.9-'11 fargrant ?
Clsla ;:JH79 OfT c5~aJT80 Kabir, bad81 is the dcath's7' club",
fn... ..•"
~aTSl ~ §'~ otit that can be enduredl2 not.
m~P)fTS2 tpfu 'I
-eer tt FJTl1 HfJ I have met with a saint and he l3 has
fHfcg€? -f3fO'sj 511)fT attache:d l5 me to hi, skirtl4 •
»fBf~4 grf~5
n "
orala -at:!91 ~ ~~86 Kabir, the physician" says, 'I" orela, iJorlH" ~~, "~7 H' '1'-

Jtit 87 ~g;88 ~89 i=ra alone·7 ll

am good • All medicines" ~arlll
f~e iJO
ut I Rrall)ft ~'"t" ~ rel:ff'3"flO'O
;~R90 II are in my power"'.
\fl, f~'1 elil·l lj!94 t!l ~orll)fo ~ I ~t!'3
fuu 3~ ~92 But, this thing'2 belongs to Lord'4.
qrur g 94 orl tta 9~95
93 He takes" it away, when'3 He wills'5. ~ ~ -earT ~T'5 ~. ~ fuR ~ 'ij'1 n T"

~fu ~R96 ""tll
orsla, l)fTij l)fJt1C!T ~~97 H &91 ~Ti'5ci~ t!R
orala o~sf397 Kabir, let one take" and beat" one's
fu~:1'3100 SilT 8~tt I
»fTl.lOl ft:!o ~RIOO drum" for ten days'oo.
HQ 98 'S';:rrf~99 II
Ot:!12 o~3 R;:tar4 This world is likes the meeting4 OD a fu<J ~oll)ft t!rel)fT2 t!l ij313 ~ lfCJW ~
f;:r~S ~fa6 0' fHg~ river 2-boat3, of persons, who shall fH5Tu4 tft H~~5 ~, ;l );!3 ~ nul' tHBi I
»fTf~ II toll meet Dot again6 •
erma RT3 R>{t:!f~7 Kabir, ifls I make' the seven oceans7 <lata, ~oraiS sfat Rl{trcr t7 e H' l)fTl/c!l
my ink l , make the entire vegetation'2 fRl)fliJl' SCI" ~, Rral ~l/'3l'2 ~ l)fl'\f<!t
H,=!8 ~9 OlBH 10
~llo ~ ~ trO'3l 'J ~
• ora~ So(fTfu12 II my pe,[]10 and make the ealth l3 mv S(!T l)fTlJC!T

S~qT13 orraTtI14 ~lS paper l 4, even then, I can write not ~'4 ora 8~, 3T 91 H' ~'f'1a.r~ t!1l)ft
~16 tH~ nur RCfi!T I
ora~ ufo ;:m16 fBl:lO the God's praises 16•
o ~~ Iitet" -
oralo tpf3 17 ;:rwuT18 Kabir, what" harm can my orela, Hal ~W~18 ~l w31" HOT orl lt
for»fT19 ora
fuo~20 weavet'sl8 caste l7
do unto me, when qaWo ora ROl~l:}, ~~ for \{i2l H-a fuolO
SR21 aTlJ'TP.i22 II 21
the LOlrd2.2 abides in my mind 20 '1 f~~T2' ~?
:orala ~}·n:1I1-lT23 MCS 24 Kabir" the Pervading God , has 23 ama, f~l)fTl/Cl
~f'1CII,,23 i) .
Hfi ;:16124 l.IT
!fHC2 ~erfJ2S ROa26 taken me into His embrace 24 and I ~~ ~ lli3 ~ Rr-ij16 1!1)f13 27 Ifcil CII~2S \]0 I
~ ;?{tfTg2711t:~1I am rid of25 a1l 26 my involvement 27 •
orala >iiRT28 '& oul Kabir, there is not any such2' person, orsla, ~ij ~iJT18 <ret 'daB o'1r, ~ ~
l-It! o29 Bf8 ';:forf830 II 30
Hf\182' ~ "rar ~T ~~)O I

. .~~::
who may set fire to his place 2' .
utB~31 P.ifa~32 }-{Tfo 33 Slaying 33 his five 31 sons 32 , he remains .
- U ii )-ITO a 33 ~
»fTui tf;:riJi l/'3ot - l)f~
. .
l::.:~ <JTH" fa@35 ,,,,,b,d" to lb, lov," of bis Lord". '@:" "',. <jI3" ll'l!I" a>J'" ~ I
I BrfE'36 I ••••: ; If'.If'.~.~+IRl.IRl.~fl lpl l'+ M'1~J+llIl1JllIRAJ¥1IIRIJ+.., M'1J+llJ+ll[llflll~

-------- --_._-_._--

cnita ~RT ci c;tit

fuu 3'037 ~ G"fCT38 II
Kabir, tbere is no suc~ man, who
may burn Jl this bodyl7 of his.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~:-;:'~:1
f~ ~J7 7; I)f~m gr ~~31 I I
>itJy38. 1iJcn39 '0 The blind.· man" realisos'" Dot his »f?pJl* fe~ro3t »fTU<! ll.l ~ »{~~o o<:ll
~140 Cffu§ ~T Lord, though Kabir continues to ~, ST~' Cislo ~ ~ ~<:I~141 ~~l ;:rr !
CTfCT 41
/I t a II shout41 at him. fo<Jt 3 I i

cnno R31· tlCTra
2 43 Kabir, mounted4Son·the pyre 44,
the ~4 ~3 ~l (J~4S U3ol ~~~J i2
~4 Bm45 -Rn ~ 43
widow"2 cries out , "Hear, 0 my ~, "il f~R S:II·IJ:J'O-~7 R-e »{T~ ire Ha I
~1 HRTo.7 •"i%ar48 brethem46 OD this cremation- ~ I I!<!, 4
' lftm'" ~o
<:10, are
R'$~9 Bf850 ground 47 , aUf' the persons4' have lli1l1054 ~ Halt 1)f3 ~ljS2 a-HS3 ~l -el;;r
cnfu€? U}-f51 ~l-f52 departed", ultimatelys", tbe thing of l!))f1).fl 'e' fm.roo <:11 ~" I
qr)j53 f~(')54 IIt4J1 use SJ to meSI and to you52 is the
Lotd's meditation".

Cialo HQ ti'Q~55 Kabir, the mind has becomeS6 like a
birdss , flying and taking wing, it
~ ~iJ Ii
HCi»fT usl55 -el fol)freT (J
UTR'tSl ~5' ~ I
fClJ))fTS' 3,1
gfu(?56 ~f~ ~fu fuu -eAr57
~57 ftm 58 ;:pf~ II goess, in tenS7 directions".
ij60 ~1 RaJf362 As" is the campanyU it60
~ ~~
t«i ii<J." Sj<:lS3'2 ~ f~o t!;J~y6J ~, ..
~3 AN aR65 assQciates6J with, sou is the fruit" ~(J ii~ tit H~' f~4 ~I67 3I
~ l:fTfu67 IItell itM eats".
a-mCf iJT q€t ~68 Kabir, thou hast obtained71 the CiSlo t ~<J" »fmJro70 lJOTtJ3 QO fHl)fT71 ~,
~71 - ~ pJace70, which tbou wert searching". filA ~ t ~~T fGO'e'" sr I
~70 II
fufCf73 ci 3'
Thou thyself hath turned 73 to be74 t l:!'e <:11 ~7J Ii ~<:I72 a174 fur»fl 3', f;m7S
9~74 iJT ~75 the One7S, whom 75 thou thought7' to ~ t »fTU<! o~' ~(}T77 fl:1l)flB QO~T7' Fi' I
be different77 from thee.
~76 ))f€t~77 IIt"'1
~ wal71 HO~79 Kabir, I am destroyed 7' and ruined 7' Cislo, ~R13 ~o184 el Ht~e 3;:j &~ ~ I
8O~Ror81 cit ~ by the evil" company", like the ~;l12 ~~l 3, H~ l:!ol'o '!<JS3" c5 3S <:I T 71 3 I
f60lfe 82 ~83 maN /I pJantain near 82 thell J wild caper". scsr'e QO fti3'7' ~ I

- i5
. 85 ~u
- The latter waveslS and the former is ~<:I HClJaBl ~H~115 3 »{3 €t<:l Uf<JBT ~R ~
~86 RT~87 Rena pierced" through by its thorns. So miJ»{t ~ OTB -elfa)){T ;:IteT" 3 I feR ffi!l
o~ JlttJl see" thou not even, the sinner's t UTUl -el '!<ls3" ~ ~9 3Ci OT I
cnito 9T090 ~1 Kabir, man wishes's to tread'4 the Cia10 (Joot91 ~ UTtJ' ~T 8Sto »fTu<! 1;{~'2
fi:«J92 ~03 Bfs€?N path", carryiog'3 on his head'2 the ~3 ~Ci &'3, a~ wam" 3 ~a0'94

~95 ~:JTc96 II Joad'o of othentl sins. ~T~~l95 3I


»ilJ~ graf~97 ()T He fears" not the load'7 of his own ~ ))fT1.J~ ~
uTlJf ~ b'7 er ~" nul'
~96 ))fIm I00 »{~ufc98 sins. The road" ahead 100 is difficult ora~ ! ~a,100 HTffiIT" ~98.~ crcso ~ I
UlT C99 - to tread".
creTa -ao OfT ~TUT3
2 Kabir, the standingS forest 2 tree4, or~lo, m 2 ~'1:f83TS ~rel)f' ~l::I4, ii ~n~J
51oral4 o~T5 qij which is burning], cries out6 • (R;J) fa<JT ~, ~6 ~ I

Hf37 -afR8 tfcJ~12 "Let me not7 fa11 12 into the hand 8 of "H' faqij ~UT(J ~ ~f31')fTa' mJ 0'71')fT12
ffiJTa ~ iPa 9 ~tlT blacksmith. who would burn' me a 'iI~, if H~ ~ill ~114 }1r;J JIicrrr'" I
i ra 10 II~OIl .. second time 10."
erma EOf HC13 13 Kabir, on tp.e death l ] of one, two oralo, fucr ~l H3 1J ~, t! H6 are ~

~f~ H~ Bf~ HCJ3~ died and on the death of two, four. §~T ~l H3 0'5, '6'0 I
- =
wf-a HCJ~ ~14 On the death of four, six l4 died, ~ ~l H3 oTH, 61 '4 HO are.. ~ 00 15 ~

H~ BTfer uacs ~f~

15 four mules 1s and two females 16• ~ li~loT'6 I
3 fo 16 1I~911 -

ora1o ~17 ~fl:f Kabir, I hav~ seen 17, looked around cr~lo , H' RR'018 .~17
' ~ ~""
'I"I.:s :rnr

;:rar18 -e-f~»fT19 OfJ20 and searched" the world l8 ,

but, I have f81')fT" 0, tf~,}f~ fcroa 91 ~l qtU 20 1')fTo'H

o Urf'e"p.21 o~22 ~ found 21 no place22 of rest anywhere 20• 0<:11' 59121 I

ftlfo ~fa OfT oTl::{ 0 They. who remember2] not their ii ~ ~rfuOl~ ~ OTH ~ C'itir fR~2];
~f3€?23 Of~T24 ~BT~25 God's Name, why24 do they ~ <:ioot26 f~TQi "f~ ~24 !1C~25

»{~o26 II~:<II wander:z5 in other 26 pursuits? <:10 ?

orela FrOTf327 qoT~ Kabir, associate27 thou only with the ~1o, ~ ~ R3 0'5 <:11 H5-fi.r5ru27~,

RTU orT »{f328 era saint, who shall emancipate2' thee in ii 1')f~:ila2' ~ ~1 orf5I)f~2' ora ~~arT I

foCJ'aTQ29 II the end 28.

FfTq330 ilqf 0 ofh:JT»l Associate thou not with the mammon ~ wfu> ~ ~1.PBor30 oTH H5 fH5'U 0'
tlT31 "3 ~f~ faoT~32 II worshipper 30• through which!l, thou Cilo, f;:rn -e oT<J1·J 1 ~l aa~l12 ~ ;:rr~0I1 I
shalt be ruined1.!.
. creTa ;:rar Hf~ ~f3§34 Kabir, realisin!~3s that the Lord is or~la, RRTo]7 "f~o!8 ofHl)fT
lil)f1)-f1 ~

of ;:pf(535 <i ;:rar37 Hf\}38 contain(:d 36 in!8 the world 37 , 3S

<:if~1')fT36 l)fc2~~ ora , II feR RR'O 1')f~o
oS af~€? RHTf~36 II contemplate]4 Him I in this world. (JR ~T fRHoo 14 ora~T <:JT I
ftlo ~fu OfT oTl::{ 0 They. who meditate 3' not on tho # ~f<:lOl~ -e nTH ~ 1')fTO'U03' m:it' ora-e,
. Bf3§39 aref~40 God's Name, have been42 born41 in ~ fuR MOT "f~ f~~40 <:11 iiJ=i4\ <:1042 I

tJoH':'41 »{rf~42 II ~ 811 vain40 iIll this world.

creTa »{TRT43 Ol'CJT~44 Kabir lean.... thou on the Lord'.

tr:* ;~·;~:··:···::;::::·::·:~=:;:·:O·;:·'::~~·;~::·~:R;:·:·;
~fooTR46 1\ lead to despair4'.
toofq 47 traf~8 349 They4'. who forsakes I the God's i1 \lal ~ O'H ~ f~s, un, ~4' f~ ~
i HTo~T50 ;i t:rfo O'H Name. shall realise50
its worth. when creCJ ~ ~. ))f~9~50 aaoa'i, i1~ ~u ;?iJCl47
~R51 IItlll l 48 47
they fa1l into he11 • ~ a<!ijj48 I
'Ol"a1o fRtfS2 Wt:fT53 Kabir has made 57 manyS4 discipless2 CliI1a 7) ~8S2 ~SJ ~aS4 S(!T ~S7 un,
S\l354 ol'1eS7 c}fi5S and followers s3 , but. he has made not tI~ ~f<Ja!i55 ~ ~R 7) ))fTl.J<!T fH3CJ56 our
cit§' (1) HT~56
II God ss his friends,. S(!Tfur)fT I
tJrB 'ij' t:rfo fH~o He had set outS8 to meet his God. ~ ~ ~ua]i ~ ~ Htft ~for)fTS8 RT, ~
~. Slij'59 ))fCfor§'60 but. his mind" failed 60 him half- ~ ~ H~I ))fQ~r~s, i
\1CJ ul J')ffCq 60
~61 IItEII wayS'. faI))fT! t
qSlo Of'oQ62 Sl::fOl63 Kabir. what can the poor n creatureU Clare, aJoTs'J tit~2 crT qCJ 11ol~ 0, ~Clo
fOf))fT ~ trt1
CJTl::!64 do. if the Lord64 assists6S him not? J!J')fTH1'4 ~R ~l Rur fu3r6S 0' Cla I
(1) cxij Rt:rrf~5 II
f;:rt:r f;:J~ ~8T67 On whatever" branch" places" he fuR fCl~" cfu<!l67 3 9T ~ J')fT1.J(!T uu"
trqf8 ~9 R~T70 his foot". that very70 cracks7', and tJo~"~. ~1'0 ~71 ~e c} f~ 1l·e1'2 ~ I
>:ifo7l lffo tlrfu72 II breaks down72•
craTer »{~73 Kabir sand77 falls76 into the mouth7S . .
- ~ Hu7S ~ T77 a~~76 0, ii
CliI1a ~oi a3
ciaot7J ?i fRlIH3 f~74 un 3 ~~ ~R 3
~tr~R374 J:!l:f75 of those, who practise not what .
trfo ~ a~77 II
76 74
they preach to others73 • ))fHH n~r Clo~ I i
o1fR78 fu'O'oT74 0Tl:f380 They keep an eyelO
on other's7'
but, their ownu farm 8J is
~ cioot 79
~1 ;:rrfet!T~71 ~8 3Cl 1o
~~ i
l:fTliJT81 UJoS2 QlT property78. un, tI~, ~t ~t ~l ))fTl.J<!T fo~ 'e1
if383 II t t II being eaten up". UH1'3 l:fIQl ;:rr oul81 ~ I
~o RTtI aT Rarfa Kabir. I will associate only with the CliIre, H· i~ R3 t ~l uT R0r3 Clotorr , 9~~
o~~ ~86 cit groSS
- -
l:fT~84 II
. saints, if I may
eat" barley" bread8s •
have to H~ ~t" ~l aeT ull:f Te184 loR I

~otJT'Q87 R ~ ~8' What is to be'7. let it happen". I ~T C!S <J<!T 017 , ~u fUJ')fT <J~88 I H·
WOf3 89
RfOI 90
C shall aS50ciate 90 not with the Hlf~J')fT ~ ~UIRqTl9 (')T8):j8 fH5 TU90 oul

tl'~ IIttll mammon-worshippers"• Cl~1 J

~a RaIf3 Kabir. associating with the saints. Clalo, R3T ~T R0r3 ClOo tIJ')fTCJT, q~ ~1 ~
ft=!(1) fuo 91 the Lord's loveu doubles92 day-by- t!l3 93 aiJ-a-ijiJ9I ~aT<!192 ~~l ;:Pel ~ I

5a9 3
11 day".
~394 OfroT95 orcroT96 The infidel'4 is like the blacktS

.........................................~ .....~.J

li~97 ~f~ () H~98 II bl=::'::::::·:~t::-;;:::~-"··"'··-I

90011 by washing'7.
erma HQ lif~)}fT99 Kabir, tbou hast shaved" not thy er~o, ~ l)iTtW' Hq,lli T3 T l{-folliT99 o:;:W fGO
'O'0T c}R 100 - l{~T~ mind, why2 shavest thou thy hair 100 ? ~ l)iTtr<! ~T5100 fer~z 1{oT~~T ~o ?
O/tfu2 II
;:j fOl~ O/TI1-/T ,:P H?> Whatever is done, that 3 is done by fms T crs ;it!'T ~, -
~u] HOlli' ero~ ~ ' fuA

- - c:

) O/T)}fT Hn~ A~4 the mind, so, vains is thy shaving the B~l f~llio~5 ~ 30T fRO" t!'T lj'~T I
'Ci )}ft:lif~5 1190911 = - head".
! creld (PH 0 i~T~6 er~lo, ~ l{~T ?i
.~ 37)7
~ t:lT~ II
'008 :;:rTf~ 3 9
Kabir. lc~ave6
thou not thy Lord. If
the bod y7 and wealth8 go, then' let ~u7 3- BB38
»fTtr<! ()T f3l)fT0!' , ;:lero 30T

il tll1iT uo 3T9 ~ ~~r ~

them go. We ~ I
! Ba3 T14 O/He5
lo 12
. fBq 13 My mind l3 is pic:rced through I" with HoT HO I3 tftl6 ~ ci~BI2 Uo+ oT5 fi·f~lliTI" I
! afU/li 5 OTHfu 16 the Lord'sl6 lotus l2 feet lO and I am farlli T ~ l1i3 H ~A ~ oTH >it!'o mo

i 'OTfH FJ}-fT~H 119 o~ II absorbedl's in His Name. <if~lliT <if~lliTI5 uT I

! Ol~ld ~ '0).{16* ;:rq17 Kabir, all the strings l8 of the erma, filu~T ATi:l 17 ~16* ~ill~~ Al, ~
41 ~t:JT~3 efe or~':' R9 instrument 17, which IJ6* played upon, ~lliT FPollliT 3 To TI8 ~c arC!illi Tuo I
i 3 0 11=
T 18 are broken.
! ~q f~BTOTI9 fq)}fT20 qij What 20 can the poor" instrument do, OIOTa::3'T 19 W;:J or1 20 qCJ AOl't!'T ~, ift!' for
) BB22 ~iF~'O'0To23 II when the player 23 has departed 22 ? ~;:r~ ~5T2J ul ~o fullli T21 ~ I

:::~ i!~
f3'0 28 ora O[r tl T25 3
Kabir, shave thou the mother2" of
that 28 Guru. through whom 2s doubt 26
eralo , 3"=
oT ul2S RAT26
_ 010
_. Bl l-/T3T

24 ?i )·fo

our ;J,BT I
~ filA ~

'Ci 9'0)...f26 "?:;= t1Tf~27 II departs 27 not.

J:!t3] "'TOT ul ~BT l){ea 30 ~f~l)iT
~ >li 1 33 ~a29 B"0 at! He, himselP] is drowned 29 in 30 the ~u <ifVliTz9
Hfu-30 -~"531 - tr~ four Vedas
and drowns]2 his ~ lli3 lliTtd liCllt!'31 ~ gl ~a fit!'T]2 ~ I
: ~u-Tf~32 1190811 disciples ! as well. ~
: 0l~10 ;:J334 Uru 35 Kabir, whatever 3• sins 3s the mortal gV" erAJ.ffi3S l£C!T qCJB1 U
eralo, ;:j ~. ~

; 0l1~36 OT~37 3B 38 commits 31;. he tries to keep]7 them ~T ~ €tu tla~]' il(5T ~O/TC!V9 al::lBT37 ~ I e
tOTf~39 II hidden 3' under a cover38 •
! Uoarc
40 9'~ f0tT'041 At last"l they are all disclosed 4o , when >li1::lTo ?i"1
= ~u
- RT-a t:JT<Ja <J ili~40 uo , ilB
1R9' ';:I~ U~42 '(JoH the Lord-justiciar"3 holds an uaHa Til 4 ] l!ii fOls41 <TcIBT ~ I
fl =
.orfu43 1190411 inquiry"2.

t,,jjo <rfo OfT fRHo,," Kabi'. abandoning the Lord's

t"" ..; .

&,~5 ~ UTfffir6 meditation..... thou hast reared46 a
~~47 C!~48 II large47 family4l.
mry49 '0/03150 afu51 Thou continuest51 to doS° worldly ~ RR10l ~H49 ClO150 iif fcr.:J1 S1 ~', R'
OTre»{T 9~52 oful'){T53 affairs"9• though none of thine 301 ~ 91 '9Ol52 lli3 ROliQ1 54 I)fRflrcJ

(Ii ~q54 IlCi O ell brothers52 and kinsmens4 hast nul' 1'o<J153 I
remained SJstable.
oroTo rna at fRHOO 55 Kabir. abandoningS6 the God's Cll:!'lo, ~lf<Jar~ ~ 9irc')55 ~ f3~56, fi«J31
~f~56 ci CJTf357 meditation55• the woman. who wakes S8 fuJEola<!57 ~ ~158 ~ lli3 ~-C1He
;:rcn,~58 ;::pfu59 II at night57 and goes59 to tbe Cldn 5~ BHJ:rTn ~1 ~ wt!159~;
cremation ground to practise witch
ROtff(l)60~fu61 ~ She is born62 as" a serpent60 and ~ ~o cJ ~I i$Ht!l' 2 ~ lli3 lli~
l)f~3a62 ~63 ~~ eats6" her own oft"-springs 63 . a-ful)i;63 ~ ullfTt#l'4 ~ I

l:fTfu64 II Ci II
orolo ufo ar f'RHaQ Kabir. abandoning the Lord's amo, wful:!' ~ lli' oTt«') ~ f3l)i1(JT, ~GiO ~1
~F~ ci l)fij~'}65 orQ66 67
meditation, if a woman observes" i1n1Ol67 W3f t!1 ~~65 \:f ~3 o~l" ~;
orfcf7 II the fast of the goddess of smallpox65 ;
~58 ~re ~ She is reborn as a abe-donkeY" and ftu ii31'8 ij ci >f;l 'fu.r ~1 ~ lli3 ~a He71

l)f~3"8 wq69 ~70 carries70 a load" of four maunds71 • i5'" ftor~'t!170 ~ I

Ho tJTfa IlCiotll
~la i14dlel72l)ff373 Kabir. exceedingly73 great 74 wisdom 72 Cll:l'lo, lffi73 l:!'~317" f'Rllitar72 feR f~ ~,
l.llo174 ufo ;:rfu75 is in this. that man should remember75 fa renRTn ~ H1)76 l)jt?Q77 tl:!' \:f
f~oB76 wfu"ll God in" his mind76• fm.ron '5 Clij I
Frol 77 @'uFo 'ijffi')T82 The Lord's meditation is like 1!l)i1H1 t!' fRHOn 11.517. tt3 if~82 t!1
• • HT~t! ~ ~ao renRl(') fuR 3' f~ 1l~19,
faffi79 3'80 QTUo81 ptaying82 on the noose78 and if man
mu IlCiotll falls79 from it, then 80 finds he no 3'80 ftR ~ ciel 91 llitgTH t!1 1Ii1 • out
place81 of rest. fH5t!ll
c:relo Am 87 H~83 Kabir, blessed'" ia thc87 mouth", Cll:!'la, )f~" ~ ftu81 J;ib83 , f;:rA85 Ij,"b (')T5
irf084 ~- ;:p85 - ii~ with which85 mouth the Lord's Name J;!lli1Hl e' ('i1)-f ~'OO Cl13186 HTt!T ~ I

crul~86 a'J:{ II is uttered·'.

~188 forR Ci1 a~dl89 What to say of the poori' body" ~ iil~ ~ orcrl~89 ROm- t!T Clfucr ul
UF~390 ~~o1 of that creature. even his village" Cll ~ ftR t!T RTO' rti~91 <Jl l(T~ l!n13 at
91 shall be purified90 • ~~aJ190 I
... - - IlCiCi 011
Kabir. blessed94 is theU family93. 1!5lf<!T94 ~ ft'l92 }:fT(')t!T(i'3.
c:relo R~192 'C!893 Cll:!'la fHA

9'8191 trr 'i!'g ufa in which family God'. slav.'5 is born.

~ Wlj95 II
fflo ~'g ~ 0 The family, in which the Lord's slave f~ ~o f~ wet ~ aT~ tit!l96 out
@~96 H q'g-er& is born96 not; that family is useless ~fu))fT; ~\7 l:fTo~o ~-u5lU'7 t!1 3i!j
U5TR 97
II~ ~~II like the buteafrondosa97, fo~OI
&sla ~99 atf~99 Kabir, the: possession of very2 great J cnitcr, u'if'st)ft'l, \7~ 3 ijf;jtl)ff'oo ~
STool CO RUf0 2 Uf03 number of horses". elephants" and 8i!3z \71 ~TJ farc!3l ~ 1JTR \i~ l1i3
Wl::f u# 6~aTfu5 II carriages UlO and the wavingi' of ~ ill i~j4 t!T Bfuaig~15
- ,.
lacs of bannen-";
Rl:f6 "3 Begging7 is bettert'han these comfon.., ~j ~t)(t' OT8& HR'r fij'o~7 liaJT' 0, ii'
if' thle days pass l2 in SfIlfTHl t!T fffireolO aa~.f~ sloe 12 I
fRH03 10 f-eo tlTfo J2 II contempbLting 'O the Lord,
qSTer ~ ,:raj18 ~ 13 Kabir, ca.rrying l7 the drum ls on my ma, "fTlIi k~" 3 ~IS ~Cl ~17, wlJ

f6fa~I" Ht-e~15 ~tI16 shoulder", IIJ have traversed l4 the wei RR'Cf" ~ V'crcr ClWtrr l4 0 I

cretft!12 II whole wodd l8 •

~Ef19 ~20 No one" is the friend of any one 20 liEl ~19 ~l

'& m:ft rem
~ trc!20 9T Mao otit, 14&
Rg -e~T tfq else, I have seen and carefully RTfal)ff ~ taft ~t ~ era ~21 ~ fB))fT
~Tre21 11~~:311 examined·~1 all. ~I

H3T 23 Kabir, tbe: pearls are scattercd on ma, H'<!ClU <pu U ~ ~ U@Z4 un l1i3
23 Z4
Sll:l324 )}[qT25 the road2Z and a blind manu .comesz, fi!cr ))f~ ))f~125 ~ arc] ))fT ~26 0 I
foorfR€?26 »fTft! " that way.
;:jf327 fu()T28 29;:ratt1R30 WithoutZI the Light27 of the Lord JO JtlTmf29 ~ SflJiiHlJO ~ t£ClTF.l27 ~ sia2l,
&1 t1OTq31 ~c%til32 of the universe2', the mortaPI passes32 ~31 H"<!qj ~ ~ BUl ;:rit!ru 0 I em
;:rrre 119 ~ 811 the pearls by..
~33 g1134 or
or~Ha T Kabir, drowned is my family", crsla ~s far))fT3J 0 HOT l:fTOt!To3.., tit! HOT

(}trf~35 tr3 36 when my 5,on36 Kamal was born3S • l:l3!' ClH'B' i1H fU))fT35 ~ I
- =-
on·rT~ II
~er &T fRH(JQ37 Forsakinglll the God's mcditation37, ~rf<Jarq, ~ ~BOrl37 ~ ~38 ~ ~ "fTlIi
STf~38 ~ urfa he has brought horne wealth3'.
5 atfu ~ tJo-~g3U 5 ))fTfu))fT ~ I
>lfTW HT~39 II ~ ~ 411
cre1a FJTq or@
Kabir, if thou go to meet the saint, crsla, ii R3 ~ fHffi! ~1 ~, 3i ~
fH~~ trrt!1~ FJTf~40 take thou not another'" witb"o thee. (')rg40 ~ \ia f(iff'" ~ 0' 5 ~ iiT I

(') Bl;1 ~ft!41 II

trT~42 trT~43 (') Then turn"· thou not thy foot43
~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~•••••+ •• ~ ~••••••+ +.+•••••••• *•••••
~lttl~44 »f'(ft45 ~f~6 backward42 and 45 . march on ahead. >JTo1 ~ ~Q~I;:rr I ~T ~ <leT46 ~, ~47 ~
1147 'dfu IIC\C\EII Whatever happens46 , let that47 flll){T <J~ I i.
happ~n. ~
~lo ;:JotS STfUB' Kabir, bind 4' thou not thyself with CISlo, ~ l){'lli l){Tll ~ ~S2 Jl<rnl sT (')T~ 0' It
f"mJ50 ~~CJ151 f3ij'52 the 53 chain51 , with which 50 the 8~4'. f;:/RsO (')T5 ~i'ill){T48 sSl ;j~1 ~ I : -
H'353 ~qQ49 ~lCJ II
world48 is bound 4'. ~
;lij'fij'50 ))fTCr51 ~o52* * Asu. the salt52 •• is lost50 in flourS I , ft:IR 3~j53. l)j~51 f~"e ¥52•• olH <J Wtnso e
ftl~53* Rn S• RHrf?;55 so shall thy gold 54 likess body5' ~,~R 3~j ~1 301 ~S4 ~oar1ss ~S, »jEll ~
Rcilg56 II C\ C\.? II disappear. <J ~T~ I ~
3 Q59
ii~57 ~f~B'5S

RS~161 R(')T~2 II
Kabir, when the soul-swans7 is about
to flyS8 and the bod y
buried60 , even then
6' is about to
the mortal
ClSro ~~ l)jT3HT-oTfl;iRs7 ~~ ~TBls8 <Jel
• - -
~ l){3 ~u5' t!sl ~TG ~15f'O~. 3 j ~1l!.'e1
Re3'u 0'5 R~~t!l61 ~ I

instructs" with gestures'2. IT

c5nTij'67 II C\ C\ t: II
() Even
thenU , the mortal'4
Ibe meanness" of bi, eyes".
leaves65 3e 62 ~l
,,~ ~ ",,1' f"",'~'
tLTG1'4 l)fTlJel»jj

oralo c5068 f('WTCJ~69 Kabir, 0 my Lord, with my eyes'8 CISlo, l!I)iTH1! »jruell){i ~l:Ij6' (')'5 ~
cJ Ha
35" ~ R~n70 Ro~ I see" Thee and with mine ears70 H' 3~ ?l:feT69 u' 3 ))fTllfe»jT cioi70 (')15 H" i
~~71 ~~"II -- hear I Thy71 Name. 3CJT71 (')TH liet!T <Ji ! f
Sn ~~~73 ~»f With my tongue72 utter73 1 Thy Name l)jTW ;::ft~T72 (')15 H' 30T orH ~TCJeT73 <:1 j ;
nTH til ~oo74 orHC5 75 and enshrine" Thine lotus 7s feet 74 ))f3 3-a ci~7s tiCJi74 c5 l)j11.R! H7)7' >i~o It-
= It-
fot:!76 OT(t77 1IC\C\tll within my mind 76 • fcCll~BT77 u' I ~
- ~

. ~lo RCJaT 78 naor79 Kabir, by the True Guru's grace81 , CIslo, aro' ~1 t!rel)irl l ~I)iToT,}j' afulB 7I ~
1 have escaped80 from paradise78 and l){3 ~;:rCl79 ~ 8"e fdll)fT80 oj I
3 afu€i 80 m3C!Jo :

& UCJRTf-e 81 II heW'.

~ao OfHC5 orr H~tl82 In83 the joy82 of the Lord's lotus l)jT~~87 l)j3 86 l)jl:ll0 8s f~~ H' 1{~ ~ ci~H~

. Hf~8J a~84 li-f385 feet, abide 1 in the beginning~7

uo' t!1 J:!R1 82 ~ea'3 ~RB1'4 <:11 I ~
niq86 »fTfu87 /I C\ =< a II and 86 at the end'S. ~
crelo ~on OfHH orl Kabir, how 8' can 1 tell s8 thee, the aala' tI.~ ~ ci~5 tia i t!1 J:!RT t!1, »ji'iHl(')90 ~
~;l & orf\}88 ~R89 extent'O of the joy .9f the Lord's H' 3~ forR 3~i89 t!R Ror~188 ~1 ? ~
~oWn90 II lotus feet? :
orftre91 or~
C'i\}l ~93
t(o~T(')94 II Cl ~ 911
eraro - Bfu ~ f0fij'95
sublimity92 can
It can
be described" . f~R et ~f~l)il~I'2 ~ao(')'1 a13t oul- ;rr ~
be seenu

Kabir. seeing my Lord, how'S can 1

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j~+~+~+~+~.~.~"~+" •• +++++++++.++++++++++++++.+~~+~+~~.¥
and Raet I fro
flT Rael ~I
a~lo, Il»jTHl ~ ~t::I,
&~5 ~l:f193 l){3 l)ji'i~~ a131'4 ;

H- ~R ~ faR
3~1'S , •


oro~96 97 or5 0" or describl~96 Him ? No one can be fS))fT(')" «<J RClt!T ut ? !:fa a~ot97 QT5 fClR
lf31~B98 II 98
satisfied with my words 97• t!1 9'1 3R~B128 cwr <J Rat!l I

"91 ~al
au~2 ~afl:f3
orrfu5 IIct~~1I

tlat6 f'ij'3 T 7
tlfor tlfuT
AS9' God
is, SOlDO is
1 abidc:2 in the
singing5. His praises4•
Kabir, the flamingo pecks, at her
He Himself

feed 6 and remembers7 her offsprings.

delight J of
~~ f;:r<:r '"
})flU <:r1 ~ I
~fuoFL~, ~<J ~<JT'DO ~<:r a~
))fT~t!3 )){t!o ~R~7 ut
~H t!l))ft fR:G3 i4 arT~~5

as1o, <it:r})fTl..f<!T ~0fT ~ort!l' ~ })fa l)fT~
ifftT})ft ~ tift! aCJt!17 _~ ~ reu. ~t!1, 'larel,

fB3~11 She pe,;;ks, pec:ks, pecks and again ~1 ~ ~ If;l })f~ s-fu})fT ~ til're aoB'l
remembers her ,offsprings• ~I ;
.. ~R8 ~Bofo9 c§:;:rlO As8 thl: offsprings' are dear to the (1 R1:Ia is I f;m ~t8 fi' C!8ar'D ~ fU))fTij
)...fo12 wfB»{T13 )...f}i3T14 flamingo lD so is the love l4 of wealth lJ uo , ~R 30 i . u1 ful)f'01 14 3 ~iS313 3a Ho12
'ij15 IIct~SIl to thy mind l2 , (I man ls• ~I
eraTo >i~:1"016 UfO~17 Kabir, the sky" is' overcast l8 with aslo, )){FI}{TOI6 a 8~17 S~18 ~~ uo ~

~rfB»iT18 aofcr 19 "9a clouds'" and the lakes 2D and tanlcs 21 5lgt20, a 3 TB Ta 21 araB B UT<!1" ~ 9'a
RCJ 29 3 T8 21 II arc filled with the rain-water". <J~unl \i-
roor 22 fi1~23 They, who remain thirsty24 like 23 the ii 111l1cj22 t!1 H"Cie2J fU~4 ofd'~ un;

30R324 o~
f3025 pied cUicko0 22 ; what26 would their 25
conditic,n 27 be ?
- t!1
2S ClV' tm T27 <J~ait ?
~ cr€t?i26 U~T~27 II
· oralo 'tl"Ore128
fofR 30 al~31
Kabir, the sheldrake 28 , which29 is
separatl:d 31 for the night3D from her
- .
aslo ROl:f~2I
'OtW ~31
, ti
wB'l 3,

~ R~o32
i; )<)Ill«!
Q~ fi

f)...fH l..fOWf332 II love, comes and meets him in the })fT fHSBl ~ I

moming 32•
1it 0093 oT)...f The ml:n 33, who are separated 34 from s-e33 • ti ~ otS' tq;s ore34 uo, ~ ~ Q
j fFrtt
OT ft!O ftffi 0 the Lord, meet Him neither in the
day nor in the night.
'OT ft!;I ~ fH~ un l)f3 OT ul 8~ fi I
orf3 11~~411

a()TfBo 35
· H~37 )...f~f038 II B~839
Kabir, 0 conch'7, remain thou in38
the ocean 3'. Separating36 from it
thou shalt give out41 scream4D at
mo, ~

tl!CU37 ! ~ fP!~35
fuR :3" f~S;SJ6 a 3?; Rcr;:r43
Heo 3'
- _ •

f~ '!a'4D HTQCil ~ar141 I

)){t!031 ul
~H42 uo

~~8 Q7u~140 eRf~l sun43 -rise at eve:ry temple 39 .

{?or~42 FI 43 II ct ~ EII
orafo Wa]45
~47 ~l:f48
what44 doest
sleeping ? Awake and weep46 thou
thou by

over the: fear4 7 and pain 48 of death.

ao 46 ,
~ lf3 T fU})fT ii}44 ao~ ~.? R~
1~ H3 B aa"7 3 lit;s48 ~3 f~ I

• • • e•••••••• ~ + ++••••••••++.+ ,~ ••• c.;
'ilT qr WR T50 (fiCJ51 They, whose abode so is ins3 the f~~t ~T ~R~lsO Cla'a SI ~;:JS3 ~, ~ »iTCJTH

Hfu53 R fOl€!52 R~ graveS I, how s2 can they sleep in ))j'~ faR ~tS2 R~ ROl~ ~o ?
131::1 II ~=<911 peace 7
~CJ R3T fq))fT Kabir, what doest thou by sleepina 7 O/slo, ~ '131 fU»iT 011 CiO~T ~'? ~ ~ ~
orafu ~ for 0 Why not arise and contemplateS" fOl~ a
cJOI T S5 ~ ~cfts, ~fu~i ~T fAHOo s4
'iltrfu54 55HCJTfCJ56 II God, the enemyS' of egoSe ? ~1' Ola~T ?
fEOr fBO Ji~(') ~f~57 One day thou shalt sleeps7, fuCil f~~T~ ~ »iTui am" ~ 5Hs8 3lG60 ~
Bra 58 (fi~59 URTfu60 II stretching out 60 thine kneels, at R'S7 iJT~'OIT I

~=<tll full-Iength •

qalCJ ij3T fOl))fT aCJfu Kabir, what doest thou by sleeping? Cilm, it J!3T funiT 011 OIo~~' ? ~
aor CJ-Q ~61 'ilTCJ]62 II Awake'2 thou and" keep sitting. RT~W2 <i »i36' §or CJ<! I

tp' ~ RijJ63 3 ~1~CJT64 Hc from whose company'3 thou art fml' ~1 RoT3u OTiS' 3= fa3
- faf»iT'4 ~" ,
3 T tit65 ~ Rfaf6 separated'''' to" Him'S attach" ttR'5 ~ 0'5" ~1 it »iTlJi »iTU ~ fuJ'7 I
W<n 1I~=<tll thou thyself.
Olma R3 al arg ~8 Kabir, leave thou not
the ClSlo, ~ RTll ~l ROI3" ~ OT f31)fTG1 »f3 ~
~1~ HrafaT69 gT(fiT association" of the saint and walk70 ttR ~ CJR3" ~~70 tJ5 I

~70 II thou on his path".

U1::I371 tit Seeing7' him thou shalt be purified72 ~ ~ ~l;f71 ~ U~3CJ <i ~~72»f3 WR
~fu ~C373 and meeting73 with him, thou shalt (')T5 fH5 ci 73, ~ ~~ ~T OTH ~~oo74
'8'aI iJT~QIT I
o~ lI~aoll begin to utterH the Lord's Name. CiOCi
Cil~la, ~ l)ftrcJH175 (')T5 if5-fi..r51U" OT CiO
a~ RT q 3 75 RaT Kabir, associate" thou not with the
(')76 a1~ Bcrfu77 infideps and flee" far away" from »i3 ttR ~5' S'!3 ~o'" ~~7B iJT I

~~ ~TfaT78 11= him.

WRQ79 qrij80 tJam,;f81 If thou touch8' a black80 vessel", #aa ~ Cil'B 85 9't~7' ~ ~~'0I181, 31'2 C!5C!S3

3€!82 or~3 graT then82, lome83 blot'" must attach to QEI1 84

. .
3?> i10CJ HOI iJT~OIr I

BTql84 II ~a ~ II thee.
Olwar 0Tli (') ~f3'€?85 Kabir, thou hast not contemplated'S CilSlo, ;i »fTtti Rl)fTH1 ~ fRHoo' s 0~1' OIt3T
~ ~~~, 3~ ; U~lS7 ~ I ~

thy Lord and the old age86 has »fTC

~- ~~ ~
»fTfEr II - come upon87 thee.
grcn183 }i1to88 Now when the door 8' of thy mansion81 '" ,. HI",,- il .. .... 01 ,,"aT
tI))fTCJ89 3 »;~80 is on fire93 ; what" can, now90 be OI~l'J ~ ,]'<!,o 011" ~l~o92 OIrel){T ~T Ra~T ~
, '"


for»;y91 orrf'-e»fT 'ilTfu92 II taken out92 7 ~? ~

erma orTOQ98 i1 94 Kabir, the work'8, which" the "oil", r""5'" iiH" ","",,'On """,,, ~;

Ol'cEpfCJ97 II
;:l96 ali99
- " .
f3l:!lOO f~Q5 ~RQ2 Without S Him 100 there
not is ~RIOO ~ amos <Jo iil:!V ~ <:11 oul I c}~53

& oul ~~3 another 2. He alone 3 is the Creator 4 ~<:1 <:11 RTfai>i T t!T RTtie<:1TQ4 ~ I

fRCJtl(')urg4 11 9:3:311 of all.

ormcr G'H 6 ~TaT Kabir, when the fruit-trees 6 begin to qalo, tit! H~ t!To fua~ ~ 657 "B01i »(ij~
G'~fo7 tlT'Ol'(,)s BTaT bear fruit 7 and the mangos' begin to ;j tiT~ <:10 i>i3 >ia' l.Jqe8 cfaT ;:rt~ <10 I
ripe 8•
~ >;fT8 II 9

i tiTfE u~Bful0 l::IHH 12 They reach

the owner l2 , if l3 ~<J }-jTHq12 &5 i1l ~ti~IO <:10, ~q013 f~~
~ 'Ol'@ ti@13 8lfB 14 0
the crows eat them not in the f~~TfH~'14 ~~T ~ qi lS OT l::IT ;:rT~ I
meantime l4 .
iCfT~l orra 15
~~" ~ '!3 f; ~al,," ~ ,!il~" :
~ erma OT~g:16 ldtlfu17
Kabir, men purchase l8 and worshi p l7 ama, ga
~ AfE 1s H 20}f(')ufc519
the god-idoJ'& and through their <:10 >rI3 >rITl.Ji fB3 20 t!1 ftlt 19 oT<Jl tiP3: 21 ~
t3loCJ 21 tl Tfu 22 II
mind's20 obstinacyl' g 0 22 on ~ tii~22 <:10 I f
-eo pilgrimage 21 .
0£' t
0£' ""'
Seeing one anotber 23 , they wear 2S foeq ~,:j t ~l::I23 &, ~<:1 Qro}-jq ~
""tufa 25 26 religiolls robes 24, go astr ay 26 and Uf<J?)~25 <:10, ,!OT<J 26 t1'~ l'>f3
±CfTf(J27 II 9 :31.111
wander 27 at Jar ge. f60~ <:1,,) I

~ O7mcr UTU~28 Kabir, sctting: o up stone 28 as god 29 , qBla, tftra 28 t ~~3T2' ~T30, RT~ l{re132

~ tlClHRd 29 al>;fT30 all the mortaJs 32 worshi p 31 it. foeR t:Jl ~tj18oT31 qO~ <:10 I

~U~31-Rs FfR Tcr 32 II

~ f2R 90~TR33 ~ oir 34
They, who abide H in this beJief3 3, tl, fuR (~ql033 >rI"t:Jo ~R~34 <:1?), ~<:1 fRi>iT<J 36

360l'T~1 UT0 37 II are drowned 35 in the sable 36 stream 37 . ot!V 7 >rI"ea ~a tlT~3S <:10 I

~ 9:3EII
Kabir, the religious books 3B form the
~ 'Ol'B1Cf Ol'rart:r 18 Cl81a, (Po}-jq 1.:!R3qP8 at!l:\:f To T39 <10 >rI3
prison 39 and the mk'40 of rituals 41 its
~ {j8aV 9 HR- 40 qCfl{q- i 3 141 t!1 fRlfjT<:11 40 foeR ~ 3:\:f342 I
.:. shutters 42 .
:t Ol'oH 41 Cfl1" Tc 42 II
~ UT(J(')43 Ba1 44 The stone 4J -gods haye drowned H the tJaa ~ ~~f3l}ji43 ~ ~ol>r1T45 ia f~3T ~ ?i
~ fl(CfCJH1 4S U"-f2:3"3 worId 45 and the pandits have fH3 \.f33 i ~ foeR 47 t
oT<:1 f'€B <:11 ~c~C46
±t.p~146 ~rz47 119:3.911 plundel'ed 46 it on the way47. f5lf\T ~,

~ Ol'B"lcrO7Tf8 48 'Ol'a3 T49 Kabir. do now 50 , what thou hast to orala , ftl<:1~T qiii
- 3= qH 48
t oroo,-49~,

>rr8f~sO "C(cr
>riB" do 49 tomono", 48 and do that SI ~R ~ <;[~50 <:11 ora >rI3 tl <!~ qO?)T~,
sl 52 forthwith 52 , what ~Rsl ~ B' 52 <:11 oro I
~ Ol'cr3 tifE 3 8
T T 1I thou hast to do
j - now.
~ t[T~53 crs (') iifEClF Nothing would be done hereinafter 53 • }-jCll-a'S3, Mt!S4 H3 s6 3a fAo S5 3};iT l::I~l <Joel
"1\ =

---------------- -_._._ .._--------------_._-------------------


~54 fRa trfa 55 ~ wben s4 the death S6 bangs over thy

0fTC2 56 I19.S't1l headlls •
qala ~FJT57 Kabir, I have seen suchs7 a manSI, cx<:lla, H~ f~cx ~ij f;:[<:lT57 f~oRToS8 ~ful)jT ~,

f~~ ~fcr~T who is likes9 the washed 60 wax 8r • ii 03160 ij~1 HH61 ~aOlTs9 ~ I
ii~160 wcr61 II
B'lH62 '~"3'C263 ~64 He appears 62 to be clever63 and ver)64 ~'7 <:I:F BC5T0l 63 »i3 <:I:p6
a]()T66 Hf365 ~1()T67* virtuous 66 , but, be is without 67 • ;, Uo ~7* ~l1~'s »i3 »iUf<i3a"
oTtJTCl67 119.Stll understanding 6S and unchaste 67 • ::II

orala Hal ~fU68 Kabir, death's myrmidon69
shall cram, H3 e T :GaF.l3 169 Hal l1~6B e T ~
or~ -,:rli69 '0 ora 70 68
disgrace not my understanding .
fi'iO'eo oul cx-aOi T I ~
f3RqTCJ70 II
f11'f6' f~~ -,:rH~T71 I have meditated 74 on that73 Lord, H~ ~!17J UIP.i~7S_ijl1~uTa l{~ e T »i TaTQi'i 74
fRaftp}fT72- B73 iflfl1iT74 the Cherisber7s . who hast created72 cxl31 ::I, f;:rl1~ f~H H3 -e :G-aF.l3 71 ~ ofBI)j I72
uaf~B'afTcf5 119.8011 this myrmidon of death 7l
• ::I I .~

9.S.?~ ~
qalo OfR30l76 has become 77 cxalo, ~lf'7ar~ OT€76 el fo»ilEl ;] fOll)jl n ::I ~
~f~T77 ~3"~a78= ~~
Kabir, God
musk and all his slaves 79
have 3 ~l1 -e l1 ra a'ii79 ~~a78 <:11 Ole '70 I itt
R~ B'TR79 II become bumble-bees78 .
ftl~80 f-,:r€l 9OTf381 The more
Kabir contemplates 81 his ftiN fljl)jTtJT80 cxalo f!I)jTl-11 e 1 fl1HO?) ~
orala orT f3€t: f3€t: 132 82
Lord, the more , the Lord 83 abides cxaeTII~, ~OT '71 fu»i Te r82 , Ht~r83 ~R -e
CJTH 83 fo~R84 II within 84 his mind. f~ »i"ea ~HeT84 ~ 1
9. 8 9.11
Clala CJT~dTfB85 Kabir, man has fallen 86
into the cx<:lm, aer i<:ra-ex<:r1;517 e1 uc:s 3S f~ »iT ~
ufa§86 ~2"a87 ~ grip8S of family87 and the Lord 89 has fOl»il86 ~ 3 H»iTH18' f~cx UTR '71 of<] farl)jT88 ~
orTc5 88 of~ orfu€? been set aside 88 • ~ I - i
oTli89 II ~
~Tf~ ua 90 uaH 91 The myrmidons 92 of the Righteous €tR e1 f.po-Rc;.'394 -e 92 ~Bcxra93 <J1 qaH ~
CJTf~ ~92 alBfc:r93 Judge 91 , descend 90 on the mortal in aT~91 -e ~H3 l{Tit ~ »iT t1~-e90 <:10 I ~
gHT UTI-{94 119.8~1I 93
the midst of his pO mp 94. ~:".
~ald RT0l395 396 Kabir, better98 than 96 an infidel 9s is CXElo, »iUClH1 9s oTg~96 l!a 97 ~OIT98 ~,;:t ~
BCla97 "98"T98 aTB a swine", which keeps the viilage 'OO fti~'OO ~ HT:G li<:lal99 otteT ~ i ~
.niTGT99 ClTT€t: 100 II 99
cIean . ~
€l~2 RTCl~ aya T3 wretched 3 ~'72. oT-liaTi:!3 weT l{H3 Ha ;:riel ~ ~

When, he , the ;:re,
Hfa orft:>'l-I T &f~ '0 materialist dies, no one even ~~1 €tR e ToTH 3cx o<Jl 8~i:!T4 I ~
B~4 6'T€t: 119.8~11 mentions his name. ""~
~ ,.•;, ;!¥~'R''F'V'l''''4'4'4'4'4'4'4''l''I'¥' i'l"¥'l>~'F'l''l'';;~~4''l'4'4'4'''' 4'~~'V iji'l''i"ijiijiiji...ijiijiijiiji ... 'l"Ji'I'...... 'P'l'4'¥l"l'4'~

~ot.>f!.d ..I..""'' ' ' ' ',j,,j,'' ,j,'' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,j,'' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,;J,,,,,,,,,,.p'' ' 'd,,,,,,,q.'' ,j,,,,.p'I>'' ' '"'<l>"'<l>"'' '.j,.p,j,'''''''''.j,''',j,;J,~,j,'''''''''''''''''''''''''''d'''''''''''''''''''''''''d"t.\
i~~Td ~~~~5~ 'a'~~T Kabir, gatberin g6 . shell. shells. ~Y :ala, ~~T ~aTs ii;36 ~, f'CoRTo H~1 »{'3 •
~tnd6 'a' tid 8 8 Ttf 7 7
man amasses lacs and mlllIons . ~t7 <JT ft!cf:ra ora H'~18 ~ L
~ 'a'-af0 7 II
'~lC53T9 aTa 10 () C<5- But at the time'o of departure 9, he gets t{~ ~a09 ~H'0, ~R ~ ~g g1 0<J1' fHH~T I
~ fl-ff8B- 82T B-a1cT 12 nothing. Even his lion-piece l2 IS ~R ~ 33 ~1 H10 12 g1 3;3 Ht!1 '3 ;:t1~1 ~ I
~ 3fo I3 IIq8811 torn awayl] from him.
j er~To frR3 18
~I}{T "3 Kabir, what l4 does it avail 1s a man oraTa, f~B"~18 ~T ~UTljor ;j 'l'a fFlHCJo1»ii l8
~ fO[~TI4 9f~I}{T15l-fTC5T16 to become the follower of Vishnu l8 ur€t<! 17 t!T ft!ORT o "& q11~ ~'f'etTIS ~ ?
~ HEll'-I7 ~jTfo II and wear'7 four rosariesl 6 ?
i· aT~fd19 ~B()20 Externallyl9 he is gold 20 twelve aT<Ja ~l~'19 3 1 ~<J aTai ~laVI F,!tr or13 T
~ - 23
oS. ~ra~21 9T3f0 22 90T times 21 purified, but, from within 22 • jf~l'}fT Rol 20 ~,lIa l'}f"ea ~Tij'22 ~<J lll'}fTiJ

! ~ClTT024 II q 8L111 he is stuffed 23 with dust 24 . ~<J7~ olE gfa »{T <Jft!»{T23 ~ ,

~ ermo -a~T25 5f2 o~-

Kabir, be thou the brick·piece 2s of O1alo, ~ aH3 26 ~I ft!e ~T i'C T25 a~l'}fT a'!
~ a rc 26 C('T 3fti27 l-fe:;28 the way26 and lay aside 27 thy »{'3 l'}fTl..fCl H1oFlor 28 ciOT3T29 ~ ~~27 ~ I
~ qT I}{f9l-fT()29 II mentaFB eg0 29 .
~ ..
~ r~RT30 <i2T If there be such 30 a slave 31 ; him 32 ;:lcro <it!T ~5 ~iJT30 olH,31 <J~; ~R32 ~
.§< ~ f~ "3Tf(J32 fH5 meets the lIlustrious Lord 33 • orTa3THTo H1Hor 33 fH5 ll~T ~ I

~ 9ClT~T()33 111. 8 EII

~ C(~To - -a~T -gI}{T "3 Kabir,. what would it avail to be a O1a10, ۤ 81 ~~ ~I 011 E'-g
] forl}{T 9f~~T tftl"V 4 gravel ? It causes trouble 3s to a T<Jl 34 ?? 3:3/HT:6 ftf~T3S ~ I

3'~T ~<J,36 'IT<J1~T ~

or€? 'ttf 35 -ef~ II
- .. - the way-farer H .
~ >lf RT 36 30T 'tTB 5" 0 Lord, SUCh
ought to be Thy ;] F!l'}flHT, i01a
<J<!T >i15
~ fti€?39 ucre:;V7 l-ff(J servant, as 39 is the dust 38 of the 38
~, ftiR 3~t39 t!1 iaH ~ l:]a31 37 ~1 I
~ ~(J38 1198.? II earth 37 .

~ oraTCJ
8"0 "021-- 3€?40 Kabir,. what· then~o. if man has OIal a , 3i~O orl ;:lOla a~ [Hel <J fOTl'}fT ~, tl
~ fOf h,{T 9f2" rrfr ti@ €?f~ become dust, which flies and then for €t~ & F1aTa ~ lJ-fQlt~2?i ftiH~ tiiel~ I ~ I •
~ '(3TaT 41 l}{~ar42 II - - attache~.~1 to the body-limbs 42 . F.-
~ os-
~ (JfCJ ti()46>lfRT God's ,lave~6 should be such, asH is a~a <::." cITE1 16 Ul<!T ~aOT'~? ;J<!T 'IT<JT~T ~ ii ~

t BT(Jl~ Rlfal'}fi~ l'}f"aJi4S fj F11:6 \iaaT ora f~"t!T ~ I ~

~ -:...
tfT7)T the water, which cleanses all~~
~ 44RoBaT 45 i1q8t:11 limbs~s. ...

~ oralo w?)l -;]~T"3

"'~" fql}{T C3"f2rrfT =R1 o T47
Kabir, what then, if one
like water ? It becomes cold~7 and
becomes oraTa, 3i or1 <Jft!»{T ~~a
;:tier ~ ? f@ c5~47 »{'3
a~T lIT<!l ?aOT T <J
33148 81 ~g~T ~ I
~"3T"3T48'5f2 II hot~8.
] (Jfo tiQ49 »fRT50 God's serf~9 oughtS I to be such so , as S2 ~lf<JO!~ ~T OIE1H 49 l}j<J ~<JTSO <J<!T 'IT<J1e Ts1 ~,

l'~¥'i'q;'l' l' ' ~' l' \' \'~' ' ;'l' l'.t' . "'t''l'...q;'l''l''l''l'q;'t.q;.,,,i' •." ......

=:~~:;.::::::;:-"'''_ ..'''..:::;:::;'=-j
~tJ53 9'~o54 55oro The flags 58 wave l19 on the top57 of R3 55 l)j3 Hfcl)jTo i56 oTB 9B <J~ €t~53
ci'THoT56 fFlCffCJ57 lJtP58 the lofty53 mansions 54 full of gold55 »~ai54 ~l ~c157 €t3 '§~53 ~E~5' <:10 I
6JOrf~59 II and of damsels 511•
3 T360 9BT61 HqorCJT62 But, better'l than them'O is the bare l{~ €t~j60 oTH~ ~OTl61 ~ q"ctl ije16i, fflR ~
R3 Rfar3 - aT~4 bread'2, eating which, mortal sings'5 l::lT a y'T~l Rf3R0T3'3 ».j"~ 12~THl ~l fm;-3'4 11'1

i... aTrf~65 1194011 the Lord's praises'4 in the saints' gETup OTTreo'5 ao~T ~ I
oraTo lfTm6 367 Kabir, better" than1l7 a city" is the O1am, gf<:1o" 01H~67 ;JOT1" ~ ~;l'8, filR 72
(l;:rq68 9'Br69 CJTH71 wilderness'8, in which 72 place73 at73 3 f01 !il)jTHVo ~T R3 71 ~~T ~ I
.i0T3 70 ft1~72 orf~73 II abides the Lord's71 saine6.
CJTH R3~T74 ~CJT75 The city without'5 my Beloved H-a ftl)){T"ij tN74 3~ Rl:fcT75 gfua, H-a 3'<!71
76,:n-fl:!g:73 Ha 9if~78 II Lord 74• is for me78 the cityn of H376 ~ gfJe n ~ I
94911 death71l. ~

or~la arcrr "ffiio ~ Kabir at the ferry82 of celestialBO O1alo, cirorT ~3 tilol)T ~ f~~79 a~ol80 i~
»f3~79 R~1=l80 ijoSl stillness81 , in between7' the Ganges ~u f1TU81 ~ U3~82 ~3;

~ UJre82 II and the Yamna;

3~T83 ~84
oraT(j There 83 Kabir has made'll
his €ta 83 O1a1 0 7) 'l'IT1..R' ~0,84 ~Tfu»f18S ;}, ~.
orll)iT85 B;:r3 >jfo88 abode 4, to which the silent sages 87
f~ oT<J 89 i; HolF.laB7 3 ia ~ ciiE"
. = -
;:ro88 are89 /I '14 ~ II and the God's slaves 88 seek86 the 3TB~86 <:10 I ~

way". ~
oraTCJ ~R190 ~l.(t1J91 Kabir, if'3 man continues to love O1alo, ;.lao'] a~ ~fuON ~ »(395 3'~l:
tt~92 3 ~93 3m 94 God to the end'5 in the way94 as 90 he €tR ~i94 f~ro 0101 ~H, filR 3~i60 €tR 7) i
foa~ B"f~95 II pledged" in the beginning'2; l)jTa392 f~~ l{C 0113,'1 Rl; :t
forR orr Millions of emeralds", to say f~01 ora1a 97 fl~<:1a96 ~ 3T 011 O1f<.:lcl~, ~;li t
a llCJT ~t1f~98 '0 nothing of one poor'7 jewel", equal'8 <:11 H'~01" €tR~ aaTaa 0<.:11' y;:re'8 I ;

d3'099 oraf~ 1194~11 him not. ~

oraToT ~or >1iB9~100 Kabir, I saw a strange thing 'oo. A O1a'1o, H~ re01 l)jR~il OTvE 100 ~Cfl I f~Ol ~
. ~fl::1B" ~loT ~2 jewel was being sold3 at a shop2. ;:R<:Ie f~ <fe1 2 3 f~01 fa<.:lT3 Rl I ~
0(' fao(Tf~3 'I ~
So;:ro~Ta4 aT~oT5 OTT<J~ (')T ~ O1TOc5, fEJ fc01 ,hI ~ +
In the absenceS of a customer4, it (ic
or~~l ae-c%6;::rf~ II 6
was going in exchange for a shell. ~~-a' f~ ilTfaJT Rl I
94811 ~

~~:;..:.~:.~~:;:+.:::~~ :::~+.::::e++.~~;:::++:::~::~:::::.~~~+:::I:~~;::J

3~9 tlol:! 10 ~ t1~T Knowledge 8 , there' is virtue lO and 'r:3 12 ~ ~ ClR}f5 13 ~ I

S'012 3~ trtr 13 II where there is falsehood;z, there is

=- -
sin u .
t1~T B~14 3iJ orrg15 Wherc~ there is avarice''', there is f;N 5 T5B 14 5 ~ H3 15 5 l)f3 fm1lil14~1"
~ t1~T fl:fHl 16 3~ death ll5 and where
is there 5. (]'ij ~rf<JClI~ lfe 17
<Jl ~ I
})fTfll 17 II 9. 4 LlIf forgiv4:ness 16 ,
there is God Himse1f1 .
on=flcr HTf~l'){T18 3"til 19 22
Kabir, what of what avail is the Olaler, Qo BC53 18 ~ ~~C!29 t!T Cl1 22 W3 5,
3" fq-IliT22 m~T abandonment" of mammon
ipo 18, ,:rqer 20 ae T ~TlJCl R~-iJ0T3lzl ~ ou'r
t1~20 HTQ21 3ft1»fT man a,bandons not his self-conceit 21 .
ouT t1Tf~ II
H'o >i01 23 lifmo 24 The sages 23 and the sublime saints 2" faRI 23 l1i'3 ilRc2~ R3 iJorra ~ oRe mJ sd Z5
dT5 25 HT'Q A~ are d,estroyed 25 by ego. Ego eats Z' ., l:fr ;:Ite r26 ~ I
<In I iJ01TCf RTfal14 t ?;
q~ l:frfu26 11'1 LI~ II up all.

q-aTcr ATtfT Rf3dTo Kabir, the True Satguru has met me, ClaIer, R~ Rf30N H~ fH5 <In ~'3 ~"ii
H fHf5»fT Aa~27 and be bas aimed z8 the arrow of ~ H~ ~a ~ oT}f27 t!'T 310 wfa~T2I ~ I

t1 aTf~l'){T28 E~ II God's Name 27 at me.

WCTI3 til ~f~29 fHf5 As soon as it struck me, I fell lO on f~R ~ 5CJT~ RTCf <Jl, H· i.!'}fl0 2' '3 f~
dTf~T30 trfo~T31 the ground 29 with a hole]] made 11 fUlJ1 TJO l1i'3 H-a fe5 32 f~B Hal 33 d ore13 1 I
~ or5,:P2 ~~33 119. LI.9 II in my heart 32 •

~ ora1o AlBT ABora Kabir, what can the True Guru do, ClaIo, R-~ Rf30FL Cll era Ror-e <Jo, 'He3"
~~ for»fT qa t1€?34
- fAW
36 when 3" his disciples 36 are at fault 3S ? ClRa 35 €tot ~ fRRt 36 »fea ~ ?
E; -" •

~Hf~ ~q3S II
.~ >;[-q37 ~or 0 c;TOT~J38 Not even the one word of tbe Guru Cl]oT er f~~ aBo 91 »l"i T37 0I!<JoJ8 oiJl·

~ f;:r€{39 alR- a~T~ is imbibed l8

by the blind man l7 • It is qrae r I f~<J aTR fuB ¥ wao ~l }f~e3'
~ - J9
~~or II9.LI'l:11 like blowing into a bamboo. ~I

~ ora1a 5 40
01 ar~042
41 Ka bir" the queen~6 of a sove reign~S, ClaIa, }f<JTaT~~5 ~1 o1'"(!l"', fuR~ lflR a<I3~3
~~ RUfo43 ~o44 i53~ who bas good~J many~~ borses~o~ <JI fijl1ir~l44 u1§~o, <Jr~l~' ~3 oJ~1l1it~2 <:10;

~ U31 45
qT oTf046 I' elephants~1 and carriages~2;

~ 9.:3.9:3
l' 3TH 47 tR-30
~ -
or U~48
- She~7 equals~'1 not even tbe female- ~<1~7 ~rf<JOli1 ~ a'i8~' -el uTC!l 300 ~T5150
t10 49 or1 SCi
water·carrier of a slave of God~9. e ac!'aa~8 ~1 o<1l y'tJ~l I
~ UfouTfa so 119. LIt II
~ cn:f1 a fou S1 3To152 Kabir, why slanderestSJ thou the aalo, 1, aT~SI ~I u30)52 ~ fCl~ fo~SJ

] for€?- f(f-e1~53 for€?-

bride 52 of a King SI and why ~. l1i3 <Jal ~1 a t el 54 ~1 fCl~ futr3'

, ~~~~~~~~~~ww~~~+~++++++++~++++~~~~~+~++~~+~+++++~+~++++it

WeI Ba154 -q~ HT055 II honourest 55 thou the God's maid e4 ? OIat' T55 ~~ ? ~

\1~ HT0l56 R~-aS7 Because the one, arranges e7 the fOl~'fOl,fcOl 3 1 , ur1.1 Bc1 , »{Tui ~B1
58 59
-e i'"
f~a58 a\159 \1\J partings 56 of her hair for e9 vice 58 , Bla i56 ~ fl::foPCJe1 57 ~ ~tT fOl ~tll.
fR~60 ~fd OT>:r II while the latter, remembers 60 the -e
?'fGClIq, nTH tT T ~rCJTUn oratT1 60 ~ I ;

l3~TH1 ~
9.EOII God's Name.
O(E{TCJ ~0T61 Kabir, obtaining62 the support 61 of cre1CJ, nTH tTT »{TRCJT61 l{TU3l
fm3 63
9'ET the Lord's Name, I have become oro-&62, H~ Ilmftla 6J "til fdT>11 T <:11 l",f3 I'h1 ~
~ ~
~t:I164 t:I1a 65 II stable63 and the True Guru, has
:l r
C1ICJT ~ HQ U,CJtl 65 al:l'H>11 T64 <J I
blessed 64 me \vith courage 65 .
q~ld \JlaT66 Bof,:p;fT67 Kabir, I have purchased 67 the jewel 66 OIa1a, H~ HTOR~?CJ slH -e
-&~68 3 Riel ~
HT(') Ra~d 31a68 II of the Lord's Name on the bank 68 of -e T67
oTH tT T B~<Ja66 :CfCJlft'>11 ~ I ~
9.E9.11 the Mansrower lake. :t
-qala \Jfd ~lCJT ;:r06 9 Kabir. God is the j~wel and God's orale, ?'f<Ja:r~ B~<JCJ ~ »{3 ?Tf<:1OI~ tT T i
;:J'(t~dro B~71 }-fT~72 slave69 the jeweIler70 , who has taken 71 tflBT09 t1~<JaVo, fBR~ t1~<JCJ ~ 1.1T ,~f' ~
~Tc73 II the jewel and has set Up72 3 shopB. <:1-,=}73 B'"31 ora Bcl 72 ~ I ~
;:ra 74 \11 UT~1>;ff~75 As soon 3S 74 1m asayer 76 is found 75 Bt' 91 74 1.1a1:lc: ?THT76 H3 ktTT75~, ~R ~

UTdlf6 3B"77 ~lao78 just then 77 the price 79 of the jc-wels 78 ~H77 <Jl tl~<:1aj78 tT T1{c:5 79 fHH Bit'T ~ I ~
0(1 R~<:;79 Il9.E=<11 is obtained. i
orala 0(T}-f80 Uil 81 Kabir, just as thou rememberest 82 asler, ftlR 3~i ~~80 tic: 3 81 ~ efa ~ liPtT ~
. ~a fRHdl~82 ~j::fT83 God, when necessityfO aries 91 , ~083 OIa'2 182 ;J, ~R 3~i83 <:11 3~ <:1HR1 84 <:11 ~R ~ f.
fRHd~ f03 84 II should thou rCillember Him alwa ys 8\ trjTt' (lOOT B'<JltT T ~ I Z
>;fHCJT85 ld'd86 ~TR187 Thiswise, thou shalt abide 87 in t!-,e f<:'i1 3~r, ~ ~fSoTR185 RfuCl 96 nitro fO~TR87 ±.:
O(d~ ~fa B~ClF ?TfuCll~ 3a <J~' ~

crrfE1i{T88 immorta185 ci!y86 and God shall ller TW3 010 >113
.: aj-§'89 f~390 119 E:311 restore 89 thee the wea!th 90 , that thou 0121
<]>:1 eB3'o 3~ ~'llR89 Cia ~~cw I ~
. bast 106t88. ob-
. .;;.

~ O(E{la B~T91 O/'~ ~fE92 Kabir, for performing servicesl , only OIs1a, cf<JC5 91 OIHT~<! B~l a~H ~92 f~>110131 ~
; ~i59.1 ~~ R~94 fECI the tw092 personalities are sublime 93 , <:11 t1Rc93 <Jo, f~Cl Rl~94 rn3 ~RaT t
~ dTH95 II one the saint 94 and another the l!>11 TH1'5! t
! Lord 95 . ~
~ CJTH- ;:r- 'e 3 195 *HO/'f3
~ -
1 96 The Lord, who is the Giver 98 * of ~>111J-11,;:j HJ:i8 96 ~C:JTd95* ~ l1i3 R'q;:j :~
oTl-! t'T \1B'CJo 97 0I0~1~'trT ~ I

~ '& 8'3 ;:rUT~97
salvation 96 and
make, man n<t"" tbe Name.

,wwd,'" follow~ the

saint, who

patb", "al". ¥:'" <l ¥:.,m I<R OR3- 4'Ta~ il'<l ~


+m""1>.pww,;wmwmmwwwmww,pw+wm+++o!>w+ww+w~ ... ,

tfi~3 OTE2 UT~ UoT the Pandits have traversed 2 •

~~lo100 II
f~O[ >rl~u.rc3 UfTcT4 There is an arduous 3 cliff4 on the 4.~ ~ '0113 f~tJ fuor oroo] t.fu~14 ~ J orma
cPH CiI1 f3<1 5 Bf~6 way to the Lord, Kabir is scaling6 ~R5 l.l<Jr;ll ~3 ~6 foUT ~ I
of~ Ci/aT-a 119~411 that <:liff.

qala ~7)lljfT7 & Kabir" man labours' because of cmla, l> l:fl~IO Bl f~3T12 orTQO SBT
-eB8 l::!>rlT ~TB'39 anxiety I 2 for his familylO and thus aH orat:l T' ~ 3 feR ~T RRTCW ~1;1T8 l)j"BCJ

~B' 10 <xl OfTf7)12 II dies of the worldly7 troubles 8 • Ha tiTt!' ~ I

~13 ~t2 fcm 14 OlT Whose:1 4 family shall be then\] ~~'1] Ql<J~'4 l:fTOBTo t1 ~retl3115 <J~ilTl,

8 T ;::m1 15
. uof~ 17
}fj:pf7) 18 II
5 disholloured I5 ,.

on the: cremation ground 18 7

whenI' he is placed l7 tlB\6
afl::llli T'7
F.IHf.1'o-~HlI8 f~tJ fSifT

~lG ~~f~aT19 ~20 Kabir, 0 20 wretched man 21 , thou orsla,ij20 5t:lmr3 ~~21 ! 5<13 22 Bort 2" t1
aT14ij21 il~22 BaYo24 shalt be drowned 19 through undue oTFe' ~ ROHT023 aTUl ~ ~19 ;:r~ I
or1 or Tf7)23 II 23
regard for the opinion of many22

trraR125 & ;'l26 ~»iT27 Know 28 thou that the fate, which 26 :i ti~ i 28
for m<:s126 ~ 3a ([lliT~12S 3
~ >rltm ~1 tlT~28 11 has befallen 27 thy oeighbour 25 , shall ~a3127 ~, ~<J 3-a ~3 ~1 milTll
9~.911 also come upon thee.
'CifalCf 981 29
o Kabir, good 2 !1 is the coarse bread 3o, cmla, ~12' ~ ~1::l1 ac'Po, ~ort3 I ~32
7)TCS T31 f~fl:I32 or made of various 31 kinds 32 of ~ t:lTf~lliT33 BT ael ~1 I
'()TB II cornU.
• "€T~T·14 <x~35 ~36 7)W I have no claim H whatever 36 on reHe s~l IiaT fOll1 ~]5 W ci~l ~'P'
~~T37 ~~38 ~~ anyone 36 for it. Great 37 is the ti'or H
odt I <l~97 ~ Iisor]8 lli'3 ~13'1 ~
119~t:1I country 38 and great the empire 39 T
tfTf3F.I <JV 9 ft:r~ Wf2R ~ S~T tiT Rortr <JT I
where I can go for it.
~ ~ld B~ ~TS340 Kabir" hean-burning 40
by arises orBTa, <.lor t:rHT~ OTB fB5-FS~t40 qBT ~ I
~ ~q ~ foCf~T~41 :a~ asserting claim. One without claim 41 ti'or t?~rill341 ~t:lT foRfu"3 42 afu~ ~ I
foFl'ci/'42 II remail1~ care-free 42 •

: ~43 ;::fCS 44 f7)CfB~ The man4 \ who has no claim; ftl<JS 14 ] f23RT 0 44 ti'or ~ ama afaBT~;
• Cf~ Fj45 - aY3 46 fE~ he 45
l;onsidfTS 46 Inder-god and fttt'-~~3T lli3 reor amTS l.laF.l48 'i; re&
~ - z

R 47 -aCi/48 119~t:11 indignellt person 48 alike 47 • ii<J147f'aT<>:BT46 ~ I

Ci/alCf UTfB'49 Rli~T50 Kabir, the entire50 tank 51 is filled to or5la, RTCJT 50 3 T51551 C§f~llit 3f~1'4' ~fCf>;fT
RO~a51 ~aT u1 7) the brim49 , but, no one can drink <Jf~lliT ~J tf~ ~R 3~ ~~1 ~1l.l~152 o<Jll.lT
.e, -

LiJi'I'ij;'i' 'i>'i'ij;'l''l'''l' 'i>1''l''i''t''i''l''i''l''i''t''i'.......f''i''t''i' ...'t''f''t''t''l''t''l''i''l''t''l''l''l'

WaT 53 ~~54 3 t.fTf'e'€i By great S3 good fortune 54 thou hast ~~~ls8 9'Tal faRH3 54 ~>J.fTaT 3~ f~<J H~9'
~ gfo gfa55 tJl~56 found it. Drink56 thou it in fU>J.f T ~ I ~ fRR ~ fuR?S5 (~a) 9'09'0
ora1cr 119.9011 5s
handfuls ,O Kabir. S6 Cia, <i aBla !
ora1cr tJcr~T357 3 1'3 58 Kabir, as the stars58 disappear s9 in CiBla, f;:rR 3~T R?Cf RTCf 57 3 Td58 >J.fHl.rS'
fl::fHfJ59 f3~60 f'e'~ mornS7 , S060 does this body" ij;:rT~ \:Io, ~R 3~T60 \:IT f~<J ~\:I61 >J.fHU <i
fuR Rcrlq61 II disappear. ;:rTtlT ~ I

• ~ ~f~2 l'>I1:::f063 (')T But, these tw0 62 letters 63 of 'God' t[:r 'aTH' ~ f~<J t'!62 >J.f~lja63 >J.fHU o<Jl' ~
fuRf~ H64 aTfJ 65 disappear not. To them 64, Kabir is <I~ I ~~i64 ~ CiB'la 11.!.c ~5 6~1 aor ~ I ~
crf~§' cre-lq 119.9 911 holding fast 6S • ~
cre-lcr &0166 qT 068 Kabir, the house" of wood 68 is on C1Bla, HCi3 68
~ urcJ66 ~ tlRl uTRl" »lar ...
ott "t~fefA69 H TaTl fire 67 on ten sides69 • Hait <Jer1 67 ~I ~
»fTfaT 67 II ~
tffu70 tJ1~371 tlfH72 The learned 70 Brahmans71 have been f~tI~T070 ~1\:IHc71 R3 ~72 Ha CJT~71 \:Io, t'"'
HE73 Hcrt:f74 ~~a75 burnt 79 to d~ath73. while the ;:re fa >J.fou~74 ~~76 ~ Btl' ~75 \:Io I ~
• iTfaT76 1'j9.9~11 - 74
iIIiterate have fled 76 to safety7S. ~,;.
• cre-lcr HAT77 Bfcr78 Kabir, cast Off 78 thou thy doubt 77 CiBla, ~ >J.fTlJ<~ ~f<JH77 ~ ~78 ~ >J.f3 >J.fT1.1~ ±.
qq O/'raT"t79 = ~J and let go with floodeo thy paper- CilCJTt:lT-ftr5H 79 a~80 ~ I t t
fwrfu80 II knowledge 79 . t
~T~(')81 l).fl::fcr82 Hfo 83 of the fifty-tw0 81 B~;:p81 >J.fJ:1Ra i82 ~ RTCf 83 ~ c:t9' ii, :i >J.fTU<! "" t
Imbibing the essence 83
• ~ ~fcr ~rCf(')184 fBq85 letters82 , fix" thou thy mind 85 on the H;;8S ~ ~Tf<JGl~ 1.1CJi 84 oTH ;:I386 I ~
: Wf'e'86 119.9:311 God's feet 84 . i.
· cre-lcr R~ (') ST~87 Kabir, the saint abandons 87 not his CiBl(j, RTll »jTui Rrul!~88 ~ ouT' ~
~ A~88 ;:J~89 &fCq90 saintliness88 , even though 89 , he meets f3»j'CJTt', , 9'T~'89 ~R
87 ~ ~~i'O <Jl >J.fUf<t3CJ ~
~:J891 t.
fHHfJ l'>IA391 II
HfHl'>I TOlcr 92 9"BaTH 93
'" af~€i94 3 95 R13H3T96
with millions 90 of impious per,ons 9l ,
Sandal 92 is entwined
serpents , even t~en95 it leaves 97
\I ith
fi-lH l1c I
B?ic ,.fu,93 oTH Hl1fc»jT iife»jl H ~ 3 195 ~
9'1 f~J >;fTUcl i'~a96 ~ ouT' 5~e197 I

119.9811 not its coolness9G .
· q~lcr H(') R13H 98 Kabir, obtaining the Lord's99 asla, y'~99
t'1 fCJT'l-fT3 1 00 ~ 1.1cpl.l3 Ciao :t
~ ~f'e'~T tITf'e'l'>IT ~~H99 knowledge 'OO , my mind has become ~»jTOT, HaT fu3 f~U368 j fCJT>;fT ~ I f
; fCJf»fTQIOO " refreshed 98 . t
ftlf(') B>}fTC5T2 tla]3 The fire 2 which has burnt 4 the f.,R ~CJT2 ~ R<J r a 3
R'3 4 >Ifc>;f!~; ~<J5 »ldi ~
tl Tfcrl'>fT 4 JJ5 tl(')6 '& world 3, that 5 fire is like 8 water 7 to the >I>r!lHl ~ -alB6 B?1uTc 17 ~H8 e I -e t

(ttq7 AHTfo8 /I'1.9l.J11 Lord's slave6. ""t.

~lcr RT a19 Kabir, the world is the Creator 1o aBla, RRTa RT Mc\:Ila IO
>I>;fTl-ll ~1 ~~ ~, ti~ i
'l',I''l''l''l''l'ili'l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''I''l''l''t'.;.<;;'I''I''i''l''I''I''I''l'·I''t''i''I''t·<;;'t''I''I''l''l''l''l'...... "''l''i'."... .y.. 'l'iji'l''t''i'.,,'I'iji... t

fHa;:ro~T010 ~1 ;:rrc5 12 Lord's pl ay 9, but no one

oTol ~f~ II understands 12 it.
~13 »{TUo 14
;:rTeS Either l3 the Master'S Himself l 4, or ilil] 3' HTBa ls l.:!B 14 t:ti ~ H ~-e
001 15 ~ "t TiJ16 one who iSIB the slave 16 of His ~0-a1017 ~T ajgtl6 ~18, ul fl:Fl ?;

"tl~roV7 ~f~18 II court17, understand it.
qElTa 9"811 9 9"~120 ;:j Kabir, it is 20 good l9 , that I feeP2 my a810, f8u BOJT I9 :l2S, fa H' »fT~ R'el -e
~ '9~21 Ufal11T22 ftFI T23 Lord's fear 21 and have forgotten H ~o21 ~ »f<'i~22 oro~T ui 3 H~;)o Rra
~dT~1 R'9 ~f824 II all orher sides 23• tl TA23 ~B 0I~24 uo I
€?aT25 dTfa 26 uTol Kabir, from baiPs, I have melted Ol-ala, OIii 2S 3& ftlUlB 26 & H' UTel -a1 fOl))fT
9"ful11T ;:rTf~ fHf'8"€?27 into water and flowing 2B on, I uT »f3 ~OI ~aT2B
&, H' ))fl~ ll))fTHl
. ~f828 afB"29 119.9.911 have ml:rged 27 with my Lord, the 27
mI~029 l){~o RW fOl>,fT <Ji I

= ocean29 •
~sloT 13 fa30 H~r831 Kabir, ,:;ollecting 3\ dust 30 , the Lord or-alo I Mello f-ec1al oroa, I!»fTHl ~ R01a 34
.q uall11T32 ElTOV3 has m:lde
the bodyH 33
like a i;• uOllH ~1 1.1;31 32 ~1 Hti~ afo»fT33 ~ I
- u

~ ~034 -II 32
physician's powder .
~ fe-~R35 ~Tfa q It is but
four days'3S pl ay 36, f'e'<J &~B 'tJ10 f~<JTfu»fj3S ~T Oi3'1OT36 ~ I
~ tlC;for 36 >;[-f337 li~38 ultimately37, dust 3B shall return to »fJ:l1a 37 ~ fHel ~ Me1 31 u1 ;) il~T ~ I
~q18~1I9.9tll dust.
~ aEila Fra;:r39 ~T"t40 Kabir, all the bodies 42 are like the or-alo, RTd Hala B2 ~at139 ))f3 ~(41) -e 41
Z~41 §~43
-e. _ i:j~T R9" rising 43 a.nd setting of41 the sun 39 and B~043 'ii3 ~8c ~1 HT<5t!' uo I
~ ~~42 II the mool140 .

~ 010 atfEfe 44 a fEl"Q But, without meeting with the Guru- l£~ 0lCj,-t{HE0 44 -e oTB fH~ -e ~a, ~
~ fH~ UB"fc 45 9~146 God 44, they all turn 46 into dust 11;34S & RT~47 fHel <J ili-e 46 uo I

1R9'I7 8v 119.9tll again 4s .

~ ;:r~48 >rfo9"@49 3~50 Whcre 4B there is the Fear-free 49 Lord, ft1~'8 f3~049 4.~~, ~~so ~asl oull f;:rij
t ~51 o~l

't1u 9"fJ
3~ no fear s1 is thereso. Where there is ~o ~ ~~ ~fuClJ~ ouT' I
~ ~fa oTfo II fear, there God is not.
i qf~y52 qSla f~~jTfaS3 Deliberating53 over this inss his »fTtli fB3 s4 »f"t0 5S f-eR ~ R~ ~1~ros3 &,
:t ~ H3 Ro~ l-f6·54 mind 54, Kabir saysS2 thus. Hear, 0 or-alo f'eR ~i >lfT~TS2 ~ I <i fP1!§ ! ~Rt
- -

t qElTa

~ 't1rfur>1T o~l
II q toll
f;:ro~ fqfg
f30 56
ye saints..
Kabir, they who know naught;
th ey 56 pass S9 their time in the sleepsB
ll~o ora I
or-alo, H 2!S' ~1 il~-e oul; ~56 »fTOTH57
~1 ol~oSI l)j~o »fTlR: T RH' -a31359 oro-e
~ HC;f57 ole- 58 fEi aTf~59 II
.;< -
of peace .
uo I
J.i' 'l' .,;'l'.,''l''l''l,'l''l''l'oj',~'l'.r''l'''''l''''''''l'#'l''l''l'ijiiji'l''l''l''l''l'iji'l''l''l''l'ijiijiiji'l''l''l''l''l'iji'l''l''l'ijiiji'l''l''l'iji'l'iji'l''l'iji'l'ijiiji",'l''l'~
,'.I' "''l''l''l''l''i'.1' .

--- ... _._._- ..-._.

, p

160, who have' understood61 the K"o f;:n:r~ ~To3'2 ~I
, - -
m ~' =
H~ ue
: S50,.e2 tra1 63 ua164 riddle62 am face to face 6" with the H~H863 ~65 tl OIel''' ~ I
•• = -
·sc;rfu65 11 C\tC\\1 whole 6! host of troubles65 •
amo Hrcj66 ~367 Kabir. the evil" weep68 much67 , but, Clalo, HT;1 HeiR" l.llC!T'7 -a~' <:10, lf~

.. tr~70 ~cJ'l II

; WOT172 ~e73 H"<lH74

69 different71 is the weeping70 of the
Smitten72 with the stroke73 of God's
~l::IOT <Jl71 ~ 70 ~ I
W R#'
ClS »{0l74 3 <:101 ~ ilH t:!1 Rc ~721
j41 aT of~§75 ermCJT love on the mysterious organ74, oT8 aalo ~11 l:fT76 ~ fl(1)(T75 I

~. ~ ~" ~
"'o{7CJ76 lIC\t~1I Kabir felJ75 at the spot76 .
Cil'~ Be B'JHl77 Kabir, iIlustrious77 is the stroke of a .. He iis" <!II lim
RCS7S oft BT0l379 lance78. It draws out80 the breath" B~7' Arc <:11 RT<J81 NB 5<B180 ~ I
. BfuSO ~RTRSI II as soon as it strikes7'.
~e Rara
S2 H1TeS3 He who endures82 the stroke of the ;l Clot mwil l3
t:!l Rc ?i aa~2 CleW
cit 3TR84 dlCf H Guru's word 13 , he 8" is the Guru ~.t. ~84
_ _ . ~ l){3
OIa H< ~A
_ t:!T o1arBS I
WR85 lI~t;J1I -= and I his slave85 •
erma l:fBT lims 6 Kabir, why87, 0 Mulla, ascendest 88 Cla10, <J H8~ ! ~ ~o~ 3 f~17
fOl'»fTS7 tref~88 W'El thou the minaret" ? Tne Lord is .
~t:!T88 ~< ? RI)fTW cj~l W'4 at
- our I
'0 ~CrrS9 'dfu II not deaf".
W Ol'TOfo 90 ~ std191 Within'3 thy mind'~, search'" thou 3= ~ fuo~'2 1)f"t:!o93r ~ _. ~ ~T8'4 , fuR

~f~95 f-eH=92 til Him for whose sake'o. thou t!'1 ~3090 ~ (')'HT;:J ~ Rt:!T ftft:!T 95 ~ I

913fCf93 'itfu94 lIC\t811 shoutest'5 the prayer-call'l.

Rl:f RScft96 ~T97 Why" should the Shaikh, who is @f, ;l AaO" fA;:or 3' Rl:fCT97 ~, W<:1
fur»fT9S= ut=r99 Cil'TS lOO without'7 contentment", go2 for a f~'98 w-&
t:!llifT30T99 8e1 ~2 ~ I
wfu II 2 pilgrimage" to Mecca 100 ?
onito ;:rt Cil'1 fecs 3FJTSf34 He. whose mind 3 is
not whole"; fi1R B' Ho 3 I!~~ ouli ~5 n-jTl(<! <:1017
oul 3 T ~5 OI'tlt6 bow can he attain unto his God 7 ?
6 5
?i fuA 3Ot' l(T AClt!T 3 ?

l:f~~7 II C\tllll
aalo })f'ffiJS cit orfo Kabir, perform thou the meditation' CIslo , 3 • I)fr~ ~fu0l08
--=: t:!T I){TOTOo' CIa ,
~~OT19 fuu
fRH03 10 of thy God 8, contemplating lO whom, f;:n:r t:!T ~;:roIO CilOO 'II)fTOT ~12 ~u ii
~12 Wfu13 II the troubles 12 depart l3 • ttT~ <:10 I
f~B' Hfu RiEt14 The Lord l4 shall become manifest l5 J!1)fT)-f1 14 3a fo~ )){~ l(031:f15 ~~TO ii
llOOT215 ~S' ~3116 within thy mind and thy burning" ~OlT 1)f3 301 a8t:!116 <1e1 »{0I 17 ~
oTfu17 II C\tEll fire l7 shall be quenched. ~0I11

Ol"tf1o 'itoll S cite Kabir, to use force 18 is tyranny", Clalo, fIaoeA3'118 ClOOT 1)ff3I)fTBTO It ~, ~
376 UfO ).f'CKJC77 Those" houscs arc likc71
thc ~7' tJ1H IDmTO ~" m 75
<J7) ))f3
RTCfil .
f30BO HTf~l
'33 79
crcmation ground"
dwell within81 thcmlO•
and demons7' ~iii80 liea' I ~3~72 ~fR un I

crelo ~0JT'2 \1~ Kabir, I havc becomelJ dumb82 , Clam' " aiaf182 3
H· , ... furJfl&l
llOfHl84 ,:; ut I
~ay84 ~ ~))iT insanc'" and with ears86 being blocked85 ; <inti' ~ sgt8§ lit fijp)fT ut ~3 licri'7 3'
~86 II ~~=3 I havc also become 81lame-footed87, ~~,81 <i fOIl)(! u f , fu~;:j R~ OloT ~ H~
WeI! ~8
for thc Truc Guru has pierced" me
wilh his arrow90•
))flUi 31090 n'5 ~(')19 Rfc))fT 3I

W090 II Cl ~ SII
orala Rf3ara Rem91 Kabir, thc warrior" Truc Guru has Clmo, ~91 R~ Olaf ~ H~ fuq 3la
srf~92 - 'iJTQ.. tr shotn an arrow at mc. Wfol)(!'2 3I
~~ II
WOJ393 ~l ~fu94 As soon as it struck" mc, I fcn95 to ~ me>Hi '] wo ul H' uo3l'4 3 fciJor'5
fcrrfa ~5 tIOr96 thc ground" and a hole'8 was madc'8 fll))fT ))f3 Ha fuB97 ~ea ~191 cj arel" I
~;197 ior 98 IIClt811
in my hcart'7.
crela focf)"r8 99 ~t:!100 Kahir, the immaculatc" drop'oo ClSm, l)fRW0 2 ~ llf~30" CRl 'oo llHl~
~R2 <it ufo -arel3 from the Sk y2 has fallen l on the U0314 3 ~ tretr 3 I
'3fH 4
fsorra 5
II filthyS ground".
f~6 RaTf37 fEJ~8 Know' thou thiswise8, that without' ~ feR ~j8 ;:J~' B ~ Rf3R0T37 ~ rio',
H~9 ~fu orel the saints' association7, it becomes, feu io1 lO t!11Il){TU'2 ~ H'3"t! <i Hiel ~ I
90 ~12 IIClt411
10 like the ashes 12 of furnance lO •
~ mOHg ~ Kabir, the pure rain-drop of heaven aa'to.))fRH"O t!l1JT~n lio13 Hru el Cl~
l)fCiPR C{l ffiol gfH

13 mixes'" with the dust I] • MellI 0T5 fHH I4 ttte1 3 I
fJ-rgrf~14 II
l)ffoor 15 fR))i~16 uf~ Millions is of wise men" havc striven ~15 ul ))fClHHe ~I' cilm Cla~ ura
ore17 0' fOa~18 and failed l7 . It can bc separated 18 or~17 un I fuu ~1'8 Cl131 nul it' RCl~ I
t=lTfe II Cl 6~ " not.
~la ~19 orra 20 Kabir, 121 was going 22 on a ~ .
aala , H'21 J.i'-&20 t!l tiJT3,19 7; ;:jT fouf Rt22
~21 wre CJT22 l)ftijj pilgrimage" to thc Mecca 20 and ))f3 ))for oR3 We u~ ~fuar~2J f).5
fHf8"l)fT lfeTf~23 11 God 23 met me on the way. ful)(!l ~
wEt J:{S 24 fR~25 The Lord started quarrelling 2' with JS fuu ))f!l:ft!T <Jf~))fT Rl){'Hl Ha 24 (,)'5 2S CS3 ~
8"fu ufCJl)fT26 ~S' me 2", saying, "wh027 did te1l 28 thec .
flll){y26 , "37; faR 27 - ~ ))fTfu))fy28 0 fc;r u· ~
forfo27 6OH~28 that I am at that place2' alone." a~H WR ail' 3 ul ui " I
aTTf~29 II Cit.?ii
eraTo ~~ ortS (jfu Kabir, I have often made 30 ~. H~ ~ Bl liJTq,T ~ ~T(Jl oft318O ~ I
· (jfu30 OT~T '&3131 pilgrimage to the Kabba. But, how t[~ Fci"ol J1
~al32. ~ Clam ?
ara32 creta II many31 times 32 , 0 Kabir '1
R~ HS' Hf~ fq»{T33 o Lord, what U fault 34 is there in me, ~ JIl)fT)-{1 t Ha ~ Cll!! 0lJ!034 ~ fCl ~ ~
l::f3T34 -ij~35 () ~H36 that Thou, 0 my Spiritual guide 37 , !fa ~<1rol af<:raoJ7 ! ~ l;[<J35 oT~ !fa
tl1a37 II ct t t: " speakest3li not to me with Thy Ror 3 j afg36 <11 o<1r OlOt!T I
mouth 3S i'
erala "ill»{38 t! )-fTCJf~ Kabir, they who kill the beings 38
~39 erfa ~o 3g
perforce , and ca1l 40 that righteous41 ;
~fu t! ~HTc:~·n "
'eG3q ~2 ;:re43 When43 the Lord42 would take out44 ;:r~3 ~42))i1'Ui BiSa BY gl:fT \J3T
orrf~44 ~ ~fuOfT the account of His office, what m r44, 3B ~j Bl c;rl45 <1~ ~€!arl ?
or~45 ~~~6 II shall theilr condition46 be '1
orB"Ta;':j~ erl»{r47 R48 Kabir, to use force 47 , this 41 is 0lS1a. ;loT;:raal 0l00147 • f~4I ~9
· t!Hl:f ~ 5fu' tyranny" and the LordS I shall call ~ ))i3 l!))iTH151 W ~. f<J'RTS fQl3TSsO
ifaT~55 l:!'eTfu51 II thee to a(:countSo• ~~CJTT I
'eG3fa gl:fT52 olorR 53 When thy accolunt S2 is produceds3 ilB ~l)flHl ~ B~3CJ ~ 30T f<JATa fOl3ta52
HTCJ54 li~ >:[fu55 from the Lord's office, thou sha~t foOlful)flS3 , ~ 3= ~ ~51 ))i3 H1r

l:fTfu56 II~OOII suffers6 strokes S4 on thy face and ~ Flc jS4 R<J"~'arTS6 I
mouth S5 •
oil orala gl:fT57 ~(')T Kabir, CiilS)58 it is to render an Clam, R~TSI ~ gl:f1 U3'S7 W, ~S9

~ ~C5T58 ~~59 f'e~O account S7 , ifs9 there be purity61 f<1a~O ~BO lIf<i3CJ3T" ~~ I
011- -
within thc~ mind 6o .

R~161 ~fu II
· @R RTB 'elarc;62 In63 that True court 62 , no one shall ~R IN BOa'a62 >iBa 63 , ~ ci~ ~T m3~
l-ffu63 tffiT64 (') Uor€65 then seize6s thee by the skirt64 • 3-ij ~4 3~ O<Jl ~CJTT'5 I

~&fu lI~octll
~ orala QCJ3166 ))f067 Kabir. 0 dualit y70, thou71 art erma, 5 t'~~H;T?70. tiHlo" ~7 ))iRHro61
! 68
»{TOl'TR l-ffu69 ~fu70 greatly72 indestructible7J in" earth" f~t179 ~71 a'!3 <1172 ))i~~73 ~ I
71~ B"cJ172 »{aU 73 \I and67 skyeil,

l:fC74 'eaRn75 RR 76 The Shashtras7s and the eighty-
~ix74 ~74 F.fTR3a7S ))i3 ~a'R11!'OO lJaf.l 78 R~76
l.@77 ~ B~aTRtJ four adepts78 · involved 77 in ~t'a Ol.R 77
~? <10 I
fRu?8 II~O~II doubt76 •
: orala HaT l-fS' l-ffu
- Kabir, nothing is mine within me. qala, H~ f~tJ HaT <r.1 moul' I fmJ3T <r.171•

i.., ", .
-------. --_._-_...__.-

R79 30 T II 0 Lord.
30r ~S or~ R~lJ380 If I surrender80 unto Thee, what is fffiJ~T ~s 3'~T V, ilOl'Cl ~H ~ H~ 3-~ ~
fCi»fT81 war HoT II Thine, what 91 does it cost me 7 HHoU(')80 Ol'a f~l)jr 3T HoT 0l'1 81 gal~T v? f
:(0:311 ~
crelo 33 Ol'o3 y86 3 Kabir, repeating86 "Thy Name" I Ol'~1o "3<J1 3<Jr »)j1Cfftrl)jr86 iife'l)jT H~ ~ E

~»fT82 =HS 83 Hfu84 have become82 like 'Thee'. In84 me 8l ?oar: ;j farl)j,:2 <Ji I Ha 83 f?B 84 "H'8s" 'I~ t
~UT '6 585 II now "1 85 " has remained not. 0<J1 <J1 (,)<J1~ I ~
;:r~93 ~lJT87 tra" orr 88 When93 difference between me 87 and ;:RIJ HoT87 l)j3 <:10?it88 tr T fi?i-~tr ~a8' ii ~
~ fHfc 89 orf~»fT ;:r390 others 88 hss been removed 8'. then fall)jt, 3 T f;:rij f0/3'0 "€I1 H' ~Cftr,,, <Jr, ~ii'2 i
l ~l:f~91 3392 ~ II where soever'o I see", there'2 I see H~ ~ 3~ <J1 ~Cf~T <Jr, \1 !!l)jTH1 ! i
=<0811 but Thee, 0 Lord. ~
oralcr f~TcrJ94 Kabir, they who think95 of evil94 and Ol'CI1a, ii a~1'4 ~T fCfl)jTg'5 Ol'a-e <J(,) l)j3 ~
fB3~395 ~ Ol'o3 96 entertain" false hopes'7; ~;lll)jT ~Htri97 a~B96 <J?i; E
»fTR97 II e-
o H3ir~98 ~fE '0 tlfo€?99 None of their desires'8 is fulfilled" ~~T tr1 ~E1 9'1 l:fTf<Jf.I" l!01 (')<J1"
~~1 I~
Bye; I00€?fo f'6~H2 II and depart lOO they in despair2. l)j3 ~<J \1-~H~2 <J1 ~a ?~IOO <J?i I
= .

: qalo ~fcr qT
ora- R4
fRHO?i Kabir, whosoever embraces God's
meditation 3, he 4 alone is happy5 in
Ol'~la, ii ~E1 "€I1 ;;;Tf<JO!g trT »fTaTO?i Ol'O~T
~; a?~ ~<J4 <J1 fER ttOT »f~a !!Cfl ~
6 s

RRTfa II this world l6. ~
fs.7 ~38 or3fu 9 0
~~15 ft:JR
fROtl'6u Ta l3 II=<OEII
. crelo UfT<tl 14 tih:S l5
Hf3(lla C51~ $~yfu16 II
He, whom the Creator-Lord l3 saves l2
wavers 10 not
hereafter •
ever', here 7 or

Kabir, I was being crushed 1s like a

handful 14 of sesame, but the True
fttHt!l HTtt~<JTo-!!»fTHlI3

Cft~T I
Ol'o~T ~aiCf»f1 12
§<J ~~7 lSIT g~8 0l'~5"€IT f~~ ~510 (')<J1'

oralo, H~ H-a~ ~ ua To1 14 trl 3i!T ulf~l)jTI5 ttl .

fO<JT HT, tf~ R-B ora t ?l H~ atJT fgl)j1 16 ~ I

Guru has saved l6 me.

tra"TUaam17 9T~o118 My primal and ancient l7 love'8 of Ha li~ 0l'~1HrI7 trT 1ft tr T fUl)jT o 18 <!~ l)jT ~
tra"dT~19 5f~ »fyfu II
the Lord has now become manifest". a l{3Cf 19 ;j falW ~ I

:(0911 ~ito
cro1o cTH ~B20 Kabir, my day21 is gone 22 in qala, HaT ft' Q21 !!'>fTHt tT Ol'OtP e~ 3" ~
ft:!Q21 dlf~»fT22 20
evading the payment of my debt <:'g_H~520 Ol'af~l)ji 8313 22 ;j fOTl)jT ~ l)j3 e~
f~))fTt!23 a-e-3~24 to the Lord and the interest23 11~23 ~q-eT24 ttT fauT ~ I ~

continues to increase 24 .

;:ryfu II ~

or ufcr sf;:r€?25 '6 1 have contemplated25 not my God, li' »fTUi ~lf~Ol~ t!1 fRHO?i 2s (')~l' 0I13 T, (')1

~26 6fc §'27 or'C228 nor is my account 26 torn Up27 and the 5 ~a Htf tl-a 2' ~ QlTaJi:J l[TZ27 \Jo, a Hal
tr~~29 »frf~ Il~otll moment of my d,eath 28 has arrived 29 . H328 )){T(! l.!ilV6 3 I
H~gT 1I II 5th Guru. tim l(Tf3Wdt I

orale qq(j'30 g~OT31 Kabir, man is a barking" dog30 , crn1o, )){TBHl s~Qle31 ~ <[3T30 3, ;l
orc1or32= - fui - ~fo which runs after33 a skeleton J2 • ftiMO U fig stlt!' f~JJ ~ I
trrfu33 II
oraHt34 m3q@ By the Lord's grace 34 , I have lft Bl Bfe)){T ~)){T(J'34, H~ ~ OJ.~ ill fH5

urf~»fT f;:IT?) ~35 obtained the True Guru. who has ~ <:10, f;:rqt?) ~35 llTO ~3TO,J6 oro
(5l»fT ~Tfu36 II delivered" mess. ftf3T ~ I
}KJ(5T 4 II 5th Guru. l.i~1· l[T~1 I

orale tr03V RTtr ~l 7 Kabir, the earth37 belongs to the OI'slo, ~H1037 R3f B'l H5m)){3 ~ ti~. ~ai38

3Rora38 am(J saints, but, the thieves 38 have i) fuR a citl:r;,I'n oro f5)){' 3 I
aTTf~39 II occupied" it.
tra31 9rfa4° 0 The earth feels'" not their burden40

~o or€f and to them it is a clear gain42•
(5~ grf~42 II ~ 9. 0 11
= 5th Guru. lim l.Jl'f3F.rr<Jl I
H~(5T 4 II
aala ~43 or'C"<544 Kabir, on of husk4s , the
acc<lunt44 Cffllo, fS~4S ~ Rti'a+', ~3 ~46 0"5

qtr5 or€t Ji(J(5146 rice43 is beaten47 with a mallet46• 5347 iJi-e

<:10 I
?tfor48 49~FraT150 Similarly, when men sitS I in48 bad 49 ER 3~t 'Ht! ~ W3149 ROI'~O >itra48 W
~R351 3a52 tr~53 company50, then S2, the Righteous sf.:f-gs I <:10 I 3 iS2 tra'HO!w S4 @ot
_ • ~8' ~l:fT

uaH orf~54 II ~ 9. c\l' Lord 54 calls them to accountS). tf3T !-f0l'B'TS3 ~ J

?)THT )-j'Tf~>;{T55 Hfu>}fT56 "0 Nam Dev, mammonSS has "5 oTH -e~ ! 3~ ?) ~:63TS6 OI'a
bewitcheds, thee:", saysS7 his friend s8 S8
f5)){T~" @RB' fH3'a t3B'e'0 )){TC:/BTS7 3 I
or~57 f3HBQ: Ht358 II I _ ..

orl~59 5l~60 5'rfuH61 "Whys9 printest61 thou chintzes60 ":i fOl~5' slct'° sTl(B!61~. )){a )){Tlf<!'I
OTH ?) B~62 and why thou fixeth 62 not thy mind 63 Hou ~ y.~ ?i'5 fOl~ ?i<:11' ~t!l52" ?
Bl q 63 II ~ 9. ~ II on the Lord" ?
()TW or~64 f3c%tro T Says64 Nam Dev, "0 Tirlochan, ?iTH ~~ )){TC/ t!y64 ~," 5 f30B'ffi')! lliltli
>11:165 "3 at>:f66 utter67 thou th)' Lord's Name" with !£<J6S oT5 ~ )){TtIi I{i ~ OTH" BT ~-ergo'7
Rwf(567 II the mouth 6s . 01'0 I
~ra trl~68 orfa69 With thine hands62 and feet",

~+++++++·+· . .+++++++++++++++++++\

OlT):f'0 R~ tJlq71 You may perform" all Gobs'o. but, Cla", l('l, l)fTu<! Ho 71 ~ ~ uf~3a tg72 ~ ~
foa;:Jo72 orfB" II let thy mind 7
' be with the oT5 01::1" I ~.
~~:311 immaculate72 Lord". !
).f~T 4 II 5th Guru. tf;:I~l UTf3F.1~1 I ~
~1oT ~HoT73 a 'mJ1 Kabir, no one is minen , nor belong Clala; Ha Tn c:iEl o,W, OT <:11 H" rem tT <:1 T I ~
\J).f forR ~ '& oTf~ II I to any one. ~
ftlfo f~ CJtJo74 He, who has created 7S this creation74 ; f;:rR7> fE<I f'lF.lcf7 4 Rl;:If7S ~; ~R7' >!i"~77 ~
otJrfu>,.{r75 - 8R76 -01 in'7 Him" am I merged 7s . <:11 H· Blo <ifE>!i T <if~))!T7s <IT I i
HTf~77 Rwf0 78 11:<~811 i
oralo q1Bf~79 ~T<:T Kabir, the flour has fallen 88 into the Clala, »fTC' OTT~79 foro f~OT'O fU))!T ~ >!i3 ~
farfo Ufo»fT80 fqs mud 79
and nothing has come into y'T(!1 -e <:l-aB 1
C!S 31 o<Il BOTT I ~
o »fTf-e§ 0 Tll81 II = one's handsl. ~
l.I1R3 l.I1R382 tJTfEr~T83 That 84 alone, chewed u
which he a~5 ~RS4 t'T <:11 ii ul<Ife>Jii uliJfe>!i tS2 ~
RE184 foafo~185 while it was being grounded l ' avails ss ~a8J fBW fOT»fT ~, y'rc:l ~ B T3
~I ~
RTl:l' ,,~~ 4/1 the mortal. ~
qaTo HQ86 11,*87 Kabir. manS6 knows" everything" aslo, fEnRTos6 RTa T '!5'8 ;:TT(')t'T87 ~ >!i3 ~
R3' EfT388 itTo389 ~1 and knowinglyS9 commits" he sins90 . ;:I'e!t'T ~Se189 <ifE))!T (Ju UTU90 ClHT(l"e T91 ~
»f~arQ90 q091 " ~ I :
orri} q192 <!RW393 What9 , use9J is it to have a lamp24 »fTtJi <:lEj" f~tJ t'1~T94 aCf<! t'T 011 52
t5T~93 i
. ~Tfl:l'87 ~1U94 OlE95 in his hand n , if the man still ,:tao »fTeHl ?) f~a ~1 CfiJ9S f~tJ <IT f~ClTCr96 ;~
ua96 II~~~II :. falls" into a we1l9s ? ~ 7 ~
OfEI'To B"TOT1 t[lf397 * Clsla, Hal fua<I=31 * R~aOT RiEl'S oTB ~
Kabir, I am in love"* with 3 my
iJ;:rro!J8 fR~3 Ero~99 Omniscient Lord 9s . The ignorant 2
uE1 <JEl ~ I iiRHS ii~:oo H~ <i=3-e" uo I ±
5tIT 100 »f;:JTQ2 II ones 100
restrain" me. ~
3T9 fR~10 cc14 How s does it become' to br,ak 4 ~R9 o'B IO
33 f~~=314 aan1 H~ fCiR 3~T5 ""~
fq€!5 Er3 - ~T '& ;:Jl~7
6 with lO
Him', to wbom belong my R3e1 6
~ f;:rR el HBCl1))!3 <In Hal ~T3Hj7 t
U01O-8 11~~.911 souP and vital-breathS? >!i3 f;:r"t'-;:P0 8 7 ~
~To aiS 12 H~l.I13 Kabir, by excessive 10\'e 14 and aa1a, ~ »fIU<§ wa t12 3 H"t'a tI3 ~ SQ3 1 :;:
~q14 orfo qT51S decoration 17 l2
of thIDe homes and man- fU~Ta'4 >!i3 fR"opa l7 a ""
~IU<! »fILl~, fO'(l" ~
).fOQ16 R~Tfo17 II sions '3 , whyls killest 16
thou thyself? HB1»flHc Clat' l l6 ~" ? :t
ClT'tfBI8 RT-e 31fo Thr~e and a half or at the mostl 9 RT~ f33, ;:It ~l] 3' ~lJ19 Ue! Bla <Jq20 t
0l:l'20 UfoV 9 3 l.I~3 three and three quarters cubits10 of ~fE 3~ ciH " >!iT~OTT I ~
wfCJ 1I~9t:11 land shall be of avail" unto thee. f
Olalo ;:t21 H ftJ3~~22 Kabir, whatever 21 I desire 22 , that the aElla, ftl<J=3 T C!5 21 H" tJT~t'T22 <IT y.~ ~J t
~or",; ;,q¥l "ijtR";p;f;1A...0l»flIf;2p.3I"FililHJ"'0I"- I"J'i!Ii'1LIi'i10li'i1rli'i1dl"l"1d~0~":r.l:"l+1iI:"i:"i~"i~"'.O.i:~+h:~:++::++::++:::~:::::~::::::::~:::::~~:+
J..,. :.1

fB~24 jf~25 II done 2s by my thioking 24 ? Ratr2S ~ ?

. »-flfOT ftJ3f~»-fT ofo God dOles what He Himself desires ~'f<JOl~ ~<I C!5 qoB' ~;'t ~<J J:!t
~ ;:t H-a fBf3 26 '0 and that is what is not in my ~ ~<:1 H-a H"02' >itO ~1 "0<:11" <itT I
jf~ II =< 9 t \I mind 26 even.
H: =3 II 3rd Guru. 3Tm U1f3f.fT<IT I
f~3T27 f~ }ifTfU28 God Himself2 8 produced29 anxiet y27 ~TfiJ~~ J:!t ZB SB' ~ f:GO/o f,,1'3 127
orarf~RV9 »-fftf330 in man and Himself frees him from BT~tT29 ~ )){'3 J:!B <IT ~R ~ af:6010 30 ClOBT
• f~ »-fTU ~f~ II - anxiety31). ~I
OToor ,.:j31 RTgr'Ol~32 Nanak, praise32 thou Him 31 , who ful31
"O'"Oa ,- B1 Hf<IW 32 ao • ;'t J:pfolli i B1
, f;:r R~oT RT 0 33 takes care 33 of all. R~TB qOeT33 ~ I
orijf~ 11=<=<011
5th Guru. u";:{~1~ UTf3f.ll<I1 I
Kabir, man contemplates H not hill aal o , Et1 )){T~ l!l){lHT t1 mHOo 34 o<Il
. f6'fa»-fT35 ET(5B 36 Lord and wand'ers 3s about engrossed aot T ~'3 ~~36 )){Ea 37 Cftr3 <Jf~lli1
HTf'0 37 II in 37 greed 36 . fGOt T35 ~ I
: Uru38 ~3'39 Hfo He dies. committing39 sins 38 and his ~<I aRHs 38 aHT~·tT39 <Jf~lliT Ho ;:{iBT ~
~ O1f~»-fT >rf~U40 1401 41 life~o comes to an end 41 in a )){'3 ~Rt1 f;:ftaI1 40 f~a l:!<I3 42 f~ ):I3H 41
: fl::f'042 HTf'O II=<=< 911 moment~2.
<J ttTt1 ~ I
~ or~lo orTfu'»-fT43 orTB1 44 Kabir, the body43 is an earthen44 07aTa, B'<J43 fH'c1 44 tT 3;3T45 ~ lilT fR~
~ orro~145 ~"8"46 orTtJ147 vesse!4S or only41; a frail 47 meta1. 48 f~ aH;30~7 'Ql~48 I
: UT~48 II
; RT~349 o1::~f'050 3 If thou wisheth to keep it whole 49 ;"rao "3== f-eR 3= R<J1 RSTH3 49 al::R:T BTiiBT ~~
; oTH - '9B 51 oTf'0 52 3 then SO remembe:r S1 thou thy Lord, 3 iSO s iS2
"3 )){TU<§ RlliTHT i; fRHO I 0<I1· 3 fu<J
== - =:

~ f~oo153 ~T354 II =<=< =< II otherwise s2 this thing S4 shall perish s3. B1t=i S4 o!1lS3 <J ;:{T€tarl I
i or~lo "&Ff55 "&,.:j56 Kabir, utter S7 thou the Name s6 of al:i10 , 3= Reo
aRt ~rB Rlli
THlS5 B' ()Tl-/S6 B1
: ~orl~57 0 R'el~58 the Beautifully haired Lord ss and ~BTOOS7 ao '3 ~fGOIos9 j a OT R~SB I
~RTa59 II sleepSl not heedlesslyS9.
ClTf3 fe~R60 -& ~q?> Calling out the Name, night and ~TO"O ClO"O ~)){TCJT,
-ac)){3 ft<J.60 "OTH BT
or~c;I61 "& l23 1:!cxTa62 II day60, the Lord shall sometime 61 i61
Rlli H1 ae 3 '301 qa uaTo'2'ii R<§aIT <IT I
- • - ::1::-

=<=<=311 hear thy cry62,

Qa10 orTftJ»-fT63 Kabir, the bod y 63 is garden of aaTe, B'<I63 f~a afS)){i 64 tT a'aI's ~ )){'3 ~
~~65 ~f2>rfT HQlliT f-ea <IT~l66 ~, ;'t ~ollJiTtTo1 t1 ~
64 H
ortl"8"1 plantaim and the mind is an

"66 intoxicated 68 with the ~f: 68 ~
HQ ~B~ Htl 67 elephant", - r.
f.!oTa 67 "OTS H3~TST <JI~)){T <I ~llil <J I
H,,68 II w,"," of wo,ldl;nN.

'i''i''i''i''t''i''>''i''i''t' .. ''''j'", 't''i''i''i' 't' 't''t''l''l"''l''t' '1''1' 'i''t''l''l''i''l' 't"l''l''j''joij;'i''l'.r;.;.'l''l''l' 'l''l''l''l''l''l''l' 'l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''l''i'~

l)f~~69 0JT070 03071 The jewel7' of Divine knowledge70 ~<JH ~~70 t!T ma71 ~~1" 0))13 cret
~ -if~72- ftra'W73 is the goad" and some rare 7J saint ~i i5,7J RTlI ~7Z 3,
R~ 1I~~811 is the elephant-driver72 •
qalo OTH 74 Kabir, Lord74 is the emerald7s and Ol-alo, ~74 HlC0l7S 3 ~ Ji~" fuR t!'
)jl376 ~ecft77 mouth" its purse77 • Open thou the -a~l)fT77 I ~ ~ ~ faR t/Ol:IG ~78))1a1

~ 'ijfiS II purse only before an assayer78 • ~l ~~ I

aE'l l)fTfE' If any purchaser80 be found", he ~Ola ckl OJT<JalO fH5 ~", ~ f~ ~
aTT~oft80 'Hat would take it, at a very high81 price82• sTa181 alH3'2 3 "8 ~0Jf I

HfiS82 II~~ 411

qa10 oTH' oT)-f Kabir, man knows not the Lord's 0l-a1a, reoRTo ti~ ~ Ol}f ~ otit ~
wfo~ otit trrf8~85 Name but, he has brought Up85 a ti~ ~ ~ ~~ 5TdT83 i-aa 84 urf5))1TIS
qc~83 ~Z~84 II very big83 family84. <if~l)iT 3 I

irQ86 tit Hf~87 Hfu He dies in the midst87 of worldly ~ RR1al f~i86 »("t!a 87 ~l HCJ ~'t!T 3
orfuB' W~fo88 ~ 0 affairs 86 and is beard8'l no more in ~ ~ ~~aB188 ~oll)fT ~'6 l!fG~"

im J1~~EII
89 the outer88 world. 3a o~l· Wt!T I

qalo l)frcfl In the twinkling90 of an eye and ~ ~ ~ij90 f~'6 »(3 fo}Rf f~91 Cilaft!W
H~a90 ~91 moment" by moment, the life passes f';ft!Oit m wt!1'l2 ~, il Cil-ard !
orE'l faurfu9 2 II away'l2, 0 Kabir.
H'"Q93 ;l;::rTC294 0 Man93 leaves'lS not his entanglements'l4 ))ITt!H1 'l3 ~Iui l)fBAfc~,94 'ii otit· ii~1'lS ~
~95 t:rH'96 ~1))fT97 and death's courier" walks" in and ~ K3 t!T~" »(T &" I)f~ itR'" -aMY ~
~HTHT98 l)fTfu99 II beats'l7 his drum". fu"t!97 ~ I

erato '3o~2 atiP Kabir, the Lord is as 3 a tree' and the aSto, l!»(TH1, f~Cil fsaii 2 R~1.f3 3~ '!)){fH1
CJTli ~ 684 atit
Lord's loveS is like its fruit 4• t!T fU»(TijS f~R ~ H~4 t!l wit! 0 I
aa QI5 II

~fE'»{r6atit7 F{Ttr -a The saint, who has abandoned8 vain'l R3, fitR ~ ~~lfut!l'l ri;jIO iicJ fu3' ~.

f;ifo '3f~r8 ar~9 strifes 1o , is like7 its shade'. fuRBl i;i6 ~ HT~B7 3 I

fm:p~10 11~~t:1I
Ol'~la ~RT 12 alB Kabir, SOW l3 thou the seed of such 12 Olsla t
3 >Ji<i
~512 tJ~ t!T at;:! S~13 ~
• '

afu 13
aT~ HTR 14 a plant, which bears fruits' s -aTai <:)1 H<Jl~'4 G5 ft!"t!TIS ail »(3 fi:rR t!l
ii:i tit l6 <i~ H~ ~a17 <i~))I3 f;:rn @'3
~rB'315 II R1'3iS 16 throughout the twelve months l4 and
.' -
grf'81fT orfucr 17 6iS whose shade iscool", fruits are liiil '8 J:!Bl oT5 -ij~~1t CJfu~ I
tfcftl8 ~8 afJ'319 II abundant 17 and on which the birds l8
~~tll joyously play".
~a BT3T20 3~~21 Kabir, the Beneficent20 Lord is the
"'+"''''+'''+++++''''''+'''''''''''''''+'''''''''~''''ch''''''ch.t.'''''''''''''''''''''ch''''''ch'''''''''''''''''''''"'ch "'' ' ' ..'' ' ' ' "'''''''.+.'''ch+'''''.''''''''''''chch''''''''.''''
~T22 6(223 ~uorTo124 Tree 21 , whose fruit 23 is compassion22 W H~23 fHUCfa101 22 :) ~ ii RTfCfl)fT ;:jRt25

tlR'3 25 II and who dOles good 2" to all the W g'g T2" OIaw :) I
beings 2s .
tfcr1 m;26 ft!R~a127 When the birds migrate 26 to another ;:re l/fa-e \JCfR ~F.l27 ~ ~1 HTCf~25 mi,
fuOCfT28 l'j6'F.>29 country27, they say, 0 tree28 , may ~\1 l)fTlt~ \10, .. ~ glf28 ! 3~ >lac ~29
6'"83 11=<=3011 thou b,:ar3o sublime fruits 29 ". g;:J~30" I

omla W0 31
ROT Kabir, if it be so writ 33 on his aalo, ;:JaCf ~ Hif3" ~3
,;{\J ;:J\11
UaTu3l 32 = fF.>fCfI"fT 33 brow 3", then man is blessed32 with the fsl:f3Ta TCf33 ~~ 3' 31
li~ ~ Rf3RaT3 lJCfTll3'l
mE fF.>TF.)C34 II saints'society31. ~..e 1 :) I
liorf335 ~3~ Thiswise, the wealth 36 of W::r .
3CJT, af5l)fT~35 tit €5336 lI"aT1J3 ii
oTor37 ~1 ~ ~ ~ f~
uril~ (') emancipation 35 is attained and the ia a00 ' CfR3 3'
»f?Ufc 38 urrc 39 II difficult 38 road 39 to God is tlOlT~G37 0\11' a'e1 I
obstructed not.
erma eel urm wm Kabir, the divine discourse" 2 with'" ama, f~ us1, lim usl, tiT ~. 3' g'lliQ1
UfCJl >1fTol ~ 3 ».fTlJ II the saints"o, even for a gbari, half a git R3j40 0'S'" ~H ~reICf"2j f;:fol g'14J

90T3"o40 R31 41 aTR~42 ghari, or half c,f that even; whatever 43 01131 ~, ~.... );!ciHC5 :6'fuey45 \11 ~ I
;:j43 cil3 Fj44 F.>T9 45 II is done, that.... is the net again" s.
N. B. I g;bari=24 minutes. 3c-rea us1=~8 fi.fe I
on:rla ~tOT46 )-fT~ffi41 Kabir, whosoe:ver4 9 of the mortals sO aa1Cf, f;:r<T;j'" g'1 ;it~50 HTR"', Hii147 ~
BaT48 uTf(')· ;:j49 ii /
partakc:sl of mc:at..6, fish" 7 and wine"8; .
RCf Ta 4• ;5 3"~~S'
- \10 ,
1.J.T(,)150 Cftf~51 II
3lacr52 ~0353 3)-f54 Whatever pilgrimagesS2 , fastings 51 f;:f?i111iT g'1 tifT3,i52 , ~\1TRS3 l)f3 fi'l3 ~H54
cile 355 R~56 oRT3F.>51 and daily rites s" they may perform, ~ qaO, ~S5 RTijS6 oaorS7 ~ ;::ri@S8

-t1 ;:rtf~58 II :<=3=311 they55 a11 56 ga SEI to hell s7 • \10 I

.m 59 Bfu' o 60 orfa I keep my eyes'O downs9 and H' l)fTl.R1l)fT lil::ft'O 0~1l)f5' aCf1 Cfl:le1 \JT
a~ c%61 RTtl062 enshrine61 my friend u within'" my lli3 !')iTl/<§ fH3CJ'l;5 . ~ }{O'I fugM
urc 63 )-fTf~4 II mind 63 • fcOl~'Bl61 \1T I
R~ aR6S
ifffi?66 I enjoy" every pleasure6s with my i4' l)fTtr<§ t{l3H67 0'S \10 ~65 HT~e1" \JT
tft»f61 ~ fciRl Beloved" and disclose" it to none. l)f3 fCilR ~ mfuR BT ~3'8 0\11' BRB1 I
F.>tf~~68 (')rf~ II
; :<=3811
i »fro tlT)-f69 B~Rfo70 For the eight watches" and sixty

. i';>OijiVOijip.'l'p..
."'."'.'l'I' 14'I' 1'l'I'.1I.' 1+I'..
'1I' 1+I'.. '1' .".'''"i"i1+"'+"'+"''''''''''''+i"i1'''ii.~~~'iJiIi'iJili'iJili"l'+"l'+~~~~lI"J'~~fI"Ii'fI"Ii'~~""""""""""~";
'1I' 1'l'I' 1+I'..

- - - - - - _ .• _---_.. _-'---------------

uml ~71 fool:f372 four'o gharis. my souln continues to

a~ t:ft~73 II 100)(72 towards Thee7', 0 Lord.
ol~ i8reo74 f«~ Why should I cast down myeyes74 • H· l)f~ll)fT ~W7" o1~ll)fT fa~" CiaT, fQ~'fQ
era~ R~ lijC75 ~ since I see my Beloved7' in every l)f~ l{l:nl' ~ H· ua fe5 75 l)f"ea
m~76 II~S411 heart 75 7 ~~~1 uT ?
~ m:f177 l.H))f71 Hear. 0 my mate77 • my sou 110 ~~, ~ l1titE 77 ! Hal~ H-a t{8H78
Hf~79 ;:r1€t
80 SR82 l2
abides in 79 my Love 71 • or" rather my li,~a70 ~~112 0, ;:ttl I mir f~ fer HaT t!t3H
tl1))f Hf(J' sR
forSt Lord abides in my soul. Jiall)fl3}{T ";~CJ ~82 0 I
u1~ II
;:ft(?83 m€?84
om ~ - .-
Hf~87 t:ft(t
Now I realise 8S that there !s
difference between my soullJ
~ H~ ~T ))4!3Htl J ~ l)f1~ t{t3H'4
I)j~a Gi~ ifOCi l)f~~IS our ~eT I feR
fer m€t II~SEII my Love'4• Hence. I can say nnt. BC!T H· Qfu oul RQ~l, fer >faT l)f13HT Ha
whether my soul abides in l7 my fu5" f~ ~Rel 0 ;:tt Ha' tjJ3H I
heart" or my Lord.
ala ~ Kabir. the Brahman88 may be the Guru Ciala, ~ru~88 RRIO" ~ ~ fUl)fl ii~, t.[~ ~
~9 erT- ~ai3'090 of the world l9 • but. he is not the Guru @u R1ul)ft90 ~T mo our I i
~ ~ ,,1 ~~ ~~'" \/.-" ~ea" i!
CTT aTO oTf(J' II of the saints90•
))fatS91 €lafs ~ He rots to death92 inn the am
Uf~92 H))fT ~ perplexities" of the four Vedas. R;$ & Ha ;:tt~92 0 I

~ HTf~93 11:<:3911 -
~fa ~ ~94 ~95 God is like sugar94 , scattered" in the ~TfuaF! l::i'gr94 ~l97H'~~ 0, ~ a39S k~ fl: i~T i
Hf~ fscro1 96 (J'f1:f197 sand9s . An elephaatt7 can not pick ii~l96 0 I H'"ar5 f~R ~ ~ our RQel I

~ol '0 tI're II it up.

~98 CiSla (lifo Says" Kabir, the Guru has given me Cil:lTa;:il l)f~~" un illo T?) H~ fcru 'lRc"
5B199 §S'EltOO alit2 this subli me" secret100. ...Become J RHS 100
aJ:ff.lT 0, •• ~ QSV l:ilJ ~~ I)f3
~3 ~ l::fTfu4 1I:<:3t:1I thou an ant 2 and partake4 of it". feR ~ ii~" I

Ollila ;15 qfu RJ1t5 Kabir, ifs thou desirest' to play the creTa, ~a-as 3~ ~ el tjJ37 el 13'gr 13~
fuaH7 at AlR8 CTTfc9 game of the Lord's love7• then. cut ~T Rho I 0, 3i ~ l)f'tR f fRoB ~-e &' ~ f
qful0 alfu 12 II off' thou. th:: headl and make lO it
into a bal1 12 •
•.,," =" " I e
'ij'8'313 'ijB3 (J'T'514 Playing I). and playing. be thou lostl 4 13~T, 13~,13, ~ fER »{~a HR3 5 ;:fT14
crfa tl for~15 ~fB16 in it and then l7 let happen 18 what lS l)f3 3t:!17 fu<J3y 15 C!5' <!~, ~, WH ~ ii<!18
3 17 ~fB18 1I:<:3~1I happens". ~I

QS1a ;:rtt
23 ~f~24 Kabir. if23 thou 24 desirest thy Cil:lto, ilao2J ~24 ~1l..I<! yJ3H'o ~ ~~,19

• f+ .

Rrq19 fufJ}-{20 Beloved 20, then play thou with 22 the

UT~21 R3T 22 il~ II True Guru21 .
O/'TtlT HoR~':' ijfg 25 Pressing 21l the unripe mustard, yields <i-e1 Ra' l../1~0 'Il'tfTO T25 , OT t:f5 ~(!~1 ~ nf3
~ 0' l:ITg g~T (') neither oil-cake nor oil. oT u138t
3C2 11:<8011
~~326 ~gf~27 Searching26 fol' God, man stumbles 27 ~Tf<JaJo
-. "?i• g'5~T \if~l'tfT26
u l'tf·o
~nU28 arf329 l)fCJ30 Jike 2' the blind one 21 and 30 feoRT021 ~1 3(1i
2' f~~5 l:fi~T27 ~ 'l)f330

B10331 O'(Jl R3 II recognises 31 not the saint. R'q; ~1 MST(!31 nul' oro~T I

orfu32 oTHT fq~33 Says32 Nam Dev, how can" one oTH~~ ';11 ))fTl:f~32 uo, s:aTa,36 ~R ~ R334

~~ f~Q36 gar~34 obtain the Illustrious Lord 35 ~, fi:ORl o orlo'31wo lftJ5 ~ forR ~t3J tIT
~~35 1I~8911 without" His saintH 7 Ror~T ~ ?
(Jfo R42 (J10'37 5rf~38 Forsakiing" tht: jewel37_like 42 God, ;:J~u037 ~oai42 ~TfuaTO
- =
"?i• 6m31 &, it ))fTuc1
! ~ orcJf(J39 »fT040 ott they who pin3' their hOpe41 on €tH~1
- <JoR40 3 ~0~3'
uuo' .
!»fTR'U II another4o ;
! 3 00
43 4
• ~tlOl'45 Those4l1 perlion.sH shall go to he1l 45 •

!11Tf~m Rf::rt6 9"Tl147 Verily46 says47 Rav-Dass.

~of~R 11:<8:<11
=cro1o ;:r€?48 faT~·9 Kabir, if48 thou embraceth SO a cra10 , ;"loro o 3=...foJuR'el'f4' ~<!OT50 ~ 3f51 3:s

je<ofu50 351 ua~52 domestic 4' life, then SI , practise S2 thou FI-e 52 * ~1 orl-{'E1 52 ereI our 3 tSl 3' RRTO "?i
• •

! e<ti52* oT(J153 3 orq righteolJsness s24 ,

renoun';e S4 thOll, the world.
otherwise 533 f3l'tfror 54 ~ I

~~oTaT54 II
~ ~oTaT155 ~U056 "C«1 57 If the wor!d-renouncerS5 is involveds7 ;"lorer RRTer-f'3l'tfror1 55 , ~(1))f~1l'tf5~fc))fT56
~ 3T &58 a~59 ~gT(fi60 II in worldly entanglements S8 ; greatS' ~~o IDlBT57~; gr01 5' ~forRH3160 ~
is hisS8 misfortune 6o. ~~lsi I
Saloks of Shaikh Farid
RBe< R~ Gale ~
ct §' Hf3Qlo t{Wft! II There is but one God. By the True ~'fu~ &~ f~or ~ I FI~ ajar ~1 ~fu>J.rT
~ Guru's grace, is He obtained. ~l'){'cIT ('}<J l/Tfi:l){T ~ ~ I
: f;:r~rH f~~62 U063 On the" da y62, the woman63 enters
64 ftiR" f~062 f~er16J ~ >i~o ~R ere~'l'4
~ -
~~o164 FfT~65 g~ into the body, the time of her ~, ~R~ f~l){T<J.(!65 -er ~5T f5l:1 f~6

~ fg~Tft!66 II wedding 6S is writ 66 • ;:rt~T ~ I

! HHct7 f;:r68 '&01 69 On the day of wedding, the Are1 ~ f-eu~ H3 -er zalEy67, fuR 6I ~
~ R~T~ H(J70 ~~rE71 myrmidon of death", of whom68 she ~T-a ~R ?l l){ll..1i ~oi6' 0'5 llR!l'tfT <ife>l{T
~ ,;fTf~72 11- - had heard with her ears 69 , comes 72 .
R1 , l){T &72 l){TLI(!T Hu 70 f~5 fB~T71 ~ I
: and shows 71 his face 70.

~••++++++++++++++++++. .++++++++++++~~++++++++++++++++++++++++++++~~~~~~~


r;tt:::···..·;:::;;~..·:::a:~:;:~:·:::;~··t::·::;:·::::6·:·::::~:1:::::73 ~u
! ~~75 ~~T76 or SOUF3 is taken out75 of the body. f~~~ a~"5~'F5 iJTBl ~ I
Jor30l fu77 II
T =
J fgit () 'Bgo1
RT578 79 The recorded time of marriage" f~Ili~71 BT fiSf1::lI)JT ~ful)fT~' ~t?f&liT79
i f;:f~80 ~31 RHSrfB82 II cannot be altered". Explain82 thou rn:W;:rr ~T I ~ fro oriS ~ f~18°
i this unt0 81 thy soulBO • ~8' RH~r82 ~ I
~ftf~ ~(Jcl83 Ho~84 The soul is the bride83 and de:lth84 I)JT3HT 5~183 ~ llf3 H3'4 <:m BT 8l~,85 I
; ~85 -g WRl 86 her Groom85 . He will marry87 her ~ faJ ~ uf~IliTu87 c} B ;::p~;' I U

i Uo~TfB87 II 86
and take her away-
))iTlJ~ ~cit88 ilf589 Sending8' her with its own hands88 , »fT\J<! ~1"'" ~ ~ 30 &", ~u ~ at!
~ ~90 orf591 Bijj92 whose'o neck" shall the body run23 faR'o ~ ern" ~ ;:rGl 1.lT€toft92 ?
Wfu93 'I to embrace'2 ?
~T5~84 foor1 95 Finer's than even an hair'4 is the f~OI' ~'5'4 oTH- 31 sam 95 ~ ooa" t?T
96YoR5T393 <5lol99 () bridge'8 of he 11". Hast thou not ~H9I I al ~ l)fTtJ<§ cioj99 OTiS fuR~ ara
JJ~fBI00 II heard'oo of it wilh thine ears" ? o<:Jl< ~felliT'OO ?
G'olt!' for~12 ~~~'P Farid, the calF is about to come3. ~1t?, RBT2 »iT~ ~81J ~ I ~ ~34 cj >li3
l::f3r4 () »iTy5 >i~Tfu6 11 Beware4 thou and do not get thyselfS »fT1.l~ IliT\Js t?l ~c 1::llJc' OT cj<! ~ I
911 robbed6.

1 G'cfltr B07 t!o~R18

~ CfTTtl'~19 tJW 10 ~ol»iT12
Farid, difficult' is the saintship8 of
the Lord's door7. May I therefore
:Galt? >ijCfl'::t ~l')fTHl ~ t?~r,17 t?l Wll-
fora1 8 I al H~ 3t? RRTOl2 ~ OTc:J13 c_o
-9f313 II walklo in the wayl3 of the world l2 ?


irf?\ ~o'B114

f~16 ~~T19 urf3 18 II

iicm l5 I have tied and taken Up'4 the
bundle ls of the Lord's meditation;
~ fRHoo t?l aro~lrs ~?i c} ~OI'
I f~R~ l!c· 1 ~ ~<! H~ fOlij"
; whither" shall I gol7 now after ;:rr~jOlT'7 ?
~ throwing'S it away?
fu's'20 (') a-~19 fOlS (') I knew" naught 20, I did see21 not, that H~ ~520 nul R1 ;:r'<!t?1 ", H~ ~5 3'1 O<Jl~

i B~21

wf~24 II
~(')1»iT22 ~s123

. ~l" Ha tJorT25 or13T

oTW 3 ii~126 t!St27
the world 22 is the smouldering23 fire 24•

My Lord did wel1 25 to warn me,

otherwise, I to0 26 would have been
fBRBT2' fOl' RR I0 22 l!HUlt?1 23 ~~l

H-a WHOI' ~ 3'iST a13T 2S fa H~ :l:IS3t?To 01'0

ftr3 T, nul ~ H~ 312' R::J SiS ;:rTBT27 I
ll1or 24 ~ I

».fTfu 11:311 burnt 27 •
6olt!T ;":128 ttT~T Farid, if28 I had known that the
f3B 29 ii3~30 Fimg31 sesames2' of my breaths were so ~ a"0It?29
~~ ~§]O un 3T
H~ ):j~ RI-S ~2' .


few 30, I would have carefully31 »fTlie T~ril832 SOe- IJI I

filled 31 my handfuls 32•
1l ~ ~33 ?5~;rr34 If I had known, that my spouse 33 ;'1era H~ 113T <Ie-Tfer HaT ~3]J ti;oT fnl){T~T34
3t38 lj;:p-3S H~36 was so young 3" then 38, I would have ~, 3e-38 H~ USc3S dorTo" a'oe-V 7 I

Cla137 11811 taken" lless 3s pride 3'.

~ ~T44B;J39 If I had known44 that my skirt" ;t3o H~ lJ3T <:fB'r44 fa' HoT I.JiST1' ~c ~y40
f~T40 ulm lJTC!f42
41 would be broken Joose40 , I would ~ 3 T H· Rlf341 a1~4J Wo 8·~2 I

o1f~43 \1 have put 42 a fast 41 knot43•

....... 45" As great4S as Thou, 0 Lord, I have
"3 ii~ H 3a f;:rer~u~s iJ \{i ! H~ ~el O<J~ 59" I
R~ ;:r~ found none. I have seen4' and W RTar RRTo ~f1:i»fT4' »f3 i.~»fT47 ~ I
'iJf~47 \1411 searched 47 the whole world.
GCfW ~ "3 »f~8 Farid, if thou hast keen4' GaRT' ~ora
. 3 soler4' RHS48 0l:iB'T~', '3' 3 .
H3l~49 orT~50 fP.il3S1 understlmding48 " then, write!!1 thou ~aoT ~ fJmT~ fRl1fT\JsO fm:at52 (')T f~51 I

o~5211 not blackso writs S2 against others.

»fTUo~S3 fOTal~oS4 Bend s7 thy beads, and looks, »fTtJ<!T mRS' !ler1S7 »f3 »fTl.IiS3 OTHT~'S4

muss fFfQS6 c51~TS7 beneathU thine ownSJ collars4• iJotSS ~T3T was, I
O1'fo ~l3S8 \I E\I
Golt!T ,:tS9 360 HTOfo Farid, they whoS9 beat thee'o with GaR', fil<ci S' 3~'o ~'I
Horlw 1 f30162 '0 fists6l ; turning roundu , beat thou a, t ~T ~'2 (')T HTCJ I
wa lY1~311 .. them62 110t.
))fTtJo;1 tUfo ~l~ Kiss'4 thou their feet and go to thy
'00 f3O' ~ -e-fH 64 11.911 own house.
Golt' ";:tT65 3~66 Farid, when's there is time'8 for rntr, ~'S 3ar" ~ a'W~69 ~T RHi'"
~7 ~~ 3i"693 thee" to earnl ;7, then", thou art in .
~, 3G" 3 RRTCJ 71 (')'872 flJ»fT(J70 urfu»fT

03T70 t2 ol71 fR~72 11= love7o with72 tbl: world 71 • ~rel){T ~ I

Hoar73 R~TB'1'4 olf~75 Deatb's73 foundation7S is ·strong74 . ia73 ~l l!fol)fTe-7s Htt~374 ~ I ilB'76 l2l)frW
;:tt86 9'fo))fT77 3 t78 When?' the cup of breaths is 't' fu»ff8T HargS77 ~o MlB'T ~.~ 3B'78

'8ft!))fT79 II t: II filled77 , then78 " the soul is loaded »fT"3H T Ht! ftr31 wt!l7' ~ I
oft79 •
~81 See80, () Farid what81 has happened 82• ~80. iJ Gole-! a'lS' ~ farl){T ~'2 I 3al

~ Thy beard has grown grey8J. t!r;p f~cl83 ~l orei ~ I

Therefore, the future" is nearP and f~R H'C1 3Wl::l~4 H T018s <11 »fT far»fT ~»f3
the past86 is left far behind87 • ~3OTTB'" S'J,3 ~~~87 af<1 farl){T ~ I

~13 GalBT ftl t:!l>;fT See, 0 Farid, what has happened; ?l:I, ii GoltJ ! Cil'l <J for>}fT ~,l:I~88 t:1f<1a '9
ROl0 88 \JEl f~B89 II sugar8S has become poison". ~ 0It'1 ~ I
RTEl ~:JTS~90 >;fT~ Without'O my Lord, to whom'2 »fTUe:! ~l)fTHl ~ ~090. li· »fTtJ(!T :aJH91 ~
~Be91 Ol\Jl~ fOlg 92 1/ should I tell my sorrow'l ? CitJ292 tJRT ? ~
· 9. all
GolBT >rrtit93 ~fcr Seeing my eyes" have become week'" ~l:I~ tIl>fTo T H~ k 93
Ci}f~o'" <J ~ <]0
· u31it))iT94 IJfe IJfe and hearing, and hearing mine ears »f3 I!~o, I!~o tIl>i 1'(P, H-a cio a~9S 81 or~
· 01i95 C}O II have become deaf". <]0 I
· RTcr96 u~B197 >rfTE1>;fT The crop" of the body has become '€<J tJl B31 96 UCil' Oft''l'7 ~ l>f3 fER ~ <Jo" •
\J0 98 0l"(lB1 99 ~(1)lOO II ripe'7 and has assumed" another'8 \11 -a0l 100 tFoo oro f13l>i T" ~ I
9. 911 colour' 00.
; GolBT qTB1 f;:JoT '0 They, who enjoy2 not their spouse, f;:j<J~ll>iT, He' ~~T '€ ~T~ orr5 ;I'€ <Jo, »flue:!
; oTf~tJ1T2 u~C313 OT~ when their hair are black; hardly ~3 .
"?i 0<11' HT~t'1l)fT2-~ - ... f~if
€loT ;&t'1
: &fE4 II anyone" of them enjoys Him, when f~o13'" <Jl, t:rtJ ~R '€ ~T~ fij'-~3 <J~, ~H ~
the hair are grey), 0 Farid. HTct'l ~, a Golt' !
: Olfo RTEl Loves thou thy Lord, that thou ~ l)fTui ~l>irHl oJ~ fUl>i T0 5 Cio', 3 T ii 3~
· fuo-a~15 <lOT mayest have fresh 6 colour. o~i' ~ClI,,~ t:r T-? I
~fE 119.:<11 - :-
H: 0 1/ 3rd Guru. 31;:rl tJTf3HT<JT I
GaltT OlTBl Farid, whetl":er' one's hair he black GoltJ, <jT~' fER301 '€ ?'13 orT~ <J~ ;:ri f\t'~;
; RTf~~ RBT ~ or grey, the Lord is ever there, iF y.~ <JHl'P <J1t:10 ort:1o ~, iiom 7 ~El ;:RT 8

~ f'lf3 9 Ola II anyone 8 rememhers' Him. t7R ~ ;33 ora I

· >;fTUeT BTfE»fT10 By one's embracing 10, the love l2 for ;:rl~ -e >rfTM~ UT~IO oTB, tI.~ ~ o'H -
fUen:i 12 0 HOTEl ;=i 13 the Lord is embraced not, even fUl>iT(j 12 o<Jl D't'T <jT~'13 RTa <Jl fEn ~t'1

· HB 14 R~ &fE II though l3 , all may long for'" it, 30R~I" <Jc I

: ~Q fuo>,i fU>;fTBT IS This CUplS of love belongs to the fe<J 1{H tJT or~QT's I!l)fTH1" tJl }ffiQ'hi3 ~ I
· crRH I6 OlT ~17 9T~18 Lord 16 , He gives it to him l9 whom l7
- ~TiJtJT"
f;:jR'??;= €l<J - ~ €lR 1'
'- ?;
\11 €lu
:319 -efE 119011 He likes 18 • fet'T ~ I
GalBT ft=i3 BfEe20 The eyes 20 , which charmcd 12 the f;:joi ~l:Ii20 ~ tJol';jT21 ?; GaGY ora fE l>i,22
... - =
tlqJ21 Hfd~"fT22 H23 world 21 ; those H eyes I have seenH , R1; ~<J23 »fl:l T H- ?l::l1l>i T2 .. <Jo, <i Galt' !
i5ft!~ Hf~Q24 II o Farid' s.
OltlH25 <ll:j26 (1) They could endure 27 not the streak 26 €i.iJ ~oH25 t'1 ~~la26 3' Ru ' 0 27 0\1;£ Ro
Rillt">;fT27 i=}28 ticr1 29 of collyrium 2S , but now the birds 29 RCltJll>i T, <£1 <;!~ ~~T28 f~" ufa"'fel>ii 29 ?i
Flft! m\Jo 30 119811 have hatched their young 30 in them 28 . a--J ft'3 5~JO uo I

~alBT - ~~I)fT31 The saints shout 31 , shriek 32 and Rlq l,!OfI O'€ 31 , m:5OfTO,€32 l>i3 RtJl~34 <:11 ~Of
~ • · ti ~

Btalf~T32 and ever34 give good advice33 , 0

~fu»{T f0334 II Farid.
;:j35 R3
Tfo36 ~~fEnf'37 They whom3 !1 the devil 3• has f~t35 ~
831036 ~ l:ffiTa37 oro fe'3T ~, ~
R38 f(i339 ~af~Jco spoiled l'7 , how 3' can they 38 tum40 ~ H04' 'ii is ~5 faR 3O t3' ~o R&@
• u

f~l lI~l.IlI their mind41 towards God 7 '10 ?

m~42 ~Tul43
Gol"€!'" Farid, if45 thou long for 47 the Lord48 601~, ;1~45 ~ RT~ ~ J!~ ~
~44 \I ~45 RtEt46 of a1l48, then, b«,come42 thou the spear ~T;j~T47 ~~ 3f 3' aR343 ~1 crRf"4 ii ;:(T4 Z I
- • = -
"83f047 R~48 II grass44 of the way 43.
fui!49 f~;:rf~50 f~51 When one 49 breaks50 thee and ;:(E rea ;w4' 3~ ~ ~so 3 ~;:(151 ~
H3T~f052 II 3+53 another 51 tramples52 on thee, then53 53?52 ~~, 3~53 '11 t t{i ~ -eaS"aS"
RTB'1 ~ ~fo54 alone llhalt thou enter5S the Lord's l){'eo tL~1J a-a'arT55 I

~1»{f055 II ~ ~ II CourtS4 •
GaleT l::fTi!56 Farid, silander57 thou not the dustS6 ; 601~ ,3= fl.f'e1 56 Bl St?ilB'157 OT oro I ~
- 'it
foBl~57 l::fT~ nothing is so great58 as dust. Mel f;:l~ ~~158 otit I
7) &fE II -
;:ft~f-e»{l59 When man is alives', it is under" ;:(E aw ;:f\q'w5' ciw~, f~ ~ ~ uart60
· 3~61 HfE~T his feet llO and when he is dead, it is 50" ci~l ~. 3;:(E ~ HCf Ww~, f~ ~
~fE 1I~911 overe2 him. ~ ~2 ii ;:(fBl ~ I
GoleT ;:r63 ~64 Farid. whene3 there is avarice1l4 , 6Cf1~, ;re'3 5T~4 ~. #5 ful)fTCf'6 crl'7 ii
· 3 y65 ~g66 fOfl'){y67 what87 lovelle ClLn there be then611 7 If Ra~T ~ ? ;laa 5~ ~, ot ~ ~ fll)){Ta.1
: aa'- 3 0l3T68 <50 \I there is avarice, then false 6B is the
= -
· fortrg:69 Sf370 How longS' can one pass'· the ~c1 ;j~74 &'uo1'2 >J1"1::cJ H1~'1T.l f~ fB'oRTO

·'8"UITE1»i 71 ~l1fo 72 time70 in a broken74 cottage72 in the fci('iT ~ f~a69 ~H175 (RiPa 71 RClBT ~ ?
• q~74 H~73 II~t" rain73 7
~ Gal~T ;:TOT"C274 * ;:TOT"C2 Farid, why75 wanderest76 thou from ~ol~. ~ S<! SC;74* l){'~a ~aJ:foT77 ~ ~78

~~Ofnf'75 _ ~~f076 ~f~71 forest lto forest74• breaking down;' fa~75 3~~T" fGCf~T76 ~ ?

~ or~p78 H3f0 79 II
~R180 o~81 fo»i'TH1~82
: ;:rOTH fOl»{T ~~f083 II
- =
the thoms 78 of the trees17 7
The'Lord81 abides'o in the heart82 •
Why seckest83 thou Him in the
J!l){TJ..f1 81 RB 82
S<! f~~ fCl~~ 5sB'83 ~~
>i~a ~R~80 ~ I ~ ~ ~ •
forest 7
~ ~tll
~~ 6al~T fE?51 fOCil1 84 Farid, with these small84 legs 811 , I as10 I
ic1l){;.B4 Boil5 OlH H~ J-ITOl:IH;86. _

~#~1~85 ~C586 ~OTo87 have traversedf.:· across deserts 88 and ))j3 L1oS3 t87 f~ ~1 c%lUr))j1 88 \JT I

9f~§fH88 II - mountains".
....................... - ~ ..-

---------. ----_._._--------

)){t] 6CJl€ or;:r;p89 But, today, for Farid, his jug89 has uo >,{11, Gal~ ~l ~ tT F 9
A'cci 90
R90 ~ijT91 cit€?fH92 II become92 at a distance of hundreds90 HlHi'91 ~ ilTRB '3 <i far~92 ~ I
of miles".
6CJlBT <:JT3l93 ~»ij94 Farid, long9" are the nights90 and my Galw I
IDnIlii'9.. 00 0'311lii'93 ~ ~~95 I

qflf5 qfl:f ~fo sides" ache and ache95 . l)f'3 tre3 <JO H~ tJlR96 I
j tfTR96 II 1I

fuaJ97 funT BY Accursed97 is the life" of those98 , fu..wa~97 ~ ~i'9S tT ,iko99, f;:rcr -e1
~9t. ' fiior whose hope2 rests on others 1oo• ~~t!2 fciR <iOR 100 3 ~ I

f~~lOO l){TR2 lI~qll

6CJ1BY ;1 A3 ~~ Farid, ifJ I had been" present, when Galt!, tl't! Hot ~6 Ilirful)fT 7 Al, ~Ci03 W
. ~CJ1'){T5 fi.B,6 my friend 6 came7, I would have ~B" ottrcr clt!l", ~' l)f'lleT l)fTt( ~ 3'"
»fIfufu)){t7 II sacrificed5 myself unto him. ~ST05 qo ftft T I
~T8 ;ffi9 H;:ftol0 Now my flesh 8 burns9 like 12 the <I<! HCJT ).fI~, aH~ <Ie cifH>,p13 ~'3
fii~12 ~ufo >iaTTo T13 II madder 10 on the burning coal 13• H;:ftoiO t!1 HTt5t!T2 ~tT9 ~ I

GCJ1BY ~;114 BTl:( 15 Farid, the farmer I' plants l8 the tree 6Olt!, ftrHrt!ra 18 f~17 sltl't!r '8 ~ l)f'3

fu~ol))fi"16 forCifo17 of acasia arabica l7 and desires l" the \:lTcltT14 ~ fe;:ro16 ~ ~ I)j'tll015 I
m~18 ~1911 grapes l5 of Bijour 16,
~~20@7)21 0l3 iree i22 He goes about20 spinning22 wooF', (]<J ~o21 CT31~t!r22 fuot!l20~, t{~, ~ i
UW23 -.g~ ~24 II but, wishes he to wear23 silk2". t1fOO<!T23 tJT~t!T ~ ~mf" I
GCJW orm~25 Farid, the lanes25 are mud26 -ridden GaTt, ~25 opa 26 o~ ~ <JO ~
fB~26 ~fo27 URJ28 and the house28 of my Beloved". aCl3 ~o27 ~ OIJ<J28 Ifij l{l3H29 t!l, fiiR ~

orfs = fu~29 whom I love 3o, is far away27. H' flJIli To30 CTOtT <Ji' I
~30 II
tJW31 3 32 f6;l33 If I g031, tben 32 my blanket34 shall be ~qo H' ~t31 • ~ Hen ~e13" f9tl'35
chrffi34 o~ '3 ~35 drenched]] and if I remain at home, tJT~OT1 '3 ~CTo Wusa 01 O<JT, 3"e' HOT
~36 1I~811 then, my 10ve38 shall sever35 • ful)flij36 ~c35 ~ I

&a81 42

~dHQ.40 ~4] II
However, let my blanket..2 be wetted 37
and drenched'" with the down pour4°
of the Lord's39 rain"'.
t{~ ~3' ~ Hr~1 ~ ~ o'H
~HH1"2 farH13 7 '3 am3! <i tJT~ I 0B0~ I
tJTfu fHerr f30r43 I will go and meet that 43 friend...., H';:rr ~R43 fH'3Cl.... ~ fHH ~iQrr, 3T if
R~4 ~c~45 QTill so that my love may be severed..5 not. HeT flJl)fTCf ~~"5 or I
~ II~~II

6"alB' H B~ Farid, I am worried about my ~, H~ ~ Sfl'i47 qra WI' 3 fa H3'"

trar47 B' ~48 Hffi49 turban"7 lest4S it should be soiled.... reu f5a;r4' ilr~ I
~fu ;:f1fu II
OTf~gT50 O~51
(') Howevelr, my tboughtlessso souls, is t[~, Hal ftft!;ftS' ~ WCJ mit fa H-a HlRS2
~ fRq52=~ji f)R1 53
unaware that dustSS will eatS4 my fi Bl wGl53 ~ 1:fT ~H 3I
~S4 II~EII head S2 too.
G'mBT Rcra55 ~56 Farid, unrefind sugarSs, sugarSO , leaf ~~, aqa55, tf1olS6, fi..r1:rcIl5', CI!~o. ~
f~57 ~60 sugarS7 , molasses60• honeySS and l)f3 Hfti'-s, ;!T ~1J~

W~S8 ).fTgr59 ~ti II bufano'ss, milk;

R~ ~~l n.foT»f1 All these things" are sweet, but, 0 fuu J:lT(JP,P tfl;Jt61 f.roltl{t uo, ll~. ii
as (') y~f~2 ~q II Lord. they equal.62 Thee not. Ji))(1l-U J ~ 3a 8CfT8CI62 exit q~1))(t I
G'a'lBt ac163 Hal Farid, nlY bread el is made of wood64 ~;!, Hal aGl" H'qs64 ;!l ::l l)f3

a"TCS64 oft 5~5 and hungerO° is my cooked ~fel)fl" Har R¥'" :l I

Hal ~l:f6 II vegetableu •

f;:rot l:JTtft They, who eat buttered" bread. shall f;rnj ~~167 ij~ aGl l:fte un, ~ sT(Jl"<!68 suffer" great" pain'O • 3Cf5~70 ~or~ai69 I

~l::f70 lI~tll
~ ~71 l:fTfu a Eat thou the coarse dry71 bread and t ms ~F.rcl7' ail l:fTU l)f3 Rl3B' il5 \!T072
11 cS-et U'<!1 ~72 II drink71 the cold water. «<J I

4iG'al~ ~fu tra~73 Farid. seeing another's7" buttered E:al;!, ~t73 ;!l ~u;it ~~ ~l:f ~ t »
~tSl 0' ddHI~F4 bread Bet not thy mind7s long H7)75 ~ OT Ei$~75 I

'tit€!75 lI~tll for74 it.

»ttl (') g31 ci376 I slept not with my spouse" to-night H" >iii ar3 ))(lui U3l76 0T5 mit ifat ~
fR~ )){qJ77 l;f~ l;ff378
and every part7l' of roy body is pining Hal -eu77 -e Rra "far 336 33678 we UO I
in pain7l1•
wfu II
;:pre~~ ~~idlc:179 Go and ask thou the deserted 79 one. as ~w a i;C33]H"379 ~ y&: H, fa ~R ~

~H fcr€!80 af~l to how lel does sbe passe,'2 her night". a'3I ' faR ~jlo al3;!111 ~ I

:!I f~~rfu82 IISOI1

:; ~83 m?l84 (') ~8S She finds" no refuge" in the house ~~ ))(TtJi R\!i ural3 ~~ UoTul4 out
! ilEl~86 O'tIl ll~87 II of her fa\her-i.n-law13 and also no
place87 in her parents".
fi..r5'el1S ))(~ or ul tte1 qtl7 ))(TU<! iicrl''' I

Her Grooms, cares" not for her, ~ w 1.l31s• ~ -e1 iP31' u1 out ~
although she is known as a blessed'o sr~ ~u Ji~l90 sraIi ii T51" u30l
and happily maJ~ed wife". row1 ~l::l?

w~ra92 U~>i{93 ~394 Here93 and bereafter'2. the bride e~'J))I3 (1ij'l, \Sol ))ITl/~ 1./31'4 t#l
ql iG l)fijr)j95 belongs to her Groom'''; the Groom HEerl))l3 ~; 1./31 ;1 1./;1'1 '3' tro's ~
»fl:l~96 II who is
Unapproachable's and ij'aTCJ" ~ I i
OTOq R97 RUTdT<!t98
ij gT~99 at.rcJ~TU100 II
Nanak, she'7 alone ,is the happy oTner, &~5 ~'7 CJl t{Jlo \Sol"~, ;1 !
bride", who is pleasing" to her ))I'll;! li&:eaI1-af<:l3 1°O H~l' ~ ~dll99 (

R3l 5
»fTfe6 oftfB7 II
care-free 1OO

Bathing 2• washing J
care7 •
and bedecking"
and sleepss
~T2, ii'
))13 ))ITlIc! ))I'll
sfGcia7 ~ R's ;:rt~l ~
fi;fa'JTa" & ~ ))IT6
Gale am 601t:r,~' f<:l"1ij TO ~ ~C!'l afd'~l
T J18 ijs1 Farid, she' remains smeared' with nTE f5aEll'
Jfd'~10 B1 ore1 12 asafoetida lO and losesl 2 the ~!'H3 O/R301
~1 Hf<JO/ I " fur
- &5' 'IE1 l
~oV3 cfitl 14
II~SIl fragrance'" of musk". ;:rt~112 ~ I ,
~a:015 ~16 0" ~t17 I fear l7 not the departure" of my H' ))fTl/el
- We!" "3' 0<:11' :
ca ,.
il l8
R~19 llJf3 20
0" youth IS, if l8 my Bridegroom's" ircJ~117, ~0/018 Ha 1./31" ~T fqrrfT(')lO Ha ~
"tpfu II love 2o departs not. l/TR' OT w~ I ~

Galer fq31
j t{ff3 fSQ
qH5Tfu23 IIS811

J1fq 22
Myriads 21 of young,
withered 21
the Lord's love.
° Farid,
dried Up22
~;3t11 <:11 ;jl)flnlI)jT,
~ siller , HaS
~ ~ale
T23 & Rer R;3 dlPll)ft 22 <:10
! lft: ~ flPliTo
I .

=ialB'T fti'3 24 l:f~5T2S cot 2S , ~aleT. f:6O/a 24 , f'l"3 T Hal H"tt125~, 30/516'17
Farid, anxiety'" is my
~~26 ~l:!27 fa~28 affliction is my bottom 26 and pangs
27 HoT S'e 16 ))1'3 ~Tf<:lCIJ.~ n'5· f~~~28 er
f?5T~29 c%~30 II of separation 28 from God my ~Cf HaT fSR3a,29 ))1'3 awC!'Vo I ~
2 lo

"~ J
bedding ' and quilt .
~~ m-JTCP31 ;:ft~~32 This is my" life 32 , see 34 Thou, ° my fC!'CJ ~ Hal 31 ftiedlV2, ~ t1Cf l4 '5 Ha
j ~ Rrf~ R~33 ~':f:W II True Lord 33• l!1)f'H1 33
~ S411 ".
fa~35 fao~ Men, talk36 of the Lord's love and BOl', tN ~ 1{H35 , ))1'3 fC!'H ~l1)fT 30l5W :
»fTl:fl~36 fao~ 3 its pangs. 0, the Lord's pangs thou ~11)fT al5 r]6 era~ CJo I ~ tN ~ t!H! 3 :
J153TQ37 II
art the lllonarch 37 of all. Rrful)fT ~T
37 I ~' ~ i·
6alW ftJq 3fo 38 Farid, the body3a in whi.:h the Lord's 6'erle ftiR ~u38 l>iea ~ e T1{H ~l/"ol' .
f~ '0 ~tlil39 R40
3Q ~41 HRTQ42 II
wells l' not up, deem41 thou
that" body to be the cremation
ground42 .
n<:ll' CJ"e To ~R40 ~<:I?; 3 RHRTo 3"H1 42 <:11
R....'-' • - • • • I
e fuu 4l R))ITe t.Jf<J01Ell)fiH aist45 B1n147 ;
60lw 43 RJ;!44 Farid, these43 pleasures are the 601e,
- i
~"''''~'''~'''''''''''''''IRP"'I''''_~'''''''''''''''''''' ••••••• -.i5.'' .' .,"".'' '.' ' ' '

i5 • ~

aJ~45 t:ral~ poisonous+t sproouts 4S , coated46 with

~47 fH~TfE46 II sugar47 .
fefor 48* OT~e49 aftJ50 Some48 * die so soY/ing 4' sins and some C1el41* t.!Tt.! al;:t~ l:l1;:t~4' Ho i1T~SO '10 ~
ore f~for errol 51 ore are ruinl~ds2, reaping and enjoying51 Ol~l ~?ij ~ ~'i:~ 3 OlHT~~51 ~tl352 are
~t1Tfu52 11:3.911 them. uo I

1Galt!T tJrfer or~f~>rfT53 Farid, men 10sc:51 four watches of "Gale, f~R'To feo ~ ~T(j uf'1CJ qCJ~
1~f~54 tJTfoa- the day in wanderingS4 and the four (6'ao 54
f~B ~1iT 5'~S3 uo l')f3 CJ T3 ~ BIO

: dT~Tf~~ RfH55 II of the night in slc:epss. R~sS f~ I

BCf,S6 era H'-aTFtl ~ '3 God will call for thine accountS6 and ~lf'101~ 3a ~5' 3CJT f'1R' 1l:l-f0l3Tl:lS6 H"-a"Tarr
»{tj57 58 ~fH59ia
0 ask of thee the purposes, for whichS8 »f'3 3~ ~~orr fOl;t fOl'1~s8 ci I-(s, scft ;:rnr
:3t:1I thou comestS7 into the world? f~B l')flf~l;fTS7 R' ?
GalBT t!fa 60 t!CJ~T~61 Farid, going 62 to the door61 of the "GaTt!T, OIBf<JClT 6o ~ ~561 '3 i1T &,2 ~ ~S'4
: t:rTf~ ~62 fq~ f~63 court60 , why thou not seenu ~ fOl~' o'1r ~ftll;fT63 ?
·· u!;3'1i>f'H64 II - the gong~,4 ?
· ~<J f()~Rt65 HTal~ The sin.less6s is beingbeaten, fu<J iiQIoluj65 wfCJI)fT i1Tt!T ~. wif",
· ~H66 e-Ri'67 t!T forl')ojT68 what68 shall ~e the condition6' of of'iiJaJ ' a
e1 011 68 '1T~?369 <i€taiT ?
~ ~TC269 II ~t: II us", the sinners6J' ?
1U!El~ ur~l~ HTCJl>if 70 Every ghari, it is beatcn70 and every uo UJ01 (W;31) f~'1 ,!fc»fT i1 Tt!1' 70 ~ »f3 uo

~_.:' llui'il_ 8iJ7I Hi1rf~72 II watch. it 'Ccc;,,," pun"hmcnt". uf<Ja f~R ~ i~72 fH8t! T71 ~ I
, N. n. A ghari=24 minutes. f~Ol w31 = ~B Moe! I
~ ~;3'T73 USll')ojTH The beauteous7J body is like 74 the F{ea 7J ~u e!~8 t!1 wie74 ~ ~ 3cmre75
~ fll€?74 ~l:W5 ijf~76 bell and passes77 the night1 6 in l)[eCJ o~76 ~ fCf3T~el77 ~ I
~ - - pain75 •
~f~~f~77 IIBOII

~ cH~t:o
~ ~~T78 "j);{T Ref Gal~ Shaikh Farid has grown 0ld 7o and ~ GerTt! fl:lotJ 78 <J fur>,.rr ~ ~ ~ t!T
~ "&af~79 Eail ~~80 II his bod y81) has begun to tremble 7'. ROla 80 ~l:l~ 8ar faJl)fT7'I ~ I
:i1 ,:tSI R~82 ~ful')ojT83 Even if" he lives84 for hundreds 82 of ii0l081 ~u R'0I§82 RTglJ ~l ;:il~t!1'84 o~,
~ t11~~T84
- 9'1 33" 85 ye a rs 81 , his bod y 8S shall ultimately ~Ol ~ ~R' t!T ~u8S fK'c1 87 <i i1T~aJl86 I
~ -
~dR186 itV 87
118911 become 86 dust 37 •
~ GCJ1~T aTfa 88 My Lord" make Thou me" not sit90 Gale 6'f,p){Te OlOei ~ fa ii Ha 11»fl}{1, t
~ UCJTf~»f89 ~R<5T90 at another's89 door88 , begs Farid. H~91 5oR89 ~ l:I5 88 ~3 OT fCfoT890 I
• • :'!l: -

i 51 t 21 >:!~91 () ~f~ II
~;:r '3 E~92 CJl::f511 93 If Thou art to keep93 me thiswise'z, ~ao ~ H~ fuR ~<!j'2 <J1 OCiOT'IJ~, 3j :t
~ t11~~4 RalCJ~95 then, take 96 Thou out the life94 from I:{al ~u9S f~~' tPO'4 ~ . are 5 96 I
~3fJ96 IIB~II - my body~s.
-;4i'PW... ffY't>·iJ'fl........iJ'.....¥¥~~~'fl' .......'J'1l"i>·I'~~iJ'.... ¥'i'q;;'l'q;;'l''!'''l'q;;'l'i'''l'i'''l'i'''l'i'''t'l'''i'i'ifii~1''i''i1i'i''1f'¥ilf'¥ilR"lR"l""'HJi'Iliifiliiifiliiifili~

--_._ _ _ _- - - - - - - - _.. _--_._-------------------


i• ~fq97 C!ijr;p98
fRfo With an axe" on his shoulder" and .re 97
~ ~,. ~ ~ 3 \l'~ t?T Heal"
"u.r;JT99 ~~lOO ~2 water-pot" on his head. the H ~~ra3 ~\:fIOO (~~-ee m f'3l)fT(J) ;:rt
~~311 blacksmithS is (ready to cut) or (-e fi:re2 ~ ~T) ~ I
(standing on the head 2 of) the tree 1oo•
~ ~~4 ~5 Farid. 14 longS for my Spouse' and 601~, H'" ))fllJi ca' ~ ~~t?TS ~t ~ t
Rue ))fTUGT 3 B3fu thou longest for charcoal7• em 7
~T~~T ~ I
Golw fuor(')T8 »fTC' Farid. some8 have a good deal' of 60~,cr8T))fi8 ci5 ~~' ))f1CT ~,

»fOTW9 fu~ ~1 flour and some have not even salt 10. ~ crel))fi ~ ¥IO 51 0\Jl' I

»{cn 12 OT~ fR"~13 When they both go into the yond l2• t1t? ~ ~~ ~12 ~ itTC!a1, ~.

~Gt14 l:fTRl65 ~~ II it shall then be known l'. who shall \STII 5iUGJT fer Rc'14 etc!
~15 a1
BBII suffer 1s the strokes' 4 ?
WfR ~HTH16 ~17 They, who had drums" and trumpets1' f""i t ~ oorrij" 3 ~519 ~ fi:rell ~

fRfa 18 iaV' R§20 and umbrellas 17 over their heads l8 &3..17 RO »13 ftrcy tftl)li fi::l63t20 ~I ar~

tm'21 II and whose praiscs 20 the bards 21 sang; ~o;

;:pfu 13322 They have gone to sleep22 in24 the ~~ iI' a eruaH3 623 1 ~24 \1'22 ~ un
Hfu24 l:I1~ cemetery23 and arc buried2' like ))f3 ~27 t?1 fn~ ~ u-e 26 ~ I

orcf26 IIBL111 orphans27•

Farid. those who bUilt31 housc828• 601t?, f~t ~ HCifT028, Ht?029 ~ ~1)Ii
GoRr acS28 >&u29
wal»fT30 ~~31 51 mansions29 and lofty buildings30• rewo3i 30 ~~31 RO, ~ 91 £a oreU

are32 II they have also departed32• ~o I

or;p33 R~~34 They transacted" false u business 34 Wt'i t ~ lfO,n ~i1J4 RU'fSI)fT35 ))f3 ~J'

~35 aiaV6 and dropped37 into graves". f~»IT ~U I

ue 37
6al~, l16OT38 3 uria 4CI 3lfJ9 un,
Galer fl::l"~fa38 W:fr39 Farid. there are many40 tacks39 on 8CB \re

»fQf81~o ftf~l () the patched coat•• but there are no ti~ f;:jt::ft" ~ <reT ~ 3\S' oM I

~lHl::I" II tacks on the soul41 •

~'a143 »flU »f~1 The shaikhs and their disciples44 -e J!01t?44 ~ ~1 ~ ~<'iT l)fT1J »I~l
~ra14J fHO ~2 ClO are un I
~"5'2 Hwreor 44 Ill::l" II have all departed42• each in his own
B911 turn43•
6'ORt t1~45 ~~146 While the two4S lamps4' of the eyes it~ >!T.l:fi ~ ~~5 ~<U'" ;:rn-e47 <f-e un, 143
~n%R~7 H~48 are alight47• the death's courier 48 t?l ~:rt' ))fT ~ ao ;:tt~ ~, 8 Galt? !
muor49 »{'f~ II comes and seats4' himself. 0 Farid.
He captures51 the fortress 5o • robs 53
~50 Bl3l51 ~52
• .t!.<M!++.++«u!>++'M!~+",-~'.!!",m+"'.. .

~fcniT53 tJl~;154 it of th~: sou152and having put out55 l){T3H1 51 ~ ~c5J 8 ttTBT~, l){"3 ~lf~l){t541
OTfEl)i'56 ~gtfE55 It the lamps S4, departs 56 • ~ aj~55 qg ~tJ ;:rt~T56 ~ I
G"al~T ~tf57 cn.J~ Farid, see57 wlilat158 has happened" 6tJl~. ~l:f57 ql/Tu OT~ q158 ;jr~l){T59 ~ l){3
1 f;:r58 crl})iT59- f;:r fRfo60 to cotton and what has befallen62 to f3~t61 ~ fRCl 60 3ql s131'2 ~ l){3 feRn,
crlt){r62 f3C5TU61 II the sesame's61 bead60 and what has qTaTi.r's, Mel ~ 9if~l){t" l){3 64 ~8'7 t?l ql
OTwe63 l'>fq64 qTotB65 been the sta.te of sugar-cane6! , ~F.lT ;jet ~ ?
~~66 afEf5t){T~7 II paper'8, earthen utensils" and64 the
charcoal67 7
H~68 l){HB 69 They who commit70 evil" deeds"; ;l1..P ;l" qaH'9 Cil-fT~~70 uo; ~~ ~t71 u.l
Rtirfe72 f3(I)TU73
thiswise71 are they73 punished72 •
-. .
@oi7! 'l; Ri,P fH~~172 ~ I

Bt ll
~ G"o1-er
af0 74 liRHT75
Olfg77 f~fB78
Farid, on
prayer··mat , on thy
is the
body77 the
6tJl~. -aij H~74 3 0!-f1t.J 1.J30 ~~l . .
'63175 ~
))f3 3m ~u77 '3 'I61l){t76 ~'~ll!lJIq ~ ~
<iB179 <n~80 ~381 II devotee's76 garb and thou speakest81 fHo l lO ~8~,81 ~ ,. 3a
, U"3 f~~78 ",.~
sweetl y 80, but. there is scalpeF' in thy i!cW' ~ I
aT~fo82 f-eR 83 ijlo~l84 From withoUlt32 , thou appearest 83 STUo ~Ta·72, ~ allo 84 ~H ~'~',I{~
ft!fg "f-fq})iTa185 bright84 , but in thy heart, is the 36 fe5 )){~ qT~l85 ~~l c1(!16 ~ I
-eldTf386 114011 sable l5 night86 •
GcJ1~T87 031 oq88 0" Farid, if 90 any oneu cuts'2 my body", 6tJTt?I ilqa90 ~l ;:r(!"! ~tJl ~u91 'l;

foqc;89 ~90 3(j91 not e~'en a bitl7 of blood88 would ~a'2 3 1 fuR f~ fuq ~tJ187 91 ~'J.88 oul'
Blij92 ~fu9J II issue forth 8' from it.
foClSdl 189 I
ti 3094 0395 oa99 The bodies'" which are imbued's f~l))ft ~194, ~fudl~99 OT5" ~aJll){i95
fR~96 f30 97 3f(') with" Godl "; those97 bodies ij~1){1 UOj ~cr9) ~~ f~ 5'198 out
~ oq98 0 ~fElOO 114ctll contain 1OO no blood'8. ~BTloo I
~ H: S 1\ :~rd Guru
3T;:O uTf3lJIul I

!fe~ ~ R~ oq ~ This body is: all blood. Without l reu ~u RI-J.O ~'J. ul ~ I ~'1 ~ ~C12, ~~
!oq faQ2 3Q (') blood, this body can exist! not. ofu J ul oul' RCl~l I
~~fE3 II
: ti ~ 033 })iTUc! They, who are imbued' with their f'Hua l){lU<! ti~ 0T5 ~d1TR! uo; ~qt4 t!l
f3q4 3f05 ~ ~7. spouse 4; they have not the blood7 -eu 5 ))f"~ '8T~tJ' ~ 'f?I'l7 our ~~T I
(') ~fe \I of grec:d6 in thdr' bod y5.

- - _ . --_._._-_ .. __.. _- ._--------_._--_. __._---------------


i8 ~9 3Q l:it~JO When the Lord's fear' enters' into tit' \{i BY ;ral ~v»j'tJO ~a9 era WBY ~
5fu 8~ o~ f~~y12 the body it grows Jean lO and the 3B rev ~~n:sl'o cj ~l 3 1)13 wg~ BT
~lfE13 II blood of avarice departs U from 8il l)I"ta o12
~o cj ;:riBT 3I
within 12.
f~J4 SA-afa 1S tI~ ASl4 is the metaJ purified" by fire 15 , filR ~t14 "far15 O1H llT3 foOlffiI6 ii t:ttBl
S:!g 16 5fE f3~ 17 ~fo 50 17 does the Lord's fear remove21 3, ~R 3t!t 17 til l.{i BY 1fa' HB11)1l 11 q,Bl»ft19
W 9'~ BaHf3 19
the filth 20 or eviJ" inclinations 19. Bl HHl<!3T20 ~ ~o71 oro RtT 3I
H~20 or~~fE21-II
oTOor 322 ;:ro23 RU<!24
f;:r2S 0326
mo acn27
Nanak, bt-auteous24 are the 22
persons 2l, "'h025 are imbued 26 with
their God's Jove 27 .
OTOOl, ~t'o24 uo ~2Z

~'fuOJi @ fl,p)fT o27 0'5 iiml~26 vo I

tjogU, ;'l2S

I)ITU<! Ii'

6CJ~, ~ ~21 ~
G01BT REl28 RO~Q29 Farid, search J1 thou the 21 tank 29 , 3'5'S29 '5'531 , fuq·
g91 ~~32 II
- f~
- whence the 'ReaJ
found lo •
thing l2 ' is to be 'l)fRHl ~Jr.Ll2· HRVo ~ I


What 34 avails it to search in a ~JJ R~ ~ BT 0113 4 6'f~BY ~ ? ~ BY i~
pond l l ? Man's hand merely sinks l6 <:fa OJT<1lS f~~ vl ~'5t"l6 ~ I i
aq IIL/SII into the mud l5 • .
'GalBT ~-el37 a~38 Farid, when sbe is you ng l7 , 6a~ ;it! iJl)fT037 (jt'l ~ l130l 1)ITl.l<! u313 8 ~
1 ~))flI!42 II
~m40 the bride enjoysl' not her
0ld 40,
~ o~l· w<!-Bl ~ ~v fuau ~41 t=JTel ~
CJv I1cJ ~~142
l9 4
' i
spouse 38 ; whe she grows 41
she dies 42 .
~ I
004 3 <i~~44 aia 45 Lying in 40 the grave 45 , the bride 43 0150 45 f~B46 u~l ii~l, U3014l tjcpoe144~, lao
A':'46 ~49 R~47 OT cries44, "I couJd met 48 Thee 49 not, 0 'cj Ha u314 7 ! H' 3~49 fHB 41 01 Roil ,"
my Spouse47tt .
fHB1))fTJ248 II L/ BII
'GalBT f~50 trfa"»iT51 Farid, the hair of bead 50 are grey51, GalB, Ha l;{;rso ~ ~8 fe-z51 uo, Hal eT~l
~ UBl )-j~t ~ my beard is grey and my moustaches f~cl ~ »f'3 H'all)jl l{iP 51 f~rcll)lt vo I f•
tIBll)it II are also grey. I!-
ij52 H053 orf~cS54 0 52 my tboughtless 54 and insane58 ;]52 Hal ~l:lao54 iHl s5 ftfe31@s3 I ~
1)13 ~

~W5 HreffiJ 56 soul", why57 enjoyest56 thou f~57 am oHll)liSl I)j'eo SUTOl -qo 0'11 56
for~57 oHll)iy58 II ~.
reveJments Sl 7 ~? •oS-
4411 i;.

GalBT ~~59
t]~60 Farid, how Jong" canst thou run60 GOlB , 3'; fcf~ fBo H~l6f l-fClT(i59 el 53 '3 ;;,a.
a~6J fua 62 7irnm63 on the house59 top? Abandon 64 thou if;:l60 ROlBT ~. ? I)ITU<! fUI)I'ij62 ~B el ;
f6~lrd64 II thy s]eep6l towards thy love 62•
o'tBCl 6l ?i 300l64 era ~ I l!-

••••••••lji.,+.,••++• .,• .,.iji.ljl"'•••ljlijiijllp• •ljlip.........,.,• .,.'P.,4'+iji+4'4'++.""++"~

~ ~ .
to;:{ ft~4 ga6S alT~66 The numbered 61 ' days'\ which were faR31" '€ fto'4, ~ 3~ t'Hs65 RO; ~
ClTE 67 f~gtf~6S allotted 6S to th,ee; they have passed 813'€'8, 81:R 813 ore uo I
f?C5Tf~ Ill-IEII away67, by passing68 day by day.

Galer ~i>69 H~ls70 Farid, the houses 69, mansions 70 and Gol~, HelTo", H~070 l){3 af'8T}:fl~71; ~72

HT~1niT71 E~72 0 WE73 balconies71 ; to these", attach 73 not ole;

3'= ll{TtJ<§ Ho" i; OT ~37J I
~ fBq74 II thou thy mind 74 "
~ fHit tre17S "'f3g~1'6 unweigbable76 falls 7s
i ~f~ '0 ~Rl fHq77 II
.. 1I.911
When dust
upon thee, theIl, none of ther.e shall
befriend n thee.
Mel 3~
31 30 T M30 77
~ ~1'5,
nul' ~QT I
3T ~t

~ '0 Wf~80
Galer H~t.r78 Hr~79
Farid, set80 not thou thy theart on
palaces711 and wealth'9 and think8]
GaltJ • 3'= l1fItJi ft8' i;
= Hfugt78 brl){3 tls-a79
oTe; t'i T ;l380 l){3 3' ae;~I.z 1i3" i; tilTt lJ
= •
~ R~p~182 fBf3 ufaS3 II thou ever of the powerfu182 death8'. 01:11
~ FP~184 Wf~8S R>-{TfgS6 Remember'6 thou thatl4 place 8s , .,; A.-14 ~y8S • ~~16 ~ "17 ----u
~ 'g'H nUJ ?i~:s 01:1, IHCl ~ H'C::'--
whither Ithou87 hast to go88.
~ ft1~ tIl 3~i7 31
;~~~88 114't1l
1 Gaw fuo1 aH189 Farid, the deeds". which are of no
. .
GaR f;:rot ~w-CilW" tT Gi~l 6rf~'O
oTftJ ~90 ~91 ~H~ avail 9o , abandon92 thou those9• nul' , 3'= €tot
91 ~Hi-qr,p i; f3l){TijJ92 '€
• ,
f~RTfa92 IJ H~93 deeds, lest9] thou be put9S to H39 ] 3~ l!ll{THl t1 a~fual96 l){"Ba,
RafH"t! T94 cJ1~l9S shame9• In the court" of the Lord. aofHBOT1 94 ~QT~ ~95 I

. ~ ~ t!asr fa 96 JJ
~r FJTftIa -el Farid, pc:rform97 thou the service98 of Galt, ~ ll{Tlli l!l){TH1 ~1 cf<m 11~9I aw"
97 BTOfa198 fug thy Lord and dispel 99 the doubt lOO of
qfa ~ l1fItJ<! Ho ~ 30H 1OO
~ ~o99 qo '€ I
. tft gTftJ99 9'atft!100 II thy mind.
t!~FJi2 ~ ~1~3 The saints2 oll,ght] to have the
g~ Bl tilCJifBS JI enduranc:e s like tile trees4 •
Galt' Farid, black' ate my7 clothes8 and Gal~, fRl){T u ' ut'i ~7 aR30] l){'3 fRl){1\J -
~ black is my vestment'. HoT tJf<raT~T9 I·

~i29 II
(ll'OtJl 10 9faW 12 H I wandelr about soiled l2 by sinr. 1o tJTtJi lO t'iTF.) fe;\:if3ll{T ijf~Tl2 ):'f fGOt:!T
fuar He:! q~13 and people calli] me a saint l4• . .
l){3 BoW iii; RTtl l4 l){T1:Ie lJ un I
• 'tO~R14
i IIEqll
331 - 3fe 1S '0 U~17
15 That croll which lis burnt lS by water l6 ,
4 •• 0 ••;, rflrfl~ ."

il'8 i!fH'8 ~.. -ere

GoltrY ii
o~ tl
scift:!23 IIE~II

II can never bloom" even ifII it be kept
dipped20 in water".
Farid, she who is forsaken 21 by God,
continues to repent22 and grieve2J •
i!S20 CN~ I
~~,;:j ~fUcIJ~
mJ't qeT, BT~II ~ ~ U'<!tl' f~

-eT f31){'ilIT ii~121 0,

a ~R2J CilO-eT ofu"et 0 I

iJt24 C!))fT(ft25 3'26 When24 the girl is a virgin25 , then26 tl-e 24 <i3T ~-f~I){TuT25 ;lel 0, 3-e 26 ~
~27 ~l~tit28 at she is full of desire27 and when she is ~27 0'1'8 BOT ;lel 0 ~ ;:R ~ f~1){TU1
HTHi5 29 II married21, then begin her troubles29• w-ell' 0, 3-e ~t! ~l:f32' ~~ ii w~ uo I
G'oltT T Ej l.l~3'fl30 Farid, sbe has this regret30, that she ifOT-e fifO ~ ~ reu ~~30 ofu"-eT 0, fci ~
~31 C!~T(Jl '0 cannot be J2 a virgin again3l • ~31 ~ ~-~))f'Ul our ii R~l2 I
~32 II~'SII
ClBa 33 ~cft34 5tSl35 The swans" have alighted 36 in a ~RJ7 ~23, tJT~l ~34 ~~;] ii35 f~

~ ~B-ij36 ~S37 II small pond" ofM salineu water. ))fT ~~ Y036 I

tit~fo ~
~39 OT
. .
Rtft 40
They dipJI in their bills31, but drink
not. Sick of40 thirst· I , they flyaway.
~ ))fJ\Rll){i 'i'~JI ~~39
out' I 36<:1 41 ~ wa ~ ~ ~ uo I
un, \SO 1.l'tt!

~s41 II~BII
~J3 ~fa62 Flying away42, the swans alight44 on
ciq43 ~ ~42, ~R ;Ri 'e1 tlst43 aifT ~~ YO
~'" the barley-farm4' and men go to ~ s-e ~i ~ ~ UC'~ m!T ~ un I
f~afe46 iJTfi? II drive46 them away.
arfuBr4 7 H~48 '0 The headless47 mortals41 know not, ~at7 \{'<!T 4I mJ't ~, fer ~R HZ
~t!' ~ (') ~9 that the swans eat not the coarse ))f0r,::r4' .
'?i out' l:fT'e' I
l:fTre II ~ 411 grain4t•
~rB mg50 are1))ft The bilds51 , which peopled52 the 1JglSl, tl 3'51S53 a ~FR5J Rn, ~9rol HTO
tfl:it»(T51 f;:rcr)l ~52 p001s53, have fto"n away50. ~so <:J?j I

3gS3 II
GOlt!' Rq54 9ful)iT55 Farid, the brimful55 lake44 shall also ~, 8ST-BSsS !'Ol ~~ sn;S4 3t ~
91 ~BR1s6 ~a57 ~g pass away56 and lotus flowers alone5' ;;P~TS6 ~ ckB SI
~~ ~ ~B uT ofu"
f~ClBs8 II~EII shall remainS7• i1~a1 I
6~' fuc ~59 Farid, brick shall be thy pillows" ifOR. foec aor ROTU~I59 ii~, mJ3l'O aa
~f~ ~ CltP61 the' earth60 thy bed to sleep and the R~ ~ f~ ~ feroH" aa WR ~
gf;3§62 HTffJ II worms61 shall eat62 thy flesh. l:lrea163 ,
~3S))fT13 t.!or" Good many'3 ages64 shall pass 3~ fucr66 l.lrH6I \.l~ cjE" ~ ~t'J uT
~65 fuq~66 away'S and thou shall continue to iJClI'4 sT3 ~iD'5 I

1.lfe'~y67lf'fs:ra lIe!>1I lye" on one" side61•


~ G"OltT ~0169 u/,;::wo Farid, the beauteous71 * body 6al~, Fiola \:!T R~ ~~1::fT71 * Uf5T70 ~e"
jFi~7)?Vl ~c171* pitcheJr 70 shall break'9 and the tl"~01T >li3 I!>liTR \:!T Jil:JC72 aRT73 ~ferl){T
i oTdTo 72
'8t]73 II sublime 72 rope 7l of breath shall be ti'~01,71* I

~ snappe:d 71 *.
l1-ftrCJTEIH GaFi3T74 whose 75 house shall Azaril, the

In »ffiaT'elB, H3 ~ ~374. I)(ti orl<J-e75 ilJ.f<J
~75 urfo oT317 5 * death's courier74, be the guest75 * f?~ l{I<lc;T 75* <J~01T?
.. l'l-ft] IIEtl1 today?
: Galer ~7)1 ual Farid, the heauteous body pitcher 601~, -e<J tIl ~~o HCerl ~e ttT~ >li3
'ei "
Fi~()?l ~CI 7) T dTo shall break and the sublime rope of 1!'>i'R ~T JiRe -aRT ee tiT~ilJT I
~ Ht] II breath shall sunder.
j;:l Fi;:J~76 9'fu77 9'Ta78 The friends 7', who were79 a burden 78 f;:r<J€ fl-8':', 003177 €?3 ~78 m;79. ~<J80
~ ~79 R for€?81 ~'fT?f~
on the eartl/ 7, hOW 81 can they80 I)(ti faR 3~i81 ?TllR »iT Rer~ <Jo ?
~ >rft] II~tll - return today 1
~ GaltT -a f?)?T;::p82 0 prayerJess 82 dog 83, Farid, good 84 is '5 >lid'~TH-f?<J<!12
~ Olf3>rf T83 ~~ 7) 9''8184 not this habit8~i of thine. o<Jl 301 f'e<J »iT~385 ,
~ -
~ a1f3 85
~ 0l~186 'Bf'8 7) Thou comest not ever 8' to the ~ er~ "3116 oHTi{ ti:.~ ~87

j >rfTfE>rf T U"-;:r ?C:f387 mosque 88 five limes87 a day for prayer. HRtie u ~ o<:ll I)fTf'e»iT I

~)-fRlf388 11.9011
~ ~Q89 G"dTtT (tB90 Arise 8', 0 Farid, perform 91 thy <f3 T ;j8', t1 601~! ~~'O era 9• >li3 ~o
~ FiTf;:J91 Fia~92 fO?Tti ablution 90 and say9] thy morning92 ~192 oH'i{ U~'3 I
~ dT;::pfa 93 11 prayer.
~ ~ fRa 94
HTE195 The h,ead'\ which bows" not to the f;:rJ3 T H1R 94 H»iTH1'5 H<Ja o~:W fo€r~96.
Jf?)~96 ~97 fFig: qfl.f98
Lord9!" chop off'8 and n:move" "t 98
w:. t

~<J97 R1R "§ ?-e ~ ~T<J I!e" I

_, _

~ €?:pfCJ99 11.9 q II


1~i2 -
fmJ RlET 2)T f2)~
+;l _

i R fRq orl;:l e<ifE 100 II

~fo3 tiHT'21r;{4
thou tbat'7 had.
Lord, what
such a head '!
head, which

Burn 4 it thou under] the earthen pot 2,

bows not to the
to be done with
f~<J3T fHa, I!wHll!<J-a o<JY f[er~Tj €tR fRo

~ ferR ~
Cl13 T tiT~

'elu0 5

~16 tiG,!T 7 3 fHel -e "3~2

I •

~ gTH~5 Re 6 cpf'2 7 II in pbcc 7 of' fire-wood li •

l,f-H] RT3 !le
~ .9~1I
t GaleT fc<~ 3~ Farid, where are thy parents 8 , to-day, ~C11~, fa~ <:10 1)(;:1 3-a WLi8 ftiCET?> 3"§ ~
, ~ }-fTf1..f 'Y{T8 ft1QT ~ who gave thee: birth9 ? ti?iH fe-3
H1 ? !
~ tif~§f~9 II ~
~ 3 l.fTR~10 €?f'2 '8ft From thee lo , they have 3-a &B'IO, €t<J ~~ 010 ~12 <Jo I 3 T"31 13 3~ t
t - ~
It ""'fiiji iji 't' ... iji ... iji iji ... 'I' 't' 'l' 't' 'r 't' ·:"r ", ,"t' ':' 'i' ", 'l' iji ·r'·~ 'i "O>'F'i'."." iji iji 'I' 'l'.1' 'i' <t, 'l' q; 4· 'J'''''t'iji 'l' iji iji iji 'i' 'l' 4' iji iji iji ijiiji'l' 'l'ijiiji iji'l'iji iji'l' 'l''l''l'iji 'l''l''l' 'l''l''l''l''l'ip

are12 ~ l)f;l13 (') departed 12 • Even then", thou art

tl31if~ ~ .9:311 not convinced that thou too shalt
Gdl-et H~ Farid, make thou thy mind a Gaffi, t ~ ftS ~ tlOCJ 14 010 ~ l)f3 f~R
afo -ze 15 plain l4 and even Up·7 its hoUows 15 ~ f~'S '3 ~I' ~ ~17 010 ~ J
"5Tf~17 II and heaps".
l)f~18 HfC?)19 (') The fire 23 of22 hell 21 shall not ever l ' ~~ HClTa·'8 000121 ~V2 ~ar23 O1~r~" 3a
-ll l)fT~R120 ~itq21 RB122 approach 20 thee thereafter 18 • ?l3 out ~arl I
-e ~Tf~2311.9811
H~HTl..Ill 5th Gum. lim tPf3f.PUl I
~alBT l::fTC?)~24 tfC?)or25 Farid, the Creator24 abides in2' Gal~, ~~24 crnor25 J)f"t:cJ26 ~r ~ l)f3
Hf~26 tfBer ~R oa creation25 and the creation abid~s in a'ifc'iT o~ro )){~a ~~l ~ I
KTf~ II Creator.
forR 28 3 Whom 28 should we calJ2' bad 27 , whenJO ))fAt qlu~2I ~T27 Ol'ij're29 , ;:re30 f01 ~R3I ~
! HBT27
)){1l:ft>i{29 iJT30 f31231 there is none without 32 Him31 7 eio cia ~l 3 tit n<Jf'

i fa'Q32
~ orf~ II

~alBT f;:r33 fBf~34

OT(?)T35 erfw>.p36 ;?j37
Farid, if'7 on the 33 day 34 my nevel
string3S was cut", my throat 38 too
Galtr, ~37 fuo34 ~T OT3l)fr35
~f-ellfl" Rt, iJ ~R fun HOT 0It!38 51 ~r
~38 quf~
~f()40 0
'ftf39 II
had been cut a bit", I shoud not
have fallen40 into so many troubles 42 or ~e1))ft40, or tit w ~ ~w""
9039 ~ ft!3T iJTt:!r, AA ~ol#' 'ada14 i42

HTHB42 R~t43 (') fu3l nor undergone43 so many ~ol~·ef43 I

B~4 lI.gell hardships"".
~~5~~6aw7 My teeth45 , feet46, eyes47 and ears"';
R48 12it~ afuS9 they48 have ceased56 their functions.
or~ II
~51 Ji3152 trTij'53 My body51 cried out52 a loud Hal ~u5' ~ ~e53 H'al52, "~u54 ~ lifTCf55 I
R 54 ;:rrCil55 ~fC?) ore
56 II lamentationS3, "those54 intimatesS5 of
H~ ~ are S6 un" I
mine have abandoneds6 me"•
GcrlBT ~57 ~T ~W58 Farid, do thou goodS8 for evils7 and 6~, ~ ~S7 ~ ~OJTs, 010 I)f3 ))ff\Ii un
qfa OjRT59 Hfo (') harbouI 60 not wrathS' in thy mind. ))j'~ au55 or f3llfI'O !
~~f~60 II
~61 "ijOJ62 () B~163 Thy body61 shall be infested63 with

.**** ** ~
uH 11~ for~ tfTfB64 no'2 and thou shalt obtain'4 1'Ii3 H?l WeT q!i1 tla Tu3'4 <J ;::p~orT I

-1I9t:1I everything.
GPTB' W 6S ua~'t66 Farid, the soul..bird6s is a guest" in "al<! • I • RR'a" <! """... "",10" _

~167 J:!(J~y68 the beauteous'8 world" garden". >iea ft?ar fH<:IHTo" 3 I

'O~~f370 ~1 8:~71 The drum 70 ofn the morn" beats. ~~T R~a71 e' T72 OOfTOT70 ~iteT ~ I ~ 1'IiTui
fR~72 ~'H<!73 OfT Offer Make thou preparation74 for thy ~7J qan e'1 f3l){Ta1'4 aro I
FfTtl'4 1/9t II departulre7J•
6aTB' cJTf375 crecft76 Farid, musk 76 is distributed at 60R I ac7S ~ arR~al76 ~m ;::rte1 ~ I fffiJ3
~m~ 8:~T77 -fJffi night7s . They, who are asleep77 gd 1!3 U~77 <lO, ~T ~ fti'R y78 0<:11' fH5e'Y I
(I) g~7S II not a share78 •
f;:foT -3~79 cftB~880 They, whose eyes 79 are heavy with l)(l:ft7'?l 01~e'80 'B31 <J~1
joTS 1
fHF.>e82 sleeplO, bowBJ can they" be blessed 1z
fu<'i T e'll){T
~<J" ft?R?l
fqR 3cT1] tlcJTtl3

qO Rq~
or»fT~83 lit:O II
- • u

with it ? <:10 ?
• iaR~ H tpf0»fT84 Farid, I thought" 116 aolne was in 601e HOT fl:fl){TB'4 R1 far H?l86 fe<f-5 ?l <:11
ij l~irfu~i7HsB
Btl85 6
Of Btl
trl'OlsS II --
trouble'!i. but, the whole87 world" 3Cffil~ 3, l.f~ RT(J~7 R;To" <:11 301a5~ I
is in trouble. f~31 :
~~89 m;s90 a ~fl;p)fT When I ascended90 an eminance8' H~ ~1 ~all9 3 ~M ~ ~ftfl){T, 3t!',J •

#3 1..Ufo 1..Ufo91 eCJTlM and looked around then" did 1 find H~ <JO ft?ar liTH9I 1'Ii"ea ~<J94 l)fOfo'z ~1 I
»ffaI 92 lit: <til the same94 fire 92 in every house".

i ti"~r lfTf3W<:I1 I
5th Guru.
Go1w ~fH95 Farid, in the midst 97 of the 60~, s!e'o" RR'a's ~ >iea97 f~ afal){t
aOJT~196 Hi~ beauteous" w'Drld's there is a ~9I lJOffiJr" ~ I
! f~'F.)T98 ~rOl99 'I thomy" garden"'.
~.. titfo2 rtrcr

t10 100 The persons 100, who are blessed' by l!aW 100 ~ aJ,otJ % ~RTfe1'Iir' 3;, ,-
f6~lf;::t>,.{T3 ~ the GUIUi , the y4 suffer not even a ~j4 Qfuq 5O'ks ~l 0<:11' BOre'l I
,,(tJ5 '0 gray 1It:~1I scratchS•
HClW ~ \I
@~ Farid
5th Guru.
beauteous7 is the life'. ~, )!j,qa7
l/;Wt l.JTfaBtul I
3 fii~ HOH<:I~' Ra1aIO
R~17 RfaI8 together with' the charming' bodylO. mi3' I

~~19 ~CJI0 \I
~cn:5' ~112 ~)){fo13 Only few 12 such persons are found l ', kg ~IZ ill ~a ~ii 4.OB f~1J UO,
f'i:f?iT fu»{Tij14 ~u15 \I who love ls their IJeloved l4• t'tt7r ~ ltfT1.Ii t{l3H 14 OT8 fUl)fT(JIS ~ I

l:::~.++..++ + +..+ ++ + j
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ ~ ++ .

chllt6 ~~17 (') o river-flood 17, destroy" thou not ~ ~fo))fl ~ ~17 ! ~ l)fTll~ faO'fal)ff"
ell Bl:fT 19 thy bank 16. Thou too have to give .
ii.. or ~'»f18 I 3ii 91 fuRta fQ~JTal; W
ti~ ~ I
t!~ " an account".
f;:rofCJ o~ o;:Jlfu20 The river-flood flowS 22 in the ~fa»fT ~, ~~ ~R uTii21 ~ ~~22 ~, ~
~~ f3"e~21 dT~22 direction 21 , withersoever is the wi1l 20 ~Tfu~ ~1 atl,20 I

qij "tBII of God.

GOlt!T ~1:fT23 R3124 Farid, my day21 passes 2' in 24 6'al~ HaT f~ozS 3cnmrn ))j'~24 al'3~

~2S orf~21 RBT27 trouble'3 and my night in anguish •27 ~ ))f3 Hal ~. Jj,827 »f"~ I
~ arf3 II =
lfflT28 y&Ta 29 ~130 The boatman30 stands Up28 and . HB'U 30 l:f5 ~28 <i~29~, "t«Pi.J31 lY~

~T31 ortrcJ32 ~Tf3'33 /I shouts 2' , "The ship31 is in the tiiCll 32

~ )jbu f~ ~ I"
ttlll midst 33 of the whirl-pool32".
c%Hl "8'Hl ot!t34 ~~3S Long, the long riverH of life flows» Sw, iI1~~' BH' t:ITa»f,34 ~ar faur lS ~ :

~t:l131 ~ij ~f337 II and it loves 37 to eat into its banks36 • »f3 ~ fero'f'O»ft ~ 36
l:fT iITC! OTH fuR ~
fUJ)l 1a 37 ~ I

j B3 '8 on..r~ f0(l)fT38 What 38 can the whirl-pool do unto iliJTil 0 U!~-Ulal cit Jl qa Fm!1 ~, ;tcra39
~ ;:r39 l.fT3~ a~ the boat, if3' the boatman remains HWU l::f8Cl~JCtO ifil ?

jGCflw lite"
or814 1
Farid, there are twenty4S lip41 6dl~, am't ~I 3T ~1<J4S fH30"2 <TO t[~
1R~2 ~1~4S fpi 42
friends , but, if I search for4 3 the true itClCl W Rtl fia ~1 9TH qat43 3T Hii recr
~ .
~~B143 (') B~t44 ii friend, I find 44
not even one. 91 oul~ ~y44 I

Q~T46 fffi?47 )-jTHfu48 I smculder like 47 cow-dung48 for4'

46 ~50 ~Sl fiJl)f1fo»ftS2 ~ ~l4' If'
ciTaf~49 [3"0150 HTSI thoseSO belovedss2 of minesi • aIa~ tft ~~7 JI8Uffil" Out I
Jfua152 IltDII '
4t GOlt!T f~o '3053 Farid, this bodySJ is everS4 barkingS'; 6CJ~, ~ -eu53 RE'54 ul 9€t'CltftS' afd'~

g~CW58 f0354 f03

~; fuR m!~1 ~ss ~ ci~ aa~llH era ?
~l:f1~55 &~ "
~o157 ~~i8 - a~59 -e
who can stand
sutferingS5 1
this continuous

I have putS' stoppersSl in mine earsS7 . H~ »fTU~~ ~S7 f~ ~'cS8" 8~ ~~5'

~o I H~ \JCI~ n'l't fa fClol'° ~~r'2 ~
;f&3'16° ~at61 u€t~2 II I care not how mucb'o wind62 is
~tft'l ~ I
~t:tll blowing'l.
~, ~lf~ara ~1l)ff l:I;W'3 tier arell)ff <TO
• Golw o~ lfiI'Cl163 Farid, God's dates63 have ripened -c

~ afu~'" ~11)fT n~l»f;U ~l)fi" '10 I
trofl))iT Wfu~4 and streams6S of honeY'" flow".
oB165~fo56 II
tl ;:j67 ~~68 iluSI69 Each" day" which passes", that 70

secceeee. ' •••• W4 ++ 11.·• • • • , ••

. . . . . . . .+++++++++++••+••••++++.+++.++++++++••••••••••••• ···~++++++++++++++.+.~6+++

~H071 ~1 ~ti!71 ~ ~aT g·t!T72 ~ I ~

I R70
tr?fo72 IIt~1I


steals away72 mortal's age71 •

Farid, my aged fraiP 4 body7J has

become'6 a skekton75 and the crows79
peck7B a,t my palms77•
~a1t!r, Hollfocl R317 4 ~7J craOT75 ;j OTt'W6
~ ~ Holl)ft <1aB"ll)jt77 3 0lt79 iaTT HTa-e7B
<10 I

OfT0T79 1\
~80 ij o§ ?) Even tilll nowBO, God has not come
- '3~l80 ~1 ~fuiJIo Hal Ht!t!BI gt!1
<1<! ,-~

trT~f3§81 ~l:! ij'B 82 to myaidBI , se:e thou, that such is i'i(J1~ l){lf~))fT, ~ ~U, fc;r ,)f~ ;l<J1 ~ l1{Tt!Hl82
ci gTQT83 II~OIl the fate 8) of the manu. ~l 1{''89QBJ I
WafT ~~ The CIrOWS have searched8s my OlT~t c5 !fa ftf;:JoB4 t!1 ~;:r wgB' Ola gel ~
~fS»fT85 ROT8T86 skeletonB4 and e:aten up allB' flesh87 • 3 HaT RlotS6 oTf.I387 UT fgl){T ~ I
l:fTf~»fT HTJj87 II
~ ~f~ -5(5188 HS89 o crows, touch90 ye not19 these two 5 Olt?~ ! ftrot Bot ))(j:ft88 '7=; 3Rt or19
u· -
~(J~95 ftra 91 ~~o cyes B8, as I hope'2 to behold my i30 T90 t fOl~·fOl
_ Hf) . 1)fTu<! fUI)fTij'1 '•7; ~U<!
oil »fTl192 II ~ ~ \I Beloved'1. t!1 ~Ht!'2 ~ I
OfTQTT "€Jf~93 0 ftf;::roT o crow, cor:rode9S thou not my 5 ~t ! ~ Ha craOT ~ OT ~~9] I ;l0l0 ~
trR 94 ::3 94 ~mo96 skeleton. If thou hast perched'4 ~R 3 af<J far1)jT'4 ~. 3195 :3 ~', ;:rT I
i ;:rrf(J 11 upon it, then9s fly" thou away.

! f;:r~ ftf;:r8 HOT R"Q97 The skeleton, wherein dwells9s my f;:m OI-aOT >t{t!o HOT ~397 ofti't!,98~, ~

~R98 HTB 0 f3~99 spouse97 • eat thou not flesh f~'98 ~ oTf.I3 or UT I
l:fTf(J II t ~ II therefrom".
GoTtT oT"0 2 f~3 The poor J gr.a.vel calls loo out, "0, CiS'o2 ~11°O ~, "€1
~100 a:a foUlfcP){T4 homeless Farid, come thou to thy :3= l){TUe! *
1JTH • I)fT" I
Ulfo l){T~

I l1CJUCf 5 »fTt€~
HO~7 OT ~fo~8 1\
H-e 6

Hre<!19 ~~ftl)fTI0
Thou shalt assuredlyS come to me.
So fearB thou not thy death7•

Within tbc sight lO of these eyes' of

:3= foRf~5 <11 Ha ern' l){~ ~ fuR
~ l){rtr-!1 H3 7 3· i' or UT I

Ha fu<? ~30t' ~ ~U<!IO


)){t!Ci l)f%qtu <11


a3)12 ~fB orel 13 II mine ,good many" have departed lJ. ~ oro ~IJ <10 I
GCJT~ BOlt 14 »flU Farid. peop'le 14 have their own lS G'alt!, (i0l1C!11 4 ~ l){tii I)f TtlCTI5 f6QO ~ )){3
l){Tt.Rll S H »{lUC!T anxieties and I have my own. H~ l){TtR;T <11 ~ I
l)fTU 16 R~TOfo17 H Says the Lord, "If thou, 0 man, i!I)fTHl l){n:{t!T~, ";lOla t ~ a~ l){1lJi \
fl-{sfa H fHf5l){T reform 17 thyself", thou shalt meet ))ITU16 '7; Rtl'To g~'17 f:3. Hi;s fi.n~ U~~T I ~
Ie -


--------------- -------------

~18 5fE JI Gorn' me. On meeting with me thou shalt GOl~ I ~ ~ )l~ a~T ~. 3T war
~ 3 HoT 5fE oufu be atpeace l8 . 0 Farid, if thou iT<J'ol9 3~~ a1 ~~" !
~ ..;:rqr19 3CJT 5f~ II belongest to me, the whole world l9
~Q120 ~3
fOl'Bo~22 S~ Q1Q 23 II
Golt!T ~e24 ~~25
ol:f1~ fOl'BQ26 3T~127
shall belong to thee".
How long 22 can the tree21
stable 23 on the river-bank?

Farid, for27 how long26 , can the

water28 be kept in unbaked earthen24
fc,fcS fB0 22
~~2l l){Rfao
5 Ga~
8C!1 ~fol)fT

ofJ lic«!T ?
! mc1 24 ~ cr~ ao=o25
8C!V7 \P(!VI oful)fl iT' ROlt' ~

foro T 20

fca 'Of
c1g: 28 116~IJ vessel? ~
GCJlt!T Hu529 Farid, the mansions29 have been Galt, Ktra 29 ~rg190;j or€ <JO I ~Y f~B ~ ,jo

f?)R~~30 ofu arE' emptied 3o. Their occupants have gone o~ ~5 <103'1 5(Si32 iTT offill <:10 I ~

?TfJT31 >')fTf~>;fT to abide 31 below 32 the earth.
3f532 II

oloy33 R34 f?)W~l)fT3S Those 34 unhonoured 35 graves 33 shall <:t~t3" af~331 qaoi33 ~~ 0<:1,37 ora'l T CItJ ~
trURf?)36 oui37 be taken possession3' of by the souls 37 • B(!oftl)fj36 I - ~ ~
. Hf536 II =

m541 IIt.911
Fi~T st!OT138
>}fij f~o
o Shaikh Farid, utter37 * thou thy
Lord's Name 38. Thou shalt depart 39
today or tomorrow'" (sooner or later).
~ 010
37 'i. "''''''
;; ;;,,"""'!
* I ~ ~iT
I (;:T8~1 lilT

-eo oT8) I
<! - " '" ~
#0 JRa41 ~a ~
GCflt!T H~342 t!T As46 is the eroded bank47 of a river, fiTA ~t46 t T tfal)fl t T ~f~ ;jful)fr4 7

• S0'43 ~44 ft!R 45 SOH does look like the shore"3 of ~ ~, (?ll
- 30'.... . ~ <:11 f~5 ~ H~2 ~t
fu~46 t!ol>}fT~ death"2• foroT o r43 I
'e~T47 1/
>}fm B;:r0l'49 3flIn-r50
48 Beyond 48 is the burningSO hell"9 and >iUd'S41 ll~ ~tT a8t ISO 0001'" 3 >!i3
R~>ii51 u552 ~54 the criess" of shrieks52 and mw l,l'OlToT52 ~ <J T<:ITCrrat53 ~1I)ft B1WS4 J!~
~urur53 11= 53 si
wailings are heard • fi~1I)ftS' <:10 I

re0l'0'55 ~ R3 Rs1S 6 Some56 understand56

it fully while ernl)fy55 ~ R'o1 ~6 I)fl orC!1 3 t[~ ern
f~for fGCf~57 some still wander about57 heedlesslyS8. I)ftl ~ l)f<!orfu5s, ;j ~S7 <TO I i
]j ))fH559 f;:r 0I'1f3>;fT60 The deeds 59 , which man does' o in ft1<J;1 'OlClH59 W i«Jf3'1 ~ 'OfJ.fT~ ~
~ t!31 61 f~fB Fi62 the world", tbey62 hear witness'" in ~, RiEl· ~ traW 3 f~B (?<J62
.- R'~164 90~ i ~
~ ~oOTu]3 B-OTTfJT64 /I the Lord's Counu . <:10 I

~ tt:1!
~Galt!r t!ol>}fT~ &~65 Farid, sitting on the river-hank 65 , the
s "

8a.IBr6 6 a-oT ~B67 crane" joYfu Ily sports67 •

. ~B' ~~ 5~8 <5 While the crane 68 is engaged in sport, ~~ ~~ iJe aoTg-68 ~ faciOr'° l)f~C!tT3'9

the hawk70 pounces upon7' it
>->ifB'-369 ~tJ70 UE71 /I unexpectedly" . <:IT l)fT SUCT HTtlBT7I ~ I

ar.;:r tre f3R 72 aa Yea, when the hawk of that7 2 God '1T iR ~R72
- ~'f<:Iaro
-. ~T fi::rorO' fuR j;. SticT
~ -e ~BT f~Hal~j73 II strikes, it forgets 7J the sports. wow ~ 3T ~ ii~ ~g ;:rT~1l)fT7' '10 I
1 Hfo74 fBfa' (')
;180 What 80 was not even remotely f;:r~ or~ ~rij fur ~ H0 74 f~ Cl~ fl:fll{Tg 7S

B'3 FIfo R76 dT'Bl77

75 contemplated 7s in his mind H even <:IT (')~W I1T ))of'ft!'))ofT ~u76 ~T;:rtn tn7• ~ oro
a~78 0l1".p-79 IIttll those" things 77, the Lord 78 has fe3Tl)fT7' I


~ '3 l-f~ ~'~:ra181 The body81 of three and a half R'e f30 e1 <!o" ;mO' 3 """...
: Bc%82 wc;183 »{"i~84 II maunds, lives 01182 water U and grain 84• "'" "",;t" fuael <I I

)"f1f~€? a~T85 ~o1861

I f~fB
~afo89 "
~387 »{TR~ 88

~ l-fB~B90 l-f(t3 ;:p-91

Entertaining89 high87 hopes,

But, when 91 the Death's myrmidon'o

mortal 8s had come into the world86 •
~JlClTIliT87 ~~t,88 QTtl89 C}. l.{T<!185 RRTO"
)){tJO l)fTft!'I)fT RT I

fP-a ~5'2 33 lictT'J ~ I

»(T~Rl R9 BO~92 comes he breaks open'3 all the
~fo93 II
f3()T94 fu»-pfCJ»fT95
~1>->iT96 »iijj97 f~3'
doors92 •
He binds'8 down the mortal, before"
the very eyes of those'" dear's
~ ~ ~T'4 ~B's ~1ot96 ~l){i
~i'7 <:IT ~ l.{T(!T ~ ?)cJ3 h '8 ~ I
l)(ttT I

~l:f~99 St' Bf~I00
brothers~" of his.
Lo", th4' mortal is going lOO on the ~" ! ~l Wo Sf~1)ji2 ~ Hf'e))oft J ~;:rr

By m~»fT2 ~ shoulders' of four men2• fCl<JTIOO ~ I

c~fo3 II
Gal~ »1Hg4 ft:r aiB Farid, oldy the g.()od deeds.., which he 6aT~, -ij'aJ Cl8H 4, <:11 ~ ~11 i RRTaS f~ or13
w>15 f~fB ~~ did in the worlds, would avail' him 110, tN ~ BClaro' f'i~ c}~g ~<J til ~ ~
».fl~ ~n·r7 119 00 1/ in the Lord's COlurt'. ~H7 ))of~'~ <:Io I
Galer ~8 af;GurCJ19 1 am a sacrifice' unto those lO birds l2
8 11'8 ~TIO tis1l){i1J ~~ ~(ffl'O ~tT9 <JT ;i
80 10 tl'tJl»{TI2 which Iive:'4 in the woods lJ, 0 Farid. ~oT13 (~T) f~~ af,:f~14 <:Io, iJ GaTt!
tlaTfB'13 f;:for ~R 14 II
. or~15 '1aTfo tifB'16 For, they peck at roots'5 , live on the for~fa, ~ f3~IS ,,!dT~ <:I(I), Qo3T 16 3 !
~ ~Rf?; ~ () ~~fo ground" and leave not the Lord's ~ <:I(I) ~ l{~ BT 1..(Tfpl7 MT' 5~ I t
~ tJTJ:{17 /IC~ 0 911 side 17. ,.

Ln.N + .,...~ ~ V ••,.,." ""' ~., .l

--- -_. __._--
eo t • .....
iG'Olt!T fGCJ1 19
Qf318 Farid, the season II has changed l ', 6~, HRH I8 a~I' fOl!)fT ~
I i10l520
! ~20 ~ftp){T21 l1322 the woods 20 shake 21 and the leaves 22 !!ffi?21 un »fa ua 22 5QfT31O fu0l1 23 we
(IIs;l Sf323 lJTf~ II continually drop off2J• un!
Jwa ~;p24 ~el))oft2S I have searched 25 the four direc- H" -aut wR't24 \1;t_gT525 cn31 ~ l)f3 H~
i ~26
11 -

tions 24 and have found not any abode26 fClQa 27 91 ckl fc~T(!T26 our H~T I
... (')Tfu II<:tO~1I anywhere 27 .
Gal~T trfu28 ~P.)T29 Farid, tearing 28 off into tatters JO all ~, »fTl.fe1l)ff ~ yF.JTCli29 ~ Uf3 28 !)fa
1];:(30 aol -a~Vl my robe 29 , wear32 I just a blanket". ffiai 510 i30 ~& H" ~s ~S5VI UT~ rt
tffiJij(!32 II fEicJt! T32 u i I ~
ftJql ~R133

~R cra~36
R~:U fH-5
The wear u by which my Spouse is
met with, thatlS dress alone. do I
fffi131 \igt~u
&~ ~<I <I1 \iF.P0l 35
0'5 HoT u31 34 fH5t!T
H" QToo iilOt!1l6 u f I
H: S II 3rd Guru. 31;t1 wf3F.JTil1 I ~~
crrfu3'~T tm81 Why37 tearest thou thy rich raiment ~ f~~'37 ~ a1H31 f8a R ~ UI;3t!T ~. ~
-a~31l1f~f~ II and wearest a blanket '1 l)f3 ml UT~~ ~" ? (
5TOOf URJ tit Sfo))fT 1f39 thou put thy mind40 on the right, i1aa3' 3 »fTU<! )-f040 'i; ola4 1 oT<I a UT .a-
path 41 then, even while seated at • =- :
~38 f.m ;?i39 ol))if3 40 home, thou shalt meet with the ~", 3 f, »fTtR! O!f<:l f~~ i5 ;j~ ~ ~l, ao l Ii-
CJtfR41 ol'are II <:toBU Groom 38 , 0 Nanak. ~3]8 fH5 tRQIT, \J (')Toa I ~>';
H: It II 5th Guru. u·it~r u T8f.JTU1 I e
6O~T arcra 42 ft«')T Farid, they, who greatly46 pride42 on EicJlt!, i1 »fn.rc! ~~3, Qo-~5~4 !)f3 or
~~1))fy4i ~4 ~»fTo145 t!T a~3146 HT(!

their greatness 43, wealth44 and 42 uo; Clcre
~.5l){TQlT(J46 II youth45 ; \)0

~8147 ;:Jgt8 l:1it49 They come48 empty-handed47 from arcJF.{SI HiJl~ ft-a t!l Hl*t!50, €til !)flU<!
~ 01 f~50 their Master49, like 50 a mound after H~' UtR" l:fT51 uQr47 »fltt'~8 uo I .
~51 IIClOltll the rain 51 .
601ir f30152 J:f1::{53 Farid, dreadful are the ~,;rnT~S4 un ~iS2 ~ ftwa S) ~ l!.~ J
~~54 f;:(or faces 53 of those 52 who forget55 -e oTH ~ ~5T~~55 <:10 I !
t;!1::{56 urc!fa»fT57
~ II

the Lord's Name.
they undergo many"
and, hereafter, find no
ea ~ 8;[31""" 3oH1&i" ~lti!
»fa ~a1 ~t 'i; ii~ fcClT(!IS8!)f3 UOTU S9 •
"" I
»fen -
~59 II<:tOEII
abode58 and refuge 59 . our frm;:!l; • i
60ler m8 CJTfa Farid, if thou wakest61 not in the

60 6a1t!. i1aa ~ a~ t!ll)fi ~51l){t60W31!)ff f~ :
'0 tflfdl€ff~1 iI~~ closing hours 60
of the night, thou art our ;t~61 .
3' ~t!T
- u1 Hfa»fl ;jful)jT ~" I ~
J:ff~~ II dead even while alive.
•••~.IIIII.IIIII.,.''' ,..,.."."••••••••••••••••••••P'l.~.IIll.IIll
. JtI i¥ IIJl.~.~.R.R.R1.RJ IflI
•••••' If1.lfl"~.R.R.~"'I'lI.IJii'R.R1•••"."."

· ;:t62 3 o~ f~R'Tfo>;fT63 But, although62 thou hast forg o tten6] t[~ ~T~'62 ~ l)fT~ lft '§ ~T sfurl)fy6]~,
3 64 of~ '0 thy Lord, even then'4, the Lord has 3"e'4 ~1 lft i; 3~ O<1r ~HTfel)fT I
f~R'fo€?fu 119.0,911 forgotten thee not.
H': LI II 5th Guru. 1..i~llPf3f.JI<:1T I
· GOleT ~q65 aCJTT~'5T66 Farid, mirthful"
my Spouse's. is G01tr, ~F.laTF.l66 ~ HoT t[3T6I , (i<:r <re~7 <:IT ~

~~r67 ~H'~T1168 II He is altogether" care-free6s . Hieaft-of<:l~s ~ I ~
· >;f'8"~69 F13VO oB>1iT71 To be imbued1" with70 the Lord"; ~69 B (lilB"70 -aOiTilCl71 , a~B" fe<:r <:IT Frn l
~~ frBT~T72 R'TB73 II this alone is the mos t befitting72 3" l'lU<!1 72 <:r 10fF.i'OITon I ~ i

tfil~l I~
9.otll H: LI II decoratiion . 5th Guru. t[ Tf3F.I T<:rTI
GOYeTel::f74 R'l::f75 Farid, deem thou pain74 and GaTt', 3aHl:G 74 l)f3 l)fTCJTH 75 ?i ~ f'e'& ~<:IT76
~ f~~76 cn(j
feB 3 77 pleasurl~7S as the same" and RHg l)f3 l)fTt[~ Hi') 3"77 t[ T1I79 ~ ~
~'8Tfu78 f~OI'Ta79 II banish 7ll from 77 thy mind.
sin" aa B7S I ~
~>1ic:3"u80 ~81 Fi82 Whatever pleasessl God so , that S2 alone ft1<J;3T q~ ~TfuOI<!80 ~ ~T(i"e181 ~, a~B" tt<:l I
jJ 9'8T83 3;-84 '59'185 is good u . Then84 alone shalt thou <:r1 82 ~0I18l ~ I a~B" 3t!S4 <:11 3~ <:[R t!T I
~ eo~:pg:86 119. o~ II attaines to His CourtS6 . t!aOl'<J 86 1{'1I3 5~0I1 I r"
~ H': LI II 5th Guru. tiH~r-
lI f3F.1 <:Il I I>a-

~6altT e'OT87 ~11~T Farid, the world 87 dances ss as the Gcf\t?:, filR 3~t R3'0 OtJl€t"t!T~, ~R ~t
~ -
~I: ~11eI88 ~ 9'T ~;:rf~ devil makes it dance. Thou too
<JT RR 1a 87 o"tlt!l SS 3 I ~ ~1 f'eR ~ Rar , <:r1
: oTf'889 II playest with S9 it. ~~T 3" I e

~ R~J9o ;:rl~91 '0 That90 person9• alone dances92 not, &~8 ~<J90 i=ll~91 <:11 oftJ o<:lr aot!T92, fim ~
~ ~;:reT92 f;:rR >1i'8"U who is under the Lord's care. 93 t!1 Bl)fTHl 0I:F;1TH19] aot!T ~ I i
qaeT R' Ta 93 119. 9.011 -
H: LI II 5th Guru. 1I";:t~1" t[Tf3F.1T<:r1 I
: '6dle T fe'5 d3 T94 Farid, the mind is imbued with" 94
Golt!, HO f'eR RS:P09S (liTH" ~fOll)fT 5fel)iT94 ~
~f~H eo195- fR~96 9s
this world , but, the world is of ~,t£~, RRla fa8 ~H97 0<11" l)fT~"t!T I ~
i~il '0 fc~3 &H-r97 II
+fH'R''898 '601'10199
no avail •

Difficulit lOO it is to be like 98 the n:i1:flIOO 3 RTq'lit99 ~aOl,48 5~T I ~<:r2 HoT3a 1 ~
~ dTTtf"it100 1=1 2 u~l~ saints99 . That2 position is obtained &~e l.!oo] Ci/oHi 4 a T<:I1";:]T lIa T1I3 <It!T ~ I ~
il£03 crafl-r4 09.9.911 only through perfect] deeds . ~
jj ufu '" ufua
~ '6'8:'91 U5'r7

a~f38 II
The Lord's
meditation in its first
watch yields flowers s , while the latter 7
watches of the nigh t8 , yield the fruits'
as well..
t:!t! feR
~Hs ~"t!T 3
~"B <:10 I
~ lIf<JH lIf<1o l){t!o Ri'e'l t!1 fl1Hoo =:
oT3 B l){3H
s~ H~T6 ~T I~

: ...l''l''l''l'iji...+iji'l''l''l''l''l''i''l''l''i''i''l''i''t''l''l''I''l''l.'l,.... .'''l'iJ>ijii1:;-.;><l''l''J'iji~~.l''l'q>q>q>.l'iji't''l'q>'l''l''l''l''l'
...'l''l''I''i''t'... 'l''l'iji...+iji ... 'l''l'iji'l'......'l'....

--------------- _
.. ...._....__ ..
r4570 J
~ . . . . . . . .++••••m.+••••+++.+m++••+.+++++w+.+++++++++w+++.++++++y••• +++++++++++++++++~.

=~ ;:JTaT~~9 5iJfol0 R They, who remain awake', obtain'O fitu3 t1TOfB' of;j~ uo, €tci lJ.~ tPR'11 !
: ~1 010 12 rn 13 II gifts '3 from l2 the Lord. ~l:IF.lEil3 UOTU3 mJ~IO uo I ~
~~ 'l 'l:<11 ~

.~ t:!T31 Rrf~a RBT))ff14

=fOfl)fT15 tJB16 f3R-17
10rfg II
All bounties are Of l4 the Lord; but,
who l5 can force" Him l7 to grant
them '1
Frn ~l:IF.JTat
reu ~ gel ~~15 }fits.o" qO
~ "'T""t I4 ui'i I lf~ €tR 17 ~ ~
ROle' ~? ~~
!f~18 ;:rraT~19 Of Some l8 , who are awake", receive20 qell8 t1TOfB1' ci~ ~ ~i ~ Uo TtJ3 O<Jr ~
~fct'ZO re~ them not, while, some He Himself <'!B20 t1e for Ol~l""i Jj,3",,;21 fLl""; ~ ~ ~
-ere 22 wakes 23 from slee..21
and blesses 22 !)fTU t1aIT23 ~ e T3l -e feBT 22 ~ I ~~
~oTfc:523 II 'l'l :3'1 them with gifts.
~t:!1E24 RU"Ol25 Of Thou, who searchest24 for thy ~ il !)fTui 30325 -e't ~it-~T824 Oloel ~..
3€l3fo26 ~1 ~27il Groom21l , must have some fault l7 in 3a mi102' f~ il~ ~8 qOlR 27 ~ I

in the body2'.
f;:roT or€?28 R~OR129 They 30, who are called 28 chaste ft1<J'3TIJii Uf~3a U30T",,;2f l)f1l:fT""; ;:rtel""t21 ~
f3ir... 30 - ST~31 0- brides29 , cherish not hOpeJI of uo, ~<'ii30
"'T ~
cicm32 3 »{\:131 O<Jl
~032 II 'l 'l811 another 32• <,!Bli
RSo33 HS34 Of).{1'(!35 0 36 man, in 34 thy mind, make il 36 fI-e!
llfTtJi Ho !)f"eCJ34 3 R3\:1]] 3
~ • :;:: ZiI

Ofr39 !)fTtR:Tum 35 seT, R3\:1 ",V' UO\:131 el 3'e1 ~

~36 RCfq patience]] thou thy bow», of"
o1~38 II Ra"o R~37 patience make thou thy bow aCT l)f'3 R3\:1 -e 37
u1 3la"0 I 3e i
ar~O l:fTc:5a 41 ~2 string 38 and of 37 patience thine fila_' 30' r"""" ,!1Ro" ".1' ~ar J
~ (') cicft II Cl Cl411 arrows40• Thus, the Creator'" will
not allow thee to miss42 the mark.
The men of patience45 abide in"" R~l ;:ft~45 R3\:1 43 f~e4] ~ ut') I f~

patience43• Thiswise47 , bu rn<t8 they ~j47 ~u !)f~T -eut' ",1 daI3' ~ RT3
their body's'" ego• 'ice ' uo I

. ~fc;49 o;:rlfaSO ~t:!rf~1 They come4' near80 the Lord5' but, <iu ~51 B ~~50 ci ;:rt~4' uo t{~, ~T

B i~52 (') ferR disclose53 not their secret52 to anyone. a Til s2 fqR ~ ~l our ~5J I

-efo53 II Cl Cl EII
R~ ~54 J!~55 This54 patience is the aim 55 of life. ~<J54 R3tf ul t11~ er ~55 ~, ~qOS'

~56 3" irBT 57 ~58 if56 somehow thou implantS' it in forR 30;
• 3= reA 7i• l)fTui HO !)f"ea \leiTiiCJ
~il - thy mind, 0 man57 • 8~'58, il f~S7 !

~fu59 fll~f\fO Thiswise, thou grow'O into a big5' reR lJ.eiTCJ ~ rea- ~5' efol)fT'1 ci Wet'Cl ~
~»i~61 ~f~2 (') river" and, breaking'2 off, become not !)f3 ~(fT ci'2 foaT l!'O' orB,'3 <:11 O<Jl
lft~fu" ~;p63 II a mere brookletO J• ~T I


... '-l II it is butte:red66 (fruitful). fer<J ~llf~))fl" (~f'erq) ~~ I
fEOffo 68 f0(3 BTB-p,f69 Some rare one68 alone walks 69 in the aerl f~tJBT il<!T" tJ1 R3170 '@ HTdClI"l
t!a'~FfT~VO a1f371 II w ay 71 of the sainl~,7o. ~cH:!T" 3 I
3072 3U73 3Oa74 My bod y7Z is heated" Iike 7s an Hal ~<J72 3~a74 ~7S 3'utitn 0 ~ Hall)ff
f~75 ~T~76 ~77
. -
.. aHfo"78 II
- oven7" and my bones" burn" like
fire wood".
(j'ml}{l77 ~lQo76 t!l HT~~ ~l)fT78 <)0 I

iiaV9' ~ort80 fRfa 81

l BW82 ~82* ~83 fua1 84

i 3lJ i

- ~~
Were my feet"
walk 82

Heat thou
on my
head sl ,
meetS!! wHh myu Beloved·...
not tby body
oven and burn 110t thy bones like
tire BO , I would
if'z* I can

like an
traI" <JTa1O il1C!,
fU?f1ij84 oTB niB8s ROl~l ~~ I
~ l)fTtRl
))13 ))fJuel))ft

~ 3~o ~1 fo~
ti'~l?fT ~ ~rQo

I)jTtf<! ffiRll

H~ ))fTlJi'J

or 3'UT
fO))flE1 or
~rfC5 II fire wood . R'3 I
~o(j fRfo ua1 90 for>fT86 WhatS6 harm" hav~ thine head and 33 R1R ~ UQTi"O ~ 3CJT cit16 ~7
J~f~~T87 "f€fo ft.ral88 feet90 dOlle thee" See" thee, thy aBT~ ? ))fTui t{BH- ~ i »fTlfc! ))(trcJ
~ f3orfB II ct=<OIl
89 LoveS' within thee. tJ1~ I
i ~~ ~~€191
R~T92 I go searching'l for my Friend91 , but, .
H· l)f1ui fH3CJ'z ?; B9<!91 m ~T <Jf,
~ R~ H~9J oTfB94 II my Friend is ever with'" men. l{~, HCJT FW Ha 9J IJfur ~ 3 I
! OTaa- »iBl:.!95 0 Nanak, the Unseen's Lord is seen" orner, ))f~'s ~ '@fu))fT" our ;:rte'r;,
~ C5tl1~96 dlaHfl::f 97 ~ not; the Exalted Guru'7 shows's t.j,Hel tl!o;!~97 m~~ \{'el 0 ~
Jf'€tfTfB 98 1Ict-:<ctll Him to thl~ mortal. fB~"~o'
! ~RT99 -efl::f 3(}f,€»fT Seeing the swans" swimming, the ortJ C:IRT"?; . 3'CJfB))ft '@l:f ~, ifaI'~IOO 4-

! ~TIOO »irfE»fT BT~2 II eranes lOO t;::>o were enthused 2 • !it ~J.iar OBT ~ ore1 2
~ ~faJ liE 4 ~dT ~5 The poorl! cranes were drowned] to f~s ifaI'~ ~ ~ cJot' lJf3 tia7 ~
! fRq 3fB 6 ~tJfo 4
death with their heads below' and ~ oro ~~1 ~ HCJ' ~ uo I
U,~7 IIct=<=<II their feet 7 above.
.Hi1rf<!"»fT8 ~~9 iJR IO 1 deemed 8 him to be a great' Swan 1o• H4
~ ~ f~rg' 5R 'O qg~ W31', fuR
~ 3't12 H cr13T fhn 13 II therefore ll " I associated lJ with him, mil If' ~ ~1 Rara CiIl3lIJ I
~14 ;:IT<!"T15 aqr l4 l
If 1 had Iknown" • that he was only ifqCJI4 H~ <1BT 16 , fOf ~
1J3T ti~
~~16 trOfH17 0' a wretched 16 crane,l would not have f~16 ~arst til 3, H'" ~ ~'7 tit ~ ;!
.. ~~118 li01'19 II ct =<all touched" him with my limb from 19
oTB ))fT\l<!T ~19 or ~~.~I' I
; - the beginning 17 •
-; fOf»fT20 iJR fOf»fT What 20 doe's it matter, whether, he, on fuR ~321 <Joll){TlRl ~ful)(T fttacl'2 ~2J
~••••q.+ ~.++ +.......................•••• ~~~~
• •••••••+++.+++++++++•• +++++++.+.++++++++++++++~+~g+
~ ;l121 whom 21 God casts 23 His merciful
~fa22 ua 23 II glance 22 , is a swan or a crane '1
iJ24 f3ij25 9~26 If24 it pleases 26 Him 25 , 0 Nanak, He ;:1Ofa 24 ~R .
- ~25 ~QlT Bai ' , ti OTO&! ~iJ ~~

O'~T crrd1~27 iJg changes 28 a crow 27 into a swan. OfT27 ~ <JR OfCf ftf~T2' ~ I ~
~28 119~811 ~

~a29 tfl::fVo '5or~31 In the lake 29 there is but one 31 bird 30, 51"8 29 f~B fRo~ fuOf31 U"li:Vo~, t[~, ';:JTE t
GTtil~Tg32 lftJTJl33 II but, there are fiftyU snarcrs 32 • UT~~ ?tg 12 U'tl T<:I 33 <:10 t ~

caught36 in the f~<:I ~<J34 :l:f1f<:lRT ~1l){t 3-aOly35 ~~o 6111 ~

36 ~
f~ 3Q34 ffiJ01 35 This body34 is
OT~36 fClJ;fT fl~37 3al waves1S of desires. 0 True LonP7, ;j~1 ~ I \1 If-B ~I){THV7! Hal ~H~38 ~ .'i--
my hope 38 is in Thee alone. ~. I
))iTR38 119 ~ 411 <:11
~44 ij39 ))itf 40 What.... is that 39 word"o, what that ~;3'T44 ~ ~<:I39 mre 40 faiJ31 ~ 7)ci'''T
Q - I _ ...

~~ d1~41 0l?C R virtue 4' and what is that jewel-like42 >li3 fOf<:l3T ~<:I ';:J~<JO-~oOlrl2 ;:r~ ~y43 ~ ? ~
>-RIJ;fT42 ~343 II spe11 43 ? .;..

Ol~~ R ~~45 o§46 What is the dre'is"lI, which 146 may @o fau;31
lfHTcrtS ~
- I;:::
fuR 7; H~46 lJf~o;47 t

Ola1 47 - ft:r3 48 ~R49 wear 47 , by which"8 I may captivate"9 f;:jR ~I){T(j148 HaT u31 50 H-a f~:l:lf3I){Ta"9 t~
J;f~ a-~50 119~~1I my spouse llO ? f~\J >liT ~ ? ,-
f~51 R >1-fl:f2 Humilit y51 is the word. forgivene~s52 fo"H03 T5 ' ~ ~<J Ea~, fuH T52 ~ 7)01'11){3 t"'"
l:f~52 OJ~ fuo~p53 the virtue and sweatness of tongue S3 , tla To 53 ~1 fHelR ~iJ ;:j~<:Io-~oOlT ';:JT~_~~T I .,..,.t.
H<tlJ;fT H3 II the jewel-like spelL ~

~ 354 -~i55 ~R56

Wear 58 thou these three 54 robes s6 , ~ f~ Ufuo 58, ti Hol t
f3"-~54 l!ETOfyS6
• orfa 58 3i57 ~fR59 J;fT~1 o my sister 55 , then57 alone thy Spouse iJHElo T55 ! a~H 3~57 <:11 30 T u31
3a t
a-~ 119~.?1I would come under thy hold o9 . >lifua Ta 59 f~B >liT ;:r~OlT I ~

Hf3 60 ~t!1 ~f~ If one be simple61 , even when wise'o, ;:1CfO ;:jl~ fR>liT~T60 cIt'T <Jf~I){T 91 fl'fu T6 ' !.,.
f~J;fT~61 II ~:rr~62 be powerless 6J , even when hlessed R~T ~, 3 TOf3?062 ~~T ;jf~l){T 91 f03 Ta3,6] '"'

~~ ~fu fo31~1€3 - II with power62 and share:;65 with ~ ~3 30lo1ao ~ 91 OT'4 <Ift'l){i ~
~~~4 >1-fTY others, even when there is almost ~f~~y 91 ~a a 1:lY~T'5 ~; .,..,.'~""
~~~6511 naught 64 to share lls ; .,..,.
~66 ~Rt67 9d13 68 Only some SUCh67 a rare 66 one is a~H cj~ ~5 ;:1iJT67 f~"8166 tll~ <:11 R3 68 ~

Rt!T~9 119. ~ t: II called69 a saint 68 • »-pful){T ';:JT~T69 ~ I .;,


fu~ f'6crr
0' UUer71 thou not even a single harsh 70 ~ fea 91 ~1:l170 aBO OT SB'·, fOl~fcl 30' .,.

OJTWfu71 fl90T "'72

H word, since thy True Master73 abides flBT HT"8a 73 Rlfol){T "ft'0 72 ~Rt'T aI ';"
RBT tR1'3 II amongst72 all, .,.
fu))i~74 (5 a~1 Break75 thou not anyone's heart7 4 as :i faR ~T 91 ft'"8 74 OT 33's fa~ fa I){H"8C(77 .,..,.

O'ftJ75 H~or78 R§176 invaluable77 are al)76 these jewels78 . <:10 f~ R,~76 <:Ila" I .,.

>m1~77 119~tll

_ _••••+"" ip""+""ijI""'P rnI.,"rnI., .,m'l' ""..""iji op "'' ' ijir;;J+ 'P''''''' ' 'P.,'' rnljir:JlJimlJi'' 'ijI'' 'iJi''"•'
.cr '''.''''I''l''''''l'''''''''''",pop""lJi""'l' ' "',I'iJ''"' ',:r.p'Ji'' "'l' ' ",l'''' +4'' ' ' "+'' '.I'' ' ljim,,,mm";!;,t'<!l"'."..'I';y;.";y;'i'-,,;"',,,;'t.;y;.!'~'i'.,.,.;npi1ll7l;.,,""iji'l'G,!''ill.
~ +•••••+ ••••••••••••••• *.·.··0

t R3'OT H079 Precious like jewels are the minds79 ;W<JQ <:10 l1"fo»fj ~ fm" I ~Cij ~
.o~80 of all. To hurt80 them is not 82 at ~l:tT€[CI80 (icrr <:11 81 ~0J183 o<:1tlZ I

82HWaT~T83 II a1l81 good 8z •

~84 3~8S fUo1»iT86 If84 tb.ou85 desirest87 thy Beloved86 , t1ora B4 'iSS »fTui t{t3H86 ~ ~<!w'7~, 3i
t1 fRerS7 fJ»iT~S8 (') then, burt" thou not any one's'o ~ forR 90 \? f~588 "§ Rc" OT WO I
<STJ189 ~le190 II heart88 •
• 'lSOII'l1l
n ~fuO!~ ~ fucr ~ I R~ ~ ~11' ~T (')TH,
'l B' Rf30 TH OlO'3T There is but One God. True is His
1:!CJl3 fOO9<f f6~Q Name" creative His personality and Cl~O<Jro €[H ~1 f~cr31 »f3 l)fHCJ ~11' t!1'

»iOlTC5 HO'f3 »itlol immortal His form. He is fear-free, R~U I ~<:1 f~~, ~-of<J3, llitti'iW ~
R~ qJO' {FtTft:! II = witholJt enmity, beyond birth and H~-uoorlF.1~TO ~ I iJIot ~1 t!fu~T 't!»fJOT,
self-illumined. By the Guru's grace, €[<:1 UTf~I)iT ilj~T ~ I
is He attained.
~ R~-Gt R1 9I 92HetST0l93
.~ ... _ lo6
Saways uttered'3 in person'z H~~ lil:t1afS'e'Z 3': €[;rroo 01'13'3
~ by the sire" <J~ HiJJOT;::j"
~ HJC5T 4 1\ 5th Guru. li;:r~ u'f3F.JT<J1 I
-Et l)fTfe- 94 UO'et
_ 95
OlO'3 CJ 96 o my primal'-\. Lord 9ll , the Creator'6, ~ H-a .
UOTUtre5'4 HI)iJH1's
- FHa;::j<!:<J1ij" .
I 3-
~ OlCJ~97 orTd~98 R9' Thou Thyself art the Doer" of all »flU <:1111'1fol)ij '&Ht98 ~ cran'7 ~lgT ~~ I
j »iTi) 99II the dc:eds98 •
~ RO'B O'fJB' 9'O'~fO' 100 Thou art fully filling 100 all" and 3-= I1'Tfcrl)ii99?; 1-l01uoo 'OO ora fo<:1 T ~ ~
-eo fSl)fTi)3 II
UfC2 O'fJB' art contained! in all hearts 1

• ~

HTfol)ii f~5iz ))/'t:cJ oH fO<JT3 ~ I

; BTU34 t1etlni 5 ;:rOTf36 0 God 8, Thou art seens pervading" ~ ~TfuoJ(J=8 ! ~_" RWO' ))j't:cJ ~~
oet.. -
~ ;:rT-5 or€io 3al OTf37 the world'. Who can know Thine ~fuI)iTS WBY ~. 301 I)i~T7?> ck 'H1<!
-E1 .- - ' "
0« ROB 01'1 O'etT or-a »iTi) state7 ? Thou protectest all and Hor~ ~ ? ~_ RTfo»fj ~1 iJftfl)iT oraBY ~ ~
JfO'8 uf3 \I
Thou Thyself art their Lord'. Jfe <:11 ~Cij ~l 'll)fTH1' ~ I
<EI »ifSoTRlI o »ifBOT3 12 0 my Imperishable 10 and Formless 1z ~ Ha 1)i}ffi10 1)i3 ~U-of<:1312 ~I ~
of Thyself '3 .
i»iTi) »iTflI 13 €t31If3 14 II Lord, Thou art born »fTlR »fTU'3 3· <:11 ii~T <Jful)il <Jf~l)fT14·~·1
~ -§~IS 3Jl -§~16 »i017 lS
Thou art but One". None else is
t a~15 orffifcf5T16 <:11~· I ire1 <Jo 17 ~
~ oTJl 3H
9'8 18 II like
Thee. ~arll8 o,:W I
i JfO' - >rf3 19 oTJl 0 Lord, l
5 l{t ! 30T a~ »fl:tlo1' »f3 €":rcr ZO ou't I
Thou hast no end ' and
IU'O'iifl Q20 - O(~'i ~ limit". Who can fonn Thine ik 30' Co..", 0 .." R"'" ~ ? i""'" '"

e .,..... 1!O' ·y " •••

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "_._-_.'.-.-"

~ ~ltJrq21 . 1-1013 conccption20 ? Thou art the Father21

fu3'r ~ ii~ qro 22
~ of the world and the support2l of
»f~2J II all life 22.
trcl 24 ()r~ 9dT~25 o Lord". howl! slave24
can Thy <3 ~»1TH128 ! 30T al5T 24 orner »1TueT ~
~a26 ~fB"27 ~H28 Nanak. utter32 with his one tongue 30 ;:rTi!J30 oTH 3iJ \:~26 ~3 ~ <je27 »13
RHRfa 29 ~or
;:Jl~30 the praise of the saint 2S • who is 3iJ ~aJ29 Ih25 \:1 J.d'uHT fQl1 3~t31
for>'>{T31 al:fT3 32 II poised 27 at Thy door26 and is like 29 ~oocl2 oro Rert!T ~ ?
~33 for ~f'5J4 afp; 133 am a sacrifice 34 , sacrifice, llm ~R ~3' tiffil 34• UlHl, UlHl. tiiHT l)f3 •
~fB" afB' R~35 sacrifice. sacrifice and ever 35 a Rt!1~3s <:11 liiH1 ~?lt!T36 <Ji I

afB"UTfa 36
11911 sacrifice 36 unto him.

.. .
lii'H337 tr~TuJ8 Rfa 39 o Lord, the strcams38 of Nectar 37 <l RT~r! IltlToR37 t:ftl)fT ot!1»1t3 8 3 a ~ 3
~B'40 ~~41 5[042 ffCW 39 at thy
door. brimfu1 42 are ~t!Tl)fT39 un, ualt[cJo<t:? ~ 3iJ ~40

ua ~1
34 3

~5 tlfa"6
ua »ftJ~4
Thine unweighable40 treasures4! and
Thou art Infinite..... Beauteous4S ,
Sublime46 and the remotest of the
l:fi.i1~4! ~?i
uij;l 3' ua...;
ut~:f I
1!t!a-fS, flRc 4' ~ :-
remote 43 . ~
Thou doest what pleaseth47 Thee. :i »fTl.J~ Hotil 47 erot!l ~, fa,t <j~' t!T
takestSO not the counsel'" of R5Tu 0<.J1' i'\:TSO »13 3-aS4 atfu55 »1"t!(J

another4' and in Thys4 HomeSs• 'ij~or<tl 3 J:rl.!3 S2 ~ >fiBS) ~ \1 Ii tP~

creationS! and destructions2 occur \JO I
in an instantSJ•
»{TOSS 0Ttit RHRfOS7· My Lord God"". none else5 fl is Ha 1l)JfTH1 ~Tfva.riS4 ! ~ \105' ~ ~S7
<t;:Jl>11Tij58 f('5OHfaS9equalS7 to Thee, immaculateS' is Thy t!l O\JT'j UW30S' ~ 30' t{QTE'S8 ~ 3cP
arceo tld 1ii;d 61 Wfu&2 lightS' and utteringU Thy Name. O'H ~~05J eran ~1)fT'ijT,' ~j60 tit w'
OTH B'res3 Wa ~fa64 II millions6o of sins" are waihed Off62. 113~2~ 1

iJQ oro~ ~ ~ o Lord. how can Thy slave Nanak ~ 1l»11HT aiHT mr;or, »fTuel rea tit9

df~ ~~HFJHRfa ~Ol utter with his one tongue, the 0'3 33 ~T;} 3 ~5 ~ »13 33 ~a1 J.l3
~l~ f~T~11 praise of the saint. who is poised \:1 Hf<JH' forR ~T ~doe oro FJcrt!1 ~ ?
at Thy door and is like Thee?
~ for afp; afB' afB" I am a sacrifice. sacrifice. sacrifice. H' ~ ~3' ~l, tUB'l, UlHl, tiiHl Rt!T
sacrifice and ever a sacrifice unto
afp; R~ afffiITfa II UlBl ~?lt!T <Ji I
R'aTCS 65 9~066 qT'ij67

Ect'8 it.:.69 oft~ the world's, from" within Thee <:Ii') i it~68 »jrui f~-e· <:11 69, 3· €Tot
- u ?;

ftfRtfra 70 lJfo71 of~(? alone'8, Thou hast extended70 fl:lH lfa»j170 0 1 :3= €Tot Rral»jt72 »j"t!a 73 ua1
- u •

fltf72 Hfu73- l)·pft.r74 ~ them. Thou art

ful1y71 contained 3au t71 aH fa<:lT ~ 3 f'Ga 31:3 lft!74 fmrnu
0 -

foora 75 II amongst73 them a1l72 and yet Thou f~BotT75 O' I

Thyselfl'4 remainst detached75 •
~fa76 C!1077 ()Till
o my unique 83 and unseeable84 <1 Hij »it!31 . 4
- 83 »jft!F./c· »j3 c:J0l1aB ~
8' !:3 Rlfalli t t!T t! T31a 82 ~'
nf378 U Tij79 Lord 7', the Enemy" of ag0 85 , Thou ~a18' I Rl){lH1
_ ~

;:'380 J1f9 'EfTij81 ROTH art the giverS 2 of all and there is ))13 3al1liT ?>0l1Ili t77 t!T &~ €?~0l78 »j3
~ t!f3l 82 E~83 l)f5l:{84 no limit78 and end" to Thine . .
l){);:lla7' 0<:11' I RH<J tll~ ;:J380 3'"it <:11

85>iara86 II virtues77• All the creatures 80 belong HBorl»f3 <:10 I

to Thee 81 •
>1i111 ~1 '((TOoS7 ~88 The Lord Himself upholds88 the Rlf<:lS »jTtl <:11 »jTHH87 ~ »jIRa T f~t!188 »j3
<!t!af389 ~ ~~90 univers4: 87 and shows90
His »jTtI<!l l)jUTO F./0l3189 ?; ~1:fTHt!T90 ~ I ~R
G -

~lcrQ91 fB~Q92 oTJl Omnipotence • He has no hue9',

s9 t!T &c:1 -a0l" • RatI~ 2• ~
»j3 t!1~194
0<:11· I

.41 (,)TOCif 9OT3 t!fo
}fl:{93 (') HRT-a94 II form 92 , mouth9l and beard94 .
trO o Lord, how can Thy slave Nanak <1 F!»jTH1 , 3aT omT oToOl »jltl<!l f~ 'it13

i ~(g ~~H- RHRro ~ utter with his one tongue the olB 3-a t!a~l;:r ~ ~g ii~ »j3 3-a ~al

j trl~ for~ ecr-g II ~ pra.ises of the saint, who is poised . .

fITl:1 t!1 Hf<:lHT fOlR 30t ~ooc qa ROlt!T

~f~ mg em mH at Thy door and

I am a sacrilice, yea,
is like Thee ?
a sacrifice,
~ ? H' ~R ~3'
ReT tit C!aSTo ~t!T;]t
UiHl, SfS<:Ila »j3

efg At tffg~a II I
and eve~r a sacrifice unto him.
RCJa dJ~95 foU'3 96 My Lord, Thou art the treasure" H'~ Hic:l ! 'i
RT 011'lf1 ?>orl»jt95 t!T J:l~ToT96
of all virtues 9s . No one can know ~. I &cl ~1 3 01 fOl»j13 »j3 fRH00 98 ~ liH 97
orlHf397 (') oJT3
uti 98
t?B 3 ~~ the worth 97 of Thine divine wisdom .
?; O<Jl 'it1c ROlt!T I ~fu»jt
- f~~ troH €hJt -
. tirol~99 = l{9 ~ and mc:ditation 98• The highest of the

1 'EfT3 I 00 /I high is
My Lord,

to be Thy seat.
sou12 , riches 3 and H'~ HTSOl ! Hal »j!3HT2 , HTB fHBl:I' »l3
11 H(')2 '((0 3 3-a U T3 4
. E~ Hf35-~ t::r~JTc56 ... vital-bJreath 4 belong to Thee. Thou ftft!-fllo" 3·~1 HBorl'li35 <:10 I »jTtl<!l
= hast strung the world' in the one Ha~Tt!T -e fc:or Qlal 5 ktJ:3= Hl-a HR1a' ?;

thread!1 of Thy system. \{31 5fc:lliT ~ I

CR07 ~t.rHT8 -e~9 What7 praise8 should I attribute9 to H· 3~ fOli::r~V ~R3318 fo~tIC9 Ola t ?~
~103 ~ II Thee 7 Thou art the greatest of the f~F./IBiIO t!l tIoH f~F./IB ~' I
great lO •
: trT~ or~Q 3a ~~12 0 My Incomprehensible l3 and <1 H~ l){OIrql3 »j3 ~ti314 y'OlTF./~ToI5 y'~18 !

Jl++++++++++++++++++++++++++.,+++++++++•••+++++++++++++.+++++••••••••••+••••••+.++.+• .1

»fB'l:l13 »ftJT014 ~~15 Infinite'4 Luminous'S Lordi.. who 0 ci<! iI'C! ~ ~ 1~" ~
~II 0'il 12
»fa'H 16 erw 17 ~ \{918 can know Thy secret l2 ? ~al 8~17 ))I~ t ~ e' )){tRaY" ~ I
Ra~ a tI~19 II Inconceivable" i, Thy power" and
Thou art the mainatayl9 of all.
tJ'Q oro~ 9OT~ ~o o can Thy slave Nanak \J '!l)fl).ft ! ~ alW (W)q ~ fuq ;its
- ~~H ... RHRfa ~Cl utter with hi, one tongue the praises o~ ai t!a~ ~ ~5 \i~ ~ aa <:ri
;:itu fCf»fT ~l:fT8 II ~ of the saint. who is poised at Thy ~ t!l HfuHT fem ~t <:a0<! era J1crnT ~ I
for ~f~ ~g m~ door and is like Thee. I am a W ~~ ~' )lim, sfB\JTa ~ ~er tit
~fg R~ ~f~Tfo II sacrifice. yea. a sacrifice. and ever a ~o ~~~T ut I
811 sacrifice unto him.
foaorrg:20 ~21 My Lord. Thou art Formleu20 • Ha Rt~W !t ~1.I-ofu32', OT ofarl)(T iI'<!
»f~~22 \.Ia0 23 shapeable21 • Undeceivable2 2• Perfect2J• <:T5T12, qT}f523 ~ ))f}{024 3 I "if ~~T

»ffaoT 24 II ~325 and Imperishable24• Ever in bliss 25•ever t@n25, ti'~ ior-afu326, i~327, U'<:O
»f~26 CJ 1.(27 foOHg 28 in bloom at. llIimitable16, Beauteoua27• l.lf~3021 ))Ia N;pg ~at ~ I

f~aTTR129 II and Immaculate2• art thou.
QI~30 QTT~~ ~»f331 Countless3' are those who sing Thine ~faRaJi un;f aal))(t qla3l1)Ji3D ar~
~32 f~~ f3~33 oul praises JO • but. they know 34 not even a un, t[:t. 3a ~n 0 ~ jar san i'l cm't
\.ITRl 34 II bit33 of Thy limitJ2• wee J4

;:rror~ ~u f¥UTB 35 He. unto whom Thou art merciful 35 • fHR W ~ fHCJa81n3S 3', ij HT5ti! ~3'
JJ36 'iRi 37
1{~ ~Hfu o Lord, that36 person37 meets with 1:!aB 37
aa ~ fH5 W~ 3 I
fH'WRl11 Thee.
ilfo38 ilfo 339 tifo Blest38• blest and blest are the 39 )f8Taq 3I, IfS'acr ~ )f8'aq un ~J9

tJ040 fmY ~1JlCi41 persons40• on whom the Lord God 42 t[cJ8"D fu<? W '!))ITHl ~fuO!i42 fHUaS~'
~fo ~fa42 ~43 II has become 43 merciful41 • ~l furltfr4 ~ I 3

"Jfcr 44 QIg (')To~ fHo Whosoever meets45 with the Divine44 ;1 ~ iJl is ~1J44 aLi O'oq ~ fH5
uafR~45 fR 46 'HoH Guru Nanak, he46 is rid of41 both47 ~ ~; ~ irH<! ))13 Han" ~0j47 ~
Ha~ ~u47 -ij birth and death. }:fB1Rl 1.1' "i~" 3 •
of~§48 II LlII
Rf~9 Rf3 ufa50 Rf3 True 49• abidingly true and the R~9, ~t!T tit R~ ~ Rfun.Ji t!' 1.lOH51
Rf3 R3 Rf351 true~t of the true 51 • my God is said R~, HaT ~fCJCIl~55 ))Irflp,p tPt!'52 ~ I
~~1~52 II to be52 •
0£1 ~Ra »fTo 0 ~ He alone is heard to be the primal54 c}<:5 ~ ull.lO'\!Oa5154 'ii53 ,!~~T;:rt;:r
~~ Uott
- -
53 trt?al 3'o 54
Lord53• There is not another second ~ • c1~ iia ~~ ~. - <:aar 3 ul nur I
; J1~1~ II like him•

••++ +
~+d",ul..lut"'!!t..t"'''I''I''fu!''''''Uf..t''hd..'u,..,..,u,u,.d!!'Ut"',,'..'u'..'..t,,',,'ui>d..,..,..hd..!..!..,..,..t..,..,..,..,..,..t..'u',,!..1>d..'.. "'d..t..

j>i-f}-["E155 ~fa & oTlj Uttering51' the ambrosial 55 Name of ~f<JOloc -e IlUT ~1..155 OTH tTT ~BTaO O1o?i56
<53 56 Hf?>57 R9' J2l:f God, man 57 is blessed 58 with all the ~l){Td'T, l){Tt'H157 Rra l){T~JTH 1JT g'tT T58 ~ I

• ll'TE 58 II
'il(J59 oR060 'BTfl::{€61

~ 3iJ62 ;:1063 f~uf364

They, who 59 taste 6\ it with their
tongue 60 ; those 62 persons 63 are
f~59 f~R ~ l){TtRl i18~r'o OT~ B~I
~o; ~<J62 14d'R63 cJti'4 l){3 q:1J tire'5 ~?i I
~ >;{1.1PE 65 II 64
sated and satiat,ed .65
~ftliJ 3 TO/O Rll'Ro 66 He, with whom the Lord becomer,67 tim ?iTE 1..ff J:!R" l:Tl ~~tTT67 ~, ~R t!T Wq
~ 9'~67 R3~CITf3'" f3(J pleased"" he loves'8 the Ror~ OlE l{H 68 a tre T ~ I
~fUl'}fT068 II congregation of the saints.
~ (Jfa 69- OJq ?>T?>~ Whosoev,er 7o meets 7' with the God- ii &~VO 51 ~Tf<JOIo
ora oT?i01 -e~ ;:it

ftl?)70 Ua fR'€71 f30

, ~
incarnate" Guru Nanak, he ?i fHE
u'eT7I ~ , @~
- ~l1tRl RTd'l ~R72 ?i .
R'~ ~H72 ql€? emancipates 73 his entire lineage 72 •
~1d' B'tT T73 ~ I
€lOT073 It~11
.. R~ - R~;74 t!1~:fT~75 True is the Lord's congregation74 R~Bl Il»iTHl ttl R0I3 74 l){3 t'd'orT~75 I

R~f6 RB 77 UfiJ78 and the court75 . His True Name 76 , He »iTtRT Fli3'T oTH 76 , ~R ~ ROB OJ.d' T77 t!TR 71
: ufa€79 II has placed 79 with:>8 the True Guru 77 • d'f~»iT79 ~ I

RB 3tff380 f~TB81 Sitting81 on the 'True Throne 8o', He FloB d'T;:l-fR"UJTR~80 ~3 faoTf1HT?i 81 ci, ~~
: R'~ 3L[T~B82 cxfa€83 II administe:rs 83 true justice 82 • R~BT f?i»it 52 ad'e T83 ~ I

· R'fB84 ftraftl~85 The True Lord84, of Himself87 , has R-~ 1l»iT}j184 ~,»iTU87 ~T?i86 d'fi3'l){T85 ~ I

RR Tg 86 >;{TfuS7 >;{~~~88 cr~ated85 the world 86 . He is ~<J l){i3'0188 ~ »i:3 ~EtTT8'

- ; - O~W I

: 0 ~P.i~89 II 88 8
infall ible and errs ' not.
90 Priceless like the jewel'o is the Name ;:(~<:Jd"O ?d'OIT »i~l:!~T~ oTH ij".f'3" l{~
·· 03092 oTH
- 94
· cxTH ?>Q of the Infinite'l Lord. The worth 92 T
tT I »iHE01 ?iTH tT }{~92 lJTf~»jT9J 0<:11'
: l'}flic:5~94 II of the invaluable'4 Name can be
prized'3 not .
•~ f;:riJI00 j1J1~
f?UTC2 95 On whomsoever 1oo the World 96 - ftiR faR 100 ~3 RRTd''' tJT Il»iTH1'7 fH<Jol:r0 95
j 96arf~297 RCfCl Rtf
98 Lord 97 becomes merciful 95 , he'9 alone -.
<i tiitT T ~ , a?~ ~R99?i <:11 RTa,8 J1.!TCJTH
~ f3?>Q99 UIE II - obtains al1 98 the comforts. 1Jd' T1J3 <I~ <:10 I
: ~fa2- CITCJ oTi)(X f;1(1)4
. -- - "
They who touch" the feet of Divine 2 f;:loT?i== o~a' 01..1
u ;::
2 ora ?iT?i01
-= -e lia T el s<J

~ UafR~3 "3 ClQf~"l Guru Nanak, th ey 4 are cast' not lJd'TlJ~ <i trtTl ~; ~<J4 HOIa~ l:!~ ~5 ~?ill){i6

: f~fa ~f(l)6 (I) >;fTE' 7 II into existences 6 afterwards again5. »i"tTd' o<Jr li'~7 I
: .911
; q~OB What8 is the 'yoga', what the ~<J fa\J-;:p8 '<itm' fa<J~l forl){T3':3 stTor1
. CITT0 9 knowledge 9 and contemplation 1o and l){3 fa<J~T HT'Clor 12 ~, ftiR ti»{Td'T l){Rl'
: .. -

--- ..' -... __.... -._.-


what the way l2. by which we can

praise ls our Lord 1
fAtl 1.. RTfqor15 33h:r16 The adepts l4• the strivers 1s and the yon qoa l4• »ffS))fTR1'5 llG ~.. p l 7
cjf0 17 f3Q.18 cfu.r19 (') thirtythrcc" millions 17 of gods, can ~~ wf\IS ~ J{5" '§' ~ <!ttB,J HT=t B1
tlol~20 II find JO not even a seasame l8 of the cm't t.{T R~20 I
Lord's worth IS.
S(Jwfuo121 R'OCMt:!22 Neither Brahma21 • nor22 Sanak nor the (')T ~~ I, (')T tit ROCru llG (')T \Il BF.r01(Jf23

~23 ~24 ~25 (') serpent king23 know 2' the limit2S ~R tftl)ff fi:risi24 ~ €hrci 2S ~ ~2' \In I
tfT€26 II of His praises24 .
l)f~27 0Tfu(?28 om The Unseizable Lord2? can be ))f1JCl3 tff27 ~ cml" ilT ~ ~
wfi tlfo29
30 Ra mu§-
seized not although. He is fully2t €tJ H'fa))fT3O ))f"-ecJ l!CI1 ~t2t OH four 31 ~ I
RW€31 II contained 31 amogst a1l 3O•
~~33 tlf~
They. whose noose 32 the mercifuPs
Master has cut offH • those M ~3'~;
ft:rot t:!l 6'U1J2 fH\JaSTC5'u
€tJM t[CJB (jJ:r ~ fffircJoJ7
HICrcr ~ ~
;::ro35 ~36 901337 II persons3S are attached 36 to His ~~3'\JO I
meditation37 •
ufo 010 '(')TOOf rnn They. who meet with God and ii ~~ >d R nrocr ~ ill 0T5 fim
tlOf~- ~ fu3 39 ~o'- Guru Nanak. are ever'2 emancipated41 tJTe \JO, ~\I ~3' ))f3 ~ ~ tit
R~2 ljri4 1 II t: II here 39 and hereafter'°. H~I \JO I

tl~ t;! 13 G43 't:!T3TQ I, the mumper's. have sought·· the w' ~ ~ IDfPtP ~ IDf1G JI))fJHl tft
tlra@.... ~~5 fuor refuge46 of Lord, the Donor'J ~mft44~ I
~611 - - of the donors.
fHB"7 BTQ48
;:{u '5for
R3' ac;49
Bless.7 Thou me with the bounty48
of the dust" of the saints' feet.
~ - .
• AA RTQl)fi ~ W tft ~, tft ~
Sl:fJt', ffIR ~ 0'iS H'ar ~ Ji" f~so
300'52 11 attached to which I shall crossS2 the Rwa RI{~I ~ \JlO ~ ~J I
dreadfulso world ocean51 •
faofu53 ~ Irs' it pleases Thee. 0 Lords7,
l)fijt;!Ifi:i54 1JO'Y55 ~56 hearkenss Thou to my prayerSJ and
OTc!o57 ~58 II supplications4•
~y59 t:!og60 Hf~l My mind's'l yearning62 is that thou Ha feo" tft ~2 ~ fQ ~~ ~
~62 ~f363 ~ mayest bless5' me with Thy vision". ~ ~S, qij', ~ ~ I Hal fu\J
H'Q64 6Jdl~65 II o Lord; this soul'4 of mine l)fT3H'I'" 3a f~ ~ fal ~ ~ I
abidesos in Thine meditation'3.
~67 The Name's lamp" is kindled" in .
»fl3HQ ~61 ~ »jt:cf" CSTH ~ ~"7 tfaI

))(1JToe S ).ffu69 R9 the midst" of spiritual darkness". ful)(l'63 I re-or O'H' ~ ~73 ors ~ijaJ71
mg 7l ~ol72 fuor All70 thcl men of the Darkage71 arc ~ a
RT 10
ti~ Hl:fB72 ci ~ <JO I
(')T).f l:fOH73 II saved72 with the aid7J of the
One Nanle.
... - ROTB'75 ma 76 The Guru-God so• slave" Nanak has iJ1~-~. aiiS''' oroor Sll)fT}{t71 tftl)ft
~a77 Hfij'78 itQ79 become manifest7• in71 aU7S the wall)ff75 \{allJff77 1Ji~78 I.{fRtl7• lit farl)fT ~ I
oraa' ~ ~ij'}f80 II worlds" of the Lord".
R~ J{t ij1:fiJT~ Swayas uttered in penon by the Sire ~ 'iwaf8~ ~ ~~ al3 ci~ HUla",
~B'T~ 5th Guru u";:r~ \lTf3Wtit I

Cl ij Rf3'ara
- uwfe
.. It There is but One God. By the True ~,~ eRg feel ~ I ~ artJf tft ~re>lfT
Guru's grace. is He obtained. ~'l'fTOT, ~<::r \lTrel)fT ~ 3 I
a'TtJl81 ~u82 Hu83 Perishable81 is my bodyl2 and'· still O'Rf~' 3 Hol qfrel)jflZ l)j384 re<J fGO' ~

'Gfo 84 t:titJ1 85 J1086 it is bounda to wordly love". I am RR'Tal HH3,e3 0'H mallS ~ ~ I H· IlCN e6
i8a87 C!tI1'W 8 foolish 86 " stone-hearted·7, filthy" and 1.l1rcr_ft:587 ai~,el >lf3 SRHS8' <Jt I

ClfOJ»{Tol89 II unwisei'.
qr~90 '9).(391 0ij'092 My mind wanders90 and wabbles" HOT HO !JaHBT90 3 !JCQl~T9I ~ >!i3 lliRfaa'z
otil \JT~3 \JT~uH93 and is beld'2 not. It knows not the our ctt!T I f~ JiHil Rrf<JS'3 t!l t!F.[T94 ~
ott arf394 otit ;:Pol II state'. oj[ Supreme Lord'3. ~T otit' I
;'t;{o85 eJU96 ~y97 I am intoxicated" with the wine'l of H· i!>lfrol'5. flt!03''' .1'Ji3 Htg-fHml" t!1
J-re98 ).f~9 ftro"cra 1oo youth'5, beauty" and riches'7 and acrra" 0'H ~iS' cifu>!i r cifu>lf1" u T >!i3
feora2 mj3 wander about I0lI1 perplexed2 in great 3 sra3 <iorra" lJit!a f~>lfTC!S2 cif~1)fT f6at!TIOO
".,[9J-fTol4 II ego·. uT I
trcJ5 qo6 l«J l)f~7 Another's5 wealth6 and anotber's ciaR5 tft -es3' >!i3 ~OR ~ sij;j7. f~R3a18
7 l 3 'lOla'sliml'; re<J Ha Ho l2 ~ tHoll)it 'O 3
orfa8 fcfet9 liJij' wrangliJllgs , wo,men and slander'.
>.ftol 10 ttP1i12 wru these arc: sweet lel and dear l3 unto my fUl)irall)ff'3 uo I
r~316113 II mind l2 .
ag~hJ14 ~U15 0103 I make efforts" to conceal' 5 my It ~ 6rn-6aarl • ~ liOlT~~u ~~1
f}~16 ih8 17 R03 frauds I.,. but, my Master, the Inner ~uar-816 cret!"' ut, t.[~ >it!osll){f ~o<Jlol8,
is knower ll!, sees l7 and hears all. HoT WgQf. RraT~ ~17 >!i3 J!~t!T ~ I
... ))(3CJW).f118 II -
'QOH20 ~21
orfR23 ))frfuq
I posse liS not2:1 humility l9 faith 20•
compassionzi and piety22, but, I have
Ha tr-H
mH3T19 •
O(:WZ3 , 18
~lHTOzO ' af<JH z1
H· 301 ~TaJ3'z.

- :!
ROfo24 iit»f25 c} sought Thy re fuge 2., 0 the Giver26 R!J T51 ~. U q,<Jrol ttNo 25 SJ;f~26 I
~ol26 \I of spirituallife2!;.
............................................................+•••••+••••• +•••• +~ ...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . ------------._--

OllO<!27 qo<!28 RHOa29 God, the Lord!' of wealth 30, is u?)-~8330 ~T ,!lli'HV' ~Tf<.JOl~, <10 fi;~
30fRalo031 01fl:f32 Omnipotent29 to do 28 everything27 , ch-r 27 aO'028 ~ Roe g~3l~r'029~, oj

c;~ oroor ~ o the

Master J3
of Nanak, now 'OT'Oer , ~ H1F5~33! »1TlI<!l fH<.Jo ~»fToT
- ~ .
IJ>}fTHlJ3 11911 save Thou him in Thy mercy. <1C! ~R ~l a-ftflliT 2 ao I ~
0l1af3'32* Ciao Roo33 * To praise Ja God, the souP"-charmer35 fB~34 ?;• tJoT€k<J'015
- - ,
~T ;:fR 10-~
34HoHVo35 tlV(')36 and to seek His refuge 33 ; tbe~e are aO?iT32* »1'3 ~ ~lU?i'<.J33* 5C!1; f~ m~ I'.
tfTU f~tTao38 0l€?39 JI potent t0 39 dis peP' and destroy3' ~ O1m-r5 37 ~03' '3 'ORc3' ern'O 8~13t
~ - one's sins 37 . RHo"f <10 I
~ vfo 3'To0 40 3i37>41 In evay way"J AII-powerful.. 2 God <10 3iji..3 lot
Roe-F.r0r3l~To"2 ~Tf<.JiJTcr
)).ITl!<! ~ -.'
~ Rtfacr 42
FJ~ f~fo43 is a shi p 41 for H crossing" o the world aJ8 ~ RFPo mi~o 3~ U'O 0100.. 5t'1" f~~ ~ 7 0

~ ~8u44 R~i145 ~uTao46 ocean and He can emancipate46 the ;:I<.JT;:l V lli'3 ~R ~lllit R'Cll",i" s ~gi"" ~ l
-~. R@47 II entin:" s lin~ageH of His slave. H~A"6 010 R~tT ~ I ~

~ ftif3 Bf349
>}fB3s0 o my headles!>so soul 48 , realising" ~ Hal oNl'5 S0 f;:l~1~8! RTU' RClJ3 l)f~Cl ~
~ ti rf?)51 R3ROlf3 the Lord
in the saints' society, ,!lliTHl ~ lliq:3~S' 010, ~ ~R ~T fRHoo" 9 i
i 9'oHS2 >;{-a0 Hfu§53 contemplate 49 thou Him. Wh y54 010 I R;:?<.J 52 ~ ~-as, ~1 tS0I1 S3 ;joel 3 ~
; 0l3~4 d€?S5 II wanderest SS thou beguiled S1 by the fq~ 54 3C~e'lSS fGa~l ~~ ? •(
~ - darkness s6 of doubt D2 7

~ Ho357 Ufals8 Meditate 61 thou on God, even for a ~ fE'~ H<.J3 51 l;fU H~J358 fFcil BHs9 l;f'3
=- -, -' '" ~
~ UC2:60 fRHoo61
moment 51 , half a moment58 , an fi;~ fso 3060 8E'1 3i ~TfuO!~ ~T l)fTa rUo 61 ~

()Tl-f OROT63 instantS9 and trice 60 and, with'" thy 010 l;i'3 l;fTlI<!l f;:I<.J3T63 0 15 64 I1lli TH162 ~
oTH ~ ~'3To65
• B~65 II tongue 63 , utter 65 thou the Lord'!>'2
Name. i.
~5~66 OlTt]67 »f'gU68 Bound 70 with the worthless 66 deeds 67 fo~H66 ~Ht67 lli'3 foH'::l'! ~1 ~A1';fl69 oT8 t
B.Cf 69 so070 ~fc71 and momentr y 68 pleasures 69 , why72 55 70 a, ~ for~'72 3q81~7S l)f"eo Q~~i71 <.J1 ~
ti3l-f OI'CJT72 'Il:f73 wanderest 74
thou amidst pain 73
in ;:IoHt »feo ~eTH ~ I ~

R"J.~i ,,~"" I
mi1lions" of births?

fRl:f T75 83' oTH 9';:J76 o Nanak, by the

sa;."- 5 """. ! ,,1 fR"H3" " ""'
oliOI' CJi)·f7 - 78 ann 7S
instruction , utter
thou the Name ~T ~01To07' QO l;i3 79fe81-fll~'a78;r8eo'I~'
• >}fT3'H n:r~80 a~81 JI
79 and with 80 heart y79 love 7s , ;wu<! l!"'fTH1'7 ~1 fRHoo SI cia , ~
meditate on thy Lord • 77
. ~II

€JBOf82 a3'83 tf3'84 Sowing87 a Iittle 82 sperm!3 in the ~QT 01]l ~lo i1 83 ?i l-/13T ~ Rolo8s t1 ti81 84 1;.~
- ;

·3fo85 foafH3 87 fields" of the mother's bod ys5, the l;i"~ uT8-1]R87 a, ~lliTH1 ?) l;fH8a Ba HoAl ~

'Ia'g~88 "ECJ 89 H~rf090 Lord hast created 90 the priceIes!>88 R~lo89 em f~3190 ~ I - i
human bod y89. ~

,f,;~n; <lr-:l"1r-:l"1R":~Il1I"FiJi1\i Fi\i Fi~i\'>iTi"; ;~iJl'1i Ji Ji JliJi JliJi Ji'l oil~iJi~'l'; r; ;iJi jliJi fliflijliJi Ji Ji<ji Ji flifl'l'iJi Ji Ji Ji Ji'l'ifliJi Ji JiYiJi Ji Ji Ji+iJi Ji Ji JO'iJi Ji Ji'l'iJi'l'iJi'l' i' I' l'iJiJ
l::fTo91 ~2 ~Q93 To enable him. to enjoy" pleasures'4, ~1I)ft'4 Woe's sm, JII)fIW re(')wo '5
Rl:i94 ~tJ395 R~96 the Lord blesses man with the articles ~IG91 3 ul<! B1l)ff ~R~l)ft ))f3 Ht!a'~
citfc97futlf3'9S ~o199 II of food" and drink92 and mansions"
~l:llJeT ~ >tf3 WR e-1 ub" '5 ea Cla fift!T" -
and wILrds off" his pain" and rids" ))f3 WR el liRla3" ~ Cl~ fe-"eT" ~ I
him of his calamity".
l-fT32 ft(3l3 ~4 The entirel understanding' to
»fCfS suUS ~{!~07 cr1 recognise 7 Z
hi!1 mother , father l ,
s 9
Ri RS lJtn " brothers4 ands the kinsmen', man has
obtained 1o from the Lord.
~atrH'oI2 -a~3 Day by dayll, the mortal is ever l4 ai.J-a-a;::rlJ, l.{tel Re~14 tit ~qeTIZ itT FouT
fB613l{f3f0314 ~15 growing 12 and the dreadful'7 oldage II ~ l){3 f~l)fTOQll7 l!~lPll ~R ~ ~~16 'lorIS
f~R'16 fu'tiH 17 lS
is drawing close" to him. FouT ~ I
tlo1 18
'ij19 20Olotilo21 t!lo22 0" despicablc~2 and 2ovirtueless21 iJl9(')1\:f2l ))f3 2°~0l1-f~'2G21 qo-~832' -e
)-fTf~,23 f~H24 worm 24 of contempJatelS
wealth2J, 14
0I1a , f~or liu3 2' ~a 5~1 3' ~ ))fTui
fRHfa 2S ~l){THl ear thou thy Lord c:ven for a moment2'. R1fuil e T ))flglQ(')l5 ora I
urcft26 II
ag27 OTf~28 a~ o a ce:anl 1 (llf compassion3o, my <J afuH3 35 ~ Rli"eo Jl , fH<Jd'tlTO wa
f~rg29 30f~rfof'Q31 Merciful Master19 , hold 21 Thou HTffiil ! ~ (,)'OCl e u~al7 ~21 ~ »f3
29 T

O'oor (i'fC'J2 ~ijH33 Nanak's hand27 and rid l2 him of the ~ e1 ~~33 ~ ~34 3· ~51Rl32 Ola I

'90134 lIall load 34 of doubt S3 •

a Ho 35
HR36 fSW 37 o my mind's» mouse", living in31 thy iJ Ha ftr3 35 "@ \:fa 36 ! ))fTtRl -eu Bll{~37

<ifu))fT i! <J~J9 ClaBT ~.


Hf~88 OTo~39 (io~o body boJe 37 pridest3'

thou on thyself )){'Ba31 af~:fBT
ar0341 H~:ji'42 ~3 II and does!'" th4: deeds of the great 4Z
))f3 uaH42 HOl:$1'43 ~ti$ ci~ ClOB,41 ~. I
fools 43 •
Ru344 ~~5 j~6 Thou swayest41 with47 the swing" of ~ 1J?H~5344 ~ tiU{34S ~ <15ltJ* (')T5 47
RfaT 47 !183 48 Hrfel)(l49 the cradle4s of riches44 and ~t!l41 ~. »f3 H'5-fi.rmf 49 (')15 H3<iTW50
HOTo50 =
UlUI'oT52 II
'9>-13 51 intoxiclLtedSO
likc! an owlsz.
wealth4', tif~))fl <ifel)fT ~5'l
- •
B1 30u t 9G'0lt!" ~ I

R353 $03'54 RTt1OS5 For thy own pleasureS', thou art »fltSGl fOil ~1 ljB15'~, ~ ))fTt«! 1!~53,
~56 suuS, 3rS8 involved with thine sons 53, wife 54, 1SC:'i154 fi.r30 t55 nf3 RC:'i~lJ1l)ji57 0 15 l:ltr3
fA~59 H~60 afu§61 friends 55 and kinsmen 57 and thy <ife'lll ciful){T ~ ))f3 ~t51 (')'55, 3aT
~62 USo' II love'o for 5' them 58 immensely61 fU))f'O'° <1a att <11 ~<!3'2 f;::r))fle T ~tH!161
increases" each day. tltB' ~ I
Thou bast sown'4 the seed's of eao", 3 tJ~" t!T al;f5 alftlt)il64 ~ ))f3 fuFJ 3·

- - - -_._-_._---
and from it has sprouted the lli~367 ~T ~"H8" lJ"oJo lli~ ~ ~ ~T
plumule68 of mineness67 and thy lli~mJT70 t/Tl.l72 ClHl~~ful)jt71 Bw~l" ttl'
life70 passes" committing71 ains72• auT ~ I

The catH of death73 with his H373 ~ f~T7" ~ H<J 7S • i~75 ii 3?;
= a

mouth7s• wide-opened7s , is watching76 ~ fo<JT78 ~ I ~78 l::fT~T77 ;jf~l)jT .

ii 3'
thee. Even while takini77 food 78 \:fIf<Ja" ~ <P\lr il:fT'l \11 af<J~T ~ I "
thou rema'inst hungry80 through
fFf)·.ffo81 82(lIt.rT8 83 Says Nanak, in the saints'88 society. Ola
tit l)jTl::R un I
RTlJ Frn'r88 n-f~a 3'= ))fTSH' 2
~re>11Tg84 R3Rorf3 88 remember I I thou the Merciful ~ l.l~Te8J fH<Ja~o W8Cl 84 ~T ftf308 I
(5T oa 11'(fi85 11'T 0 3 86 Master·... the Cherisher83 of the Clo l){'3 RR1 0 85 ~ ck8 f~Cl !!~OT87 \11 ;:rC!8~ I
8:t.r(l)T87 118" universeo 2 and deem" the world 8S to
be just a dream87!
B(J88* (5 ol(J89 (5 &r90 Ndther body88.. nor house", nor Uffi", OT \11 fl.ll)fTCJ90, fuu
0 1 Ralo··, OT \11
0' (513 T91
Hrf~~T92 love'o; these last not for ever". \lHa1,1 8tn o\lr ofu·~ I -e'S342 01'S q[C'4
H3 93
C8 94
T B~ Intoxicated 23 with riches'2, how ;jfel)jT ;jfel)jT, ~ CI~ 3i~t94 ~ ~
OJTOQ95 II 10ng'4 shalt thou take pride's on cJ ClTa's ~~OlT ?

~96 0' t.r3...97 '0 Neither throne and crown", nor 01 3l:f3 3 3ltl", 01 \11 aru1 l.lo~T~97, 01
tJ~o58 0' tJT~a99 royal warrants'7, nor fly-brushes'8 \IT ~a'8 3 ~t ~ !l.8T~ ~TB99 amID I
tJT3 100 fo-e 2 and their waveres" shall stay. Thou ~ l)fTl.l~ H02 f~'e flflliT83 o\ll~ Cla~T fc;r
'0 faBTo~3 II thinkest 3 Dot in thy mind 2, that thy 301 ~Ha ~~1 ilT oul lOO ~ I
life is passing off 1oo•
Neither chariots4 nor horses s,
otr '0 )o>fJ=t 5 0'
. or;:I6 0 1 or~1l)jj4, OT \11 tiS 5,
\lT~16 l)j3 F./TUl

fFfUJTR(')7 f'5(58 Hf~ elephants6 and royal throne 7 shall 7

3l:f3 ))fRfl:ffi af<1C!aJ I reCl 'iu~ f~' ~qt
f3»fT(JJ3 10 otaT 12 remain stable. Lea.. ing 'O them off, in' ~ ii~ ~IO ~ C'iOl-tJ;301 12 ~o ~S~'ffiTIJ I olio
fRQ Tay 13 II a moment8, thou shalt gol3 all- ~

~014 '0 ~oJ5 (') H'lo 16

naked l2 •
Neither warrior ' ''' nor hero ls , nor OT ~QTI", OT \11 J!OHTU, 01 <11 l.lTf3ar\l16 ..
l;fTOH 17 Rfor 18
() king" and duke l7 ; none of these is
seen20 with l8 the eyes" going along
l)f3 0~1eI7; feqt f~~
~t ~re))fT ))(l:W 1
, ntir
cre1 91
f~~20 I
3a org1' I!
~Ta~20 II
~c21 i B'c22 ()
with thee.
Neither fortress?·, nor treasures 2J can 01 f~21, 01 \lTl.lOTU ))fmJT022, ?)T \11 :tf;:P~2J I
~~ ,.. RFI ~ ~ ~.IJlI ~..IJlI.1JlI.1JlI.1JlI.1JlI.".,..~.~."'."'.IIIll.lIlll.~.~.~.'"'.'"'-JlAI."' .
••••• +.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.+++++++++~+~++~l

o ~cr24 Cl0325 emancipate24 thee. Committing2S 3~ SB-lffiTR2" aQ1 RCI~ <10 I l.JTtlU C1HT2s ~
f~r026 ~€127 Of0 28 sins 26 , thou shalt depart wiping otf2' 3 ))jTtl~ B~27 ti't:r2' 5';$ ;ilt ~o ~ii·ijJT I
Slo~29 II both27 thine ha:nds 2'. It.
fH~30 0 Y:t
31 Offfit32 The intimate30, sons3'. wife 32 , fB51-BR3 30, 8~J1, ~tIc112, {ij'ro 3J l)f3 ~
w;:J(I)3J RCf34 ~gc3J5 friends~13 and mates J4 stand not RTt:r13" 30T t.l~ 0u1~ ~ I ~ ~l:f]6 -el si3 7 ~
tJT3' faoCf 36
erl by thc:e. They change 3S like the -e1 H'*-e ii~ ;:ri~:iS <10 I ~
· 5TO~37 II shade37 of the tree 36• .

~lo38 ~trrTB39 yol::f 40 The OOlnipotent"o and Rd't:r-f.r0l31~'o"° ))j3 Roii-f~))j'tl;;r42 F{l'}flH14I ~~
1l~41 llo(l)42 feo fs0 43 Omniptesent..2 Lord'" is merciful 3' HRCllo,3' ~
fH<:Ioii'03' ~ I <:10 Ii<:l-3..3 ~ ~
fffi·ra-i44 ))fOTH45 to th,e meek". Every moment43 ))j'tlC!1 lfol"B 3· 1.Ja 45 n-13 ii~346 ~Tf<JO.!~ -e'
)}jtfTo~46 II dwell.... thou upon thy Inaccessible"l1 3MO Olo.... I
and Infinite 46 God.
47Rl11f348 ~49 o my IlIustriouss2 God, the Lord'" cJ 5l:ff.rH1..7 ~ J;!))j'H1 4' ))j3 R'fa))jT '@
Rof~sO oToer ;:1051 of La:{hshmi":' and the Master'" HT5C1 4' ! Ha 0l1a31Wo S2 ~fuO.!~ (jiBS I 0'001'
if gor~352 f~1l,53 of all,. slaves I
Nanak has sought ~ 301 1.JoT<Jso Bit 0 I ))j'tR1 fi.l<Ja53 tllo

· Offa J4 3'0~55 IIL1IJ Thy Showerings" Thine

:refugeso. ;is.. ~ tIe ~R -e1 a-fl:f))jT cross I
4t -
benedic:tions3, now save liS Thou him.
11.1'0'6 Wo'7 \:!lo'. Risking his IifeslI, selling his ))jTlR1 WO S6 <:1m, R~-fui.l357 ~e, -e'o- ~
Har59 ul~61 self-reslpectS7 , receiving6" alms s6, 1£0 5• 5 5 ;i'" o'<1TS ' f~"B ~,;i HTd 60 ))j3 ~

: '3l~62
63 ~ -e- ~64 committing60 highwayS' robberies
and embracing hearty62 love 61 , the
62fe81-ftl))j'Cl61 1.JT ;i63, l{Te1 Oo-B53 i
llTaJ65 II f~C(3Cl 0ld't! T65 ~ I ~
mortal amasses'iS riches. ~
The friends", kinsmen 67 , intimates" RoStl167 BR3" 1.J3" l)f3 ~1010, ~
W;:Io6' RoG7 Hl~8 fH3"
R369 ~Vo ~71 sons" and brothers7o ; from72 fFj;'; ll'l'i'" ~ r"" ~ ~ii -i/;' """. ~ I • ~
• ~72 ~ oCfl foCJTa1
73 II them71 he keeps it concealed73•
W?C')74 ur~o75 er076 To obtain7s it,. he runs about7.. and f~H ?> 1.JCJTtl375 OlCJO ffi!l €t<J B3 3117.. l)f3 ~

OfW~o77 f-e~ f~U78 practisc:s77 falsehood76• Doing this- t e76 •-el 0l1:I~1 Cld'BT77 ~ I fuR 3~t78 oroBT i
Ci03 ni~tl79 ~ wise7', he burns" his body'S80 (Jfu))jT, ~ ))jTtI~ ~a1g80 Bl ))jCJii5 T79 ~ ~
81 7
age '. RT3 c;·e,81 ~ I ~

~8i!8187 wfu))jT ~1 ~ ~orB31~

;:ITal "
· erO'H82 UoH 83 R;:IH 84 In the association" of mercurial'7 RaG 8' ))j"to,
~-e85 3W 86 -e-e~87 mammon, he abandons" virtuous' 3 )){H5T12 , R~-tJt:r3"', tlf~03185, t1'oHOf.
~To191 /I
ROTH89 fafq 90 deeds'!. self-control....
religious vows" and all89 other good
piety8S, l{~16 ~

fu'"," ~
(Jo FP~·' ~hii H!oari90 ~ f3lli'OT
The allimals92, birds93, trees'" and ~aro'2, 1.JfO"-,§'3, -eal:f3'''))j3 1.J<JT;$'S ,.jf(j

----_._--------- .. _._-_...__.-

9T01 2 II a various" ways'7.

fl:f"Q3 lJ~· ~RT5 O'l:f E~en for an instant3• a trice 4 and fuOl' '!<E3, 8? llf3 fso S 90 8~1~, ~
'O~l fm-rfa~ -el(')T7 a moments. he remembers' not the H'R0l'1nt7 -e HTB"C11 ))13 RJftJ12 fFlRc1 13 ~
oTeS 9wouf3 10 N arne of God. the Master' of the ~-;:rro' ~ IllliTH1 'o ~Tfi:J~ -e oTH t:!" f

jRTCl l2 II .. meek 7 and the Lord 1o of life' of t)fT(J'QO' nul· Cld'~T I

the whole l2 world.
! ol:fT 13 tlTO I4 Hlo15 But. the articles of food'3 and drink'4
savoury I' dishes l7
t[q, l:(f(!IJ 3 lile '" -e 1.lwcre lJf3

=aR 16 ~;:ro17 ".f3 18 and the sweet'S Illli~gl6 l:fTi 17, ))Il:(la '8 ~81' C13~20

! crl aro '53 Of3

19 20 become altogther20 bitterZ' at the cti ti ;:rt~21 un I

i l:fTal II
21 last 18 moment".
10r00f R3 ~a'022 Rf(JJ23 Nanak. One is saved 24 in the society2J 0l00l' l£C!1 t:!" R~ ~ tiat22 B1 ~iI323
~qij2. ~fa Hrfel')iT25 of the saints' feet. Others who are ~BCJ lJTa ~3lCJT cit:!"24 ~ I tia ii Qo-~832S
HOT'026 ~B27 Rfg29 intoxicated2' with wealth2S have to oTB" ~Tg <i~ \i€26 uo, ~ ~ tJa glt
wa128 II Ell quit 27 leaving28 behmd everything 29 • a
~ ~'B 21 <::a il'C!T27 trBT ~ I

a~rf-ecr30 f~ ie-31 Brabma and his likes 30• Shiva, the t:pw lJf3 ~R ~o1JD fu~l, ~~31 ))13

>folga aRfor aRfor

32 33 34 Vedas31 and the silent sages32 sing l:(lHR fcRl 32 11 t)fIB 33 1)13 flJl)IT(J34 oTB" llt)fT}{l
I o'~a ([035 OJT~ II the Lord's praises3s with relish J3 and
Bl fR:G3 35 aTTf'eO Ola~ un I

•t. fiB Hfc{-e 36 ii;:ra37 Jndra. Vishnu" and Gorakh, who f~~o, f~f.1236 lli3 ar~,;t C1-e QCJ3138 3
ijjo~ -uaf~38 arcno39

sometimes land on earth 38 and 4'
40 l)jT~"D uo t)f3"1 cR t)fTQlTR J9 ~ tJ~ ilt-e 42

l)fT~o IDo 41 sometimes g042 to heaven39, uo, lliTtli Rt)fT}{l ?; "ij;:re 918-e 37 uo I
- =
tl~211 search and seek 37 their Lord.
~ fRU43 HQl:t ~~44 The perfect persons43 , men, gods44 t£Oo \!OR 43 • lli~ ~~44 llf345 ~·346 ~R

»q42 'eT~6 fe~ and4s demons 4' can find not even ~41 j~' . f'eel
ii el"irt!47 W3
- . '91 oi:W lJT

f3~7 3T ~48 l-fOl:!49 a sesame47 of His 48 mystery4'. Rcre 1

oU~ II
fUl')i50U9'51 tftf352 God's slav e s6 , who is imbued with clEl B' ar8TS6 , iit)f T1.l<! 8 1iffisO O''!oSI ~
qH53 oR
54 9'a.3155 the loveS2 and affectionS3 of his fLl»fTCJ5l 3 flJatJ;31 5J lJf3 ~R ~ fRHo0 55 -e
\)fa ;:ro56 3T ~57 lovableso Lordsl and the relish S4 IlI)jT,=?54 0'8 iifgrl)lT \if~t)fT ~, ~R -e S7
of His meditationss • merger S9 in BOf.1oS8 »{Ba 810 \i ilTBT5' ~ I
-eafR58 RHT~359 II
Hiss7 visionS8 .


0 68 my silly7D soul69 , contemplate7' ~6I Hal liOl::f70 f;:t~='ffi6' ! ~ ~ )){fO'H-

thou thy Peace-Giving72 Lord. ~<JTo72 S!))i'Hl ~ »fTaTUo ora71 I aJ5T73
Slave73 Nanak instructs74 thee o!Oor 3~ f~R '3C!l fRw.r3 ftf~74 3I
The pleasure71, of worldly valuables7s FjJ:l'cl trefOW 7S ~1 ~176 ~~ ~~ ';1i~1'7 3 I
fades off 77 • Through doubt78, the R~<J78 ~ ol'<Jl', ttT'!l RRfOl HH3T7 ' ~
mortal falls 82 into dark 81 well8D of ))i3a
f~~ f&l'd1 ih~182 ~ I
worldly love".
He prides84 so much83 , that he can ~ ~0,'3 <J~la orae,84 ~ f~ ~<J »fRHT(')85
be contained!'6 not even in the sky8s. f~ 91 fH~'86 0'11' R~BT I ~R ~J tlc'o
His be lly9D is filled" with ordure87 , 17
mt!OT1 , ;j~1))it88 ))i'3 ~lf=l)fi89 o's
bones"8 and worms 89 . ua!'!Oo91 ij I
For the sake: of great 9S poison96 , he UOH 95 'itf<JO" ~ S~97. ~ ~Rl"92 U'R't9J
runs 94 in ten92 dil eetions93 , Ba-e 194 3, \looi" ~ B53" ~R~IIOO ~ »f'3
>J.i'a ii,. I1RH~V §R ..
- i; 3t1'<J ora ~ef3 ~ I
ultimately destroyed 3 by ignorance 2•
His youth 4 passes awayS, the ~R Bl ~I)jTo14 Ol'ito wBls~, 1!-elt6 Bl
ailment' of 0!id-age 6 seizes 8 him, the t11H Tal' ~R fj tlera' B"Bl'~. H3'~' ~31O
Death's9 myrmidon lo punishes 12 him ~R fj ffilT fB"B1 12 ~ »f3 ~<J HBl H'3 IJ HO
and h4: dies l " an ignoble death l3 • ';:tlBI 1.. ~ I
He su.ffc:rs agonyl7 in the he1ll 8 of
~<J \.U?;oll)ft IS t!ol))it 16 ~ ';:tQm ll )){Bo
manylS existences l6 and putrefies2] 17 ~aJ~" ~ l)f'3 H3 ~ t!,3 Bl 3 T3O'20
in the pit 22 of the pain 21 of censurc 20 Bl ul;sll ~ i~22 ,,;-ea d1S R;J tfTBl 23 ~ I
of the death's minister.
o Namak, they 26 alone, whom the Q oTO~ ! ~t 2
fH<Ja tl'CJ &27 RTf! f~;:r21
saint mercifuI:l y 27 makes 29 his own 21 , ~ S<!l g·~T29~. a~s €[?i t2' ~T <Jlll.~ ~1
ferry across 25 through the Lord's fUl){ral-@u'HoT24 aliJr ura @31(JT :'JB1 2 5 ~ I ...

- - lao

H~ ~,,';,;" '>13
I am blessed with all" virtues'o, all ".al""" tol",;", ".,,1""
boons!2 and my mind's desires 33 and f\33-~T<J(')t3.3 UCJ l U3 5 or~l))it <Jo lli'3 Hall)fl to:>
hopes~'s too been fulfilled]4. ~HBt35 91l;!oll)ft34 5 orell)fi '10 I

--- --_._-_._---

2 clor'3 i~ i eradicate44 a1152 ailments4J and it ~lreCl'5 ~ ~ til3 40 ~ ~l ~j39 0'.6'
~eCfTa145 II wholly39 removes41 the pain44• ao f~t!r41 ~ !
QlTH 46 ~Q47 ~8 Uttering52 the Lord's Name, lust46 • Il))PH1;? 'OTH B' ~~Ta'052 aoo ~l)fTOT,
H3RCJ49 f~R()T50 wrath47, eg048, jealousy 43 and f~~, aIRT'7, cJCil10 48 ~T49 »!3
fu?ifA'51 wf~ rna cravinglO are eradicated51 • );fTfugSO 01R ii we51 <JO I
0TJi ~~152 1\
feA olo 53 t:!T(')54 The enshrining60 of the Lord's lotus 'it ;? ~if5 liaiS8 w Ho5' ""'~a fcCilT~(!T60
3rtro55 gftJ56 feet 58 in the mind 59 bestows the Hi«'553 • 1fo-~To54, 3ll-fRl)fT55, UW3Ci3T56
ferfo))iT57 ~a~58 merit of ablution53• charity54. l)f3 -em »!H5i57 ~T G5 UO~TO 'CilO~' ~ I
cr~ fucR 59 ..
1..& penance55 • piety&6 and good actions57•
RTiJo 61 )-f'tJ62 m:r,63 The Lord God is my friend el • Ill)fTHl ~ ~ ~R3'I, m~2, RTlit'J >li3
Wo ir1:1tr64 intimate62 • mate 63 and kinsman", Ro~t1164 ~ I ~ Holl){T3HT65 ~l ~iJTCil" l){3

~ \is He is the sustenance" of my SOUl65 Hal ftf~_;::ro67 ~ l)fTRCJT'8 ~ !

»ftlTal II and the mainstay'8 of my
vital-breath 67 •
§c69 arul73 J:!))iT}{1 I have sought73 the protection" of H' ROa-J:TCil'31~T'070 ~ ~l
tJOTu" ~7J ~ I ~
- ~
RHo~70 ()Toer t!TF{71 the Omnipoten170 Lord. SIave71 arB'l71 'OT(')cl ~R ~3· uHJ:TT74 ul tii5177 ~
tflffilTcft72 II

crfc§76 (')
iJ'3 t{H oR7S tJOo79
Nanak is ever 74 a sacrifice72 unto
Whosoever enjoys the relish78 of the
association80 of the 10ve77 of the
~~' ~.
if cn!1 ~ ~ Cl~
t.P377 ~ 1ll)fTt!78 ~~~; ~u J:TR3CJT75
.", .. J
uar ~I RaJ'3 ~I ~
crHH tiforSO II Lord's lotus fcet 79 he can be cut79 '0'5 ~l){' ~fCill)fT76 out ;:IT RCl~ I
not with weapons75•
~081 irfw82 (') He, whose mind is pierced83 in the fuR ~T fu3 R¥f ~ ~ @ CJTU85 ~
tr'3 faij83 H(') t!oF{84 W ay85 of the Lord's vision 84•
can be fii'ol){T8J
far»!T ~ i @U
if"'JlB I 0T5 ~fol)fT'2
bound not with the rope8l. out H'" RCil~ I
HfOl85 II
~86 ma§87 (') Fire&6 can bum87 not him, who is
attached90 to the dust89 of the feet
~ @R
- 7i
ti38 ;? aai
. RT3'7
our R~1, ~
~ ~

iJT3 afu~ ;:roSS 0'5 t!f3l)fT iirel){T90

1:1fa89 mar90 II of the Lord's slave89• :ll

61 291 (') RrerfR92 The water9' canu drown'4 not him.. U'<!t91
7i ;ja94 out' R~T92
ftm@ a09S

~f094 tJ:;;+··;~;··::::+::::5+g·:r:::+::··t::··~::':+·::::~:::::::.::~+d··++··l
tf'EJ93ufar95 II pathU .
-96 -97 .
0 16"0( craY ~l::f Nanak, with the arrow 2 of the Oloa RIliTH1 ~ oTH ~ 31a2 Olg slwa'l){t"
»{u.r98 H~99 fue lOO Lord's Name. ailments", ~so'~ -UTtl98 l){"3 HRral HH3'T" f~"oll)1;
~fo OTH l::ffar2 119.11 blemishes97 • sins91 and wordly love" ~tt!ll){t'oo;]o I •
9.011 are pierced through lOO •
~~li3 orfo wat 4 Men are elilgaged4 in making ~~ Sqf3l){tS 301fal){t6 otS ~TH3 ag·o
~5 ~J'T316 f~~7 efforts3 in manYS waYi 6 • They k~ t:!~ ii~4 <:10 I~;] fj:l)\t 12 aTJBa t t!l
»{foor8 FTTR3' ~lO greatly" refle(:t upon7 the various8 lli?lOli l
uf<J~l)fT ~ urc!al lD
~l~Ta aa~7
l::J~>')ofT12 I I " aspectll of the llix 12 Shashtras. <JO I
9RH 13 'gdfTfu14 Besmeiilfing l4 their body with ashes tJ , l){Ttlel -e<l ~ Jil){T<JT3 H'3 &'4, ~l ~r(j'l)ff

3loEf 15 a~ 9l.f3 16 some wander" at various 8 pilgrim ~T-l){R~'OtIS 3 a~o cra~IO <lo, 0l~1

B:l::f}-f17 ~~i8 ~qf~19 stations lS , some make their body" )tfl\.R1 aTf~t" ~ tl3ffi 3 ~i(l?l17 aa -g'~
~~ ;:r~~T20 II thin lc:an l7 and some bind 19 their <:10 l){"3 ~l l'l1 1 uf<!l){t ~rW ~ ~~ &19
hair into many matted 10cks20• i(~31l){t iJCT20 i(eT -g'-e <Jo I

faQ ~fu 9M2 I Without the Lord's meditation 21 lil){TH1 ~ fRH60 21 ~ wi·, <:rcJ tfeT22 H~l
ROlB"22 ~ t.IT~323 everyo:ne 22 suffers 2J pain like24 the t!1 ~i24 fl1l){T(j'2S oTg 3~t27 W Wl?28

f;:r~24 l{H 25 awf-e 26 spider, which with lovc 2s increases 26 ?1ll~e26 itt scm16 §W~'t!T23 ~ I

H3'27 ~ uc>].fT28 II
30 ~331
her web28
of ya1ll27 •
Some perform worship 29, inscribe 31
religiolUs marks 30 on their body, cook
Olm ~UTffi')T29 or(j'~ <]0 l){T\.Rl, ~<J
f~~10 ~aa-e31 <:10,
Il'fTtleT ~;:ro32
Wf3 l:Pcf~35 orfo their ownu food and make 35 Ual~·~ <]0 l){"3 l){?lortu 301fal)1j34 Olg

'EJC l'liT36 11:<II 9. 9.11 :< 0 II ostentlLtions 36 :in various 33 ways34. l){;%aa36 a-e-e <:1o u I

= R~le Sawayas R~re

H~H UfuH ~ 9. about the 1st Guru ufugl utfaaru11:f3l){ l?Cl

9. (? Rf3OjO ..
UFJTf~ II There is but One God.
Guru's grace, is He obtained.
By the True ~f<rnlq, a~g f~ ~ I R~
~l){laT, ~<J uTfel){T ;:rt!T ~ I
orat ~l ~f~1l'fT

fua' Hfo llol3 37 Single mindedly contemplate 38 thou fecr fB3 oTg il){R1Rt 39 -ee<J~o l){l'tl'i

fq»fTfu38 39aot!T3r4011 thy JLord 37, the Bestower 40 of J;!l){THl 37 w fRH00 38 ag ~<J RTl!1)iT ~T

R3 ~41 Rt!T blessfngs3' . He is the Supportlll of l){TROT41 1)\"3 <JHST <:11 l{3tl 42 ~ I

fafl::f>'>-fT3T42 II the saints and :is ever manifest42•

3lB:43 ~d044 8'45 Grasping45 His4) feet44 I enshrine47 fut43
-e 13aJ44 ?i U~45 H' ~ot?i
~,- u •
~46 a~~47 II them in my mind46• ~6 ~ f~·t!T47 <JT I

"--- -_._-_...__..
r~",·,,···"""""'44"""''''''~.'''''.+'''''''''''''''.''4PA .•_
. ..... t • . . . . . .
~3~48 ucn.f49 qrq oToor Then'" sing I the praises of the 3t!..3 W~1(').' ~3J¥l=re i!li <Wier ~I)IT
01050 ClTT~~ uclil most·' exalted Guru Nanak. f~TSO orfet') O/'a~T <:IT I
• ClTT?~
llcU-f 0TCf
I sing the praise
of the most H' }:fF.JlSI
-e RH"t?052
UTl.lSJ (')~ ~<:ITQ54
B~51 RTClT0 52 ~035J sublime Guru, the oceanS2 of blisssl , 1)13 J!I)IT)..f1 -e (')T}f5S -e 'eRl=is" ~T() JlRc
fO~TO~54 RaB55 the destroyer of ~in53 and the
ll4 OloT ~T Hf<:lHT »fTBT~T <JT I
Ra 56 " fountainS' of the Lord's Namess .
. OlT~fu cfrgla 52 lJ1060 Yea, of Him, sing the pwfound 57, the aT'~"~ <:1(') ~ ~ RttW \!OR57, tilo;:r~
HB61 RTOl062 iiOll sober'o and the lupreme1y62 wise 6l
, 1)13 l1Ol-I'2 I)Icm ~8" ttm l>f3 0H3 l1rg,u
tlOlH63 fOl)fTQ64 lJa I' The Yogis and the wandering 9T ~ ~T fti3(,) Ci/'O~ <:1(') I
saints 63 also reflect upon'" him.
ClTT~f"U fiBTfB 9CJT3 65 Indra and the like and the saints'5 re~ l)fTRa 1)13 1{ftmt~ ~a1 R3'5 ii
ufuHTfeor" l)iT3H66 like Prahlad. who realise" the ~<:ITol" ~F.Jl67 ~ »fQ~ ~68 <:10, CI1i
oi:!67 ft=lfo ttTf~68 II spiritual" bliss", sing the praise oToa ~T aT031 ~ (JTrft!'o 01 o~ <:1(') I
of G uro Nanak.
IOIfa69 qH 70lJtlg71 Kal, the poet", sings the sublime70 a~lRo", 018 OJ\! oToOl ~1 tlRe70 HfuHT7I

: a"fT~~ 010 oToqr praise71 of Guru Nanak who enjoys7. (JTTf~o ao~1 ~.. ii Rl1roJ72 3 C!<:ITo1'3 B<:IT
u1l.l f3RL<:I1l>i t: 1)13t: ~(JTe7. <:1(') f
~ cJTB 72 iiCIf J ft:rfo both the temporaF2 and spirituaI73

~ }-fTf~€?74 "~II kingdoms.

~ CllTmu82 "t=I'oOlTf~75 King Janak 7s and the great 77 Yogis of itoOl »flf~017S 1)13 aVa -e 01<:116 ~ ~77 ~or1
11lf<J80 R0l31~r081 a.r~ 0'(')0/' ~l HfiJHT (JITf~o

~ BCllf376 ;:jarlio77 "Ufo the God's way7', siog82 the praise of
79 the OmnipoTent80 Guru 81 Nanak, ao-e 12 <:1('), ii 1ft. -e l)f"-f1i378 078 l.l01,!0079
: oR7s uoo
who is brimfuF' with the Lord's <:10 I
. orHT8J "
11001 ~aa1, P.3, UCJo 83 I)ITft:Ol 1)13 Ho1
ClTT?fu82 * RoorTfB RTlJ Sanak and the like, saints, adeptf>83 c l.loR

fFfUTfeor 83 lim "t=I'olU etc. and th ~ silent sages8• sing82* and fOJ:l1 • Ol~ ol(')a t:1))ft fl163 i (JTT(l"e82 1)13
CJTTmu85 ~886 chant8S the praises of Guru Nanak, l)f5T~8S <:10, f;:qT ~ 1;80117 HTfp'»fT ~

~711 whom mammon, the deceiver 87 , can o<:lT' 1101t:186 I

deceive8' not.
(JJT~ Ol~
'OJ:! l)ic888 Dhoma, the saint, immovable" is R3 tiH, I)If<:la 88 ~ f;:u:r ~1 ':f01", a.r~ 0 100/'
>h"H~89 9C1Tf39J wh"lse realm", sings the praise of ~T itl1 aT'f~o 010~ ~,ii l.l.~ -e fRHoo 90 ~

9yfu92 0 B t:lTf~9J II Guru Nanak, who realises 93 the love" l{H'· 3 1l1)l~'2 ~ »fC29~ 010~'3 uo ,
and relish'2 of the Lord's

qfu ora B:"t=I''1 (JJ~~ KaJ, the poet, sings the subiime Ol~lRo, a8 i!lq, <Wier ~l tlRe HfuHT (JTTfet')

OJO oToor OTt.! ii01 praise of Guru Nanak, who enjoys Ci/'O~T ~, R RI1 Tol 1)13 ~<:IToT BuT t:T
of the
.","'."'' '".

and spiritual 1JTf3F.1T'f1l)fi -e T l)f*-e yare '10 I

OTT~f~ orftffiTfB »fTfi!94 Of him sing K:lpil and the sublime'5 fult ii OI~'~ uo Qltrn ~a1 ~ flaG95
~a1B:095 »fu€Jua 96 Yogis of his kind'4, Yea, of him who iior1 l)flfeor'4 I ~ ii a~396 Iil)fTHT ~
»f~o97 ~98 II is the sublime'8 incarnation97 of the 'lRc" »j~Ta'7 uo I
Infinite" Lord,
CJTT~ 'lHBarfo Sings his Divine" praise Parasram, ilHeaJ3 e T t8 - tIORCPH ftm ~ u"1:I
~ . i1OO 'eT

tIOROtHB:0 99 ora I00 the son of Jamdagan,

who was q'1l;3T2
»j3 1:IS CJUf~'kJTJ
~ llR fSl)fTS R1 ,

i!QT~ 2 oty3 3'14 divested 5 of hhl hand'sloo axe 2 and ~ ~1 ~~199 Qla31 crrrre3 QlCJ'eT ~ I
~fcrt15 II powers4 by Raghuvira3•
~d ))f~ faB~ a.I~ Udho, Akrur a.nd Bidur chant the ~Q, ~o ~ faea a:r~ oTaQl 'e1l)fi fR:6'3'
~ ~=a~P31i7 f;:rfo glories of Gun! Nanak, who had arreo CilaB '10, f~i ii RTfcJl)f;6 ;:!1l)fT3HT7,
;:[lf~§8 II realised" God, the SouP of all', ~rf'1aI~ ~ l)fq~ al3T Rl ,

orfa ore? 8tJSI OJT~~ Kal, the poet, sings the sublime ar:1RO, as ~ 0 1001 -e1 tiRc Hfuw
(fio ?)ToOl' eJTB: ~OJ praise of Guru Nanak, who enjoys olTft!'o Qo'eT ~,;:'i RRfCJl 3 ~'1T(')1 ~t5' ul
ftifo Htf~ 11811 both the temporal aDd spiritual u Tf3F.lT'11l)fi Hre~ '10 ,

OTT~fu a.I~ aer09 His praises are sung by the four tlra ~3i' »8 ~'O F.lTJ13Cl 12 .(tR 'ell)lt fft6'3i
'3'Tfa l::fC 10 BerRo 12 castes' and the six 10 Shashtras 12 , his arTf~ QlCJe '13 »8 l:f.UHT ~oa1 ~R -ell)fi

a~HTfBor fRHaftl14 virtues are dwelt upon 13 By Brahrna iicrll)ft e T ftf33 cree 13 '10 ,
QIOl II and the like,

dJ~ O.!~ Rg 14 ffiJR 15 The sc=rpent king l4 with his BR3TijJ'4, l)fTtR1l)ft '1;:tTa tl5 m6i21 ~ tL~i
ftJ~21 oR 16 »1TR thousand l5 tongues21 sings his praise 'e1 OI1a31 ~l)fTel' oT8 arTrea QlCJ'eT ~ l)f3
»[i3 17 fB~18 BtfOT 19 with relish" and ever l7 remains fUl)fTCl I8 3 t1.H'o Rf'13 R'eT 17 <J1 ~ o~
q0l20 II lovingly 118 and affectionately20 i1f~l)fT of-ie l 19 ~ I
attachedl l ' to him,
~ ~ lB'eQ22 The de:sirelt:ss 21 Shiva22 sings the re~T C1f'1321 f8~V2 ara 3T()or ;:it -e1 circJ31
aaTar1 f;:[fo fU»1T 0 24
23 praise of Guru Nanak, who had OITfe3 QlCI'eT ~, ffilit ii Iil)fT).iT ~ f~ CJR25
. foa3fer ;:rf~€?26 II
25 realised 2, the worth of the mHCl0 24 'e1 Hu"33'T ~ l)fQ6~ Ql1~p2' RT'
Lord's incessant;15 meditaion24 ,

. orfa orB 8;:[lj' OTT~~ Kal, the poet, silllgs the sublime praise QI~1aa. as CIl~ oT3Q1 ttl ;:!1 Jise Hfuw
010 OT?)or oTB: ~a.I of Guru Nanak, who enjoys both arlfe?> QlCJe T ~. ii Hlal 1)13 ulC11 'ell)ft ~~.
f;:rfo HTf~€? II Lj II the temporal and spiritual '1lu Tf3s T<lll)ft BT l)f<5''e ch~ '10 I

- - - - - - - - - - .. _._-_ ...__..

OTt! ttQ[ HTf~€? He enjoys the sovereignties of this ~u f~ ffiJTO »f3 ~ ~llit 1J'f3F.rr<Jllli'
afA§'27 foo~q28 world and the next one and the BT l)!tB B"t? Ro lli3 ~ID{ol-afu328 IllliTHl
29foe-3fa30 II uninlmical2' Lord was enshrined 27 €tCi t -e fu3 2' l)f"taJO ~BT27 m I
in!O his mind 2'.
fFJAfc31 Rar~32 @Qa'P3 Incessantly!' uttering'" the Name, ~ aR 36 QTH ~ €ttJ'Go ClCJOJ4 ~lliT(JT.
OTfl-f cS34 3fa€?35 the whole!2 world 31 is delivered l3 wa J2 RWaJ1 B' ~€7JJ ~ UTa' €t3TOT <i
fc)ij3fa36 II and emancipated3S • fdr>li TJ5 ~ I

(fi~ (JJT~fu
RoQTft!' The sages like Sanak and the kings RoCl ~aoT foal >J8 ifc')cf ~m ~, l)fTft!aJ7
»fTfu37 t=foorrft!' like Janak, etc!7. sing the praises of ti!OrT-1:i!al3CJl 38 t.p;l3!' of! mer Bl>lit fJ:m3t
'ijOT~38 Bfur39 II Guru Nanak for" ages upon ages 38 • oTTfe'o Clae ~o I
iifc4° irfo (fig itf() Blest40, blest, blest and fruitful 42 is IlB1::f<! T10, IlBl:fC'T, IlBl:fi!T lli3 R6H"2 ~

MOlt1 R~42 9543 the sublime43 advent41 of the Guru, OJ:at t;!T Fiac"J l)!TCJIHO'I f~ tr0T044 f~ I

11 in this world 44 •

45lfT3TBl1CJTC6 ;lQTCl 47 Says50 Kal, the poetical person4', ~, CI~ ,"04 , l)fTl:ft!T50 ~, ~~t Bl ~3<t7

qf048 afu ;:rot org 9 his victory47 resounds48 even in the ufe>liTg'S B~ ))jqa 91 oltrtit48 ~ I
~~€?50 II 45under-world46.
~fo OTl-f afRor51 o Guru Nanak, thou art blessed 5 ijf~ ! 3~ ~ B OTH ~ >ii~315 t!l

OT?5or (flo or,:[ ;l(fl with the Nectar of the Lord's Name BYE UO"lS <iel ~ >J8 t Rwal lli"3 ~urol
3 )-fTf~§,- II~II - - and enjoyest both the temporal and ~ut <:11 utEaT\Jll)fi ~ ~BT ~. I
spiritual realms.
Rf3tyfm 52
3 In Goldage52 thou enjoyed as the llof<J01 1:i!aJS2 ~ ~ a<!T ~3"054 <i
~f'8'€?53 afB" dwarf incarnate54 and wert pleaseds5 ~B f8'l)fT >J8 ~ ~ oaJ(! T5J ~ ~
wfu€?55 II to deceive5! Bal, the king. gS'1
33 56 3 l-fT~ (JT).{57 In the Sovereignage56 , thou enjoyed tJiBl € lifcIT'6 >iqa, 3' a~T :tfT(';t!To 58 €
o~lJ58 ortJTfu€?59- II being called" Ram Chandra57 of aTH -eB!7 l)f~~€t~59 ~ l)f~ falli' I
the Raghwa dynasty58.
t1»fTldf'O In the Brass age, becoming Krishna, fu"38' B 1:i!aT >iea, f~ <i, ~ lia'° a'lfF.I ~
~aTfa61 thou killed" Mur6°. the demon and }fTij 1lfcl)f,61 lli'3 em ~ IfcE CIa fe3,62 I

fora3T01f2 oft€? II delivered 62 Kans.

€tatRe a'€t (JTt!63 Thou blessed" Ugar Sain with 3' €tatRo fi UTf3JFul'J >J8 Uf~30 t!aa t65
~64 3dJ3~5 ;:r('; empire63 and the pious persons61 i-afu3'4 ~T UGB'7) era W3''' I
t!'1§'66 II with the fearless'" status.
OToor qJq ".;'aJt1
q(/lre§69 II
t!fcn67 l.{~68
In the Iron age67, thou art called"
the accepted" Guru's
Angad and Amar Dass.
ffii ~ ~0J'7 ~, ~ ~. O!~~,
.."'" »l3 . . - '>l.1\iw Wi:!''' :r I

F+IJ1 +IJ1.IJ1+liiifi..+Iii+Po:+Iii1+Iii1+Oi1ifiOi1ifiOi1ifii'il+i'iI+HJ+i'iIifii'ilifirili+riIi+;;JI+..
+..+ ..
+ +++ +lS;+lS;+lS1lj1l1r.ljIl1l+In.IIl.IIl+In+In+IIlI+R+nJ+nJ+R1.nJ+ "'•••••••••••••+.+ .

Frl'O OTO CJT~71l){fam?72 Imperishable72 and Immovable7J m

»ffSn T 72 >li3 llffti'g73 0 or,:r 9TaT7I U;:pr70 .
~Ct273= niTfB74 yofl:(75 is the rule71 of the reverend70 Guru, ilJOt~, fa~ 'ii ~ci tluT ul C1,Cl),f' 0
~aHTfE§76 11911 for sUI:h is the command76 of the l..fOT\!OSg74 ll.i7S ~ I
Primal14 Lord7li
~77 OT~ of~Tlj The praises77 (of Guru Nanak) are R378 af~t:!TR,
ii~ >li3 f~ am ('iT(')cI'
- ~B~ f3'5BCS
... II sung by Ravi Dass, Jaidev and 77
~t fRir3f orf~n m un I
Tirlochan, the saints7'.
()THT Deeming thee even-eyed80 • the 3~ re01 fttacl ~gTIO we! a, O'H ~~ >li3
~79 devotees like Nam and Kabir ever79 Clare ~aI ~aTOft 3all){t fmra t Rt:!1~7' <:11
~II sing thine prail;es. () Guru Nanak. ijfTfu'o ercre un, ft aN 'OT()ci !
90Tq af~ CJ1~1 ~82 Saying that thou enjoyest16 feu )){Tl:ft:!T iire»fT f01 ~ »{j5311J 'O'S
FKJf'tt8B l)fT3H84 <JCJ185 spiritual" bliss's with equipoise83• FOl'4 »f~8S ~'" ~\ R3 sC!l 3al
~8611 Beni. the saint. utters82 thy praise81 , Hf<JH,11 ~TOn aa~T82 ~, cl O!~ (')'TOO1 I
() Guru Nanak.
;:jOT87 fq»fTfcs 88 ora Blessed with the Lord's 'll){THl ~ fRHO'08I >li3 far»ff389 ~1 ~

fOJl)fTf(')89 fucsT90 ~9 contemplation and comprehension

l18 89
, UOl'l.S 010, ~ ~ ~ (')Tg ~e' ci farl){T87 ~
~q91 CS ~92 II thou art blended87 with Him and >li3 ~R '€ S'~'90 cia f01fi'1 !i our ;:1'<~e'T'2,
knowest92 not any other' I without90 iJ C!!'[ 'OT'OCl I
Him. () Guru Nanak.
Rl:fB~ t.ICJ1l:8 OT~93 Sukhdev and Prikhat utter" thine Jll:l~~ >li'3 tLll:f3 3al>lit ~011>lit9J ~
- - ... - -
virtues oZ ! and Gautam, the sage9S , a13H foal's 301 Hfuw"
~94 o13'H fofl:(95 Cloe'4 un l){3

;:Uj96 OTtf~ II sings thy praise". ofTfu'o Cl"at:!T ~ I

afa 0lC5 Btn} orner Says Kal, the poet. the ever97 fresh98 a~F.IO ag »fTlR' ~ I OR (')lOQt
CJ1a fo3'97 (,)~3Q98 sublime praise of Guru Nanak, 'O~r<f01'8 !lac HfuH T RRTCI"
tITQJ reG 100 II t: II
99 Ii: I is diffused 100 through the world". ciel 'oo ~ I

([~ OT'~f~ tJTwfC52 In the nether world2 his praises are

9OT33 5TaJTf~ sung by thesaints 3• like Sheshnag4
~taCJTH5 II and other serp~ntss.
~T~~6 qr-e Shiva'" Yogis, celibatesl and the fg~l', ~aft i!.uHWCfl' ~ aHa RT'll' uHJ:IT

Rtf ;:tOll wande:ring saints' ever his

utter 7 uT @ot BT))ft fR:63T ~'O acre 7 uo I
- u -

flOlH 9 II glories.
OT~ OT~ Hfo 10 t:lTR His pr:a.ise is sung by Vyas, the silent l:fTHa foal 'o f~", ;:j ~t:!T»f3 ~~t ~

f~fcs ~B - ~fT~i12 sage lO who dwells upon l ! the Vedas fu))fTaac;u ii= R~t:!' ~ltJTClt:!T'J ~
- u

atwfa»f13 II .. and their grammer l2 • ;fR orT~BT ~ I

a~HT OT~
- ~w
His praise is uttered by Brahma too,
••••••+++.......¥¥. . .
t!,CJHT, filA i) Yi ~ ~aHT(')14 tI»fTOT, RTOT

~Off)-f14 15 who by the Lord's command 14 Fil:rro l5 of~IliTI' ~, 91 ~j

- ReI fRmc....
t!l 01'1031
R~ol»f16 II created 15 the whole world 15. ~roo orot!! ~ I
a~H~17 ~18 uoo 19
a~H20 or<!21 foaor<!22
AH 23 ;:{Tf<!g24 II -
The Lord 20 is fully contained 19 in the
universe l7 and its continents l8 . Both
in the manifest21 and unmanifest 22
form, Nanak realises 24 the Lord to
be the very same 21 •
RIliTJ-Il 20 FiRra l7 ))f3 f~ ~ ~ Blllj" >iBO
~1l!00 ('j fCKJTI9 ~ I l{OTC 21 ))f3 OlU3 22
~j ~~ )){BO, oroor
))fQ9~ Ol'OB124 ~ I
FI))flHl ~ ~o ~VJ I

Kal utters 25 the sublimeD praise 30

OfH 298:1=18: 30
tn125 em ~ oroor t!l JlRC Hf<:lHT ~o ~
OToq (lIo FKJ~26 ;1(lI27 of Guru Nanak, who enjoys28 the oroBT25~. ;i Wf<:lS26 ~ fHWU 27 BT ~ ~

f1ifo )-fTf<!€,28 II t II Lord's26 union 27 • B·~21 <Io I

. (lI<! orT~f~ 0~31 The nine 31 great yogis 32 sing the i~31 ~~ tiiaT132 l!~r~<!33 Ol~ 0 1001' Bl Hf<:lHT

QT~32 iif0 33 ON glory of blessed 33 Guru Nanak, who ol'f~ oro~ <Io, ;i R~ Rj~r34 f~ Blo

wfB 34 RHTf(!g35 II is merged 35 in the True Lord 34. (j~ (j~35 <Io I ~

HTqT3T Ol<! O~ ~036 His praise is sung by the emperor H<JIOTil'l HTuf3Ti ;i36 ))fTl.l<! ))flU ?5 Wel ~

~38 er~g37 II Mandhata too, who'6 called 37 himself fl=H=Tcl

BT lJTf3ar<:l31 ))ftf~~Bl37- ,
Rt ;t ~oj ~
- v ~

the ruler of the whole world 38, Bl ~UHT ~~'Oo oroBT ~ I ~

Bal, the King 39 , who abides 42 in the SB~,tll3t,-;i m~40 Uf~~' f~~ ~Rt!y42 ~
CIj<! orl~
~ ~oj Bl~ fH~3j Ol'f~o CilOt!T ~ I ~

seventh40 underworld41 , sings his
RU3 40 I _ " ~
aFr342 II praises.

Bharthri, who ever4' abides45 with 44 9Oso1, cnms ~fru<! 010 Ol~
;i ,:U:{H1

FRT46 (lIo
Gorakh, his Guru, utters 48 Guru ~Rt!y45 ~,O!~ oToor t!l ~R33t -~~'Ot!!.t]
Nanak's praise. ~I
aiJ345 II
-eo~JT47 UOO~48 "fora- Sage Durbasa47 • King Puro41 and faal ~S'RT47. oTtlT ~48 ))f3 Fi3 >iora T O!~
saint Angra chant the praises 49 of oToer Bll')jT f~3-aBrup4' Ol'€t'~ <:10 I
~o orier - tt8: 49
Guru Nanak•
. ortfu€lll
Says Kal, the poet, the sublime ~1f.iCJ em))fTl;ft!! ~, OR ornor t!l J=ia~ ~
orfa OfH 8:11BQToer 51
praise of Guru Nanak is 011031 R3 fRQ u1 R1fal')jT ft!~50 l)j'BO oH $0
ora Ulfc Ulfc50
Rillti51 Rwfu€?52 II all-too-spontaneously51 contained 52 0<I1 52 i I e
H(Jg -e;l ~
in all hearts 50•

in praise or the 2nd Guru.
trilllJrf3H1<Jl t!l €tUHT ~ I
'l g Rf3ajo t{FJTf-e II There is but One God. By the True
Guru's grace. is He obtained.
~fuora a~5 reO! ~ I
~))f'OT, ~<I lJTfu))fT tlit!T ~ I
- t1 t!relli T
A~53 liel:!54 U?i55 Biessed5S is H ee3, the CreatorS6 ~UiCJqS5 ~ ~<JSJ ffJCf~56 J!l)fTHl5e
OfCJ3T56 orTa~57 Lord s4 Master S8, who is HT50l58,;'f RTij ~HS7 qa05' ~ RCfU-

ora3Tg58 «o<!59 Omnipotent60 to d0 59 all deedss1 • gCi31~o60 ~ I

RHacl II
Rf3CJTa Un ()ToOl Blessed is Nanak, the True Guru, liSICf& uo R·t1 ON 01(')& ~~ ttl, f~t ~
HR3fi61 ~H tJfa€?62 who ha.s placeci6Z his hand on thy 3a HV.~61 ~3 ~TlRT <Jvl:I crfl:PlofT'2:}, cJ '61i
ftifo ~'ij II brow", 0 Guru Angad. "
~3 ufo§' HR3for ~ When Guru N anak placed his hand ;::R am
-= OTo& 3tJ HW-ij ~
- ~T\J<!r d'e
R~f~4 »{fH~65 On thy forehead, then63 the Divine64 oft:r~T, 3B63 64
ia1 »{ffi365 {'iR8"tl'TO);:rt
~o€[66 5f;167 Bfa68 Nectar6s began to rain" in (torrents) (iiml67 ) ~Rot66 JR d farlli T ~3 ~368,

00 69 01<570 >:If(i71 or (van-Ioads 6"), and the gods", H(lF.I", f~T<Jl E5'il
° ))f3 fcfl,il'2 tJ.OTC u1"
•-afJGf72 >1'farrftt'3 II men", heavtnly heralds
° and Jft/itJ3 a1 are 72 I
sages were roanifest1 y73 perfumed 72 •
J-fTfa€i74 ~c~75 0lTC2 76 challenging", thou destroyed 74 the ~~o/'To71 & I
H376 '?; ~

arafti77 tF~378 81& agonising 7S death 76 , restrained 79 thy ~fC~T74, ~ca~ <Je" Ho"2 '6& fSllfI" ~3

~ aafti79 tftr i~o eO( wandering7S m:ind and controlling8Z ti'ttt ~3f?l~i80 Q qT~ ero 8
;, ~<'it ~ IliTui E
1 url'a83 oTfl:f81 5 the
thy one
home BS•
demons80 kept81 them in ~ l:PH 83 ~t'"d fcel T f51li T81 1

~F1HfM82 II
~ tia]84 ;:ft3~85 CITe Throughl " Guru Nanak, thou hast am
C'iroor ~ oTDl'4 r 3= Awo84 ~
conquered es f51liT8S :}, ~ RHTo3T'7 Bl ~~8 ~~BT86 ~' •
~ »fTfa 94 ii8f~86 the world 8 4, thou

RHa81 Rrfa88
era- 89 playest85 the game 811 of equality" ~3'l ~5to tV3t1 -e U~T<J89 2
~3Hf(l)90 fp;~91 oTfl:f92 and keepest fixc:d" the flow·' of thy R~ll af<J3" ~IliTHl ~·ea ii;sl CJl:fBT'2 :}' I
foc1wfa 93 II steady90 love" in the
or~95 orlafa96 ~B o Kalsahar, throughout" the 5 O1SR<J1'CJ ! If3it7 HUi'B1ut91 ~ »{t'a", ~
5f<Ji BT tlR96 ~TCfo ora's, ii ~ lJj;3
. ffiJro m.r3 97 'tltf98 seven" continellts 98 , utter 9S thou the
praise" of Lehna, wbo meeting 2 oT5 fH5~'I RRTCfOl IOO ala e1 faTlliT Rl I
; HS1099 '5~~ ;:rar3 100
_ ..

j qrg tIafR2 l;iarfa 3'" II with his Lord', became the Guru
of the world 100.

~ f~.
) ; I 14 "Rf'25 };{-'n-L36 Such is Guru Angad, the am brosial6 ~5 ~a <Jo ill~ "forB -e~ ;:rl, fi1c'it4 ~ ~!5

! UTa7 cFC2l:f8 tffo 9 stream' of whose 4 eyes S

and rem.oves lO the smut8 of sins and
washes off 9 Bl ~Tf~-f<JtilT~ Bl otW t./TUT Bl OlT5R
q9 ~cBl'0 ~))013 ftt?iT
~ ~<J16 ~ t'oEo l5

~3ral0 f3H-a l2
sight 1s ~l1HS11l BT lli~arl2 ~o iii'Cf ~'BT24 ~ I
>iiarTo13 tirf~14 taR l5 the of whose door",

• t!)}fra

dispelleth l4
ignorance 11

the darkness ll


- - - - - - - - - - .._._.-..••__... _-------

€?fu t! R~fo17 mr~18 They. w:~··:::::::~++:::+·:~+::;;:~:·;:I~:;:::~:)

wq19 c:J1TCS120 f-a1::fH21 sublime 19 Name l8, which is a hard20 uo, ~ for ma20 3 ~21 ciH22~; €tu 2J
wa22 323 oa24 ~~25 and difficult21 task 22 ; those2 3 '{eJEl2" RRro 2S RJ{-ea ~ 30 W~27 uo ~

Wf0 32

,:rrcnli5 33
26 persons2" cross the world 2s ocean


and are rid of26 their load 28 of sins.

Guru Angad, true 2', divine 31 and
sublime32 is thy association JO • Thou
l.Pl,tT ~

301 l!u~30
28 3~ l:fHTm lJT ii T 26 un I

O.!~ >iarB"!
RtlV' ~~Jl l)f3 Jif.lC32 ~ .
I ~ OlOt ~ fRHao 34 >ieo,
m~JTfo34 fiH0135 remainest awake 3J
in the Guru's ~T3J of<:feT ~ foH'3TJ5 B"' o~36 ~ flo

9336 FJBt~37 UOH38 meditation ", art the quintesscnce J6

3 l)f3 l.ft -e HuroJ1 ' 1{H3; OTB uHI:lT37 u1 ~
[U»iTf039 II of humility3S and art ever37 imbued -afarl){T cifelliT ~~ I
with the Lord's supreme J8 loveI'.
~ orlof3 org o Kalsahar, throughout the seven 5 or'BRUlQ! R'3f HCJTt!"W >ieo, ~ BfueT
RU3 t:!lu continents, utter thou the praise of B"' ;fR ~o oro. ~ l)fTtR ~ oTB fHB c}

~ '11013 .. Lehna, who meeting with his Lord, RRlQ B"T 01~ 111 farl)fT R1 I f
uofR 1:fCJTf0 II =< II became the Guru of the world.
3 ~40
-.. fufa§",n ('5T)-f
- Thou"o resolutely'" rememberest the tto llcft ~j41 €t.1l ij>i3 l.ft"2 -e O'H B"' flo

~~42 f~C?43 Name of the Infinite Lord"2 , fRHao aoB"' ~. l.l~"J ~ ftm+' B"'
tTTl!44 f-a~45 FrfuQl46 immaculate"J is whose.... extent"S and f~Rwa"s 1)f3 ~ llifu'lli'R11)fT46. m~30
fRU 47 481111049 who is the supportSI of the seekers"', liOf.lT" 7, %or-t8-afB"I)fT49 l)f3 R'<J iil~50 B"T
;:ft»fT50 cj ~~51 II adepts"7 , good"8 people'" and all the »fTlltpS I ~ I
q523T '11foor or,:rr53
~€t~54 R~55
Fh:rf056 R~56* 0~:Jfb57
Thous2 art the incarnation54 of
Janak, the KingSJ, sublimes6* is the
contemplation61 of thy word ss in
~S2 "oCll.!'f3F.lTuSJ t?' ~S..
3 301 ~lsS B"1 fi~-f~61 fell ))j1ffi{s,
I)f"-ea I i fuFJ ~T(')s, ~ l.fT~15t >i-ea .
fr', ~S6*

'11ar358 ;::rg59 ~O this universe s6 • Thou livestS7 in this
wor1dS8 like lotus60 in the water S9•
~60 B"T fOlliTer f~t!lS7 ~. I

~B" ~ IE
orfg1,f2 3q63 ij~ Like the elysian62 tree6J thou J=ROar162 fires63 B"T "01366 B"llliT
f~65 RFJT0 3ttr
66 7 eradicatest6S ailments6" and efface68 ~1HToll){T64 ?i 0f.lC65 ~ t!"l:ISlliT67 ?i t:cJ
ao ftfB"P8 ~ I f3"ot urcET;O ~ Ha a~, l
f~rq68 l')iT3')-ft69 the sufferings67 of ths world 66 • The
f3fmQ70 ~ ~71 of my three-phased 70 B"1 fl:l0317 3 cRB71 3-a u1 1{l-/72 >it!a 1f;ft ..
f~72 31073 II mind" is fixed in thy love72 alone7l •
<ie1 I ~
~ aToB qg ROTa Kalsahar, throughout the seven \1 mmCJro ! R'3f HCJTB"lttt >it!a ~ Bf~<! B"'
RU3 HSTCT continents, utter thou the praise of ifll ~~oo oro, ~ l)fTlf<! lff 01B f}m c}
~~ '11013 oro .. -- ucrfFf Lehna, who, meeting with his Lord, RRTo B"l ~ 111 faT>li 1 R1 I
)jCTTfo II a II became the Guru of the world.
.+++•• + ••• ~. .~··o.· ······..'
3 3 T74 ~afu75 Thou74 wert bles~;ed76 with glory77 by ~~74 llai~a75 oro-a i; ~3"77 l{t!TC; -al:J116
. trtf~76 l-fT"Q77 Rf~ Nanak. the Prophet75 and thou served Rl ~ ~ UOQTo 78 ClIoT t!l cf<J8' -aHTE1 Rl,
the Guru, approved 78 by the Lord
q@ ua~TQ78 WfU 79 who disciplinedl9 bis mind's snake'°, fi"17i t i; ))fT\J<! Ho ROUIO ~ .-a~7t crcJ, t
»fflorq80 ftifo oft»fT and abided in the state of sublime uaH-W~l81 1)i~~T f~ ll<i~ ol~ I
~OWQ81 II bliss8l •
ma ~fa82 -ea~3 Thy vision, 0 Guru Angad, is like 84 3a T t!'3Bo, \1 Olo ))jOlt! 'Rtel' <Ja18z @

RHro84 l)fT3}-{T85 ~ tile vision 8 ] of the Lord God 82 , thy t!C!R(')8] ~184 ~, 301 ftie;3185 Roa-
fcrr~ ~l)i87 soul85 is all-knowing86 and thou furI)jT~l86 ~ 1)j3 it l{oritci'o ClIo' t!l ))fTOTH88
l)iqg88 crrf389 QIo knowestll7 the unfathomable" state" t!~ ~ ;:r~t!"7 ~ I

. ;:[Tql f-eRfc 91 »{BB 92
of the approved GuruM •
Such is the Guru, whose eyes" see ~<i "il<J <Jo Ol~ ill, fil~t @ ~:I W5Q @
~93 fuHB 94 ~fU95 the Master's immovable 92 mansion93 , })ff<J~g92H"t!o 93 ~~ <Jo*. '. fiTot t!1
96~"EJTo97 ufufa98 whose immacullate'4 is intellect95 uf~3094 ))fCl5 95 liRe" fuQT<§97 0'5 ~3l
911 97 <i'e1 ~})f3 f~t i; fc'fHCJ3T99 t!1 R~IOO
RIB99 R'~100 ROl'f32 attached to the sublime sitc and
f~fa311 who wearing98 the armour lOO of uf<Jo" ~ Wful)jT2 ~ HTO f5I)jT] ~ I
humility'" has destroyed] mammon 2.
aQ oilaf3 ag ~o 0 Kalsahar. throughout the seven ~ ~TO ! R3T ~trt llit!O, it 5f<J~ ;:!T
RU3 Blu }{STO continen.ts. uttelc thou the praise of ilR ~tJTOo -ao, ;1))frtf<! l{~ oT5 fHg~,
-g~~ ;:rcrr3 (llq Lebna. who IDleeting with his Lord. ARlO t!T O!~ ~1 fOll)fT mI
uofR' HCJTfa 11811 became the G ur u of the world. I~
! f~Rfc4 UCJ35 ~n-f6 Casting' thy ghmce'" thou dispellest7 l)fTU~ m;rct <Po' ~. it ))fcta' ~ 'io crcJ •
~ ~ao7 -e~Jo8 )"r\'U(9 darkness6• burnest8 sins9 and f;it!T7~' UTtrt 9 ?:i Rr;3 Ree T8 ~. 3 -aRH5i 1o
~ orR -a~ fe"t!"; ~. I f
JtfTU10 l{oTRo12 II
! m;rt!13 ~a14 ~g~315
- ~17 ~U18
l2 10
destroyest wickednesses .
Thou art the Lord's\] hero'''' who art
powerful 15 to clestroyl9 lust 16 and l7
~ l{~I] t!' tfU ~',;1 fi.r~0-~5TRI6 ))f3 1
aI-R 18 ~ 0'R 19 Cfa'o crel ~5~'O15 ~ I
f~oTf1019 II wrath 18 ,
59'20 H~21 ~R'22 ora~ Thou hast ove:rcome22 avarice 20 and ~ WgtJ20 3 RRra'l HH 3"2 I ?:i -aTa 22 -ao ~
.. Ra~23 ;:pftJq 24 worldly love 2l and cherisheth25 the ful)jl~' ~ ~ ))fT~ u o T<J23 ~~ ~:fgI)/i2" e
.l{f3tfT'Hc;25 II seekers 24 of thy refuge 2J • ?:i UT5t!'-iiRt!!25 ~. I ~
l1-fT3H26 0327 fraI~28
or~29 "r-f}-!'3
~~32 II
30 ~g31
Thou amasseth28 spiritua!26 love 27
and thy
cast 32
word i9 is a
Nectar 30

machine] I to
~ CLOTo1 26 tF327 ~
Hmo]t ~ I
fu;f3Cf8 -aot!!~' ~
~129 I)jTfa-f.:J1:iI'3]O ~~ ~rg1l2 fe-a ~ .
j m3aJa Cl'8'33 m30Ta
~3' 1lf335 ,,<i 36
Thou 8,rt the anointed 34 True Guru.
yea, tbe True Guru of the Darkage".
~ <rn;:rar]] t!t fcf-aI)jT <ifel)fT]4
"""'" '" R\!'

~~' I ii <i1!l.1 W "'''

OlC!, <Jt,

4 ••••• 0 + •••••••••••••· ·~~~FM. .~

- - - - - - - - - - .._.-._. __..

R37 11 a-ij38 II Whosoever attaches" to thee, 0 tI;'1 WBT36 ~, d if-e 35 ~ ! ~)7 uro ~3a
True)S Guru, he 37 is saved'•. ;:IT~. ~ I

(flq ;:rar339
4°fGo~ Lehna the tiger41 like 50n42 of i0 40 ~
• 8a41 ~oOlT lJ3 42 ~fueT
_.... I RH'CI" ~
Rl~41 »farCJ~42 CJTij43 Pheru40 , is the Guru of the world" Ol~ ~ l)f'3 H1a1 41 l)f3 tila1 44 ~ll)fT Jror'3ll)ft
ii0144 g~~T 46
II cro and enjoys46 temporal 4J and spiritual44 WeBl'" ~ I

411 powers.
m~T47 »f0/'g48 fa~49 Thy inte))ect 4• ever47 abidest50 in the 301 ~tl14. \JIigr47 til 1{i ~1 t!l3'" >itO
CJ~50 O/'CJ051 fR~52 Lord's love 4' and thou (yokest) or ~R~150 ~ l)f3 ~ l)fTlJC!ll)fT f~"-eJl)fT5I Q l)fTtI<!l
fu~53 tJTCJ~54 II (grazeth54) thine organs5' according52 HOt.J15) l)fC'iR Ta 52 (~~T) ;:IT (BTCJ~T54) ~. I
to thy will".
t!H55 RtfCJ56 f~57 Immacuiate'l are
thine thoughts62 lJf~3061 \Io 3"3 f~l)jTB'2 1)l3 6c:s o~ ri
fo~~58 ~59 Of~60 58 \i~56 faos 55 ~1 HTc5~S7 ~ >itO

and thou bendest low in humility fC'iJ-IC3 T

f~H56J ~lBTa~2 II like 57 the fruit-Iaden 56 tree SS and Ri~·BlS. ~. l)f3 ~~'a ij<! ~T ~l;j60 ~

endurest" the suffering 60 of being "";"",,, ~. I -

~f~ 3~63 Thou realisest 64 this reality'3, that ~
W:r l)fRB1))f363 Q l)f<2~4 &'O~T ~', fa ~

RCJ~ O1'f3 65 unseen" and wondrous 67 is the >Ii ft'J3'c"

, -
l)f3 l)fBi'367 ~ Rou-f~I)lTlIOlt5 ~

f~6711 Omnipresent65 Lord. ~

I1l)fTH1 I

R~;:r wfe68 RftJg69 and beauteous 72 Bl~t ROT ROlJ ~

With the ambrosial 71 7J 71 71
OIoii'<!l l)f3 Ht'a

foraf~70 >iiH3
71 Ofa72 rays70 of the Guru's word 73 , thou hast ~l)f~j7o o~ ~ ~T~ll)fT ~ ~ 113 fRtl~8 \I1
~TG173 II all-too-spontaneously6. irrigated" the mBa" f~3f ~ I
mortals. ~ H~;g75 iflat t' ~0;:IT74 lJOllJ3 &'0 f~l)fT ~

O1'CJ O1'fH74 tn.rTG 75 3 Thou hast obtained the status74 of ::l ~ R~B76 '3 RqRC3 T77 ~ OI!vo 78 QC ~
Urf~ R37a ~31:f77 the accepted" Guru and hast fS'I1 T il I
01'~f;:r78 Bt;t
IJ - 7
grasped • truth and contentment77•
o1'CJ uafR§79 ~80 Proclaims81 Kalsahar 80, whosoever 82 CffiH.JToBO l:!07ToB1Sl~, f;:rA f07R 82 ~ c;fv<!

R}j8~81 tfo82 taRQ83 attains" the visionS) of Lehna, he B' B1BTCJ u lJa Tl./3·" <J ;:ITBI ~, ~iJ l)fTl./c!
84 \Ja1 ~ fH8 l.1'~7' ~ I
~ 9il "~,, meets" with his God.
Hm fCfRTJ;!85 lfTfu€?86 In my mind is" the beJief 85 that H~ fB3 f~B t;falo" ~3' fa tiaiac 8' 7;TOCl'

01'0fa87 'ijJ(J88 ~:reCJfij89 Nanak, the prophet·', has blcssed90 i) 3~ ~tij y'~17 ~l1.i<1BBe l./CiB'o'o 07131 ~ I
Bl§90 II

orag91 OTJ;!92 31'093

thee with the
profound Lord17 •
The fataJ92
access 88 to the

poison91 of sins has tJ1Uf y:~-nTR'a92 ;:Ifaot ' 301 ro'3 ~'~3
~94 ".,fH~95 hastened away'4 from the body" Olcl94 il l)f3 :3= l)ofTl./~ l)of\:J(j"6 <J1 oTH-I)j'-fH3 95 ~

••"'•.,••,,"'.,."'.,ljiljJi"' ., .,.••.,••,

!>i3OOTS 96 ul~97 II and from within9l1 thee, thou in-

tPfaT§104 »fgfCf2
drinkest'7 the Name-Nectar'5.
The unseen Lord2, who has placed4
His power3 throughout 6 all the ages 5,
ft=lR »ff' ~2 ~ l)fTlJC1 F.lCl313 RTfal)fi
qQIt5 >i-e0 6 0l:l14~; ~ -eT l{crra" ~ ~

Olg3 lla1 5~fa6 II His Light'" ha,s become manifest lOO f<rcJ~9B l?f'-e'0' l{OTClOO l:it foTl)fT ~ I
within his mind'8.
Rf~ R01l R}-fTfU 7 Thou, 0 True Guru, art merged8 in ~ iJ R'-B Clo~~ ! ~ -e1 »f~5 3G17 »f"-eg
CJf~g8 RTHTf0 9 the trance of equipoise7 of Him, who 51n <ifel)fT <ifel)f1 8 ~.. ;:{ RrfOlliT lli-egID
focBfa 10 II is equally contained' amongst lO all. f~ oR afHl)fT <Jfel)fT9 3I
~t!TCJ~12 fB3' ~ae13 Thou art open-hearted l2 and the ~ 1;!~ fB5 ~T5T12 ~
malal'! <Wr
~:rcr014 ft.Jl:i'-f3~15 destroyer t4 of poverty '3, seeing l5 0I0n<J'0'4 ~", ftlR ~ ~l:f15 tl Ttl 16 j-m3 17 <i
OlgHC?)16 3Ro 17 II whom Ithe sins'" are terrified l7 • ~~e un I
He * afoT
15 16* R~f;:r17* Says l8 Kalsahar, with my tongue 21 , CfHR<JTo »fl1::f-e TI8 ~. »fTlR!l t=l1~2' 3 T5 H"
0lC2' ~Bij18 ;:r~19 I all-too-spontaneously'7* ever l5 * B,3 fRU I7 • u1 5f<Ji -e1 011031 19 ftll)f'cJI6*
:;:rU~20 g~~ cJRo 21 II lovinglyl6. utter 20 the praise" of oTB" R-e1~'s* u1 ~B'cJ020 ora-er ut I
911 Lehna.
0Tli nR'Cfq22 OTl:f The Name is thy medicine 22 , the O'H 3a1 -e~T~l22~, 3TH 30 T l)fTrroT23 , O'H
»f TUTQ23 »f0'29 oT}f Name thy mainstay 23, the Name thy ul 30 T RH'u1 24 -eT »f'cJTH25 »f32' ~ ~ 3TH
peace2!i of trance 24 and 2' the stamp27 -e1 Hu0 27 u1 3~ oHf.p26 aH~328 ora-e1 ~ I
FlHT[q 24 ~l:!25 RBT26
oTH 01R~27 R~28 II
of the Lord's
embellishes 28 thee.
Name cver 26

-af0l30 03 31 oTH fR~J6 Thou art imbued 3' with!6 love 30 of i y.~ ~ O'H ~ ftl>1{1030 oT5 36 ~foTl)fT
ag32 (ill:f ~faJ3 the Lord's Name and the beauteous 32 <ifetli131 ;:t' »f3 lit:a 32 oTH ~~fa»fya3 »f3
OO~34 ~~35 II Name perfumes 35 the god's33 and HCla iH ~. B,o'h:ra35 010 f-e"-e T ~ I
menH •
oTH UoB 36 * ftifo Whosoever fi:llds the philosopher's ;:j &~1 3 TH ~ tl'cJR3' . .
?i tl' 3'-eT ~ , ~
- RB
uTf~ l1q37 ttOTfcg38 stone 3U of the Name, he becomes the -e T~tl37 e1 ~~-el ~ l)f3 ~R -e1 y'~3T;:!T
of~39 Bf~40 II embodiment of truth 37 and the sun 39 ~aifJ RR'a 40 »f"t!o IDIor-eT38 ~ I
of his glory shines38 in the world 40 •
t!oWo' 1 t.rclfR'~42 Seeing42 the Guru's vision41 , one 0101 -eT -e1-eTa41 ~l:fC42 ~l)fTOT, f~nRTO

JOlCJ ~ »fOR'fot 3 attains unto the merit of the nf010CH 31cret ~ f~an'044 ~ ~ ~ U'
j H1lQ44 ~f~ 11t:11 ablution44 at the sixtyeightH places of
1 pilgrimage.
:ffi2 45 3T a-g 46 Fl''1 0 Guru, the True Name 45 is thy iJ O!o~~ ! R~T 0'H45 30 Tt:!oH »fHErrnt6 ~,
~~~:::;:;+:~:+::+::9~'f:::;:;:::~O::~+:::::::~::~::+~++::+::+:+:++::::+:~8 »fu 0 ' ~,
tR• • • • •+++++••++.+++••••••++•••••+.+++•••••••+ •••••+ ••••••••••+ •••••••++++.+++++. . . .

:9T~50 Rtl R~T51 R~ thy ablution47 and48 diet 49 • the True R~ oTH ?? ~ flflliTO OlotTso~. lli3 w:fgrSl
~9Tli~52 R~53 /I Name thou lovest50 and. everSI R-e OTH ~ @eroo 0100 ~lliTOT52 3 m19353
uttering52 the True Name. thou art cl~T ~. I • - -.
embellished5J •

~ tfTf~~ By the Guru's instructions4 • thou Olaf -e ~u-eB54

tIlliTOT, 3~ ffW OTH lJOTl.l3
has obtained the True
Name and ;jf~I)jT ~"g RW oTH <J1 ff8FlilT3 S5 ~
ffilfu54 Rtf
RaJ3t55a~5611 the True Name makes fargrant 06 the l!cDtr356 ~ ~ I
saints' society5s.
~l ~oS'. 0lP.iJ1<J1CJ ~R ~l
ftn:! ffiJ Rtil:f57 ~~58 The poetical persons'. Kalsahar
Qlo~T~, R~T OTH f;:m tT
~ afa ;::J059 oriS narrates tO the praise of him. the True
Name is whose self-discipline57 and RW~T OTH <Jl ~<JTR51 I
the True Name. the fasting 58•
Seeing the Guru's sight. the human OloT ~T ;tt~ro ~ ~lli'cJT, Helm ~ko'2
life 62 is verily6. approved63 • f?mfe3 61 <J1 tL~1Q'3 tit ~~T ~ I

Thou banisbeth88 alpl the sins o,. ftm ~ ~ lliTUC!l JiBe" lli3 )){il-@lre1'"
wickednesses 70 and filth 72 of him. on
7».10'5 trTO~T67 ~. 3 @J1 71 dJOT<J'9
'::I -
-e Wa _ .

whom thou casteth 67 thy sublime" OlffHS70 lli3 HB~72 ~o" CilO ftftT ~ I

and ambrosial64 glance65•

0fTH73 ~Q74 ~75 Lust 73 , wrath74 • avarice70 and75 ~ClT-ftR:5TR73, aj'W74, W5tJ" lli37S Flwal
'S976 H~77 ~fR78 ora worldly 10ve77 ; all these
mighty7' HH3T77; ~t ffTfu»ff ~079 H~-~~

R~ ~B7911 passions, thou hast overpowered78• ~ ~ OlTfJ,78 Qll3T ;j fu'lliT ~ I

RBT81 ~ Hfo ~R80 Peace everS· abides80 within thy mind lliTOTH <JHB.,.l <J1 3a ~ lli"eo ~tT80 ~

~ RRTo~82 if~83 II and thou banisheth83 the pain of the lli3 ~ ;:rollli112 tfl l..IS ~ CilO f~"t"'3 ~. I
world 82.
oro ttl~· l:fi:ITfollifl4 ~ ~fOlliT <Jo lli3
oro o~ fof0 84 The Guru is the river of the nine
taT~ ;:rc)H ~85 treasures'" and washes off87 the soot86 R'f~85 ttOJ-IT ttow ~ \lTtrT ~l~" ~

~88tre8711 of the sins" of our lives l5 . q R--e 87 <Jo I

R88 or~89 C8" oro SaysI' Tall, therefore1s• day' I and is llirl:l~18' ~, feR s~lS8, f~21 >li3 ae92 ,
~~90 - 91»ffmofR92 night92, spontaneously93 serve'o thou. ~ Il3 fRtr93 \11, l)fTt«! aIot mcfus'o QlHT I
ffilf;:r 8Wfu93 II thy Guru.
~o tfofw)f ~ Beholding the vision of the Guru, Olat tT ~Rro -el:lC! ~lliTaT, ilH~ >li3 Hoo •

or" 'iJOH Ho~ ~lj departs94 the pain of birth and death. ~ll..lS ~o ~ w~1'4 ~ I
iJTfu94 II '1011

3rd Guru '31'tt1 tJTf3artit

There is but one God. By the True ~fu~ ~~S' fl:Ol ~ I R~ a¢ ~ ~fl:»fl
Guru's grace, is He attained to. ~»flO', ~(J tflft=»jT ;::rter ~ I
ilE194 l;!olj95 fR~fo96 Meditate" thou on the'4 True Lord'S. ~ ~'4 R~ ~»f'H1's W fmreo" 010,
RTBT ;:rr qT ~ OT>:{ whose One Name is undeceivable'7 ftrJ:r W Wi!' 01H i=IOT3" ))j'~ iif'5»fl ~
))@'~97 Rwa
98 II in this world". ~S'T97 0<:11' I
fHfo 9'aJ3'99 100~C52 Contemplate4 thou the most sublime' i ~~ ~R5 ~ tIOH qa<!'
3'ra 3 fRHa~4 REl5 Name of Hims alone, who has ferried J 4
aa , fim ~ »f'l.I~ l)fc'!orar1l){t" ~ f9»fl(')ol'IOO •
OT>:! tl~6 II His devotees" across the dreadful'DO RRlo R1{e0 2 3' 1JlCJ ora f;f'3 TJ ~ I
world occ:an2•
f~7 oTfH ofJ::r~8 Guru Nanak, the cherisherS of that1 ~7 OTH ~ 01:i1i~8, ON 0'(')01' ~ 5f~ ~
OTOq C5~ -aftIg9 Name, 4~stablished'
Lebna as the -: »fFre'tIo or13 T' ' :
ClIo f'ttRa <5 10 R'Ol»ft 12

iro lO R~12 I3 Guru. WhO was blessed with a11 12
ID OltJlw31 aor31»jt 'J 1.fOT1.r3;] t1lcftl){t I
... fRuT II
the supematural powers lJ•
Olf~ ;:[014 orct 15R~tft16 Says Kall, the poetical pcrson14, that ~1l:laa14, 015, »fT1:fW ~ fq Fiac 's H3
orlof3 17 ;:[0
18 the gloryl7 of the sublimely IS wise" ~TBI6 R3 18 »fHOe'R 'ttl e1l{931 17 Rra RR'o
»{H(J'tTR f~RollrfTl9 II saint 18 Amar Dass in spread" >i~ ~S'1 ;]1:1" ~ I •
throughout the world•
. oitof3 of~20 fqof~21 Thy pra.ise· is manifes t 22 the in 301 Hfuw 'itClY3 2J ))j'~ 1l0'tt20 B1»{i
j t[arfc22 RRTO~23 WCf24 world'J, like tht: rays21 of the sun20 l!~21 »f3 H»jRol2' faas 25 Bl»fT
~ 3a'~o25 H~'8F1cJT26 II and the flragrance of the boughs 24 of cf(J~11)fT24 el '2mQ1 ~ wc5e ~ttTClJ022 ~ I

the tree 25 of mirnusopselengj2'.
1@3fa 27 In the north 27• :south28, east 2' and JO F.fHT(?27, ;:qa 28, HaoOl 29 »{3JO HmOa31 »f"Bo,
~ trf~29 »{CJ30 trR"f}-f31 west JI , men J4 shout forth 32 the Ea!4 301 ftf333 -e (";T",ffi 5'~:.e32 <:TO I

~ ~ ;:1 qrO ;3 ;:nii~32 slogans of thy victo ry J3.

~ OOT34 II -
' ~fa OT>:{ aRf0 35 God's Name, which the supreme ia BT oTH, ;1 fa lil::fl tl!o t38 ~ (~t ~ HO
;: OToHfCl ~o~lrf€?37 e') ;:rt ('20'20139) B' H:ara~D ~ a<M1
36 Guru", by his tongue , had
i ~C5fc38 010139 tH1H40 37
distributed amongst men to turn" ~!. '8cft }-['Qat f~~»fTttil tt19 Tn

~ uall')fT II the tide of (their mind) or (the ~»fTar ~3Tft=»j,J7 R1;

j Ganges 3') towards the West40;


Fim'U 'OT>:! l)fg~42 The same" I undeceivableu Name, ~I ul or-oforl)fT ;:rT<! ~2 oT}-f, ;1
gOT3~43 g~4 3T~45 that ferries" s the saints" 3 across the T43
R3 ~ 3' tI'a cra-ey.fS ~ ,
= RRTa.... RI·tea
l){HaBTR 010 Ol~ world.... ocean, came into the mind.f6 ora lliHtJ't!TR til ~ Ho f~ I)fT €73fal)iT4' I
-= -
~fal)fT46 II Clil of Guru Amar Dass.
fRHofu 47 Rm Oll:f The same Name is contemplated.f7 by ~ <Jl OTH -e' qact 8
~~"', R?oaft
;:rl:(.48 t)ig:49 fcioa 50 the sublime"8 gods"', heavenly ~~l~so, llif~lliTRlsl, craTHT31 aeS2 >tf3
wfuorS1 fR'052 RHTfq53 SO sl
singers , the strivers , adeptsSZ and'" fa~lS.f, I)f'1.Rl 3Gl53 ~ lliT(JTQO cra~7
~CJT54 II Shivas" in his trance S3. uo I
fRHaf~ o~355 l)f~56 The starsllS , Ohru in his realms7 , the 3~sS tJ~ lliTlRl l!i3lS7 ,,;-eo, OTot! ?OoT
U H~HS7 ... ordBrfu sages like Narad, Prahlad ands6 foal, l.J.fuw-e >tf3S6 !lacs. l!Or:r ~~ ul oT}-f
... ~CJT58 II good S8 people, meditate on the same 't!T lliTaTQ?) ~ un I
RR1>1fgS9 ~ The moons' and the sun'o long for" ~-eOHT59 lli311ot16o OTH ~ B~e61 uo, f;m
orl:f ~HTRf~l the Name, which has emancipated6.f ~ for t1UGi62 -ellliT J1~llliT -ellliT ~~lllij63
gl)f63 the ranges after ranges'J of ~T lJ10 ~31CJT crl3J6" ~ I
~ufCJl)fy64 II mountains 62 •
REt orJ:{ l){~ Yea, the very same undeceivable ~o ~<Jl
- or-ofaTlliT t:rT<! ~~T oTH, H R3i .
gor3~ ~ 3~ Name, that ferries the saints across
the world ocean, came into the mind
- 3'
RfPo RI·tBa tiro
;:rl ~ f<TO~ ,,;'t!a llif ~fal)ff I
cra-eT~, ora lliHO'€'R
l){HCJBTFf O1Cf or€t
~ol)fT II~II of Guru Amar Dass.
R~ or>:! Contemplating'S the lame ~ <Jl tlW~7 OTH 't!T lliTCJTt1O'S crao
'O~ or~6 immaculate'7 Name, the nine great ~l)iTaT, ii' ~ 'Giar'l", f~l))f3 ROCl lli'fB
fR~ ROOlTfe' Yogis", Shiva and Sanak etc. have
l.lOl 30 y68 u'O ~30
- uo I are"
68Rl:fufol){T69 II been wholly68 emancipated".
€~drHl~ fRll'o ~q The ,eightyfour men of miracles70 ~aTRl QOTw3170 s~ >tf3 ~ ~ OTH
f;:r~71 08 72 l){"~lor and Budhas arc imbued72 with the org <Jorl~22 uo, f;:m ~lliraT71 lli"aalcr 't!T
739~tR274 3fa»{T75 II Name, by which71 Ambrik was fwHrocr 73 HRlO Rl{'t!a 7" 3' ura ~3'aT
ferried across the dreadfuP3 world \if~l)fT7S Rl I

tttr€l l){~ f3...8'BQ The Name effaced73 the

sinsn of OTH ~ €tii. ~o lli'3 cr8l!OT76 ~ ~5~,
'OTH' 0l=:'fH76 Olmo Oodho, Akrur and, in the Oarkage76, ~~ lli'3 qsla ~ tlTIP He ftf"3 78 I
fOl'8'R'l:;f'7 ~fCJl)fT78 II
'6i g 013u
of Tirlochan, Nam Dev and Kabir.
The vert ,ame undeceivable Name.
which ferries the saints across the
'"" (/ill 0'-_"",,"'"
HRlO Rli"eo 3~ uTa crot!T~, ~ »{Hot!TR
O'H, ;'j H:j
;L•••••+++++.+••++++~.+++++++~.+• •++++.+.++++++++.++++++++++++++.+++++++++++++++••
i >rl'HotTFT 'qI0 ~ world ocean, came into the mind of ;:IT ~ f<Jot! ))j'eo ))IT ~fol)fT I
:tl6'fal')fT 11:311 Guru Arnar Das,i.
of< -
79 OTfH wfor 80 To that very Name?' are attached Bo ~R u1 nTH?' 0!B '!3 ;jEBS 331" ~3 t!~3
~ 33TH81 ftPl1T~f~82 thirtythreeB1 millions of angels who Rt:' €tR t:' fRHOo Giot!11 uo J){3

~ -;13183 3ulB0 84 remember B1 it ever and it is also ~u~'~ll){t8l 3 '3lJll)fi'" ~ fuO~'l ))j'~
Hfo8S ~fFP>fT86 II enshrined86 within the mind BS of the 31 reu fcfc;rl)fT iifel)fT86 ~ I
celibates,&] and penitentsB".
~ R~1 OTH f'Fn-rf0 87 MeditatingB? on that very Name, the ~R tit OTH BT '9t1O OTaol7 ~l)flCJT, alarT ~
arill~88 fU3T}-r~89
- Gange's son B8 , Bhisham PitamaB', y'3~88, '91gH ftt3 THT8' i) l)fruc§ Ho""f~
I ~o~90 ftJ3 91 "ff>-i392 enjoyed93 in his mind" the ambrosia'l t{~ t! \1al'o ~ lJlJTOR,l BT nffi~ HTf<!l)fT'l I
=ofFT>1iT.93 II of the Lord's feet'o.
:!1 83 orfH aTa' ar910 94 Contemplating the self-same Name ~R u1 oTH BT nf30 ~ ~U1 f<:gT'8"" aIa i95
:cl aTa'-l';\95 Hf396 FT397 and al;cepting~18 as true'7 the t! ~tt~a9' ~ R'BT'7 ~ ClOo" ~l)fTCJT,
~ orfu 98 Rcnf3 99 instruction" of the profound'" Rnal)fi 99 ~T ttTo ~TCJT ;j fdrl)fTIOO ~ I

~ ~troll}fTl00 II Great'S Guru, the saints" have been

~ emancipated 1oo•
~ Hit OTH »{SC2 The very same undeceivable Name, ~o ~iJloT-ofaTl)fT ire '<:T'8'1' (')TH, ;:j R3 i ~
! eJClT3u 9~ 3To~ which ferries the saints across the RR1a Rl{~o 3· l/TO Clo~~, ON. l)fHa~
>JfH~TfI' <no or~ world ocean, C2ime into the mind of ttl t! faB >i~ l)fT ~fo))lT I
~al}fT 11811 Guru Amar Das8.
O'lf forf3 2 ,:0:£1f03 The Name's gloryZ is spread in the OTH ~1 Clli33V ~tt5 ~ll)fi ~l)f~i4 J){3 emu
fqof~ o~5 ~o3a6 world l like th(: sun's rays" and the faa ii' 7
t=!ll){i cfuill){i ~1 J1aTo1 ~1 Hr3~
HTl::f(J7 II fragranc:e of the boughs7 of the ;:RJ133 >iea ~'8'1 ;je1 ~ I
~ elysian Itree'.
~ €?3f0 8 'e'fl::fR;9 'tlfa lO And its praise'" is
uttered'S in >,f3 feR ~1 HfuHTI", F.lH"8'8, ~a', Hao0T 10
~ - - >}f3 Hi3lCIa ll t! liBOTi l2 f~B ~BTOO OT131
~fH12 U~H13 -;111 14 the countries 12 <of the oorth8, south',
• 91l:kJ15 II east lO and the wl:st IJ • ttle1 's ~ I
. 'H0lj16 3 17 f~ That l7 Iife l ' alone is fruitfu}l8, in ~~H ~17 ttl~1' u1 R6'8'18 ~, fttR ~
R~18 f;:r~ OTli whose heart" abides10 the Lord's Ho" ))I"eo tg t! O'H ~T fO<:TR 10 ~ I
~fo foe 19 f'O~TR20 II Name.
Jjfa21 '0022 ~23 For the Lord's Name crave 2' the ~ t! oTH ~ B'et!16 uo B~VI
aruaa24 f~))f 'e'oFTo25 angelic Z' person~,2Z, heavenly heralds1l, feBT ul ~Bul23. R~oar1 ar~E'1@'24
»{TWR26 II celestial singers14 and the six lj'R30 2S I
9'B"€l27 t{fFiy28 3;:j29 Illustrious2 ' i. Amar Dass, the sonJO Cl1031W0 18 ;]0 l)fHO~TR;:IT, i-517 ):fIO~ro
'"' '1 .,

- - - --_._. __._---
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• • • • •f

of Tej Bhan 29 of Bballa27 dyna$ty. ~,3if9To" ~ 1?!' J ti't:tJ2 ~ &JI em -I

contemplates" Kall
joined bands . J2
with @Of
- . ~T fA1-RJO aa;:p]J ~ I !.
ire1 ol}j gaJ3' Yea. tbe same Name, which removesM ~o ~1 (')TH, ii »fqa~ ~ RR'CJ
349~H35 ~36 qra the fear M of the wodd oceanJS of m{~J5 ~ iJa J4 ~ ~ Cilot:!,J6~,~, ~
~HCft!TR 3 1JTfu§37 II the devotees, thou, 0 Guru Arnar 0Ji ~ ! UOTl.l3 dfu))frJ7 ~ I
411 Dass, art biessedJ7 with.
0T).f fq)){T~38 ~~ The thirtyoneJt millions of god. :131J' f3 m, ~9O'J:it'1, CifTJ.m 1:fOg42
33lR39 ~o HTfua41 .trivers'... adepts"2 and'" men'" ~ Fe6R 6" 1 (')TH ~ ~31 un ~ Of}{
fmrU ()~ mH remember- the Name and the Name l!'a~J ~ >JiTIDIi+' 9 ))fTJ1cJT ftfur4s ~ I
~~3 s~n.f~.a qrij45 II upbolds"s the worlds4J and
;:ro RH'fq§47
()Tl;f He, wbo contemplates"7 the Lord's ii JI)) ~ 6TH ~ fRHan ~7 ~l ~
c:rcnt8 R(fi49 RH ~ Name; he bearsS 1 weal'" and woo'" l:fRl4I .
- ))f3 iIJHl'" ii recr AW050 ffiJTCJ~51 ~ I
RurcJ 51 II alike5°.
0T).f m-aHf~52 ~53 Amongsts" aUu the tbings, the Name RTCJl))ftU ~»ft ~54, O'H lJ'6H JtJ:IC52 ~ I
HS4 9a1355 'ffi1 f~ is the most sublimes2. The saints•• RTtI's f~R 0'"8 fUau3lS6 Cl:ffi <JO I
tJTfaS 6
II remain attuned56 to it.
trel ()l}j ut:!'CJll57 With that very wealthS7 of the Name, ~ UOR03151 ~l)fTOT, fRoi«!-~
l)fl-{a qro ~fi:r58 tbe Creator-Lord60 has blesseds, ?; ~ u1 nTH ~ ~8~7 Cfi ~ ill ~
Bl§59 ormaS° II EII Guru Amar Dass in His pleasures•• wal ~ 5
' I
Rf~1 Ra@62 mfs63 The Guru is the ber062 of trutb", Oli R"%J'I ;?' Jl'6H"2, fifHo3"61 ~ ml64,
... - powerful64 in ?;cr-JI91's »f3 ~67 RHs" ~ ~))f3 9"61"
~~64 H3 gtfu6s humility6J, good-
Rots R~ ora~7 •
tempered's and remainest in the ~ ~ m f~~ ~ <ife)){1 ~ ~­
»fuI8 ~f069 great" congregation of profound" ofu3" ~ »;'~ AWfe)){l afu";?T7I ~ I
B1(!T70 II understanding6., absorbed 70 in the
Uninimical" Lord.
~71 q1o;f72 yfa73 Such is the Guru, whose7' white7" ~<i ;l~ <JO ina
_. ill ftlOt7 '
I u t!T Rfuof.ilg3'72
~~74 1;JW75 Rfa76 standard7s of fortitude72 is seen71 on t!T f~74 €~7S ~Cil77 ~ if10 ~ ~76
77 78
Qcio sl<!r II tbe bridge 76 to the Lord's realm77 ~ ~o ~973 -3' ft?R faU1 ~ I
since the very beginning7J•
trcmf~79 R3 fU))fTq80 The saints 10vinglylO meet79 with the H1l1 tlH'O Rfu3 ~i'ii arat (')T5 ~ <JOn,
ft:riJ81 Ol a3 1aUS 2 Guru, who· 1 is onelJ with the ~I fR'atrc!UTCJ JIl)jlHl12 (')T5 recrr~ un I
R;:i(fi83 II Creator-Lordu .
R~ Serving the True Guru, the saints R\1 ara' ~1 cftrg aw, RIll))fttPH ~
~~ obtain peace lind Guru Amar Dass <10 ~ OF! )){~ ;:it ~ ~ )){lQ'H 1.l$!
0l13~ ;l(fi84 119/1 enables84 them to attain peace. ~ Btf"Eor li(!T fB~ uo I
01}j (')T~85 The Name is the Guru's ablution8S , orH ata
T BT feaoro'S ~ ,
o'H @OJ BT - If

oR 86

the Name
dainties" and 88
hi!; partaking87 of the
the Name his relish 90
fo))f'H3't 83 BT
l:fTf~))fi8' ~T
l)f3" O'H <11 @OJ
- BT
R~90))f3 )){lui H <J'3 orB
- = I


fHR9" ~9511
tfl:oJ92 of victuals" a.nd with his mouth9J ,
he ever" y(:arningly'2 utters the
- t!1
- <1HRT fH'o1'4 arc'
€hJ atel'5?; @J.fat .-
11fJ3'2 ~rao ora~ <JO I
sweet" word of the Guru's.
trt"0 96 Rf~ Rf~~ Thou hast served the blessed" ~ ~c§" 11~ CIlat t!1 cf.m or~ ~,
f;:n:I 'lH:fTf~7 OTf399 True Guru, by whose grace'7, thou fi1<')f t!1 af<JH3'7 ~crT 3' ))fffi(" RI){T)-ft
If ' • -

l)fOJH98 wit lOO II hast realisedl'DO the state" of the ~1 ~'8 ~ I)fcl~ ora f51){TlOO ~ I
Unintelligible'" Lord.
0lC52 Ra~3 5RH~ Thou hast acquired an abode 6 in the 3a orH "fea ~RiJ" lf1.I3 <if~ ~ ~ 301
tPliI~ OTH fo~TJf II Name and thy entire 3 lineage2 is RTa1J ~a2 ~aft ~t4 l[TO ~ are15 ~ I l
we1I4 saveds.
R0ltiT§7 ;:rolj8 or~ Says' Kall. fruitful 7 is the advent' of orB >liT\:f~TI9 ~, 6~Tfuor7 ~ ~ BT

~9 OTa uofR€1 10 him, who r.:leets lO with the illumined 12 ».fTaJH08, ;:j Y,or~ol2 CIl~ I){HOt:TF! ;:it ~
l)fHCJ ... - 12 IItll- Guru Amar DaIS. fH'5 l1't:!T 10 ~ I
arfoB: 13 enol" On thy right lS hand l4 is the sign of 3'a RtI 's <1S 14 ~ ol~13 BT fnaro ~
~f~~15 fRfq 16 the lotus 13 and, from the front l7, >li3 ,!<J05 17 UTfRif, oralJfl3i aCElnfjl6
ROHl::f 17 ~18 supernatural powers 16 look l' at thine '30' li~T18 ~1».{t" <JO 1
t1~19 II face".
fofq 20 aR21 aj~ifdl22 On thy left 20 abide 2' the worldly '3-a cr-s 20 UT~ Rwal 3TQ3f22 ~~l))1i21 <JO,
t! 31fo HorT3a 23 powers 22, whkh are fascinating 24 the ;:j f3'o' H<JT(')T2J ~ ~&3T2' ora Cl<11».{t <JO I

A~24 II three worUslJ.

Ja€25 aR l11cirtit~26 The Il1effabl~H Lord bides in the ))fcrf'l26 I!>liW CIlot ~ f~2S 'I)f"-ea ~~ ~
mind.2s and he 30 alone ~ ~ ~lJ' ~27 ~ ))f"i1328 ~ ))f'lB~
Rfu27 01128 f3030 ~l Guru's
;::JT3@29 II realises2' His 27 Nectar 28• orae 29

Hl:fi}31 90Tf332 @Ba 33 With his moulth 31 , Guru Amar Dass l)fTl./i >;f'lJl or5, CIlq ~11 ;:it aatfT
~~ (fiq fu~34-~fOT35 utters3:1 the words of devotion 32 and ))fc'iaratl2 ~ ~ aP.i~33 <10 ))f3 fER34
~3611 is imbued l6 with this 34 Divine Love 3s . ~ \{133S (')lP.; aar <i~36 <101
HR3for On his forehead 37 is the true l ' signle ~t -e WiJ7 ~ ~Tfc:rqrlJ. ~l nma40~T Rer3'

----------- ----_._---

- - orC5
;:jfu41 ~42 tr'fu~43 II
of the Lord's grace40 and joining41 N'oJ8 . ~ ~ »fTl«! .a .
ti'tt 2 a0 41 ere ~
his hands" 2 'Kall' meditates'" on bim. ';;!Y fR}·la04 3 orertr Y ~ I
lIofA'l1-f{)H4 .. arij45 Whosoever meets.... with tbe 'H <k1 31 'i1:l1 46 »f3 ~~45 R~ Ola t ~ fH5
Rf~o - f3H~46 supreme"6 and great..5 True Guru. i)'try44 ~, (jR trllli t4 ' JPCJ1lli t47 J:lyf~F.rt'"
RO~1 fu548 f3f0 49 all47 his'" de6ires" 8 are fulfilled80. l£OTlli t50 ;J Wtrll)ft ~o I
trrf~~50 II t /I
B'o~51 3 52 tl'0 53 Supremely53 fruitful 54 are the feet 5'.
R~54 Bo~ qIo jf52 the feet walk55 on the way of
l)fHo tl'~fu 0'Gl55 II Guru Amar Dass.
ijtJ 3 1I0 ROi'G1~ ijtJ Supremely fruitful are the hands, if UCJH Rim ~o ti'Q, ;lorcr cJQ oJ~ »fHCJ~
gorfu56 010 »fHCJ the hands touch56 the feet 57 of Guru liot 57 ~ UCJR~56 ~n I
w:;r57 II Amar Dass.
tft~58 3 tl'O Supremely fruitful is the tongueSS, if UCJH J=m5 ~ ~y58, ~~a fir.J3T Ol~
~ (fio the tongue utters 5' the praise of »fHCJtrTR tit trY ;:IR ~n5' ~l ~ I
9'f<!;l59 II Guru Amar Dass.
i~ 3 tl'o Supremely fruitful are the eyes60, if UCJH R6'5 ~ l){'w 60 • Borer ~}:ft ~ »fHCJtrTJ1
~ OF! the eyes behold" the vision of Guru tr' ~oao ~tftl)fl'1 ~o I
ftSfl::f~61 II Amar Dass.
~2 3 tl'CJ ROI'lS{~ Supremely fruitful are the ears62 , if UOH R:G5 <:To ~o'2, ;lorcr ~ C!!~ })fHCJtrYR
R~f~ oro );fHO the ears hear 63 the praise of Guru til trl HfuHT lice" <:To I
Jif~;i63 II - - - Amar Dass.
~ Ji64 m~65 Fruitful is the6" mind 65 , in which Jm5 ~ ~~64 f<JCJtfT'S I ftm' f<roe »f"trCJ
fti~ m~ ~66 (fio mind Guru Amar Dass, the father" RWo" ';;!Y f1l3 y69, OIo})fHQtrTR
-. :tfi:67
- f<'RTJ166
l)fHOBTl:! foti 67 of the world e8 , himself8 7 abides". ol:ftr1 ~ I
ffiJT3'68 f1l3 69 II
ROi~ g fl=rq70 Fruitful is that head 7o, says71 'Jalap' RR 5 (j~ R1R70, ;:JT5t.l ""l~W71 5,
t:JTBlj ~71 '172 whicb 72 head ever74 bows 73 before f~y72 rnR Oli »fHOtrTR l){'0oY RtrY7" <:rl
fRq f~73 (fiCJ l)fHo Guru Amar Dass. fo~73 5 I
f03 IlCiIlC\oll
f3 0077 ~l::f75 C'W They'7 grieve75 not, are not atrIicted (}nt
- u
77 ?> 3irnlR:75 »f3 l:tfolliy76 o<Jr ~lli1u-el
• -

~l::f76 f3 '()CJ foQo 78 with hunger" and cannot be said79 to »f3 ~<J :arcr'ls78 ~r »fY~ ~79 I
~ ~1l)ff~79 II be poor78•
f3 00 tlor- o~- ~~
80 They grieve80 not and their limit" can ~t *
-u. »lIDlR ~l ~Y
-- . ~,
»f3 (}ot €hrci'l

f3 00 R >i~81 0 be found82 not. wfulli1'1 rnJr iJT Rq~ I

gtil>;ff~82 II

f3 (lid R~83 OQ They serveu not another and they ~ <ia~ ~1 <!f.mO otit ID{T~'~ ~
OfCffo f3 otJ mq84 give" gifts Ito hundreds8" and R'Cl;Js. '3 u;;roilS ti ~ ftf§86 \10 I
R~85 RH'lff~86 II thousands8s .
f3 0tJ ~Brn87 sum
B8 They are sea,ted- on the rich ~ ~lfel)ii87 ~'3 ~ \10 1)i'3 1)i~1
f3 00 ~mu89 carpetss:, and they disestablillh82 and oW )){t'o <iaoT ti ~99 W ~orl ~jfl ~
91fut:rtffi:J90 II well'l-establish'!· others in their witI. fu'~90 \JO I
J:!l::f100 B~f~92 f3 no They ()btainU peace lOO in'" this ;:rnra'3 l)j'~'" ~ ))fT'01}{100 ~e9Z m;
RRT(J93 Hfo94 ~95 world'3 and we:uing" the apparel of ~ fO'lre3T'S til qwo1 UT ~, ~\1" )jfT~
~96 ftJtJ97 Hfu98 fearlessness's, they" abide amidst'S ~o1J,.rt'7 f~tlQT098 f~oe <JO I
f3(J99 II their adversarie:~'7.
RC%re f3 Co iJTB\1 Wholly succesllful 2 are they, says3 R1.fcJo RQT'ae2m; ~, ~ l){Ttft!r3 ~,
~3 qJtJ >JiHCJ"eTJ;! Jalap, on whomS is the pleasure" of s
ft:I~j {t'3 ~ ~'R ill ~l J!a14 ~ I
RUH04 f;:KJ5 II ~ II Cot C:HI Guru Amar Dass.
~ trfu~~ f~t! Hf0 7 Thou readest' of one God, ~ fea' ~f~ ara lr.!~ ~ f~a:G' ~ ti
qfu~~8 ~9 afo 10 8
enshrineth Him alone' in thy mind7 tit l)fTt!i fu3 7 J)f"t:!a ~~ ~. ~
f~~ tf5Tf~12 II and knowest 12 Him as but One 1o• ~~ ~ ~~ fea' 010 ~10 <:11 ;:{1(!~12 ~ I
m~13 ~14 Through thine ,eyes l3 and words'" of l)fTu~ll)fj lJi):fi13 ~ l;{il ls ~ a~14, 'aTil1'

lifu 15 f~ ~16 mouth lS , thou realiseth but one ~ ~~B fuel ~1' ti \11 l)f~~ CloW 3' l)f'3
~Q17 (5if~18 0 ls
Lord , and knowest 19 not of fClR (joR t7
~1 U?i Til 18 ti 0\11' ~19 I
wf~€,19 II another"sl7 refuge's.
lJufo20 f~ 1..lO"3"fu21 Thou seest the One Lord is dream 20 ~ J¢lzo ~ fear JIl)fT}{l ~ ~t:W ~ '3
f~~ fEcm Hf(J22 and the same aile even while awake 2'
and art merged.13 in22 the One alone.
ilTQlt'T <ife>H rZ ' 91 t}~1
- fea' ii <:11 1)i3 fuel
l)i"t!o22 <:11 ~ RHff~ <iful)iT23 ~ I
ffi~~23 II
3h::r24 ~ ~25 tif;:r At the age of
(seventyone) Or (a<i'3a) iji (31u24 + reCi + ti'il 1li'32S +
'0311127 0 28 (thirty2"+one+live and 25
five ) thou didst begin to march 26
- f~tr :r OT-?i R ilC! ,.
U'3l27 /\ RTsT ~1 @H'd'
~rB2' ~ ~ ~oor16 l)ias CiI3T I
T 28
towards the 28Indestructible29 Lord.
re~30 f;:r31 Wl;!32 The One3S Lord, wh031 from one!O reCi 1 rcr3S ii3 • fuO/30 3' Bl:i~32 '3 Bl:{1:ft33
..."" f • Cl

B~33 ~Bl.i34 ~ assumes lacs 32 and lacs 33 of forms, Riu UTO'o Cit! ~·t'T 3', ~fl:fI)iT 0<:11'34 ilT

fui!35 rei! aftJ36 can be seen not34; Him, thou, 0 RCl't!Tj ~~ ti ~ Olo~ !~ re& &ail 36
~fo~3711 Guru, hast described 37 as One36 ful)fTo Ci13T37 ~ I

~o >JiHOerR iJT~ Says38 Jalap, thou seekest39 One ifT5tl l)fTl:ft't38~, ~ f~ ~ ti i:(;:rw3' 3'
~38 "3 reef
B~f(J39 Lord and the One Lord thou ~ feCI l{i ti \11 ~ t!;rer40 ;}' I
f~i! H-~€f40 IISIlCot~1I
worshiP~:..__._._._....._....._ ...__ J

fii 41 Hf3 42 oru143 The understanding"2, which"· Jaidev ~ RH~'4l, ftlV3l" ;l~~ ~ arfue al31'3 Rl
~f~ fu Hf3 ('5TH grapsed 4J and the understanding ))f3 ~u RH~ Fir.Js1 nr~~ "j'~ crH1.... Rl I
R).fT~44 II which permeated"" Namdev.
fu Hf3 f3B'lO
ftJf345 The understanding that was in the ~ ms fttu31 ~ ~ >40'" f~ R1 ))f3
~6 atito f\J mind'" of Tirlochan and which was fAA ~ R3'" iillfl(J ))fclR ~rt7 R1 I
ii~47 II realised"7 by saint'" Kabir.
qQlHtaT~ Ql~f348 ~u RH~ fAA ~ ottit ~~ Rt!P0

The understanding, through which (JttI'

oTJi it~49 fC53 50 Rukmangad the king, did the deed'" u1 ~ IlI)fTHl ~ fffifao'" ~ mt' CiOBT
9~5111 of everso contemplating'" his Lord, 0 Al, ~~laS1 1
brotherS •.
I,,{HaTfcr UuSTft:!' The understanding, by which seeking ~ RH~, fAA ~I)fTOT, 1.it3
B1 \fc'iTUS2
. RC~52 aTfe-e53"-cnf35C the Lord's53 refugeS2 , king Amrik is ~, oTifl ~Ol ))13 R;r l{fuHTB HlfJf" ~
~s511 and saint Prahlad were blessedss UCfTlJ3 ciess I
with salvations", . ~
3 H~56 ~q57 f3RoT58 Says Jalap, by that very30 ;:JTH\J »fTl::W ~, ~'O u1 R~I ~))Irar, t II!'
3;:1159 60RHf361 ;:rH understandin&61, thou, 0 Guru, hast iJ a.rm ! ))ITlJi HTH~S6, alii57 ~
~62 ~arf363 II .. shed" thy avarice", wrath1l7 and lfTf,:n:r ~ iiii";:ft~ ~l 0'1-0131'3 ~
desire s8 and hast knownu the way fB»fr'2 ~ I

Io.rq ))fHCt!Tr:I foii 64

garq 65 ~ Bfl:f t!o868
of Iifeu •
Guru Amar Dass is the Lord's own'"
saint611, seeing whose vision'·, one is
"-. "'".~'" ~~~
;jj (0,," JI... <Ji'>;
f~i ~T ~CJBo" ~l;f feoRTn ~ OlfH))I~67
~ Ii
~~66 l;i0lf367 11811
blessed" with emanciption'7.

Meetingll' with Amar Das~. the

Guru, the earth70 is rid72 of its sins7'.
\flJ3" ci H'Bl ~ J

-. ))f}fO~ til OTl? f>-me" t!l)fToT

~ lJTlJ71 n~72 oj ~ uo I
- . tTa3170 I


)).fTRTRfu76 II
qrn ))f~ UOR1~
fuoTRf'u72 II
QIo ))fHCJ~TI2 Utn:ft~73
The perfect penons74 and strivers7S
crave7S to meet7J with Guru Amar
Meeting with Amar Dass, the Guru,
\ian l;!OB 7"
nTH flm~73

OR ))f}fO~
I)f3 l)ff~1)fTfft7S O!~ ))IHaBTR til

. E~~76
?; un I

til oTl? fHl?~ ~))IraT. l{'cl ~

fu))fTQ77 Bill~78 the mortal is blessed78 with fRHOO" t!l t! T3 flm tiiBya ~ ))I~ ~R e T
- Ie-
ufi79 ijfOlfu80 II meditation" and his journey79 comes a·ii -
T79 HOI tl~l80 ~ I ~
to an end80 .
Meeting with Gun\ Amar Dass, the

~ *I"?3"~81 'C?g82 OT~83 fear-free 81 Lord attained8z and

is fll)PH1 tfOTtJ382 ~ ~T ~ ~ )){T~ ~
Bforfu84 II
-Ei one's transmigmtion 83 ceases84 . ~T~T<JT~83 fHc tt i t!Tl4 ~ I

~ ~~95 fa""f0 85 ~OT~86
1387 3'~88 d'~89 tp90
When90 man93 is domesticated94 with
the Guru's sublime" word 92 , then"
reor ~ B ~a85, ~crn t!T flll)lla",
'3t <:1116 ~<:117 ~al9 il~T:), ;:R9' H?iB'3 Olat

i 91gHi3!2
~ Bfu 94
alone ceases 89 that87 love86 of another.
which is different85 from that of the
t!1 JiBc" ST~192 (')~ f<J5 ttt~l94 :) I

~ ClSt4 One Lord.

~ ttrgUT
~ fB'3s 97
<!fa *I).fot!rfR
fHB"fu99 11411
Says Jalap, so many97
objects" are attained" by seeing98 the
sight of Guru Amar Dass.
i=l T'8l1 ~T ~. O.!~ l)fHoB"R ;:ft ~T ~
~l:f~'8 ~~TOT. »fo1~t97 ~~~51~t ~~~t"
lItJT1l3 <J ~1'>i199 <:1(') I

i• 9.811

~ f~~4
R~ OT>:! Ofd'3Tg2 B3

";1 RaTfu»f€?5 II

3T8 3' - >iOTt' B"u~

The true Name of the Creator-Lord 2;
that' Guru N~mak has grasped 4 and
gathered .
Form7 him6 became manifest8 Lehna
fRa~<:1ro ~~T}{12 ~T
(')T(')or ?l
m:r oTH;
O!.fiJ~4 ~ f~or30 01'13'5 ~

~t' 3<7 '8f<J~, ON llfur~ ~ ~lI ~ ;;rua'


! l{OTf'28 3T139 Bd'~10 in the form of Guru Angad, who <Jf~l)fT• ,:; ~otlO
- u
~ l)oT B fl/l)fT(312 "ft!Cf

~ f8~12 ofu*l€?13 II remains l3 attuned 12 to his' feet lo. '810 afJt!T73 ~ I

~ - Guru Amar Dass, the abode l7 of ~H~16 B fc~17, ON. ~TH ill, ~H14
~f3314 Offg15 Old'
~ *IHOt'TR - »fTR;16 hope l6 • became manifest in that ~Totri'i15 f~~ \.@Tc ~~ I ~t18 ;:ft Hf<JHr 1t

~ fo~TB17- 3'TB 18 q]'~19 dynasty I 5. How 20 can I narrate 21 H· faR 3~t20 ~a~(')21 01'0 HCRT <Jt '1
: cx~~20 ~CfT~21 1/ his l8 praise" ?
~. ;:t22 0l~23 - »f~24 Fathomless24 ~md infinite 25 are the ~<J24 llf3 ijl)[325 (Jo ~t2J ft:Ic:J;Il~t22

~ l}faTH - f30\J 26 q]'~

25 virtues23 that 22 he possesses. Of ~t ~ l/-5 <:10 I ~~t26 8or1~t ~ t:13Cl27
those 26 virtues, I know not the limit 27 •
~ >;fq27 '0 ttT~~ II .. ~ H· (,)<J1' ttTc:~ I
] ~fucr(t28 faos 29 The Creator-Lord Z9 has made 30 him fRa~<JTCJ-l1~f2' ?l ~ Hra13 I ~H332
a boat28 to feny across 34 his whole 31 »{3 ~Bn lIT(3 01'0(')34 ~1 ~ Q fuor
~ fod'HtT 30 Rg 31 ROTf3 32
~ C3g33 ~OO~34 II following 32 and lineage n . tt<Jl;:r21 ac:1fu>,{T30 ~ I
Says" Kirat,the bard, save 37 thou tc
: Old' *IHotTR alo~ orre3 ~Tl:ft!T)6~, ~ Hal ora
. 01'536 3 Tfu 37 3 Tfu me and protect me, 0 Guru Amar ~3 a~ H, <1 ON. l)f)-ffi~R I for~ ii
: ql}f38 UT39 R~35 II Dass, for, I have sought the refuge 35 H· 3ipl t'i o t38 ;:ft lIoT<J35 ~ ~ I
of Thine 38 feet 39 .
9.119. \..lll
*ITflt0 ooTf~41 Assuming4) !,ower42 , the Primal AV·f3~T42 f~~f31)fT(343 oro, fY,aH tial::(ll ?l
aBT42 t1TfCJ43 'i1OT44 Being41 , of Himself40, has entered46 J!~40, RV~ OjoT i! ~lI f~ R~ »{qa45

Hfu 45 Uo~folJ1~46 II into45 the world 44 in tbe form of the y'~B or1'3T 46 ~ I
True Ohru.

~,*'';'4'iji#+iji+iji+iji+iji+'''+++'l''l'iji+++.''' ''+iji+1~+''' ••+++++++++++++++++4'+++++++++.++++++++...++++......

with the Lord's feet 62 .

oroer ~fB"64 fo1-r~65 Lehna-Angad, along with 67
Amar Bfui »jaR ~ »fHCJ~TR Rlh67 , ~ (')T(')a ~
l)f~3fo€?66 >iare- Dasl was born" in the immaculate8S f(')CJHB 6S :tfT(')~T(')64 )){~o ti(')H fBI)j1" I
~ Fi'fill ~l)f67 II House64 of Guru Nanak.
~o l)fHotTR 3ro~8 Guru Amar Dass is the shi p6' to t{T~ll>fT ~ trTo aCJ(')68 BEl Olq, »fHo~IR til

3a~9 1im ;:rm70 ferry across 68 the mortals. In birth70 fECi1 i!<J T;=t69 <J(,) i!(')HT i!oHT 3CJT70
I I)j'~CJ,

. Ur7l Rof~72 ~l)f73 II after birth, I long for the protection72 H· 3-ij73 l1oT11 BllJo Tu 72 B;3~T u t I
~lIctEII of thine 7J feeFI.
;:rt1'4 3U75 R3 76 Seeing78 the Guru's vision7'. the OlCJT ~T ~lBTCJ ~Cf~78 ~l>f1CJT7'. OlCJT ~ fRCf 80

Fr3l:!77 fUfl::f78 ~oRQ79
aTofRl::fu 80 II
disciple 80 of the Guru is blessed with
the Lord's meditation 74 • service7S ,
truth 76 and contentment77 •
. -
?; Rl>fTHl B fRHoo 74 .
R~F.Ic3T77 Bl BT3 lJcPlJ3 <J tl'el ~ I
R~T75 RB 76 l>f3

ROf~81 Uofu82 383 Whosoever seeks 82 the Guru's it aEl OlCJT Bl lJoTu 81 H~~182 ~, ~ul3

~-aofu84 ~fu85
81 8
refuge , he ] is emancipted 84 and Jia3 84
5 tiTe T ~ l>f3 ~<J H3 86 ~ F.IfUCJ 87 ~

16ilHllo87 ell fB"Cfu 88 11

8s 88
he is rid of the account of the B~ U-3 88 3· ~8TR18s lJT i!TBT ~ I
city87 of death86 •
His mind'2 is filled" with the Lord's ~R ~T )-{O'2 RTEl ~ fRHCJ(,)1' l>f3 flJl>f1CJ'O
meditation" and affection'O and he oTB lJCJ1l!CJ(,)" 111 ~~~T 3 l>f3 ~u fRCJilCuTCJ
utters'3 the Name of the Creator- Si»fTH1'4 ~ OTH BY iiTlJ Ci1CJ~T'3 ~ I

'QIq aT\tuq95 The Guru is the river" of pearls's -. til H31l>f T'5 ~ BfCJ»fT96 <JO l>f3 ~C{f~l)fT99
~ol~96 tR?er 97 and, in a moment'7, ferries across lOO 5fEl>f T ~ fECi1 Ji<J3'7 f~B lJ1CJ aCJ ftf~'OO

~n:i 3 u99 3ral

00 II
the drowning ones". YO I

mil C!fB"2 fo"HC2 3 He was incarnated" in the immaculate I

lineage2 of Guru Nanak and utters 7
- u
OTO« Bl uf~303

»f~3To" QTfCJl>fT l>f3 ~J fRCJi!~<JrCJ


~fo€?4 aT~5
.. -
a"d3 1d (tBa7 II
- the praises of the Creator-Lord6• -e1»ft fR63i s ~BrCJ~7 <JO I

o my Guru, within my mind l 4, I <J HiJ ClJ.o~~ ;:it ! lliTU<! )-10 14 Ilft!o H' 3-a
think 15 of making 17 a supplicationI' li<:1iJ fC!or a031 16 oroo l7 t!T f~lliTEls.
before thee, but, I can l9 dare sayl8 it orOt!T <:1 T, tf~ fC!R ~ H· »i~c:\8 t!T <Jllli T
not. 0<:11' oro Rort!T 19 I
I leave: all 20 my care 21 to thee and H· RTClT20 fuor0 21 3iJ 3 ~~ fB'3 T ~ lli3
100k22 to the saints' congregation for R<:J Tfc:3T Bil II Rf3RaT3 ~E ~l;it!T22 <:1 t I
In thy will 23, I am blessed 24 with the 301 ot:lT23 »i"t!o, HiJ 3 301 fl-l<:1o t!1 H<:J0 2S
stamp2!; of thy mercy and then26 BOTt!l 24 ~ 3 3t!26 <:I1 ~ »iTU<! li»iTl-!l t!1
serve 27 I my Lord. U[TC?" 0fHT~·t!T27 <:IT I

When, 0 Guru, thou seest me with ;J a]o~~ ! ;:It! ~R1· »iTuc:1 fl-l<:10 28 tit
the propiteous: z8 glance 29 , then the 0;:]0 29 oTE H~ ~~ <J. 3 t fRo;:lc;<JT0 30 ~
fruit 32 of the Creator's30 Name is in oIl-! t!T 6B 32 HiJ l;[a 31 k~ ~t!1 ~ I
my mouth 31 .
Whatever 37 commands38 the ftl;];3T or~37
irfi T<:J33 I»ift!Rc
34 »i3 ;J3lli t t!T

Unfathomable 33 and Unseen 34 Lord J6 , ;J~35 li liiT I-I1 36 <Ior)-l ft!"-eT38 ~, ~~E ~ <.I139

the cause of causes 311 , that 39 alone H· (1~Too orat!140 <:1 t I

utter4° I.
o Guru Ama,r Dass, thou art the <J rpiJ cil-!i 4\ ~ oroo ~T842, ClJ.~ llil-!Ot!TR!
doer4s of alL deeds41 ; as43 thou f;:lR 3a t43 3 Hii Ol;lt!T ~" €£R ~T44 <Jl H"
u ~ _ I

kecpest me, so do 44 I live. afd'e T <Jt I

Swayas Of45 Bhikhe, the bard. R~~

f-iii "4c ~5 I

Through the Guru's gnosis 46 and 47 ?loT

tJl a<:1l-!~1i:J1a46 >;1347 ~tJ01148 0 1<:11. I ~~ •

contemplation' e, man's quintessence t!", ~<:Ja 8l1i'Hl ~ ~<:104' oTE 50 »i~tJ <i
blends!; I withSO the Lord's
q uintessence •
Through truth one realises S3 the True Ri:J ~ OTiJl' feoR 10 R-ij RT~1"SZ ~ ))oj'l9~53
Lord1l2 and then is attunedS5 to Him ora 8"tJT 0 1113 f6"o fuor H0 54 <J (1R BT ~R
sing le-mindedlyS4. oTE f1l111 10 U WBT55 ~ I

qT}f56 sFQ57 ~fFT58 ora He owerpowersS8 his lust lS6 and ~u »{TU<! f~R ~S6 3 ofiis7 ~ HTO c:h,ns8
tr~~59 tt~50 0 wrath S7 and then his wind-like s9 mind ~ »{3 f60 ~R t T <1~T ~01'r59 H'i~' 1:!3
Q~61 II flies 60 and wanders 61 not again. ~~t160 9cOltT61 O<Jr I
foBqr~2 a ~R ~fFT63 He abides in the realm 63 of the ~u R~l.!-of<J3 1l~TH162 t1 l!Cll 63 l>i"eCl
Qq>:!64 ~fS65 ~TtJrq66 Formless Lord 62 and realising6S His ~RBT ~ 1>13 ~R Bl CliP'4 ~ »{09~5 OlCl
~II wi1l 6" attains unto His meditation". ~R ~ fR?iClo"- ~ lJ' i·BT ~= I - ~
. qf~7 HTf~68 ~1469 In68 this Dark age 67 , the Guru is the f~ 0l8i101'67 >iBCl 68 01'0 ;:rl fI1Cl-;::R<]T0 7o ~
qCl3'T 70 ~al:fl R * 71 embodiment69 of the Creator7°-Lord71 • 1lI>lTJ-W' ~T R~lJ69 <10 '1 ~;'5 (t<J 7I
* <11 f'2'R ~
1qT>ii€? II
i oro - fHfB€?
ftifo fq~73

f~w q~ FT~~75 afor76

toRQ77 BT>ii~78 11911
He7'. alone understands72 this, who
did some73 good deeds in the past.
Says Bhikha. he7", the Guru, has met
me and the Lord 7s , through His
pleasure76 , has blest78 me with His
~ R~T72 ~,

fifl::fT 1>I~t' ~_~<174
<JO »{~ 1l»{THy75 -i)
fi1R i)

H~ »{TlJ~T B1BTo77 mfrnl>l1 78 ~ I

flJ~ C[S 73 ~aT

0I0~~ i11 }i~ fH'5 tl~

»{T~l l.!ClRO~T76


9tl! vision77• ~
of~g R3 ~tt -zfa79 I have been searching79 for the saints H· RT~l>It B1 9 T8 79
01131 ~ 1>12 Uj'<!a e I
• FJTtl80 -a~3ij81 f~82 II and have seen82 good many81 pious l.!W3Cl l!oaB° ~ij82 <10 I
persons80 .
Rf('»}fT~T83 3U8T»KJ84 These e6 solitarians83 , penitents8 " f'2'<J86 f'2'01t31 83 , 3tf184 lY.3 ~JJ-Ic;87, R:a <11 ~
lj'1::I'~85 ~86 tr~fi887 and Brahmans87 are all sweet- Mol (tU:lTO) i1 t ('ib es ) ~'5 <](') I ~

fHc5 II tongued 8s . ~
aBB88 E~ ~ But, no one could satisfy 88 me, although Hal 3R81 89 0' 010 Rfu»{T 9T~·

l.!Cl ii'2'l 91
fmClg 90
fu?i ~ I wandered 90 through for a yearee. H· re01 RT'5 90 88 9cOlt T f6fol>l,90 I
traB@89 Blil'€? II ~

~fa~~91 - q~T92 I have heard 93 people say91 and }i' BOlt ~ »fTCf~t1 l)i3 tlClB Ta 92 O1a~ ~
Bil93 a~94 &95 preach92, but seeing their way of llf~Il1T93~. tf~ (t~t t1 ;:r1~(') Cl<1-Cl131

1::I'RT96 0 >ii~ II life9", I am not at aIl9S pleased 96 . ~l:f &, H~ ii'2'1 95 lJOR03 T" o<1r ;IBl I
~fociH iffii96 t-H97 Why2 should I utter 3 their 99 praise 100 H·(t~i99 BY Hf<JHT'oo fu€t 2 ~0~3 ClOt, H
~98 f3q99 ~ ~~100 who. forsaking 96 the Lord's Name, R~TH1 ~ oTH ~ f3l>iTOJ 96 & ~oR97 0''5 i1;j
are attached 98 to another 97 .
-. -
~ fo(>iiT2 qu(f3 II ~~98 <10 I
CIJ.Q Bf:(jf4 fHBT~ Says Bikha, God" has made me meet fil:fT »{Tl:fBT ~ • ~fuart i) ~ oT'5 arot
i fm1::l'>iiT f;:F~·5 ~ the Guru. AsS thou, 0 Guru, fi.rEP R3 T ~ I fi1R 30'" iS 3= ii OIa~~ !
0l::I'f~6 f3~7 ~~ II keepest6 me, S07 do I live now. y7
H~ 'Ql:fBr' ~. ~~ 3a <J1 <J~ H· of<:f-e T<Jt I
:;;; .. -
trfufa8 RHTfQ 9 ROTQ 10 Wearing 8 the armature lO of seedless

for».fTf'012 ~13 ».fTRf<!14 trance' the Guru has mounted ls tii~l] 3 ~f<JH ~lBla'2 ~1 qTQl tllel 5el l4
Bf3>1-f~ 15 II the saddled 14 horse" of Divine ~,H~'a ;j@IS 'l(') I
knowledge l2 .
ih-{16 U'ocr 17 oro 18 Holding" the bOW l7 of faith'6 in his ))'1't1i <:Jt:f18 f?tJ elHl(')16
qj.{1e!17 t10l3", ~1
cITf~gl9 sCll3 20 R18~21 hand l8, he has ,;harged'3 the arrows'2 ~~Y ~ mHo(')20 1?i3 fOHa3 T21 t! 31a 22
Rf0 22 Ef3».f€t 23 \I of meditation 20 and humilit y 21. m?lim uo I
~24 fOOS-€t 25 ~fo Becoming fear-free 2s of the fear 24 I?if<fg 26 ~Tfuag -e f~ I)[~a
<Je! (')lg ~24
>}{CC226 Hfo R~ft27 with the EternaJ26 God in the 3~ f~2S 5, O!at ~ I)fllf<! Hn >tf~a (')lH 27
C!Jo 311128 OTf~g29 II mind, the Guru has plunged 29 the ~T sa~128 ~~fC!'I?iT2' ::t I
spear 28 of the Name" in his heart.
And has thus destroyed]6 the five 1)f3 feR y'~Ta ~C1Y ?) mu~3]O, afil 3\
demons 3S of lust 30, wrath 31 , avarice JZ , 5 1EB u , RR 1al JM3T]] ))-(3 H~-ii0l3134 t!
wotldly lOve!] and self-conceit3 4. ui:rT ~3f('))){Y]S tl wa ~fc1){T36 ~ I
Guru Arnar Dass, the son40 of Tej 3fl9'1(')3' t! 1:!'l40, O!~ I?iHCI~TH fll, i-fgl?i yJ7
Bban 3' , is the supreme 38 person in Ii
~ }:fl(')~T(') ~ He!V8 l:!aF.l 'l(') I O!~ (')T(')Q
the dynasty of Bhallas37 • Through the ~~ fll -e ~a4] aT'll· ~ ~<! l.(Tf3f.P'l Y41 ~
blcssings 4lof Guru Nanak, he is now t11f3lJ1<J42 un I
the king42 of kings41 •
~ (JJo ».fHotTR R~44 Veril y44 saysts 'Sail', thou, 0 Guru RB H 1?iTl:f~145 ~ 'AUg' 3=' <1 ala »f}1cJ~lR !


R5 S-f~5 3 t'5 Amar Dass, waging SO war 4' this-wise48 , f~R "3~y41 B5Tef4' qa ~so ~F.lH(,) t!ll?iY

~f;:{3€t47 f~~48 ;:!Q49 hast overpowered 47 the enemy-hosts46 . iW 46 ~ <JOT ft!3t47 ~ I

~orf050 119.II~qll
~ ~t52 alj>;i53 The rain-d ropss2 ofcloudssl ,
the SeE ySI -ell){Y Ole!l))-(t52 , 'Qd3153 Bl SOTHtI3154
'ijHT~f854- ~RH55 the vegetation!;4 of the earthS3 and lIi3 s'lTa S6 ~ ~~5S fali s7 oul· ;;IT Hq-e I
56 57 the tlowers 5S of the springS6 can be
aR3 OT33 '0
».f~ II countedS7 not.

ofR 58 mR 59 62forof~o Who" can kn.ow'5 the limit'4 of the

sunS8 and the moon5'·beams6o and SI 3 -a~s, ~l))-(T ~I){T~O, HI{~a62 -e
€ttq61 RrOT0 ~ alar Uc'1 ))-(3 marT BllJiT Ef'lay62 ~ ~0l64 ~

::raor 62 >i~64 ~66 waves63 of the belly" of ocean62 and ~ til ROlt!1 6S ~ I

l.fT~65 II of the Ganges ~~

at!67 fU>1-fTo68 faP'>1T?)69 Says Bhall, the poeticaPo person?1, iB ~1'0 ttOB71 ))-(Tl:fBT ~, fF.l~;:ft61 Bl
Af3qJo & orf~70 with the Shiva's" concentration'8, fecrraro3168 (')Tg, ~~q] feoF.lT(') ~~y72 ~

;:{'O71 ~'5 (}~72 ~73 though7J man ma.y be able to count74 (far¢) ttl (ar Tfen 74 '&t'J) B~, tf~ ~'l R~
~74 II" - - themn , but, he can
gnosis 69 of the True Guru.
know not the
arat ~ S<JH ~lBTo69 i; We! (')ul" Hqt!T I
- ~
, ••••••••~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

9575 liiHo~TR OT~76 Sublime 75 are thine virtues75 , 0 Guru fiac 75 <:10 301l)ft %0l1I)ft76 , <J O1~ l)fHo~R !
3a 301 €lUHT77 -3f~ Amar Dass. Thy praise 77 becomes78 301 Hf<:lHl 77 ci~H 3~ <:11 :6~:re178 ~ I
~f(l) liiT~78 11911~~1I only thee.

R~1~ Sawayas JR~re

H~5 B~l1 a8 In the praise of the Guru. ~~l l..Pf3F.1TUl t:!l Hf<:lH1 fii1"tJ I

9 €fif3(fl0 URTfe' II .. There is but One God. By the True ~Tf<J01~ ci~ f~Ol ~ I H-e 010 1 t:!l f~
Guru's grace, is He obtained. Rt:!Oll ~<J l.lln:l)fl Wt:!T ~ I
fE~ Hf(l)79 Uol;f80 Single-mindedly", contemplate82 n:0l f~37' oTH, ~ l) l.lf.i30 S1 l.ftSD t:!T
focJ;1Q81 fq)).f~~82 II 81
thou thy immaculate Lord 8D . l)flOTt]0 82 Ol0 I

djo \{R Tft83 ~fo By the Guru's grace 83 , ever85 singS' 010 1 t:!l
-, =
3 Rt:!1ii1"85 <:11 I)fTl.l~ ~.
OJ(!84 R~85 aT~{186 II thou the praise 84 of thy God. ~Tr<:lt[~ ~l ;:111 ilT'feo 0l0S6 I
84 ~
- - Singing the Lord's praise, the mind <Jol t:!T ;:IR oJlfuo Oloo ~I)fTOt, H?j;'li fCf=3 ;""
T 87
(flo OJT~~ Hfo ~ftr
faaTTFJT87 II Rf3aTo blossoms87 forth and the True Guru, ;:rft:!T ~ l>i3 H~ aro 'ill @R B ai 8s, t:!ll)fl
-" -
· \{f088 ;:ro~89 a1 fulfills 88 the desires'D of His slave8'. ~H~lSD \!oll)f yi ' 010 f~--e <Jo I
l';fTFJT90 II
Rf3qJQ Rf~91 Serving" the True Guru, the mortal Ail OloT t!l cf<JH" ~1~ ~I)fTol, 4.T~l ~
Hu1('it1 H03Q,3?; lJT H~el ~ lH3 »jli0 94 3 ~
92 93
UOH ut tJ'T'l:Tr{1 II
l'iffaorR194- liifaaT395
, ful';fTtl€[96 II -
attains the supreme'2 status9]
meditates" on the Imperishable'4 and
Formless'5 Lord.
"",-.fJ3" '['>l'~] ,,] '''ill]'' ••", ;) I i
BR ~98 ~TfoB99 Meeting" with Him'7, poverty" ~R oTH'7 fHHc ~l)fla19l, 'illii1" ~ :arolCfl" !
~.. ....
(I) tJu 100 II - c1ings lOO not to one. o<:lr ftJH=3t:!l'oo I

~ org R~ 3 TR2 CJT~3 Kalsahar utters 4 the praises 3 of OlHl1<:1l"q ~11 t:!llH i2 fl1:63 i2 ~~'O04 Oldt:!l ~ I
· HQ4 II - - - Him2.
Utter I the pure5 praise ofs the fiac' l.:!oa7, <:1 1 ~11 ,!OR t'l8 l.lf~~305 ~
Huff (fl~ fSHB 5 6[ H·
sublime 6 person7, the person, to "hom l.l~3T ~tJ100 Oloe T <J r, ftlR *. t:!l ~
l';ffH>ii 9
'1(') ~~8
orH;:IT crt?
hal occurred" the Lord's lH~fli31i~1' olH »j@f=31)f IO ~ I
,,:~ ~

"'~"'R. 'H'~ ~"''''. i
~fol';fTI0 II - - Nectar'-Name.

j·fufo 12

Rll~14 013
Serving '3 Amar Dass, the True Guru,
this l2< Guru Ram Dass was blessed"
Ail ill" -,,] UI'8"
f~1112 ilJ~ oTHt'lR 'ill ~ l{~14 ~ ~ri"-f~315 t'1 ~
with the Lord'sl4 elixir l5 and he t:! 13" fHHl »j3 ~~y l.lfii1""30· 7 (')lli ~ »jT~ ~
oTij fo€J~017 ~fal8
tlfO>;fT 19 II enshrined" the immaculate l7 Name in fo~'S fii1"tJ fcOl T fgl)fl" I ~
his mind 18• ~

ufo Guru Ram Dass is the enjoyer2D of Ol~ 'OTHt? ll1 til, ~Tf,:ra.!~ ~ (')11-1 ~ oRle 20 , ~
. . . . . . . . . .+••••• ~

aTf~e21 0lc;22 OlT~23 the God's Name, the purchaser 2J of ~WHVI -eTl'fl t ~OITll{f22 B ~01-ero23, }{l8'01

tr~24 3325 RH3 26 the Lord's21 virtues 22 , the seeker 24 B ~<:I02S B ~<:I~Tti24 ~~ R8't ~T~ feoRT:6 26

Ra 27 \I of the Master's quintessence 2S and B -e-RH 27 <:10 I

the fountain27 of even~handed

justice 26 .
qf~28 cH;29 (5TOI'CJ30 Says Kalsahar2", the bard 28 , Guru 9'''c 21 crnRJro Z9 ~Tl::lBT ~, oT'!a 30 ' <:Io-eTR B
~CJBTR 3331 - O}CJ Ram Dass, the: son] 1 of 'Thakar]O' 1[30 31 , CIl~ CJTl-I-eTR ;:ft ~te;13] R-a~a32 ~
• CJTHBTR RCJ 32 »{~CJ33 Har Dass, fills]" the empty3] tanks u . uaI-11Clti 34 01'0 f;:"~ <:Iti I
• ~34 11<:t1l
~C335 tro~~36

From Guru Ram Dass proceeds JS aro
aT}ftlTR ill UTA" ";-fH337 l'fl3 ~f~oTflV'
~ .

~fHT;i37 ».f}-raT38 U-e 39 the stream:" of Nectar 37 and H03a 39 -el o-eT" ;:raV5 <IeI ~ ~3 f?<r
immortaPI status 39 and he is the ~qToR40 B ReT~142 90';!S43 :r T8'TS4' <:10 I
>i-fli340 R-a~CJ41 R-e 42
i/"" (i;]~ "'0 <it feH ,,;'iiI."I;
ever4! brimful 43 tank41 of ambrosia40.
"9fCJ>;fT43 II
· 344 ul~fu45 R3 qCJf~ Those 44 saints alone indrink 4s this
nectar and bathe 46 their mind in it,
l)f~u<! ~ ~"-eo~ ~<:IT~'-e46 i
U'O ""if'
Hfo H"HQ46 ya 47 l)f3 H?i; feR <Jo,
who had served 41 their Lord in the m~t i 47
• fHO~ B~148 qCJ1))il II fll'65 RHo Jiea l)fTui Riir BT
past 47, Uf'8' Q}-l'e1 48 Rl I
f30 49 "9€?50 fO~TfCJ5l
The LOlrd drives. awaySI their4 9 fear so, l.@ ~i49 -e T sa so ~051 OIa ftf-eT ~, ~t ~
~ »{0~32 u-e
53 -eloT54 blesses1l4 them with the fearles!,>S2 ~0-of<J3s2 1.I-e~ls3 SJ:fJ:R1 54 ~ ~3 €1?it tT

~ R8'-e55 H;3 56 357 status e3 and ferries sl them across -a~8'5' ~TU~ oTH S5 CJT<Jl'S7 uTa f?:rro~5; 010 ~
; €tUB ua 58 II" through S7 His Name 55 atoneS6 .
Says Kalsahar, the bard, Guru Ram
ft"f-e T ~ I
'Ie Q8'R<JTCJ »{Tl::l-eT ~, or<rcJ <JfoBTJ:r B
~ Ol'f~ erc:5
1~CJ-erR 33 Dass, the son of the
Dass, fills the empty tanks.
Thakar Har 1d~', O.!~ oTH-e1R ill t1 TBT Rij~t ~ uaT~oo

CJTH-elR RCJ 010 ftf"B <:10 I

-ga 1I~11
R30lCJ Hf3 59 qr ~60
Profound60 is the True Guru's
understandingS9 , his association62
~Ull'° ~ RV~ aJot
s-e '2
- Bl
maS9, @(')t
- ... -el F1<:1S'3'2
SCI fe"eI ~ l)f3 ~t-eT
faH8 61 R3ROlf3 62
63 -af0l64 B5C565 makes man blotless61 and his soul6! f;:fe;J1 63 »{Tui 1.fl Bl l{13'4 oT8' O!~l
»'P3H - =- is imbued deep red 65 with the love" 8'T8'65 aOil ~el ~ I
9lJ{T II
of his Lord.
Illumined" with Divine knowledge 68 , l{<JfH farl'fl T(')68 oT~ aao <ife~t cif~l)fI69
~66 Ho er~C267
l=f~f;168UCJ QTRT69 his mind lotus" remains awake" ~~t -er f'13 'OIH5 67 ~To'6 of<:J"-et ~ l)f3
~ >;f~70 foatlO 71 l.UCJfu72 and In his very home 72 he has »{r~ QTH 72
~-eo <:11 (J?ii ii fcri~70
j c:5JT73 II - attained 73
the fear-free 70 71
uW30 ~ ~ ur f8'»/T73 ~ I
i immaculate" Lord.
•• ++++~+++++++++++++++++++++++~++++M+M+M+~+~+~+~+~4.~+~+~+~+~¥~+~+rn+rn+~+rn+rn+~+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+~+=+~+~+=.~.~+=+~·w=+~+~+~+~+~~·--
__ r

R8orfo 'e:(ifTf<g74 (Jfa The mercifuJ7" True Guru has f~otlT074 Rtf 0101 ~ Ha »{t!a ~ t!T?iT}{
oT}f - ftr~ltlT75 f3'8 76 implanted75 the L0fd's Name within l1cp75 eTo ftf3 T ~ )).f3 ~~76 t!1 t!f~,77
u..R~f,€"77"' ~fR78 UB79 me and by his76 grace77 • I have ~))ofTo', H~ U';:rt7' ~3fO)).f1 ~ qr~71 010 •
crall disciplined 71 the five" demons. fCS)).fT ~ I
Olf~ Says Kalsahar. the bard, Guru Ram "de Ci'CSl1iJ'o )).f'l:ft!T ~, oTifO iJat! TI1 ~ t!~, ,
ootTR Dass, the son of Thakar Har Dass, Oj~ a'HeTR Til :l:I Tcsl J1ij~1 ~ uolt,!oo 010 •
fills the empty tanks. f~~ '10 I I
€?ol-/Tfo 81
f<g~ B Tor1 83
With detached mindll , the Guru is
attuned 83 to the fearless BO and
fotrnu Ho" OTCS, ClO1 t!1 tJ.l313
»r3 )).f(JllUI2 y.~ OTH U aJ~113 ~)).f3 ~iJ ~
~-afu3eo I
lJT't3'i.!84 ~fC»fT85 Inconeeivablel2 Lord and has metes )).f~ U'H >Jft!oB7 '11 CJSP~I" ~TfuOlt!.86 ~
R'~J;:rS6 ura 87 II with God 86, the philosopher's stone.... oTC5 fHs U~B5 '10 I ~
in his very home 87 •
R3'qJO UaRTftr 88 By the True Guru's grace". he has R~ 0101 t!1 t!re)).fTII ~)).fraT ~~T ~ HUTo" =
Ual-/ 89 U~90 Ul'trjT obtained the supreme" status90 and HO~r'o UOTU3 <i foy))fT ~ )).f3 (t?i' ~
gaTf391 gTfE ~~T093
92 his treasures 93
are brimful'4 with :l:It.l~9J rnHao" 3 t{H'2 oTC5 ua'ltIoo'" un I
gij 94 11
fB~ grorr
Ra 2
R3tr 100
meditation" and love'2.
He is rid'5 of future
his fear'7 of death is removed'8 and
his mind is attached" to God. the
ocean' of contentment lOO •
births", t?u <io Tioi-/Y" ~~ :l:IB'TR1"
~ H3 t!T ~a'7
tra98 <i fcrr».fT )).f3 -;
Ho R~Rc3T'oo ~ l1l{ea 2 ~TfuOJ.~ 0TC5
~~" fopw ~ I

Olf~ orB'. ..... Says Kalsahar. the bard, Guru Ram ie CffiRuTo »Fl::feT~, OT,!C <Jot!7J1 ~ t!.~', ~


.. CJT}-f'eTFJ
gij 11811
Dass. the son of 'Thakar' Har Dass,
fills the empty tanks.
OJ.~ aTHeTR ;:it, ~Tffi Hij~aT ~ ua1lJ,oo ~o ~

fB-~ '10 ! i

»fga ga The empty ones thou fillest. 0 Guru. lfTcs1)).ft ~ ~ uol4,oo aa ft!"eT ~', <J ~

~3 fa,€"4 Thou hast obtained the infinite 3 Lord Ola~?!:i S»{33 IN ~ UTf8'»lT ~, ftm ~ ~ ~
wfu€?611 whom thou hast enshrined' in' thy )).frui fJaB" l)j't!(J5 ~r6 ~fu))of7 ~ I ~

tIl:{ ~;:JQ 7 Within thy mind thou refJectest lO on ».f'~ f'~3 "';t!o ~ 'J1T(j ~R~9' BT fRHoo'o

UaQ8 Hfo the 'Real thing". who is the Ola-eT ~\ H ClF.le uocu107 »8 )).fT3HT ~ ~
~~o§lO II Destroyer of distress7 and the iJ(JIT~(!<JTOI ~ I
awakener of the soull , i
+~+~++++++++.+~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~.+9~~~¥ +~+~~~~~~+~++++.J ••

RtT18 Wfu12 ufo Thou ever l8 yeamest'2 for the Lord's :l Rt'l~18 <IT tN ~T1{t313 ~ B'at'T12~. l)f3
9rf~13 il H14 013: 15 love l3 and thyself" realiseth 17 the l!t''' <:11 fuR ll!3'4 -e lJ.)){l't"15 ~ »fi2R 17
»flit 16 ;:rT~f~ 17 II relish 1s of this love' 4. Cfdt'T ~. I
R3qro ~ l.!ORTf~19 By the True Guru's grace'9, thou RV-;j OloT ~1 of<Jlf3 19 JWiT ~ ~~ »jt~22
RU11 20 R31 21 aqr22 enjoyest 23 celesltial beatitude 22 with2' ~ tliToTH20 oTgZI Rt!'T23 ~ I
H~f~2311 ease20•
clear tlRlf~ ».far~ Througb the grace of Nanak and OTOcr t'T fH<Jo tli3 l)j'aR B1 i!.RC24 fRf1:f»jT25
24 gHf3 25 '" q:rfo »{}-[fo the sublime 24 instruction25 of Angad oT<J1., oJ~ tliHOt!''R i) lJ.»jTl-ft ~ ~2'
»{}-[q26 ~CJ3rfE€?27 /I Guru Amar Dasa
brought into ttm; 3 crl3r 27 I
play27 the Lord's command 26 .
010 Cf11-fe'TR qCiBa 28 Says28 Kall, the bard, thou, 0 Guru "ic crg crfd't!"Z8 ~, it. ~ ~ O'HB'R I
3'" »{~g29 3~HO Ram Dass, hast attained the »jf,:fg Z' tli'3 tlifElorF.lVo ~131 tre rU3 oro
l.!~31 tJTfE€? 11411 eternal 211 and imperishable 30 g~T ~ I
R3tf32 R-a~f033 ~R34 Thou abidest 34 in the tank]] of :l R~RC3132 -e ~Til3J tli~~ ~34~.

»{[)-f»{35 CJR 36 CJRo37 contentment32 and thy tongue 37 ))13 301 fi=KJ31 37 OR1836 . .
0lH-llfflf335 "2;
y"qTR 38 II - revealest,38 the delicious 36 ;:Jl;]Q cram38 ~ I
Name-Nacter 35 •
fHC53 39 Rtf3 40 ~l.!~41 Meeting S9 with thee, tranquility40 3~ nlg fHHc: J9 ~tliTiJT, c5~_~40 ~011
~0342 43ea3f044 wells Up41 and sin42 flees 45 away43 (j tliT~"~l ~ tli3 If'U12 l.f<!1 -e 1-10'" 3'
-:w..,- =
?5Tf1'45 II from thf: mortal's mind 41 • ~c;43 ~5 Wt'y45 ~ I
ljtf Rrarq46 l.!~~47 Blessed48 by Guru Amar Dass, thou og tliHot''R ;:rT -e
E1~ (jE, ~ »jT(ITH -e
ftf~48 ~o Hfcn49 '0 hast attained17 lthe Oce an 46 of peace Hlft!'c;47 ?i 47
UT fgtliT ~ »I3»jTl.I<! aEi ~
~~50 II and thou growest not wearyso in thy oT<J i9 tli"t'o ~ <I'clt!" \!~50 our I
God's W ay19.

R;:p.fSl R-q52 R3~S3 The coat-of·,maiI 55 of thy 3a fl~-;:JEl3sl. Fi",S2. R~C3'53 »j3 fo'i-fa3r54
R1g54 R'O~55 self-restraintSI , truth5Z , contentmentS] ~T RRl)i5S ~Gt!'TS7 o<:lr5' I
56H~S711 and humilityS1 breaks57 not56•
. m3dTo U}-f~S8 The Cff:ator-Lord 59 has created 60 the fatll~-l1tliTH15' i) tI.H'<!lcr s8 Rtf oJar 2
fag ~59 fRfo€l60 ;:rfar61 approvedS8 Tme Guru and the ofB'lf"° ~»13 RH o' I ~ ~1 crl'031'2 t!"

'tm62 3CJ 63
world" pl ays61 the bugle 69 of his fEiOIg U ~~t:!"1 ~ I

praise62 .
ajoolHeTR ar~Bij
... Says Kall, thou, 0 Guru Ram Dass, c;rP.; »j1l:ft!' ~. i, iJ cn~ ~'R! »jfu"P.;
3 ~ »{}-[cfl.!~ hast obtained the eternal and ))IfElOTJ3'l HEEIT U0T1J3 oro fs})jT ~ I
urf~~ IIEII Imperishable stutus.

uf0 70 * ufo Rf3'aTa

>;fHa-eTB: f11fo oTlj
f-e=P1Jf~71 II
0~72 - fofu 73 oTlj The Lord's Name is the treasure7" of ~ t'T oTH ~72 fOlRH' ~ ue TdBi7J tT
foQTQ74 fafu 75 fRfu 76 nine 72 sorts of riches73 • Prosperity75 1:I;:JTOT7.. ~ I f~or~7S »f3 <rcJTw31 HOl31l>f y7'
3'T Cil'1'7 -eTR1 78 II and miraculous powers 76 are his 77 ~~t77 t'lllfi cfu~1I uo I
hand-maidens 78 .
Rutl79 Ra~80 He is blessed 81 with the ocean80 of ~, ~ ltf.JH-~q79 ~ m{eaB° t'l tT3 l{'U3
fHfffi1 91 1401;!82 Divine knowledge 79 and has met88 <J~1" ~ l)i3 ~u oTR-afu3 1 " B:l>f TH1'2 ~
~fcB"83 >;ff~oTR184 II with the Imperishable8" Lord 82. U~83 00 I
>;(Tfu8S EM ~87 The Guru has implanted91 in him
f~ p.>fcrr88 ~89 A90 the90 Name, attached88 to which the
orfa O'H f-e;pfE~91 II saints87 have been e\'er ferried across89
- -.... -
sinceB6 primeval times 85 .
d10 QTl-fETR
Ol'P.>BCJ Says Kall, the poet, thou. 0 Guru OI~laCJ. as »fTl:ftT~, 3~, ;] ~ CJ'HtTR!
~ ~fa 1{H92 lR1i§93 Ram Dass, has attoined 9" the wealth 9J tN ~ fU»fTCJ92 9J
t'l t!'53'U3 <J~19" ~ I
tfT~9411!)11 of the Lord's love 92 .
ilH 9"crrf3'95 ~T~96 The flow 96 of loving-adoration95 fU»fTdl-~UTf.loT95 »{3 ~am; tlOHy9I
ulfu 97 u~p.>198 0 and the prenatal98 affection97 ceases99 fuCJO;31'7 t'T aoT~" ~Cit'T99 ou1' I
~~C!99 II - not.
Rf3OjO REltI 100 The True Guru indrinks6 the NectorS R~ Ol~ e>i3 2 y'~IOO t'1 I!CJHl3 0100
>;f'El'1~2 >;ffHl]f3 llTCJT4 of the immortalising 3 streamS of the ~T'5V oel" ~ >iiH..3 5 ~ lITo ao~6 00 I
aB:5 QIcf~6 II Infinite 2 Lord 1oo•
Hf37 Wisdom 7 is his mother8, fRl>f~u7 €1oY
Hf3T8 - " t'1 Hi' ~ »f3 R3f.1C3T'
- €1 0'
flJ3TI0 Rfo 12 contentment 9 his father 10 and he is t'T aTl!.IO l>13 ~u ~S3T13 ~ Rli"eo 12 f~~
R~1411 merged'" in the ocean l2 of 510 <J~'" '10 I
equipoise 13•
»,p;:[011 5 R9"f~~ 16 The Guru is the elWbodiment of the Ol~ ill »fHc')}{' 5 ))13 R~-l{OITa~Tol6 ~ tN
ffiJI q l7 Ola ~tJf018 unborn'S and self-illumined 16 Lord RgU 00 l>f3 »fTl/e1 a~VI ~l)iTCJT RR a l7

3"al~19 II and by his word l8 ferries l9 the t'T lila ~TCJTI9 Cla~ 00 I
world aCross.
~ l1-{faCJT320 l1-{OIBq21 Within his mind 2s , the Guru has »iTlIi fud'-e 25 »i"eo, Old'i ~ »if~20 »i3
l1-lUCllfg22 Hfo25 Ola enshrincd 24 the Name H of the »iOl'Q21 ugH tN 22 -e oTH ~ fcellf~»iT24
R~~23 ~RTf~l1-{~24 II Unseen 20 and. Unapprehensible 21 iifcr»i T ~ I
Transcendent Lord 22 •
~'H »i'C1~T ~ , -;J.Olo 26 'ii-
errCf CfTH~TFfCiffiBa'"
Says Kall, 0 Guru Ram Dass, thou = oTHt!TR! 3= RRTa
3' tlGT3 26 ~qrcf~27 hast attained 20 unto God, the t!Td' ~oo <iN3 27 ~fuCIJ~ ~ 1.P ~T2' ~ I

lfrf~l1-l€t28 II t: II Saviour 27 of the world 26 •

God's Name is the Deliverer of the <:Id'l ~'o'H ~l~H~' foR3TC1T QOO ~T'HT
t1cJT3 €tUTO~
o~29 foUrq:30 9GT3~31 universe" the Giver of nine 29 »i3 i }:fil,~30 ~<!<:ITCI ~ »i3 RTl;I~i31 ~

9~32 3 To<!33 II treasures 30 and fer ries H the saints]1 RfPd' fU{t0 32 3~ U'd' era ft::f~l33 ~ I
'6 -
across the world. ocean 32 .
The ambrosiaP4 drop3s of the Lord's J:!»i'Hl -e oTH ~1 l){"-fl-I~3HtflH ~<!V5 UTUi36
l1-{"-fH3 34 a~35 ~fa oT}-f
faB j6 =orl f~~37- Name is an antidote 38 to the poison37 ~1 ;:If<Jo 37 ~'el ;:Ifud'-If<:lo,38 3 I

fO~TCf~38 II of sins".

R~i139 3-a~040 '6f5g41 The tree 40 of c:quipoise 39 blossoms 4' ~~~3139 ~l faos 40 H'Hey41 ::l »i3 ~R ~

i fOT})i To42 >i-flt3 68 43

and bears 44 the ambrosial fruit 4] of
Divine knowledge42.
l:{f<1H-ljq42 ~, l){"-fl-f.3Ht!l H~,43 8Ol~14. ~ I

~ "B rat 44 II
Blessed4'7 and veryso fortunate lll are ~HC1i47 »i3 UcH SO ORtut ~5' <:Io~'"
~ OlCl l{RTf~45 U~rt)off~46
~ Uf?)47 3 48 ~9 those 48 persons~'9, who receive 46 it by - '~-
Uog'" CI1 0 i ~1 ~fe~T ~~Td',45
- feR . .
~ 50El~9T~Sl II the Gum's grac 45 .
1: 1I1€t'~4' <:10 I
They are emancipated52 through the R-B
3 liOf352 ge Rf301Cf
words3 of the True Guru and in
Old'i ~1 a'<!1 53 ~~ld'T , €t<:l H):IB'52 ii
S3 ~t~ <:10 l){3 €tC'a i ~ fB3 >ieo <lIo i ~1
• RElt't Hfo 010
lfO~JT54 tfTf~l1-{~55 II their mind enters 55 the Guru's fRW<!U S4 »iT ~t~155 ~ I
wisdom H •

· OlCJ
. Says Kall, 0 Guru Ram Dass, thou ~'H ~fd"tP ~ , <J 010
. = d"H~'fl! 3:z P»i
H1 -e
hast struckS9 the drum S8 of the 0'H 57 ~T oOlTo,58 <:~lfe»iT59 ~ I

3 mre57 o1RT?)58
Lord's Name 57 •
· ~rf~~~59 "t II
R;::r60 RUT61 R~B:62 Thou, 0 Guru" hast the couch60 of B'd'Qr6 1 eT U5W 60 , »i~53T62 -er ~r€t<!y63

~T~1~63 R3~64 faith6l , the bedding'J of equipoise62 l){3 R~B'c3T'4 ~1 3cft BTo<!165 ~, <J O!a-e~ !

RCfrf~'B~65 FRT66 and the canopy6S of contentment'" ~3 fiH03 T67 ~1 R~~68 <:!Hay66 <11 3~

R1~7 R6T~68 R~69 II and the armour 6S of humility67 ever" B'86369 ~oel ~ I
embellishes" thee.

l~':::':::.::::: ::.=:::~~~::.~:.::.:~.:: ~1_" .

~1lIIIllI""'''''''''''''~IIIIlII~''''~IIIIlII''''lAtIulultiIllIItiIllIIuIuIII'''''''''''**''''''''''''''''''''''''····''·''1t''''· ••H*
()TJ:! ~OT72 FI'aTtfu73 practiseth71 the Name and leaning72 )){3 f~ ~T <J1 lli TRoT72 H, ~ lliTt!<! ROTll;{l7! i
~~74 II on it alone, thou perfumest7 " thine ~ HfuClT~t~T7" ~. I f
comrades73 • :
»{Tfu;i~75 ~C5..76 Thou abidest79 with 78 Amar Dass, ~ tlOH-Clf<J3 75 , 'lRc" lli3 foClH577 R-~ It :
~77Rf3ajo Rfar-78 the birth-free75 , and sublime76 O!~ lliHOeTR oT5 78 ?Re T7' ~~ I &

f~8:7911 True Guru, free from any blemish77 • ~

... &
010 CJTHBTR or~Bo Says Kall, the bard, thou sO , 0 Guru ic Cl5 lliTl:f~T ~, ~SO. iJ Ol~ ClTHeTR,
~~80 R~81 R(j~fio82 Ram Dass, abidcstS3 in the ocean82 ~<JH-fOTlliToSI B Rl:!~ClS2 lli'trCl ?R~183 ;J~ I eo
W8: 83 II ct 0 II of Divine knowledge si . ..

- They, on whom is the pleasures" of fui'iT ~3 O1ClB? 'll ~1 ~R1'" ;le1 ~; y.~ ~T :
OT>:! ~fo the Guru; the Lord's Name abides" oTH t?OT B Ho sS lli"~Cl ?Re TS6 ~ I
-. ..
f~8611 in their mind ss • e
f;:m or@ f;f~T 0lB" Ol~ 'l1 trcJH 87 l{Ro <Jo, ~~l lPR~ :
~3fo89 0TA 90 ~ -
They, with whom
mightily·7 pleased, from them,
the Guru is
~ins88 U1U 88 ~'l3 ~Cl89 9it 'll~'O <JO I !
run away'O afar". t
cffiJ ftlO Ol~ RuFfo They, on whom is the pleasure of fi10 T t?3 OTCll ~l l:lal ~; (?<J lliTUi R~- i
H~91 .. ~f~92 the Guru, they do away91 with their ROHT()'I lli3 R~-iiOT3T'2 i; oac ClCl fe-e'3 t
fcwa 93
II self-pride" and self-conceitu . <Jo I - t
ftlO a~ OTO
94RUFfo95 Raf~6gfal9i
98~it:l~99 3TijlOO II
They, with whom the
greatly'" pleased'S, attached'7 to the
Name", they are ferried across lOO
Guru is fuol 0 15
U1Cl ClCl
OTo 'l1
fJ.,;- t?Ol
i; slRTCl'; RH"eCl'" 3~ ~
f~w31100 ;:{l~T ~
:;: -
l:l'a'S <Jo OTH!

the world" ocean".
-e t
U~2 UH~3 oro Whosoever is blessed" with the fi1R faR ~ l.{HrelCl OlClT J
fOTlli T0 ~l e T3 2

UTfu))i~ .. -
fruitful· is
gnosis:Z of the approved 6 Guru,
hiss advent7 in this
UClTU3 ;j~1" ~,

lli lOTHo 7 fER 'l<JTn' )){'eCl I

65~TfEa6 ~ ~Rs e l
11faJ8 II worldS.
l3 12
Jfl9 Oj~ RCJf~lO ~t!12 Poet Kall hastens to the
Cl~laCl13 Cl5 "i!~ &12 H<JTCJT'l' OTOe? 'l1 e1 :
OTB orf~13 9OTf3
. -
protection 10 of the sire' Guru.
Attached 17 to the Guru one is all'6
UOT<J 10 H·~T ~ I O1oj ~ 0 15 t!~ol7 ~l)jTCJT i
oro tit? i; RRTCJ1 fECl~51"
J.fOl'f315 ~16
8f'or17 II ct ct II
blessed with the worldly prosperity''''
- = spiritual emancipationIS and every-

<Jo fClRH ~116 ~T3 fH5 ;:{lel ~ I
lli'3HCl Hl:lR 1S lli3
RfaO]fo lfHT18 3T~~19 The True Guru has pitched 18 the R-e OlClj ~ 3~18 5 Tfe)}i;19 ~ f,m ~
tlOT20 tJ~21 RHT<§22
- II:
II tent I' underneath which, have iJot RT a2l
HCl 20
feci3Cl 22
;j OlE <Jo I
gathered22al]2' the mcn 20•
Recondite intMtion23 is his banner 24
~q25 ft::r~26 9'aT327 and the Lord's Name his support 25 , olH ~ot t!T )).fTR o T25, f;:m B oTi5 2' RT~27
>1fWri 28 II with which 26 the saints 27 are a;:r ore;s <Jo t
satiated •
Cflq OTO~ Through loving-adoration 29 , Guru fUl1{TOl ~Ula0T29
_ B ~l· r 010
-c oloCl, >i0Jt!
>1fHQ' 9'aT329 Nanak, Angad and Amar Das, have )).f3 )).fHOt!IR ;:rl, tL~ 01'(530 ».f~t! <J OI~)·
... RfaT 30 RHT~31 II been blended" with 30 the Lord. <J<! I
; fu~32 CJTtl33 ;:i0l34 aId" Thou alone 3s , 0 Guru Ram Dass, "i_ ~l ;J 010
i CJTHeTR q}-{ ~35 0836
.. t1T~37 "q =< II
knowest 37 the relish" of this 32 union 34
with God, the King33•
U f3l:TT<J U
_ c

oTHt!TR ! ~TfuOlo
i')TiS reR fHi5 U B 1!)).flt!36 ~
;:;l<!t! 137 ~. I
~38 Rf~(~9 ftifo He" alone is the divine 3s , who a~iS ~39 ~l fOll){loVS ~ ii ».fIU~ Hn t!1
t1Tf~>;fT40 ~oHfo41 hitches'" his mind chariot42 to the oi'm'l' ~ UClH flac )).f~R1;{1'l1 oliS ii~t!T
. 0~42 UfCJ»fT43 II most sublime state 41 and realises 40 ~ )).f3 )).flU<! Iil){TRl ~ )).fq:~~ ClOt!l 40 ~ I
his Lord..
~ R3- 44 R3l::f- 45 RHTBB
~ .
46 He gathers 46 truth 'l4 and contentment4S ~~ R~iJ'l4 3 R~ac3T'lS ~ f~ci30 Clot!T4' ~

~ '>&a,47 fig'. sfa'>fl'9 II and fills 'l' the empty47 tank 'l8 of his ».f3 )).fTU~ Ho B J:l Ti51 'l7 3T(ST~4S ~ ~
mind. B~t!T49 ~ I
l){Qlf~50 ~ ~TCJ3T51 )).ff~oTaT52
$ >lfqa 50 qaT51 Ineffable 50 is the discourses I of the af;:ras' t!l I
>1f HCJT 52
oE4 tlCJ1 56
_ immortalS2 cityS6. He s4 alone attains 55 a~13 ~<J54
- ~1 .
f~R i; UI€?~;::TS'
- ~, fuR .
~ ~fE53 R lfT~55 II
54 unto it, whom the Lord blesses s3• I!)).fTHT f~t!T53 ~ I

~ f't!~- t:r~q oTtl-

57 aId"
o Guru Ram Dass, the kingshi pS7 ;J O!~ ol)'H,!TR ! f~<J ;:roCl ~ClarT UTf3f.ll~Ts7
becomesss thee a~iS 3~ ~T :G'~t!ls9 ~ I
~ CJT~eTR ~S u1 ~f~58 like that of Janak,

!>;fT~ Ilq~11 alone.

~ Rf3aIo oTH- Eq Whosoever steaClfastlv 62 utters 61 the ;1 &~l fh~ Old" B ftf-3 5~ ?iTH ~ fuCl f~3'0
oE4 -
~ fH~59 Hfo60 t=lU61 True Guru-giveu Name with single 3 fUl){Td'59 oliS Rf<f03Y Rf<J3 62 ~iJTOt!I61

~ f~~62 f30 63 ;:::ro64 mindedness 60 and loveS', say67, how 68 ~; t!R 67 ! ~R63 \iaW''l ~ orRc's l){3 ClRHi5"

j -~;j-65 l..fT~66 q<J67 can suffering 6S ;ilnd sin" cling 69 to fQ1R 3C!i68 fBH~'o RClB ~o ?

oE4 q3
68 ~~69 t:r1~ II that" ma.n64 ?
~ ~70 3~71 fl:::(7)72 On whomsoever1'4 God, the ship70 fi1R forR 7'l ~3 ~rfua.r~. UTO orCIn iSet •

i.· }fT~73
t:r T q~74 f~J~5
to ferry across 7l , casts" His merciful rear mJTit70, f~or li<J372 ~CI iS~l71 ~l ».fTlRl

jUTij76 R~e77 fCJe 7S glance7s even 1[or71 a trice 72 • he fi-luCl t!l foOl T7S OlOt!T7'~. ~ )).fTue! Ho78 ...
" ' -
a1Brij79 qT~SO ~q81 contemplates" the Name77 in his f~iJ OTH77 t!T )).fTo T1l?i ClOt!179 ~ )).f3!

ti~82 t=l1~ II mind 78 and is Ilid of82 lust80 and f~~arB° 3 qf"R 81 3· J:liSTRl UT ;:r't!T82 ~ I i
wrath SI • ~

t:r1~83 R9' 0 84 ~T3,85 The Guru is the blesser 8s of all8'l the O!~ ill RTa
i1T~i83 -e t!T3TCJ
~o. a1;{~ i
>1faU-fS6 aI.ToS7 fSl::f..T3T88 beings83 , uttersl18 the gnosis 87 of Ii)).fTHT t!T fOJ))i13
t!T ~iJloo CloB
\Jo, I
~~.~ ~~ ~. .~ 4 .

»o{fillofR89 OlO U~90 the Unfathomable86 Lord, ever8 ' fJB1~8' ul ~R ~ fl1HO-e'o un >Y.'3 f~a
tmOr 91 0 R~92 t:ll~ II contemplates'O Him and sleeps'2 J!u3'1 50 B~l 51 R'-e'2 nul' I
not even for a while'l.
~T or~ el:f3 ~fo~93 Such is the Guru. seeing whom ~<i ~5 un OJ~;:it, f~7it ~ ~tf<! ~~.
~94- orl:f ;q95 poverty9J vanishes'4 and one is molal'3 l)f"S1I <i ~l'4 ~ l){'3 miiF ?)TH-
fOUTQ96 tr~ (3Jolj fl:f97 blessed with the Name-like9l1 ~ooT's lIt:J1'~96 ~ liT B'BT ~ I tiH~l'7 Olot
aTrfcs ~crHf398 Hp.)99 treasure". The Divine knowledge ~T f~3T <irel){T ~fuH-~ H'el-l)faa'i Bl
~ t:ll~100 II - imparted by the supreme Guru 97 HH~3T99 ~ Ii ~ct?rloo ~ I
washes off loO the filth" of the
Rf3a.!o oTl:f eOT Whosoeveer steadfastly utters the t'l a~ l1"~ Olo' -e fB'"3 ;j~ n'H ~ 1{H '3
fp.)~ Hfo ;:rQ f~~ Name given by the True Guru with f~a ftJ3 nTB RfaCl~ of<13 ~~'oeT ~. eH !
80 t:lo ~l:f
trrtr Cl'J- love and single mindedness say. how ~-
7>= aRc l)f3 iilRHB faR 30 t f~H3tI

0f3 (j~ til~ II 911 can suffering and sin cling to that Ra-e un ?
UaH2 Cl'cJH3 tra 4 man? Faith 2 and good deeds 3 are ~H'n2 ))j3 ~ l){HB 3 ~o<t R~~ OloT liTH'
Rf3Q!~ ~1 ~5 II = obtaineds from the perfect4 True lIcJT1I3 ~~5 un I -,
;:rr oil
R~y6 fRU' Such is the Lord. for whose services »j;j f';:ruT ~ ~l)fTl-it, f;:lR Bl UflH 5 ~ ':!on
RT0 8 lifo tio9 Bfa crave 12 the adepts7, saints8• silent t!oB7 , R31, lITHB foBl' l){'3 ~iiFl HilB IO
00 10 tiTBfJ12 R~e13 sages9 and the angelic bersons lo and "S~~12 un l){'3 f~ -e Fl.BC I4 n'H 13 -e
RTQ:14 eOT 15 fC?~ through whose sublime l4 Name l3 • oTU1', a~ Bl rea <lOlls nTB fllO<J;Jl Ii
p.)~V6 ~ 11 man is attuned l6 to the One God ls • ~'~116 ~ I
~f017 ;:rr8 ~ 3CJT Again l7• who can know thy limit l8 , a<J~17 '3a ,,[3 11 7> ik ~~ FJat!T ~ 5 ~
~18 foo'9~19 o Guru? Thou art the embodiment Ol~~' !:i ~-fiiF~~I' l){3 R~1I-ofu~20 I
fml~20 »fCl'~21 of the Fear-free" and Formless2o Rl)fTW BT Roll ~'I ~ -3 ul ))jaf<J21 I;
ora~21 ~sfJ23 Lord. Thou alone describest22 the ~f<Jaro 7> ~~ atlBT 22 ~ l)f~ ~B23 37>• I
-= -
§s~124 ~ II lneffable 21 God and thou alone 23 art ul ~ ~ fdIl)f13 24 ~ I
blessed with His comprehension 24 .
'9dH25 9"5 26 RRTo27 o wordly27 doubt-strayed man lost26 ;j R~2S JiBO 5CQl2' oii ~nl~127

ii~28 ~?i129 RUfT0 30 in doubt2S by the Guru's instruction3", s~ ! ~ fRNl)fT34 ~l){roT, ~ l){'~
~31 ~
= 0 ~32 retkcl 38 thou on thy Lord, Ti'liswise
> RIliTHl BT fffiiOn ao3S I f~ 3a t 3= ~~29
_ u

Cl'Tp.)33 djaHt3 34 thou shalt be delivered 28 of birth29 1');'3 Hon30 3· ~BTFI11.fT i1~'orr21 l){3 H333
. ~ II
UTBVs and death 30 and the death's33 courier31
shan punish32 thee not.
. .
~T ~331 3'?i 11t:r 001' ~~132 I
[4621 )

· H (')36 l{T~V7 ljdTU38 o silly38 mortaP;', reflect39 thou in thy ;] l!0l:f

,6To1 a-e 37 ! ~ l')fl~ fB3 3' l)j'eo
· ~ltJT~39 40>;ff~fofR'41 mind 36 ;Bnd, day~O and night~l, utter~Z fCft)fTH l9 Cio t)f3 fe<!~o 3 a~1 l')fTtti R~"
· H'1442 UcJl-f c<oH ~ thou, thy Lord's Name. Faith and oTH e T ~B'0047 Cia I ~lHTO l')f3 l!3 l')fH8'

· R'f3ajq uT~l ~ II ~ 11- good deed are obtained from the lion R~ Olaf tPll" Uo'U3 ;i-e ~o I
perfect True Guru,
~€t. ~fC?43 ~fc5 t=Jl€[ o my True Guru, I am a sacrifice43 , ;] Hi RW~ Olo-e? ! H" 3ij R~ 01H {?3"44

R'TB oTH yea, a sacrifice unto 44 thy True Name. C!d'a~3 l')f3 ~01 ~'i'er \IT I
C<~045 €[trHT46 -e~47 What~8 praise~6 can I attribute~7 unto H" 315 fCiU31~S HfUH~ foati<! CiCJ Rcr~7

cr~o R~T48 R'~ €l49 thee and what~S service~8 of thine can \IT })j3 3 al fCi\I31 4s UfTH41 aHT RCi~1~9 uT ?
~or Hl::f SO CJR'oy51 I pelform~9 with the one tongue el of l')fTUe! lfu
sO ~1 ftrOl tt13 S' oT8 l')fTU<! -e~53
oR'~52 ;:!0l53 ;:Ifa54 my mouth SO , I joyfully utterSZ thy ss
c:rl:l sCi &S4 3a oTH ~T H" l1B1 OTB
crCJ55 II Name cIasping54 both e3 of my ~'OO Cia~sZ ;:rt I
hands ss .
~f056 H0 57 ~58 Again S6 , in thy thoughtS7 , word58 and fGCI S', l')fT~ fl:ft)fT~l, ~051 lla l')fHt)S9
~ ~H59 t=JT 0 60 >;fo361 deed s9 • thou lrealiseth60 the True l)j'~, ~ R~ nTH ~ l')f~3? BO~60 0" l')f3
1 t't=J T62 0 - }{IQ63 oTli
-eo =
Name and adorest 63 not any61 ;]CJR6Z fCi1It"?:;
• 0'11" uite
T62 r ;] Ofo-e?
_ !
11 64 >;fUJq65 wq66 other6 z. 0 Guru, thou hast enshrined ~FJ" ~~3 tI~6S ~ 'iRe" oTH ~ ~ Jf6
e13 OlfCJ fot6 8 within my mind 68 the sublime" f\JOB 68 l')f"eo feCi' ftf3 T67 0 I
• UCJ II Name of the6~ Infinite Lord6s .
05 orf~69 t[ToR'70
tfOR71 orB 72 ~B()T73
Says Nail,
the poet", just as
stone 70 ,
Ci?l 69 OH l')fTl:feT ~ , fro:r 3a f CJRTfue70 oTg .
~\I<!71 tIl')fTQT 919T7Z, lloT7l fi weT14 0 l')f3

I ~f'8'74 BB' o T75 B~I!!76 7Z

glass becomes74 gold73 and just as rnFJ 3~f fico f7 ' fSosi 80 ~ llj'Q3
. tiT!!77 fR'HCJ3 78 ~fo79 sandal1 s imparts :fragrance76 to other" Cia feBT76 ~ , el1.3iJu T ~It un ara-e?
- t
fitO T77 V

~ra80 II trees80 , similar is the Guru, whose77 t?' rn3071 a~ ~l (ilTful')fi ~ U8e ftf~' ~ I
contemplation78 transmutes the
1lT81 ~ BCf3 ~l;fT382 I am a sacrifice86, yea, a sacrifice unto H" R~ aro
T B nTH ~ '!Oaro", l')f3 ~ol
cFH83 ~qS4 ~1 fo~rij85 the True Name of the True Guru,
seeing whose 81 d'Dor8z, one is rid ofes
~eT u , ftlOtl l t?' ~z ~l::f<! ~l)fTQT fHQO -
111 ~~ ~f586 afcg 'ISTR83 l')f3 dlRyB4 ~ ;j ttt~'S '10 I
1:fT~ R'f30]CJ wtJ Iust83 and wrath8•1•
?)TH tfO II =311
cJTB87 ;:10]88 3l::f~89 Gu,u Amar Dass has blessed" Guru'll, """'i!'" "1 ;; il . ""C'H ill "Ii 4",a1" I

-elt){'Q90 tHCJ Ram Dass with the temporal" and

·oTH~ II spiritu:d 18 throne".
Ut:JH91 ()TOa ~t:!96
... - As first" N anak Dev became lJf;:rg f~91 'OT(')q ~~ ill ~~" -el H'e5-e
tiOT3 97 9tt ~~92 manifest like the moon". To t{OTC (j~ I Hila ii'3194 ~ 3'~'J 8~ ~t
3 TCJf()93 Hol::l'94 ilo emancipate9J the human beings'4, ~ RRra" ~ -aRo Ol13 T'5, ~ ~ l¥.'l'2 0'8
all)i(? lJOlTR95 loll
- ... he illumined's the world'7, which lJaltLoo (j faTl)IT I
was then filled with bliss92 •
Q!o »fnort:! t:!11)i~8 With the treasure" of the Divine l'){Olol:Jf tI.~100 '€ tRI}HJtrn 2 l)f3 ~_~J
f0UTQ99 »fell:[100 0lt:JT2 discourse 2 and gnosis J of the ~ ):filr~" -el, oroor ~ og )){QTt? ~ -e13"
faJ»fT()3 l.i'6 4 93 5 Ineffable Lord 1OO , Nanak blessed" fB3l, fi:m ~ ~t..ri tf·~4 ~3f(')l)It5 ~ 0lT~
~fR al~6 iI)-f37 =(1)8 Guru Angad, who overcame6 his oro fgl)lT6 1)13 H3 ~ ~3t7 -e ircI' 3· ):f~l
3... II

five 4 demon5 5 and was rid of' the lJ' 8~' I
fear' of the Death's courier7•
oro »fHO ora 10 R1 12 The great lO and venerable l2 True'J f~R'810 1)13 Y,;:j:Jf 12 RV~I] Ol~ l)iHa~TR ;it
Rf313 - - afc;;:Jfor Guru, Amar Dass saved 20 the i ~ ~aT -el fC!i13 14 it:( 8~Vo ))13 »1il un

. oTl:it20 uf314 »fU(()15 honor l4 of the Darka&e such and ~~ fi1c5 t" ~ orHB I8 tia tl7 ?; ~~ a itl~
- t U :III t

~~3 0l~16 ~O()17 is he, seeing whose" lotus" feet l7, ~ lJTU IS '08C (j we l6 ~o I
0l~C;18 ;:{TR 19
II men's sins l4 are destroyed 16.
R921 fufu22 HTf()~€t23

When his
mind was satisfied 2J in tR ~~i ~ f~3 ~l ~C111 ~t22 or8 3Fjv5 l
. HQ 3a24 til strti every21 way22, then 24 was he pleased 25 j aTC!1 23 31 24
(j OlE 2S l)i3 ~
- u
UA()25 oTiI t10r and he bestowed 26 on Guru Ram ~fol)iT~11)l3 ~~Tol CJTM-fA"U/TR<! Ol~ aTHetR
~ t:!1l)ii26 ora Dass, the secular and spiritual ~ al:lR ftr3 T26 I
! oTH~R 11811- - throne.
J ~II H is the Name of measure,
filRf~27 'Orfo~28 He who 27 has installed 2' the earth 2' ftm 27 i; tJ031H

))13]0 l)iRHTOJI ))13 ~TU
t::1Of329 »f(J30 f~€fH31 and 30 the sky 3l and air J2 and 3J the ))I3]J RI{~3S -e u~l]4 l)iHa'TUo Ollar2' ~.
~ ~~32 3 33 (1)1034 water 34 of the oceans]5 and]6 has >>i3 36 ))Ivorl 7 l)i3 )){(')38 )}{Tf~Cl39 SC T'§4 0 ~o I
R0 35 »f~036 »f()537
. 38))f()Tft:!39 a1l)i(?40 II
made10 the fire 17 and corn 38 etc u .
Rf~1 fofu42 f()fR 43 Who has created the moon41 , the f;:jR i ~)-f141 3 Ta,2 Roit44 a T31 43 f~5 l
R0 44
fefn HB 45 stars" the sun14 , night1J , the day and 1)13 lJ<J~4S~o~' ~~ ~3 =fflR ~ fa~jii~ i:
3Q.))i46 6847 ~C;48 the mountains45 and who has blessed4 ' \iR1l 48 1)13 H~47 8T~·9 ~(') I
t:!1~(i49 II the trees46 with flowers48 and
fruits47 •

FlH~57 fOl'l){52 llTfCJ§"53 and the seven51 oceans57 and wh0 56 * af~1li152 ~ l?f3 filR 56 ~ f3i)5" "<JT055
54f3~~55 :;:rrFl56 " has established u the three 54 worlds55 • ~R~TlIi') cil353 ui') I
RE:tS8 ~0l59
-60 ~H- ~fCJ Guru Amar Dass is blessed" with the (?A 58
- .
»fB'3159 OTH Rl)fTHl
- - ~ R~60 ()TH ~l
01l::! Rf3 lJTfE'§"61 light62 of that58 unique 59 Name, the aF.ro1 62 ~1 ~T3 ON. ~TR til ~ l{TlI3
C!ICJ »{HCJ tJ..OlT1362 II Lord's True Name. ;j~61 ~ I

i ctllLlII
1Rf~~68 ii"
~ ful:::{69
a- BQ64 gfu».f~65
Olij R~f~67

3 >i-fH3 70 ~liJ~
Hearing61l the Guru's word 66 with the
ears 67 , glassU is transformed 611 into
gold 6",
Uttering72 the True Guru's Name
~T67 (')rg Olaf tft w~l66 Jl~ Clao ~IliTaT68,
F.rmr63 Ro 16• ~1 ~~~165 ~

H"<:r71 OT'S R-e Olaf ~T


()TH ~072 0100

- "'- - - = - -
oTlj Rf30lo >:rfl:::{71 with the mouth7l ,poison" is 70
~IliICJT, t.lf'1a" ni TfS-f<JtilT3 (j "t~l ~ I
9~))i~72 II transmuted into Nector ,70

g~~ fua~ WC273 When the True: Guru casts75 his ,,~ R-e OIa-e~
- m ))fT~1 ~T-feF.r317"

omCJ74 Rf30Jg t:Ife merciful glance74, iron is turned into OIa-e <:Ii') 3 c:5<:1 "~<:Ia2J ~1 ~~~T 3 I
75 T 1
75 II a jeweP3.
~<!76 Hl'<!OI'77 e<a When Dlan and refiects SO
utters 79 tit! fuoWo OlaT e-l fOiIliT3 7J ~ ~~~7' Ili3
fOl»iT078 qJCJ C(fJ))i~79 upon the Guru's gnosis7s , the stone 76 R~~ Rl-re"t!lsO ~, UCla76 ulCJr77 CIl ~~~T ~ I
41 C(TO~81
aTtrr 80 II
is turned into an emerald77 •
Eradicatc:d" the pangs 83 and
ar,: ~a ;j orellli i86 uo lIl~83 "3 EI01s1 84 ~tl5
i Rf3dTfa- orll)f~ "'~l::{83 poverty8" of those 85 , whom the True ~1, f~~T ~ Rtl OlaT % 'Balli 3· ~~82
j ~fCJ~84 f3'~85 - ~ Guru hal; made sandals2 from wood si • se l f~3r ~ I
orfE'))i86 II
Rf3'OTCJ Bao87 Whosoever toucbes S3 the True Guru's ii Rtl OlaT ~ Uaj87 ~ ~'1S8 g'~r ~,
uafR~T88 R feet 87, from beastS' and ghost'O, he ~89 l?f3 ~3~90 3· f~Cl ~~191 \faF.r,2
tm3'90 13fCJ91 becomes an angelic'· person'2, "t~T ~ I

:;:rrfH93 OlCJ ~fE' ~f594 He, on whose 93 side'" is the Guru, filA -e'3 \.flR 94 Ola~~ ,,1 uo, ~ ~ tiO-
llof~95 ¥ci'ljojT96 orTCJ~97 how" can wealth9s make 9s him ~'S395 ferR 3~T96 ~~Tal97 ~1'8 Rer~l ~ ?
f~tlft!98 II proud 97 j'

,:pfH OlCJ ~fE' He, on whose side is the Guru, what2 f;:m ~l 3Cl~ O!Cl-e~ ill <:10, C5l1J:fT ST<JT ~
-= "'" harm can lacs of arms do' unto aim? t!l 0112 Cla RClt!lnitl uo I
5l:::{ aT~

~i1fE'3 II
:;:rrfH Ola ~ft! ~f8 He, on whose side is the Guru, for f;:m -e lITR Ol~ ,,1 uo, ~f<JH fOlIli'3" llf35


fOll')fT04 l')fg:5 fUl')fTo6 gnosis4 ands spiritual vision6, he l)4T3H f~Htil9 C5l::!1 ~ <ia 7 fqR 8 3 fOO9CJl
7l')fO(')8 m0
9 " depends not8 on' any other7. 0<:11' <i~8 I
;:PfH 010 "Bf~ ~f<5 He, on whose side the Guru is, he l3 filA' ~ ~ tIl UO, ~IJ Ola t ~1 atil 10
R~10 -=RTl::f1 12 J!13 reflects on the Gnru's word 10 and ni3 fj:f-ful'){TI2 ~ ~l~rcrt!T ~ ni3 R~ tPH
I4 l
FriKJ uno 14 II instruction 12 and abides in the True l)j'~o ~R~T ~ I l
~ 010 15 010 l').ffu l6 Supplicates21 the slave's ministrepo, mC5T 9
~T~VO qO~T21 ~, ~ "&l:1 f~'6
fai 31
fofR i7 ;:r01S "e'J219 whosoever, dayl6 and night l7 , utters l8 -a<!17 f~fPC51S qrot ~ (')T).{ ~T ~IOO qo~I'

9~20 ~of321 or~ II the Name of the Great lll Guru and ~ l'){3 Olot ~ oTH ~ l>i'u<! f<Jd~22 l)j'~23

~ 010 (')TH fCre 22 enshrines 24 the Guru's Name in23 fc01,~~,24 ~, ~<:I2S iiH<! ni3 HOi') t?<:I tl6 •
-= 2Irl. -
HfU23 lJ024 R25 ;:roH his mind 22, he 2s is rid28 of both 26 3' :t:I5'RV8 l.lT W~, ~ I
Ho~ ~U26 ~ CJ~2S birth and death.
qJO f~Q29 ~
- 30 Without 29 the Guru, there is pitch30 0J0f ~ a,~2' ni~CJT31 t!Cu 30 ~ l'){3 Olot ~
)){t[TQ31 0t0 fu(j darkness 31 and without the Guru, a'~'. Rs132 l.lCI TU3 0<:11' ~~l I
RHS32 0 l')fT~=1\ understanding 32 is obtained not.
QIo f~(j J2of333 0 Without the Guru, man obtains not Olot ~.. ~~ ~ l!fuH-faTl){l33J lli3
fRft[34 010 f~ HOlf3 35 Divine comprehension33 and success M qTHtiI'lit34 l.lCI'l.l3 0<:11' ~tft l>i3 Ola t ~ do
o ~3iil -- and, without the Guru, he is blessed36 , ~R ~ qfSl'){T(!3S ~l ~ 0<:11' f~V6 I
not with emancipation35 •
Come thou into the Guru's fold 37, 3= 010 __ llTCI037 qO ut3' Hal f;:f~;3~40 3 ora
t • _.

yea ' , my soul , come thou into the UToo Clo, 3T ~ i ~~1 ~H ~aJ8 aa Ref' I

Guru's fold for the true reflection38

of the Lord.
ON oro R~e·41 Adopt thou the Guru, who is ~ ~<:I O]~ UTCJO 010. ~ 0'~1 oTC5 Ha~3"2
Rlj04 2 l)fUSo43 orcfU44 embellished42 with the Name 41 , so that
~, '3t tl 3a RT'ij UTu4J Q3 ~
all thy sins· J may be washed off. 4.
R9 3"a "
ON 6t1fe;45 ~~46 SaysSI Kall, the bardso, by thine
~CSO q'g l'){TcrerSI~, niTUfc!l>it %3"at4S l'){3
ora 0t047 oro~48 Old'
Rr349 - orf~50 i~
eyes45 and words46 contemplate.8
thou the Guru, the Great 47 Guru,
a~ot'" ~l)jTaT
fRHoo48 qO I
3 arat
;;; . ~47 - , ~ aJ#5
iJIOt -
orfu"51 II yea, the True Guru49 .
ftifo 0t0 (I) ~fl:fl')f@52 They who have neither seenS2 nor
%ora or mllTCI053
(I)"Q -~»i€t53 ~54 adopted S3 the Guru, vainss are
ql3T ~. foR~sS
-. 0' ~l:fl'){TS2 ~
~uS4 reH ~<JIOS'
l')for~55 RRTo56 they 54 ins7 this world s6• l)j'~aS7 I
HfU57 11811t:1I
.......++++.+ +••••••••••••••••••••••++ ....

ClTo 010 58 orcJ59 o my soul61 , 1lltter60 thou the Name il Hal f;:f~1~61 ! ~ Clq,»il sS ~ aa OJ.a-e~S9
~60 HiG1 Ha 1\ -- of the Guru S9 , the Guru of the ;::tl -e oTH BT ~BTOO aa 60
Guru S8 ,

~ 3TCl'062 3CJc:63 FH-rt:i64
i1 ...-
In this darkage, Omnipotent64
Guru Jis a ship62 to ferry across 5J ,
ftlR ol'g qaT nitrO, RoS Ra31~To'4 Cl~;:it
Tao 63 BEl fEa 'itiJ Ti.l62 CJO I mo• t6S tft

orfg;rfor 803 \.(To €?3

ffi-fTfq66 Rtlt!67 ft:ra hearing6S whose 68 word 67 , one lands sTe1 67 fi~06S ~IliTOT, ;:it~ Ili~o" 3T;31 ~-eo
'&-a 68 II in profound trance", CJH 'itTt'T ~ I

~ 6f0 He is such a her07", who destroy s71 ~u ~R ~Q7" uo, ;:t lll~70 ~ fEa 1'506' f~
- 73 n H
69 70 T 71
~ -72 'tCffo -
o!1 RCft!Qi1or Ra@74 pain70 iin an instant" and can bestow73 oRC71 orcr ROf-e uo 11013 IliT01H71 aklR 7J ROI~
~ - -
~ ~75 UCl'3 fq-»fT 0 76
-- uo I ;l ci~l's €?01 t!'T fu"30 76 OfCJBT ~
peace72 , Whosoever 7S contemplates76
- . '
~ ~R377 f3u 78 ~-a79- II him, n(:ar" him7s he abides 77 • ~R78 -e ~ ~~79 <]1 ~77 UO t

~ UCl'€?80 UCJCf 81 fCl'~82 The Guru is the perfectSO personSI, a.r~ t1T ~croeo liaR" uo ;:t fua-e 82 »{t'o
~ - - --
~ ~fo fRHo3 83 }Jl:! 84 who rc:membersu his Lord in the >J.ITU<! 1.f'~ ~ >J.I TClTq-e8J UO I ~~t t!'l fBiJcpl4
~ -eCf3 }j{ u.r85 1:J'Tf~88 mindsz, Seeing his face 8'" the sinses ~l:le t'>J.ITa T llTll85 t!'Cl8'I -e~ ;::ttB 61 <]0 I
- "'
~u-aa89 II hestenSs aways",
~ t:r@90 ~fCf afQ 91 o my mind, if'lO thou desirest"4 <J Ha H?i~! "ilaa"o ~ am fRIliT~U1"1,
i fCl'YQ 92 fRfq 93 BT~394 Godly wisdom", wealth"2 and BB3 11013 fEOfcPB'l E~t!'l"4 ~. 3 1 i! 0!~1)fi

~ orCf O1Cf 0TCl' Clo 95

Hn prosperity"J, then contemplate"S thou ~ O]q, Ili TU<! ([cr€~ ttl BT fRHClo"s Ofo I O,!oT

~ I,~i,ill (fi~ lil:!96 thy Guru, the Guru of the Gurus• t!'T~l::ITofaB96 ~l:le ~llilcJT, H· ~il" )){TOTH'17

. ~ftf ora Rtf 97 UTtl~ II Seeing the Guru's face"', I have lPfel11 T ~ I
= - - -
obtaine:d perfect peace"7.
~3198 B: ftlt>f TR99 I had'll the thirst"" to in-drink 2 the At= ".j-n.f3'OO llTO aoo 2 ~l 3"6u'" R1"S I ~

- -
fU@R IOO fU~02 orl Nectar 'oo . Far s fulfilling4 that >J.If9'B1RI J ?i= llOT OfCl0 ~lS RIliTHT ~ f~~
Ill: - -

~h:33 fRfq4 or~5 aspiration3 , the Lord has chalked Erc!T fe3V ~ I

fafQ6 f}-fg,~7 II out' a wa)5,

tIoo8 ~9 HolO o@"Cf12 My mind 'o, which l7 wandered 20 in HaT Hi'i>J.I 110, ;:t17 l!Ili TB 1" Bl }:flfuR 1S o!B"
:: -
13aRCfR'14 arFJ'?)J5 ten" directions'" stung with 16 the trRl 1S u'Rl l' ~caBT f~oBl20 R1, Ff'!oos l:fT
fR~16 ;:I17 18t!€r ft!Fi 19 desirel!i of relish l4 has become" fatl11 1" ~ >J.I"3 ~e \.(f! -e IliRl:f ro I2 "3 ~Rt!'TII ~ I
qTtiI~20 II perfecta and I'IOW abides l3 in the

"l Lord's abode lz•.

JoTfife~T~20*cfifa'tl1CJ121 Says lallan, Goindwal bui1t 2S on the ''itBoS >J.ITClBl ~, ajfe"t'~T8 flIliTHVo* -e ;
JR}-f22 'tiB"0 bank 2J of river Beas24 is like 22 the RfuCl 21 ~aorr22 ~, H fal11 TR2.. t!fd'>J.IT ~~23 -e
i 31fCf23 faU R24 T city21 of the Lord204c , 3 Se TfEIlir 2s f"atIli T ~ I
~tlo,~25 II
~+++~++++++++.+.+++++.+.+++.++4'++++.++ ••+++++++++++++++++++++++++++••• ¥

.- aOCf?)29.. . ~ ~30 qI~ griefs 27 of many years 29 have been ~~crt ~f~llit29 ~ ~tl;327 ~028 ;j aJ~2' i
);!l:!31 ~fC{ a.N 1!l:! dispelled 26 far away28 and I have lli~ H~ ~, lli lo'H tJo TtJ3 <J faTlli' ~ I

trrtjf~ II EII Ci 0\1 obtained great peace. ~
ora fAfa 33 The all powerluP2 Guru has placed34 Ro~-Riil3l~To]2 ClJ.oT ~ Ha filR 33 ~3 lli ltJC T ~
= ~
~ UO~34 II his hand upon my head H • \lCl ~fcrlliT34 ~ I ~
qrfo cil?>lJ 5 f~l...fT36 The Guru has shown 35 merc y36 and ClJ.a t ~ fHua 36 uTall s ~ lli~ H~ ~ ~T (')IH !
~fo or);! tTI;j~37 has blessed 37 me with the Lord's tlO~r(')37 crl3' ~ I l.[~ ~ a0 39 Ul:R 38 i:IlliTtJT, e
f;if:! -efC{38 Ba,l)J9 Name. Sceing 38 the Lord's feet)9. my Ha tIltJ" o -q~ aT~"1 uO I ~
»{uio 40 ~.~41 II sins" o are washed off" l • ~
fofl142 sT1!a50 ~Ol' Night 42 and dayso. the (furu a~42 ))f3 f~~so, ClJ.~ ~l f~cr oR~3 ,!lli THl ~T e
A}{T?)43 fU»{T04 4 R 45 incelisantlyu contemplates.... the Lord fRHoo cro~" <J(,) lli~ ~<ii4S ~, oTH '!~ a.. 6

orH ~346 B:~47 9'Ti48 lio~"8 ~T ~ W~T"9 ~ i

~~49 II
• 9'f051 -e-T1152 53R*lTR54
i ;iar:t55 qI~56 oIl
and hearing"'his" s Name 'Yama',
the son.. 7 of the sun" 8• is scared"9.
SaysSI the Guru's slave s2 ' that the
Guru S3 (Ram Dass) leaned s4 on the
l:!:t47, til'H,

ClJ.~ ~T 018 T32 ~~TSI


~3ss ~ )fa13~s" O.!~ lliHo~IR ~1 3 f(')a~o

~, (OJ~) cJTH~IR ft

~ tfTOi}57 ~fC58 troi} world SS -teachers6 , Guru Amar Dass, crot? Ro, f~~t ~ ~R ~ ORTf~CS7 o'C) ,:j;3!8 ;
~ ~ ~59 II who uniting S8 him with the a oR'f~~ ~T fe3 1S ' ~ I
philosopher'ss7 stone, has made s9 ~

. him the philosopher's stone. ~

~ oTH-e-'i} qr~ ~fo When the All-powerful Guru placed ~~ ROCl-f.lcr31~T(') Olot 3 oTH~TR ~ R1R i
! Af360
orTlSf€?61 AHotl'
iOTa fRfo ~ tlCJ~"
- .-
eft BT;:j65 11
his hand on the head of Guru Ram
Dass, then
as True'o.
realised 61

0 my Guru, now 62 sa ve 63 thou the

honour 65 of Dass, thy bard6".
he the Lord
~3 lliTtJ~r
Clocj »fc2~~61
<Jl:l ofl:flliT 3 T
crT3 T I

<J Ha crrat?~! ~ <I~62 ~TR. lliTtR ic 6'" ~1

~R ~ lfl ~ R~T60


;lR166 011::11 BTtl 9'~7 A se6 God saved the honour of fim 3~t66 uo(')Tl:1R ~ lliTtJi \ll:li
e 3iJ t70 ~
4.f~-~-e- oft ~ooTl::fR saint67 Prahlad by tearing 68 oTiS tJl;3 a ~lfiJO!~ t R3
6B 67
4.fiJ8T~ ~1 :
.6'ra 68 ~9 »{T;:f911 Harnakhash with His f~iE tfl:1l Rll i
haud 69 nails 70 , i

Gf0 71 BU31 And71 , as the Sire73 God Lord 72 ))f3 71 fi1R 3~t i1t:! ~R t? 0It1§75 B T57" ore •
~fo t{972 ;i173 iil0374
gf;:j ocft
preserved the honour of Dropadi, Rl, ta~l ~;)o ~'I377 Iif.Il~7' t? a =
aR375 -e-l?)76 ~77 by blessing76 her with good many77 H<JTCJT~73 ~TfiJO!~ '!lliTHP ~ ~ ~l re;:B i
RTil7s II - more robes78, when she was iJ'l:11 Rl I i
~"""""""~FP..~d~iv~e~st~e~d~74~0~f~h~e,.r;::::::: • •••••••••++••••••••••••+. . . ++.+.~

I it-eTHT >}fU-e T?9 3 80 As, Sodama was saved from 81 ftl~- lit'lH t'T liRT~379 3'80 i-reP"T aiET
I CfTftfltfT OlfOOl' T85 calamit y79 and the coutresan8S )l{3 ~R~18S l{~ ~ oTl-f BT ~"ijTCJ081 orT31' )l{3

JU~381 l!-a S2 f3iJ 83 uttered the Lord's Name and He
fulfilled 82 her B3 affairs84,
~R ?l ~R ~33 ~H1l4 R'-!.CJo orCJ fe-"-382 ore,
orT";:J84 II -
FJ}86 Hf3a]Cf 87ljl{Ro S8 0 Sir,e86 True Guru, becoming89 5 l-f<1 T{p;:re6 ml OJ.CJ-e~ ;:r1! f~RT l{orTCJ
0l'8't1OT ~f'8S9 Cfrtf~ mightlyB7 pleased B8 , similarly save UCIH B7 :ti8 88 ije9 ~ ~Rl BIR, "ifc BT f~R
~ -erR'- 9T~ orT 8 T't1 II'~ thou the honour of Dass, the bard, or T5 -qor >iBCJ 5'-ftl)l{T Ia~

llq:<lI in this Dark-age.
S"P.i"oT II The Name of measure. f~or lifB BT 01l-f I
C!!~90 C!!~ C!!~ 01q, ~ 0 mortals", ultter 92 ye the Name of 5 6'ToT ~ft'(1'1 ! ~RT· )l{TU<§ O!~, f~8rg90
~ 't1y92 y"Toll1i~91 II your Guru, the great90 Guru. yea, the CIJ.~, <1 T tJCJl-f f~8TB" ill<I, ~ 01l-f BI ~"ijTCJo
; sublime: Guru. or-a'2 I
! H8t
4l -
~fo ~fcr94 Know thou this as' true2, that the ~ feR ~ Rtj2 ora~3 ;:l"~ B for dI o__ ;:l'T RT~l·
~ flU (')T}j 0~ fcsfu 95 Guru utters the Lord God's9. <1oT -E OTH 93 ~ ~"ijra-e <TO, ijCJ01 ~ oT)-f
~ >l1U96 cJRf(i)97 Name ', blesses 96 others with the
9l ~ i :It;:!,~9S ~~8-e96 <10 )l{3 §OT Bl ;:l'TSl"
: 98l1if~fofl=r98 oR 100 Name's, nine treasures9S and his fBel'8)l{3 €c 99 oTl-f ~ ~TceTI;O ~ I
j R'f3 2 OI'f0 3 ;:rTo1nf~ II tongue" day98 and night" tasteth100
-t. ... ~
the Name.
~ ~I 0 4 irH 5 oOl 6 Again4, 0 divines 14, be blessed IS with ~<:;[;i•• 5 ~Jl-f af3~1.! ~Rt ~ BT t{lf3s
.,- ""J.:
: uT~1>}~f15 OloHtffu 7 the Lord's love 5 and affection' and, »{3 ftJCJ<1:3T' ~ l{TtJ3 IS ij~ )l{3 ijCJ9 cR3 IO
111 - -
~ fqlliT~1>li8 >;fo9 abandoning other 2 ways 10, remembers G;~12 ~ l-f:l:1T T7
- dlo- -e oT<11' , )l{ltJ<! ~Tf<1ara
-. tT
HToaT 10 3't10 12 9flu 13
-- and contemplate" your God, through »ITo 1:.l0 3 fHl-fao" or-a I
l 8

i ~fo dT~T6T>l1~ 14 II the supreme Guru 7•

=~B016 OlCf foft 1? Enshrine 18 the Lord's Name '6 in your 010' Bl ~116 i;z »ITtJ<! l-fo 17 ~tCJ fcQlr(118 ,
~ - _

tI qo~H' tftj 9'19 8fH mind 17 ,. overwhelm 20 your heart UHf 33119 ~T5 »ITU<! feB" ~ orT~20 ora »13
~ - =
: qO~20 't1o}-{21 or522 of five elements" and save 23 your )l{ltJ<! ;:r1~021 3 ~822 B1 ~tFCJ23 ora I f~R
#' - - -
t~UoQ23 ~Tfa24 ofo life 2I andlineage 22 . This-wise you 3't T ~Rl· lf~ ~ tCJ~TCJ24 »{eCJ l-f~2S
~ }-{Toll1i~25 II shall be honoured 2s in the Lord's
i -
26 H9' Htf f'83 27
If26 thou desir1e29 all the comforts of
tJT~aT !

;"?{QlO26 ~Rl feR 27 )l{3 ~R28 ;:r<110 ~ RTa

41 ;:&3
1 - 28 - this 27 and that 28 world, 0 mortals, )l{lCJIl-f E3-e 29 ij, <1 6'101 aft'~! 3 1 ~Rl·
• §3
oC4 -
~5~~29 -
:OTa Olo Olo orCJ Ola then. utter ye, I;he Name of your Guru, -= f~8T 8" 010.
)l{ltJ<! Ola, -D
tJCJl-f f~8T5 Olo-e
+ -= -- -= - - -=
i ti~ l{ToT>l1Q II q II q :311 the great Guru, the sublime Guru. orl-f BT ~tjroo ora I
or0 30 ora ora 31 Deeming Him as 3S True 3" 0 man, ~R ~ fr'3 TH orCJ&8S ;:l"c; <1
of Olo
-= -- -=--
ire! ~ )l{Tt1<!


O1q32 ';1ftJ33 meditate 33 thou on thy GOd 32, the ~Tf<J0]~32, ~~ liofi:re 30, liO~fJI ~ liofF.R

ma 35 II great Teacher~o, yea, the Teacher of

the 31 teachers.
t:!T fRHa'O ao I

»f(JTl-f36 01037 ';1TQ38 Know 38 thou that God is the ~ ;:Pc ~38 fei
~Tf<Jara ~l)ff37 t:!T ijlli336
foQTQ39 \Ifo Hfo infinite" treasure" of virtues 37. So ~;:JT()Tl' ~ I f~R ~1 I)fTui fu3 f~B ~R t:!T

trcJ~ 'Cpo 40
.- contemplate~O Him in the mind and, fB30 aa~o 1)f3 ftJ~~' 3 c1e 42 O]oT t:!1 E1re1~4
411'>ifufofFl42 orau 43 day41 and night42. utter 43 and ~ I)fTui ftJ(?~5 ~t:!o ~Bra~3 >;f3 fcop4' I

SB0'44 010 fae 45 enshrine4' the Guru's word H in thy

ufa II heart~5.

3~1 ~Rl' ~ S<tT<JSO u~14' ~

Ofa -. ;:rc;48
>,.fl:lT\} 50
Then47 take ye bath5' in, the Guru's
immaculate 4' and unfathomable 50
Olaf focrHgt' >;f3
>1;':-a f~F.JnTn51 a~ l)f.3 R-e nT~4 ~ tlH55 ~ ~
til-f';1'Q51 qa~ H3 water 48 and swim about53 in the J1'it:!o56 f~~ 3TQ1l)i7(?~53, 'J J1TQ€i' 1)f3 ~
t ~ Ha1e 52 I ~
cnafFN52 ~53 love&5·ocean56 of the True NameS.., ara
- ' 13-

nTl-f HB54 €JOf55 o saints and Guru's disciples 1l2. 13-

Flfa 56 II
Fl~57 fno?q58 The Guru ever" lovingly62 ClIo ;:it
-= J1tJl~57 'Jl fUl)fTa 62 or5 011OT·of~358 l ~
meditates 61 on the Envy·free58 , ROu-f~~5' >;f3 mlJCl60 Rl)fTHl t:!T fRHO'O ~
foaOlTq59 fO'd9(t60
';10 61 l{l-f62 dja Flae 63 Formless so and Fear-free60 Lord 0l;~1 ~ ll-f3 J:!I)fTtJ64 OTH->;fTU<! ~f<JaI~ ~ ~
ofFf4 orcJ3 fu~65 e4
and with' relish grasps" his God's orH'3 >;f3 >ifqaTGI" ~ ~fue aai!65 \Je I ~
9orf366 \Ifa II ... - Name" and devotion6'.
l-fOfQ67 l-fo sl-f68 o my foolish 67 mind, discard 69 thy fj Ha KO~67 l1c'i~ ! ~ );flueT ~~'J68 5~' !
3H~69 0Tli <nolif~70 doubt68 and utter71 the Name by -e ~ iJlo- t ~l ~~T70 ~);fraT
- nTH {!T t

er;:ru71 OfCJ OfCJ 0f0 the Guru's grace70. Deeming Him as ~To('5 CiO I ful ~ RBT ifC a 31~'
~Tui ~~ ~arF.l;, ~ ~~ff.J;
- -J: -- -=
0f0 0f0 HtJ Hf:a- orfa II true, meditate thou on thy God, the mr1, liafBt!t
- - -= -
~lIct811 great Teacher, the Teacher of the ~T fRl-!Oo Qla I
0r072 oro 01(1'3 ora\I74 Utter74 thou the Narne 73 of the i f~l=fTg12 a],a t ~ OTH'71 t!T ~TO('5 01074 I
-ijiij \Jfa-tJ~1~75 great72 Guru. It is through the Guru
-. /I -
that the Lord is obtained 7s .
Olaf ~ C1T<:ff' <J1 ?Tf\J0!1 UTfurl)fT ;:jT tJT75 ~ I

~fu76 q@ Off~a77 The Guru is like a deep77, ill~ ;{1 ft'ol' tW77, );f~78 11>13 );f?;379 •

ar9'1<f8 ~))j~79 ma unshakable 78 and infinite79 ocean76 . I=n:ftJo7' ~to1 <J(,) I ~f\Jt!!~ ~ CST)f ntH •
fl/CJ<J31 UT~c84 ~I)fTor, ;:J1-: ~ tt~~oI80, •
nTl-f 001 80 ~la81 Attuned84 to the God's Name, one
is blessed83 with jewels80 , rubies 81 and gfgt81 l?I3 HTf~cj1u t:!1 t:! T3 fHiS ~l's ~ I
l-ffc82 fl-f8:a- 83 f8~
~TE1~84 II emeralds82•

~oS5 trOHC586
Q@ And8S the Guru makes man d 012: ttl reORTO ~ l¥-J~16 ~ <JR-

RaFt 87 OlB388 '&~Q89 fargrant8', and 87

de lightful , his ~"oT87 S<!T f~""~ uo, ~t t!'l ilu90 ~ Q
uaR90 HC291 88
touch'O transmutes him into gold" Rora' Cia fi~l88 ~ ~ Ola T ~l are1'5 t!T
92tIoHr~3 f~a394 and dwelling" upon the Guru's ~rara '&ao" ~))flCJT. ~ ~l H~l'2 ~0l5'J
Hsf-e ora95
-- trTC!lni . 96
II word'5, the filth" of his evil'2-
intellect'] is washed off'''.
t!1 H8k3T" Q3l ;:rtt!'l94 0 I

nf-fH3 97 tro~T~98 Such is the Guru, from whose z ~R uo O!~ ;:ft, f;::rcrz ~ t!<J'DD 3' Rt!l~ ul
~c~399 R-e8 wfa 100 door 100 ever' ,gushes" forth the R1:1TaR'7 ~1 ot!1'8 ~1" 0 ~ @n t ~
- ..
- -v

f~R2opo3 ora faHC54 stream" of Ne:ctar" and in the .

s<Jn·r fap,{T o' ~ t.lf~3eJ4 J=rij~a5 ~ flTtl
HCJs "R3-

fRl:f 6 immaculate" pool5 of his gnosis J ))fa @ot ~ fa~ reaO'O 0l~7 uo I
- v

()T~~7 II bathe? the saints ,lind his disciples'.

Of!! foaeT~9 fotr TQI0 Enshrine ll3 thou in thy mind 12 the ~ foaBlI' l{'"i ~ O'H ~ l:fiI~IO ~ ~TlIi
~fa €tfa 12 tra~ 13 Name's treasure 10 of the detached' f<JaB l2 Iliea fcOl T1 ' ~ ~~I" Olaf ~ 0'}{15
0J014 oro ora15ora~16 Lord and utter II. the Name ls of the ~ i=JlI 16 , fQ~. ii ~ ~ Olaf ~ arur ul
~ ~f~-tr~il~17 11;1\ great'" Guru, for, through the Guru ))flll<§ ~ ti lIa TlI3 17 5~~ I
9L111 alone, thou shalt obtain' 7 thy Lord.
oro 18 oro oro ora 0 22 my SOUIlI, utter20 thou the el 22 Ha1 ftfe;31€2. ! t f~18 Oloe~J ut,
afijl9 ~u~o- Ho"ii -a22~ Name" of the great l8 Guru. yea, thc fWTH OlaB~ ~ nTH" t!T ~erao '&q20 I
-= -
great Guru.
;:rr23 OfT. R~25 f~24 Such is the Guru. serving ZS whom 2J ~R uo ~ ;:rl, fifc!fD t!l UlTH'5 orw ))f3
and hearing]" whosc word 33 with ~Tl/i ~ot]5 oTH fi1c')t ~l srit JJ R~
fR0 26 RTftr~27 J:!a 28 v ..

l)ilja29 aJ~30 3afij31 their ears]S, Shiva2", adcpts 2'. '&(33", fa~;:rl2", CiaTHT31 YOR". ))ff!Jl){TR127.

331R32 (jIa ~~o33

strivers , angels 2'. demons 2', ID'aa328, CJTl:fa2', ~~f3)){tJO ~ R~ ~

I!f~34 ~o35 -a II attendants of gods30 and thirty threc 331J2 f3 ~~ lira ~30 oreJ
I uo I

millions l l of go&; swim across JI •

~f036 3afij37 338 And 311 those]8 saints
devotees"o. who uttcr4 2 thc Guru's
and loving 3' ))f3 J6 @u'8 - _ . it
- RTll ))f3 fl/l)fTijJ' ))fOoloft4D
Olaf4' ~ 0'){ ti ~rao ,&~2 uo, J:!'&337
113 fU3 39
saT3 40
(jIq41 Ofaf~42 3fa(145 Name'" are emlUlcipated37• Meeting ~ ~~ uo I ):fTHJ:r43 faa.,...., orat! oTH fHS

l.{ijWtl (jIo fHH3' with the silent"3 sage...., Narad, i, t[<J5Tt! sl 1JT<J ~3Cf far~5 Rl ,
lif04 3 ~o44 -ij II Prahlad too swarn across"s.
3afy 46 ()Ta-eTf-e 47 AbandoningU otherss relishcsll" and 5a55 FJ.l){T~5" ti iiiaJ 5J ~ f~Ol nTH 01B
HOolTf~8 ~f049 attached5% to thc~
One N arne, N arad ~2, O'~ ~(3aT"7, FJOCiT ))fTf~·8 ))fa as'"
(jIolil::lfij50 '3af~s 1 and his likc"', Sllnak ctC. 48 and othcr ~ <lQ <5'& ~~50 ~ ~ UTa ~30 areS I
f-ear oTH ffior 52 holy menso of God 4' have been un I
3~~53 aR54 »{o55 a II saved'" and cmancipated51 •
• ... T • 1'........'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •, ..

-e'r:! ~of356 Olij O'li Supplicates56 Dais, the bard. it is by ~TR, i<!, ij..s31 CiOt?1 56 ~, <lICii ~l ef~,S7
OTcU-,f1::f57 B5 58 ora 59 the Guru's grace57, that the Name is ~l)fraT, o'H UCTU3s, ~~ ~, W:r ~ ~
aTa ara oro oro tfU- 60 attained G', so utter 60 thou the Name CJja€~, f~T85'
l)f3 UCH f~ ~~,
- - --= - - - .
H'i(l)61 ae 2 IIBHgell of the Guru, the great 5' Guru, the ~Ci~~ i11 ~ o'H ~ ~60 CiO, cj62 Hal

=<~II sublime Guru, 0 62 my soul61 . ftft'~le61 !

fRolE:3 ClIO -,. R'f~64
- The Sire63 great64 Guru showered 6s HCJTCfi163 ~64 <l.!oi % WfiJl)fi ~3 l)fTUCl
Rs @ufCJ II Olo165 his benediction" on all. such is the fHuCl 66 t1 TCl1'5 ~ I ~ij iiiI \10 oro i11, fi1(')i'7
• -c u

~uy68 R3t1fal 68 Guru, wh0 67 in the Goldage68 i5 Rof\JCIl

))j'eo t1C1 ?i ~~Trel)fT Rl I
CI •

f;:Jf(l)67 tl ufo II blessed Dhru•

~68* \{~"8"'t! gaJ369 Placing74 his 10tus72 hand71 on his ~R ~ }-j-ij7J ~3 l)fTl.lC'T ~~872 ti'tt71 t70 ~74,
@tlol~7011 'UR71 OlH(572 forehead 73, the Reverend"· Guru \1i10P1 68
* <l.!C1T i5
lif<J8~ tn Qlf8l)fT(!
R3 69
- 3
)-f'li73 trcJ tl'olJi-74II emancipated70 Prahlad, the saint". 0
QlCl ftr317 I
~75 CJlf76 ";jl~78 The undiscemible 75 form 76 of the Rl)fTHl ~ l)fft'F.!'c75 RoU'6 ?i i11~78 elf"
• - ... -=.'
B'l:f,77 '0 iJT~lll Lord, one7' can discern77 not. 0\11· RQl~ I
RTfu0l79 fRQ 80 ROTB81 The strivers79 and perfect persons80 l)ff~'R17' l)f3 \!ao t!oJ:l'O Rlij81 I.J.~ 't!l
RO~8211 all" seek the Lord's refugc'2. UOT~82 ~~ \10 I.
CITo a S~83 Rf3 84 True" are the Guru's word 83• R~84 <10 OlCii e lrnO ftf8fR8] I ~ ~~i ~
;:ft~8S tl l CJQ86 II Enshrine86 thou them in the mind85 • l)fTui fu~'5 >ieo fcCl'86 I
H"GR87 iJ'Q)-{88 ~u89 Thise-wise make thou fruitful" thy fuR 3~i ~ l)fTu2 H~g187 i11~" l)f3 C
foRTCJ-U 90 II human'7 birth" and bodye,. Rola" ~ RSB'o CiO 5 I
~ -
cnq iJUT;f1 ii~~92 The Guru is the boat" and Guru Ol~ ;:it
i<:re'1 <JO ~ Ol~;it tit J.l8T<J9J I

ORJ OTo f~ 3fa~93 the boatman'2. Without the Guru, no Olot ~ rio fcffi ~ 91 ura ~3'(JT 0\11-
-. - -
ijfEl)f1 43
O"~II one bas been able to swim across'3. I

OTo llR'f-e 94 By the Guru's grace94• the Lord is <l.!oi ~l ~rel)fT'4 ~~', If! UTre))fT;::rier
- ...
~l~ QICJ obtained. Without the Guru none is ~ I Olai ~ ttiio fQlR 't!l 91 Ol~'<! O\1r
95 <i.e1'5
liorf3 0" iifi! II emancipated'5. I

q@ O'oC! fOOlf~6 Guru Nanak abides'7 near" the <l.!~ oToQl i1l fi:ro~<J'O'8 ~ ~;j96 ~m~97

SRg7 SoCi'cflS8 II Creator". <10 I

f3f'099 BU~T l:Jlfl.r2 Establishing2 Lehna as the Guru, he" 8fu<!?i Ofll)fRtfTl.1O Ci0 2, ~i" ~ i

;:jf33 mal 4 Q'CI1S II enshtined5 his light3 in the world4, 4

1.J.Cl'B3 t«IT3 l)f"t!o fCCilT fe3T
I e
~~ tfu6 tlo)-f7 &' Lehna gave currency' to the path6 of 8fu<! % mJT~Y ~ HToor' ~ 1.J.~83 QlBJ', e
0l1))fl8 II >'{HCJ'eTR righteousness7• which he passed' on f;:r<J;3T for ~R ~ l)fHQt!'R, i-f8l)fT el R3To
g~ erttt!1~T9 II to Amar Dass. the descendent of
the Bhallas•
?i fe3" I

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mm .
.~ + + • • • +++ ~ •••••••••••....................

1 f3fo 10
iH~l fClCJ 13
Cltr(?14 II
He lo then permanently" established l4
Sire l2 Ram Dass of the Sodhi's clan.
~i1,IO ~ fua R~l!«TB HUTCJT;:r12 oTHB'R
;:r1 3 u~ 30 3 >liRQTUo cro f;:!3 T14 I

~(Jfo 01'; oTJ:! • ~~15 He blessed l7 Guru Ram Dass with ~~, - ~ Ol~ c!T}{"eTR ~ (')T-(')Tf[ ~ ~15
• fofq16 l)itr€7 17 II
.- indestructible'S
God's Name.
treasure" of the oTH;:!T J:ftlToT16 >lioUo qO f;:!3T17 I

... >Htr€7 (Jfo (')T).f >;f~ He bles:,ed Guru Ram Dass with the €t~T o.r~ CJweTl1 ~ <JOl ~ oTH ~T lftJTOT
fofii- BQ 1!far 010 treasure: of God's Name, which l)foUo O113T, ,:j But ul tjJort l)j'~ l)fli01 ~ I
R~T18 orfo 6(219 is inexhaustible the four ages OlCJ' tJl UllE'8 ~l)fTCJT, Ol~ oTHtJTJ1 ;:rl a f~
E~l~ II through. By the Guru's service l8, }kT" UCJTtJ3 ;jf~>liT20 I
Guru Ram Dass received 20 this
~Bf(J21 ;:j Boc:22 They, who pay homage 21 to the f;:r<ci OIa T B ua,22 3 ~tJo,21 O1o~ >li3 ~T
.~.~ Rtf
-- tfT~f(J Guru's feet 22 and seek their refuge2!,
- -= - '"
tJl ~'B un, ~ l)fTCJTH U'~B
~ 24trO~B25 (fld'>::!ftf26 are blest with peace and are said to 00 >li3 HUT0 24 UCJR0 25 0l~-l)fC2.RToV6 ~
~. ortit>ir 27 II be 27 supre:mely24 blissful 2s ;:rTB27 00 I
~ Guru-wards 26 .
i trd'3ftf28 ~(J29 The Guru's body29 is manifestly28 the OlCJf tJT RCI10 29 t@Tc 28 01 UoT-l£O~g UCJH

BIffTHVl embodiment]] of the Transcendent 1{~30 WE01 3 • ~T R~UJ3 ~, ,:j RTfa>liT ~
l)iTfB 32 d'fU 33 U~34 Lord 30 Master!" the Primal Being32 , UIE;:!T URtJ T34 l)f3 UCJl~oo O1o~3S 3 I
90i 35 11= who cherishes 34 and fills 35 all.
Rf30Jg Q!9. 36 Rf~37 Serve 37 thou the Great 36 True Guru, ~ ~~36 R~ OloT tJl upg O1I-IT37, ijtt-af0338

i >HEtf38 crrf3 39 'RT orl

R1 40 oTHBTR· 3TOc;41
»1fH3 44 aBo<45
inscrutable 38 are

ship42 to ferry across 4'.

whose Divine
doings". Sire40 Ram Dass is a

He, whose'" ambrosial"" words 4s and

00 ftl~' B 8a~1 O1CJ3a 39 I HUTCJI;:r40
oTHtJTR ;:rl UTO ;j~41 g~l f~01 tr.lTtJ 42 00 I

B >iifH3H~144 l)f3 OlCJ~1'"

Wc;1 46 RTq
'R047 Gurbani 46 , the saintly persons 47 lh-ROU UCJF.l
~~TCJB18 uo l) H0

• 'Rtrf(J48 qfCJ49 fafB3 50 utter48 with zealsi in 49 their mind so . f~~1' ~H"ors I olE I ..

. BT§51 II
~ »iT3t 52 f33 53 HaTE 54
~ Old' Bcn=ro 55 R6(556
0£4 - -
In this world 17 , fruitful s6 is the
visionss of that Guru, who is the
r"" '''''0'' r?if """'rea" 3 ,,1" ..."
dlCJi tJ: ,:j RtJl~l53 ui:J!:r03 TS2 l)f3 :l:!F.lls4 B ,.
It.? I
1'RRTfd'57 II harbinger of eternalSJ blisss2 and ~m01ra 00 I

j joyS4 •
~ RRTfo F1~c:558 Says Ganga, the bard, accreditedS8 is l)fT1::ltJI ~ mOlT ic >liHurS8 ~ OICJT ~T tJl~

!~ Old
- Bd'F1o
trd'R359 the vision of the Guru in this world. fell ""'" r.~ I ~~i "'" r~,," 1[...... J

........w w •••••••••· • .

UCU-{60 Uf~361 63 MeetingS9 with him one is blest with

... CJl3 II tl1~ ~ UT~0-l:!013T6I H<JTO'2 ut!~16J tr1.!3
the immaculate61 supreme60 status 63 • tl i t!l ~ I

~I ti13f~64 B~66
65 The sinful67 persons68 , who are triBo" l.!oE 68 , ;:r dI~-t{HEo7o t!1 fQTl)fT3 oTB
Uf33 67
~ tl Tc168 ~fu imbued 72 with the gnosis71 of the aon;:l72 00, (J<J ?1iB 00
Jil)fT}fl B lh" 'Ell
tio 69 fl=r~70'~lJo orJo 71 Guru-God 7o , become the Lord's 64
l)f3 }G's -e H~566 ~ G'30 qO B"B 0(') I ~

03 72

II 64
saints" and conquer the realm" of
death6s • I

73 8C50l 74 The Guru is celebrated like the o~r til ~E73 B tlFfo'El ~ dl.f<J 76 }){tlo ~
JB:~9.:75 ~Ho-a urr-a76 supreme 74 and beauteous7s Ram Jl}R1'4 l)f3 Ro<!7S oTH B"t tl HT;I;tr OJ~ i11 ~
1.. l-ff
-o ~6f~78 ;:rror179 Chander in the house" of Dasrath l{fm:r 00 ,~;j ilii 00 dI~ tll, f;:qi 7' t!1 ~
~Ho~80 II of the Raghwa dynsty73. Such is the R~QT380 1101Ea77 ~1 '5~~78 00 I
Guru, whose 79 refuge 89 even the
sages77 seek78 .

Hf30JQ CJ]g: Rf~ >HC5l::f Serve thou the Great True Guru, ~ <ri RB error t!1 11P5 qH', t:it=l-af03 00,

... CJTl-/~R- f;:rq;l ~ ~1E~al qo3'El I H<JTO'tl oTHt!TR tll

· Olf3 tiT 0[1 H1 inscrutable are whose Divine doings.
3TO<5 30i II ~ II Sire Ram Das is a ship to ferry u'O <J~ 5~1 f~Ol tl<J'i:I <:1(') I
~ RHTQ81 »{dTl-/82 warq83 To cross the
world 81 ocean83 , I
unfathomable82 a'E{T<J82 trnT381 RH"-eo - .i> UTa qOO m
~ q8~T84 ~fo oT)j have obtained 86 ~fbdI~ B nTH t!Y ~~y84, }i' )fCf1 8S dIal
·010 l-ffl::f85 trQrfT86 II from the Supreme8S Guru the raft 84 \fill" l{Tt.:3 q13 T86 ~ I
-= -
of the God's Name.
m0187 ti0l-f88 Ho~89 Whosoever believes" thiswise 91 in his fm:I fOlR ~ Ho'2 }){t!O f~ 3~i91 l:ifOllo93 f90
901T90 f~~91 ~T mind 92 , flee away90 his comings88 l)fY tllt!' ~ I ~ tli-e'o 00 ~Fl t1l)f~e!88 3
· tit~92 uCJ31f~3 II and goings8 ' , in this world s7• tlT<!89, f~R FiRTO s7 }){Ba I

uCJ31f3 ~l~ ~T The persons'''' who so believe in their f~ l:!oJ3'T'4 ~ HO fue ~RT l:ifOllo l)fT Wt!T
fti3 ;:J394 ~ f3095 mind, high 87 indeed becomes'8 ~, ))O\~E 01 ~'i3'T97 'Ell" ?~t!Y ~ ~'1t'S t!Y
Ol~ u~~196 "
~tl97 their911 status". H03'E{T96 I

9it98 II
· 3f;:J99 l-frf~100 H~2
B~3 >1f9.4 'W~5
They renounce" mammon'slOO love 2,
greed3 and 4 avarice5 and are rid of'
- Hu~1100 til HH#, 3HiJ l)f34
~~ f~--e99 00 l)f'3 qTH-BECt 6
0[Tl-f6~' crT f~:EJT8 the pains of lust6 and wrath 7. t!1 ul~8 3' J:f5 TRl t.fT w~' 00 I
01~19 If
»{~~lO ~~12 Blessed with an inner eye lS €to mTf~~t!To'S fttECl 0'8 t!1 BT3 ~~aT
they see their Lord l2 , the ~HtI6 ~ qoo ~lC317 »flue! Jil)fTHl ~12

C:·:···::;;:···:::~:·~~;·:::·~:·:::··a~~·::e::+::I:·::··~::O~·::T~ Reu l3 of~aa

=fB'a: feJ~5 ~0~16 doubts 13 are dispelled l4 . ~ wel4 uo I - v

crai 17 II
itf~ Serve thou the great True Guru, 3== f~a~ R~ aJ(fT Bt urg OlW ))IOI'U 17• ~
- •
~ l1i13l::f17* orf3 ;:rt orl incomprehensibleI'· is whose filt'i t -eT ))I-e~ ))I'ifreT 18 I \i;;Jlo.,fT" ON
.. Rt l9
- 3TtR; wondrous state 'II. The Venerable" (fTHtlR ill RR'o RH_"ea 0." \,(Ta orao crel reOl
,3ai 11:311 Guru Ram Dass is a ship to cross 'iluTij uo I
the world ocean.
trcJ3T~20 RB'T21 (flo The greatness 20 or the Guru is ever 21 Ola\?'i ilT -el ~f~l)iTE12o wfa))lT fes i22 )){-e(f
orT U4fc U4fc22 manifest2J in all the hearts 22 . The Rel~21 ul l.((J(JJc 23 ~ I arot \? R~Ci26 ~CiT
tlOOfTB 23 s1JiT24 tllJ25 Guru's attendants 26 sing his praise 2S • -el Hf<JHT 2' OITreo Cia\? uo I
,:ro26 ~ II

ll~f~ B~~

oraf~ reRT0
f~RTO -oro fJ llom30
Rt:t 31 Hfo ora ll;:rt32
Taking bath 29 in. the early morn 28 ,
some 27 read, hear and sing his praise.

After ablution early

morning311 , they worship32 the Guru
in the
OT iP' '& erell7 ~oT t!'
R;j~28 u

ll~~ Cia\? ))13 (JJT~\? 00 I

l{laoOlTs 30 Hilo Cia~. ~u foaH5 31 fea 0'5 ~

~ ROHTO}{'Cl 3Ol~l3 mu 3 Olaf Bt ~t(TaoT
- 411
';:tR la-q
V ,

Iftlf q 33 Rf~3 ~a Ii with the: pure 311 mind and in a
reverential wayu.
Cia-e32 uo I

j "&B034 3035 5f~ Touching 36 the philosopher's37 stone CJR'f~37 0'5 j[u36 ci ~qt t!' RCil(f35 R('iT34
j llCJfR36 llT-aR37 or~ their body35 is transmuted into gold 34 ij f(JJl)iT ~ >lf3 ~u ))Il~ f-aCf3lt° l{CfTH33 -q .-
:el ~f338 ~tn39 ~?i40 and they fiX 41 1their attention40 on !Jil3' 'i'fuOI~ ('iTS ii3~ I <JO I

j qij41 II
. 51 ;:RJr(')Ttj44
God, the Embodiment ' 3
of Light 38 •
God. the: Life 43 of the world 42 and
the Lord,44 of the: universes I is fully 48
ilOI3 42 -el ftfe-il T0 43 ~ l)i'5H51 -e Tt!l)iTH1 54

-.' lJrel"
'i'f<JoYa ~ R"'
- Cil U031" ))I"-ea
CfH46 Hf~47 of"Ul1iT contained in47 Ithe water4s and dry l.((JTlJa(')48 ~ fOUT ~))I3 aJO ;:it ~R ?; ))I~ort
• -= -.
yf0 48 ~49 farq land46 and the Guru described so Him t4
301fCilli ' OTS Woe ora~50 uo I
aCJ~50 II in many way s4'.
~ Rf30]q O]g Serve thou the: Great True Guru, 3. ~r5 - Tt?T cfus
R"6 Ola ID/T. ~il-afua
l'>iHl::f orf3 tiT inscrutable are whose Divine doings. <JO f~t \? Ela~(fl 0la3"I:J I )1<JTCJ Til (fTH-eTR
crTl-Wl1 Sire Ram Dass is a ship to ferry ;:it t(TO ~~ S\?l fEQl 'iluT;;J UO I

3ai 1\81\ across.

f~ wa 52 foR13 53 They who relllisc5 4 the Divine ;:r Rel~5J R))ITHl -q \?lawl srBo1 52?; tla 'ill
ll))f - T 54 ~
- -g ~

ore .
.... tl o1 3~15S ;::(1~56 discourse 52 of the Eternal Lords3 30v t ))loR'
ora B'-q54 uo ~55
like Dhru, thoses 5 menS6 escapes,
froms8 dying ignoble death57 •
f3071 3fo§60 H}-re61 They71 cross 60 the terrible 62 world (1~71 f~P,.{ToOl62
- fiwa wdla61 .
?i fuOl'·m3'3
ot:!62 fl:S0 63 fuor Hfi-64 ocean" in e4 a moment6J ; God" has f~B64 ura 010 W€'0 ~o I rnO!~" ~
65;fg~066 f~fa67 created70 the world" like58 the l.JT(!165 -e f~OI ~5~67 ~1 HT<5~68 fiwo"
trarf~8 ;:rcn69 II 65
bubble67 of water • RTf;:rl){T70 ~ I it'
- - <HJy70
~~g(l)V2 Bo5'173
H3 Associating with the saintsH , their RTtl Fi0T374 0100 ~I){TCJT, ~T ~ HO ~1
Rarf3 75ucJ}-fT'c5t:!76
74 mind's tongue 72 is opened 73 and a'hffi 72 1::fH
~ -u ;:It~113 ~ I){a H1::f1
77 dla t
_ -e aT~l r

oro Hfl::{77 HtJy78 II

-= -
through the supreme77 Guru, they ~~ H<JT075 l.JOFioar76 -e JjI){'H1 ~ H'G~71
enjoy7 8 the Lord of supreme75 ~o I
bliss76 •
fR01 79 ora s:rTf~~80 The venerable79 Great80 Guru is over l!;:I~79 f~80 OI~ tit Wfal){T -e ![Hil" ~o,

AS ~tifa81 H(l)82 and above 81 all, so serve8S thou the fuR (;~ ~ ""fTlIi fl:1l){TH82, S-eo83 ""f3
atJ83 a'H 84 R~1~85 True with thy thought82 ,
Guru86 , I){H~" ~I){TaT R~ a.rat86 B1 upg OIWS I

RtJ y86 II ... word83 and deed 8".

~Tf~87 The Wondrous 87 , Beauteous88 ""f~~387, Ji~88 ""f3 iio'o ~ ~, \J
~~a1-ij89 and are thou, o OFL-l{l:{Ra 8
' !
t:l1~ 11= Guru-God8' •
0l~B91 92 c50 HU'CJ93 Thou art lotus 9l -eyed'2, utterest ~ 0lH5'I ~ 33!'2 ~BT ~', fH"<s'3 Si:J0 94

~o94 ~fCJ5 >lo96 sweet9J words'" and are embellished'8 ii5~T ~. ""fa ~~j95 <:it ~;:It" OT(;'7 aR93
iifu""f T <"jfu>,{l'8 ~'I ~= €1~
- f~""fOl31~' , fuR2
Rar97 Bg 98 CFJ399 with'7 millions's of bosts". Thou art
HylOO ;:rRt! f;:rRf~'Z the one, wbom2 the mother lOO , ?i HT3 rlOO tilBBT, HOT 3
= a -eH
4 1::fT(!5 ?i

""fT1::f~199 ~ I
t!~13 5T~4 l:STf~5 Yashoda, asks" to partakes of curd3
;:r1~ II and rice".
Bfl:S ou 5
* »ff3 6 Seeing thy supremely6 beauteous7 3a l.JOH' R~7
- ROu 5
* ?i ~~ ~ ~= i1iP 15
::11:. a
»foU7 H~8 ~ Har lO form s* and hearing the tinkling l4 i1~T16 R', ao1 ~Tarll2 tft ~I" ~1

5El-fciOlo}12 Ret:!13 sound l3 of thy Ii on-chain 12, when ""f~13 ~ Jjc, H'3T, fU""fI(J8 aTilT' HUTo'
5'0301'CJ14 "tfg15 thou wert l6 at play IS, the mother 1-13~1 m~~~11 0 R1 I
UTf~16 ;:r1~ 1/ - was greatly' intoxicated 10 through
love 8.

OlTg17 orBH18 ~Olli19 Death'sl7 pen l8 and command l ' are H3 17 ~1 i51:lC118 ""f3 ~CJHTo" aa;j'q20 ~'e
~Tfa20 ~~21 or~Q in thy hand 30 • Say21 who can efface 22 ~o I tf-R 21 1::fT ! aa1 atf T ~ &c HR R~22

Hfc 22
~ itB 23
a-~4 thy will ? Shiva23 and Brahma24 ~? fR~;:iF3 a 't'JW2" 301 fdl""fT3 25 ""f3
2 27
OT..TQ25 t[,TQ26 tl'0327 crave ' to enshrine thy gnosis2s and fRHa0 26 ~ I){r~ f~a~28 l)j~ fcOl~T27
~28 Wfu 29 ;:r1~ II meditation26 in their mind21• 'eT~~2' ~o I

f~1333 - l)fTf-e.34 abode 33 of excellence32 and the fs.mC3T3Z BT fCa~TU tH3 t)fT~34 !dCJ~35 ~. I
lJCJ~35 RB'T36 q~l Primeva13 4 person 3S • My wondrous", Ha tHt'~3J7, ~BCJI8 1)13 4.a'R~o39 a.I~ tit,
~Tf~CITCJ37 ~lfJClTCJ38 beauteous 38 and. lustrious39 Guru, 3' ~o tH3 RoHTo'· ~ taar ~. I
~rf~cii~39 ~1~40 thou art worthy of praise 40 and • -
;:ft~411IctIIEII reverence"'.
CJTH42 OTH' tfCJH43 Thou art blessed with the Lord's42 3~ 4.~42 ~ oTH, Huro'J 1-f~44 3 R'6'-
foCJla-rCJ 47
IJU 45 ~U46
clear 4s
understanding 46
and thyself
Raa14s RHs"6 t'1 t'T3 fHB1 <J~1 ~ tH3 '3 ~
u1 ~U-CJfu317 Sl){348 ,!tH TH1 ~~ I
- . 3a
R'OSa49 cr~50 Clrf~51 art the Formless47 infinite48 Lord. .
SCJ~04' t'T H· faR so ~ tHTl:(TSI ? .
;:Jl~ II Whomso should I callS I equal4' to
IJ'EfCJ52 f~53 9ClT354 For the sakess of cleans2-hearted S3 52R'6'-ft"B53 ~5 R3 54 t{uBTB B1 l:fT3oss
f(J355 ~~56 UfCJ€?57 saintS4 Prahlad, thou assumed s7 the ~ HQR-8a t'T Riu56 QTCJo aETS7 l)f3 UO'OT-
~CJoTl:t13 ~fCJ€?58 Man-lion. form!i6 and destroyed S8 ~R ~ HTCJ 58 tH3 t)fTui i<J 15 ' O'H UT3

0l:f59 fa~fCl60 tft~ II and tore60 Harnakhsh with thy nailsSt • ,!fCtHT60 I
Rlf 1 tr~62 C1T'e~3 Thou art the Limitless61 ~ u1 ut'aoT-CJfu~7 UCJH 1.f!68 ~\ fitR ~
tR~4 >;fTfU »-fT1465 Transcendent Lord 68 , who t)fTl..I<! t)fTU ~
Olt''', tPCJHOT-ftf~62,
crT€? 5'eH 66 »-fl.,fijuo67 embellishing thyself with couch", tH3 ~~B ~ fORT?>'4 oTB RH~3 0i'CJ };ft'6S
UToS~H68 B~69 quoit 62 , bludgeon." and lotus mark6" CJT;:l S"8 ~ ~fBtHT66 R1 ! ck ~ ~ (~~};:It •
·Cl~i 3Tf~70 ;:ft~ II thyself6S , deceivl:d66 Ball, the king. (~ ~ 70) ;:I'<!" ROTt!' ~ ?
Who is it that can know" (thee) or
(him10) ?
Rf3 71 RTB- 72 R1'3 o my praiseworthy11 Lord,
God, ;] ~ ~UHT'Gfar77 uot, ld~ ~fuaFL
fo~'B74 »-flf-e 14~75 Master, Thou art ever '15 just , true72 ,
UCJ1 3:::;
Rt'1~76 u1 fol)fTf~TCJl71 , R~T72
· Rt!T76 3~T ~Tf~ClTCJ the abode7s of excellence" and the llRc3T73 BT fca T(!;T/4 tH3 ))fTt'l !dCJR7S ~. I
~f~ - ~rf~did Primeval person7S .
~Tf~77;n~ 1I~1I.911- =
u137s SRo79 ~'e80 Thou wearest yellow78 robe7', hast ~ u1BV 8 !dATa79 UfUOt'T ~.. crn180 ~ ~g •
· 'eRoS1 fi{»-fTS2 Rf~383 teeth81 like the: jesamine80 flower, ~a1 uo 3a Bt'81, iL ))fTU~ t{l3H82 ~

ao 84 HTB 85 liCl~86 abidest with8] thy 10ve82 ,

hast ~R"t'T ~', 301 aTCJBo
'ItH T5 W BT8S ~ tH3

fmfTtl a ~ l:fgi8t ~ 3Ttt" oTB, ols'o gr

RlfR87 Hoss tfl:f89 rosary8S upon thy and 1

BTf~90 ;:Il~ II eagerly9CI embc:11isheth thy head87 .

3' llolTU<! fR"d 87 .
ii ft:farT"dt'T ~ I
with the crown'!6 of the peacock88
feathers 8' •

9J~~t:lla92 ~93 'Q1a94 Thou art without" a minister32, ;l

faoT'1 H31'2
... J
wij'3 Utatl ~BT'", R'~5

'QoH 95 }).far96 »fffi:f97 greatel y 93 fortitudinous'4, pa.rtisan" 'eT tll::ll", »{f'e.F.!C t7

»{3 il=l'ru'8~. I I'){TlRl
»f(JJH98 ~B99 m»{T100 of truth'5, unseeable'7 and 'J:faV tI»{TgT ~ i1OT3 ~ -ij~" g~'lIOO ~ I

)).fT~i ~6:Tf'l2 t:ll~ II unfathomable93• By thy pleasure2,

thou hast staged lllO the world play".
»fc3iT~3 q~y4 qtJ1 5 ~ o Lord, Thine ineffable] discourse4 ;] '2~Tlil ! 301)){ClfuJ ~0314 w~ Cll3t
'tPfE 31fo BorG can be: described s not. Thou art ?),:W ;P RQ'e1 I ~ Sot ul tlUrot' ~
of~».fT RH TfE R~8
7 pervading7 the three worldsll • 0 King f~I)jTUQ ~ fou T7 ~ I ~, uTf~ -e

fi::ro 0 ~9 t:rfB€i 10 of kings, thou hast naturally' UTf3f./T~12 I ~ ~3C'i' ul ijJOT 'e T ~~.
RT~O 12 ~- RTf~ t:l1~ II assumed 10 the form' of the Guru. tl't}o I ° Ql3' ~ I
Rf3 RTtJ R1 fo~TR o my praiseworthy Lord, God, ~ Hij ~UHT-~OJ ~ ! »{~ l.J.a~, ~fuCl1~, ~
»frf~ ~lj RW ~u1 Master, Thou art ever just, true, ~uA~ ~ ~»{Tf~~m, ~~ ~~3' ~~
~Tf~Old' ~fuara abode of excellence and the primeval fCQTe T »{3 »{r-el ~gB ~. I e
~~ala ~rf~ t:ll~-
-... - I~ Person.
Slit II
-= The True Guru, True Guru, R'tJ ~ ill, R'-g on tll, RV-e OR ill
R8qrq True Guru is the embodiment of HVTt}l;JIJ '2I)jT1i1 12 ~ R~U u7) I
tft~13 II the Sire'] Lord l2 . ~
SfHf~14 iSHOI5RSH~6 Thou art the enticer ls of Balrajal4, 3 l:mQT;J14 cJ) 0iIR:_~5T'5 ~~ol6 * ~
HHn· 7 IDOT3 18 '6Ho 19 the smotherer l7 of the mightylS, the ~"5<! ~TBTI7: R3i" ~ R~ QaOUra~' ~
0fT020 q»fCJ21 fulfiller" of the devotees 18, the princc:21 f¥J:lo20 ~ »{T~ ~T is 'eT ~
CfTt:Ji!liTa 21
sil123 QBQ1-»i~g27~, ftlR B'l R~t}2S <j~1 <jEi
Krishna20 and Kalki 22 , the coming
~0l'24 B:J25 'eH26 incarnation of God, the thunder27 of R7)T26 'el 0I0;:j27 1)j3 7)OJlij24 t:!11)jT I)jT~r,:p

ofci~27 ;:il~= II whose mounted 2s army26 and the beat 23 Rra UTR !!<!1~1 -eC!oftl)ft I
of drums 24 shall be echoed all over.
OTH28 ~<!29 ~a3'30 Thou thyself3 8 art the contemplator2' it ~'e28 ul '2»{TIiV' ~ fRHOo ~T29, uru lO
~~<!31 RorH32 g~<!33 of the Lord 28 , the destroyer 31 of sin30 , OEC orcJoU'03 I. R'fal)jy32 »{TP.iBi]J ~ ~l4

C!RR34 cra<!35 ROS36

~337 »fTf~38 ~1
the dispenser 35 of bliss 34 to all 32 tbe
universes!!, pervading al1 36 the
al:f~ ~TBll5,
. .
RH\J l6 itl~t37 l>iet} fullilUQ,
-e~f3l)jt 'e1 -e~J9»{3 u;:ITat'o 1£\JT" »{3

~~fu39 ~~ R~~O beings J7 ,

God of gods!' and the ~i42 ~TBT 8ffi5TQJ ~. I

ljl:f41 '6f<5~42 til~ II thousand"o mouthed'" and hooded"2

serpent King.
110H43 qoH44 H~5 Becoming47 the incarnationss3 of the ~~l J-fc:1 45' .
»i3 Ra"8
-e »{~'o'!

0l'546 ~»f47 S~48 Big fish"s, Tortoise4S and the Boar"8, a~7 3 ~t ~
., - v
fcia3-f~g3"" cirao Q131

+"'...."'.......+"".....h+4"I>d"t..Io++d>""t..'..'..b"..t..t.<i!-+m+...t..'.. i ..i!!'!!'..' ....+... ,,+..~
~HOT -a c~fg49 '8'550 thou assumedl their avocation • 44
7~5 ,:r<J'~~ ,~ f~ ~s: tll-fOT ~ faroT'a 4' .
iffg{?51 f~fo52 fafe53 Such art thou Wh052 played 41 the at·~,53 i;!C~ ~11lli15D ~~151 I
~1€l11 game of "throw ba1l53 " at the bank 4'

OTJ:! FfTq 54 ~:J1~55

(Jrq56 3;:!60 fS~57
Ho crr"Gte Rf3aTO
Rf3aJa Rf3aTcJ
of Jamuna.
Says Gayand, the enshrines6
thou in thy heart" his sublime
Name and renounce60 thine mind's

wickednessS1 • The True Guru, the ever

m~tJ, ~c
~J:1 ~ JlRe54 n'H ~


ttl RR'asl
• ~~
~ l)f'1.l<! f~sS I)j'~

~ '"
BI ~H!157 Q &f~s ~ I R' e O!~, R'tJ O!~,
l)fRtfTU0 010 l)f~ I')fltf<!

~ lll)frH159 ~T R~~ uo I
58aif~ 59 e;:J~ 11811~ 1/
True Guru, the ever and ever True
Guru is the embodiment of the
Worlds6 -Lords,.
The venerablel " Guru, the highly Ht<!i'il~61 aF! ttl, HUTO H'eolut CI1i ttl. If·~u
venerable Guru" True82 indeed is the .<30 ~H w~ol~ aJij
-.. ttl I
most venerable Guru.
QIa ~fiJ);fT63 Hrq6.c Know thou this'· instruction67 as fuR 68 ~lH~R67
- ~ R~ ao~ ~ ~ ' s
?i• • ~-atot

fo;:I65 fo(J TQ66 R~ true, obey'" thou the Guru's word e!. ~ IBo 6S '3 ~H864 070 I a~8 f~<3 <Jl 30' ~
;:TT Q H~7 f~~68 This alone is thy personal65 treasure". tl'3l6s J:ttlT(')166 ~ I f~R 3C!y ~ RBl~69 =
fofR STl,1a69 ~f~ Thiswise thou shalt be enternally6' ~Cif37D <iT ~~'OIT l)f3 3~ Hu l o

:: q~TQ70 B~fiJ71 emancipated70 and shall be blessed" ~TU3 ;J tll~OTT I

72 73
UaH Off3 ;:rl~" with the supreme" status7).
qT)j74 ~q75 B~76 Renounce thou lust7 ', wrath 7S , ~ Rf<3~374, ai-A's
8'g~7i ~ ~RTal HH3T71
HQ77 ;:J~ ;:J~78 fF!~ avarice" and 'Worldly love77 , give up ~ ~~ B, ~ l:fi71 0'5 Q~79 Of"aoT f31'1flOT
,,~~ ~79 ~~H80 qT deceivi ng79 one: and all78 , snap82 the ~1
80 Bl ~T<JT"
_ ?i 013012 -g';S)){3
~qtH qT~82 RTQFrfor noose 81 of self-·conceit8D and be thou ~ Rf3Rat3 (')15 afarl)jT83 tl' I
. df3'83 ~l~ Ii imbued·1 with the saints' society.
Bu 84 oT~85 f3»i86 Grasp" thou this instruction" in f~91 tl<3To'5 ,,;~ ~ fuR fRl:fH3" ~
R3Q87 fBi88 fS5;J389 this'· world'D, abandon the 10ve87 O!.f<J~" ere B. l){T\RT CifYful)jj84, IS
Wa ,
;:ror390 ~~91 B'tj'o92 of thy body''', home ls , wife8' and W:r301" >1f3 H0 BTI)fT18 -aatoBll)ff89 ~
qH5 93 Rt!f94 Fi{t95 mind'sl. revellments" and ever'4 1!<Ji:l3'7 ?i ii'i1 ~ ~ R~~94 <Jl ~ illat
fu~96 ~ Hf397 serve's the 10tUli'! feet'2 of thy Guru. ~ a-~'3 tloy'2 Bl UlIB's ~r I
~II -

fRaT Of~"
fRal OTd' fRaT ora
m3 ~T{fil
Says Gayand, the bard, enshrine thou
in thy heart the sublime Name and
renounce thine mind's wickedness. The
venerable Guru, ths highly venerable
Guru, true is tbemost venerable Guru.
liRe O'H?i
§C I')fl1::{BT~, ~

oro ~ ~ res tft


aBl?i~;s € I HT~br mCf ;:it H<:JTo H'C!ol:;r

qJ~ tti, R~ <:JO 1.lOH w;ol:a
C[q. ;:111
~ feg ~a

.,.. It*iWt.....LJl.*t~~~~~~~IlAtl L6lI ~uU~ ~uI!!It• • • +*••••••••*"'•••· \.
R~0l98 ~ "9ol!099 o my blessed 2 Guru, it is alP through <J lia do3"T_t:rOT1 O!ot?~ Rg3 301 ~
t!a.!'BC[flOO ~T~dT02
thine gifl 4, that thine attendants98 or,:W 'Il 3a t'TR 98 RTful)1T 1:i!orT ~t'OIOO \.tol-
~OT ~3 Rt"OlT4 II remain fu]filled" all the ages l;!oo" of'I"-t? 'Io I
through lOO•
foaOl T"Q5 l.l~ RtT6 o Formlesss Lord, Thou art cJ ~\.t-of'I35 ,!»{TH1, ~Rtl~' 'Il R<J1-
RHTHf37 Off~8 0 R~ 7
eternally6 safe and sound • No one RHTH37 ~ I ~~ o'I1' )){Tl:I8 RCit'T, i or~·9
. &~ 3 Oft" op9 II can say', since how ]ong9 art Thou. t'T O· I
~iHT= f~Ro FHa 10 3 Thou hast created lO countJcss 12 i l)j~faJ~ll ~<Jli 1)13 RHO o~ID <JO I .
~OT0312 f30]3 a(t Brahmas and To them13
Vishnu. ~TI3 ~ fB3" t'1 RAfol HH3"'" 1)13 R~­
H~14 glJ1T15 Ho have c1ung'S the mind's worldy love l4 iiCITSl 16 fuH311)1TI5 5~11)1T 5~11)1t 'Io I
.. -
Ht" OfT]6 II and self-conceit".
B~CJTJil:r B"Cf ~fo17 Thou hast created lS eighty four lacs ~ ~olR1 cf~ 'l01I)1TI7 tit'T Ci131l)1i 18 <JO 1)13 ~
(tlf~118 fCJ;:r~]9 of species" and given 20 to them aJ12 1 ~R ~B22 3· 'I1 ~<'iT RTftPli T21 ~ ijt=lV 9 ~
~1)){T20 R~21 Of{t sustenance 19 since that very time 22 • aJ:un 20 0 I 19'

3t" OfT22 II -
o my <J Ha u031 ulOT O!o~~ ! R~'I 301 atfF.lF.l
R~Ol ~ 90l.l0 ;:rOT
;:rOT ~T~a 30T R"9
.. --
blessed Guru, it is all through
thine gift, that thine attendants oT'Il 'I1 3ij t'TR Wfol)1T 1:i!OTT ~~o \.to1lflJo
- - -= -
remain fulfilled all the ages through. of'I"'~ 'Io I
Rt"OlT II C\ II C\ 911
~T~23 ~T~24 OfT ~~T2S Great 25 is the play211 of the f~F.IT825 0 ~lHl26 l)j~323 ,!I)iTH12" t'1 I
3HTRT26II wondrous13 Lord 24 .
~Ti)27 ~R28 ~Tfl.l tit He Himself27 ]aughs28 ,
Himself ~ l)jT\.t27 'IRtT23~, I)1l\.t fifll{Tg CiOt'T2' ~

fu3~29 ~il ~~30 imagines" and Himself iIIumines 32 1)13 l)j1\.t 'I1 ~~H·3D tIi3 'io;:J31 ~ liCilat'l32
Ra 31 l.lOOITFJT32 II the moon JO and the sun 31 • oI ~
~ ;:r~33 ~Ti) tn234 He Himself is the water 33 , Himse]f ~'I l)jT\.t \.tl~V3 0, »{T\.t 'Il UCl3V" tIl I)1TRO,33 i
. ~Ho35 ~i) Oll~T the suport3S of the eartb H and 1)13 I)1T\.t 'Il 'Io ft'8 36 ))j'~o ~Rt'T37 0 I ~

urfc urfc 36 ~TRT37 II Himself abides 37 in every heart 3'. ~
J ~U 0038 ~i) ii5f039 He Himself is the male 38 and 39 ~'I ~t' Hot!38 0 >"'/3 39 J;[t' 'I1 H~lo"° I ~t' ~
i oTo140 - ~n) R~f041 Himself the female 40 . Himself is He
the chess-figure41 , Himself the chess-
fJI<J ",.,," ii, '1" ill >13. il '" """," I
~Tl.l ~1 tfTRT-'2 II
board 41 .
C[fal:[fu43 ROIf3 44 R~45 In the saints' society"\ 0 pious Rf3ROT3"H litlo,;j Uf~~3d t!oR 4J ! ~Rl' ~

futJTa~46 ~ ~ person 4J. refJect46 ye all 45 on this; RTij45 f~R i;= AB f~~rij46 f~ f~f.P8 0 C?18T ~~
t V

qr 3H1F[T 11=<11 great is the play of the wondrous 1)1~3 RI)1THl t'1 I ~
~~T - - ~
II C\=< II ~


. . . . . .~.*lft• • • • •

cil>1fT46 'ij(547 ~48 Uniting 49 the: elements together, 331 ~ ftrcf30 Ci0 49, ~ fuR ;:rar3 t:!1 f~srg48
H~9 3'l-fTF[T50 ~lfuqyQ.5l Thou hast created 47 this great48 c:alST47 ~ ij~50 oe146 :l I ;j >liRWiI
= 3d1 R9' CJB(')T52 II - game 41' and play50 of the world. 0 1ll'){TH15 I I f~ J1To1 ~1 u1 Ut:!TfeESJ ~ I
Wondrous Lord 51 , all this is Thy
creation52 .
Thou art fullyfilling~7 the water 53, ~ tfI<!l53, J;f0l1 tlO3154, »{IqTE55 »{3 l.fT3rs5'
dry land54, the firmament 55 and the ~ lId't1;Lao iil'CT fffi:r57 ~ I ~RT:I· ~, fHR60 t
under-world 56 . Such art thou, whose6o ~ ~n:ro-fimTR" »{Tfa-fuW358 orH· 51
words" are sweeter59 even than flf~S9 uo I
Nectar58 .
)-flof~62 ~~)-fTftor53 The Brahmas,n and the Shivas64 ~uH6J ~ fE~;:rl64 3~ ~'2 uo I ~ H3

qB!fBOl64 c1rp.)65 qt worship52 Thee. Thou art the death t:!1 91 1i365 ~. I ;:ra <kl 3ij cis· 1iI~7
~ fm3'tloG 6 of death 65 • 0 Immaculate Lord66, iil'Ot:!T ~, ;j uf;f~ YI" I
tiB(')t67 II everyone begs 1i7 of Thee.
~ Old l.{RTf-e68 trtfl>li 72 By the Guru's grace 68 , the supreme69 Ola' ~1 t:!f~I){T68 ~1)fTOT, H<JT(')" H~~7D
69UdHTacr70 R3RaTf3 object70 is attnincd72 and the mind73 UoTlf372 ~;rTt:!" :I ~ Htl»{T7J J1Ttr Rar3'
:! R3T H?i73 ~B(')T7l II is absorbed71 ill the saints' society. nft:!o B10 ~ ",t:!T71 :I I
:; Cl808
IorT»iT lfC2 ~
~ 3l-fTRT ~1~aTd74 3a1
H(5 Uniting the elements together, Thou
hast created this great game and play
33' ~ fuof3o iil'O, i f~ ffiII3 t:!1 ~B
Blcp >li3 ij~ ~ of~))fT ~, ;j ~84 ! f~ •
j R9' CJB(')T -,is
II ClSlI of the world. 0 God 74, all this is Thy RT01 301 u1 uerfuE 3 I

·8:<11 creation.
J >liOTH 75 >li~376 Unfatbomable1'5. Infinite76 and a~75. alJf'37' »{3 »{la5-0fu'377 ~ '«
J»iotfu77 ».jTf~78 f,m79 Eterna177 is the Lord, whose79 filR 79
~ ~78 ?i ck1 91 otil' ~ I
~fu (') ;:rl~ II - beginning78 no one knows.

I. fR~80
~B- m:ri'S4 II
f33fo- 83
Such is the Lord, whom the Shiva80
and Urahma811 comemplate82 and
whom 'the Vedas ever83 deseribe 84 .
3 tN, fuR
iil'O~82 uo >li3
CiO~84 uo I
t:!" fB~il'l80
fil'R ti
~ ~HT8I
~t:! R~J <:11

"fotJorrq85 fOCJ~q86

~;:roS8 aT~~89
'e110 87 .
Formless85 and Uninimical 86 is He
and witboutHim there is not another
second87 .
Hen, the Lord is All-powerful9o to
R'iu-afU315 >li3 ~EHOl-f~<r<!86 3 ~u ~
- ~ amo &Et ~CT t:!;:r86 3 u1 oul· I

~9J ~, oTR 'a0088 ~ aB0 89 ~ Ra'a-


• 3~91 3TCJ~92 tL~ destroy88 and to create89 and is a RQ31~09D 3 >li3 UTO ~<! B~192 f~
JB~93 II ship" to ferry across92• ilU T;::r91 31

l + ," IlmI~~J¥iI~RAAA~RA I'¥"1I~ ".'(


OT0194 tl"qT0
95 ftiro With his tongue", Mathura, the ~T~l ;:Il~JT'9 (')Tg mg T9S HeraT, ~R Bl

tldl 96 Cllg 97 tl0 9S slave 9s, joyfullylOO utters the praise of ~ll:1F.ll IOO f;:tl1 ~
- - (')TH ~eT- ~, ~~ai9~

HioT 080T99 oR 100 11 Him, who has created97 the world9s 3CJ1fq~t95 (')TH AW0 96 ~ CJf"i3'~T97 ~ I
in many9~ ways9S.

.UOl:{5Rf3 OldoTH- dTH~R

R1 2 3
Cl03T4 The praise worthy2 True Name 3 of the ~fFTCJ;:I~'1To-l!~TJ.f1S BY ~tn-fT'Gi0l2 R"iJT (')TH!
Creator~-Lords abides7 in the mind 6 O!~ cJTHeTR ;:11 -e' ~·Bo ~REI7 ~ I
!fB3-~ ~~7
~ oro HHo"E{8
11 '111
orfu 9
of Guru Ram Dass.
I have grasped9 the all-powerfu118 ~\R1 ~o:g12 ?? ~RfSdIO llf3 ~T\Rl fiRe'3
~ cio1~T q~lO ~fq12 Guru, to stablise 10 my intellect 12 RJ.f5'I~ ~ R893 15 qCJ(,) '8~1, Jf' RO~­
~ 13RH f3 14 - RHTClo 15 and to embellish IS my sublime\3 F.tor31~Tn8 Olo-e~ ;:11 ?? uorf;3' I)fT' ~ !
.. - u

~C{~ II understanding 14 •
! ~fo16 qH
17 q;:jT18 Again 16 , his flag 18 of righteousness l7 U"n tl6 UTUT21 Bll)fi RTCJ11)fi 22 '8f'1oT23 ?; ua
- I •
'6<Jaf3 R'tT20 W,u.r21 ever 20 flutters\9 to ward Off2~ al1 22 the <Jcr~ '8~12~ €,(')T BY Rtjt~V7 BT !1~18
- ~: -"
.. titl 22 3acrr23 fo?fClo 24 waves 23 of sins 21 . <JHF.tT20 '8f'1a~~'BT" ~ I

jCl~ II
oil H~oT tlo25 -,:rfo26 Knowing26 it as such in his mind 28 , feR?i= ~TlIi J.f02B f~ fER 3CJT
" ~26 ~
~ q~127 t=ft>1i28 RTB R Mathura, the slave 25 , has uttered 27 iftg 25 w:ra ~ R"i3' ~fWliT27 ~ I fER 3· ~e,

J>1i~0 or~29 - i the truth. Save this, there is naught 50 ors-

29 91 (')<:W, f;m?i far
T RB lYo3 ae
~ faBTo030 q~ II eIse 29 that one may reflect upon 30. f~Ta!O I
~'eI ~fu oTH- sfi3- ~~32 31 In3~the Dark age!3, God's Name is a f~R qTC; liIOI33 l)j'~34, ARTo!S RI{B0 36 3·
! qfC5 33 s~35 H
34 great 32 ship31 to ferry across 37 the uro 5~ '8'81'7 ~Tfu~ BT (,)TJ.f fuor ~~T321
~ RTdlo tlTfo ~3Too37 world 35 ocean!6. ;:I<]TtI!l ~ I
. Cl~ II~II
R3338 ~1 R3 ROlf339 Meeting with~O the saints 38 and the!i!8 llf3 RTtl-A013 39 nTH '1;3' ~~ l){3
•RClT40 418-a-or42 0343 saints' congregation!9 and imbued~! f1F.tC I41 ilH 42 (')TB ~0I1;:rU. 0!~;:I1 W'8r B1
tli1 44
0l~3 ~ II with sublime~1 Iove~2, the Guru sings citCJ31~~ OJTfuo qa-e <JO I
the Lord's praise~~.
UfO€?47 The Guru, the support~9 of the 1J031~8 -e »{Ttra
49 • OIOT ~ f~<:I RVB~s BY

l)fTfu50 earth~8, has established~7 this path~6 J.fToOl~ l){~TU(,) cit~7 ~ I ~<J 'J:!t!so l{~
urfd 0 51 of truth~5. He himseIf 50
remains nTH ftra<];Jl uT'81 ol:l-eS1 <:10 l){3 5CJ forA
attunedS\ to the Lord and runs 52 not J.f0l0 (')'11' -e;J-es 2 I
after another.
t;:3"'::++"'::"'''''''<l~=",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,++,,,,,,,,,g;,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+++,,,,,.++,,,64
i ft;a> ~I 10 C".1 desired s7 fruits 59 , utters S3 Mathura, ~ro(3) olOt!T ~ ).{l:for 'i<! I
! tfT~3 ~ II the bard.
J CJf~59 & R3 60 ~ They, who fix 6S their attention64 on H Olaf ~ tJa Yu oTg l){Tllit fS031 14 ~
0( -
~ f30 3 TR61 -q~JT62 t:r the Guru's feet 76 , why62 should they H;S~6S ;]0, ~~t ~ lia ;:r59 ~ l!3..60 Od'HoT~
J ~ra363 . . ~ ftf~b4 dread62 the Righteous Judge, the t!T ~61 f<m' 3CJt6Z ii ROlt!' ~?
~65 ~ II :311 sontO of the sun!i9 ?
f60Hp'>66 OT}J gU,62 The Guru is the brimful68 tank of the 0ld';:r1
-= Uf<l30" oT).{->i-fH3 67
. . . ua1Uoo
61 -e
tICJ1:!oo68 A~69 immaculate 66 Name-Nectar67 , in lB~a ;]0, ftl"R f~~ ft!o ~o 3~ Uf;]gt72
3<1'm If'arfc3
70 71 fto which become manifest 71 the waves70 ;]T OlaS~1'9 t!Tl){f 8f;]at70 l{OlTa ii ;:rte1l)fy71
»froTQ72 II of Gurbani69 before 72 day-break. ;]0 I

OTf~:Rf3 oT~Ta74 He is deep73, e:ternaF\ unfathoma- ~ ~ti!73, »ffj'8 74 , ~T<J7S. Uo).{76 f<mT'517 ,

i ~
>rrf376 ~:r~77
ble 7s , supremely76 great", ever" Rt='1~7';]1 Ud'lUa0
78 l){3 ;]oBO 30• tS1
~ R90 78 RBT79 'Rg 80 brimfuF8 and the mine 83 of jewels82 ;:r~;]ay82 t!1 C1T(')BJ ;]0 I
j ftnl81 82030TOig8J II in everyl~O way81.
~ R3 H OTp'>84 orof~85 The saint-swan~;84 make 8s merry86 in R11!oTtl"<JRB4 Ol<! ~ Ra~ f~B' l){-5~6 ~~15
i ~~'Jp'>86 f30 t:rH87 the Guru's pool and th'.:'ir dread 89 of ;]0 >Jf3 ~~f t!T H3 87 t!T ~088 l){3 U~'o ~
B~ U~·3 BT OlTart.I'1 oTH 5 ore9~
13~A88 fl-rfcB 89 ~tr90 death S7 and the: papers 91 containing ;]0 I

~ OlTCfTCJ91 1\ accounts of pains 90 are destroyed E9 .

j qP.);:]OT ~0392
~fo93 In this Dark age:, the holy vision93 * of ft:R 'Ol'5 li},0l »f"t!O, i1'~'4
l){ToT).{ttS ~
BT t!Tt!T O'3*, l£~T t!T1.!'l.J t92 ~
.. oroa or€? BoR093 * the Guru, the: ocean96 of a1l94 Rli"t!O'6, Olot
- 94 RCf
;; oro HalP.>
~ - 95 comfort~)9s, rids 93 the mortal of sins 92. 3· J:l T8a193 'OloT ftft!T ~ I (

R"rarcr96 11811 -
;:p or~97 }Jfo 98 U..T'Q99 For whose sake 97 , fixing lOO their f;:n:rt!T W3Q,7 l){TtJ(!1 fso31 9' H;S100 &. l
i l){T3H
lOO f"603 ROTH
l{OTTR S= Ol~ II
"&€1 3 ~
BOT attention 99 , the sages98 wander all the
ages through, rare 3 is the one,
whose sou1 4 is sometirncs 2 illumined s .
foaT 98 RTfol>i t li},CJTT ~t!o f~ ;]0, forA
r.o8' "1 01 ""3H~ oil' a",,' ;).<!l ~ I i

:;at ~T~16. Rfv3 7 Whose praise9 the Brahma8 sings ftl"R -eT Hf;]HT9 ~t!t ~ H30 i6 oTg7 saw ~
! faa-fB 8 t:rR9 ~ with7 tbe Veda~' hymn~6
and for OlT€tt!T ~ l}{'3 ftl"A t!1 J:f '3o, FaaVo fa~tl"T ~
~;:p ~ fF1~ l::!f~lO orfV l4 who~e sake, the sage Shiva remains
lO ~gTal3 Ud'S3 ~ fB'Hf;S»fTI4 Ofu"t!T ~ »f3

j 0 3W3 12 Ol'fSP.>TR 13 clung l4 to the Kaila~hlJ mountain fER ~ 5r~eT'2 0~:W I

. ~€111 and abandons l2 ilt not,
( t:r T-~ 'ROTT t:r3V5 fR'Q 16 For who~e sake wander 23 dispassion- ftl"Rtit kfT3d' ~aror124 ;]»f3 HtliJST 3R 21
FPfuor 17 »f3-q18 3U19 ately24 and wear 22 religious garbs
21 U'022 & f60B 23 ;]t> ~r8t B1l)ft fgeT ~T520
;:reT 11C20 -gCf21 0l1~22 the yogis, celibates IS adepts l6, ~0l1, ~<J)'{B'rolls, qoTH8T ih~", »ff3'l)fTRT 17

---------- ------_._--_.-

f'G03 23 ~~Ff24 Ol~ II strivers l7 and various IS penitents" )){3 lli5qi lS 3tilR0 1' I
with matted hair 2o ,
R f3fo 25 RfdqIfer That 2S True Guru, through his ~j25
__ '" J=J~ maT_, i) lliT~l trcl~i'i3T26 0'<:11' I

J!l:f 3Tf~26 f~lJT27 pleasure 26 , showed 2s mercy27 to all the fl'~ til~t29 ~ fH<J027 011312S )){3 Ol~ a~R
uTCJ128 i11ni29 nTH oil beings 29 and blessed 31 . Guru Ram til ~ oTH B1 l{93 T30 trclt!TO 01131 3I I
~~TE130 ~31 (Her Dass with the glory30 of the Name.
of:CJTH't!TFf Ol<t 11411
• oTl:{ foU T(i32 fu>rrro 33 The Guru, the Name's treasure l2 • OTH ~ J:fiI,~32, Ol~ ttl, H<'l >;f-eo H <:11 Rte't
contemplates]] the Lord
Light 311
He is the
intuned 34
embodiment36 of
and iIIumines 39 the three:;7
to B' fRl-lOo O1o~l3 <:10
00 '>f3 130'" 01 "",oi
I ~<:I
l{01'F.l35 B' fl~U36
~ ,",0 .~" 00 I I
~l:f3 't!dJ!40
~H42 ~43
worlds 2s .
Seeing his vision 4o• doubt· 2 fJees 43 , ~~i B' BoR04o ?l:l<! tr!)i'O', R~12 ~a~' Ii
t'l::f forthwith 41 pain is dispelled 44 and t?3 ilit!,43 il u13 ~o44 ii ;:rTt!1 ~ lli3
Bl:f ~tl45 peace easil y 45 wells Up46. lli'oTH Sl~04S <:11 ~31..r046 ii lliT~B' ~ I
~ f~dTrR46 II
.£j "' 9
mfCl47 fRl::f 48 Rt:!T4 Like 54 the craving of an 53 the black- R'folli i53 ~folli,52 ~ iHiSS t!1 SlaTtl1s6 t!1 :
»ffu50 '2 f9"3 51 >rrfg 52 bees 52 for the fragrance 56 of the ~o ~ W~·t!S4, Olaf ~ ifii5 47 lli3 l!olt!41 ~
R'i~S3 fi1~54 CRRH 55 fJowers 55 , the slaves47 and the ~~i ~ t!OR('jf ~~, Rt!1~49 <:11 9ra so ...
8~TR56 II disciples 4a of the Guru, ever 49 remain
"~,, "foi! 00 I i,:~
greatly50 fascinated 51 by the Guru's

sight. ~
fael-fTn 57 aTfCJ >rr fu"8
i In his presence 57 , the Guru himself 5s• )){1~1 <:1'16157f~~, Olaf ~ l;!t!58 Ol~ OT~
au€?59 faCJ-GO FfTB§61 established 59 the eternal 60 and true" BT 01'H-m:I"~160 )){3 R'l16' oTilfR"UlTRG'2
62 orCJ- (JTHt:!TFf II
throne 62 of Guru Ram Dass. )){AUTUn 0113 T59 I

Ell ~
3rcr€?63 FhlTCJ64 )·rn::;:p65 Blessing" it with the Namc-Ncctar 63• reA ~ 0'H-fra'OR6S SJ:fF.l" a, Ras ~
Ht:!66 Hf~36i >;f':-fH368 the Omnipotent70 Guru has F.10131~Tn'o Oloi ~ HTf~lliT6S t!1 ROTS" nTH I'
'6Tli tl>rf~69 U 6
emancipated the world 4, inebriated 67 H3~'H167 <JEt <J~1 ~n1»jT64 B' UTa ~IOT
RHCJl:fO II with the wine" of mammon65 • 010 ft!3 T63 il I
R't!T73 Bcf4
fafu76 >rfo 77
o ~~f~79 ~80 II
fRfu 78
Again7', the praise worth y72 Guru is
ever73 blessed with peace74 and
riches 7s and prosperity76 and n
miraculous" powers leave" not his



RT'Ej'SO o<:ll

Ola i
)){~TH;4 ~ tin RtJt!T7~ t!7 ~'3 fHH1
OlOTH'31" BCl31l)ii
7i <JHRI 73 8~1
<J~1 il.
~~i B' I

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."' + +~+~~ . .~~~...,..'*-dt*ilAt1ilOid....

BTfO"Bl ~82 >rif3~q83 Great S2 is the bountyS' of the Guru ~V~T82 ~ l:il:fRR 81 Olof BT »i'3 ~C'it t! H<JT('j83
84H~rafc:585 R~f~86 and he is blessed with the supremely83 ~~T84 3T'i38S \?'T B T3 fl-!Pi1 5'21 ~ I cfrHl 116 ~
t1fR ~fu€,87 ft!~ great84 power8S . The slave s6 Dass. BTli, '9c, ft!u wa 3388 ~tlToo 'iCJB1 87 ~ I f3-
3lJ88 II the bard, utters 87 this essence88 •

3Tf~ Ofu T UCJ~~89 For whom should he then care89 , ~u 3\?' fcm BT }f~BiJlT89 llOT~, f;:n:r-e fli0 92

i 90m:r1fR92
orT~ ~1 ;:IT
~ on90 whose head 92
placed91 his hand?
the Guru has lf~90 errar 3 »iTU~ d'1l ofl:f»i191 ~ ?

1 dTf"d ~cr 1I.?1I8tll

31fo 9'~93 9'oUfCJ94
~ "df~€? Rt!1 95 II ~UO
He • the Lord, is
three worlds 93

Equal to Himself'6.
the ~<J95 II»iTHT, f3"ot
traT1;!0('j94 5 fOUT ~, l;jTll<!
uT ;:r<Jl('ji93
serT80 96
t'T ~li~

R"d896 ~1»i~97

0" He has c:rcated not another in this 50 &'2T f'2li ;:raJ98 f~tl ('jur oftl»i197 I
• ;:IClT3 98 '&~111 world .
~ §lf1{j{@lOO II

~ ~fCJ2 00 3 lrlgCJ 4 )).j'~s

?)ul t{TG1@6 II
»iTlf ul Hisownsdf",


The gods 2, mortals 3 and

know 6 not His limits.

l;jTlR: T »iIU 99 , ~li ~ »iILl <:IT oftll'>jT'OO ~ I

~:~; ':1' »13 a'HR' ~R ~ fum- t 0<11' I

I.UT{j{? ouT >i~13
»iRcJ'u7 00 Ole8
~ oTUtf ii;:r3 10 f~ij12 II
g-a His
end , the gods, men and
ghosts can find not. The servants of
demi-gods 8 and the celestial singers
wander about 13 searching lO Him.
~H -e l",f!:fTo 13 ~ -e~, f'2oli T('j »i3 ~3 t{37
('jur UT Ha-e I -e~ B \?'TH l)i'3 l1~oiJIT

,,",iii" €I" ~ ii,,~ ,,'m!" f",,~" <J?i I


»if'SoTR1 13
* >rl'B§14
Unborn 1s ,
The Imperishable *. Immovable "
Sdf-illumined 16

»il-!013*, »if,:fPi I4 , »itl('jl-!TIS. li~-\{OITR'~Tol6 '3 ~
ftl1<~·IS y'oR 17 ~-af~i){r 3~ '9T UoH ~a~19 ~ I i
R~"'" ~
17l.:[C1133'li18 »ilfT"d 19 Sublime l8 Person l7 is the most infinite
~ tRJ II of the infinite l9 .
: acre OfTCJe20 HHCJcr 21 All24 the being5,2S, in their mind 26 , ,,1.", »I'U<! fa3" ,""a €In" ,!wH1
i RtT22 Htr123 RCJ;24 meditate 27 on Him 23 the Lord, who t'T fHi-lo(') Ola~27 u('j, ;'j ti~l;ft t'T tiq:10 '3 ~

i ;:Il»f25 Hf0 26 is the Cause of Causes 20 and ever 22 Ht'l~n <:IT li08-Riil3T~To21 ~ I ~

; uTft!liT@27 II
"l\.. -
~ RV8 oro oTHtTFf tr~
Thy vido ry 29 resounds in
the 30T f;13 29 liTa RHT030 lit'o] I cfr"Ht'T ~ 3~, I
'3 Thou, 0 Sire 28 Guru ti H<J o Tti,a Clg oTHtTli ! H<JT('j]] '21R~oV2
..~ ~29
~ ufo32
- t:lClT30 Hfu31
UoH33 l..fB34
whole world 30 .
Ram Dass, bast attained the
H038']< UT f5l;fT ~ I
"!. - 33 34
~ lfTft!'Gl~ 119.11 supreme godly,12 status .
i Rf3Cl]fo oT?)f~ Nanak, the True Guru i:Il~ ('jT('j'i -e~, Fhl Olor i f'2'i f~ ('jTH


Hf036 3'0 37 H038 Lord and surrendered40 his bod y37, ~37 lliT3).{,38 l1i3 ~5339 ~ ~ RHOlIo'0
t:rQ39 o1fa"i B1>1i~40 II SOUP8 and wealth 39
to Him. ora ftr"3 '
>iarfB >1i~1 Haf342
fo~43 tJ'TaT44
>1iOlH 45
Then the Infinite Lord 41 enshrined....
His own43 Being42 in Guru Angad
3'e Slli"3 ~41 ~
lli"OIe lli"eo korT fe~ lli3 ~t ~
fcr:;;::r43 'E ~1I42 ~

OTTf0 ofR47 oR@48 and he, in his mind s9 , .enjoyed48 the lli'tl<! fuO~4' >ieo. ~ ~ SSyU4S farl1i~
cl>1i~.j9 II ..- Necta.r47 of his unfathomable 4s
~ >i-fH~7 e T >lffit! HTfet)fy48 I
gnosis '.

(fifo >1iHotTfR Uttering 52 and contemplatingSJ f'Rotrc!u Ta 50 'e T fmffio 53 3 RoT52 ado
Olo3'lg50 ql>1i~ Lord'sSO praises, Guru Amar Dass ~t)f'oT, qr~ lliHCI'e'R ~ ~Tfuaa ~ lli'l.I<!l _
~R51 ~T~ ~~52 orfa has made God subject to his willS'. H0i.J1 ~ llitl1os, CIa fSt)fT I
tJTfE'til€?53 I
~ (fia- OTHeTR ~tf
~i:il 1iar Hfu 3 ufo
UCH lI'ti1..fTf~~ II~II
Thy victory resounds in the whole
Thou, 0
Guru Ram
the Godly
301 f;:i3
l{1\S CTcJ
f8t)fT ~ I
aTi1t!l ~ I 3\;j
HU'o HCl3~ I
· ()Toti

~ >iSol<!
II t{~B'1~
l3:tTHT l.:!:a54 '9013 55
~ ~fo ~ 1i aTi II
supreme status.
Narad, Dhru, Prahlad and Sudama
are accountedS' among the God's
saintsSli of the pastS4•
Ambrik, Jaidev, Tirlochan, Nam
O'O'e, oiL, l{fu'wt!'

>iaolor, ;;~~,
l1i3 ijt!'HT fuii5 54 RH' ~
~ ~Tfua.r~ ~ l=I3sS fori ;:rj~S6 uo I


O'H~~ lli3s7 orala

11 f38tJo oTH! >1i~a57 s7
Dev and Kabir are also sajd58 to m ~ ~ 113 lliT~ t1t~S8 uo I ~
: orslg: ~i58 II - be His saints. e
f30 "& >1i~3To59 They were borns9 in61 the Darkage60 ~u cm~ol60 lli"t!O'l U'e' <J~~9 RO lli3 ~j i
~€f orfa60 fi3fa 61 and their gl ory 62 spread65 over'4 the 'el Hf<JHT 52 RIa RRT0 ~364 ~5 0I~165
63 Rll ~
1iR62 ;:rcr.3 63 lI'fo 64 whole world
• II).
5Tfulj{~65 II ...
RT 010

· ~ ~ Hf~ '3 \Ifo
· lI'oH U~ UTfElj{~ II~II

orfo fR>--l(J3 67
~ Thy victory resounds in the whole
world. Thou,
Dass, hast attained
Godly status.
0 Sire Guru Ram
the supreme

The men'8, who72 meditate'7 on Thee

301 E'3U


wa RRTeJ >i-eo ar;:r ou1 ~ I '3?;,
~ H<JT(JT;:r 010 oT).{e'R ! HU'~ ~ma1 H03~
f~;T ~ I
fuoRroU, lli'lli R'iu lf066
qS' oCJ68 OlTl:{69 ~qiO with their
whole mind", their 73
3·W lliTCJTtlo oroe'7 uo; ~i7J e1 8fu~' e
~ fHfclii~71 1!72 f3~7JII lust" and wrath70 are effaced 71 • l1i3 qIRT70 O'R <J ;:rt~71 uo I
~TBT74 orfo fRHa3 They who contemplate Thee with ~ ~ a~74 ~t)fT(JT, 3·~ fu'3o oroe
35- f30 Bl:f'5 -efoB76 their words74, they are rid77 of their <:10; ~ f~ l!u378 ~ orsc7S lli3 ciQTTffiP'7'
*fHCli1€?77- -;:{ fu~781J pain7s and povert)'7' in a moment78• '3. }:f5'R177 tll ~ \Io I
~~~~.:~~.~+ ~ + +~ •••••+••••••••••••••••••••••
[4645 J

1'4i -'1 OH7982

'=T orfo80 3>;-[81
- They. to whom thou showestBO fHua 79 Q'a~T90 ~~ ~ OJO~~ !
ft:ro'l £1"'"3
u - :
3' ' -

BOR 'Uo'R83 'UTO''R84 mercy79. 0 Guru. seeingBJ thyBI ~ 3aTBI ~aao82 Bl:f83 a aR'f~c;B" ~

'Ro 8S SP.> 9C ;:rA 86
arTf~lj{?57" II -
visionB2 become
philosopher's stone ". Ball, the bard,
sings87 thine pl'aises B6•
H;~eBS "11 ~~~ <:JO I ~5, .'ifc, 3alllij
fR:G3 iB6 oJ1f~ Ola~TB7 ~ I

) RT 0]'0 CJTHBTff Thy victory resounds in the whole 3'~1:63'u ~ s:tRTO >iB'O ol;:r;:r1 ~ I ~'. iJ
41, ~ ;:Ilj{ ;:rar Hf~ 3' world. Thou, 0 Sire Guru Ram H,JTCJT;::r OI~ aTH~TR! H<:ITo ~la~ol Ho3t1'
~fa 'UaH ~ Dass, hast attained the supreme u' f51li T ~ I
uTf~w 11811 Godly status.
Jf;:r0 88 Rf3qJa fRH(J-3 89 WhosoeverB 8 c:ontemplates89 the True ,:j ;k188 R~ t B' })j'oTQo ora~J69 ~. ~R
! (l)lj{(I)90 ~ f3Ha 91 Guru, the darkness" of his eyes'O is ~l})jt "fCIt'O;:!T })j~Ol'l f~ li<J3'3 ke ~a

= fHcf0 92 fl::fQ93 II dispelled 92 in a trice93• <J 1i'~T92 ~ I

! ftl0' Rf3dja fHH~fC{94 Whosoever contemplatesB' his True ,:j ~~1 »{'U<! R~ Olot ~T »fTaTQo ora~T'4
~ fa-e 95 ~fo oTli ftf?) Guru, day by day", God's Name ~; oV~ ~T O'H (j;;r-~-(j;;r96 ~R ~ HO's f~B
j ft0 96 II permeates his mind9s • oH1 ;::ItBT ~ I
~ ftrv 'Rf3qJo fH"H fer a Whosoever remembers the True ,:j ~~1 R-~Ola t B' fe30 Olo~'~;' ~R-e
~ ;:IT>;-[98 ort 3uf3 97 Guru" th~ fiJe'7 of his mind 9B
is 9B
H0 B1 "f0lf? l:!g ;:rtB1 99 ~ I
: fl-{cr~99 II q'.lenched 99

!.., ftlu'Rf3CITo fAHa-fer

- Whosoever remembers the True ,:j ~~1 R~ OlW B' fu30 Ola~' ~, ~
-$ fafqlOO f'Rfq2 Guru, he is blest with wealth lQo•
4 ~83100, OloTl-fT31 F.IOl311;{t 2 })j3 i J:ftl,~3 t[T

.fofq 3 UT~4 II miraculous powers 2 and the nine B~t!T4 ~ I

treasures 3.
R~T5 oTHtrlj Such5 is Gum Ram Dass. say!)6 Ball. f~<J ;:IiJ5 OI~ oTH~TR;:I1 <:10, ~5 ~rc OlfdBT

'S~ 9f~6 the bard. Joining7 the saints' societyB, ~ I RTQ-R0l3 B o'H ;:r~
&7 3=£1oj
- u ii
= H~To01'
_ •

;Rarf3 8 ufo9 callio him thou the blest'. yea. the <J t , RB liB li~TQ01 0l<J I
i ora~!O 11 best indeed.
! ftl~ Rf~o mar 12 o men lS , contemplate'" ye that 13 <J ~fe§'S! ~R1' ~RI3 R-B OIoj~,

U~ tfT~T~ R 13 True Guru. clinging I 2 to which »{TQTQO'" Ola filH R·~ OI~ ~ 0'5 B:~ a 12 , •

R'f3Ojg: fliHa~ 14 True Guru, the Lord is obtained. ~ uTf~»{T ;:rt~T ~ I

. oa~15 114114811
ftifo 16 li8t1 17
OIHTf'8 18 Such is the Guru, who l6 practising l8 J)lR uo Olo~~ ! ,:j1 6 0'l-!17 ~1 aH~117 010,
19UoHU~20 UTf'8€? the Name l7 • attained the supreme" H<J To I9 u~~Vo ~ U03TU <Je})j3 f;:qi ~
H~T21 cr~l322 0 status 20 and whilst performing12 UP'5 21 OlHT~f;:rl}{i <Jf~})ji22 Ol~ })jl-iO~TR';:ft
: ~f~€? UT1j23 II service 21 , abandoned not the -e RT"123 ~ o.W R1 sfu'IliT I

t~~+++~~.P~+++~~~++~~++::::::~::~::::;:::::;~~~~++~++~+~++~~+~++~++~+¥~ -'.

3124 325 0l~~q26 From 24 that24 service, the light 29 of §1R24 UP5 3"25, ~<:1H-a027 B tri~(J026 BT
OI'T0 27 tlOT~28 the jeweF6 of gnosis 27 became lfilTF.J29 tJT(JO 5 I)flful)fl28. r,m ~1)fTOT CXEc30 ,
~ €itfl))iTCJ~29 ~30 manifest28 by which pain 30 , poverty31 ~aTT53131 ))f3 ))f~T32 oBc cJ 0I~3J I
ci and darkness 32 were destroyed 33•
'OTlJ33 II
orfu34 cil03 H R3 Says Kirat, the poet 34, turning away36 or103' or~134 ))fIl:fBT~, ;:fur ~'S~ ~c &36,
Bo335 J-ff~36 c:5TaTf~37 from the world, they who cling37 to ~ Rn:!I)IT B ue
t35 nf5 'l3B37 <:10, ~'2
f3q,42 - orTJ-f38 the saints' feet 35 • they42 dread41 not 38
Bf<:1<i3 , ClfiP' ))f3 H340 3" ~o;ttl J om"
1i~0 ~ o~l 3 TR41 II lust 38 , wrath 36 and death40.
f~3 >iOltI" ~iOT As43 Guru Nanak was ever-present44 ftl'R ~j43 og oTOor B~, ))j'OJB B QT5 ReT
mar· oT30( 010 with Angad, S0 411 abides Guru Amer <:1TtrO or,:ra41 ofd'"B Ro, ~~ 3ijt
45 <:11 arc

f3~5 ora >ifJ-JO-eTR Dass with Guru Ram Dass. ~1fl ;:it OTHt1fl B 0'5 ~B <:10 I

I ~ CITo oTHtTT8 II ct II
ct8 0
f;:rfo46 Rf3~ Hf~47
tlBTCJ~48 tlT~ fofR 49
eT8a 50 ~fo Ba351
Serving47 the True Guru, whosoever46
attains the treasure48 of Name, night49
and day50, he abides 52 at the God's
R~ ~ot B1 uP5 orH 147 , ~ 9l"'6 oTH B1
Bga"'1 ~
.B UOt51 f'itr '
t[T B"BT~. -a<!"" >!i3
~T52 ~ I
fu~SO ~
- -

fo~TJJ5211 feet'si.

3 T 353 ROTf3 RUf054 Therefore53, the entire congregation54 fuR 5~152-I:JTo1 ~0I3'54 ~~ flIl)fTOS5 oroB1 ~
3TfE55 g~56 J-fTofu loves55 and fean 56 thee. 0 Guru. 3-a UTA' ~B156~, <J O1.oB~! ~ ~oe w
~J-f J-fB1))iTOTa 57 Thou art the sandal tree 57 and faos 57 ~~ ))f3 ~o tf03~58 ~ 301 13010159 I

tldTc 58 ReTR59 II
'"tJ. l.@W-e orela
manifestS I is thy fargrance 59 .
Uttering60 the Lord's Name, the O'H W ~ aao ~l)floy6o. ~, l{fu5TB,
f35BO 3 Tl::! 5360 Divine Light" welled Up62 in Dhru, orslo »f3 ~5trn l){BO ~<iCl1 ~'I
~ tf tlOT TR61 II Prablad. Kabir and Trilocban.'2 ~ fuyl)lT R1 I
~3 -ftl~64 »ff365 Seeing64 whomu , the soul 67 is ftl'R ~63 ~~<! "il)fTO""'.
ftfBm" tfijl-f'S
~fE 0~J166 J-ffoG 7 greatly e5 pleased 66,
be", the tL~o66 5 trtB1~, ~6I R1l1))fi69 B l)iTRa 70 •

RE168 R369 ffiJlg70 support70 of the saints", is Guru ~ CJTHtTfl tr1 <:10 I
Ram Dass.
ora 'tJTHtTR II ~"
ir~fOl 3T>:f foaM7 ! Nanak realised72 immaculate 71
the oTo 01 i tffuV30 7I nTH ~ l)f(l9<i cit~T72 1)13

tfTO@72 0(131 9CJTf373 Name and lovingly7S fixed n bis ftp,frij 0'575 FI))fTl-11 B1 l)iClcfTOJl ~<iT73 l){ea
t}r,'s fg~76 BTE177 II attention" on the Lord's devotional ))fT1J<!1 fao3V 6 ;l~177 I

3T 3 78 >'>fortI >'>far From71 him became 80 manifest, like ~t 3-78 RH"e0 81 e1 HT~B l){OIB tl'00TC' i
ttfor78 g~80 FJTf~Q81 the ocean81 , Angad, who ever lived ~~1)f180, ;l R~l ~T B1 <J~0179 nfeij ~RBT ;
rob**....,.*.I>**+...*"'*<l><l>**... "'*"'<l."'~~~.**.j.<l ..,.+**<\>*<\>~~...'"obob*"'' -' ' ' 'obob*ob'' ' ' ' +ob<\>4'!fLot!.1:·.d!.<!!+!fL+fd
i f3fo
82 Ra~83 s:rCJf3 84
'Ol~ CJl::f~185 II
in his presence 79 .. He82 rained 85 tl:e
Lord's Narne 83 on the mortal s
Rl ~R' ~82 l{~Y'li' ~ fuCJf~1){184 >i~ HTBer
~ n'H'3 t!T HY'u ~Rlf~l1i18S I
mind 84.
qro >;fHCft?TR C3(1 Ineffable6s is the
story87 of Guru l1ierfUS6 ~ oro
))f}-/CJt!TR ttY t!Y ~lCJ3r87 , ;:r
)'ifon:r86 qa r87 V fEq Amar Dass, which cannot, at a1189• fpOl illg ll8 n15 ~Cll8t ul ~l'o nur w
'iilU- 88 ~~89 q(J190 '0 be told 90• with one tongue 88 • ROlt!Y I
A~l fRfR
... ~
91 RqH92 Sodhi Guru Ra.m Dass has now RTCJ1'2 ~oll1iT91 t!T 1.PCJ ~rCJT 0lCJ(')93 ~

~ 3TCJc93 C3(~94 >;fa9S obtained96 glory97" in order94 to ferry BP1'4, ~C'5 R~l CIli CJTHt!TR ttl ~ l{931t7
! O]CJ CfTHt?lR 01'€[ across 93 the whalen world 91 • tJCl TtJ396 (j~1 ~ I

~ fHm 96 a~3"E197 " ~ II

.jII ~H98 >;f~qrfc99 9-a 100 198 am brimfulll)O with sins99 and H,'8 U Ttj' y9' nTB trol\LCJn 'oo ut l1i3 Aa f~tJ
E~ 0]~2 oT(Jl II have not e:ven a single virtue 2• fpa ~l ?iClll oul· I
. >;j'-f>-f33 $rf~4 fait A bandoning 4 Nectar 3• I eat nothing )1'flf~-f<:,t;V33 ~ f3l1irar 4, Ji. c}~B i.ifuCJs ~
fali 5~16 II but poisc'lIls • u1 Cft~T
ut I
Hl:GfT6* HU-7 90H8 Falling9 into riches 6•
:love7 of tln-BB3 6* -el Jiu"a-a7 lli3 Fi~8 >i~CJ. f~9,
oflI tj9 95 10 R3 12 t?TCJTI3 and doubt 8• 1 am wandering about lO H' ~ErB i~ CfT fCJu TIO u t »13 Ji.
~ fR€fi4 - tfl f31S and have: contracted 16 affectioniS 1::[30 12 ))1'3 ~~cyI3 org l4 flIlliTCJ 'S tlTf~

HOTTEJ16 II with l4 my sons l2 aJlld wife l3• ijfpl1i TI6 ~ I

fEi!17 ~31-r18 ti~19 1 have heard that Guru's congre- H· Flfcl1i1 ~ fOl ~~gI7 oraT -eY A0l3 t!T
!1 f'OB' 0]0 Rm gation alone 17 is the sublime 18 path 19. CJR3T19 ul llF.rc 18 ~ fuR20 n15 iI~21
f~20 fi-rc%3 21 ,:0-f22 adhering21 to which 20 , the fear 23 of tIlliTCJT, H3 22 ;:T ~CJ23 1iCJ iJ ;:rTt!l24 ~ I
3...TR23 fHcT~V4 II death 22 is shed 24 •
fEor >;fae' TfR 25 9rc26 Kirat the ministreJ26. makes a iil'lCJ3, ~T~126, f~ a03125 era-eT~, ~ OR
supplication25 , 0 Guru Ram Dass. (Pl-f~R ! ~ H~ R~l~ 27
q10f3 orl O]CJ CJTHt?TR <J1 ))iTl/Cl tJn Tu 3 Tij

dT~ Ro~E127 11811 keep thou me ever under thy ifCf I

4tll protection;l7.
H~28 Hfa29 fa~fR30 The Guru has cI'ushed 29 and over- Olo' ~ FifPay HH31,8 ~ C!tJB 29 '3 aTl! era I-

ql>;f~ qTJ:j31 OTf~32 powered 30 his worldly love 28 and fBl1i T30 ~ l1i'3 WH-BF.rCT31 ~ ~'B,34 "3'
~R34 l.f5Tf~~33 II seizing 33 lust]1 by the hair 34 has tJClS
~ tj'CClT WfalliT33 ~ I
.- knocked 33 it down.
With his power37 • he has cut wrath3S
into pieces36 and avarice 38 • he has
))ITtf<% ~B37 nTg ~t ~ alii 35 ~ cc C<! era
-" -
f~3136 ~ lli3 BTBtJ38 ?; af~3 era 39, ~t ~
• - u

disgraced 39 and shaken off40 . ua <JC"T f~3140 ~ I

----_._--------- ---,_.... _-_._-_._._--------

tI>d>4..' ..'..t..,..t..f>"'....",............... <I.........." ...."'............."' ........."' ... oI>01>+ "'!hd>.~"'.1>d>+"''''''''''+<lo.oI><'. bsl>.40... +<k4>!
110 I:! 4I qT~42 01'(343 With joined 44 bands 43, birth" and ~rtl43 ~ou ci H ,hfc 41 »{3 Hao 42 ~cii~ €?R 48
, -

~f;)44 ~on-{45 ~46 death 4L both obey 49 the 48 order 4s , ~aHlo45 t!T tJTH<!T49 ora~ iJo, ftiiJ;3T 46 fOl
~f~47 ~4~- H-8 49 II that 46 the Guru gives 47 • Ol~ ;:11 ft!"-e 47 iJo I
9~50 RTcrr~51 a-fql)i~52 The wOlld 50 ocean SI , thou hast Rl=PCJsO RHeCJ s, i; '3 Il1 Tu<! Il1Ulo 5l Ola fHl>i T
fRtf 56 3T(j53 54 13 brought under thy sway S2 and by thy ~ l>i3 »{T~c:T tra'~~4
= I{Ro3 TSS );i'ui ~l)1TCJT, ~
l{R3 55
II lupr<=me S2 pleasure S5 , thou hast liCJle i56 t!T tJTCJ ~3TCJT aCJ fe3 TS3 ::I I ~
3 s6
ferried acrossS thine discipks •
fRfa 57 })iT3U~58 R~ With canopy58 on thy head s7 , thou »{TU<! R1R 57 €?"'-a
e3- S3 RfiJ3 • '3= B--e CJft1- ~
3tf q59 60 ircrr
~0l61 art seatl:d on the True Thrcne s9 and fR"Uj'R<!S9 3 faa;:r HTo ::I~ l>i3 ~ ~iJ'o160 ~
FrB~62 af'563 II art embdlished with 62 both the >;j3 ~fcil)jT~161 ~OT a0l3Tt;fTu oTH 62 aBi33 ~
spiritua1 60 and secular61 powers u . ;jfpl>i T ~fPl>iT ::I. I ~
Sail, the bard, utter~64 the truth, a RH, ~c >;jT"tH:!T64 ~, ;J Ol~ O'Ht!TR ! ~

Guru Ram Dass. eternal 6S is thy a ' BRtl'p1 ~ 3al 1.JTf3a' iJl" l>i3 IY.fti367 ~
rule" and unconquerable 67 thy 3CJT Ro T68 I :
army6S. '""
Thou art the True Guru of the four
ages and
thou thyself" art the
Supreme Lord 70•
i ~,(j <1T t101i t!T R~T 0l~::I· l>i3
iJT JlH<!l RTfiJa 70 ~~ I
i ~t!69

Since the very beginning77 , angelic71 »io li-e 77 <1T 3~ -e~Vl l:!oR 72 , })jfi3})j'Rl73 , ~

persons 72, strivers73 , adepts" and t!Clo l:!oa74 })j3 l:fCJle 75 3CJT R~T ao~76 ~H ~~
discipks 75 have b.:en serving76 thee. »{I~ uo I ~
a Primeval per';on78, Thou art since ;J >;j't!T tJCJa
78 ! '3 tifOl T ~ aO''' >;j3 l>iT(j<j ~
= - -= ...
the commencement of agt:s 79 and ~ ao1Cl 8o ~. I :?Cll H'-f3't;f T8I f3'o i83 iJT t,..
without any beginningeo • Thy power81 ;:tiJ 0,84 i; »lIR o T8l ~ oiJl ~ I .;.
is giving support 82 to the three 33 = ~
worlds 8\ ;
The Unfathomable 85 Lord is the Stl1iJ8S l1l>iTHT ~t!i86 t!T al3"~ciJTa87 ~ »l3 ~
Saviour87 of the Vedas 86 and he Ius ~R?l ~li88 »i3 H3 89 ~"'-3 ftf3 tJCJIU3 aa ;
conquered90 oldage88 and death s9 . HP1 90 ~ I ~
Guru Amar Dass has eternally" Ol~ IY.HClt!IR?l 3~ ReT~ a TH91 H'2Tl>iHSltJo :.
established92 thee. Thou art the a13T9l ~ I ~ I{I<!T})jT ~ UICJ aao ~IH193 »{3 ~
emancipator93 of mortals and a ship95 l.lTCJ €?3'TClo 94 EPT fua IJiJT;:j9 4 ::I~ I ;
- ~
to ferry across94• ~

l;ftl(96 >i3Of97 ae- 0 98 Says98 Sail, the poet100 , a

Guru Ram
RH, a~TRCJloo »{,1::!t!, 98 :l, ;j ag CJTl-R1R ! ~
FIB.. ~100 (flCJ Dass, thou art the destroyer97 of i l.lTl.lT96 ~ OlR CiOo ~THI97 :l~; fPH HPT H' i
""" .,+++.,,++•••+'1'<;O+4''I''1''1'4'iji.'1'+++'1'++++'''.I>+o;o+++++++++iji.+ 4'iJi4>.;.'li4' '? iJi .;.q;.~

r;:~7:;:1·::;~···::::;::::::~h;:::~:;*;::~::1~:::;::~:.~.<'w *-*~.,
• ~IIEOII refuge 99 .
. H?~lE Swayas in praise of mr~l~ (1R33T f~
H~i5 tf~ -& LI the :5th Guru tltl<€l& tl'f3f.1IUl

q§ Hf3alo
- tlHTf-e
... II There is but One God. By the True ,,€Tf<JO]~ ~S feor ~ I s:(~ aJa t -el -eful}{T
Guru's grace, is He attained. ~»f'CP, ~ tl'fu»fT W-e T ~ I
j fFJH(J'l H~13 Uol:f4 Meditatl: 2 I on Him 3 who is the H" ~?S ~113 B»fIH1 4 -e y fRH00 2 oratT <Ji
j »1tlC25 »1faoTR16 II Eterna1 5 and Imperisha~le6 Lord4• it »ff.:fs 5 »f3 »fHa 6 ~ I
~ f'Mlj' fFJHo3 7 Contemplating7 upon whom, the filR -e T »flolQn 7 CilOo ~»fT~JT. ~c18 RHS' tl
; 8~a}-ff39 HB 10 filth lo of evil B understanding9 is HBlc3 T'O 031 ;:rie1 12 ~ I
~ o~RV2 II - washed Off12.
! Rf3oro
~ -
tld'c 1
:J or~814 The True lotus l4
Guru's fect 13 , i=I-B Olat ? orH~14 Uo l3 , }l»fTUc§ f,Ja?15

~faf-e15 UrcJ l6 II enshrine'6 I within my mind l5 . »f"ea f'corT~'eT'6 <Jt I

~ (!m }}foB?) C!1c 17 In equipoise 18, reflect 20 I on the ~~S31'B »f"eo, H' ara l)fdHo ?<€ ill el»ft

"l1iJf;:r18 fEfBT-a 19 II virtues l7 of Guru Aljan. ?>Cll'>1 t'7 e l fql}{To QaeT)9 u t I

!01'0 -
oTH"tTFJ wfcr He made himself manifest 20 in the ~<J OJ.~ oTHeTR ~ lFH »f"eo t.@TC ~~20 »f3

0I'1»i~ U01' TRT20 II house of Guru Ram Dass and alP' l1'all}{t '2 J:lTf':JF.rTl2 3 ~H-et13
- .
lJall}{T ~
i FJ01'i 21 H30~22 l;;!01 the desires 22 and hopes 23 were orel»ft I
~ '11 RT 23 II
T fulfilled.
~ Q80",
i'3 'M(iH3 24 (ffd'Hf3 25 Through the Guru's instruction 25 , orat ~ ~U~F.r'5 cPul' 3 ;j d'lo~ I »fltR:T
- - '.' - .
"" 'iliJ}-f26 tr5 Tfc§"27 II
~ ... -
thou, 0 Guru, hast realised 27 the ue TfeF.r l4 ~H ~'uT Rt 26 ~ »fQ~~ c:r
~ lord 26 since thy very birth 24 . or13 T27 dful}{T ~ I
~ orB ,:jf~28 01'029 30 R Joining 26 his hands 29 KaIl, the bard, »f1U<§ <J~Cl'29 eq;28~. ern, 9C 301 JiF.rC 30
~ 'M1j'31 ?l:fTfc§32 II - utters 32 thine sublime 30 praise 31 . 0I1'a31 ~~PCJo Clcre y12 ~ I ~
! ~orf333 ,:j01' ~ 35~3 God has brought 36 thee into this ,,€Tf<JO!~ ?> 3~ »flU<! fRH00 33 ? ~ -el l
~ ~Tq34 ~fo 'Mo~ world like Janak t0 35 practise 34 ClHrc:l3 4 oroo ~ 5c:1 35 ilOor el }fT~e, feR
£1 ~tJlJl€l36
'tl _ _ II the Yoga of His meditation 33• RRlo l)j-eo fE»fte y36 ~ I
i RB~37 (ff~ ucror fFJ€?38 T Through thee, the Guru's word 37 3a arur, aja t ell:P"C!13 7 UoOlc 3B q,el ~ "f3
~ ~fo 0110 39 becomes manifest 3B and the Lord l.fl 301 ill~,39 ~3 "€R-e T40 ~ I
~ 'ilR'1~40
tl _ II abide~4o on thy tongue 39 ,

..: 01'0
~ »i}-fa
B Tfor 41 ~3H42
»i"'or-e Attaching41 thyself to Guru Nanak,
Angad and Amllr Dass, Thou art
»fyl!i »flU ~ t!!~' nTOCil, l)jor-e»f3 lffi-IOtTR
or5 it;341 ii, ~ liF.rc 42 H03a 43 ~ tfOTU'3

~;::.~~~.~ +++.~.~:::::::~::;::~:;:+::~;:: ::~:::.~ + .


CJTHBTR' ~rar~4~fCJ45 Guru Arjan Dev, the saint H of the IiI)jTHl ~ R3 44 ue T <J~15 I ~
>;f~11911 Lordwasborn15 . ~
46cr~r9TOl147 (?oHT. Very16 fOltunate 17 art
thou whose ~Ta16 oRla t ~7 ;j ~Rr fii<? t!T Ho i
fo>;f~48 fufB 49 RCI~50 mind abides in the supreme state18 trcIRo31 e1 trcIH I)j~RaT18 >ieo ~ReT ~ I ~
CIFlTlif~51 1/ of bliss. The Loro's Name 50 • thou ~1· B oTH5o. ~ ~Rl lJiTU~ fJoB 1' >ieo ~
hast enshrined 51 in thy mind 19 • fcq rfc!l)jr 51 iifC!n-/ T ~ I ~

HQ Thy mind's jewe152 is contented 53 3-a fB3 e T ii~<J052 R~F.lc53 ~ lJi3 (l]ot ~ ~
. R3ftp,.,(?53 and the Guru has implanted51 the 3-a >ieo oTH tlqr qO fe3 T51 ~ I ~

Ol}f f~€?54 II Name within thee.
>;fcITl::!S;' " - >;fd1B~S6 The Inaccessible 55 and incompre- U<IB 3· U-a 55 l;f3 l;fRl:f5' UCJH l@,57 'W
lfTCJCI~H57 Rf30rfCJ hensible 56 Transcendent 57 Lord is CJT<J" ~f~I)jT~8 ;:ITe T ~, \J R-B (l]CJB~ !
trCJR~~58 II - beheld 58 through thee, 0 True Guru. ~~
~ alCJ >;fOHO tUfa orCJ In the house of Guru Ram Dass, 0lC! ClTHeTR
;? URT c f~B, ~ n-/CJ;:/o ~~ iiI j
:l o(lo

i aTHBTR' - - >;fo9tiS9
6~CJltl~60 II ~ II
Guru Arjan Dev has been manifested60
as the Emb()diment of the Fearless
f3~o l{~59 ~ E~U ~. <t Tl/ 60 Ole <Jo I !
In the Darkage,
established 62 the
Guru has
rule 61 of
urf3F.l T'1l61
>ieCJ. orat
~ CJT~
;:/Oq til
OI'ftTH q1 3:l ~ l;f3 R~~JT liI_aJ ~_ B ~
>;figl~y63 II Raja Janak and the True age has ii )1.JTf~T'3 ~ I ;I ~ ~
dawned 63 • ~
O]CJ RCIB64 HQ65 Through the Guru's word 61, the OloT e1 arc1 61
CJT<J" fB3 65 T.{Ro 66 ii ;:IieT ~

Hrfo >;fT66 >;flf31ij67 mind 65 is pleased" and the lJi3 ~167 I)j T3HT f~lf368 "lit ~1ie1 ~ I
tr31~16811 unsatiable 67 soul is sated68.
O]~ ?)T~ Fl~ the True
Foundation", <17°,

RB1 ~f('ilJiTe69 CJ~ a.!~ OTOU ;?~;:I1
FlTftl70 Flf30JCJ Guru Nanak is blended 72 with7' the R-B a.!~, lJiTU~ l{~ 0'571 I)j~e ;j aJ~ <JO I
C51~T72 II True Guru, his Lord. fO.

O]~ »fCJijQ urfo O]CJ . In the house of Guru Ram Dass, a.!~ Cll'rft.:!TR B U/CJri l)i""eCJ, O]~ l)fCJiio ~~ ~

CJl}RTFJ >iflf€Jlf2 73 Guru Arjan Dev is seen71 as the <Je ~OT- Clf<J3 73 l!I)jTHT e T ~1I ~f~l;fT71
~:il~74 IISI1 manifestation of the Limitless 73 Lord. W-e T ~ I
ijB75 or~€?76 orl»f(?77 God, the King 78 , has staged 77 the ~TfuaJo UTf3F.jT<J78
-5' c5 >HRBoii 76 ~~75 crn1 77
\Ifa- ~Tf~78 R3f~79 wondrous" play75 and has infused 83 :l1)j3 R-e (l]oT >ieo R~F.rC3T79 3 u~~3a81
FlHTBfoG80 fuHC581 and amassed80 contentment79 and R~82 ~ul83 3' fC!ci3CJ Olo fB31 80 ~ I
~fQ82 .. Flf30lfCJ immaculate81 understanding 82 in the
J=I}-R€!83 II True Guru.

~~~~l!M!l!M!~~~~~~~._+"""""<!>4>.!l~!l!<l'*'P'P!l!'!>+d>d>"'.>bP~!l!Scl.>~!l!"''',j,''"' .Io+m y
})iTilo184 R~f~>;f€l85 The poets 8d . like Kall, utterS9 the ~d'aT a~Tg~88, 1)fH;)~.8. ~3 R~- ~

86R';:JR'87 qg sublime 86 praise87 of the Guru, who l{alH~T08S t[~ -e

R'rl1, iHd'f ~T JIHc 86
! q~l ;fc88 al:fTfc>;f€t°;j I is the manifestation of the unborns" 87 89
ale31 ~~le(i ace <J(i I ~
and self-illumin,ed 86 Lord. !
~fo oTofq >;f"ort2 Guru Nanak blessed90 Angad and a.r~ (iWl 7> ~"'ort' ~ ~-aR'fel)fl90 '3 Ol~ 1)j0lt! ~
?a@90 crrfo }}jorfe Guru Angad blest Amar Dass with 7> ~HO~lR ~ (iTH ~, l:fjjT(iT91 atlfl":ll)j' I J-
10- -

>;fHo fOU T"Q91 II the Name Treasure91 .

7> »foiro -e~ ~ ~-a8'fi:l)j', ii ..
. - oTH'tTR' >;fo~o
crrfa --
Guru Ram Dass blessed Arjan Dev, a:!q" ClTHi2'TR
eR,~92 (i l5 50T ~93, t[l-l'CTor 9" ttT fOlI){T I
i1 ?Ct€t UTo\392 UCJli who touching9J the Philosopher's
jl!..HT~94 11811 92
stone , became acceptable''',
Re tll?c95 - >;fCJ;:Jo
Thou, 0 Guru Arjan, art ever-alive9s , t ;J Ol~ ~Clir(i. Rt!T~T-l1ef:lT3~5, ~~Nor96,
invaluable96 , unborn'7, self-existant98 ,

~ >;fK~96 })iT~7)197 )]1iri'iH''', ~t!-a-l.!~ <i<! ~15198. ~d'99 (ilR
:R~9811 ~99 the destroyerll)O of dread99 , the aeO<J'Cl 100, <io(it 2 ~T 111~3 ~e Cle(i ?'l?T1,
~;:JolOO UCJ 2 'tl:f3 dispeller" of other'5 2 pain 3, infinite 5 a',f3 5 lli3 ~-of.J3' ~~ I
~ - -
~fo~rq4 l){l.,f Tq 5 and fearless'.
~ })ior~f ClT~8 ~l:f9 Thou hast seiz~d8
the Unseizable ~ I){tra~ 11l)j1H17 ~ tror~ f5»f16 ~ »f3 !leu9

~,~f31O 'toe- 12 R13B 13 Lord', hast burnt OfI I2 doubt9 and '3 iIlH3-:Gf<JHl'° i;
RT;J Rfcl)j,12
~ »f3 3•

~Ff'cr14 e T3€ii s II - misgiving lO andl thou blesseth l5 the t[l<!ll)jt ~ ii;;,13 ~Te'HI" ai:fHt!'1S ~ I

~~TR,,(t16 ~t!f~17
mortals with cool 13 comfort I",
In thy form, theself-illumined 16 3-5 R~l1 >ieo, R~_t{OllH~(i16 ae3rc 20 ~3

Jl..fCJCi 18
Uoo19 Creator 20 and the Perfect" Lord l8 }f&HB I9 Ht5a l8 7> ~~3'd' q 1fel)j,17 ~ I

~fuq~3€?20 II = has come into being l7 .

~ oT(l)q - })iTfe21 l){ar't Nanak, the prima12I Guru, Angad lliT~VI Ol~, oToa, »f"oR ~~, »fHo~ ~'3 ..
i >;fHo
~R'HTf~})i€t23 II
Rf3~CJ fn:~fe22 Dev, Amar Dass and the True Guru,
have aU merggd 23 in the Lord 22 ,
Oloe~ irT R'~ l1l)jlHJ22 lli"t!C 5T(i
23 <Jo I

'S1 q?)24 Q-q 019: BlestH , blest indeed is Ram Dass, the H~j1oor2"
_ J R~ H~
_ Harcor
_ <:10 f?H'8 2S ora

j CJTHeTR' d}q:25 f;:rfcr;

. l..fT oR26 lICJfR 27
fHF.>Tf~i)f€?28 "~II
Great 2S Guru" who,
philosopher's stone , lOuched Arjan
Dev, and made:'s him like himself.
e'He'R irT firov t "7> eRl~<!26 ~T HT&t!,
~oiro ~~ ~ i!<J ~27, ~ ~ lli'12 ~orT
a<!T28 rnl)jT ~ I
~ ~ ;:l qTCJ29
~ - 1iTR- 30 1iClT
31 He 30, whose vi<;tor y 29 resounds in tbe ff:lR 30 t!T 63<J 29 !lRrc31 f~ a1trBl
= ~ J ~1

".refer >-fefo 32 ~T0l33 world 3', high is whose fortune 33 in his ~ rnR ~l l{T53q 33 ~Tl1~ orJ<J32 liee lli'3

trClTf334 fR?35 o(J3 T 11 home n and who remains united 3" ii ~1.I<§ ~35 oT8 iiSI){134 efu"t!' ~ I

with his Lord 35 ,

Through great 37 good for~une38, I have

---_.--- . __ .__ ._-_.,---------'


~;J37 ~:;:··7~·:··::~::d·:~·~::~:;;e::!:·~:::'·::~; ~:;;=~;~+~:~·:;;:~;·:·:1

. ~1J9 Hefot 0 ~241 is attuned!' to the Lord and who ~'eT ~ »13;:r 0031'40 B ~S41 f? R<Jlo~42 !
R(J3T42 II bears42 the load'" of earth" o• <:13 I !
9li143 ~;:rQ4.c The Guru is the destroyer.... of fear 43 OJ~ '1T ~43 3 TR OIa?i<1 Ta H »13 ~a?it"5 t:!1 !
tfa 45 tita 46 f(l)~TOQ47 and the remover..7 of the pain" 6 of l.Jl;34' ~ ~o OIa?i<1TCJ 47 <:I?i I ~, OIBR<1 To, ;J :
orB'.. R(Jrq 3f(J t:li1 48 othels4s . Kalsahar, tlie bard, utters 49 il.!.a~~! 30T a1031 48 ~~JTa?i OIaET49 ~ I [
~0l3T49 II thy praise4s , 0 Guru. ~

afB'50 ~1 <no In the lineageSO of Sodhis. Arjan. the R~Tl}{t PT ~A'o f~~, Ol~ aTHP'R t11 E' e
oTHBTR 30 51 UoH 52 son SI of Guru Ram Dass, is born as 1:f3:1 »1at1?i, ~Tf<JOl~ ET R3 54 <i aE' <if'el}{' ~
g;::p53 ))fCJt!O ~fo the saint54 of God and he is the :l 3 ~<1 l.Jf~3a3,52 ET S'~T53 ~ I ~
. 90T3T54 II~II standardS! of pietyS2. ~
ti'H 55 ula
56 OToHf3 57 He is the sup;JOrt of Divine faith 5S ," ~<1 'elR~oT -e1H ?i pT »1TRcJT , OI_oT PT ~
S6 T 55 56
... - - .;lo
OT91Q58 tfa ~l:159 profound 58 in the Guru's wisdom 57 fRl}{l~l.J57 f~~ ~u]58 »13 <Jo?i T E1 3ClBl:6s9 :
faRTae60 II and tbe remover 60 of the sorrow S9 of p.'a OIa?i ~1560 <1?i I ~

- olhers.

R~e-61 RTCJ62 ~fo Sublime 62 is his word 61 , generous 64 Jiacu ET~ ~~T aT~T6I, ~TfuOTo
El ~T63 ~
RH63 ~eTQ64 >;{~H~65 is he like63 God and is also the ~<:I p'3Ta64 »13 <jOl'a's ~ ~l ?iTR CIOo ~
f(l)~Tae66 II destroyer" of ebc '. ~8" <10 I ~
H~T67 --e-Tf()68 Rf3<na He is the great67 giver'8 and the ~<J ~67 prol'8 3 R-~ ajat tJ1 fOll}{T369 ;

~ farl';fTf(l)69 Hf(l)70 possessor of the True Guru's gnosis 69 • ~T5 <:10 I »1Tld ~»1'HT P' fRHco 0100 p1 e
=tp@'7I (I) ~Z72 II His mind's70 desire 71 to contemplate ~~T ~ f~70 p1 ~<:I0171 a01tJV 1 0<11' I ~
11 - - his Lord wearies 72 not.

'Rf3~373 ~fa
nTH With him are the immaculate 73 nine 7S ~T ~ l.JTR l.ft ~ o'H »13 0l0<piF4 B ~
.. ~.i374 (I)~75 fofu (I)-
tl -
76 treasures76 of the Lord's Name and l.Jf~3a73 3 75 ~tJT?)76 <13 ))j3 ~\J OI-e !31 ~
1 f()~~77 II Gurbani74 and they exhaust77 not ever. )f01B
oul' , ~
J ClIa oTl-f'tTR 3Q78 0 son78 of Guru Ram Dass, thou ;j Ol~ aTHe'R B tl3a 71
I 'i RTfCJ»1 F9 ~E080 i
H R~ft:l81 art contained amidst80 aIF9 and
I:::~:qc::~ ~:::;:::::':::':~:i::o::~:e::e~ :::~.":~~:o ":~:::~1::, ~aHO I
oe! Ra~'9 80 ful}{Tl.JOl ~ fa<1T~' »13 a.f<JH-fOTl}{T081 E1 [

!~s7 "'tl'" tl<l186 "<JlJ88 Aojan Dev. knowest" the <eli,h" of <!?! 3" AR'al" ~3 aa'ol" ,;a' E
~~89 II.?II bolh the ,eonla." and ,philual" "'f3H'a1~; <! ~~",,, ~ """,,:.. ~' I ~
!" .- sovereignties. \;

Jyo. ~BOf~<Jll~Ol Abiding in Hi' fear". than enjoy..'" !1R <! ""~ ,"eo ?R, ~ r",,",' ~~'"1 '" i
1:...." -..J.

HTf~trj~92 p.)Tcr93 the fearless Lorl::~a::··:::;~::4·:::··;;;:~:~·::·:~:;;:~:::·;1

Hf~94 >rf 8Cf 95 unseeable 95 God amongst 94 lacs 93 of E~l:Ii93 ,:I1~T ))-f"eo94 ~1:IeT96 ~. I
~ p.)1:fTlJ1§96 II - beings.
J*ldTl-J&107-*loTBa 98dTf3 99 Through the True Guru, thou hast R-B OY(jT
~ (jT<J1' , 3' ))-fTU<!
aW<1'J7 I

"1oE1 dT910- (\ Hf3a:rfa known 2 the state99 of thy ))-f'3 ~UfIOO lill1TH1 B1 ))-f~R'El199
~ uatJIlJ1§2 II 97
unfathomable , incomprehensibk 98 fE);p2 ~ I

ii -a ~ii3Hf~ tlCfi?rc·
and Profound 100 Lord.
<na Meeting 3 with thy Guru, thou art ))-fTU<§ OY(jf?i fHE~3 BIl1To T3Rl 0l'ElH 4 ij
- = - -


Ttl 5 approved4 and practise detached- Oi? ij ))-f'3 ~fo))-fT~lli1:lf5 f~'B6 ~1 f?ia?)ll I!-

i OfHnJ1€7 II
~~,"o" -a """ ~" "" m.1
ness 7 even in 6 of affluence 5,
! qf0 9 irfo 8
qJ~ ufo Bles~8. blest and blest indeed is the :::. '!!'!
- R-a~alo ~1 Uoo 30 '3 "§;(j ~
: *l9a Ho 10 Hga 12 Guru, who hath filled 13 to the brim 12 f;:foT if €?<I 12

~ 90TlJI§ 13 II - the pOOISIO which were not fillable 9. f"e'3 13 <1'0 ~ 9a

0<11· Ro 'itT ROl-e 9 I
o(j -

~ 0]0 CITH 14 l{H Tfc;15 Reaching l4 upto the approved 15 y,HT<!lq I5 Olaf 3iE1 u<J.'B 14, ~ ))-fRf<1!6 ~
± 16
*!tlCf tlfag 17 Rfa 18 Guru, thou endurest l7 the
~ Fr~ci19 RHTfElJ1~20 II UnendurableI' and art mergcd 20 in ~l'O ;jf~Il1T 5f~Il1T20 ~. I
]j -
the sealS of contentment l9 .
~ qE ))-fT1:I"e T21 ~ ,if-'O;
~ 0]0 TrfaBo orB~tJa 21 Says21 Kall, a
Guru Arjan, thou ro ))-fCl'it'O ! 3?i= R~o
- ~V2
3 R~f;:r22 -~dT23
- hast easily22 obtained 25 union 23 with 24 T
l)jTU<! f0 t1 ~ Y..~ oTE fHE U l.JOTt13 <i 23

"" f();:l24 uTf8lJI~25 IItll thy own 24 Lord. fOTl'H T25 ~ I

~ -
... *lfH§26
cfi::r(')T27 a inapprehensiblc31 an i infinite 32 if ))-fOTTU 31 ))-f'3 a))-f"332 ti'iq13 Ola~~! 301
i1 -
;:;1"§;T27 3· ))-f"-flf3 26 ~aR"eT ~ I '3o Tli1:lTaf'ElB28
..,~ St:!f0 aa "t:!Tf3 30
28 29 her0 33 , the Guru, thy tongue27 raineth
t *lp.)cr31 *lUTa 32 oro Nectar 26 " thy mouth 28 blesseth30 BT3T29 StlRePo ~ ))-f3 301 ST(!V1 ;j0T3l lS
; ~:ra33 Rsft:!34 ~§ti35 gifts 29 and thy words 31 . eradicc.te 36 ~ 'OTR Olo~136 ~ I
~= -
~f(')~TO€?36 II eg035 .
-e. ~-

t t.iBT~::rCf37
..;. -
38fo Thou has smothered the five 37 ~ tf;:ri 37
01 E"§;T€?<!
~T~38 "§;3f?i))-fT?i crBE
= =-
.Ei t:!f8*1§39 R(')40 enticing38 demons and hast easily11 G;f~~,{139 ~ ))-f3 lill1 H1 10 ~ li~o ~141 ))flu<!
! R~ft=l41- fo;:l42 UJfa 43 established 44 thy Lord 40 in thy own 42 fo;:rll -e 'QTH 43 );,fea fcOl T fE))-f1 14 I ~ 119-

! H~To€744 II

~ ~fa

~ fa-e 48 "im;f2>ri§49
~ tlaT 46 ~hra€747 Rf3dTo
Attached 15 with the Lord's Name,
the world 46 is ferried across 47 . That
Name, the True Guru has enshrined 19
l!Il1'Hl ~ oTH oTH 12;3
~3raT 'Ell ~~eT17 ~ I ~<1
H-a >;{30-))-fT3H 18 feaT fe3 149
a15 RR"a46 t!T UTa ..

~ I
Fi-e Olaf ii I
j<l!il »laBO" cm.~50 ~::;, ~:~,";he ba<d, 0 Guru Mjan "" ie, ,.",,,," 0, ~ '!!'! ""'"" ~ I ;;';
"....••••••+•••••••Q~• • •+ iF• •"'oJiiIiiF'i·'¥iiY"""' Y"if~.~e-. +~ ..

- - - ---_.__ ._-_.... _---------_._---,-----------------

!*~++m•••••++++++++.+++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++w++~+~+++~ ~

3' ;:roQU 51 QBB 52 D.:Y, thou hast illumined S] the »-ITU;§ aif5»-1 tSI t:!T 1{~T ~ 1101'652 ~ aRC') ~
t:!11lrf~>;f€[53 lit II pinnacle 52 of the glory of thine Oi'T3 153 ~ I

Soratbas RoeS
Olq l)fotrQ 1:10'954 Guru Arjan Dey is the approvedo s oro »-ICiM ~~ fiT 1{HTel0i'5s l,!Clf.l 54 <Jo lli3
tn-rrc 55 lJTo'El~56 personS4 and like Arjan S6 , the »-Ioi10 56 , ci31 -e l:!~ t:!T HT'~.~, 0~~1 ~
tJ"rc%57 oul II son of Kunti, he leayes07 not the it~~S7 (i<JT· I

3;:r58 oTH olR~f'9 His spearS 8 and standards9 are the
Name and he is embellished61 with
- ~T ~T8158 »-13 §~59 (iTH ~ lli3 ~R
- .
Rf3'Ola RmB 60 OloT t:!l ~:p~160 3 f.lR93 Oi'T3,61 ~ I
R~rfoni~61 11911 the True Guru's word60•
623~tR263 RIft:.r~64 God's Name is thebridge6S and ia t:!T oTH FIRlCI RI:ft:!o'" ~ f9lli Toiil62 UTe)'3
R~65 OT~ ~ol OfT boat" to cross the dreadful 62 water63 3· UTO ;j<! 8eTl!865 »-13 fi'lTi:j" ~ I ~
tlf~T6611 of the world ocean64 .
~67 Rf~rqrCJR68 Thou 67 hast loye7\ with 68 the True 30 167 11~~ OIa l 0'871 fU»-ITCJ U ~ I (iTH (iTE ~
5q 71 orfH wfay72 Guru. Attaching 72 to the Name, ~;J a, 3= J!i~'o" t:!T UTCJ (13ToT
- Oi'a ftf3170 I;'

;:rar69 €hro(?70 11:<11 thou hast sayed70 the world", 0 ~, <J O!~ !
- - w-
;:rcJJ373 ~UT~i4 OT~ Through the True Guru's pleasure7s , R-~ OIof
t:!T 1.JCJRC')3T75 oT<Jl· • H?i RHra73

Rf3QJCJ qcS 75 I am blessed76 with the Name, the t:!T UTO ~'OT Oi'ao ~T817", oTH UCI Ttr3
urfu'ni€[76 II emancipator74 of the world 73 . ;jft!llit76 ~ I ~
l)fa oTf~77 »f~CJ Rfo 78 Nown I have no concern79 '1.·ith any <Ie77 HoT ;jaR faR 71 018 ~eT f~oTa79 ~
o'll I 3~ ~;j80 3 »-I'
~79 other78• Repairing to thy door 8o ,O 81
aTa3'fCJ80 uol
= , a
Hal fof.ll ;j OIeT
I 1-
U;3'181 11:3119:<11 Guru, I am fulfilled 81 • ~ ~
u, <J Olo~~ .
;lf3'2 gfu83 God, the Embodiment83 of Light82 , l{OlTf.l81 ~ R~U8l. ~TfuOl~. 3" »-I 1u<! lliTuB4 :
»{Tfu84 aro has caused Himself84 to be cal!ed 8S ~ O!t!. (iTC')or »-Il;l~Tf~l)(185 ~ I
• <mtt1€l85 II = Guru Nanak.
3138 6

3388 fR(t89
fHWtil~91 II
>iar~ From86 him Angad Dev became87 the
GUIU, whom he, forthwith 90 , united 9 •
with89 the Primal Lord88•
~C'ill63· lliart:! ~~ OJ~ ;jft!>JiT'l7, fuR ~ ~l ~
;; '!oil" 01, "",,1 <ft" 0'"'' fH8' f""," I I
»{"(Jlft! fcraur92 urfo 93 Showering93 his benediction92 , Angad »-ITtICI fl'r.Ta'2 foj;l~ ora&9], »faTt:! ~~ til li:
>riH9: Rf3q@ fti~ Dey established94 Amar Dass as the 3 lliHCIt:!TR ~ Fi;:JT aTa' lli~%'j94 a13 T I
:III -.
orl>ri~4 II True Guru.

»fHat!TfR Amar Dass blessed98 Guru Ram


E;3911 oro O'Hf~7 Dass" with the ambrosial's

~::~9811 umbrella".
q{0 oTJ.reTR ~oRQ99 Says2 Mathura, seeing lOO the vision" Hf!aT ~'eT2~, CIi Q'T}RTR ;:it w tftirra"
1OO 2
tIOfR '&fu }@OT of Guru Ram Dass, Nectar-sweet3 '@l:fIOO, "J'f~3-~ii ~ ~ ~ llia;:tn h
~iH33 a'G[~4 II became the speech" of Arjan Dev. ;:it ~ mJ?)-flffiTR I 4

ljo~S l.i~6 l{Hre7 With thine eyes,IO, see' thou the ~ ~3!IO oT8' t ~1q7 \ica', lliCJ'ffi')

l:{~8 q{Q ))f0tlQ embodimentS of the approved7 ~~, \fH~~ a.r~ ill @ Ri\.l5 ~ ~l;t' I
ft.rtfy9 O'G[~10 11911 persons, Arjan D4:v, the 61th' Guru.
R3 12 otl l3 Rf3' 'OTH 14 The True Name'" of God, the RB 12 ~ R~\.I13 ~(Jl 'eT RBT OTH 14, RW~IS
~15 il~,:!16 t1fa~17 Embodiment l3 of truth l2 , 3 R~RC3T1', O]~ »f(Jilo ~~ ~ »fT\Ji Hoi.
~fa1811 righteousness IS and contentment III, "Jt'(J f~Cill~1I)jiI7 \i~»ft ~o I
Guru Arjan hast enshrined" within
his mind."
Since the very beginning23, the ~o ~92J 3' <J1, ))fT~ll{il9 ~ l{aIC ~(J
Primal Lord 19 had manifestlyzo 3 ~cr t? H'-er 22 fi re<J If'5stl 21 f8'l;tl

written on his forehead 22 this \i~1 Rli

His Divine Li,ght 25 is mrmifestlyz" ~t 'eT ~lRCIl iiCl 2S \{3~l;t24 <:ft t1HOl26 fu<JT
glittering 26 and his grandeur 27
pervading40 the world z, realm29•
is ~ lli3 @?it
- t!T .
»f·~o i~ fa\JTl0 ~ I
t.rcr31\.l27 RRTo2' t!l \.Iol29
Meeting J2 with, being in communion ali oRTf~JI 01'5 tHcs 32, 615, ~ \JCIR a
with, and joining with Guru, the ~ a.r~ crfU8'~3J I
philosopher's31 stone, he was
acclaimedlS as the Guru.
9f<'i34 H§OT >1of335 Says34 Mathura, I ever3' 6x 17 my Ht!(JT llfTl:r~T34~, H· l'Ii~l facJsi J8 R'ei~'
m:!T36 f~37 - ~ attention" on his being1S and remain ~1 ~~t t? ~l./!S 0T8' ;{;Jt!T37 ut 3 ~t 'eT

f~38 ROlil::f39 o~ II obedient]' to him, »fTfOT»fTCl'Tol39 of<:f~T <Jf I

CffiB:fOT fflJTB: 40 In the Dark aic:, Gum Arjan is the Cl'5~OT ~e(J, CIli ))f(f'ilo;it aful:14O ~7:i I
OTO ROT g41 ship40. Attache'd" J to him. the ~cr CT~ ~ ~ RTCJr4' RJ1ra 41
entire'" world H is safely.... ferried
f~ Hfar43 4S
R'5 TH344 \.IT(J ~30 ntt!T 45
~ I
across .
44fu30~45 11::<11
f~6 ;:ro47 ~48 I crave'" from that4' person 47 alone H· a~8" ~R"6 1{aJt' \.ITR· H-alt:!T4I <]f, ;l
;:ras49 tl'050 ;:roTl}f351 who is renownedu the world'" over so 4
iI<Jlc ' ~3s0 \JCImti sl ~ lli3 it ft:!;t52 lli'3
... -
otlf'OS3 WI!S4
;:r~ ~55 3TH fR~ II
and who, days2 :lLDd nightS 1, livess" in
and lovesss the Name.
"kS3 7)TH lli"t!o
-aoerS5 ~ I
<i!Rt!TS4 »f3 @R .
- <'> fl./l11'T(J

,.. ········..QM············t
1 UoH 56 )).f3G 57 He is supremely56 detached 57 , ~u HUT056 foaHl.1 57, q~l RTfusS8 ~ ,!H59
: UdHRo 58 ~ Bf0l 59 imbued 60 with the supreme Lord's58 f~~ aaJ
<J~60 ~ 61wf<JF.T-afu3'l uo ua'J
: Bat 60- aTR3 r61 3" IOV.,59, without'l desire'l butU , ~l:R: ~ fO!.<JRtfT 65 <Jo I
: arcJfo(j2 1)63 e~1)){364 apparently6" is a family man's.
41 -
41 UTH fR§65
Ual/aG7 Yol::f 68 He is dedicated 7• t0 69 the love 70 of ~~f tIT Sl){"3" l){'3 (j'tl~oT-af<J367 & 1.f!68
~ fH~69

IifR~ faQ

»1W 74
the Infinite" and limitless'7 Lord 68
and without his Master71 , he has no
concern75 with any other7" relish7J•
0lH69 1.!T:r70 UerT <JerYI
~ solo, ~t tIT
~erl ~TR3T75 o<Jl I
~ >;;3 l){TU~ HTHcll ~
fOlR <JoR 7" l!)){TtI 73 OTH i

II - i'
=H~~T & 11976 Ha77 Guru Arjan Dev, the Lord 7' of ~Cf1 ~~c t;!T Rt'e'l76, O]~ l>lat:!O ~~ ROS- •
H~ »{o1!7> ~~ ~OJf378 Mathura, the bard, is the
AIl- f~l){TUOl77 <JaT ~ I <1R ~ fRHoo 78 tIT
~ '5f3 79 llTfE80 of~€? pervading77 God. For the sake 79 of J;fT3a79 , ~<J 1il)jIHT82 ~ lior (')IB 83 Bf~l){1 ~


fi..rf'5 81 oTH82 fR~83 II His meditation7S,be remains af<J"tl T81 ~ I ~

all dedicated t0 " the Lord's82 feet 80 .
81 8
))[~:S4 7> llT~385 "E~86 All the gods 86 , sages87 , Indra and Rlfol)jt ~~f3l)jt86, foal)){1 87 , ftftt )){3 tIar
Ra Hfo87 fit! H~T88 great88 Shiva, who practised 89 Yoga, OlHT€?~ ~T88' ?-~88 fa~t1T i; Rl)jTHT ~
m~ - ,:jar ~dl89 II have found 85 not the Lord's limit8" §;S0l~" tIT U3T85 O<Jl cfcrrr )){3:0 ~;:rH91 ?i ~
~f095 ~t! faBfB 91 and90 not even Brahma , who 9l
91o<Jl, ii ?tI t tIT Atr-f~t1'a'2 OloT ,; I~
futrfa 92 Clf~€? ~o 92
continues refIectiug upon the Vedas; fou T ~ I fcrl:l H'e'T H~ l!lJf1Hl ~ fRHao u ~
t=JTtf93 7> 5T~ ~or so, I leave not the Lord's meditation93 f'e'Ol li<J3 ~a9" H'e'T ~T o<Jl it~tlT I
U!a1 94 : I ~- even for an instant9~.

i H~OT
41 t1396
t=J7>95~ ll'9 2
~97 ~
The Lord 2 of Mathura, the slave 95 ,
is merciful" to the meek". He
~oT ~
~ I wa
HTH0l1 HROlT o t96 €t"'3!
RRra98 l){"t!a ~<J RIO ~

~ - fHfR98 ~
41 ROIf3 100 blesses" the saints' societies lOO
RaT3 100 ~ ~ijFr~~t;!T" ~ I fi.
=f()~'599 qal II ... throughout the whole worId'8. ~
i aTH~fR i

qm ;:rcn3 To the world J , Guru

emancipate" RfPa 3 t;!T Wa ~:rTal" Oleo € E'e'r, a.r~
~ 3Ta7)4 crt? ala ;:tf35 Ram Dass enshrined 7 the Guru's aT}-jtI'R ~ Olaf tIT 00 5 ara »{ijtlO ~ lli'ta' ~
j)).{(fij3 Wf~6 tloV II Light5 int06 Guru Arjan. fca l ft!31 7 I ~ -'" i
~ 811 ~
: t=JaT16 »i~Q8 '3 t:rrf~9 In l2 this9 worJdl', there is no otherS ferR 9 if<JT'Q16 f~~'l ci~l ii08 HUI3l-/T 10 O<Jl ~
~ H~T3HI0 }f12 »f~13 saint 1o• Arjan, the Lord had made 15 Rl I >J.I'OifO~, ~ ~ ~ )){T~T 1
iffiIS0 J3;
- -
»fTfo15 manifest'" as His own incarnate'3. '{dIe
" CI13T '5 ~I •

il~~~~~ +++ 4 •• ¥ +••+••¥ • • •+ y ••••••• + ~+ . .v+

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fUIlJ~ fUIlJ ! "" lh.~ .

f30 a ~l::f17 ~f05l18 Of those, millions l8 of sorrows l7 are ~t~, ~3t" ul ~317 ~ \i ti ft1 uo, it
~fo die ).{CJOT fiI?; dispelled, who through him indrink 20 €rot t1 OT<::W (')I'H-RtPOR 19 ?i UTo Clat1 20 uo
~ ,;{nii-r3 u1»{~2°11
- u - . '
19 nTH the Name-Nectar U ',
says Mathura. H~.OT ~Tl:i~ ~ I
fE~2i truf~ii2 3 ~3
I tl'Qf~24 a25
~~30 fu~~27 '0 t=fT028
0 25 z
man " missz~ thou not 23 this zl
Path22 of the Guru and destroy27
thou the very idlea of distinctionSo
between the GUIU and. God and
<:1 25 at1 26 , ~
dlaf t1 reR II )-(T'ffiIT22
~3 ~ l)f3 ~lfuClli e f~~o 60cr
fl:fl')flB" fi ul oTRZ7 croe l)f3 Olaf ti
~R 3' """,,, 1\1,,'1" '" ~ I
~ (')123

deem28 not the Guru as another 29 .

l103fS31 fo~32 q[o
lJ.l'Otfcr; a ufo tr0Ci 33
- =
God, the Omnipresent3J Lord 3'" has
manifestly31 takenS' His abode 35 in
the mind32 of Guru ArJan.
ftO~-f~I')ofTUOI33 l!~TH134 ~fu~?i 1{OTcSI ul •
OJ.~ l)fOtiO B f<Joe-

ercJ fgl')of136 ~ I
u llfeo <:TW35 f~f'3l,.tTo iIto

gl»{~36 1I1.41\ -
iI~ B~37 0-01 31OT38 So longS7 as destin y38 on my iR 3 11:137 Hij ).(~39 't!1 1{lB"90 38 OCJl' R1
39 appeaJ'ed"o not, till then'" 3T1:1·41 sccre r4l
f8"wa 39 ~B40 311 forehead ~140, ~. ~3 cret
B~41 gH342 fGo3 I wandered" 2 and ran about.... in ~tet·43 sftil)fT fGa'er 14 FIt I
~43 t[~~44 II various" s direction.
q[8 45 w0 46 RH-e...47
- I was drowning"l ' in"8 the terrible'" Wfl:R crgt:iliil"s -e
f~Toc;r4' FlraIO..7 llfe~

H48 ~~49 ~ orao50 ocean"7 of this Darkage..5 and my ~~ fcJu r49 Rt ~3 HOT ~in1RSl Claor crt1 =
fwc =
~51 6tit = a sorrowing52 would have ended5' not
ever 50•
9150 H~TSI OCJl· Rl I !
tr~1t{~52 II
~53 fu~54 tii~S5 o Ma th ura, think 54 thou thisS5 as the <:1 HeaT! 3 fl:R 55 7i RTO l){Hgll'){353 fl:fllirs 5.. i
~ RRT; ~ l/T~ ~3TOT f
HljCJT ;:ror 3 100 cr~
~rg:56 a()I~Q II
quintessence s3 • that to emancipate
the W orId, Lord has incarnatedS'
iI '>I'ii ,,) "'''''''' l!'fa»p" 3 I
ClOO cret l!lli'Hl
;:ru~S7 f;:::ro »fat:Jo Whosoever med.itates57 on Guru ;:r ciet cno l)fO;1O ~~;:it 't!T fRHoo croer57 =
-e~ma fGra ss Rra 59 Arjan Dev, he passes62 not againS8 ~; ~ -; a 58
i.!,r;ll)fi60 l)f3 €tea 61
ellJii i
Mo60 = dl0961 0 through the pailtls, of births'o and 3crB1Gi59 lli"t!o 't!l OCJr iufey62 I i
~621IE\I womb". ~
crfg63 RHt!64
-66 ... 3~
In the ocean'" of the Ironage U , the craqiil'3 t1 R'iJlo''' ~eo, ~oll)fT ~ 1JT'a I

5 ~IOT'7 Clan Bet 1{~ et (')I'H Ola y t1 ROll65 ..

atr6 trOTfc ofa OTH
~tJTaQ67 II
Lord's Name has become manifest"
in the embodiment'5 of the Guru, to f~e l.@vl::l <:ifelll r66 ~ I - - I
ferrv across'7 the world.
He, within whos,c mind" the Saint fim -e
>i30 R'"q ~'3H69 WR t:!1 ~t:!y6' ~, I
abides", his pain:ro and poverty71 are 70 71 72
l/13 l)f3 ijJolm 'io;:j ;1t;ill)ft uo I
wiped off72,

focJ}{5 73 ~l:f74 »1t[1a75 The Guru is the Immaculate73 form 74 O]~ tIl ijl)f~ ~7S ~ ~73 ~\.f7" un I
3T~76 faQ ~g77 '0 of the Infinite Lord7s . Without ~t ~7' sio W ~o77 ~ ul our I
- u
him76 there is not any other •
H078 ~79 fufosc Whosoever through thought71 and ;l;j~ fl:fl){TB'71 l){'3 'atJ?)7' ClT~it a.rar 2
WG B·t?T~. tiulJ ~l.1 ~l82 ul lil
wf~ 9til~80 WI word 79 knows the Guru, he ' l
, - - u

becomes Iike unto him8'. ~~~yIO ~ I
RHHfa82 R~ II 80

uofoM aTaToS5 ~ He is fully contained8' in" the ~ ~ ~ qw7 ~ ~\.f88 ~ Q03l",

l:fi3'85* Hf~86 iif387 earth 8", the sky8S and the nine l){TWS l){3~" M3l)fi3S* f~86 ual1.!an"
Rotl1 88 ofu~ gfu89 II regions8S• as the embodiment. of ~ ocJ un I
•• the Lord's Light87 •

ID090 WIOT 0l'1i 'i~91 Says'O Mathura, there is no HlJOll){ll::ft?TfO~, a.rai l){3 ~l~ ~ ~~
;j~l :6ClCl" nul" I a.r~ }JojCfiJO ill t.@IC'2 3a
nul ON ))iOij(j separateness' I between the Guru and
3 l1t? ull{i93 un I
. ~fo9311~11
tRJ31:f92 God. Guru Arjan is
the Lord'3 himself.

»1;194 Unconquerable" and unfaiIing'7 is }Jojftr3" l){3 l){trCl97 ~ <not
- .
til J1cJRal"
- t?T

~97 fRl:f98 water" of the Guru's Ganges's. His tJTel'6 I Wcr ~ I:fcllt?" l){3 ihn3" €tR ~

R3 n~100 II disciples" and congregation" all fmorn lOO ~ un I

bathe lOO therein.
The Puranas ever2 dwell upon' the \!ClTG Rt?l~2 tit a.IClt t?l citcJ31 ~~3 uo
f032 ~ ~))ffu3
l){3 ~ sl ~ ~t?t ortit ~cr t?l fms
it! ~uHT >:!fij4 Guru and Brahma too with his
mouth singsS his praises through ROT l){Tl«! Jj'<:t OTB' afTfuo ~5 ~ I
his Vedas.
))f~6 B~7 fRfa 8 Over his hc:ad8 waves' invincible' ~cr ~ Rl~ €t~ l){ftr3' ea7 tBt?l' ~
~59 nTH
- -
}){-nf31 0
... -
fly brush7 and with his mouth 12 he
quaffs lJ the Name-Nectar lo•
l){TU<! Hu 12
c;rcre13 un I
. OTB' ~ OT).J RtT'oR 10 tJTO
Hfl:f12 '81~13 n
cJra l)fot:l'O fRo S'31<C The Transcendent Lord IS Himself UCl1-f l.ll15 ~ l){Tij ul ~ ~ ~~ ill ~
~fl.f - tra"HRfcr15 has placed16 the royal canopy14 R1R fi ~l .
&3'" fcqtf~TI6 ~ I

t!1))f{l16 II over the head of Guru Arjan Dev.

fHf5 17 '(I)l7)a' }){aTt! Nanak Dev, Angad Dev, Guru Amar

Dass aad Guru Ram Dass repaired I'
OTOii ~~, ~ ~, ijfcJ }JojHCft?TR ~ ala
QTlWR ~ ~ UTA I1
are" l){3 ~R OTB'
- -
Uf~18 or~19 II
- to'8 the LOrd and got blended l7 with }Jojit? c:i are l7 I
Says23 Harbans, the bard, their praisc2' ~ ic l){Tl::f~~, ~qt t?1 HfU).Ji21
has permeated22 the whole world 20 .
• RRTo »Ji't?CJ crnl fu?lu ~l

C{~ ~23 fRCft24

-- who says2J, thalt the Venerable z" ~e ))fn:t~23 ~ fer \!~:;rJ4 aLii, iil ~ cj ~zs
HVI@25 II C\II Gurus are ~eadzs. un I
~~26 trn1 27 Hf~28 When the Tramscendent!O Lord, ;:re UCJH \iiJO ~ ~Z9 ~R 3%j iarr8"arr 3l ,

CJJ1iI@' ~U29 UCJHR030

- . HimselfZ9, so wilted", Ram Dass, the
Guru, went intoZ'lhe Lord'su abode z7 .
~ CJ1Ht!TR iill{iZ6 i!1l!CJ127 f~ij' arela I
oro fA~32 God gave 33 him his Royal Throne3z ~f~ ~ ~ Q )JfT\J(!T u Tf'3F.rul JZ 3l:f3
m~33 fRCJl 34 <l@ and seated H tbe Sire34 Guru fe3l" ))f'3 C1i HUTCJTilJ4 Q ~ ~'3JS
~35 1I6iGtQ36 II thereon 3s • ~~l)fTJ6 I
~Jj37 ciPtr~38 The angels" and lods" were pleased 37
i:faaaJl ~ @~3' \{Ro'7 ~~ ~ ~t %
RCJ38 ~~39 3f~ ilR 40 and they proclaimed4z tby victory" I ~l fti'~'))f'3 HfuHf'O @ (')1»{ij ri" 2, ~
~ ;:rG{41 tluf~12 ii and praise40, 0 Guru. a.lO~. !
i)fRa 43 ore 34 4 gtfar45 The demons"3 , they"" fled away'" ~', ~44 a are"s fer~rcr ~i @
urlf6 So. it3fCJ 47 for, their sins'" trembled'" within47 ~46 ~i @ ~"7 iis@"8 R(') I
a-uf~48 II them.
arZ49 R lfTUSO The51 personssz , who altained sz* to fmS SI llClF.l
, a:I~ QTl-{WR ill ~ ~l* cj~
- or"' Guru Ram Das., were rid'" of their un, ~ ermm jSO
~ J:R5TRl UT are49 uo I
OTHBTR sinsso•
Utfut{@52* II
~353 - fRUPR0 54 The Guru came5:7 after givingS' the
-. ill iil'35' ))f'3 tra'31sS i!T 31if-3U3s" ora
ora -.
fUcfaH155 qra l)fCJ~o .

canopyll' and the throneS" or the »{CJtIO ~. H1 ?> @ ciS6 ~S7 m; I

Of~ ~S6 >tfTf~57 II earthSS to Guru Arjan Dev.
~II~ C\lItll C\ C\ 119011 C\oll

C\ § m3 Olij orCJ3T There is but one: God. True is His ~~~ a~ recr ~ I Ifer ~ ~ i!T QrH,

y~ fc;o9~ fo~q Name, creative His personality and aeeiJ'd ~ i!1 f~er31))f'3 l'IfHCJ ~ i!T
»{CTT8 .. H0t3
Ri qro l{Wf~ II
",,:ro1 immortal His form. He is without
fear, sans enmity, beyond birth and
~u I ~ f6~, ~HO't-CJft:r3, ))fifCiHT ~
R~-t{ClfF.I~T(') ~ I tqCJi t#t t?f~ItiT ~l)fTa-T ~
self-illumined. Ely the Guru's grace, U1f~l)fT iPi!T ~ I
is obtained.
Rc;Of ~ ~ ~titor58 II The slokas in additionS' to the Vars. .-ra .rq ~ mier
~ I

~8T C\ II 1st Guru. u~'t lfTf3F.fTul I

@3or159 ·~160 0 62 proud bride of elevatedS' breastl60, nl6! ~l){t ~I){i ~ \{5<Jo! t
61oITCJa162 Br-glCJl63 II grasp" thou profound" sobriety• ijJfaa'\63 ffi'HCJ3T 0If~' ClCJ I

.................................... '

-------- ._..._-_._-_ .. _--------


for~66 oral fo~c:67 make an obeisance65 ? Because of ~fTu<! lliTiE <JE tR;i 68 ~ Q'OC, H·
o ;:pft! cr~168 II - my stiff nipples 6s I can bow" not. fO~'67 o<Jl ROlB1 I ~
OT~69 f;:r i50TT 0 maid71 , the mountain-high70 <1 R'1l~71! ~~_ori369 Q1~ ~E t.l'1T~ f;:l~ t
fOT~~;3VO RCflE 71 mansions72 , plastered" with lime, ~Yt170 HBa, ~
lJ€?i5~al72 II ~
Rs17 3 ~t74 f~Q75 H Even they73 I have seen75 crumbling ~<J73 9'1 H· f~-e74 ~137S <]0 I 01 lifet)fT-a" ! i
}jq76 0 OTo~f7 cr~ll' down7". 0 damsel", pride77 thou ~ lliTU<! tR;y ~T Hc1 77 0' ora I ;
911 not on thy nipples. ~

- H'-a
S2 ~a~TtI1E'78 0 bride s2, with deer-like eyes7S, hear 01 '1acY-~aorl>;ft l){~t ~TC?1~711 t.l301~82! ~
OT~T79 ~c:80 >rflFa S1 II thou the word of deep79 and infinitesl ~ orf'1€J >;f~ >;fllT'1sl @_U~R30 ?i lt~G ora I ~
= - - - - - ~
wisdom so . ~

Uf~W83 First83examiness the goods s", then s6 Uf<r5 flf.llH s3 HT8 84 ~1 t.lsT(!S5 Q:!, a~5 ...

fA~Tf~85 ~ alene must S7 thou strike ss a bargains8 . 3~16 <:11 ~ ~Gtl ~UTQss cra S1 I +
WB 87 ~TU12s8 II
Bu~89 fe~90 ~otl()T91 Proclaim89 thou, that
thou shalt 3" UQ1a ~ lliT~89 -e for 3 H.... ~90
UoHi 91 B1 i
fH3 y92
.. i:I= ~orTo93
- II associate not with the evil90 persons" ;or~ 0'11· ~a'or1 ~~ ~~ eR3 j92 -~
tlW- i
and would heartily welcome 93 the »jTfElli y93 »jT~'Q11 I I;
good friends'2. ~
f;:r~ ~u194 R;:re 95 The proclamation'''' by wpich thou filR liOTB1'" ~lliTaT ~ >;fTU<! fH3o'5 ~ fH5 I;

fH'Bfo96 '8'Q >:£,-a ma\'est meet" with thy Friend's, 0 ~ '6, (i1u301E! ~ ~~ ~R ~5 lliTUCT ~
bride, give thou that alone thy ~
frr~I'" ~ I ...
~1-eT~97 II
..... p:97
thought'7. <J t:: ~
3(2 HQ e1~98 Rti~T Surrender9s thou thy body and soul ~ »jTuc1 ~'1 »j~ ftfB~l lliTUi fl-/3O, ~
»fFfT ~R~99 RIg: 100 II to God, thy Friend; sublime 100 is ~Tf<JO.!~ ~ RHauc'8 Ola -e; liReloo ~ ~5 ~
such a pleasure". ;:j<!1 J:!F.ll" I 1'-
: f3R 2 R~3 3u 4 0 ContractS thou not love" with 3 him 2, ~ ~R2 orc;3 ftIlliTa-t OT U1S, H oT-t.l'fEBTQ'
: orlB~15 - f;:r -feR who appears to be destined to depart. feR »jl~'~r ~ I
; BC?~1g:6 II =
oroor ftiol f~~7 Nanak, they who understandS it this oTOQ,;q fER ~j7 ~. uo, ~Qi' ~"O l
; orfo ~fS)}iT8 f3019 wise7, untolO them' I am a sacrifice 12 • li· l:!muTQ%u ~~~ c:P ~
, f~c~10 orcr~~12 II~II
. I
;113 - 3" ~rreJI4- tfTf~15 Ifl3 thou wisheth to swim across'" the iiora l3 ~ ~115 3' 30 ~ UTa ~GTI" ~~T It
: ~t." lJij[i'7 f~'. wat«", th.n con,nlt" thou tho.... ~,'" <i. ~l" t!t "'N" ,;, f~ ~ 3a"''' ~
~1 J)fccm" ~1 ~ I l·
1 Ofi5 19 II
;3'~20 l::fa 21
who know the art" to swim's,
For 2", even those 20 who considered fcr~fQ2"! ~20 '91 H »jTu<! J)fTlJ ~ 1l§21 I
.+•••• ~ +••+~++.~••• ~+~•• +••••••••+••• ~4·.~. .

<1>:' ~:;~:;2::-='::;-:;T~=:::·::-::::~::·:·:~=:~:~1 • u -

=311 ruined 23 by these whirl-pools2s. 3EP'l Ola 6f~23 00 I

S;:)26 Scr~27 €~,~28 Amidst c:ontinued rain'i 26 , storms 27 , 5'"31l)i,16, l>i~all)it27, 0"3T28 lJi3 Sl:1:l:1i31 01 . .
C5crR'oV l II
floods 28 and surging30 of lacs 31 of
waves 29 , If thou Shoul33 for help t0 32
~ l>iTU~
-e ~o<! f~BOIT03o,
R'<~ orat &S32
ROTfC!3 T 5'21 ,:{0l<J

Ol~' 3 i 3~ I?'
UOlla 33
~ fR~32 »{TgTf~33 a~34
- '
thy Trut: Guru then there shall be no iTiJTij34 ~ i[~ -;:p<!3S B'- &~ ~a36 oul i
~~f~35 'OTf~ "§J~36 1\ fear 36 , that thy shi p 34 shall founder 3s . a5C1TT I

4l 811
i oToOf t:!01l){T ~1J7 Nanak, what 37 has happened to the oToOl, RRTa ~ 0113 7 d farl)iT ~ ?
~I ~el II - world ? ~
. RTH~38 H-fq39 '0 Where there is no friend 39 or guide 38 • fac1 &21 H;:R;39 ;:It af'lt:to 38 O<Jl fail' I l
af~g <§~TII ~
! "§J''eT ~q142 5q
41 43 Love 43 has ceased H even among 90'~i41 l>i3 HoaQll)it42 f~OlTa ~1 fUl)fTC4 3 ~
JBOf'fE>J.{T44 II brethren" I and kinsmen42 . 001< faiJ T44 I

i ~oT>}fT45 orTo~6 How unforlunatl: that for the sake 46 of fa33 ~a9lar Bl ClTS ~ fa fC!<J ;:r5 RRTo 4s
~ BT(')47 C1T~lf-e>1iy48
11411 such a world 4s • the mortals have lost 48 4
Bl :l:I T30 ', ~l t{T<!ll){t 3 l)iTU<!1 C!lHT 0 47 ~~T
! - their faith 47 • fCSI){r48 ~ I
:.~49 ~ ~o50 ~ §-f~51 They utter SO 'al~Ls49', alas' and sayS2 ~o BOl, BCX49 , l!OlToe sO <In l>i3 ''l~, o~SI'
i Ofaf0 11 52 'Oh, Oh51 '. to bemoan death. l){~t?52 00 H3 t!T RaT HC)~ Hcl I
i or~T53 fu~f054 fFfq55 They strike s4 their cheekss3 and ~o l){lllc! ~l;l"F!'otS3 ~ ~~s·;]o l){3 l){Tui
: Bitf056 II plucke6 their heads' hair ss • ~~ B ~THtS5 ~ ~ct?56 00 I
: OT@S7 i5f(i58 ))ffi59 But if they utte;r S8 the Lord's Name S7 ti·~,:{OlO <to Ht~r ~ oTH57 t:!' <tB'Oo 5e
i Ofofo RH'ffu60 - II ands9 merge 60 therein, then, unto 0100 l)f3 59 ~R ".feci 51060 ii W<!, 3t ~t't
! f30
(')T(')OI' 61 af8~62 them", Nanak, would be a sacrifice 62 • ~><'3· orner ~O~T062 t:!l ~~ I

r;:[Tf-e II EII
: ~ Ho 63 mfor 64 0 o my seul63 , wabble 6s thou not in <1 Hal f;:j~le63! ~ f~"cJ1'4 orii i'craf6S CST
41 ... ~ ...

: ~Hlni65 AIU 66 HTof0l 67
- II
the crooked'4 way and go 68 along the
straight66 path67 •
we »f3 fAil R35 16 OR"367 ~a68 I

i UT~9 ~~70 ~OT~71 Behind" thee i:. the dreadfuPI tiger70 a-a fU~69 f3l){lOOl71 aa 70 ~ l){3 ~iJa72 )){aT73
~ »{Tijj72 })1orf'073 and in front7J the pooP" offire7J • BT 3TST~74 I

~ 3C5T~74 II .
~ R~H75 ;:jT>1iOT76 ufo My mind 76 is in doubt75 and 117 See HOT HC)76 Rt?<J 75 f~B flll){T Mc!l)fT ~ l)f~ H~7t

+ af~§ }-fT or@77 >1i?(J78 no otber78 way7" of escape. iia ~Y8 oTiJ79 ~ t:!' ool ft:!Rt:!' I
~ 0 ~aT79 II - -
j oToi qJolJfcr80 Nanak, abiding
with8l God, the oToOl, 0101 t:!l t:!f~l){,ao ~l){ToT ~pfiJOE fUI'JofTa81
1... 'i'., +••+ ~Ii'i' '"' ~~~'fl'fl'+ll~~5fl ,..AA,.a~ .",

--------- -_._-----_.. _--------,


-- n .. () <::> ",n':; v·vl
1 =81 - . "'
l{Te Hq;;;> <:I ;:rB'T U I
fR€?83 ROT s4 II.?II mortal is emancipated 81 . -

; ~:p~ Ha HC? HTal~ Who~oever is blessed 8' with the True t'i ~eT R'ij Olaf B'T fR-f~l)/y85 ~ 1.1o'u3" ~
~ ~,:n:!s:f3cno -elftfl)fT85 15
h~ h~S ;:JTB"~, ~~ g ~ l)/~ ~
Guru's instruction , slays ;J €t<:l H'o -g·B'T

<lfE 11 '18'1 'I :~~:. and Ihu, the t,ger too.. f.R 'I"'" iia .1 "" ~ ~ I

! '>f'Y 87 t.l5'i" <If<I H. who und'ntand," him,<\f"• f"o", '>I"li '>I'U" ~ RHS
a, {to "'",,, ii
~ fHB ~~f~89 0 HO~T meets with his God and then dies >1-I T1.1<§ ~'f<:ld]~ ~ fHB U"B'T ~ 3 3'B' ~<:I li;3
~ ~f2 II not again8'. a HoB',8' o<:ll I ~
~ 0l'1B~90 <JTll 91 0 Whosoever, with his eyes'''' sees'5 ;:j &t'Tl)/'1.1eTl)/f l)/~l:Ii'4 CilB a~B'3 I!l)/'Hl ~ I'"
j ~~cr192 EOl'T93 - oBfa 94 the Lord alone'3 his hand" is <:IT ~l:IB"'s ~, ~l1 B" .:ICl'I opa'o o'B •
~ fo<J1fB95 I! soiled 82 not with mud 9o. fB8;3B'T'2 o<1l I
OT OO1' OToHftf96 Nanak, the Guru-wards", whom oToer, Ol~-l)j?iRTol" fii"ii ~ Ol~ l1l{B'o'8 ~ :
€f~a97 QN Ra~q98 Guru, the ocean", has put on the R-~ oR"3" 1.1 Tft'w ~, 3'0 iiit?'7 <:10 I
· Rtfl fB 99 11t:1!
tI T True Path" are saved'7.
'l1iClTf(')100 Ha 2 tlB 3 If thou wisheth to quench 2 the fire loo , iiOlO 3::
"rOlIOO i; SST~~,2 ~T<5B'T ~" 3 f
_ - - -

~f~ B'Q4 f?~ 010 then seek 4 thou the water 3 of the \ff t? olH ~ UTeT3 B'T ~TB4 ao, ti~ Ola i ~
· fofu 5 ;:r~ ?)Tf<J II Lord's Name, but. save the Guru, 8:010 f~ 1.1l~T B'T l1l{B'a S c5'3"B'T oiJl I
this oceans of water is found not.
~ trofH 6 Ha 7 90HTcrl~8 Even' if thou dO l3 la-:s 10 of other 91~·' ~ ~~i'O <1T iio ~H12 ftjl)/T a~1] 3f
~ -,:{9 B'crlO O1'aH12 deeds l2 , thou shalt continue to 9T i ;:tHe' »13 Ho0 7 ~B'o 9caB'1 8 o.hlT T I ""
t Ol'HTf<J13 II wander 8 in birth' and death7,
j 1i}j14 trTOYTf3 15 0 Ifill man walks l7 in the True Guru's iiao" aB" R-B ~Of eT 0;:1'18 ~B'o £a 17 ,
~ Barel ;:116 trg 17 Will l8 ,
then he is taxed'S not by the 3 i H3 B" :E:aa3 T14 t1R ~ H~BIS o<:ll
~ Rf3ClTo 9 Tfcr 18 II death's myrmidon l4 . B'~"B" I
~ oT oc3f fooHB I9 Nanak, he attains the immaculate" oToa, ~<J tlf~30" >1-Ifuo'RT 20 1.1B'~P ~ 1.1T
~ »fHa 20 U~21 ~Q \Ifa eternapo status 23 and the Guru E"B" ~ ~ Ol~ iiT ~R ~ Ri(!t ~ fHBTtj22
~HB'22 HBrfcr23 1It: 11 23
unites him in the Lord's union 22 . >1-I"B'o fHEr fB'. . ~23 <:10 I
~ 01'8024 ao12 5 GtI~V6 The crow 27 rubs 28 and washes 2' itse-lf i'la ·~FBT uo3'l24 t?2S fH5 "iz ii2' ~B'Cl
~l1iT27 HfB HfB 28
'OTfcr 29 II
· 'l-f0 30

) 901 36
~ »f~OTc133
30 31
aTUV l1irfC!36 /I
HC51 32
in the small pooP'
land 24•
Its mind JO and bodyJ' are dirty32 with
demerits 33 and its beak 34 too is
filled 36 with filth 35 ,
ops the saline a T0l 27 HB HB 28

f(!R B"
oT~31 <:10
~033' ~
?f!Q'B'T ~ I

~ l1ota 3/

>}f3 ft'R B't ~s3-4 9T

at!l>1-1 tJ3
tiJeorVs orB

.1'l'+++i;i++ iJliji•••+'I'+i;iijilji•• 'ji'l'lJ''!-'iji'l''Plf''tpiji",,'is'P+'l''i''l'¥+++''• • 'P''' '''-Ti·Rit:'4''i'ijiiJI'ii'i''1'...


! fl<l?i!31
~ ~Tf~I"!T arTor
~fR3. "0
The ,wan" ,f the pool". not
knowing that the crow is an evil 39
.1"",, "",,,,, ~, reo 0' ~'''''' oii ro """ 1
fC'Ol H~T39 tiii51~o ~. fC'R ~1 RiJ13~1 01131 I
i Hfar4l II bird~o, associated 41 with it.
~ HTar3 42 fR€f 43 ~R144 Such 44 is til,: love~s with 43 the ll1iJ .=iiJ,44 ~ flPrI'Cl 4s H1fer»i 1 14;:Po142 -e
!t{lf345 ~ ~s<J46 mammon-worshipper 42 • Underst:l.lld~6 (i'8'3, If.~ -el y}3 48 ·d',Jl':i fer>'1 ~ >'1HS~',
: fapl-fTo1 7 -a-far 4 48 II thou this, 0 divine i7 , through the a ~JH-i13~7 I '"
~ Lord's love~8.
~ 83 H"3 T49 ;iOfra SO ShoutS I t ;;::(f3RClT3 49 -el f~350 '21 (i'<:ICll SI 51 lJi3
ii arfa 5l crral:!ftf52 araH 53
on-fT~54 II
a pious personS2 .
thou the
victorysO of the
anddo s4 the deeds 53 of f~Ol lJf~"30 liaR 52 ~'5 lJiH5 T53 ~T aWl:?T
aa~5 I

~ fool-rC2 55 Imma(:ulate 5S is the ablution s6 , 0 a

o!~~56 uf;g'3a 55 ~ f~R.')'C;S6, (iT(iOl ! OTo-~falJiTS3
- .
~ oToOl"T ora 31 a'El 57 Nanak, at the sacred shrine s7 of the -e l:!,it'R uaH lJi>'1"E1 1(iS7 l-lfeCl I
!-eoli;{T~58 119011 Guru-river'8.
,i' tioH 59 OfT ?5- 60 forTiiT61 What61 should I reckon 62 as the H' HoRl ;:lnH 59 ~T 01161 5T~50 fdl~T62 ;:t~63
~ or~162
ti T63 ~fa advantage 60 s
of human-birth 9, when61 fOl f~(iRl(i y.~ ~ lJi"(lCllC1T'" ~ ft!»i 1Cl 6S (iiJr
i'9orf3 64 0 9T€?65
_ II one loves's noI the Lord's devolion6" ? aoe' ?
~ trlJT66 CjT(fr67 ~pf~68 Useless€9 is man's wearing 66 and ~6Ifer~168 ~ f~(iRT(i ~T U0C5,66 lJi3 l::fTcT67

i'61 ~ tiT Hfo ~tiT69

9 T€J II
eating 67 , when there is duality69 in ;:l-e fa Q:11 -e f~3 lJi"~o -e~3_~T~69 ~ I

~ his mind.
~ ~Cjc; RO~T73 :fo70 ~ False70 is the seeing and hearing73 cf a::1'70
~ €?(iT -eT ~~1 lJi3 H?C 73
Q1o(iT ;':j
~ - - =- v ....

~ Hftf 7l "S"OT those, who, with their mouth 71 , utter 72

0 Nanak, praise'" thou tho:: Lord's a
lJil1.j<§ H<:J7I

(i 15 '1;3


~0l~71 <:10 I

(iTH -el UClRRT7.. CTcI
~ q ~q76 ~tlH75 Name, for, the rest'6 is but coming 77
fOl€t,:{ ~10l176 -e R~ C!ii5 R~-<JOT317S )).l"~CJ
<!4 -
4i I)-jT~§-77 ti T§78 119911 and going 78 in self-conceit's. fC;o'tJo T l)i,~~r77 ;:tT~178 <:IT ~ I
! ~fo - f~o"879 oT~l The saints are few 79 and not many80. RTq el~ ~-N79 <:In lJi3 ~'l380 o<:lY I ~Tal
! wi 80 ~881 ?0l~82 The rest is but a show 8\ and 3T f~>'1 ;:tiJT(i llfeo f6ClTt[0 1 f~~1~181 »{3
~ RWCf 119. =< \I 82
wrangling in this world, ~0I~T~82 <:IT ~ I
~ OTC')~ ECJl183 ~fo84 Nanak, then alone man is deemed to (i'(ia, ~~ ~ 3 T <:11 ~'f<Ja:!~ -eT Be 83 5aJl ,~
H-a 8S til~~86 oT~l have been God-struck 83, if he dies 8s RHST tF~l "JT<:Il~l~, -RorCl Q:<:I ~cl38~ <:IT
• 3T~87 II instantanwus·l y84 and is left with no Ha 8s ;:tl~ lJi3 Q:R f~~ ;:tl€t~86 -eT ~erl
ionging87 to live 86 • 3 T\).187 (iT 0<1 I
B~88 83189 Ha
;:t90 If90 man dies with 89 such a stroke88 , .=iClCJ 90 il'~T fer;] 1=J<:Il Re B8 (iT5 89 Ho ;:tT~, ~
• Harl RT9I UCf~~92 II then alone, be~omes lie91 acceptable 92 • a~E 3-e <:11 t:?iJ'\ a<i5 92 ti~-e1 ~ I ~

t : ~.~ ~.~~..~ ~ :. ~
----------- ._-_...__ ..• - ..... _-------
14664 ]

fuH ~ 'BT~ f3B 'Bat He, whom the Lord strikes, he alone f;::rll ~ ~l)frI-l1 Ife B'T€t'~T~, c}~ ~R ~ <:11
'BOll 3 T93 trcr~'T~94 II is struck. After such a stroke, thenU , FIe B'aT~l ~ 11i5 ;l<:ll Ife oTB' 3~'3 ~<:I
becomes he approved'4. 1{1-/T<!10l'4 ~1 ~~t!1 ~ I
fUcJl.f95 uer TB96 (I) The arrow'6 of love'5. charged'8 by t{1-l'5 ~1 31096 , il ~ll" 1l0~aT i!l)f11-l1 1°O ~
focrn 97 'BTf~t>i198 the" Omniscient Lord 100 can be l-l'f~:P)j1'8~. 5 1<:10 ftfi\Jl>f 1,7 o<:ll~ ;::rT llOl~1 I
fuf0 8:;:tTf~100 119 =31/
99 extracted" not.
9~2 ti~3 OI~~ ft=J Who can wash l the vesseJ2, which is ~ll 5030 2 ~ ~ ijl HQt!1 ~. fiJ<J~T ~01~~
orBT RTf11~T4 II unbaked in its cOllstruction4 ? f~\J <:11 e(i:Pof ~ ?
UTq6 tf-f11 5 o'Blf~7 Uniting7 the five 5 elements6 together, tf;::r1 5 3316 ~ fl-lW 7 ~ l{~ ~ f~ ~ ~or8
CliT8 uTf;:r»iT9 II the Lord has given it a false 8 gilding'. ~HI-lT9 fe31 ;Jf~l>f1 ~ I
: ~t~T ),{T<!01 10 oTfR 12 When l3 it pleases l5 Him ' 4, He sets lO ;::rt!1 3 ~1l14 ~ ~CR1 BaTt!115~, ~<:I 5030 ~
i ;:{t 13 88 - 9 T?RlJ 5 II

tlcn·f16 ;:if3 17 t=JTOlTf~18

the vessel aright l2•
In it, then. supreme" Light 17 shines l8
~qH312 QO ftft!I IO ~ I

f~ll f~\J 3 1 1-l<:l1(')16 1017 l{0l'R 18 5 tPt!T ij

'~11T19 ?T?RVo 1\9.811 and the celestial strain" resounds 20 . l>f3 a~ol 0l103(')" a1;::rt! TlO ~ I ~
HO~21 f;:f22 >i-a 23 They, who 22 are utteriy24 blind 23 in 22
- ~ f'"
il l>fTlIi f\J32 I l>f"to 1-l~1-lB'2of n{'"3 iJ(,) t{
uru24 erfU-liiT25 faot!26 their milld 21 , they known 27 not the ~<:I l>fTlIi ~\Jo15 ~ lITB; ~1 I-lf<:lHj26 u~ 0<:11: ~
i t=JT<!o127 II - dignity26 to keep their wor<125 • ;::rtc~27 I - e
Hfo >if-ij28 €i.:.ii 29 Through blind 28 mind and reversed 2' ))j'-~18 I-lo~ l>f3 I-lq cj~ cjE 2' ft!B' 0l~30 ~
or?8 30 feRfo l:rtJ31 heart lotus 30 • they look extremely31
U • I:

oT<:Il ~<:I fo~JTf~331 <:11 i!~12 ft'll~ <:10 I i


orau32 II ugly32.
ft'fer 40 qfJ 33
11T<!fo Some40 know, how to speak 33 and Q~l40 arB' Qool 33 ;::rT<!~ iJo l)f3 l)f1~l4 cj~ ~
q[U-»iT34 §Sf035 336 understand l5 what is said 34 • Wise]8 ~ llHS-e 35 <:I('i , flll)jl<!l8 l>f3 R<:I<! l!'i-~l'

00 37 RUI'~38 RoU 39 II and handsome 3' are those16 persons 37 . <:10 ~36 t!oR 37 I
.. Some41 know neither .inner melody42 Q~141 0 1 3 1 l>f31~1 Fhrr13 42 l>f3 ~<:II-l-faT"i'o"l

atI 43 0 0l1l;i44 og45 and Divine knowledgeO nor the ~ ;::rtc~ <:10 3 0' <:11 Cilla3(')4of t'1 ~R14s ~ I
08 46 ag 47 0 bliss 45 of musicH • They realise 48 not ~<:I ~a146 l)f3 H~47 ~ ~1 l)f?i~~48 0<:11' Ciloe I

11tif~8 1\ good 46 and bad 47 as well.

ft!'erO"T fRfu 49 0" ~fU50 Some have no ideas2 of perfection4', Cil-ell>f1 ?i
= l/003
149 flll>f T(!1I 5o l>f3 HHS S1 ~1
Ill: I

o l;iorf851 R0 52»itrcJ53 wisdom 50 and understandingS I and ~~1 HTa52 o<:ll l>f3 ~<:I 0]01 't!1 8 T<!1 53 ~ ~
(iT ~€i54 0 85f3 55 II

orO"er 3 56 00 57
they know ss not even the mystery54
of the Guru's word 53 .
Nanak. the real s8 donkeyss, are the 56
0 ' ;:151 ~ ~1 o<:ll ;::rrce 55 I

oroOl, l>fRB1 Sg ~3S9 <:10 ~<:I56 t{oR 57 , il 60

>ifRfC?"58 l::f059 f;:{60 persons57 , wh0 60 take 63 pride 62 l:!sl>;ji 61 ~ ~:aia tJ QT0 62 ao~61 <:10 I ~
fu?i Cf!<!61 OTo'§62
e«l363 119411
without merits 6l •

... " '1"1' ...

~ , ~ ~

!. R
. il f'Ef--e 65 He 64 &~g (?U 64 uT ~uH~ ~ f1:lu;JT UOH y.t6 ~
64 ~~n-f~ alone is a Brahman, who
.. a~:n"f66 II knows 6S the Transcendent Lord". ;:J1~~J16S ~ I
~ -
jtf1J67 31168 ihJlj69 Who performs70 the deeds" of devo- ;:j l'if~oT0167, 3lr-fRni168 ni3 R~-1:Ia369·~ ..
= qH~70 qol:f l II tion67 , austerity68 and self-restrainll9 • niHH71 orHT~·eT70 ~ I i
~ I
H1572 R3Cf73 qr
~~74 ~~l:!75 II irUn76
humilit y72
the faith
;i fol-!.3T72 l){~ R~F.lc3T73 ~ ~lHl07s
fr< ~T(?·~174 ~ ni3 ;:j I)Illl~ t!;Jt 76 ~ ~tl.77 a I
i 3~77 u~ l:!q~78 II H:l:tR 78 5 ttte T ~ I

breaking his bonds", is ..

= emancipated 78 .
! R~179 ~uH~ \!;:r~80 Such" a Brahman alone is worthy!!1 ~~H f~579 fttu T ~<JH~ u1 (?1I Ro180 orao ~

~ l3aT q 81 119 ~ II of b~ing \\ orshipped 8o. g'fe-a 81 ~ I

l:::f~ R 13 qOHT82 qT He alone is a Khatri, who is brave SJ a~3 ~u <]1 t13a1 ~ ;:j Bar I)IH3;82 f~"l'
~83 II in good deeds 82 . au'~a8J ~ I f
; 1J'?)84 B'To85 orT ora 86 Who yokes 86 his bod)87 in charit y84 ;1I)1'lI~T ~<:I87 ~ Rti'~ 3 84 1)13 ita ita T3 8S ~
Rolq37 II tf-q88 tJ5li 89 and alms- giving~S and who -e<! f~B ;:j3e186 ~ »3;:j liC:5"j88 ~ ~~R3 =
~lfr90 B'T091 II ascertaining89 the farm 88 to be right, foRfu3 89 oro 1I0(?llorra 91 a1 altte190 ~ I e
sows90 the seed of beneficence91 .

R cr3] 'eoOTu92 Such aKhatri alone becomes fu;j ft1'<J T l::I"'301 <]1 ~ -e ~aaTa'2 "feo
lI'o~~93 II acceptable in the Lord's court 92•
93 a~g93 li weI ~ I
=5~94 B~95 :it96 q: ~97 But, whosoever96 practises98 greed 94 , tf~ ;:j '&'2'1'6 3 T3B'4, 3~t'S 1)13 ~o'7 ~1
avarice'$ and falsehood 97 ,

~ qHT~98 »{tJ~ or13 T99 aH'~l98 ora~1 ~, (?R ~ foit ~ oraw" t!T
he must

))iTilll'T~ 100 II 9..? II receive loo the fruit of his own 6P.i ~013~1100 <:Illi·e T ~ I
deeds .

3lJTf~3 ~ ni1l1<!l -e<J 2 ~ 3~a4 ~1 HT~eS 0 1 ~l::f13

302 0 3 Qo 4 Heat' thou not thy body2 likes a

f;:rf;t5 aT5~6 u~ 0 furnace and burn7 not thine bones

4 l)13 nilU~ j'~t ~ 'e"hlo S ~1 HT3e OT RT;J7 I

. a Tf5 7 II like tbe fire-wood 6.

fHfo 8 lia19 fu>;fTI0 What lO wrong l2 thine head 8 and feet' 3-a ~~8 ni3 lIOTi 9?> 071 10 or~al2 orhT ~ ?
~f~»fT12 >iefcr fua1 13 have done? Pray see l4 thy Spouse l3 "3= I)Ill1~ ni"eo <J1 1)I1ui \.131 13 3 ~1::114 I


, 14 119 t \I
Hwf5 within thee.

4i Cl8Cl~
R~o1 U/cJ15 R~16~RI7 Within all the hearts lS abides 17 the R,fo»it feai's "fea ~316 ~ReT37 ~ I

I RtJ f~Q lij~ '0 ~fE II

0ToC1 318 Ru TOTc1 19

fRoT OTcrHfl:f2011caTc 21
5fB' 119t~ -
Groom". Without
there is no be;a.rt.

Nanak, they III alone are the chaste

brides l9 , to whom their Lord becomes
manifest 21 by the Guru's grace 20•
Groom ~3 ~ 50 &~1 feg ~1 0<:11· I

oTo 07 a~3 (?<J <:11 18 tlf~30 1I301nit " <Jo,

f;:JOT if3 ala T ~1 t!f~l){T20 eni10 T €nit BT
'\I - -

F!niTHl tl3l::f <J.~T2' ~ I

- - u

••P iIC ..,.......J'

._-- __._---_.. _---------


t1~22 ~23 il).f24 If22 thou 2J yearnest Z5 to play the game ~<ilO22 ~2J fUl)fT024 B1 if~ if~~ B1 J:rt1Ozs
'ijffi! OI'T ~1~25 II of love 2", step on to my path29 , with ~ 3T l)fTU<! \fa ~1 uig12' ~ l)fTlJe' Rmz,
fRQ26 ufa 27 3812 8 thy head 26 placed 27 on the palm 28 of 01:f27 &. "-:i, . r~Cl l)fT I
Ha ~2'
018129 HoT )){l@' II thy hand.
H:!3 ).fTof0J30 iia And. once thou settest 36 thy feet on ~ W:r oR330 ~~ ~ lJOI 01:f31 ~ I
mft~31 II fffQ trT;:r32 this Path30 , then lay down32 thou thy 3~ .
l)fTl.I<!T Rm ~ tRf32 l)f3 BCl-5'1tl'l)fT32
QTf~3 0 orl;:r lI~oll head and mind not public opinion 33 • B1 tlO~ OT 010 I
orfg foror~T34 ~R3135 False 33 isthe friendshi p3s of the ~V6 ~ tiI'013 5 HTf~I)/T ~ tiWall)fi 3" ~1.
01';136 0I'~V7 tITf~38 II mammon-worshippers 3". False 37 is ~oV7 ~ f~ ~1 ~fnl)fT~31 I
• =
its very foundatior 38.
).fo~39 '0 o Mulla"', it is not known" o at <J Its'''! f~ U~o oul fa tf<!1 ~ H31'
I-ff5)){l41 ))i~ what" z place 43 death 3' shall come to .
faR" 2 tl'0Ir43 3 l)fT@0I1 I .
~rfu43 II ~ 911 the mortal?
fOJl)fT044 ~45 Bereft"s of Divine kno\\ledge..... man aa1 fayl)f'3.... 3' f~~4S a~T l)ffOll)fl03,~6

>1ifOJl)fTo46 U;:rT47 II adores47 ignorance"6. B1 ~trs:rO,47 ClOBT ~ I

>ilJ48 ~a3T~T49 9T~50 Through the love so
of anothersl , B~35' 9l~50 ~ o'Ul ~u ~-q~48 f~~

~t:rr51 II~~II he gropes'" through darkness 48. ~aB'''' f:GOBT ~ I ~

fU))fTQ54 II
Without the Guru, there is no Divine
knowledgeS Z and without faith S3 there
is no meditatians4 •
a[cii ~
rio ~<:lH-S1JS2 ~ ~H'oS3 ~ ~o
mHO." lJ<jn!3 0.1' iii!' I I

Fffi fao
o ~or157 1I~:311
RTl::I155 HB56
Without truth there is no creditS5 and
without capitalS6 no balance57•
R~ ~ S'~. RT~5S

a~357 nul ;IBT I

l)f3 l)fRg 56 ;:to ~

aTs· IJ.

).fT(!58 UfB 59 @'o1 60 Man s8 is sentS' into the world and Hqa SI RR'O f~iJ ~ftl'I)fT5' ttTt!" ~ l)f3 l!;J ..
~i61 II RT~62 -0~1 then arising60 departs" he. There is ~;J"O <i ~u ttT~T ~ I ~<ilO @U g'9 ~
~~163 01864 II no pleasure52 in thisllJ thing6., if he ~l ~O'~·~T-3 T f~U arg'" ~ a~l l:!f.Il'l
reaps not any profit. null
CJTli ~65
With great70 mental" effort" Ram
Chander gathered 67 his army", in
l)fTu<! Hn'8 ~ au3 -
70 ;':lo" oTg (PH Btl
~~TRlo65 oj l'"tlTl.I<!l Ao,66 f~<i3a O1aB"7 ~ I
H'8i 67
>i3fu SC2
>1ifUClTO70 II
utter sadness6s •
The army72 of monkeys71 was also at
his service73 and in his mind 74 and
aT~(JT71 -el itl'72 ~1 W:r R~T73 f~iJ
R1l)f3 l)fTU<! ~37" l)f3 Ra1a 75
tl1 <:IT;:ro
))j'eo ~<J ~
~76 ))ft!'q 77 II body711, he became infinitely zealous g;J~V' t!" li.,f3 77 ul ~'U~TO oj forl)jT I - i
of war76•
cnfu>,.rT Ten71.headed79 Rawan had taken away 71~W_fi:rcll7' ~gl OT~. ~R B1 u301, R13T
....·••..·•·• ·•·····..····1 ·••••••·•···· ..
'j8t!~fRa79 B5~ Sita, his wife and Lachhman had died ~ c; fcnl)fT Rl lJof3 '5ID«! S~-tI~o 0'8' Ha
Hg ROTf1I II of the curse eo. fcnlJofl Rl 1
iroor acr3T81 Nanak, the Creator-Lordi I is the OT(')Cl, fRo~o·l!lJ.f1Hl8l! RTfa'l)fi mP-e
ora~~Q82 qfCJ ~~83 Doer 8z of all the deeds. Destroying85 Clao ~8'182 ~ I ~ ~ ~ lJ.f1U ~ti0S4 m31
wfu84 ~l:fTfU85 11:< 4/1 what He himself created, He ~ ~R ~ ?iTA'S Qla, ~u ))fTU <J1 ~~"3 3I
watches it all.
Hn Hf~86 ~87 oTH Within86 his mind, Ram chander ))flue! f~3 >,f~I5, O1H ~ea REr '5~

i Hal88 II
R13 T

~~3C189 »iTaTf1J»fT90
:= ~H~ mourned87

for 88

Sita and Lachhman.

Hanuman. the
erele• F.iCil

~R ~
Qla~yl7 Rl 1

sieat ~ -e~", uOHTo

., *'. ~

I!»iTfu»fT erfo

f3fo t{3
R~a.I91 II monkey-god89 and he came to meet'·
The misguided8z
not that wondrous are
demon,3 knows,4
the deeds"
oi8T90 ltl3 @U @R?;
- f~"
i-f8l)jt <iful)fT'%
lJofR\Ji3tf un
- .
~H", f;:KJ~

-e m ltlrfelJ.fT 1

ou'" fq
~'5 J:ll)fTHl

orle97 qTH II which He'S, the Lord does97 • Qlat!T'7 ~ I

orner ~lIa~T~98 H99 Nanak, ineffaceable3 are the past C'iTOa, oT fHR<!% ~ un I£~ aaH 105
fora3100 (') fH~12 deeds 100 which He", the Care-free,8 ftfOT t!T s~w
'" - ~~1-afiJ398
€?<J" -
·orH3-I\:<EII Lord J rewards. ~'~~T~I
B~a R~q For three aDd a quarter6 hours, R~T f3"(,)' lJf~ ~ ~R4 lJ.f3 ~5 ~ '5'da
or~q5 R~T wrath 4 and tyrannyS revaged the city Efud' t;!T Ff-f3»fToTR Qla fe3' I

:<.911 of Lahore.
H~HT :3 II 3:rd Guru. 31tit l(Tf3J:TTm 1

Braa R~CJ l){-fH37 The city of Lahore is the pool8 of 8'T5C1 ~T Efua l!tPaR 7 ~ ~~ae lJ.f3 1{~3"

R08 fR~319 ~r Nectar" and the home lD of praise'. t!T tPH'D ~ I

urglO 11:<t:1I
H~BT ct II 1st Guru. uf.mluTf3J:1'<Jll
.. ~~RT~12 f~T13 What 13 is the sign l4 of an affluent HT8'~ UClE 1% t!T Ql1 13 fu"o14 ~ I
- .
'OlJ1Tn1 /I 14 person •l2

~fc15 '0 »f~ l){'OV6 " Inexhaustible'5 is his store of grain 16 , lJof!iCil 15 ~ WR ~I lJofoTtfl6 ~T i~ I
€?~81~17 ura 22 ~1 Affluence '7 abides l8 in his home 2l , S~31317 ~R -e
qTH 21 >,fea ~R~V' 3, f;w
:'E1 ~oV8orf~e-119 -a-?)1 20 where resounds the uproar 21 of fCil tJr;:lel
~ ~lJoftl9
~ 31H3i ~
t!l iiH21
- -
~irH121 II girls" and women20 • m~cl I
~ R3"122* a'01 23 ura 24 His (seyeral) or (seven22*') brides 23 of ~R -e tPH 24 tlltlt (Cil~l Ci) W (Ff-a <JVz*)
! fR»fTt.[T25 a~f'026~~127 the house H bewai1 25 and weep26 over ~<lcll)ji23 fociH1l)ff%7 af'5f28 ~ Rd'STU%S lJ.f3

i a-H1 II
28 useless 27 thing2e• ~~o26 Cilo't!lltlT uo I

\ •••••••••¥ ~. .~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

. . . "'30 R-31
~ Whatever28 he takes 30 , that!I he gives J2 ftlu~12' ,!/l ~u B'~T!f1~, ~R31 ~ ~Tt.lR
?)l'uT l:tZ 33 not back and is ever uneasy3li seeking ?iul' f~"e1J2 »f'3 ~T 3Cffi1615 ?i'lg ~ 3~
A(]HV 11:.<tll to earn l3 more and more wealth 33 • ~Q ~\J QO-€'83 34 a)./T~<!33 f~ ofde T ~ I -
t!l:J'a 36 ~ tJal».fT~B'T37 o water-lilly3', thou wert as green 31 ;] BU3T3 ! ~ OlH-a 31 ~OIl R<f-Rir,I'7 R> »1'3
or~8T38~ ~o39~f0'40 II as 101us 38 and had gold 39 like R~l' ~OOlI 3<f T <101"0 AT I
~41 ~l:f~42 Rf~§ftJ43 Says Nanak, "what'" pain" 2 has arCJ ;:rll).pl::l~ <J?i 'fCluEl'"
ul~"2 ~ 3~ g<J43
-E' = =
orTB144 cJ'2T».fT ~~d145 burnt43 thee and has made thy body"s 4s
»f'3 3a Rola ~ OlT"aT.... 010 If-f(1)fT ~ ?'
OTO'or H3f046 ~a.I47 II black.... ?" Replies the
water-lily, ,!lEl ~30 fe~l ~, "Hol ~u4' Blo147 <im ~ ~
fiT(!l48 uT~149 '0 'my body'" is torn"1 as I see so not fOl~ for H~ »fTU<!T tl'ol"8 ,:rg49 feR sD oul ~
B'(Jy60 ;l R31 52 HoT water"', my beloved" B, with S2 "'hom 1)f'~~~T ftlR oT'8S2 Hol wal s, ~ ~ f;:m ~ e
Ra]51 II f;:r~ f~<553 is my comradshi p81 and seeingS3 ~CiS3 Hal ~<J l{~53s" ~tl ~ »{'3 H~ B' 0:
3(2 Uo~5i B;157 whom my body blossomsS4 and I iJlCiSS
aor' ~ W
;:jte T57 ~ ," ~
B~aJf<!55 ~Q56 lI~oll am blesseds1 with fourss-fold dye s6 ." ~

Clf~58 0 ~~1 fiTf~n-[T61 No man lives upto his fill sB and none
<kl f~?ij:l"o »{TU<!l f<'iRTsl <i<! tl~'~~1 ilt' 3 TEl
UtJfB 69 0 Bf8"n-[T60 depar1s 60, achievingS' his object. oul' of,fe T »f'3 ~1 91 1If1Ui H3cl'a ~ •
are II
faT».fTol62 ;:ft~ Rtl 63
RBT i;!o3T ul lJf3
~f'2 II
RO~66 Rd~
The divine'2 alone lives for ever and
ayeu . It is through meditation.... that
. one is hancured 65 •
Bit61 , by bit, husbanding 66 and
UTR5 s, Oloa oul ~a~l61 I
a~ ~H S3TU <.11 uHgT umr" Bit tl1(j~~
afuBT ~
fuif3·~65 <J~1 ~ I
I fRHoo'" ~ aT\:W ul 'ffl~ ttl

<1~1 ~1, R~~~6 '3 SB'~~


RBT e~68 economising, the life passes awa y69 <ifE»{T f;:f~C111 a»fo~f8 iP3 ;:relit ~ I
f~~JTf~69 II
forR 70

74 II::! ell!
in vain 68•
Nanak, to whom1o should one
complain1• ? Death takes a way1" the
mortal wi thout12 his consent13•

tll~ 0l1<J~70 <ffl 6fo~~'P1 <i~ ? ~ ~
~1 o;:JT-Hotll ~ sira72 <:11,
~ I
H3 l,f<!1 2B I
~R75 '0 ~».f081 oTf~76
3 -Hf377
~~T80 ~~ /I
B~78 ~ti9
ImputeSI not blame1s
Soverign16 Lord. Man's intellect77

forsakes18 him when19 he ~rows oldBo.

the UT8T.tT<J76 l{HRd ~ ~1S (S'T B,BI ;:re79 ~<J ~
fSou lO ;]
f!~7B tlt~1 ~ I
fEaR'o eTl){OlB 77 ~R ~ I
aTW52 ora u.r<5aTn-[T83 The blind man as talks B2 much Bl and >i~T. Hi'iH BS tl'231»{i I3 ST3iB2 Olo~ ~ »{3 ~
3T >i.~85 ~T86 then 84 falls 86 into ditches 87 and pits88 . 3e84 l:p~1l)ji87 l){3 ~f'e'l)ji88 f~B f~eT8' ~ I

l:fT3187 -Z~88 11:3:<11

ldij89 OfT orl»i T R9 All that the perfect8' Lord does is
! . .

foT"S- lfClT Uff~90 ~fq91 perfect. There is no deficiency 90 or

· f~~ iT~ll1 excess 91 in it.
0'301" OlCJljfcr92 ~11193 Nanak, realising 94 such 9S a thing by the ('}Ti'i01, orot BT Bf~l}fT92 ~l}fTQT f~R ~i'3
t11~94 l1a 97 HTf~95 Guru's grace92 , the mortal merges" ))1<,!:~~94 0100 ~})iTOT l{l~T \Lao l{~91 ~ea'5
RHT~196 ii ~ ~ II in95 the perfect Lord". 81(')96 5 iJie T ~ I
R50f H~8T S Siok 3rd Guru

9 € Rf3qJo l{R'fB II There is but One God. By the True ~1f<Jor~ c}~ feel ~ I Ff'~ ora t BY Bf~l){T
Guru's grace, is He attained. ~l}floT ~<J uTfe})iT weT ~ I
· nif~niTor398 ~U- "0
»i'1:ITllifU- 99 ftio ~
These are not called" mendicanb 98,
within whose mind there is doubt100.
fe<} f3})iT01T 98 (')~l O1iJ ;:ri~99, fiJ?)t ~ fi3'3
~tJa R-eiJ 1OO ~ I
H?> Hf~ ~CJlJ100 II
f30 & fe3 2 ol(')OfT Whoever otfers z alms to them, he ~ cl~l ~~t ~ BT(')_tfo ftfeT!~, ~R ~ ~5
3~;j3 ;1~T QCllJ4 11911 earns the mat~liling merit'" ONanak. ,:t<J13 ~l <50l1 4 UoTU3 ;JeT ~, d ('iT(,)el !
»i~5f?>a;:r36uCJ H7 UtJ8 Whosoever is bJessed lo with the ftlR fqR ~ ~-ofiJ3s })i3 uf<t3-a6 1{~ BT
3 T OfT ~lcr~9 ~fEIO 11 supreme1 status 8 of being the beggar9 H"OT3 T' 5~ el HYT('i1 lJe~18 Bl tJ T3 10 fH5
of the Fear-frees and Immaculate ;iTtJl ~ I
f3R 12 OfT ~t1QI3 Some rare one l '!, 0 Nanak, obtains l5 fqR ct~ h:5 14 ~ ~1, d (')T('}q ~RIZ ~
aloOfr f?aH,14 lfl'@"15 an opportunity to serve food 13 to 1{R Te I3 ii5qT~~ -e T HofT fHcse TI5 ~ I
&fE 11:<11 him 1z •
~?T un-f~~ 16 'J3Of1 17 )f I be a scholar 16 , an astrologer l7 "lQ'o H' f~t'~TOI6, ~3HlI1})i3 i£iJ-i.1S To1'8
~e 1I~T18 trfcr and extempore III reciter lS of the four "TO ~et
. .
i; U;3('i ~TCSTI8 5 ;iT~t I

· ~l'fal9 II Vedas.
?>?l cr~r20 And be known 21, in the nine regions 20 })i3 })iTUeT fR})iTeU 22 ))13 RB-f~'i:Po2J -e
;:pelllf l21 »iU~ of the earth for my wisdow 22 and Rtll:t, H' tl03l fe})it 3 fcrf3l}fT20 f~B ll.fRQ 21
?lB1CJ 11:J11 deliberation 23 ; All this is in vain. <i ;iT~t, fe<J RTel' 'i5 ~>rfo~ ~ I
8~He ~BV4 U.fT3- 25 He who kills 25 a really spiritual ,:{ ~~l ll.H T3HI ~ fU>rfTfOl}fT, OTTell}ft 24 >li3
· ~~~T26 nieBTCJ127 OfT person, a cow H and daughters 26 u1l}ft 26 HToe T2S ~ })i3 H-e H?jF.l 27 t'T ~tl028
and accept5 the lood 28 of an evil
U l Q 28 II f'GC0?29 R~lqT-a O1oBT H-§ ~<:I qHq30, H-e Ci1OH 32
man 27 , cursed 29 , is he with leprosy
· fGC~T30 &~31 ~elniT32 of reproaches, misdeed and )j.f3 RtJl~33 RB1~1 <JOlla ~ ~J;3 ('}15
Rel33 ReT nif~HTQ34 II an abiding egotism 34 • RoTfLl})iT 29 qat'T ~ I
uTfJ 35 23 36 ;:rlf~ So many 36 sins. cling 35 to him, who > UTU €tR ~ fBH;3-e 35 <:10, ;:l fea oT}1 ~

~----------------- ._......,._-_. _--------


!R~- ~p:::rVR ;:rT"81~39 Mayall the knowledge 39 be burnt 39 i~ ~ij a?g R~THl41 el fR'iiTC1.1 42 3~ fan T ~
~f~~40 d~ ~41 save alone 4o the Lord's4. wisdom 42 RT olllij38 ~Ell'liT R~39 ;:Pc; I ~
fo1»1"T3- 42 11811 ~
f;:ru3 T~fi5 H·~4J ~r"3 l{~44 ?l f5<f ~f~'ii7~, ~
. l-f1-a43 :;:l Ufcr fHftf>rfT Whatever is writ on the forehead 43
- ~
• g45 Hfc-l6 3 R~ by the Lord H , that 45 nO one can ~R ~45 ~'t'1"§1 HR% nul HaeT I ~
~f~ II erase 46 . ~
(')T(')O( ~ fHftf};fT R Nanak, whatever is writ, that comes OTO~, f;:luS T ~fiJ fHfCllli T <:if't'1}IT ~,
€?ul ~
~a3'B"r47 R~8 §'S49 ftlR to pass 47 . He 4B alone undersands 49 ~e,47 VI &~g f1u <:I1<s f't'H ~ T49
RHSe - V, ~
c5 3t!fa 50 dfi IllllI it, on whom is God's grace50. fi1R ~=-3 clB' el fH<:ICl ~ I
f;:rC51 3Tl-f f~Rlfd">1T51 Attached 54 to false 52 greed53, they, ~;552 g~53 01"8" 5'3l &54, ;:; oTh" ~ ~8Tf1'~51 ~
~ -
~~52 Ef;gfB53;gfcn54 1/ who furget 51 the Name, have the <]0, ~"if ~ Ho
58 ~
f~B" )::fTf,:m 59 e1 ni'or60~, ~
QUT55 HTf~>rfT5I'H~157 ~<:I :6B:G3 T Cia Hc;57 ?'Bl Huo1 5' ~ ~

fire 60 of desire s9 in their mind 58 and l'ii3
n >3'
}}f3fa 58 BH()T59 are engro~sed in the affairs 55 of the f?<JTa k~ )::f~3 <:i~ <:ie uo I ~
>rffor II enticing57 mammon 56 • ~
~ft13T ~f;g61 () 3~3162 They, who -like pumpkin'2 climb not ~ ~El1'2 el H'<5e ~B6I ~"-3 o,:I1' ~~~, ~
~ l-fTf~>rfT oaJ 63 ofcn 64 /I the creeper6l , are cheated'3 by Q"i T ~ Hun1 oor~164 oOT H"e1 63 ~I ~
mammoll-cheat64. ~
l-f3Htf65 afQ66 The egocentrics 6S join68 not with70 ni'1.J 'lea'5 (Rf3' Rd13) ~~
oTg70 o<:ll f
J BBT~1l'}{f~67 3T the saints' herd" and are bound6o and fHge 1113 oQ;366 & ll1\jj ~ q~ fe3 67 ~
jf,m<JT68 'ifaI69 HfaI'''1I d,i,en off". "'~ "0 I
1};fTflf ~;gTE71 "9Hl>lf72 By His mi,guiding 7l , one is misled 72• ~R ~ a.lHi'f T<]71 croo ~ll1roT, lieT dlHOT<:I 72 t
i~ };fTQ73 Hf874 fHHTf~75 The Lord. of Himself 73 , unites 75 in
His Union H •
qe T
~ I

fHBT~'el5 ~
l!l'iiTHl, ~e <]1
, ll1'l/~ fHBTl/74

~ (')T3~ ""' a]dl:!f~76 Nanak, if7 8 man walks 79 in the True n~oQ ilaa SeT R~ O;:JT80 }){ea ~
aja T el
~~Gl»f77 ;:J78 BH79 Guru's will Bo , be is delivered 71 by the ~o7' ~<J Ola' e1 eft!l){T76
3' tIl'iiTcP ae- i
Jt=lf3 OJ Cf "9Tf~80 "EII Guru's grace 7', ):jBTR <:i ~Te' V ! ~
~ RTC?T~181 WHT~eT82 Praises I I the praiseworth)S2 Lord UaRFjT-~B2 y.~ {!1 l~~ Y,.HRTI' Cloe <:If 1113
T i
~ "91 83 RBT84 FFHTf~ II S3
and again sing the glory of the lio T83 R~ I1'li THl 84 e1 Hf<JHT d1T€?~eT <]T I 19-
i True Lard B4 . - ~
t~ 3T30l'- RB""'~~ T tg85 Nanak, the one Lord aione is true, 0'001 ~?B f't'01 l{~ <:11 l:fBT ~ f:El1 Bl:1 3" '~=

..~ ql~86lfdCJfd })-flf~87 II so, forsake B7 thou all other 86 doors 85 , ~a R,~86 tI'ii T-a iif~B7 ~ I
............................................. ~

~ H go·t, O'(;C!', fil~~" sl H ~ ~T, ~'O ~1

OToCi t1U Nanak, wbitbsoeve...• I
fGo~89 3~90 3~ thithertO find I tlnat" True Lord. W~R" ~ J!l'JfTH1 0 \ll~t!T ut I
RTW Hfu91 II
;:Tt] Bl:fT 3~ ~~ ~ Wherever I see" there I see the One fili 9'1 H& ~l:ft?T CJf, ~~ W feor l.{! ~ ~1
(J!o)fThf92 ~93 Lord. It is by the Guru's gracetZ , ~~ u T I CIlot ~ ~~~z ~~TaT, ~
~fulJtll that He becomell manifest,a. lJa3l:f'3 ~~ ~ ,
e~94f~oe9SRa~96 The name" ill the dispellertS of oT}{" ~~t4 ~ ~ Clao ~'W ~, ~Cia97 ci~l
5 H H'i098 ~~99
97 distress", only ift7 some one t«!TIOO ~ Qf~9I »iea fcqr" 8"~ I
~fe]OO II enshrines" it in the mind".
cna foroUT2 Hfo
'3 By the Guru's graceZ, it abidesa in arar ~l fi.ruoZ R~, ft'U fu"3 )){tra <m~T3
~R3 0I'0H 4 tfcJTtff3 5 the mind and by God's grace" one ~ 3 ual ~1 fHuaot ~ aR ;:it f~5 ~:o ,
~f~ IItll attainss unto the:: Guru.
oT(')Ol mt 6 ~(l1 Nanak, practising' ego' and s<'1f- oTnCi , ciClTa' 3 R~~aJ3T7 croe ci~8 Bl:fl:fTI3
c ,

I 01'038
';j<Jf<!:12 511
l>f1'ni'. II
conceit7, lacs 13,
myriads'" and
numberless men have pined awayt
to death'o.
~o I
3 l)fCf~312 s~ J!Ci-REJ' & HalO are

I Rf3Qld fHH >1 15 Theyl5 who meet with the True Guru, ;:i R~ orat .
- '!; fH~ ih~ ~ , @UIS
- 'i~-af<J3"
RlB RafB 17 !!l){T!-it ~ R~ OT}{17 ~T fRHoo CIOo ~~TCJT

~aa16 are saved 16 by c:ontemplating tbe True
~~18 IIctoll Name l7 of the Inscrutable lS Lord. ~ ttl-e" ~ I
f;:TOT Rf30T0 f~ Tbey who senezo their True Lord, ;:i f~ f~3 0'8"" R'-a arert ~ W'8" qH~zo
1Hf(')19 Rf~»fl20 f30 21 with single milld 19; Fallll I at the uo; ~i21 \!aaiZZ ~ H& Qal2" U'-e T23 ~ I
~ ;:{(')22 wor@23 trTfu24 II feetz" of those2' personszz.
qJORae1 25 - ~o Hfo Through the Guru's word2s , God cnat ~1 ~25 ardt, ~rfu~ Ho "f-ea fcor
~R26 HTf~»iT27 oil dwellsz6 in the mind and the hungerz, W~T2' ~ ~ ~8"3Z7 ~ l:ffe~T2S ~a <i
- .
~28;:rfu II for wealth27 departs z,. ~Tel2t ~ I

R30 il'o31 foOH'532 Immaculate 32 a,nd clean33 are the 30 lJf~3032 ~3 ~33 uo ~30 \!oa31 ,:j34 O]ct
@tlH 33 f;:(34 OIoHfl:f35 persons:u , who 3' 1 through tbe Guru 35 , -e 13,<:11'35, ~ -e oT}{ ))jeer 510 ci ;:lT~36 uo I
irfH R~. (Tf~36 II - merge36 in the Lord's Name.
N(')Ol ~fo Nanak, false 38 are other empires 37. (;T(;07, ~o1l)ji38 uo cia ~-ef.ITul~J7 I &~

= uf3wtit~l37 ~~1>w38 They alone are the true kings, who Wu ul R'-a aTR uo, ij J!~THt ~ oTH orB

i OTfH 03 39 tJTf3R~ II
are imbued 3' with the Lord's Name. -a orl~3' ~o I
filR '3~T40 W fnRTaot 3 ~,!cl"" ~Tll<§ l.J3l"1 ~

:el f~40 lJol141 Ulfo 42 As"O a devoted" 3 wife.... in her 0Jf<J42 f~ WR ~1 iIH-H~'f48 R~7 ordO ~
'3OT3143 (')Tfu44 ~ husband's'" home42 intensely45 trcIH 45 ~ruoT46l){eer l)j~crt"9 J!~t50 ~811)ji

»ff34S '5~46 '30131 47 desiring4' to perform lovable"s

. .+++ +++++.+++++ .

aervice47 · for bim prepare562 and

serveS' him with sahishsl , 10UrP and
. i 52 9RllcPJftS
8C!T ))fal lj,RtftM
J ~ fHo1~ fo~
~ I
sweetS' delicacies of many4'
SimilaryS7 tbe saintaS' praise60 the ~ ~tsr tit RYqs, ct¢ ~ atitSl i!l Hf~
Guru's wordsl and apply'2 their ~ un ~))fTt«! Ho" ~ l{t ~ O'H (')T5

mind" to the Lord's Name. ~unl

They place'7 their soul", bodyM and ~ ))fTl«!T ))fl3H,'J, ~))I3 ~8aU ~ C1at
wealthU before" the Guru and J;lJa" j(?, orae'7 un))f3 ~Ci' l)fOJ tI' ~,
goiD&" before him, sell their head" ))fT\RT AlR" sl ~u f~ un I

In His fear70, His devotees72 greately73 ~ ~ va 70 l)jea, ~ ~ lIfClCPOrl72, J!))fTH1
long for74 the Lord's meditation7l • ~ fRHao71 i!l 9'Cit7J U'UO' ora~74 un I
fuUiIling" their desire", the Lord ~ ~ Roa 75 \{OT ora", J!1)fTH't ~cr ~
blends" them with Himself. ~ 0'8 ))fji! QCJ 8?" 0 I
illo 78
..,- ~~~79
lS - Care-free" is my God Lord7l•What ~t!ijfl-afu379 3 H~ ~'fila.Ii-J1))fTHl71 I
~ f~ l:fTli8O is it, eating which He is satiatedll ?
~ en~, ftD:J ~ l;R1O ~1)fT(JT €til f~3"
f3tS'f~l II I
<3.'el ' 3 I
m3OTo ~ ~82 'il84 Whosoever" walks" in the True ;l ffl4 fA lIlat ~ CJilT'2l)jt!CJ, ~ ~
~83 f3U3TR 87 ufa Guru's willl2 and sings" the Lord's J!))I'H1 ~t fmstlS CIJTfuoI' orai!' 3; ftu
01.~5 orfu86 II praisesls ; he, verily, does please" foRfa3" ill ~ ~ t{RoP QCJ ~? 0 I
tlQ88 ~ crg;ffin Blest-. blest are they. in tbe Dark- ~, ~ un ftu orr8 'GfcIJ ))f"t!a, iJ
()'<'i«'T ft:J ~89 age, 0 Nanak. who walk" in the orner I ~ a.rai ~ HTaaJtG ~aea' un •
Rf3Q!o wf~ II ct:< II . Guru's way".
HF3dld 0 R~91 They. who aerve" not the True Guru
R~92 0 afw and keep not the Name'2 enshrined"
(la tJTfa II
93 94 in their mind93;
fuqJ95 f30t err Accursed's is their life". Why" did fq~ar'S 0 ~Cit ~ ~", ftu i«JT7)9I
tftf~>1iT96 f~97 »{~ they come into the world" ? l)jt!CJ fa~'97 ))f'~ RO ?
RRrfo II
QIaH3l99 g~100 Hf<i" If by Guru's instruction". God's ~Ola arat e ~t&B" 'tI){TO', era i!' va'OO
~2 313
mo afR" fear loo abides2 in the mind. tbenJ fti'a l)j-ea ~ iR2, ci~ 3"t!J ul ;iR i!'
•••+++.+++++• •+.+++++++++.++++++++++++++++• •++++. . . .

alone one is attunedll to the Lord's ta ~ ',·;il{34 ol'g t!l-f lh~,5 ~ I

()T~ fi..r~6 gfo7 By virtue of the ]primaP writS, man is .
UCTt.foEls17 f81:f3 TClTij8 t!1l:lo~3, ~~ ?; oT){ .
f5fu»fT8 ;:re9 OT(,)Of blessed with6 the Name and then, 0 UCTU3 <Jt!'6 ~ ~ 3t!, fj oT~9 (T)ToCl !~
trfo lO ~3'Tfo 11'\:311 slave9 Nanak, he is ferried across lO• t!T tl'a'-€!.3TClT oj ;:tt~TIO ~ I
Wf~))fT12 Hf~13 ~CU14 The world l4 wanders l5 in the lovel! tl(T)-BS3 t!1 l-fH3T13 ",~ FtJ:fTo l4 9ZQf

906-Pl11"15 ~16 }fA 17 of riches l2 and it knows l8 not that its fau T1S ~ l'li'3 reR ~ U3T 18 (')~W fCl feR t!T
l:lSfo18 '0 ~f~ II home 16 is being plundered17• tl TH 16 ci-fcllfT ;:p fcmT'7 ~ I
~fU20 HQ Blind23 is the egocent ric22 in this "'~T23 ~ l-f?iH31IliT22. W:I tl<JT(,)24 ",tlo ~
fwa '5f~»fT H?5lj1:f22 world 24 and his mind is lured 21 away ~R B H'l~ ~ Rfu~3'9 3 ~-R20 ~ ~O'
»fQr23 Bfe24 II by lust" and wrath 2o . f8'IliT21 ~ I
fOT»fT(')25 ~aT26 Uti' He 30 alone, who by the Guru's a~ ~<J30 ul, ~ ajoT ~ €tuBa 29 ~IliTOT,
~~27 Ruva
28 OTOHf3'29 instruction29 slayi;28 the five demons 27 U';:rT ~3fol){i27~, iJ.<:Jl-f-Sq25 Bt 3S~26
;l~ Rf~30 JI - with the sword26 of Divine ('iTS I:Po 5·~T28 ~, iJTar~' of<it!' ~ I
knowledge remains awake.
OTI-{ o3'~31 UoOTrfR»fT32 The jewd 31 of the Name becomes 0Tl-f ~T ~<:Jo31 €LR ~'3 y"crH 32 ;j ;:rt~T ~ ~
HQ33 3'Q34 fooHC2 35 manifest3:Z unto him and his soup! ~R t!1 f;:i~l3J 3 ~u34 t/f~3a35 crl ~~36
ijf~36 II and body34 are rendered 36 pure 35 • <JO I
OTHuTo38 oOl'Z37 Without 38 the Name, man wanden 47 (T)T){ ~ ElT~'38 i11~ crCl_q:~,37 ;j ~follfT

fG'oltr 42 fe'Q39 ~ chopped of nose 37• Bereft39 of the fua'~y42 ~ I ('iTH 3· Rl;R;T39 €!.U l:lf<:J40 ~
af~o ~fu41 II Name, he sits40 and bewails41 . -a,~,41 ~ I
oroor tt41 'Ufa42 * N anak, wbatever46 is writ by the oT(T)Cl, fiI<J~T ~~~6 IlIl{Tl-f1 42 * fi:rcJiR<JTij43 i)
OI"CJ3 43 fp.;fl;:f»fT- J!44 Lord42 *-Creator43 ; that44 no one can
erase 45 •
fHfl:fllfT ~.,- .
~R"" i; &1:1 ~1 HR~5 ?iul' RCl~' I

Hfc45 '0 R~ ~f~ "

CUOlil;:fT47 ~fo 'U"Q<48 Reflecting 51 on Ilhe Guru's words 50 OfclT ~1 ~Pc150 ~ RtJe-R~5' ~IliTijT, ~
~c»fr49 QIa ~ Raf-e 50 the Guru-wards 4;' earn49 the God's l){CiRTCJ147 ual ~1 BS~ Bt 1:fcl1:f~49 uo I
~lijTfo51 II riches48.
'OTl:{ Ut~52 UTf~I')iT They receive the Name's wealthll2 , ~<J
- (T)T){ trc'i5%?; Uo TU3 ern ~.~ u3, uol-

~C53 ~54 ~~T(J55 II brimful 54 are whose inexhaustible53 l!0 ?iS4 u?i ftlH B l)fH053 }:fi:pi)55 I
treasures 55 .
~fo 0l~56 ~:rril57 Through the Guru's word s7 , they OloT t!1 ElT(!'ls7 oT<:Jl', €Lu Wl:l' Bt f~~'
~Bof~58 ,,(~59 0 utterS8 the Lord"s praise56 , whose ~~Tao ~o~58 uo, f;:n:r t!' €1~Cl59 '3 l){}:I1c

U'dl~'ii60 II limit59 and end cal160 be known not. tr'Rl){T 0'11' tr' RCl~"o I

(')TOOl R9 Bl 1de61 Nanak, the Maker'2 does all the (')TOc;r. ~0U'0'2 til Rfij ~J.I'I il6t!T ~ ~
ad" "" ""'63
~ deeds" and He, the Creatort (tu Cira3Ta'4 \11 wfal)f't 0 ~13 ~ I
fROt:ro~ 11'\ ~II beholds" all.
ijJaHf~ >i3fa65 ~~ Within the heart65 of the; Guru-ward a.Ii~1 @ Ra" JH'e'6 l)fjS31" ~ ~
5 H"Q ~~7 ~ is equipoise" and his mind mounts" €!A ~ ~»{T ~~ )){R}{TO'8 0 tlir'CJ1'7 wa
»fTCfTf~1I to the tenth skY". ~~I
f3'G69 (tuf70 '0 9~71 There" one slumbers70 and bungers71 ~' ~ R~70 ~ l!fu~71 nut ~~
~ md' -l)f"-fH372 -(,)TJ.l not and Iives7" in peacen in the .
J!~73 ~7411
.. - Ncetar72-Name of God.
~3 <:Tfuara
~ <:Rt!'T74 ~ I
-. @ RtP-Ral.I7~
- 01}{ f~))fT(JT}{n

oToOl ~~75 ijl;!76 Nanak, pain7S and pleasure" cling" O'Oer, tiS7S ))f3 qR03"" u-e 0 tl-a otit
f~l){'tr377 otit ~ not to mqn there, where there is the ~t77, fiJ'ij fer RaV-RI)fTUCif79 i<:l78 ~
))fT3}{78 d'TH79 1.{OM180 II illumination80 of the All-pervading" ~80~1

ctEII 8Oul78•
OlT~1 ~2 CfT 68a .83 Wearing's the gownn of lustl l and mJ Wi ~ ciii'2 ~ ~83 uf<Tc'i ci'5. ua
~ orfs85 »fTfu86 wrath82• everyone" has come. into ~ feR ~Rra ~ ltfTrellfl" ~ I

this world.
Some86• arc born87 and some pasa qe1"* ~87 un »{3 cnft).fa' tJi~· un I
faofR88 ;:Tttb ~otHU away8ll. It is in the Lord's will" that l.JI ;n. a;;pl' ))j'e'6 tit<: ~.~ »{3 ~ ~ I
~;:rTfu II one comes and goes.
~9 ~1 0 Their comings90 and goings' I endu ~t ~ »{T~30 ))f'3 il'C!91 ~'Z nul' I @of
-. - - -"
~crel92 -a0l
~3 not. They are imbued93 with the ~ ciOR 94
~ll{to's ;n aar3' ~1 ciet'J ~ I
t!~94 wfu95 II love,a of another'4.
~mo96 ifftf' Bound87 in bonds". they are made to ~t" ~".eg ilea <J~97 ~<J 9~ tte un
a , _ -

~))f098 OlCJeT ~ wander'" and can do naught. ttu ~ 51 nut c;ra Ra~ J
') ;:rre - II ct 911

j 1JTa1>tfQIOO
~ fc«J~9
They, to whom the Lord shows 1oo
mercy", they2 come and meet with
~3 R))JT}{l
- -
~ ~at ~ fHB~~ un I
fHua" crat!TIOO~,, ~2»{T
Hf3aJd' fHf8l){T ~ II the True Guru.
Hf30Tfu f}ffi ~C5c13 Meeting with the True Guru. man ~ \Hat 7)l5 fHg el. reoR1O ~('jl))fT ~
. 9"81 - Hfd' t:l1r~ turns away3 from the world and ~ \i~3 ~ ~3 ~»{T\l ~ Ha el. ttu
RW;:r g9Tfu4 II dying to self. he lives all-too- ll3-fRtt' <:11 tit tto~ ~ I
0'T(,)0l' 9'aT315 of3l){t6 Nanak. imbued' with the Lord OTOCir. w& <:leW ~ ))f<'Iarars 018 aiJili:rct
i ~~a7 ma 'OTfH God's7 devotionS, one mergesl in ~l)fTaT. tit;: ttR ;1 (')1H "f'e'6 Blo ci

~~ ~~ '::::.:~ ......J
••, •••••••• to ••••• t · · · +. . . .I~~llIYo. . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . ., . .....~....I*'II. . . . .~........II6tItMiIL

HoHCr9 ~~10 Hf312 Mercurial'0 is the mind t2 of thc ,!~5'IO ~ H(512 tft3~ 1!aa' ~ I ~ ~
~ - >iafa13 ~14 pcrvCnlC person'. Within" him i. "fec lJ uffial l4 wsrcr1'5 3 I
~CJTel15 II great l.. clc\'erne:ss ls •
&13y16 orof~17 Whatever hc did!' or does l7 goes in ;1 ~ ~ ~ cft3T16 ~ W ~ Cid'ET 17 3,
fl:J01:fT18 ~ ~ vain ll • Not c'ven an iotal' of it ~18 ;:riET ~ I fuR friO fear 'iO' sal'
f3'~19 l:fTfu20 '0 UTe111 becomes acceptablc». eft q520 nul' O? I
tj021 ~22 itl:JltR23 Charity21 and alms 22,
that one givcs2J, -
lfar321 ~ ~ tfo2l ~;ftc: ftfeTU 3, RHU .

i ~27
;:rE1 II
fl:JO R80l0 26;:rH
- '0 ~ ~;128
gyfB'30 ~~29 II
otre'24 ~

allegc2 to the RightcOU6 judge2J•

Without the True Guru, death's27

couricr26 leaves man not and
another's21 love: JO ruins2t him.
mJH CJTii24 em W@25 un I

axat ~
ntit ltf3
Cid' ftf~T2t 3 I
do, »la 27
aei3~JO ~
~ ~326 l)iTeHt ~
'0 ~

~31 ;:jter36 C5"€fa32 YouthJI glides 26 impcrccptiblyJ2 away ';!l)JT(')1JI ~l ~J6 f~~132 i"im" ltf3 ~
"0 ~l ttq33 ~34 and whcn oldageJJ comcs J4, thc ~u ))IT ~TJ4 3, t{'<!t HCJ W~, 3 I

Hfu~ II mortal dies.

U3'32 Ci'83'37 AY38 Man is involvc~d
in thc loveJl and ~ IH'Ui ii'eltfiJ5 ltf'3 ~J7 ~ flll)fT(l31

~39 ~
>iia- 40 ij8141 affection" of bis childrenJS and ..ueu ,
but. none of them becomes his
ltf'3 ilW' "ft!Cf 6'lfT ~fe"fT 3, 1.f'i ~ 0
~cr frio ~ il ~ ;:!' wa"1 ))f3 RU'fecrtZ

.J --
J~4S ~ ~46 ~R47
Hfo l)i~48 II
R~43 R44
friend"l and succourer42 in the cnd40•
Whosocver serves" J thc Truc Guru,
nul" ~ I
ii m R'-e arot ;:!l cfrrg ClW~ 3~ ~
he"" obtains peace"s and the Name'" ))f"C'H"S ~ ~ 3 O'H'" ))IT ~ ~R @
comes'" and abides47 in his mind. fW3 f~ fcCl ~7 3 I
. orOOf RSO ~49 Nanak. sreat'" and verySI fortunate'" oTOCl, ~tg49))f'3 riSI oR'hai ~54 uo
sl~~ls4 fif arc tbeySO, wb() by the Guru's graceS2, ~ ii ~ -el ;:!WJtTS2 ~I'JiTO', Ci'H lJi~
• QIOlffl::fS2 orfH mcrge53 in the name. alo ~ ;:rt@5J uo I
HOHl::fsS 'OTH '0 -e3'o156 The egocentrics55 contemplate56 not ~" Ci'H ~ fRH'ao56 o~W ora@ ltf3
faQ-O'~ ~~S7 S8 II -are the Name and without the Name, o'H"@ do, 3~57 ~~ f~o5'\l ora~S8
wail58 in pains,. un I

l)iT3' Hy59 CJTlfO "0 They worsbiip'l not thc AII- ~ ROS ~l){TuortO \u S9 Bl ~'F.rOT'1 our
trifo16 1 ~~62 fq@'64 pcrvading60 Soul". How'" can they orae I ~tf ~ ~ U'lf' I'Ji'O'H forR 3~i64
.~~ ~fu63 il - 63
obtain peace from another ? 62
fHg Ror~ 3?
~~H6S l)i3fa H~7
66 Within" them is the filth67 of egollS • ~ @ lJiBa" ~CfTa's ~l alem167 ~ I ~ @
~ Rij'fe 68 "0 cr~(J They wash it away" not with the
- fuR 'l; S'uo our cre@ I
oTH" ors ii a" ~u ~

ijfu69 II Lord's Name61'.

, q , ••

(')ToOl' fso C'iTi Nanak, wasting7J the invaluable72 O'OQ, O'H ~ • ~Hmi72 HClm-;:ifw;71 g
HfB"))iT70 J:[~ troJ:[71 human life71 without the Name, they ajl)fT7J ci, ~ alt?ijJl'o lti't!a ul J1cl' ~ un I
tlBTCf§72 l1fu73 11:<011 die in filth7o.
HnHl::f74 ~75 )){tm78 The egocentrics7• arc' deaf7S and HOH3~74 ji7S ~ ~.. ~ uo I ~ ~ ~a77
f3Jj- Hf~77 ~o17' blind". Wiihin77 them is" the fire" met tit l)(aJ71 ~" I
OfT ~7911 of desires.
STil80 ~of381 n They underatandl2 not the Guru's
- aru-
@u l1
0T8 OfCJVT<!1
- .
10 75 otit ~2 ~
word 80 with full concentrationl' and
tlSo1 82 Rsf~83 n ilIumine'4 not their mind with the
l)fTlK! wo 0 nt)./'3 n~ 'ffi:rn14 nul' ~ I
orafu tlaJTR84 II
.. - Name".
{?oT l)iTlJ<!l ))i"~fo85 They know" not their inner-self'S ~»,"Tll<! ~·~~S anul' ~.. ~ ~
110 om qra ~fo87
86 and put" up not faith" in the ~ ~7 ~ nRT" nul' ~ I

(') orofu88 f~RT~" Guru's wordl7 •

faJ))iTol))iT1O l)i~fo91 Within the mind'i of the God- is 0 wen ~~ ~fO ~ wo" Iti'ffiJ alat
C[a' RS~92 ~ f03'93 conscious beings90 is enshrined the t!l ~l'2 RVal \i~ ~ ~ ll{T~ ~ ;}

ufo fB"~ ~5 Guru's word'2 and they ever9J, and ~'O94 )){t!a ~ ~'J, ~ CJHJ;Jr" ul
f~aJT~96 II always'S bloom" in their Lord's love'4. fu~" afu~ un I

ilia far>,.rro~T oft God saves the honour of the ~~ ttJH ~~ t!l fifta CJl;rt?T ~ I

ol::fBT ~ R~ gnostics. Unto them" I am ever a ~nt" ~3·

-" - H· <JHJ:rT QOarn"
- ~~T CJt I

SfffiJ'a197 3l~98 II sacrifice".

..~ O1cJ}iftf9 ii ~fa Servant2 Nanak is the slave4 of -..
~aa2 7)T(')Cl ~3 t!' ai~" ~
' ii-(IfCJi' t!l

. R~100 ;:1'02 oroc1- those 3, who serve lOO their Lord, by t!f~t)fT99 ~l)fTCJT ~TUi \{i t!l Ufra ClW~t?11O
3 T qT3 t!Tg II =< 9 " the Guru's grace". CJ('i I

HTf~>}fT5 ~fu>,faTli6 o mother l2, the worldl is surrounded' \J H'3'12 ! Rwo' ~ 'Qn-~a3s ~ i1fuals 1o
Ro~7 ~ ~8 Ulfa>}fT9 by the poisonous 10 snake' and nrcn' ~ RU7 ~))fTt«! aiR' f~ f~
serpent7 of mammons. iifu»fT ~ I
fag: 10 Wfu12 " The antidote l3 of this poison is the
fali OfT ~13 fuR R<! t!T i1fua-l!uCJT I3 tI.~ t!T nT).{ ~ I
mo(')T>:! ft (Uo aJq314 Lord's Name. The Guru puts 17 the ali ill nTH lS t? nm-cio l4 ~ H:t ~ HQa ;}
R~15 J:[fu16 lJTf~17 II Name'sls spell of eagle'4 in man's 1iCJ" ~ ~t?17 CJ?i I
f;:rcr; Ol'~ tlofS l8 They who are 10 prcJ l -destined20, ~t m Ij'e" 3· reR 3~t ~fu1)fT20 iif~T

fffi~l)iT20 =f~ro19 theyl9 come and meet with the True ~j ~ul9 ~T ci R~ a.rat ~ rna \lot? CJn I
RfaoIo fHfgl)iT


~~ f$322 ~H23 Immaculate!' bc:come they and their un ~ (tcr ~ ~ ~ ilfcTcJJJ ~ ij

aJfu»fT fugrf~24 II Poison22 of egoU is eradicated iJftit24 0 I

~1::fT25 ~ Ji~28 Bright27 arc the faces 2' of the Guru- ~J7 un ~a Cft~1))ft2S ~ ~
~;::f527 ufa €ddkj28 wards25 and thc~y obtain honour2t in iIT~ ~ t:cJsra21 )J{t!O €tr (i;;r32t UT(t·~
~W29 lfTf~ II the God's Court2t• un I

;:rc')30 OT'OC! m:rr 31 Slave30 Nanak. is ever3' a sacrificesz BIG cw;c;r, ClHB"J' ~oj3J
- u
~~J2 W~

~~32 f3033 'H unto them 35• who walk in the True ~ ;'f IN a.!at ~ a;;pJ4 )J{tfa ~ Clo I

~rgfu maCHa S'f~ Guru's willM•

Rf3aja Uninimical36 is the Divine35 True ~-afu33' un ~ lUIS Jf1j ~ ill,
f(')d~Cf36 Guru, who in his mind38 is everl7 ;'f ~ fa~18 ffi uliB"" ill lLI (')15 t.P33'
fua~38 attuned39 to the Lord. ~Cl&m') I

'8Tf~39 II
fo~ orfs ~g40 Whosover practisei4 ' enmity40 wite if ~l ~aH01-of'u3 0'8 ~140 Cfat:!T ~i
C~~T41 l)f~ wfu the uninimical one. he sets his own (tu »fTl.fc! foil ~ atfu Q>iar"l 'Sf ~BT 0 I
<SOl'142 p.)Tre II home on fire 42,
>hfa43 ~q44~~45 Within"3 him is wrath.... and ego"5, (tR ~ »f"Ba43 cRRrM ~ \iaT314S ~, ftIR 0'8
~ l)fof-eQ46 ;::f847 wherewith he burns4' night and (tCl ~C! 3 fBtl46 R'S'SBy47 0 ~ mfaT cn:rc
~~ tITre II dar' and ever suffers sorrow. ~'~~I
a~8 - - ~f~9 afH They' who e~LtS3 the poison52 of ;'f ~CRS4 ~ fU»fra 5S Bl ilfuaS2 Q~SJ m'),

[i3 50 ~OlB51 f~52 another's54 loves5• utter4' and tell ~ i ot8 S~4' 3 ~ Clo ~ ClHB"sO

l::fT1J53 -e~54 grfuS5 II lies'" and everso continue barkingSI • ~RS1 qat ~ m') I

= HTf~»fT57 For the sakes8 of poisonouss, riches s, ilf~l56 ~S7 B1lfT3Cs" ~ atfu atfu 3
~ ~S, ~;;r340
orra~58 gaJ-R fufaS9 they wanderS' lrrom house to house m')"f3 ))jiIC))(T\J(!l

wfa UlfCJ trf~ and thus lose" their honour'o. aj))fT s'~" m') I

~W2 <W 63 \JaM
They are like'ss the '2prostitute's63 (ju ciHa1'2 ~'3 \13" Bl )-fT~B's UO, f;::rR'7
f~65 f~ =0Tli son'4, the naml~ of whose" father" ~ futl" ~ OTH BT \13'" <:11 oCll' ~
81367 t:rrf~68 II is known" not.
mCJ ~fc69 oTl:! (') They contemplate70 not the Lord ~<J J!l)fTH1 Cleft" ~ oTH BY fRHao 0<J't
-eanl70 or0371 l)fTfu72 God's" Name and the Creator71 , of
Himself12,ruins71 them.
ClO~70 "f3 fRoi1<!<J1071 i) };!B71 tit (t~i
3i[1'U Ola w 7J
~ I
l.!l)fTf~73 II
God shows" mc~rcy7S unto the Guru- ~fuON OJ~-»fQRral»fj74 ~ fHua7S craB'7'
ma QICJl:ffl;j74 forCJUT75
tIlCJ1l)fQ'6 ;:ro77 wards7" and unites the separated78 ~ "f3 f~i[foI)jT fife))fi78 ~T77 Ql)iTt.«!79 oTS


f~Ei;378 l)fTfU79 ones77 with Him~elf7'.

;:ro80 o'O~ f3B 81 Slave80 Nanak is a sacrifice1z unto oTOCl, ~R" ~3· ~1012 ~~
<iiC51 80 ~_
af~~2;:j RfaarCJ him81 , wbo repairs 83 to the Guru's fH<J:J TJ=hl aLai ~ tial'l4 ~ ~ I
wat 83 UTfu84 II =<::311- feet lS •
orfH C5at 84
R8S They85. who are attached" to the it mr oTB' ,!318 m'i, ~IS atJ W~16 ~ I

~86 fuel OT~ Name. are saved". Without the n'H ~ ria l.{1(!1 til).{ ~ sfu'ol7 ~ iM? ~ I

;:n.nffiJ87 tltf(J II Name mortals go to the Yama's

(')ToOl' fan
om -
~ R~8
Nanak. without the Name, there is 110
peace18and conling19
and going'O in
O1oor 01}f -e siller. ti~ ))f~. mit ))f3
~89 3 ~'O \i~. ttv ll~J31lI'1 m
of;f--e ~ ,
~3Tf~91 11=<811 myriad births the have to repent9l •
ftf3r92 UT?393 af~94 When anxiety'Z and wanderingi'>93 'iRf6Ol'au ~ ~93 lfOI' w€'" vo, ~B
are 3 t9SHfo98 gf~9a end.... then'S alone the soul91 3B's v1 l)fT3H198l.{1to97 ~B1" ~ I
~t197 II becomes" happy97.
ClIo 1{RTtft99 ~sl~lOO The z bride' who by the Guru'S mu:JlJ ll301', Olaf Bl fHUa~'~; ~

2~ ~ f6f~B'4 II grace", realises loo he Lord sleeps ~l){1}{1 ~ ))j1l3~ QO a't:ft 1oo ~, ttv ij~cr04
peacefulIyt• \i & R·B1 ~ I

fuo ~ tlafa5 They, who are so pre-destinedS; ft:rc? BB1 ~~s 3' ~\i iiur mRs))fT \ifu)){t ~;
~' ~_~8 ~ f)m Q.~7
f'8"nr))fT f3ir a ik>1iT7
they' meet7 with their Guru-Godl • vo •
ClIo ijjW~8 II
(')T(')cif R~9 fHf'8"* Nanak, they attain'· unto God, the 0T0Cl ~v H<J'10 1t l.{Ro3rlZ ~ ~ll ~(f

o~ ~fo urf~»fT9* embodiment of Supreme 10 bliss lZ and ~ lfOTll3 \i w~' ~ "s ~-fRtl' ,,1 {tR
orB ))jiB8 • \i~ afu"ti <JO
1°tRJHr5tJ J2 II=<~II all-too-spontaneously' remain I
blended with 8 • Him.
.. Rf3qrq R~foJ3 They. who serve" their true Guru , ;l r:r~ 010+ B1 UfI"C5 orHT~:-eIJ
vo, tflai Bl
»iT~T ClICJ Ra't1 14 reflect'S upon the Guru's word I", .
ST<!1'4?i R~~-f~'S uo,FN - 0Jai Bl
~TfCJ 15 II Rf3'tffCJ submit l7 to the True Guru's will", .
o;:lT"?i R~lorra m vo, irS ~ O'H?i .
~ gT~J6 AfoBfo17 keep" the God's Name ensbrined 20 ))flll~ f<:ro-e 19 ~to fccrT~20 mf~11 un ~
mo 0TlJ d1:ffo18 in their mind 19 and dedicatedZo to ii))fTH1 -e oTH ~ ~e;:r2S -e RHOllO \i~ <J~2"
19€[ijQTfCJ20 II >ii~21 the trade zS of the Lord's Name, are ~<J €'ij21 ))fa §''ij22 ret:r3 l)JT~ ll~~1'
W 22 >-fo1~:Z3 honoured2' berezi and hereafter 22 • "0 I

.~fo mH '8"01 24

:~lJTfCJ25 11

~..:r;::."::;:::.:::.Name'" that the


ER::;:··~·~:.-':~·";:~·:::~:i~:::::n:~:-;;;:,,"d "fa0'3 # ' 00 I

"eCfSTfCf 30 II that 29 True Court 30•
R'tp31 R~"eT32 CfCf'1 33 The True is Name 31
their l1~BT oT}.f31 ~"it -er Rt!T_l!332~, RBT 01H
R'2 l'li3fCf 34 fUol::!35 32
merchandise , the True Name their ~ot t!T »iT<:1T0 33 »i3 ~t ~ ))jt!a34
y - •
f'll'IliTg:36 II sustenance 33 and within3<' them is the fUt}{Tij35 t!T il}.f3' ~ I

love 3' of their Beloved 35 •

, 37;:rHO[TC538 3f~39 0' The Crt:ator~'-Lord, of HimselfH , fl1cJ,:rcJra 4' Rt}{T}.fT
_ lft!~2 ~?)t?;
,_ -u }.fTS crcJ IS

Jn-{T~~T 41~Tf1..f42 'atfH-40 forgives~O them and the death's38 f,,:feT'O ~ l)i3 H3 t! T33 ~337 <1<'i t ~ fC'iQC39
l)il~'t!T I
•41 O[a3Tfd II minister comes not near 39 them.
37 (';<:1T·

: or301 3 TH Cf3 42 Fi43 Nanak, they~3 alone are~5 wealthy~4, 0'0Ci', a?B ~<:1H <:IT »i}.fTa~4 <:1c;45 ~ ?)TH

,: U3~~4 ;Jfot 5 fO'dU3-46

1~g:47 RRTg: 4 8 II~EII
who are
The rest~7

of lh~~ world~8
with the Name.
is but poor~6.
O'B cIon ~'2
:aJala" uT ~ I
UO I ~JTCif47 t!T ;:rnr~8 foan;!CJT

! ;:I0'49 aT ~O150 ilia God's slave's~9 50

support is the God's aa ~ o1g~9 t!T ni TI1cP SO, a~s t!T OT}.f uT ~ I
l{~ ~ OT}.f ~ Sl~· ~R t!T 50 ~el Si51 ))f3
; 3TH ~fd f'a?> m Name. Without the Lord's Name, he
has no other place 51 aed abode 5l, fcCi lc 152 ouT' I

O~51 0oT(152 II
By the~ instruction53, the
Guru's oraf ~ ~U~853 trni"OT, 01H feoRTo ~ fa~
OTaH31 53 or@ Hf3
Nam~ abides5~, in the man's mind ))jea fcCiT WBI5~ ~ nf3 feR trl)fTCJT ~ l!~
~R54 R~;:l55 ~ftl56 and through it, he easily55 merges 57
u1 55 12t}{1}.f156 ))jt!O BTo 57 5 i{tBT ~ I
~ Rl-J,~57 II in the Lord56 .
=~~9TOI158 3TH The very fortunate 58 contemplateS' ~l"a oHla f ?lgS8 O'H t!T fRI-{00 59 cra~ <:10

! fUl1-fTfEn-{T
« -
59 6°n-{f~fofl=r61 the Name and d ay 60 and night' I l)i3 fB;I60 3 -ac 61 feR O'B fUl)iTC!'3 trT'Cl

! C5TijJy62 9T~63 II embrace'2 10ve"1 for it. aCl~b2 uO I

0~a64 oToer ~~t ~ liat t!T J:lTct6 t!T
~ t:ro 64 3T30[ H'-at65 Serf6~ Nanak asks 65 for the dust" of
(jfT~y65 erat!T ~ I }j.67 uHF.ly68 uT trot ~
! ~f;r;6 f33 ~~67 R"e 68 their feet. 167 am ever'8 a sacrificeo' . - u -

~"O~' i{tBI u t I
iC!da~69 11T~ 11~911 unto the:m.
= If'f<:18 ~"Ba
BH1C'i t!Tnit BaTl1T gCl ttol»it
~ P.>Cf B~dTl1@" H"eoVO Eighty four lacs of existence, of the .
! f~n=ror71 11"531'2 ~ earth70 buro72 in desire 71 and R3-ehp 72 5elllif f~(ffi'Ttr73 cra-eTll-fi uo I

=l401T"a 73 II bewail73 •
~ f"E~ c l1-fT75 RRla75 BT }fJ-{3TH t!T fro RTa T76 URTOT77,
., - H~74 - HTf All76 osentation17
Itbis of the
i R~76 1..fRfal1-fT77 ?)Tfe;, worldlyl'5 love H 7S
goes not with one l)iClTo ~ ~g79 ae oTH ouT· Wet78 I
~ Bc%78 0 l'li31 ~TCf79 II at the last mom'~nt79.
i 4.~ ~ ailO <5~-tj'o80 1..IClTU38 I o<:1T· ii~ I
80 Without the Lord, peaceso is
fS Q ~fCf Rif3 3
>rfT~E181 f01g 82 >rf 1cTI s3 attained 81 not" Before S3 whom s2 i{T~ crT<J-et'l !iua83 :Gfal)iIB craS4 ?
should one supplicateB~ ?
0101 1l0lTCJ84 II

..................+••••• +~ ~ ~

---------- .. _-_ - _-_ .. _--------



85~~9TOT186 Rf30lQ Through the greatest85 good luck86 , ~Tij85 BoT ciRletl6 oT~r, ill~ R~-6 OloT 2
trf~))iT87 ~fS'))iT88 one meets87 with the True Guru and fH8t! T87 »f3 Il»fTH1" ~ fRHOo'O ~ »fQ~~88
a~H89 fStJT0 90-II realises 88 the Lord's8' medilation'o. CiOt:' ~ I
f3R?;r91 »{ijyfn92 R~ Enshring .the'6 Lord within the 1l»f'Hl ~ f~oB'5 )jf~ feqr~e" ~»fTOT <J i
~fS'93 OT~l ;:m94 N'Oq mind'5, 0 serf'" Nanak, the fire'2 of Oilo'4 oT(')ol! lflfua" t!1 wol llfOl'2 ~ ;
~fu €tf095 QTf-a 96 II desire' I is all quencbed 93
• tJiel U ~ I ~

H- uRi. ""," """'''"'. • '!~ I fir.? '" i

C1397 SQ~
~~1 ~q99 t)f3 »f~lo ~r I
l1iRl I commit'8 many sins", 0 Lord, of
orHT~B98 >i~95 '0 which there is no limit" and end 1oo• 100 I
UT-aT~TCJl00 II ~

ufo f~aur2 qfu ~ o God, pardon3 Thou

mercifully2 <J ~f~OIi:J
! f~ 1l'O a2 3= Hil• H~3 -
St:tfR B~ ~€t
u1 I am a 5inner4 and a great5
3 ~ I }j' UTeo 4 l)f3 9'O'S »fl£tl16 \IT I
t{ T me,
~~5 Ol?>udJl(t II offender'.
~fo tJ1€t'
C%~8 ~-a9 My reverend7 God, if Thou reckon8 ~ H'eoPJ7 ~f~! ~qO ~ Ha ~OH
'0 >rfT~~1 ~ acrfR 10 my misdeeds, then, my turn' to be fOl~'1 at H~ l:!~ qa -ee ~l ~Tol' t)f~ :
fHc:5T~~O 12 II pardoned may come not. Forgiving lO ~1 o~r I ~l'o ~ a ~H~ ~ 0'5
! - me, unite'2 Thou me with Thyself. fHH TI2 BI
010 ~613 ~fCJ ~1'­ Effacing" all my sins" and Ha Rla UTU'6 l)f'3 llil.{'1l 11 He" a, »f~1
Afc:5l1iT ~ fag
15 transgreFsions l8, the Guru, of his own qR03"3 ~))fTOT, i:JjCJT ~ H~ Ha ~Tf~~_
f~16 orfc17 f~ol8 II pleasure'3, has blended ls me with my J!»fTH1'" OTH »f~~ ClO f~3'15 ~ I
God Lord'''.
f;:roT ~fCJ ~fo QTli Hai12 2 unto those 21 , 0 slave 20 Nanak, I)lT~1022 ~ ~T2'~, cJ 'aig20 OTOOT! ~
ful1iTrel1iTI9 ;::ro20 who meditate" on the Name of l)iTU~ ~1 R'~' ~ O'H t!T fRHOo" qO~
(')T(I)q f37>21 ~TCJ22 II their God Lord. ~o I
" -
f~~f~23 ~~ ~25 They, who25 separated23 , and
are f~;125 ~f.:raI~ oT5' ~23. ~ fm ~~
H-rc%26 Rf3ajo a 2
'- drifted away from God, meet26 with ~o. ~ H'-e ClIOT -e 24 ~27»f3

~27 ~JTf~28 II Him through the fear 27 and love 28 0'<]1' ~R ~ fHH t1'-e 26 ~o I

of2" the True Guru.
ttoH29HO~30fo~:r~J'S31 Contemplating3" the Name, through oro' t!1 afuHa33 OT<Jr, oTH fRHa0
34 CilOO
9E32 djo}jfl::{33 'OT}j the Guru's Grace", they gain32 ~))fTOT, ~2t '3 Hoo3C1 ~ tt~ l){fcj'H3 '
fQl1iTf~34 II eternal status31 by effacing birth 29 and ~ we 32
uo I
death 30•
Meeting with the saint Guru's
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •It • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •.,. .ID .

~la35 03(')36 C5~fo,-3711 society, the jewd35 and emeralds 36 ~<J035 >lf3 W'(!0136 BS ti~37 un I
are found 37.
_orner ¢5TC238 »iH¢5OlT39 Nanak, invaluabJ,e3' is the jeweP8 of (')TOOl, >l1<!l{(;T39 ~ ~ ~ nTH 'eT T3 ' I ma
OToHfCf40 Bf1i 41 the Lord's Name" The Guru-wards"o -= - ol40 (;~I
OIo->J1nR T
f~ ii l.ICJTtS42 Cia
8~fo42 II~OII seek" I and obtain42 it. B"-e <In I
, H(')HCf 43 nTH 0 The egocentricH contemplates"" not Ho·H2l>J1 T"3 OTH t!T »{TOToo"" 0<J1" Cia'eT I
Bf3€1 44 fcrar 45 ~1~46 the Name. Accursed"5 is his life"6 (;'~3"5
~ ~R
t!l fu~6 ii
'3 P.iT~3
~R ~
fua.r ~T8:4 7 II - and accursed his abode47 • Of<J~"7 ~ a ~ I
. f;:rR BT f~3T48 CfT~ He whose bounties"s man eats and filA t!ll)ji t! T3 T"s iit?T l:fT'eT »{'3 l.If<JCI'eT ~,

UncT R49 !-ffo 0 wears, that"9 Lord, the Treasure 52 of ~R'" ~0l1l>fT51 -e J:1;;j1~52 l!~~, ~<J »{Ttl<!

~fH€?50 51ClJc3TJ!52 II virtues 51 , he enshrines so not in his ftJ3 -itO l>fRl:PLlo 50 n<:W Olot!T I
~H t!T f~<J Hol>fT oTH 53 nTH f~·-fo»fT54O<J1~
f'ell Ha R'gfB 53 0 This mind of his is pierced 54 not with _ . U

~feg54 f::x~55 ~~ the Name s3 . HOW 55 can he abide s7 in faTl)jT I ~<J Ff·~ (jlH 56 "it?o fOlR 3~i55 ~R57
wa 56 ~TR57 II the true abode 56 'I Rii1e T ~ ?
H(')Hl:fT",;58 ~\JTOTa59 The way-ward S8 and discarded~9 »fTl.I-<Jt!oT»fT58 »{'3 iiC;359 l.J301»f T ~ '3
- - -
brides are ruinc:d'o in <:oming and t1'~ l'iit?o ao~lTt!60 ii flTtTl)jT uo I
»iT~c t=rrfc li'eT
)}o!Tl]60 II going.

OJ 0 lifet 1 (')Tli The Name is the Groom 62 of the n'H l.If~30 1.I3ol»fT6I t!T 1.13162 ~ »{'3 €tC'i T
~ HR3f0l"63 chaste brides'4 and on their forehead'3 ~ }(<1'6l €t3 olH ~ UTa 64 t?T 1.I0'1.l31 f5l:f1 65
is writ'5 the acqUIsition of the Name
f8fl::f>rjTB 65 II ii~l ~ I
jewelu .
~fCJ ~fo (')Tli ~fa66 They enshrine'7 the Lord God's ~<J Riel· <JoT ~ nTH ~ l>fttf<! H('i" f~tr
· UTfcprfT67 ufo f~oe-68 Name in their mind's and God fcOl T€tt?1l)jT67 <Jo >J1'3 <JoT €t<'i T ~ ft?s"
OlH~9 ll.CJTT 70 " B illumines:70 their heart6S loutus". ~~B69 ~ -aBo 010 f"ft?T70 ~ I
Af3Cl]q R~fn71 >;iT~T They, who serve,'1 their True Guru, ;:j l)jT\.l~ FfiJ Ola T t?T U1TP.i OlW€t't?T»fT71 un;
· u~72 'gf¢5~TaV3 unto them74 17 2 a.m ever a sacrifiee H • ~?il7" €?3' H·72 <JKBT <JT OlCIa' n 73 ~~t?T <JT I
:3TB74 II
-u - - f
nT()Ol' f3076 }-fCl75 Nanak, iJlumined are 77
the (')TCiii1, -aBo 77
<Jo €tC'i f76 B f'l<Ja , fm~f ~
· ~'iig77 ftin >;f3-fa78 countenances 75 7
-of those ', within f<Jere 7S »{\~o ?iTH t?T <1079 ~ I ..
3"Tli 1{arTlJ79 1I~9." 73
\\hose mind is the Name's light".
· RafB80 ~ R~T81 He, who dies through the Name so , ;:j oTH 8o ~ oT<Jl" Ha flTt!T ~ ~uSI ;:ft~2
: 'iiq 82 fA~83 f8'Q Ra-e that Bl man82 is exonerated 83 . fio~9;83 aT ~~t?T ~ I nTH B a~o fuoRI O t?1

:~q:~~.~~.~. ~. ;:::~:::::::.~~:.~ ..: :..: ~~ .Jf


f~ar389 9Tf~90 <xi~88 qa~ uo ~u 3ElT<J89 <J tiie ~~ I !
qCJH 88 and perform many87 rituals 88 , are qaH
~il91 trat=l92 f~illC!19311 ruined 89 . Through anothers's91 love9o <JoR 9I trl y'l3 90 cPu" ~ohj191 trT Rf3lli T(ilR 9) t
the world92 is wasted away93. <J ;:ritrT ~I !
JoT3q f80 Rf3OTo Nanak, withcut the True Guru, the oToOl', R-~ Clo i ~ a:crra 0 11-1 UCPU3 oul ~

1 OT~ 0 tJ~C!l~ ~94 Name is attained not, even though9" <itr T, ~1~~9" ~~l R'0I';j95 ~'ol f~R trT i
~ R~95 EB 96 ~111 one may long" for it hundereds 9s of '~J1uo196 fUlli T a-a I ~
~:;-II times. i
~fo qT OT~97 »1f3 98 Supereme1 y98 great" and high lOO and H<J T(i98 ~Tol99 ~~IIOO lli3 ~f~lJii trT ual-l ~
- ..
~~99 ~~JTIOO €hJ1 ~2 the highest of the high2 is the Lord's ~~12 ~ y.~ trT 0 11-1" , ~
~\jT ~.ell1 = = Nam(.97. f
~uf~3 ~fC! 0 ROl'C!l No one can mount] upto it, even ~~l;:RT f~R 3i~l y'ti] oell ROI'trT, ~1~~4 :
;:j4 FJ~5 EB 6 ~C!1 II though" one may crave6 for it a ~u R~ (1'1) ~la15 3 iUJ' fUlJiT aa I i
hundred times 5. •
)jftf FrtiH 8 ~GT9 0 Though everyone'" may walk l ] uo ~~11" UTol-lor y'RTor 12 u 1 alo qfCJlJi 1 fGa l ), ,.

~~V5 qfOl0
9~13 89' ~C!V4 II
~l:f12 about wearing lO garb of religion l2 ,
but, no one becomes l !5 pure9 by
If.~ Jd'<J7 oT5 Uf~308 lliTl:!c ~lJiToT ~~T ~l I t
tlf~30' ouT' <ie T1S I
It -:
uttering piety8 with the mouth7.
ello cit u~~116 Whosoever goes" and ascents lS the BaT
B~)8 orofl-f19U01Uf320 Guru's ladder '6, by good fortune",
;:j ~~l
Rsl" 3
~'01i" ~lliTOT fiT a"
~~ ;:rie T1S ~. ~\J RlJiTHl ~ 0'1-1
CloT el
.. it
l.I 'oJ ' - - • t
~C!111 he is blessed 20 with the Lord's Name. uTR~20 ora B~trT eI It

"'[3f021 »1TfC!22 ~R23 Any one 26 , who rcfiects 25 on the ;:j ~~V' ~1 , OTOl- trl ~j1cll" ii R~trT_f~BTotrT25 ;:; :•
0]0 m:r~24 ~lBra25 Guru's word 24 , the Lord cOr1les 22 e·, -
RlJi THl })f1 & ~R ~ lli"e0 21 fc;sf ;:jitr T23 I
- e it

~fu26 II and abides 23 within 21 him. i

0 1001 RElfe-
HQ HT(')1~28 FJTB 29
27 Nanak, dying unto onself, through the
Name 27 , the mind is pleased 2s . True]O
OToer, oTI-I 27 ~ oT<Jl 1-100 ~llilor. 1-I'1»1T
t!R0 28 <J ;:rieT e
I RB1]0 ~ y'~3T]1 ~r~
is the glory]1 of the true mortal 29 . 29
SlTBVO RfC!31 II :3~1I t!T cl trl I It

HTf~l1iT32 H~33 ~34 The love]] of wealth]2 is an arduous]7 'Oo-B53]2 trT fUlJi'o]] u13]4 lli3 ;:Ifuo]6 tr1 i

FJTarg:35 ~ ~36 ocean]6 of pain]" and poison]6, which f~01 <xco]7 Rl{tro 35
~, ,:{ UTo]8 01'13 1 ouI' fiT
. ~3~J7 3fO'».j'1 38 0 can be crossed]S not.

t=lTf~ II
H0'39 HoT qaB trfB40 The egocentrics pass 4]
their life 1-I0liCl i trT ;:fl~ 5ar a41 aoftrlJii 42 <Jf~lliT ul !

41 ~13 ;:rTtrl43 ~ lJi3 fuu lJiT1:tftrllii <Jf~llii "f~u

li~ ~~'H41 01'0342 taking"2 pride and saying "it is It

f~~rf~3 II mine]9, it is mine"; they putrefy40 to H'~1]9~, f~u ~~T ~"i €tu OT5 R;340 ii 1-10 i
death. ;:ri~ uo I 1
•••••• ~ ~~~~~~ +••••••••~ ••••~~ ~
t·+++++++++++++++++++++·++++++++~+~~~++++++++~++++++ +++~+~~~~~~~~

· H7)>:P:fT44 ~a~rq45 7) The perverse persons~4 are neither on tj.319: B 1.!aF.!44 (')T feR fC1oTa~5 3 <:10 3 OT
nor on the yonder one~6. <:11 lJaa 46 3, ~<:I Il1q_~1~47 <Jt 41
6'8 af<J"~
tfTg 46 ~ »-fTJ47 f?fu this

05 '5lrcTf~48 II They remain entangled 48 mid-way~7. <:10 I

They do s3 only that S2 what 49 is pre 50 - ~<J &~B ~<J <]1 53 Ola~53 <:10, fM<:I;'3T' ~~l •
;:t49 gfa 50 f3fCf>H 151

13 52 cn-{T~cr53 orO'~T54 destined 5i for them and can d0 54 Bel l:!'e 50 3~ fBNI)IT ii fel)l1 51 ~ 3 iia '!~
naught else. ~<J era 54 <:11 0<J1" R01B I
· q~ 7) tFf~ II
By the Guru's instruction 55 , the ajal ~ ~U~F.l55 ~l)IltJl, l:!..<JH-~q~6 t!T il~<JaS7
OJ-aH31 55 faT»f TQ 56
je\\els7 of gnosisS 6 abides s8 in the ;:tl~ ~ f~3 l)I'ea fcOl ;:t;t!T58 ~ 1)13 3t! {j<J
O'3Q57 Hf3 ~R58
man's mind and then he easily60 liBo <:11'0 Wfal)lf Il-iea Rre1 59 ~ ~l:ft!T ~ I
H9 ~ftrl';fT ~FJH59
B9Tf~60 II ... - sees the Lord S9 in all.

(')'Oq Hf30]fo af~ii61 Nanak, the very62 fortunate ones 63 ol o Ol, ~la62 BaT ORIHf ~TB63 RB Olaf ~

62~~'9Tcrr163 B~64 3 65 emhark 64 on the True Guru's shi p61 iKPi:j'l 3 tl~~64 Do 1)13 ~~i65 ~ RB Ol~
and them 6s , the True Guru faries ill f~I)IToCl'6 Fil{ea67 3~ UTa Ola fe-~68 <:10 I
66 9 (tfifc; 67 urfO'
across 68 the dreadful" ocean67 .
HurTf~68 1I~811
Without the True Guru, there is no RB Olaf ~ ~:ara, ~a &el t!'3 l a" o<Jl~ ii
faQ Flf3 a]0' B T3 169
other benefactor 69 , who can bless 70 feowo ~ li~THt ~ OTH ;:T l)f TRClT71 ~70
& 7)~1 ~ ~fO' OTl::!
71 man with the support71 of the Lord's ROle T ~ I
~f~70 »-f1t:llg II
B y73 the Guru's gracc 72 , the Name 74 Ola l 'tfe1)lT72 ~I)ITal73, oTH 74 ~A ~ f<JaB
OT~74 is enshrined 75 in bis mind and he 1)I''tCJ fcOl il fe T75 ~ 1)13 €t<J Rel~76 <:1t feR

HBT76 ever76 keeps it clasped to his heart77 • ~ I)ITlI~ ft!C5 77 0 15 5 Te178 Ol:l'e T ~ I

Q1f0 78 II
f3H3r79 ~S'80 f311f~81 Through the 10ve B3 of the God's <Jal B oTH 82 ~ t{H 13 al<Jl~, ~R t!1 1:fTfm;(79

. 5f~ ~fO' ~ 7)1f~82 Name 82 , his desil'e 79 is stilled80 and he fHc ;:rit!1 80 ~ l)f3 {t<:l o"tt il l t!1 81 ~ I

flf~Tf083 II is satiated81.

()ToOl Ojo)jfCf84 l[T~l>}f When God showers86 His il't <Jal I)ITlJ~l fH<Ja 85 Olat!1 16 ~, &~5 3i
85 <J1, ;] oTOQl! Ol at t!1 'tf~I)ITI4 tI ~TOT €!:<J
~fO' >HU7)l forau T85 benediction , then alone, 0 Nanak.
86 He is obtained by the Guru's grace. 1I 1fel)lT ;:rie r ~ I
TJ Tfa 1131.111
· faQ Ha-e 87 ;:rcn~88 Without the Name 87 , tbe world 88 has 01H 87 ~ ama, ~oll)1i88 »101 a~a189 d aiel

aafgl';jT89 or~cr90 Ol~ gone so much mad s9 that one can ~ fOl ill~ f~R ~ fal)lT0 90 o<Jl Ola R01t!T I

(') ;:rTf~ 1/ - describe 90 it not.

fH~i ~ I1I)1THl ~B"T~~t!T ~. ~<J91 ~B" ;:r~92
~fO' a-ff R91 ~~92 They", whom the Lord saves, are

• HafB93 05 fg~94 saved92 and they remain attuned94 to <]0 l)l3 ~D €tR ~ oTH 93 015 flla<J;s194 lJ~l
•p'>Tf~ II
Hi' Nam'''. • ~.:::.'.. J

()T()q qCJ3195 Jig Nanak, the Creator-Lord 95 , who has Ci'031, fRa;::R~J1o 1I»f' H1 95 , fHFl ?) a~(')l97
fq~96 ;:lT~\:!T f;:lf() created9S all the creation97 • knows c~19' ~. FPar ~S96 t1T~BT ~ I
alit a<!"397 a~TfE98 II every thing".
~H99 ;:rOT 100 Jif~2 The Brahmans 5 have grown weary' ~<:IHc5 <:I~Ci99 vIar loo
3 R)j<:l2 QOl-I »fRt:l'CiT'
3TCJW3 trf~" tif~35 of performing Yajnas 1oo• Havans". T
tJl'li til ' 3a cro~»j3 t;!3'~t ~ ~l~ <:Ira
S~6 YCJT~ II' pilgrimage to a1l 2 the holies] and ,!e 6 are <:10 I
reading4 the Puranas.

fSl:!7 HTfE)){T8 H~9 But. they are not rid of lO the poison7 tf~ ~iJ Rwal BH3 Bl HH3" B1 t:lf<:la7 3~
() fHcEllof~fB ~~H)2 of the love 9 of worldly riches s and. in J:fH'RVo o<:ll t!'~~ »j3 iicrla l2 l){Ba, ~<:I
niT~ ;:rT~ II ego l2 , they continue coming and 'lil~~~ 3 t1i~ of<:l··~ <:ICi I
Rf3CITCJ fHf~>lf HC2 13 Meeting with the True Guru. the ml ClOT o'H fHH~ ~»jTaT, a1~OT111 Q31
~3CJT14 ~fcr)8 ;:rftp>i115 filth 13 is washed off'4 and one ftTB1 '4 ~ »j3 fC'(')R'Ci RCs-fR'li,<§17 1I'li'Hl 16
liCJl.:{16 lj;:rT~ 17 II meditates l5 on the AIl-wise 17 Lord" ~'f<:lCl~'S tJT fRHao craB' ;] I
God ls.
f;:r()T ~fCJ ~fa Ug They who serve 19 their God, the ~ »jTtJi ?'fiT<1J.~ lI»jl}-11 H'C?ol ~l UPH
Rf~»{TI9 ;:ro20 oTi~ Lord Master, unto them shve 20 crH,~'~19 iJ7l; ~~T 3~ aTH,20 CilCia <:1l4R,21
R\:!21 ~CJaT~22 IIS.?II N anak is ever 51 a sacrifire 22 • ~'a?)22 t1 TB' ~ I

WfE>;fT23 H~24 S~25 The egocentrics give immense 25 HCiH3~ t:fCi-BH3 21 ,RR ' al HH3l2~, Uf<!al»iT27
fB3~~26 a~27 »{TW 28 thought 2' to riches 23 , worldly love 24 • ~HBT2S, Hl~~29 »f3 tJlUt3 0 ~H »if31li"3 25

E~29 f~qTCJ30 II many27 hopes 2s • avarice 29 and sins'o. iJl fq»ilCi 26 ft"'-~ <:10 I

. H()Hftf 31 »{JifSCJ 32 ()T Such perverse persons" become 3] fc5 ail l{31~H t;!oa)l Hfaa 32 0<:11' <ie'5
al~-33 HfCJ fio fn 34 not stable '2 and die and perish »i3 fecr 11<:13]5 f~~ He 3 Ol'lc;j t1T~H
;:ryfu ftf() ~TCJ35 II away34 in a moment '5. <JO I
?~36 gTaT 37 j~ Rf3dTcJ If man is bl~ssed with good fortune]7. ;:lao ii~ Bl BOIl" y"HgQ]7 ;j~ 3 T <:11 I a?C?
fHE ~~H38 3;:I39- then alone. meets he with the True T
~ 11~ Cla ~ fHHBT »i3 <1013T 18 »f3 •
f?qlCJ40 II Guru and eschews" ego lS and sins 40 . T40
U U ~ S~Bl]9 ~ I
~fCJ ()TH' 11fU41 Bl:f 42 Uttering~1 the Lord's Name and -e
RTel CiTH BT ~tJTaCi 0i'C(')~1 3 Ojag c:1 44
wfE»{T ;:r()43 OT Oq reflecting 45 on the Guru's word..... B' ?l~ra cra?i~5 ~1).pOT, aia'4] o'Cia ~
R~44 ~TB1045 IIStll slave4] Nanak is blessed with peacc~2. »iTa'H y"U3 42 ;j fOTlli' ~ I
fa'Q Rf3CITCJ 3orf346 Without the True Guru, one can R"6 Cla T ~ aaTo, t11~ <:101 Bl »f?io'01f4' R?' •
'0 ~?E147 oTfH (') "HcIT perform'" Dot the devotional service4' Ql-j T47 o<:ll Rat ' »i3 ~R B' Ci'H CiTE
fU»frq48 II of God and loves 4s Dot the Name. tJ.H48
nul' ij·Bl I

;:[049 OT3q 3 Tli Through the Guru's love 51 and OlaT Bl l{135 I >li3 fUO<J31 52 oT ul', 060 49
})1CJrfU~T50 qrCJ ~ affection52 serf'" Nanak contemplates SO oTOO/ olH BT fRHOo 0/0BT59 ~ I
iJf3 51 ftf~Tfd52 II~tll the Name.
B§TT56 orT ~RTQ53 3 As far asH it lies in th y power 55 , f;:1'6' 3~1'54, 3tJT ~ 'e~T55 ~, ~ 8T5m
or1~ ,:r or T54 tflfCJ trust 53 thou not the greedy person56 • l!oR S6 Br fc.!3l:po S3 OT % I

~RTf~55 II
i)-j'-f357 O[Tf8"53 f3~59 At the last 57 moment 58 , he shall _ 3c5= ~-aS9
»{I:rl0 57 -e ~HS8 , ~;] _ Q1:fT -e~0ly60 r
: QQ60 f;:r8;61 ~l3:62 3 deceive 60 thee thl~re59, where 61 no one 61
f;:ra &c.!1 ~T '91 3~ R;]Tfc.!3T BT ;]~u 0<11'

tI'fle63 II will be able to 1,:nd63 thee a helping -e RatJp 63 I

hand 62 .
l-fo>:!cr64 R3T Rq]65 Whosoever associates65 an
with ;:j &c.!1 31 >liOOHl 64 Bl R0l3 OIOBT65~, ~

i ora- }-ff~66 orTC51:f 67

. t'T0]6S p;dTTf~69 II
~ l-f~75 orTg76 f33 70
apostate 6 4,
to his
attaches the stigma68 of blackness67 .
Black 76 are the faces 75 of those 77
countenance66 -e fB<1a 66 ~ O/TBR67 BT tf,P BOIt'T69 ~ I

fR;;f'~76 ~o fB~tl75 ~qi70 B T5Bll.!oRt7 1 -e I

! 8§TT}yfi"71
0£1 -
;:FRfo 72
greedy persons 71 . They depart 72 , >liIUe! H(2Rl ;:rl~71 ~ Ol'li T ~71, ~~ q,o ~
~ tlo}173 cn~Tft!74 II 10sing74 their human life 73 • ;:ri~72 ;]0 I ~

~~ 5=l3~dTf3
'"1 ~fc Hf579
o Lord God, unite 79 me with the <J fl i c.!1' <Jol ! H~ flTtT ROl3 oTB ;:j~79 ~, 3i i
=f t{§T ~fcr oTlj ~R 77 saints' society, so that God's Name ,:j ~Tf<Ja:I~ BT oTH >liT &78 Htl fB3 f~B fCqT 77 ~
~ Hfo }yfTf~78 II may come 78 and abide 77 within my ~

i mind.
~ ';:[?)}-f80 }-ro081 orTl-fC5 82 Singing86 the praises85 of God, 0 ?Tf;]a:I~ Bl'li T fl=t:G3 T85 OlTfeo 86 0/00 ~>liTCJT,
-e< -
~@"~83 ';:[0 84 OTOO( slave 84 Nanak. the filth 82 of birth 80 ;J cIT5 84 (';T('; x I ;1l-R 80 >113 Ho0 81 Bl
. -

~ ~fd 010 85 - dTTf~86 II and death 81 is washed off83 • areOll 61 Q31 ;:ri e 18) ~ I


! 8011S7
]~ ufo
- ~fa88 UCJ- 89 . \Vhatever God 88 , the Creator 90 -Lord 89 f'iFBT ~5 ~lf<JCJl~88. fFrCJ;:rc;] la 9o \1wH1 89 i)
f oro3 90 f8"fcr}yfT91 8 92 has pre R ordained 91 , that 92 can be li~ii7 3· f5l:l 5f~'i{T9I ~. ~92 HfR;i{l93 oul' .
~~ HC~T93 0 ';:[Tf~ II
erased 93 not. 'iP flO/BT I
~ ;:rl@"94 ftf~95 8~96 The sou1 94
and bod y95 a1lge belong to >11T3H19 4 >li3 ~<J'5 Rli<J 96 f1R 97 t'1 HBOIll'if3
~ f3l1-97 t'T Uf3U r 9S fa Him • God IOO , the King 99 , cherishes98
97 <]0 I ~Tf<JOl~'OO. 1..I'f3RI;]'9 fllfa>li T ~
~or-a ~fo;OO aTf~9911 all. 1..ITBt'T tiHBT 8 ~ I 9

~ - 8"2 fit'Ci(3 ~B4
- The back-biters 2 and slanderers 3 ~BB02 >113 t:leifc.!l 0/00 ~IB3 1!fql'ifT~34
.;~ dfC5
"Ii' _
5 }-f8"
_ 8"3 T ~JEJ_ 0 remain hungr)\ die roIling 5 in dust of<J'-~ <]0, u(2 f~B
qB ~5 Ho ;::ri~;]o >li3
~ fCi(~T~ uTf~7 II and their hand reaches 7 nowhere. ??ii BT <J~ fO/ua 31 (';;]1' U'Br7 I
t ~p~fa=6
lITtf~8 8~ Outwardly6 and with hypocrisy 8, they l:F<:Ja~la'6 lii3 ~g9 olB, f1<J ~aJ >liH5 9 Flra
1......."... iji+iji4.ijiiji'l'ijiipipijiijiijiijiiji+"'• • • •ili+'l'ip.".l'flijOiji'l.ijiili++4'+4'ij04'++'l''l'... ~' ...+++... +'I''ijiiji~.'<iiJi Ii'i W'l' P'qi IOoqi lOo~

- - - ._--_.._----_._--

&CJH9 do alI the good deeds', but in their ci1H~~ <10, tf~ lliTUe! fB3 feg lO Jieo
fua-e 10 mind and heart10 they practise 13 fJ<J g8"-~~12 0l~13 ~(Ii I f
OlHTfu13 II deceit 12 •
iffa 14 Rolfu15 ~J6 Whatever l6 man sows in the farm 14 f;:r<J5T ~gl6 lliT~Y ~15 ey ih?y '4 f~
m-,:{l~ A
I7 >i-fa 18 of the bodyls, that l7 comes and ~1i1eT ~ Gl<1'7 llil:ila l8 i; lliT ~ GlR ey)){t
- = -
tfB>'>iT19 l1iTf~ II stands" before his eyes in the end l8• )){l:jT )){a} l:l~ i1 Te TI9 ~ I

oroer oft l.19' soa120 Supplicates20 Nanak, 0 my Lord l.fa6(')T OlaeT2o ~ (')T(li0l, ij lfij RT~l ~aY !
ufo 9'T~£i atffR 22
" .. " It
God, forgive 22 Thou me and unite ~ HQ lilliTG 22 Ola ~ lli3 lliTuer d'i.p 21 lieo ~
me with Thyself in Thy wil\21. H~ ».fTUe! (liTg fHHT H I i
fHBTre 118911
H023 »fI~24 The mortaJ23 realises 26 not coming 26 1{1<!J23 lliT~<!24 1)f3 i1T(!15 ~ lliQ3~21 mW I
o B~26
t!aarq28 II
OT and going 25 , neither see!>27 he
Lord's Court 28•
~" ". ill \1u ~ ,,1 """"0" ~ ~" I
).fTf~»iT29 Hf~30 He is warpped 31 up in the love 30 of fJ<1 q(li-BH3 29 ey HH3T30 (Ii'g ffilfGlli T31

l.18fcl1iT >iafa 32 riches 2' and, within his mind 32 , is the <Jf~ ~ 1)f3 ~R '€ H?i 31 lied' aRHSy 33 e'
l1ifaT».fT'Q33 Olarg 34 II darkness 34 of ignorance33 • lli~OT34 ~ I

~35 oq36 B3137 Then 35 alone awakes the !>lumbering37 &~;g ~~- <1Y J33 T ~f~I)fT37 ft!(liRT('i36 i1T~'

wfaJl1iT fAfa 38 ~~39 man 36 when the very41 heavy42 club 39 ~, i1e ~R ~ H~38 fJ3 ~'I341 3TCJy42 RcT39
BQTT40 aCJ41 9'TQ42 " hits40 him on the head 38 . ~;:{~~I

qJol:{l:I T43 oraT ~tIf044 The Guru-wards 43 cor.template4S aa lliQA Tay 43 ~B fHa 44 lliTU;! l!lJiTl-IY eT
~fu ~fa>'>iT45 R46 their Lord in time.... and th ey 4' obtain fRHa?i 0ld'B 4S <1(1i lli3 fJu46 li~3J47 ~
l.1Tfufo Htf 47 t,Il1irq46II the door 4s of salvation'7. ea~,;tt8 ~ tfT 5''€ ~(Ii I

oroor l1iTflt 9 €fu Nanak, they themselves 4' are saved so (Ii!(";Ol, fJ<1 ~4' ~B i1~SO <1(1i lli3 ~T ~
~d54 Fl9'51 ~~a52 and aIls l their kinsmens2 and family a
RT 51 R~q152 lli3 ~ao ~ i11 54 3Y UTCJ ~
members54 too ferry acrossS 3.
3-a53 l.1a~TCJ54 118~ II i1t~53 <1(') I
RaR55 Ha R56ljl1iT57 Whosoever dies through the Guru's ;:j ~tt Ola t el ST(!yS5 a T<1r HO weT ~; ~~
Wossii word 5s , he5' alone is known s8 to be ~<1 <11" Hfalli T <Jf~I)f,57 i1Tf<!lli' ;:Ii'e TS8 0 I
dead ll7 .
By the Guru's graceS9 , man is
010 llORTt!1 59 ufa Olof ey ef~lliT59 ~lliTaT; __ ~ ~Tf<1Olo ~
-afFl 60 trrQ61 II satiated SI with the God's elixir60• >}{f~360
(')Tg oil i1ter' I ~ ~I -~
Through the Guru's word63 he is
ufo -eaarfu63 Olo Olaf ey 6'<!1 63 d'T<1T", fJ'J ~ ~ ea~u
R'afe63 fR1g TU64 II knownS4 in the Lord's Conrt62 • liea i11f<!lli T i1te T'4 ~ I

fa'Q RaB 65 lj>'>iT ~ Without the Name65 , everyone" is (liTH ~ sma 6S , <1a ~~1" Hfulli T iif~lliT ~ I

R~66 are II dead.


}f'O):p:!67 tf'rfT >rf14'OT The egocentric" dies losing" his HoH31l)fy67 l) tl1~ ~ Oll)fy6' ~ Ha
ttol:!68 iif'e69 II very life68 . ;:JiBT ~ I

wa 'OTtf '0 B3fu70 They, who contemplate70 not the ;l !!l)fT)..r1 ~ oT){ BT fRHa070 o~w ao~, ~
»[-f371 ~~72 af'e73 II Lord's Name, wai1 73 in pain72 in the ))ill10 7' Q 3'a8t~7l ti-ea f~5Tt( ao~"
end 71 • <:10 I
'OToOf OfOd T74 qa Nanak, whatever the Creator-Lord 74 oT o 01, fti<:13 Y~~ RTtfc!<:1 Ta-I.!))o{TH1 74 ao-er ~,
75 76
B iif'e \18:311 does, that7S alone comes to pass76• &~C:; ~<:17S u1 ;:lBy76 ~ I
Olal:ffcr77 >;!.'~78 qB79
()~l ftro T »[3fa 80
The God-consciious77 beings, within80
whom is the consciousness81 of
aa?i i1l'eo ~Y877 t:ll~
aill-f-~l'ij'Toll ~1
. .
ftio t ~ llf-ea1o
far 'liY3B I ~ , aeTf~7' ftraQ 71

Bof381 fOT;iTQ82 II Divine knowledge 81 , age 78 not ever". oul <I~ I

Rt!T83 RtT ~fo ~~84 Ever 83 and always utter ee they their R~1~8J, Rel~ <:11 ~~ Rtef Bll)ff fRG3T 84
o~f~85 >i3fa 87 R~;:{88 Lord's praisesll4 and, within their ~'3loe8S ))i'3 ~i ~ f(Ja~87 »f"Bo
fq>rfT'l89 II mind 87 , is God's88 contemplation89 • ~Tf<:1oF!88 ~T fRHao 89 ~ I
€?f'e Rt!T >rfi ft! 90 They ever 2Lbide'J in blissful'o ~<:1 <:IHRi y'A03 T'o sa1 fR))iTCI.l!1 llf-ea
fai{ q 91 o~f~92 ~fcr93 wisdom" and cleem woe'3 and weal'4 ~R~'2 <Jo))i3 30151:6'3 '3 »fTa TH94 ~ fea
Bfcr 94 ~q Hl-Pf(')95 II alike'S, saTsa'S ;:Jrc~ <:10 !
f3(')T 'O-ea1 96 f'e& They perceive" the One Lord and ~<:I fea ~ ~ <:11 ~1::l~96 <:10 »f3 &~5 ..
l)fTf'el)fT H~97 l)fSH98 realise 100 the All-pervading" soul
. .
RCI<:T· f~l)fYI.101" a<J" i; <:11 <JO at" ))iOg;:IOO
oTl:f99 lf5TQ 100 118-8II alone everywhere'7. 07(H~
<:1(') I

I Ho>il:~? ~TH~3 f~afq4

• RHTf'05
>i3fa 6
The egocentrics2 are likes children 3
and dotards" who in their mind,'
cherish not the thought' of God.
H?iH3lE 2 a TBOlt 3 ~ ;:re1:6t ~m~ <Jo, f;:I?i t
-e fCJa-e' I){ea ~'fCJCI!~ ~, f\:fl)fYC:;' <:11 o<:it I

f~tJ ~~H8 OfaH9 They dolO their deeds'i in egoB and ~<:1 501T08 l)j'~a »fT~ ~H' Olo~\O <JO ~
OfH~BI0 F19 14 UoH 12 aU l4 go to l3 the Righteous Judge l2 . RTa l " u1 QoH oyiJll &5 ;:Ji~13 <:10 I

· offer & ;:jiu1 13 II

qfol:ff~15 ~~16 The Guru-wards ls are good" and 0!~-l)f<'iRra1'5 BaT"
l)f3 l!f~3a17 <:10 I Ola t
immaculate l7 . With the Guru's ~l S Te1 18 nIB, ~<J 0l1a31HT0 19 feR~ <:10 I
· fooHc5 17 0]0 ~
word 18, they look illustrious 19.
: RafB 18 R~Ff'e19 II
• B"oT H8 20 tl:3OT 21 (') Not even a bit 21 of filth 20 clings22 to fe07 031 502\ gl forn Y;:J3'20 ~ot ~ O<1l
-. .
i BOT'e122- ftt BHfo23 them, who walk 23 in the True Guru's
wailH .
f'3H::l~V2 ~, ~

~CI~23 <:10 I
R~ O1Ot Bl at:ry24 f~

· Rf3(fio ~Tf'e24 II
HOHcr 25
~3&27 ~28
q~30 tpf'e 31 1\
ttfcs 26

0 The impucit y2' of an apostate 25 is
not washed 27 off, even 28 if hundreds 29
of washings 311 bc~ given:>'.
))iUClHVs Bl ))il.lf~3'Cl3'T2' tl3V 7 OtW tltBl,
gT~-28 R'01~2' <:11 tll)fi 30 I.lT ftt31))o{t J1 ;:rrc I j
~¥¥¥¥¥¥¥~.~~~~.~~ • • • • ~~~• • ~~• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _..._•.. _--,,---------

dlCJ c1
Nanak. the Guru-wards32 are united 33
with God and they merge JD in the
-: .
OT~ OIo-l)/oR T u ~tf<Jor(J
- al -., oTiS
<]0 »f3 Ola T ~ R~lJJ4 I')j't'a Hlo's Ql ~~
fim wt!JJ

»if0(34 RHTfC!35 118ltl\ Guru's beingJ4 . <]0 I

~CJT36 Ora37 B:38 a~T39 He who does J7 evil", how" can he J8 tl Utll'6 aHT~t"J7 ~, ~'1Ja f~ ~T" at'-
fR~40 II be emancipated40 ? J:fHTR 40 ;j ROlt" ~ ?
».f~41 ijfa42 l)fli)43 He burns44 himself4J in his own41 ))f1trc! fott 41 ~ oIFi42 I')j't'a ~<J »fn}43 til
a1-e~44 II rage 42. R::Jt',44 ~ I

HO"ijftf45 0fHB"r4 6 The demented 46 perverse person4S uom t46 l£31CiH l!af.l 4S SOIf3>lii47 ~t'O
CJOT3 ~S'48 II worries 48 himself in strifes 47 . »f'~T fRa l::IUT~~t'T18 ~ I
OjCJliftf49 ~re50 f3g 51 Tuming50 Guru-wards 49 , he SI comes CJ]~-»fQRTa149 a1 50 • ~'1SI R9 ~SS2 RHS
~ R9 52 for~ gg.53 II to understand s3 everything52 • H't'TSJ ~ I

I ()T(I;O( OTCJHftf H054 Nanak, the Guru-ward strugglesS6 oTo~, a.!~-»filRTal »flUe! H~~54 oTHSS ~tJ
i fR€t: 55 (25'56 118 EII with SS his own mind s4• ~at'TS6 ~ I

ftfc')T Rf30Jq ldCJl;157 They, who serve S8 not the tl Ras-f.la31~57 RB Olaf t'1 Fi~T58 o'1l ~
'0 Rfu~58 Hsf-e 59 0" OmnipotentS7 True Guru and reflect60 01a-e »f3 119 -e (')THs9 i;-o'1l~ »flaT{H~60 I E
~ = - ~
0(13 ~lBTC!60 II not on the Lord's Name s9 ,
€?f~ HT~R61 ;:rf'O 0" They are not said D2to be human ~<] Hilf.ll ttl~' 0l5'2 o'1l~ ttTt?, Raf ~'1
».fTtfl».ffo62 trA 6i ~CJ64 beings", rather tbey are the foolish 6s lial::l's ~OIa63 »f3 ~~T064 '10 I
OTT~ra65 II beasts" and animals64 •
(?()T >i3fCJ 66 fOT~T(j67 WilhinD6 them is neither Divine67 §OT ~ n{t'a" 0 S<JH~lBTa67 0 <11 fRHeo"
-" ..'
o fq»{TQ68 ~ ~fCJ knowledge nor contemplation . They ~ I ~?iT t!T ll.!! nTH l{,H'9 »f3 R?l'1 70 0'1" I
fR~ l{lf3 69 0" are dedicated not to the Lord's love"
fU».fTCJ70 II and affection70•
H()li~71 ~ Tb~ perverse persons 71 die in73 sin 72 ll.31,!H l!of.l 71 UTU72 >li-t'073 '11 He tti~ '10
Hf~73HfCJ74 and they come 7S and g074 again and a
>li3 €t'1 }f3 }f::J 76 »fr~~~7S 3 tt i -e 74 af'1--~
~~ ?fCJ76 II again76. <](') I
ttl~B»{T77 ~ [)-rB J!78
;:rl~~ wCJ 79;:Jor;:ft~80
81~CJQrfu82 II
(')TOO( OjCJt{ftf83 R~84 Nanak,
They78, who meet with the living77 ,
alone live, enshring82 God, th·e life80
of the world 79 , in their mind 81 .
the Guru-wards 8J look

Bg:85 RB 86 BO arfa87 II beauteous84 in that8S True Lard's86

a~ §<]78 <]1 ttl~'~
ttTO eo
iJl§~ft'»ft77 oTH fHH-e '10 I
<]0 tl tt0l3 79 til f;:ft'-
~Tfuaa ~ ~TUe! f<Ja~" n{t'O fc~r12 ~

oT~, a.!~-»filRTOl8J ~RIS RB IlIllTHl" t'1

t'OOIT'117 l)jt'a ~t'aI4 ftlR~ '1(,) I

court87 .
~TfelllTI9 ~
orCJ H~Q88 The Lord's palace88, the Lord has RTer t'T Hf'1g 88 , Rrer <5 »f31
Rrf;=J»fT89 ~fCJ built" and (in) or (with") it abides90 feR (f~B) W (~RTt{92) RTel' ~t' af'1-t'T'O
fttij crfg91 II the Lord Himself. ~I

+++.I'+++++.I'++++++.1'+4;;1'...+ ... ++............ ++4'++.,..;;+... .,.J

..."' "'+++++"'..+++ +++<1><1><1><1><1>01.<1><1><1><1>++<1>+.<1>+<1><1>+++++<1>+..+++,.__li~ti!.ltuli!.ltuli~,.+JI~~~I+.4~~

~fa lfTf~*lT Q('i_~~B'3 t!1 HH3,'4 ~ R'~'s

I qICn-ra192
H~fo ~R~96
• »-f30l ~ 0~98 fofq99
Burning off'5 th,: love'4 of riches'3, I
have attained my God, through the
Guru's instruction92 •
Contemplating lllO
treasures" of the Name, the mortal
the nine,8
~Lfef.l'2 cP'll, H& nfTU<! ~Tf<JOl~ t? tfI
f8"nf 1 ~ I
oTH ~ ~'8 1:I;:1'fo"'I1" t!1 fAHoo'oO 0100
~'l1TcJl, 1{T~l ,;pf'lO]~ -e Hf'lH ..rt!o
&, il!.oT

~~T97 'l1

• oTl:! Fo..{Tf5 IOO II finds millions,7 of invaluable thingf>96 nf~8"01 ~R~lliT'6 ~ l../T -a't!T ~ I
in the God's palace,
• UQ2 ~aT~313 Blessed 2 is the: fortunate bride 3, 0 li8To012 ~ (J'l ~TOlT ~TBll.8oV, H Olat t!1
!f;:roT ClTcH-fftf4 Nanak, who sl~arcbes7 and flnds 5 her ~f-elliT4 t!lliT(jT nfTUc! Alli TH1 6 ii ~;:j7 & tfI
- , -:II::

~fa6 ~Tf'57 II Lord 6, by the Guru's grate4. B't'15 ~ I

8~~gTClT19 ClT~10 Through the greatest8 good fortune', l../oH 8 ~al oRlsi 9 o I'll', f-eoRl 0 nf'u~l ~'l
HtrqI2 Bf;:r»-fTI3 ~fo man searches" the palace l2 in his ~ fa~'o f~~H Hf<J8"'2 t!1 ~~ 9 TH 010a l3 ,
fuoe 14 UTf~»-fTI6 body fortress lO and finds l6 the Lord Illli 1Hl "§ ))-(Tui ?)~ 15 'l1 ft!8"'4 n-lt!o \.IT
• oTf5 "Btll near lS him in the heart l4. c'h:: JT l6 ~ I
HOHl::f 17 t~18 fefR I9 in the supreme 21 desire 22 , l../oH 21 wf<JR 22 , Hrg~23 nf3 l../'U 24 )).{to GTij

fGfa20 a~ *lf321 greed 23 and sin 24, the egocentricf>17 ~E HoH31€?'7 ~Rli. l../IAl" ~e01~2o f6c3~
• f3RoT22 <5~23 f~OlTa2411 wander abouf1o in tenls directionsI'. <Jo I
HTf~r;jT25 HQ26 0 Their love 26 of wealth 25 goes 27 not ~~T t!1 Uo--eB3 25 t!1 HH3 126 ;:jTt!V 7 o'l" •

'B0l~127 Hfo ;?r}-ff~28
• ?l-a ~Ta29 II
Rf3'aTo Rf~30 Htf31
~ ulf~~·{1 »-ff3 32 f3R3;33
3f;:r34 f~OlTo35 II
and they die and are born 28 again
and again 29 .
Shedding 34 his immense 32 craving]]
and sin 3s , the mortal attains peace 31 ,
by serving3Q the True Guru.
))-(3 (J<J
'lo I
li~ li~ &29 Ho~ 3 ilH~28

nf Tll"c1 ))-(f3..r3 32 Wf<JR u ))-(3 1.l l Lf32 ~ S~34.

A~ OloT t!1 cf'lH
);{T('TH 31 l../T(J't!T ~ I

O1HT(J~3o ~lliTOT, 1{T~l

~ ;:roH J6 Hoo 37 OlT Pondering ovel: 42 the Lord's Name'l, !1 Tf<J8 ~ nTH" t!, fRHoo Cloo"2 ~l)jToT, ti
~ ~l:!38 OTf~*lT39 ,::rC)40 0 slave 40 Nanak, the pain3' of cflB 40 OTOO!! ;:lHc 36 3 Hoo 37 t!l tJ1~38 O1e1
~ oT(iOl H~t:!41 birth 36 and death 37 is shed off 3,. ;:jj~V' ~ I
! ~1ti'Tfo42 (18tl! -
j ufo ~fa43 45
'OTH Contemplating 44 the
Lord God's~5
Rit'l 'lo1 43 ~ (liTH t!T fAHoo 0100 14 trnf'o'•
-S1 f0'>1Tf~44 Ho vfo .N ame, my 0 soul , thou shalt
;] Hal ftft'~le~5 ! Ai-el ~ t!OS T046 nf"t!o •
~ ~CiOTJ46 uT~f~ HT(i47 II obtain honour 47 in the Lord's court~6.
f-e'i13 47 l../T~'aTl I
j 9.BCit-

~ fq8f~tf48 UTU'49 R~ All thine misdeeds

and sins~9 shall 3a j::pa ~0l0H~8 nf3 d!oT'l'" fHe trecn50

~ QCMa50 ~~H51 '1~52 be erased and thou Sh~lt
be rid );{3 i ~-;10l3T51 3 ;1011053 3' 1:I8"TA152 tfI
. OTHT(i53 II of52 self-conceitSI and egoS . 'i11~'OlT I

, ++~++++++++++++++++++~+++~++++++~+++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++v

-------------- .. __ _--"---------

-aaH 59
... -
By the Guru's graceS",
lotus 55 blooms56
and one realises60
the All-pervading58 Lords, contained
he:ut <not t'l ~~5" ~~roT f~g ~~55
';~50 ~ ~ ;:J1~ -Roa~f~~TtJq58
RTi157 u1 ofH~T 5fu~T ~q3~ ~T60 ~
~ I
US''Q60 II
~O ~fa f~61
uTfa 62 l{9' ;:m63 ()Toa
;:rfu64 ~fo OTt{ 114011
UO'RCJl uo~3165
all over57.
o God. the Lord Master, showu
Thou mercy61 unto serfu N anak,
that he may utter 64 the Lord's Name
In Dhanasari measure, then alone
~ ~Ifua.w.. I!~THl ~q! ~ 0:60 63 mq tao
~ fHUe" Cla 62,
~B"006" ora I
Uo'Re1 0'01
3 T ;'i ~ I!~TH1 ~ o'H ~T
3 t u1 tJ301 UO~T065
f~. a~g
~~66 "9~167 w 8 the bride is known" to be weallhy65, 68
;:Jle1 ';:It21 ~. ';:Ie ~u R~ ara t ~1 cf<J5
Rf3'a.ra orl cpa 69 when" she performs70 the. service6' R~r'9 Clo"WO ~, ~ 3or~167 !

Cl'Htfe70 II of the True Guru, 0 brother67 .

~71 HQ72 ~il73 o brother, she shouldsurrender7J ~ ~loT ! ~R ~ ))iTucl -eu 71 3 ~H172
;:ft»f7'( R~75 ~ 8~ ber body71 and SOUP2 together with 75 ))iTl/el<n1 74 Rlh 75 ~ arat ~ ~otJo73
~Cl'fH76 fGaT~77 II her life74 to the Sat Guru and ought ClO -e~1 tJ1<:11e1 ~ ))i3 ~~t t?1 Otj176 ~ea
to walk 76 in his wilp6. ~00171 ~ftr3 ~ I

~ ~AT~f~78 aR~ Where God makes me sit78 there do I ft:l~ ~f<:101o

-c: Hi;= faor~'~178
_ ~, _
~Q ul W
grel ;:r~79 ~;:rfu80 sit, 0 brother and wbither 7 ' He i1ot!T ut , ~ ~10 ! ~3 f;:jQ7' ~
- H7i U!5~O .
3~81 ;:JT~82 II sendest'O me, thither81 do I g082. ~, ~81 <:11 H' ';:IteT82 ut I
~~~~ UQ84 ~~ & As great as 85 the Tnle Name 86 is, 0 1
fim ~~85 RBT nTH" ~, ~ ~la ! t1~1 ~83

~1"9~ il~~85 RtF brother, so great83 there is no other 5a ci~l ~Tatl84 0<:11' I
~86 II wealth 8".
RB'T87 iN ~ cn~89 I ever 87 sing,O the praises" of the H' uHF.lt87 Rtl R~188 ~ll)it fR:Ef3T" OIT~09o
aTT~90 ~1 RB'T RB True Lord88 , 0 brother and ever ClCl~T u t, ~ ~lo !))i3 u1 ffil RTff ~
~ RfuJ 91 ~T~92 II abide'2 with" the True Lord. oTB'l ~R~1'2 u T I
U~93 01~4 Make thou the Lord's praises'" and ~ <:101 t?ll)it fmi'3 t'" 3 ~1~'5 ~ ~l/e1
\lfaTl)i~1))fT95 "9T~l virtues's thy wear,3, 0 brother and a
l!F.l1ClT93 seT, ~lo ! ~3 ))ilucl fC!;:{3 96 ~

))fT~llff396 ~ RTB'98 thyself enjoy" the relish'8 of thy ,!)){1~98 ))iT Li u1 Hre" I

l)iTij l:JTf~95 II honour'6.

8R2 Cl'T How 3 can I praise" him 2, 0 brother? H' ful2

- .
Hf<:1H'" feilR 3a t3 qO Reie1 ut ~
~1 .
RT8~1~4 Unto his vision5 I am a sacrifke5 • ~lo I ~R ~ ~1~1g5 ~3' H' ~10~" ;:rteT
;:rrfu II
m3cno f~fB ~))fT7 Great7 are the me.rits in the True 3rol~t7 uo f~aTg3~1~t8 m1 aro f f~tJ, ~
10 3aT~T ! 'iiCla ';:I1~ ~l {JOIl y'T53~' ij~IO,
~f~l')f~1l')fT8 "9Tel Cl'ofH 9 Guru, 0 brother. If one bas good

f).f5 10 3i'12 uTfe 13 II destiny', then l ;! alone one attains l' &~P.i 3~12 <:11 (Ju R~ a.Io t ~ 1{'l13 <l~,1J 0 I
unto the True Guru.
fufer 14 ~ql:!15 >-fio 16 Some l4 know not how to submit" to ~114 o;:plS ~T l1 T8<! CiCJOTI6 oo;:it

o ~~ol ~'eT -e~17 the Lord's willis and wander about" ;1'<!~ »f3 <JoR 17 ~1 l{13 18 I){~o SCQ~
g'Tfe 18 f6' oTfe19 II '"' in the love l8 of another 17 , 0 brother. f~o~19 <:10. <1 ~o'~ !
ROlfa' ~e120 OT fHB They obtain not refuge 20
in the ~~t ~ erra t ~1 R0T3 »f~ l10T<J 20 o;:W fHP.itJ1
9T'eT ~R~21 fHB 22 22
Guru's society and find no place2J 1'Il3 SCi'<!21 8~1 ~OJT13 o<:lr 8S'tJV2, <1 ~lo !
o l:fT€t23 II to sit 21 on, 0 brother.
oroer ~erli24 f30 T25 Nanak" they25 alone accept 26 the o'oa, c1?P.i ~<:I2S <:11 l{~ ~1 o;:p24 ~ ~P.i •
HorfeRT26 g'T'e1 ftto T Lord's wilP4, 0 brother, who are QO~16 <:10, <1 ~lo ! fifc'it ~1 ~ ~ 0'H 29
qa27 'OlHTfu'»iT28 pre-destined 27 to practise 2' His ~1 alfr~l ClooV8 I{~ 3' fSl:I1 ~~V7 ~ I
0,~2911 Name 29 •
f3031 f~~30 ~€?32 Unto'O them 3' 1'2 am a sacrifice", 0 ~ot31 ~3'30 H'32 CloS'o ~~tJT3] <:It
- u - - ,
<J ~o !
~rfa>}fT33 iT'eT f30 brother and am ever,4 devoted 85 »f3 RtJl~34 <:11 ~t ~3' RtJ& W~,35 <:IT I

er~ R-e 34 ~ft5~1~35 unto them.

~T€t 114'111
R36 -eT';5Tl11 t37 FTB1>}fT True are the 36 beards37 , wihch touch" R~ l!~ <:I?i. ~<:I36 ~T<J~37, ftt<:l3 Ola t ~

ftt qIo BooV8 the Guru's feet'8. tr ot'8 ~ tJORe" <:I?i I

'5aTfq39 II
40>}fof-e?j41 H~f042 They, who, night 40 and d ay41, serve42 ;:j -a<!40 »f3 ftJj41 »f't!c! mot ~1 ur rs 42 ~
q@ >}fTt.R;T »iofe"Q4J their Guru. evc:r 4J abide 4s in bliss44 • ~,~,~ <:10, ~<:I ~~r43 u1 ~F.l14~ )){tJo ~~45 •
»iof-e44 o~f045 II ~I i
Fi~48 R~49
R46 .. li~47
• f-eRf0 51 114=<11
-efo 50
Nanak, baauteons48 appearS I their 4'
faces 47 at the courtSO of the True
Lord49 ,
o'oCl R<J<!
f,,;:ra~7, R~ l!~'lf149 ~
R?5-~48 f~e51 <:10 ~oi46
tJaS 0 lli';o"I
~ ~
lil::l52 F1~ -eT;5T>}fT
~C?f~53 R~
True are thc' countenances S2
true the beards of those, who
utter S3
R·~ l!-a <:10 ~C'it
-e BT<J;3, ,:r R~ l'IlTl:fe
-e f~<Ja52
I'Il3 R~ l!~ ~i
1'Il3 R" Bl a~l i
orHTf~54 II truth and practise s4 the truth. oro~54 <:10 I
Rt)T Ra~55 Hfo The True Namess abides 56 in their R~' 0'lf S5 ~qt ~ f<JO~ >ieo ~RtJ,56 ~ »f3
~n:rl'}iT56 F1f3qIo Htf~57 mind and they merge 58 in57 the True ~<:I R·~ orai lli'tJo 57 810 58 <J W~ <:10 I

FTHif~58 II Guru.

FTBT 'CfTFT1 59 True is their capital59 and true their

~3H61 wealth 60 and they obtain the

l/tf~ II sublime61 rankC•2 •

+++++++++•••+.+••••••••••• + •••••+ • • •~.~6m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~ 8~ue3 R'i l-fio64 They hearu truth, believe 64 in ~u sf"i! J!.~o'3 ao~ uo; sf"i! '3 ~a~{T d'~~64

c;fo RBl Olra 65 truth and practise" the true deedf,6s. ui') !)f'3 sf-e !)fH~s aHT~'B'6 '10 I
OlHrf~66 II
RBl ~tffiti7 aR~68 Their seat" is in the True court67 €t~t ~T fCaT~T68 If~ -eo~Pa67 "f~ ~ »f'3

~ )-fTf~9 RHTf~70 II and they merge 70 in69 the True Lord. ~u R~~ RTE" ~~d" 5li') ;J ~70 <JO I

(')foOl f~ RGara Nanak, without the True Guru, the oTO&, sf--e a.!d'T ~ ria Rf3t!d'~71 lfTfE'liT
R'i71 0- lJ~,;f True One71 is attained not and the oul' ;:JT~T '>f3 HoH3l~72 ~oT5 a W~7J uo I
~H .. 73
;:I+fu " egocentrics72 go astray7J.

~ur74 fU@75 f~ In the love" and affection80 of the ~uo~ urel 77 ~ :l:ltr,?)78 ~l flfou~l79 l)f'3
~76 ;:IH77- fofq78 water77 -treasllTe71 on sky, the pied- tfl3 l)j~d' "i!Tf~0l74 .. t{l3H 7S , H~T t{l3H"
80 I

cucko074 cries out76 "Beloved 7s , 0', 1iaTd'~T76 ~ I

1{H79 fUni Tfa 80 II
my beloved".

aja fHH R138 81 Meeting with the Guru, I have CIlo t oT"5 fH5~, H~ l.J.~ -e oTH ~T ;5i;;1 81 ~

the cool81 water of the ~

Rf~ tl::f 82
iil2 tf'feni T recoived lfT~1lJd'Tlf3 ;J faJ!)fT ~,
- ~~fu»fT92
. ?; 19-
f~TO<!uTq83 II Lord's Name, which is the
of all pain82 .
def,troyer 83 oTH aoo ~15T83 ~ i
'1~85 I1~B86
Ba S8 aq
My thirst 84 quenched 85 , Divine
knowledge" has welled up87and past 88 ~3tf081
_ .ore18S ~ '
Hol f3u84 as
... faTlliro 16
»fTfEIli1 ~ !)f'3 !ia OIE18a ~ ul~T ~
l]CXTo89 II - .. are my cries and screams 89 of anguish. ~l Hal "i!la-f"i!<JT;389 I ~
(')foOl OJOlifl::f Rtf391
90 Nanak, enshrining94 the Lord's 0 10&, OloT ~l ~fel)fT90 ~!)fTcT t.I.~ ~ oT)-! ~ ~

~fe92 'OT>:! o~ Name in the mind u , by the Guru's fuO~93 !)f"~o fCaT€t~'4 oTH l.J..T<!l ~ >i~o :
~a93 qTfa 94 114811 grace 90, peace 91 wells Up'2 within the 3i;;-B0 91 Qt;!T 5 ;:r~19Z ~ I i
mortal. ~
E[Tmu T 3' RB 95 o pied-cuckoo, utter96 thou the ;:1 uul;:1 ! ~ R-~ oTH'S ~T €t~Pd'o96 ad' '>f3 i!

R~97 R(?98 True'S Name and be attuned" t0 98 9 9

R~~ li'liTH1 97 oT5 • fUd'u;3V UT I
8 Tfu9'9 II - the True Lord97 •
afH>;fTI00 3CJT l:JTfe2 If thou utterestS the Name, ~ao 3' 0Id'-'lio"RId'13 a1 4 ~ o'T)1 ~T @"i!Too ~

~ ajatifl::f3 ~fe4
becoming the Guru-ward , 3 then, aa'S 3~ ~~52-Q ;:JT~OIT 3'~ ~"i!1d'0 ~oo I ~

0"': '" m~ao' .00 »<3 ~~" 'Pi" ~ I

2 lOO
niCSTre s II acceptable shall be thy prayer .

mttJ6 mfo7 f3U 8 Contemplating7 the Name 6 and

~~9 l-f-f'OlO H accepting lJ the Lord's will 12, thy n~1 a
n....1 Td' ad'o ~'liToTIO
_ I
'301 fUIliTR' of~039 Ii-

thirst shall be quenched9•

8 ;J ;:JT~aJ1 I
Clwfe 12 II It

W(J ~~T13
The low l4 cloud rains l5 in four 01-''' .,'" "'01' "'R1'" ,,1 "~",,, ~ »<31
L .............nnFlflRRRilm~JHII'ilI"l"lF'lfll~~Jfl. .........ifl;;p;p....,...~iJiili""''''''''qRJillpifillJiil''"''fOIii'''' +4iW4ii4i4'.U4IIG4ii+• • •,

~oFH:~T15 ~le16 ~17
Roft:r i191fi18 II

t:rC5 ~13 R9 22 ~U;l19

f~Q t:rg fUl}{TR 20 '0
spontaneously 18


the water,
produced 19.
raUs'7 in the pied-cuekoo's mouth.

thing 22
Without water, thirst 20
)).{1 li't!l 17 ~ I

u~l 3' <:I1,

<JO g22 li-e T
sillo f::r.<:I ~se121 o<:Il· I
;I-e1 19 ~ I urel -e

t:rTf~21 II is quenched 21 not.

(STOq ~fo ;:r~23 Nanak, whosoever 24 ' indrinks 25 the oT o01, ~ ~e124 tN -e UT~V] ~ tlTO OfO-eT25
ft:rfo ttl"p25 f3~26 O<Jr ffilTel I
Lord's water U , he26 feels not ~., ~R
- ?i H~
&26 - 27
~CI27 0 C5Tijj l}{Tf~ \I 27
hunger again.
~:pal~T ~ Uttering 29 the Lord's28 True Name]O, I1llilHV8 ~ RtJ OTH JO -e T ~~To029 CTcJo
~~fC529 FiB o sparrow-hawk, thou shalt be ~lliT(p, ;J uu15 ! ~ l1~ft!HT031 'Ell ~~'mt I
~ B9 Tfu31 II embellished]l.
iR~32 fq~ 3-a The True Guru shall show 34 thee, R-6

01"2 ;:r1 3~ f~1:P534 ~~ar, f01 <:10 ~R~3Z

j5 Rf30Tfa that everything]2 is with]] thee. 3a RIa]] <:11 ~ I
-e. feCI'f~34 II
~ l}{TU 35
!j t3l{ l:!37 n-rg
~~39 c:5'f~ II
Understanding'6 thy ownself35, thou
shalt meet thv Beloved37 , whose rain
of me rey, t he:n, shall continually]9
""ui '>!'U" i; "",," ;t. ;j, """" fu'"'il" i;
fi-ra u~·CJTT, f;:r;::r tft ofuH3' t!T Hl<:I, :re, 3iJ
~""3 501T31O]' ~oROIT]8 I
fall upon]8 thee.
(1 fsfH fsfH 40 l}{"-nt~41 Slowly and steadily40 the Nectar4' ula ulij40 )).{Tfs-f<:ltiJT341 sa
~r·3 ~~ar<t2 )).{3

1 ~cn:rt,42 f3R(ST43 shall rain UpO:n42 thee and thy thirst 13

and hunger 44 shall all depart 45 .
301 f3<:I 3 l:IfUlli
~ -
R~ -eo;j ;:rr~0I11li145 I

~CI44 R9 t:r'f~45 II
i qq46 uorra 47 0 Thine cries 46 and screams 47 of anguish 3011li1 1[1:f t!11li 1 '31ort
1li3 1i01 ~0i47 I~
j 5~~1 ;:t31 48 ~f349 shall end and thy light49 shaU merge SO ;:tl~0I11lit )).{3 30T il049 UoH ~04' nf-eo
~ fHHTf~50 II in the Supreme Light 48• 510 s0 ij ;:rr~OIT I
~ oToa BfCI 51 R~fo:2 Nanak, the chaste brides53 sleep52 in 0 ' 001, UW30 u3011li153 »{To'H51
~ R~'arit53 RB o'fH peace~1 and are absorbed 54 in the R'-e1l)fi52 <:Io)).{3 RtJ nTH nf-eo 51054 ij
~ RHTf~54 114EII True Name. wt'11li1 <:Io I
~ UO~55 CIRfH'56 From his very presence ss and in His )).{1u~1 ~o <:Iilo155 3·»-(3 )).{TtI~l RBl oil151

~ ~ft:r->rfT57 RB ~an-r'58 true will s8, the Master S6 has sentS7 nfeo , HTBCl S6 ?) OIo-S-e5?;
- = . WfB)).{TS7)).{3
UC5'fE 59 II and forwarded 59 the Guru-Cloud. O~T 0113 Ts9 ~ I

fe~60 ~oR61 tf~))iT62 lndra'o mercifull)62 rains61 and re-eo'o (~gT t!' ~~3T) fH<Jo uro ~62

---------------- ---_._--------"--------
..,ltj. . . l6:.<lw.~
. blbltlll••!II+tlII.tlII.tlII.itIl.itIl ,.._.**' *'.*' ~••••*'•••*' ~ iI!l.Iu.
~.1u .blullh
. . . . ..•.·itIl
. ,

O(fo ar~163 ~~aa64 heavyu is the incessant downpour 64 .

grftr II
" wale} 3f065 l-ffo 66 The bod y6s and
mind" of the ;:m6B 1{i6' B' Hlu ~ Cleyo ~~ -e ~-.J71 f~
8:l;!67 iif~ ';=1168 3~69 sparrow-hawk are pleased 61 , when" lhW2 ~ 3 T "JTf~ i!T HClla6S »f3 f~~
ire70 l-ff\J71 lJTfE72 II
;: - the Lord's rain-drop'0 falls'2 into t!~o" mm <:10 I
its mouth".
»-fQ73 '0974 aiJ3 T75 Great'S becomes the growth76 of umoJ7S cj tlT~ ~ tT~73 >l8 ~8374 t!1
€tU~76 '0031 77 R3T78 corn73 and wealth14 and the earth17 l7t'f~76 l>f3 fy"l:J~171 ~3TreHTo78 ~1 ~~tl ~ I
lfTfE II gets embellished'8.
3arf3 81 ~ C!!O ~
~~80 Night and morta1s 80
d ay 7',
worshipsi the Lord and merge8] in
."""~ f"~":..,~'~1",;~ :" \l~~o~ ,,:;;': Ie
\Io»f~ CIlClT ~I a~I-2 »feCI BIO l:Jt~i!
Raft!82 RHTf~83 II the Guru's word82 •
»-fTiJ84 RBT8S atffR86 The True Lord".
forgives 86 them and
of Himself84,
\Io I
RBT ~»fTHl85, ~e14 \Il, €[~T ~ li»fT:6 OlCl i
He Olfa 87 foralJT 88 showing81 His T86
fee ~ »f3 »fltRl Clf<JH3 81 tr'd 87 ~ €[c?
cra 90 ot=! TfE s9 II mercy88 makes them walk.'o in His
~ »fTlR1 cf't:p8' ))jeCl ~eri!,90 ~ I

~fo CIlc;91 0fT~92 o brides93 , sing'2 ye the Lord's 5 u301~']! ~Flr Si»fTHl e1»jT fH:63T9I
orrH~193 RB F1af-e 94 praises" and be absorbed's in His opft!o'2 cr-a »'I~ ~H ~ R~ oTH'4 I)jea
F(H'Tf~95 II True Name'4. BlotS cj tlT€1 I f
~96 OlT ~B97 F1larrq98 Make ye the decoration" of the ~H" SilliTHl 91
B' ~CI'6 e T <JTerff.:i'or'CI'8 BT~ ~
orfa~ Rfs 99 a~~ Lord S'7 fear" and remain attuned 100 »f3 R'--ij t!~" oTB fUCJ\I~ll°O 1./It!l i-~ I ;:
fH~ HTfE II100

()TOOl oTH H'fo ~R2

to the True Lord".
N anak, through the Name, God (;T(;QT, (;l}{ -e oT<:1l ~fUcIT~ f"13 f~ fcOl
wo -eoar~3 He abides 2 in the mind and the mortal ;:reT' ~ »'13 t!1(!1 t{![ -e eCl'ilTer] »f"tCl €re-
SWfE 1I11.911 is released 4 in the Lord's court]. }:JBTW ~l ~St!l ~ I
aTa1~T RorH1 5 TJo31 6 1f1 thou, 0 sparrow hawk, ~CilCJ' i 5 1..ll./l5 ! werlS Q031' t T BCilCJ8 Ole
traverseth the entire S earth6 and
;":J7 f~of~8 ~f~9 B~»I3 ~~er19 H'o lliH).fToI2"3 t1" ~~.IO •
tsf~10 »{TOirfFl12 II soaring9 high ascendest 10 the sky 12, 3' 31 R""6 CIler T oT5 fHeR' ~»fTO' \Il
R8qrfo fHfH~ t1(213 even then by meeting with the True 3~ t!~ t T l..lT~113 lf1..l3 5~OITI4, ftIR 0'5
U~~14 'ij~15 3l::f16 Guru alone, thou shalt obtain l4 the 3C1llifQ»fTI6 3 f=t<:1 17 of~Cl31S 5 tlT<!OT1»jT I
= ..
ftf>;fTF(17 II Lord's water 13 , wherewith thy
bunger 16 and tbirst l1 shall be
The soul 18 and body·' all belong to
r4695 J
thing 21 with 22 Him.
Without being told 23 , the Lord I<n:>ws
everything, so before 25 whom 24 else
should we make 2E. a supplication27 7
~R ~~23 ~ trcfio <11, l!l')ofTHl RTO' Cl8' ~,
~, feR
3~1 llfRl
E -

011<J~24 ~a;s ~03V7



Nanak, the One Lord is prevading 29 (';'001, feq Rfel <11 RTfal')off f~3f21 ".j'~ CJH

all hearts 28 and illumines 31 the fa(J,2' ~ 'li3 llfTU~ (';TH lO (J'T(Jl l{T~ll).ft ~

mortals through His Name 30 . (jRo acre,31 ~ I

o Nanak, he alone enjoys the
3 ;! iJ oTo<1 ~~m ~u32
! '11 S<Jlo ~1 03 -
33 ?i
spring season , wh0 34 is immersed 36
33 H'C~T ~,;'lH R~ Olaf e1 UJ'3 3S ".j'~ 810
in the True Guru's service 3s • ~fel1i' 5fel).fT36 ~ I

The Lord rains 3;' mercy on him and J:'li THl ~R ~3 af<JH3 ~OflT~'~137 ~ l)j3 ~R
his mind l8 and body39 a!l flower 40 and, e T fB3 38 llf3 Ra1a 39 Rra y'~~340 <J w~
through him, the whole world 42 <10 l'>i3 ~R ~ OT<W, R'OT ;:t(JT0 4
2 (JOT 3i1 r41
becomes green 41 . til ?~~T ~ I
Through the Name 43 , wbereby46 the oTH' 3 -e C1T<W, ftm ~'liTor46 -e<147 l'>i3 feB'"
body47 and heart49 are reverdured so , ROHS'H 50 <3 NiB <Jo, tll~ R~l~44 <11 J3l'Il
one ever44 abides in bJiss4S. llfeo ?'Re' ~ I
Nanak forgets SI not the Name, which OTOq (-iTH '§ o'1l ~3T~'~1I,fHR ~ wfa'litS3
has createdS2 aU5:l. ~ ofB,ip 52 ~ I

Nanak, springSS is only for them s4, (';'001, su Ta S5 it~s GofS4

- u
3t'1 <11 ~ , ftrot (j

within whose mind. He 58 , the Lord, -e fi33 llf"~CJ. OlClf ~1 efel'>i,S6 ~l')ofTo', ~<1S3

abides 57 by the Guru's grace S6 , l{"! ~H~T57 ~ I

When the Lord"s mercy rains 59 • the tle" l{-1 el of<JH3 ~He1s,~, l'>i T3l-(T60 llf3

soul60 and body·1 blossom62 and the ~<J61 ~3362 <J 'HTe <10 '3 RTCJT RRTa

entire world grows green 6l• RaRSiju til ~~eT ~ I

Bathing66 earlyE4 in the morn6S , R~a'4 >Ji-f'"!.3 ~g6S feR 0'0 O1ait 66 , l)il1l
wbose 69 Name 67 should we take 68 ? folA" ;:T o'H" Mel~68 ?

We should uttcr70 the Name of the Rl~ J1H~l R f<JS71 ~ o'H ~T ~'6Ta(';70 O1o(,;T
B'<11e1 ~, ~ 3~o72 '3 l1,tK!73 ~ Rati-
Supreme Lord 7' who is Omnipotent74
Rq31~074 ~ I
to destroy72 and l;reate7J•

'--- -_ _----_.. _--------


~OC75 "§Jl '3 '3 The persian wheeFs too cries76 , <:I~e7S m ·,t ~" 1:!orrae-r76 ~ lIf3
Clof~J'6 ~~fu77 ~Bli8 "Thou, Thou" and utters77 ~F.Ier28 SB079 (iB1ao 77 O1i:H~T ~ I
~~7911 sublime78 words79 •
RTf~ra RW ~fa80 ~ The Lord is ever near 80 , wh y81 !1l){THl RB1~ ~80 <:11 ~, :i (iR ~ l!5B
fOC))iT91 ~'3182= orofu callest83 thou Him with a loud l){1~Tti82 OT~ for~81 ~5T(i~Br83 ~~ ?
uorrerS3 II voke 82 7
{;:ITo 11~84 ~tf1fe85

He, who has created8s the world 84 filR ?l RRTCl 84 RTfill){T8s ~ >li3 "if WI ~

0['086 -acn87 orl»iT and 10ves87 it, unto 89 that8S God86 , I fUI)1TCl O1ClB,87~. @R Ba ~Tf\'lOJa86 @3~89 H~
, - -a-
fuR 88 f~rCQ89 am a sacrifice90. ~Cl390 ;:(it!T <:Ii I

lor~~90 II
tl)fT1491 ~fu92 3 y93 If thou abandonest92 thy self- ii01a 3= >li TlR1 R~-cJOJ3T91 i;
f3»tTOJ ~~'92 ,
RQ94 fHB' RtfT ~ conceit", then93 shall thy Spouse94 3B 93
<:11 30T 1..13194 ~~ ~arT I c1~ fro
~tJT295 II meet thee. This alone is the true \'11 RBT fl:fl){~9S ~ I
thought9s •
u@'A96 f~T97 ~~~ Talking insipidly97 through ego", one cJ01la 96 ClT\'Il a~l:fT -a~ Bl){TClT 97 reoR'o U3
- - , ... c

~S98 '0 RQlT ClT099 II can realise98 not the Lord's will". t!1 otI T99 ~ >li<'i~~'" o\'ll 010 RorBT I
~~100 f3~2 f3g~4 The forest lOO, grassy vales 2 and the itarcs1OO,UlT>li ?T~ll){i ~TB1I)1i2l){3 f~3 ;:(JT04
~i ft:r))i;rEB T5" 6~ three3 worlds4 meditateS on Thee, ~~ fRHO~ <:IOj \J !1l){TH1! l){3 \'IHHT8 ~R
f~(i' RBT8 f~~9 II o Lord and thus ever8 pass9 their . -.
30t \'11 @oi t'll){t ('JT3 i8 3 fB0 7 a13~9 \'10 I
nights6 and days7.
fSCi Rf3cno fore5 '0 Without the True Guru, no one R~ O1Cl 2 Brio, forR ~ 311..!.~ UClTU3 ?>tit
l..fTf~T orf'O orfa 10 obtains the Lord. People have grown ~t:!'T I (tR BT fu01 aRlO fUl){T o UTClo ~l){T(JT19

t:l~ 12 ~l'3To 13 II weary 12 of continuallylO reflecting '3 Bor <:ITo <Ie ar~12 <:10 I
on Him.
'Ot!fa 14 orofu 15 ;"l16 Ifl6 the Lord casts lS His merciful ~~016 HT5Oll){'lR1 fHOo B1 oi:lCl 14 uralS.
l)fnril 3 f17 »iTiJ18 glance 14, then l7 , He Himself l8 3t!17 ~<:I ~B18 \'11 trC!l ~ F.IHg3 19 ~Cl feBY
~fu ~fo1911 embellishes" the mortal. ~I

OToOC 'qJ'O)jfl:f20 ftl?i1 Approved 24 is the coming22 into the 1..!.J"pC!l01 24 ~ ;:raT )){Bo ~i23 BY l){TtlC!T22, \J
fq.,.m-e»iT21 »itB22 R world of those 23 , 0 Nanak, who (')T o 01 ! "if O1Clt t:!1 t!f~ I)1 T20 ~ I)1IClT I)1TU<!

23u'O~~24 II ~ S II remember21 their Lord, by the Guru's RTf\'ls t!T fRHClo ~0~2' <:10 I
grace 20 •
;:1aJ25 '0 Union2s with the Lord is obtained alo--aiij26 SR30 i27 ClT\'Il , H'5:il
oT5 fH51U 26

ClLS127 ,:jcn not through ochre 26-robes 27, nor is l.fU3 O<Jl ~e-r, or <:11 oIBV 8 1:!F.JTor29 aTtit'
~fR29 II the union obtaineJ through dirty28 fHC5 TU trU3 ~t:!'T ~ I
dress 29 .

?iTOOr ~fo30 ~fO".p-31 Nanak, unoin with the Lord is 'OT'Oa, RB O1CJT ~1 fRl:f}13 J2 3'rS l)jTtri f'O'tf
;:[qJ tfr~l»f Rf3C!lo obtained, under the True ~ UTH 30 ".f~C1 SR~31 ~l)jICJT u1 HTBCI' 018
"& ~t.r~fR32 IIE811 Guru's instruction 32 ,even while fHBTlI trll3' cj ",ie T :} I
sitting31 in one's own home 3o •

BrB ~~T33 ~34 9~fu35 IfJ4 thou wanderest 35 in four ~CI'Cl34 ~ ~TOl ul lI TR13 J scCl"eT 35 fGa· l)j3
at! tr~fu36 BOT directions 3J 36
and readest the Vedas, ~J1a ~ u1 ~e ~T~~T36 05", foeu mm .
throug 11 the four ages, it is all in vain. SGTfu~T u1 :}
wfo II
jJ (')ToOT RTBT37 ~'Z38 Nanak, if thou meetest38 with the 'OT'Oa, ~ao "t RB OlCJi 37 ~ fH8 ~.J8 3'
~ ufo J-ff?) ~39 l..fT~fu True Guru 37 , the -Lord shaH dwell" Rl oe1· 3a f~3 >i~o feCI' t:I'~arlJ' l)j3 ~
Ht:r40 ~l'){To41 II E411 within thy mind and thou shalt lia31 40 E t'a~rB'41 ~ t./T B~·orT I
obtain the door4 1 of salvation 4o .
?)Toor ~Ofli42~a343 Nanak, so prc:vails 43 the Lord'f>44 'OT'Oa, 'i"l44 e1 otI I42 >JiR 3'~f ~03' ou1 43 ~,
44 45
CfRH OfT Hf3 9~J46 will42• that the perve rsely-46 fCl' 1.[0T l)jCl'8 ~18T46 l;!Cla46 l)jTlI<§ ~B~g48

f"6ofu 47 Bg48 fB3 49 II intellected person wanders17 about at

45 H~~4' ~ afu~ ».fQRICl sCClel fuael't7 ~ I
the bidding of hi:i mercurial 48 mind 4'.
HOHt:r 50 f1~51 orfa 52 Making 52 friendships5 with 51 the 4.31~8 4.a850 'OTB 51 tif'01 53 51 a152 , 5
~R3153 l:!~54 for 55 perverse person 5!I, 0 friend 57, whom 55 fK3cr 57 ! ~ 3'e ».fTOTHS4 8'e1 faR 55 ~
nsketh 56 thou, then, for peace 54 ? l;!$'~T56 :}. ?
U5fu56 fH3 57 II
~ ufi3'Cl l;!Cl8 58 'O T8 til lCl1 liT ».f3 RB aI:oT
~al:!t:r58 R~ orfo Make thou frien.dship with the pious
person 58 and attach5' thy mind 60 'OT8 ».fTlIi Ho 60 ~ ~35' I
. -eR31 Rf30la R~
'8"rf~59 f~~60 'I with the True Guru.
Thiswise, thy root 61 of birth and ~~62
;:rH~ Ha~ orT Hg61 f'eR -3'"0u 1 3Cl1 'tfoH 3 Ho'O B1 113"61 u

orcl»f62 3 163 13~-~~1 death shall be cut62 and then" thou il' €taTl >li3 3't'6J3" ».fTOTH ?> lICl lI3' ~ "'~·0fT
:;; :;1:-=

shalt be blest whh peace, 0 friend. 5 fH3Cl !
'9 fcstli y64 l1iTf~5 The Lord, of Himself65 , instructs" I1».fTHl, ».fTU'5 <:11 ~~l scfal>1 t ~fuI>1164 ~
RHSrf~R166 ;:[T or(t67 those strayed ones'" on whom 67 He mCfH3' ~ fee l66 :}, fmr 67 ~3 (fu ».fTlI<"tl

(5tfa 68 aa 69 II casts'9 His merciful glance 68 .

Nanak, those who are bereft71 of the
fHua t'1 otIC!'8 DTaeT6 ' ~ I
(')ToCl', "H Rl oel· e1 efoel>fT f~e170 ~ RV~31
?)ToOT otarO aTuaVl
Lord's gracious glance70 , bemoan u'O I (fu ~eo 1>13 f~oBTlICI'oE uo I
ora~ tr'C? Tu72 ora II
and bewail72 •
E.9 II
Slokas 4th Guru
R.gor HuW 8
n There is but One God. By the True ~lfu01~ a1~8 foeCl' ~ I RB 0]0' ~1 t'f~l){T
q § Rf301.CJ uRlfe
... II
Guru's grace, is He obtained. ~l}{loT (fu \'l1foe».fT W~T ~ I

---------- ----_...,---,,---------
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+ ••••••••

73~eJTOll))fT74R~TOlil75 Very7] fortunate 74 and chaste7S are 9 1ij73 oRlat74 ~51l>P >!i3 Rf3~3ll>fT75 uo
f;:rOT OloHfl::f6 fHf~ the brides, who meet with their God, ~iJ t/3?ill>f T, ~ Clot ~ cJTiJl·7',l>fTt/<! ~'fiJ~
~fa" a;r~77 II the King77, through the Guru". t/ lf3f.PiJ77 ~ fHB Ih~ll>P iJo I
})[3'fa78 1lf3'79 The Divine Light" shinesBO within78 a~l Qo79 tt~T ~ l>f"to 78 '1~t'0 ~ »13 ~u
tJoarTAl~T80 oToOl
oTfH m-rTf~81 II ct II
them and they merge 81 in the Name,
o Nanak.
0'>1 »i~ij ,,10" " ifi<ff"" ili'i. " 0'0. I i
~Q82 ~Ttl Rf3<m! Blest82, blest isOmnipotent 83
the »IT.6olo92,>!i~olo ~ Ro?-f.rol3l~108l RB OlaT ~.
tra~83 ~ f;:rfo HB S4 True Guru, who has realised 8s the" ~, ftt"i T ~ ~R" RB l!l>f lHl l4 ~ »IC'i9'?850ll:rr i
il~85 m-~86 II q fil True Lord 84 and meeting87 with ~ »13 ftto T olB fH5c 87 ~»ITtJT f3<:1 88 ~s ~
fHf8~87 f3'l::f88 ~3a89
3'Q90 HQ91 Rl3'C292
whom the thirst8' is quenched 89 and
one's body90 and soul91 are cooled 92•

;:rr~189 ~ l>f3 til~ ~l ~iJ90 »13 <ru9 • <S~

va" .1 ~.e <]0 I
- ~ _


~fu II
~~ ~ Rf3~ Hail, hail is unto the True Guru, the f.JT~lf.l, f.P~lf.l ! ~ R'1 ~ l)i?3 To RB il]ot93~, ~
Rfu tra~93 ~ f;:lA ?)
m-r~94 R~9S ~f~ II
Truth incarnate'l, in whose eyes a1l9s
are alike94 ,
moT f~l>fT ~3t >i~a Rl
u • ,
a 95 f~0l-RW094 v«;
- i
I ..

~ ~~ Rf3CH~ Blessed, blessed is the enmity-free" "Go. "Go iJo tIRHol-af<:l3" He Ola~? ttl ~
foa~96 ~ f;:lJj True Guru to whom slander" and ft:lcr B~l atii~T97 »13 ~t/}{l99 f~ aa'ua 91
fiBT 97 (lA3'f398 praise98 are alike", iJol
~fC599 Me- II
~ ~TtJ Rf3CHQ Blessed, Blessed is the RBTUP-tlor, f.l5 1UP-tlor iJo Ra~ar1Re Cla~?
J1~2 ~ f;:rJj >i3fa 3 Omniscient2 True Guru, within l whom TiT, ftt~t ~ l)j'~a3 lJTal:!.u~ ~1 fap)f'3 5 ~ I i
a~H4 ~ltJTC:Js II
fo-aor~6 ~
o tJTOT~~8
~ ~~
~Ti RBajo
f;:lR »f~7
Rf3'OlO ~
is the Lord'54 comprehensions,
Bles~ed, blessed is the True Guru, the
FOImless Being', whose end 7 and
limit8 can be known not.
Blessed, blessed is he lo , the True
"Go, tio iJo
ill, fHQT
ROl~l I

lio, iro iJo, ~iJ'O


l!l>f lHl' RB
~l »I~la7 '3 §-sOIl illfcl)fl oiJ)" ttl

Cla~? Til, tllJ.JC1l)jt

Ola~? t
ftf Rtr- f~9
. Rf~JOII Guru, who confirms' the mortals in
. ffiJ l)j"eo
'ii tIC/I 010 fe"'e 9 iJo I

'(')T'00l Rf3'qreJ ~tl Nanak, blessed, blessed is the True oroa, -qo, lio uo. RB Olae~ ill, fTi~T ~l
~ f;:rR ~ )2 ofl:! Guru through '2 whom one is a l<:l1"12 olH ~l ~13 fH5~113 ~ I
UOruf3'13 ~f~ 11:<11 blessed lJ with the Name.

Wa tIg RtP Hf~W14 The utterance of the Name of God, ~lfuara

- Hl(;ii -e olH ~l ~~lao- <:11
C!IcJ):!fl:f OTt! at~~t1 II
15 the Lord Master, is the true bliss l4 Ts ~T l'l~l ~F.I114 ~ I
- -
of the Guru-wards ls •
Praising17 the Name night and day"

RWU'Cl 17 (lfo t1fU))iTI8 and contemplating l8 their God, their ~Tf<JOJ(J

W fi:n-reo Cloo l8 ;:?l){TOT
,- u

Hfo >;fTc5~19 II mind becomes happy'9. f~3 tLRo" l:fl ~~er :} I

2°~~9raT121 By great2D good fortune 21 , they attain glii 20 ~ar (jJ=lll:lt21 ;:?I){TOT, @u RU-ao22 ~3
- - .
urret)fT unto their God, the EmbodIment of H<J'02] l{~03T2" ~ RiU llil~ ~fuClI~ ~ 1JT
22UoH'Tii~24 If perfect 22 and supreme 23 bliss 2". B"~ <Jo I
t1" 0 25 oToer oTl:! Serf211 Nanak praises 26 the Lord's 060 25 oToCl, Rl-el' -e olH ;:?l Hf<JHT OJ 1 reo
H8"Tf~))iT26 a~f~27 ?> Name and no obstacle 30 shall again17 Clot,2' :} lli3 €til
- -e f~328 lli3 Rolo ii29
Hf028 3fo 29 ~QI30 II befall his mind 28 and body29. li;321 ~-el f~U(030 out ~luaOJl I

>1 31 fualt)f T32 R~33 131 have 10ve H with 33 my Beloved 32. ~eT31 lli~ l{13H32 oTB 33 fUI)f T0 34:} I H'
~Q34 fO!~35 Rtl~36 How 3s can I mel~t with my sweet 36
friend 31 ,!
lliTU;§ fHO§36 fH3•.37 7)'8 fOlIl .
30 tl5 fH8
· fHffi~ fLfI)fTfa>;fT37 II 1l0lt!1 <JT ?
~~38 ~~t139 f30 40 pa search39 for t1lat" 0 friend, who is H'38 ~R40 fH30 ~ i{trtJ)39 <P, ~ RU oTB
R~ RfB R~Tfa>;fT 4
1 11 embellished'" with truth. aa~3 €if-eIli Of-e1)f14' :} I

· Rf3a~m H~T42 fH'~43 The true Guru is my..2 friend" 3. If.... R~ O.!e~~ til H-a 42 fH3e43 <Jo I ~0lCJ"4 W
5 ;:r44 fHH 3 45 ret} I meet him, then" s would I sacflfice..1 ~cr ~ fH5 u~t, 3t!4S H' ))flu<!l f'e"<J
l-Rj46 ~rfo>;f147 II this SOU'''6 of mine unto him. f;:ltJ;31 46 ~crat ~3' <!Ol:f'041 ao ftl)ltarl I
~"tT B flfq48 He has shown 49 me the Beloved 48 ~t 7) H~ H'~ fH3CJ s1 ))j3 Rr;:rc:.Jro S2
tfR 49 ~faSO Rt1~51 GOd 5D , my Friend~jl and CreatorS2• ful)fliJ4S ~Tf<J01~sO fi f~1:fT5 ftf3 149 :} I

fHd;:r~i:JTfa>;fT52 II
· oToe; ~€l flf~53* Nanak I was :searching54 [or my 0'00l, H' l)flU<! fUl)fTijS3* U31 ~ ~~t!154

~TB154 >;fTU~T FI"BQ!o Dear Groom S3 *, but, the True Guru fuet!l RT, l{.~ A~ ClIOl i ~ ~ !iij" R'l:f 5S <J1
: oTf855 ft!C1TfBl";jT56 (I has shownS6 Him to be with SS me. f~l:fl5 ftf3 TS6 :} I

8 II
u~60 C1~ls7fouTB158 I6D stand S1 on th,: roadside s9, 0 my H'6D 6113 59 f~~ 1:18 &,51 301 ft3i:lTCJS8
Uq59 H'3 * H m1~61 friend 61 , in thy S8; May he 6D Thou !ia fH30 61 <1 ROltJ J6o* ~ l){T ~~2 I
60 Ole;:?l <JT,
>;f;~@62 -II = - mayst come62 .
~63 >;flf~64 fHH~65 Let some one 63 come6" and make me ck1 ~f63 l)fT ~6" H~ f'e"J:tatl'6 Jia ~61
· >;fB 66 H f~67 HfB68 meet 6S my love 61 today66 and unite" 0 15 fHiS' ~~65 ))j3 H~ ~Il ~ fi..r5ru 68 >1i'tJe

" fi-fHT~E69 II
u€l ,:l1~70 qal
f~c€l72 ~ l::fo1~73
f3R 7I
me in His union 611•
I shall cut my body10
. four
pieces for him , who show~1S me my
into 73
ems- Ole B~"
~R1' ~
ClCJ f~ll{faJl,;:j
cS-e1 H' ))flue) ftftr;317° ~ 'eTe 'ZZ13

H~ HoT fUI)fTCJT u31 74 ful:r15"

- -75 I
~ H fUo1 74 ftl:fl~E7511 Darling Spouse?4. ;:?~ . ~

oToOl' ufo -af'2 Nanak, when the Lord becomes oroOl,He H'5"Ol fH<Je~:p016 <i ;:rt~T ~, 3e l1

------------------_._"._.. _--,,---------

~)){1'~76 3 177 ora mercifuP', thew 7 He makes man ~

f~oRTO ?i= trao" Olat
:& -
OTS fHST ftf~
lJoT78 HHT~~ 11411 meet the perfect78 Guru. ~I
~3fo79 ;lg80 ~Bl Within79 the human bod)u is the HQR'l ~v82 € llf~a79 da TCJ81 l)f3 Rwol
3fo82 H'Tful)fT83 ~~184 sway80 of ego81 and worldly Ut!1CJtri Bl -el (J~380 ~ »f3 ~or reoR'T('ju
»i~ trf~ II - nluables BJ and the false one84 )){I~~T "3 ;:JT~T CJf.:f~ ~ I
cantinues coming and going.
Frf:3qJo W ~)-fTf~l'){T8S Obeyed 86 are not the Guru's R~ a.rot -e 'IQ'HS5 ~1 tr'ffi!, 116 ou't al:it
Hio 86 0 Rql ~3Cl87 8s 87
command , so the ardous ocean is t:lt~l f~R BEl 0100'7 Rl{eo tlTa CllaTee
- - crossed88 not. ou't iV~!1 I
3fo~T88 0 t:Pf~ II
o~fo89 qa91
94 ftiIJ.90 On whom-so-ever 90 the lord casts'4 filR fqR 90 ~3 ~a )){T1..I<!l fH<JO el oilo 8 '
QTat!1 94 i), ~u91 RtJ Ola T ~1 oil,'l ))jeo
~Tu~l R BB92 His merciful glance S9 , he" walks 92
in the True Guru's will 9l. :.rCl~T92 ~ I
. Rf3C!Ia ~Tftr93 II
RB CfTo qT -eCTRo95 Fruitful" is the vision9s of the True :GcH!lreCl" ~ mI OjCJi ~T t!Tt!la" I fC'R ~
R6~96 ~ ~97 fu~98 Guru. Through it, the moltal attains2 ,(JT(JT\ Y'el ~u99 H~ll00 u TRB 2 CI'iJ B't!l ~,

Fi99 6~ I 00 tflf~2 " the" fruitll~O, that 97 he wi~hes for 98 • f;:JR'7 ~ ~u ~r<it!I9I ~ I

fi1<SP Rf3qIq H~fol)ft4 IS repair 7 to the feet 8 of those 6, wh0 3 H's ~i6
- u
Baal' 7
ti'B1 ut ;ll R~ OJOt
, - -
~5 f306 a BTOJ~ believe 4 in the True Guru. ~aRT a"€4 uo I
tj 1

l.fTf~8 II
()To'1 3 T qT9 ~TB I 0 Nanak is the attendant 10 of those', 01001 ~~i9 t!T R~iil'IO ~, ~ -a~ »f3 fu<t 12
~ ftI l'){oftrQl2 o~ who, night and dayl2, remain tI~ (litH fUo(J;n tl'l;T l3 o~€ un I
f8~13 wfe IIEII attuned to the Lord.
ftin T fUo1 14 fU~TCJI5 They, who bear love" to their fHi1t Bl )){llJ~ tF3Hl4 ~ O'S fuo(J31 TS ~,

faQ: ~aRo16 for~17 Beloved'\ hOW l7 can they be ~(J ~R i! t!lt! Ta 16 ~:ala faR ~i17 -ail
f3tr31~18 II satiated 18 without H is vision 16 ? R01~IB uo ?

O~Oq fHR B:3Tf~19 Nanak, they easily" meet with their oToCl, ~u 1!w,19 uT Ojoi20 t! oT<J't,))fl~
OfCTHfer20 fe~ Ho 21 Lord through the Guru 20, and this RiEl ~ fHS u'i! u'O )){3 ~~T t!T fEu ~
cT~R~22 II.?II - SOUl 21of theirs blooms 22• »fT3HT21 t[?lH3 ij i1 Tt:?V 2 ~ I

ftio T fUoV 3 flJ~T~24 They, who love 24 their spouse 23 , ~ »fT~ U3V3 oTS t{H OIOeTI)jt24 uo, ~(J
fq~25 ;:T1~026 27 how 2s can they live 26 v.ithout2 8 their )){Tui ft(l)jT-ij27 f~OT2B fOlR 3i!j2S tit~2'

aT~a28 II Dcar one27 ? RClt!l»ft <J(') ?

tit 29 Ff~33 Berfo When29 they see their Spouse33 they i1t!29€?\I
- »flU<! a-3 ii. ~1:f g't!TI)jT un, @u
})fT~T ~ ~1~fo30 again31 become30 green 32 . )f3 31 ~ ROR~tll2 ;j ;:rTBll'l{tlo UO I

3'131 ~32 IItll

ftIo T qrCT>:£fer33 *>itrfo34 They within 34 whom, Thou

~u35 '3 u13H36 R~ enshrine J7 Thy lovess , through the o,<:jtU., l)fRlOPl..fOu O1(Jt!' ~., a H-a R~
g;fel1fT37 I'''' Guru u ., 0 my True Beloved 36 ; f;:?BSO !
cJ131 l1i3 ~Q38 3«
'O T Night and d ay38, they remain a-e >lf3 f;:?~38, €t<l 3a fUl)fTq,J' ~;:!(J oH

t{fH 39
RH fellf
T T40 IItll immersed 40 in Thy love 39 , 0 Nanak. of<l"e 40 <lo, oTnCf ! a
CIlOlifCf41 RB1>';fTROl1 42 True is the love42 of the pious RtJl ~ t{l3 42 UW30 q0q41 ;:?l, fim ~
f113 43 u13H44 RBT person41 , through wbich43 be attains oT<l1~3 ~;] l)fTtrc! mj ft!Ba04 4 ~ llT ~';:!T
uTel~ II'" - unto his True Beloved44 • ~I
l1i3f-eq:45 ouf(l Night and d ay4s, he remains in blis!046 a-e l)f3 f;:?~~5 €t<l ~F.J146 )){eo ~R;:?T ~ >lf3
>1f1)ft!46 'OT(I)« Ruf1=l47 and merges48 in his Lord 47 , the l)fTUi Rf<l;:r ~lt III){T}f1 47 l)f~ '810 \i
RHT~1>1i48 119. 0 II embodiment of equipoise, 0 Nanak. ~r48 ~, <1 oTOO1 !
FffiT t{H 49 fur)irq50 True love49 and affectionsO are RtJ1 tp~' l)f3 flto<Ja1 50 t£0051 CIlo-e;: tit
oro U'ij51 3 52 UTe1~ II s2 51
obtained fro01 the Perfect Guru. urff52 llOTll3 <!t!ll)ft;]o I
al:r~:i53 (I) ~~ ~or54 Singing56 God's praises55 , 0 Nanak, ~'f<JarC! ;:?ll){t fR6at 55 afTf~056 0100 t{l)fTQT,

(l)r'O~ (lfCJ CIli 55 they break154 not ever53 • a oTOCf ! ~<l orB S3 91 ~e11){i54 0<l1· I

':JJlel>1i 56 119. 9.11

f1=I3T >i-efo RBT They, within whom is the true 10ve 57 , f;:qt -e )){3];: RUT fUl)f'057~, ~<l l)fTtrc!
~ 3Q57 fO/~58 ,:J1~fC\ ho",,58 can they live without 60 their ci359 -e
~mo'° f01R 3'Ot
58 ;:r1~ RCft!ll){t <JO ?

f~~f~>';f160 II spouse59 7

OlCllif tj61 H5 62 })iTfu53 o Nanak. through the Guru61 , the ;J 0'001 I OIot
61 -e oT<Jr, Rl)fTH'l ~ot '5
- - v •

'OTOq f'l01 64 Lord unites 62 with Himselfu those, l)fTt/iu oTB fHW ~~t2 ~, ~ -eo'4 3· ~FI
~ f~~o)}fT65 119. ~ II who since long 64 are separated65 o'iS' f;:~a1I){t 5~11){i65 <JO I
from Him.

!~ f1=l3
fU>';fl-q67 3~
q~ i{H 66
Showing70 Thy mercy", they, whom
Thou Thyself6S , attachest7 1 with Thy
l)fTu-e1 of<ll-{3" tlTo ~70, fiiCit ~ ~ ~~8
l)fTIR:1 t{t3" l)f3 fUO<Ja1 67 oT5 ~a;:!T ~,

(gTfe>';fT71 QcHi69 love" and affection67 , 0 Lord God, ;J IIt){T}f1 ;:rf<laa !

«f0 70 1\
3ToQ BQ fH(glf~ H Make, Thou, Nanak meet.with them ~ot oTB
- u
3= oTOO1 '5= tl-H?)T ~ l)f'3 ~R l)fTtrc!

WfBOl72 -el~23 3Tl:{ and bless 73 him, Thy mumper 72 , with f9l::lTCJl 72 ~ l)fTU-e! oTl-{ uot!'o73 01(J I

j ~fCJ 119=311
Thy Name.

! ~~lifCf74 ~H QIol:{fCf In Thy love, 0 Lord, the Guru-

ward74 laughs and in Thy love, the
301 t{l3 )){t:!o, ;J t{~ ! OJ~-))ojClRTo174
l'li3 301 <:11 tV,3 ~tO 0!2,-ll1clRT01 a't!T ~ I
;]R;:!T ~

!a~ II
Guru-ward weeps.

f11 75 QI ali fCf qa Whatever75 the

Guru-ward does, ftKJ~T ,!S75 o!~-l)f(lR'ol oro;:?T ~. ~<l76;]1
1ll'li1H1 ;:?1 ll.l-{l-{~1 R'lT77 ~ I
RTE176 ~orf377 ~~ II that7 is th,e Lord's devotional
service77 •

-------- -_... ..,--_.. _--------


qJolifl::f ~~78 R79 Whosoever turns 7S Guru-ward. he7' ii ~~1 C!!~-l')fi2R'cl1 <i ~~T71 ~, tr.J79
ora ~ltJTQ.80 II refJects S3 on the Lord. R~l ~ fRHai') ao~l80 ~ I
OJO)jf1:f oToO/' tr~ The Guru-ward, ferries across SI the OJ(J_l')fi')RTCJT
-c: _.
~ U'o ~30
llTQ.81 119811 world ocean, 0 Nanak, ;:p t!lll ~. 5 i')T(')Q !
ftro T »fefo orH They who cherish the Name treasure S2 fiqi B ))j~~TiJ otH ~T If;:;tlo,&2 ~ l')f3 ii
f(l){PQ82 ~ CIJOa~1 within them and reflect overu the CIlai e1 ~JTel ~ R~ f~~Ta~83 <Jo I
~tJrfu83 II Guru's word,
Their s4 countenancesS5 are evert"
f3nS 4 ~ lil::f85 ~86 @R
88 R~ RtliTH1s, ~1 ~OcITT<J'O >i~ ~i')il4
- .
~ t:lB87 f 3~88 R-e89 brightS7 , in the court'O of that SS ~ f~-aS5 <JHBl 86 <)1 aRnB 7 af~f~ <Ji') I
~aTf090 II TrueS' Lord.
f3(')91 ~))fT92 They, whom the Creator's, of f;:rot ?>=-= fRatlC<Jra'S l1~96 Hl')f~ ~ fe~"
... - -

~Oft!»f193 or~94 (') Himself", forgives'7, they" forget'5 ~. a~92 »f3 ~oe93 @<J9I CI~f~394 l')fl~
_. -
f~Ra95 fiT »iTf~6 not their lord ever94, down-sitting92 Il'l1 THl ~ 0<Jl' ~gT~~5 I
97 98
atrR or03Tf0 II or upstandingn .
QT(')0l' tJjo)jfl::f 99 fHH The holyman99 , whom 2 the Creator- ~or_a~99, fM~ t2 ?> . RTt1<!<J'O-Hl')flHV
- ~
'0 f~~~fol 00 fti 2 ):(B Lord] uOltes with Himself, those C')lB" fHB"1 ~'eT~; ~<J fl-f8 <ll? 5 o'i')CI !
fAot:l<!~JTf(f3l191.111 united ones, 0 Nanak, separate lOO 113 <i '!t!lIOO oiJl' ~~ I
not again.
0]0 ulo 011 tJ Toro1
T4 5 Supremely' difTicule is the service 5 tlcJ}-I' n:!l:j17 ~, OICT l')f3 dU'ol CTfiJaa i4 t#l ~
l-KJT6 ~F J!l::f8 of the Guru and the spiritual guides 4, cf.m R~15, tla f~~:B l>f~a <Jl ~B18 ~T ~
~911 but, is the essence' of bliss s•
ID It ~~'~I ~

'Ot!fo lO
Ola J2 ftTJ! He on whom the Lord casts l2 His f;:JR ~3 ll'l1 THl l')fTl.R1 fl-f<JCJ
tll o;:raIO :
»fT1.RT f3B,13 'BTe J4 merciful glance 1o • him", He inspires '4 OTCJ~TI2 ~, ~Rll ~ ~<J 'l1Tu~l 1{13 15 3 ~
5315 f~T(f 16 II with His love l5 and affection l5 • fuoiJ:3l 16 gr ft!"e l14 ~ I ~
m3d]o aT R~ J7 Attached 'S to the True Guru's R~ OIoT ~1 UltB"17 l')f"ea 1=I30 ~l')f'clT. ~

WoP'>fT I8 199€tiT~20 servicel7, the world 22 crosses 21 the tloll')f;22 f~l')f'()Oi'" ;::;01 Rliea;o 3' tl'cl <l ~
3'a 21 RRrq22 II terrible" world ocean 20 . ~t-eJ21 ~ I - i...
H(l)23 ftJ"ft»fT24 GC225 He, within whose mind 27 IS ftlR ~ f~327 l>f~CJ 3180 fOllJf'3 T2s e T ~
tJTf~RT26 >i3fa 27 discriminating 28 contemplation2', fRl-/Co 29 v, ~<J »iTVe' 21ftlE- ~eT24 H~T25 ~
faaQI28 altJTQ29 II obtains ' his heart desired 24 fruit 25 •
2 2J
tlT ~'~12' ;j I ~

ornor Rf3qIo f).-ff5~ Nanak, meeting with the True Guru, fl1B"~ ~l')f'O', f20R 1o, ~

i')1 0 or, R€ ClICJ' CiT(?

tr~ lf1~l»f R9' t!1:f30 one attains his Lord, the Remover l ' 11'-a ~Clf3l')fTlO ~ ~o CIao ?'B l I, l')fTui 1{~ ~
f~~To~oT2:3J 119 I ei of all the sorrows lO• 1; tlCJTt.r3 ora B'~l ~ I
¥ • ++++++++++++++++++

l-fo):fl:{32 R~T33 ~34 The perverse person 32 , who 34 lJ.31g: s l.!ClH 32 , fi1u;3T34 UPS33 ~~e135
c@35 ~~36 9 Tfu37 performs 35 servicl: 33, but, attaches 39 ~, tf:r.
~u I>1TU<§ H'038 ~ <3oR 36 ~ fUI)fT017
ftJ~38 WfE I 39 his mind 38 to another's love 37 , OTS ;':i;le T39 ~ I
':{q40 qp.) q 4l He increases45 his love44 of wealth 43 • ~u tlo-€S3 43 , W(T~ l!~, u301 41 Wl3
~ HTfE1;fT43 his sons40 , wife 41 and kinsmen42 . R'O~qhir42 ~ fUI>1TCJ 44 ~ ~OT 0101 ;::rtert5
~lJTfE45 II ~I
~oOTf~46 Nl:{T47 Hnaft~48 He shall be called 48 to account47 in 1.N ~ ecr~P'046 1l1e-~6 ~R UtR~ fuRTs
~E1 lif-f3 49 0 Rq I
the Lord's Court 46 . No one can fOI3 TS 47 l.!fG;'»{T i1T~OP48 I Wll:l1a 49 ?i ~R ~
~rfoe50 II save so him in the e:nd49 • ~~ g'1 ~e--l:lgTRSO 0<11· OIo~ RCltT I

fsq: or~ R~ ~~51 ~ Without the Lord's Name all is lJ.~ -e 'OTH ~ aGio Rg' liRla3s, '11 ~ I OIHc
~l:{t!Toe152 HQ53 miseryS I. Agonising 52 is the love s3 ~cuTCJ52 ~ HTf~WlTS4 e1 HH3l S3 I
I"PfE II 01" mammon 54 "
oTOCf Ojol:ffl:{55 OBcr1 Nanak, through the Guru ss , the 'OToOl, Olo+s5 -e
'OTul· lJ.Tc:l Wl<'i.~~ Old ~'e-156
lifTfE>l·p 56 H~ HTfElif T57 mortal realises 56 that because of the ~ fq H<JC1 57 e-l HH3 T -e
Raa Rra S9 H<§
f~~f~58 R9 59 ;:rrfoe II love of mammon 57 all s9 are WlTUc§ ~I>1THl 'OTH~ 'leTS8 <3 ttt-e
'1'0 I
'1911 separated58 from their Lord.
! Ojo,:!fl:{60 ~ql:f61 H362 The Guru-ward 60 Obeys62 the order 61 0l~-l){qfPoo'6 l){Ttl<! ~363 t! ~OHT061 e1 64
~ RQ 63 &CJT64 ~on:{65 \]T 01"'4 her Spouse'3 and attains pea(;e66 tN~Cr62 OIae1 Wl'3 ~H e1 otIr65 f~~ WlToTH"

~ Rl:I 66 Ul~ II in His will's. uT~~e1 ~ I

~ Q~H R~67 ~ql:f In his will, she serves67 , in His will, ~R e1 oif T >it!O, ~u UPS 0IH'~'e1'1 ~,
. »i CJTq68 ~qH m~69 she contemplates'S8 and in His will, ~H e1 oif T Wl"eo ~u fRHa'O OIael'l ~ ~
RHTE 70 II she merges 69 and makes others ~R e1 ClifT nieo '11 ~u w~l f?tl' 51'0
merge'O in the Lord. <je1" '3 <30'0+ ~ 51011 0I0~~4e1 ~ I
~Qql-f ~CJ371 3):f72 To abide in the Lord's will, IS ber Ri~l' el oif T >it!O crf<JCT ~ e T ~UuTR71,

jBB73 R-;1B 74 Ho 75 fasting 71 , vow 72 , purity73 and self- lJ.f3fa1WlT72, ufi303T73 '3 R~-Ba374 ~ 1>1'3
~nfft!lifT76 GPj77 UT~ II restraint 74 and through it, she obtains f~R 'OT<:W ul, ~<1 W(Ttl<! 7sf~-~T<l~76 }R71

0£1 RtT R\]TOff~78 f-;1
the fruits 17 , her mind 7s desires".
Ever a chaste bride78 is she, who
uTf{el ~ I
Rel~ <11 Rf3~31 u301'8 ~, (iu H WlTUi

~\]qH79 BS- realises 80 her Lord's will79 and, Ri t:l' 0=1 crif T79 ~ Wl"ig'o 0I0e1 80 ~ 1>13 ~382
j~~81 fi,.-82 we8>ii
inspired83 with love 82 , serves81 the ST ~83 R~ 010+ el tltTS OIHT€t'e181 ~ I
True Guru.
()TOq ~UT84 qa 86 Nanak. they, 0:11 85
whom the Lord
f;io €lufa 85 f30 T86 * shower:>86 His be:nediction!4, them86 *
t -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... ."..... __ _--"--------

++++++++++++m++++++++++++++++++++++~+++++++++++.+W·h*. 1

~orH '8"e fH8",-es7 II He merges 87 in His will. Bl087 010 Ch:!T ~ I

9t: II
l-f3Hfcr88 ~~H89 "6 The wretched" apostate 88 realises90 SeSl:I3'91 ))IlJa"l{c;88 ))ITll<! l!))ITHT ~T a~89
~¥o ~~91 - f6392 not her Lord's will89 and ever92 does ~ ))I<'i~~'o o<Jl C&eT ))13 R~T92 ;jOlTO'3 i
~€[H93 orcrH 94 deeds 94 in ego n , >i~a ~l-f94 0I0~T9S ~ I l,.
~0396 31197 BB98
Practising fastings 96 , religious ~1l<1TRt96, UTOl-f01 fo3' OIaHj97. l!t1l-f3T,9, R~­ i
Rt=rH 99 u;:rr lOO tlTC{i~2
aa ~3 ()=;:rrfu4 II
routines , piet y98, self-discipline99 and
worshiploo, hypocrisy2 and doubt 3
tfS3'99 ))13 ~llTRorloO ~T O1H'CT 0100 ~lliTaT,
~~2 >l-f3 R~3 ~d4 o<1l ~e I ~
depart 4 not. .~

>i30~S ~Bq6 )..{Tfu»iT7 They are impure 6 from within s, are ~<J lie-a·s l-fBlc6 <Jo, Uo-~B37 ~T BOI0 8 f)

Hf~8 iia
f;:r~lO9 pierced through9 with the love 8 of oTB f<i~ <i~9 <Jo ))13 Hcrn l2 ~T l-fTitr iO !
'~:J1=r3112 5'Q13~~1411 riches7 and are like 10 the e!ephant '2 , <Jo, ;:t O<1T ~. ))ITU<§ ~3 fHcT WeTl3 I\'

who, after bathing, throws l4 dust l3 on

UT~·~TI4 ~ I
fm'O @'lfT-e IS f3R I6 They contemplate l7 not Him l6 , who @<J ~R16 ~ ~tio'7 oul ao-e f;m ?l ~oj ~
i '0 -e-3f~17 f~ B3 created 15 them. How can they obtain ~ ofB))ITIS ~ I ~R B ~ti~ B ~rcna ~~ t
fu@' Rtf tfT~ " peace without His contemplation 7 >l-fTaTl-f fOlR ~j liT ROI~ <Jo ? ~
"6ri~- iicn,J~18 0l1»{T19 Nanak, the 2lCreator-Lord 20 has oTo01 fRol1c<JTa 21 l!'li TRT 20 ?l RRTa" ~
qfCJ20 ora321 UCJf~22 created" the world l8 and mortal ofulliTI9~))I3 \fcT ~5 crs 0I0~24~,;:t ~
fC5ftf))fT23 cm~24 II does 24 what is 22pre-ordained23 for @R
B~l H~22 3· fBfljl)fT ;Jfclli T23 ~ I
t ~
tt""'L II him. f90
OlCJl!ftf2S UCJ31f3 26 The Guru-ward 2s has faith" in his dI~-lli<'iRTaVs ~T ~aRT2' lliTtIi tg ~ ~ lli3 ~
9~1 HQ ~
l-fT,m T27 Lord and his mind is pleased 27 ; ~R ~T fB3 l{Ro27~; ijc 3 f~24 u..~ ~T t~
>'){'Oft!Q28 R~T29 orCJ331 performing 29 the Lord's service night UfTH O1l-fT2 9, ~<1 ~R I)f~o BTo 5 WtT30 ~ I 0)

R)·pfu30 II and day 28, he merges 30 in him. (

))fn3 fa 32 Rf3~2 (flQ33

»iTfu II

~ H'?51>ii'37 RBC!lo UCJl-f 38

-ea ReT
The Great God 33 abides within the
True Guru's
mind 32 . Everyone 34
adores him and everyone comes to
see his vision36 .
Believe 37 thou in the True Guru, the
f~F.fTB ~TftjCllib33 H~ dla j B
~RtT ~ I <Ja &~V4 @oj ~T ~UTEoT aot T3S
3 <10 &~T ))IT & ~j ~T ~oE036 ~1::ItT ~

3 l-f<JT0 31 f~BT(j~T039 R~
fua-e 32 litrC:f It

aJo t ~ gijw

~l~pcft39 f;:r~ fHfC5>ii' great 38 discriminator 39, meeting' with ; To 37, fti~t oTB fHB~ ~lliT;T fll~{TR40 >li3 i.

fuA7.)T40 ~Cf41 ReT whom, one's thirst40 and hunger 41 all ~fU>l-fT41 Rli<J ~a42 ii WtTlli t <Jo I i
;:rrf~42 II depart42• E
-.Q,43 'I"I':"n 'l"l':"n44 I: A4SE... er 44 am 143 a sacrifice unto R~1~44 <JT H~"3 »jTU<! CIld-e~ 111 ~3·
\J,! "'C. "'C. ~i8CJldl
++++++++++++ ...

c ····+ Jto_cI.>~ lIul>~!I! · -* ~ +-ot! do ~.., e.·'. 0°.

~ ala »{U3' tm' freT ,:r my Guru, who makes me meet with tiiBT ~S'~l"S <:1+ ~ Hf) FIB R~THT ~ oTB I"
i ~f~ fH'~Tf~ II ...- the True Lord. fHBT fe"-e <:10 I ' W -

~ oT(l)Of cro~46 uTf~»{T47 Nanak, they"s alon~ are blessed

oTo01, a~B ~~T"I '§ '11 ~FlBT'" trB~tt'
~f3Ci48 fre: 49 iI 0]0 with true 4' destiny"6, who come and lICl Tll3"7 <I~T ~, ~ ~T a 010+ -e \101"SO ~f<:l
~ Bac;ls0 Bar SI >;{Tf~ II fallS I at the Guru"s feet So
• ihis1 <:10 I
• f;:f(l)52 fLra11){T53 ~54 The Beloved s3 , withS4 whom!l2 I have l.{13'H S3 , filR s2 oTB H HoT flll){y055 ~,~<Js,

J 3~S5 fi56 R;::R;57 A love ss , lhat S6 friend s7 is with me. fH3d S7 Ha RTel <)1 ~ I

~(l)TfB II
l>;{3fa ar~fa ~ I walk ss within and my without H~ ~Tt,<i tI.fa' ~ ,,;~ »f3 ST<JO fG'at?T s, u+
~f60t58 ~159 f~a~60 home but, in every cases" remember
61 tf~, '10 <:ITB3' f~B5', H" ~R '§ ~Tll~ H0 60
latfT Rl-f Tf'8 61 11=<911 I him in my mind • ~"eo tilT~ 010~1T61 <:IT I

lfHOT fEOI' HfCi62 fu:if ~, ~ H'1~62 3 f~Ol feB 63 oTB <JOl ~ ~

They, who remember 64 God with
~fBf363 fq1'){TfE»{T64 single-mindedness62and single heartedly63 fRHO~'" <:Io»f3 l)fT~1 ~r3H''' '§ FIB ifJo+
~ Rf3crra R~65 fB~66 attach67 their soul 66 t0 6S the True oTB 6S ~~-e'7 '10 I

~ BTf~67 I' Guru.

~ f3(l)6B 01'1 tll:f69 ~1:f70 Tbey6S are rid'" of pain6', hunger70 ~<J68 1.11~69,l!ful){T7o»f3 <J 01T071 ~ooft ~yOV2 'lo

73 74
~ ~€tK71 ~~T72 (jcrr 73 and the great 72 malad y73 of ego 7\ allfTd1 3" J:lc:3 TR1 liT fli-e <:10 3 <:101 oTB
~ CJTf~I){T74 foat!l:f 75 and attuned 76 to God, they become17 tj,H llT76 ~a1-ofu376 ell ~S~77 '10 I
~ 9-e77 fB~ BTf~76 II disease-free •
~ OTe78 OTT~f~79 Ol~ The Lord's praise 7S they sing7', the l.{~ ~T ;:lFl711 ~'1 OlT~"e79 uo, tI.~ ~T ;:lR ~'1
~ -
~ €1Baf~80 CITe -
Hf~81 Lord's praise they utter 80 and inSI ~BTO~80 <:10 ~3 l.{~ -e ;:lR ~"eoSI <:11 ~'1
~ R?82 Rl-fTf~8-3 II the Lord's praise they sleeps2 and Il~S2 l>8 Bl0 83 <Ie <:10 I

. (l)TOO( Olo t.T€t 84 3 85 Nanak, it is through SS the PerfectS" oro 01, l.!0084 OloT B oT<Jl'8S <:IT Q,'1 l{~ ~
: uTf~lfiT R~fH86fl-ffB>;{T Guru, that they
attain unto the 1IC1 T1I3 i!-e <:10, ~ fOl 3'~ ~T87 a 12~086 '11
~ U~ lj.pfE87 II=<=< II Lord, who then ,eomes87 and easiIyS6 ~~T ~ fHB t!"~T 1
~ ... - meets them.

~ l-fCiHfl:f88)-fTfu>;{T89 The egocentric8:3 feels love 90 for HoH31~as t?T Uo-Bc:338' oTB fLl"~To'O ~ 1'lf3

~Htto ~ CiTfH?> 91 Hen wealths, and enshrines 9\ not ~u l{-~ ~ oTH OTF.) lfl3"2 0<11" lIT~"~T'1 I
~flP;f1Q.9'2 II 92
affection for the Lord's Name.
~ ~~93 q~94 q~ He practises94 fa.lsehood 93 , amasses 9S §<:I 5013 ~T O1HT~l'4 OlCl~T 5' S'o f) fe-cl30'5
- == = =
~AUJ'a95 OI'f~ q§96 falsehood and partakes96 of the ao~T ~ 1'lf3 ~O'7 tT '11 ClTC"T'7 ClT~T96 ~ I
jl>fTUTi!97 11= food of fame hood".

'* 4 ~i••~.~.~.~ ~ ~ #

' - - - ... ....... _.__. _--------

rr,;·;;:;·;·:··:::i:::::::-:=:::=.. ;. ::::·;;:·;l
: RfB2 Hof~ "f-f33 property" and wealth 100 and, in the C«J€t 2 HO ;:JTBT ~ >lf3 >lfl:lTo J ~ RI;!<1 1J>lfT<J5 E
~]fE4 R~ ST~5 II end 3, all is reduced 4 to ashes5. ;:rT "iT ~llB,4 <:1 I
Ol'oH 6 UoH7 - 12S
Rftl He performs lo religious7 @;:r UTo'H0I 7 RROI Ta6 RB~1l)iT8
_. - 3 R~-
R;::f}-{9 Ol'of~10 >i3fo ceremoniess, purificlltion8 and self- ;:IS3 O!HT@~BTIO ~, t[~, @R ~ lllB0 12
~13 f~~o14 II restraint9, but, within l2 him, is the BTBB I3 B~ tl'U 14 ~ I -
sin l4 of avarice 13.
()ToOl' Holifli f;:r15 Nanak, whatever'S the egorentric (')TOOI, f~T 'C!5 15 HOH31l)i1 0I0t!' ~ , @<J"
- .. ~

Ol'Hl~ R16 wfu17 '0 does, that" becomes not accept- Ollj!B 17 (,)<Jl~ ti~-eT l)j3 I.ff ~ BOSTo 18 l)jBO :
~ ~0TU18 ~fE20
l.:!»f~19 II:<SII
Re'oT cl(fii'20* Rfu 21
able l7 and, in the Lord's Court IS, He
becomes 2o miserable".
Amongst21 all the musical measures 20 *,
~<J >lfl~T;:rro 19 ;i-e120 ~ I

RTol»ft l!alBll)it !!a tlo * f~~II. ~?B €!<:1 22

•~ f~25 gW23 WE124 that 22 alone is sublime lJ , 0 brother24, <Jl B.fle2J <J, <J ~lCJ24! fu;:r ~l)iTor25 \ft >lfT ..'"
~fR»fT26 Hf'O by which 2s the Lord comes to abide26 c} ftl3 l)jt:Jo feOl j:JtBT26 ~ I 19-

=»fTfE II
orqJ27 ~2S ~ R~
into the mind.
The melodies", in which the Guru's t 3 Tfi'il){t2 7 · f~ mot til
ftrc'iu... I -
S~V· OTTreo ~
cj 0l'1H829 0l'tit30 '0 word 21 is sung. are all true. Their 01131 iii"ttl ~, ~<J Rra fiB <Jo I €!.Ci' -eT15529 +

;:rTfE n worth29 can be told 3o not. BfRl){I JO (,)<Jl' tl' ROlB' : ~
olaI orB 31 ~OT32 The Lord is beyond U melodies and If! 3cJTf(')l)iT l)i3 1!01csll)iT t:!oTJI 3' ua0 82

f~o133 ~0l'l:f34 '0 JI

airs . Merely through these)3, His ~ I foo 11..lClT fpo,n ~ 0 1<:11. @R Bl o;:;rr JI IP
- u - Io!-

mSl)ft35 11rfu II will J4 can be realised J5 not. >lfo~~J~ 01131 o<Jl~ ;:p R3-el I ~
= • ~
- +
'OToOl' ~Ol'H as' f30 T36 Nanak, theyJ6 alone are right 37 , (')ToOl, ~~3 €!<JJ6 <Jl t~R3J7 <I~ <J('); ~ t
oTfR37 - ~fE = R8qro
a RSlJ 8 urft!39 II
who realise the-ir Lord's will.
they who are blessed 39 with
understanding 38 by the True Guru.
It is I!l)iTHl -el Cli:!' ~ l)i?i~~ Olo~ <10 I ~~t ~
,,1 R~ '10' U'R" ma" '{"'o" ~,,1 a I i
~ fq~O f3R 41 42 a Everything40 comes to pass through42 <Jo fpOl 'tll;:r40 ~~ I ~ oT<J1'42 <Jl ~R44 ~
~f~T ft:J~43 f3R 44 Him41 , as 43 per His 44 will 45 . 91<!4 2 >lfQR'a 4J <It:Jl ~ I oF

'el o;:rrfu45 1I~811 Ii'


f~B46 >;f-fi-f~7 Within46 the True Guru is enshrined RB Olot ~ ll!B0 46 I!>lfTHl "tt T 12~U-~7
iI Rf30rfa
oT}f -~ »ffH~ 0l'~48 the Lord's Nectar Name 47. It is the l){RSTUo 5fpI){T 5ful){' ~ I 12~U-oTH ~ ~<1
q~fE II .. - Nectar Name that be utten;48 and ~ro~48 >lf3 50(')t 3' ~1 ~:oo OICJ~T~'~ i..
makes others utter too. <:10 I e
O]ClH3149 OTJ:! By the Guru's instruction 49 ,
one Olot 3 ~R49 ~l)iroT, UW'30 50 (')TH, ~ at!!
foa'HB 50 fooHH meditates 51 on the immaculate50 Name, t[!! ~ 1..lW'3C 0'H -e T fRHoo cW-e T91 <J I :
!QTl:f f~rfE51
.~ eo~
" yea, the Lord's immaculate Name.

>ifH3 aT~l 3352 ~ The Nectar-word of the True Guru R-e O!aT e1 !!llr_~u ~rel 'R~2 ~ I olaf
(flol:ffCf53 ~R54 - Hfo is the quintessence s2. By the Guru's e1 fi-r;:roS] ReO!r, fuu »fT ~ Hila -e H~
»fTfE II graceS3 , it comes to abides" in the l)j;:o feOl' ;:Jiel54 ~ I
man's mind.
f~CJB55 -a-l-{~56 Through it, tile heartSS lotus S6 f~ ~. (JTu1~ feB s5 cl~s6 fu;3 ;:Ire rS7 ~ >li3
_ucrarTfFfl}fT57 ;:j3158 blossomss 7 and his IightSB blends6Cl ~R e l tLO!la~' l/ClH tLOl'TgS9 Ol~ ~~e60 ~1
,:tf3 59 fi-r5Tf~o II with the Supreme: Light 5'. ~seT ~ I
?>T~ Rf:3q}q f3?>61 Nanak, they" alone rneet 62 with the 0'O0l', a~H €[ul" R~ iJ!ClT 0'5 fHH~62 <]0,
-a-~ Hf'5€Q62 fti"?> True Guru, 011 whos.;: forehead H fuC'i T e }--/,ij6" ~3 fi8e tLIH~U6S l{-e63 3~
-llfCJ63 HR3fCi64 glOJ. 65 sublime destiny65 is 63 p re-wcit". fB~l 5C!1" ~ I
f51:STf~66 II ~ 1I11
>it fo 67 f3R?>T 68 hffdT69 Within the mind l •7 of an apostate70 is »fucp-rl' ° ~ l-lO" f~B :l:I1 fiJR'8;:1 >lidTo1 6' ~,
~ H(')l-{Cf70 9'Cf71 ?> the fire" of desire68, so, his hunger 71 ft."R Ht."l ~R e1 ~fO~l71 ~71 oul ite1r ~
'•" 'tPfE72 -II -
=l4~73 ~~~74 R9' O(~
~~ ~f~ ~f~;;

Totally false is t'he love 7J of kinsmen'"
to falsehood an apostate is
Hl;!"'!O' "1 0 Ro,;01",'" '" fu'>PO" '>l3
'!O ~ "1 ",00H1 f.",," fa", 0 ,
E15uc 1fE 75 II clinging7s .
hf?>ftJ0- 76 Night and day"', he gives thought 78 ac: l)j3 fe<1 76 , ~ f~ora" ;:T u1 f:l:l»flH 78
~ftf3~78 fB3T to anxiety" and bound" to anxiety OfCftJT ~ »f3 f60l'e I)j'ee oClf~l)jr iire~,79 u1
: -;:fTfE
II departs80 he. ~ Cf fi j e T80 ~ I
: t=rHe al Ha~S2 ?) His comings81 and goings 82 end B3 not ~FI -e »fl~igl >li3 ;TIi 82 liO!~83 om· »f3

! BO(~183
41 -
~@'H84- OI"oH
85 and he does 86 deeds Bs in ego B4 . ~u tlOf'08" ~ee clH8s OfOt!l86 ~ I
: 0(l-{TfEB6 II
; 010 RCJ~TE18'i' §(la 88 Seeking the Guru's refuge 87 , he is iJ!Cft e1 Uo riJ87 ffi! ~l)fT(Jr, ~ liOl'~ 5
!3 ToOl" 52 6~TfE89 I' emancipated BB and the Guru rids 89 ;:1;;:188 ~ l)j3 dTo ;:it (?R 'li seot 3· l)j'i:JTt"
-= -.
i~E II him of the bonds, 0 Nanak. Ole f~"~ uo, a (')ToOl' !
~ Rf30lCJ Yol::!90 ~fCJ The True Guru meditates" on the R\l OIee~ Rl)jlHl ~rf<JOlO90 BT fRHOo'1
- - -=
90 92
fOhf TfEt T9l R3 Lord God and the saints' aa~ uo »f3 RrU A0I3 R~ iJ!CI-e~;:it ~
~~ Rdlf3 92
congregation'2 loves'J the True Guru. fl/l){l(J Olo~1'3 ~ I
: gTfE93 II
Rf3a:!o Joining the saints' society, they, who RTU R013 orH ~3 ;},;l ffil OloT;:l utTH94
"R~B94 ~fo H~95 dJq serve'" the True Guru, them, the O!HTtt~ uo, ~~t ~ CI!~ ill tg -e fHBlt/'s
-H5TfE 96 II Guru unitess 96 in the Lord's union'S. >iec fHP.iT fu"-e uo I

, t ~ ~ .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _._----_.._--_ .. _--------
..."'+.... ct....,)"'.++••I\.+++••• !l!!l!~_'f!!h-'f!o~**-~~+~+.!f>~~~~~~~~.",,,,.~

E'Q 47~~ttC248 ;:ror~49 This world 49 and nniverse so is a fp;] ;:tu T0 49 1113 111T5HsO fpOl f3l)fT(iC/47 I
FrR Td'50 ~
O1a ~f~l:T51 dreadful 47 oceanSlI. Embarking on Rl:feo 48 ~ I y.~ ~ nTH ;:tuTtiSI 3 ~T ~, ~
~ oTfH" 30Tf~5211 - the ship51 of the Lord's Name, the trl l{'cl ~ fpR 3· tiro Cia fe~S2 <Jo I
Guru ferries s2 the mortal across it.
OjofRtf15 3 The disciples s3 of the Guru accept S5 Olot ~ }fales3 tN 'til 0;:1'54 ~ Ol~5 CiO-e SS
H'-f()}){T55 O1q the Lord's wi\lS4 and the Perfect56 <J(,) »13 Ua(')56 d1CJ trl €?(')T
I: u
3= UTa iSliP fe~

wfo c%urTf~ II Guru ferries them across. <J"O ,

qrafRtfT OfT ~fCf o God, blesl>58 Thou me with the <J ~lf;]O!CJ
! 3 H3 Qlal -e HoTel -e Uol eT !
qf~57 ~fu58 'JI-f wu1 59 dust S7 of the feet of the Guru's W Ol S9 ~~'tIT; Ol;511 ;'1 ii -HS wao S9 ~T !
~1 O1f360 utf~ II disciples, that I, a sinners9 , may also
be emancipated60 .
~1 ?~ I f

gf(f'l HR3fc;r62 ~fa They, on whose forehead 62 the Lord f;:fli t -e H~E2 ~ JIl)fT}l1 ~f;]CIl~63?> >:!~61 i
i l{~63 fHftf}){r6 4
<!fo Godu has so 61pre-ordained64, them, 3· >}jR 3~1 fC5ftt»fT 64 MPl)fT ~i ~~l ~ CIl~ I
41 }){lf~66 II
fHfB}){T65 comes" to meet 6S Nanak, the Guru. "OTOOl ~~ tiT l)fT ~66 fJffi's U'~;]o I i
67;:rH~Ofa68 wfa69 The Guru beats69 and drives away70 Ol~ trl H3 67 -e ~3i68 ~ '!c" a ua <Jet
Boro '8E ~Tf~7211

O1afRl:1T 7) RTS'fI:r 73
~ wa ~OT74 HfH 75
~fa the couriers68 of death 67 and rescues72
them in the Lord's Court71 .
B1essed73 are the Guru's sikhs, whom
the Lord unites76 in His union 7s ,
fB"--e 70 ;]0 1113 l{~ -e Bo~ro71 f~ ~T 'til
}ffi'lHl CloT fe"--e 72 <JO I
Q(')73 <Jo Ol~ -e fF11:f, f,:r~T ~ >liTtlC1 tfr03 T74
~>liroT, Ri~l »ofTU<! fHC5TU 7s »i'BCf fHW
fH'8Tf~76 11~.911
OTfCJ l.@77 ~fo '()T}-f
'1Ol'Tfu}){T81 II
through His pleasure 74 •
The perfect77 Guru has enshrined78
the Lord's Name in me which has
dispelled 80 doubt 80 from within79 me.
g''tI T' ' ~ ,
t!0017 OloT ?> Ha »i't!O tN BT oTH U~CV78 Ola
R3 T ~ , f;m?> Ha »of"e-a~79 R-eCJ 80 3• Balli
em sf~>liT ~ I
co I!

Singing 83 the praise82 of the Lord's


CJ'H ~fo
()Tli oilcrf3 82 J!»fTHT -e nTH 'tiT ;:tR 1I2 O!Tft!o ll3 0103 ~l)fTCfT, :
C1pf~83 qrfo BT~84 Name, the God's path8S is illumined84
and the Guru shows1l6 it to his sikhs.
-- 'tiT HToQl·S -aao 5 ;:ti'tl ~ l)f3 010
trl fpR 3 »ofTtI<! fR1:f T ~ f~T5 fe~86 ;]0 I ~
- ....
H0l 85 BtfTf~l1iT86 II
~H87 }-fTfaS 8 EOI' Slaying1l8 my self-conceit 1l7 , I am >li Tuc1 ;~-<J0!3187 ~ ~Ta88 it HoT fpOl 1I~ ;:
.. "-. &
fB~89 B'cfTT >i3f090 attuned 89 to One
God and have 0 1 5 fl.ll)fT(j tl faJ>li 189 ~ 1113 olH ~ }j. >liTtf<! ~
oTH ~RTf~}){T91 II enshrined" the Name within90 me. >li"to'o fCOlT TBl)fT91 ~ I !..
010H3192 tni93 ~f~94 dlo T ~ §U~R92 el 50013 Bl)f1oT 'lJIH 93 , H~

By virtue of the Guru's instruction'2,
-e 0 R~ ~ OTf~95 the 'Yama93 ' can eye94 me not and I ;Ol94 o;T' ROl'tl T3 A· R~-~ - oTH 9s f~ 51~ l.
RHTful)fl96 II am merged" in the True Name911• 5 fO!>li T96 <JT I
R~97 »{n} »fTfU98 All by.Himself'8, the Creator-Lord 1oo lit-"El'-:tiB 98 CJl fRCJtl"C<JT(j'oo 'i>liTHl ;]0 ~97
~~~~~~~~~~~••• ++.+++++~++++++++++++++++++++~++++~+.+++++~+.~

?o3 99 efo3T100 "il 2 is pervading" every where97 • f~l)fTUa d fCl<J T99 ~ I ;1 ol812 it ~ ~ ~
~T~3 1=1 4 oTfE 5 Whomsoever 2 He likes 3, him4 He F.)aR',3 ~ t ~H4
_ ~_
. ~u lliTt!<! of}-/5 OTF.) is
'BTfE~T6 II engages6 in His NameS. Ch?'T' ~ I

• t1'(')7 OT"i:'>~ OT€l 'BE 8 Then9 alone, serP Nanak lives l2 , if i}~ 3~9 <:11 0:607 orO'a il1~:t!112 ~ , ~ao
3 19 tl1~ 12 fa?j OT~ he utters8 the Name. Without the ~<J oTH ~ ~BTOt!T8 ~ I OTH ~ ~j'1j' ~<J rea-
10 Name. he dies in a moment lO •
. fCf?j Hfo HTfEl11 11 T \i<J3 IO
f~B Ha ;:tTt!T ~ I

~t: II
• H"i:'> >i3fo13 \J~H14 Within l3 the mind. of the mammon- wfelli T ~ y:;:tra1I){f 'B ~ fB3 ))f"-eo I3 ciOl3T '4
a'0l15 9"!H16 ~~17 worshippers IS is the malady's of \=!1 all-fTal's ~ I €l.u H"'t?19 y:oF.l 20 R~u" l)f3
~H RT0l3 18 ego l4• Those eviJl" persons 20 stray l7 5313 T »feo ~~ fGCJ~17 uo I

, 19~crt1"i:'>T20 II

()TO& -acrr
in doubt" and ego.
Meeting with saintl y 22 True Guru,
the friend 23 • 0 Nanak, this malady ~I){TOT.
R3 HijU 22 R~ arCl~~
- ;:it fH3 23 OTF.) fHF.)e
d o'oa !

f~ a1HTo1 ;:ci' l:{c1

: R;:j~2J II~tll is eradicated 2t • ;:tTeVI ~ I

· crraH31 24 ~fo \Jfcr 25 By the Guru's instruction24, the Olof ~ ~U~F.I24 ~l)fToT, Hf3~31 u301 ~TfiJa.r~
~~2611 chaste bride utters 26 the God's ~ 0'H 2s ~ ~BToe126 ~ I
Name .25

~ ufO' l{H-r 27 0l'!iTEV8 D ay29 and night lO, she remains feti 29 l)j& ae;30, ~u l{~ t!1 tP327 OTF.) ftfi311 8
~ fe-"i:'>lj29 O'Tf330 illa attracted 28 by the Lord's love 27 and ofdel ~ l'lf3 €l.H t!1 ~u Y:F.lTau ~fua.r~ »{3 ia-

~oEi 031 31
\Jfo -afdl 32 her body garment:l3 is imbued 31 with ~Tf<J01~ ~ lJ.l-I S2 OTF.) aaJl 5e1 31 ~ I
~B~3J II God and God's lovell.
~ ufO' -RW 34 ~0l:!35 0" r have seen 37 and searched 39 the H' R'cJT RRlO 3• ?fu»{,37 »{3 9'fF.)>){T39 ~ ~
· H"9ElJ6 R~ -efCfI}fT37 whole world l9 and have found 36 not H~ H~ ll."i ~oaJT34 olel l:{0'F.I 35 o,:W "89'3' I
;:rClTq 38 H ~~39 II any person 3S like l4 my Lord,
O1CJ 40 RscrrfO' OT>:! The Great40 True Guru has f~F.ITF.i40 He arot ~ Ha
»{"-eo oTH 11C{T QlO
ft~TfEI}fr41 HQ );103 42 4
implanted I the Name within me and fe3y41 ~ lli3 HoT ~I){T <Ie; 5042 fatra 43
(') qTU 43 ~~ II my mind now wabbles 44 not f~ol·~5 0<:11' l;fTt! 144 I
anywhere 43 else 42 .
;:r045 oro~ ~fo qT Servant4S Nanak i.s the attendant 46 iao 4S oloa ~Tf<Jar~ t!1 H~~6 l'lf3 fii:F.IT(S17
e-T8: ~ 010 47 Rf3QIcr of God and the slave 48 of the slaves 49 He Olof B 0:60,49 t!T 0:GC!48 ~ I
~ 01848 oTg49 11:3011 of the Great 47 True Guru.
REef H\JHT 4 Slok 5th Guru
- trRTfe-
ct § Af3ClTo II There is but One God. By the True ~f,Jal~ a~F.) fca ~ I H~ Olof t!1 ~f'eI){T
Guru's grace, is He: obtained. ~l'lPO\ ~<:I uTrel){T ;:tTt!T ~ I ' i
..... ...."'"+.....on;4'' ' 'i'.+....
_.A.A.n.n.n.n.n.R1..ii1+Hl4'i1I+iiE+....+iiE.... ,+iiE+.....HIl+""+""+.......,. +......"'''~.iJi4''l'''l'.+++++.+ ••••i''I'+••+.........+i1i+...."'•••"'7:,.:»

Imbued50 with the Lord's Jove are ~~8 ~<J51 ll~ ~

fUl)fyO 0'8 chii ;j~50
theyO' alone, who realise 54 their Lord 55 <:1'0, if 1.@55 ~ 1)fC2~~ qo~54 <J?i I)f3 I)flIR T
and tarn 53 not their face S2 away from >i<J'52 ~ ~* oiJr H3e 53 I
sfa sfaS9 lRt1 Of~57 The ralse 57 lovers5', who know 511 not ~S7 ))flJrol56 if ~ E ful)fTCJ t!l fao3'° ~
faa~:J156 ffieT OfTfa 60 the taskoO of the Lord's' love fan off" 0<:1'1" ~-e5' 1)fQ-~~ iJl f~ar ii'~' <J?i I
»iT~158 11911

(I) mid-way.
t:R'161 f~~162 tl'TC63 Witbout U my Master", I will burn6ll ~U~ I-fTHCl'1 -e <rala62,
H~ -aal-l'3 1)f3
64 trZsa 65 W<J166 in67 fire" the silk" and satin'" robes's. s
l7I38A'" E SR:r >iar" f~67 R T3 l!cl Oll" I
R31 ti7 ,:pH68 II
Iu:s1 69 f~ftJ Bi~170 Says Nanak, with thee, 0 my CIJ.~ ill ))fT1::fE iJo, ;J H-& ci372 ! 3~ OTB' H~
~~~1 ul'-z


-3 F[U72 72
Spouse , I look beauteous7l , even
when rolling70 in dust", 8C11t!1
fHc1'O f~tJ ~8t!V6 ;j~l
ut I
it R<:I'C!171

11 ora
II _ ~ Ra'f~ Through the Guru's word 73, man OIoT t!1 s~178 oT<Jl', ;:ft~ OTI-f t!T tl.1-f75 oTH
~ ».fOi1Jl~74 (iTfH afm 75 contemplates74 the Name with love 75 fRl-fClO Olat!T74 ~))f3 fooHu" l:l'1 ~~l ~ I

HhFcrr- 76 II
and becomes detached".
i fi13 77 Utl78 sa~1~T79 When be overwhelms" the five 711 ~ ~ U";:rt711 t!F.I'lf('iT7. ?> OlTa 0lCJ wt!'n ~
- = =
3 l fro '1-fTCJ' O'ar irnt!TreClllO m~~T ~ ;J
R6'8 80 Hl~ .
I oT('iOl
.fu~ aTdl II ~ II
enemies", 0 Nanak, fruitful" then
becomes this 'Maru' measure. oT(')Ol!

82 fu~83 3 84 ~8' Ha ll2 tlH fd 3 l.{~ ~ '3e1l4 H~ 81:!'l:1j15

I fit81 When" IIIl have the Onell3Lord, then14

5l:f8S 3'~86 ft81 87 gain I lakhslls . Men like" thee" <:1'1 l{T B°t!T iJl I 3ij16 ~otfi87 il1~l ~ ~Qll90

I fll'~88 -efa89 begllll at many'o doors", ~f<:l'))fi" 3 J-i'oR I88 ~ I

=fOf3§90 II
tqT)-f~ faotiT91 OTf~{?92 o Brahman, thy Iife93 has passed 5 ~<JI-fC ! 30T;:rl~0'3 f~l)fcHf91
l:l'13 fc!r,{T'2

: fi3)-(93 f;:rf(i94
-f..Ail"? 11811
or1395 away'2 in vain", since thou has
forgotten97 Him", who' 4 created's
~, fcrlffOl ~ ~A96 ~ ~5T ft!3"97 0, fitA· 4 ~
3~ ClftJl)fy'5 ~ I

• Rofo
tllt:ll>1l 100
R 98
Through Sorath measure, indrink 100
thou the" Nectar", that grows not
Roo o'C11 -e oT<Jr, ~ ~'1 >iili3" lITO'OO
crcJ, if OlB"'ftJ3 2 f6Cl'W 3 OiJr <It!' I

~ nTI-f t!1 I-ff<J1-f15 C1TTf~ Clon' i

: ~IOl'T3 ~f~ II insipid] ever 2,
OToOl, 1l1>f'1-f14
i oTeOf 4
5 Nanak singing' the praises of the
Lord's4 Name, immaculatell becomes ~I)fToT, UW301 l:l'1 ~St!1 ~ f~RTO t!1l.{~3T9
aTt~ll1{f~ ~00I~7
fooHH 8 Rf~9 II L1" one's glory' in the Lord's Court7, ~ -e ~aro7 li~ I

l;':i at{ »)pfu
f3'olO"'af~ 0 HT ot!lll
>i~a O'lJ fOU'"Q12
fH~T13 crrC;14 RTa~i5 II
They, whom the Lord, of Himself,
saves, them lO ,
,no one can slay.
Within them is Jhe treasure l2 of the
Lord's Name: and they cherish l5
ever 13 the Lord's virtues l4 .
fiTc':i'.. t til ~))fTH1l:f~
_ _

~ tiel 51 HTO 0<11' ~or~T I

if-fttl)fT aa~T ~ I ~or'o

~r B ".j~ ~ B oT}{ ~T l:fi:ITOTl2 ~ »\'3

~~ ~HlJTI3
orCl-e IS ~o I
~1 ~A
- u

-e11)ft %or11)ff'4 ~ we

~0fT ~0l16 »'Rfn-f 17 They have the: support" of the One ~~T ~ f~or 81:1'u'7 l!CN ~ tit »\TRd'TI6 :t »\'3
Hfo18 3f0 19 tr~ ...- Unfathomable l7 Being and, in their »\Ttl<! f~oB'8 ~ ~a1a" ))j~ ~ »flUe!
U'ot!1 20 II mind l8 and body", they enshrine 20 12l>j!HT ~ fcorT~tB2o un I
BOJT21 -acrr22 ».{trT"2.23 They are imbued 21 with the love 22 of ~~ ijl)j3 tI.~n B t{H 22 \iB 21 ~o(')T5 -aaJ
~ (') ~3Tot!124 II the Infinite Lord 23 and none can ~ tiel 51 f~ ~ HT~24 o~r ROIeT I
doff24 it off.
Olal:!ftf25 ~fo Singing29 the God's praises 26 , by the OICIT t!1 ~f~T tI»\TO T25. UtI1 e)l)ft f~i26

orfu 29 R~ft:J Guru's grace 25 , they attain 28 the OTtf~29 &a'~ ~~ tlOH lIaRo'3127 ~ lIo T1I321
RTOt!1 28 II supreme bJiss27. 1:1T ~~~ uo I
?)TOO: oTl:! fOUTQ30 Within their mind" and heart 32 , 0 )){Ttl<! f~oBll »\'3 fugJ2l)jea, iJ OToOl ! ~~
foB 31 ~fo32 ~ToE133 Nanak, they wear the garland 33 of oH ~ J:f;:rT~30 ~l iHH'HT33 lIfuoB ~o I
liE II the Name treasure JO•
~ }134 il"alT35 wf0 36 Whatever the Lord does, acc;ept 36 - ~»\tHl
ftt<J3T orii - oraeT ~ , 3'= ~J4?i
- • 5W35
~tiIlJ7CJT<!338 'BTf(J39 II thou that 34 as good 3S and forsake 39 ora ~ ~~lorTa36 ora l)f3 \ia 37 ~Tall)fT
thou all other37 counts 38 . fur~3Tl)ft fH<!3TI){t39 ~ B 19 I

)){UC;1 oBfo 40 Seeing41 the:e with His gracious )){Tl.l"il ef~I)fT fttlJcT40 ors 3~ ~I, JII){T}{)
fo~g41 )){Ti)42 B~ glance40 , the Lord shall attach43 thee 3?i I)f~ 01H42 is H~ijJT'43 I
Wfu43 II with Himself42'.
t:Jo 44 B~ H3'1 46 o man44, instruct45 thou thy ~ a~ ! ~ )){Ttl<! Ho4' ~ fR1f~5 ~, ~ ii
~~g4S f~~48 46 47
mind , that doubt may depart 4' ~ ".je~'41 RB~47 ~a4' \i ;:!T~ I
~ol:!47 ;:rtfu49 II from within 48 thee.
~50 qfo 51 fsftf».{T52 Whatever 50 destiny53 is pre 51 - fif<J31 5150 tI'H5U53 ;:il~ ~1 ~51~' f~l
Blj53 Rt!1 54 ~55 ordaineds2 for one, everyoneS5 \iel52 ~, UtI tI<!,S5 ~5 ~~54 tit orae T56
Ol'Hrfu56 II doess6 but that M • ~I
R~ 0l'~57 f3R B 58 Everything57 is in His 58 powerS9 , UtI ~~357 ~RS8 B f~f31)fT05t f~~ ~. ~~
o - • -

~fR59 Btt160 (')Tf~ except Him, there is no other'0 B ama 50 ti~l'D ))f1OTH el ~61 o~r I
'tpft!61 II = place61 of rest.
O'OQ ij~2 )){~3 Submitting65 to the Lord's will",

' .

---------------- .-.".... _--,,--------

jlII ~~ LlIIIiII ~. .*'II **'....,**' · co
gE64 l{9 cit W-f~5 Nanak has become" comfortableU
o;1Tf~6 11911 and bappyu.
(ffiJ tro167 f;:ro Supremely blissfuJ71 become they70, UOH l{R?i7'l:11 ~~ uo, ~u70 ~69~067 CIloT
fRH~8 irel ~ 70 who" meditate 68 on the perfect67 ~T l)fT(3'1lO 6I oro~ uo I
fo\JT871 II Guru.
'OT"OOr (')T).{ »{oTq~72 Nanak, by dwelling72 upon the Lord's 0'00f, I!I)fTl-fl t? 0Tl-f ~ fRHCJ0 72 oroo
~Otf3 ~ oTfR74 II Name, the affairsu are adjusted74 . ~l)fT(3T, ciH OfTtJ7l ~2.R'3 1:11 ~~74 un I
trTt.1175 qa}-f76 cr).{T~ The sinners75 commit evil deeds76 lJiaa 75 H~ l)flffi76QHltt~ uo l)f3 f~ qtr,'i77 :
craB ~77 \J1fe II and then bemoan77 and bewail. 3 f~C?Ttl Cla~ uo I ~
orocr f~78 HlUo79 Nanak, as78 the churning-staff80 o'C'iCl, fim ~T71
HUTCl'O ~u1· ~ faSCl~l79l:
HTQT(!T»{rS o f~81)fij churns79 the
curd, SOil does the ~, ~Fl 3O ' u1 tlOH ~,82 ~ot ?; fasCl~
t,t -", •

Q}-f 0'fu82 IItll Righteous Judgc 82 churn them• ~I

O'l:{ fql')iTfefo83 They, who contemplatelJ the Lord's ;t Rte'l.. ~ oTl-f ~T fm-roo aa-e 1J uo, ;J !
W11(')T84 ;:JOH85 Name, 0 friend 84 , win87 the fH'30 14 ! ~ l)fTtf<! HOH'l tJl~oJ5 ~ tJ~uol6 ;:
tr~86 tftf387 II treasure" of human life 8s• ~ ftf3 H'~11 un I - f
OTocr- QO}-f88 ~~89 Nanak, the Righteous Judge l8 oToOf, llBH (JT;:r;E8 ~~t ~ fpR ~i8' o~~o'o :
II ~ 0 II
g~92 addresses 90
mansion92 ,
thus ,
OfB~T ~ , "H-a
1\j'3'" ~" I
Ht!09 2 ?; '3_Rt \Jf~~'301J oro ~

l:f9'ST93 * "4~tr'fu95 I am stuck9l in an evil'4 place's,

98H~-HR~ -e~ ~" t? fHE
fHo196 ijJ8f~97 through the sweet" words'7 of an O1ul, ~. H"i!'4 at 95 f~~ llR forl)f,93* \Ii I
98 cl}-f"3Tl')iT99 II evil9l -adviser".
mcr'" ~~100 ~a-a2 Nanak, theylOO alone are saved 2 on o'C'iOf, ~~C? ~u'OO \11 a~2 un, f~T -e H~41
ft:J(')T gTCU 3 HtJTf~4 II whose forehcad 4 good fortune l ia ~3 ~0I1 folRH'3 l f8l:l1 5El ~ I
R3 ~5
~ CJ38
Ru 9
»(~ II
They alone sleep5 and sluC"l ber7 in
peace6, who are imbued8 with. the
a~ ~ \11
€t'Ul~ll)it7 uo,;l })fTUe! ~39
l)fTCjTl-f' })f~ ~~1l)fi5
t? fUl)fT(3 oTB"
love of their Groom', -a0l1~1l)ft8 uo I !
t!H 10 f~~~12 tRV3 They, who are separated l2 from the
"Hl)fTtli HTB"Of
~1 '{B
~ ~"oll)jtl2l
R~ ~ l@o ~fq14 love lo of their Master ll, continue un, ~ f~ ~ l){'5 ufua u1 a~11)jt14

II~~II wailing l4 throughout the eight ofd'~ll)ft uo I

watches of the day.

For the sake IS of false wealth 17 Ofs11lO-BC?'3 17 ~1 }fT'3C!" ~stl6 u1 smm :•
. ~ =

r··....· ..... '426

J~l "';1:;---;::::::::::::.--=:;;:~ I 20
oT3OI' RI9 ;:rra-rf020 Nanak, they" alone are awake 20, (')T(')a, "&~H ~~" \'1T ;POTe \'10, it ))lT1.f<!T
f;:r oFJoT21 ~ who utter 22 their Lord's Name with mer T21 (')T5 l'){~ lft e (')Tl-{ ~ ~tPoe22

~tJT~22 119:311 their tongue 21 • \'1(') I

f}"!:aT 23 f3"Ror DfC!24 Seeing24 the optical illusion23 and f;;'Hni'51 l'i~1J »i3'?fRV' iit:1 ufu~t?~l27
• ~C5<§"25 ~~26 0010 the peopled 2' phantom city27, the ~ ~~24, 'l£cT '!OTa tre fre25 \'1(') I
OTUB'27 II mortals are gonic astray2S.

j f;:ril FJtJ28 >lfCfTf'(p)ff29

OTOq Hf030 3f031
~6a32 119811
They, who dwell upon 29 their True
Lord2s, beauteous32 look their soupo
and body31, 0 Nanak. (')T()a!
it HB i!niTHV t?T 9;:r?) CTcJe
uo, I!t?032
feH~T ~ ~t t?T l'){T3HT30 l'){3 ~31, c1

.. uf3333 €?UT~34 The All·powerfuP' and infinite38 R"dB'-·f.la31~T03' l'){3 ~~338 1ll1CT I1niTHT
i UTCJB'U-H35 - HH~36 supreme Lord Mast~r37 is the
1s HTi50l , t.JT1.lTni
37 T33
t?T 1.lTd ~"dT Ol"d(')<JTd

! l4CJl;!37 >lftrg38 II.... 34

Saviour of the: sinners]]. ~ I
! f;:rFJfU-39 (iora40 Whomsoever39 the Lord wishes to f;:rR faf:p9 ~ l{~ 3 10(')40 B~t?T ~, c1 oT()Ol I
:. oroOl'T R,n fm-fa 42 save 40, 0 Nanak, he 4' contemplates42 €!\I41 niT1.j"~ RT;:R\I T"d-HniTH14 t?T l'){To1'1Jo
i fFJCJ';:J<!'uro 43 119411 his Creator-Lord 43 • ClO~r42 ~ I
i ~H144 -gf~45 46~~c;ft47 Forsake4s thou the other44 eviI4'-
44 47
~ ii-aR 4'l-f-e-l-{Tdal ~ ~~5 e l'){3 l'){Tl.l<§
: f~qFJ FJ? ftJ q 49 way47 and attach 4s thy mind 49 to the l1(')49 ~ f~ l{~ (')TH it~4' I
=c:5Tf~48 II One Lord.
=tr~50 ~151 OT-r::rT Through the lovesl of another50 , 0 <JoH 50 t:!T tP3s1 e oT\IT', c1 (')T(,)01 ! 5~T

i iufc:
.. _


C2~153 N anak, the bride is being washed

s3 52
(,)~ls2 f?e ~~~T ;rr 0\I1 53
~ I

~ ';:JTf~ 119~1I down the stream •

~ f3"JC~54 B'T;:JTO In the three-tier shopped s4 bazars, the 31<JfoniT <:l'cTH ?TB B'TtlTd f~, I!t?TOT057
=R~tT55 ~CJfo56 tradesDlens7 str:lke s, the bargainss • I!~TCl101SS ade S6 \'1(') I

=~TfCJ>lfT57 II
JFJB58 ~crcJ59
i c:5ft);fl60 Fi6}
They, who load'o the merchandise"
of the True Namess , they" alone are
RB (iT}-/58 ~ R~5' ~3
~?H ~<]61 \IT R-B'2 UR 0T'3 \I(') I 1
ti Ht:!~o

the true 62 grocers 63 •

f.I RTCJ63 119911
l;!dl:l" tJ3(')T,;l tI)3'5 ~ ~
, tf~T64 tLH65 0 ~1 The foolish'1 bride, who knows not wdO!'4 (')<]r

! ~m66 fu"ij OT~CJ67 II the path'4 of love 6s , goes astray".

Forgetting68 the: Lord,O Nanak, the
"tl1C~T, ~ ~aTa"
HniTl-fT ii= 9H 6I ~
U ;:rt-eT ~ I
c1 oT()Ol! 1.lTCl >liiu 11
.. ()iO~ ~fo fB'FJ oTfu68 _ _ r ...

~ uQ"B69 oofq 70 mortals fall 69 into the blind71 heWo. ~tla70 l){'-eo u·-e \Io I
Hrf~);fl72 H~73 0 From his mind 73 man forgets 74 l'){T1.j";! f"B3
3" ~eT 0(')72 ~ (')\'11" ~Hl~t?T74 I
' ~ .

~<J77 tr~ €tR ~ H0 78 »toed 0tJ't ~'B"7',

ci ornC1! lfi ~ ~ 9 1cW10 r'l~ fCSNI)fT
\i re))fT niJ't I
i:re 3i~l14
f!l)fTJ.fl )fe8S fHiJ-a~;pol6~, (tt?'
3i~'t1t i1l'l e T ~ tTc') ~ 91 82 HC1t!1 U
I . _

oiJl' I
))f~Cle8 ~ 1f;:lW H\1Td'i18, t!l aTGl 80

t!T, 9'~ f~nR'n reA -e53'2 l)f3 i11fet!Tt!'3

~ fClan TiJl ~I'~'o l)f3 ~a~91 Cla I

cfs94 f~~95 ~96 t1Cl-a" H~ ~Ul9" (tIO) f'lCl~95 S5' ti~97 at

B"ut97 fui'oT98 RT~197 H- ~~T ~ ))fTui HTR ~ ad'aa" ~ 'ltfnIOO

3f51OO II ~ 'lcrea f~~ H 5~tarl~8 I

3f(')2 ;:sj~3 §nT 7> H' ))f111i Rel-a 2 n'5 ~S3 5~taTl l)f3 =
a# IJ5 i; ~;57 ci (tR s »tTU<! fH~6 ~ UT 5'ltol14 I =
~f87 1I~9.11
R~ RBT Wf3W'Q8 H'iP fH3d R~~ HiJTOTt:i,8 ~ I ~ CfTfiPl(T'O ~

fRfa 9 Rl\ftl0 B RT~ II R1RT' ~3 OTW ~ I

• fuR WfR 12 m<:rfo))fT 13 fMR' ~ <m 12 l10T \if~))fTI3 i:rl'l 'l"e-a 14 ft!RB"
=R<:rl~14 Rsoy16 ~ ~))f3 ~ R'fal)jT'6 t!T ))fTRgT 15 ~ I

J~RT~15 II=<~II support l5 of all".

n ~f<JOl~ ~5 fuel ~ I R~ ajat ~1 ~fu))f1

9. §' Rf3(fla liwfB II There is but One God. By the True
Guru's grace, is He obtained. ~))fT(l1 (tiJ llJrel)jT i1 Ter ~ I
RBOf HOW ~II Slok 9th Guru RBC! <5~l \ttf3f.IT<J1
1 tUo 17 18ijjfaB19 0JTfu§' It thou hast Dot sung the praises 17 of ~ t RRTa" ~ 'l))fTJ.flI' t!ll){t fR53 Tl7 01Tfeo
. oul
! 0l1~22 II -
I Olu
;:Jo>-r20 >}fOfTt Jl:J21

the World It' ·Lord" thou hast wasted"
thy life20 in vain 21 .
0\11' Cl131))fT 3 T ~ ))fTlli Tl'1'io~o ~ fnR~21
0I'lT22 ft!31 ~I
aj~ ill l)j1l::l;?23 un, ~ fj S~25 ! reA 3ala 2'
23 (')ToOf <Jfa
H'o T25 f;:rf\} fSfQ28
.. ;:J(S27 ~ >-rl'Q28 II 9. II
Says 23 Nanak, meditate 2" thou on
God. 0 manu, like the way2'. the
fish 28 loves water 27 •
n 1H 'l;f\JOI~ ~1 fRHcn aa, fuR 3~T H&128
UTGV7 7> fU))fllRl ~ I
fffil Of~29 Why" art thou engrossed 30 in the ~ ~C:nTECl2' tJTtJ1 )){t!Q fCl~l' 1f~JO

... 311't1l10""lll\i~fu""lll,..d",e",ad",1.Y...Slf'in...S..281't1l1~a~nlRld~b",~=:.'::...::.::;.~.:::':;:::.::
~\,~~~~~~••••" . +••••+ •••~••+.+•••••" ••••••••" . "•••••••

~~T~32 II deta::hed JZ even for a moment" ? ~ WUOTH u ?)tit ~e' I

Cl~ 0'001' g~ ~fa Says Nanak, contemplate thou thy 6@ m~ un, ~ ))fT~ ual ~ 9tn) era,
H()T trij33 () ttH 34 cit God, 0 man, that death's34 noose Jl '5 s~ ! at ~ H'a34 t!l ~'ulJ5 3j 0' \J~]J I
f 35 may fall]] on tbee not.
3CJ()Ttj36 fe~37 ~1 Thy youth 36 has passed away" in ~al ~))f'01J6 ,;r~J7 u1 a13 an?\J8 ~ ))f3
orfe€?38 Bl§ ttaT39 vainS7 and oldage" has overcome41 ,!~li39 ~ 3ij RellatO ~3 QlSi.lT era f~l)fl'"
.3 Q40 tt1f3 41 It thy bod y 4', ~I
q~ OT(I)OI' g;r''' ~fo Says Nanak, dwe1l44 thou on thy God, 6!~ ;::11 GoH1ft·~ uo.'t l)iTtrc! uol t!T ffi~
H(I)T »f~q42 tJT~ ~ o man, thy Iife42 is fleeting away4J. era, ~ s-e ! 301 ft.ft!Ol1 42 itft tJT au14] ~ I
alf3 43 II SII
: fSCJU 45 gfe~46 RS47 Thou hast become46 01d45 and thou ~ ~5 <i faTl)irU ~. ~ 3~ ft!m:!J47 our
~ OUT qTg48 U'Jftl~ seest47 not that death48 has fQ H348 ~ 3~ ))fT 1Jqf3))fJ4' ~ I
!~Tfo49 II
- 11:
overtaken ' thef:.
Y-51 at!
~ CiS! 0050
oTnOl' Says Nanak, 0 crazy51 maneo, why a.J,! ;::I,:l ))fll:ft! uo, u ~8
~ ~ --501'
.~ ~~

·~T~a~l f~~ '0 g;l52 remem berest52 thou oot thy ))fT~ cr1ol31HTo H'8er t!T ))fTarqo
~ 9or~To53 IIBII eJ acH,rrS2 ?
I UQ54 -etCJT55 Rllf3 56
.. ROT5 f;:rf(l)57 ))fYo158
Illustrious Lord 7
propert y S6,
wifc~55 and
wbich57 thou
all other

ft:rR57 ~ ~
~\Ic155 t)j3 iia RTOl ;::I.fut!tt!S6,
l)jTu<!l fc;';:[!8 t!l tr<!t!TS9 ~. I

j orfa Hif(l)59 1\ thy OWOS8;

~ feo Hor~ ROJ160 otit Nonc of tbese shall be thy fe~i f~-e' ae1 91 30T fI'1~l'o oul" <ieT I ~
toTotil' RT"Bl ,:pf'061 II companion60 • Know" thou this as fER ~ R~ ero& we", ~ oToer !
~411 true, 0 Nanak.
! Uf3362 §UTo063 ~64 God is the Saviour" of sinoers62• thc ~fu~o
- *
. 62. UTCJ erao ~81'3, ~64
u Tult)j1
=~ a () 65 ~fd ~()Ttf66 Destroyer65 of fear'4 and the Master" oTR eroou 0'5 t)j3 fol:fRfHl)fi 66 ~ l:IRH'7 ~ I
~ ci oTtf67 II
of the marterless 66•
:oru f3~68
OTOq Says Naoak, realise6 ' thou Himl8, Olil m1)fTl:1t! un, ~ ~R6I ~ ))f?i~~ era". ~
Jf1T~1~69 R~T70 ~71 who abides71 evec70 with72 thee. Rt!1~70 ul 3a 0 8 72 ~Rt!T71 ~ I

i3 q 73 UQ74 ftt~75 3 Thou enshrioest:79 not atfectioo78 for 1. ~R oT8 fUI)iT(J78 ~r WW't!T7,. fi1R 75 ~

i Cl:~76 ~1§77
i 3~78 0 orl(1)79
fR~ Him, Wh075 hast given77 thee78 human
bod y 73 and richl~s74.
3?i76. Hoal-~u'] t)j3 ~83i74 Sl:falllit77 uo I

I or~ oT(I)c(
~;lT~a81 ~2
'38383 ~lo84 11"11 -
00 80
Says Nanak, () crazy" man80• why
now 82 wobblestU thou like an abject
person84 ?
Ol~ ;:it l)jl~ uo, ~ tral5 81 1..f.TelBO !
fer€t f~ ol~ l!oa84 t!l H'<5e fu'cr~5
l:fi;:!l 83 ~ ?
~ ~<!82

3(285 UQ86 R087 8:Cf88 He, who'· has blessed8' thee with fttFl 91 ~ 3~ ~u'5, ~838' I ;::IrfeB7;:!87. l!F.l188

tftg89 »fq90 f;:l~91 bod y8S. wealth" ,pr:p::::::::;::s::··::~'=:::::·::;·::~········"'1

~92 qTH 93 II and'o beauteous" mansions tJ •
orq 100 (I)~ JJ?i94 SayslOO Nanak. hear'4 thou, 0'5 my O.!~ ;:11 ~Tt:I~IOO un, ~ fl.~'4 ac, iJ's Hal
-ij95 H(I)T96 fAHCJ3 97 soul". why'8 contemplatest97 not ftiB"! ~ fOl~~'8 ~~ ij'){THl" t!' fRHOo
orTf~98 '0 CJTH99 II til thou thy Lord" ? o\1Y orat!l'7 ?
Ff9 J:Il:f ~f3r2 oTl:{ ~ The Lord is the Giver 2 of all ~~THll1,ij ~roTH ~ ~!BT2 ~ I ~R ~ rio
~FJC3 nlf~ (I) afoe II comforts. Without Him, there is not ;J03 ~~ o\1Y I
another J•
or~ orne{ 8fo a Hor Says Nanak. hearken thou. 0 my m
OR ~~;? un, ~ ~~, iJ Hal f;ie;31~! ~
f3~4 fFfHo3 6 arf35 soul, meditating6 on Him4, salvationS €tR 4 t!T ~ToTtTo ora06 ~l)froT, 1ia315 trcJ Ttl3 l
~foe IItll is obtained. ;J ;:I;el ~ I ~
~ ft:l'~ fRHCJ3' dTI3' Remember7 thou' Him. O' my ~' ~R ~ iJ3 Clo, iJI !fa fH3a 'o ! fttl1 t!T ~
lJTE1~ f3f~ 9;:17 8
3 9 H13 10 II -
a friend 10, by
one is emancipated.
contemplating whom f~30 Cloo ~I)fTO!, ;:Il~ H):fR ;J ~ ~ I i
~ or(')"Of lJ?) a Says Nanak, hearken, 0 morta)l2. O.!~ ;:11 ~HT~';? <Jo, ~
iJ 4..~112! ~l
Hor 12 >;f~U)3 UfC3 thy age 13 is diminishing ever l4• ~Hol3 ReTI4 ;]1 UlCe1 ;:IT 'O<Jl ~ I
~ '013'14 119011
UTB 33'15 ~ 3Q o clever l7 and wise man", know ii ~U1;317 1)f3 rnl)fT<!"1 ~!;:I~ ~ fa- 30r
afBg tiTo~ ~qCJ17 that thy body is made" up of five mlo u;:rt H):f ~ljilS ~ S~~T ;J~TI6 ~ I I
8tJTo1i II elements 15.
ft:l'~ 3 ~tlfilg19 Be thou sure 22, 0 Nanak, that thou ~ tJOTl 3~t ;::rrc22 B, ii 0!?)Q ! fOl 3~ €t1121 !
()T(')"OfT Hl020 3'Tf~21 shalt blend 20 with Him 21 • from orB \11 »&t! ~CT ~20, filR ~ ~ ~3lio ~
HHTQ22 IIClem ;Jr~I)f,19 ~£ ~
wfc Uffc H ~fo 23 24
whom thou hast sprung".
The saints proclaim26 that the wI! ~61 ~ ~ ~~16 uo
fCl t£;:pf2S lfi !I
;:r25 ETR R30 orf~B'
~qTfo26 II
~ OTO'or f3~27
)'{OT28 ~~29
~3'Cf\J31 tlTfa IICl~1I
9B 32
fo fu 30
Venerable 25
hearts 2J•
Lord abides in24 all

Nanak, contemplate 32 thou

Him • 0 my souP', that thou mayest
cross 31 the terrible 2' world ocean30 .
RTfol)ft fuBt 23 ~·ea24 ~ReT ~

ara ill ~~ <Jo 3

~ ~al ftfe;3~21'! ;t- ;:I i f3~!?)Q29 R~
R~~30 3~ tlro J ! ;J iJl~' I

{ffi27 ~ fi:lHoo31 era I

f;:rR3S ~ lfF.Il33, U1;334, B~n, RFrdl HH3l 31
Rl::f 33 'tl:f34 ft1~35 Whomsoever3 s touch 36 not pleasure]], . -
uaH 36 -3~1 B9 37 pain34, avarice 37 • worldly lovell and 1)f3 R~-~ar3!l' ~<J~l6 l'i<J1' I

~~38 n-rf9HTQ39 JI - self-conceit";

aj~ ill ~!l:l;? un, ~<!, iJ f~oRTO! ~<J40
or~ 'OToOl' R'O a ).fOT Says Nanak, hearken. 0 man, He 40
H # l - 9'ill~042
R40 is the very image 41 of the Lord42 . Ii,){THl~2 t!l \11 3fI~'td41 ~ I

~Fi3f343 fcff't»ir4 4 He, who is praise4l and

above il ~~»i'C!l"3 lli3 ~t'~44 ~ ~~-a ~ l')f3
iTfu f;:tfu '&B0 45 dispraise.... and, to whom gold"s and ftill B~l Rot's 3 ~<:I147 reO! aaT~a <:10 I
Bu 46 FiHTf0 47 II iron" 6 are alike'I';
~ OTOer Bfo HOT a Says Nanak, hrarken thou, 0 man, oFt;ll ~aHT~~ <:10, ~ Be <1 ii~! fOl
liOlf348 3Tfu49 3 50 deem SI thou!iO him49 to be €tAl' ~ ~50 H:t:fF.l..9 (jrel>fT 5rel>fT HH5S1 5 I
;:tTfoSl 119. 811 emancipated"8.
uo~52 flar 53 He, who is affected not by pleasure s2 ;:j J:f81 52 lli3 :oJH1)3 i; HfuRR' oCJl' qat'T lli3 I
oul ~0154 or pains3 and to whom friend ss and f~ B~l t'EH0 5" »I~ fH3;~S f~Ol
::H;56 <:10 I i

- - j9.
FiHTo56 II foe s4 are a likes'. •
~~ ()ToOl Bfo 'ij HoT Says Nanak, hearken thou, 0 my ~;:11 ~aHT~'~ <JO, ~ ~~ qa, <1 Hal l
; HOff3 S7 3rfu '3 soul, deem s8 thou him to be ftf~ ~Il ! reoRT'o ~ i Hl:lE 5f~»lT 5f~l)fT

! ~oS8 119.411 emanci pated57. f:t:fl)iTB SI qa I

~0& ~59 OlT"J=Ol~
-e3 ofu Whosoever frigbtens s9 none nor is ;':i fOlF! ~ ~aT~'t'T59 0<:11·, or <:11 (ja~ [qR
~ of"J ~ HT03 »-fT060 II ~5' ;JO~T ~ I

i ~u oToer Fifo a
afraid of anyone'o.
1>fTl::f~ <:10, ~ !!<!, if ftft';3~ ! ~ i
! H~ far>;fTo1 61- 3 Tf"J
~B'l::fTfo62 119EII
Says Nanak, hear thoU, 0 my soul,
call'2 thou him, a man of Divine
O]q, ";:il
~R' ~ ~<JH a3,'i I>fTl:f6J I
1 fttfu fafl:f»iT63 He, who has abandoned'" all sins63 f;:JR' ~ R'~ lPl.l'J5~ ftT3 64<:1o 1>f3 €tlJaTH"3r'71
3t:il i4 Bl§65 and has donned'S the garb" of ~1 yEIOiT" tIT cre16s ~ I •

~CJTar67 II
Ol"J oToer Ro
- -
.. f3u 7l 00 68
! ~rar70 119..911
! f;:rfu74HTft:>;fT72 HH3T73
Says Nanak, hear thou. 0 my soul,
good de~tin}70 is writ on that71
man's" brow",
He \\ho aba.ndons74 wealth 72 and
O!~ ;l1 ~OHT~'~ <:10, ~ !!e, ~ H<J1 f~ !
~aT11{TB~70 ~A7I 1{rc1'8 ~ Ha" 3
ti~l ~ I
il Uo--eB"372 >li3 FIRTa1 H<:1 73

~ f3»i1<Jl74
! 3t:i1 R~75 '3 ~ft:§' wordly 10ve73
a.nd is detached" from fEfe-r ~ »13 <:TO ~~75 ~. ~UcJTH16 5
;lrt'r ~ I
!~~TR76 II everyth ing .
~ 0f"J ?)ToOl Fio -a)-f?)T Says Nanak, hearken, thou, 0 man, O!~ ttl lliTl::f~ <:10, ~ ~~ qa, if ii~! ~Il
f3~ urfc77 ~uH78 within his mind", abides'9 the ~ f<:JCJ~17 l){e-a 1{fB ~e-T78 ~ I

i fO~TB 79 119. t: II
ft:ifu tfol "J~H80
3t:ft 81 Ofcr3T82 CJTl:!83
Lord 78 .
The mortal, who forsakes 81 ego80
aDd realises B4 his Creater 82 .Lord83.
fu<J;3T ;:fl~ <101'3110 ~ inf ftfe- rB' ~
81fRO;:f<!<JTa-I!I>fTH193 ~ »I<l~~ CiO~T'" ~ I
>li3 lliT\Ji

tf5Tfo84 II
~ oro~
Says Nanak, c:mancipated8' is that 8S


----_._----_._--_.. _ .._--,,--------

Jierf386 'Oq87 man87 • Deem90 thou this 88 as true, 0

H089 AlBl my soul".
9t II
~91 OTR(')92 93~OHf394
- ~ I)j~Cl9Z ~Tf;:JOra t:!T oTH 3'R
In the Darkage", God's Name is the 9I
CffiliJOl" -~ ~

~Cf095 erf596 H97 ~fo destroyer t2 of dread91 and the oTH Olco<JTCl92 t)j3 9JijcT-l)fOlB" ..
i t:!Cl aeJo
~ orH II banisher9s of evil93 - intellect'4. ~T819S ~ I

forR ft!'Q99 ;'t or(')er Night and day'8, whosoever uUerf>" aC! l)f3 f~~9I,;:j oTH ~T ~~o OlCl~T99 ~,
R68" 100
erTH2 11::<01'
~fu the Name, 0 Nanak, his J tasks 2 are
accomplished 100.
~ oroOl ! ~~J ~ CfTClitz ~~ ~IOO
uo I
- .
ft1~:n:p4 (fi(')S oTf~t!6 Utter 7 thou the Lord's' praises with ))iT1..R"T ORor4 orB ~ y.~ ~T ;:lAS ~~o7
g~7 er00 8 R(')~ thy tongue 4 llnd hear the God's Name aeJ tlI3 l)fTtf<! ~ojl oTH ~uO!~ ~T QTH
ufo- O'!i II -- with thine ears8. Jfc!1
er~ 'Oroer JF) 'ij HOT Says Nanak, hearken thou, 0 man, aj~ ;:it ~aHT~'~ un, ~ fl?<! <ro, <J a~!
trafu9 '0 tm lO ~ thiswise thou shalt not g0 9 to the f~ 30... t 3= {ilH IO ~ UfCl12?i

our ~or19 I
tJTH1211::<911 Yama'slo abodes l2•
;'t UT(')V3 The morta1l 3 who renounces lS ft:Kar t:il?IJ ))itJ<!3 14, BT~", J:lATClT Bora'7
3;l15" 8g 16 mineness l4, avarice", worldly t)j3 A~-5or3'T18 ~ &:ii.f ftf~I'S ~ I
~erTo18 II attachment 17 and self-conceit'8.
a~ oroer l)iTUo19 Says Nanak, he himself" is saved20 O!~ ~T l)fTl::l~ un, ~y ~~19 atJ itJt?r20 ~
3-a 20 l')f§o(')21 B3 and saves 22 others 21 as well. l)f3 500 t 21 ~ \l~ ~h:!T22 ~ I

~t:lTo22 II~~II
ftl~23 RUor24 ~25 A s2J is a dreamz4 and U a show 2', S027 fitA 3~t2J ~T f~Ol ~or24 l){32S 3H1W 26 ~,
ihf~26 -~ij27 t«JI28 know Z9 thou this world28 to be. ~ 3~t27 t' ul ~ fuR thrrg 28 ~ AH~29 I

Ol'~ tlTfo29 II
f~ H erii ~ 0~1 Nanak, without the Lord 30, nothing oroCl, ~l)f1}{T30 ~ dCl fucr ~ ~~ '!~ 31
OT(')er faQ gaT~030 II is true in these. R~ our I

=<3 II
fofR 31 ft!'Q HTf~l')fT32 Night and day", the morta}J4 ever" a<! l){3 f~~", t:!O-~83u ttl ~r3crJ GroT
~33 uT(')l24 ~533S wanders JS for the sake" of wealth32 . a~TJ4 Rt''' uT ~ccrt' fG0tl 3S ~ I
01336 II ..
cko37 H38 oToOl' But rare" is the one among J8 ua ~~t37 ~~'31 ckl f~Br39 uT ~, ~

~~39 ()TOTfu~O f11~l millions37 , wh0 41 enshrines the Lord 40 oTOlo ....
! ;':j41 l)fT\li H0 42 ))j'ta li~40 '?i
Blf3 42 11::< 811- in his mind42 , 0 Nanak. ~Al~·~T ~ I

1lR 43
1=15 44
As43 tbe bubble" ever49 appears47 firn 3~t41 1{T(!144 ~34s ~B1!~1 uHBI49
r· . .- -..·.· _-_..·

f~(,)R48 01349 II
ttll~47 and disappears·ls 0045

water44 • t;c~T'7 >li3 faoRt1 41 amBT ~ I

tlOT50 OB(')T51 3R 52 S0 52 was the cr,eation5\ of the world5o ~R 3~i52 <:11 fuR RWC50 ~1 ~5' Ciit31
oB153 or~ or(')Ol Bfos5 made 53 , ~ays Nanak, hearken 55 thou, 0IE'T 53 ~, ~ ill ~ uo, it 1f<!55, ~ w-a

H13 s4 1I~1.I11 o friend 54 of minc. fi.l3a 54 !

If(')155 or~57 () B3~58 Blinded" by the wine 59 of worldly JlRral1.!t!TaW 6o ~1 ~5t BT l){~T crl~'
j Hft!59 HTfE};p60 ~ valuables 60 , the mortal5' 5f~IliT I :Grol a~T56 ~T fu<JT 57 91 >liT1.l~ ~.

i >;fUGI II chcrishes5s nol: his Lord even for a

while 57 .
~T fRHao 0<:11· Ola~15s I

1Ol~ OTO & fs'Q ~fo Says Nanak, without the God's OI~ ;:it :GaHl~·-e <J(I), ~fuOl~ ~1 a~OI1'2 -e
ama, H3 65 ~1 :GT<:Il" ~4 ~llitB >liT l.h~163
; '9tln5 11032
3 f-u63 T 64 .meditation62 , death's'5 noose" fallg 63
i tlH ~"Q'6G II ~ E\I
65 around him 64 . ~I

j tl€?67 Rl:;f'2 ~ ~8 If" thou desirest" enternal69 peace72 , ;lOla'7

3' ~
~ 0l1(?Rl3'T~1'9 »fT0Tl-!7J ~~.
lf~ ~T1.(OT<J70 8 7\ I

~ Rt"T69 Rof(')70 oT}-f 011 then, seek71 thou the refuge 70 of thy l)jTU<§

1H-U71 II
~ ill :G:OH~~ <Jo, ~ 'l~ ao.;] ~~ !
i Ol~ oToOl 8:0 0 HOT Says Nanak, hearken thou, 0 man,
; ~oB'972* HlQl:f'3 difficult of attaioment72 * is this )il'f0lC? oT5 <:Ill ~ ~15172*~, feu H~1'3
human 73 bodyl·4. (itful)jT74 I
i~74 1I~911
i HTfEl}fT75 OlTof(')76 For the sake 76 of riches75 , the foolish78 tro-~5375 ~1 J:j'f3076, S~¥7' >li3 sm-fS"O
= uT~~l77 liot{78 Har79 and ignorant" persons" run about". ae 79 i;l f~a~77 <JO I

$nftlTo80 II-
i Ol~ ()T(')q n:r?i81 ~fo
'9tlQ82 f~oWS3 tloH 84
Says Nanak, without" the Lord's
meditations2 , their lifes4 passes awayS5
Olq, ill
aifia8\ , (tc;t
<:1(1), 12IliTHl -e fRHOoB 2 ~
~Ha'4 ~~ a13 wt!l1S
-" -
l fRoT0 85 "~t" in vainu . ~I

;l ",4..T'01 86 f(')fR 87 ft!Q88 The mortalS', who, n:ght87 and daySl, ;:r ;:jk86 ac 87 >li3 f~<i88 ~ R't:!~ ~
'9;:r89 01l90 (JT}-f f3~91 contemplates" his Lord, deem 92 thou 1liTCJ'1Tc') qat!'89 ~. 3' ~R91 ii=~R
'=- -
BT RalltO

iflTo92i, him91 to be His embodiment90. <:IT Rlffl92 I

i ~fCJ tlo93 WCJ >;f3Q94 Between God's slave93 and God, aa ~ oic%'3 >lf3 all ~ f~Ta, ~1 :Ga0l94
~ o~l oT3Ol RTB1 94
there is no difference , 0 Nanak, , =.
0<:11" ;] oTi'iCil ! 3 fuR ii mJ q~ R~95 I

j HT(')95 II ~t II understand 95 thou this as true.

~ l1c)9G l-fTfE>;fT97 H98 The man" is entangled" in" fl:?lRro 96 tro-~B397 l){t?CJ98 6TllT 5f~I'li'''
~6fu99 of~@ fSRfo@IOO mammon" and he has forgotten lOO ~ Ili'3 §7R ?> ~ ~ OTl-{ ~ ~5' fB3 T1OO ~ I
aTf~:iB ()Tli II the Lord's Name.

q~ OT(')q fu'Q ~fo Says Nanak. without the Lord's


9;:T3 2 ;:Tl~33 0l~?)4 meditation 2, of what4 avails is this

OlTH5 II:JolI human life 3 ?
ljTil oTH '0 ~~16 Blinded' by the wine7 of wealth8, the t:IO-~838 ~l ~T<l7 ~ ~C'iT orl31 ~ful;{l',
Hf-e7 }'fTft!))iT8 ~ mortal remembers 6 not his Lord. :erol ~t!T i;fTUi Fl'f<:la ~ oul fffifO~T8 I
))j'~ 9 II
Ol~ oT30l ~fCJ 9;:T'O10 a.r~ 'ill i;fTl:I~ <:Io,~f<:la.r~ ~l ~t!orl'O ~ aaTa',

Says Nanak, without the God's
faQ lfCJ312 3 Tfu 13 meditation 'O, death'sl4 noose IS fa1ls 12 H3 14 ~l :eru1 's (l11 1l e'ifTi })iT a'~1'2 ~ I
;:TH 14 ~U15 II:J 9.11 around him\].
i1l:l 16 }pO a~17 RdTV8 Man finds manyl7 friends l8 in20 Bf<:lo-af<Jo I6 i;f"t!o 20 }}fTt!Hl ~ a'I3 17 6Bl '8 ~
~ ~Cl19 if RfaT '0 prosperity 16, but, none becomes his ;j~ <:10, tf~ fal!3 119 l>ieo ~R t!T ~~l aBl ~
cjft! II friend in adversity I'. Oill'~~TI ~

0l(J ()T(')0l ~fCJ 9'1

21 Says Nanak. 0 man 22 , ponder 21 thou a
01~ ;:11 }}fTl:I~ <:10, ~~22 ! i ~Tlli ~fu01C! ~
H'OT22 ))ini323 Ff~Tt!124 over thy God, \\ ho shalI be thy ~~ fB30 or0 21 , -;: }}fl:lla 23 ~ 30T R<:Ilf~or24 e
~f~ IIS~II succourer 24 in the end 2J • <:I~OIT I ~

Man wanJers 26 about f~(,;RTo Ulifo}}fT ;:IoHT.a I)f"t?o 3cat!T ~

iloH ;:J3H 25 9CJH3 26 In many >?-

fmCJ§' fH fc€ 27 '0 2S

births and his fear 29 of death 28 is fG"ot! T2' ~ i;f3 ~R ~T H398 t!T ~2' ~o ~
removed 27 not. ~
a ... -
ilH28 3 TFf29 "
0<:11' <j.t!T27 I
~ ()T(')0l ~fCJ 9;:T30 Says Nanak, 0 man, ponder 3o thou OR ;:11 ~~ <:10, a ~~!:i }}fTl..Ii Ri~l' ~T e
HC5t f'OCJ~31 \.lT~f~ over thy Lord, that thou mayest 30
i;fTOTUO ao 1 3 t t1 3?;
m~031 <:101 f~B ~ ...

STJJ32 IISSII abide 32 in the fearless 31 God. ~TRT32 fHB tl'~ I ~

Cl8~t ~

tE033 ~~q H Olfo I have grown weary34 of making H' ~<!a ~u(JTc:5n oroa 53 34 fOl}}fT <JT, tiq, ~
~§'34 fHt2€1 35 '0 many efforts 33 , but, my mind's eg0 3S Hcl fB3 t!l 5013 T36 fHC~l's oul I e
HO ~ HT'036 II is effaced 3s not. ~
37~cl}}fl_~~1}}fi38 0'8S9 'ilorf3})iT ~
37~cJl"ff338 fRQ39 I am engrossed 40 in!'
evil 37_ oroor

0'00l Gfu§'40 orfl:l41 intenations , says Nanak., 'save 41 me,

38 ~f~}}fl40 ~, a orlo31HTo y'~~2. 3 Hol ~
5~ 9dT~rf'042 IIS811 o save me, my il1ustrious42 Lord'. oro I
cf-fl:li;fr4 I , - ~
H ·for ;:Jl~

Know thou that there
arc three ~ tl'c t!li;f' f3"0 t:Jljt4S <:10,
Wg'3 'ijlliTit44 »fq45
stages • of life, childhood , youth 44
4 43 aB~o43, ~~T ~~R~T44 }}f3~S f~a47 ~~lpl6 I
f~CJ-q46 Wf'047 31f3
))i~Ff"aT48 ;:rrfo II and 4S then 47 oldage 46 .

0l"Q 'Oroor ~fo 9;:J o 49 Says Nanak, knows I thou that 01~ 'ill }}fTl:I~ <:13", ~ 'ill(! 8 s1
fCl" I!}}fTHl ~ ~

• f~Q f~CJt:F50 Ff9 ~1 without the Lord's meditation 4' all fRHoot' ~ a-dlo R1Cil}}fT <Jl ~}}foas, <Jo I
HT"Q51 liS lj /I are in vain so •
thou sbouldst S2 f'il<:l;lT or5 3<% or03T "B T<:Ilt!TS2 R1 • §<JS3
qO~ <I3 52 R53 OT What have done, - ::= -

0l1t? UfCJ§'54 '5955 that SJ thou hast done not. Thou art ~ o<:ll or13 T I i grgB6S ~ S
;:I'8 ' f~B

entangled S4 in the net S6 of GR foTI)ofrS 4 ~. I

conveteousnes sSs.
:OTOO< RfH€?S7 ofH58 Nanak, thy time S7 is past S8 . Why oTMl', 30r ~HTS7 sT3 faTI)of TS8 ~ I ~ ~(!S9

i .orf~€? »fa S9 ftil€? wailest60 thou now S9, 0 blind61 man? fOl~ f~tr8Ttr OTae'160 5~, iJ ".j~ f~OW061 !
1 '~360 »f"q61 113EII -
I' HQ HTf~»fT62 H63 The mind is absorbed'" inn riches 62 HC'iI)ofT tro-BH~2 >i~a63 'BTo <lf~I){T <lfel){r'4
ofH 64 CJf0§' foqR3 65 and it can escape6S not from it, 0 ~ l){3 f~<:I f~R 3~ Sl'Oo fOOTH 6S our ROTe'T,

oTf00 H13 II oToOf 66

;H~f367 f"9'3 68 fti€?69

friend", just as" a picture'7, painted68
on the waIF I, leaves70 it not.
<J fH30 66 ! fuR
3R~1a67. feR ~ ~J70
3O T69 ciQ'71 ~3
- MuT <l~1'8
~Tfu3 70 .. oT{00
~lf371 113911
0072 BT~73 O<~ Man7'2 seeketh73 something74 else but, ~l-fT72 ~ <10 74 ~e-r7J ~. tf~ fa'HC!'B
»f~o74 »f€ta 0<17 5 something totally different7S <la <J17S <l ;:ITe'T71 ~ I

»f~ij ~176 II happens 76.

fB3~377 CJf0§' He thinks 71 of deceiving78 others, but, ~<J <looT i> Ul:{T '@(!78 ~T f~l){T'B orCRT77 ~
- -= '.
Oar€?078 OTOq 6'IR17 9 o Nanak. an halter79 is put81 round tf~ <1 oloOT ! ~R '21 O1a~080 ~l){TH GT(:J179
I orfB-80 uclS1 113tll his neck so . Ii ;:tTt1 S1 ~ I
;:::r~rOS2 a~383 12l:f84 Man makes'l6 many8J etIorts 82 to »fT'2l-fl »fla 1l-f'0 tItJltr3 orao 'BC!1 Ufi-ijB3
~ 071~86 t'l::f 85 ~ cit§' obtain peact~'" but, makes none to ~lJCllc=582 OTClt 186 ~ tf'1 u1a 85 <Jao 'B~T
o ~f~ II - fig ht pain8s • &~1 mo<:ll orat T I
o<ti: OTOO< 120 a HoT Says Nanak, hearken thou. 0 man, Ol~ tfl »fll:{'@ <:10, ~ 13(!, <1 f~oRro! fmT3'
~f~ ~T~87 R SS ijf~89 whatever pleases87 God, that88 alone OT"5 ~lf<JOIQ i> BaTT 'BaTtT87 ~, a~'B ~<:I88 <:11
- -= = -
happens 89 . ~'2189 ~ I
list II
90 92
t1ciJ~90 f~l::fTCJ191 fGd~92 The world wanders about as a RR1Cl 90 l-f"oT3 91 '21 l-fT~~ 9cOlt!' fG'Ot T92 ~
91 94 »f3 a~H 1l»fTH1 9'" <:IT Rlfal){T ~T ~13T09] ~ I
~ F,J~ & t' T3 T93 cJT}jS4 II beggar and the Lord alone is the
J\es t ower9] of all.

07~ oT?)07 Ho fFiHCJ 95 Says Nanak, dwell 9s thou on Him 96 , Old ;:JT l){Tl:I~ <Jo ' 3'= €tR" e-r 9H09S oro,
-= -
If3~96 tla0 ij~f0
97 o man, that thine tasks98 mayest be <J ~'@! 3 T ~ 3~ OTloil'8 R\!oo"EfT ~~97 I
98 = fulfilled 97 •
!OlTH 118011
15<599 Hro 100 0<01 2 tila Whi! takest thou false" pride 100 ? 3'::;: cr~l" <1OTl a IOO fa§~2 OTa~T ~. ? 3'= RRroJ
= -

l~a.e Blf?>4 f~5 Know thou that the world 3 is likes a ~ 1l:G~'" ~T l-{T~~s RH9' I
';:P'Q II
In it there is nothing, which is thine 8• feR f~ C!S 9T o<:lT', ;1 3·~8 ~ I o'OCl fmt
fuo H
Nanak proclaims' and narrates7 this RU ~ »f1'l:le'1' ~ ~0t:'7 ~ I
101 0q
$:f1f07 118'111
.'~"+."' •••••••••••"."'+•••••+ijS++++••••••• ip

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _.._.. _-_. _-------,


~~ faoR J3 f50 14 HIS bod y l2, whIch peflshes l3 111 15 a H<l3 14 f~B15 oTR <l ttTt!I~, <l fH30 '6 !
~H1316 II moment I.., 0 friend 16 • -

j ft=lfJ tt ?5y
:el Clf;.~g19
T 17 ~fCJ
(')T Oq
The mortal 17 , who uttersI' the Lord's
praise l8 , he 20 , 0 Nanak, conquers 22
tl ttl~17 l!l){IH1 ~B'ao CfOt!I!9 =
t!1 Hf':n·{T"
~; €t<l20, <J oToa ! ~RT021 ~ f;:f3 g't!1 ~ I ·1 22

tlOJ21 tl1f3 22 118:<11 the whole world 21 . .
f;:JV Wfc 23 fRl-fCJQ24 He, \\'ithin whose mind 23 is the Lord's fttA ~ f<1a~23 ~t'a ll."l t!1 ~h:dT124 ~; ~ ;,.
.( cPH '& R25 (')~26 meditation 2 \ deem 28 thou that 25 ~R25 fu oRT026 ~ HJ:fR <ifEl)f1 <JfEl){T27 ~
~ H0!'3T27 tlTo 28 II 26 17

man to be emancipated . RH:;l28 I •
i f3fu (,)CJ ~fCJ >i3q29 Bet\\'een that man and God, there is ~R fEoRTo l){3 ,1"a1 ~
f?t1a Ta, "&E1 :Ga0l 2'
~ (')uT no difference 2'. Accept 30 thou this as ~ ~
Htl' tt'e & aClE 3J aa, <i t
i HTQ30
118~ II
~O!' 9crrf3 31 9or~lo32
truth, 0 Nanak.
o<1l I
ttl~ ~ ~3a l)fT3H 33 reOl ~32 t!1 :


~ Hfo 33
~ 3 Tfu
II tlR RClo 35
The mortal, who enshrines not the
of One Lord
in his
mind , 0 Nanak, deem thou his: 8
l)iC'ii31OJ3 I 0<:11', <J o~oa ~
! €[H t!V8
Ra 35 l)f3 a -;3' t!1 t!<1 ?ooi1 34 ~le37 I
~<13' ~ ~
~ RlrfTo36 (')T30l' 37 HTi body3' to be like 34 that of a hog35 s - i
3Tf~38 3339 118811 and a dog 36 .
tP)-fT}-f140 ~ for~41 A S42 a dog H never abandons 43 the ft:!R 39;t42 cf3 1H, Rt!l? <11, l)fltli HT8C1 B 17
ftl§42 R-er FP>i;c544 home'll of his Master H for aye; wa 41 ~
ae1ftl'3 0<11' I ~t!143 i
3tl3 43 ouT IJ f?>3 ~
~ OT(')q f~ fafq45 ~fCJ Nanak, in this way15, contemplate 46 010 Cl, fER 301~45 oT5 ~ fEa H<1~ l)f3 feCI ~
~ 9;:J§,46 f~Cf }-f(') U'f~ thou thy God single-mindt:dly and f;:5 oT5 l){T14~ ?If<lOl~ t!' fRHdo Cf046 I l
; f(;fi fBf3 1181111 - single-hl'artedl)'. !
! 3TCJlt7 aCJ348 )){O49 Whosoever, while going on pilgrimage~7, 1'i ~e1 tjF~T47 CfO, ~lf<JTH48 (J1:f l){3 49 t.!o- ~
leTo50 qfCJ HO -A51 fasting 48 and 4' giving alms so , takes52 ~'oso aa& ~TU~ fu3 f?tl 51 5ClltJ 53 CfOt!152 e
~ U-a52 (JjH' 53 II OTOq pride s3 in sl his mind, Nanak these ~,010a, ~H55 ~ fE<l CfOH ~157 B CiT~eS8 I
j fou~H54 QtlT359 f3U'55 deeds of his 55 g05' in vains4 like s6 the t!1 H1<it!56 ~l){i3Ef54 tl T -e 59 <10 I i
i f;::r§56 aBB 57 bathinge8 of an elephant. l
:!Jf~R()TQ58 118EII i
~fRo60 ~fUg61 UOJ62 The head 60 shakes", the feet 62 H~60
::: ~Qt!T67 ~ .,
Qa 62 f~ae63 <10 l){3 l){1;1j64

~ ~an.rcn63 3(')64 ;:1f36S stagger63 and the eyes6~ become <1065 3' R~t:le1l){T66 ~ iPt!ll){T <lo I

~ 3 uTo 66 II devoid 6e of lustre 65 .

~ Cfu (')T(')0l' f~U' fafq 67 Says Nanak, this has become thy oF~ tt1l){Tl;f~ <lo, reo ~ :arEl ~ 3i31 <1 ' 83
-e9~1 3~68
f: condition 67 ,O man, even then68 thou art
absorbed70 not in the Lord's Name
-" - ,
<lEft! . 3 9
t "1 69 " -
~ ll.!!BOlH

oft:J69 Hi?>70 118.911 Nectar", l)f"t!i3 l)fj-e 70 o<1l <It!1 I

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; IiJI .,.- ,,'..- "'''' ..-~ • ~

foH"71 qfc:r7 2 ~ftfg73 I have lookcd 72 upon everyone as my BOTt ?i l)jTl(<! f?»t71 ~ Sc y72 ~ H" ~l:f
= '
t:Jalq:74 H75 ~ qT~ ~ own7l , but, I have observed73 that, in 7s f51){1 71 ,il fOT f~A ~Ald74 l)j"e0 7S , ~~T ferR e l
oTf~ II this world 7\no one is another's friend. fH30 oul" I
(l)TOOl' f"ET'Q76 ~fO' Nanak, permanent16 is only the oToOT, Rt!T~T Aftla 76 ~ a~B" f~OT ~TfuON. tiT
~ 9'errf3 ~ f3~J'8 O'TB79 devotional sl~rvice" of God. y,HHel R~I77 ul, i ~A ~7S l)jTll<! fu3
~l-f(l) l-flf(J80 118tll 79 so
Ensbrine thou that's in thy mind. )tf"ea so fcOT1~V9 c(l:f I
~ t:Jerr 8l O'BOTS2 F{g ~o Totally false is the structure82 of the Al;!u ~T il FfAToSI ;:!T SOT~c82 I ~ rert ~

~ tFfo B~ ~83 worldS I , Know thou this, OS] my ;:Pc 3, ijU Ha fH3a 84 I
l-f1384 II friends".
qfo OT(I)& ftfQ.85 OT Says Nanak, likes6 the
wallss of oToOT, <33 87 eT ~Q88 eT H13e86, f~u
~O'~ fR€!86 aT(?87 q1 sands7 , it remains not permanent Ss . liR3fOTE 85 nul afuBl I
olio - =
~ 9'13 88 118t: II
~ O'Tl-{ errf'eg 89
~~Td92 II
t:JT q€?90
Ram Chander
Rawan too,
passed away8' and
wh090 had a largc 91
family92, bad to pass away.
o'H Bt'a ca farl)jT89 l)j3 cJT~o
3'1 0 T9I tea- OleTET92 AT, "3T '!u
f;:rn90 ;:!T
~a farl)jT! i
~ -
'i;i Ol'~ (')T(I)OI' f"ETCJ 93 q5 Says Nanak. nothing is ever-laslingn , ~ HTl)jTl:f~ uo, &eT R 6"T
At'T AE1H3 9J l
~ (I)~l RU~94 - ft:J§95 the world 96 is like 9S a dream94 . 0<)1' I ~oTl)jt96 feer 1!£?lH t!T HT3e9S ~ I
~ - -
~ FrnT(J96 114011
i fB~3;97 3 T q198 qlMl~ Only then9B one should worry", if9' a~B" 3e'8 uT l)jTt'HT ~ f:€era 97 OTOOT BT<JTt!T

~ ;:i'99 >;fodoVoO ~f-eZ II a thing, Dot expected to happen 'oo , ~, ;1OTa'9 &~1 OT <Jc ~8TIOO alE ~ ;:p~2 I
~ comes to pass 2.
~-t1 f~o HTCiaT- 3 RRTO' '& This is the way] of the world. None fe<J ;rar3 t!T oR3T] il I &~T 6"T ReT~T Rfua"

~ (l)Tnq f"ETO' 4 o(J1 is ever stBble4, 0 Nanak. oul, ij 010er !

! "&f-e 114911 -
~oe< ~5 €!uft:Jg 6
R7 Whosoever s is born6, he 7 must ftiu;p S ~eT "Hflil)jT6 ~, ~<J7 oTR <J ~~aJT8 I
~ fBo fR 8 5 uij9 >;fT;:T10 perish8, Everyone shall fa1l 9 todaylo uo ~~Tl){ttIO uT Ht 12 6"5a u f~ar 1l~arr9 I
~ ~J2 qTfe>13 II - or l2 tomorrow u .
! oTnCif ~fO' 0]0 aTTf-e
14 Nanak, sing thou the Lord's oT o 01, ~ R'fus eTl11t f~3tl" ar1feo oro l){3
~~ 5Tf~16 RaTC5 praises l4 and lay aside 16 all other ~o RTa l){ER~lS f3l)jTar '6 ~ I

l ;?{;::JTH 15 114 =< II entanglements 's .

~ ~8~t
~ "eWJT II Dohra. ~UOT II
: aC517 5cfErg18 ~U019 My strength 17 is exhausted 18, I am 20 HoT Rf3l){T17 ~3K <J ~~T18 il, H~ B;3Tl)j yI9
~ l!izo - q5 0 ~3 in chains '9 and I can make not any ll~Tl)ji <J~Tl)jt20 uo l)j3 H· &2T 6"T ~l(aTET21
! ,wTf-e21 11= effort 21 • oul oro ROTe l I

~~++"'''''''''''''+'''''''i'+++++++++++++'l'fl'¥'''"'i''l''+¥... 't'+"'t'+"¥¥+¥++'++''l'+''l'+'R''i''i''~ifiiliiifiiliil''l''l'+'l'''''ii"'i''~I''l''1~~~~~
!.++.w••••+++++ + ++••+ ••••+++•••• ++.++++~

1CfQ oroor »fa22 ge23 Say Nanak, God alone is now 22 my orq tll ))I1l1~ <Jo <J<!22 ~~B ~<JOIo <Jl HCJl
!. uta (ffi124 ftJ€f25 -a~ refuge 21 • He will help26 me 8S 25 he ~T<J23 ~ I ~ ~01 ffiJTfu3r Cla~~6, ftlR
:tRUTf-e26 114all did the elephant2•• 3O i25 ~?) <JTcW· -el 0;81 Rll
! SB' ~>1iT ~qo27 s:~ I have regained my Power, my bonds" RT~l Rf3))1T H3 Ha R~ ))IT dlt!l ~ Hall)iT
H~- for~ ~tfTfE-II ~~ RTa

'd3 are broken and all options are ssll)it 22 clcl))lt dlt!l))1i <J() ))1'3
open unto me. ~UcP5 Olo ROl-et u i I

(')TOOl' fors: 3}fij

R9 Nanak. everything is in thine ?)ToOl R'CJT as 3Ul~ ))I'ui <J'Cfi21 f~~ ~ I
UT~28 H- ~I-{ -~1 -'d3 28
hands • It is only thou who can ~Rl' ~l,J <Jl ~~1 R<J 1fu3 12t ClCJ R~ ii I
RJlfu29 1148" assist 29 thyself. e
~R0l30 Rl::fT31 R9' 3ftJ32 My associates 30 and mates 31 have Hij Rdll3 0 ))13 Rlti13 1 Rra H~ ~ <Jo I ore
~OTe ~€t 0 foaf~€? allleft 32 me. None has remained witb cjt!l 31 ))I~lo 3 t!1' Ha oTB oul' fouT I
~ RTf~ II me to the last.
010 tll l)f~ <Jo ft!R f~1l333 >iea H ~~C?36

Ol'~ OTOO/' fE~ fSl8'38 Says Nanak, in 34 thi~ calamity)), the - c ' )-

H34 'Z0/'35 E-or36 Lord 37 alone 36 is my support 35 . l{~37 <Jl HoT ))lIRa,35 ~ I

. aUl0~37 114 L111

!OT~ af~€? RTlJ afu€?
OnlY the Lord 38 remaineth eternally, ~~B CIN-l{HRo Jll R-e1~l 3a 3 I)lRfao ;]0 I

~af~€? Old' aTfa~38 II

~ ~ 0100l' fEu tJ0T339
0« H for~O itfU§41
'and remaineth His Name and saints.
Says Nanak, rare 40 is the one, who
reflects over41 the Guru's word 42, in
))13 ))IRftlo ~ ~R -er ()TH 1>13 ~
OJCJ:. til ))Iltj~ <Jo, Giel f~agr tlc 140
RR1a39 fiiB Olof -el ~rc142 ~ ~lBTCJ-er41 ~
-e R3 I
;]1 ft!R

010l-i'~42 IILlEII
tbis world 39 . ~
l{-~ ~ olH ~, ftlR -e Tcjt!l RI(,)f45 oul~, H~
all-{ '()1'}1 ~f043 H The Lord's Name, of which there is
orfVg 44 itT ~ RH 45 no peer 45 , I have clasped44 to my ))I1U<! f<Jo~43 OTC? \Jlc a 8 1 fBl)il 44
~ I
mind 43 . ~
:001 ~fE II
fitu4 6 fRHo3 47 ROle"s
Such isthy Name, 0 Lord, »jj ~ul ~ 3CJT n'H, <1 l!l;jTHl! ftn=1 -eT ~

remembering47 which46 my troubles 48 ))I'O'Qo 0'0(,)47 ~liiraT, Ha ~tj§.8 liO' ;::;i-e 49 ~

~ fH"Z49 tog50 ~~la
end 49 and I am blessedsl with Thine <Jo llf3 H~ 3a -eCJ80S0 -el -e ' 3 l{lU3 ~
, ~fu51 114.911C~1I
visionso. <letS I ~ I ~
.HtT~~ H~T l/ II Seal 5lh Guru• HOCI' &'3 titl~'t l,Jlf3R lul I i
In the planer 52 are placed 54 three u5C 52 f~B fio Bl;:ri 5J u ' t!ll;ji dlel))1i 54 <Jo, ~
t:tTB"62 f~ftJ f3io
~R'353 trem 54 R3 55 thiogs 53 , trutb 55 , contentmentS6 and R~5S, R~Rc3'56 ))13 fRHa0 57 I ~

R3~56 ~ltJra57 II - meditation57 •
;l Wfol)fT59 -e T e
58 OTH The Nectar 58-N arne of the Lord, Rl;jIHl -e'
who is the support60 of ailS', bclS ~'Rar'o '9t ~ ttR tIi'-eo l,Jlft!l;jT furl)iT ~ I
ReR »iQrij60 II
;l61- ,&62 l::f~63 ita
also been put therein.
If61 aome-one62 partakesU of this ;:J0lCJ61 ~ i«!'62 fuR ~tlo ?i tfi-e TU ~, ~Olo I

i ~~64 f3R 65 qT ~f~ fare~:d,~f~:m{:O::+:::::::~~:::++::~:::~:::+~~:~+;::~6~·;~W;::t

~([1(J66 II is emancipated". afC5'>fle <J ;:Ii~!l66 ~ I t
~~ ~R~67 3;:/168 This thing67 Can be forsaken 68 not, so Bl~67 f3l)llOT1 68 o,W ;:IT RaB1, fuR B'B'1
J o~ tlT~l fo~9 fo3'
ol::f_ ~fo71
ever" and always keep thou this
RB1~69 Rel~ ~1 3 f~R ii l)lTlIi f<:l~71
~ I=
~ Hfor
3H 79


74 3a7>;f75
il'l:rr(2 ~rao73
~iJH77 lfF{T(j78 II
enshrined 70 in thy mind 71 •
Repairing74 to the LO~d's feet 73 , the
dark 79 world72 ocean IS crossed75~
Nanak. everythiing76 is an extension78
• r:ICa~1;\70 Clli
ffilT37 2

tft tJoT7] oTH ~;J ;:Ile74 ~»iTOT.

m:fB<:J Ula a13T WBT75~.
~a ~R~76 l{~77 BT <:11 ~C1T078 ~
o'oer !

<=t II of the Lord 77 .

RHOl' HuBT 4 II Slok 5th Guru. H~or 1..f;:I~" lPf3R~l II
0/13T79* 11T380
3dT I have appredated 80 not, what thou f;:J<J3 ~&:
T <i
HII H~l al3'79* ~, H< ~R B1 •
· o~l H~ ;:IOT 81 hast done 79 * for me, 0 Lord. Thou 89
oreo o,W u'~l, <i tp! ! ~ H~ »iTuc1 R~
~ -
~0l'13~182 II hast made 82 me worth y81 of Thy ~ BTf~a81 C1C,fu))il82 ~ I

JH fo~};{ra83 & Jn me, meritl,~ss83
one, there is no H~ Ol.e-f~'l<!83 f~ ~~1 iier184 0<:11' I ~. <i
arc 84
oT~l >;-flU 85 vittue 84 .
Tholl. of Thyself85 , 0 my H-a Rte1· ! J;!t?-C1-l;!B 85 <:11 Ha ~3 af<:lH3 86
i 3cJB
86 t!f~§~187 II Lord, has taken87 pity86 on me. u'o1 87 ~ I
~ 3'dR 88 trf~>;fl89 Thou hast shown" mercy88 and ~ Ha €t3 fClOlI TB3l88 a13189 ~ »i3 ))-fTucl
~ fH~~THf390 ae1 91 91
rained Thine benediction90 on roe. fH<Jo 90 Ha 3 C1oR~191 ~ I H< iIe ~ OlCl~~.
~ qf30rcr
-E4 --
I have now met93 with the True »iTlI~ n-l3a'2 ~ fHH fUl)l1 93 ~t I
fHfBlfiT93 II Guru, my friend 92•
~ (l)roO!' oTH fHc%94 3T95 Nanak, if I am blessed94 with the Oloa, ~aa H~ l{~ ~ of}{ B1 BT3 flffiBl'4
~ - Lord's Name, then95 alone, live96 I ~. &~C5. 3B95 ~1 H· 111~B,96 ~t ~ Hal
· tll~t96 3<297 H?i 98 C11~
: ~fo>;fT100 WtII and roy bod y97 and soul98 blosscm ~<J97 3 l)lT3Hl 91 1{~C53 <J.~100 ~o I
forth 100.

q €r Rf3qIo tlwfe II

ij o1ClT WHT II BfaT tf"ij l:r3JTO II Hfill >rfHn..rr~ )T[TOt? iit?> 11 ~(tl-l CJTOT ~t?
· ~ cratit II UB CJTaT?>T Bfill ~Botit II ~l:{l-I ~o~l fu8i~l Ii ljfo>rfTa:l ~~ ~1 Illlfo
>rfFTBcfT orl 9'81 ~FoT II E ~ot? orl tR:l~ orol 11 tfBH u01::l feRT1::I B0~fu II aCJtT8H Hq ~
~f~ II q II HC53 fa3~ dTT~ >Tlllit - - .... ~~"& ~fu 'OJTfuo UT3... II q 11
- 9' t f3 II >TIRe U3
~ ~31>;{T W(?'q~Ror n{TWufu II Bfill oT0101 tflB~ 'E£TUf~ II d1~orcf1 >rf~ ~~o1U~ II aTtral ~
~ ~ra111 U?)TRo1 E tPB~ aTTBl II WB CfTaT ~RCi HfdT (3T81 II l-(T"2 HH~CIT H~T II ~
or~Ra: t?9' Tor II 1::I~e >rf€! 3'~t! OITe II >TIRe HT"8a~11c? Brat WE IIqllllfo n{Tfu))[~ fj'~

- - - .._-_...__ .. _--_ .. _ - - - - -
.;•••••••••6+ :.:::: ++ ~

tfu (iTfo ftfar »ffi'c R'3 II €?ofu 3TO orlfuo '310 fi..rH~ II ct il 380ft e~O(al ~ II
m:r31 R-P.o R~rcl II - ROFf ~aT H II ftfar wit utB~ »fTm:TT II Hol-fT3t! ~F~ »{T~ II
3 To;:(T
= - - -
"ii~fu1:i H'aT50 R~
~ - II ROFfWO )){{?
- »fTf~ m-er II orT?fu RClH mB qrHtl' - ... H q5
"»ffi'c loG
fRTCJl II l;!fo !)flit ~uor oft WaT II ct II ~81 tR'H';:ral ~~1 ordt »fP.irfl( II 0f1"lfe'1 ~ OJtral
Rfur tluor ~ wfu (I 9 II 0fT50rr ~ ~ CJTl-fT II ~RH B-uor ~ ()Tl-fT II O[f?aT ~ 0fT00T
Ol'HW II );{Hc U3- ... ~uO(' ~ tfTo
T II ct II R3 fi-ffH fRaTCJTill ~ ~ II ~ - Frfar cr"froro C5~f~ II
aOTCJl O('CJoTcT uol II ~ol CfTT~f~ ~CJl II f3tJ tJli fi:ftNt >}fWtft II fRolCJTill fR~ uttltJ
crrtft i I ct II Rl~ WOOf RTOTOT ~o a1~ a1~lo II >}fRC l;!3~ ~1arcrr ~ ~~ ~3 aJ-ITo II q II cHicH
HU1 alar ~ orl~ II tfTB~ Frfar sa ar3 C5~ II FrCJfo aY~ H8TCJl li31 II l;!fo ~fu >}fTRT ~3
ar01 II ~B Bfa ~~ llfo oft31 II HU1 CJTill f~ utB~ B131 II ct II SCJTUO art=rQd' ~-erCJT II tlCI81
U03C ~ "tlBUTCJ1 II ldfn ~~ R-QO ~ fR~ II HU1 OTO! l;!~3 ~ ()Tl-fT II ct II l:fFic CJlill ~
01~ FIfO! CJTOJil3rn II ~ U3
- CJl ar3 ~ ~ -eR alR l I c t 1 l 9 1 1 ' \ i
~ )

9. ~~1, ~. f~~'8l, '3. 1!fnl)fT crl, 9. UtrH, ~.~, '3. fuRTl:1, i

8. ~iWffif,
8. SaJ '8l,
T ~cit
". Ht!, ~'"""', 9. 1m3, t. r.w,,, I I

<to aj~ aol, ~,B~aTtirol, '3. cUtirol, 9. HT~, ~. HmPoI, '3, H~ro, 8.~, l
8. Rl~3T, tIO TRoT 4. e~a~l1ol, E. l:I~, 9. l:fC. t. 9~'O~ I ~

~oHT3'tr,~.9TRao,'3.B~o Ma,8.H"ormi, I
9. 3c5aJl.
8. R~ol. 4.
~. B~aal,
'3. aR31, 9.
4. RoR~Pn, E. a~~, 9. a'R3, t. crH~ I I
8.tNq 9. ~Bl, ~. ~cH;:rol; '3. ~~1, crT~aT, ~. C!3'8, '3. oTHT, 8. orl-ffi~H, i
8. crtHtrl, 4. Cl,lilal 4. ~~cr, E. aJ~OT, 9. orTn~T, t. af'8))fTO I

9. ~TaJ1, ~. 'ClOnTcl, '3, aJiial, 9. R~, ~. RTaaJ, '3. RTaJOT, 8. m'~,

8. »fTRT<rcJT, 4. fj:ftl~ 4. a19To, E. C!f~, 9. <!"9, t. <JHlo I

9. Rafo, ~. aJ'~, '3. H~'OT 8. »fTRT, <to ~CJTlJO, ~. OTiilJO, '3. ~~roT 8. ila51UO,
4. l1il~ 4. nc, E. if'8tITa T, 9. ~ao, t. fR)){l).fT I
++.... +"'+"'+++

Appendix I

Eight supernatural powers ,,(0 crCJTHT3l Bcr3l))\t

1. To assume another form. "t. l1ifGw-'iRa ~T ~11
ii ifT<!' I
2. To enlarge and lessen the body. =? HfuHi-~ W ~iJ' '3 jcr Clao' I
3. To make the body minute. S. HUfHT--eu ~, JIl:fH Cla 8<!' I
4. The procurement of the objects. B. \.lcrru31-u~ ~ UTAH Cla?i' I
5. To know another's mind. .
1I . UooPHliT-tmCf ~ HO tft 'MT(!OT I
~. To persuade ,all. e. ~lR3' W R3'-RSR ~ io 8C!' I
7. The fulfilmemt of the mind's !>. aR3'-H?i ~l!)fi QIHOi ~l1!CJo3' I
8. To become heavy.

The sixty eight pilgrim.stations l)fC5'<1C ~!)fRtt'o

1. Onkar, 2. Ayodhya, "t. €l)){orTo, =? ~tJ1il', S. !)f~3i5l', B. ~o'~31,
3. Awantka, 4. Airwati, 1I. R3tt, e. RO~31, !>. RToq. t:. Mil,
5. Satadarv, 6. Saraswati, 7. Sarau, t. fttt.l',
"to. R<!,"t '\. Fj}IlH, '\=? ~aor.
8. Sindh, 9. Siripa. 10. Saun, '\a. ufCJ~CJ, '\B. crU'H HtJo, 9.1I. orU5oror,
11. Srisail, 12. Sri rang, 13. Hardwar. 9.e. or+Rl, 9.!>. Oli~l, 9.t:. Cl"BtlO, 9.t. 0I'~1,
14. Kapal MGch2Ln, 1S. Kaplaukak, =?o. ~~, ~9.. ~~, =?~.~fRorl.
16, Kansi, 17, Kanchi, 18. Kalanjar. =?a. OTlil', =?8. oioroo, ~1I. oi~T~l,
19. Kaveri, 20. Kurkhetar, 21. Kedar =?e. oili3l, 9.9. oi~o, =?t. R RTOJCJ,
Nath, 22. Kaushiki, 23. Gaya, =?t. ai'iJorr, ao. urcpufO', a9.. ~o o~l,
24. Gokarn, 25. Godawri, 26. Gomti, a~. f~~, aa.~tt~, a8.'M~o~,
27. Gowardhan, 28. Ganga Sagar, a4. tt~'HTIj1:fT, Se. 3taT, a9. 3 THCJUool, ~
29. Gaudka, 30. Gharghara at. ~ijr 5~, at. ~tJ, 80. feR ~~31, E
31. Charn Nawti, 32. Chitarkut, 8 eL ~'OOI", 8=? tJTCJ', 8a. ooHB", 88. O'OT t
3J. Chandarbhag, 34. lagan Nath, 3latt, 84. t5fHR, Be. Y.ROlo, 89. tLlilTOJ,
35. Jawala-Mukhi, 36. Tapti, Bt:. fY.l!~. 8t. ttB'] oolf~, 1I0. 5e~CJ,
37. Tamar Parni, 38. Tung Bhadra, 1I9.. 51HffiJ, 4~. f~or ior, 4a. H\J'CiPH,
39. Das Sawmedb, 40. Disdawti. 1I8. H<JTSo, 1I11. H'l:to', !.lE. Wo Ra~o,
41. Dawarka, 42. Dhara, 43. Narmda, 1I9. H'lil' UoT, lit. HB'fQ ol, lit. litHO',
44. Nag Tirath, 45. Nairnis, EO., E9.. f~3R3', E9. f<itJ1il',

....+ ++ +••••••••• ~,

- - - .._-_...__ ....-_ .. _-----


46. Puskar, 47. Paryag, ea. NlJTR, eS, mmRCJ, e4. W,

41. Plrthudak, 49. Badri Narain, ee. ~i1..~31, e"'~' et. ~liJ OTQ I
SO. Bhadeswar, 51. Bhimesar,
52. Bhria Tung, 53. Mallan Kal,
54. Mahan BOOh, 55. Mathura, 56.
Mansrowar, 87. Maya Pari, 58.
Mandakini, 59. Yamna, 60. Ramesh-
war. 61. Witastu, 62. Wondaya. 63.
Wipas, 64. Wimleshwar, 65. Wena,
66. Wetarwati, 67. Vaishnawi, 68.
Waidya Nath.

a. l)f(5TCJT f~ The eighteen supernatural powers ))forat ClO'H'31 acr3't1)ft

For 1-8, see number I. Cl-t m, ~ tao Ci.
9. To be immune from hunger and t. ~H, I1:f ~ ~u ~T Of ~ I
10. To hear from afar. Clo. ~ ~cmo-~ ~ JFi<!T I
11. To see from afar. ClCi. ~CJ ~-~ 3· ~T J
12. To go fast like thought. Cl~. ~-f):f))fTH ~l wt~ i31 if'<!' I
U. To assume mind-desired form. Cia. iilHiU-HO-re&3 iU tJTCJO' I
14. To enter into another', body. ClS. lICJiilfu' ~a-c:iaJ::r ~l ~ ~~ ~lfB
\i<!T I
15. To die at one's own will Cl4. R-fi@tif-~ Ha'ill ntH HC'IO' I
16. To enjoy meeting with the gods. Cle. ~T_~ ~ fim HilT W<!(')l))ft I
17. The fulfilment of desires. Ci". RcrBll fi:fQ'-~ucst W ~CJT ~ I
18. To go everywhere unobstructed. Cit. ltfl{3U3 aJ3-ftl(')t'ijcr UCJ lft 'if'<!' I

The eighteen Aindu mythical books fd'~))ft ~ ))fQTCJt ~cr Ol:lf

1. Brahm, 2. Padam, 3. Brahmand, Ci.~, Ci. U~R, S. ~~, R )j{QJ('il,
4. Agni, 5. Vishnu, 6. Garar, 7. 4. R~, e. ~, ". ~H ~~, t. ~,
Brahm Waiwart, 8. Bhagwat, 9. Shiv, t.~, Cio. fs"or, CiCi. C'ira~, Ci=? mitJ,
10. Ling. 11. Narad, 12. Sakandh, CiS•. Hrati, CiS. 9~, Ci4~ H3RliJ,
13. Markande, 14. Bhawikhia, 15. Cle. ~Tfu', Cl". ~H, Cit. ~THO I
MataBah, 16. Warai, 17. Kuram, 18.

The eighteen loa.ds of vegetation. 1:lO'FftSl ~ })foroTlis

If a leaf from each tree, plant and 'RCiO ~Cl' feq faCl'~, l!i })fa ~5 -eTfuq fuq
creeper be taken. and weighed, it tl3' 5 a 3f5})fT if~ 3i feR ~ })forot 9TCJ
equals eighteen loads. One load ~-e ~o I feq '9'0 B ti"a H~ t!T <It!' ~ I
equals two pucca monds.

Eightec~n castes })foroT;:{T3t

1,2,3,4, The warriors, the literates, 9,~,~, 8.~3),~He, ~a,~-ec I
the agricultrists, the menials.
5.6,7, the children of a Brahman ll, ~J:J. ~3), ~ l)f3 l[~a fuR3) f~~·
from a Khatri, Vabh and Shuder ~<JH<! -el R3'O I
8,9,10. The children of Khatri from t, e. 90. ~<JHc, ~a })fa l[~c feR3) f~\l·
a Brahman, Vllisb and ShudaI' ~3J -el R3'o I
11,12,13. The children of a Vaish 99, 9~. 9~. ~~He, l::f3) })fa lit!Cl' fuR3)
from a Brahman, Khatri Bnd ShudaI' f~' ~a -el R3 To I
14,15,16, The children of a Shudr21. 98, 911. 9~. ~He l::f3) a ~a fuR3] ~'\l.
from a Brahman, Khatri and Vaish ~t!Cl' -el R3'o I
17. The offsprings of different caste 9:J.Hqo ~~-fH5-~0I ~<!, WfUl)jT
than those of the parent~. o g. fin ~o -el lligT~ I
18. The children of a virgin girl. <31 ~fol)jt -ellli5Tt! I
9t. C!lli T

9. R31..f3TC5 The seven under-worlds. R3;JoB gel I

1" Atal, 2, Vital, :3. Sutal, 4. Rasatal, 9. ))13'1?, ~. f~3T5, :3. 1!3T5, 8, Cl'R''35,
5. Tatatal, 6. Mahatal, 7. Patal. 4. 33 35, E.
T H<]'3H, ::>. \.lT3Tg

t. R~E1 fRH3T»ft The twenty seven Hindu ceremonial R3Te\ ¥H qt~ ofa
books. fti'~})fT ~
1. Manu, 2. Ylll~walk, 3. Washisht, 9. HQ, ~. t:ilTOJ ?5q, :3. ?tfF.lF.l'C, 8. UePRo,
4. Prasar, 5. Sa.nkh 6. Lagh-harit, 4. R~, ~. 5'Ui-~'c13, :J. -el::f, t. f~1-~'03,
7. Dakh, 8. Birdh-harit, 9. Narad, e. oTiJtJ, '10. 5C1.! l)f30, 99. f~ )){'30,
10. Lagh attar.· II. Wirdhattar, 12. 9~. RH, 9=3. t:ilH; <t8. a, 94.~,


'--- ._-_...__ ..... -- .... _-------


Soma 13. Yam, 14. Datt, 15. Budh. "ie. f~ao, "i.? JF«J, "it. HUl ai3H,
16. Vishan. 17. Shunkar, 18. Lagh "i~. f~tl ai3H, ~O. W3tiJTllio, ~<t. ~s,
Gautam, 19. Virdh Gautam, 20 ~~. IliTU~a, ~S. ~RlS, ~8. ~tif1R,
Katyaan, 21. Dewel, 22. Ap stamp. ~1I. f8flS. ~e. J1ilfaI.J=r, ~.? RT3T3lJ I
23. Brahspat, 24. Vyas. 25. Likhit.
26. Angris, 27. Sata-tap.
Twenty seven elements. ~ lf8"fg
5 minute + 5 material ingredients + .+ 1I.
1I RlfH l)ffil:l'S l)ja + 1I forl)f1ofu~ ~
+ 1I
S organs of perception + 5 organ ~~ + t{'<! + fuQ HO + fu~ ~tlT I
of action + 5 life-breaths + one
mind + one intellect.

<to. R'3 R3 Many sorts of wickednesses.
(a) 1,2,3,4,5 organs of percepiton +
~qt t{&'o ~ f~ f~IQ
(~) "i, ~,S, B, lI, forl)f1ofi~+ fu~ HO
one mind + one understanding. + fuq RHS I
(b) 1. Blood. 2. Seed, 3. Kernal, (Ili) "i. i3, ~.~, S. f.w. B fHUBT,
4. stomach, 5. flesh, 6. skin, 1I. HTJ:!. e. ~~', .? ti'~ I
7. bones.
(c) 1. Detachedness, 2. Discrimination (R) "l.~, ~. fsijq.
3. six sorts of wealths, B1 Rlf3,
S. l:fC l[QI''O
4. Desire of deliverance, B. Wm B1 refiT,
5. Hearing the Lord's Name, 1I. ~ ~ O'H ~T R..~,
6. Obeying the Lord, e. l@.; ~ Hoe,
7. Profound and incessant :>. folJ IliTR~ I
Sixteen .sorts of decorations Rsi l.fCIClTO ~ uIQ fJiarrn
1. Cleanliness, 2. ablution, 3. Tooth- "l. ~3T, ~. fuaoro. S. HiIO W
paste, 4. Beauteous robe, 5. Dyes or ~~-ll~T, B. Ji~o l!F.r'a", 1I. 'tJI<!Cl
dyeing material. 6. Dressing of hair. iii ij~ R'HOfOT, e. ~R ~,
7. Parting of hair, 8. Mark on the .? HTor W ~i ~ ~lo~. t. ~
brow. Perfuming the body, 10. ~ f3sa- csr~T, ~. ~u ~ SlaJtll HSC!T,
Henna, 11. Ornaments. 12. Flowers, "l0. Hf~f~l, "l"l. ~~, CR ~S1!Blf.
13. Collyrium, 14. Betel leaf, "is, Ci'tf8 W SlolfT I "lB. lfTO saT I
1S. Reddening of the lips. "ill. ~~ ~ SlO1:fT BT~<!ll
16. Application of otto, saffron and "le. ~w ~ 1li3O, ~RO ~ RllO ~ BT~' I
red lead to the hair.

Six..... ~ ·. .••...· · : ...... : : : ·...•••••. .

1. Gnosis, 2. DeUberatioD, 3. Pious ct.~, ~. f~'O. S. ~ lf~ QaH,
deeds. 4. Perseverence, S. Self- 8. UO, feR~. 1I. RilH, R~ illG.
discipline. 6. Faith, 7. Charity. e. elHtH. !>. e'O, t. f~fe))fT, fe8H
8, Education. 9. Meditation., cto. liB<! t{H, ct"t. ta,
10. Sublime, 11. Celibacy. 12. Spiritual <t~. ))fftI1)f'3H QaH, '=t:3. e~, ClB. ~H
deeds, 13. Compassion, 14. Vow or ;Ii~, Clll. 'f~CS', Cle. fnOHH ~ I
pledge. 15. DiacriminatioA.
16. Immculate intellect.

Six reli,gious rites i QlOHCif ~

I. 'Dhoti', to swallow and talce out <t. 'a31', qlfi ttl llcllJi~ foam ~ STUO

a piece of clotlD. qeell

2. 'Neti', To draw in string through ~. '~31. licr O'tit jg ttit:!O fij'~ »13
nose and to Itake it out tllrough Jj'u ottit srUCl ~l I
3. 'Newli' inly wa,sbiRg.
4. 'Wasti', washiog of ~ctum with
water pipe.
S. Tralik', fixing ,of the eye--gaze.
'fn~l', Jlft:!O
'~l, lf~l el O'H ~al
rUSH' fti'R' Q~ I
1I. '~' *
t:!' lk'

fCcifctn sq(!l I

»Iftra e' I
6. 'Kapal Bhati" To draw in and to e. iN'H ~al', ~'O ttl qcRt ttl ~e
draw out breath like the smith's R"U lJiea f~ 3 ~ Ol~' I
(b) 1. 'Jap', To I'l~cite etc. ct. 'iI'\.l', lfTO ~ (jfa7>' I
2. ' Hom', bUfJllt offering, ~. fu4, lllf ))fTfe qlf$!l I
3. 'Sandhya', Twilight prayer. E3. 'Rftl))lf, fee') fsrue ~g ttl ))IOt!1R I
4. 'IshRao', ablution, bath. 8. 'fuan'O' 7!$!', Htffi I
S. 'Atithi Puja', serving and 1I. '»If3t;a1l.!ilT', 1.f.1~~ el <!fug R~T I
entertaining tIDe guest.
6. 'Dan Lailla Te dena'. To
receive and give alms.
(c) 1.2. To perform and make perform
3,4. To receive alld impart education.
5,6. To receive and give alms.
S,B, ~ful){f
. .-
tao' 3
eto S(!' »13 W
U'3,{Rt I

'lB. ~ RtJ3'
I. 'Sham', The mind's restraint. Cl. '8l H', HO ~T h t:I'H I

2. 'Kam', The restraint of senses. :t 'CilH', fi~JI){T ~

aii l!'H I
3. 'Uparti, Saving the mind from :3. '~31', HO QHu ~ ~l 3' ~~ I
love and hate.
4. 'Titikhsha', To endure pain. a. 'f3f3l:f8l ' , 3ii8t~ ~Tf.i3 iiOnt I
S. 'Sardha., Faith, reliance. ll. 'F.fQQl', mo, saRT I
6. 'Samadhanta', To attend to the E. 'f.HflQ3T' ~oj ~1 fRNI){' i5 ft:il){T(') ~T I
Guru's instruction.

SiJ[ systems i ~l:f, i ~313

I. 'langam', Wanders. Cl. 1lQIH', oH3 I
2. 'laini', The non-aggressors. ~. '~or, I){fc::iRii I
3. 'Sanyasi', tbe Solitarians. :3. 'RfoI){TRT, reat3l !
4. 'Bairagi', The detacbed. a. 'aalaft', f3I){TOJT I
S. 'Vaishno', Tbe vegetarians. ll. '~~', UfTR-l)fcJ'01 I
6. 10gi, The seekers of God. E. 'iiaJ1', <i'a -e ~~~ I

1. 'Mula Dbar', at the anus. Cl. 'I;[8TQl o' OJ.;::r 3 I

2. 'Swadhsatban', At the root of =? 'R~R Ralo ', fB'at ~T is 3 I
3. 'Manipurak', on tbe navel. :3. HoT '£001', tfoT f~ I
4. Anabat', in tbe heart. a. '))fc')'U3' fe5 f~ I
S. 'Vishudh', in the throat. ll. '~I!Q', ~o ~a I
6. Agya', between the two eye- E. 'I){Tfarl){l', ~j ~TI){i ~ot ~~t -e f~~ I

1. Soul, 2. Intellect, 3. Mind, C\. )){l3H' =? l>iQf5, ~. Ho 8. daTo I

4. Ego.

the rour streams or fire 'HaIol ~ tlTd ~fol>i1

1. Killing, 2. Worldly love, ~. RBTol HU,

3. Greed. 4. Wrath. 8. afRI I

C\t, WCJ })f~R~ The four stages of the mind HO ~l){i ~o <JTg3t
l. 'Jagrit', waking, 2. Supan'. 'L tJlfar.:31', ~, ~. 'I[UO', FtC!' I
3. 'Sakhopat', llound sleep. s. 'mftI3', ~1 !!6~-of<J3 ol'~ I
4. Turia', The minds absorption in 8. '~'lni", Ho ~1 uol >i~ sl<!3T I

~O. -eTa })fTR"aH The four religious institutions tiTo tJT'aHOl Jl<!ll){t

1- 'Brahma chari', celibacy. 9. ~HtJOt", ;:rf3 I

2. Grahsth', family life. ~. 'C!lumr', Uloarol I
3. 'Ban Prasti'. forest life. s. 'ao-l{R3l', ;laTH ~T ;:ft~ I
4. 'Sanays', renunciation. 8. 'FifolWR', f3lWOJ I

~C\. we ~Tit»iT The four sources of creation ~3tI31 ~ 'ij'Tij RH

1. 'Andaj', egg··born. 9. ))f~;:r', ~ 3' a~ <i~ 5~ I

2. 'Jeraj', placenta-born. ~. ~o;:r', i10 3~ a~ 5~ 5~ I

3. 'Setaj', sweet-born. :3, 'R3tr', ~~ 3· a~ 5~ <i~ I

4. 'Utbhuj' earth-born. 8. '~3~;:r', l:I031 3· ~t1 5~ I

~~. 'tJTa "

~c The four directions
1. 'Purab', East. 9. 'l£Oa', RF.facl I
2. 'Pachham', West. ~. 'l.lSH' Hiloa I

3. 'Uttar', North. :3. '~', '!HTS I

4. .Dakhan', South. 8 . '~l;f<!' i1<la I

~S. -eTa t!f3T The four boom:, or mind's desires, tJTa almf.tT itT HiaTHOT ;:If ~sGt-l.l~Tga

or precious objrc:ts.
1. 'Dharam', faith. 9. 'QOH', ~lHTo I
2. 'Arth', wealth. ~. 'l){(ll!', tlo-~53
3. ·Kam'. SUCCl:~ss. :3. 'OITH', OlTHli{Tal I
4. 'Mokh' salvation. a. 'HJ:i', If0131 I

... The four feet

~8. -era ua 'ij'Tg
I. Satya'. truthfulness. 9. 'R3tif1', R.iI~l I
2. 'Tap', penance. ~. '3l.l', 3tlfRl){T I

3. ·Daya'. compassion. ~. '~f~T', ofUH I

4. 'Dan'. charity. B. '~T(')', ljo-~T(') I

The four religious books '~JTo tiTOl1cl all!

1. 'Jabur'. by prophet Daud. "I. '~o', ihfiacr ~T€te' ~ I
2. 'Taurat', by prophet Musa. ~. 3013', <JtICS )jRT ~ ,
3. 'Anjil', by prophet Christ. ~. 'l)j';:jlg', m:lCS W ~l ,
4. ·Quran'. by prophet Muhammad. B. '~' 'lifOa' 'i~He ~

The fonr stages of thought ~Tg ~l)ii we 'lTga-i

1. 'Para'. Its origin in the abstract "I. 'trcJT', fea ~l traU31
af'l3 Ho f~ I
2. 'Pasanti', Its intimation to the 'u~31' fBHTQJ 3tm fea ~l l:ISO IDiTOl I


3. 'Madham', Its communication to ~. '}-fQH' m9' a-te1 feR ~l 3TO WO I
the tongue.
4. 'Baikhri'. Its utterance. S. '~1', fuR ~ ~o I

~9. tJTa ~F.r3 ~t The four couries tJTO~

ilH 1. 'Izrail'. Death's myrmidon. "I. f~e1C5', H3 BT ;:n-r I

2. •Jabraj}'. celestial messenger. ~. t'ltld i e18', RiiOtIT1 <J8CfT01' I
3. Izrafil', The Lord's bugler. ~. 'f~alg', I!l)fT)-ft ~ fuarg~ I
4. Mikail'. The giver of sustenance. B. 'H'laT~g', aill ~ ~TW ,

The four ages 'l0i

1. ·Satyug'. True age. Golden age "I. 'Rf3qar' R'e'T '!OI, 'lof<Jal 'l0l, ~, 3tJfRl)fT
with four feet of truth. penance, ~ful)fT l)f3 :Qo13 ~ Bla liar I ma
compassion and charity.
2. 'Treja'. silverge with the three ~. '33T', ;:Ji~l ~ ;:r0l,
~ - 3tT-fRl)fT, Bfel)fT l)f3
feet of penance. compassion and ~TO \[0 ~ 1'3"0 nor RH3 I
3. 'Duapur·. Brass age with two feet ~. '~~', flJ3g t;!T ;;raT, ~fel)fr 3 ~T3 ~
of compassiQn and charity. ~ liar aH3 I
4. 'Kalyug'. hOD age with the one B. 'Cil8l;fOl', 8iJ ~T 'l0l, ~ro-ljo ~ feCil
foot of charity. no RH3 I

1. 'Salokah', Reaching the Love's 9. 'm~cr.J', tj}3H ~ H~ -el1.fu311
2. 'Smipah', To be near the love. ~. 'RHlu<J', l{13H ~ ~ iieT I
3. 'Sarupah', To assume the love's ~. '~1.@'. tfl3H -er ~ll t:l'cJo. ClOOT I

4. 'Sajuj' or 'Sayujah', Blending 9. 'RTi!tt ttt 'RTtiltt<J' 1{t3H OTS l)i'i-e3T I
with the Love.

The four castes ~TO ;;J13t

1. The Literatc:s, 2. The warriors, 9. ~<JHe, ~. l:l3]. ~. ~R, 9. q-ea I

3. The agriculturists, 4. The menials.

The four Vedas or religious books ~TO ij-e ttl tPoHCl liR3Clt
1. 'Rig Ved', The white Veda. 9. 'fClilT ~-e', R:~-e ij-e I
2. 'Sham Ved', the red Veda. =<.'RTH ~e', I1ClJ:f ae I
3. 'Yujar Ved', The yellow Veda. ~. 'qtto ~-e' uls T a-e I
4. 'Atharvan Ved', The black Veda. 9. '~CIO;:e ~~', ClTgT a-e I

:3~. BTa aT~ tiT )..ftj'BT The four ways of RTq-tI<! ~ ~ LClilT

;:rT ;::Jl~o ~ ~o~ Saintship (liRSHTot l)iilR10)

:GqloT B (Muslims)
I. 'Shariat', The rituals. q. 'ECJll)i3', CloH Clt~ I

2. 'Tarikat', adoration. ~. '3]Cl3', ~U'R('jT I

3. 'Marfat', Divine knowledge. ~. 'H~3'. ~H filTl)iTO I
4. 'Hakikat', Reality. H. '<JCllCl3', l)iRsll)i3 I

The eightyfour men of miracles. ~5TRl Cl5TW3l ¥oR

1. Dram, 2.. Ashnath, 3. Asur, 9. €toH, =<. l)iRoT'El, ~. l)il1o, 9. f;:OTE1, •
4. Winashi, 5. Anhad Shabdi, ll. )}fo<J~ Rael, E. l)ifaoTR1, 9. l1iHClfoU,
6. Abnashi, 7. Amarnidh, 8. Amrit t:. t,.f-ftf..3 ~ilTl, t. l1iii~ ~lll, 90. l1i TU R~lll,
Bhogi, 9. Anandrupi, 10. Ap Sarupi, 99. >iiUf;J, 9~. c:1R;:CJ, 9~.~Cl ilOll,
11. Aughar, 12. Ishwar, 13. Ekrangi, 99. BOlTiJT1, 911. ~Clt3~lRl, 9E. RH T53,
14. Ekangi, IS. Ekantwasi, 99.RoR~31, 9t:.RTiJ'TCf, 9t.fRu-ao,~0.R13s,
16. Smarat, 17. Saraswati, 18. Sagar, ~9.l!a3fRU, ~~.gClCJ, ~~. RgTgOlT, ~9. gg- ,

J9. Sidhsean, 20. Sita1, 21. Surat Sidh, ~4. R~afRU. ~e. uol~, ~9. uol:ffou.
22. Shankar. 23. Sambhalka, ~t. q(')Cl, ~t. ClOlsr, :30. ClH8Ro,
24. Shambh, 25. Swar Sidh :3'1. Cla~Tm, =3~. cml~HTR1,:3=3.crnR(')lRl,
26. Hanifa. 27. Harkhnidh, 28. Kanak, :3B. Cl'B"'-eo, :3ll, a8Cffi?l, :3e. a~B" ClOH1.
29. Knif<1. 30. Kamal saint :39. f~o~, :3t. l:fB"ClfoO, :3t. fl:f"l:13,
31. Karamnasi, 32. KaJawilasi, BO. 0I010~'R1. Bct. faJOQfa, B~. fura~, .
33. Kaleshansi, 34. Ka1endar, B:3. Oj6T~'Rl. BB. aiUTH, B4. ill~Uo,
35. Kalkarn, 36. Kewal Karmi, :3e. Ufo' ~el, B9. ~3aao, Bt. ~foo,
37. Krishan Kumar, 38. Khalak Nidh, Bt. iPB"Cl, llO. iif3 lli'lu1. 4ct. iif3 HOIo,
39. Khinthar, 40. Gagan wasi, 4~. iif3 8010, ll:3. §am, 4B. 3UO,
41. Girdhar, 42. Girbodh, 43. llll. 3-a0l1, lle. eaF.loiif3, 49. tIl:fO'Rl,
Gufawasi, 44. Gopal, 45. Gowardhan, lit. qaH, lit. fo3U fRO. eo. f003.
46. Ghana Nandi, 47. Chatar Bain, UCl~:1, e9. UHClfofo, e~. UHT~aft.
48. Chal Nidh, 49. Jalak. SO Jot eo. 'f<I", eO. ""'" "'., e". fS<jaIH "ail, ~
Anupi, 51. Jot Magan, 52. Jot lagan, ee. fia>lTa, E9. fSHH ii3, Et. ~H, !
53. Jhangar, 54. Tapan. 55. Tarangi, et. ~uH~(JI1, 90. ~umtol1, 99. ~t:lfa, ~
56. Darshanjot, 57. Dukhanli, 9~. ~ O't:l, 9:3. ~aJo, 9B. H<Ji~, t
58. Dhuram. 59. Nitahsidh, 60. Nirt
~", """""", ~e. ~.3>re, ~~.~" >13)'1
~:: ::;;1:' 9t~. :::~' t:O~~:;-:;::
Parwat, 61. Palak Nidh, . 62. Palas
Bhogi, 63. Puran, 64. Pran Nath, 65. .
Bhingam Jogi, 66. Bimbsar 67. tB. f~fe30 ClaHll
Bimal Jot, 68. Brahm. 69. Brahm
Bh0gi,70. Brahm Jogi, 71. Bharthar,
72. Bhut Nath, 73. Bhangar,
74. Mahan Yogi,
76. Muktesar,
75. Magan Dhar,
77. Mulmantri, I
78. Yog Nidh, 79. Ram Sidh,
80. Rang Nath, 81. Lohari,
82. Langar. 83. Vishnu Pat,
84. Vichitar Karmi.

Twenty four incarnations ~~ll)f~To

J. The Big Fish, 2. The Tortoise, 9. H&, ~. ClEl, :3.~(J!<J, B.HuoT, ll. oafRUl,
3. Vairah, 4. Mohni, 5. The manlion. e. uaRa'H, 9. a'~e:, t. ful)jTR, t.f~F.lO,
6. Paras Ram. 7. Ram Chandcr. 90. aH~ea, 9"1.a~, 9:<. l!O, 9:<. (')lOe,

. . .• . .• •• •• •. .• •• t ••••••••••••••••••. . . . .••••••••••. . • . .• . . . . . . . .•••~,. .~~~~~

8. Bias, 9. Krishan, 10. Bal Bhadar, 9.8. foUlS -e~, 9.4. crllB", 9.E. iiRT, 9.". fli"!,
II. The dwarf, 12. Budha, 13. Narad, 9.t. ~T3~,, ~O.O~T~, ~9..~~
14. Righab-dev, 15. Kapal, 16. Hansa, Q1J?, ~~. ~?R~Hn, ~:J. t1c530, ~8. cmcitl
17. Prithu, 18. Datta Treh, 19. Nar,
20. Narain, 21. Rai Gariv, 22.
Waiwastuman, 23. Dhanantar,
24. Kalki.

The fourtet:n precious articles. ~~ cl1H'31 030 I

1. Nectar, 2. Wine. 3. The moon, 9.. )){,-fIi.3, ~. F.lo~, :J. ~~HT, 8. CIT}{ Tio,
4. Elysian cow, 5. Sublime horse, 4. ~~ RO?T U;=T, E. ,){Ol?3 <J~1. ". i:lfua,
6. Elephant, 7. Poison, 8. Wealth, t. Begl-/l, ~. t1~30 ~t:!', 9.0. ~R3Hil
9. Dhanantar physician, 10. Jewel, 9."1. Rl::f, q~. crsu f~, 9.:J. hT W l)fl/~,
II. Conch, 12. Elysian tree, 9.8. Rra-Q1 t:i Tt1ill::f'1
13. Nymph, 14. The bow.

l. Sour, 2. Sweet, 3. Astringent, 4. 9. tic l , ~. Mor, 3. ClRBT, 8. ~3T, 4. R~C!',

Bitter, 5. Salinl~, 6. Highly seasoned. E. ;,ol/OT (~1IC') I

Si:{ celibates g ~<JH;'Tol

1. Lachbman, 2. Gorakb, 3. Hanu- 9. BegHC, ~. (fiol::f, S. ~~H'o, 8! s1F.JH,
man,4. Bbisha.m, S. Bhairo, 6. Datt. 4. ~a, E. t:!'3 I

:3t. '531 >iiH3' ;:IT Thirty-six sorts of delicacies i631 faRHt t:!'l~T fol)fTI-j3'
s3T t(oP~
. B I. Bread of every kind, 2. Fritter, 9. ac1 ~o lfflCl~ t:!'1, ~. l.!=1. 3. ~al,

~HO 3. A dish made of bread and pulse, 8. \{;j. 4. ;,T~S, E. RTQI, :J. ~TS,
4. A beller cak,:, 5. Rice, 6. Culinary t. CI~l, t. ~=ll)1t, ~o. RH1Ili t , 9."i. ~l,
herbs, 7. Pulse, 8. A Baline dish of "i~. R~<§ ~5. ~a. l/~, "\8. ~1,
gram flour, 9. Condiment preparation, 911. l)f;,~, 9.E. lia"ST, 9~. ~t'l, "It. wr
10. Vermicelli.. 11. Pulse and rice "35, "it. orf~3', ~O. ~9. CI=T~lI TU=,
cooked together, 12. Parched saline t@Tt:!', ~~. 1::f10, ~3. tft:i101, ~8. f~t,
grams, 13. E:.table made of mois- ~ll. SIUR1, ~E. o'tSl, ~:J. ~,
tened gram flollr cooked in oil, 1 t. ~t.~, ~t. ~ll:f~, 30. Etrll::fRlm
Condiment, 15. Pickle, 16. Preserved )){lft:!' til, S9. t:!'.:W '3 SAl, :J~. Clitit,

'--- ._-_.,,-_ .. _--_._------


fruit, 17. Confection, 18. Curd and ~~. Ern ;:rt ~~,
fried cake, 19. Boiled vegetable ~E. 'lao I
mixed in curd, 20. Thin crisp cake,
21. Sweet made of sugar, flour and
ghee, 22. Rice cooked in milk, 23.
A kind of sweet, 24. Sweet-meats, 25.
Sweet dish made of wheat flour, 26.
A preparation of milk and sugar, 27.
The cream, 28. Butter, 29. Sugar
mixed with curd, 30. The preparation
of peppy and the like, 31. Curd and
butter milk, 32. Acid liquor, 33.
Fruits, 34. Lump sugar and ghee
sweet, 35. A kind of vermicelli, 36.
A tonic medicine to promote

Six schools of philosophy ~ ~R~ B of~ ;:rt Ufo

1. 'Sankh', 2. Niai, 3. Patanjal, 4. (i, ~, ~. olilTtr, ~. ~r3trn', 8. a-RRCl,
Bai-sesak, S. Mimansa, 6. Vedant. 4. HIHTRT, E. ~'eT3,

The authros of the six Shashtras ~l)iT ura T ~ crnO<JT O

1. Kanad Muni, 2. Gautam Rikhi, "I. Cl'OI'e linl, ~. oT3H foctl, ~. Cl~E lifo,
3. Kapal Mun, 4. Patanjal Rbhi, 8. lP3tffi foF.ll. 4, ~HOI. E. ~'e f~l)iIR,
laimini. 6. Ved Vyas.

Six incarnations of God ~Tf<J01~ ~ ~ l)i~31o

1, 'Ansa'. Possessing some powers. l:l. 'l)[RT', ~ '! F.lCl'3Il)iT RH3 I
2. 'Awesha'. AlI·pervading. ~. 'l)i~F.lT', RCa f~l)fT1.fOl' I
3. 'Nitah', Ever eternal. ~. 'f03lil', R'eI~l ClTE RCfI~1 I
4. 'Nimit', For some special purpose. 8. 'fnfHf3', fqR !:fIR H3Ba ~1R3 I
S. 'Puran', AU-perfect.
4. 'lion', li~HE I
6. 'Purantam',
Brimful with all
E. .
'~3H' wol l)iCl8 T o'E uaIuao I .

Six seasons ~ HAH

1. 'Basant', months of Chet and "t. 'a~31, ~3 l)f3 ~AT1:f -e H<Jl1i) I

2. 'Garikhame', months of Jeth and ~. 'm}:fH', Ho l)f3 ()'T;J -e H<Jl~ I
3. 'Warkha', months of Sawan and :3. '~ol::fl', R(! l)f3 ~F -e H<Jl~ I
4. 'Sarad', the months of Asu and 8. 'ffa;:!', lliI! l)f3 or3 -e H<Jl~ I
S. 'Him', the months of Magher and ll. 'fiJH', HURl 1113 u<J -e H<Jl~ I
6. 'Sisar', the months of Magh and E. 'fAffa', HTlJ! l)f3 GCJT(! -e H<Jl~ I

Thn:e states 3~ <JT~3T

1. 'Jagrat', waking. ''t, 'W0I.3', "tl'OT(!T I
2. 'Supan', dreaming. ~. 'lIlIo', i!6~ 111T~ I
3. 'Sakhopat', dream-free sound sleep. s. 'A'ij1l3', i!lIo-of<J3 0l~1 oht I

88. f30 qTF,) Thre.~

Tenses f3'o ffH"
1. 'Bhut', Past tense. 9. '~3·. alf3111 T (jfC!'J1iT ffW I
2. 'Bhawikhat', Future tense. q. '~f~l:f3', 111T~ ~T ffHT I
3. 'Yartman', Present tense. S. '~a3HTo', ~13 fO<JT ffW ,

84. f3'(') 0]<5 ;:It Three tempratments ot qualities ~12~WH~

1. 'Rajas", Optimism, 2. 'Tamas', "t. 'oTff', a;:i, ~. 3THff', 3H, :3. ~ffT3Cl', A3 I
Egotism, 3. 'Satik', Pessimism.

Thrc~e gods ~ -e~

1. •Brahma', the god of creation. ct. ''t<JH''', (t31131 t!T -e~3T I
2. 'Yishnu', the god of sus tenence. ~. 'f~F.I~', lIT~(!-liff(!<JTa ~~T'
3. 'Shiva', the god of destruction. s. ·fF.l~T', oTff Clooo'a ~T I

89. f3'o 3 Ttf Three diseases ~ slHTtfll1it

1" 'Adh'. disease of the mind. ct. '111TfQ', HO ~ ttT 111fuJ){13HCl aat t

. .._. __ _-- .. _ - - - - -

2. "Biaclh', the diseases of the body. ~. 'fS))flfQ', ROm ~ aClf, l)ft1 ~307 I
3. "Upadh', the diseases of doubt. s. '~fu', sOH ~H'ij -e acn. l)ft1~~ I

St. ~3 Thirteen Religious boob Bat ~T){ W Q'aHCl Ol"a

4 Vedas + 6 Shashtars + Puran + 8 ~t!' + E F.f'Faa + llOlO + fRf'1.31l)fi + 33
Simirtis + Tant Shashtra "'= 13 R'FI30= "ts

. at:. ~R»fHc fRQ1~t See eighteen miraculous powers.

J E>ll>l~ra
40. Ten incranations of God. ~fua.I~ ~ ~ lJ{~la
1. 'Machh', A Big Fish, 2."Kachh', "t. 'Hif', ~it H'tt, ~. 'a~', ~ ~,
l1(li5~, 3. 'Brah', swine, 4. "Bawan', :3. 'sa1u', JlO, B. 'ar?o', S~l (Sel),
the dwarf, 5. 'Paras Ram', 6. 'Ram 4. 'UORa H', 1
E. 'a'H ee:, 9. 'f~',
Chander', 7. "Krishan', 8 'Budha', t. '~Q'. t. 'oafR"us', "to. 'cmql' I
9. The 'Man-lion', 10. "Kalki'.

Ten directions. eR 30~

1. East, 2. West, 3, North, 4. Soutb, ct. t!as, ~. tJ~, S. ~30, B. t?l:fc!,
S. North East, 6. South East, 7. South 4. ~lR'O, E. l)fOTO, 9. "8a3, t. ~~,
West, 8. North West, 9. Sky, t. »itqIR, "to. l.J'3'H I
10. Under-world.
Ten doors or apertures.
1,2, Ears, 3. ct. Eyes, S. 6. Nostrills, ct, ~.
oro, S, B. l){t(l. l/, e. ('ilRl,

7. Mouth, 8. Anus, 9. Urine 9. B,u, t. a],t!", t. fuR'S ~IBl Hal,

aperture, 10. Tenth gate. "10. IDiH ~»i'O I

Ten auspicious festivals. t!R l!~ f~<Jla

1. 8th day of lunar month. ct. -at!' ~ HUl~ ~ I)fi~ I

~. ] 4th day of the lunar month. ~. ~t!' -e Hu~ t!'1 9;T I

3. No moon night. S. ~R»i' I
4. Full moon night. a.~ll
s. First day of the month. 4. Hul~ ~ ufuBf fun, RQ!.it!' I
6. First day of the moon, falling on e. ~ ~1 ~3~11!Qli, m:? ~~H' ~or~w
Sunday, when the moon is in i1Ju f~ ~~ ~, ~3..'f~ I

acquilla mansion.

. . . . . . . . . . . .+~ ++•••••••••••~

7. When the
SUIl crosses equator in 9. "e JIOH 1JR3 f~" HQ a1:fT 8urt!T~,
~l;f~lfe<! I
8. When the SU:D crosses equator in t. t«:!' '!OH ~ ~ HQ '6l:fT 8Ult!T 3,
autumn. ~til311T3 I
9. Solar eclipse. t: !!o;t Ol.f<:re I
10. Lunar eclipse. "io. \l ttH' 0If<:re I

Ll8. t:!R fi-e... Ten organs of perception and. action. ~R farlliTo ~ ClaH fu"tttl)ft
S organ of perception+5 organs of 4. faJlliTO f~fell)jf
+ 4 iiaH fie1llii I

l\l\ . '€R ~l:f Ten sects of solitarians
(Rfo»{TR1~t) 1. Tirath, 2. Ashram. 3. Ban, "i. 31oe, ~. lli'RaH. S. So, B. ))fijotil,
4. Aranah, 5. Giri, 6. Dandi (Parbat), 4. farol, E. i~l (tree3), 9. flTOTO,
7. Sagar, 8. Saraswati. 9. Bharti, t. ROR~31, t:. 9'031, "io. ,!oll
10. Puri.

Ten sins. ~ 0lRH"8

1. To steal, 2. To kill living beings, q. ~Cfl Clool, ~. ~'oll)ft ~ HT(JO',
3. To co-habit others woman, 4. To S. tre feR3] arH<!l, B. q1:fT aBeT, 4. t5
speak dryly,S. To tell falsehood, ~CR:', E. >!iocS Cloo', 9. ~T f"3~OT,
6. To do uncalled for things, 7. To t. f~o'o Cla~ IiCloo', t. llalf~l)fi w
think evil, 8. To back out of the Qo ~1:f & \IRe Cloo', Cio. ~im51 sl:ft81
given word, 9. To be jealous of Clooll
other's wealth, 10. To back-bite.

LI.? t!R t(T<! Ten sorlts oflife~breaths

1. Pran, 2. Apan, 3. Saman, "\, trcJ'o, ~. >!iUTo, S. RH'o, B. ~lil'o,

4. Wayan. S. Udan, 6. Nag, 4. ~e'o, E. Olar, !:J. ~Hi t. ~Cl5,

7. Kuram. 8. Krikal. 9. Dev Oat, t. -e~e3, qo. QtHtil I
10. Dhananjah..

Nine stars or planets '5" 3' a ttl ?)l:flitda

Nine calamities liRla3t ~'
1. the sun, 2. The moon, 3. The q. Sia;:r, ~. ~eoHT, a. HaTs, B. f~R3U,
+.+ +.+.+


Mars, 4. The Jupiter,S. The Venus, 4. l!C«J, E. Ro1~a, 9, eP'1, t. ~1J,

6. The Saturn, 7. The Neptune, t. ~ I

8. Mercury, 9. The dragon's tail.

Nine treasures i' :tm~

1. 'Padam', gold, silver and the like. 9. '~H', ROT, ~-e1 l')fTf-eOl I
2. 'Mahan Padam', gems, jewels, etc. ~. 'HUT l.l-eH', CJm, ;:r~<Ja l){lfu I
3. 'Sankh', delicious eats. S. 'Fh:l', fll){l-eB ~t=ro I
4. 'Makar', training in the use of 8. 'Hera', aa3CJ f~f-el){l I
5. 'Kachhap', clothes, corn and the
6.. Kund', dealings in gold.
7. 'Nil', trading in gems and jewels.
8. 'Mukand', mastery in fine arts.
9. 'Kharab' or 'Warch', riches of all
E· 'ef-e" R~ -e T ~~;:r I
9. 'oTci, CJ1a 3 ~<JaT -e l
t. 'li~-e', ~H8 ~oCl f~ H<JTCJ3 I
~l.llCl I

'Cfaij' t=rt '~lO~', CJa uaWCI -e1 ~83 I

.... i' -ea~l~ t=r Tila1l){T
EO. o~a Nine doors or apertures
t:jl olC5oP' 2 eyes + 2 ears +2 nostrils,+ one B ~T + B ~?5 + € orRT + f~Ol}j"<:r + f~Ol
mouth + one urinal)' aperture + f~alij -e1 0181 + Ol-eT I

Nine men of miracles i'Ola TH13l liClR

1. Ad Nath, 2. Machinder Nath, 3. "l. l){Tf-e ora, ~. HfSJ"ta ola, s. aTOCf,
Gorakh, 4. Undai Nath, S. Santokh· 8. ~Btil oltr, 4. R3l:f ola, E. ~ij;J (')1a,
Nath, 6. Kambar Nath, 7. Satah- !). R3l<l ollil, 1;;. l){{J3 oTlil', t. ~a0l1 oTS I
Nath, 8. Achamb Nath, 9. Chaurangi

E:<. cS ~crr31nif ;:IT Nine sorts of devotional services 7;' l.lClOlla t:ll){T ilHH~l Uj'18 t

tor ~Cl131 1. 'Sarwan', hearing the Lord's 9. '~~', 1.l.,{ t!T oTH !!~(')1 I
2. 'Kirtan'. siqging the Lord praise,

i 3. 'Simran', Lord's meditation. a. 'fRHClO', 'll)fTHl ;:it ~~l I
4. 'Acharn', good character. B. '~', ~T ~trn<! I
S. 'Pad Sewan'. the service of the ll. 'tR R~', RTfUtf ~ liar ~l R~r I
Lord's feet.
6. 'Das Bhav', the slave's senti- e. '~R ~', o'i5 r i Rcmu I
7. 'Bandana'. to make obeisance
unto the Lord.
8. 'Mitarta'. to make friend-ship
with the Lord.
9. 'Atam Nawedan', to grasp t. 'l){T3H fo~trc'i', ~rol fmf){3 CIIf~ •
spiritual instruc:tion. CiOm I
Nine regions of earth. Uo31 ~ i tlS
1. Bharat, 2. Kinpurkb, <to sT'ff3, ~. fcft!otl, a. ufo ~otl, B. ~!R,
3. Harwarkh, 4. lBhadras, S. Ketmal, ll. c'i~HT5, e.reiS'li63, D.oHtil, t. fCJo~H"'.
6. Ila-barat. 7. Ramesh, 8. Hiran t. '!F.I' I
Mah. 9. Kush.

Five musical instruments. li'tl 'lo1g RTH

1. Stringed instruments. <to 3'0 ;:rt ~~l ~g Rr;;J, ~. tr~ .~ RTi.r,
2. Instruments. of'leather. 3. of metal,
4. Earthen instruments. S. Wind
~. UT3 ~ Rr;;J, B.
~ ~r5 RTtll
fH'cl .
~ RTH, ll. ~or 0T5


The five tunes of the above five


The fiv,e nectars Utl l){Tfu-fuW3

1. Milk. 2. Cream, 3. Clarified "t. ~, ~.H~, ~. furtt, B.~, Hf.Cfl)fT8',

butter, 4. Honey. :5. Sugar. ll. l:i~ I

Five seDllory organs Ui=I ~ fi~

1. Nose. 2. Ear.. 3. Eyes. 4. Mouth <to cier, ~. cio, ~.~, B. Jj'u, lI. tI~ll

S. Skin.
. .••••••+++++ +.

Five senses of the sense organs Uif fuJ)){T(') fi~l)ft ~ fr:a

1. Smell, 2. Hearing, 3. Seeing, <to ciu, ~. 'l~ W ~, ~. ~l:f~ iff \U,
4. Taste, S. Touch. B. Ill)f't! iJf oR, 4. RUaB I

Five motor organs \iti ~H &00 ~~ ~-~

• • ~ t
1. Feet, 2. Hands, 3. Mouth, <to 1Jo, ~. ~lf, a. )j,~, B•• UF.!111 CllCJo ~ 8T
4. Urinary organ, S. Anus. ))[ar, 4. lll~ I

Five demons, or passions or sins Uit ~ ;:It f~a ~ClT ttl utl.l
1. Lust, 2. Wrath, 3. Avarice, 9. ern, ~. ~u, S. B9, B. H\1, 4. ~CilCJ I
4. Worldly attachment, 5, Ego.

The five elements Uti JiB ,.fa

I. The fire, 2. The earth, 3. The <t! l)fYOI, ~. fHe1, ~.urc1, B.~~T, 4. )){R){To I

water, 4. The air, S. The sky.

9~. Uit 33t -e The godly virtues of the five

~~l QI~ elements
1. The burning of impiety from the
2. Forbearance from the earth ~. UCJ31 3' RfuoJ:im31 I
3. Impartiality from the air. S. ~~T 3~ t.ll:flfT3' ol'\13-UC!T I
4. Washing of filth from the water. B. UT(!1 3~ H8lc!3T ~ tkr I

S. Detachedness from the sky. 4. l)fCl'B 3~ fCSClStJ3T I

Five virtues ti't1 ~llHt

1. Truth, 2. Contentment, 3. Faith, q. mJ, ~. R31:1, S. tIClH litHT1), B. ~lHT,
4. Compassion, S. Fortitude. 4. Q1o;::J I

HTe' Five sorts of matter Uit tIOiiTeJ -e ){T~
1. The water, 2. The air, 3. The ... U"~1, ~. ~~,, B. ~, 4. l)f~ I
dust. 4. The fire, S. The sky.

The five prayers ti';t lf01!01

1. 'Fazar', of tbe morning. 9.'~',~t11

2. 'Zahar' of the I:ve. ~. ';ma', J:J1H -el ,

3. 'Asar', the prayer before sunset. a. '))fmJ', 'loti as<!~ ufuBi-el.
4. 'Magarbi', the prayer after sunset.
S. 'Ishadi', prayer before going to
. -
B. ')'{ilrcHit', RCltt ~~ ~ HCtrcJm ,
If. 'fuBTt!1', R<! ~ \JfuBi -el I

The five deeds of the Yogis ~1))ft ~ tf;:J CXcJH

1. 'Khechri', to mount the breath. ~. 'iitJal', Ffl)fTR @3 ;:J31(kT I
- - u -

2. 'Bhuchri', supension of the breath. ~. '~tJal', Ji))fTR "eT a~ I

3. 'Chachri', to dismount the breath. a. 'tJTtJal', J!))flR "eT ~ ,
4. 'Unman'. to pull up the eye- B. '~Hfn', ~ j))fT (~) -e' ~ f~"T ,
5. 'Agochri', To be rid of passions.

The five kinsmen tft:I fdB3E'd

1. Father, 2. Mother, 3. Wife, "l. fU3l, ~. ).{13l, a, ~G1, B. '!3.:',lI. m I
4. Son,S. Brother.

Thirty two good qualities s3CJ1 Jisc 5ii<!

1. Beauty, 2. Modesty, 3. Entellect, ~. Ji-e_3", ~.s-ftp)fT, a. ))f'aB', B. <JO,
4. Perseverence, 5. Sublime soul, 6. 1I. J!fua-e"3', E. R~, ".~1, t:.\Jf~"303",
Truth, 7. Valour. 8. Piety, 9. Stead- ~. R~'7l"3', "lO, fumi, ~"l. -efd))f1-ft!Bl,
fastness, 10. Learning, 11. Liberal "l~. ClJ.e OI.~"33", ~a. a'i91a3". ~B.~,
mindedness, 12. Grasping of virtues, ~\J015';' ~1I. H7l -el \Jf'ri3a"31, "lE. traH
13. Profoundness, 14. Efforts, 15. Elwn, ~". f'tfH', ~t:. 'iUH fap,jT7), ~~. IN-
The mind's purit:f, 16. Faith, 17. RttH, ~o. JiBe qm.
~~. -e'n Yn ClOO',
Forgiveness, 18. Divine knowledge, ~~. tllatt. :<:3. 00f.3', :<8. ~;:J tra3Tt.l,
19. Self-discipline:, 20. Sublime ~lI, Efe'))f', ~E. ~al fu))fra, ~".fnd1$93"
intention, 21. Alms-giving, 22. Forti- =<~. fnaHCl"3'. ~t· ))ffti'RT, ao. li~­
tude, 23. Humility, 24. Splendour, afCl33", :3~. tlfcil\J23", :3~. ~CfTO -e1
(grandeur), 25. Compassion, I'tle;j~ I
26. Divine love, 27. Want of
avarice, 28. Want of attachment
29. Non-killing, 30. Unselfishness,

L 31. UndeceitfulOl:ss, 32. Want of ego•

• • • •W . . . . . . .4 •••••••••••••

-----_._---_ ..

Twelve Shiv-lurgams ~ f'JR-fcfor

1. Som Nath 2. Dhrikhneshar, ct. RHO'-a, ~. fl{1:f ~mr, '3. at!TO (ill'J,
3. Kedar Nath, 4. Bisheshar 8. fsfu:rn, 4. cJTHaa, E. O1H80 9. ~tl(')Ttt,
5. Rameshar, 6. Nameshar, t· 51H Aad', t. ~sa, "lo. Hf~aTO t1O,
7. Baij Nath, 3. Bhim Shankar, "l"l. ~TOlT~, "l~. {)7l)fOlTO I
9. Yamback, 10. Malkar jan
II. Mahankal, 12. Onkar

to. aTot tier Twelve sects of the Yogis tiiorllli t ~ara t f:6a'a
1. Hetu Panth, 2. Paw Panth, "l. ;j~ tfCi, ~. l.P? tiCi, '3. )){1~1 tier, 8.
3. Ai Panth, 4. Gamah Pauth. orTHtil ti-a, 4. ~s~ll..fCi, E. l..ITOfB" tiCi, 9.
5. Kambri Panth, 6. Pagal Panth oTl..I~ tier, t. a~ ti-a, t. arc ti-a, 9.0. i
7. Gopal Panth, 8. Rawal Panth, 1!tl1.l"-a, 9.9.. ~~l ti-a, "l~. t!TR ti-a I !
9. Ban Panth, 10. Dhuj Panth,
II. Choli Panth, 12. Das Panth

Service with twelve limbs 'II)iTt!R >iort ~ R?T cf<J~

Service with cfuH R?T
1. Mouth, 2. Head, 3, 4. Nostrils, 9.. If<J ~. fHa, '3, 8. (')ll:laT, 4, E. ~('), 9, t
5,6. Ears, 7,8. Hands, 9. 10. Feet, <:!Ci, t, "lo. tia, "l"l, "l~. I)jl::lt 01~ I
11, 12. Eyes.

Twelve images sra t l!03 t

1. Vishnu, 2. Lakshmi, 3. Shiva, "l. f?a~, ~. mfRHl, '3. fF.l?tlT, 8. uras3'l.
4. Parbati, 3. Brahma, 6. Saraswati, 4. ~<JHT, E. HoH?3l, 9. ~F.I, t:. olT~T,
7. Ganesh, 8. Kali, 9. Bhairou, t. -W, 9.0. tlH, "l9.. 'lotl, "l=<. f~~ I
10. Yama, 21. Suraj, 12. lndra.

Twelve signs ~)){Tt!H fu~

1. Sacred thread, 2. Deer skin, 9.. tl~€t, ~. fH~Cll51~T, '3. l::!"tl t!T 3~laJl,
3. Grass girdle, 4. Metal pot, 8. OlH~, 4. ~t!l I
5. Hair-luft.
(These are the S signs of Brahm-
6. Frontal mark, 7. Necklace,

8. Rosary of Tulsi, t. ~5Rl t!1 H'W;

(Three sign of Vaishnawas) (~ao~ @ fto Fi~)
9. The rosary of rudarakhsh, t. q:t!cilm t!l H'W;
10. Sacred mark of tnree lines, <to. F3'ci t gc;itat ~ fiQT,
(The two signs of Shiva) (fiNr @ ~ fu?i)
11. Tree staves (one sign of <t<t. f~~ (FiFol)fTFftl){t t!T reCl ftJ"Q),
12. Ear.rings (Olle sign of Yogis).

Twelve: mansions STat (Il.fu

1. Mekh, 2. B:rikh, 3. Mithhan, <to H~, ~.~, ~. fH80, a. MUl, 4. CloCl,
4. Singh, S. Karak, 6. Kanya, E. ~f?)I)fT, 9. ~8T, t.~, t. lIo,
7. Tula, 8. Brahschak, 9. Dhan, <to. HCilO, <t<t. r!9, <t~. Hto I
10. Makar, 11. Kumbh, 12. Min.

Aportionment of time ~3 t!1 3CilF11H

1. 'Wisua'= 1/75 second, q. r~l1lliT =q/94 Rfcf~ I
2. 'Chasa'=4/5 second=60 wisuas. ~. tJw=a/4 Rfcf~=EO f~~ I
3. 'Pal'=24 secOJ[lds=30 chasas. ~. lffi=~a Rfci~ =~o tJR I
4. 'Ghari'=24 minutes=60 'Pals'. a. us1 =~a fife =EO U8 I
5. 'Murat', 'Mahurat'=48 minutes= .
l.i. H03, HU03 . = at: me =~ U/;31lli' I
2 gharis.
6. Hour'=60 minutes=2i gharis. E. ukr = EO fHe ~ q/~ Ul;3~ I =
7. 'Pahar'=3 hours=7! gharis. 9. ufua =
~ uR =9 q/~ ur;itI)ft I

tE. R3 l)fTC7'F.I' Seven skies

1. Bhur, 2. Bhawar, 3. Swar, <to ~, ~. e~, ~. R~, a. U<ra', 4.;:ro,
4. Mahar, 5. Jan" 6. Tap, 7. Sat. E. 3U, 9. R3

The fourteen worlds. ~t!t l!o~t

7 Aksh+7 Patal=14 9 l)fTCilTF.r +9 UT318 = '1 a

t t. rI3 Bot Sevlen tunes R3 €W

1. Sa, 2. Re, 3. Ga, 4. Ma, S. Pa, <to RT, ~. a, ,~, (ITT, a. HT, 4. ur, E. lIT,
6. Dha, 7. Ni. 9. 01 I

Seven understandings R'3 mJ RH8i

1. Patience. 2. Intellect. 3. Discrimi. ct. dlaiJ, :<. ~Q, a. f~, 8. e, ~. ar3l,
nation. 4. Power. 5. Salvation. e.;:fl~ Hfa))fTt!T (Ha1iI"e T) ~. )jO'mf
6. Way of life. 7. Opportune task. qGH I

to. R\I3 R'iBO Sevcn oceans R'3 m:ftre

<a> 1. of mille. 2. of curd. 3. of ghee. ct. tIQ' ~r, :<. ~ ~, 8. ~~. q. ~
4. of the juice of sugar cane. 5. ~ em~, ~. 8~~, e. m u'<!l ~,
ofhooesy. 6. of the sweet water. 9. ri \JTZt ~ I
7. of the saline water.
(b) I. North Atlantic. 2. South (@) ct. ~3al ~~, :<. ~ ~~,
Atlantic. 3. North pacific. a. ~l uRficr, 8, ~ URfR.
4. South pacific. 5. Indian ~. fu"ill)Jn. e. l)f~, ~. ~oc'acritcr I
6. Arctic. 7. Antarctic.

Seven continents J:l38~H

(a) 1. Jambhu. 2. Palaleh, 3. Shat- ct.~t,:<.~, a.WBHB, 8.~8.~.~,
mal. 4. Kush. 5. Kaunch, e. R'Cl, ~. \!JrcrcJ I
6. Sak, 7. Pushkar.
(b) 1. Africa, 2. Antarctica. 3. Asia. (@) ~1Cl', :<. ~ocraClG1Cl', a. €F.itl)f',
4. Australia. 5. Europe. 6. North 8. l)JT~81l)JT, 4. tiiau, e. ~ l)f)f01ci',
America. 7. South America. ~. ~~l l)fHalCl' I

Twelve vows t{3' fofl)iT

8'Cl t
1. Truth. 2. Undeceitfullness. "t. R~. :<. l)falR3'. a. ~ QOH ~T
3. Reverence for one's faith. R(liW'O, 8. iJU, q. 3\J. e. tiii', ~. 3la~
4. Recitation. 5. Penance. 16. Wor- -ell)ft tiI~, t. ~){; ~. l.l.T\!c! ~ l!J.I cra7)T,
ship, 7. Pilgrimage to holies, "to. aIa~~ -el GfuB R~. "l"l. ~3lf.
8. Burnt offering, 9. Pleasing the "l~. ua9UCl'G I
guest, 10. The Guru'l service,
11. Contentment, 12. Philanthropy.

The three fires fin l{Q'O ~ ~aJ

1. 'Jathhargan',the fire of tbe stomach, "t. ';:roo'aJi')' ~ ~l llfOl,

2. 'Barwa Agan', evaporating fire, ~. 'S3~ l)fQl~' 9'~ ~~ ~ l)fwar,


3. 'Dawa Agan', jungle fire.

l. Wachik', by utterance, '=to '~f~Cl', ~ tIlliTCJT,

2. 'Upasu' by slow voice, ~. '~lJTf!', ~811ll~ ~)lfT(JT,
3. 'Mans', in the very min:!. :3. 'HTCiR' fua~ f~u acm· I

(a) l. deed, 2. worship, 3. gnosis, (~) '\. aaH, ~. ~UlBCi'. :3. far)lfTO,
(b) desire of ---1. son, 2. Wealth, (1Il) 't. 1,!~ (~) QO, :3. ~ ~l );lTfuF.J I
3. esteem.

To iocate a particular Hymn or Verse rem l:f111 F.Jst! ;:It ~Cl Q B~ 8'el
Consult ~ij

Gur Shabadi Rattan Parkash aja F.l\it! 630 \{OlTF.J

by afe3,
Akali Kaur Singh Ii. 1tI~1 io fRUI iI1 I
Publishers: \{ClTF.JCl :
Language Department !JTF.JT ~3'C11
Patiala. \(f~T8" I

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